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bed wetters 18%
rapists 0%
have jiggly butts when slapped around in prison showers 9%
paedophiles 9%
bloodthirsty vicious persecutors of humanity 9%
pitiless pirates 9%
wear the clothes mommy leaves on the bed in the outline of a flat person 27%
sex murderers 0%
/\/\AK3 N0 SINCE!! 18%

Votes: 11

 Tonight @ 1:00 AM on Super Ecran

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Mar 26, 2002
Les Pirates Informatiques (1999, Drame Policier). Un detective poursuit un impitoyable pirate informatique.

(Translation note: "un impitoyable pirate informatique" translates as "hacker".


More diaries by venalcolony
Liberalism is not only wrong, it's ugly.
is it just me or is kuro5hin full of nazis
Tard dans la nuit, dans une firme californienne de design de logiciels, deux jeunes "wiz" ing�nieurs, donnent la touche finale � leur nouveau produit g�nial, un logiciel cryptographique ind�codable qui fera d'eux les rois de l'�re informatique. Ils travaillent � l'insu de leurs patrons, en utilisant les appareils et la technologie de pointe sur place. Ce soir-l�, nos deux complices sont t�moins d'un vol par effraction et ils sont pris ans l'engrenage. Ils n'avaient pas pr�vu rencontrer un criminel d�moniaque, Kurt Bishop, un pirate de l'�lectronique qui surgit avec l'intention de subtiliser un lot de puces m�moire. D�couvrant par hasard l'ing�nieux et tr�s profitable nouveau programme, il tue l'un des concepteurs pour s'en emparer. Mais le programme n'est pas complet. Kurt et ses deux autres complices traquent le survivant dans l'espoir de retrouver les donn�es manquantes.

Why is this important? Because where Hollywood ventures, language follows. You = loose, hacker^H^H^H^H^H^Hfagot !1!

Et alors! (none / 0) (#1)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 02:15:43 AM PST
Soit Hollywood ent�rine un usage populaire et erron�, par go�t de la facilit�, soit elle popularise cet usage erron�, par ignorance et manque de recherche. Vraiment pas de quoi �tre fier!

Re: (none / 0) (#12)
by tkatchev on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 10:38:46 AM PST
Il n'y a pas de mot "hacker" dans la langue franc,aise. A vrai dire, dans la langue d'origine, le mot "hacker" signifie une personne qui utilise une hache pour fabriquer les meubles bon marche pour les paysans.

(Sorry for the bad French, that's as much as I can squeeze out of myself at the moment.)

Peace and much love...

Don't be sorry (none / 0) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 11:31:57 AM PST
The bad french you squeezed out of yourself at the moment is perfect, and it is much more than all the russian I'd squeezed out of myself in all my life.

That said, you're right. The meaning of words changes with the regions, with the times, and our proud hackers-not-crackers should remember that. Resistance is futile, the popular meaning is what we know, so cry a little if you want, then go ahead, and find another word

So, (none / 0) (#2)
by because it isnt on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 06:06:18 AM PST
the pisspoor Rutger Hauer film New World Disorder has been translated into French. 'Translation note:' my ass. Kurt Bishop is a software pirate, not a 'hacker'. If you can't read French properly, please don't try use it to bolster your arguments.

You lose. Thoroughly. -- because it isn't

Perfect (none / 0) (#3)
by Icebox on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 06:36:53 AM PST
Could my point be illustrated any more perfectly?

Just use English people, just use English.

i read french just fine, Mr Hacker (none / 0) (#4)
by venalcolony on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 07:24:17 AM PST
I realize a "criminel d�moniaque" such as your fine self thinks like a CPU, but the art of translation is a little more subtle than blindly mapping unitary words from one language to another. For example, passe-temps translates as hobby, not "pass time", although the hobby OS Lunix passes the time without getting anything done. Similiarly, prisoners also pass a lot of time without getting anything done, as you will undoubtedly learn sooner rather than later.

The difference between trolling and life is life doesnt have to make sense.

Name, names. (none / 0) (#5)
by because it isnt on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 07:42:35 AM PST
For example, passe-temps translates as hobby, not "pass time"

It translates directly to "pastime", of which hobby is a synonym. Can't you even get your examples right? -- because it isn't

similiarly (none / 0) (#7)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 08:04:02 AM PST
both "criminel d�moniaque" (shudder) and "impitoyable pirate informatique" are synonyms for "criminal", colloquially, or "hacker", in the childish underground argot of the internet. The single word pastime is a graceful contraction under the historical influence of French manners. My sainted mother is french, incidentally. I learned English in high school as a 3rd language after Perl so I might commit the occasional error but you can dig how my qualifications outstrip yours in every respect.

petite mort (none / 0) (#18)
by Fon2d2 on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 02:41:43 PM PST
"petite mort" translates literally into "little death" which according to your logic must be a synonym for "orgasm" and indeed to the French it is but Americans make no such distinction. That's why it is necessary to translate "petite mort" into "orgasm" rather than "little death". The same applies to many, many other French expressions.

