The very first step to making your car look like it could be the fastest thing in the world is to
add some decals.
Try and find a 5-foot wide one
depicting the logo of your favourite band or of a cool saying. I know, I know, some of your favourites don't really have a 'logo', but you can
probably get a good sign shop to write 'Brittany Spears' in 6 foot letters for you. The best place to place the inaugural logo is right in the middle
of your back window or angled across the driver's side door. You can't put this sort of thing on the front windshield. It would look very cool there,
but you have to remember that you must see ahead! Another good decal type is racing stripes. These actually do make your car go faster, and they look
really good too.
Once you've got the logo in place, cruse down the street with the most foot traffic in your town with your windows rolled down so you can show off
your newly stylized car. This lets people know that it there is a new car on the road, and it looks like a million dollar racer too boot. You may get
ugly looks from other motorists with obviously inferior cars, but just make your tires squeak a bit when you pull away from the light. Don't hit the
guy in front of you though. Simply press your breaks as hard as you can and change lanes to avoid being slowed down by the much less cool cars around
you. You can check beside you if you want to be safe, but since your car looks so fast, no one will dare to attempt to pull past you, so you can
change lanes in peace.
After that, you will want to put some interior
enhancements in. Feel free to pretend you have a nitro kit too. The best
thing to do in the interior of a super-fast car is to have a helmet near by, and get some extra seatbelt material and drape it over you every time you
drive to make it look like you have a five-point harness. If you really want to make your car look crazy-fast, put the helmet on while waiting at red
lights. Less amazing cars and their drivers will melt at that sight!
Next, you should install as many lighting devices you can. Spotlights,
headlights, neon, and fog lights all work, and extra credit if they don't turn off ever. This way people will notice you with greater ease, day or
night! You have full creative freedom here. Put on headlight covers, paint the corners of your signal lights, and get those
all-clear break light covers. This is where you make your car stand
The most important performance-enhancing feature is yet to come, though. You need to
add spoilers. The bigger they are, the faster your car will look. The
hardest part is getting them to match your paint, but most good body
shops will put them on and match the color for a good price. At this stage, it is also a good idea to get some low profile tires and a
good-looking set of rims.
You are now quite well on the way to appearing to be able to beat Porches and Vipers. All that's left is to
lower your car as close to the ground as possible. Don't worry about
getting the suspension properly tuned, that costs much too much and the goal here is maximum appearance of speed. There may be a safety hazard
if your camber is not properly calibrated by a professional though, so be weary of questionable shops.
Now, some people may
say that it is unscrupulous to do all these changes to an otherwise
gutless car. Don't listen. Your car must look like the fastest
one in town. Just remember these simple key phrases: Yellow = looks fast.
Stickers = looks fast. Spoilers = looks fast. Lots of
headlights and fog lights=looks fast. Clear break light covers = looks fast. All you have to do is remember those simple key aspects of performance
automotive customization!