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   Comments by tkatchev   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Sep 29, 2001

So true... Who's Online?

Sep 29, 2001

Hey -- book

Sep 29, 2001

You need to get out more... Lovers Arrival, The

Sep 29, 2001

I've an idea... I'm a teenager, and I want it bad!

Sep 29, 2001

Wrong. I'm a teenager, and I want it bad!

Sep 29, 2001

Yes, indeed. Who's Online?

Sep 29, 2001

Whatever. Best football player of all time

Sep 30, 2001

Please, please, yes! New Adequacy Feature?

Sep 30, 2001

P.S. New Adequacy Feature?

Sep 30, 2001

Oh, come on. New Adequacy Feature?

Sep 30, 2001

Fuck you. Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Sep 30, 2001

Who's sublimating? Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Sep 30, 2001

OK. New Adequacy Feature?

Sep 30, 2001

Whatever. Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Sep 30, 2001

Yeah. Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Sep 30, 2001

Geek?!!? New Adequacy Feature?

Sep 30, 2001

My, my. I need to get laid.

Sep 30, 2001

True. Fuck the geeks.

Oct 02, 2001

*sigh* How Cute! Rescindment

Oct 02, 2001

Hey, hey... A poem

Oct 02, 2001

Doublethink indeed. Totalitarian America

Oct 02, 2001

My friend the loser: This is Bad

Oct 02, 2001

Loser take two. This is Bad

Oct 02, 2001

Oops. This is Bad

Oct 02, 2001

OT: Apache. Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 02, 2001

In all fairness. Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 02, 2001

It's better now. This is Bad

Oct 02, 2001

OT: Penicillin. I feel terrible.

Oct 03, 2001

Well, yes. Totalitarian America

Oct 03, 2001

I bow down to you. This is Bad

Oct 03, 2001

Exactly. Totalitarian America

Oct 03, 2001

Cute. Slashdot comment of the year

Oct 04, 2001

Arrogance is a mortal sin. Urban Scavengers

Oct 04, 2001

I hate Lennon. Aaack...

Oct 04, 2001

What? Urban Scavengers

Oct 04, 2001

Sigh. Urban Scavengers

Oct 04, 2001

Ah, I get it. Urban Scavengers

Oct 04, 2001

To clarify my point: Urban Scavengers

Oct 04, 2001

I envy you. Urban Scavengers

Oct 04, 2001

Liberal "logic". Urban Scavengers

Oct 04, 2001

No. Urban Scavengers

Oct 05, 2001

What LA

Oct 05, 2001

My God... Divination al� Peanuts

Oct 05, 2001

Cute. Urban Scavengers

Oct 05, 2001

Interesting. LA

Oct 05, 2001

Unfortunately? LA

Oct 05, 2001

Agree. Untitled

Oct 05, 2001

Accurate article, BTW. Arriving in Ethiopia, West of Somalia

Oct 07, 2001

That's rich. Newsflash! America's holy war begins!

Oct 07, 2001

You're missing a point. Newsflash! America's holy war begins!

Oct 07, 2001

Highly Suspicious Newsflash! America's holy war begins!

Oct 07, 2001

Just wait... An Early Analysis of Today's Attacks

Oct 08, 2001

You're fucked. Torn.

Oct 08, 2001

There's a small semantic difference: Torn.

Oct 08, 2001

Dumbass. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 08, 2001

You're missing a point. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 08, 2001

What? Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 08, 2001

I agree. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 08, 2001

Insightful post. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 08, 2001

You're kidding yourself. Everybody's a c**ksucker

Oct 08, 2001

You're wrong. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

You, sir, are an intellectual idiot. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

Ha, ha :) Everybody's a c**ksucker

Oct 09, 2001

You suck. What is Adequacy?

Oct 09, 2001

You're not a g**k, are you?? Everybody's a c**ksucker

Oct 09, 2001

Jesus Christ, tell me I'm dreaming... Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

Yes, indeed. I must be depressed

Oct 09, 2001

Even more than choice. Newsflash! America's holy war begins!

Oct 09, 2001

OK. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

Your problem. Everybody's a c**ksucker

Oct 09, 2001

True. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

Copyright? Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

Huh? Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

Welcome to the club! Excellent Work!

Oct 10, 2001

You're the confused one. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 10, 2001

"True democracy?" Excellent Work!

Oct 10, 2001

Dumbass. Date

Oct 10, 2001

Art?! It's all about me.

Oct 10, 2001

I doubt it. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 10, 2001

Very goodthink of you, Sir. Date

Oct 10, 2001

You're in denial. A Question for Americans.

Oct 10, 2001

I doubt it. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 10, 2001

You are wrong. Urban Scavengers

Oct 10, 2001

Correct. Newsflash! America's holy war begins!

Oct 10, 2001

I didn't know that. A Question for Americans.

Oct 10, 2001

Oh, bullshit. A Question for Americans.

Oct 10, 2001

Just be careful. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 10, 2001

If I this is what I think it is... It looks like cigars

Oct 10, 2001

Kuro5hin sucks. Public service announcement

Oct 10, 2001

Of course it is. Public service announcement

Oct 10, 2001

It's no contest. Break 'em Off

Oct 10, 2001

Pop-psy. Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

Even more fun: Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

Welcome to the club. Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

Ha. Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

Yeah, but... Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

Like I care. Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

Actually, Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

Cute. :) Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

So far only two. Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

Option 5. A Woman Waits For Me?

Oct 11, 2001

You're just jealous. The universe is speaking to me...

Oct 11, 2001

Like I care. Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

Good job spelling my name wrong. Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

Yeah, brilliant. Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

"Control your urges"? I have not had relations for months!

Oct 11, 2001

I don't know. Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

You, Sir... I have not had relations for months!

Oct 11, 2001

It won't work. The Plan...

Oct 11, 2001

The one true Christian faith... I have not had relations for months!

Oct 11, 2001

Samhain... The Plan...

Oct 11, 2001

Indeed. I have not had relations for months!

Oct 11, 2001

Joyce?!! Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 11, 2001

Why the self-hate? Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

OK. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

Yay, let's play the pedophile game! Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

Exactly. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

Good idea. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

Right. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

Please don't do this. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

I see! This is the truth of the matter. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

Microsoft? Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

You are SO stupid, man. The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the crow.

Oct 13, 2001

Sigh... The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the crow.

Oct 13, 2001

Take it easy. Why I am mentally defective and should be shunned in public

Oct 13, 2001

Reasoned, intelligent debate... Paganism

Oct 13, 2001

Because... A site to look at if you care to

Oct 14, 2001

Behold. How much Xanax will be adequate?

Oct 14, 2001

God loves you. How much Xanax will be adequate?

Oct 14, 2001

Dumbass. How much Xanax will be adequate?

Oct 14, 2001

Lord God Jesus Christ... Paganism

Oct 14, 2001

Are you retarded? A site to look at if you care to

Oct 14, 2001

Indeed. A site to look at if you care to

Oct 14, 2001

-1 We must all grow opium!

Oct 14, 2001

Brilliant philosophy. The End Can't Justify the Means Because There Isn't One

Oct 14, 2001

True. The End Can't Justify the Means Because There Isn't One

Oct 14, 2001

P.S. The End Can't Justify the Means Because There Isn't One

Oct 14, 2001

Let's go. The End Can't Justify the Means Because There Isn't One

Oct 14, 2001

Re: Afghan women. For Inden.

Oct 14, 2001

ln -s The End Can't Justify the Means Because There Isn't One

Oct 14, 2001

Re: Christianity. For Inden.

Oct 14, 2001

Secular Jewishness. For Inden.

Oct 14, 2001

Russian buisiness. For Inden.

Oct 14, 2001

I'm afraid... Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 14, 2001

Oh, yes. For Inden.

Oct 15, 2001

Yawn. Osama Bin Falwell

Oct 15, 2001

Ah, I see. Osama Bin Falwell

Oct 15, 2001

It takes two. Osama Bin Falwell

Oct 16, 2001

Man, are you stupid or what? Genetic Warfare and Matrilineal Cultures

Oct 16, 2001

Cute. The word.

Oct 16, 2001

Al Gore? Osama Bin Falwell

Oct 17, 2001

RobotSlave is the King of Inanity.

Oct 17, 2001

Indeed. Justice for the Victims of 9/11 ! :: (a minority viewpoint)

Oct 18, 2001

*I* think... The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 18, 2001

The legalistic Roman Catholics at it again!!! My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 18, 2001

Don't listen to him! Here's Some More Meat for You SFB Vultures! Enjoy!

Oct 18, 2001

That's why... One of my nutty English papers.

Oct 18, 2001

Me? Never. Here's Some More Meat for You SFB Vultures! Enjoy!

Oct 18, 2001

So? My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 18, 2001

Actually, that sort of makes sense... My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 18, 2001

Please elaborate. The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 18, 2001

"clay" is a known troll! The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 19, 2001

I second that notion. Question For The People Here

Oct 19, 2001

You're wrong. Islam: What is it?

Oct 19, 2001

Are you stupid or what? The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 19, 2001

Clerical celibacy is perverted. Question For The People Here

Oct 19, 2001

First Post? Hey BC!

Oct 19, 2001

Treading on thin ice here! Question For The People Here

Oct 19, 2001

Go ahead. Hey BC!

Oct 19, 2001

If there is a God... Islam: What is it?

Oct 19, 2001

No contradiction here. Islam: What is it?

Oct 19, 2001

My God. American Values & Pax Americana

Oct 19, 2001

Jesus Christ... Hey BC!

Oct 20, 2001

That is incredibly lame. Things only seem good in retrospect; Everything sucks while it happens

Oct 20, 2001

Why, of course. The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 20, 2001

I repeat: The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 20, 2001

Wow. The Hidden Threat

Oct 20, 2001

I don't think... Things only seem good in retrospect; Everything sucks while it happens

Oct 20, 2001

You are solely deluded. I Am Not A Pacifist - Taliban Must Go - We Must Rebuild Afghanistan Afterward

Oct 20, 2001

BTW, The Hidden Threat

Oct 21, 2001

Proper diet and sleep is key. I Am Not A Pacifist - Taliban Must Go - We Must Rebuild Afghanistan Afterward

Oct 21, 2001

Erm... I am speechless.

Oct 21, 2001

Oh yeah. I Am Not A Pacifist - Taliban Must Go - We Must Rebuild Afghanistan Afterward

Oct 21, 2001

The only problem. Question about _____

Oct 22, 2001

Hypocracy in Action! A short quiz

Oct 22, 2001

I know you're probably trolling... A short quiz

Oct 22, 2001

Sigh. I Am Not A Pacifist - Taliban Must Go - We Must Rebuild Afghanistan Afterward

Oct 22, 2001

La-la land. A short quiz

Oct 23, 2001

Zionist propaganda. Islam: What is it?

Oct 23, 2001

Yeah. Islam: What is it?

Oct 23, 2001

Yes, yes, yes! Peace Protestors

Oct 23, 2001

Yeah. Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 23, 2001

Yippee. Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 23, 2001

Sigh. A short quiz

Oct 23, 2001

Lay off Stephen King. Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 23, 2001

Jesus H Christ on a Stick... A short quiz

Oct 23, 2001

OK. Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 24, 2001

But... Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 24, 2001

Wank. (-) Gimme Danger

Oct 24, 2001

I am so smart, I am so smart!! Peace Protestors

Oct 24, 2001

Satanism. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 24, 2001

Warning: Alan Cox Is an Unprofessional Jerk

Oct 24, 2001

You forgot... What will you be doing during Ramadan?

Oct 24, 2001

Sigh. Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 24, 2001

Come on. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

They are lying. A short quiz

Oct 25, 2001

Whatever. A short quiz

Oct 25, 2001

Watch it. Alan Cox Is an Unprofessional Jerk

Oct 25, 2001

Infantile... Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

Not really. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

Wake-up call. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

Oh, definitely. Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 25, 2001

Why do you hate God? Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

Get real. Alan Cox Is an Unprofessional Jerk

Oct 25, 2001

Key word. Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 25, 2001

There you go again... Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

Oops. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

True. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

Sigh. Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 25, 2001

This is... Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

Foo. Anthrax - Some factual corrections, but no apology.

Oct 25, 2001

Careful here. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

If you are serious... Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

If I was to invent... Alan Cox Is an Unprofessional Jerk

Oct 25, 2001

Sorry. Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 26, 2001

No shit, Sherlock. Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 28, 2001

I do not see the problem here. Confessions of an editorial tyrant

Oct 28, 2001

May I impose? Do I have appendicitis?

Oct 28, 2001

This is really scary... Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 28, 2001

Cute. Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 29, 2001

Not quite. Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 29, 2001

Actually, IRC; an internet wasteland?

Oct 29, 2001

Yeah. This will be Skippy's Last Diary Entry Here

Oct 29, 2001

Theologically unsound, my man. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

You are... Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 29, 2001

Fuck off, dictionary boy. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

But of course... Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

Humanism has failed. religion has failed us.

