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Most notorious Groups.Google.Com personality
Alexander Abian 7%
Blowjob Jesus 38%
Archimedes Plutonium 11%
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Hipcrime 11%
Steve Boursy 7%
Dimitri Vulis 3%
Steve Winter 19%

Votes: 26

 Death Threats on Groups.Google.Com

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Feb 04, 2002
Over the course of the past few decades, American society has changed dramatically. Some of these changes have been for the better; particularly in the area of technology, we are light-years ahead of where we were (say) twenty years ago. But if sociologists were to catalog a list of societal trends that have popped up recently, the most obvious and disturbing trend would have to be the increasing level of violent behavior and general ill-will. I shall not attempt to provide a general proof of this assertion, because I feel that it is intuitively obvious (read a newspaper if you disagree.)

Instead, I will provide a concrete example of how our society is rapidly riding the downward spiral into decadence and mayhem.


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This particular example involves the services provided by Google.

Not only is Google the best and most popular World Wide Web search engine, it has also recently kicked off a sister site that hosts literally tens of thousands of "discussion groups." Now, this is certainly not a new idea; Yahoo has had "clubs" for a long time now, and MSN offers various "communities." But Google's success lies in the fact that it has been able to assemble so many different groups and literally millions of users even though their site has only been up and running for a few months or so.

I stumbled upon Groups.Google.Com and was immediately hooked. I was intoxicated by the sheer depth of subject matter that their service offered, as well as the wide variety of contributors and personalities that were available to converse with. One of my biggest concerns is the spread of Communism in the United States, and so I quickly found a politics group to discuss this subject in.

What follows below is a record of a conversation that I had in that Google Group. (Google calls this a "thread.") For your convenience, I have cut and pasted all of the relevant new text from each Google Group post in a linear fashion so that the conversation is clear and easily readable. Here it is, but be warned; the language used by my detractor is edgy. I have taken the liberty of editing it to conform to standards, but some of these profanities may be decipherable nonetheless.

  • 70% - Is everybody as concerned as I am about all of the Communism that is in the United States these days? It seems that we have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory; we might have knocked down the Berlin Wall, but we have become a quasi-Communist country in the decades since. :-(

  • mossboy - what the f**k are you talking about?

  • 70% - Hello, mossboy! Please keep a civil tongue. What I am talking about is the fact that we have armed government taking money from moral people and redistributing it to others who have not earned it; look at programs such as welfare, Medicare, and Social Security. Not to mention that the First Amendment essentially institutionalizes atheism as the state religion of the United States; this is a fundamental tenet of Communism.

  • mossboy - what the f**k kind of d**khead are you?? last time i checked there was a f**king church on ever corner of every town in this country, also what the f**k are you going to do with people who are unemployed, let them starve you f**king a**hole!!
I have to admit that at this point I was a bit taken aback; though I think it is clear that my point is perfectly valid, I was not expecting such open hostility. In particular, I found the extreme profanity to be most unfortunate. Profanity is the last refuge of those who are unable to express themselves in more meaningful and eloquent ways. It is uncouth, and it is indicative of an inferior mind. But such is Groups.Google.Com; when you put together a worldwide community of millions of people like Google has, you have to expect some riffraff.

But I digress. I was not about to abandon this debate, particularly when I was clearly winning. "Mossboy" was obviously being a sore loser, but far be it from me to let that stop the truth from coming out. Let's continue with the thread, shall we?

  • 70% - Hello again, mossboy. Again I would remind you to try to keep the tone of the debate as civil as possible. Yes, you are correct that churches of Christ can be found in many places in this country, and that is a good thing. However, you fail to mention the fact that churches of atheism (public schools) are just as common. Furthermore, while the armed government does not force you attend a Christ-based church, it does force you to attend the afore-mentioned atheist churches. This is consistent with Communism. Furthermore, with regards to your question about the unemployed, let me respond with another question: is it my fault that they are unemployed? If not, then why should I be forced (at gunpoint) to pay these people out of my pocket? Thanks.

  • mossboy - boy you must be some kind of a f**king a**hole to say such b*llshit. you f**king d**kheads really make my day. my grandma gets a f**king social security check every g*d d*mn month, without it she would starve, you want to see f**king old ladies starve you self-righteous j*rk!! p*ss up a flagpole, by the way f**k off!!!

  • 70% - Mossboy, Mossboy, Mossboy. Is this hostility really necessary? One would think it would be possible to carry on a rational debate about this subject, free from the rancor that you bring to the table. On the subject of your grandmother, have you asked her to look at who's signing her checks? Perhaps the signature belongs to a man named Josef Stalin. Chairman Mao, perhaps? Teddy Kennedy? Does your grandmother own a sugarcane garden? If so, does she have that little Elian Gonzalez boy tending it at gunpoint, in leg irons?
All right; the Astute Reader may point out that I may have gone to far in my sarcasm in the last reply. I must plead an unequivocal "guilty" to this charge, but truth be told, I couldn't help myself. Communists such as Mossboy are easy targets for this type of material, and what was I to do? I am only human, after all. Unfortunately, I was ill-prepared for what he did next.

Mossboy threatened to murder me.

