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Who are the biggest bunch of Nazis ?
Germans 10%
Austrians 34%
Swiss 12%
French 44%

Votes: 50

 My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Dec 15, 2001
2001 has been quite a year. What with the dotcom market crash, and the terrible events of September 11th, I feel like I deserve a vacation.

But I have a problem. You see, I am quite politically aware, and I have always considered myself to be a responsible tourist. I never went to South Africa under the apartheid regime, and I will not go to Saudi Arabia until they allow women the right to drive.

My problem is I am a highly proficent skiier, and all the best ski resorts happen to be located in Europe, namely in Switzerland, France, Austria, Italy, and Germany.


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The obvious question to ask is "Why don't you go and ski in Europe then ? There are some pretty good flight deals at the moment due to the Sept 11th terrorist attack, and God knows our airlines could use the business".

This is what a unintelligent co-worker of mine actually said to me the other day while we discussed my dilemma by the water cooler.

Obviously anyone who asks a question such as this is not very well versed in politics or history but I am, which is why the vacation issue is such a sensitive one for me.

I really want to go and sample the delights of Europe's top ski resorts. They are widely regarded by skiing experts as being the best in the world. They offer vast interlinked ski areas combined with top-notch upscale European fine dining, and a vibrant night life. The Austrians can out-party even the most boisterous frat-boys, and the Germans can drink just about anyone under the table.

What I don't want to do is to support racist, fascist regimes or people. I believe my government has done enough of that on my behalf already without me adding to the oppression. Our European forefathers committed genocide in order to found our great nation I like to think that by being aware of racism and being very choosy about where I spend my dollers, I can do my bit to make amends for all the atrocities America has inflicted on many different races throughout the years. As a white man, I realise that I am racist by definition, but this will not prevent me from challenging my own racism on a daily basis, and trying to live responsibly, attempting to make personal reparations in whatever way I can, no matter how small or trivial it may seem to others.

But enough about my personal struggle against racism, I was explaining my dilemma. The five countries I mentioned as potential ski vacation destinations all seem to have problems with racism. I am not comfortable with any of them. Lets take each country in turn

  • Austria.
    Austria's main claim to fame is that it was the birthplace of Herr Adolf Hitler. More recently however Kurt Waldheim has hit the headlines for his Nazi connections and currently Jorg Haider is singing the praises of Naziism. What more can be said of the country that welcomed Hitler with open arms in 1938, managed to avoid the full-scale de-Nazification program which the Allies applied to Germany, and then proceeded to elect Nazis and Fascists as though there were nothing wrong with it. I think you will agree I cannot go here and keep a clear conscience.

  • France
    Home of Jean-Marie Le Pen, Brigit Bardot, and the Front Nationale. The recent death of Fran�ois Mitterand (who was once decorated by Vichy Nazi collaborator leader Philippe Petain) does nothing to reduce the endemic racism and anti-semetism of the French nation. I cannot bring myself to vacation in this right wing racist haven.

  • Switzerland
    Those thieving profiteering scumbags who stole Jewish gold and lied about it. What more can be said ? The Swiss were dealing with the Nazis for a long time. Why would I want to go there and spend my American dollars which are representative of freedom and democracy, something these Nazis will never understand ? So Switzerland is out. Which is a pity, since I hear that Zermatt has some particularly good runs.

  • Germany
    Germany the country's name will forever be synonymous with Naziism. Nothing more needs to be said. I won't forget. Nor will the history books.

  • Italy
    Now we come to perhaps the most difficult problem. Italy was never really a Nazi state, its leader Mussolini was a fascist true enough, but it wasn't him who initiated the holocaust. We all know whose idea that was (Hint: he was Austrian). However there are many disturbing right wing trends in modern Italy. Silvio Berlusconi has gone on the record as saying "We should be conscious of the superiority of our civilisation, which consists of a value system that has given people widespread prosperity in those countries that embrace it, and guarantees respect for human rights and religion. This respect certainly does not exist in the Islamic countries". These are hardly the words of someone who respects diversity, are they ? And then there is the Nothern League led by Umberto Bossi. It seems you cannot turn a corner in modern Europe without running into a xenophobic racist neo-fascist. Which is a pity because Italy has some great skiing, and some even better food and drink.

  • The European Union
    Let us Americans hold no illusions about the EU. What appears to us to be a friendly bunch of people who speak lots of different languages, and are prone to getting over excited at football matches is actually the nascent fourth reich.

    The common European currency was Hitler's idea, which is why older Austrians are finding it easy to use. The worrying thing for me is that the Europeans (all 300 million of them) seem to be joining together as a super-state. And that super-state is using a Nazi currency model, and appears to aspire to take over the USAs #1 nation status. And they are about the only nation on God's Earth that could pull it off. You only have to think about their superior automobiles and domestic appliances to see that they are a force to be reckoned with. And let us not forget that were it not for Werner Von Braun and all the other Nazi scientists America would not be #1 nation today. It seems that fascism and Naziism are on the rise again in Europe but this time there is a thin veneer of respectability to make it all seem palatable to the masses. I do not want my vacation dollars going toward funding a fascist super-state with ambitions of world domination...

    Which brings me back to my problem. Obviously now is a really good time to travel because flights are so cheap, but I don't want to give my support to any racist or neo-fascist governments. It seems I am out of luck.

    I've tried looking further afield, but the only other places I have come up with are Chile and Scotland. Chile does not seem to have a history of racism per-se, but then Chile seems to have played host to a whole load of human rights abuses which ensure it will never gain a place on my skiing itinerary.

    Scotland looks to be OK, but the men there all seem to be slightly effeminate, wearing dresses and 'Tossing' their 'Cabers'. Whilst I respect diversity as much as the next man, I have no wish to spend my vacation in close proximity to a bunch of effeminate 'tossers'. So Scotland is out of the question.

    Which leaves me with nowhere to go. I guess I could stay in the USA, but to tell the truth, I'm getting a bit sick of all the mindless knee-jerk flag waving and gung-ho militarism that characterises our nation at the moment.

    I need to get away from it all. All this fake patriotism and the strain of 'watching what I say' is starting to tell on me.

    Do any of our more politically aware readers have any suggestions as to where I might go ? Somewhere where I can sleep easy in the knowledge that I am not supporting some nasty political regime, and preferably somewhere where I can get a cheap deal on a flight!

  • There are other options. (none / 0) (#1)
    by RobotSlave on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:09:09 AM PST
    In particular, the west coast of South America has some absolutley astounding opportuities for the alpine sports enthusiast. Look into Argentina and Chile, modern nations with none of the political difficulties that seem to give you pause.

    Alternately, I'd suggest you head up to Alaska and hire yourself a helicopter pilot. You won't find brochures or descriptive inter-webly adverts for this sort of service, but it will knock the socks off of anything you might find in the Old World. If you've got that extra itch for nightlife, then you can always stop in Vegas at the beginning of the trip to hire yourself a few companions for the outing.

    © 2002, RobotSlave. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

    This isn't slashdot. Read the story before posting (none / 0) (#5)
    by dmg on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:31:50 AM PST
    If you read my article to the end you will see that I mention the resort of Portillo. Likewise if you had read the article you would see that I am looking to get away from the USA and its hysterical 'patriotism' Hence Alaska hardly qualifies, although I have seen the heli-skiing website and I definately intend to do it one day, finances permitting.

    As an editor, I could have deleted your post. But I didn't. If you intend to post a response to an article here in future, please do us the respect of reading it first This is not slashdot. There are no prizes for 'first posts'. Just take your time, and reply when you have something useful to add.

    Don't take this too hard, old slashdot habits die hard.

    time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
    -- MC Hawking

    Well he may have a point though. (none / 0) (#21)
    by elby on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:16:12 AM PST
    Alaska has not been noted for it's desire to continue on as a member of our great union. Perhaps this could be a good place to get away from the excessive patriotism.


    Sure he has a point. (none / 0) (#22)
    by dmg on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:21:47 AM PST
    Alaska is a very cool place (literally) and I will go heliskiing one day. But right now I just need to get the hell out of the USA before I start to go insane.

    time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
    -- MC Hawking

    Have you though that (none / 0) (#30)
    by walwyn on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 11:55:12 AM PST
    perhaps the harshness of mountainous regions leads to a harshness in the inhabitants?

    I would have suggested Kenya as your destination, as their behaviour towards women has started to improve but unfortunately other human rights issues remain to be done .

    May be you should think of taking up water skiing.

    You might be on to something here (none / 0) (#45)
    by dmg on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:15:59 PM PST
    perhaps the harshness of mountainous regions leads to a harshness in the inhabitants?

    I did wonder if the mountainous territory somehow promotes a fascist outlook on life, but then I realized other countries have mountains but are quite socialist in their outlook.

    time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
    -- MC Hawking

    Where were you think of? (none / 0) (#65)
    by walwyn on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:46:58 AM PST
    Here or here.

    Argentina. (none / 0) (#31)
    by RobotSlave on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 11:55:57 AM PST
    So I forgot your reference to Chile amidst the hysterical frothing over the inadequacies of the Old Country. Ho hum. Bariloche is very nice, you know, although this is not the proper time of year for it, of course.

    If you really must get out of US territory, then an expedition to Antarctica with your helicopter can be organized that ought to be just as rewarding as an Alaskan foray. You will, of course, have to bring your own night life with you, but that's just a matter of planning. Paul Allen's people can probably give you a suggestion or two if you're not accustomed to this sort of entertaining.

    On another note, I am, frankly, shocked that an adequacy editor lacks the finances for a bit of routine helicopter rental. I didn't realize that the poor were even considered for editorial positions. The thought is quite distressing.

    I will, consequently, assume that you are merely "slumming," putting on the guise of the impoverished in order to guage the state of the broader public. This, after all, would be a prudent (if somewhat unpleasant) research technique for an expert in marketing science.

    © 2002, RobotSlave. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

    finances (none / 0) (#161)
    by elby on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 06:37:41 AM PST
    No worries, kind RobotSlave. The comforting truth is that despite dmg's vast financial resources, he is really grounded by something as simple as a fear of helicopters. Any other reasons are just excuses.


    dmg... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:13:11 AM PST
    since when has pointing out the grave inadequacies in islamic states been "disrespectful of diversity"? Berlusconi is correct. Those freedoms he referred to don't exist in Islamic countries.

    (Bear in mind that terms like "respect" and "disrespect" have been co-opted to mean something more along the lines of "just accept everything that comes your way".)

    Western freedom is Islamic slavery. (none / 0) (#3)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:27:15 AM PST
    Like the freedom western women have to dress in revealing clothes for the enjoyment of men ? Like the freedom to go to work and do mens jobs like construction even though they are not physically equipped to do the job ?

    Islam does not recognise these Western concepts of freedom. And who is to say that we are right and they are wrong ? That is precisely what is meant by respecting diversity. You do your thing and I will do mine. No pressure, just mutual respect. Berlusconi was simply being a bigoted fascist. Hardly surprising.

    a specious argument. (none / 0) (#6)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:44:34 AM PST
    > the freedom western women have to dress in revealing clothes?

    I understand. `Freedom' to wear specific types of clothing is really `slavery'? Or, "Freedom is slavery". Sound familiar?

    > do mens jobs like construction even though they are not physically equipped to do the job?

    Not equipped? Perhaps more a case of women by and large not wanting to
    pursue careers in construction. However you haven't presented a convincing
    case of why those few women who do wish to pursue such a manly occupation
    should be precluded from doing so. It could be a case of you affirming
    the consequent (turning bricklaying-men are all
    strong/well-equipped-for-the-task into
    people-who-are-well-equipped-for-the-task are bricklaying-men).

    > Hardly surprising

    Why would that be?

    On a related note, is asking religions freedom of islamic states another freedom that you think they should be able to blithely dismiss?

    You miss the point. (none / 0) (#10)
    by dmg on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:17:44 AM PST
    One person's freedom is another person's slavery. The Islamic religion expects its male and female followers to dress modestly. This is for a reason. It prevents lustful behaviour and licentiousness. This is a very practical rule. Likewise Islam prohibits alcohol because it leads to fornication.

    In a society where women and men are not constrained in their behaviour, negative consequences will result. The USA with its mindless pursuit of material wealth and immediate sensual gratification is seen as 'free' while more conservative states which place a higher value on human dignity, are criticised for not being free. What a joke. You have been truly brainwashed by the American media.

    Women are not equipped for hard physical labor. That is a simple statement of fact. Why is it that women play three sets of tennis and men play five ? Or do you really believe that men and women are physically equal ?

    Its hardly surprising that the leader of a Catholic state would harbor anti-Islamic beliefs. Catholics and Christians have been amongst the main instigators of violence for at least the last 500 years.

    Islamic states do not 'blithly dismiss' religious freedoms. Indeed the main problem is the kufr women from the West who visit Islamic countries and then display they bodies in a most immodest way upsetting the local Muslims.

