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Chilli and Garlic ?
Yes. 4%
Yes and then some. 13%
Hell Yeah, too much is not enough. 65%
No. 17%

Votes: 23

 DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Nov 17, 2001
When I am not busy building PCs for my friends and family, or campaigning on the issues that really matter, I like to kick back and relax by doing a bit of home cooking in a 'thai fusion' style.

I realise that plenty of you adequacy readers out there are keen cooks, so I offer you my latest gastronomical creation for your delectation and delight...


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DMG's Spicy Chilli Lemon Chicken with Toasted Cashews

It looks very very tasty doesn't it ? Bon app�tit!
Ingredients (serves 1)
400g Chicken Breast
1 Lemon
1/2 cup cashew nuts
2 Cloves Garlic
1 green chilli pepper
1/3 Cup mild rice vinegar
1 Tablespoon Smoked Paprika (sweet)
2 Tablespoon Seasame Oil
1 teaspoon corn starch
1 teaspoon sweet chilli sauce
2 Tablespoon Ground Nut (peanut) oil
1/2 cup Thai Fragrant Rice

Peel then finely chop the garlic cloves (or use a press).
Slice the green chilli pepper
Slice the chicken into 1cm thick strips
Add the chili, garlic and seasame oil to the chicken, stir with a fork or spoon and ensure the chicken is coated. Cover and refrigerate for three hours, or preferably overnight.

Squeeze the lemon and extract the juice. Add five tablespoons of lemon juice to the rice wine. Add the paprika, sweet chilli sauce and corn starch, and mix vigorously.

Gently toast the cashew nuts over a medium heat until golden brown.

Wash the rice three or four times, until the water runs clear. Then allow to soak for a few hours (or preferably overnight). Drain excees water then add 1 cup of water. (Always use twice as much water as rice). Cook the rice over a medium heat until the water starts to boil, then place the lid on the pan, turn the heat down and simmer for ten minutes. After ten minutes, remove the lid and check the rice. Replace the lid and allow another five minutes if the rice is not done.

Add the ground nut oil to the wok, and allow to heat. Stir fry the chicken for a few minutes until it is cooked, then the rice vinegar mixture to the wok and continue stir frying until the mixture starts to boil. Add the cashew nuts to the mixture and serve.


Help! (5.00 / 1) (#5)
by jelerial on Fri Nov 16th, 2001 at 01:28:20 PM PST
You used the blasted English System, and I do not know how to convert the unused cm and ounces to the proper American system! Please, next time use the system that the rest of the world uses. It makes it easier for those who are not as familiar with the world, and do not study the currency and measuring systems of other low class countries. I anxiously await your answer, as this recipe sounds delicious!

Metric primer. (none / 0) (#6)
by dmg on Sat Nov 17th, 2001 at 07:16:15 AM PST
1kg = 1000g = 2.2lbs 1 cm = 0.393 inch I guess I should use all metric or all imperial for consistency's sake.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

I'd use neither. (5.00 / 1) (#8)
by elenchos on Sat Nov 17th, 2001 at 03:03:50 PM PST
All you do when you use one or the other system, or both, is perpetuate this divisive and partisan struggle between the two systems. Why feed the fires that threaten to tear asunder the already-fragile (and doomed) Anglo-American alliance?

Instead, pick some third, neutral system, that supports neither the communistic social engineering plot of Metricism nor the imperialist Imperialism of Imperialism. In my math classes, for example, we do everything in Units. Why not use those?

Units are fair to everyone.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

units... (5.00 / 1) (#20)
by nathan on Sun Nov 18th, 2001 at 10:09:50 AM PST
Units are fair to everyone...

except Wymynyst...

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Hu?? (none / 0) (#21)
by tkatchev on Sun Nov 18th, 2001 at 12:15:20 PM PST
Why's that?

Peace and much love...

heh, (none / 0) (#22)
by nathan on Sun Nov 18th, 2001 at 12:26:08 PM PST
Unit is American slang for one's primary male sex organ.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Oh thanks... (none / 0) (#23)
by tkatchev on Sun Nov 18th, 2001 at 01:11:17 PM PST
Even sombody as thoroughly cynical as myself learns something new every day...

Peace and much love...

As opposed to? (2.00 / 1) (#29)
by Hagbard Celine on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 07:39:18 AM PST
Unit is American slang for one's primary male sex organ.

The implication being that males have a secondary sexual organ?

You aren't a she-male are ya? PFFTTT

Please sir, facial hair (5.00 / 1) (#33)
by Adam Rightmann on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 12:11:36 PM PST
is a secondary male sexual characteristic. I'm sure you can think of others.

A. Rightmann

It is (5.00 / 1) (#35)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 02:16:00 PM PST
the tongue.

yeah... (none / 0) (#32)
by hauntedattics on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 11:47:32 AM PST
This is why I find Randy Johnson's nickname so amusing...sophomoric, immature chick that I am.

heh (none / 0) (#36)
by nathan on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 02:53:34 PM PST
What makes you think that connotation was unintentional?

