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 The Fundamentalist Epidemic

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Apr 05, 2002
Did you know that fundamentalism is making people stupid? If you don't think so, you must also be stupid. Hear about the rising fundamentalist epidemic among young people, from a sophomore.

[editor's note by elenchos] Intrigued? Want to read more? Well then you're in luck! There's an entire website devoted to nothing but this kind of teenage punditry. Get the full story in BLOW ICE's diary!


Disclaimer: I put this on K5 yesterday. Don't bitch about it if you already saw it on K5. Also, everything in here has a thin thread of truth. If it is not a fact then it is at least a very biased semi-fact. I am very biased. Also, some of the stuff in here is just pipedream crap. I am eager to hear from stupid people who disagree with me.


[editor's note by elenchos] Redundancy deleted for your reading pleasure. Thank you. Hey! You look like you could use a Hypermint, my friend!

Pardon me (none / 0) (#1)
by Yoshi on Fri Apr 5th, 2002 at 11:08:08 PM PST
Dear kind child,

Unfortunately, it is not in the best interests of to allow a child of your age to perpetrate your liberal nonsense on an adult-oriented site such as Clearly you did not see the "News for Grown-ups" at the top of the page.

As for your article itself, I must warn you that such a prestigious website as does not tolerate trolling. Your liberal tripe may be acceptable in some Commie-rag like Kuro5hit, but here at, your ignorance shines through your excessive verbiage. It's people like you that make me sick, for people like you are the people who will be elegible to vote in several years, electing officials far enough left to jeopardize my family with their Hate America First mantra.

Please, editors who are reading, I urge you to read up on the Child Online Privacy Protection Act laws. By permitting this juvenile to post his liberal whining on, Adequacy is opening itself open for lawsuits from this user's legal guardian.

Not to mention this article was incredibly boring. I sure hope your teachers don't have to read this vomit that you write in the form of English and History essays.

Quit trolling (none / 0) (#2)
by DRI ICE on Fri Apr 5th, 2002 at 11:46:22 PM PST
This is DRI ICE. Posting anonomously as there is a form key bug preventing me from posting logged-in

You're probably trolling, but what the hell:

I'm not liberal. I'm more leaning toward republican. Just because I don't like fundamentalism doesn't make me a bleeding heart liberal. Most people do not support fundamentalism, including most republicans.

I was under the impression that Adequacy was one of those sites that had controversial stuff on it. Just look at most of the articles. They are, for the most part, controversial. I am just stirring up some debate with my journal. It's not a troll. If you've got a problem with it, post how you think my views are flawed. Don't go attack my age. Also, how is this in conflict with the Child Online Privacy Protection Act? I am 16. That law is for children under 13. Wow, you are wrong and you were a jackass about it!

excessive verbiage

Can't you understand what I am saying? Do you have a small vocabulary or something? Should I write "There are people who think that some science is not true. They think that what the bible says is right. They are wrong. But they still think they are right. And they try to keep people in school from learning about this science"????

Attack my views. Not my age. Don't be a jackass. I have an IQ of 180, which means, while I may only be 16, I am smarter than most adults.

Not to mention this article was incredibly boring. I sure hope your teachers don't have to read this vomit that you write in the form of English and History essays.

Huh? My English teacher considers me the best writer she's seen. I'm going on to college next year despite being a Junior. I just won a short story competition two months ago. This may not be a shining example of my writing, but it is not horrible. And if you think it is boring, why the hell did you read it?

Quit trolling (none / 0) (#3)
by DRI ICE on Fri Apr 5th, 2002 at 11:47:07 PM PST
You're probably trolling, but what the hell:

I'm not liberal. I'm more leaning toward republican. Just because I don't like fundamentalism doesn't make me a bleeding heart liberal. Most people do not support fundamentalism, including most republicans.

I was under the impression that Adequacy was one of those sites that had controversial stuff on it. Just look at most of the articles. They are, for the most part, controversial. I am just stirring up some debate with my journal. It's not a troll. If you've got a problem with it, post how you think my views are flawed. Don't go attack my age. Also, how is this in conflict with the Child Online Privacy Protection Act? I am 16. That law is for children under 13. Wow, you are wrong and you were a jackass about it!

excessive verbiage

Can't you understand what I am saying? Do you have a small vocabulary or something? Should I write "There are people who think that some science is not true. They think that what the bible says is right. They are wrong. But they still think they are right. And they try to keep people in school from learning about this science"????

