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 I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Mar 17, 2002
This has left me somewhat on edge lately. I lead a rich and rewarding dream-life and have grossly deprived myself of that.

More diaries by osm
I don't enjoy life
Movie Review
Of Microsoft and "Great" Britain
The Truth Behind ESR's Sex Tips
The Dating Game
a day in the park with opalhawk
opalhawk's childlike innocence
[UPDATED]heavenly white roses seem to whisper to me when opalhawk smiles
Can't sleep? Bored with the same-ol' same-ol'?
no sleep for the weary
what the hell am i doing here?
smaerd dicul htiw erutnevda yadnus
a new hope
life changing event
help wanted
life is grand
surgical strikes
decisions, decisions
lifestyle changes in face of terrorism
lesbian update
what a freak
MY weird uncle benny
Why Natalie Portman Is Better Than Any Of You
exorcising haunted attics
we've hit the big time, baby!
has natalie met her match??
unfortunately, she speaks english
a whole new perspective
Hell in a Handbasket
famous last words
I Miss Hauntedattics
Startling Revelation
Occupying America
Super Bowl Commercial
Happy Birthday, Reagan
OB-La-Di, OB-La-Da
Happy Valentine's Day!
The Day the Dopes Came Over
clusterlizard survives barage of hacking attempts!
This is my diary
Queen Mum Spontaneously Reanimates, Does Elvis Imitation

Actually, it's done more than put me on edge. I've been seeing moving shadows, can't stand upright at times, and have bizarre mood swings. I've even become a general danger to myself and others, as today I was smoking another in a long chain of cigarettes. Casually, I flicked the ash into my tray as I've done countless times before. This time, I lost muscle control in my hand and the cigarette went flying... somewhere... I searched for a good thirty minutes and could not find it anywhere. So, I decided to get a haircut.

Now, I question whether the entire episode even happened.

Normally, I like to burn candles while I work. But today, while out getting some clothes, I saw a lava lamp blowout sale, so I bought one. With blue wax. It's a rich blue with a hint of purple in the shadows. For some reason it makes me think of Eva Habermann and the smell of ozone around a power plant - two of my favorite things.

My boss/friend and I are also working on a devious plot. My server logs have revealed countless attempts to hack into my system by a nimda infected remote. My boss has noticed the same. We decided to come up with a program that will detect a nimda attack and immediately return the attack the remote system. Maybe erase their hard drive or something. That's what they get for being a virus carrier. Just like homosexuals should be beaten and hanged.

I think I will turn my lamp off now so it will be cooled down and ready to go when it gets dark.


ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz (none / 0) (#1)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 03:44:46 PM PST
Just like homosexuals should be beaten and hanged.

Yeah you get some sleep Pat Robertson.
This site is aimed at middle class white male professionals - the sort of people who have been sadly sidelined by today's victim culture, and the domination of homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who have all risen up with their discrimination laws and 'equality' to sadly control the media agenda.

These people are not welcome here. This is where we make a stand. This is where we fight back.

This site is also squarely aimed at the marginalised of society -- homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who remain in a state of oppression, kept down by the dominant white male patriarchy and by insufficiently rigorous 'discrimination' laws and the corporate media.

These people are welcome here. This is where we make a stand. This is where we fight back.
Controversial opinions, passionately held.

Controversial? Sounds more like hypocritical.

Just admit it, Ted (none / 0) (#2)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 04:17:01 PM PST
You shit-packer. don't you have an AIDS support group to go to? Somewhere over that rainbow?

Not me (none / 0) (#8)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 10:28:35 PM PST
Actually I was posting that on behalf of a family member. You know what I'm talking about. Everyone at least has a gay cousin or a crazy gay uncle. You know the one. He's always gotta bring his "friend" to Christmas dinner.

"Everyone"? (none / 0) (#10)
by tkatchev on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 10:33:27 PM PST
Speak for yourself!

Peace and much love...

O I C (none / 0) (#13)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 12:42:54 AM PST
Perhaps that's because YOU are the sissy of the family.

I'm not. (none / 0) (#15)
by tkatchev on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 05:25:24 AM PST
But at the very least you should know that sissy !- homosexual.

Peace and much love...

but (none / 0) (#22)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 02:07:54 PM PST
but homosexual definitely equal sissy

judy gardland is NOT good music

Huh?? (none / 0) (#3)
by ttm on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 06:23:16 PM PST
I've been seeing moving shadows, can't stand upright at times, and have bizarre mood swings.

And this is new?? :)


Take all things in moderation, Including moderation.

No new idea. (none / 0) (#4)
by The Mad Scientist on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 09:32:12 PM PST
We decided to come up with a program that will detect a nimda attack and immediately return the attack the remote system.

Already was done for Code Red, the antidote is called Code Green. The attack frequency got lower now but I am still considering deploying it. Hadn't heard anything about Nimda-specific antidote, but would like to. As far I only have aliases for the exploit strings that redirect the wannabe attackers to, so they taste their own medicine - or more accurately a bug juice.