    If anything the non-believers are given too much freedom in Islamic states. You may be aware that in Saudi Arabia, they even turn a blind eye to alcohol consumption (in the foregner's compounds).

    time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
    -- MC Hawking

    Point taken. (none / 0) (#13)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:57:13 AM PST
    >One person's freedom is another person's slavery. The Islamic religion
    expects its male and female followers to dress modestly. This is for a
    reason. It prevents lustful behaviour and licentiousness. This is a very
    practical rule. Likewise Islam prohibits alcohol because it leads to

    >In a society where women and men are not constrained in their behaviour,
    negative consequences will result. The USA with its mindless pursuit of
    material wealth and immediate sensual gratification is seen as 'free'
    while more conservative states which place a higher value on human
    dignity, are criticised for not being free. What a joke. You have been
    truly brainwashed by the American media.

    I do not live in the Americas, nor do I equate the United States with
    "America" as you so naively do. Your claim of Islam being a maven for
    "human dignity" is a joke, as as the the lectures of Bat Ye'or should
    adequately inform you (

    > Women are not equipped for hard physical labor. That is a simple statement of fact.

    You affirm the consequent in the same fashion as the original poster by
    presuming that all women are ill-equipped for "hard physical labor". Are
    they? I know of butch women. The criteria for being "equipped for hard
    physical labor" is obviously going to be based on one's muscular strength.
    The fact that the set of people with sufficient muscular strength is
    (almost) a subset of the set of men is merely one of the wide-ranging
    effects of testosterone.

    > Why is it that women play three sets of tennis and men play five ?

    Do you see a lot of butch women playing tennis? Those that aren't butch,
    don't have the endurance more muscular men would have. Those women who
    are butch, probably could.

    > Or do you really believe that men and women are physically equal ?

    Straw man. I never asserted that men and women are physically equal. I
    assert that the criteria for being "equipped for hard physical labor"
    includes muscular strength. Women are not necessarily precluded from
    having the sufficient muscular strength.

    > Its hardly surprising that the leader of a Catholic state would harbor
    anti-Islamic beliefs.

    You never justified that Berlusconi's beliefs were "anti-Islamic"; a very
    strong case could be presented for lack of freedoms for certain groups in
    Islamic countries and hence his statement would be factual. While some of
    these freedoms may actually be slaveries (as you assert, and I can
    certainly see your point), some can't be waved away so simply (openbook:
    religious freedoms).

    > Catholics and Christians have been amongst the main instigators of
    violence for at least the last 500 years.

    (Catholics are Christians -- I take it you've been swallowing too much
    fundamentalist rubbish recently?)

    So precisely how did the entire Middle East fall to the Islamists? Islam
    has as much, if not more, blood on their hands than the Church, not to
    mention the Church has apologised for violent incursions, plus the fact
    that the incursions are sufficiently far in the past to demonstrate a
    change in attitude from the Church, as opposed to Islamic persecution
    occurring right now.

    > Islamic states do not 'blithly dismiss' religious freedoms.

    Oh, don't be daft with blanket comments like that. Which adequacy reader
    wouldn't be able to see past that transparent garbage?, although Google should yield many more
    hits should you be interested.

    > Indeed the main problem is the kufr women from the West who visit
    Islamic countries and then display they bodies in a most immodest way
    upsetting the local Muslims.

    I fail to see how Muslim outrage in these Islamic countries rebuts my
    charge of countries which blithely dismiss religions freedoms.

    > If anything the non-believers are given too much freedom in Islamic states.

    In any case, your charge of "the non-believers" reeks of religious
    fascism. Unlike immodest dress, religious freedom cannot be waved away as
    easily as you would like it to be.

    > You may be aware that in Saudi Arabia, they even turn a blind eye
    to alcohol consumption (in the foregner's compounds).

    How terribly kind of them.

    Thanks for defending my rights, pig! (2.50 / 2) (#11)
    by Robert Reginald Rodriguez on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:34:38 AM PST
    But no fucking freudian cigar for you. The idea that Western wymyn dress to please men is a product of a patriarchal mindset. If you actually respected wymyn as people, you'd know that wymyn dress to express themselves or because they enjoy the feeling they get from dressing up and looking good. It has nothing to do with being gawped at and drooled over by testosterone-drunk savages. To claim that wymyn who dress in revealing clothing do so for the sake of men is to claim that wymyn can aspire to be nothing more than objects of men's pleasure. In conclusion, your statements reflect an extremely sexist attitude, disguised as left-minded relativist do-gooderism. Berlusconi may be a bigot, but you are a crypto-bigot.


    Get off the slopes! (none / 0) (#4)
    by zikzak on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:27:50 AM PST
    Dear Sir, you are an Adequacy editor. As such, you have absolutely no business hurling yourself down some cliff face in a pathetic bid to prove your manhood.

    We are an advanced breed, distinct from the pedestrian recreations of our inferior brethren. If you must tear yourself away from your scholarly studies during the wintertime, I suggest you do so with a more appropriate sport like cross-country skiing, or perhaps snowshoeing.

    You can not truly appreciate the grandeur of nature when it is whizzing past you at 60 miles an hour.

    On the contrary (none / 0) (#7)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:45:34 AM PST
    I support fully his efforts to hurl himself into a tree at the highest of velocities.

    My insurance covers me. (none / 0) (#9)
    by dmg on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:00:28 AM PST
    Even when I ski things like this at Whistler: The alpine reaches of Blackcomb feature a series of intimidating runs -- with names like Couloir Extreme, Big Bang and Blow Hole -- that veteran skiers rank with some of the most extreme terrain in the world.

    Like the guy said on the web page it just drops straight down. You don't ski it so much as fall down it. I would rank Blackcomb glacier as one of the best places I've skied in North America. I will go to Valdez one day (assuming they don't elect any Nazis)

    time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
    -- MC Hawking

    The words... (none / 0) (#8)
    by m0rzo on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:45:59 AM PST
    idiot and hypocrit spring immediately to mind.

    Having scanned over this page for the last couple of months you just compelled me to sign up for an account. Now, either this is an incredibly good piss-take or you're just a self-hating, opinionated, dogmatic prick!

    By your own logic you have just discriminated against a whole continent. It is obvious that you have been reading too much Malcolm X type propoganda, and you obviously subscribe to the "kill the blue eyed devil" doctrine. It's people like you that stoke the flames of race relations.

    I'm guessing that you'd be hounded out of the countries you've mentioned - you're only crime being that you are a tit.

    How exactly am I hypocritical ? (none / 0) (#14)
    by dmg on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 05:17:31 AM PST
    Being a white man, how can I subscribe to the 'killing the blue eyed devil' doctrine. That would be foolish of me don't you think ? And anyway, the Nation of Islam no longer advocates that anyway. They have come closer to orthodox Islamic teachings.

    Far from 'stoking the flames of race relations' I am doing my own tiny bit to reduce the amount of racism in the world, by boycotting those states which promote racism and fascism.

    Far from being hounded out of these countries, I am being bombarded with tourist literature inviting me to go there, and very tempting it is too. But I have to make a stand and put principles before pleasure.

    After all, where would America be if we all mindlessly pursued our own happiness to the exclusion of everything else ?

    time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
    -- MC Hawking

    hmmm, maybe someone else has this dilemma also? (none / 0) (#62)
    by philipm on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:17:00 AM PST
    After all, where would America be if we all mindlessly pursued our own happiness to the exclusion of everything else ?

    Righ Here. Oh, I'm sorry. That was rhetorical.

    dmg, I think you need to get in touch with your inner Russian. The Russians have had your vacation dillemma for years. After all, they are right next to europe. What would a Russian do?

    Remember, the answer will probably involve suffering and drinking.


    Simple hypocracy explantion (1.00 / 1) (#75)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:11:26 PM PST
    It is quite obvious from the following comment that you are not what you seem to be:

    After all, where would America be if we all mindlessly pursued our own happiness to the exclusion of everything else ?

    You ask, "how exactly am I hypocritical?"

    The fact that you still live in America is the first clue. You are SO concerned with spending money in "bad" countries, yet fail to look in the geographical mirror. Someone of your "intellect" should readily understand how "bad" America itself has become. Perhaps your comment that I quoted illustrates your "prior knowledge" of this "paradox".

    In your quest to be a "good little boy", you choose to spend money only in countries that meet your "ethical" criteria. How about everyone in the world act as "good" as you, sir? Let's all spend our money at places that have never done something "bad". That will teach everyone a lesson, right?

    It is indeed pompous to hold countries responsible for acts committed hundreds of years ago. Your claim to never travel to Germany is justifiable, BUT taken in conjunction with all your other "holier than thou" posturing, one might "accidentally" assume that YOU yourself are quite prejudgemental, even racist.

    Perhaps the word bigot does fit you better, as you don't seem to actively persecute those in other countries - you just hold their nationality against them. I guess that's not as bad, but it's not something for which you deserve a pat on the back. Your economic stimuli won't be missed by those countries who aren't "good" enough for it.

    At least you show some signs of a "clue", again in your statement which I have quoted. The United States of America, good old USA, we sure do know how to pursue happiness - but whatever happened to pursuing life and liberty? I guess that part of America will "return" once our country is done "acting" like a superpower.

    An maybe, just maybe, people from other countries will decide to visit America, IN SPITE of all the bad things OUR country has done in the last hundred years. I hope they aren't as ethically pure as DMG claims to be.

    I have rated the above comment "1" (none / 0) (#79)
    by T Reginald Gibbons on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:34:43 PM PST
    I found it shamefully unpatriotic, and quite inappropriate during this time of need. National strength will not be regained if we listen to these bitter, ignorant anti-americans, who prefer to blither their self-hatred at us rather than rebuild the only nation in the world that is pure, strong and free.

    Only Nation that is Strong, Pure and Free??? (none / 0) (#88)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 09:39:26 AM PST
    U talk about Canada don't u???

    Absolutely not. (none / 0) (#93)
    by T Reginald Gibbons on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:22:48 PM PST
    All nations, aside from the US, fail to possess one of those three qualities, usually due to something that their national spirit lacks that the spirit of the USA does not. Canada lacks all three. The socialist menace to the North is weak, polluted by the pseudo-french of Quebec, and I'm sure I don't need to explain why they are not free. Who doesn't understand that collectivist government is the enemy of the individual?

    absolutely bollox (none / 0) (#96)
    by PotatoError on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:07:36 PM PST
    Strong, Pure and Free.

    You make up 3 words which have zero meaning.
    Pure - what does this mean??? Are you talking racially or morally? (the US is neither - and neither is any other country).

    Strong - again, what does this mean? are you talking military power or citizen mentality? The american people arent mentally stronger than any other people around the world.

    Free - yes, of course the US is the ONLY country which is free (?). The kind of country where if I say "im going to kill the president" during a phone conversation id get the Feds knocking down my door within 12 hours. Your phones, your emails, they are all tapped. You have a bit of a secret police over there. So give me a break about free. Most western countries are as free as the US and seeing as you are about to introduce massive anti-terrorist/anti-freedom laws over there dont you think this was a bad point to pick?
    But then again werent you the bloke who wrote that topic on how Bonzi buddy was a hacker tool?

    You kids don't know how good you have it (none / 0) (#99)
    by T Reginald Gibbons on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 12:01:10 AM PST
    I'm tired of reading your impotent recriminations against the greatest institution on Earth, the US government. If you think the rest of the world is so much freer and better off, why don't you go live there, and take your bollox with you (whatever that is). I'm sure you'll be delighted with your freedom while you're dying of malaria in a pestilent bog somewhere, while the bandits and warlords that dominate much of the globe are machine gunning your intestines with their inferior Russian weapons.

    Gibbons: (none / 0) (#118)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:22:38 AM PST
    yes, that or they could live in europe, canada, australia or japan and enjoy as much freedom as americans do, and without the high crime rates and petty, materialistic little people, both of which plague your "great nation". throw in there supressed racial tensions and total goddamn assholes, and i think you have a picture of the negative side of america.

    you obviously know little beyond your own borders. so please stop it with the higher than thou bullshit
    of course i recognize you're probably just trying to wind people up, just like everyone else on this page. and i'm sad to say, i am getting wound up. i congratulate you on that.

    as for your excellent "government" etc, please note you ripped almost all of the important stuff in your constitution straight out of the french books.
    i have no problem with the US. i think there could be far worse groups of people as the worlds soul superpower. but i do have a problem with some of its stupid, arrogant, self-centered little citizens.

    blimey that was a bit harsh old chap! [nt] (none / 0) (#142)
    by PotatoError on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:51:33 PM PST
    nope, no text at all, just like I said.

    hehheh (none / 0) (#141)
    by PotatoError on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:49:21 PM PST
    Obviously im not talking about the sort of countries you mentioned. You know there are other countries in the world? apart from the US and the 'warlord' controlled ones i mean.
    Basically as well as the US, most of Europe is free. So is Australia and New Zealand. If you can give one good solid reason why all of the above countries are less free than america then maybe you can convince me.

    Yes Russian weapons are inferior nowadays but the AK-47 ruled in its time!

    You must be joking (none / 0) (#143)
    by T Reginald Gibbons on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:36:41 PM PST
    Most of Europe is dominated by socialism. Need I say any more?

