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Do you hate black folk?
Yes, I am a Linux developer 59%
No, I use Windows 40%

Votes: 106

 Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Mar 09, 2002
The Open Source movement, otherwise known as 'Free Software', has been a topic of considerable debate on the Internet's most controversial site. The majority of this debate has centered around the technical merits of the software, with the esteemed editors argueing against adopting Linux by employing the full depth of their considerable intellects, and the other side hurling death threats and similar invective. This has allowed many who would not otherwise receive quality information about Open Source software to be made aware of many of its ramifications, but one issue has been left alone: The overt racism that is deeply embedded in the movement.

Allow me to explain.


More stories about Racism
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Alan Cox; Richard Stallman; Bruce Perens; Wichert Akkerman; Miguel DeIcaza.

What do you see in this list of names? Are there any African-Americans on it? Absolutely not, none of those names sound like one a self-respecting black person would have! No Maurice, no Luther, no Lil' Kim. There are many other lists such as this, you can see one here. Flip through each page, do you see anything other than white faces? Of course you don't, because Open Source and its adherents are ardent racists and they absolutely forbid access to the sacred 'kernel' by any person of color.

Lets look at another list, this time a compendium of the companies using Linux. Are there any black owned companies on that list? Nooooooo. How about these companies? They all have something to do with Open Source software, any of them owned by an African-American? No again. Here is an extensive collection of photographs from a LUG (Linux User Gathering) meeting, more can be viewed at that link. What is odd about these pictures, and every other photograph I have ever seen of a LUG meeting, is that there is not one single black person to be seen, and probably none for miles.

More racist overtones can be found by examining the language of Open Source. They often refer to 'white hat' hackers. These 'white hats' scurry about the Internet doing good, but illegal, acts for their fellow man. In stark contrast we find the 'black hat' hackers. They destroy the good works of others by breaking into systems, stealing data, and generally causing havoc. These two terms reflect the mindset of most Linux developers. White means good, black means bad. Anywhere there is black, there is uncontrollable destruction and lawlessness. Looking further we see black lists that inform other users of 'bad' hardware, Samba, an obvious play on the much hated Little Black Sambo book, Mandrake, which I won't explain except to say that the French are notorious racists. This type is linguistic discrimination is widespread throughout the Open Source culture, lampooned by many of its more popular sites.

It is also a fact that all Unix 'distros' contain a plethora of racist commands with not so hidden symbolism.

It can hardly be coincidence that the prime operating system of choice of the 'open source supremacists' - Linux, features commands which are poorly disguised racist acronyms. For example: 'awk' (All White Klan) , 'sed' (shoot nEgroes dead), 'ln' (lynch negroes), 'rpm' (raical purity mandatory), 'bash' (bring a slave home), 'ps' (persecute sambo), 'mount' (murder or unseat nubians today), 'fsck' (favored supreme Christian klan). I could go on and on about the latent racist symbolism in Linux, but I fear it would take weeks to enumerate every incidence.

Is there a single unix command out there that does not have some hidden racist connotation ? Suffice it to say that the racism pervades Linux like a particularly bad smell. Can you imagine the effect of running such a racist operating system on the impressionable mind ? I don't have to remind you that transmitting subliminal messages is banned in the USA, and yet here we have an operating system that appears to be one enormous submliminal ad for the Klan!

One of the few selling points of Open Source software is that it is available in many different languages. Browsing through the list I see that absolutely none are offered in Swahili, nor Ebonics. Obviously this is done to prevent black people from having access to the kernel. If it weren't for the fact that racism is so blatantly evil I would be impressed by the efforts these Open Sourcers have invested in keeping their little hobby lilly white. It even appears that they hate the Japanese, as some of these self proclaimed hackers defaced a web site with anti-Japanese slogans. Hell, these people even go all the way to Africa (South Africa mind you, better known as White Africa) and the pictures prove that they don't even get close to a black person.

Of course, presenting overwhelming evidence such as this is a bit unfair without some attempt to determine why these Open Sourcers are so racist. Much of the evidence I have collected indicates that their views are so deeply held that they are seldom questioned by the new recruits. This, coupled with the robot-like groupthink that dominates the culture allows the racist mindset to continue to permeate the ranks. Indeed, the Open Source version of a Klan rally, OSDN (known to the world as Open Source Developer's Network, known to insiders as Open Source Denies Negroes) nearly stands up and shouts its racist views on its demographics page. It doesn't mention the black man one single time. Obviously, anyone involved with Open Source doesn't need to be told that the demographic is entirely white, it is a given.

I have a sneaking suspicion as to why their beliefs are so closely held: they are all terrible athletes.

Really. Much like the tragedy at Columbine High School, where two geeks went on a rampage to get back at 'jocks', these adult geeks still bear the emotional scars inflicted upon them due to their lack of athletic ability during their teen years. As African-Americans are well known for their athletic skills, they are an obvious target for the Open Source geeks. As we all know, sports builds character, thus it follows that the lack of sports destroys character. These geeks, locked away in their rooms, munching on stale pizza and Fritos, engage in no character building activities. Further, they interact only with computers and never develop the level of social skill that allows normal people to handle relationships with persons of color.

Contrasted with the closed source, non-geeky software house Microsoft, Open Source has a long, long way to go.

Join me in my next article where I will lay bare the rampant anti-semitism in the Open Source community.

I was almost taken in... (none / 0) (#9)
by John Wainright on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 12:42:28 AM PST
By the sincerity of your article.
Then I saw the smiling man in black face in the topic icon and remembered that this was indeed humor.
The accolades you give to Microsoft are well deserved, if not the reasons for them.
Lets look at some basic facts my friend:

1. The Negroid brain is incapable of even comprehending the operation of a computational device. Therefore they would never see this article to get riled up about it. Thank God for that. It was a warm winter in most places and an early start to the fire season in the inner city would tax the public works immensely

2. Any person of color (I believe that is the en vogue phrase) that would happen to develop the mental acumen to even find this web board is obviously the offshoot of some past rape of a white woman by an escaped African slave.

3. Any of my previous points proving false would still raise the question of any self-respecting Negroid wanting to even be in association with the likes of Alan Cox; Richard Stallman; Bruce Perens; Wichert Akkerman; Miguel DeIcaza. I'm afraid these "geeks" wouldn't be "down with it." Definitely not "dope" enough to "hang with."

Sir, I'm afraid your moniker Mohammed X is even a ruse to hide the fact that you are probably just another descendant of Shem trying to start more problems where they are not needed. This is evidenced by the last sentence of your article.

You have been Outed!
Have a good day.

John Wainright

Micro$oft is racist too! (4.00 / 4) (#10)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 01:13:13 AM PST
Your point is irrelavent because Micro$oft discrimates against black people ( and supports racism against jews ( So while Open Source may be bad, at least it is better than Micro$oft.

no so fast (3.00 / 2) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 01:57:39 AM PST
First off the benefit of open source is that it is available to anyone. Do you really expect every in the African community to stand up and say "hey we use OSS"?

