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Recent events have left America shocked and stunned. As if the events of September 11th were not enough, it seems that now the Muslims (the bad kind, not the peace loving ones) are waging Biological Warfare against our great nation. Several cases of Anthrax have been reported, it looks as if they were caused deliberately.
So you can understand my disgust when I discovered that a "Heavy Metal" rock band has been attempting to cash in on bioterrorism... [Editors note, by dmg] This report from the Netherlands demonstrates that our European friends have more decency than some of us here at home. Why can't Joey Belladonna simply admit he was wrong, and rename his band ? |
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When I heard the terrible news about the possible Anthrax infections in Florida and New York City, my first instinct was to find out as much information as I could. After all, I didn't want to overreact (since that is what the terrorists want us to do). There is nothing more sad than the sight of once-proud Americans flocking like frightened sheep to their local Army Surplus in search of gas masks. Such overreaction makes us look stupid in the eyes of the world, and plays into the hands of those who would terrorise us.
So instead of running in a blind panic to the local survivalist store to purchase a gas mask, I turned to the Internet, always reliable as a diverse source of up-to-date information on any subject under the sun. I then did what many of us do innocently all the time. I typed in the "Uniform Resource Locator" http://www.anthrax.com assuming that it would take me to some informative resources on this terrible disease. Boy was I ever wrong !!!. Anthrax appears to be the name of a new "Grind-Core" rock band who are prepared to take controversy beyond the bounds of good taste and decorum, and into the realms of Satanic depravity. Apparently they have a new CD out hatefully entitled 'Spreading the Disease' which is full of songs praising bioterrorism The most incredible part of the whole story is the press release at their site, which shows how insensitive and unrepentant this "Death Metal" rock band seems to be. Before the tragedy of September 11th the only thing scary about Anthrax was our bad hair in the 80's and the "Fistful Of Metal" album cover. Most people associated the name Anthrax with the band, not the germ. Now in the wake of those events, our name symbolizes fear, paranoia and death. Suddenly our name is not so cool. To be associated with these things we are against is a strange and stressful situation. To us, and to millions of people, it is just a name. We don't want to change the name of the band, not because it would be a pain in the ass, but because we hope that no further negative events will happen and it won't be necessary. We hope and pray that this problem goes away quietly and we all grow old and fat together. It is incredible that this American band, sitting safely in the decadent rock-star comfort of their Air-Conditioned Winnebago feel they can continue their tasteless juvenile antics, while our brave soldiers are fighting on the front line against who knows what kind of evil barbarians ? Recently our politicians have been giving out some sensible advice in these times of trial, asking that each and every American is very careful to 'watch what he says'. Just who do these second rate "Speed Metal" band think they are ? On the one hand, Dave Mustaine complains that people are stealing the band's music via Napster, and yet at the same time, he feels free to insult the record buying public with his irredeemable horrifically tasteless posturing, at a time when the whole country is feeling weak and vulnerable. I am not going to make any excuses for this band. Maybe they thought they were being funny. Maybe the death of 6000 innocent people is a joke to them. I am not laughing. Any of you who agree with me that this band needs to learn some taste and judgement should email Anthrax directly, and ask them to rename themselves forthwith. Obviously it will be better if you write your own message, but if you are pushed for time, feel free to use this pre-written example message: Click here to send petition to alphamail@anthrax.com. I hope the sheer number of concerned readers here at adequacy.org will mean that pressure can be brought to bear on them. They seem like decent enough people, apart from the disgusting lyrics to their songs (mostly about death and destruction) and their unkempt, dishevalled aggressively long hair. Perhaps reason can prevail, and the hurting that we are all feeling can be healed.
A plea to the band currently known as ANTHRAX
Many people find the name of your band to be offensive, and in very poor taste during these trying times.
In case you were unaware, the symptoms of Anthrax are nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, fever are followed by abdominal pain, vomiting of blood, and severe diarrhea. Intestinal anthrax results in death in 25% to 60% of cases.
I am sure that being a member of the band 'Anthrax', gruelling touring schedules notwithstanding is nowhere near as painful as actually suffering from the disease itself.
I respectfully suggest that until the war against terrorism is over, that you consider changing the name of your band to something less offensive.
Perhaps you could call yourself 'Ant Wax' or 'Aunt Frax' or something else that would preserve the continuity of your image, without causing such enormous offense to the more vulnerable members of society.
It would be a great way for you to do your bit to help us heal the wounds of 11th September and join in America's fight against the terrorist menace.
It need not affect your record sales. Other artists have made similar changes with no effect on their bottom line, for example P-Diddy changed from Puff Daddy, since the word 'Puff' was an irresponsible reference to drug-usage which could have led children astray. He chose to "do the right thing". Indeed the name change gained him a lot of positive media coverage.
Thank you for reading this, and again I hope you like Puff Daddy, have the courage to change your name, for the good of all America's children.
Insert your name here
A concered reader of adequacy.org
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