I woke up Wednesday morning with a mild stomachache. It wasn't bad; it bothered me a little bit at work, but it was basically just a minor annoyance. However, by Wednesday night, it had proceeded from a stomachache to abdominal pain .. at times severe. It was centered a couple of inches above my navel, and at times a sharp, stabbing, near-excruciating wave of pain would come out of nowhere. The pain was centered right at the center of my body; it didn't favor one side or another. I went to bed, tossed and turned all night, and didn't get much sleep.
I felt all right when I woke up Thursday .. some pain was still there, but not as bad as the previous night. So I forced myself into the shower and went to work .. only to go home an hour and a half later after showing my boss my "O-face" during a bout of renewed pain, at which point he suggested that I might want to go home. The pain had come back, and it seemed to have moved down a bit. I went home, laid on the couch, and watched Citizen Kane. I chewed down some Advil, took a little nap, and ended up being able to attend a Thursday night social function to which I had previously committed with few problems. The pain was mostly gone. It came back a little bit later that night, but not quite as bad as it had been earlier in the day.
Friday, I got up and reluctantly went to work, not because there was a lot of pain, but because I was really worn down from getting virtually no sleep the prior two nights. The day went pretty well .. the stabbing pain was almost nowhere to be found, and when it manifested itself it was not nearly as severe as it had been. The only place where there was consistent discomfort was my lower-right abdomen, which is where the appendix should be if we believe the liberals who write textbooks. But note the word "discomfort" .. not pain. I ended up leaving work a couple of hours early, but this is actually not uncommon. After all, it was Friday. I stayed home that night and watched The Godfather. I actually got a pretty good night's sleep.
This brings us to today (Saturday.) I got up at about 9:00, had breakfast, and watched some ESPN. I went outside, fired up the lawnmower, and mulched the leaves that were sitting on my front lawn. The discomfort in my appendix area has faded, and while I can manifest it by poking and prodding in that general area, it is much diminished.
At this point, it appears that I'm slowly coming out of this. I don't like discomfort in my appendix area, but on the other hand, I have not been particularly nauseous and have not had bouts of vomiting. I have been a little bit (*cough*) "irregular" for the past few days, but that is as much of a sympton of stomach flu as it is anything else. I don't own a thermometer, but I cannot consciously remember feeling that I was ever running a fever. I suppose I could go see a doctor, but I haven't visited one since early 1993 and don't want to break my streak when my condition seems to be improving. I did eat a fish-and-chips TV dinner on Thursday that didn't seem to taste quite "right" (but does it ever?) Finally, some co-workers of mine have missed work recently with symptoms similar to mine, though they assure me they didn't have pain in the appendix area.
So what do you think?