Miguel de Icaza -- white?
Not to mention that Alan Cox position was handed over to a Brazilian developer.

The list you pprovided also list countries like China, Brazil, and Pakistan.

Also LUG stands for Linux User Groups. You are going to base them all on only one of a small group of people? Also take a look at a list of World-wide LUGs. Now take into account how many people have internet access and use OSS. Hell take into account how many people have computers period. This should get you started (oh look LUGs there too)

More racist overtones can be found by examining the language of Open Source. They often refer to 'white hat' hackers. These 'white hats' scurry about the Internet doing good, but illegal, acts for their fellow man. In stark contrast we find the 'black hat' hackers. They destroy the good works of others by breaking into systems, stealing data, and generally causing havoc. These two terms reflect the mindset of most Linux developers. White means good, black means bad.

Apprently you don't remeber the old days when the hero wore white and the villian wore black. It had nothing to do with skin color. Also, apparent;y you believe that open source equals linux and linux only. Did you bother checking out Mozilla, the BSD community, or Apples Darwin development community? No you limited your research and if you couldn't find a picture of a black person or text next to their name stating "oh yeah and he's black too" you cried foul.

It can hardly be coincidence that the prime operating system of choice of the 'open source supremacists' - Linux, features commands which are poorly disguised racist acronyms. For example: 'awk' (All White Klan) , 'sed' (shoot nEgroes dead), 'ln' (lynch negroes), 'rpm' (raical purity mandatory), 'bash' (bring a slave home), 'ps' (persecute sambo), 'mount' (murder or unseat nubians today), 'fsck' (favored supreme Christian klan). I could go on and on about the latent racist symbolism in Linux, but I fear it would take weeks to enumerate every incidence

I think you are sick for taking legitimate commands and acronyms and taking the time to make pathetic racial slurs.
The developers of the original Unix system worked at AT&T, then the largest public corporation in the world. Two features of communication within large coporations are the tendency to abbreviate words and the reliance on acronyms. The command names in the unix system reflect this culture in that they drop vowels and syllables (cp for copy, cat for concatenate, and so on), and name commands with initials of their intended use (grep for general regular expression parser, ftp for File Transfer Protocol).
awk = Aho Weinberger Kernighan (last names of the 3 developers)
sed = Stream EDitor
bash = Bourne Again SHell
Anyone can look up the rest

One of the few selling points of Open Source software is that it is available in many different languages. Browsing through the list I see that absolutely none are offered in Swahili, nor Ebonics.

Look again and you'll see that there are other languages missing too. Who develops these? People who write and speak the language. One company is not responsible. Linus Torvalds does not make them. If someone wants it made they will translate it. Besides, when was the last time you saw Windows Ebonics?

If it weren't for the fact that racism is so blatantly evil I would be impressed by the efforts these Open Sourcers have invested in keeping their little hobby lilly white. It even appears that they hate the Japanese, as some of these self proclaimed hackers defaced a web site with anti-Japanese slogans. Hell, these people even go all the way to Africa (South Africa mind you, better known as White Africa) and the pictures prove that they don't even get close to a black person.

Does the article mention what sopftware they were using? So they very well could be using tools found in or available for Windows. And you're going to base whether or not the open source community is racist because some stands in a room almost equal distance away from everyone in it including the white guys?

Of course, presenting overwhelming evidence such as this is a bit unfair without some attempt to determine why these Open Sourcers are so racist.

What evidence? You shown nothing but one-sided, closed minded, opinion based crap. Oh and let's not forget you making stuff up too (ie unix system commands).

OSDN (known to the world as Open Source Developer's Network, known to insiders as Open Source Denies Negroes) nearly stands up and shouts its racist views on its demographics page.

You have way too much time on your hands.

It doesn't mention the black man one single time. Obviously, anyone involved with Open Source doesn't need to be told that the demographic is entirely white, it is a given.

Notice the site makes no mention of race. It simply states why people visit not who they are or what race.

Contrasted with the closed source, non-geeky software house Microsoft, Open Source has a long, long way to go.

Your article seems to point to the fact that you believe that open source is controlled by a single person or organization. It's available to anyone no matter what race. And have you noticed that all the big boys at Microsoft are white? I must gives props to Ms for a great little PR campaign. I'll ask again. Where can you readily buy the Ebonics version of Windows or download the update? As for non-geeky, I guess you think Bill Gates is a suave mother fucker.

you probably listen to Anthrax... (5.00 / 1) (#18)
by Mint Waltman on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 10:52:28 AM PST
The list you pprovided also list countries like China, Brazil, and Pakistan.

Sure, they'll let the Chinese have linux, likely because there aren't any blacks in China to begin with. I wouldn't gain any peace of mind from this anyway, as powerful racists often use other minorities to fight proxy wars against blacks. This is why so many Asians are given loans by white owned banks to open liquor stores in black neighborhoods.

I think you are sick for taking legitimate commands and acronyms and taking the time to make pathetic racial slurs.

Stop apologizing, Mr Anon. Reader. Mohammed X presented us with the facts, and I'd say your backpeddling only makes you look pathetic.

Look again and you'll see that there are other languages missing too. Who develops these? People who write and speak the language. One company is not responsible.

You're right. One company is not responsible. However, a pervasive and until now effective conspiracy perpetrated by many companies is responsible. Although why I bother telling you this I don't know. You sound like someone who would join an all white country club and then deny that you were perpetrating institutional racism.

Besides, when was the last time you saw Windows Ebonics?

Please save your racist jokes for the Klan rally.

Notice the site makes no mention of race.

That's because to oppressors race is little more than an afterthought. The black man faces racism every day.

This article explains a lot. A friend of mine is a youth pastor at an all black Baptist church. He'd like to buy a computer for the children to learn how to program, but sadly there's not enough money in the budget to buy a quality Microsoft OS. He went to several stores to buy linux installation kits, but none would sell to him. It was humiliating for him to ask me to buy the kit for him.

not the fault of OSS (none / 0) (#20)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 01:33:05 PM PST
He went to several stores to buy linux installation kits, but none would sell to him. It was humiliating for him to ask me to buy the kit for him.

I'm sure. It's so difficult to walk into the store and purchase a copy of Mandrake, Red Hat, or SuSE. If the personnel in the store would not help him then it was obviously due to racism on their part. It could quite possibly be that they didn't know what he was referring to when he said installation kit. What exactly is that supposed to mean?

I'm black and find this article extremely offensive. This person is even worse than Pat Robertson. supports racism if they keep this pile of shit on this site. This article is full of double-talk. It's full of racist comments on the aurthor's part and hides behind an article supportive of equal rights. I wonder what a call to various organisations would achieve. How long before the Internet Service Provider cuts off from the rest of the world? Well it's not like it's that popular. At least not as far as being taken seriously.

We can always use Truth as a defense. (3.00 / 1) (#21)
by elenchos on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 04:31:00 PM PST
Since all of our articles can be proven true in any court of law, any day of the week, beyond any shadow of doubt, and we are prepared to argue this for each of our articles at a moment's notice, we are essentially immune to this type of censorship.