A request (none / 0) (#6)
by derek3000 on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 07:48:44 AM PST
Can someone tell me the meaning of jouissance?

"Feel me when I bring it!" --Gay Jamie

hacker translation: masturbation [N/T] (none / 0) (#16)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 11:32:12 AM PST

HUH????? (none / 0) (#8)
by Narcissus on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 08:26:06 AM PST
No hablo franc�s. Necesito ingl�s por favor.
Or at least write it in Spanish ... I'm behind you all the way Icebox we need a standard so I don't have to learn a language spoken by as many as 3 countries world-wide cuz I don't know what the hell this diary said, but I spose its by some idiot afraid of some hacker or somethin?
tell me if I'm wrong.

Ok, who picked the flower???

Hacker = criminal (none / 0) (#9)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 08:48:35 AM PST
That's what Hollywood is saying. And if Hollywood say so, it's so, and the hackers saying it doesn't mean criminal have already lost.

Hollywood says... (none / 0) (#10)
by The Mad Scientist on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 09:38:24 AM PST
...also that you can log in to a top secret installation with no more than three password guesses, that you can disable a supercomputer by physically damaging its terminal, that IPv4 address can contain numbers higher than 255 (Sandra Bullock, The Net, the telnet scene), that computer malfunctions incorporate explosions (in fact, the worst ever malfunction I seen was a thin stream of smoke, though I heard stories about burning monitors with series of small explosions of parts like the capacitors[1]), that letters on the monitors are half-inch high (at least), that output on the terminal goes in the speed of 1200 bps at most, that laptops are routinely capable of fullscreen realtime TV-quality videophones, and much more.

So if Hollywood says it it must be truth.

(For creative usage of this phenomenon I'd suggest Terry Pratchett: Moving Pictures. Especially one of the last scenes, where the main hero is capable of doing reality-defying tasks as long as the camera is running.)

[1] Though if a device has to make it to the market, at least in Europe, it has to pass certifications that it is secure; the exams include making short circuits inside and watching how the power supply will cope, the burning monitor case was an example of one such test that went wrong - guess if the monitor passed. Even in the case of internal fire, the fire has to not be able to spread out of the case. The material of the circuitboards has to be nonflammable. Similar for the materials of the casings. Any hot parts falling out of a burning machine can't be big and hot enough to ignite thin paper. Machines that include moving parts - paper shredders, printers... - are tested with the moving parts movements blocked for prolonged periods (4 hours is typically enough to stabilize the temperatures), to make sure the motors will not overheat. More and more and more tests.

US specs are much more lax; ie, in one of my constructions there is an Omron relay that is certified for 10 amps in the US, but only 5 amps in Europe (both at 240V AC). One then doesn't have to wonder why American electronics tends to be so crappy. Of course, it's cheaper to manufacture. Which is, as we all know, the Most Important Parameter for any device. *spit*

your emboldened link (none / 0) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 10:33:46 AM PST
cliches are true. That's why they are cliches. If they werent cliches, they wouldnt be so common as to be banal. Calling a hacker a criminal is a cliche, which is why the poll avoids repeating trite facts in favor of suggesting them. It's a matter of style, not truth; hackers continue to be criminal.

Movie clich�s are true. (5.00 / 1) (#13)
by because it isnt on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 11:04:52 AM PST
You're quite right, of course. Whenever I sit on a park bench, and a fat lady sits on the other end, the bench tips under her weight and I am launched into the air.

Do you have any other nuggets of truth for us tonight, Anonymous Reader? -- because it isn't

excellent! (none / 0) (#14)
by venalcolony on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 11:23:15 AM PST
Whenever I sit on a park bench, and a fat lady sits on the other end, the bench tips under her weight and I am launched into the air.

I am pleased to learn of ex-girlfriend's sudden addiction to bon-bons. Meanwhile, hackers continue to scoff the law and suffer the righteous consequences. If I may offer you some advice, ditch the amateur linguist and mythologist. Better get a lawyer, son. Better get a real good one.

The difference between trolling and life is life doesnt have to make sense.

Dear Mr Colony, (none / 0) (#20)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 28th, 2002 at 01:44:26 PM PST
your threats are emptier than your mind. Please take your off-topic posturing to somewhere it'll be appreciated.

Anonymous Isn't

Older than Hollywood (none / 0) (#17)
by Blarney on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 01:27:34 PM PST
I think the use of "pirate" for one who steals copyrighted material was originated by Mark Twain - he used the word to refer to plagiarists who would reprint his newspaper columns under their own name. So it's not a very new meaning of "pirate", although it has evolved to mean one who makes unauthorized copies regardless of authorship disputes.

It surprises me that the French allow this term "pirate" to be used in their language to mean this - they are usually very conservative, almost medieval, in their standards of language. These are people who use the same word to mean "fire" and "light", after all.

Just curious (none / 0) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 28th, 2002 at 03:07:35 AM PST
These are people who use the same word to mean "fire" and "light", after all.
What is that word?


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