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Do you like your job
Yes 40%
No 0%
No but it's all i can do 0%
No but I need to feed my ever expanding brood 0%
No so i make everyone around me miserable with the fact. 20%
I don't have to work, I'm Wealthy, Retired or Married Wealth 40%

Votes: 5

 Snot Bubbles

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Mar 17, 2002
I came across this story whilst perusing the internet
I thought it apropriate to some existing conditions in the workplace

More diaries by John Wainright
Greetings Adequate Ones
Public Gallows in every town square.
Ex-Porn Star Lovelace Dies at 53
My attention is once again diverted
Saw some woman get fired today. Tears welled up in her eyes as snot bubbles sang out her nose.

Moral of the story?

If you have a job, do it.
Don't stroll in at 9:20 bitching about traffic.
Don't take 3 smoke breaks before lunch.
Don't start planning lunch with your co-workers at 11:15.
Don't come back from lunch at 1:20.
Don't take 3 smoke breaks after lunch.
Don't whine about how little the other fat woman isn't doing.
Don't bitch about them not sending you to training.
Don't spend all day on the phone talking to your spouse, kids, or home girls.
Don't go to lunch for an hour and then come back with a Deli sandwich and spend 30 minutes eating at your desk while surfing the net.
Don't start packing up at 4:50 and run out the door at 5:01.
Don't go to the DMV on your lunch break.
Do it online or schedule an appointment for a "PTO" day.

What the hell is a PTO day and what lazy moron dreamed this shit up?
Take your "PTO" on Saturday or Sunday and be happy you don't have to work 6 days a week.
While I'm at it what the hell is "Comp Time"? Oh my, did you have to work thru lunch to get your job done! Oh crap call the lunch police! "I'm taking a comp day for all this extra work they are making me do!", "I'm taking Friday off because I had to work late 3 times this week!", "How come Billy gets to go to training and I don't?", "I don't understand. I was hired before him and I do all the work!", "That's bullshit, they can't do that!"
Does any of this sound familiar? Does this go on where you work? What the heck is going on in our society? I am constantly surrounded by sniveling, lazy person who think somebody owes them something all the time.

The process is really simple. Do your job. If you don't like the job, if you don't think "they" are being fair or whatever it is you are gonna bitch about to your spouse, co-worker, therapist, whomever then just quit. Don't make yourself miserable or the people around you endure your sniveling, bitching, and moaning.

Snot Bubbles. It really didn't have to be like that. Do you think her attitude will be any better at the next job she lands?
Maybe she can look at the bright side. I'm sure she has 2 weeks vacation and some "comp time", floating holidays and that ever so important accrued "PTO" saved up!

I guess I just get so frustrated with people bitching about their jobs.
People feeling like "the company" owes them something. Here in the US anyone who wants to can start their own business and with that we can set our own hours, days off, compensation package, whatever.
If you choose not to take that risk and decide to work for someone else who has elected to start his own business then shut up and do your job. Nobody is making you stay, you are free to leave and seek employment elsewhere. Why bitch and moan about every little fucking thing that goes on? Why drag other simple minded individuals down your sorry pathetic path?

A simple test:
Do you like your job?
a) Yes
b) No

If you answered b then quit. Oh, if you quit then you have a problem paying the rent, feeding the children, etc? Oh my! What a dilemma this creates!
If I quit I can't make my financial obligations and if I stay I am miserable at work. Hmmm......How did I end up in this situation? Maybe, I should have stayed Out of dad's liquor cabinet back in high school. Maybe I shouldn't have spread my legs so often when I was 17? Now, I am all fucked up and have an IQ of 11 and the best job I can get is this one so let's blame "the company" for not paying me 3 times my current earning power. While we are at it let's blame them for not giving me that 4 day work week and not letting me off work a 2 p.m. so I can be home with my 9 kids from 3 dads so the cycle doesn't start all over again.

Well, that's good advice, I guess. (none / 0) (#1)
by elenchos on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 09:50:00 PM PST
But what did she do that got her fired?

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

Who knows - I was not the writer of the article (none / 0) (#3)
by John Wainright on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 11:00:24 PM PST
Could have been any number of things.
My best guess is she probably refused to get coffee for her boss.

Well, what a stupid story. (none / 0) (#4)
by elenchos on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 11:21:40 PM PST
First you think it's going to be about why she lost her job and instead he writes all this irrelevant stuff about how she spent her breaks! Who gives a fuck whether she was having a smoke or on the phone? Why did they fire her?