    Australia and New Zealand are essentially monarchies, in which the head of state (or her antipodean representative) is granted almost absolute power over government. All of the countries you mentioned lack a bill of rights, limiting the power of government over the citizenry. Not one of them has a constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech. USA wins again.

    o_o (none / 0) (#162)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 06:24:21 AM PST
    T Reginald Gibbosn, you are a fucktard, the most fucked up of all parents in the USA. o_o

    "inferior Russian weapons" (none / 0) (#165)
    by mjh01210 on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 10:13:56 PM PST
    I'd just like to make one point, the standard AK-47 Assault Rifle is in several ways better in CQB (close quarters battle) than the weapon of choice in the United States infantry, the M16 Assault Rifle. Both have similar specs, but in field use the AK-47 is much more rugged and reliable, and less prone to jamming.

    he does have a point (none / 0) (#167)
    by mjh01210 on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:10:48 PM PST
    One thing, PotatoError does have a point about the article you wrote about computer hacking, Bonzai Buddy is far from a hacking program, its an annoying, badly written program designed to help in all manner of internet situations. I personally find it to be annoying at best and a virus at worst, it took a real effort to remove it from my friends computer when he downloaded it. As for the rest of your comments, you are entirely mis-informed regarding hackers and computer's in general. And hackers do not dress in any one style. Saying you can identify a hacker by what they wear is like saying you can identify a jewish person by the size of their nose and bank account, its the worst form of prejudice facing the United States today, aside from the common prejudices regarding age. I think thats enough heckling for one day, I look forward to debunking your future comments, they certainly give me a good laugh!

    PS And if you start picking on me about my spelling or grammar I shall fall into a deep level of insanity, and I will take you with me. This is a post on a message board, who cares about spelling or grammar? There is a time and a place for everything, and this is not the time for pulling out a dictionary to check every single word and sentence.

    Oh yeah, one more thing... (none / 0) (#168)
    by mjh01210 on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:22:56 PM PST
    You weren't really serious when you said

    "Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms."

    were you? I mean, give me a break, you have obviously never played the game, or so much as talked to someone who has. I personally have never played it, but i know several people who do, and believe me, it is nothing more than a game! If you play the game "Battleship" does it mean you own a battleship of some kind and are training in the ways of piloting it so you can wage war against someone?
    And about the comments you made regarding AMD, I truly hope someone from that company reads what you wrote, because if they do, I am sure the defamation of character lawsuit will be right down the road. Where did you come up with this stuff? Did you make it up, or was it a joke? I truly want to know, when it was first posted on the message board I frequent I truly thought it was made up, until I clicked on the link to this website. So please, enquiring minds want to know, was it a joke? And if not, where did you get your information?

    now, now. that's not right-wing racism! (none / 0) (#15)
    by Calenth on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 05:26:30 AM PST
    A lot of that is left-wing racism, not right-wing racism. France is an openly socialist state. Nazi stood for 'national socialist." As to Berlusconi's quote --
    We should be conscious of the superiority of our civilisation, which consists of a value system that has given people widespread prosperity in those countries that embrace it, and guarantees respect for human rights and religion. This respect certainly does not exist in the Islamic countries".
    -- the absolutely marvelous thing about that quote is that it's, well, completely and utterly, well, true. Diversity may be all spiffy fine, but when you get right down to it, western civilization really is better, by pretty much any objective measure you can come up with. Woot the West! We rule, you drool, l0z3rz.

    except spelling (none / 0) (#115)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:44:12 PM PST
    except perhaps spelling, which would show that civilization has a z and not an s
    pc bullshit has taught us to ignore this fact, in the same way it has taught us to ignore obvious superiorities in many areas that men have over women.. it makes everything a lot simpler and you don't have to worry about a lot of things

    Hello? (none / 0) (#16)
    by tkatchev on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:08:13 AM PST
    "palatable" is spelled with an "a" -- from the word "palate".

    Peace and much love...

    you got to be kidding (none / 0) (#17)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:27:46 AM PST
    doesn't boycotting whole countries make you a racist?
    and what about america their are at least as many radical-right-wing motherfuckers as in whole europe together.

    Ah, yeah. The Swiss banks. (none / 0) (#18)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:34:04 AM PST
    They paid the money fairly quick. Though it hasn't necessarily ended up in the right hands.

    Norway? (none / 0) (#19)
    by twodot72 on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:53:32 AM PST
    Norway is not involved with the EU, and has a few nice slopes (not like the Alps, but at least it's something). The only problem is that it's so darn expensive over there.

    They have some kind of racist party mucking about, but it's no big deal since Norway is a completely harmless nation of fishermen and oil-drillers; and they really have no time actually doing anything about their racist ideas. And besides, there's not very many of them in the first place.

    Also, Norwegian chicks are nice.

    Norway has hills not mountains. (none / 0) (#20)
    by dmg on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:06:05 AM PST
    I believe its highest 'peak' is 700meters. Hardly suitable for a skier of my skill level. I would get bored. As for the chicks, why would I be interested ? I am happily married. And don't you think its just a little bit racist of you to generalize about Norwiegen ladies like that ?

    time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
    -- MC Hawking

    a fixture. (none / 0) (#25)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 08:44:02 AM PST

    dmg, don't you ever get tired of your constant and excruciatingly
    politically correct attempts to capture the moral high ground by
    delegitimising other people's opinions?

    (no, it's not racism, there's nothing defamatory, discriminatory or
    prejudiced in the original comment -- you're hoping to play the race
    card, aren't you?)

    Um, in any case, don't you think that any hint of racism in this thread
    would be your inability to spell `Norwegian' correctly?

    No (none / 0) (#27)
    by dmg on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 08:53:10 AM PST
    You made a sweeping generalization based on race. In anyones book that is racism. I made a spelling error. How is that racism ? Nobody is oppressed by a spelling mistake, however the attitudes implicit in your statement about Norwegian women is highly oppressive.

    Women of all races should not have to put up with your redneck attitude.

    Also, there is no such word as delegitimising, but your opinions seem to be sexist and racist. I see no merit in them at all.

    And no, I never tire of the struggle to make the world a better place. Even when the sexists and the racists dog my every step. Its called commitment to a cause. You should investigate it.

    time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
    -- MC Hawking

    note: i wasn't the original AC (none / 0) (#28)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 09:31:47 AM PST
    (now who's making generalisations?)

    > You made a sweeping generalization based on race. In anyones book that is racism.

    Try I don't see anything about "sweeping
    generalisations" there. There's "Discrimination or prejudice", and there's
    the mistaken belief that race accounts for differences in "human character
    or ability", but there's nothing about "sweeping generalisations".

    > I made a spelling error. How is that racism ?

    You could very well be seen to be "dissing" the race. It sounds
    implausible, but the point comes to mind after a newspaper I read
    misprinted a particular word relating to a certain native tribe's rituals.
    All hell broke loose. While no prejudice -- and hence no racism -- was
    intended, it was certainly seen as racism by certain parties.

    > Nobody is oppressed by a spelling mistake, however the attitudes
    implicit in your statement about Norwegian women is highly oppressive.

    (apart from the fact that I'm not the original AC)

    How, specifically? Or will you just assert that this is the case?

    > Women of all races should not have to put up with your redneck attitude.
    Also, there is no such word as delegitimising,

    I speak British English. I spell certain words with `ise' and not `ize'.
    Not everyone speaks American English. (now who's the redneck?)

    > but your opinions seem to be sexist and racist. I see no merit in them at all.

    Apart from the fact that I wasn't the original poster, you made no
    attempt to answer to my points, preferring to sully me by blowing smoke
    and waving your hands about and call me a racist. As a person who has
    experienced racism repeatedly at school, I know perfectly well what racism
    is and what it isn't, thankyou very much.

    > And no, I never tire of the struggle to make the world a better place.

    A nifty trick. Paint yourself as upholding truth and justice, and pow, those
    whoe disagree with you are, by definition, anti-truth and anti-justice.

    >Even when the sexists and the racists dog my every step. Its called
    commitment to a cause. You should investigate it.

    Thankyou for your insulting self-aggrandising rant implying how much
    better you are than us rednecks. The climb to the moral high ground never
    grows old for you, does it?

    No mountains? (1.00 / 1) (#47)
    by twodot72 on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:44:59 PM PST
    Norway is a freaking mountain. It is hard to find a single square meter that is not part of a mountain. There are a number of peaks higher than 2000 meters.

    And no, it's not racist to say that norwegian women are nice, it's just relating a fact (and besides, Norwegian women does not constitute a race of their own, so it can't be racism any way you look at it).

    If you're so hell bent on finding a ski resort in a country completely devoid of racism, you might want to find out what the word means first. Alternatively, I have another idea that might better fit your skill level. Take your skis and stick them up you ass.

    how about Texas? (none / 0) (#23)
    by philipm on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:29:09 AM PST
    I need to get away from it all. All this fake patriotism and the strain of 'watching what I say' is starting to tell on me.

    Well, Texas is a great place for vacation, especially now, during the winter.

    Americans often overlook the fact that America is bigger than all of Europe combined. Of-course, we are also free of all the genocidal rage and horrible religious conflict that plagues the european people. Don't focus on the european owned liberal media that you may find in the North East. The people in the North East could never really break their ties to Europe and leave behind their horrible heritage.


    Can you ski in Texas ? (none / 0) (#24)
    by dmg on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 08:26:34 AM PST
    I mean, does it have any mountains ? I am not familiar with that part of the country. Although I understand that everything is bigger there.

    time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
    -- MC Hawking

    sure (none / 0) (#42)
    by philipm on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:06:31 PM PST
    Colorado Borders texas, and That's prime ski country. When trying to get out of state, texas criminals often head for Colorado.


    A Buck's A Buck - Reguardless of Who Spends It (none / 0) (#26)
    by HiProfile on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 08:49:33 AM PST
    Unintellegent coworker? Maybe the person actually has a grasp at how little a chance you have of dying on a plane.

    You should be aware that just because a country birthed a genocidal killer or sorts doesn't mean that the whole place is damned. That train of thought in and of itself is somewhat stereotyping...just because some one lives somewhere, they are bad? History is history; are Americans evil since we once condoned slavery? Not I, as all my relatives immigrated well after the slavery was abolished (my Great-Grandpa even came over to USA to fight with the Union).

    Some people, you included, have this inability to look at both sides of the issue. Take the German people: openly embraced the Nazis? They were not only the victms of a massive propaganda campaign, they were out-and-out brainwashed by the gov't, although slowly (but surely). The Nazis gave [and only showed] the people what they wanted/needed. I am fully aware of how the defeated German people were still proud of their country, if not so much so for their leader. My Grandpa can confirm this, as he was statoned in Germany before/after the defeat.

    One thing about your problem with Italy. What about the early Rennaisance Period? Italy was a good country then... You may say that two rights don't make up for a wrong, but I'm saying that evil shouldn't be the deciding factor when you judge a counrty [or anything for that matter].

    How about Canada? (3.00 / 1) (#29)
    by legolas on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 11:45:11 AM PST
    Canada, your neighbour to the north has everything you could ever want. We have great skiing all over. Additionally, due to the low Canadian dollar, your money goes a lot further. We also have lots of places to go hiking, boating, etc., in a much more relaxed setting than the USA. Finally, being directly to the north, you don't have to endure transatlantic flights - short flights, or even just driving up is an option.

    But, you say, what about the War of 1812? Well, that can simply be explained by the occupation of Canada by the oppressive British. Just like the situation in the United States with the War of Independence, ever since they left, things have been much more peaceful. For years, Canada has been one of the USA's best supporters. As well, the United States being Canada's largest trading partner and member of NAFTA, you can be certain your dollars spent will undoubtedly go back into the USA's economy.

    In conclusion, Canada is the moral choice for the vacationing American!


    war of 1812 (none / 0) (#82)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 11:48:21 PM PST
    i don't see why you, as a canadian, are "apologizing" for the war of 1812 at all. it was merely a poorly veiled american attempt at annexing the remaining british territory on the continent. clearly their fault, not ours..

    we won, anyways (none / 0) (#95)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 02:22:11 PM PST
    The US is still pissed off about losing the War of 1812 to Canada, as can be seen by their constant stifling of trade (softwood lumber tarriffs, anyone?) and stealing our fish all the time. That'll teach 'em to go up against the Great, Frozen North.

    i'd like to think so but.. (none / 0) (#116)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:47:08 PM PST
    as a canadian i'd like to believe this :)

    but in a nation where the general consensus is more and more leaning towards an opinion that they won vietnam, i have trouble accepting this idea. i doubt you could ask an average american off the street about the war of 1812 and get anywhere near all the correct facts from him/her..

    You are a bigot. (5.00 / 2) (#32)
    by m0rzo on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 12:15:06 PM PST
    I really am dumbfounded that someone as parochial as yourself could conceivably be an editor on this site.

