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 Not Very Adequate

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Aug 22, 2002
Some of you need to go to school or something and develop intelligent mindsets so that you will stop hurting yourselves, your children, your children's children and so on and so forth...

[editor's note, by RobotSlave] Added whitespace and minor formatting, in keeping with overall angst of the piece

First of all I want to say that I honestly don't care what you have to say about this post Mr. Johnson. So flame away in your little "rejection letter" of power once your done reading this. I think it will embarrass you so I hope you are the first one to read it so you can delete it quickly before anyone sees.

You slimy scum.

What you
people (and
when I say "people"
there are many exceptions,
those of which I do not feel inclined
to list at this point and time) fail to see,
is that some of the most intelligent, informed
and well-thought posts on this website can only
be found in the hall of shame. Everything else
I have ever seen on this website is either:
a) Racist b) Misinformed or c) paranoid.
I honestly don't understand what can
drive you to feel you need to
"inform" "grown-ups" of all
this (pardon my language)
bullshit that you cook
up inside your
I was
on a





and it had a link
to the "Is Your Son
a Hacker?" story and
at first I thought this
website was kind of along
the lines of

Then I read a post/story about


and I destinctly remember
the author
describing cocaine
as a small brown tablet
that smells funny.

Well that is just fantastic.
I myself have never considered
any illegal drug


But I did attend those seminars
at school where they inform
and educate us of what drug is
what and that sort of thing.

Doesn't it make you feel warm
inside when you know some kid

could be addicted to coke, and when
they leave sitting sitting on their
dresser by accident, mom will think

it's a science project or something

and just give it back. It also said
if your child smokes tobacco that it is
almost CERTAIN that they also do something
like at least two illegal drugs, such as
cocaine, or marijuana, or LSD, or heroin,
you get the idea. I would honestly like
to see where this person gets their statistics.
Another thing you guys


understand is this:
Not all children
are the same!
Just because someones
child smokes ciggarettes
and is addicted to


it doesn't mean
everyone else's is.

Trust me

I was a kid once
and I have friends
who smoke tobbacco
regularly. You need
to learn how to form
your own opinions and stop

letting these blockheads raise your children. They don't need this! You must understand that parents have natural instincts on how to raise their children because they have been there


Think about what the best
way you would have had


parents deal with you,
but do it with the experience
and knowledge you have aquired



the years. I am going to assure
you right now that most of the "advice"
and "stories" on this site will only
lead to

and ultimately,

Such as them
(the children)
being suicidal
and like things.

So go ahead and do what you will
with this
Mr. J.

As you
edit and
censor this
message while thinking

"He is stupid because he disagrees
with me and-
wait he spelled something wrong!

Hall of shame here I come" then I
just hope you know that by trying
to sound intelligent by using

the big boy words

you only reinforce
mine, and others belief
that you are

basically unintelligent.
Keep in mind that the root word

"basic" does not mean "general",

but "at it's core". I hope your small brain
can comprehend what I am trying

to establish


Wow! (none / 0) (#1)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 02:53:01 AM PST
No line feed on your typing machine?

Hmm, I suspect Alex K was "hopped up" on (5.00 / 1) (#2)
by Adam Rightmann on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 05:32:49 AM PST
when his English teacher explained paragraphs to him, I wonder what other educational experiences he has missed while "nodding off".

A. Rightmann

The word tobacco has only one 'b' (none / 0) (#3)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 07:27:43 AM PST
I cannot take any of this seriously if you cannot be