I'd cry too if I lost my job for no reason.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

Maybe (none / 0) (#6)
by John Wainright on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 11:44:26 PM PST
Well it seems to be written from the viewpoint of a co-worker and not the person that fired her.
Perhaps the writer was pointing out that the time she wasted with numerous breaks is the reason she got fired, it doesn't say one way or another.

Though, your vehement tone towards the things listed in the article seems to imply a little guilt. Are you perhaps under scrutiny at your place of employment for excessive break abuse?

Trolling is strictly forbidden here. (none / 0) (#7)
by elenchos on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 12:31:23 AM PST
You do know this?

Surely you are not going to try to suggest that any of the conduct described is gounds for dismissal? What kind of company treats its people like that? It would be inhuman! I know I would like nothing more than to get fired from a job that didn't let me take a little personal time here and there, or that actually paid any attention to whether I was getting ready to go home at 4:40 or 4:50 or whenever. The only "wasted" time is time spent slaving away like a pesant in the hopes of impressing your boss.

I would hope I'd be smart enough to quit first, if I wasn't able to scope out that the place was full of geeky workaholics before I even accepted a job there.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

If possible (none / 0) (#9)
by John Wainright on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 01:58:08 AM PST
I would retract my comments.
Sorry to offend.
Not knowing much about the workforce of today's corporate America, this article just seemed to jump out at me as the kind of activity that was driving our economy into the ground.
Once again I apologize for attributing any type of character flaw towards you.

What drives the economy... (none / 0) (#13)
by The Mad Scientist on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 05:40:22 AM PST
...into the ground is greed.

Prefering immediate profit over long-time one (thus making shareholders happy on next meeting).

Trying to make a buck regardless of collateral damage.

Mergers, mergers, mergers. There is fewer and fewer of players who are bigger and bigger. What was a green meadow with a working ecosystem is now a muddy area where ogres are wrestling.

Competition instead of cooperation. Instead of doing at least the elementary research together, pooling resources and sharing results, everyone plays on their paranoidly guarded little sandbox, firewalling all their mudcakes with a wall of patents and proprietariness.

Indebting people. Buy now pay later. Creditcards. Loans. Who can say now they don't owe to a Bank?

Intentionally designing crap. Modern devices last fraction of what the older ones used to. A piece of cheap plastic, designed to last exactly for its warranty. Then go consumer, buy new. Where is the engineering pride? Where is the good workmanship?

And so on...

I'm confused. (none / 0) (#14)
by nathan on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 05:55:21 AM PST
Are you a socialist or a libertarian?

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

I'm not. (5.00 / 2) (#15)
by The Mad Scientist on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 06:30:39 AM PST
Are you a socialist or a libertarian?

Just now I am tired and disgusted.

you might be surprised to hear (none / 0) (#18)
by nathan on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 06:50:44 AM PST
That I highly approve of that answer.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Its you (none / 0) (#16)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 06:36:38 AM PST
Modern devices last a fraction of the time the old ones did because that is what people want. Wal-Mart doesn't sell on quality. People don't shop there to buy quality goods. People go there because everything is $0.03 cheaper than they can find anywhere else.

The people who manufacture goods know this. They know that in order to get on Wal-Mart's shelves they have to be just a shade cheaper than everyone else in their game. Can you use 0.5 grams less plastic resin in your product? You are cheaper. Can you speed up the manufaturing line by 2%, quality be damned? You are cheaper. The market for cheap shit is absolutely huge. There are literally tens of millions of people chomping at the bit just to buy some cheap piece of trash product. Ford used Firestone tires because they were cheaper. They were cheaper because they didn't use a nylon cap to hold the damn things together. It all works out because the consumer absolutely refuses to pay $50 to upgrade to another tire brand. Firestone is happy because they sell a shitload of tires, Ford is happy because they sell a shitload of trucks. The consumer is happy because he saved $50. Don't for a minute think that Ford or Firestone ended up getting theirs in the end, they made far more money on that deal than they will ever pay out.

This greed you are so afraid of is a good thing. Its why we in the US have so much stuff. We consume a disporportionate amount of the world's resources because we have to, we have so much stuff we need over half of the world's coal and oil and gas to power it. Greed gives us all that stuff, it wouldn't exist if there wasn't a buck to be made. The people who produce it know that they have to get their money and get out as quickly as possible. There is always somebody around the corner who has a better idea and they want to take a piece of your money. You don't cooperate with them, you destroy them.