Attack my views. Not my age. Don't be a jackass. I have an IQ of 180, which means, while I may only be 16, I am smarter than most adults.

Not to mention this article was incredibly boring. I sure hope your teachers don't have to read this vomit that you write in the form of English and History essays.

Huh? My English teacher considers me the best writer she's seen. I'm going on to college next year despite being a Junior. I just won a short story competition two months ago. This may not be a shining example of my writing, but it is not horrible. And if you think it is boring, why the hell did you read it?

Duplicate Posting (none / 0) (#4)
by DRI ICE on Fri Apr 5th, 2002 at 11:48:32 PM PST
I don't know why. Just ignore it.

We know why. (5.00 / 1) (#5)
by elenchos on Fri Apr 5th, 2002 at 11:57:00 PM PST
You should be able to troubleshoot the problem on your end. Try checking around in the area between the chair and the keyboard. Let us know what you find there -- you're looking for something kind of dim and stubborn that reacts poorly when exposed to sunlight. If you can't fix it yourself, just sit tight and we'll use a special tool we have here (it involves your IP address if you want to get technical) to take care of it.


I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

You're the troll. (none / 0) (#6)
by Yoshi on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 12:23:36 AM PST
Perhaps you missed the disclaimer: Trolling is not tolerated here.

I'm not liberal.

Bullshit you're not liberal. Do you ever find yourself reading Kuro5hit for more than just the diaries? Do you ever find yourself agreeing with the inane mantra posted on its front page? You are as liberal as it gets, and your anti-religion drivel proves it.

I was under the impression that Adequacy was one of those sites that had controversial stuff on it.

It is. Your balogna isn't controversial, it's just more runoff from Kuro5hit that gets praised by all the little Naderdrones running around there.

Also, how is this in conflict with the Child Online Privacy Protection Act? I am 16. That law is for children under 13.

You see, by letting in little pubes like yourself, would be endorsing the flock of hundreds of you little greasy-palmed anime porn lovers to this website.

Can't you understand what I am saying? Do you have a small vocabulary or something?

There's a clear difference between using big vocabulary because it illustrates your point, and using big vocabulary because you want to try to make yourself look smart. At your age, you have yet to know the difference. Maybe one of your English teachers will one day tell you that, so you can stop with the profuse idiocy.

I have an IQ of 180, which means, while I may only be 16, I am smarter than most adults.

That's what I was waiting for, the "I am so smart because I took a test" introduction. You see, immature teenage brats like yourself have an overinflated sense of your own intelligence. Let me tell you right now, an "IQ test of 180" is completely irrelevant in these corridors. The fact that you have the gall to say you are "smarter than most adults" is enough to make anyone who isn't related to you disown you period. Take your aristocratic liberalistic views back to Kuro5hit where they're worshipped and nurtured. When you're older, you'll realize what a jackass you were.

My English teacher considers me the best writer she's seen. I'm going on to college next year despite being a Junior. I just won a short story competition two months ago.

Isn't that just splendid. Listen, this isn't Oprah's Touchy-Feely hour, so stop with the boasting bullshit. I don't care if you've won seven pulitzers, you're still a nobody with a nonsensical liberal view of the world. Grow up before you ingrain these thoughts into your own mind, because you've got a long way to go.

And if you think it is boring, why the hell did you read it?

I read it last night when it was first posted to Kuro5hit. The "high school sophomore" caught my eye, because I wanted to see exactly how arrogant and typical your ideas are. I was dead on, but then again, I didn't expect much more from Kuro5hit.

Hmm (none / 0) (#7)
by DG on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 01:21:18 AM PST
Amazes me Yoshi you correlate fundamentalism with religion, as if thats the only thing there is, i hope you know what fundamentalism is.. doesn't look like it to me, i don't see any trolls except yours. He was a bit off on a few things but thats his view of it, you never seem to have anything that would count as helpful in your posts,
This site needs help.. do views others hold count for nothing then?
� 2002, DG. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

After you're done beating up the little kid (none / 0) (#8)
by jvance on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 01:35:38 AM PST
there are some cats running around here that need setting afire.
Adequacy has turned into a cesspool consisting of ... blubbering, superstitious fools arguing with smug, pseudointellectual assholes. -AR

We are the site that gives bullies their respect. (3.00 / 2) (#9)
by elenchos on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 02:19:43 AM PST
Unlike a pro-dork, anti-bully site like Slash-Dot, knows the value of putting uppity children back in their place. Unlike bastions of amoral liberal weenieism that want to heap ever more excess self-esteem upon the bloated egoes of American teenagers, we see the need to drastically decrease the self-esteem of the typical teenager. Those with supposedly "high IQ's" who accuse the school system of "stifling their creativity" are most in need of having their self-esteem taken down a couple pegs.