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Well, you know, (none / 0) (#39)
by hauntedattics on Tue Nov 20th, 2001 at 10:45:10 AM PST
everyone may recognize the connotation but maybe not everyone sniggers when they hear it. Maybe it's just me...

sniggering (none / 0) (#40)
by nathan on Tue Nov 20th, 2001 at 11:27:53 AM PST
Nothing wrong with laughing at a joke.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Please, keep laughing (none / 0) (#45)
by moriveth on Tue Nov 20th, 2001 at 06:17:02 PM PST
Sports fans who fail to snigger are simply used to being bombarded by terrible metaphors and a neverending stream of inanities. Prolonged exposure to sports journalism can destroy your sense of humor and irony, as you begin to talk like Dick Vitale, babee.

it is true (none / 0) (#46)
by nathan on Tue Nov 20th, 2001 at 06:51:30 PM PST
Sportswriting has fallen on hard times. It is not even a shadow of its former self; rather like lettres in general, belle or not.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Even more reasons to call for a new system (none / 0) (#24)
by moriveth on Sun Nov 18th, 2001 at 01:49:22 PM PST
I believe that both the Imperial system and metric system are badly in need of revision on technical grounds.

The flaws of the metric system are significant and fundamental. A kilo is just too large (does losing 2 kilos or 5 pounds sound better?). By contrast, a gram is far too small for everyday use. A pound is a happy medium.

Similarly, a centimeter is just too small for a single cm to be a significant visible quantity, while the inch is just about right. Would you rather say you are 5'9" or 175 cm? Which is the superior way of communicating your height? The meter is too large, and you can simply use the yard anyway if you need to. While perhaps convenient for some scientists (those not tormented on a daily basis by the unsuitability of units like the Farad), the metric system is sadly inadequate for everyday life.

Yet metric advocates counter that the base 10-centric system makes everyday calculations easier considering the irregularity of the Imperial system. In this contention the metric advocates are doubtless correct. But who uses decimal numbers for anything practical in this day and age? The choice of base 10, while no doubt appropriate for the 19th century, is an anachronism in the 21st.

In our fast-paced, technologically advanced modern world, we cannot afford to perpetuate backwards, flawed measurement systems like the metric system and the Imperial system. I look forward to the day when we can measure our cooking ingredients in hexadecimal.

subject (4.00 / 1) (#7)
by clays on Sat Nov 17th, 2001 at 12:48:25 PM PST
your average third grader can convert inches to centimeters and kilograms to pounds.

if you grate the peel of the lemon, without going down to the pith, and add it to the pepper it will probably test better., ethnic cooking for the masses

Then in that case. (5.00 / 1) (#9)
by dmg on Sat Nov 17th, 2001 at 05:47:23 PM PST
NASA should employ some third graders.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

Band name (3.00 / 1) (#11)
by nx01 on Sat Nov 17th, 2001 at 07:14:29 PM PST
I think that Nut Funnel would make a great band name.

Any thoughts?

"Every time I look at the X window system, it's so fucking stupid; and part of me feels responsible for the worst parts of it."
-- James Gosling

This is funny (none / 0) (#13)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Nov 17th, 2001 at 11:30:15 PM PST
"When I am not busy building PCs for my friends and family,"

Well if you can't even build a computer I'd hate to try your cooking.

After reading this big PC building joke article, it's very difficult to take you seriously.

people like you make this site worthwile (3.00 / 1) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Nov 18th, 2001 at 05:20:46 AM PST
if your criterion for taking people seriously is their ability to mix and match off the shelf hardware, you would be in the presence of sheer genius upon meeting my 5 year old nephew and his lego set. What does it say about your abilities if you can insert a graphics card in a pci slot but cannot discern satire?

full of chuckles (1.00 / 2) (#16)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Nov 18th, 2001 at 05:59:53 AM PST
The best processors are obviously made by Intel. Other companies make processors too, such as Sun and AMD, and while these are OK, they are not guaranteed to be Intel-compatible.

Intel compatible how? Sure you can't stick a Sun SPARC into a motherboard designed for an Intel x86. The same goes for AMD processors. Yet his instructions tell you to buy an Intel P4 and put it in an AMD board. All motherboards are the same? Obviously the thought of socket 7, socket 370, Slot A, Slot I, Socket A don't exist. Ha!

Memory - You need a maximum of 128MB of ram. Again, as with the PC case a lot of nonsense is talked about memory. What you need for your functioning PC is 1 generic 128MB 168-pin PC-100 DIMM.

When this "article" was written the chipsets used with the P4 only allowed for use of RDRAM. Recent chipsets allow you to use PC-133 SDRAM. In most boards available when the article was written PC-100 SDRAM would fry.

Don't go for a SCSI device, however, as it won't work on your machine without an expensive 'SCSI adaptor' (as the boffins love to call them).

Calling it a SCSI adapter is about as simplified as you can get.