Oct 29, 2001

Actually, addition to previous diary (sorry)

Oct 29, 2001

Explanation... I can't escape Tkatchev.

Oct 29, 2001

No, he was not. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

Yeah. I can't escape Tkatchev.

Oct 29, 2001

Uhm. I can't escape Tkatchev.

Oct 29, 2001

Yeah... Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

Or... Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

Afghan oil. Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 29, 2001

Iran... Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 29, 2001

Yes. Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 29, 2001

No problem. I can't escape Tkatchev.

Oct 29, 2001

Liberalist "arithmetic" Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 29, 2001

Flying flags... Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 29, 2001

Our language. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

Yeah, whatever. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 30, 2001

Correction. Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 30, 2001

Clever liberalist trick. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 30, 2001

Not true. Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 31, 2001

No. Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

Not quite. Why Natalie Portman Is Better Than Any Of You

Oct 31, 2001

Don't dodge the issues. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 31, 2001

Begone. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 31, 2001

Totalitarianism in action... Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

Don't understand. Why Natalie Portman Is Better Than Any Of You

Oct 31, 2001

You just disproved yourself. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 31, 2001

In actuality... Gluggi 98 SE

Oct 31, 2001

O.B. Poll. Killer Wheels: How To Get Started in the Custom-Car Movement

Oct 31, 2001

As long as it isn't Perl... Why boys are better than girls

Oct 31, 2001

Let's see... Impending Career Change

Oct 31, 2001

I am advocating nothing. Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

"Impresision"? Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

Oh, I am so dreadfully sorry... Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

Liberalism == Genocide. Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

You seem incredibly dense. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 31, 2001

Ah, yes... Guilt about shareware.

Oct 31, 2001

May I remind... Why boys are better than girls

Oct 31, 2001

You are so dreadfully deluded... Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

Sigh... Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 31, 2001

But... tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Nov 01, 2001

Goebbels would be proud. Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Nov 01, 2001

"High point"? Guilt about shareware.

Nov 01, 2001

Is there... My online buddies

Nov 01, 2001

Barbara Streisand. This week's top-selling music releases

Nov 01, 2001

Um, I have an idea... nothing

Nov 01, 2001

May I remind... Reader feedback

Nov 01, 2001

No. nothing

Nov 01, 2001

Sure. Reader feedback

Nov 01, 2001

Last time I checked, This week's top-selling music releases

Nov 01, 2001

Have a nickel. tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Nov 01, 2001

But of course. So.. I'm back to see the kid

Nov 01, 2001

Congratulations. I am addicted to Hot Deals and cannot help myself.

Nov 01, 2001

"White Zombie" I am addicted to Hot Deals and cannot help myself.

Nov 01, 2001

OKC BOMB (-) we've hit the big time, baby!

Nov 01, 2001

Oh yes. Reader feedback

Nov 01, 2001

Oh, I am so dreadfully sorry. tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Nov 01, 2001

Definitely. Reader feedback

Nov 01, 2001

You might want to know... This week's top-selling music releases

Nov 01, 2001

Well, guess what: Reader feedback

Nov 01, 2001

Dense and denser... Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Nov 01, 2001

Oh, what a _fresh_ idea! El Dia de Los Muertos

Nov 01, 2001

Elite hacking skills. How I (very nearly) slept with Timothy from Slashdot!

Nov 01, 2001

Get off it. Why Boys are Better Than Girls, part II

Nov 01, 2001

P.S. Why Boys are Better Than Girls, part II

Nov 02, 2001

Hold on... This week's top-selling music releases

Nov 02, 2001

Top-secret elite hacker insider info: How I (very nearly) slept with Timothy from Slashdot!

Nov 02, 2001

What the fuck... This week's top-selling music releases

Nov 02, 2001

Whatever. This week's top-selling music releases

Nov 02, 2001

You are misguided. How I (very nearly) slept with Timothy from Slashdot!

Nov 02, 2001

KGB. (-) This week's top-selling music releases

Nov 02, 2001

Yes. Reader feedback

Nov 02, 2001

Circumcision Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 03, 2001

Indeed. Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 03, 2001

Could you repeat the question? Sorry, Wil

Nov 03, 2001

But, Hell in your Handbasket

Nov 03, 2001

Since you are a moron Hell in your Handbasket

Nov 03, 2001

Only if... Hell in your Handbasket

Nov 03, 2001

Tragedy is for real. Hell in your Handbasket

Nov 03, 2001

Exactly. Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 04, 2001

Actually, no. Hell in your Handbasket

Nov 04, 2001

Oh, I'm so sorry... Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 04, 2001

OK. Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 05, 2001

Uhm. why boys and girls are different

Nov 05, 2001

Oh, this is fun. Another one bites the dust...

Nov 05, 2001

Oh yeah... I like the green patches that appear in a potato

Nov 05, 2001

Maybe. Another one bites the dust...

Nov 05, 2001

Nothing personal. why boys and girls are different

Nov 05, 2001

Not only that, A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 05, 2001

WTF? Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 05, 2001

Oh yes. My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 05, 2001

You don't understand. Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 06, 2001

Testing... A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 06, 2001

Reference. Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 06, 2001

Correction... My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 06, 2001

Oh, boy. My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 07, 2001

Ha. My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 07, 2001

Aren't you... Why They Should Abolish the World Series

Nov 07, 2001

Male RealDoll. Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

You are so ignorant, man. Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

Cartwheels. Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

Explanations for the pharisees in you... Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

Uhm.. Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

The Orthodox... Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

That would Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

Ugh. Why do I feel good today?

Nov 08, 2001

God... Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

No. Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

Yeah. Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

Poetry... Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 08, 2001

Because... Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

OK. Why Science Got Me and God Didn't

Nov 09, 2001

Liberalist tricks. Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 09, 2001

Yes. Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 09, 2001

You wouldn't... Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 09, 2001

Whatever. Why Science Got Me and God Didn't

Nov 09, 2001

Proven method. Weight Loss

Nov 09, 2001

Sigh... Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 09, 2001

Bugger off. Why Science Got Me and God Didn't

Nov 09, 2001

Objectivism? Why Science Got Me and God Didn't

Nov 09, 2001

Indeed. Why Science Got Me and God Didn't

Nov 09, 2001

Yes. Weight Loss

Nov 09, 2001

Original sin. Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 09, 2001

"Cross". Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 09, 2001

Welcome to your new home: is up

Nov 09, 2001

Ouch. is up

Nov 09, 2001

Phlogiston? Why Science Got Me and God Didn't

Nov 09, 2001

Yossarian? Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 09, 2001

Right. Teach your grandma to suck eggs, why not... Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 09, 2001

Horribly sorry... Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 09, 2001

Uzbek... is up

Nov 09, 2001

"Liberalist" Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 09, 2001

Akhmatova. Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 10, 2001

Yes, indeed. See you later

Nov 11, 2001

O.B. Hunger Weight Loss

Nov 11, 2001

Don't know about Tom Wolfe... Ken Kesey will go no furthur

Nov 11, 2001

Uh, yes. Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 11, 2001

I mean... Ken Kesey will go no furthur

Nov 11, 2001

huh huh Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 11, 2001

Seeing as you seem to be a citizen of the U.S. Weight Loss

Nov 12, 2001

Nuclear exchange. Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 12, 2001

You're not "selling out". objectivist club

Nov 12, 2001

No. objectivist club

Nov 12, 2001

What art is. Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 12, 2001

Facetious comments aside... objectivist club

Nov 12, 2001

Jokes aside. Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 13, 2001

Reality check. Another terrorist act.

Nov 14, 2001

I'll tell you what's hypocritical. Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

Obviously. Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

Ignorance. Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

Actually, Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 14, 2001

Please enlighten me. Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 14, 2001

You're projecting. Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 15, 2001

Ouch. Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 15, 2001

No fear. Sad realization

Nov 15, 2001

My child, I am the secular humanist media conspiracy!

Nov 15, 2001

Atheism. The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 15, 2001

Americans... I am the secular humanist media conspiracy!

Nov 15, 2001

Actually, The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 15, 2001

And your point is? The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 15, 2001

I mean... I am the secular humanist media conspiracy!

Nov 15, 2001

Well, I am the secular humanist media conspiracy!

Nov 15, 2001

Uhm. It's all about the Benjamins.

Nov 16, 2001

Thanks. The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

You are quite right. The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

Ignorance is bliss?? The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

Pure Comedy Gold. The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

You forgot... The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

Conventional Christian... The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 17, 2001

Read it again. I am the secular humanist media conspiracy!

Nov 17, 2001

Oh wow. The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 17, 2001

The worst part... The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 17, 2001

OT: Tolkien. The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 17, 2001

Bottom line: The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 17, 2001

My apologies... The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 18, 2001

Read LOTR again. The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 18, 2001

Hu?? DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

Nov 18, 2001

Oh thanks... DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

Nov 18, 2001

"Sexual Love" is a liberalist myth. Sex

Nov 19, 2001

A troll is a troll. OMG, ESR is a troll!

Nov 19, 2001

Notice... OMG, ESR is a troll!

Nov 19, 2001

I have to ask... Active recruiting

Nov 19, 2001

Fucking idiot. Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

No. Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

Well then, Favorite nearly (if not already) extinct language:

Nov 20, 2001

Does... some light reading

Nov 20, 2001

Um, no. Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

Well, Classic rerelases: Caf� Tacuba, Les Cowboys Fringants

Nov 21, 2001

Whatever. Classic rerelases: Caf� Tacuba, Les Cowboys Fringants

Nov 21, 2001

Typically American. My wife hungers for dark meat, and my nephew is a Commie!

Nov 21, 2001

Hold on. Damn damn damn.

Nov 22, 2001

One native speaker. Favorite nearly (if not already) extinct language:

Nov 22, 2001

Freudian analysis. Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 22, 2001

"Oppress"? Jakarta News

Nov 23, 2001

Where... Jakarta News

Nov 23, 2001

Brilliant argument. How shall I amuse myself today?

Nov 23, 2001

Game Over. Jakarta News

Nov 23, 2001

Huh? Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 24, 2001

Oh, I see. Delicate Question for Muslims

Nov 24, 2001

I don't agree. Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 24, 2001

Oh boy. Favorite nearly (if not already) extinct language:

Nov 25, 2001

I'm sorry... Islam vs. non-Islam in a tiny nutshell

Nov 25, 2001

Liberalist dictionary fetish. Islam vs. non-Islam in a tiny nutshell

Nov 25, 2001

Hey, Are you Adequate?

Nov 25, 2001

Liberalist family "ethics". Are you Adequate?

Nov 25, 2001

Bow Wow... Islam vs. non-Islam in a tiny nutshell

Nov 25, 2001

Thank you, thank you! Islam vs. non-Islam in a tiny nutshell

Nov 25, 2001

I know. Islam vs. non-Islam in a tiny nutshell

Nov 25, 2001

D00d, Are you Adequate?

Nov 25, 2001

Liberalist "family" ethics... Home for the holidays? No! Send my body home!

Nov 25, 2001

I'm not against money. Are you Adequate?

Nov 26, 2001

Objectification. Are you Adequate?

Nov 26, 2001

You're one manly man, aren't you... Are you Adequate?

Nov 26, 2001

The punchline... Please Don't Kill Osama Bin Laden

Nov 26, 2001

Socratic discourse, of sorts. Are you Adequate?

Nov 26, 2001

Thanks. Are you Adequate?

Nov 26, 2001

abc Good Day

Nov 26, 2001

I'm on an illegal rampage. Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

D00d, Oh What a day !!! !!

Nov 27, 2001

You are confused. Please Don't Kill Osama Bin Laden

Nov 27, 2001

Oh sure. Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

Indeed you are. (-) Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

Actually, Nobel Prize for Irrelevance: How Wrong I Was !

Nov 27, 2001

Female orgasm. Uncle OSM's Guide to Covert Dating: Episode I

Nov 27, 2001

Uh Uncle OSM's Guide to Covert Dating: Episode I

Nov 27, 2001

Don't worry... Please Don't Kill Osama Bin Laden

Nov 27, 2001

You are *SOO* wrong. Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

I don't believe in logic. Are you Adequate?

Nov 28, 2001

elenchos: First Diary

Nov 28, 2001

If you mean... Favorite Harry Potter book

Nov 28, 2001

Huh?? Linux Zealot - The Internet's most controversial cartoon superhero

Nov 28, 2001

Ah, the irony! Yet more hacking in Open Source software

Nov 28, 2001

Typical American confusion. K5 is an evil UK friendly Pro Windows site

Nov 28, 2001

Comforting to know. Favorite Harry Potter book

Nov 28, 2001

Ououps, down the liberalist trap-hole. Are you Adequate?

Nov 28, 2001

If you do something, do it right. this site is missing something...

Nov 28, 2001

See for yourself. this site is missing something...

Nov 28, 2001

No. Are you Adequate?

Nov 29, 2001

Glass houses and stones. adequacy diary icon is _very_ inadequate

Nov 29, 2001

Strange. Hello, is anyone out there?

