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 My husband wants me shorn!

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Nov 28, 2001
This week, Adam helps a wife with a perverted husband, and appeals for help from you, his loyal readers.

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Adam Rightmann

My husband wants to do my ass!
Rock Star: Headbanging Nights
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We are all children of Adam and Eve
I'm a teenager, and I want it bad!
I have not had relations for months!
My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag
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My wife hungers for dark meat, and my nephew is a Commie!
My inlaws are not fertile!
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Why can't I get a second date?
I want a mistress!
My roommate is gay! My roommate is a drunk.
Dear Adam,

As you can imagine, our church has been running at capacity since 9/11, and with the start of Advent, it's only going to get a lot worse. The big problem is that most of these newcomers/lapsed Catholics don't understand pew etiquette, you start in the back and slowly make your way to the front as people move out of the parish or die. Instead, they just sit anywhere they please! I'm tired of finding my pew taken.

Displaced Pewsitter

Dear DP,

Well, this is a tough one for me. I look to scripture, but the Prodical Son sure doesn't help. Historically, some Protestant Sects (particularly in New England) had members buy the pew they sat in, but I don't know if we want to borrow anything from those heretics. You could try to make them uncomfortable by chatting with your pew neighbors who you have known for years, and intruding on their personal space during the sign of peace. I know my loyal readers like to throw in their two cents, any ideas?

Dear Adam,

My husband wants me to shave my pubic area completely bare. As a a good wife, I want to bow to his wishes, but this strikes me as weird and even dangerous. What should I do?

Reverse Delilah

Dear Delilah,

While I can understand a modest amount of trimming for comfort, or to avoid any stray hairs from peeking out of an athletic-cut Speedo one piece bathing suit (as Mrs. Rightmann is prone to do), as a red blooded heterosexual male with a healthy sex drive, I do not understand the appeal of a bare pudenda. Does your husband also like to watch Britney Spears? Does he enjoy movies like The Professional, or Lolita? I suspect he may be a latent pedophile, and I would suggest you contact your local authorities.

Pews (5.00 / 1) (#8)
by Right Hand Man on Wed Nov 28th, 2001 at 05:22:23 AM PST
If this is one of the smaller churches it could always use ushers. There is most likely an excellent supply of young ones available from the more devout families, those that have been attending the church regularly enough to understand the seating arrangements. Requiring these youngsters to volunteer as ushers would teach them a bit of responsibility as well as help show the newcomers their righful place at the back of the house.

Oddly, my church has never had a problem like this. It might be because those of weaker faith tend to stay as far away from 'the action' as possible and prefer to work themselves into it slowly.

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

Wait... (none / 0) (#49)
by Aaron olywaanarchy on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 08:48:20 PM PST
You mean that the fact that the prick looks over two non sexual letters the quickly delves into the one doesnt make you wonder??? It's obvious to me the guy is a pervert.

You really need answers? (5.00 / 1) (#9)
by Jon Erikson on Wed Nov 28th, 2001 at 05:51:11 AM PST
If you need answers to such simple questions as these, I suggest you need to spend more time with your Bible and less time watching Oprah!

The big problem is that most of these newcomers/lapsed Catholics don't understand pew etiquette...

If they're Catholics, what are they doing in a Christian church anyway!? They have their own pagan places of "worhip" where they can engage in idolatry and if they come into your church, hound them out like the fakers they are!

My husband wants me to shave my pubic area completely bare. As a a good wife, I want to bow to his wishes, but this strikes me as weird and even dangerous. What should I do?

Your husband is obviously some kind of pervert as the author of this article correctly suggests. However, like any good Catholic his solution lies away from God and in the hands of secular authorities. I suggest you contact your church and tell them of his filthy suggestions - it may be that he is possessed by demons and in need of spiritual help. If this is not the case then your husband is almost certainly damned to Hell, and your only chance is to have him taken to a spiritual retreat (willing or unwilling - it's for his own good!) where a harsh regime of prayer, fasting and flagellation may yet save his soul.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

Again... -_-;; (none / 0) (#18)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 05:57:04 PM PST
Mr. Erikson:

I'm trying to see things from your point of view, But I'm afraid I can't stick my head THAT far up my ass -_-;;

"These aren't the droids you're looking for... Move along."