    Your whole argument is totally flawed. What you're saying is that as white people we are to blame for the faults of our forefathers. Uh-uh, no. I'm certainly not. Here I am in 2001, sat typing this and I feel no guilt whatsoever. Why should i? I was born in 1984 not 1784, I wasn't even a twinkle in my Great, Great Grandfather's eye when Europeans were colonising and calving up the world. In my short life I haven't personally engaged in atrocities, uprooted indigenous people from their homes, or robbed a small and somewhat poor nation of their gold reserves and neither I suspect have you.

    It is clear that you really don't know much about the European Union or for that matter, anywhere outside of the USA. You say that the E.U supports racism, and xenophobia. You're pretty misinformed. Organisations such as France's Front Nationale, the British National Party, and Germany's NDP hold very, very little power. In 1999 when Jorg Haider's right-wing Freiheitlichen Partei �sterreichs gained significant ground in elections the E.U swiftly imposed sanctions. Personally, I thought this was a little unfair as the Freedom Party was voted democratically by the Austrian people.

    Germany has the strictest anti-nazi legislation in the world! It's true, there is no Freedom of Speech clause for Germans. Utter anything remotely racist/anti-semitic online or offline and you're likely to find yourself in prison. So concered are they with their shady past, the German Government (which for the record is left-wing Socialist/Green) have made it illegal to deal in antiques from the Nazi era. The same goes for France; both countries have taken drastic action to filter out nazi memorabilia from such auction sites as Ebay, Yahoo! and QXL. In Germany, emergency legislation is currently being drafted through to ban the NDP altogether.

    In Germany, once a bastion of anti-semitism and hatred, the people are particularly aware of their past. German youths are probably the most anti-racist and open-minded in the world (I'm well aware that this in itself is a stereotype). The vast majority of Germans are ashamed of their fascist past, and the last thing they need is clueless people like you waving the moralistic fingure.

    In my opinion the good ol' USA is far more racist than the whole of Europe together. Whilst Europe was becoming more and more liberal, embracing multi-culturalism, blacks in the US were still oppressed, and treated as non-persons.

    You willfully label a whole continent of people, which is something I cannot understand. I presume you don't believe that black and white people are the same - human beings. America is home to the most hateful organisations. The birthplace of the K.K.K, and what's the deal with those militias? By generalizing you are guilty of exactly the things you claim to hate. We are all individuals, each responsible for our own actions. I'm not responsible for the actions of my countrymen, only myself.

    As a European, I know exactly what I am talking about. Presumably, if Cuba, Russia or Vietnam could offer great skiing facilities it wouldn't be a problem. Communism has killed far more people than Fascism ever did - but that's not something that we're told too often.

    As for your "unintelligent co-worker" - there you go again. You are a comedian's dream. Let me guess; white, middle-class, grew up in privalidged suburbia, never met a black person, and totally naive. You are a hypocrit that's for sure. So scathing, and so judgemental of others. Your co-worker sounds pretty level-headed to me.

    Reality check for Mr er... "DMG"

    Re:bigot (none / 0) (#33)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 12:39:24 PM PST
    Uh-uh, no. I'm certainly not. Here I am in 2001, sat typing this and I feel no guilt whatsoever. Why should i? I was born in 1984 not 1784, I wasn't even a twinkle in my Great, Great Grandfather's eye when Europeans were colonising and calving up the world.
    I can tell that you haven't fully mastered the English language yet, but you should be able to read the logo " News for Grown-ups." I suggest that you leave this site to more mature people who know what they're talking about. Also, the wonderful people at Microsoft have come up with a highly efficient, powerful piece of sofware, Microsoft Word. I suggest you buy this post-haste, and run everything you are planning to post on the internet through its spelling and grammar checks.

    Ass hole (1.00 / 1) (#35)
    by m0rzo on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:10:18 PM PST
    Yes. You are an ass hole. Why did you choose to remain anonymous? Can I have one guess who this is?
    Rather than be pedantic over my spellings, why don't you address my argument? What has my age got to do with any of this? A non-sequiter!!! Hahahahaha, now and again I suppose I'm bound to bump into people like you.

    Age and Wisdom (none / 0) (#49)
    by aoc on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 09:40:26 PM PST
    You cannot spell, you cannot use correct grammar, and you chose an immature (I'm sorry -- a "l55t") handle. This cursory glance at your post clearly demonstrates that there would be little point in wasting the time to meticulously dismantle your surely asinine argument.

    You... (none / 0) (#51)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:20:38 AM PST
    arrogant, haughty, conceited, fastiduous, sociopathic gob-shite!
    I'm glad this is a public arena so everyone can see what a complete idiot you are.

    Wow (none / 0) (#53)
    by T Reginald Gibbons on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:00:44 AM PST
    That would be a two-dollar sentence, but I'm docking you 40 cents for fastiduous. Keep trying, though. Your tenacity more than makes up for your incompetence.

    call him... (none / 0) (#66)
    by nathan on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:47:34 AM PST
    an eater of broken meats! That's worth 50 points.

    Btw, you probably mean "public forum."

    Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

    You... (none / 0) (#78)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:02:12 PM PST
    Misanthropic, insulse, plebeian, ribald, jejune, puerile slubberdegullion!

    Next time, you should copy more carefully from your thesaurus. 'Fastiduous' is misspelled.

    back on track please? (none / 0) (#166)
    by mjh01210 on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 10:44:57 PM PST
    OK, if you are all finished making total shmucks out of yourselves can we please get back on the subject here? Namely, that DMG, the person who started this thread, is rather prejudiced in regards to people not from the United States, as well as making rash, uninformed comments about people and places he is not very knowledgeable about. Also, to the person who chose to comment anonymously on the post left by m0rzo, in my experience, age has little to do with a person's literacy or intelligence. I have met numerous teenagers whom I would consider vastly higher in mental acuity than many so-called adults. And, finally, to all the people who were so concerned about proper grammar and spelling, these are posts on a public message board, not the State of the Union address. Stop trying to evade good, strong arguments and disregard them for childish immature reasons. If you don't agree with them, say so, and explain why, don't just turn your nose up and insult people needlessly.

    Perhaps someone should teach "aoc"... (none / 0) (#52)
    by m0rzo on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:00:12 AM PST
    to write properly aswell.
    "...little point in wasting the time to meticulously dismantle... "
    I admit readily my faux pas but what is your excuse for splitting infinitives?

    Reality check. (none / 0) (#54)
    by tkatchev on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:35:11 AM PST
    "Split infinitives" is a liberalist myth. In fact, the English language has always had split infinitives; Shakespeare and Milton wrote with split infinitives. The reason that retentive grammarians insist on railing against "split infinitives" is because classical Latin forbids this practice. These people want to destroy the natural harmony of the English language by imposing useless foreign restrictions on the language, to confuse the people, to create an artifical intellectual gap, to undermine the language from within. In effect, this is nothing short of cultural terrorism.

    Remember next time you hear somebody rail against "split infinitives": that person is really railing against the language of Shakespeare and the Bible.

    Peace and much love...

    Split Infinitives (none / 0) (#57)
    by m0rzo on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 03:14:42 AM PST
    Poetry and aphorisms are well-known for bending the rules of grammar. This hardly seems a very adequate justification for dropping the reluctance to split infinitives altogether. I'm not particularly dogmatic over the use of split infinitives but it hardly seems correct to encourage it.
    It's the "language of the people" argument. Whilst seeming reasonable in theory, in practice I think bad usage invariably becomes good usage if enough people choose to bend the rules. Is anyone REALLY happy about the proliferation from verbs to nouns, and the widespread acceptance of "irregardless" or "ain't"?
    I'm happy that someone at least had the courtesy to reply reasonably to my initial argument.

    Quoth: "Is anyone REALLY happy..." (none / 0) (#58)
    by tkatchev on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:01:32 AM PST
    Everyone accepts the English language for the beatiful and living entitity that it is, except for a handful of liberalist English-haters who want to demolish the English language and culture. Read 1984 for the rest of the arguments, I'm not going to repost the stuff here just because you lack in education.

    Peace and much love...

    split infinitives. (none / 0) (#64)
    by nathan on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:39:57 AM PST
    Sorry, you have misunderstood the history of split infinitives. The notion that it is a fault to split infinitives was invented by a few XIXth-century grammarians. It has no basis is usage (as tkatchev pointed out.) It was not accepted by most grammarians even at the time of its invention. The issue of split infinitives became a shibboleth for half-miseducated XXth-century educators on the basis of pseudo-elitism[1]. It never ought to have been contentious.

    For an excellent discussion on this issue, see responses to David Foster Wallace's grammar article in Harper's magazine, published sometime over the last six months (I don't have my magazines with me at the moment.) Your local library ought to have a copy.

    [1] I am of the opinion that, in order to be really elitist, you must belong to an elite.

    All the best,
    Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

    the Queen (none / 0) (#164)
    by Nobody on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 04:09:49 AM PST
    I noted that the Queen split her infinitives in her Christmas speech on television (UK). Not that that is an argument for either side! :-)

    If Shakespere can do it... (none / 0) (#55)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:37:57 AM PST
    Split infinitives are perfectly acceptable, they do not constitute bad grammer. As for your age, it has everything to do with the matter at hand, which is that you're too immature to participate in discussion here.

    Seriously, I realise how frustrated you must feel what with only being 17/18, but in just a couple of short years you will look back and realise what a wanker you're being. I will do you the service of dismantaling a few parts of your argument, hopefully this will satisfy you and cause you to depart post haste.
    Organisations such as France's Front Nationale, the British National Party, and Germany's NDP hold very, very little power.
    You would do well to pay attention to the news. Here in the UK the BNP had one of its most successful election results in for a long time (ever?). Admittedly not enough to get a seat in parliment, but the spectre of facism is far from dead and, some fear, may even be on the rise again.
    Germany has the strictest anti-nazi legislation in the world! It's true, there is no Freedom of Speech clause for Germans [...] the German Government (which for the record is left-wing Socialist/Green)
    Might I remind you that the USSR's ruling party called itself "communist" and in central Africa there exists a country called the "Democratic Republic of Congo".
    I'm not responsible for the actions of my countrymen, only myself.
    Here in the western world we are lucky enough to live in fairly liberal democracies. As such each and every one of us is directly responsible for the actions of our respective countrys and also for the state of the society within our nations. That you believe otherwise shows how truly naive you are.
    Communism has killed far more people than Fascism ever did
    Read my first point about the USSR. Heres a hint: There has never been a successful socialist revolution. They have all been crushed or morphed into a form of state capitalism (like in Soviet Russia).

    I hope this has been a lesson for you.

    As it turns out your argument was asinine. Oh well.

    pedantic (none / 0) (#131)
    by Nobody on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:30:27 AM PST
    "This cursory glance at your post clearly demonstrates that there would be little point in wasting the time to meticulously dismantle your surely asinine argument."

    How exactly did you infer that the argument would be flawed, just because there were some grammatical errors?

    Anybody who is aggravated by something as pedantic as split infinitives deserves all the aggravation they <B>relentlessly</B> inflict upon themselves. Besides, I <B>personally</B> feel that pointing out grammatical errors in posts is a form of trolling.

    A few big words do not a good argument make.

    read the evidence. (none / 0) (#134)
    by nathan on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 08:36:47 AM PST
    Actually, it was your intimate acquaintance m0ron, rather than aoc, who complained about split infinitives. Is it still stupid and petty? Or did it just become "a witty response to gramm[e]r fascism?"

    M0rlock's complaint about 'white people paying for the sins of their fathers' is a notorious white-supremacist wedge argument. Even considering it on its face it's obviously junk, because, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "[Society] must now do something special for the Negro..." It's unbelievably disingenuous to claim that "everyone should just be equal." This is invariably middle-class, powerful whites saying, "everyone should act and believe like us, while accepting a lower station in society." G**ks, especially, are fond of this argument, because, like Randists, they love mystical arguments proposing a radically simpler structure to society. No wonder that so many people see them as autistic! (The truth is that they are just selfish, intellectually lazy, and uninterested in genuine change in society.)

    M0rb1d also claims that the USA is 'more racist than Europe.' This is obviously a fake point of debate. Honestly, has he ever tried being Turkish in Germany? They do more than just make you feel unwelcome - they firebomb your house. How about being Algerian in France? There it's more subtle - Bardot just writes articles in nationally-published magazines about how all Muslims tolerate horrific cruelty to animals. Meanwhile, your neighbours pass a petition against giving immigrants the vote. It wasn't so long ago that the British spat on the 'Continentals,' but I notice some nauseating turncoats are quick to wrap themselves in the EU flag in order to claim some illusory high ground - "I can't be a racist, I'm a Noble European!" Congratulations, you are superior by birth.

    I eagerly await m0rtification's next post explaining how there's no prejudice against Caucasians in Russia, Finns in Sweden, Americans in France, Albanians in Greece, or Armenians in Turkey. Fake points of debate richly deserve grammar flames. You have failed to understand that grammar flames are like spurning your opponent with your shoe. They are the same as if to say, "you are not even worth my time."

    Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

    cheap low pussy (1.00 / 1) (#36)
    by quelhorreur on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:19:46 PM PST
    god your arguments are cheap. i dont know if u r 20 years older than the other guy.... u sure are 20 years less mature.
    respond to arguments with arguments...
    next u will accuse him of beeing ugly and homosexual...what else would someone expect from someone who depends his correct writing to something as stupid as word....
    and most of all: not everyone is obliged to speak english fluently u linguistically fascistic prick....
    and as far as i am concerned everyone should fuck up english to make the **** universal language suit his needs.

    on another topic, (none / 0) (#41)
    by nathan on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:18:28 PM PST
    Why do Francophones always switch to English as soon as my mouth opens? I had 11 years of French in school and speak it quite fluently (I read French news sites and used to have a subscription to Le Devoir.)

    Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

    Parce que... (none / 0) (#91)
    by hauntedattics on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:34:22 AM PST
    t'es laid et ta mere t'habille d'une facon bizarre.

    Either that or because 'Anglo' is stamped on your forehead.

    Tu peux pratiquer avec moi si tu veux...prier d'excuser toutes les fautes...

    Re:cheap low (smut) (none / 0) (#77)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 08:49:33 PM PST
    depends his correct writing to something as stupid as word

    You seem to have misunderstood me. I was suggesting Word as a way for people such as yourself and m0rzo(or whatever his name may be). I have little need for corrections to my grammar and spelling. Also, Microsoft consistently turns out highly superior products. I would hardly call Word 'stupid'.

    u sure are 20 years less mature

    Being twenty years less mature than someone who has not yet learned to think for himself, not to mention that he is only seventeen, is simply impossible. Perhaps you meant to say 'You are certainly twenty years more mature'?

    My "...grasp of the English language" (1.00 / 1) (#37)
    by m0rzo on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:22:23 PM PST
    Following on from your totally vacuous and bitter rant, a quick glance at the spell-checker shows no major problems. Sure, I missed a few capital letters from such words as "Semitic" and "Nazi", and maybe two words were spelt incorrectly but it hardly signifies total illiteracy. It's much more likely to owe to sleep deprivation - a careless typo. Besides, I'm not quite sure what the ability to use a spell-checker actually shows in terms of grammatical prowess. Perhaps you can enlighten me?
    It's a good job the adjudicators at Oxford aren't as narrow-minded and fastidious as you :-) GROW UP!!

    Grammatical errors. (none / 0) (#76)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 08:34:45 PM PST
    forefathers.Uh-uh, no.
    This is not a sentence.
    Here I am in 2001, sat typing this and I feel no guilt whatsoever.
    You seem to be guilty of bad grammar.
    Why should i?
    If you had typed this is Microsoft Word, it would have automatically capitalized your 'i'.
    neither I suspect have you.
    Many foreigners can not write English correctly. Neither, I suspect, can you.
    European Union or for that matter, anywhere outside of the USA
    'for that matter' is a parenthetical expression, which means that it needs a comma both before and after it.
    supports racism, and xenophobia
    This comma is superfluous. When in doubt, leave it out.
    anti-nazi Freedom of Speech
    While not a grammatical error, one can plainly see the contradiction inherent in this quote.
    Do I even need to explain this one?
    and more liberal, embracing multi-culturalism, blacks in the US were still oppressed, and treated as non-persons.
    A sentence fragment AND a superfluous comma! You should win a prize.
    If you'll take the time to actually read what I wrote, I told you to use the spelling and grammar check. I would take the time to refute your flimsy arguments, but it is very clear that they are simply regurgitated liberal propaganda. You can go to nearly any internet forum to find your argument or others like it, complete with counter-arguments from people who haven't yet learned that such arguments go nowhere. I prefer to spend my time in educated debate

    haha! (none / 0) (#87)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:39:57 AM PST
    please guys, continue this flamewar !
    can't stop laughing hehe
    this place is really becoming the funniest site I know of.

    why don't you pick on something else, asshole (none / 0) (#117)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:59:26 PM PST
    i don't see how his argument is flimsy, even if his spelling could be better. you've told us nothing about what's wrong with his actual argument, only nitpicked like a total fucking asshole about his spelling. what are you, some kind of petty little 40 year old shut-in that didn't get a proper childhood? please.
    anyone that doesn't know that europe has been left wing since world war 2 is obviously pretty dumb. it does seem, however, that the right wing is on the come back. what at one time might have been described as "fringe groups" are claiming significant amounts of the votes yet again. but none of the governments actually in power come near to being as right wing as, say, reagan's administration.

    For fuck's sake. Let's have some correct grammer. (none / 0) (#119)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:40:09 AM PST
    This is getting beyond a joke. Sentences start with a capital letter. Its 'Europe' not 'europe' and its 'Reagan's' not 'reagan's'.

    If you want to be taken seriously here at the most controversial site on the Internet you had better raise your game to our level and that means learning some basic English.

    thank you

    thankyou for that bit of insight (none / 0) (#121)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:07:03 AM PST
    i'm sorry. if you had trouble understanding what i was trying to say, perhaps i should give you a few pointers.
    number 1: you can tell when a sentence begins by looking for periods as well as "big letters". if you get confused differentiating between "europe" and "Europe", then you are a fucking idiot. if you think my intelligence is in question because i don't busy myself with the shift key when it is unnecessary to get my point across, then you are an asshole. i'm not submitting this to a counsel of fucking english scholars, i'm posting it on a ridiculous web site to be read by people who can sod off if they don't want to look past a lack of big letters. do you understand what i'm trying to say here? stupid fucking "artsies" look for capitalization. useful people look for the idea.
    so in summary: fuck you. i know how to use capitals, and i don't because they're not necessary.

    and you spelt grammar wrong, you dumb shit (none / 0) (#123)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:15:33 AM PST
    clearly a greater sign of stupidity than not capitalizing, since i obviously am aware of which letters to make big and which not to. spelling errors like this, however, (clearly not typos) offer a window into your stupid little skull. thanks for coming out. now piss off

    controversy (none / 0) (#132)
    by Nobody on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:49:09 AM PST
    I feel that your implication that correct grammar is a prerequisite for controversy is somewhat flawed.

    I ran some of these posts through Babelfish's new translator, "Idiotspeak --> English", and this is what it came up with in each case:

    "I am incapable of constructing a coherent counter-argument, so instead I will criticise your grammar and spelling, despite the fact that the meaning of your post is quite clear."

    educated debate (none / 0) (#128)
    by Nobody on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:07:10 AM PST
    "I prefer to spend my time in educated debate"

    Umm, it would appear that you would rather spend your time conducting meta-debates and criticising other people's use of grammar.

    P.S. I am fully aware that "umm" is not a word and I don't care. :-)

    hear, hear (none / 0) (#129)
    by Nobody on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:18:07 AM PST
    DMG really has a dilemma on his hands. It would be similarly unethical to remain in the U.S. with its history of black slavery. To quote DMG's though-provoking argument, "Nothing more needs to be said. I won't forget. Nor will the history books." Yeah, good argument mate!

    P.S. m0rzo, I noticed all of your spelling and grammar mistakes, and you know what? I couldn't care less!

    racists (1.00 / 1) (#34)
    by quelhorreur on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:03:12 PM PST
    I strongly believe that in vulcan history there has been no racism..... at least not recently. I think you should go ski there.
    Get a grip on yourself buddy... there are many aspects of history and current events but you seem to know less than adequate.
    Doesn't it sound weird to you that u accuse 15+ advanced countries of being fascist? Your logic is so flat and simple. So many different cultures down the toilet in the same sour.
    U sound like all those guys that say americans are stupid. And it is funny coz eventhough u mean well and even though u try to be informed u still spit the same crap people's magazine and time and newsweek feed u.
    U still believe in black and white and u still see that there are good israelis and bad racists. Maybe u should go to isreal and dress like an arab instead :q .
    My english sux so i will end this here.... needless to say that your opinion makes u more of a racist than the all those ppl u accuse.
    xcuz my inadequate english but what the hell if I cant write in my own language and be heard i ll fuck any language in my way to make my point.
    ps: i am NOT an anti-semite ( or however it is u call it)

    Wow (none / 0) (#101)
    by piotor on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 06:20:18 AM PST
    I guess saying that all European countries were fascistsit joke. Otherwise I don�t understand it...

    By the way... who said the bible was written in English?? Amazing.

    best regards from Spain,

    PS: I hope I don�t need a doctorate degree in English to write here. :)
    PS2: Sorry, I tried to use word, but it�s crashing all the time with blue screens of death.

    first post, first mistake. (none / 0) (#102)
    by piotor on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 06:26:43 AM PST
    My first sentence should say:
    "I guess saying that all European countries were fascists was a joke."


    I think it's obvious (none / 0) (#38)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:46:52 PM PST
    Looks like you will be spending your vacation in Canada. If you enjoy skiing, I would suggest British Columbia.

    Canadians are even more sick of seeing the mindless flag waving than Americans are. Fortunatly, the terrorists are smart enough to realize that Canada is quite meaningless in the grand scheme of things, and often vacation here before blowing themselves up in the United States.

    Canada (none / 0) (#39)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:47:14 PM PST
    What's wrong with skiing in Canada. Quebec has superb places and so does Alberta and British Columbia.
    For something more unorthodox try Poland (Zakopane). A nice bump with cheap beer and gorgeous chicks.
    Hope this helps.

    Why don't you STAY THE FUCK HOME (none / 0) (#40)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:50:42 PM PST
    No one cares about you spoiled Americans and your hypocritical, self-righteous posturing. Americans are just jealous of the fact that Europe is the crucible of (Ancient and Modern) civilization. You Americans can't stand the fact that Europeans are happier, healthier, (vastly) better-educated, and better-looking than you, so you resort to petty name-calling, flinging around outdated epithets like "fascist".

    First off, Europeans are responsible for bringing civilization to most of the world. If it wasn't for "imperialism", the citizens of most non-European countries would still be living in huts, relying on subsistence farming for survival, and praying to idols. True, there were excesses (mostly by the Belgians, a notoriously dodgy nation) but as a rule, the export of European civilization through imperialism has improved the lives of billions of people: I don't see Mexicans going back to live like the ancient Aztecs, do you?

    Now to address this fuss over "Fascism". Again, Hitler and Mussolini obviously got way out of hand, but a couple of bad examples should not be allowed to delegitimize the idea of National Socialism. National Socialists like Franco (Spain) and Salazar (Portugal) are still revered today as great leaders who saved their countries form Communism and established many valuable services (improved health care, full employment, etc.) for their nations.

    In 2002, all of Europe (and hopefully Britain soon ^_^ )will be united under the banner of a common currency (the Euro). I don't think it's unrealistic to predict that the Euro will displace the Dollar as the de facto international unit of exchange. Perhaps then Europeans will be able to get back to the business of bringing civilization to the world, this time through commerce rather than armies.

    As for you "dmg", if you want to ski, I suggest you "hit the slopes" at some American ski spot like Mammoth Mountain, where you and your pampered American friends can insult European civilization all you want. You probably wouldn't be able to handle being away form an authentic McDonalds or K-Mart for too long anyway.

    i second that (none / 0) (#122)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:11:14 AM PST
    well said. although i think the euro is not in place in more EU countries than just britain. sweden and denmark also aren't using it, if i recall correctly.. and maybe another one..

    That's easy (5.00 / 1) (#43)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:19:38 PM PST
    The frigid mountains of Afghanistan are the skiing & snowboarding destination of choice for the discriminating traveler.

    Ski Tabriz! (none / 0) (#86)
    by wiredog on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:15:05 AM PST
    Yes! Go to snowy Iran and Ski Tabriz!
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

    Bad for skiing though, because... (none / 0) (#89)
    by MicroBerto on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:19:49 AM PST
    The Tora Bora is much shorter than it used to be! There is no longer as steep of a skiing slope!

    - Mike Roberto

    Incredible (none / 0) (#46)
    by WildCardBard on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:31:21 PM PST
    Incredible that you should agonise so much over this decision. The fact that you have enough cash to afford a holiday does not bother you at all. There are millions of people without housing, food and education and yet you're so busy being sanctimonious about where you spend your money it doesn't occur to you that it might be better spent helping those less fortunate than yourself and you are lost in some arbitary indecision. If I had the money I'd go on holiday like a shot. I'd go to America and it wouldn't bother me that I'd be visiting a country that greedily consumes a vastly disproportionate amount of the world's resources, or has vastly differing life chances for its citizens, which to an extent depend on ethnicity. It wouldn't bother me at all, I'd just go.

    Small problem with the poll (none / 0) (#48)
    by CorporateRepublic on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 08:08:29 PM PST
    There is a small problem with the poll. I can't vote because there is no all of the above option.

    The Vatican? (none / 0) (#50)
    by nx01 on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:01:10 AM PST
    Why not visit The Vatican?

    Sure, they don't have any mountains to ski on, but they've got The Pope!

    They aren't nazis or anything. And they've got The Pope!

    Sure, the chicks are kinda, well, stiff. And habits aren't exactly sexy, unless you're kinda kinky. But they've got The Pope!