Nov 29, 2001

Reading comprehension. adequacy diary icon is _very_ inadequate

Nov 29, 2001

So sad. I'm probably twice as smart as you are

Nov 29, 2001

Cool. How to Smash Global Industrial Capitalism Without Leaving Your Bar-Stool

Nov 29, 2001

P.S. How to Smash Global Industrial Capitalism Without Leaving Your Bar-Stool

Nov 29, 2001

One small comment, adequacy diary icon is _very_ inadequate

Nov 29, 2001

"Rougue"? Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

You lose. Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

Oh, you're a moral relativist... Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

Whoups. How to Smash Global Industrial Capitalism Without Leaving Your Bar-Stool

Nov 29, 2001

Note for prize bulls: I am in a rage

Nov 29, 2001

Horrible confession... Favorite Harry Potter book

Nov 29, 2001

Don't know. Favorite Harry Potter book

Nov 29, 2001

Huh? Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

Nihilism. Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

Frivolty aside. Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

Very easy. Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

"Catholics were FIRST?!" Not just harmless fun

Nov 30, 2001

Will somebody *PLEASE* delete this diary entry?!!! New to adequacy

Nov 30, 2001

Sorry. the opposite sex

Nov 30, 2001

Ugly?! My money pit, rust bucket MGB sportscar

Nov 30, 2001

Lessons of tolerance. I know why Europeans hate Americans...

Nov 30, 2001

Do you get burns... I know why Europeans hate Americans...

Nov 30, 2001

Ideology has nothing to do with it. Not just harmless fun

Nov 30, 2001


Nov 30, 2001

"Our"? George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Nov 30, 2001


Nov 30, 2001

dimidril New to adequacy

Nov 30, 2001

Do you have a goal in life? Kuro5hin

Nov 30, 2001

Sigh. Kuro5hin

Nov 30, 2001

Thanks. Kuro5hin

Nov 30, 2001

Christian nihilism. Not just harmless fun

Nov 30, 2001

Apparently, Kuro5hin

Nov 30, 2001

Pop Quiz No. 2: Kuro5hin

Nov 30, 2001

Perseverance. I'm so inadequate.

Nov 30, 2001

Indeed, Kuro5hin

Dec 01, 2001

It's a matter of degree. Not just harmless fun

Dec 01, 2001

Fundamentalism is a plague. George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 01, 2001

Oh yes. George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 01, 2001

Seeing as... George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 01, 2001

Breach of copyright? Not just harmless fun

Dec 01, 2001

Yes. George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 01, 2001

ATTN: seventypercent and the Adequacy editors: Not just harmless fun

Dec 01, 2001

ATTN: seventypercent and the Adequacy editors: Not just harmless fun

Dec 01, 2001

ATTN: seventypercent and the Adequacy editors: Not just harmless fun

Dec 01, 2001

ATTN: seventypercent and the Adequacy editors: Not just harmless fun

Dec 01, 2001

Good for you. My husband wants me shorn!

Dec 01, 2001

The Bible was not open-source. Was the Bible open-source?

Dec 01, 2001

Yes and no. Was the Bible open-source?

Dec 01, 2001

Not to mention... Not just harmless fun

Dec 02, 2001

Yes. George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 02, 2001

Cute, George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 02, 2001

Cute kid. Not just harmless fun

Dec 02, 2001

Thanks for illustrating his point. Not just harmless fun

Dec 02, 2001

Simple. How to Smash Global Industrial Capitalism Without Leaving Your Bar-Stool

Dec 02, 2001

It seems... refugee history

Dec 02, 2001

Pray tell, Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Dec 02, 2001

You don't get out much, do you? (-) Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Dec 03, 2001

Who cares? Winter Ball -- December 15th Crisis!

Dec 03, 2001

How old are you? Winter Ball -- December 15th Crisis!

Dec 03, 2001

Yes. A new golden age for Adequacy?

Dec 03, 2001

So, Who's Online?

Dec 04, 2001

Thank you, Sir. My husband wants me shorn!

Dec 04, 2001

Jew-bating. hey, alprazolam,

Dec 04, 2001

Yeah, I know. hey, alprazolam,

Dec 05, 2001

Antidepressants a whole new perspective

Dec 05, 2001

OK, T Reginald Gibbons hear me.

Dec 05, 2001

Let me guess, you are female... Hell in a Handbasket

Dec 05, 2001

Date != Sex. Hell in a Handbasket

Dec 05, 2001

I'm sorry. Favorite Harry Potter book

Dec 05, 2001

Masculine virtue. Welcome to the Third World

Dec 05, 2001

Funny. Welcome to the Third World

Dec 06, 2001

I agree. Which is more important?

Dec 06, 2001

OK. Hell in a Handbasket

Dec 06, 2001

Not true. George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 06, 2001

Oh, I see. Welcome to the Third World

Dec 06, 2001

Who is "Elton John"? Welcome to the Third World

Dec 06, 2001

Huh? Welcome to the Third World

Dec 06, 2001

Exactly. Welcome to the Third World

Dec 06, 2001

P.S. Welcome to the Third World

Dec 06, 2001

I read somewhere... Welcome to the Third World

Dec 06, 2001

Bill Gates is a Liberal Myth Welcome to the Third World

Dec 06, 2001

Funny that you mention it. Welcome to the Third World

Dec 06, 2001

We may be retarded, Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Dec 06, 2001

Sad. Hypocrisy of 'hackers'and Slashbots

Dec 06, 2001

Good taste. Is it friday yet?

Dec 06, 2001

Open your eyes. Hypocrisy of 'hackers'and Slashbots

Dec 06, 2001

You are wrong. Hypocrisy of 'hackers'and Slashbots

Dec 06, 2001

Maybe. Hypocrisy of 'hackers'and Slashbots

Dec 06, 2001

So help us god. Sylvester Q McNamera - The Lost Diaries

Dec 06, 2001

D00d, A Detailed Refutement of How to know if your kid is a hacker.

Dec 06, 2001

I'm sorry. Which is more important?

Dec 06, 2001

Clue Gratis: Welcome to the Third World

Dec 07, 2001

You lose. Which is more important?

Dec 07, 2001

Nothing strange in that. Welcome to the Third World

Dec 08, 2001

One small note. Contemporary Russian Poetry pt. II

Dec 08, 2001

I told you so... The sky: a revisionist examination

Dec 08, 2001

Somewhat. Contemporary Russian Poetry pt. II

Dec 08, 2001

One correction. Why the US should bomb Russia today !!

Dec 08, 2001

Feminism is a liberalist myth. Welcome to the Third World

Dec 08, 2001

Ick. Harrison's Last Laugh

Dec 09, 2001

Sadly... My observations about Republicans

Dec 09, 2001

OT: Medieval beer. George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 09, 2001

Au contraire. Christian Sponsorship of Rationlist Islamic Charity as Foreign Policy

Dec 09, 2001

For the VRML-enabled. "Keep Your Eye on the Target" by Ron Paul (R-TX)

Dec 09, 2001

It's a question of size. Welcome to the Third World

Dec 09, 2001

Ha ha, "tackful"!! Good Morning Nobile Sirs

Dec 09, 2001

Is it you, "Sylvester"? The sky: a revisionist examination

Dec 09, 2001

Forgive me. Good Morning Nobile Sirs

Dec 09, 2001

Sir, Good Morning Nobile Sirs

Dec 09, 2001

OT: The importance of good spelling, demonstrated The sky: a revisionist examination

Dec 09, 2001

Suggestion. Welcome to the Third World

Dec 09, 2001

It's not "perfect grammar". The sky: a revisionist examination

Dec 09, 2001

P.S. Nobile? Good Morning Nobile Sirs

Dec 09, 2001

"One of them?" What?

Dec 10, 2001

Definitely. Islam is not the enemy

Dec 10, 2001

H**ker? Analyze this

Dec 10, 2001

Obviously, Analyze this

Dec 11, 2001

The Midwest. Good Morning Nobile Sirs

Dec 11, 2001

Ah, but that is the whole point. Analyze this

Dec 11, 2001

I'm there, dude! (-) Welcome to the Third World

Dec 11, 2001

I take offense. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 11, 2001

Then go do it. George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 11, 2001

Thief! Diary, eh?

Dec 11, 2001

Help is on the way! Unfettered Boobies

Dec 11, 2001

Interesting. Crappy birthday

Dec 11, 2001

Give elenchos a break. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 12, 2001

Phallosophistry? (-) small and firm

Dec 12, 2001

You are completely correct. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 12, 2001

It's not circular. The sky: a revisionist examination

Dec 12, 2001

Dear Sir, Only extremely attractive people are cool.

Dec 12, 2001

Martino Cortez, PhD == COMMUNISM Dearest Adequacy Readors

Dec 12, 2001

Tolkien? Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 12, 2001

So, how long until... New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 13, 2001

OT: "RoBot". Cold Turkey

Dec 13, 2001

P.S. Cold Turkey

Dec 13, 2001

Jests aside... Adequacy Update

Dec 13, 2001

Converting to Judaism. Islam is not the enemy

Dec 13, 2001

Enzyme? Islam is not the enemy

Dec 13, 2001

What do you mean by "if"? If hell did exist...

Dec 13, 2001

Definitely. Dearest Adequacy Readors

Dec 13, 2001

Evidence? If hell did exist...

Dec 13, 2001

Problem with that: welcome to adequacy

Dec 13, 2001

History lesson. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 13, 2001

Jobs?! worthy link

Dec 13, 2001

Oh come on. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 14, 2001

I see the problem here. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 14, 2001

I'll open up a horrible secret: Dearest Adequacy Readors

Dec 14, 2001

Faith. If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001


Dec 14, 2001

Faith. If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001

How convenient. New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 14, 2001

Anybody here... The Guide to the Cuisines of the World: Poutine

Dec 14, 2001

Watch out! Harry Potter - What Does God Have to Say?

Dec 14, 2001

So, Sylvester, Deor Adequecy Readers

Dec 14, 2001

Oh god. Deor Adequecy Readers

Dec 14, 2001

The horrible truth comes out! If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001

Same Difference. Deor Adequecy Readers

Dec 14, 2001

Steps to success: If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001

God. If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001

P.S. If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001

Let yourself go. If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001

With friends like these... Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 14, 2001

Keep your cultural references straight. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 14, 2001

I smell some Bob. Deor Adequecy Readers

Dec 14, 2001

Don't you mean... Deor Adequecy Readers

Dec 15, 2001

Your mistake. Dinner Tonight.

Dec 15, 2001

Hello? My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 15, 2001

Yes, we are. Harry Potter - What Does God Have to Say?

Dec 15, 2001

Hangover is actually a non-issue. Dinner Tonight.

Dec 16, 2001

Reality check. My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 16, 2001

Quoth: "Is anyone REALLY happy..." My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 20, 2001

Math is sexual perversity. g**k math is not hard.

Dec 20, 2001

Wake up? Galactic Hitchiker Travel Advisory

Dec 20, 2001

Gender differences are a liberalist myth. Women are sublime; men are beautiful.

Dec 20, 2001


Dec 20, 2001

Untrue. Galactic Hitchiker Travel Advisory

Dec 20, 2001

I'll explain popularly: Women are sublime; men are beautiful.

Dec 20, 2001

No, you do not understand. Women are sublime; men are beautiful.

Dec 20, 2001

OK. Women are sublime; men are beautiful.

Dec 20, 2001

Simple. 55 lbs...

Dec 20, 2001

What about spelling? My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 20, 2001

Strange. My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 20, 2001

In the future, A Formal reminder.

Dec 20, 2001

It's a global conspiracy. A QUESTION FOR YOU ALL

Dec 20, 2001

Poetry primer. Sick in the Mind

Dec 21, 2001

Exactly. Sick in the Mind

Dec 21, 2001

Your point? Sick in the Mind

Dec 21, 2001

Question: So what are you saying, my Art is not good enough ?

Dec 21, 2001

Sigh. Jokes aside: The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 21, 2001

Proletarian Revolution? So what are you saying, my Art is not good enough ?

Dec 21, 2001

Anonymous? So what are you saying, my Art is not good enough ?

Dec 22, 2001

In a word: Linux Zealot learns a valuable lesson.

Dec 23, 2001

Catholic? The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 23, 2001

But... Linux Zealot learns a valuable lesson.

Dec 23, 2001

Actually, Uncle OSM's Guide to Covert Dating: Episode II

Dec 23, 2001

Khm? The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 23, 2001

Liberalism == Fascism?? The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 23, 2001

Nah. The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 23, 2001

Desolder? My browser's choking on all these pretty lights and stuff

Dec 23, 2001

I am calling your bluff. The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 23, 2001

Hell is not a place. The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 23, 2001

You missed one... Which kind of government is the best?