I and all the Editors here (except the handful who are Christians, I suspect) are personally dedicated to the truth forever and always, and are by nature incapable of deliberate deception. But even if we weren't, we all know that our continued survival is 100% dependent on our continued policy of publishing nothing but %100 bullet-proof stories.

Other sites may have to worry about what their ISPs think, but not Nice try.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

You can always use Truth as a defense? (none / 0) (#33)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 01:53:15 AM PST
You can prove anything in any of these articles beyond a shadow of a doubt in court? Are you a moron sir? Because that load you just coughed up sure points in that direction.

Example: AMD Sweatshops.
You prove, in a court of law, that it is possible to construct a micro-processor by hand and I will personally give you ever last dime I make until I die. Hell, I'll give you my first born and tatoo your name on my ass.

But you can't prove that, nor most of anything else on this joke of a site. The only reason I come here is to laugh at the daily rant typed up by some biased fool that has no clue what he's talking about.

Anyway, you have a great day, and try actually researching something before you decide to post some more of your 'Truth'. Maybe then you won't look like such an idiot to the rest of us.

I must admit, I am rather taken aback. (none / 0) (#34)
by elenchos on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 02:36:56 AM PST
The issue of microprocessor construction was quite possibly the last one that I ever expected to ever be taken to task over. Dealing as it does with the less pivotal areas of electronics hardware, it is really outside my field.

While I have absolute faith in the reliability of jsm and T. Reginald Gibbons, and expecct them to produce copious proof with no delay, I must also consider that perhaps there could have been some error. If so, I might wish to distance myself from this dubious claim. My motive is purely selfless: were my reputation to be harmed, countless much more serious causes might suffer political setbacks that would bode quite ill for the destiny of Man.

So, since you seem both kind and educated, could you perhaps share some of your sources? What would you say is the primary reason for thinking that it is impossible to make microprocessors by hand? Even in the Phillipines. Is it some economic quesion, or perhaps a govenrnment regulation that I was unaware of? Your benevolent assistance will be very much appreciated, kind sir.

I can't believe it, of course. Why would they lie? There is simply no motive... or is there?

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

A good reason. (none / 0) (#44)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 11:21:18 PM PST
Motive? Of course there is a motive. Thanks to their lack of any real research and their fear of so called 'hackers'they have plenty of motive.

Intel was there before AMD. Intel was a household name before AMD. AMD is new, new scares me, I feel fear so I must strike out at what I believe symbolizes that fear. If they would have done any research at all they would realize that it is impossible for a human to put 37.5 Million transistors on 128mm2 piece of circuit board by hand.

Unless they think it's done by melting the solder onto the board and dropping the transistors onto, similar to putting sprinkles on a cookie. But if that were the case, AMD wouldn't be in the business because none of their products would work.

So, there's the motive, and there's some proof. Satisfied?

You don't need to tell *me*... (none / 0) (#46)
by elenchos on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 01:14:58 AM PST many transisters are on a chip set. Let's not get condescending, please? I'm trying to be as reasonable as I can with you.

So. Why is it impossible to put 37.5 million transistors on a 128mm square board? Do you mean it is illegal? Is there a federal agency that limits how many transistors may be installed by hand? This wouldn't apply in the Phillipines, you know. Or do you mean it is a cost issue? With labor costs in the third world being what they are (a couple dollars a day), why is it so implausible to you that the work couldn't get done at a profitable level?

Or what? You seem so certain, and so there should be a simple reason why you say this is impossible.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

uh hmmmm (none / 0) (#48)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 03:34:36 AM PST
You don't need to tell *me* how many transisters are on a chip set.

Apparently we do. First off no one was referring to a chipset. Secondly I find it hard that *you* would know any of this seeing as how if you were to even look at hardware you would electrocute yourself (your words not mine, well pretty close).

Why is it impossible to put 37.5 million transistors on a 128mm square board? Do you mean it is illegal?Is there a federal agency that limits how many transistors may be installed by hand?

No it's not impossible nor illegal. However it is impossible to accomplish this task by hand this by hand. The necessary components would hardly be visible by the human eye. Especially true of those burned and yellowed by the smoke. If you can present and mpeg or avi (Windows video format) proving it can be done I will concede. One more thing. You must first mangle your hands until they are bloody and disfigured. Read the article again if you don't know why.

Or what? You seem so certain, and so there should be a simple reason why you say this is impossible.

Go back and read the article again. Does AMD manufacturer motherboards or memory modules? No.

Are you deliberately sowing confusion? (none / 0) (#49)
by elenchos on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 04:10:28 AM PST
Are you trying to deny that AMD abuses its workers? This was verfied you know. Trying to bring up technicalities is just a distraction from the main issue. Why would they fake their blindness or injured hands? To collect social security? What social security? It makes no sense.

Since the components are obviously too small for the eye to see, then being blind is no disadvantage. I am beginning to think you actually have no expeience at all with chip set construction, and are just going off speculation. I just don't see how the small size of the transistors is such a problem. They aren't heavy. And if a machine is used, isn't that machine also made by human hands? How can a machine be of a scale that we can build it, yet the objects that machine moves are too small? You're asking us to believe something very implausible.

I'm beginning to realize that I should never have doubted the veracity of any Adequacy Editor.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

Photolithography (none / 0) (#51)
by The Mad Scientist on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 05:45:23 AM PST
And if a machine is used, isn't that machine also made by human hands? How can a machine be of a scale that we can build it, yet the objects that machine moves are too small? You're asking us to believe something very implausible.

Machines can easily do things humans would be incapable of. Machines can even move individual atoms now. And it is only the beginning.

In the example we have here we don't even need to move anything. The chips aren't made by moving individual parts, but to make them all at once on the very surface of the silicon dies. The masks used for this are made in place as well, using a process called photolithography - which is similar to "classical" photography, with the little difference of making smaller photograph from bigger negative instead of the other way.

But maybe this is beyond the realm of understanding available for a philosopher.

WHERE!?! (none / 0) (#62)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 02:40:00 PM PST
Are you trying to deny that AMD abuses its workers? This was verfied you know

Where? The article? The article proves nothing as it fails to link to even one solid piece of evidence. I assume you believe that pointing to is proof. Unless you can show any ounce of proof (beyond pathetic make-believe stories from I suggest you stop attempting to force the rest of us to live in your fairy tale world.

Why would they fake their blindness or injured hands? To collect social security? What social security? It makes no sense.

Where has anyone said that the pretend people in the story are making anything up about injuries? By the way it's Workman's Compensation.

Since the components are obviously too small for the eye to see, then being blind is no disadvantage.

Ok yes I blind person would be at and advantage then wouldn't they? Not really since you're dealing with technology as small as .15-.13 microns or smaller.
One millionth of a meter, or one micrometer, which is approximately 1/25,000 of an inch. The tiny elements that make up a transistor on a chip are measured in microns.
I am beginning to think you actually have no expeience at all with chip set construction, and are just going off speculation. I just don't see how the small size of the transistors is such a problem.

An you have stated in posts that you know nothing about hardware. Are you claiming now that you do?