By the way I tell my boyfriend to shave all the time =) Am I a Pedophile? But I'm only 17 =)

(This is without sarcasm I admire you for being so devoted to your God. Goodluck)


I wasn't going to answer (none / 0) (#23)
by nathan on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 11:42:53 AM PST
except that you said you're 17.

Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you out; that's osm's job.

*ahem* Anyway, when you're 17 it's more or less OK to be doing silly things like shaving your pubes. Just don't get too attached to youthful fun because it palls in time. Until it does, though, I wish you the best of luck and the maximum of fun.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

baby oil (5.00 / 2) (#10)
by johnny ambiguous on Wed Nov 28th, 2001 at 08:30:56 AM PST
First things first.

...I (Monsignor Rightmann, that is) do not understand the appeal of a bare pudenda.

I know, as a purist, you'll want to correct this. You mean

the appeal of a bare pudendum

as "pudenda" is plural. Please verify this factoid with Adequacy's own in-house linguistics expert, em.

Now, that minor quibble out of the way, let us return to the issue at hand. You would seem to imagine that Reverse D's husband is indulging in some pre-pubescence fetish when he requests his shy wife shave the curly fuzz off her pubic mound. That may be, but if that were the case you'd also expect him to have demanded that she wear some kind of tight halter to compress and hide her mature-woman's breasts, and probably also some kind of school-girls costume. And don't forget the pigtails - pigtails, laughable as they may look when affected by hard-worn cigarette-smoking prostitutes in porno filming sessions, are nevertheless an invariable "must" for people trying to simulate the grade-school-girl look. Only G-d knows why pornographers specializing in paedophiliac productions insist on so specific a fetish; the fact is, however, they do.

Now if he had asked for all that, wouldn't Reverse D have mentioned those guilty details as well in her plaint? But she did not. Therefore, I think it is presumptuous, if not outright libelous, to accuse her lust-addled husband of sick paedophilic tendencies.

Let us therefore assume the best, or at least the least bad, of Mr. D's motives. An alternative explanation comes to mind at once.

You see, so very many married men in our misogynistic culture are so dismally insensitive to the needs and desires of their wedded mates! Their idea of "love-making" is to hurl themselves upon their wives's bodies, roughly prod and probe and thrust, achieve their own selfish satisfaction, and then roll over and set to snoring. No wonder our culture is so afflicted with frustration and heartbreak!

But Mr. D has evidently transcended that selfish attitude in a praiseworthy, if somewhat devious manner. It works like this. As you would know had you ever worn a beard (as Christians are indeed required to, viz. Leviticus 19:27), while daily face-shaving roughens and desensitizes the skin, conversely, skin which has been protected by natural body hair remains uncallused. So right after one shaves for the first time in a while, the exposed skin is smooth, cool, soft, and especially sensitive to sensations of warmth and touch. Imagine, now, our unsuspecting wife's delight at the feeling of her husband's loving caresses upon the delicate newly-shaven areas!

Indeed this is a testament to the benevolence of the Heavenly Creator, who has given us not just the mechanical necessities of life - we do as little for the farm animals we raise to brusquely exploit - but also the potentiality for ecstatic sensual gratification! Clearly none of that is necessary for the working-out of mere blind mechanical evolutionary processes. Instead it can only be logically attributed to the superfluous indulgence of an intelligent Creator who is truly motivated by overflowing generosity and loving kindness.

But Mr. D's scheme gets better. See, those pubic hairs will eventually grow back in. Again, I appeal to your personal experience with the similarly curly hairs growing out of your own manly jaw. If you haven't ever done as much, just try this: quit shaving your face for about a week or two. Somewhere between day five and day fourteen you will experience an itchy sensation that will have you rubbing and scratching like crazy, as the sharp tips of the new short hairs curl over to tickle and torment that sensitive skin.

And this is where phase II of Mr. D's "make her love me again like when we were newlyweds" program comes into effect. For there is one sure cure for that maddening short-pubies itch, married men, and keep this in mind: a truly wonderful, noble product, Johnson's Baby Oil.

