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My Favorite Kernel is:
1.x.x 0%
2.0.x 0%
2.1.x 0%
2.2.x 8%
2.3.x 0%
2.4.x 39%
2.5.x 8%
Older than 1.x.x (I'm l33t) 8%
Darwin 17%
Huh?! 17%

Votes: 23

 Linux Geeks Take Over

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jan 31, 2002
I am one of the friendly Linux Geeks who have seemed to take over this site in the last few weeks/months. We are, despite claims otherwise, stable, helpful, and kempt individuals. I would like to know how many of us there are, and what kind of networks/computers we are running.

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Personally, I am a HUGE networking geek. I'll try to start at the beginning.

I have a small home network, growing by the day. My Internet connection is broadband, channeled through a Linksys 4-port Cable/DSL Router. That connection is split to my main Linux Server, my Win98/Redhat 7.2 Desktop machine, and a seperate 8-port switch which can take wired connections from friends, and also connects my Linksys WAP11 wireless access point.

At this point, my network is bridged over the wireless connection to yet another Linksys WAP11, which connects into a 5-port switch in my room. This switch connects my other two servers - my SPARCstation 20 and my Testing Server. Two notebooks in the house can also connect to the WAP over an 802.11b wireless connection.

Whew! Now that that's over, let me know what you guys are running in your homes. I think it would be cool to try to impress each other :-)

Taking over? (none / 0) (#1)
by tkatchev on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 01:01:08 AM PST
In my opinion, g**ks couldn't find their own genitals with both hands -- as the folk saying goes.

In any case, any person who has to ramble about technology to keep conversation is a socially flawed individual. Notice how I don't need to say anything "LinkSys" or "SparcStation" even though I know more about computers than any g**k on this site.

P.S. I'm posting this just so that our autistic little brothers realise that their computertalk gibberish only serves to alienate themselves further from society.

Peace and much love...

See Above (none / 0) (#11)
by skilm on Thu Jan 31st, 2002 at 08:00:41 AM PST