The step by step guide is a joke. Written guides on building a computer are confusing. Pictures would have improved it. However, seeing as how this computer would just be a giant beeper (and a smoke machine if you leave it on long enough) it obvious why no pictures were provided. Installing the OS instructions are incomplete. There is no mention of going into CMOS and setting the boot order (which is necessary to boot from the CDROM drive at all).

I seriously doubt that dmg has ever built a computer let alone put this attempted this configuration. Any PC technician (or first timer) would laugh at this. In fact at the PC Boards at they often do.

Oh please. (5.00 / 2) (#17)
by dmg on Sun Nov 18th, 2001 at 06:27:51 AM PST
A few minor technical errors and everyone wants to crucify me ?

OK, I admit that further research shows that AMD chips dont fit on P4 motherboards without some kind of adapter, but is this really any reason to keep going ON and ON and ON about it ?

Many people found my DIY guide a refreshing change from the usual patronising 'geek-centric' guides you commonly find on the net.

And my ability to build PCs has nothing to do with my culinary abilities. Perhaps you too are good at more than one thing ?

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

ah, i understand now (none / 0) (#18)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Nov 18th, 2001 at 07:51:05 AM PST
The step by step guide is a joke.

That formidable insight doesnt seem sufficient to dissuade you from trotting out a litany of uninteresting technical corrections; to forsake the obtuse, the joke relies on its audience for comedic effect. Pretty funny, eh? Anyway, if you have an argument for why assembling a computer is the necessary qualification for being able to cook a delicious meal, I'm prepared to re-evaluate the Geek's misplaced faith in his powers to weave an argument without introducing a fallacy.

I have to correct you. (5.00 / 1) (#19)
by dmg on Sun Nov 18th, 2001 at 08:17:14 AM PST
The step by step guide is a joke.

I am afraid it was not a joke. It was an honest attempt to demystify the process of building a PC. A process that had become obfuscated and made to seem like a black art by the legions of so-called 'experts' at 'geek' places like hardocp, anandtech and uncle tom's hardware.

Some people were very quick to criticise the minor technical problems with the article, but my main point shines through. Building a PC is easy, don't let the 'geeks' and 'nerds' tell you any different.

I find it amusing that these 'overclockers' complain that my advice may lead to broken/damaged hardware, when they seem to spend their entire lives attempting to fry their CPUs with illegal clock speeds.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

I don't overclock (1.00 / 1) (#26)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 12:24:46 AM PST
Building a PC is easy, don't let the 'geeks' and 'nerds' tell you any different.

I am a geek. Geek simply states that you are a technically minded person when it comes to computers. As someone who claims to be a former MCSE you should at least be aware of this. I say aware because I would never consider an MCSE to have the technical merit to be considered a geek

Building a PC is rather easy, if you are willing to do at least a little research before building one.

I find it amusing that these 'overclockers' complain that my advice may lead to broken/damaged hardware, when they seem to spend their entire lives attempting to fry their CPUs with illegal clock speeds.

Fortunately many overclockers do not blindly increase the speed of the processor. They take into consideration stability as well as temperature. Not to mention that people who overclock generally know what they are doing. Anyone who would read your article and attempt to believe it and follow it obviously knows nothing. How much time, money and hard work would be wasted purchasing incompatible parts, and immedaitely burning them out?

Also the adapter I believe you are referring to is a Slocket adapter. It has nothing to do with putting Pentium processors on AMD/SPARC/Transmeta/PPC boards or putting those on Pentium boards. Not to mention that you cannot get a SPARC processor for a PC. At most you can obtain one for use in a workstation. Not to mention that Windows only runs on Intel/AMD x86 processors. So I have no idea why you made references to Sun Microsystems' SPARC processor in your article.

The best processors are obviously made by Intel.

Based on what? Depends on what you wanna use it for. For simple office and web surfing they're all pretty much equal. Although the AMD Athlon is know for having better application speed. You could also site the PowerPC, but you can't readily build your own Mac. You can try though. Pentium processors are known for good gaming, but for building a gaming rig AMD is preferred. It offers better ability to customize. Not to mention that P4s are still way too pricey.

I don't know where to start with this! (none / 0) (#28)
by dmg on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 01:49:46 AM PST
I would never consider an MCSE to have the technical merit to be considered a geek

This is standard Linux-user bigotry. MCSE is a highly technical set of exams. Why else would the computing industry value them so highly ?

people who overclock generally know what they are doing

Then why am I always reading about fried CPUS ?

Not to mention that Windows only runs on Intel/AMD x86 processors. So I have no idea why you made references to Sun Microsystems' SPARC processor in your article.

You are so so wrong. Windows runs on Sparc, and if you look at Microsofts web site, you will find that it runs on MIPS, ALPHA and PowerPC platforms. You clearly do not know very much about the software industry. Perhaps you should refrain from commenting on issues which you know nothing about.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

Fried CPUS (none / 0) (#30)
by donkpunch on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 08:33:31 AM PST
Could we get the recipe for Fried CPUS too? My wife loves Southern-style cooking. *grin*

MCSE are sooooo valuable (1.00 / 1) (#31)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 09:46:50 AM PST
This is standard Linux-user bigotry. MCSE is a highly technical set of exams. Why else would the computing industry value them so highly?