Now, I have found myself at the receiving end of all sorts of abuse while engaged in these sorts of debate. If there is one thing that I am sure of, it is that morality is not popular among lots of folks these days. That's a shame, but at least most of them are able to express their shame without resorting to death threats. I have been called every dirty word in the book, I have been accused of "Nazism", and people have suggested that I take my own life. But never before have I gotten a comment such as this:

  • mossboy - okay, thats it a**hole, YOU ARE GOING IN MY KILL FILE, how it will pleasure me to never have to f**king read any of your cr*p again, have a nice day ;)))))))))
I don't know what I find most disturbing:
  1. The fact that he threatened to kill me, or
  2. The fact that he plans to kill so many people that he has to maintain a file of their names in order to keep them straight, or
  3. The fact that he considers murder an effective way to silence his opponents.
This much I know: if Mossboy wants to come at me, he'd better be ready. As a member of the moral community, I am heavily armed and am more than capable of defending myself. Furthermore, as a law-abiding citizen, I have reported this threat to Google, my ISP, my local police department, and the FBI. Finally, I have no plans to stop infusing Google Groups with the truth. If Mossboy and those who think like him believe that death threats will stop the truth from coming out, they are laughably wrong.

So threaten all you want. All you will do is steel my resolve. I (and those like me) will continue to fight the war on violence in American society. There is no middle ground here, friends; either you are with me, or you are with the violent ones. Call me a hopeless optimist, but I firmly believe that civility can be restored to American discourse. We will not fail.

Perhaps mossboy was possessed? (4.33 / 3) (#3)
by Adam Rightmann on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 07:58:29 AM PST
His foul speech, his death threats, his unbridled animosity towards Christians all leads me to suspect mossboy may have been possessed. Can we contact the postmaster at google to find out mossboy's address, and send some priests over?

Thanks for being a light, seventypercent.

A. Rightmann

Mossboys identity (1.00 / 1) (#22)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 06:23:35 PM PST
mossboy is wellknown pseudonym for Rob Malda.

Turn him in! (1.00 / 1) (#4)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 08:26:16 AM PST
I recommend passing the results of Sam Spade on "mossboy"'s post on to the FBI. After all, "mossboy" may be "mafiaboy" wearing a disguise.

how does this trash make it on to adequacy (1.50 / 2) (#5)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 08:47:13 AM PST
I cam here looking for thoughtful insight and
I find this pudendous pile of putrescence instead.
If the author had bothered to put as much
effort into researching facts as to flowery language
then perhaps it would have been up to the level
of 3rd grade essay. However, he or she did not.

It is common knowledge that is not 'run by google', in fact
google has outsourced this chat site to various
so called 'internet relay chat' networks, which
have been around since 1990 (did you ever wonder
how so many old posts from the 90s got on The authors comments into actually are 'rebroadcast'
over the internet relay chat and it has nothing
to do with google itself other than being a gateway.
This is clever 'branding' on googles' part, but
unfortunately for google there are people who still
<a href="">
basic journalistic practices </a> like seeing
if something is true before you write it or not.

Hello "mossboy". (3.33 / 3) (#6)
by tkatchev on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 10:18:07 AM PST
Please don't be such a sore loser just because you lost the argument.

Peace and much love...

good one (1.00 / 1) (#7)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 10:46:50 AM PST
I sure am hoping that you're joking.

I for one can't see what IRC has to do with Usenet.

good one? (1.00 / 1) (#9)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 12:02:27 PM PST
Huh? I don't get it.

Maybe it wasn't so good then.. (none / 0) (#68)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 7th, 2002 at 09:57:00 PM PST
It is common knowledge that is not 'run by google', in fact google has outsourced this chat site to various so called 'internet relay chat' networks, which have been around since 1990 (did you ever wonder how so many old posts from the 90s got on The authors comments into actually are 'rebroadcast' over the internet relay chat and it has nothing to do with google itself other than being a gateway.

Well, he states that is an archive for IRC, but back here in reality it's an archive for Usenet.

Wait a minute (4.66 / 3) (#8)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 11:29:11 AM PST
You raise several issues. I don't really have the desire to research anything you wrote to determine its validity, but even if what you say is true I don't see any justification for making death threats.

Mr 70% writes quite a few articles both for Adequacy and for other well known serious news sites, I don't doubt that sometimes he gets a fact wrong here or there. The guy does this without any support staff what so ever. That said, you miss the entire point of the article, death threats and the fact that Google is instrumental in delivering them (and they surely don't enjoy 'common carrier' status). Lets focus on the real issue here, death threats, and dispense with the petty technical quarrels.

A man's life has been threatened and you want to bitch about who outsources what and what broadcasts where. Take it somewhere else, we are here to discuss serious issues.

Indeed (4.66 / 3) (#11)
by seventypercent on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 12:09:21 PM PST
My wife and three children are staying with my mother-in-law in Phoenix until the threat has passed, the dog is staying at a local animal shelter where it can be observed 24 hours a day, my house is like a big, empty armed camp, law enforcement officers from three different agencies are working around the clock to bring this psychopath to justice, and this guy wants to prattle on about Internet chatting.


I sincerely hope that he never has to go through what I'm going through right now, but if he does, I can guarantee that I'll be a lot more supportive and sympathetic than he is, by God.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

I hope your wife, kids and inlaws are exercising (4.66 / 3) (#14)
by Adam Rightmann on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 12:47:00 PM PST
their Second Amendment rights. In the end, the best protection against criminals like this is a loaded gun, aimed by a right thinking American.

