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Anthrax should change their name to:
Ant Wax 3%
Aunt Frax 0%
Herpes 10%
Autism 6%
Leprosy 3%
Elephantitis 10%
E-Coli 4%
Basket Full Of Puppies 38%
Common Cold 10%
Antwanks 9%

Votes: 129

 Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Oct 12, 2001
Recent events have left America shocked and stunned. As if the events of September 11th were not enough, it seems that now the Muslims (the bad kind, not the peace loving ones) are waging Biological Warfare against our great nation. Several cases of Anthrax have been reported, it looks as if they were caused deliberately.

So you can understand my disgust when I discovered that a "Heavy Metal" rock band has been attempting to cash in on bioterrorism...

[Editors note, by dmg] This report from the Netherlands demonstrates that our European friends have more decency than some of us here at home. Why can't Joey Belladonna simply admit he was wrong, and rename his band ?


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When I heard the terrible news about the possible Anthrax infections in Florida and New York City, my first instinct was to find out as much information as I could. After all, I didn't want to overreact (since that is what the terrorists want us to do). There is nothing more sad than the sight of once-proud Americans flocking like frightened sheep to their local Army Surplus in search of gas masks. Such overreaction makes us look stupid in the eyes of the world, and plays into the hands of those who would terrorise us.

So instead of running in a blind panic to the local survivalist store to purchase a gas mask, I turned to the Internet, always reliable as a diverse source of up-to-date information on any subject under the sun. I then did what many of us do innocently all the time. I typed in the "Uniform Resource Locator" assuming that it would take me to some informative resources on this terrible disease. Boy was I ever wrong !!!.

Anthrax appears to be the name of a new "Grind-Core" rock band who are prepared to take controversy beyond the bounds of good taste and decorum, and into the realms of Satanic depravity.

Apparently they have a new CD out hatefully entitled 'Spreading the Disease' which is full of songs praising bioterrorism

The most incredible part of the whole story is the press release at their site, which shows how insensitive and unrepentant this "Death Metal" rock band seems to be.

Before the tragedy of September 11th the only thing scary about Anthrax was our bad hair in the 80's and the "Fistful Of Metal" album cover. Most people associated the name Anthrax with the band, not the germ. Now in the wake of those events, our name symbolizes fear, paranoia and death. Suddenly our name is not so cool. To be associated with these things we are against is a strange and stressful situation. To us, and to millions of people, it is just a name. We don't want to change the name of the band, not because it would be a pain in the ass, but because we hope that no further negative events will happen and it won't be necessary. We hope and pray that this problem goes away quietly and we all grow old and fat together.

It is incredible that this American band, sitting safely in the decadent rock-star comfort of their Air-Conditioned Winnebago feel they can continue their tasteless juvenile antics, while our brave soldiers are fighting on the front line against who knows what kind of evil barbarians ?

Recently our politicians have been giving out some sensible advice in these times of trial, asking that each and every American is very careful to 'watch what he says'.

Just who do these second rate "Speed Metal" band think they are ? On the one hand, Dave Mustaine complains that people are stealing the band's music via Napster, and yet at the same time, he feels free to insult the record buying public with his irredeemable horrifically tasteless posturing, at a time when the whole country is feeling weak and vulnerable.

I am not going to make any excuses for this band. Maybe they thought they were being funny. Maybe the death of 6000 innocent people is a joke to them.

I am not laughing.

Any of you who agree with me that this band needs to learn some taste and judgement should email Anthrax directly, and ask them to rename themselves forthwith. Obviously it will be better if you write your own message, but if you are pushed for time, feel free to use this pre-written example message: Click here to send petition to

I hope the sheer number of concerned readers here at will mean that pressure can be brought to bear on them. They seem like decent enough people, apart from the disgusting lyrics to their songs (mostly about death and destruction) and their unkempt, dishevalled aggressively long hair. Perhaps reason can prevail, and the hurting that we are all feeling can be healed.

A plea to the band currently known as ANTHRAX
I am sure you are aware of the recent Anthrax infections in Florida and New York City. While I appreciate your right to artistic expression, I feel that your band's name is inappropriate in these times of crisis.