Dec 26, 2001

Conscription. Review: Saint Luke's Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Dec 27, 2001

Wow. Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 27, 2001

Hold on. Snowboarding, color copier

Dec 27, 2001

Yes. Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 27, 2001

Wrong cause. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, terrorism, and decolonisation

Dec 27, 2001

Agreed wholeheartedly. Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 27, 2001

I especially like... My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 27, 2001

Ha ha. Martin-Cortez Financial Newsletter Issue 5, Vol 1

Dec 27, 2001

"Prof. Abooey"? Martin-Cortez Financial Newsletter Issue 5, Vol 1

Dec 27, 2001

Wake up. My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 28, 2001

"Current predictions"? My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 28, 2001

Why? My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 28, 2001

No joke. My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 28, 2001

So? My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 29, 2001

nausea... Hmm

Dec 29, 2001

You communist. (-) From the virtual grave

Dec 29, 2001

What do you mean? Which kind of government is the best?

Dec 29, 2001

Standard question: My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 29, 2001

Apache. Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 29, 2001

Kindergarten 101. Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 29, 2001

Kindergarten 102. Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 29, 2001

OT: Brilliant link. Babylon Must Fall.

Dec 29, 2001

Polls. Babylon Must Fall.

Dec 29, 2001

You didn't answer my question. My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 29, 2001

I know. Babylon Must Fall.

Dec 29, 2001

It is not a loaded question. My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 29, 2001

Talking to yourself? You're all whores.

Dec 30, 2001

Oops. Babylon Must Fall.

Dec 30, 2001

Flatland philosophy. My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 30, 2001

Liberalist "philosophy". My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 30, 2001

What is your problem? My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 30, 2001

"The TRUTH". Why marijuana is the worst drug

Dec 30, 2001

Haha, you lose. Why marijuana is the worst drug

Dec 31, 2001

"Liberalist" != "Liberal". My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 31, 2001

Personal truth. Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 02, 2002

I would put it even more simply. liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

Why? Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 02, 2002

No you don't. liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

One more thing. liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

Editorial infighting? Are you sure you are [redacted]

Jan 02, 2002

Yes. Are you sure you are [redacted]

Jan 02, 2002

I stopped taking you seriously... liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

I agree. home for the holidays. sigh.

Jan 02, 2002

Sigh. liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

This is so much fun. liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

Sure. liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

I have the feeling... Testes, testes...

Jan 03, 2002

It's not so simple. Internet Licenses: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Jan 03, 2002

Metallica? Internet Licenses: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Jan 03, 2002

Don't you mean... My Problem

Jan 03, 2002

Sob. When I first came here I thought this place was interesting....

Jan 03, 2002

Adolescent rebellion. The Doctor sayz...

Jan 03, 2002

"Cow-orker"? New Year's Resolution

Jan 03, 2002

It's all about the context, d00d. When I first came here I thought this place was interesting....

Jan 03, 2002

I'll explain slowly. When I first came here I thought this place was interesting....

Jan 03, 2002

Gasp. When I first came here I thought this place was interesting....

Jan 03, 2002

Yes? When I first came here I thought this place was interesting....

Jan 03, 2002

What makes you think that? When I first came here I thought this place was interesting....

Jan 03, 2002

You forgot... hmm, I suppose I should have expected this

Jan 03, 2002

Just like Hitler. (-) Celebrating 2000 Years of British Achievement

Jan 03, 2002

I agree. Linux Zealot sticks to his guns.

Jan 04, 2002

Sure. Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

I suggested nothing of the sort. Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

Blaming atheism. Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

"Moral absolute". Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

Re: Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

Steps to success. Richard M. Stallman: Portrait of a Pirate Hacker (in Layman's Terms)

Jan 04, 2002

Let's see... Britney Spears' Six-Inch Secret

Jan 05, 2002

Wake up. Linux Camp to Gain...a Country!

Jan 05, 2002

He's not a terrorist. Linux Camp to Gain...a Country!

Jan 05, 2002

Yeah. Linux Camp to Gain...a Country!

Jan 05, 2002

I assume that all three are male. make up mating proposed

Jan 05, 2002

I've been meaning to ask... Ice Cores

Jan 05, 2002

Last time I looked... make up mating proposed

Jan 06, 2002

"Appreciating"? Playmate update

Jan 06, 2002

No fear. Linux Camp to Gain...a Country!

Jan 07, 2002

Let me explain. Playmate update

Jan 07, 2002

Yes, Linux Zealot sticks to his guns.

Jan 07, 2002

Uhm. A Love Sonnet

Jan 07, 2002

Don't fall for it. Dare ya, osm! Here's your chance to prove your devotion!

Jan 07, 2002

I detect... Playmate update

Jan 07, 2002

Why do you hate food so much? Playmate update

Jan 08, 2002

What the fuck is your problem? Playmate update

Jan 08, 2002

Logic, my liberalist friend? Playmate update

Jan 08, 2002

Re: Playmate update

Jan 08, 2002

You are the fucking stupidest person in the world. Playmate update

Jan 08, 2002

It's indeed mind-boggling. *Sigh* And The World Falls Farther...

Jan 08, 2002

You're in good company. *Sigh* And The World Falls Farther...

Jan 08, 2002

Yeah, but... Even OSS Prefers Windows XP

Jan 08, 2002

You are finally beginning to "get it". Playmate update

Jan 08, 2002

Lord God Jesus Christ... Observations: Lord of the Rings

Jan 08, 2002

Sigh. Playmate update

Jan 08, 2002

Copyright infringement time. Observations: Lord of the Rings

Jan 08, 2002

Copyright infringement time. Observations: Lord of the Rings

Jan 09, 2002

Brilliant literary knowledge there. Observations: Lord of the Rings

Jan 09, 2002

Reality comprehension. Even OSS Prefers Windows XP

Jan 09, 2002

Yes? Playmate update

Jan 09, 2002

No! *Sigh* And The World Falls Farther...

Jan 09, 2002

"Proof". Playmate update

Jan 09, 2002

Indeed if he were. Observations: Lord of the Rings

Jan 09, 2002

Newsflash. Playmate update

Jan 09, 2002

Honarable Sir, This is my last post to Adequacy

Jan 09, 2002

One of two. This is my last post to Adequacy

Jan 09, 2002

You are hopeless. Playmate update

Jan 10, 2002

Indeed. Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 10, 2002

You're from kuro5hin, right? I'm not ok, so niether can you be.

Jan 10, 2002

Well, Biblical sexiness

Jan 11, 2002

Re: Life Test #1, Question #1453

Jan 12, 2002

Hey, After days of reading....

Jan 12, 2002

Re: Biblical sexiness

Jan 12, 2002

Mental dissonce. After days of reading....

Jan 12, 2002

Sigh. After days of reading....

Jan 12, 2002

P.S. After days of reading....

Jan 12, 2002

ESR's true colors. Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 13, 2002

You forget... Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 13, 2002

One question: Baby Seal Skinning Factories: Has Their Time Come?

Jan 13, 2002

Pox on you. The Consolation of Melancholy

Jan 27, 2002

Not quite. Where Do You Stand in the GNU World Order?

Jan 27, 2002

Thank you. Where Do You Stand in the GNU World Order?

Jan 28, 2002

Not quite. Best Utopian Novel?

Jan 28, 2002

Anti-Christianity. Wicca FAQ

Jan 28, 2002

You must be very open-minded... I'll never post to Adequacy ever ever again

Jan 28, 2002

OT: Pre-Einsteinian physics. Best Utopian Novel?

Jan 28, 2002

I may sound old-fashioned, The Time is Right for Manual Sex

Jan 28, 2002

Re: Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 28, 2002

Cute joke. Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 28, 2002

Re: Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 29, 2002

Not true. Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 29, 2002

Since you are a liberalist: Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 30, 2002

I'll tell you what's "prehistoric"... Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 30, 2002

FreeBSD != "Linux" OS. Linux Zealot Gets Educated

Jan 30, 2002

Duh. Linux Zealot Gets Educated

Jan 30, 2002

Don't stereotype. Linux Zealot Gets Educated

Jan 31, 2002

Taking over? Linux Geeks Take Over

Jan 31, 2002

1984 works? Best Utopian Novel?

Jan 31, 2002

Re: Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 31, 2002

So. Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 31, 2002

"Males smell worse than females"? The Motherland

Jan 31, 2002

February 23??!! Mundane Rambling

Jan 31, 2002

Re: The Motherland

Jan 31, 2002

(Why do I bother?) Best Utopian Novel?

Jan 31, 2002

I rather meant... The Motherland

Jan 31, 2002

o! Help save a baby, and snowballs

Jan 31, 2002

Ouch. Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 31, 2002

Uhm, no. Is �cunt� banned from adequacy?

Jan 31, 2002

OT: Music-as-product vs. Music-as-<EM>logos& Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Jan 31, 2002

Simple. Is �cunt� banned from adequacy?

Jan 31, 2002

"Male sexuality". Is �cunt� banned from adequacy?

Jan 31, 2002

It doesn't. Linux Zealot Gets Educated

Jan 31, 2002

"Love and forgiveness". Linux Geeks Take Over

Jan 31, 2002

Rejected! Screw All of You

Jan 31, 2002

Beethoven. Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Jan 31, 2002

You get out what you put in. Is �cunt� banned from adequacy?

Jan 31, 2002

Re: Screw All of You

Feb 01, 2002

Oh good. Animals: Food for Thought

Feb 01, 2002

Re: Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Feb 01, 2002

Terseness is the sister of talent. Meta crap...

Feb 01, 2002

You are so stupid. Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

Flattery will get you nowhere. (-) An essential fashion item

Feb 01, 2002

No. Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

Rhetoric 101. Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Feb 01, 2002

Duh. An essential fashion item

Feb 01, 2002

Spermotoxicosis. Screw All of You

Feb 01, 2002

Sigh. Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

Re: Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

Lead canister? Screw All of You

Feb 01, 2002

Re: An Adequate Guide to This Weekend in Television

Feb 01, 2002

Not sure what you mean... Meta crap...

Feb 01, 2002

Not just g**ks, I am afraid. Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 02, 2002

Yes. Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 02, 2002

Talent is hard. Mundane Rambling

Feb 02, 2002

Au contraire. Cisco's SecurityThreat

Feb 03, 2002

OT: Machines learning natural language. A date we can all agree on.

Feb 03, 2002

Oh come on. A date we can all agree on.

Feb 03, 2002

Liberalist irresponsibility "ethics". I need love.

Feb 03, 2002

Free clue. Theological musings

Feb 03, 2002

There isn't "the Bible". Theological musings

Feb 03, 2002

Are you a professional in the field? A date we can all agree on.

Feb 03, 2002

Condensed version, as a service to adeq. readers. clarity

Feb 03, 2002

Real world. Theological musings

Feb 03, 2002

Are you a genius or simply a complete moron? A date we can all agree on.

Feb 03, 2002

True. Theological musings

Feb 03, 2002

Secret bohemian parapgraph voodoo. Let's get this straight

Feb 03, 2002

Crap I am a retard. Let's get this straight

Feb 03, 2002

Don't squirm. A date we can all agree on.

Feb 03, 2002

Year 2038. A date we can all agree on.

Feb 03, 2002

Sigh. Let's get this straight

Feb 03, 2002

Get off it. A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 03, 2002

Correction. clarity

Feb 03, 2002

Au contraire. clarity

Feb 03, 2002

Oil. Discover the Russia you never knew.

Feb 03, 2002

The wonders of modern technology. clarity

Feb 03, 2002

It's a question of geography. Discover the Russia you never knew.

Feb 03, 2002

Yes. clarity

Feb 03, 2002

Absolutes cannot be imaginary. clarity

Feb 04, 2002

Dude, clarity

Feb 04, 2002

Re: Windows XP: First Impressions

Feb 04, 2002

Thank You. The diaries Section has been hijacked

Feb 04, 2002

Re: A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 04, 2002

Re: clarity

Feb 04, 2002

Well, Let's get this straight

Feb 04, 2002

Well, Windows XP: First Impressions

Feb 04, 2002

Bullshit. A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 04, 2002

Dilbert. Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 04, 2002

No. Discover the Russia you never knew.

Feb 04, 2002

Actually, Is brain power that good?

Feb 04, 2002

Hello "mossboy". Death Threats on Groups.Google.Com

Feb 04, 2002

OT: Lord of the Rings. A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 04, 2002

American government? Correct spelling:

Feb 04, 2002

It makes sense. Is brain power that good?

Feb 04, 2002

Or, Poz techie seeks same. T-count above 10000.

Feb 05, 2002

If so, "New Chronology": As Requested.

Feb 05, 2002

Quick question: Am I getting old?

Feb 05, 2002

Gasp. Am I getting old?

Feb 05, 2002

You should be banned. The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 05, 2002

Oh shush. The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 05, 2002

Not true. "New Chronology": As Requested.

Feb 05, 2002

No. LOTR: Please don't kill me.

Feb 05, 2002

Innocent question. Am I getting old?

Feb 05, 2002

OT: Etymology of "bollocks". The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 06, 2002

Postmodernist literature. LOTR: Please don't kill me.

Feb 06, 2002

Dude, The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 06, 2002

Sigh. The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 06, 2002

Wow, you are so smart! Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 06, 2002

Uh. Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 06, 2002

Difficult. The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 06, 2002

Your mistake. Capital Punishment

Feb 06, 2002

But, Capital Punishment

Feb 06, 2002

It's true. Boys can never be sexually abused by women

Feb 06, 2002

Actually, Capital Punishment

Feb 06, 2002

Please, PLEASE. Is Your Child a Taliban?