A. Rightmann

Arizona (4.50 / 4) (#16)
by Right Hand Man on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 01:16:12 PM PST
Luckily Arizona has some fairly progressive concealed carry laws. They are a shall issue state that requires a short training course for certification. (Oddly, you can pass the test with 70% correct) While I don't agree that anyone should be tested before being allowed to exercise their God given right to self defense, I suppose you take what you can get this day in age.

Open carry is also permissible in AZ, which may be appropriate in this situation. Regardless, arming yourself and your family is a definite must.

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

Yes, know how I suffer in New York (4.33 / 3) (#17)
by Adam Rightmann on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 01:28:05 PM PST
unlike in Pennsylvania (of which I'm sure you are well aware of the gun laws), if I want to purchase a handgun to protect myself as I go to collect my months rent, I must be licensed by the state, thus letting everyone in the government know that I am armed. I can deter the casual mugger, but against state sponsored anti-Christian acts I have already been targeted.

A. Rightmann

damn right they should be tested! (none / 0) (#82)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 27th, 2002 at 07:08:14 PM PST
Do you want armed commies in the US? Do you want your kids carrying guns without being sure that they really do know how to use them?

Of course, that may not be what's gettint tested. But shouldn't it be?

Please wake me up... (none / 0) (#47)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 12:17:57 PM PST
Actually there isn't any justification for making death threats. And that might be the reason why there has never been any kind of death threat here. I really come to wonder if all these supposedly "serious" postings were not written by some funny guy trying to see how sane people would react to such nonsense.

"70%" pretends to be hiding in a bunker with the protection of law enforcers. If this is factually true (I cannot verify it before posting, after all...), that raises a lot of questions on the mental state of a whole town. I won't expand on this (except on request) because explaining anything seems hopeless at this point.

And remeber, just because several people are actually trying to kill you does not mean that you're not paranoid.

And just to be sure: the last sentence was humor

Killfile (2.00 / 2) (#10)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 12:08:08 PM PST
erm I thought a killfile was like an ignore list!

Sandy manchester uk

Get a clue. (3.00 / 2) (#12)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 12:20:45 PM PST
A 'killfile' is computer jargon for an 'ignore list'. It comes from the days of Usenet and is used to filter out things you don't want to read.

No one threatened your life.

Highly doubtful (4.00 / 3) (#13)
by seventypercent on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 12:33:33 PM PST
A 'killfile' is computer jargon for an 'ignore list'.

You're not the first person to suggest this, but you're wrong. Trust me on this one. I've been up and down Groups.Google.Com. I've poked around every last corner of that site, explored every last feature, and played with every last available option. There is no provision to ignore users. There is no functionality that allows you to maintain an "ignore list." That being the case, what exactly do you think mossboy was suggesting? Even if the term "kill file" had a specific meaning back in the old Windows 3.1 days of the Internet (which I highly doubt), it clearly has no meaning whatsoever with regards to Groups.Google.Com.

Mossboy is after me. He is out to get me. You say that he didn't threaten my life. I rather hope you're right, but all the same, I'd just as soon see him behind bars in case you're wrong. This is not a gamble that I'm willing to take, and the law enforcement community agrees with me.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

Sigh. (3.00 / 1) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 12:54:15 PM PST
Google Groups is simply a web client for the actual Usenet news system which has existed for more than a decade.

If you use a *real* news client you will see references to killfiles. Think Unix.

Like another user said, Google Groups aren't anything hosted or controlled by Google. They merely provide a web interface to a communications system that existed long before anyone outside mathematics knew what "google" was.

what are you talking about? (3.00 / 1) (#23)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 07:52:55 PM PST
Google Groups is simply a web client

The web is not a client, it is a *network* of AOL and AOL subsidiaries past, present and future.

the actual Usenet news system which has existed for more than a decade.

You must be referring to the antique messaging system for UNIX admins, FIDO email, that used to run in magnetic drum memory over accoustic couplers. Computers have become much more powerful since then, Microsoft has replaced UNIX with commensurably more powerful operating systems, the mouse (a pointing device) has replaced the toggles on UNIX panels, and conferencing spread to the general public once AOL replace accoustic couplers with the WWW.

Google certainly owes FIDO email a kind word for their Groups original inspiration, but Groups is NOT the same as the UNIX FIDO email replication system.

If you use a *real* news client

Well, for news, cable TV is more or less mandatory, but I dont see what news has to do with Google Groups.

Do you people even read? - repost with formatting (none / 0) (#34)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 07:14:24 AM PST
From Google Group's FAQ:

"Google Groups contains the entire archive of Usenet discussion groups dating back to 1995."

"Google Groups provides web based access to Usenet."

Do yourself a favor and actually research your subject before you post.

Now that's abundantly clear that Google Groups are really just Usenet newsgroups, one can do a little *RESEARCH* and find out exactly what killfiles are.

I weep for the species.

Pshaw (none / 0) (#35)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 07:56:22 AM PST
So how do you explain the fact that seventypercent was not threatened with death until he used Google Groups? If they are just a 'client' for the internet, why didn't anyone threaten to kill him here at Adequcy, which is part of the useable internet?