Many people find the name of your band to be offensive, and in very poor taste during these trying times.

In case you were unaware, the symptoms of Anthrax are nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, fever are followed by abdominal pain, vomiting of blood, and severe diarrhea. Intestinal anthrax results in death in 25% to 60% of cases.

I am sure that being a member of the band 'Anthrax', gruelling touring schedules notwithstanding is nowhere near as painful as actually suffering from the disease itself.

I respectfully suggest that until the war against terrorism is over, that you consider changing the name of your band to something less offensive.

Perhaps you could call yourself 'Ant Wax' or 'Aunt Frax' or something else that would preserve the continuity of your image, without causing such enormous offense to the more vulnerable members of society.

It would be a great way for you to do your bit to help us heal the wounds of 11th September and join in America's fight against the terrorist menace.

It need not affect your record sales. Other artists have made similar changes with no effect on their bottom line, for example P-Diddy changed from Puff Daddy, since the word 'Puff' was an irresponsible reference to drug-usage which could have led children astray. He chose to "do the right thing". Indeed the name change gained him a lot of positive media coverage.

Thank you for reading this, and again I hope you like Puff Daddy, have the courage to change your name, for the good of all America's children.

Insert your name here

A concered reader of

It don't work. (3.33 / 3) (#8)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 12th, 2001 at 07:36:21 PM PST
Anthrax's statement was tasteful and appropriate, all things considered. They did not stick their heads in the sand; they admitted there was a problem; they addressed it; and they observed, correctly, that they had never been nor hoped to be part of a problem like the current one.

What more do you want? Should they commit ritual suicide too? Would even that be enough? Maybe we should find observers who will make sure the way they do it is slow and painful enough to suit you. After all, It's War Now (tm).

This is serious... (none / 0) (#9)
by Frithiof on Fri Oct 12th, 2001 at 07:42:34 PM PST
plus, I never really liked the band.


damn straight this is serious! (4.50 / 2) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 12th, 2001 at 08:10:06 PM PST
the powdered cocaine business in NY just dried up. Fuck!

Whoops (none / 0) (#61)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 06:50:14 AM PST
There goes Colombia's economy...

A concerned citizen (none / 0) (#218)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 05:41:20 AM PST
"unkempt, dishevalled aggressively long hair."

What is aggressive hair like? Can it attack me? How do I protect myself from aggressive hair? Now I'm scared.

It's spelled "dishevelled", genius. And try to check your facts before embarking on another rabid tirade against this big, scary world that has you so clearly peeing your pants and running to Mommy Church.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as defining what America (the United States actually...America includes the areas south of here that we rather ruthlessly exploit and oppress)is about, liberty is a little highher on the totem pole than Christianity. Freedom of religion, expression and all that?

So, what's with all these religious patriots calling for all kinds of censorship? They are totally and irredeemably un-American.

And the whole gun argument: where does this statistic re: crime going up after gun control legislation being introduced originate from? I have run into it many times, but never in any form other than the traditional statement of "When legislation was introduced in England..." The source is apparently "Cos I said so"?

Wow. Tickle me pink. In any case, trying to argue a case with statistics is just stupid. Remeber what they say about statistics? Remember, statistics are what advertisers use.

Ban stupid Christians.

I prefer the intelligent, open-minded ones that actually live by the teachings of Jesus.

I don't care for this room-temperature-in-Celsius-IQ crowd, who goes about sticking their proverbial, Bible-misinterpreting genitalia in the mashed potatoes of freedom when people are just trying to live their lives.

They should change their name (3.00 / 2) (#10)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 12th, 2001 at 07:47:12 PM PST
They should change it right now.

For them to do anything else is simply stupidity. And Un-American. The idea that a heavy metal band is more important than the events of 11th September is ridiculous.

Why can't they just change their name. After all, it would not affect their music. If they are any good at all, the name change would not make any difference would it ?