Feb 06, 2002

Re: I Am About to Lose It

Feb 06, 2002

Quite the contrary. I Am About to Lose It

Feb 06, 2002

From a postmodernist viewpoint, LOTR: Please don't kill me.

Feb 06, 2002

I want proof! I Am About to Lose It

Feb 06, 2002

What it means. The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 06, 2002

Floppies. The Artist...

Feb 06, 2002

Simple. I need your help

Feb 07, 2002

Re: The Artist...

Feb 07, 2002

Dude, The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 07, 2002

You are a fucking retard. Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 07, 2002

Good. The Satanic Nature of Kuro5hin is Revealed.

Feb 08, 2002

What? The Satanic Nature of Kuro5hin is Revealed.

Feb 08, 2002

Edge of what? Happy Birthday, Reagan

Feb 08, 2002

Dude, The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 08, 2002

Re: Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 08, 2002

But but The Satanic Nature of Kuro5hin is Revealed.

Feb 08, 2002

Actually, Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters

Feb 08, 2002

No problem. I need your help

Feb 08, 2002

Who cares? Naked dancing and losing friends

Feb 08, 2002

Eiffel. Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 08, 2002

In reality, Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 08, 2002

You don't understand. Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters

Feb 08, 2002

Adequacy. When are you considered 'old'?

Feb 08, 2002

Re: 9/11 and Class Conflict

Feb 08, 2002

Feminism. The Genital Offensive

Feb 08, 2002

Dude, The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 08, 2002

Re: Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 08, 2002

Here's a hint: Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 08, 2002

"Mathematical Engineering"? Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 08, 2002

What does that mean? When are you considered 'old'?

Feb 08, 2002

Whatever. Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters

Feb 08, 2002

So? Your Adequate Guide to Weekend Television

Feb 08, 2002

Re: The Genital Offensive

Feb 08, 2002

Yes. The Genital Offensive

Feb 10, 2002

That's the problem. Naked dancing and losing friends

Feb 10, 2002

No! Your Adequate Guide to Weekend Television

Feb 10, 2002

ugh Naked dancing and losing friends

Feb 10, 2002

How exactly? Your Adequate Guide to Weekend Television

Feb 11, 2002

Expensive fad. Link Propagation.

Feb 11, 2002

Yur dum Why Drunks Should Not Sing

Feb 11, 2002

o Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 11, 2002

Whatever you do... I'm still not rejoining adequacy

Feb 11, 2002

You are clearly misguided. Your Adequate Guide to Weekend Television

Feb 12, 2002

Oh, you are simply a genius. Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 12, 2002

Problem with that. Indianapolis

Feb 12, 2002

Less "creative theology" next time, OK? What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 12, 2002

Brilliant. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 12, 2002

Oops. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 12, 2002

duh Indianapolis

Feb 12, 2002

Thank you. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 12, 2002

Oh. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 12, 2002

Yep. I'm still not rejoining adequacy

Feb 12, 2002

Yes. Indianapolis

Feb 12, 2002

Thank you. Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 12, 2002

Sir, What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

Really? So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

Holy Christ on a stick... What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

Good. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

Right. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

Hello? So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

Whatever. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

Lord help me... So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

Exactly. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

I'm not blaming anyone. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

My, my... So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

Moron. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

That's not how the real world works. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

You poor, poor man... So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

Do you have a point to make? So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

Actually, hedonism

Feb 14, 2002

Exactly. Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 14, 2002

I object. LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 14, 2002

That is simply untrue. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

You mean... So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

When have I ever argued rationally? What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 14, 2002

I think... What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 14, 2002

So? So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

Confronting your fears. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

Wow. LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 14, 2002

Philosophy... What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 14, 2002

Yes. Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 14, 2002

OK. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

Relax. LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 14, 2002

Re: What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 14, 2002

It's pointless. LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 14, 2002

It may surprise you... So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

Whoops. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 14, 2002

It means... Indianapolis

Feb 14, 2002

A silly is you... LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 14, 2002

Social addict. LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 14, 2002

Hey... So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

I'm not so sure... So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

What do you mean "exaggerating"? I thought you lot were exagerating about geeks

Feb 15, 2002

I can't force myself to read it. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

Liberal? Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

"The Watcher". LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 15, 2002

What's so bad about it? I thought you lot were exagerating about geeks

Feb 15, 2002

So? Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

guh Circus Roboticus

Feb 15, 2002

I should... Patenting of hyperlinks

Feb 15, 2002

"The word of God". What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 15, 2002

Substitute: "You'd be..." for "I'd What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 15, 2002

That's the dumbest thing I heard all day... I need better sources of caffeine

Feb 15, 2002

Defining intelligence. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

Substitute: "then" for "than". Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

Which of you was the retard? Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

No, not at all. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 15, 2002

Sigh. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

I am not. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

You are evading the question. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

Yes. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

You are right. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

What do you want? Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

So? LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 16, 2002

Free Will is not Intelligence. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

If I had metaphysical moderation powers... LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 16, 2002

Chaos Theory! Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

Re: Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

Re: Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

Intelligence != Free Will Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

Gay? LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 16, 2002

The right to your body. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 16, 2002

Ouch. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 16, 2002

Come again? Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

One point. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

Empirical evidence. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

"Certified homosexual"? LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 16, 2002

"Deus ex Machina" Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

Why should he care? Getting My Way

Feb 17, 2002

Key word -- "stupid". Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 17, 2002

Your point?... Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 17, 2002

Sorry? Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 17, 2002

You are right. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 17, 2002

You are illogical. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 17, 2002

Female employees? LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 17, 2002

"Painfully" is the right word... (-) LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 17, 2002

No. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 17, 2002

What?! Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 17, 2002

I see what's on *your* mind... LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 19, 2002

Jokes aside... Feminist Slanders Exposed by Orinoco

Feb 19, 2002

OK. Shoeboy Is a No-Talent Plagiarist

Feb 19, 2002

Pardon me... Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 19, 2002

Quick question. Caffeinated Mints: A Comparative Review

Feb 19, 2002

Please explain. Feminist Slanders Exposed by Orinoco

Feb 19, 2002

Let me guess... Caffeinated Mints: A Comparative Review

Feb 20, 2002

Be careful what you wish for... Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 20, 2002

"Accomplish anything useful"? Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 20, 2002

elenchos Question

Feb 20, 2002

Sure. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

I love you. I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 21, 2002

I think... Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 21, 2002

Yes. You are the best. I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 21, 2002

Keyword: Potato error

Feb 21, 2002

What? Eugenics? Feminism? Ain't much difference

Feb 21, 2002

Indeed. I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 21, 2002

I meant it. I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 21, 2002

The arithmetic of life. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

Well of course. I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 21, 2002

Who cares? America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

What? America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

P.S. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

No. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

Dogma? America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

Wake up. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 21, 2002

Quick question... The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 21, 2002

README: Liberalism. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

The fine art of critical thinking. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

Not necessarily. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

Notice... America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

I don't know. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

Whatever. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

God you are a moron... America's Death Machines

Feb 22, 2002

Who cares? America's Death Machines

Feb 22, 2002

Wisdom teeth? I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 22, 2002

"Lord of the Rings" movies. The Cold, Hard Facts of Geekdom

Feb 22, 2002

As opposed... The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 22, 2002

Xanax is not penicillin. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 22, 2002

Lots of it. The Cold, Hard Facts of Geekdom

Feb 22, 2002

Jokes aside. The Cold, Hard Facts of Geekdom

Feb 22, 2002

Whatever. America's Death Machines

Feb 22, 2002


Feb 22, 2002

He probably was... I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 22, 2002

Keep deluding yourself... America's Death Machines

Feb 22, 2002


Feb 23, 2002

You are so incredibly stupid. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 23, 2002

One point... We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 23, 2002

Who cares? Just curious

Feb 23, 2002

So you admit it!! We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 23, 2002

Don't backtrack. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 23, 2002

Simple. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 23, 2002

OK. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 23, 2002

Yes. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 23, 2002

I agree. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 23, 2002

Wait for it. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 23, 2002

Wrong. Happy Birthday

Feb 23, 2002

Note. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 23, 2002

Actually, Happy Birthday

Feb 23, 2002

Goth is very sexy. Happy Birthday

Feb 23, 2002

Indeed. Just curious

Feb 23, 2002

Nothing. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 23, 2002

Genitals. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 24, 2002

Re: We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 24, 2002

Re: We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 24, 2002

P.S. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 24, 2002

Oh, I see. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 24, 2002

Question: The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 24, 2002

Wake up. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 24, 2002

I don't understand... Someone Help This Poor Guy

Feb 24, 2002

Posting on this board. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 24, 2002

Indeed. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 24, 2002

Actually, We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 24, 2002

Good. Just curious

Feb 24, 2002

Steps to success: We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 24, 2002

You are wrong. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 24, 2002

Wow you are smart. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 24, 2002

Uh. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 24, 2002

Dumbass. Just curious

Feb 24, 2002

Definitely. Just curious

Feb 24, 2002

Well, Happy Birthday

Feb 25, 2002

Whatever. (-) Just curious

Feb 25, 2002

No kidding. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 25, 2002

Re: test It's all about the numbers

Feb 25, 2002

Re: test It's all about the numbers

Feb 25, 2002

OT: Happy Birthday

Feb 25, 2002

Who cares? We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 25, 2002

Of course. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 26, 2002


Feb 26, 2002

I am so sorry. I am Gone

Feb 26, 2002

So, I am Gone

Feb 26, 2002

Pardon me... It's all about the numbers

Feb 26, 2002

Oh goody. GPL goes to court

Feb 27, 2002

I like Frost. Robert Frost: a damn geek.

Feb 27, 2002

Come again? clusterlizard survives barage of hacking attempts!

Feb 27, 2002

Indeed. What is your annual household income?

Feb 28, 2002

Well, Hello I�m not completely new here and I�m fairly mediocre

Feb 28, 2002

Wow. I`m new here and I�m extreme

Feb 28, 2002

As a liberalist... Caffeinated mints, and getting into the body you desire.

Feb 28, 2002

Really? GPL goes to court: Part 2

Mar 01, 2002

Yes! Caffeinated mints, and getting into the body you desire.

Mar 01, 2002

Come now. Now I May Have Seen Everything

Mar 01, 2002

Liberalism is not spiritual. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 01, 2002

Why? I`m new here and I�m extreme

Mar 03, 2002

Oh. Now I May Have Seen Everything

Mar 03, 2002

Hawaii is still in the U.S.? Holiday Destination

Mar 03, 2002

The answer to the Jewish question. Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 03, 2002

Incredible. Caffeinated mints, and getting into the body you desire.

Mar 03, 2002

Typical. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 03, 2002

Actually, We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 03, 2002

"Real work". We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 03, 2002

Thanks for teaching me how to live. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Mar 03, 2002

Thanks for teaching me how to live. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Mar 03, 2002

That's nothing. Holiday Destination

Mar 03, 2002

1337 Movie Recommendation

Mar 03, 2002

No you're not. It's time to surrender.

Mar 03, 2002

Read the article. It's time to surrender.

Mar 03, 2002

dumbass The Drug Underground Comes Online

Mar 04, 2002

Your only hope. It's time to surrender.

Mar 04, 2002

There isn't really any. Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 04, 2002

Now you've done it. It's time to surrender.

Mar 04, 2002

Huh. Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 05, 2002

You Adequacy is full of fascists

Mar 05, 2002

Question. Adequacy.Org Presents the Commonsense Crossword

Mar 05, 2002

Yes. Adequacy.Org Presents the Commonsense Crossword

Mar 06, 2002

Why? Adequacy is full of namby-pamby liberals

Mar 06, 2002

All hail the grand vizier. Adequacy.Org Presents the Commonsense Crossword

Mar 06, 2002

OK. Adequacy is full of fascists

Mar 06, 2002

Re: Keep them ignorant

Mar 07, 2002

But of course. What is your annual household income?

Mar 07, 2002

Because. What is your annual household income?

Mar 07, 2002

Simple. What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

More precisely. What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

Guh What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

Your point? What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

"Uncertainty principle"? What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Just look at yourself. What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

The Christian God... How I Killed God

Mar 08, 2002

Yea. Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 08, 2002

I don't know. What is god?

Mar 09, 2002

WARNING WARNING Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 09, 2002

Argh What is god?

Mar 09, 2002

Demerol? Helpful Tip

Mar 09, 2002

YHBT, d00d. Rock and Roll !

Mar 09, 2002

What? bug report

Mar 09, 2002

You overestimate... Execution of the masses.

Mar 09, 2002

Intelligence is a liberalist myth. Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 09, 2002

Yeah. Execution of the masses.

Mar 09, 2002

P.S. Execution of the masses.

Mar 09, 2002

No! Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 10, 2002

Bandwidth vs. download speed Execution of the masses.