Missing the point (none / 0) (#36)
by seventypercent on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 08:10:31 AM PST
Thanks. I think a lot of people posting here are missing the point. The point has nothing to do with a bunch of people building an Internet-based back end to interface with Google's service. The point is that a user of said service threatened to kill me. Doesn't this bother anybody? Society didn't used to be like this. Maybe I'm behind the times, but if this is how things are going to be, I'd prefer to turn the clock back a few years or so.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

No, *you* are missing the point. (none / 0) (#40)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 10:41:30 AM PST
You're missing the point that Google Groups is just a nice interface on an archive of discussions dating back over 20 years.

This is called Usenet.

Within the world of Usenet, there is such a benign best as a 'killfile' which is simply an ignorelist used by news readers and news servers.

i'm surprised you even knew what a 'file' is (none / 0) (#64)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 7th, 2002 at 02:39:32 PM PST
Man, you are the cream of the crap.

Read the context of his 'threat'. He was obviously adding you to his ignore list, nothing more.

However, to lend justification for your stupid ass article I will now threaten to kill you for real.


Unwise move. (none / 0) (#65)
by seventypercent on Thu Feb 7th, 2002 at 04:08:20 PM PST

IP address noted and handed over to the FBI.

I don't know if you are being serious or not, and to tell you the truth I don't care. The law enforcement agencies can sort that out.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

fools (none / 0) (#83)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 28th, 2002 at 05:43:55 AM PST
so did the last guy get a visit from the fbi or did they tell 70% to stop wasting there time.

you're repeating yourself (none / 0) (#37)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 09:48:38 AM PST
"Google Groups contains the entire archive of Usenet discussion groups dating back to 1995."

Pure marketing gimmickery.

I'm sure historians are thankful for the inclusion of 100 MB of 1970s propellor-head chatter, but surely if you participated you would know that Google Groups is much, much more than it's marketing gimmick.

"Google Groups provides web based access to Usenet."

Sure, the aforementioned 100MB. You havent addressed any of my substantive points, preferring to parrot Google's marketing campaign to geeks.

Google Groups is a wholly new and innovative conferencing system. It was possibly brought to market prematurely, before the anarchy bugs were fully worked out, but I expect Google's management is following the letter of AOL's directive to validate membership and weed out undesirables in time for version two.

Really? (none / 0) (#39)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 10:38:22 AM PST
Google Groups is a wholly new and innovative conferencing system.

Google Groups' own website says otherwise:

The Basics of Usenet

Keep trying.

what about the basics of google groups? (none / 0) (#42)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 10:58:51 AM PST
whenever you're prepared to respond to the subject instead of this used news network you continually bring up, I'm all ears.

See my original post. (none / 0) (#54)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 06:59:59 AM PST
The naive author thought a 'killfile' was equivalent to a 'hitlist.'

If one realizes that Google Groups is only an interface to Usenet and then researches Usenet a little, they'll find out a killfile is an 'ignorelist.'

Re: Your sig (4.00 / 1) (#21)
by gNinja on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 05:19:29 PM PST
I have to object to your signature for two reasons:
  • Red blooded patriots do use Linux
  • It should read "GNU/Linux" instead of "Linux"
I recognize that right now you have other issues on your mind but at the same time, I felt I should ask you to change it right away before too many people got the wrong idea.

PS. I hope they catch this killer quickly. It's getting to the point where I'm scared to go outside in broad daylight let alone after dark.

Here's the problem (5.00 / 1) (#70)
by 91degrees on Fri Feb 8th, 2002 at 03:02:08 PM PST
You obviously use Internet Explorer for Google Groups. This is a fine application for accesing web pages, but limited. Some internet users use Microsoft's Outlook Express for their Google Groups. This is a lot more complicated to set up for much the same job, and many internet service providers block it on their network, but many advanced users will make the effort to learn it simply because it does support the above mentioned "kill files".

What does surprise me is that I've been using Google Groups for quite sme time, and I have no recollection of seeing that discussion. While I appreciate that you may have changed the names, and added some censorship to the other parties comments, I still think that such an arrogant and abusive person would have been quite memorable.

Liar (none / 0) (#28)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 03:15:28 AM PST
Take a look here. Unequivocal proof that this killfile thing is a tool used by serial killers to maintain lists or former or intended victims. Why do you techie people always latch on to the social outcasts? Maybe thats the reason why you don't get dates!

Just learn reading before you post... (none / 0) (#44)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 11:46:35 AM PST
Take a look here. Unequivocal proof that this killfile thing is a tool used by serial killers to maintain lists or former or intended victims.
Why don't you just read the pages you put links to? This page (as judged by the contents of the whole site) obviously refers exclusively to what the previous poster was talking about.
Why do you techie people always latch on to the social outcasts?
Please explain what you are talking about.
Maybe thats the reason why you don't get dates!
This remark is so far off any kind of topic that I just can't pretend not to have read it. Is it supposed to be a pun towards anyone? Or are you just projecting your own problems on other people?

Typical Geek (none / 0) (#46)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 12:01:00 PM PST
Why don't you just read the pages you put links to?

I did. Right there in the first sentence or two the author states: Over the years, I've killed many many people. What do you need, a blinking neon sign?

Please explain what you are talking about

I'm not talking, I'm writing. I'm writing about the serial killers who maintain killfiles who you geeks seem to be defending. Lets be serious here and stop acting like we don't understand each other. Geeks: defending the making of a death threat via Google Groups. Me: claiming that making death threats is wrong, no matter what electronic trickery is behind it.