Puerile nonsense. (1.00 / 1) (#12)
by Hunsvotti on Fri Oct 12th, 2001 at 07:57:29 PM PST
They should not change their name. It's a cool name. If some people want to walk around looking for things to be offended by, that's their business, but it's also their problem... not mine, and certainly not Anthrax's. Let us put an end to this over-emotional nonsense and get on with our lives.

puerile? (3.66 / 3) (#16)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 12th, 2001 at 08:16:32 PM PST
How is sensitivity to victims of Anthrax childish? I would categorize such sentiment in the same league as maturity, feminism, nurturing, instinctual cooperation, selflessness, courage, humility, modesty, nobility, friendship, trust, jihad.

But not puerile.

Eh?!? (1.00 / 1) (#21)
by Hunsvotti on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 03:17:37 AM PST
What the fuck was that, some kind of crazy poem? Did you write that at Starbucks?!? HOW IS THE FRAPPUCCINO TODAY?!?

I say it's puerile. 90% emotion and 10% false logic. Doesn't get much more puerile than that.

oh, *that* puerile! (none / 0) (#23)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 05:13:03 AM PST
I say it's puerile. 90% emotion and 10% false logic. Doesn't get much more puerile than that.

It might if you had a dictionary.

Dictionary (none / 0) (#37)
by Hunsvotti on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 06:58:38 PM PST
I know what the word means. It is juvenile to respond to a tragedy by trying to erase everything associated with it, in essence trying hard to pretend it didn't happen and striking out against anything that reminds you of what happened. This is not the way of strength. It is puerile.

the way of strength is UNCOMPROMISING. (5.00 / 1) (#46)
by abrasax on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 11:28:21 PM PST
What do you know about strength? Strength is standing up to what you know in your heart to be evil, and not bending for anything, much less the rather shrill prattle of some idiot local musicians from wherever they come from.

Good God. I remember that kind of folk from high school- sitting behind the stadium, smoking grass during lunch hour and rolling in twenty minutes late to their next class. Does their expression really matter in any meaningful way? Ask ten people on the street. If you're lucky, you might find one weakling unable to assert his God-given high ground and condemn this trash.

It is the way of strength to stand, even before the tyranny of the past. You say:

> It is juvenile to respond to a tragedy by >trying to erase everything associated with it, >in essence trying hard to pretend it didn't >happen and striking out against anything that >reminds you of what happened.

Oh, so we're supposed to sit back and fan our faces with our TV Guides as the fifth column of perdition hauls down its pants to smear diarrhea all over our laws and ways.

It's a shame I didn't spend as much time practicing moral relativism as you. I might have had a future as a prostitute for some ridiculous university radicalism.

OH HO HO!!! (none / 0) (#48)
by Hunsvotti on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 03:07:44 AM PST
/* What do you know about strength? Strength is standing up to what you know in your heart to be evil, and not bending for anything, much less the rather shrill prattle of some idiot local musicians from wherever they come from. */

I hope you're not trying to call Anthrax "idiot local musicians." They have been around for two decades and have sold millions of albums worldwide. BTW, I AM standing up to something I know in my heart to be evil: mindless reactionism.

/* Good God. I remember that kind of folk from high school- sitting behind the stadium, smoking grass during lunch hour and rolling in twenty minutes late to their next class. Does their expression really matter in any meaningful way? Ask ten people on the street. If you're lucky, you might find one weakling unable to assert his God-given high ground and condemn this trash. */

Who are you to say whose expression does or doesn't matter? Who are you to say what is trash and what is not? Later on in your post you talk about "moral relativism." Morals ARE relative. Your morals seem to imply that everyone has to feel the same way about Anthrax (the band). My morals tell me that you can love them or hate them, but their First Amendment right supercedes that.

My morals also tell me that people who think Anthrax should change their name "out of respect" or whatever are defective. THEY WERE HERE FIRST. The entire world does not have to throw a prozac panic attack whenever someone might get offended.

/* It is the way of strength to stand, even before the tyranny of the past. */

What do you mean by that? Are you saying that Anthrax (the band) is somehow "tyrannical"? Perhaps you should listen to some of their music before you get all high and mighty and condemn them. They rail against racism and other ill conditions in society.

/* Oh, so we're supposed to sit back and fan our faces with our TV Guides as the fifth column of perdition hauls down its pants to smear diarrhea all over our laws and ways. */

I can't really answer this fully because you haven't really said what you are talking about. You could be inferring that a band not changing its First Amendment-protected name is "smear[ing] diarrhea all over our laws and ways". If this is the case, I would encourage you to read the Bill of Rights, because it lies at the core of our laws and ways. Otherwise, set the record straight and say what you are really talking about.