Sure, maybe Ice Blower's feelings got a little hurt, but a teen dork with hurt feelings is one less hacker in the world. That's one less Eric Klebold murdering his classmates. One less John Walker doing his Holden Caulfield rebellion phase. Painful, yes. But the price is worth it if it means A STRONGER AMERICA!

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

Oh Please (none / 0) (#10)
by DG on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 02:55:15 AM PST
You are so full of shit, i hope this is a joke, do you know the number one cause of school shootings?, bullies.. putting others down becuse of some preceived idea that they are better than those they pick on, bullying only shows how weak-minded a person is. i didn't know could sink that low, guess you fooled me on that one
� 2002, DG. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

The causes of school shootings: (none / 0) (#11)
by elenchos on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 03:11:41 AM PST
  1. Gaywads (i.e. dorks) too uppity.
  2. Hacking.
  3. "Geek Chic".
  4. Lunix.
  5. Marijuana.
  6. Excessive self-esteem for all teenagers.
  7. Teens with cars.
  8. Teens with jobs.
  9. Teens not wearing uniforms.
  10. Hacking.
  11. Slashdot.
  12. John Waters, MDMA, They Might Be Giants, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Trent Reznor, Tricky, Bjork, Douglas Coupland, Jon Katz, raving, phat pants, and finally, his ultimate dorkness, el gaywado supremo, Tom Hanks.
Sorry I don't abide your groupthink, but facts are facts.

Oh, and while you are spitting on the graves of the noble young athletes killed in the Columbine murders, why don't you just take a big smelly dump on the memorial of every single heroic fireman killed in the cowardly World Trade Center bombings too? Why don't you do THAT while you're at it? Why DON'T you, you sick, sick freak?

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

You have problems.. (none / 0) (#12)
by DG on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 03:34:08 AM PST
Maybe you should get some therapy bud, it seems like you have alot of issues to work out, were you picked on in high school maybe? what the hell does 9/11 have to do with anything i posted, now your just jumping to conclusions saying anything about it, frankly it makes you look like a ranting fool.
If you ever watch any reports on the shootings and theorys about why shooters did so, they list bullying as the number one cause, your list is just smart ass wanking and you know it, who the hell is uppity most people want to be left alone to live thier life in peace without others bothering them for not "normal" if there is such a thing,
nice rambling list, makes no sense really
only idiots care about what os they use, i'm not spending 30 bucks for a shirt unless it's a nice shirt
� 2002, DG. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

Facts (1.00 / 3) (#16)
by The Mad Scientist on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 09:59:02 AM PST
Sorry I don't abide your groupthink, but facts are facts.

What are your sources?

Oh, and while you are spitting on the graves of the noble young athletes killed in the Columbine murders...

Noble athletes? Those little bastards only got what they were begging for. Sorry, I can't (and don't even want to) feel any pity for them. Their death is only a proof that some justice still exists.

oh come on (none / 0) (#18)
by nathan on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 11:01:59 AM PST
Bullying may be bad, but it's no justification for murder. Can you imagine the trail of corpses some people would have to leave behind? The bullying the Columbine Two faced was unpleasant, but hardly the kind of thing total constant degradation that ie drives kids to suicide elsewhere - which, if it had been, might have induced me to consider your point a bit more favorably.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

If every... (2.50 / 2) (#21)
by The Mad Scientist on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 11:27:22 AM PST
...suicide victim who killed himself because of bullying would take his bully with him, the world could become better place.

Bullying should pose danger for the ones that commit it. The risk of getting killed is a good threat.

Now I understand! (none / 0) (#24)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 12:54:04 AM PST
You think others should die for the low self-esteem and personal hygiene problems of geeks?

Misunderstanding. (none / 0) (#29)
by The Mad Scientist on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 09:35:07 AM PST
You think others should die for the low self-esteem and personal hygiene problems of geeks?

No. I think that a murder can be considered a legitimate form of self-defense against prolonged pestering. Leave them alone or die. How does it sound?

Smaller piece of violence is often enough, though, if administered before things get critical. That picture in glass frame that I broke on the head of a certain classmate bought me couple weeks of being left alone. Then I got a bodyguard paid by helping cheating tests. That was elementary school, though; high school was quite good.