This remark is so far off any kind of topic

Geeks have a hard time getting dates. This is a defining characteristic of geeks. If you can get dates easily, then you aren't a geek, and if you weren't a geek you wouldn't be focusing on all the technical details of this article and instead concern yourself with the death threat that was made. It follows then that you have a difficult time getting dates.

...and the fun goes on (none / 0) (#48)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 12:28:34 PM PST
I did. Right there in the first sentence or two the author states: Over the years, I've killed many many people. What do you need, a blinking neon sign?

What I read, is:
Over the years, I have killfiled many, many people.
Did you notice the slight difference between the words "killed" (taking life) and "killfiled" (deciding to ignore posts from)?

The rest of your answer is so unrealistic that I prefer thinking you are joking. Arguing about "talking" versus "writing" is such fun for someone who has difficulties reading web pages. And this whole "tirade" about geeks... apart from the fact that it is off-topic, why are you wasting so much time and effort to "prove" that I "have a difficult time getting dates"?

The world is full of weird things (and people).

Killfile (3.00 / 1) (#18)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 02:56:46 PM PST
but he clearly says
*read any of your cr*p again*

he was going to have you put on ignore basically

Sandy Manchester UK

Incorrect (none / 0) (#31)
by rjd on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 04:35:07 AM PST
I think you'll find seventypercent is correct, the man CLEARLY used the word kill, and this phrase:

*read any of your cr*p again*

to me clearly indicates an intent to kill.

You see, if mossboy kills 70% then he will never to have hear any of his crap again, on the other hand if he simply ignores him, it is extremely likely that seventypercent could post under another name, meaning mossboy failed in his task.

Understanding mossboys motives provides a strong idea of the course of action mossboy intends.

You idiot. (5.00 / 1) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 03:33:51 PM PST
Communism isn't bad! It's the way that it was executed (e.g. Soviets) the sucked ass. Communism is a great idea that never worked. So what if we share some of the ideals. And these "atheist schools" are just centers for factual learning. How would you like it if everyone was ignorant of another? Likely ignorance would eventually lead to war because of different customs being wrongly interpreted. I must emphasize that communism is NOT evil.

Holy crap (4.50 / 4) (#20)
by seventypercent on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 04:22:01 PM PST
This just might be the most hateful thing I have ever read on this site (or anywhere else, for that matter.) Communism isn't bad, you say? Give me a break. Communists such as yourself like to say things like this. "Sure," you say. "It didn't work in the Soviet Union, but that's because it wasn't tried properly." Oh yeah? Where else has it been tried, and where have people reaped its benefits?
  • China? How many died in the Cultural Revolution? How many were killed in Tianamen Square? You just love that brutal censorship, don't you?

  • Cuba? What a great country that is. Squalor as far as the eye can see, and the only thing that they have going for them is cigars. Hail Marx! You can worship that bloodthirsty bearded freak Castro if you want, but you need to explain why his people risk their lives on rafts to get to this country.

  • Canada? Have you ever asked yourself why Canadian residents flock like frightened sheep to the United States to get their medical care and drugs and other goods? Because their system doesn't work, that's why. Canada's economy is on the edge of disaster, with nearly uncontrollable inflation. Communism hasn't helped much here, has it?

  • North Korea? There's a great country! The people are starving to death and yet the butchers in charge are getting fat off of ballistic missile sales to terrorists and the mafia. People are executed for speaking out against the government, which is probably just as well because it will spare them from a long and torturous starvation.
Need I go on?

You, sir, are a silly son of a bitch. Any socioeconomic theory that uses hatred of Christ as its central, organizing principle (such as Communism) is bound to fail. If you're so in love with Communism, I suggest you move to one of the above countries and then report back in a year to tell us how much fun you're having. Oh yeah, that's right .. the government will kill you if you try. Oops. If you'd pick up a damned history book, it would take no more than five minutes to figure out how completely full of crap you are. I sincerely hope you figure this out before it's too late.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

And U.S.A. is the world's greatest country (3.00 / 1) (#25)
by Mack on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 11:25:46 PM PST
Get real man. U.S.A. (a capitalistic country) is not the best country in the world. We have the highest crime rate of the industrialized nations which is caused by an extreme inbalance in wealth and we still maintain to have a high level of racism and sexism.

You say we have freedom of speech. That's preached but not actually practiced. Here in my home state of California we passed a law that prohibits teachers from speaking to their students in non English langauges except in foreign langauge courses.

Your attempt to prove that communist countries are hell are nonsense considering the things wrong with our country. The thing is: Every country has it's flaws. You gotta learn to live with them. Just don't think you live in the least worst country.

Ummmm sorry but (none / 0) (#30)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 04:20:35 AM PST
I'm having loads of fun in China. And I been there more than a year. You don't know the meaning of fun until you partied in China.