/* It's a shame I didn't spend as much time practicing moral relativism as you. I might have had a future as a prostitute for some ridiculous university radicalism. */

It's a shame you are talking like a blithering reactionary fool who thinks everyone else has to conform to your standards. They don't. It's a free country, you don't have a right to expect not to be offended by every last entity in it. If you don't like it, I suggest you schedule a debate to look into striking the First Amendment. I support your right to do so, but you would be well advised to wear a bullet-proof vest.

striking the First Amendment (none / 0) (#52)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 03:26:16 AM PST
You know when you say "I suggest you schedule a debate to look into striking the First Amendment" I think you have a very good point.

Our Constitution was created a long time ago, when slavery was legal, and women were not allowed to vote. It therefore carries a lot of negative baggage which is not applicable to an advanced modern society like the modern USA.

Allowing any idiot to own a gun is one ancient constitutional freedom which is long overdue for removal. And the right to freedom of speech ? Well it might have been OK back in 1776 when the constitution was drafted, since everyone agreed with everyone else. But now things are different.

We now have many different ethnic and religious groups in the USA. How can we allow absolute freedom of speech, if that means anyone can insult God, and defame Jesus with protection of the law ?

If you ask me, it is about time that we took a look at all the constitutional amendments, and brought them up to date with America in the year 2001

Striking bits of the constitution (none / 0) (#54)
by Hunsvotti on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 03:41:46 AM PST
/* Allowing any idiot to own a gun is one ancient constitutional freedom which is long overdue for removal. */

Only if you think it would be cool to totally entrust your freedom to a government run by humans, who are by nature corruptible, and criminals, who by nature won't turn in their firearms. Gun crime surged in England after they clamped down on handguns, as the crooks knew that they could pick a house, any house, and be almost assured that whomever was inside would not have a gun. A well-armed society is a polite society. People who thought it would be a great idea to disarm all civilians include Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin. Read on.

/* And the right to freedom of speech ? Well it might have been OK back in 1776 when the constitution was drafted, since everyone agreed with everyone else. But now things are different. */

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!! "Everyone agreed with everyone else" indeed! Yes, let's get rid of the first and second amendments. Great. That will open the door for the government shoving you into an oven as soon as they hear you dissenting from something they have done. Freedom, what a terrible thing! RIGHT, COMRADE?

/* We now have many different ethnic and religious groups in the USA. How can we allow absolute freedom of speech, if that means anyone can insult God, and defame Jesus with protection of the law? */

If God doesn't want to be defamed, He can deal with blasphemers when they die. If He doesn't want to wait, He has every capacity to A) strike them down or B) communicate with them directly. GASP!!!! BLASPHEMY!!!! GOD TALKED TO MY FAVORITE PROFIT ONLY!!!! AND NO ONE ELSE!!!! I KNOW THIS IN MY HEART BECAUSE MY PARENTS TOLD ME WHEN I WAS THREE!!! The government doesn't have any place telling people what they can say about God, you cretin.

/* If you ask me, it is about time that we took a look at all the constitutional amendments, and brought them up to date with America in the year 2001 */

They are up to date.

It seems to me that you want freedom to worship God (or the gods or mother nature or nothing at all or whatever) in your way, while denying others their right to the same. Freedom of religion (including not being religious at all) is a hallmark of this country, and I, for one, am tired of narrowminded religious bigots calling other people "unamerican." Denying a person their freedom of expression is the antithesis of what this nation stands for, and what makes it so great - diversity. And while you rail against "heathens" (or, as the Taliban would say, "infidels"), I think what you are saying is simplistic and borderline idiotic, but I still support your right to say it, and will die in the defense of that right if need be.

Die by all means. (none / 0) (#55)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 03:56:35 AM PST
but I still support your right to say it, and will die in the defense of that right if need be.

How stupid. Dying to defend a point of view which is completely incompatible with your own.

You are more likely to die by an accidental gunshot wound caused by one of your 'constitutionally correct' guns.