They aren't heavy. And if a machine is used, isn't that machine also made by human hands? How can a machine be of a scale that we can build it, yet the objects that machine moves are too small? You're asking us to believe something very implausible.

See this post. I like the idea of you presenting us with a video to prove it can be done. Then I suggest looking at this picture. Wanna know what it is? It's an 800x magnification of a few bits of RAM from an early Motorola computer on a chip. Although the actual size of what you see in this picture would fit on a pinhead, the elements in the devices on this chip are several microns wide, which is quite large by today's standards.

Oh for god sake (none / 0) (#85)
by PotatoError on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 09:40:48 PM PST
"Since the components are obviously too small for the eye to see, then being blind is no disadvantage." -Elenchos

Come on read it u dumbass! Noone is THAT thick - he's having you on.


Please (none / 0) (#93)
by Right Hand Man on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 06:21:27 AM PST
Please stop taking God's name in vain. Thanks.

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

no (none / 0) (#97)
by PotatoError on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 06:51:01 AM PST
when I go "Oh for God sake!" im pleading for God Almighty to help me in my current problematic situation because I can see no easy solution. Its a bit like praying but a lot faster.

Practical considerations (none / 0) (#50)
by The Mad Scientist on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 05:34:51 AM PST
So. Why is it impossible to put 37.5 million transistors on a 128mm square board?

It's possible, just not by hand.

Do you mean it is illegal? Is there a federal agency that limits how many transistors may be installed by hand? This wouldn't apply in the Phillipines, you know.

No laws other than the ones of physics.

Or do you mean it is a cost issue? With labor costs in the third world being what they are (a couple dollars a day), why is it so implausible to you that the work couldn't get done at a profitable level?

Little arithmetics...

First, humans have drastically limited speed of operation. Let's be optimistic and say it takes a second to put a transistor in place. With 3.75e7 transistors, it is 3.75e7 seconds, which is 10,417 hours, which is 434 days of continual work. Let's be capitalists and pay $0.1 per hour. Then only the labor cost of a single CPU rises to over 1000 USD, not counting the secondary expenses caused by delays in putting the chips to the market as making one takes over an year.

Human beings are also known for being prone to mistakes. It's well-known fact that if you want something to be done well, you have to employ machines. The probability all 37.5 milllions of transistors would be placed exactly where they should be is approaching zero.

Or what? You seem so certain, and so there should be a simple reason why you say this is impossible.

Actually, several simple reasons, mostly technical and economical. See above.

I do, I do, I do
You don't, you don't, you don't.

--Bikini Kill
If you happen to be there at the moment of a test nuke blast, yeah.

your explanation is attractive in its simplicity (none / 0) (#103)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 08:24:09 PM PST
but that also makes it wrong. It's well known that AMD pipelines the human labor required to fabricate chips at your accustomed market prices. One of the first things AMD did as a company was use an Intel CPU to calculate just exactly how cheap human life is.

Human life has price of $200,725 (none / 0) (#108)
by The Mad Scientist on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 09:47:29 AM PST
At least according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1972.

For detailed breakdown check here.

Isn't it obvious? (none / 0) (#58)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 01:09:25 PM PST
You mean you honestly can't see why a human, especially one in a third world country, could't successfully solder 37.5 million transistors on a 128mm2 piece of circuit board? Do you know how long it would take to solder them individually? The human hand is to clusmy to perform a task so delicate as to make a processor by itself.

Do you think your eye, or anyone else's for that matter can see well enough to place on transistor next to one of the millions of others without soldering them together, or putting it slightly out of place? This is VERY precise work that is reserved for specialized machines.

In other words, you have as much of a chonce jumping up, flapping your arms, and flying yourself to paris then you do making a processor by hand.

Oops. (none / 0) (#59)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 01:13:29 PM PST
Sorry, I made that third world comment sound a bit racist. I meant that they likely have neither the training, nor the resources to even attempt to make a processor by hand.

Ah, now you show your true colors. (none / 0) (#60)
by elenchos on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 02:21:46 PM PST
You think those brown types are such stupid little monkeys that they can't build chips? Is it that their attention span is too short to put on all 37.5 million transistors? And who built the Great Pryamids of Egypt then? I'll tell you who: the black man. And no white colonialist trained and educated those poor dumb negros on how to do it. They taught themselves.

Aside from your belief that Phillipinos can't do precise work, have poor vision, and are too dumb to be trained, what argument do you have that it is impossible? You compare it to flying by flapping my arms. This is a comparison. I could compare your ability to construct an argument to your ability to breath underwater. But making that comparison doesn't mean I have proven you are incapable of constructing an argument.

The reason you are incapable of constructing an argument is that you don't know how to establish valid premises that we all can agree on, nor do you know how to then provide valid logical steps proceeding from those premises that lead invariably to the conclusion you wish to establish.

I for one am going to go on believing in until I see any good argument not to.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

correction (none / 0) (#66)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:45:07 PM PST
And who built the Great Pryamids of Egypt then? I'll tell you who: the black man. And no white colonialist trained and educated those poor dumb negros on how to do it. They taught themselves.

Nope. Most of the pharohs were black. The pyramids were built by Jewish slaves. And yes many of them were properly trained and supervised. They knew where to put the stones because someone (ie the architect) was telling them where while whipping them in the process.

what argument do you have that it is impossible?

Just as I thought. This argument has already been set forth by myself as well as The Mad Scientist (in a separate post). Why haven't you offered up a rebuttal to those?

Racist crap! (none / 0) (#72)
by walwyn on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 05:53:09 AM PST
Yes, your racist crap against the Egyptians is exposed. No wonder you post anonymously.

what!?! (none / 0) (#75)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 12:24:46 PM PST
What the hell is your link suppose to prove?

Khufu (2589-2566 BC) was the 4th Dynasty (2613-2498) pharaoh who built the Great Pyramid of Giza.

You seem to think he built it himself. Obviously you are unaware of the the fact that Jews were the slaves in in the Egyptian Empire. Oh there's a story about that somewhere. Where was that? Oh I know the bible with that Moses guy. Watch the history channel sometime. It's actually quite interesting.

the Jews (none / 0) (#76)
by nathan on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 12:42:31 PM PST
Were most likely NOT slaves in Egypt. You must be some kind of fundamentalist nutball.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Or... (none / 0) (#78)
by walwyn on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 01:38:14 PM PST
.. some gun loony

Ignorant crap too. (none / 0) (#77)
by walwyn on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 01:28:14 PM PST
Your history is anachronistic.

Perhaps you should give up slurping down TV pap that is 1000 years out of date.

You, sir, are an idiot. (none / 0) (#73)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 10:37:56 AM PST
Again I state that you are an idiot. Did you happen to notice my correction? Would you have even caught it if I hadn't? I doubt it. Can you even comprehend how large a number 37.5 million is? Do you have any idea how long it would take to individually solder each of those transistors on any sized board would be, let alone on as small as 128mm? Do you honestly think you, or any other human being could place them precisely enough that it might actually function as planned? If so, then you are an idiot.