inconsistencies (none / 0) (#59)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 04:29:27 PM PST
Uncouth? Uneloquent? Meaningless? Inferior? Perhaps, perhaps not. Don't twist words. You remind me of a politician. You PROVED that it was never executed properly. It was flawed. With that I agree. However, Communism, even if it IS really bad as you say, it is not 100% evil. Some of the facts in your post were factually incorrect, but you are not forced at gunpoint to pay taxes. Let's say we had no welfare, etc. Poor people would be dying left and right from starvation, the rich "getting fat" from dominating the poor, and dissatisfaction would cause uprisings because the strong, who are supposed to help the weak, not laugh and ignore them, do nothing to support the <u>general welfare</u> of the Union. By the way, China is a pretty fun place to be. I don't like censorship either. Don't assume too much. "You, sir, are a silly son of a bitch." How can you curse when you yourself said "Profanity is the last refuge of those who are unable to express themselves in more meaningful and eloquent ways. It is uncouth, and it is indicative of an inferior mind." I encourage YOU to keep this rational, too. Canadians, I know for a fact, are not fleeing. I know quite a few Canadian residents, and I know for a fact that nonefeel the way you do about them. If you do not expect hostility to such degree, then you must be horribly naive. There will always be someone who disagrees with you, like it or not. I don't condone mossboy's actions in any way, however. He really should not have cursed and such. Also, research the law, there is no clause in the Constitution requiring you to go to school! Church and State are separate meaning that State is NOT ATHEIST. The Constitution, if YOU ever read a history book, makes sure that people are entitled to their own opinions. The State is just opposed to supporting a specific church over another. Schools are highly encouraged by society but are in no way required. Note that I did not resort to cursing as you did, despite my strong belief. In no way do I intent to be hateful towards any of you. I intend not to hate, either. If the thought enters your mind that I was hateful towards American people, discard that thought. I love my neighbors (in the US at the very least) no matter how far away they are. But for you not to care about the people of America who just need some help is despicable. I can't fathom how you can think this, but I'm not you. Please respond with a more thoughtful post. MAYBE, just maybe, you might convince me.

comment (none / 0) (#61)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 05:08:25 PM PST
by the way, read this comment of your own post: "Communism is not evil. It's impractical. There is a significant difference. Do you know the difference between Socialism and Communism? Did you know that France is officially a Socialist state? Did you know that the idea of re-distribution of wealth is entrenched in various religions - christianity, judaism and islam all have traditions in place for people to help those less fortunate than themselves."

this too (none / 0) (#62)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 05:10:33 PM PST
Then read this.

in response (none / 0) (#77)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 12th, 2002 at 03:48:33 PM PST
Canada? Have you ever asked yourself why Canadian residents flock like frightened sheep to the United States to get their medical care and drugs and other goods? Because their system doesn't work, that's why. Canada's economy is on the edge of disaster, with nearly uncontrollable inflation. Communism hasn't helped much here, has it?

ummm ok I am going to say this one last time. CANADA IS NOT A COMMUNIST COUNTRY! our econamy right now is alot better than yours (the low Canadian dollar is NOT an indication of a countries ecomonic stability). Just because we have programs like OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) which pays for hospital costs but NOT medication, doesn't mean that we are a communist country. It means that we care that there are people in our society who cannot afford the outrageous medical costs. OHIP costs ALOT less than American plans such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield and it allow people who would normally die in the streets to get medical attention.


Although I admit that communism hasn't worked in the past I don't think that it is evil. I believe that communism is the best form of government possible HOWEVER I don't think that it should be employed anywhere in the world. This is because of human nature. Humans by nature are greedy, no matter how perfect one may seem when not in a position of power, once they get into that position of power they ALWAYS become corrupt. This is because the way humans are. I do not believe that communism should EVER be attempted. Call me a <a href=""> hobbien (is that the word????) but i think that everyone is flawed. If communism would work I would be the first to vote for it however until human nature dissapears (which is never ... at least not on this plane of existance) I will mark my ballot as democratic (even though todays democracy is still corrupt and beurocratic).

It's "Hobbesian." (none / 0) (#78)
by hauntedattics on Thu Feb 14th, 2002 at 01:08:13 PM PST
I'd address some of your points, but I don't feel like it.

Actually (5.00 / 1) (#24)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 10:06:44 PM PST
Communism is a political system that is seriously flawed. It is based on an economic policy called Marxism. This in theory isn't bad. FYI...All you Americans who claim to have a democracy...You have a Republic..go look it up

Looking up "democracy" (none / 0) (#69)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 8th, 2002 at 12:08:29 PM PST
I took your advice and looked up "democracy". I was fascinated to learn that it refers to a system of government in which the people exercise political power, either directly, OR through elected representatives.

I then went on to look up "pedantic asshole", "wrong", "slashbot", and "kuro5hin wanker", but I'm sure you're quite familiar with all those terms by now.

Some Moron Said.... (4.00 / 1) (#26)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 12:56:03 AM PST
Furthermore, while the armed government does not force you attend a Christ-based church, it does force you to attend the afore-mentioned atheist churches.

Don't like education, sit at home and have your mommy teach you..\\Second we all pay into S.S. will we work in order to get it later..But what the hell we all know the Adequacy users know it all don't we...


Thank you for clearing it up for me. (none / 0) (#27)
by marko on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 02:36:53 AM PST
I was told by so many people on the internet thingy that they were putting me on their kill files, that I literally pulled my computer from the wall in a sweaty funk.

I mean, I like chatting to strangers and all, letting them know what I think about stuff that they don't agree with, but I don't want my murder on their hands.

So I sold my computer and my modem, and now I just go to church for conversation. The people there HAVE to be nice to me. God told them to be!

You're one of a kind, but you're not alone.

FBI link didn't work (none / 0) (#29)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 04:12:44 AM PST
for some reason.