Mar 10, 2002

See previous anti-anonymous-reader post. What is god?

Mar 10, 2002

Insightful commentary? bug report

Mar 10, 2002

Trolling for Baby Jesus, huh? I've had enough of this Enlightement crap

Mar 10, 2002

Intelligent move? Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 10, 2002

Thay are not "dregs" of society. Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 10, 2002

WTH? I've had enough of this Enlightement crap

Mar 10, 2002

Silly question. I've had enough of this Enlightement crap

Mar 10, 2002

That's a bad way of reaching the solution. I've had enough of this Enlightement crap

Mar 10, 2002

"Serously believe". Execution of the masses.

Mar 11, 2002

Yep. Adequacy stooping to Plagiarism?!

Mar 11, 2002

Congratulations. Adequacy stooping to Plagiarism?!

Mar 11, 2002

Correction. Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 11, 2002

Perdida, you don't know what you are doing! Google Needs a Winston Smith

Mar 11, 2002

The Bible isn't the "word of God". Thought you might like this

Mar 11, 2002

learn to read dumbass Rock and Roll !

Mar 12, 2002

It all depends. Thought you might like this

Mar 12, 2002

Well... Google Needs a Winston Smith

Mar 12, 2002

Re: Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 12, 2002

Kids these days... Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 12, 2002

I'm not. Rock and Roll !

Mar 12, 2002

No. Google Needs a Winston Smith

Mar 12, 2002

hey faggot Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 12, 2002

Oh my gosh Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 13, 2002

I think... Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 13, 2002

Re: Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 13, 2002

No. Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 14, 2002

I have some other ones for you. Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 14, 2002

you asked for it dumbass (-) Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 14, 2002

Correction. March 14 2002

Mar 14, 2002

Re: The Stupidity of Environmental Liberalism

Mar 15, 2002

Exactly. I feel so lonely

Mar 15, 2002

Should people... should women?

Mar 15, 2002

Fun is overrated. Homosexual propaganda

Mar 15, 2002

Not necessarily. Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 15, 2002

Apparently, I feel so lonely

Mar 15, 2002

Shh. I feel so lonely

Mar 15, 2002

Not the media. I feel so lonely

Mar 15, 2002

Healthy lifestyle? Homosexual propaganda

Mar 15, 2002

No. Homosexual propaganda

Mar 15, 2002

Steps to success in life. Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

It was? Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

Step two. Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

To be sure, Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

Liberalist, not liberal. I feel so lonely

Mar 15, 2002

You are not a man. should women?

Mar 15, 2002

What a surprise. The truth finally comes out.

Mar 15, 2002

But there is a difference. Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

Let me guess. Homosexual propaganda

Mar 15, 2002

Tolkien was a devout Catholic. Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 15, 2002

I thought... Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 15, 2002

Like I said many times previously, Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 16, 2002

I "waded in"... Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 16, 2002

I see. Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 16, 2002

fuck you Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 16, 2002

No need. Homosexual propaganda

Mar 16, 2002

fuck you again Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 16, 2002

Uh. Homosexual propaganda

Mar 16, 2002

Question for you. Homosexual propaganda

Mar 16, 2002

you are such a fucking idiot Homosexual propaganda

Mar 17, 2002

Hello? Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

The liberalist faith. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

"Standards of living". America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 17, 2002

Dumbass. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

Who cares? Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

Marital relations. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

Thank you. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

Whatever. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

So? Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

About your point. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

Why do you care? Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

I'm not squirming. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

Cthulu Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

Welcome to Socialism. Snot Bubbles

Mar 17, 2002

I think... America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 17, 2002

"Everyone"? I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep

Mar 18, 2002

I'm not. I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep

Mar 18, 2002

You are... Snot Bubbles

Mar 18, 2002

Step two: Weekend Socializing

Mar 18, 2002

Re: Snot Bubbles

Mar 18, 2002

ELENCHOS PLEASE READ I'm not sure whether this site is a joke...

Mar 18, 2002

Actually, I'm not sure whether this site is a joke...

Mar 18, 2002

Sir, you are a true genius. Snot Bubbles

Mar 18, 2002

So this is the fabled liberalist rationality... Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

Hint. Weekend Socializing

Mar 18, 2002

I suggest... Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 18, 2002

What? Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 20, 2002

32nd level. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 20, 2002

Deist. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 25, 2002

I see. My Conversion

Mar 26, 2002

It means... Godzilla Withdrawl

Mar 27, 2002

Re: Tonight @ 1:00 AM on Super Ecran

Mar 27, 2002

So, The consequences of Determinism

Mar 27, 2002

Kids? Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 28, 2002

That's exactly what I mean. The consequences of Determinism

Mar 28, 2002

The ugly head of liberalism. Maybe K5 is satanic, like tkatchev said.

Mar 28, 2002

Ahem. Good Evening Dear Sirs,

Mar 28, 2002

Question. Islamic Ji-ography

Mar 28, 2002

You forget... What's with all the 'My' stuff?

Mar 28, 2002

Huh? Islamic Ji-ography

Mar 28, 2002

Keeping yourself in control. Maybe K5 is satanic, like tkatchev said.

Mar 28, 2002

As a Christian... wiccan woes

Mar 28, 2002

Don't worry. It's time to rise up, stand tall, and confess:

Mar 29, 2002

Retarded jokes aside... It's time to rise up, stand tall, and confess:

Mar 29, 2002

Celibacy. Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Mar 29, 2002

So? Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Mar 30, 2002

"So mote it be"? wiccan woes

Mar 30, 2002

Think twice about military school. Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Mar 30, 2002

You are correct. Repeal the Drunk Driving Laws Now

Mar 30, 2002

Wow. The Proselytizing Atheist

Mar 30, 2002

Yes. Opium. It's time to rise up, stand tall, and confess:

Mar 30, 2002

You are so sublimely correct... Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Mar 30, 2002

I think... Controversial Wallpaper

Mar 30, 2002

Nathan: readme. wiccan woes

Mar 30, 2002

Perhaps... Controversial Wallpaper

Mar 30, 2002

Like I said. Controversial Wallpaper

Mar 31, 2002

Is this a trick question? Controversial Wallpaper

Mar 31, 2002

WTF are you talking about? Controversial Wallpaper

Mar 31, 2002

So, is Christianity theistically monistic?

Mar 31, 2002

Is this a joke? is Christianity theistically monistic?

Mar 31, 2002

See here. Controversial Wallpaper

Mar 31, 2002

I think you mean "Lenix". (-) is Christianity theistically monistic?

Mar 31, 2002

Re: Reasons to be thankful.

Mar 31, 2002

Get this: sex != procreation. is Christianity theistically monistic?

Mar 31, 2002

Liberals? Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Mar 31, 2002

I agree with you. Serious Inquiry about Paganism

Mar 31, 2002

There was a matriarchy once. Serious Inquiry about Paganism

Mar 31, 2002

I know the answer to that one! King Cotton

Mar 31, 2002

Agree, with a comment. Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Mar 31, 2002

"Unification church"? Media Responsibility in the Modern Era

Apr 01, 2002

I think you mean "Lenix". (-) Communism makes sense

Apr 01, 2002

Why is that? Serious Inquiry about Paganism

Apr 01, 2002

Again, Serious Inquiry about Paganism

Apr 01, 2002

Just because. I might have something...

Apr 01, 2002

If you've ever known small children... I might have something...

Apr 02, 2002

Radix sort? Difficult-to-Learn Computer Topics???

Apr 02, 2002

I'll tell you terrible secret. Difficult-to-Learn Computer Topics???

Apr 02, 2002

For your sake, Queen Mum Spontaneously Reanimates, Does Elvis Imitation

Apr 02, 2002

Very, very funny. Favorite Station of the Cross

Apr 02, 2002

Step in line! Blade II And The Twilight Of Science

Apr 02, 2002

Skew tree? Open the champagne, Elenchos!

Apr 02, 2002

Exactly. Difficult-to-Learn Computer Topics???

Apr 02, 2002

Before you flame. The Treason of Creationism

Apr 02, 2002

It must be difficult... What mental illness do you have?

Apr 02, 2002

Dumbass. What mental illness do you have?

Apr 02, 2002

Yes. The Treason of Creationism

Apr 02, 2002

Nothing added for 2000 years??! The Treason of Creationism

Apr 02, 2002

Yes, you figured out my secret. What mental illness do you have?

Apr 03, 2002

Exactly. The Treason of Creationism

Apr 04, 2002

Question: My phone has been raped!

Apr 04, 2002

If you're that dependent on a foreign country... Full Frontal Rudity

Apr 04, 2002

How much do you pay? My phone has been raped!

Apr 04, 2002

Yes. What mental illness do you have?

Apr 07, 2002

Giving? British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 07, 2002

Sir, please go back... Like A Virgin

Apr 07, 2002

Soros... British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 07, 2002

Instrumental music sux. Music

Apr 07, 2002

You make the mistake... Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Apr 07, 2002

That I know. Like A Virgin

Apr 07, 2002

Yes: Racism is bad?

Apr 07, 2002

Yes. Music

Apr 08, 2002

Kandinsky is the epitome of sux. Music

Apr 08, 2002

"Independent experiments". The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 08, 2002

The evidence is the context. Music

Apr 08, 2002

Laugh all you want... Music

Apr 08, 2002

Objective criteria. Music

Apr 08, 2002

Oh. Music

Apr 08, 2002

Uh British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 08, 2002

Question. What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 09, 2002

Yeah. Music

Apr 09, 2002

Uh. Music

Apr 09, 2002

WTF, nathan? Music

Apr 09, 2002

Dude, What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 09, 2002

My child, Welcome Kuro5hin refugees!

Apr 09, 2002

"Seperation"? Protect Our Children Now

Apr 09, 2002

You are correct. To set the record straight

Apr 09, 2002

Literacy... Protect Our Children Now

Apr 09, 2002

Sue? What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 09, 2002

Get a clue. Protect Our Children Now

Apr 09, 2002

Glucose... Paging Dr. Science, paging Dr. Science...

Apr 10, 2002

Yeah. God and High Society

Apr 10, 2002

Indeed. Protect Our Children Now

Apr 10, 2002

Re: Protect Our Children Now

Apr 10, 2002

Answers. What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 10, 2002

"Peace and much love"?? Protect Our Children Now

Apr 10, 2002

Re: Welcome Kuro5hin refugees!

Apr 10, 2002

I found... We need more toxins

Apr 10, 2002

Yes... Protect Our Children Now

Apr 11, 2002

Yes. God and High Society

Apr 11, 2002

Simple. CNN Dot COM should get rid of Yes/No polls.

Apr 11, 2002

If you are serious. Springtime = Sex

Apr 11, 2002

I hope... God and High Society

Apr 12, 2002

Exactly. Protect Our Children Now

Apr 12, 2002

Touche'. (-) Adequacy Quotes

Apr 12, 2002

Hey, what's wrong with that? We need more toxins

Apr 12, 2002

Very serious question for those with a clue. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 12, 2002

Rated 0. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 12, 2002

Dumbass. The new hacker threat

Apr 12, 2002

Definitely the female. Springtime = Sex

Apr 12, 2002

Simple. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 12, 2002

Who needs it? Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 12, 2002

Oh, you mean *that*. The new hacker threat

Apr 12, 2002

Hello? Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 12, 2002

oops Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 12, 2002

hey retard Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 13, 2002

You are grossly misguided. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 13, 2002

Yo' Momma. David Beckham

Apr 13, 2002

No. I think nuclear weapons are good

Apr 13, 2002

Yawn. Libertarian corruption

Apr 13, 2002

Get a clue. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 13, 2002

Fascism == Liberalism. We need more toxins

Apr 13, 2002

But there is a difference. Protect Our Children Now

Apr 13, 2002

You are such a fucking retard. We need more toxins

Apr 13, 2002

The Anonymous Coward betting game. We need more toxins

Apr 13, 2002

It's about quality, not about agreement. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 13, 2002

So? Libertarian corruption

Apr 13, 2002

You misunderstand. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 13, 2002

Since I believe in objective experimental data... Liberalist morons strike again.

Apr 13, 2002

Swearing. We need more toxins

Apr 13, 2002

Nothing has changed. What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 13, 2002

PLEASE READ. What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 13, 2002

I suspect... Adequacy Quotes

Apr 13, 2002

My child, Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 13, 2002

Wages? Libertarian corruption

Apr 13, 2002

Re: Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 13, 2002

"Western Restaurants"? Libertarian corruption

Apr 13, 2002

Don't worry. Libertarian corruption

Apr 13, 2002

Yes. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 13, 2002

Theoretically, Liberalist morons strike again.

Apr 14, 2002

Counter-request. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 14, 2002

Anonymous Coward [I am saddened that] the Hypermints are gone.

Apr 14, 2002

This is ridiculous. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 14, 2002

Yes, but. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 14, 2002

I just had to, didn't you? [I am saddened that] the Hypermints are gone.

Apr 14, 2002

Stop it. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 14, 2002

Free tip for success in life. [I am saddened that] the Hypermints are gone.