Your error .... (none / 0) (#13)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 03:41:01 AM PST
My young friend, was to see Adequacy as a controversial site, which it is rarely, and not just insulting, which it is generally.

Yoshi is Right (none / 0) (#14)
by gzt on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 06:36:27 AM PST
Someday you'll realize who juvenile you are.

Way back in the day, I thought I was "all that" 'cause I had a 1337 IQ and saw how everybody was an idiot. Then, every two weeks, I'd look back and see I was an idiot, too. Sure, I had taken enough college math classes to be able to finish off the requirements for a math major at my local university in two semesters by the time I graduated from high school, but that didn't make me smart.

Your views aren't worth attacking. If you have any maturity, you will realize you're silly in three weeks.

And your writing sucks. It's very presumptuous.

Me, I read it because I am interested in arrogant youths.


IQ (none / 0) (#17)
by nathan on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 10:59:05 AM PST
Congratulations. Your IQ is higher than that of Einstein (159) and in the same league as those of people like Locke, Darwin, Jeremy Bentham, Voltiare, and Gauss.

What a relief it is to know that potential colossuses still potentially bestride this narrow earth. It's good to know those Fundies didn't break you yet.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

You're just jealous! (none / 0) (#19)
by derek3000 on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 11:15:28 AM PST
It's obvious that his proof is airtight. Maybe you should lay off the hatorade until you have as many Mercedes as DRI ICE.

"Feel me when I bring it!" --Gay Jamie

check it (5.00 / 1) (#20)
by nathan on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 11:22:47 AM PST
There's only one Mercedes that I care about, yo. Rowrr!

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

double wreck it (5.00 / 1) (#22)
by derek3000 on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 02:14:00 PM PST
She's too classy for my taste. I like chicks with great bodies and bad faces, and I absolutely love the I-just-woke-up-where-the-fuck-is-my-needle look. Then again, you know what they say about beauty...

"Feel me when I bring it!" --Gay Jamie

sorry, can't talk anymore (5.00 / 1) (#23)
by nathan on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 04:01:23 PM PST
Fundamentalism has destroyed my brain and left me unable to program computers, or appreciate anime anymore.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

*wipes tears from eyes* (none / 0) (#15)
by John Milton on Sat Apr 6th, 2002 at 09:50:55 AM PST
Thank you. This was so precious. I especially loved that part where you put your little hands together and clapped real hard for evolution, the atheist's fairy tale. Really though, I have to ask you to leave. I come to adequacy to get away from the mindless drivel of these kinds of sophmoric arguments. This is the last place that I want to see another whiny'm-really-smart-cause-she-wants-to-suck-up-to-my-daddy popping their pimples to a monitor.

-John Milton

I agree with you ICE (none / 0) (#25)
by PotatoError on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 07:39:09 AM PST
Except in a few subtle ways.
The population is becoming largely stupid, incapable of free thought and lack of understanding of the things which control them.

However I find that fundamentalism is actually on the decrease here in the UK. I know that in a biology class here there would probably be 3/4 believing in Evolution rather than Creationism. Its just the fact that evolution is more believable than creationism - that it at least has a foothold on reality and all the creationists can do to disprove it is distort the the earth is only 5000 years old for example - a laughable example of their stupidity and willingness to accept any theory as fact when it suits them but to scream rage at it when it doesnt.

Lots of people over here in the UK still believe in religion but thats because they understand no alternative. Like I said the population is becoming largely stupid - if they dont understand science how can they be expected to believe in it? Wheras any fool can believe in religion without understanding it. The demographic is changing rapidly. The younger generation dont possess even a quater of the passion that the old generations have for religion. Although I think this is more down to the ignorance and immorality of kids today rather than them understanding that religion is based on lies - which is a shame. Id rather they believed in religion personally.

Still I understand how fustrated you must feel. You must live in some religious area of the US. Still maybe you should just see yourself as a missionary ;)


you are such a troll (none / 0) (#26)
by nathan on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 08:32:05 AM PST
The population is ... incapable of free thought ...

No kidding. The world is deterministic. Duh.

Wheras any fool can believe in religion without understanding it.

I suggest that lots of fools believe in the conclusions of scientists without really understanding how they are arrived at. It's just argument from a different authority.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

In the name of even-handedness... (none / 0) (#27)
by because it isnt on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 08:52:19 AM PST
I'd simply suggest that there are fools in the world. They're quite obvious, and I don't think they need special name-tags like "theist" or "scientist" or "liberalist" for identification. -- because it isn't

you know what? you're right (none / 0) (#32)
by nathan on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 10:29:51 AM PST
I wouldn't have felt the need to say anything if the Flying Potato hadn't come along.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Why? (none / 0) (#28)
by The Mad Scientist on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 09:16:45 AM PST
The population is ... incapable of free thought ...