(By the way - I hate to digress, but - how do you like the clever manner in which the gentlemen running the web site to which I linked artfully camouflage their advertisement for this splendid product! If they illustrated their provocative ad with a photograph of, say, a husband and wife entangled in some athletic posture of the consummation of marital bliss, certainly many internet users would be unable to access those pages due to net-censoring software. So instead of depicting the naked act of love, they illustrate their ad with the joyful, lovely consequence of that act, a beautiful baby. Yet, the intent is plain, read the howlingly erotic ad copy:

How Our Products Help
Use gentle strokes while massaging a small amount of JOHNSON'S� Baby Oil into baby's skin. Using soothing, circular motions, massage feet, calves and thighs. Rub baby oil on baby's stomach and work up to shoulders and down the arms and hands. Continue as long as you and your baby enjoy it...)

OK, about a week after the shave, Mrs. D will be going nuts with the itchies. At this point, our crafty Mr. D will proceed to part two of his "make her love me" scheme. "Oh, darling, dearest, does that itch down there? I'm so sorry! Poor dear, you shaved to make me happy, and now you must be going nuts!" (Here he brings out the paper bag from the pharmacy with the baby oil.) "But I heard this helps..."

Dear Adequacy readers, I leave the rest to your imaginations. Love is good! Love, love, love, love.

Yours WDK -

Getting into my Chevrolet Magic Fire, I drove slowly back to the office. - L. Rosen

Dear Mr. Ambiguous (5.00 / 1) (#12)
by Jon Erikson on Wed Nov 28th, 2001 at 09:18:47 AM PST
A name which hardly inspires me to believe you are a decent Christian to start with! Your so-called explaination is quite obviously nothing than a complete fiction arising from the immoral and unsatisfied cravings which are barely contained within your lustful body. And the unwholesome way you dwell on the details of your sordid fantasy indicates to me that you are in dire need of cold baths, fasting and prayer to save your sorry soul.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

oh man here we go again (none / 0) (#35)
by Darin23 on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:22:37 PM PST
Alright since when are fantasies sins?

Also, who's to say that the author of that reply doesn't know something that we don't?

Who knows maybe him and his wife have tried it and it actually works!

I say we take everything with a grain of salt, those things we do not agree with we don't have to try do we?

However who are you to say that he is not a good christian?

Let me tell you something at one point or another in ones life they committ sins some more serious than others and some more often than others but you know nobody is perfect, so looking down your nose at him for something that may or may not be a fact is really pointless.

Fantasies are the spice of life, without fantasies can we have dreams? Or even hopes?

So in conclusion I would like to say to the author of the coment about the baby oil, if you know something sir you should share it with the world not just a message board

you are the being Mr. Ambiguous (0.00 / 1) (#24)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:15:34 PM PST
up yours rightman

Evil Fetishes (none / 0) (#36)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 02:13:34 AM PST
"You would seem to imagine that Reverse D's husband is indulging in some pre-pubescence fetish when he requests his shy wife shave the curly fuzz off her pubic mound. That may be, but if that were the case you'd also expect him to have demanded that she wear some kind of tight halter to compress and hide her mature-woman's breasts, and probably also some kind of school-girls costume. And don't forget the pigtails - pigtails, laughable as they may look when affected by hard-worn cigarette-smoking prostitutes in porno filming sessions, are nevertheless an invariable "must" for people trying to simulate the grade-school-girl look. Only G-d knows why pornographers specializing in paedophiliac productions insist on so specific a fetish; the fact is, however, they do."

I like females in schoolgirl outfits with pigtails. I find it cute as well as arousing. This, however, does not make me a pedophile, which is defined as someone who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children. My sexual interests simply lie in that of innocence and youth, and the idea of anything younger then a teenager sickens me. I think you might be surprised how many males are attracted to teenagers, given that youth is a fundamental sexual desire that exists in many (if not most) males to help assist in evolution.

Of course, I'm just an atheist sinner that's going to burn in hell for my logical and scientific viewpoints, not to mention my healthy sexual appetite. There's no use saving me, or even listening to me for that matter.

Oh, and I also liked "The Professional".

right on! (none / 0) (#41)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 12th, 2001 at 04:58:20 PM PST
Right on, brother!

Shaving your pubes is just wrong! (5.00 / 1) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Nov 28th, 2001 at 09:03:03 AM PST
The resulting razor will be itchy and uncomfortable, and may cause chafing.

Instead, try waxing. It stings, but the hairs grow back in soft and wooly.

I agree. (none / 0) (#32)
by cyborgmonkey on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 06:08:20 AM PST
Soft and wooly like a goat's voluptuous exterior covering.