Apr 14, 2002

It's just that... [I am saddened that] the Hypermints are gone.

Apr 15, 2002

It's the drugs. Security

Apr 15, 2002

guh [I am saddened that] the Hypermints are gone.

Apr 15, 2002

elenchos, my man, Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 15, 2002

This must be a troll. Internet Idiocy does not mean

Apr 15, 2002

Read the first word of the article. British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 16, 2002

shut up already Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 16, 2002

I know. The time is right

Apr 16, 2002

elenchos, Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 16, 2002

you shouldn't Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 16, 2002

grammer??? Where are we going?

Apr 16, 2002

So, Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 16, 2002

Yes. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 18, 2002

He doesn't. April madness

Apr 18, 2002

So, Bye, Ass

Apr 19, 2002

You must understand, New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 19, 2002

OffTop New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 19, 2002

Freud must die. Bye, Ass

Apr 19, 2002

git! Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 20, 2002

I think... Linux Zealot and Economics 101

Apr 20, 2002

Oh come on. Secret World Conspiricy Revealed!!!

Apr 20, 2002

What's wrong with beards? Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 20, 2002

I know what you mean. New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 20, 2002

Oh come on. Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 20, 2002

pshaw Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 20, 2002

Correct. New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 20, 2002

Ha ha, you miss. Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 20, 2002

Oh come on. Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 20, 2002

Big correction. Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 20, 2002

One point. Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 20, 2002

Beards. Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 21, 2002

Jeez, who's arguing? Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 21, 2002

Uh no. Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 21, 2002

correction Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 21, 2002

Trolling slashdot. Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 21, 2002

I agree wholeheartedly. Protect Our Children Now

Apr 21, 2002

That's because... Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 21, 2002

Georians. Attn: Yoshi

Apr 21, 2002

In a word, New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 21, 2002

Heh. New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 21, 2002

Face it, New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 21, 2002

oh ghod Linux Zealot and Economics 101

Apr 21, 2002

Actually, New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 21, 2002

Sir, New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 22, 2002

yuck. complaint

Apr 22, 2002

Let me guess? complaint

Apr 22, 2002

Correct. Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 22, 2002

You made a mistake in the subject of your post. complaint

Apr 22, 2002

Definitely yes. New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 22, 2002

Sir, Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 22, 2002

Let me tell you something. complaint

Apr 22, 2002

Morality is not utilitarian. The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 22, 2002

In that case, complaint

Apr 22, 2002

Yeah, that's what I thought. Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 22, 2002

I am not worthy. The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 22, 2002

yuo fashits New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 22, 2002

Funny. Can you help me?

Apr 23, 2002

Chechens? Can you help me?

Apr 23, 2002

Rudeness. Microsoft

Apr 23, 2002

Demagoguery is no way to win friends... New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 23, 2002

Eating human babies. Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 23, 2002

Wearable computers... Innovation

Apr 23, 2002

There is a huge difference. Innovation

Apr 23, 2002

Remind me... Innovation

Apr 23, 2002

Yeah? Protect Our Children Now

Apr 25, 2002

But... The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 25, 2002

"God is dead". The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 25, 2002

Oh come on. It wasn't that hard

Apr 25, 2002

Rinse and resubmit. Spikey-Haired Asian Chicks

Apr 26, 2002

You misunderstand. Spikey-Haired Asian Chicks

Apr 26, 2002

McDonalds is OK. It wasn't that hard

Apr 26, 2002

You fail. It wasn't that hard

Apr 26, 2002

Hey Why is _every_ woman psycho?

Apr 26, 2002

There is a very important meaning hidden in there. Polyurethane Condoms?

Apr 26, 2002

Indeed. The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 26, 2002

Good ghod... What is the more superfluous gender?

Apr 26, 2002

In that case... Spikey-Haired Asian Chicks

Apr 26, 2002

Neato. Spikey-Haired Asian Chicks

Apr 26, 2002

Is that so? Why I want to be an American Citizen

Apr 26, 2002

Think clearly now. The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 27, 2002

Right on! Why I want to be an American Citizen

Apr 27, 2002

yuck (-) What is the more superfluous gender?

Apr 27, 2002

In reality: Am I a 75-cent whore?

Apr 27, 2002

But seriously. Am I a 75-cent whore?

Apr 27, 2002

"Anonymous Reader" Am I a 75-cent whore?

Apr 27, 2002

Come again? What is the more superfluous gender?

Apr 28, 2002

Get a clue. Why I want to be an American Citizen

Apr 28, 2002

yuck Nya Nya Nya

Apr 28, 2002

I agree. I should've known better...

Apr 29, 2002

oh my ghod The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 29, 2002

Well, let me think... Nya Nya Nya

Apr 29, 2002

This just proves that you don't know... Nya Nya Nya

Apr 29, 2002

OK then. Nya Nya Nya

Apr 29, 2002

Heh. Hats off to em

Apr 29, 2002

What happened??! Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

Apr 29, 2002

Great. What is the more superfluous gender?

Apr 29, 2002

Oh shush. Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

Apr 30, 2002

No real use for Flash??!?! Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

Apr 30, 2002

Don't touch it! The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 30, 2002

Sex. What is the more superfluous gender?

Apr 30, 2002

It says... Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

Apr 30, 2002

You're really quick, aren't you? New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

May 01, 2002

Christian? Why can't I get a second date?

May 02, 2002

Ignore the whores. give me advice.

May 02, 2002

Solution: Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 02, 2002

It doesn't just "smack"... What is the more superfluous gender?

May 02, 2002

I'll explain. Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 02, 2002

Correct on both point, but: Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 02, 2002

Do it the old-fashioned way. give me advice.

May 03, 2002

"Fuckees". Why can't I get a second date?

May 03, 2002

dude Sports and the Homosexual Cover-Up

May 03, 2002

Aid. Skipping ads is stealing, says CEO of Turner Broadcasting

May 03, 2002

Sir, The Incontrovertible Existence of God

May 03, 2002

My magic eight-ball says... Skipping ads is stealing, says CEO of Turner Broadcasting

May 04, 2002

This cannot be for real... What is the more superfluous gender?

May 06, 2002

"Used to"? This is bizarre

May 06, 2002

OT. This is bizarre

May 06, 2002

elenchos Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 06, 2002

Wow. Square bacchanal

May 06, 2002

Oh come on. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 06, 2002

Yes. Mandrake 8.2 : "a fucking disaster"

May 06, 2002

Linux. Mandrake 8.2 : "a fucking disaster"

May 06, 2002

Eh no. Square bacchanal

May 06, 2002

Oh shush. Mandrake 8.2 : "a fucking disaster"

May 06, 2002

Well, yes. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 06, 2002

ghod I am surrounded by idiots... Mandrake 8.2 : "a fucking disaster"

May 06, 2002

Come on. Mandrake 8.2 : "a fucking disaster"

May 06, 2002

Windows computers. Suite-Pee

May 06, 2002

Oh ghod. Suite-Pee

May 07, 2002

PotatoError. Hnh. Right, right, right. Quite.

May 07, 2002

Yes. Hnh. Right, right, right. Quite.

May 07, 2002

"Controversy", of course. Sorry. (-) Hnh. Right, right, right. Quite.

May 07, 2002

$5. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 07, 2002

Public service announcement. Koleen Brooks Has Got The Right Stuff

May 07, 2002

Exactly. Koleen Brooks Has Got The Right Stuff

May 08, 2002

Report him to the authorities? Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 09, 2002

ghod unholy baphometh Mandrake 8.2 : "a fucking disaster"

May 09, 2002

Church Slavonic, you mean. Finally here

May 09, 2002

Eh. Improving Adequacy

May 09, 2002

Damn the Jews! Koleen Brooks Has Got The Right Stuff

May 09, 2002

I'm glad I got a CS degree. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 09, 2002

Yes, but. Improving Adequacy

May 09, 2002

Steps to success in life: Koleen Brooks Has Got The Right Stuff

May 09, 2002

It's a well-known fact. Finally here

May 09, 2002

I don't buy it. Koleen Brooks Has Got The Right Stuff

May 09, 2002

P.S. Finally here

May 09, 2002

He's not a criminal! Improving Adequacy

May 09, 2002

Two points: Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 09, 2002

This is so incredibly stupid, it's making my... Avatars and the Telecommunications Revolution

May 09, 2002

Poor wiggums. Report from the War Department.

May 09, 2002

Kill 'im. Adequacy is like sex

May 10, 2002

Chudno. Finally here

May 10, 2002

Lord God save me from "smart" people... Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 10, 2002

Your troll is so old it's starting to foul the air Linux Zealot (almost) Makes a Friend

May 10, 2002

But, but... more kuro5hin bashing

May 11, 2002

No no! Dearest Adequacy Readers,

May 11, 2002

Well actually... Dearest Adequacy Readers,

May 11, 2002

your dumb Revelation

May 11, 2002

Clue. Dearest Adequacy Readers,

May 12, 2002

Haiku is not poetry. Burma Shave!

May 12, 2002

Good. Burma Shave!

May 12, 2002

Isn't that the point of high-school? Burma Shave!

May 12, 2002

Where did the extra 1% go to? What is the more superfluous gender?

May 12, 2002

Whoa now! Brilliant Kuro5hin article.

May 12, 2002

Earth to misguided person. Burma Shave!

May 12, 2002

Please don't kick me... Brilliant Kuro5hin article.

May 12, 2002

You are so mean... Brilliant Kuro5hin article.

May 12, 2002

Geek "humour". Burma Shave!

May 12, 2002

Get your mind out of the gutter. Brilliant Kuro5hin article.

May 12, 2002

Actually, Burma Shave!

May 13, 2002

Yes! YES! Linux Zealot (almost) Makes a Friend

May 13, 2002

Sweet, sweet irony... Dearest Adequacy Readers,

May 13, 2002

Will the real Indy please stand up? Anakin Loses a Hand

May 13, 2002

Ah yes. Brilliant Kuro5hin article.

May 15, 2002

Definitely. ESR & VA Linux

May 15, 2002

I refuse. Hottest Aussie Hottie ?

May 15, 2002

Enlightenment is much overrated. Educating Miss Adequacy

May 15, 2002

Get this: What makes Australian women so hot?

May 15, 2002

Useless trivia. Educating Miss Adequacy

May 15, 2002

Oh ghod elenchos... No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 15, 2002

No. No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 16, 2002

Er no. No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 16, 2002

Oh ghod. Hottest Aussie Hottie ?

May 16, 2002

Hey man. Educating Miss Adequacy

May 17, 2002

So? The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 17, 2002

2000 word paper? 5,000 posts. ~5,000 idiots.

May 17, 2002

"eceonomist"? No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 17, 2002

The GNU compiler. No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 17, 2002

That's stupid. Anakin Loses a Hand

May 18, 2002

Some advice. The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 18, 2002

EPOC. No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 18, 2002

No, wait. 5,000 posts. ~5,000 idiots.

May 18, 2002

Homophobes are people too. The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 18, 2002

I'm an egotist. The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 18, 2002

I agree. The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 18, 2002

Dude! Hottest Aussie Hottie ?

May 18, 2002

You're probably right. No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 18, 2002

More mindless stuff. Please excuse the rudity.

May 18, 2002

Oh ghod I cannot stop. Please excuse the rudity.

May 18, 2002

"otkazano" == "denied" (-) Please excuse the rudity.

May 18, 2002

It's not about information loss. No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 19, 2002

Is that a personal bias? The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 19, 2002

Christian leftivism? The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 19, 2002

Spelling error! The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 19, 2002

Leftivism. The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 19, 2002

It's a U.S. cultural bias. The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 21, 2002

Haha. Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 21, 2002

elenchos... No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 21, 2002

Life is too short... Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 21, 2002

What a cute litte kiddie. Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 22, 2002

Exactly. Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 22, 2002

Point-by-point rebuttal. Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 22, 2002

Eh Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 23, 2002

Thinking about death... Which is the best way to predict the future ?

May 23, 2002

You sux. Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 23, 2002

Take this simple test. The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 23, 2002

Objectification of women. The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 23, 2002

Indeed! Which is the best way to predict the future ?

May 23, 2002

Oh ghod. Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 23, 2002

Glad we agree. The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 24, 2002

Actually, to be honest, Which is the best way to predict the future ?

May 24, 2002

Will you look at this, please! Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 24, 2002

The relationship of that article... Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 24, 2002

Careful here. Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 24, 2002

duh Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 24, 2002

Actually, Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 25, 2002

Uh. Women and the Internet

May 25, 2002

"florish"? The Internet - where is it heading?

May 25, 2002

Hello? Women and the Internet

May 25, 2002

Communism is good? Fun with fatties

May 25, 2002

Why? 'Cause. Thank you, allies.

May 25, 2002

"Legalize all". Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 25, 2002

America would have. Thank you, allies.

May 26, 2002

Unfunny. Worried about all the trolls on K5 ?