How many MCSEs have no jobs right now? How many jobs do you find in the classifieds or job searches that solely require an MCSE? If MCSEs are so valuable then do the make less than someone with a CNA, or a CNE? MCSEs are a dime a dozen. Ever wonder why, and why there are so many (unemployed)?

You are so so wrong. Windows runs on Sparc, and if you look at Microsofts web site , you will find that it runs on MIPS, ALPHA and PowerPC platforms. You clearly do not know very much about the software industry. Perhaps you should refrain from commenting on issues which you know nothing about.

Haha, these are NOT Windows OSes. These are simply development tools that run on various processors. Can you run Windows on a PowerPC (Mac)? No. Microsoft tried it years ago. What happened? It blew up in their face. Sure Microsoft still supports Alpha but not SPARC nor PPC. Not to mention that Sun Microsysytems has declared war on Microsoft. I guess their still pissed about the whole Java Virtual Machine crap. Not to mention how MS has been running off at the mouth about Unix/Linux.

AS far as the link you gave for "RealPC", so what? RealPC for Solaris now emulates the Intel Pentium processor, which enables your Solaris workstation to run all the latest Windows and MS-DOS applications. This is NOT a native NT OS for SPARC. I can do the same thing with vmware on Linux.

Despite what you think I am not one of these little idiots running around screaming "Microsoft sucks 'cause it sucks, and that's why it sucks". If I say Unix/Linux is better than Windows in a certain area it's because it's true. Like the fact that Windows is resource hungry or that Microsoft's licensing scheme sucks because it requires companies to upgrade when Microsoft says so, whether they need to or not.

what a fine bunch of words (none / 0) (#34)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 12:58:23 PM PST
but when will you find the courage to accept that fact that none of them, in any combination, will make Linux suck less?

huh? (none / 0) (#37)
by NAWL on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 03:59:56 PM PST
but when will you find the courage to accept that fact that none of them, in any combination, will make Linux suck less?

Why is it do you think Linux sucks? Now I am not saying that I think Linux is ready to dethrone Windoze. But there are two sides to the coin in the matter.

One is:

Windoze sucks because it sucks and that's why it sucks Actually that's a pretty funny way to put it. It's also not that far from the truth.

The other is:

Linux sucks because it sucks and that's why it sucks

I seriously hope that you are not going to use the same references that Microsoft and the Gartner Group uses (sales) to determine the number of Linux systems out there. If so, multiple reports show that's bullshit and the precentage is a lot higher.

Here's what I mean:

If I buy 10 PCs that came pre-loaded with Windoze, then buy one retail copy of any Linux distro. If I then nuke Windoze and install Linux on those machines, I would them have 10 Linux Boxes. However, according to Microsoft and the Gartner Group they are still Windoze machines.

I know it may seem like I'm coming of in favor of Linux, but it's true.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

is said make linux suck *less* (none / 0) (#38)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Nov 20th, 2001 at 06:52:50 AM PST
If so, multiple reports show that's bullshit and the precentage is a lot higher.

Cool. Maybe one day I will spot someone actually using Linux.

maybe, maybe not (none / 0) (#41)
by NAWL on Tue Nov 20th, 2001 at 12:24:40 PM PST
How often do people spot someone using a Mac? Not very often. Even though there are so many Mac users out there it's not like you see 100 people using it every day.

Sure I'll admit you'll probably not see someone running Linux on their PC as often as they do Windoze. However, I run into Unix/Linux everyday in the corporate world.

That's fine. I will admit that Linux is not ready to be a mainstream desktop OS or an "everybody OS" like Windows and MacOS.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

i guess i should hang out in LUGs (none / 0) (#42)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Nov 20th, 2001 at 01:57:21 PM PST
How often do people spot someone using a Mac? Not very often.

Actually, all the time.

Sure I'll admit you'll probably not see someone running Linux on their PC as often as they do Windoze.

I use it myself but I've *never* seen any of my friends use it, and I've *never* seen it used in any work environment.


what companies (none / 0) (#43)
by NAWL on Tue Nov 20th, 2001 at 02:51:01 PM PST
Your friends may not but there other people in the world. Now are these businesses you worked for or just companies you happened into? I mean I could rattle of a list off companies that run Linux. I mean Dell recently announces that it will offer Linux on its desktops in countries other than Australia, again. This includes the US.

Most of the time your not gonna see Linux running on say a server. Most servers don't have big signs on them that read, THIS THING RUNS LINUX. Not all servers have monitors attached to them. If they do they are not always on. Not to mention Linux boxes and servers running Linux look just like any other. It runs on almost every platform. Some people dual boot. So you may have walked by a system running Linux and didn't even know it.