    So, to wrap up: The Vatican has The Pope. Might as well see him before he dies!

    "Every time I look at the X window system, it's so fucking stupid; and part of me feels responsible for the worst parts of it."
    -- James Gosling

    the pope is replacable (none / 0) (#60)
    by philipm on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:07:11 AM PST
    Don't they get a new pope after the old one dies? What's the big deal?


    Well, yeah... (none / 0) (#71)
    by nx01 on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 04:14:53 PM PST
    But I just don't know. I've always lived in a one-Pope world. This Pope. Our Pope.

    A newer, younger Pope just wouldn't seem as... Popey.

    Then again, I'm not a Catholic. Maybe they have rituals to make new Popes seem Pope-ier. I certainly don't know. I just like his hat.

    "Every time I look at the X window system, it's so fucking stupid; and part of me feels responsible for the worst parts of it."
    -- James Gosling

    nx-01 (none / 0) (#125)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:22:26 AM PST
    nx-01 eh.. do we have a startrek fan in the crowd? ;)

    actually i have trouble classifying enterprise as startrek.. but close enough. it's just not a message board with a handful of trekkies...

    do you even have to go ? (none / 0) (#56)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:57:56 AM PST
    i mean come on. thinking of these far off places to go. sure you will have some okay memories but you'll be down a bunch of cash. rental in the next town, rent crappy movies and give the rest of the money to the homeless

    re - saudi arabia (none / 0) (#59)
    by philipm on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:04:39 AM PST
    Are you trying to be funny about Saudi Arabia? Why would women need the right to drive when they don't even have the right to be gas monkeys?


    Australia !! (none / 0) (#61)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:08:32 AM PST
    Come to sunny Australia.

    The only nasty thing we have really done is steal the land and kill off our indegenious folks, which as your country has also done indicates you do not have a problem with that particular aspect.

    We also speak English, not some wog language, so you have no worries there! Our government is also run by a right wing bunch of intellectual wasters, so it fits right in with the climate back home. We even support the wars against terrorism and drugs!

    In fact, except for driving on the other side of the road, we are basically another US state ! Just with better food and no guns. We even have ski slopes, although they certainly are not as good as Europes. But hey, our surfing's a shit load better.

    Come here to Aus - with your ethics you will fell right at home - and the beers not crap, unlike that watery shit that you yanks call beer!

    Mr. Creosote.

    Come to sunny Australia (none / 0) (#63)
    by dmg on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 05:48:22 AM PST
    Come to sunny Australia

    You know, you might have a good idea there, except that you have that loony houswife/nazi Pauline Hansen ? And you are the home of the depraved Kylie Minogue the subject of one of my earlier articles here at And there is the small matter of the neo-fascist soap opera " Neighbours" with its all-white cast perpetuating the myth of an all-white Australia. Bloody hell mate, it looks like your country is almost as far down the road to Fascism as Europe is. That's not very 'Bonzer' or 'Fair Dinkum' is it ?

    New Zealand doesn't have Nazis does it ? I might go there. So far as I can tell, they haven't exterminated the Maori.

    time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
    -- MC Hawking

    New Zealand (none / 0) (#68)
    by T Reginald Gibbons on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 01:39:54 PM PST
    They have better mountains, too. And a sense of national pride that isn't based on a preference for their own beer.

    Australia (none / 0) (#70)
    by mjl on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 03:07:00 PM PST
    I would stay away from Australia.

    They have the most sheep per capita in the world, and I believe that they have a velcro glove industry based around sex with sheep.

    Not quite right... (none / 0) (#80)
    by ausduck on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:37:25 PM PST
    New Zealand has more sheep per capita than any other country in the world. With the possible exception of some pacific island, I'm not sure.

    it is true (none / 0) (#84)
    by mjl on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 12:37:07 AM PST
    australia has more sheep per capita. that american site is out of date. for one, australia has far more sheep in the outback than new zealand could get in it's mountains.

    If it's a joke, it's not funny (none / 0) (#67)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 11:56:29 AM PST
    Dear dmg,

    You must be joking. But since a lot of people reading and posting on this site obviously do not get the joke, it is not funny.

    As for your arguments against visiting some European countries, well, you have a point about Austria and Italy, but otherwise you are very far off the mark (and since I'm assuming you are not serious, you know that. But it is obvious that some of your readers don't). Oh, and by the way, Scotland is a part of the EU, and they have skihills that are very much smaller than the Norwegian MOUNTAINS.

    There is something about your dilemma that bothers me though. I'm afraid that I have not been a completely ethical tourist myself. This summer I visited a country (and spent a lot of money there) that do not respect some of the basic human rights. This country is actually one of the countries in the world that executes the most criminals, and I'm afraid it does so in a way that kills more people from some ethnic groups than others. They also execute children (under the age of 18 at the time of the crime) and mentally handicapped people, I think there can only be maybe two or three countries in the world that are guilty of that. And that's not all. This country is also the number one polluter of this, our shared, planet, and they don't seem to be planning to do anything about this.
    But hey, can't go around feeling bad about that now. I really enjoyed my vacation. San Francisco is a wonderful city.

    Please. (none / 0) (#72)
    by nx01 on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 04:25:27 PM PST
    In these difficult, trying times, I only ask this one thing of you:

    Please, do not go about spouting this blatently anti-USian rhetoric. We have enough trouble right now trying to bring bin Laden and Al Quada to a nice, fair, offshore military trial without having to answer to the likes of you.

    "Every time I look at the X window system, it's so fucking stupid; and part of me feels responsible for the worst parts of it."
    -- James Gosling

    hmm (none / 0) (#83)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 12:03:06 AM PST
    ? usually i'd agree with that last comment, i think america has every right to be doing what it's doing and i think its about time it stood up to left wing punks who will see us all under threat before they'll admit the strengths in something as basic as racial profiling. but he's just defending a flagrant, poorly orchestrated, and mostly falsely based attack on all of europe. so bitch about the poster before you bitch about him not throwing sunshine up america's ass

    I don't get it... (none / 0) (#81)
    by Thon on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 10:55:13 PM PST
    If you think San Francisco is such a wonderful city, then why didn't you go there instead?

    "I undrestand"

    What about the Islamic Republic of Iran ? (none / 0) (#73)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 06:03:08 PM PST
    Apparently Diniz has some very good snow, and they no longer have segregated pistes.

    Or if you can get over Russia's latent Stalinism you could try Mt Elbrus in the Caucusus. But I expect that would be a bit too... well... Caucasian for you.

    Finally, the truth about Europe comes out (none / 0) (#74)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:03:21 PM PST
    That Europeans are nothing but a bunch of snobby, mouth-breathing fascists, who, while not busily persecuting anyone with a different religion or skin tone, are busily killing themselves, at which point they come groveling in their own filth, like the pigs they are, to the throne of America, the greatest nation on earth, who proceeds to deliver a massive jet-fueled knock-out punch to the worst offenders, and then helps Europe's chattering little natives get back to their squalid little lives of whining enviously about the superior Americans.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it we Americans, who, a couple generations ago, had to fly over there and knock the gas chamber remote out of your assy smelling European hands, and bust a cap in your sunken Nazi chests? And let's not forget, the descendents of many Americans are those who escaped the genocidal purges of Europe, along with those who escaped being thrown in the gulag for having outstanding loans.

    hmm (none / 0) (#97)
    by PotatoError on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:22:20 PM PST
    yes but your a dick.

    why america shouldn't bitch about europe (none / 0) (#114)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 11:39:30 PM PST
    i agree, this guy is a dick
    first the bit about being snobby. apparently you've never had the opportunity to see americans through the eyes of an "outsider". you are undoubtedly the most arrogant, self centered people in the world and are usually almost completely ignorant about the "world around you", except of course "we saved europe, twice!" and now "the arabs don't like us!"
    now the bit about europeans "murdering themselves". if i'm not very much mistaken, there are far more murders per capita in the US than in europe. i'm going to assume, therefore, that you're talking about "wars", of which europe has had its share. i only need point to the american civil war to show you that your base is horseshit since that was, if i'm not mistaken, the bloodiest civil war in the western world, ever. keep in mind that that wasn't even between two highly nationalistic countries, and one of those countries wasn't even france.
    as for americans being "superior" and europeans living "squalid little lives", please look around you. you have the fattest population in the world, and it got that fat from people living sad little lives with less and less human interaction. tv has become the national past time. americans live some of the saddest, petty, suburbanized lives in the world. you concern yourself with little bullshit things like celebrities while shutting out all the things around you (the obvious exception being september 11th). of course being for the most part ignorant of the rest of the world, you are no doubt unaware of this.
    and what kind of a culture develops the idea that being smart is a bad thing? american pop culture, that's what. and i'd trade it for more or less any european culture any day.

    as for world war 2, i have a few things to say.
    1) if america had the choice, it would have had no problem with letting germany have its way with europe. "sod liberty, we're not getting our hands dirty again" was the general concensus. i would describe britain's stand in that war as far more heroic than america's. america would almost certainly pervail by sheer numbers alone, while britain stood alone against a foe of far greater military strength and kept fighting anyway, with no victory visible even in the fuzzy distance.
    2) america was the only major industrialized nation to come out of that war "ahead". without it, you might well not be hegemonic now. you certainly wern't "superior" to europe, or even the british empire, at the beginning of the war, and it took the rest of the world getting the shit kicked out of it for you to plow ahead.
    so please, don't bitch to me about world war 2
    also please not that the gulags were in siberia, which is in asia, which is not in europe. so you can shove that statement up your ass too, especially since the bulk of europe was on the front lines against the people throwing said loan takers (christ knows why the communists would throw someone in a gulag for having something as capitalist as an outstanding loan. m'thinks you might be mixing your dictatorships together..).

    and lets also not forget that much of your rise as an atomic and space-faring nation was due to said "sunken-chest nazi's" who were brought over and set to work for your own government. i would also mention that a large portion of the US population descends from those same germans that begat the nazis. of course you've been trained by years of schooling to be blind to this duplicity.. you seem to think americans are a "race of their own", just like the japanese think. well welcome to the real world buddy.

    you wonder why america has trouble "making friends". well its because of americans like you, who are the product of a nation culturally set apart from the rest of the world too long, like the little kid at school who spent the first 10 years of his life locked up in a cellar. you don't understand a world were there are more than just americans, and your effort at understanding is simply that those people just "want to be americans" and since they can't are simply turning "squalid" with envy. well let me be the first to tell you: fuck you.


    How about Antartica? (3.00 / 1) (#85)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 02:40:16 AM PST
    As far as I am aware, none of the penguins have persecuted anyone. Snow all year round and the chance to relive slowing dying of frostbite/starvation/exhaustion antics of Scott of the Antartic. Make sure the Norwegians don't get there first...

    Sad, very sad (none / 0) (#90)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:20:51 AM PST
    My name is Vinnie (

    I think the person who wrote this is very sad and needs to realise that while sking (spelling!) is he going to wear a shirt saying "I Love Adolf" or "I respect and believe in what Switzerland did with the Gold"? I think not.
    What he would be doing is (A) supporting his own Country's airlines, (B) helping other countries thive by spending your money there.

    You said about your country "America has inflicted on many different races throughout the years" then, it pussels me why you want to live in your Country if it did so much wrong? If you won't go to other Countries because of what 1 person has done, why stay in yours?

    I personally think that this site has been created by some deprived man who still lives with his parents in their seller, who has no friends, doesn't work because his mom want to protect him from "Nasty People" and all he does is watch TV and w#nk off while thinking of his Dad!

    This whole site has been created simply to amuse his rather odd sick fantasy that if he publicly disagrees with everybody and upsets a few people, they (like myself) will post in here and as a result he will have made a friend.

    I must admit that I myself have been fooled into posting in here, but what we should all do is leave this poor sad little boy to his dollys and pretend that he isn't here.

    Oh, and if you are reading this, my email is ( please feel free to email me with any comments, although if you do email me, that does not meen that we are friends! (Sorry to break your bubble) I would simply like to hear your view on what I have said!

    Vinnie Rodanta

    oh please sty in america (none / 0) (#92)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 12:40:22 PM PST
    we really don't want people like you representing us over seas... besides go ski squaw valley, or steamboat, or almost any mountian in the west and you can be satisfied. or if you are really truly desperate go heli skiing in BC that is supposed to be amazing, i am goign to sign up for one once I get the money

    we don't want him (none / 0) (#124)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 01:17:59 AM PST
    i agree with some of that, however we (canadians) don't want him either

    Myanmar Is the Perfect Solution (none / 0) (#94)
    by doofus on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 01:23:21 PM PST
    Every concerned tourist of any athletic skill and political predilection has no choice but to visit Myanmar. Yes, beautiful Myanmar, home of the delightfully formerly-named "SLORC" (and now the not-as-delightfully named SPDC) and keeper of the flame of dignity and upright behavior for the world. "The Golden Land" of Myanmar. Never mind the propaganda of granola-eating, backpacking hippy commies like Lonely Planet. Myanmar is the perfect paradise, where all children are well-behaved and all criminals are locked up tighter than Ashcroft's ass. So, it's simple, really. Go to Myanmar, whose web site is as attractive as their culture.

    maybe you're thinking about it too much? (none / 0) (#100)
    by derek3000 on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 05:45:03 AM PST
    There's plenty of things that happened in the U.S. that are racist. How do you know that the "Classy" place you always take dates to didn't have a whites only policy? You don't. The best thing you can do is to boycott places that practice discrimination now, and give your business to places that don't. That way, there will be a perfect cost to their tactics. Besides, most of what you are talking about is old stuff. I'm a jew; my great grandmother was still in Nazi Germany in late 1938. I wouldn't refrain from going to Germany or Switzerland.