Good argument to support this claim is the advertisement strategies. Do we see any real characteristics of the junk they peddle to us? Do we see tables of operational parameters? No, all we can get is "whiter than white"[1], "silanization"[2], attempts to link a given product with social status, peer approval, success[3], or anything else that can have significant appeal to the target group.

Most of people refuse to think and prefer to be manipulated with.

No kidding. The world is deterministic. Duh.

The world is statistically deterministic. You can't predict what a given person will do, but you often can predict what x% of the population will do.

I suggest that lots of fools believe in the conclusions of scientists without really understanding how they are arrived at.

I found it less foolish to believe in conclusions that are backed by independently done experiments than to believe in a set of claims backed only by the claims themselves. (Personally, I have a network of consultants. If I don't understand a claim, and something "doesn't fit", I write a mail or take a cellphone, and usually I get some more light shed onto the problem in question.)

It's just argument from a different authority.

Again, perception of scientists (and doctors, and others) as authority figures is misused in advertisement more than often.

[1] which is caused by adding of fluorescents into the washing powders, which convert part of UV light to blue, thus optically compensating the yellowing of white cloth. The molecular structure of the chemicals used suggests they could be pretty poisonous. What are their long-term health effects, even in minute doses? All the approvals tell is that they aren't acutely toxic.

[2] Silan was (is?) trade name for some liquid to reportedly make cloth softer after washing. "Silanization" was the trade name for the effect of that liquid. The blunder is evident to everyone with the most basic chemistry knowledge - silan, also known as silicon hydride, is a toxic gas that reacts with water.

[3] What effect a given brand of chewing gum or cookies could have on peer acceptance or success over another comparable brand stays a mystery for me.

"Independent experiments". (none / 0) (#31)
by tkatchev on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 10:18:46 AM PST
Dude, do you have any clue on what modern theoretical physics is all about?

(Notice that I don't even touch on the topic of "scientific" psychology or biology.)

Peace and much love...

watch me refute you. (none / 0) (#34)
by nathan on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 06:47:30 PM PST
  • I am part of the populace. I am not easily deceived. Proposition fails.
  • The world is statistically deterministic. In other words, we can make vague predictions about things in aggregate. Point too general to prove what it is claimed to support.
  • Most people are not scientists. Most religions do not make claims that are in the scientific realm. (Don't believe me? Catholic Church, Orthodox Church, Anglican Church, Lutheran Church; Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Shinto.) People accepting a materialist viewpoint on the strength of scientific authority are placing an innapropriate value on the philosophical opinions of scientists. People accepting a religious viewpoint are, rightly or wrongly, engaged in a process of spiritual criticism rather than scientific criticism. My point stands.

    Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

    MC Hawking said it best. (none / 0) (#30)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 10:00:19 AM PST
    Fuck the creationists

    My preferred form... (none / 0) (#33)
    by gzt on Mon Apr 8th, 2002 at 06:39:35 PM PST
    ...of arrogant idiocy is superior to yours.

    At least, that's what your little tirade sounded like to me.

    Some people's usage of the terms "believe in" and "religion" has always puzzled me. They attach some special significance to it that I just cannot understand, as though there's something more to it than what I'm seeing. I, personally, don't say "believe in" or call myself "religious" because of these "connotations".

    For instance, look at this (barely English) sentence: "Wheras any fool can believe in religion without understanding it." I can parse "believe in the Virgin Birth," and perhaps almost understand "believe in the doctrine of Original Sin", but "believe in religion" seems wrong. What about religion do they believe in? It exists? It's "true"? It's relevant to their lives?

    It's too vague. Those presumptuous liberalist foghats keep fuzzying up our rational discourse. Shame on them.

    This is on some other thread, but I hate making multiple posts: Re: chewing gum. In some cultures, after a meal, you chew some gum. Your acquaintances will ask for a piece. If your gum sucks, they notice. If it's some exotic, interesting gum, you win. If it's normal and decent, it's forgotten. If you run out, you're screwed.

    PS I don't believe in integers.

    do you believe in belief? [nt] (none / 0) (#35)
    by PotatoError on Fri Apr 12th, 2002 at 09:00:20 AM PST



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