Maybe erase their hard drive or something. That's what they get for being a virus carrier.

Erasing is too harsh. The primary objective of an anti-worm shouldn't be a punishment. It should be removing of the danger the infected server possesses for the rest of the vulnerable population on the Net. The action would be ideally a surgical strike, breaking in and removing the infection (like Code Green does). If not possible, a brief and clean DoS attack will do, which will serve two purposes: removing the source of infection, and attract the admin's attention to his neglected machine.

I am playing with a hostile activity detector (Snort), how to make it trigger a counterattack script - when it detects messing someone around the services they have no business to sniff around, run a traceroute and lightweight portscan and nmap OS-probe on the offending IP, and create a database of possible attackers. Maybe to have a set of rules, like Eliza, but instead of leading a conversation with words it would lead a "conversation" with attack probes. Without even moving my finger, the longer the wannabe hero will mess around my castle, the more I will know about him.

This wouln't happen if there weren't so many... (5.00 / 2) (#5)
by elenchos on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 09:44:18 PM PST
...computers. I don't see any reason why there should be more than one.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

good point... (none / 0) (#6)
by poltroon on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 09:55:38 PM PST
but I wonder if the computer would be susceptible to autoimmune diseases...

You couldn't let any hackers work on it. (none / 0) (#7)
by elenchos on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 10:04:45 PM PST
Only professionals. They would do it right. The main thing would be to not let users do just anything they wanted. Besides email and stuff, what would it have to offer? Maybe some pay-per-listen mp3 service, maybe some swimsuit photos.

We could have everything we want with none of the hassle. The only reason not to is to keep the hackers happy, which is to say, no reason.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

Only one computer? (none / 0) (#9)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 10:32:47 PM PST
So let me get this straight. You would be happy if there were only one computer available for 6 billion people? So you wouldn't mind having to wait in line to download your gay porn?

Don't worry. (none / 0) (#11)
by The Mad Scientist on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 10:53:21 PM PST
He will never get what he wants so loudly.

He apparently fails to understand that most of the High Priesthood, essential for smooth functioning of any major computer installation, are the oh-so-loathed hackers.

Regardless what will happen, they will not let their beloved machines go. Even in the unlikely case of an open confrontation, the most hardened al-Qaeda fighters are newborn kittens in comparison with a properly pissed-off hacker.

So keep the hackers happy and be glad they are in friendly mood.

And be glad for a free security check and uncalled-for-but-unpaid bootcamp training time to time. The hackers aren't the only "enemies" out there - the armies around the world are seriously investigating information warfare.

Hah! (none / 0) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 03:17:41 AM PST
Watch out for hobo Alan Cox! He'll cut you with his hobo knife if you go near his cluster of 386's!! (He keeps his hobo knife under his red hat!!)

thank you for allowing us to live (none / 0) (#17)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 10:05:54 AM PST
vicariously through the unrelentingly romantic saga that is your life. I thank my dim flickering stars you resist parsimony in all the varied, fascinating and jargon addled details which manage to sound both uncommonly erudite and contemptuously obvious. You are a renaissance man where the ordinary game console whore fears to tread, a square peg in a pointy haired boss convention, a vat of borden's condensed sweetened milk, a hooker without condoms, and so on.

You're welcome. (none / 0) (#21)
by The Mad Scientist on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 12:00:45 PM PST
(polite bow, no text)

hmm (none / 0) (#12)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 11:44:46 PM PST
I've been seeing moving shadows, can't stand upright at times, and have bizarre mood swings.

Oh man, visual artifacts,

This time, I lost muscle control in my hand and the cigarette went flying...

involuntary, exaggerated muscle contractions... Sounds like you hit the sweet spot for blow. Cover your loins, the world will shortly become unsafe from your unfocused lust.

-- PotatoError

Hooray! (none / 0) (#16)
by hauntedattics on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 10:05:28 AM PST
Oh good, you're back. I had contemplated writing an especially vituperative diary entry about Eva Habermann, dear, just to attract your attention, but now I don't have to. It's good to have you back.

Now would you please insult the hell out of me and then go take a nap? Thanks.

I'm too pissed off to insult you (none / 0) (#18)
by osm on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 10:11:45 AM PST
I just found out I have to spend ANOTHER $500 on one of my cats - the one I had to spend $700 on 2 years ago due to hepatitis. Now it's a kidney infection. The next time the fucker isn't coming home. I calculate she's used 18 lives at this point. Goddamn cocksmokers.

How old... (none / 0) (#19)
by hauntedattics on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 10:18:03 AM PST
is the feline in question? At some point you may just tell the vet to get screwed and let nature take its course.

she's only 5 or so. (none / 0) (#20)
by osm on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 10:20:04 AM PST


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