The Professional (5.00 / 1) (#13)
by Tycho on Wed Nov 28th, 2001 at 09:27:16 AM PST
Um, isn't this one of those films where the Americans felt the need to change the name because they are so fucking stupid?

Yeah, it is. (none / 0) (#14)
by chuckx on Wed Nov 28th, 2001 at 09:44:45 AM PST
It's original name is Leon (excuse the missing accent).

Why it was changed? Don't ask me. In general, I'm at a loss to explain the logic of the movie industry.

- chuckx -

Accent (none / 0) (#15)
by fluffy grue on Wed Nov 28th, 2001 at 11:00:07 AM PST
To accent a letter, it's simply an ampersand, the letter, the accent type (acute or grave), then a semicolon. For example, á is ´

Americans=Stupid...not quite (none / 0) (#47)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 10:36:46 AM PST
Dear moron,
If americans are stupid, then please explain to me why we are dominating the world market, why the dollar is higher in value than almost all currencies in the world, and why the european nations feel so threatened that they have to create the European Union. You are right, we must be stupid. It was our stupidity that discovered electricity, our stupidity that landed a man on the moon when other nations (excluding russia) had no hope of even launching a man into space. Before you open your arrogant mouth...look at the exist only because the marshall plan bailed your ass out.

Her husband is a child molestor (none / 0) (#16)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 05:32:44 PM PST
This is just too wierd but it is clear to me that he wants her p***c area shaved because he likes little girls. Why else? She should consider reporting this to the authorities.

Why would he want her to do that? (none / 0) (#20)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:56:19 PM PST
Well... because:
- It's cleaner. No stuff sticks in it.
- It's nice n smooth. Smells better. Oh wait... cunnilingus is probably a deadly sin in your narrowminded eyes. Nevermind the smell part.
- Maybe he thinks it looks sexy. Yeah that's right. Sexy. But no he doesn't have to be a pedophile for that.

Some of you people obviously have really uptight minds, but shaved genitals really aren't that uncommon. For the above mentioned reasons. Mainly the clean part, as a matter of fact, men do it too.

Anyway, i'm repeating myself. See-ya.

a word more powerfull then a H-bomb (5.00 / 1) (#29)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:33:54 AM PST
That word is 'pedophile'.

Point at any single man and say the word outloud.
No matter if it's true, that man will soon move to another district.
You see, people dig a common enemy.
It's such a good thing to have a common enemy.
A common enemy tightens a community, makes you feel rightious and in a long term, improves your health.

So when somebody labels a person as a pedophile, EVERYBODY joins in the fun.
You start to think on how you can punish him for being such a perverted criminal.
Even little things will make you feel proud.

And when the police finally listens when all the neighbours start to report him (you report him too even though you have no prove, but after all, you neighbour has prove? right?) and take him to the police station for hearing him out, you all cheer "HURRAY, we have defeated the 'common enemy'!".

How angry must you feel when he gets back home because the accusations where unfounded.
Surely the police must be wrong!
We shall take matters into our own justified hands.

So after a couple of windows shattered, a shed burned down and some pets killed, the 'common enemy' leaves your neighbourhood, a broken man.
He has to move 3 times because some justice-driven neighbours dicided to follow him and tell his NEW neighbourhood about his pedophilian tendencies.
(although you don't exacly know what those tendencies were, but that's not inportant, is it?)

Finally out of your reach, you decide it's not worth the effort to follow him.


One month later the 10 year old daughter of the accusing woman manages to explane that she was playing 'doctor' with the 9 year old son of the devourced man.

Nobody found out though...
The woman was too ashamed of the mistake and her own hysteria, so she never told anyone.

Hey, I have a great idea, let's accuse that old guy from the next block of pidophilia!
I'm sure we can give him a hart-attack!

So True So True ! tsk ! tsk ! 11 (none / 0) (#50)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 28th, 2002 at 12:56:59 AM PST
U'r right Buddy ! .. Let'z all start labbeling each & evry creature ... be it human or animal on teh street a Phedo Whateva ! : ) /.. MAyb then everybody'll leave thsi planet & Go live on mars or some distant galaxy ! :) Tsk! tsk! ..
wwat'z it ? Ppl hav no other work then discussing who shaves & who doesn't? Openin up a barber shop? :)

Idiots! (none / 0) (#37)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:09:21 AM PST
You are all stupid idiots! Does it matter if she shaves or not you stupid fucks!
Who cares??????


