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In this time of great international uncertainty,
it is clear that the pursuit of the truth is more important than ever before.
We must fight to reveal the truth behind the September 11th atrocities,
and to visit unmerciful justice upon the perpetrators. Already our bombs fall
upon the Taliban and Al Quaida, and they retreat, fall back and tactically withdraw
to an ever smaller circumference of safety. Here at home, in blessed America,
Land of the Free and strong the world over because of these freedoms, we must
uproot conspirators involved with 9/11 (there must be many) and make sure that
conspiracies to visit more terror upon these shores are foiled before they can
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To find out what we must do to stop these events from occurring again, we must first examine what allowed them to happen last time. It is clear and obvious that the Human Rights brigade bear a terrible responsibility for 9/11. They stopped the Secret Services from being able to interview people on the streets, to keep a close eye on the ground, and have hamstrung the efforts of our law enforcement agencies for too long. The notion of 'innocent until proven guilty' is a fine one, and a cornerstone of our democracy, but an overly zealous interpretation can turn this blessing into a curse, by stopping the Guardians of our freedom from functioning. Salus rei publicae suprema lex esto. 'The Welfare of the public is the Supreme Law.' This fundamental truth is often overlooked by Liberals and Human Rights activists. Attempts to safeguard the population through unwieldy laws that admit of no latitude are bound for failure, as they will cause far more harm than good. We have already seen this with the pernicious influence of the 'innocent until proven guilty' adage, but let us examine it in more general terms. The Left believes passionately in the Rule of Law. It believes that the law must be rigorously applied, without exception, to all classes of people equally. This may appear worthy on paper but it forgets that the people who apply the law, and the people who make the law, are just that: people, like you and I. If society at large is sick, then no amount of law will get in the way of the persecution of those perceived to be at blame. If society at large is healthy, then no amount of bad laws will result in overwhelming oppression. The breakdown of moral decency in society generally follows with the breakdown of moral decency in its laws, however (Nazi Germany, for example. Also, slavery in America happened despite the spirit of the law, not because of it). We can see that a the relationship between law and society is not simple, as the two are intertwined. Any corruption of one will help corrupt the whole. The left thinks that the Law shapes society, that the rigorous application of the law creates society in the image of the law. However, we see that the two affect each other in a symbiotic relationship. How, then, do we properly ensure that neither are tainted? That the law and society reinforce each other in a positive feedback loop? Quite simply by promoting the strongest emotions known to Man: Love and Hate. We must never forget we live in an Imperial Empire, the United States of America. The greatest danger in recent times has been the upswing of radical elements (who think, but wrongly) and apathetic oiks (who do not, at all). When America was at its strongest, every man loved his nation, and during the Cold War years America was a beacon of truth and democracy throughout the world, helping shelter those who could not defend themselves, via the device of NATO. For reasons outside the scope of this article, the love that was once absolute and general in our society for our nation and our laws has faded at the fringes, which more than anything has allowed the enemies of our values to strike at us. You may be surprised that I refer to America as 'Imperial'. Usually this term is used by the left in a derogatory fashion, but it should not be. Imperial nations in the past have done more to advance Mankind than any other. With such examples as Imperial Rome, Imperial Britain and Imperial Athens behind us, how can we be ashamed of being designated Imperial? We should grasp this trait and promote it among our people. There is nothing wrong with loving one's nation, in fact many would say it is the most powerful love of all. Many young men have died for their nations, and not for their wives, children or parents. It is a loyalty that rises above all others - the nation is the expression of the people, and their values. Being unwilling to die for one's nation is a rejection of the self. Solutions We must make the people of the United States love the nation once more. Our ancestors were immigrants, but when they saw the Statue of Liberty off the shore of New York they knew that they loved America, and we should not betray them by hating their legacy. All should tremble before the glory that is Imperial America, and in this fear, they should find respect, and love, for the institutions and precepts that govern us. Oh America! She stretches from shore to shore, blessing every inhabitant with the light of freedom and hatred of injustice. Foreigners may hate the truth that America brings, and try to strike at us as an infant pats his father's hand with mewling anger, but behind this hate too lies love, a greater love of America that recognises us for our fundamental justice. The modern equivalents of the Praetorian Guard, the CIA & FBI, must surely be allowed to do their jobs unhindered by the inquisition of the left and the straightjacket of law-by-rote. They must be allowed to use fear once more - what use is law enforcement without fear to back it up? They must be allowed to wiretap and accost whomsoever they wish, for surely they are our Guardians, just as we are theirs. When the Romans found someone who denied the might of Rome, and intended Rome harm, they would not worry about using torture to make them love Rome. So it must be with America. Already we torture our enemies abroad, and soon we begin the process at home. Why shouldn't we use the Bride of Nuremberg upon the doubters of Washington's authority, those doubters who defend the WTC attacks by whinging about 'civil rights infringements'? The greatest love comes through pain, and it is already overwhelmingly clear that America is too kind with its children. When a father belts his child, it hurts him more than it hurts the infant. So it is with the task of the modern Praetorian Guard, which must discipline those Americans among us who have forgotten their liberties. Fear, oh glorious fear, it is our most wondrous weapon. Everybody fears America, and everybody serves America, and we should rejoice that we are Americans, and thus the masters of the world, but even we are slaves to the beautiful lady glowering across the seas on the shores of New York. Let the world send a thousand terrorists to us now, and surely we will triumph. We have awoken, fellow Americans. |
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