Why not sit back and enjoy the good life instead of wandering around in your bathrobe, muttering at the sky? Buy a big screen TV, even though it will be obsolete in three years. Go buy a nice $50,000 car that will fall apart at 50,000 miles because, by the time it does, there will be a far better one available. Better yet, lease the car. Have a sandwich from McDonald's. Drink a Budweiser. Dress yourself in Tommy Hilfiger. Wear Nike shoes. Its OK. Its enjoyable even. You'll fit in a lot better, worry less, and generally feel better about yourself.

yeah, yeah, so what? (none / 0) (#24)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 11:35:43 AM PST
obviously if you set up a system stoked by the continuous effect of unattractive decisions, the fact that you wont be able to blame individual decision makers for living within the system doesnt mean the system is attractive, optimal, or even 'natural'. Of course economic freedom is desirable, that is the allure of capitalism, but the machinery which makes economic freedom possible for your industrious five and dime concession stand also permits a wallmart to own every mom and pop shop as far the horizon. An infatuatuous fidelity to an idea without balance will eventually distort its original intention. Why should the application of an idea be any different than, say, the application of chocolate? Chocolate is a tasty food, but if your meals solely consist of chocolate you'll become a useless landlocked whale.

So what? (none / 0) (#27)
by The Mad Scientist on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 01:00:27 PM PST
Modern devices last a fraction of the time the old ones did because that is what people want.

People forgot they can expect quality. When I brought an old keyboard to the office to show the colleagues what I am complaining about, they finally understood why I bitch so much about the modern ones. They hadn't even knew that a keyboard can be better inside than a piece of fucking plastic foil.

Wal-Mart doesn't sell on quality. People don't shop there to buy quality goods. People go there because everything is $0.03 cheaper than they can find anywhere else.

1/10 cheaper, and 1/2 of the lifetime. Bah.

People like those are driving the manufacturers who still have some tech pride out of business. Do what you are supposed to do the way that is the right one, have $0.03 more of expenses per piece, and be driven out of market. Crapitalism is the right word for this.

The people who manufacture goods know this. They know that in order to get on Wal-Mart's shelves they have to be just a shade cheaper than everyone else in their game.

Because the plebs is composed from utter idiots with no appreciation for good craftmanship.

Can you use 0.5 grams less plastic resin in your product? You are cheaper. Can you speed up the manufaturing line by 2%, quality be damned? You are cheaper. The market for cheap shit is absolutely huge.

And then you pop the lid on the device open, to find why it ceased to work two weeks after the warranty expired, and want to vomit over the tragicomical sight its intestines offer.

There are literally tens of millions of people chomping at the bit just to buy some cheap piece of trash product. (snip) Don't for a minute think that Ford or Firestone ended up getting theirs in the end, they made far more money on that deal than they will ever pay out.

The tragedy of raging crapitalism.

This greed you are so afraid of is a good thing.

I am not afraid of it. I am disgusted with it and I despise it and the ones that promote it.

Its why we in the US have so much stuff.

A living proof that quantity doesn't mean quality.

Greed gives us all that stuff, it wouldn't exist if there wasn't a buck to be made.

And the loss would be ... what?

The people who produce it know that they have to get their money and get out as quickly as possible.

For the expense of quality, of durability, of reliability, of safety.

There is always somebody around the corner who has a better idea and they want to take a piece of your money. You don't cooperate with them, you destroy them.

So what? If they peddle shit, they deserve to have its fate.

Why not sit back and enjoy the good life instead of wandering around in your bathrobe, muttering at the sky?

Because of our definitions of "good" differing significantly?

Buy a big screen TV, even though it will be obsolete in three years.

What I would do with it? News look the same on a small one too, and it isn't so big hassle to move the small one.

Go buy a nice $50,000 car that will fall apart at 50,000 miles because, by the time it does, there will be a far better one available.

What if I prefer to get used to my car and stick with it?

Better yet, lease the car.

I want my own and I want it reliable.

Have a sandwich from McDonald's.

Sorry, I still have some taste buds left.

Drink a Budweiser.

Chinese green tea is better.

Dress yourself in Tommy Hilfiger.

Tommy who?

Wear Nike shoes.

They don't have any performance advantages over noname ones, maybe except the little piece of swoosh-shaped piece of cloth sewn on clearly visible part of them. Which can yield at most a slight hint of worthless acceptance from the trash that calls itself the Mainstream Society.

Its OK. Its enjoyable even. You'll fit in a lot better, worry less, and generally feel better about yourself.

What if I don't consider fitting between the adorers of overly cheap imitations of real craft being something worth to bother? What if I feel better about myself when I am able to keep a Something working instead of tricking money out of people (or slaving for The Man) and buy new and new Something that so predictably falls apart? What if I despise the wasting of resources and the half-baked -um... things- that are peddled to us as the High Tech News?