I mean the only system you can look at and know immediately what it's running is the ShitBox, I mean BeBox. One look at that thing and you know it's running POS, uh BeOS. I must admit however, that the classic BeBox did have a fairly stylish case design.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

what companies? (none / 0) (#44)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Nov 20th, 2001 at 03:53:24 PM PST
those companies, like those individuals, which are so exceedingly rare as to be invisible to a worldly and sociable individual such as myself. Why are they rare? Well, because for the most part, Linux sux harder than the alternatives. I know I'd remove it from my system if I could, but I cant because there is no damn uninstall program like there is in Windows. See, microsoft isnt scared to provide an uninstall feature because it knows it's better than whatever you might want to uninstall into. It's all a matter for logic, really.

Rare (0.00 / 3) (#47)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Nov 20th, 2001 at 10:49:51 PM PST
Ok I do not in anyway wan't this to lead to any which is better yadda, yadda, yadda. So I just clear that misconception up. This list includes a number of companies from well very well known organizations, to ISPs, to software developmers, and many many many many many many many more:

United States Postal Service
Sun Microsystems
Lucas Arts
Software AG
API Networks
Progressive Systems
Ennhanced Software Technologies
Sytek Service Inc.
Santa Cruz Operation
Egenera Inc
Deja News, Inc.
Vigilant Internet services Ltd.
Genesis Internet Services Limited
Net Central Cybercafe Ltd.
Netscape Communications Corp.
Surf Net City Cafe
BroadQuest, Inc.
savvysearch limited
Domain Host Services
HotDiary Inc
NuRelm Web Design and Marketing Inc.
Munkaforum Kft.
LinuxSalute Solutions
Enixus Pte Ltd
Oy Moving Entertainment Ltd
Sandhill Solutions
The Net Result System Services, Inc.
Softcraft Impresa
West Philadelphia Network
Microtec Electronic
New Age Consulting Service, Inc.
Valley View Microsystems
Marcus Graf Hard- & Software
Interactive Electronic Design Inc.
Infomatrix Ltd
itaLiSA Consulting
GDS & Associates Systems Ltd.
Lacus Technology Corp.
I3 Icube Srl
Linux-Systemhaus Karsten Schulz
MANTRA Research
Schultz Consult
Bruce Robert Pocock's Sidereal Productions
Moongroup Consulting, Incorporated
Pitrich Information Technologies
Donahue Consulting
Affinity Systems Inc.
Pacific Image
iOpen Technologies Ltd.
ImageStream Internet Solutions
TeleDynamics Telepresence and Telecontrol Systems
MindStep Corporation
SixXGate Systems Inc.
MagusNet, Inc. business linux network
FoNet, spol. s r.o.
FrontLine Data Systems - C.B.M., S.L.
Solutions by Roman Redl
Cybersource Pty. Ltd.
Montage IT Services
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc. Corporation
Catalyst Solutions Group
NorilTech Consulting
Clear View NV
NetBase Connect Sdn. Bhd
Int* Consulting Ltd
ISS Czech
MAKO Blatna s.r.o.
Pantek Incorporated
3RexNet/Solheim System AB
Siam Relay Ltd.
Completo Tecnologia S/C Ltda
Psand Limite
Grup Software Ltd.
iNsu Innovations
AP Communicaties BV
BFI Quartier
Lacus Technology Corp.
YieldTech, s.r.o.
DataSoft Corp.
MATRIX Information Technologies Inc.
Alternative Advice
Moongroup Consulting, Incorporated
CoyoteData Security Limited
TTS Computers
Neuron Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Byte Craft Sdn. Bhd.
C&B Consulting
Cottonwood Computer Solutions
Computer Consulting & Communication
Cybersource Pty. Ltd.
Cybersite Consulting Pty Ltd
Hall Technologies
realTech system consulting
Worldmachine Technologies Corporation
Entora Ltd
Local Net Solutions, LLC
Real Time Enterprises, Incorporated
Linux Services W.A
ProjektStyrning AB
Cambridge Data Systems, Inc.
STEP Infotek A/S
CMY Systems Sdn. Bhd.
Linux Technologies, Inc.
Paul Zoeller Personalberatung Gmbh
CapTech IT Services
FourThought LLC
NorthStar Technologies Inc.
CMO Waasland
Continuum Software, Inc.
Ravensfield Geographic Resources, Ltd.
Science Applications International Corporation
Citrus-Lime Limited
Bufete Consultor de Mexico - Piensa Technology
iConnect Corporation
Rogers Cable
Preferred Internet, Inc.
Blue Marble Live
Telnet Canada Enterprises, Ltd.
The Reference
Seafare Access Ltd.
Dynamic Solutions
IN*KA e.V.
CymruNet Ltd
Cybernet Pty Ltd
Comfo Access Information Network Canada Corp.
Hex.Net Superhighway
Web Point Communications
Internet Discovery Ltd
Vest Internett a/s
CyberSites, Inc.
Internet Gateway Inc.
Datasync, Inc.
Kralizec Pty Ltd
Svenska Internet Centralen
Helicon On Line
AGEDNA d.o.o.
NetNation Communications (Canada) Inc.
Data Control & Systems
Zymurgy Systems Inc.
Belgacom Skynet SA NV
H3D Communication
US Micro
Lynx Internet Connections
TouchNET GmbH
Llama Communications
Solution - The Computer People
Internet-Aktiv KEG
France Cybermedia
Hampton Roads Online Ltd.
Gateway Internet Ltd.
DownCity, LLC
E-Znet Incorporated
New York Connect.NET
Sunnynet ISP
Norfolk County Internet, Inc.
Internet Presence Inc.
Denali Computer Systems
Saper Media Group, LLC
Leighton Internet
Generation Eight
MartNet Communications
Dreamcorp Computer Solutions
Center for Network Management and Services
XCalibre Communications
Air Virtual Internet Solutions