    "Feel me when I bring it!" --Gay Jamie

    Hmmm Unbelievable. (none / 0) (#104)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 08:40:45 AM PST
    How do you know that the "Classy" place you always take dates to didn't have a whites only policy?

    Perhaps because that would be illegal in the USA ?

    The best thing you can do is to boycott places that practice discrimination now, and give your business to places that don't

    Which is exactly what he said he was doing in the article. Did you even read it ?

    Besides, most of what you are talking about is old stuff. I'm a jew; my great grandmother was still in Nazi Germany in late 1938. I wouldn't refrain from going to Germany or Switzerland.

    The mechanized genocide of over 6 million human beings is "old stuff" ? Are you some kind of crack smoking, slashdot reading MORON ?

    I know Jewish people who won't even get inside a German made automobile, let alone visit that racist fascist hell-hole. You need to get a bit more historical awareness dude.

    jerk-ass, (none / 0) (#113)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 10:16:33 PM PST
    i think that he was using past tense on the first two, ass-jerk.

    So it
    illegal to have a whites-only policy.

    You know, before.


    --Rod Schnozzle
    NPO Technologies
    Senior Consultant

    it's over. time to move on (none / 0) (#105)
    by nathan on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 10:40:29 AM PST
    So, if I punch you in the head, it's over once I sincerely apologize and feel bad?

    How about if I murder your wife?

    How about if I attempt to exterminate you and your entire nation?

    How sad that, in order to be hip and progressive, you've sold out the suffering of the most long-suffering, persecuted nation in the history of the world. Some things you don't forget. Ever.


    PS - "the free market will solve racism." Do you really believe that?
    Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

    Well, I'll kill two birds with one stone. (none / 0) (#106)
    by derek3000 on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:04:50 PM PST
    First of all, most of the people of Italy and Germany didn't have control over what their governments did. I don't think there was an initiative on the ballot that read:

    a. leave them alone
    b. levy heavier taxes on them; they're rich
    c. exterminate them.

    Granted, they didn't like them, but they didn't hand-pick the fate of the Jews. But even their dislike was manufactured by someone else.

    The same goes with Italy. I know someone whose grandfather shot off his foot so he wouldn't have to go and fight for that idiot. Is there any argument that these two governments weren't fascists? I don't think we need to whip out Webster's, biatch, to know that people don't have too much of a say in a fascist regime.

    As far as racism being illegal in the good 'ol USA, Mr. Cleaver, it was common practice until about 50 short years ago. Surely there are restaurants that have been around that long. Especially ones in hotels.

    The point is that places in the South, like Atlanta, are pretty progressive. I don't think you'll find many German or Italian people around now who share the same goals their governments did in the '40s. If you don't want to visit any places/regions that practiced or condoned racism at any time, well, good luck.

    Also, last time I checked, Hitler and the SS were human. Not great humans by any stretch of the imagination. They were sick and disgusting. But none of them were robots. The same can be said of people in the South. Know what that means? Your righteous indignation is...well, you figure it out, since your intellect is superior.

    Go back to Kuro5hin with that bag of arse.

    "Feel me when I bring it!" --Gay Jamie

    pah (none / 0) (#110)
    by nathan on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 06:39:30 PM PST
    'No control?' Listen, extermination of ten percent of the population is rather hard without the active complicity of a lot of people. I hope you're not trying to peddle the tired line about how 'the evil Nazis seized Germany out from under the Germans.' Hitler got an awful lot of votes, and Mein Kampf had been in print for years when that happened. There were lots of sympathizers in every country, and more who just didn't care.

    Italy was pretty decent about its Jews compared to, say, France. I don't know why you've singled them out except that they were officially part of the Axis. Italy was probably as much a hindrance as a help to the Nazis.

    Back to the point about dislike being 'manufactured.' Anti-Semitism wasn't a Nazi invention, it was a very popular political stance. There are interesting reasons for this, historically, but the point is that Hitler came out of an anti-Semitic milieu. He didn't conjure it into being. It wasn't even novel. Very few Germans had any kind of affection for Polish Jews in 1900, to say nothing of 1934.

    Of course, black Americans have faced and continue to face nasty discrimination, that turned lethal revoltingly often. It's now incumbent on you to show how slavery, as evil as it was, is the moral equivalent of the expropriation, dehumanization, and extermination of two-thirds of a nation. Have you read Hannah Arendt on totalitarianism? It's a bit more than discrimination. The Holocaust was categorically different from even other genocides.

    Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

    I don't disagree with most of what you said... (none / 0) (#111)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 08:46:25 PM PST
    But I still think that Hitler took "those jews are some much better off than us", used his rhetoric to create a scapegoat for the nation's problems, and turned it into cautious acceptance. I think the people were influenced more by fear of being killed by Hitler's SS for dissent than 'hatred' for the jews. What could the citizens have done against an army at his will? Whatever the feelings were about Jews before, I don't think anyone had in mind the horrific industrialization of death that was in store for them. Are you too simple to realize that I appreciate the value of life? I don't try to be a moral hero. I just try to do the best that I can with the situations presented to me. I don't think that choosing one tourist destination over another gives me any higher moral ground than the next man, save for atrocities in the current. The author's example was South Africa during Apartheid.

    And don't try to blow little details out of proportion-- I said that 50 years ago discrimination was commonplace. Don't think that I'm naive enough to think that it doesn't happen now.

    To compare slavery and death is a bit like apples and oranges. Maybe they're a little different, but they're still fruits. Any life is better than none, and I'm sure that's the last thing to go through most people's minds when they die. But slavery is no real life, I don't think you would argue against that.

    By the way, since you seem so enlightened--mind telling me what your answer to all of the world's problems might be, instead of tearing apart everyone else's? Or are we going for deconstructionism today?

    Did you even read the article ? (5.00 / 1) (#112)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 09:59:44 PM PST
    I think the people were influenced more by fear of being killed by Hitler's SS for dissent than 'hatred' for the jews

    Not so. They were anti-semitic to begin with and Hitler used that to his advantage.

    I don't think anyone had in mind the horrific industrialization of death that was in store for them.

    Oh, so it was an accident was it ? Please. The extermination of that number of people cannot be done by a small group of people. Much like the open source operating system 'Linux' the holocaust was the work of thousands of people co-operating in a very negative way.

    The German race is very much like the slashdot readership. It is groupthink minded. If you go to a beach in Europe, you will see that they place their towels on the sunbeds the night before to ensure they have enough 'lebensraum' the next day.

    But the article was about the fact that even today, these countries have not learned their lessons. Naziism is proliferating throughout the EU (forth reich) and I for one will not condone it by visiting the 'pariah nations' mentioned in the article.

    If you are really interested in the subject, then I suggest you do some background reading before posting you ill-thought out comments on what is a very serious 'hot button' topic:
  • Hitler's Willing Executioners : Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust

  • IBM and the Holocaust

  • The History of an Obsession : German Judeophobia and the Holocaust

  • Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers

  • The Path to Genocide : Essays on Launching the Final Solution

    When you have read these, come back and tell me you still think the Germans were not a bunch of anti-semitic racists.

    Old habits die hard, as present events in Europe clearly demonstrate.

  • oversimplifications by above (none / 0) (#120)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:55:00 AM PST
    i have somethign to say about that last one
    "Not so. They were anti-semitic to begin with and Hitler used that to his advantage."

    the christians and jews had lived side by side for hundreds of years. then one day the christians start killing the jews. do you think that didn't need some form of kick starting? i say that fear/respect (apparently a very potent combination) for the nazi's was this trigger. the germans were among the most educated people in the world. they weren't mindless bigots as you try to portray them. they were embittered because of a few things they saw as unfair when they looked at their neighbors and this built up to world war 1, which led the way for world war 2. such a series of events seems possible to imagine in any nationalistic country, not just germany. how about the communist "witch hunts" in your own "shining pillar of freedom" or whatever your current opinion is.
    with the right kind of propaganda, any group of people are capable of the turning a blind eye to monstrosities like those the nazi's commited. think what would have gone unquestioned immediately after september 11th. almost anything. it is 12 years of education to the contrary that will make this hard for most americans to see.
    "The German race"
    oh they're a race now are they? even though they're genetically almost identical to the rest of northern europe and a good chunk of the north american population? please..
    as for the sun towel thing, that's true. however i think part of that is just feeding off each other. i've seen my parents (brits) conspire to get their towels on even before the idea crosses the germans' minds. that and just throwing the german towels on the floor or in the pool (wind can do terrible things to an unattended towel..)
    as for "naziism is proliferating throughout the EU", i think that is certainly an overstatement. first of all, i think you should brush up on your definition of naziism. these groups, for the most part, are simply far right. similar groups exist in the US. i would also point out that said groups are unlikely to have any political power any time soon.

    i had several relatives that were germans. i'm not going to pretend they weren't assholes. but they certainly weren't monsters. germans have a different view on life from other groups, for sure, but it certainly isn't an "evil" view.
    i'm surprised noone's talked about the japanese so far. now there is a group of very racist people who have never had to face up to the atrocities they persecuted in world war 2.

    you lose. (none / 0) (#126)
    by nathan on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:26:12 AM PST
    then one day the christians start killing the jews...

    Right. All of a sudden.

    I'm sorry, you're obviously completely uninformed, so I'm going to stop wasting my time. Except:

    think what would have gone unquestioned immediately after september 11th. almost anything.

    Put your money where your goddamn mouth is. Where are the XXIth-century concentration camps in America? To say nothing of extermination camps, or the "special detachments" that machine-gunned Jews just behind the front lines.

    Either you're totally uneducated, or your so-called education was an inadequate mess. Read a book!

    Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

    Internet weirdos (none / 0) (#127)
    by T Reginald Gibbons on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:14:01 AM PST
    Recent events in my life have brought to my attention the lamentable fact that there seems to be a rather large, secret fraternity of internet weirdos, bent on publicly embarrassing themselves in forums such as this one. I first suspected that it's some kind of post-modern statement about the futility of debate, but it's more likely to be the cutting edge of some new anti-intellectual fad. I think it's best to sit at the sidelines and let them rant. The phase will pass, as it always does.

    Reginald you are "impayable" :))) (none / 0) (#130)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:25:27 AM PST
    Either you are kiddin' us ... which is very funny if it is the case ...
    Either you really mean what you write, in that case, you are a complete moron

    internet idiocy (none / 0) (#135)
    by nathan on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 10:03:37 AM PST
    As ben Franklin said, "Once every retarded yahoo moron can own a printing press, the calibre of public discourse will plummet."

    Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

    i agree with him (none / 0) (#136)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 11:01:36 AM PST
    i don't see how he's uninformed. he made the comment that jews and christians went from living side by side in relative harmony to jews being shipped into concentration camps in a relatively minute amount of time.

    as for the bit about america doing whatever it wanted, i agree with that too. they could have gone and nuked afghanistan into glass and a good chunk of the population would have been behind them the day of september 11th. or perhaps you can't remember the near-universal anger than swept across the continent.

    relative harmony? (none / 0) (#137)
    by nathan on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 11:15:27 AM PST




    As for nuking Afghanistan, it didn't happen. How does some hypothetical atrocity make the USA the moral equivalent of Nazi Germany?

    Good heavens. Read a book.

    Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

    Your a fuckin NEO-NAZI (2.50 / 2) (#140)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:10:12 PM PST
    Hide in your basement, dont write, dont talk, dont look, dont even breath. Before I die, I will kill you.

    I know where you could go... (none / 0) (#103)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 07:50:39 AM PST
    Your comments are duly noted in the "United States Ugly American Index" or USAI. Your type of slander, based on events fifty years ago, with no regard for outside the epitome of ignorance at the least, and violently racist and stereotypical to almost all people. You have no place in society.

    How nice to see... (none / 0) (#107)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 02:57:41 PM PST
    ...that still some Americans have some common sense left. (not looking at the original post but at the answers)

    I do agree Swiss bankers did the wrong thing back then but looking at how the (mostly rich anyway, btw) American Jews acted wasn't ok either. The poor east-european Jews ended up with nothing again.

    I recently saw an interview with a German girl born jewish and she said that the only thing she wanted is to be treated like everyone else. As soon as people realize she's pampered to no end.

    History is history. Bad things have happened. They cannot be forgotten. Still, life must go on and later generations cannot be held liable for something their ancestors did. So shut up or I'll sue you because your ancestor caveman raped my ancestor wife.