Jesus Saves (none / 0) (#45)
by Yellow on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 06:56:28 AM PST
You are obviously an un-Christian youth and, as a youth, you don't understand the Christian need for pubic hair! All adults like pubic hair unless they like little kids.
Genitals are not for mouths! They are strictly for procreation and I closed my eyes when my wife and I created our two glorious children.
I have included a nightly prayer that our youth turns off thier computers, stops hacking, and learns to spell. I would call you a Loser (not Looser, like some cheap Harlot), but the Lord has forbade me to cast judgement upon the other and I must forgive you. Praise the Lord.

by Inden on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 09:15:03 PM PST
To an otherwise well written but prosaic set of issues that are only problems for our chronically sexually repressed [and therefore repressive] guilt/sin-obsessed Christian societies.

When will Christians ever grow up?

Oh please... take it easy will ya (none / 0) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:41:06 PM PST
Some of y'all take religion out of context man... i believe yes i do.
BUT who in the craps name jumps to a conclusion that a guy who requests his spouse to shave her pubes is a pedophile?
Let me name some reasons why he would want that:
- No sticky stuff gets caught in the hair, thus it leaves the area cleaner (you probably have a problem with condoms too, so...)
- Smooth skin feels nice
- It looks good in a non pedophile way

Ok Mr. Ericson... it's ok you're concerned and all that, but jumping to conclusions like "He's a pedophile" and "He's possesed by demons" makes you sound real crazy. The Baby Oil post explains a lot, it's really not a sign of pedophilia.

Mrs. Delilah, i advice you to talk to your husband about why he wants you to do this. And although i can imagine you want to please your man as much as possible, you don't have any obligations when it comes to shaving. but i wouldn't worry too much about the pedophilia part.

im shocked and amazed (none / 0) (#21)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 06:08:27 AM PST
i was just sent here by a "friend" and i am shocked and amazed at how stupid you people are, you need to open your minds and read stuff other than the bible, i have and i've found that most of the stuff written in there is pure SH** and i hope you are all stuck on this earthly plane for the rest of eternity as punishment for your stupidity

Good for you. (none / 0) (#22)
by tkatchev on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:02:21 AM PST
Smart kid. Here, have a nickel; run along now, before you hurt yourself.

P.S. "Earthly plane"? Isn't that something from the "dungeons and dragons" crap you kids nowadays worship?

Peace and much love...

HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?! (none / 0) (#25)
by drmik3y on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 12:04:13 AM PST
How on earth could you get the nerve to tell her to call the local authorities on her husband just because he wants her to shave?! Women shave almost all the hair ontheir body. So why is it so strange for a husband to want her to shave her pubic area? We are used to seeing women without hair, so naturally when you're naked a typical male would most likely rather see little or no hair instead of a big bush. Delilah DO NOT listen to him, to call the cops on your husband because he wants you to look sexier is not a crime. The closed-mindedness on this board is astounding.

you bible bashers are too fucking weird! (none / 0) (#26)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 01:05:30 AM PST
Firstly let me say this. Thou shall not Watch the preffesional is not a comandment!

How the hell (thats right how the hell) can you sit there and tell a woman to call the cops because her husband wants her to shave her pubic hair off?
are you so fucked up by the shit the bibble spits out to realise that maybe:
A: its a lot cleaner than having a big bush
B: maybe when he is going on down her he wont get a mouth full of hair!
C: the clit can be easier stimulated without the hair.

this is shit in every day life and you cant escape it in that fairy tale book you call a bible.

and how can u sit there and accuse the guy of being a pedophile because he watches movies?
you bible bashing relics are always looking for an answer to everything thats why you are so fucked in the head!
let me tell you something my wife shaves her pussy and i have never looked at a young kid in any sexual way!
maybe reading all that shit in the bible has made you into a pedophile and are scare to admit it!

you bible bashers are too fucking weird! (none / 0) (#27)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 01:10:47 AM PST
Firstly let me say this. Thou shall not Watch the preffesional is not a comandment!