PPIT P/L T/A Webmania
LJM Internet Services
Weikfield Mnemonix InfoNetworks Pvt. Ltd.
On The Verge
Erielink, Inc.
MT-Link Ltd.
EuroIRC, Inc.
Gippy's Internet Solutions
Forward Network Communications, Inc
Saint John Free-net
True Computing Solutions
Emit Sp z o.o.
Software Builders
WCRT NetWorks
Complete Computer Solutions
Linuxcare, Inc.
LinSupport Solutions
Mission Critical Linux, LLC
Multi-User Solutions
M-Tech Mercury Information Technology, Inc.
Seattle Software Labs, Inc.
ARDI -- makers of Executor Mac emulator software
Wolfram Research
Progressive Computer Concepts, Inc.
Voxar Ltd
Realtime Software Solutions, Inc.
Byte Designs Ltd.
Proven Software Inc., ltd.
Elektrondata AB
Image Integration Inc
Executive Consultants
Vertek Corporation
Obsidian Systems CC
Datapat GmbH
Knox Software
BeFree SA/NV
TIS Software Limited
The Clan Partnership Ltd.
Logica PLC
Intelligent Alternatives
Fly-By-Day Consulting, Inc.
Emit Sp z o.o.
Software Builders
C&B Consulting
I/S LiquidCom
Better Access NV
Linux Canada Inc.
Golden Retriever Corp.
Integrated Technologies Corporation
Wyoming Financial Information Systems
Dynamis EDV-Consulting
S&F Consultores
Cymitar Technology Group Inc.
Internet Business Development S.L.
Rapid Data Inc.
JumpStart Systems, Inc.
Obsidian Systems CC
Integrated Technologies Corp.
Hugh Bragg (networking consultant)
Be Free SA.NV
Farrow Norris Pty Ltd
Akumiitti Ltd
SISA Software
Lunatech Research
International Business Machines
Computer Science Services Group, LLC
GATS, Incorporated
X Inside, Inc. dba Xi Graphics, Inc.
REALM Information Technologies, LLC
Ampersand Info-Tech Private Limited
X Engineering Software Systems
Funcom Oslo AS
Cascade Scientific Software, Inc.
Internet Security Systems Inc
Deepwoods Software
TalentSoft - Talent Information Management, LLC.
South Coast Software
GBdirect Ltd
AbiSource, Inc.
Linux Michoacan OpenSource
Applix. Inc.
System Development Group, Inc.
Piranha Interactive Publishing
Daedalus World Wide
Ocean Park Software
Pacific Northwest Software
Event Software Incorporated
Toolshed Technologies, Inc
Deepwoods Software
PAC Software Engineering, Inc.
Blueridge Technologies, Inc
Advanced Database Technologies
Enhanced Software Technologies, Inc., Inc.
KingStar Computer Ltd.
Integrated Business Systems Corporation
JDH Technologies L.L.C.
Driversoft, Inc.
Bittco Solutions Inc.
Srishti Software Pvt. Ltd.
WebMaster, Incorporated
Moreton Bay LLC
Strategic Technology Transfer Inc.
CCR Innovacion
Dxtra Inc.
Pybiz, Inc
R.B.S. Computer Corporation
Deepwoods Software
Caelus, Inc.
eWaddle, Inc.
eData Technologies,Inc.
Anteil, Inc.
e-smith, inc.
01linux Ltd
e-Solutions, Inc.
Mind nv - Linux Consultancy
Dise�o de Software S.L.
Mount Linux Inc.
Empresas Tuxpan
UCS Group Limited
Aravind Software Solution Private Ltd
Emobee Inc.
Prangya Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Progi-Pac Enr.
Sigmer Ltd
Tetrapod Communications, Inc.
Unique Systems, Inc.
NIKOMA MediaWorks GmbH
Pacific Digital Interactive
Bent Media Inc.
Larson Software Technology
Starizon Technologies
Sony Development
Blue Sky|VIFX, Inc.
Gannett Media Technologies International
URGent - Ghent Student Radio
WavePhore WaveTop, Inc.
Linux Today
Nucleus Communications
TM Design Communications
Mahaffys' Quality Printing
Studio C
Northeastern Educational Television of Ohio, Inc.
GSI Technologies
Telechamada, Chamada de Pessoas, SA
RTV Regional-TV Services GmbH
Sony WorldWide Networks
LoopExpert Technologies
Century Computers
Digital Video Systems, Inc.
Cisco Systems Inc.
SpellCaster Telecommunications Inc.
Quality Service Management, Inc.
McLeodUSA Telecommunications Inc.
U S West, Inc
CII industrielle SA
Netcom International
MessageNet Systems, Inc.
Century Computers
Nokia Oyj
Fluke Corporation
Erik Thiele (who built an autonomous robot)
Medonic AB
Bendor Research Pty. Ltd.
Townsend Engineering Services, Inc.
RMD Engineering Inc.
Virginia Power
Atrax Engineering
Sony Electronics Inc
K�rnkraft S�kerhet och Utbildning AB
The Silver Hammer Group Ltd.
Optim Microwave, Inc.
KOAM Engineering Systems, Inc
Chipworks, Inc.
diplan GmbH
Gulf Interstate Engineering
CAE MRad Pty Ltd
SSM Business Corporation Sdn. Bhd.
Fuss & O'Neill Inc.
Data Flow Systems, Inc.
Artisys s.r.o.
IBT SA.NV / Sylis Group
Sulzer Hydro GmbH
Arris Interactive
Quester Tangent Corporation
MASH Computer und Softwareservice
Ing. Friedrich Bauer
control Systemtechnik GmbH
Rachana Systems and Software
MCH Konsulting Sweden
Optim Microwave, Inc.
Beacon Maritime
Vaisala Ltd
Triton ETD
Morrison Industries
ROSCO/Entertainment Technology
Remstar International Inc.
VisuAide, Inc.
FMJ/PADLOCK Computer Security Systems
Piping Technology & Products, Inc.
Flesher Fabrication, LLC.
DarkLight Systems Limited
Weston Vinyls PLC
The Leather Collection, Incorporated
Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks
Siemens S.A. de C.V.
Tetra Pak Grafobal a.s.
V & L Tool, inc.
Sumerset Custom Houseboats
Perceptics Corporation
Axiom (Cambridge) Ltd.
Design Dimensions
Weston Vinyls Plc
Universal Computer Services
Golub Corporation
Pacific Semiconductors Inc.
Caprice Distributors Ltd.
Watson Foodservice, Inc.
Call & Logistik Center GmbH & Co KG
Euroline AS
Ibis Books
Walker Component Group
Genisys Inc.
Jubilee Office Supplies