Just because a sentance I typed could be taken in the wrong context doesn't mean you've won the arguement. The fact that you jumped all over it and claimed yourself the victor without waiting for a response proves, again, that you are an idiot.

I'll end my posting on this thread here and refuse to dignify another of your posts with an intelligent response. So flame away, you'll just continue to prove me right.

I Prefer Chips Built by Hand (none / 0) (#79)
by MessiahWWKD on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 03:22:42 PM PST
Again I state that you are an idiot. Did you happen to notice my correction? Would you have even caught it if I hadn't? I doubt it. Can you even comprehend how large a number 37.5 million is? Do you have any idea how long it would take to individually solder each of those transistors on any sized board would be, let alone on as small as 128mm? Do you honestly think you, or any other human being could place them precisely enough that it might actually function as planned? If so, then you are an idiot.

Simply because you are unable to construct a chip does not mean people of higher intellect are unable to construct one as well. Despite popular thought among pseudo-computer scientists, it is very possible to build a chip by hand. Your argument against it is as ignorant as a blind man's argument that the sun doesn't exist since he has never seen it.
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

with hands... (none / 0) (#86)
by PotatoError on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 09:43:06 PM PST
You can build a chip that can add together two single digit numbers..or maybe double digits. We're breaking the boundries of techology now!

Perhaps trolling is beginning to bore you now?

I would love to see... (none / 0) (#89)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 02:45:12 AM PST
...these supposed intelectuals present us with a video (avi, asf, rm, mpg, mov) of someone constructing a complex chip by hand. Better yet multiple chips. I mean if the poor bastards in the supposed sweatshops can knock a couple out in a day it shouldn't be too hard for them.

yea (none / 0) (#96)
by PotatoError on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 06:47:21 AM PST
the word here is "complex". I was talking along the lines of a few full binary adders joined together - something quite big, bulky and soldered.

Impossible AMD (none / 0) (#105)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 08:19:02 AM PST
geez, could it be that it requires computer-controlled equipment? that the oil on a person's fingers would mess up the doping templates beyond repair at the first touch? that any dust, dirt, moisture, or anything else in the same room as the chip being doped would ruin it within milliseconds?

Look, elenchos, trg, and all of you. Joke around, fine. Play with your silly ideas all you want. But don't try and be serious about it. Everyone here can tell that you're either kidding, or idiots.

I'd prefer to appear to be kidding.

Truth.. that is SO rich..

But I must say, the racist open-source community is the funniest article I've seen yet. Cos black people don't use linux, and aren't 'allowed' to, and cos african americans and caucasians are the only two races.

You guys are too much :)

--Fordiman - be a cullud man

The Truth (none / 0) (#64)
by MessiahWWKD on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 04:13:26 PM PST
AMD doesn't use the third world to create the chips. It uses the third world to create the machinery necessary to create the chips. Duh.
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

Yes (none / 0) (#87)
by PotatoError on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 09:47:20 PM PST
Yes thats true. Thats why the other two chip makers - Microsoft and Intel are sliding to bankrupsy. AMD on the otherhand have carefully managed their finances while giving much needed employment to the third world.

Prove the existence of Nike sweatshops (none / 0) (#36)
by Robert Reginald Rodriguez on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 05:22:36 AM PST
You can't, except through the testimony of people who have worked there. Cameras and outsiders are scrupulously kept out of the sweatshops in every industry. Workers are threatened with violence and death should they so much as speak to a reporter. The word of extremely reluctant witnesses are all the West has to go on. To attempt to obtain documentary evidence in the form of photographs would surely result in a loss of life.

Since we're on the subject, why do you think AMD has factories in the third world, if not for the cheap sweatshop labour? The workers are not nearly as well-educated as those in the USA. What is the economic advantage of building a factory in the third world? You may think AMD is run by modern day saints, but in truth it is just another Nike, more concerned with brand image than product quality or obligations to their employees.

Again u are wrong. (like duh) (none / 0) (#38)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 09:39:56 AM PST
Since we're on the subject, why do you think AMD has factories in the third world, if not for the cheap sweatshop labour? The workers are not nearly as well-educated as those in the USA. What is the economic advantage of building a factory in the third world? You may think AMD is run by modern day saints, but in truth it is just another Nike, more concerned with brand image than product quality or obligations to their employees.

this is because unschoold workers in third world country's are cheaper (in terms of wage) in comparison to american (or europian) unschoold workers. (Didn't they teach u this at school??) Sorry i forgot that schools are a place of satanism and communism. so u didn't finish your school.

Correction. (none / 0) (#40)
by tkatchev on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 10:30:24 AM PST
The word "I" is capitalized. The word "you" is spelled as "you", not "u".

I would comment on the rest of your message if only you weren't such a blatant retard.

Peace and much love...

correction [2] (none / 0) (#45)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 12:54:21 AM PST
Please do comment on my post, since english isn't my native language I could make some small spelling errors. But U a man of intelligence could look past these minor mistakes, don't u?

Are you aware (none / 0) (#53)
by opivy on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 09:59:24 AM PST
That you just lambasted a native speaker of Russian that he should not correct the spelling of a non-native English speaker?

"It's not the people who vote that count: only the people that count the votes" - Joseph Stalin

gah (none / 0) (#54)
by opivy on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:01:35 AM PST
The above post should read: That you just lambasted a native speaker of Russian over the fact that he should not correct the spelling of a non-native English speaker?

"It's not the people who vote that count: only the people that count the votes" - Joseph Stalin

TchKeV probably worked in a sweatshop (none / 0) (#82)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 05:34:23 PM PST
and can tell you all about it!

No. (none / 0) (#88)
by tkatchev on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 10:39:27 PM PST
But I appreciate your effort.

Peace and much love...

Clean Room Sweat Shops? (none / 0) (#43)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 09:52:18 PM PST
I believe the point of the previous post was not the evidence or lack thereof behind AMD sweatshops, but the technical infeasibility of such a place. The components that make up chips today are so small that a single speck of dust can cover a *lot* of circuitry and destroy the entire chip.

I have a bit of trouble picturing third-world men/women/children being shoved into intel-style bunny suits and placed in cleanrooms where they are trusted to operate extremely delicate equipment -- equipment that would probably require extensive training. Don't you? Even the act of designing high-quality electronic devices requires ample education, certainly compared with the knowledge required to put together a shoe. Do you believe that a company would put so much into training half-starved people and expect them to function well enough to create products to the standards required to compete in today's market?

AMD factories (none / 0) (#47)
by Robert Reginald Rodriguez on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 02:19:27 AM PST
Are you trying to tell me that AMD doesn't have factories in the third world? The fact that they do is a matter of public record. We don't need to provide proof of that; it's common knowledge.

As for the impossibility of uneducated workers doing educated monkey-work, I draw your attention the the sections of "No Logo" by Naomi Klein in which computer manufacturer employees in Malaysia complain that, while they assemble computers, they don't know how to use them.

I ask once again, why is AMD in the third world, if not to take advantage of unprotected, uneducated, non-union labour?

then why don't you? (none / 0) (#70)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 02:10:14 AM PST
The fact that they do is a matter of public record. We don't need to provide proof of that; it's common knowledge.