May 26, 2002

Half-pound of bananas? Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 26, 2002

Oh get off it. Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 26, 2002

P.S. Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 26, 2002

Re: Women and the Internet

May 26, 2002

Pardon my ignorance... Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 26, 2002

That depends... Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 26, 2002

A spade... Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 26, 2002

Re: New Twist on Godwin's Law

May 26, 2002

So you see. Necrobestiality

May 27, 2002

That makes sense. New Twist on Godwin's Law

May 27, 2002

It wasn't a cake. Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 27, 2002

You're right. New Twist on Godwin's Law

May 27, 2002

Re: "...things you don't understand." Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 28, 2002

Up to a point. New Twist on Godwin's Law

May 28, 2002

"A huge philosophy based on understanding beh The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 28, 2002

Hold on, did I get this right? Necrobestiality

May 28, 2002

Honey? Necrobestiality

May 29, 2002

you The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 29, 2002

Obviously. The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 29, 2002

Explain. Hottest Aussie Hottie ?

May 30, 2002

Don't worry. The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 30, 2002

"Not even a shit"? The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

Jun 01, 2002

Actually, Terrifying and Shocking news

Jun 01, 2002

Napoleon and world history. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 01, 2002

The proletariat. Terrifying and Shocking news

Jun 01, 2002

Free tip. The New Faust

Jun 01, 2002

OT. w0w I must be 1337 h4X0r

Jun 01, 2002

What's more... is it just me or is kuro5hin full of nazis

Jun 01, 2002

Cause. PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 01, 2002

Yeah. w0w I must be 1337 h4X0r

Jun 01, 2002

Etymology? Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 02, 2002

Almost anything is less tacky than the USA. (-) w0w I must be 1337 h4X0r

Jun 02, 2002

I shudder... World Cup Update #1

Jun 02, 2002

Galileo. PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 02, 2002

Actually, PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 02, 2002

Proof. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 02, 2002

I don't know. PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 02, 2002

Yes. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 03, 2002

haw haw On why Pearl is not like natural language (Part I)

Jun 04, 2002

Dudes, Voting

Jun 04, 2002

The "Force". George Lucas, Oscar Wilde, and Homosexual Theater

Jun 05, 2002

Uhm yes. My rant on religon

Jun 05, 2002

I don't get it. As Per the Norm

Jun 05, 2002

Maybe I'm an idiot xenophobe... Sauda��es!

Jun 05, 2002

No. Ancient History for Ignorant Americans

Jun 05, 2002

Now you've done it. Ancient History for Ignorant Americans

Jun 05, 2002

Racist scum... Ancient History for Ignorant Americans

Jun 05, 2002

"Class" is not about money. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 07, 2002

It's the apps. I am back.

Jun 07, 2002

You should be slapped. On why Pearl is not like natural language (Part I)

Jun 07, 2002

Definitely. Why Al-Qeada isn't responsible for the WTC

Jun 07, 2002

One of two. Why Al-Qeada isn't responsible for the WTC

Jun 08, 2002

I certainly hope so. On why Pearl is not like natural language (Part I)

Jun 13, 2002

She's not ugly. Why Does This Site Make No Sense

Jun 13, 2002

How inhumanly crass. Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 13, 2002

Absinthe makes your brain rot. Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 13, 2002

Well. Ancient History for Ignorant Americans

Jun 14, 2002

Where in hell did you get that notion? Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 14, 2002

Actually. Ancient History for Ignorant Americans

Jun 14, 2002

Heh. Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 15, 2002

"Stakan"... Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 15, 2002

Ignore RobotSlave. Microsoft gives Korean developers little cause for worry

Jun 15, 2002

In reality. Amateur Golf and the Computer Criminal

Jun 17, 2002

It must feel really gratifying... Amateur Golf and the Computer Criminal

Jun 17, 2002

lol I know what you've been processing

Jun 18, 2002

you sux. My Father, the geek

Jun 18, 2002

"Charlie's Angels" the movie. Don't Do What Scooby-Doo Does

Jun 19, 2002

you sux Help save Adequacy!

Jun 19, 2002

Serious question. This site is full of Enlightened Editorial Oversight.

Jun 19, 2002

Vulture vs. Buzzard. My Father, the geek

Jun 19, 2002

What the hell were you trying to say? This site is full of Enlightened Editorial Oversight.

Jun 20, 2002

Good point. Why Internet Piracy is Moral

Jun 20, 2002

What do you mean "you"? Why Internet Piracy is Moral

Jun 21, 2002

I love you. You have 100 words

Jun 22, 2002

roxorz Federal Reserve strikes out gayness plan.

Jun 22, 2002

The home of the liberal technologist... Federal Reserve strikes out gayness plan.

Jun 23, 2002

You, Sir, are a genius. [ I just can't ] stop whining

Jun 23, 2002

Oh dumbass... World Cup and Passport Restrictions

Jun 23, 2002

Suggestion: I want a mistress!

Jun 24, 2002

I believe... bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 24, 2002

I see. bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 24, 2002

Big deal. IMPEACH REAGAN!!!!!

Jun 24, 2002

That's dumb. A Brief Explanation of the Adequacy Comment Ratings System

Jun 24, 2002

Reformat and repost. bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 24, 2002

It's not working. bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 24, 2002

But Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

Apropos. Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

Yes. Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

OK then, how about this: Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

"Not judging people". bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 25, 2002

I'm so confused. Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

Uhm no. bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 25, 2002

Oh sure it does. Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

Yes they do. Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

Uhm. Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

I don't. Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 26, 2002

Well duh. Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 26, 2002

OT: Reincarnation. bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 26, 2002

I'm using the word "evil"... bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 26, 2002

Shut up, boy. (-) bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 26, 2002

You're annoying. bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 26, 2002

"Evil" as a value judgement. bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 26, 2002

Ah yes, liberalism. bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 26, 2002

Bravo. Innominate is a stupid f*ck

Jul 22, 2002

"Vy" s bol'shoj bukvy. Sirs,

Jul 22, 2002

Lenis. Linux Zealot Gets Laid

Jul 22, 2002

hein Circle of Hell?

Jul 23, 2002

Planetary peace... do some atheists hate religion?

Jul 23, 2002

Go back to school, kid. do some atheists hate religion?

Jul 23, 2002

"teach the locals how to be free"? Oh ghod this is rich.

Jul 23, 2002

Yes. Beam Me Up: There's No Intelligent Life in Congress

Jul 26, 2002

OK. Dear Sirs,

Jul 27, 2002

Thank you. The evils of smoking.

Jul 27, 2002

Sir, The evils of smoking.

Jul 27, 2002

Wasting butter? Culture: Sweetcorn and Milton

Jul 28, 2002

Alternatively, Culture: Sweetcorn and Milton

Jul 28, 2002

um yes! The evils of smoking.

Jul 28, 2002

Fascist state. Kerry/McCain in 2004?

Jul 28, 2002

Free tip. Amateur Psychology

Jul 28, 2002

WTf, retard. Culture: Sweetcorn and Milton

Jul 28, 2002

Re: Culture: Sweetcorn and Milton

Jul 28, 2002

Lord ghod... Culture: Sweetcorn and Milton

Jul 29, 2002

Careful! World Youth Day: An Alarming Report

Aug 01, 2002

Per capita income. America's public image

Aug 01, 2002

Oh wow. I am scurred and confused

Aug 01, 2002

Oh. The Console Wars, the Dust Has Settled.

Aug 02, 2002

Eh. The Console Wars, the Dust Has Settled.

Aug 03, 2002

Actually, no. The Console Wars, the Dust Has Settled.

Aug 04, 2002

Retro is in nowadays. Sirs,

Aug 05, 2002

Potato vodka. Who are we?

Aug 07, 2002

Oh my ghod. Linux Zealot contributes to the Open Source Community

Aug 08, 2002

"Tatu". Linux Zealot contributes to the Open Source Community

Aug 08, 2002

Free clue. Greetings

Aug 09, 2002

Hello? Today 8-08-02

Aug 09, 2002

Rave and trance "music"... Surprising obscure facts.

Aug 09, 2002

Sir, Hi!

Aug 09, 2002

Just talking to myself. Greetings

Aug 09, 2002

yo World Music Review: Ozomatli, `Embrace the Chaos'

Aug 09, 2002

But, every self-respecting man... Linux Zealot contributes to the Open Source Community

Aug 09, 2002

The only encryption that really matters... Keeping the terrorists off the net

Aug 09, 2002

Actully, the XBOX is evil. The Console Wars, the Dust Has Settled.

Aug 10, 2002

Thank you. Keeping the terrorists off the net

Aug 13, 2002

Hello dumbass! Mommyism in the Workplace

Aug 15, 2002

Wooden houses. My vacation to America and what I found there

Aug 15, 2002

Offtopic. Prosyletizing Long-Lost Friends

Aug 18, 2002

Have fun... Are you an Enemy Combatant?

Aug 18, 2002

Twenty years of development. End of Open Source

Aug 19, 2002

Oh yes. Dear Mr. Script Kiddie, Sir:

Aug 19, 2002

What I found the most striking... Another mindless link.

Aug 24, 2002

Naw. Not Very Adequate

Aug 24, 2002

Yay. Humans: Murderous Freaks of Nature?

Aug 24, 2002

Let me guess. Humans: Murderous Freaks of Nature?

Aug 25, 2002

"Strictly logical fashion". Philosophy rebuttal

Aug 26, 2002

The only just way to do it... Shit or Get Off the Pot

Aug 26, 2002

OT: About drugs. eSolutions Discovers His Own Anatomy

Aug 26, 2002

"the deities" I s God punishing my parents?

Aug 26, 2002

Oh my. Shit or Get Off the Pot

Aug 26, 2002

Cooler than you, at least. eSolutions Discovers His Own Anatomy

Aug 26, 2002

Quite simple. eSolutions Discovers His Own Anatomy

Aug 27, 2002

Scratch that. My Day at the Monestary

Aug 28, 2002

Duh Adequacy Interview With Linux Torvalds

Aug 29, 2002

Eh. Rock vs Pop

Aug 29, 2002

I love you. why you should make me an adequacy editor

Aug 29, 2002

Problem with that. Adequacy Interview With Linux Torvalds

Aug 29, 2002

You mean the kernel? Adequacy Interview With Linux Torvalds

Aug 29, 2002

I meant "its" instead of "it's" Adequacy Interview With Linux Torvalds

Aug 29, 2002

But of course. Shit or Get Off the Pot

Aug 29, 2002

Eh yes. Rock vs Pop

Aug 29, 2002

Logic, dude? Shit or Get Off the Pot

Aug 29, 2002

Seig Heil. The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Aug 30, 2002

guh I hate myself and I want to die

Aug 30, 2002

Oh wait. The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Aug 30, 2002

Let's have a pissing contest. Shit or Get Off the Pot

Aug 30, 2002

Dude, Adequacy Interview With Linux Torvalds

Aug 30, 2002

ungh The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Aug 30, 2002

Um hello? Shit or Get Off the Pot

Aug 30, 2002

Buy a bicycle. The most beautiful display of utter crap I have ever had the mispleasure of seeing

Aug 30, 2002

Sigh. Adequacy Interview With Linux Torvalds

Sep 01, 2002

Problem with that. Shit or Get Off the Pot

Sep 01, 2002

Sigh. Here we go again. The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Sep 01, 2002

Yeah. The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Sep 01, 2002

Actually, you make a very valid point. Why we should make all guns illegal

Sep 01, 2002

No. On Becoming a Revolutionary

Sep 01, 2002

Hello. Shit or Get Off the Pot

Sep 01, 2002

Actually, Criticism of Israel is the same as anti-Semitism

Sep 01, 2002

No. Shit or Get Off the Pot

Sep 01, 2002

AMerican highways. The most beautiful display of utter crap I have ever had the mispleasure of seeing

Sep 01, 2002

Uh, again. Adequacy Interview With Linux Torvalds

Sep 02, 2002

Sir, Engineers, the silent, Anti-Social Killers

Sep 03, 2002

SIGH. The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Sep 03, 2002

Yes. Shit or Get Off the Pot

Sep 04, 2002

Ugh. Farmers: indolent criminals

Sep 04, 2002

Ugh. Seven Days Until the Post-9/11-Post-9/11 Era

Sep 04, 2002

Alumnus? Linux Zealot Takes a Bath

Sep 05, 2002

I am the only one... All young women want to be artists

Sep 06, 2002

Actually, this idea has its charm. A thought on Christianity.

Sep 06, 2002

I'd go even farther. Fun with bible scriptures!

Sep 07, 2002

Well, All young women want to be artists

Sep 07, 2002

The money, dude. Useless Technology

Sep 08, 2002

Indeed. Fun with bible scriptures!

Sep 08, 2002

Uhm. How can we take Blair seriously ?

Sep 09, 2002

Gasp. Linux Zealot vs the RIAA.

Sep 09, 2002

You One Year since 9/11 and Americans haven't changed

Sep 10, 2002

Not at all, idiot. One Year since 9/11 and Americans haven't changed

Sep 10, 2002

Actually, On nations and ethic groups

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