ECandle, Inc.
Century Sound & Music Ltd.
The Bostwick-Braun Company
Golub Corporation
BlueStar Point of Sale Hardware
Buddinge Traelasthandel A/S
KFC Tri-state Management
Decollement Consulting, Ltd.
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
ACCEL Services, Inc.
Schlumberger Limited
Atmos Energy
Mathtech Pakistan
Giant Industries, Inc.
Nafta Gbely a.s.
Cloudstone Petroleum Resources
Byte Magazine
The Linux Journal (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
Digisoft Software Development
The Auto Channel, Inc.
Linux-Magazin Verlag
Digital Domain
O'Reilly publications in France
Latin America Data Base
Nomina GmbH
Higher Intellect
Dagbladet B�rsen A/S
16 Straight Communications
�ditions O'Reilly
Rector Press Limited
InTech Asset Consulting
Sallie Mae Inc.
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency
City Public Service/IBEW Federal Credit Union
Banco BNL do Brasil S/A
Anderson Accounting Systems
First Data Resources/Digital CD-ROM Services
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency
Cloudstone Finanacial Services
Debis Systemhaus CCS GmbH
Mercedes-Benz AG
Mercedes-Benz T�rk
AutoNation, Inc.
The Boeing Company
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Aerospace Parts International, Inc.
The Alberta Provincial Mental Health Advisory Board
Clinical Pharmacological Research, Ltd.
Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie de l'Eure
Dapsys S.A.
Jobsoft Design and Development, Inc.
Canadian Medical Laboratories
Priority Mobile Health
Mitra Imaging Inc
Praxis Storath
Garnet Health Systems Corporation
Minoru Development Corporation
Biosan Laboratories Inc.
Dr.Reckeweg & Co. GmbH
Science Applications International Corporation
United States Army Publishing Agency
U.S. Navy: Personnel Support Activity, San Diego
Agdia, Inc.
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Business Administrative Services, Inc
The Calgary Winter Club
The English Sports Council
Tysbrook Stable
Keyline Building Materials
Re/Max Team Ideal Realty Inc.
Com-Steel, L.L.C.
Kurt Eichenberger/architect aia
Allied Tours
Travel Concepts of Atlanta
Navtech System Support
Prime Hotels International Corporation
Turtle Point Marina
Amadeus Development Company
HimLine Projects (india) Pvt.Ltd.
Yellow Cab Service Corporation
Canadian National Railways
National Iranian Tanker company.
Mackie Moving Systems Corporation
Apache Digital Corporation
Linux Systems Labs
Revolutionary Software, Inc.
Craftwork Solutions, Inc.
Sangoma Technologies Inc.
Numerical Algorithms Group, Inc.
All-Linux Shopping Mall
WorkGroup Solutions, Inc
Real Magic LINUX
VirtuFlex Software Corp.
Quality Software Solutions, Inc.
Atpia Inc.
S.u.S.E. GmbH
LiSA Consulting
Red Hat Software, Inc.
Cyrix .
Technology Associates, Inc.
VA Research
Linux Central
RHR Software
Aquasoft Pty Ltd
Corel Computer Corp.
Alexander Systems Inc.
BitMover, Inc.
LinuxPPC Inc.
Jet Infosystems
Promox Systems
Archive Retrieval, Inc.
ixsoft Software Development and Distribution
Distributed Logic SA
CRYPTOCard Corporation
Wescom GmbH
Kaiwal Software (Shane) Co.,Ltd.
The Linux Store
Multi-User Solutions
e-smith, inc.
Linux System Solution Limited
Linux Laptops Ltd.
Thai Linux Solution Ltd.,Part
On Target Systems
Tuxtops, Inc.
Bowen Byte-Wise Computers
IndyBox Systems, Inc.
CeeJay Computer Services
Warped Systems
3iNet Inc
Advanced Clustering Technologies
Calif. Polytechnic State Univ.
Chair for Technical Thermodynamics
New Zealand Forest Research Insitute
Institut f�r Informations- und Datenverarbeitung
Millbury Public Schools
University of Rio Grande, CS Dept.
Janus pannonius University, Faculti of Law
Complex of Schools of Environmental Engineering
Texas Tech University Department of Physics
Mankato State University
Volunteer State Community College
Fachhochschule Mannheim, Institut fuer CAE
Zentrum f. Europ. Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH
Dep. of Manufacturing Eng., Tech. Univ. of Denmark
Tanzstudio Dreuw
Takoma Academy
MidAmerica Nazarene University
The D. Y. Patil Group
Practical Advanced Technology Sdn Bhd
University of Botswana
Methodist Ladies College
Fuller Theological Seminary
Department of Cartography, ETH Zurich
Universidad Nacional de Tucuman
Deptartment of Informatics / G�teborgs University
Aquinas College
School of Mathematics, Tata Institute, INDIA
Lab. Nikolaus Walczuch Los Andes University
Minnesota State University, Mankato - EE Dept.
California Institute of Technology
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Studio of Arts And Sciences
Global Knowledge
National Disaster Communication Response Team
Palm Beach County Workforce Development Board, Inc
New Jersey State Police
Netherlands Office for Science & Technology
National Research Council Of Canada
City of Cesky Krumlov
U.S. Senate Democratic Leadership
US Bureau of Reclamation
City of Prescott
Community Information & Referral
California Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System
Beauregard Parish Public Library
The Green Parties of North America
Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly
World Council of Churches
Resources For Human Development
Applied Information Management Institute
The Edmonton Cat Fanciers Club
& many many many many many more