Savour the nostalgia (none / 0) (#32)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 05:40:02 AM PST
As a long-time Groups.Google.Commer, I wiped away the tears of joys while voting in your poll. It's such a shame that most of the voting is going for

I'm sure it would skew the results, but could you take it upon yourself to add Xemblinosky and Palmjob in there?

shining examples of Ignorance (none / 0) (#38)
by mossboy on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 10:08:45 AM PST
I should have known 70% was on this site -

Only the most ignorant and idiotic of the right wing conservatives could possibly tolerate the piles of crap this site generates...

Learn some fucking tolerance, and grow a few brain cells while you're at it.

we control your email. we control your network. we program your atm machines. we power your phone. without us, you are nothing.


Hello (5.00 / 1) (#41)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 10:44:30 AM PST
A person who can't even properly code a hyperlink isn't likely to know enough to exercise any control over anything.

Also, I don't really care what you think you control. I can still beat your ass just like I did in high school.

Question (none / 0) (#43)
by hauntedattics on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 11:33:50 AM PST
How can I stop fucking with geeks when I never actually started fucking with geeks? Some of us have higher standards for SOs and potential mates, you know.

And believe me, society would do just fine without geeks, having tripped merrily along geekless until about 30 years ago. I'd be a lot more worried about society without farmers, musicians and fire fighters.

Hah! (none / 0) (#45)
by seventypercent on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 11:49:41 AM PST
Nice try.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

I dare ya! I double dare ya! (none / 0) (#49)
by Robert Reginald Rodriguez on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 04:43:14 PM PST
we control your email. we control your network. we program your atm machines. we power your phone. without us, you are nothing.

Come on, geekboy, step in the ring! Wipe out my email, take down my network, program my atm machine, unplug my phone!

Since you can't possibly do this, I think it may be time for you to face the truth. All you control is a very silly power fantasy. If you try very hard to get over it, you might just be able to grow up.

dont work him up into a murderous frenzy (none / 0) (#51)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 07:59:38 PM PST
He's obviously the type to keep files on people he must kill (killfiles) in order to preserve his fragile fantasy of control.

geek supremecy (none / 0) (#52)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 08:34:14 PM PST
wHoA d00d d0n'T hAcK mUh GibSoN! PhrEE dA waREz!!!

I WILL KILL YOU!!!! ! ! ! !!! !!!! (none / 0) (#50)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 05:11:22 PM PST
I WILL KILL YOU!! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!


IP address noted and turned over to FBI (none / 0) (#53)
by seventypercent on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 08:44:33 PM PST
Smart move, wise guy.

Joke or not, you don't go around handing out death threats like candy.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

Thank you, seventy percent (none / 0) (#55)
by Adam Rightmann on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 07:23:40 AM PST
It's about time that the standards of Main Street USA are finally brought to bear on the Internet. Threatening people in person will get you locked up, threatening people on the internet should too.

A. Rightmann

Main Street USA? (none / 0) (#74)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 9th, 2002 at 07:11:19 AM PST
While I agree with you that threatening behaviour should not be tolerated on the Internet, why do you believe that American standards should be enforced throughout the Internet?

The Internet knows few (1) geographical boundaries, and is surely not the sole property of Americans. Do the citizens of other countries have no choice but to conform to American standards?

That seems like a slightly imperialistic attitude to me, Mr Rightmann...

(1) The Great FireWall of China notwithstanding...

Yes (5.00 / 1) (#75)
by Right Hand Man on Mon Feb 11th, 2002 at 06:52:49 AM PST
Do the citizens of other countries have no choice but to conform to American standards?

Well, most people from other countries are either attempting to emigrate to the United States, have a family member who is or has, or have resigned themselves to a life of squalor. The values that Main Street USA represents are the kind that ensure that everyone is free from want, is kept safe, has the chance to prosper, and is free to worship God. No where else on earth will you find such a perfect environment to rear your children or to live out your life.

The internet allows right thinking men to help out people they have never met. We can reach those trapped in the clutches of Godless Communist governments, who would otherwise never have the chance to hear the Word of the Lord. A friend of mine has even spoken of starting an internet based mail order company that will send out boxes full of rattlesnakes to individuals who might not otherwise have access to them, so they will be able to worship. He'll probably include a bible with every order, free of charge!

I think the internet can be a tool of good, or a tool of evil, and only a strong, God fearing, moral presence will keep it out of the hands of the devil. (read: Main Street USA)

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

Why do you need the FBI? (none / 0) (#56)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 12:13:38 PM PST
Isnt the FBI communist too? Can't you defend yourself? Seems you want the best of both worlds...

Dear sir (none / 0) (#57)
by budlite on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 01:45:37 PM PST
I would like to correct the technical errors in your posts.

1) Google does not own all the groups on Instead, it simply provides a www interface for USENET, also called newsgroups, accessed through a newsreader such as Agent, Outlook Express, Netscape Mail and News, and many others. It is based on a protocol called NNTP (network news transfer protocol). All google groups does is alleviate the need for for a standalone client. Note, however, that if you use a standalone client you must specify a server for it to connect to. Most ISPs have a server or two which carries most USENET groups plus maybe a few related only to that ISP.

2) A killfile is a utility provided in most standalone NNTP clients (or newsreaders, if you prefer that term) that allows the user to set rules that cause the client to hide or locally delete messages from particular posters in a group. If you are "killfiled" or "plonked" then that basically means that reader has set a filter in his/her client to stop him/herself from seeing messages posted by you, it's not a death threat. I'd expect a death threat to be much more explicitly termed as such. The only reason you couldn't find a killfile feature on google groups is because the programmers simply haven't provided that functionality.

