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ok, so I'm sure some of you are wondering about me...why I write all these weird, nonsensical, gibberish-laced diary entries...why I shy away from human contact...why I shower once a month...why I use Unix as a desktop OS. Why?! Why indeed.
Well, today for no other reason than utter boredom, I will discuss my mental weaknesses. Will any of you give a damn about this? Probably not, but this is MY diary, and I will fill it up with whatever I desire, so STFU and read on...
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As mentioned in other comments (I'm too lazy to hunt them down right now), I have stated that I have been afflicted with Asperger's Syndrome. What is this?, you might ask. Let me put up a few quotes from various Asperger's websites to help put things in persective ([1] was taken from http://www.aspergers.com, and [2] was 'borrowed' from http://www.wpi.edu/~trek/aspergers.html)
[1]"In Asperger's Disorder, affected individuals are characterized by social isolation and eccentric behavior in childhood. There are impairments in two-sided social interaction and non-verbal communication. Though grammatical, their speech is peculiar due to abnormalities of inflection and a repetitive pattern. Clumsiness is prominent both in their articulation and gross motor behavior. They usually have a circumscribed area of interest which usually leaves no space for more age appropriate, common interests. Some examples are cars, trains, French Literature, door knobs, hinges, cappucino, meteorology, astronomy or history." I mumble when I talk, I drool, my head wobbles when I walk, I get massive erections when I look at pretty ladies, I obsess over faggy things like Unix, and I think that I'm an airplane. Help me. [2]"Aspergers is not easily recognizable - in fact, many children are misdiagnosed with other neurological disorders such as Tourette's Syndrome or Autism. More frequently, children are misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit (and Hyperactivity) Disorders (ADD & ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Such mistakes in diagnosis lead to a delay in treatment of the disorder, though many pharmaceuticals and natural remedies are used to treat multiple neurological and pervasive developmental disorders. Remedies used today range from St. John's Wort tea to drugs such as Haldol and Ritalin. Treatments vary to a great degree with the individual patient - no single medication or remedy works for everyone - and AS cannot be completely cured." I was diagnosed as having ADD as a young child and I was forced to swallow ritalin on a daily basis (was I hyperactive? did I have difficulty learning? no. no. I was socially retarded, and the doctors somehow thought that giving me pills would make things right. Yea, I see the logic here; a kid isn't making friends, so giving him drugs that'll make him even LESS social and willing to do things with other people will make things all better.) More or less, these descriptions do not wholly describe me. I laughed when I first read them, mainly because they seemed to be so grossly inadequate and inaccurate. Probably 90% of the psychologists in the world are unaware of my situation and would misdiagnose me, making my life even worse than it already is. As far as most people are concerned, on the visible level I appear to be just as normal as other people (I'm smart, good-looking, I can tell good jokes, I'm fairly nice when dealing with people 1-on-1), but deep inside, I'm not. I fear large crowds. I fear meeting people. I fear being rejected. It has driven me to live a sheltered life, away from humans I don't trust, and away from a real life. I spend my days fooling around with FreeBSD and Debian. I chat on IRC. I read books. I go jobhunting on occasion (I only do a half-assed job at this, though). It has made me a veritable freak of nature. What am I to do? Aside from my fear of social contact, I have the appearance and intellect of a normal human being. I secretly desire to be more social, and yet at the same time I am incapable of being so. This has caused no small amount of mental distress for me. How am I to live my life if I can't bring myself to socialize with large groups of people and...and...do stuff with them?
I am so pathetic. |
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