Then it should be rather easy for you to provide proof then shouldn't it? While you're at it why don't you check into Intel. Did you know that the Microsoft XBox is assembled in Guadalajara, Mexico (European XBox's are assembled in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary)? This is common knowledge too so I don't have to provide proof. If you do however want proof just buy one. Seeing as how you all seem to claim to be so wealthy it should be rather easy. Bet ya a million dollars the underside has got a sticker that reads MADE IN MEXICO/HUNGARY.

As for the impossibility of uneducated workers doing educated monkey-work, I draw your attention the the sections of "No Logo" by Naomi Klein in which computer manufacturer employees in Malaysia complain that, while they assemble computers, they don't know how to use them.

Kind of like how there are people who work at car plants that don't have a driver's license or can't drive at all? You'll find that half the people who work on any assembly line don't know how to use the product. That's the benefit of the assembly line. You don't have to know how to use it, just how to build your specific piece.

I ask once again, why is AMD in the third world, if not to take advantage of unprotected, uneducated, non-union labour?

Once again I point you to Microsoft.

Evasions and lies (none / 0) (#81)
by Robert Reginald Rodriguez on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 05:09:02 PM PST
Your attempts to libel Microsoft and Intel are beyond belief. Both of these companies spent the last ten years building America's economy into an IT powerhouse. They certainly didn't do it on the blood of foreign workers. Unlike AMD, they have the necessary wealth and legitimacy to operate in the these great United States.

You are still dodging the issue. If AMD's foreign factories aren't sweatshops, what are they? And if the claim that foreign workers couldn't possibly work on a chip assembly line isn't racist, what is it? It doesn't take intelligence to build microprocessors. How many rocket scientists and neurosurgeons do you think there are on Intel's assembly line??

obviously... (none / 0) (#90)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 03:17:06 AM PST
you are too scared to go a pick up an Xbox and check the sticker on the underside. IBM, Compaq, and HP also like to set up shop in Eastern Europe. Assembly of the Xbox has been outsourced to Flextronics in Guadalajara, Mexico and Zalaegerszeg, Hungary.

Still need more proof? How about the company's press page?. Maybe you prefer to read publication like TIME magazine. Well how about their web site? How about PC World? Ahhhh, cheap labor.

One more thing. I believe you guys are confusing AMD with Intel. From their website it looks more like Intel believes in cheap factories in the Phillipenes. It has factories in China, Malaysia, Phillipenes, and don't forget South American Costa Rica. AMD on the other hand has China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan (known for being one of the most dominate computer manufacturing countries in the world). Their South American interests are in Brasil (or Brazil depending on how you prefer to spell it). I don't see anything about the Phillipenese at the AMD website.

Well then (none / 0) (#94)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 06:25:52 AM PST
So your statement about Microsoft building the XBox in third world sweatshops was an outright lie? Thank you for the admission.

Flextronics is the evil one, Microsoft is still the squeaky clean company we've always known they are.

Eh? (none / 0) (#95)
by budlite on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 06:31:27 AM PST
Since when have Microsoft been squeaky clean?

oh no! (none / 0) (#98)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 09:41:01 PM PST
Flextronics is the evil one, Microsoft is still the squeaky clean company we've always known they are.

Aparently Microsoft had no idea what is was doing when it contracted Flextronics to assemble the Xbox units. They had no knowledge of the existing factories in Mexico and Hungary that are so well known to the rest of the industry. Why didn't they put a stop to this southeast asian based company? Could your try coming across as anymore of an idiot?

Yeah, yeah I know exactly what's bouncing around in that tiny little head of yours right now....DUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH.

Reply to all these dickheads! (none / 0) (#110)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Apr 3rd, 2002 at 09:29:49 PM PST
There probably are VERY few rocket scientists and neurosurgeons on Intel's assembly line because they don't have the technical prowess to put together a microprocessor. Another thing... to all the people disputing placing 10^x transistors on a 120mm^2 board... I bet you I could place 800-fucking-trillion transistors on a board, however, it would calculate math and run Quake 3 as well as a brick. Finally, machines have become smaller over the years... we didn't start making 0.13 micron Northbridge and Thoroughbred processors way back when. We made massive, macrosized computer systems build with that day's machining standards. As technology progressed, die size shrunk dramatically, because machines could make processor cores smaller (based on how the machine was constructed and the blueprint of the MACRO-, i.e. large scale for you uneducated folk, sized processor. Thank you.

ladies and gentlemen... (5.00 / 2) (#22)
by Mint Waltman on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 04:39:37 PM PST
not the fault of OSS

I think linux fault threshold has been reached!

Wow! (none / 0) (#13)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 04:32:03 AM PST
Of all the bullshit I have seen posted on this site, this is the cream. You deserved an award.

Not controversial at all. (none / 0) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 07:48:00 AM PST
Where's the controversy in pandering to "minorities"? They've already got the ACLU and a million other special interest groups to do that for them. In your next article on this issue I hope you have the courage to show blacks for the dishonest, thieving, dregs of society they truly are.

Thay are not "dregs" of society. (3.66 / 3) (#15)
by tkatchev on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 08:18:43 AM PST
It's simply that, unlike you white people, thay know how to stick up for each other and to carry out their fight to the end. They also see agressive cultural hegemony when they see it.

Watch for more fun stuff in the future. It's too bad America hasn't learned to put forward an intelligent cross-cultural policy in these 200+ years.

Peace and much love...

OMG (none / 0) (#107)
by JoePain on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 08:27:26 PM PST

THANK YOU (3.00 / 2) (#16)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 09:40:48 AM PST
I am glad to see that some web page on the internet is brave enough to stand up for the African-Americans out there and fight against racism. You show a level of maturity and intelligence that can not be found on other web pages. We must fight against the white devil man who oppresses all of us.


Reginald T. Johnson

doh (1.00 / 1) (#17)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 10:26:08 AM PST
hmm is this site for real? or this all one big joke?

where do u come up with this bullshit, myg0t.

it's true (3.66 / 3) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 11:00:58 AM PST
I'm a black gay man and the incidence of hurtful, hateful, racist and homophobic comments on slashdot make me cry. Although I am currently undergoing a cure for my homosexuality, I was born black and greatly resent my exclusion from Open Source and consequent enslavement to proprietary software by virtue of the purely accidental facts of my birth. It's enough to make me abandon my 3D GNU/Basketball project and where will you honkies be then? Steering cartoon penguins on icy hills, that's where.

no trolling? but the whole site is a troll. (none / 0) (#23)
by geordie on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 04:44:56 PM PST
I started checking out this site 2 days ago. what a disappointment. this article is a bad white boy joke. hate to say it, but is worse than slashdot.