Microsoft also run 20 or more servers in the public domain world wide running Linux. Microsoft claims they are used solely for research.

oh! I'm afraid I have some bad news for you (none / 0) (#48)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Nov 21st, 2001 at 12:10:25 AM PST
You know all the geeks hired by all those companies you've listed to work in the mailroom? The ones who thought they were being revolutionary by submitting their employer's name on's "Look Who's Using Linux Survey"? Well, they've long since been fired. We're in a recession, you know. Mailboys talking about quake and badmouthing Microsoft are an unacceptable luxury in these hard economic times.

actually (0.00 / 1) (#49)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Nov 21st, 2001 at 01:44:51 AM PST
Most of the companies on the list are active Partners of Red Hat Inc as well as Caldera, SuSE, and Mandrakesoft. Not to mention that many of the companies on the list are also developing linux software. Many of the big name/well known companies on that list already have Linux software on the market.

"ALL" as you put it twice is short sighted and just plain dumb. Netscape develops their browser for linux. AOL is currently developing a version of, well, AOL for Linux. Not to mention that IBM has a multi billion dollar Linux Lab & has already began implementing Linux Mainframes (one machine that can run multiple instances of Linux, and can replace 30-100 NT or Sun server systems). They have also been running commercials promoting linux e-business solutions for quite some time.

Also obviously you didn't read the list because included on it are comapnies such as Red Hat, SuSE, etc. Linux was running on the graphics rendering servers for the movie Shrek (as stated in an interview with the animators). Another hint that you didn't bother to read the list is that you didn't see that some of the company names included the word linux. This includes the Linux Journal which I pick up from time to time along with my copy of PC Magazine and PC World.

The NSA has there own version of Linux. NYSE replaced the Unix server systems (no MS in that server room) with Linux. Toyota is building a brand new Linux network to improve information tranfers between dealerships (info from their site).

Here's where I got the information:

All of these sites run Linus for some one reason or another. It also gives information on where and how.

Oh god (none / 0) (#25)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Nov 18th, 2001 at 10:24:36 PM PST
Yeah. Next time I want to know whether somebody is qualified to build a PC, I'll have them cook something, just to see. If they can cook, then they can build a PC. Truly a recipe for success.


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