The point is, that if you allow unrestricted free speech (which even our constitution does not - just try shouting 'fire' in a crowded movie theater) you allow all kinds of hateful and anti-freedom speech to be made.

Now, when I say that free speech is not a good thing, I don't want to clamp down on people who believe in freedom, but rather to ban the kind of speech that would promote fascism or other kinds of political extremism.

A poster in an earlier comment used the word 'ni****ng'. This kind of hate speech should not be protected by the first amendment, should it ?

Pay attention. (none / 0) (#56)
by Hunsvotti on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:06:50 AM PST
I didn't say I would die to defend someone's opinion, but rather their right to express it. Can't you see that's what I wrote? It says it right in what you quoted!

And yes, my right to keep and bear arms IS constitutionally correct. The Supreme Court has found this to be true time and again.

Furthermore, I did not say or even imply that we needed "unrestricted" free speech of the sort you mention, i.e. yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theatre.

/* A poster in an earlier comment used the word 'ni****ng'. This kind of hate speech should not be protected by the first amendment, should it ? */

What the hell is a ni****ng? In any case, yes, it should. If you want to sit here and call me lower white trash, should I call the cops and have you arrested? First off, I *know* what I am. Second, I'm free to respond and call you whatever vile name I want! In doing so I have taken responsibility for a problem rather than going off and whining to some father-figure-by-proxy in a blue uniform.

Its you who needs to pay attention. (none / 0) (#59)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:56:17 AM PST
My point about freedom of speech, is that it IS restricted. All I am saying is that perhaps we should extend those restrictions.

For example. Anyone who supports flying jetliners into buildings and openly says so, should be arrested. Plain and simple. The idea of freedom of speech is that it should be used responsibly. In the same way you do not let your 3-year old play with handguns, we should not allow freedom of speech to those who are not responsible enough to use it wisely.

The n-word I referred to in the previous posting was 'niggling', a term in common usage amongst european-americans but deeply offensive to African Americans.

Where a word exists that is a valid replacement for the racist one, there should be a law mandating that the racist word must not be used. This is simply good manners.

Unpopular speech is protected too (none / 0) (#95)
by Hunsvotti on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 03:46:21 PM PST
If a person says that they support flying jetliners into buildings, they should not be arrested, because they have committed no crime. Just because you don't like someone's opinion doesn't mean that the fuzz should beat that person down, any more than it was right for the Romans to toss Christians to the hungry lions for having different beliefs.

/* Where a word exists that is a valid replacement for the racist one, there should be a law mandating that the racist word must not be used. This is simply good manners. */

So good manners should be legislated? Am I to believe that you think I should be fined for belching in a restaurant? If someone wants to post a web page with racial slurs in giant letters, that is their business.

Please (none / 0) (#77)
by cp on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 12:08:32 PM PST
And yes, my right to keep and bear arms IS constitutionally correct. The Supreme Court has found this to be true time and again
Name one Supreme Court decision that supports this assertion.

Alright. (none / 0) (#94)
by Hunsvotti on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 03:37:50 PM PST
Laird v. Tatum:

"They were reluctant to ratify the Constitution without further assurances, and thus we find in the Bill of Rights Amendments 2 and 3, specifically authorizing a decentralized militia, guaranteeing the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and prohibiting the quartering of troops in any house in time of peace without the consent of the owner."

The US Army is not decentralized, nor is the National Guard. In the justice's opinion, the point of the 2nd Amendment is that we, the people, should be able to defend ourselves in case we are invaded. In the case that an invading force breeches our defenses, a well-armed militia is all that stands between them and domination.

Moreover, the text of the 2nd Amendment states that, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." And so there is support for a well-regulated militia (which is not referred to as an army). Furthermore, the last half of the sentence says, in no uncertain terms, that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

If you make it illegal for civilians to own guns, the only civilians who own guns will be criminals. They will not turn in their guns. Rather, they will see a freshly-disarmed populace... easy pickings. They will go into your home with the full knowledge that you haven't got a gun. Then they will steal everything you own, and perhaps even kill you.