Shhhh... (none / 0) (#80)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 04:26:36 PM PST
Look.. we can't very well run a honey-pot for trolls if people keep pointing out it's a honey-pot, can we?

differences in outcomes != discrimination (none / 0) (#24)
by fz00 on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 06:03:39 PM PST
i'm black and this is the kind of liberal crap that makes me sick. i'm hoping that it is satire because it's so ridiculous. if i were to guess it's true intent is to inflame (ironic since the posting policy claims that trolling is not tolerated).

that said, i'd like to just say something in the event more useful idiots get recruited by some race hustling charlatans such as the author.

the problem with the author's argument is that he is using (very superficial) differences in outcomes to measure the level of discrimination in the so called open source world, despite the fact that open source is widely available to anyone that needs it or wants it. also, just because the kernel is "protected" from black modifications doesn't prevent blacks from maintaining their own kernel. in fact, such exclusion would lead to the negative effects that the open source zealots cry about in the first place. it would also lead to the dreaded "forking" that proprietary zealots use in their arguments against open source.

besides that, determining ones race on the basis of code would be pretty much impossible unless the coder attached a gif with each submission, in which case it would be much wiser to attach a picture of kiefer sutherland.

nice try guys but april fools isn't for another three weeks.

All right then... (none / 0) (#35)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 05:11:27 AM PST
the problem with the author's argument is that he is using (very superficial) differences in outcomes to measure the level of discrimination in the so called public education world, despite the fact that public education is widely available to anyone that needs it or wants it. also, just because the schools are "segregated" from black people doesn't prevent blacks from maintaining their own school.

Please read Brown vs. Board of Education.

Woogah! (none / 0) (#106)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 08:59:43 AM PST
Don't worry, man. These guys are just kidding around, though they'd never admit it.

We need a national dialogue on this subject. (none / 0) (#25)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 06:07:56 PM PST
It is high time that the issue of exclusion of African-Americans in the computing world was addressed. It is not enough to say that there is nothing overtly racist about computers and computing. To do so ignores the fact that any cultural factor that does not specifically resist the legacy of slavery and racism in the United States is by nature racist.

One obvious example of anti-African-American sentiment in the computing world is the overt individualism and liberterian-Ayn Rand politics advocated by all prominent members of the computing industry. These ideas stand in stark contrast to the communalism end extended family kin networks that characterize African-American culture. This corrosive individualism manifests itself, for example, in the "client/server(!)" networking model, in which workers are isolated from one another instead of working in mutually supportive groups.

The world of computers and computing is also known for its asexual, rationalitic nature, which serves of course to repress the sensual, intuitive aspects of the human personality, these aspects of course being the prime constituents of African culture. Take for example this paragraph from The Linux System Administrator's Survival Guide, by Tim Parker: "One condition needed to allow layered architecture to work properly is that each layer must know what is coming from above and below. The layer may not care about the actual contents of the message, but must know what to do with it". The underlying anxiety over the Black Penis in the preceding passage is too obvious to warrant further comment.

It cannot be denied that the computing industry in its present state is a tool of racism and Anti-African sentiment. Unless hardware manufacturers and software developers wake up to this fact and adjust their behavior accordingly, it may be necessary for the State and Federal governments to intervene in the activities of the digital world.

the real trouble (none / 0) (#26)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 09:12:48 PM PST
Is the marxist system of marginalization employed in most universities to prevent negroes who choose to pursue education from engaging in useful technical pursuits. Instead, they are steered into leftist indoctrination classes under such headings as "african-american studies" and "sociology". The result is that the elitist clique (or "vanguard party" in leninist terms) of open-source hackers are able to force their hate-filled racist communist agenda on the populace without any resistance.

i absolutely agree! (none / 0) (#27)
by fz00 on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 09:24:05 PM PST
this is actually a big concern amongst the more reasonable blacks in this country. that is, that blacks go to school to MAJOR in african american studies, sociology, and other soft sciences. in my opinion the real racism is not encouraging blacks to take up more challenging majors and not holding up to the same academic standards as their white counterparts. and if colleges are so "institutionally racist" and the admissions tests are so "biased" why then is it that asians blow away whites in these areas?? more phds that graduate in america are foreign as well. the "legacy of slavery" excuse can only go so far... i'm black by the way.

Fine points Sir (none / 0) (#28)
by John Wainright on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 10:19:24 PM PST
One question though, Who is encouraging these people to major in studies that hold trivial value in the ever changing Hi-tech world of today?

communism (none / 0) (#29)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 10:30:07 PM PST
Its a problem with negro culture, but the root of the problem lies in international communism. Obviously this isn't confined to one race. In fact, one of the problems with communist ideology is that it denies the existence of distinctive qualities of the various races, and inevitability of heirarchy given the varying abilities of most people.

bullshit! (none / 0) (#84)
by PotatoError on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 09:38:45 PM PST
yea! yea! :O

Thats because (none / 0) (#31)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 10:54:07 PM PST
Blacks from this country only go to college for CAPITALIST, self-serving ends. They go for the hope that some day they will be drafted and play B-Ball in the NBA or that they will ball a few blonds. They certainly don't go to learn anything. I do agree with you that Marxism is a problem affirmative-action-wise, since they don't have to learn/do anything to get jobs after school, just wait for the recruiters to show up-- thus taking jobs from people who have to work to get them.

This being said, they are victims in the marxist sense, and we should not judge them by their ghetto lifestyles.

Its only the FEW black women who make it to college who get the leftest treatment. They become social workers. Did you even go to college? Could my experience be that much different than yours?

Bad Logic (none / 0) (#30)
by JoePain on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 10:35:33 PM PST
"As African-Americans are well known for their athletic skills, they are an obvious target for the Open Source geeks. As we all know, sports builds character, thus it follows that the lack of sports destroys character. These geeks, locked away in their rooms, munching on stale pizza and Fritos, engage in no character building activities."

Sorry, this is not if and only if argument (you seem to be saying ONLY sports builds character), so it really... ah.. doesn't follow.

don't forget about the sexism... (none / 0) (#32)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 10th, 2002 at 11:31:31 PM PST
we all know that awk really stands for "against women kult" and pwd is "proponents of women's demise"

you certainly don't see any women on those sites.

and they don't have "complain" as a language option either.

Welfare? (none / 0) (#37)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 07:10:41 AM PST
You must be another black man on welfare because you have WAY too much time on your hands.

Shiiiit... (none / 0) (#39)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 10:06:10 AM PST
"Browsing through the list I see that absolutely none are offered in Swahili, nor Ebonics. Obviously this is done to prevent black people from having access to the kernel."

Yeah... everybody knows black people only speak Swahili and Ebonics.

"For example: 'awk' (All White Klan) , 'sed' (shoot nEgroes dead), 'ln' (lynch negroes), 'rpm' (raical purity mandatory), 'bash' (bring a slave home), 'ps' (persecute sambo), 'mount' (murder or unseat nubians today), 'fsck' (favored supreme Christian klan)."

Hahahaha you really are a funny guy aren't you

The funniest thing is probably all the people that take this crap seriously. Wow this article is almost as rediculous as "The Sky Doesn't Exist"

Obviously the words of a racist (none / 0) (#42)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 11th, 2002 at 06:04:44 PM PST
You my friend have all the characteristics of a racist Linux hacker. But before you go worshipping your pagan statue of the Linux penguin, let me make a few things clear:

First of all, consider the fact that a significant amount of ghetto children grow up only speaking Ebonics. If you think differently, you have been misinformed. And the absence of such languages in operating systems and the software made for them, contributes to the segregation by keeping black children from building a future in programming or other computer-related industries.