How the hell (thats right how the hell) can you sit there and tell a woman to call the cops because her husband wants her to shave her pubic hair off?
are you so fucked up by the shit the bibble spits out to realise that maybe:
A: its a lot cleaner than having a big bush
B: maybe when he is going on down her he wont get a mouth full of hair!
C: the clit can be easier stimulated without the hair.

this is shit in every day life and you cant escape it in that fairy tale book you call a bible.

and how can u sit there and accuse the guy of being a pedophile because he watches movies?
you bible bashing relics are always looking for an answer to everything thats why you are so fucked in the head!
let me tell you something my wife shaves her pussy and i have never looked at a young kid in any sexual way!
maybe reading all that shit in the bible has made you into a pedophile and are scare to admit it!

Please delete the profanity! Jesus is watching! (none / 0) (#44)
by Yellow on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 06:51:39 AM PST
I have included a prayer for you at night, so that the Lord may clean your mouth! Perhaps you should not be viewing a Christian website until your potty-mouth disease is cleansed by the Lord!
Amen and Hallellujah!

Christians... (none / 0) (#48)
by trueEQUALSfalse on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 12:16:28 AM PST
There are a number of people who have opinions that don't quite fit the norm. Because of this, they aren't welcome in many places. This is where they exercise their right to speak, where the dreams of tomorrow take flight today.
This site is aimed at middle class white male professionals - the sort of people who have been sadly sidelined by today's victim culture, and the domination of homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who have all risen up with their discrimination laws and 'equality' to sadly control the media agenda.

These people are not welcome here. This is where we make a stand. This is where we fight back.

It is also squarely aimed at the marginalised of society -- homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who remain in a state of oppression, kept down by the dominant white male patriarchy and by insufficiently rigorous 'discrimination' laws and the corporate media.

These people are welcome here. This is where we make a stand. This is where we fight back.

Controversial opinions, passionately held. We Are


This isn't a 'Christian website' don't ya know, and your Satan is watching, too.

Minds need some excercise in their old age... otherwise they'll die and spit forth garbage forever.

Dear Delilah\Mr.Erickson (none / 0) (#28)
by Elijah on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 11:45:41 PM PST
I reply to this subject why due to Mr.Erikson's comments and to assist the lady in her dilema

And the unwholesome way you dwell on the details of your sordid fantasy indicates to me that you are in dire need of cold baths, fasting and prayer to save your sorry soul.

By this are you implying that Salvation is attained through works and not of the grace of God Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV

Back to the matter a hand Ma'am you are under no obligation to do so according to any non-biblical secular opinions or writings however I recomend talking with your husband and finding a reasonable biblicaly sound awnser as to why.

If his intentions are non perverted as said before looks more sexy ETC I would like to back it up with some scriptural refrences

The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
1Co 6:20 KJV

However if it is preverse bring up this verse and prey upon it with him in hopes that he will understand you

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
1Co 7:4 KJV

FYI:I am a biblical instructor and plan to be on this site more often

I Assume I have addressed both matters adiquatly God bless

Thank you, Sir. (none / 0) (#30)
by tkatchev on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:21:17 AM PST
This site needs a more solid scriptural basis, regardless of confession. Sadly, solid Biblical knowledge is very lacking these days. (By that I mean factual and textual knowledge of the Bible, which is also important.)

Peace and much love...

You are so true (none / 0) (#31)
by Elijah on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:42:31 AM PST
I have devoted a majority of my life to study of the bible and if anyone wuold devote any amount of time to the Lord and getting to know his word this world would be a better place by far there are people in this world depraved of the truth and they think they have all the anwsers it is truly a sad testamony however there is hope for some those who know that they don't know the truth and the shining beacons of light who offer them truth at the simple cost of their time

Not just for men's benifet!!!!!! (none / 0) (#33)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:47:45 PM PST
I know some women that prefer themselves shaved. Reasons I've gotten from some of them:

-Feels cleaner (nothing caught in it easier to wash)
-Oral is MUCH better (smoother, wetter, closer, more direct pleasure)
-Personal Smell (some women don't like their own smell)
-Apperance (don't like those straglers hangin out the side/top of the cute bikini)
-Men like it (of course!!)

Does that make those women pedofiles? I don't think so. Personally I love em shaved. I don't think women should have hair from the neck, down. I don't like young girls either. My reasons are for apperance, looks nicer and oral. I'm much more willing to get down there if the smell is little/gone and don't have to worry about the pubies in the teeth.
ClickWirk (7:24:55 PM): I know some women that prefer themselves shaved. Reasons I've gotten from some of them:

-Feels cleaner (nothing caught in it easier to wash)
-Oral is MUCH better (smoother, wetter, closer, more direct pleasure)
-Personal Smell (some women don't like their own smell)
-Apperance (don't like those straglers hangin out the side/top of the cute bikini)
-Men like it (of course!!)

