First a little bit about myself. I am very fair-skinned, 5' 5" and 145 lbs, freckled with blue eyes and brown hair. I am
male. I am in good shape; I run, and I go to the gym six days a week. I don't smoke, but I drink dedicatedly. I play chess well, and soccer badly. I have an undergraduate degree in music, and am pursuing a masters'. I don't have very much money, but I keep myself well dressed (for one thing, it is professionally necessary for me to do so; I budget clothes very tightly and buy used.)
I am a horrible snob, most likely. I love old books and old music. Right now I'm reading:
Hume's TreatiseMalory's Morte d'ArthurA bunch of Dorothy Sayers novels I borrowed from a friendUlysses (hard work, one page at a time)John Berger's The Success and Failure of Picasso (I picked it up when I couldn't find a copy of Into Their Labours and I really enjoyed it; rereading)So, externals are mostly in order. I have concluded my Miles Standish situation must therefore be caused by my personality. It hurts to admit that my personality flaws may be keeping me from finding love, but the first step to solving a problem is admitting its existence.
Therefore, I invite you, the readers of the Adequacy, to tell me what I need to change about myself in order to finally become what the ladies are looking for.
Thanks in advance,
Your old pal,