    Swiss banks (none / 0) (#108)
    by T Reginald Gibbons on Tue Dec 18th, 2001 at 05:31:29 PM PST
    The swiss are still refusing to return the money the nazis stole from the jews. So forget about back then. At this point, the swiss have done less to make restitution for their dealings with the nazis than have companies like BMW and Bayer.

    Maybe if you paid a little more attention to the world around you, you wouldn't be so eager to forgive the worst war profiteers in history, simply because you think it's "common sense".

    Please shut up about spelling! (none / 0) (#133)
    by Nobody on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:59:37 AM PST
    "Your whole argument is flawed totally. What you're saying is that, as white people, we are to blame for the faults of our forefathers. I'm certainly not. Here I am in 2001 sat typing this and I feel no guilt whatsoever. Why should I? I was born in 1984, not 1784. I wasn't even a twinkle in my Great, Great Grandfather's eye when Europeans were colonising and calving up the world. Personally, in my short life I haven't engaged in atrocities, uprooted indigenous people from their homes, or robbed a small and somewhat poor nation of their gold reserves."

    Now that I've addressed some of his grammar issues, perhaps someone will grace M0rzo with a constructive counter-argument? :-)

    scum (none / 0) (#144)
    by philipm on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:38:17 PM PST
    So if someone told you that people somewhere were starving and killing each other, and that for 20 cents a day you could prevent 300 murders, you would do what? NOTHING?????????????



    Aviemore (none / 0) (#138)
    by Craggy Pants on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 11:48:42 AM PST
    Aviemore. The Scots are the victims of brutal oppression going back to the Romans and continuing to day under the English. They have never oppressed anyone (well, after a few pints of McEwans they might shout some not very nice things to English people but that hardly counts compared to the drinking songs of the Nazi stormtroopers).

    Now the skiing isn't quite as good as you might like but at the end of the day you'll forget that as you sip on a wee dram of fine Scotch. And don't forget the fried pig's kidneys for breakfast. Yummmm!

    Austria (none / 0) (#139)
    by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 12:57:42 PM PST
    ) Austria's main claim to fame is that it was the birthplace of Herr Adolf Hitler. More recently however Kurt Waldheim has hit the headlines for his Nazi connections and currently Jorg Haider is singing the praises of Naziism.

    Jerks are born everywhere; Hitler just gained power. I don't feel it is fair to say "Austria is an evil place" simply because he was born there. Let's look at the general populace: They are very friendly people, moreso than many other countries; even the US. Same thing goes for Jorg.

    FYI, the Nazi party is not an evil, hell-bent on dominating the world, party. They earned a bad name, but it's mainly a workers union. Of course, we may as well look at the KKK...

    I wouldn't say the US is a communist country simply because there is a communist party (they hold no power, but they are there!)

    ) What more can be said of the country that welcomed Hitler with open arms in 1938, managed to avoid the full-scale de-Nazification program which the Allies applied to Germany, and then proceeded to elect Nazis and Fascists as though there were nothing wrong with it.

    Yes, Austria is very Nazi-inclined still. Let me think here... umm... nope, never heard any other Austrian mention it. Actually, we are a federal republic.

    ) Germany's name will forever be synonymous with Naziism.

    For bigots like yourself. Actually, if you look at Germany now, there are very few who talk about it. It's like a bad memory. But keep dwelling on the past.

    Are all Americans this way?

    ) The common European currency was Hitler's idea, which is why older Austrians are finding it easy to use.

    Hitler's idea was to have ONE STATE. Also, older Austrians have seen how many different types of currency? Quite a few. It's not like the US which has had one currency for over 100 years.

    ) The rest of your comments-

    How about you find one country that does not have a history of: War, human rights problems, etc?

    "Gasp! The US has had a history of slavery and child labor! It must be a terrible place! I can not go there!"

    Did you forget that people change? Well, some. Let's not forget the people from South Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana.

    ) I think you will agree I cannot go here and keep a clear conscience.

    You can't. Your mind works in weird ways that I won't attempt to understand. Rest assured that I won't miss not having you here. Stay away from Austria.

    Guilt by association (none / 0) (#145)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:39:46 AM PST

    You condemn Europe and the European currency because the Nazis wanted to unify Europe and its monetary system?? The nazis also skied. Do you suppose that makes skiing a racist sport? The Hitler supported environmentalism and animal rights. Therefore those are nazi values? Germany, had many top rocket scientists in the WW2 era, so rocket science must be nazi science. Space science must also be nazi science since it depends on rockets. Vegetarianism must be a form of naziism too...

    Get off it. Go to Europe and ski. Racism and genocide are extremely evil, and should be condemned. The world would be a better place if people concentrated on correcting specific evils, rather than condemning generalized associations of ideas. "Europe" is not evil. Le Pen is. Go there and support the minorities and the liberal thinkers.

    Yes, skiiing is racist (none / 0) (#146)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 10:04:58 AM PST
    I don't think I've ever, ever, seen a black or Hispanic person ski.

    What about spelling? (none / 0) (#147)
    by tkatchev on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 11:04:34 AM PST
    I spelling and grammar also racist?

    But seriously, in Europe, skiing is a true "people's sport", there everybody skis -- including relatively poor people, overweight people, toddlers, etc. I think only in the U.S. is skiing considered some sort of "high-class" past-time.

    Peace and much love...

    A small amendment (none / 0) (#148)
    by RobotSlave on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 11:41:49 AM PST
    While everything you say about skiing in the US is true, it does not accurately depict the state of alpine recreation in America. There is another passtime, known as "snow boarding," (a debased form of skiing, performed on one wide ski) which is catching on at an alarming rate here. The less expensive American slopes are choked with a dirty, impoverished hoarde of every sort of objectionable person imaginable, engaged in this perplexing new passtime.

    I can attest that this new alpine so-called "sport" crosses all racial and ethnic barriers, for I have with my own eyes seen all three of Seattle's colored people engaged in the activity, and I have heard all four of the languages I am fluent in, and many more that I have only a passing acquaintance with, in the many and various long and dopplered expressions of excruciating pain issuing from the upended, crumpled forms of the adherents of this new fad of "snow boarding."

    © 2002, RobotSlave. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

    Strange. (none / 0) (#150)
    by tkatchev on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 12:36:20 PM PST
    In Europe, snowboarding is a "hip, expensive" Alpine past-time; this is probably due to the fact that people here take up the snowboard when they get tired of regular skiiing. (Really, you probably have to be either a rich white kid or a millionaire retired person to spend so much free time skiing.)

    Peace and much love...

    these "three or four languages" that you (none / 0) (#158)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 12:05:14 PM PST
    Are they European languages at least? And if not, then at least not indo-european?

    Here's how to be an ethical tourist. (none / 0) (#149)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 11:47:22 AM PST
    You can actually travel without overtly supporting the regimes that control them. By definition, the ruling class of every country is to some degree unethical, and by standing on soil, you can't help but support some corrupt regime. But the overwhelming majority of people are good, and you shouldn't limit your options because a few fucked up people build borders around their "flocks".

    With this in mind, use the following guidelines for travel:

    * Travel cheap. It doesn't really cost a lot to move around in countries, especially those with opressive regimes. Otherwise, the people wouldn't be able to move themselves. Ok, so you may have to ride a bus with chickens, but this is part of the fun.

    * Patronize the people. In other words, eat the food of the people, take the transportation of the people, etc. Don't eat at McDonald's or Le Shiek's Harem Buffet, and ride personal jets across the country. You will then avoid supporting the regime. You're there to get a flavor of the country instead of being shielded from it, aren't you?

    * Respect the customs of the people. Without stepping over your own morals, follow the customs of a people as much as possible.

    * Treat people the same as you treat your friends back in your home country. You can find a connection with even the most diverse cultures out there. Not following this guideline creates the "stupid american tourist" stereotype.

    The point of these guidlines is to be conscious, and travel with as little impact on the place of travel as possible. These are good guidelines for day to day life as well.


    nathan (none / 0) (#151)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 05:32:23 PM PST
    nathan, i've tried to understand how your mind works. but i just don't get it. you seem to completely miss what these people are saying. i'm saying you think its impossible for "noble americans" to commit atrocities that compare to those of the nazi's. what they're saying is that these things can be commited by anyone, that the "evil" is there to be let out if the right set of circumstances and the right people happen to be in power.
    and i don't consider several strings of periods to be much of an argument. would you disagree with that?

    Shall I spell it out for you... (none / 0) (#155)
    by hauntedattics on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 11:35:47 AM PST
    in words of one syllable? Nah, waste of time. Go read a book.

    what type of book (none / 0) (#159)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 02:34:51 PM PST
    find me a book that puts a convincing argument forward that the german population of that time was more bigotted than any other western european one, or the american one for that matter, and i'll read it.
    because really, the whole "germans are inherently bad and thats why we had to kill so many of them" attitude seems pretty stupid to me.

    how about (none / 0) (#160)
    by nathan on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 09:33:19 PM PST
    Hitler's Willing Executioners?

    Unwilling Germans?: The Goldhagen Debate?

    Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland?

    Listen, you haven't done anything but complain about my arguments and deny the principles of behind my statements. I never said that "Germans were worse bigots than anyone," I said that anti-Semitism was deeply rooted in German culture. You haven't done one single thing to disprove it, and you also don't appear to have looked up my sources (you might start by googling for some of Hannah Arendt, totalitarianism, anti-Semitism, Elders of Zion, the Dreyfus Affair, blood libel, well-poisoning, crusades.)

    Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

    "Politically aware" (none / 0) (#152)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 06:24:44 AM PST
    what sort of "politically aware" person refuses to ski in a country because of something objectionable done by the people of that country GENERATIONS AGO? i'd call that more of a historically obsessed, refuse to forget, sins of the father-type attitude. perhaps you should consider judging a nation by what is currently being done there by the _extant_ civilization.

    but of course, don't listen to me. i am a 21 year old of German blood, so i am about as trustworthy as Heinrich Himmler, right??

    Free speech sucks because... (none / 0) (#156)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 12:28:40 PM PST
    ..this is what happens when you have a free, libertarian and democratic government. Ass holes like dmg, and many like him, are allowed to open their pesky little mouths. I propose they be fastened shut at the earliest possible opportunity.
    "Dmg" and his cronies, should take note that it's in these nasty, naughty, bad, sickening and intolerant fascist nations that they are allowed to get away with their diatribe. I wouldn't fancy your chances in Saudi for example.
    Wake up and smell the coffee. Realise what a lucky son of a bitch you are for having the comfort of knowing when your next meal is going to be. Nobody that matters gives two hoots about your phoney radicalism.
    I really think this world hates you. I don't think there is any country in the world that can claim the moral high ground; I therefore suggest you leave at once to somewhere more hospitable. I am led to believe that the cold climbs of Neptune are exceptional at this time of the year. That's hearsay of course, as I haven't been there.

    catalonia, sweden, etc (none / 0) (#157)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 09:17:46 PM PST
    Who fought franco?

    Anti-fascist marxists, communists, and
    anarchists. Yeah, they later on
    killed each other, and murdered people
    for no reason. So did George Washington.

    Who fought hitler? Millions of french, germans,
    english, irish, belgians, etc etc etc etc etc.

    Who hasnt had a war in years years years?
    Sweden. Who left refugees in in WWII? Sweden.

    Who has women in powerful political positions?
    lots of european countries, including
    a woman who fought against the swiss system
    for its hiding its fascist associations in the past.

    Oh yeah, europe committed genocide, only
    difference between that and the USA is that
    europe didnt get away with it.

    scottland (none / 0) (#163)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 05:34:31 PM PST
    I recently read your post about you vacation dillemma. and i have to say that you have a few problems. I won't go into that. but it seems to me that if you are so worried about spending your money somewhere that has a history of bad political events (ie:naziism) then that pretty much eliminates the option of spending money at all. I'm pretty sure that if you looked into the history of any nation you would find something you could find questionable (yes that includes the usa). so then you have the option of not spending any money, or getting over your strange mental complex and going to switzerland for a vacation. besides, they aren't a nazi country by any means. it seems to me that if you bye a ticket to switzerland and go to a ski resort you aren't supporting any racist group, you are supporting a ski resort. it seems a little imature and deffinitly ignortant to think that the ski resort doesn't deserve your business because of something someone unrelated to the ski resort did a long time ago. actually, it seems very stupid.

    ohh, and your problem with scotts: first it is very insluting second it should make any man who is not ashamed of his secuality laugh. why would wearing a kilt make someone feminine. it makes absolutely no sence.

    Self sight (none / 0) (#169)
    by Fako on Thu Jul 25th, 2002 at 11:01:57 PM PST
    If you are so worried about being in an "ethical" country you should really think about living in america... Racism in South Africa was no worse than in the Us in the 60's and 70's and they have not only interfeered in wars which were none of their business (like Korea) but have made wars with countries just for having different thoughts (Like cold War and Vietnam)
    There is not even freedom to think in America. So next time you think about what other countries have done you should better watch what your country has done and is doing


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