Second of all, you cannot fool me by acting as if you do not know of the "hidden" racist messages in Linux. In fact, it doesn't take a genius to decipher what you just posted there as racist. If you rearrange the letters just a bit, you can spell: "Death to blackies". Now what do you have to say about that, mr. Hacker? Didn't expect a "dumb Windows user" to crack your little code there, huh?

blame the entire software industry.... (none / 0) (#69)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 11:49:56 PM PST
not just open source software. It amazes me that not one of the tribe of mindless brats has mention that Windows does not support these languages either.

Also, yes you can almost take ANY post on here and rearrange some letters and spell out all kinds of funny things. Hey, doing so with your post I can come up with so really good ones.

Killing niggers is fun
support hat in your house

I am black and I grew up in the inner city (or ghetto as you call it attempting to language that is now considered pass�). The way I see it you supposed intellectuals are far worse than people that practice blatant racism. You are the biggest stereotypical biggots on the web. I cannot believe the utter display of ignorance on this site.

Stop trying to defend us and piss off.

look above (none / 0) (#52)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 09:23:25 AM PST
Look in a nother post, this eqplains the wage benefits of building a factory in a third world country (but assuming u went to school u already know this.)

duh (5.00 / 1) (#55)
by nathan on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:03:07 AM PST
This site doesn't HAVE to be consistent. It is not a monolothic lump of groupthink. It is the most controversial site on the internet, with diversity of opinion and many contributors.


Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

*Not* groupthink? (1.00 / 1) (#71)
by because it isnt on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 02:33:57 AM PST
Oh gosh, that's a good one Nathan!

Hey, watch me say "Microsoft sucks" and get 20 utterly predictable HIVE-MINDED 0 and 1 ratings. -- because it isn't

I think... (none / 0) (#74)
by tkatchev on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 11:32:56 AM PST
...the problem is with you, not with the people voting you down. You need to learn to write more intelligently, that is all.

Peace and much love...

I don't really care (none / 0) (#91)
by because it isnt on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 03:28:28 AM PST
about people voting me down. Or up, although that's always nice. What's more the problem is there are a pack of hivethinkers in the midst of the adequate. If this is left unchecked, adequacy might become a mindless drooling board instead of the seat of controversial debate that it is today.

Personally, I'm ambivalent about the situation, as it's not my concern if adequacy sinks or swims. I do like to point it out now and again for my own amusement, particularly when someone does the old "adequacy is the paragon of freethinking" joke.

Anyway, tkatchev, I thought you said "intelligence" was overrated? -- because it isn't

You, my friend... (1.00 / 2) (#56)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 12:42:55 PM PST
ARE A FUCKING MORON. A TOTAL FUCKING MORON. But i love you, i want to grab your little microsoft branded cock and let all the warm juices flow over my face. I hope you go die.

Kids these days... (none / 0) (#57)
by tkatchev on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 12:51:58 PM PST
Don't these brats have parents? Has "the computer" now usurped the role of Head Babysitter? If you have money for an internet connection, then for god's sake, buy your child some interesting toys to keep him company. I hear "Pokemon" is all the rage with the kids these days.

Then again, this may be the current level of college discourse. In which case, I congratulate our diseducation system for finally being able to breed brainless people.

Peace and much love...

Im this many years old! (none / 0) (#61)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 02:24:49 PM PST
I know! It's the american way to hide children from everything with materialistic toys and AOL blocks. I'm sorry, i really am... i'll use all propriety like a good little boy! I LOVE YOU MISTER GATES. Excuse me... i have more important things to worry about than idiotic close minded people. Oh,and you think i'm stupid?, or immature? Or a faggot?... read the article again and then think about who deserves to be called an idiot. Oh, there is no god, either. and i love you too.

Wow. (none / 0) (#63)
by hauntedattics on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 02:56:20 PM PST
Look, tkatchev, you just got the points in your post re-confirmed. Ain't life grand?

hey faggot (none / 0) (#67)
by tkatchev on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:47:47 PM PST
It's spelled "closed-minded", not "close". As in "this door is closed".

bye thx don't smoke pot, K?

Peace and much love...

LOST A READER (none / 0) (#65)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 08:39:02 PM PST
I did not realize this was a site for junior highschool students. If this article is humor, it is a sad, sad attempt. When somebody referred me to this site I had high hopes for some compelling content, but you just lost me for good.

Oh my gosh (none / 0) (#68)
by tkatchev on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:50:37 PM PST
Congrats for passing freshman year, dude! You're the bomb. What highschool do you attend?

Peace and much love...

tkatchev is negro for troll... (1.66 / 3) (#83)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 05:42:23 PM PST

Racism (none / 0) (#92)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 06:04:17 AM PST
Let ME explain...
You seem to forget that racism works both ways.
In the comments you have made against racism, you have proved yourself to be more of a racist than your imagined opressors.

Errr... (none / 0) (#104)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 04:50:39 AM PST
Come again ? And where the hell did you learn about racism ? Everyone is forgetting one little small fact. When you act uppon racism, you are the racist. Nobody is equal, but nobody differs enough to exclude someone. Why bring it up as an issue, while there is no issue.

Get a FUCKING life... (none / 0) (#109)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 21st, 2002 at 10:16:49 PM PST
You measly midget dicked piss pot. Surly you have something better to do, like rape young school children or something. When was the last time you got laid? if i didn't find you so pathetic, I'd come to your house and make you suffer and burn. Warped twisted crap like this is everything and more that's wrong with the internet, unlike pornography which is more clearly wrong, these are disguised lies, aimed at indoctrinating the masses.

You should be ashamed, and don't pretend you actually believe your own crap.

OSDN's Demographic Page. (none / 0) (#111)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Apr 4th, 2002 at 10:12:29 PM PST
Upon intelligent investigation the OSDN's demographic page doesnt comment on the color of skin. Thus by saying

"It doesn't mention the black man one single time. Obviously, anyone involved with Open Source doesn't need to be told that the demographic is entirely white, it is a given."

So before you go spouting half truths pull your head out of your ass so it can all be heard! Send ignorant rants here.

What kind of site is this? (none / 0) (#112)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 21st, 2002 at 06:17:50 AM PST
The article by Mohammed X is one of the
funniest I have ever read. It is obviously
a joke. Clearly, a lot of the people
who posted above are humor-impaired.

I don't know which is funnier: the original
article or the posts of readers who put more
meaning in the article and read something
there that isn't. Kind of like the
pseudo-sociologists who argue that Moby Dick
is pornographic literature because
of the title.

Hmmm. Notice that the soap ER doesn't
have any filipinos on it? What kind of
american hospital is that without
any filipinos? It's BLATANTLY RACIST!!

... pls continue the argument, I find
it very entertaining.


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