Does that make those women pedofiles? I don't think so. Personally I love em shaved. I don't think women should have hair from the neck, down. I don't like young girls either. My reasons are for apperance, looks nicer and oral. I'm much more willing to get down there if the smell is little/gone and don't have to worry about the pubies in the teeth.

Really (none / 0) (#34)
by Dorsai on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:29:26 PM PST are the judge of what is in a man's mind? Because he doesn't happen to like things the way you like them, he must be deranged? Because he is turned on by a slight change in her appearance, he should be locked up?

Hmm...I wonder if your wife shaves her legs and armpits and what that says about you? If you think all women should shave their legs and armpits, then a whole lot of Europeans would beg to differ with you. If you don't think they should, then a whole lot of Americans and others would like to point out the error of your ways.

My point here is that beauty is usually in the eye of the beholder, and that eye is usually influenced by the culture and society they live in. My own experience has been that just because you find a shaved of bald pubic area a turn-on, doesn't make you a child sex prevert.

In fact, my wife is of Thai ancestry, she doesn't shave her herself down there, but it's pretty much bald by nature, and that doesn't make me a sexual prevert just because I happen to like the way she looks. And before you call her a child and me a molester, we have 2 grown children in their 20's that she bore me years ago. She is very much a woman, not a child.

What is natural or liked is a matter of our taste and what we are told to like. I point out the legs and underarms as an example, look what changes have come there in America as opposed to much of the world.

Ideas of beauty have changed much over the years. Big breasts, little breasts, big bottoms, little bottoms, lush figures, slender figures, exotic makeup, no makeup, etc...the list is endless. I for one feel sorry for the women, the things they have to go through for men to like them.

You sir, are narrow-minded, simplistic in your world view and just plain ignorant. To think that there are people out there who might actually feel the way you do makes me wonder how the human race has progressed as far as it has. Next you'll probably tell me that demons inhabit my computer and the old lady down the road with a wart on her nose and a cat for a pet must be a witch, burn her!

Please, remember that even though it's only your opinion, other people just might take you serious. If that poor lady does go to the police, they are going to laugh her right out of the station. You should be ashamed for giving her such terrible advice.
"Thus, in sum, we may conclude, If there is no one, there is nothing at all. To this we may add the conclusion, It seems that, whether there is or is not a one,

adam and shaving (none / 0) (#38)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:53:12 AM PST
You should give objective information and not direct some woman to turn her husband in just because he wants her to shave.
There is nothing wrong with shaving and any one who cinsiders it pedophilic should relax and take a look at the world from outside his box.
Soon they gonna argue that men should not shave their beards as well...

adam and shaving (none / 0) (#39)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 05:56:03 AM PST
You should give objective information and not direct some woman to turn her husband in just because he wants her to shave.
There is nothing wrong with shaving and any one who cinsiders it pedophilic should relax and take a look at the world from outside his box.
Soon they gonna argue that having sex for any other reason then making children is illegal and burn the prostitutes at the stake... why stop there let's consider all women who like clean shaven men pedophiles as well!...

Put some thought in to it (none / 0) (#40)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:12:39 PM PST
Wile your sitting there on Sunday thumping your bible keep in mind what it says the first shall be last and the last shall be first and that with there lapses they may need to be closer to god for a wile.

As for the shaving well maybe he just wants something new and would rather get it from you give him some other suggestions some thing you might be willing to try or just try it will it hurt you?

pubes (none / 0) (#42)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:17:48 AM PST
I suspect he may be a latent pedophile, and I would suggest you contact your local authorities.

too bad that in your country you can't arrest/imprison/hassle anyone because of their thoughts/fantasies. He can be a latent pedo all he wants and, if he doesn't touch little girls, the authorities can't do shit

Why are you telling Sean? (none / 0) (#43)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 05:27:51 PM PST
..and shouldn't you be glad your husband still wants you?

Idiots (none / 0) (#51)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 27th, 2002 at 12:38:06 AM PST
I shave my beard, does that make me a pedophile? Whoever says he's a pedophile because he wants his wife to shave her pubes NEEDS TO BE BEATEN WITH THE VERY BOOK THEY WORSHIP. *ahem* Good day.


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