You are... (none / 0) (#20)
by tkatchev on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 10:18:05 AM PST
...a communist.

Peace and much love...

And it is... (none / 0) (#21)
by The Mad Scientist on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 11:13:31 AM PST
...good or bad?

And why?

Re: (none / 0) (#23)
by tkatchev on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 11:24:33 AM PST
It's bad.

And I'm not going to explain to you why, I think you know better yourself.

Peace and much love...

So criticizing crapitalism... (none / 0) (#26)
by The Mad Scientist on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 12:21:42 PM PST
...makes me a communist?

Should I bow to Profit the God, and swear an oath of allegiance to the Green Dollar?

Sir, you are a true genius. (none / 0) (#28)
by tkatchev on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 01:19:15 PM PST
The way I see it, unless you have actually done something positive in life, you have no business criticizing it.

Yes, capitalism is not perfect; though there is still one thing completely unclear to me: is whatever you are proposing instead[1] any better?

[1] Anyways, what is your point? That we should all "just get along"? That we should all "just learn to share"? OK, I'm not arguing with you; but don't you think you look a little bit stupid handing out kindergarten platitudes?

Peace and much love...

Points (none / 0) (#31)
by because it isnt on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 03:31:16 AM PST
What I hate is that given the opportunity, the majority of people would screw themselves into the ground to save a few cents. I don't think this reflects as much on economic ideologies as it does on human nature. -- because it isn't

you're given a hard time here, MS (none / 0) (#22)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 11:19:17 AM PST
but you should know that your general perserverance and refusal to break makes up for your often tiresome certainty in ultimately unimportant matters. You dont mind if I call you MS, do you? Good.

I wonder... (none / 0) (#8)
by poltroon on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 01:24:14 AM PST
if the guy who wrote this has some tatoos and piercings which he can fiddle with while he spends every waking moment slaving for the man...

Hey, you know... (none / 0) (#10)
by elenchos on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 02:24:36 AM PST
This made me wonder if would be any help with AVD. Nope. But google came through when I expaned it.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

Welcome to Socialism. (none / 0) (#2)
by tkatchev on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 10:22:45 PM PST
Good luck.

Peace and much love...

capitalism (none / 0) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 02:27:45 AM PST
if socializm is so bad how come capitalizm hasnt solved all your problems?

On the other hand... (none / 0) (#5)
by The Mad Scientist on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 11:34:15 PM PST I can be home with my 9 kids from 3 dads...

Who will otherwise grow on street and without any real aim when all they can expect when returning home is an empty appartment and a note on the answering machine that mom will return late because she has to stay in work. This applies to one kid from one dad as well - even more.

It's hard to have time to one's children when one is supposed to devote all the time and energy s/he has to the Employer.

Two weeks of vacation time? Good old Europe...

Where are the Unions when you need them?

Yeah (none / 0) (#17)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 06:44:16 AM PST
Lets not even worry about how the 9 kids from 3 dads got there in the first place. Lets just absolve her of all the responsibility there, that way we encourage everybody to do the same. Meanwhile, the people who kept themselves on the straight and narrow can pay her to stay home with the kids so she can yell at them, watch Jerry Springer, and have unprotected sex with a different guy every week, necessitating weekly penicillin injections to stave off the debilitating effects of syphillis.

That way, the kids will grow up right.

yeah, kill the bitch! (5.00 / 1) (#25)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 11:40:11 AM PST
People make mistakes so that we can punish them, damnit.

Typical (none / 0) (#29)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 02:13:18 PM PST
Typical liberal response. There is no middle ground between 'free ride for life' and 'kill the bitch'.<p>
Pardon me while I don my diving bell so I can plumb the depths of your stupidity.

Typical (none / 0) (#30)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 02:45:29 PM PST
Typical conservative response. Someone doesn't agree with your position exactly; therefore he's a welfare mother lovin' Commie fellow traveler.

Your tired rhetorical tricks are hardly adequate.

And what the fuck is up with that <p>? Lern2post.

Attribution? (none / 0) (#12)
by RobotSlave on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 03:48:51 AM PST
Do you think you could let us know who wrote that article, where you found it, or what licence you have reporduced it under?

I hate to think a careless user might be putting the adequacy at risk by reproducing copyrighted material without permission.

© 2002, RobotSlave. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

Something called Usenet (none / 0) (#19)
by John Wainright on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 07:33:21 AM PST
It purports to be some kind of News source.
All I have witnessed is ramblings of the proletariate. No direction or focus to the postings. Unlike this fine establishment.


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