3) I believe that the person you encountered was simply a troll, or just an idiot. A goodly number of USENET users are friendly, civilised people. I applaud you for not firing back at him with a string of expletives like he did to you, it's oh so tempting to do so to people like that.

give it up already (none / 0) (#58)
by Lysidas on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 04:13:56 PM PST
you're absolutely right about a "killfile" being an ignore list, but being right doesnt seem to matter on this advice to you is to stop this discussion. you've proved your point, and also revealed seventypercent to be an idiot. everybody here ignores facts, in case you haven't noticed. just let it takes less effort and you'll end up repeating yourself (again) since everybody ignores what they don't like.
Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.

indeed, indeed. (none / 0) (#66)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 7th, 2002 at 07:36:00 PM PST
Indeed. Let's leave this fool alone. Obviously, he doesn't have a clue.

Though it is fun to see him reveal the degree of idiocy that he posesses!

true so true (none / 0) (#67)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 7th, 2002 at 09:04:29 PM PST
it is fun to see him reveal the degree of idiocy that he posesses!

That's why I keep coming back here again and again despite my blood pressure increasing and wanting to kill all the editors :-)

I think he was half-serious at the most... (none / 0) (#60)
by Khas on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 04:55:23 PM PST
I've played Computer Games since 1997, when StarCraft came out. Great game, by the way. And I notice that noone makes death threats, from the 12 year old punk to the 35 year old father of three... about a "killfile" being an ignore list, I don't know anything about that... but 99.999% of the people on the net don't make death threats, serious or just in a fit of rage (admittedly immature rage on the part of moss) and not meaning it.

Communism is less prevalent in the USA than most people think. Just like a lot of people were scared about terrorism at the Super Bowl, and nothing happened, and though I like to occasionally say "Hassad awoke with a start, realizing it was 4 a.m., that the Super Dome was empty, and he had a dozen 1000-lb. bombs burning a hole in his pocket" to get a laugh, September 11th broke the back of terrorists. They obviously aren't as well organized or large as we thought, and the same with the Communist Party USA. Do you think Castro has $40 million a year to send up to the States to help his ideological brethren? Of course he doesn't.

Seventypercent, I think Moss was just being immature and he didn't mean it, but people don't use death threats as if they were kleenexes anywhere. So you should be concerned, if Moss say saw you on the street and knew who you were he might jump you and try to beat you up (assuming he's not 14 or something), but past that I don't think you should worry.

you are the dumbest person i've ever mocked (none / 0) (#71)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 8th, 2002 at 04:13:15 PM PST
Not a problem! I'll just kill the FBI too!

Whatever! (none / 0) (#80)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 15th, 2002 at 06:18:39 AM PST
Okay this has gone far enough, i've just wasted 5 minutes of my day reading the ignorant and badly researched dialogue here.

I'm now, to say the least, rather annoyed. I am NOT going to make death threats against anyone even though given the IQ level in this forum a little genocide would increase the general level of human intelligence on this fair planet.

By the way perhaps some of the people who frequent this forum should meet real people of both sexes and have real conversations perhaps over a cool refreshing pint of lager? Either way get a new life and leave this pointless cr*p behind.

Sincerely Yours,

Take care, and i really do mean, take care,

Dog Sdrawkcab.

What is this? (none / 0) (#84)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 4th, 2002 at 09:51:16 PM PST
I have been reading through a lot of this site tonight and most of the people that start topics here need to move to Montana, join a militia and live underground. There is a lot of ignorance running rampant here.

Thanks (none / 0) (#85)
by hauntedattics on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 05:23:15 AM PST
for your advice, dear AR, but I'd rather see the sunlight, be a civilian working in the private sector, and live in Boston. It's quite a nice life.

You've made judgements about the people on this site awfully quickly, my dear. Stick around for a while and allow yourself to entertain other points of view. If your brain doesn't explode, you might find you're actually learning something.


Whatever (none / 0) (#87)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 08:21:43 PM PST
How about you suck a fart out of my ass? Most of the thread starters first posts are all unfactual and based on opinions and bias. Do some research before you start spewing conspiracy theories out of your tight asses.

He won't kill you (none / 0) (#86)
by Shibby on Thu Mar 7th, 2002 at 06:05:39 PM PST
okay so he was cursing abit and i'll admit that can be offense to some people but still i think you are a bit worse then him i mean honestly he raised a good point about his grandmother and he won't actually kill you and his kill file is a term used to describe an ignore list kind of thing once you go on this ignore list or "kill file" he doesn't have to read your msgs anymore. and i don't blame him for it you had no right to attack him with the whole communist thing. And by the way the local police and the fbi might have humored you but they can't do anything if this guy actually did threaten to kill you -- which he never --- they wouldn't be able to find him if they tried...if he wanted to kill you they wouldn't be able to do anything till you were actually attacked but that's not possible cause unless you give him your address it's gonna be hard for him to find you..... that's all i have to say

Damn you are an idiot. (none / 0) (#88)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 21st, 2002 at 01:16:12 AM PST
I didn't know it was possible for people to be this ignorant.

For one thing, your arguments are completly off base, and so conservative it makes me sick.

You are an ignorant and selfish person.

A "killfile" is an ignore list.

I personally though, wish that you were on some psycho's "killfile" so you would be extinguished from this planet.


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