A friend of mine works in law enforcement and related the story of two individuals who passed through the juvenile hall where he works. These two guys would go, armed, into people's houses. They would then rape everyone there (man, woman, child, and adult, all the same), and then rob them. Do you really want these lunatics to be the only civilians with guns? Or is it perhaps that you pretend there is no such thing as a black market? If they broke into your house, would you rather wait five minutes for the cops to arrive (assuming they didn't cut the phone lines first or prevent you from getting to a phone), or kill them? How well do you suppose you could plead with these men while they were raping your mouth?

LIE! (none / 0) (#96)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 03:53:37 PM PST
The first sentence of the article: "This decision concerns military surveillance and whether this activity exceeded constitutional uses of the Army, and whether it violated the First Amendment."

This case did not apply to firearms. You have lost.

Wrong. (none / 0) (#97)
by Hunsvotti on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:07:01 PM PST
Dude, how come you didn't quote the next sentence as well?

"In his dissent, Justice Douglas quoted a law review article by Chief Justice Warren which referred to numerous bill of rights guarantees, including the Second Amendment, as safeguards intended to protect America from rule by a standing army."

I haven't lost a thing, dear anonymous reader. I quoted the opinion of a Supreme Court justice, which you did not refute. You also failed to refute my assertations as to why the populace should be armed. I guess this is because you know my argument is logically consistent and that you have zero chance of besting it. Don't feel bad, though. It is natural to try to use a technicality to invalidate an argument rather than attacking it head-on.

Have fun getting faceraped.

You are still lying (none / 0) (#98)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:12:55 PM PST
You were asked for a second amendment case, you gave a first amendment case. Do you not know how to count? There have been exactly two second amendment cases before the supreme court in all history, and only one in the last century. I suggest you try to be more fastidious in your research in the future, rather than trying to impress people with your command of foul language.

I find it amazing that you quoted the second sentence, but ignored the third. Justice Douglas also said that he felt handguns should be banned from everyone except the police. You just lost a second time. Try again?

Lost? (none / 0) (#131)
by Hunsvotti on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 03:02:43 AM PST
/* You were asked for a second amendment case, you gave a first amendment case. Do you not know how to count? */

Yes, I know how to count. Do you know how to talk an insane madman out of strangling your whole family with piano wire? I don't either. That's what revolvers are for.

Try this on for size:

/* There have been exactly two second amendment cases before the supreme court in all history, and only one in the last century. */

The original argument was that the right to keep and bear arms is not constitutional. Go read that PDF. I was asked to yield up a case regarding the Deuce, and I went for that distraction rather than sticking to the original argument. My mistake. Perhaps I should do more research, yes, but what about said original argument? It IS my constitutional right to keep and bear arms. The Supreme Court may have the power to determine what sort of arms I can own, and whether or not I have to register them, and whether or not they need serial numbers, etc. But I am one of "the people," and my right to keep and bear arms, as the Deuce says, shall not be infringed.

/* I suggest you try to be more fastidious in your research in the future, rather than trying to impress people with your command of foul language. */

I'll be more fastidious in the future, but I don't particularly care about what someone who can't be bothered to register a nickname (or perhaps several people who can't be bothered to register nicknames) think about me. I do this in order to sharpen my debating skills. And if you don't like my "command of foul language," well, TOUGH SHIT! Some of us like to use expletives to drive a point home. I guess it works for you as well as for us, as you seem to be using it as a lever to make yourself feel like you are better than I.

/* I find it amazing that you quoted the second sentence, but ignored the third. Justice Douglas also said that he felt handguns should be banned from everyone except the police. You just lost a second time. Try again? */

I have tried again. Read the PDF.

Now how about answering the rest of my questions?

Sharpening your debating skills? (none / 0) (#135)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 03:45:28 AM PST
By argument ad hominem, and blatant lying? That's sharp.

Here's my answer to the rest of your questions: 981 people died due to accidents with guns in the US in 1997 and 17,000 were injured. Enjoy accidentally killing or injuring yourself and those near you.

52% of gunshot deaths in the US are suicides. Enjoy killing yourself intentionally. The heavy metal should help with that.

In homes with guns, the homicide rate is 3 times as high as in those without. Enjoy killing your family and friends intentionally.

Use of firearms for criminal purposes outnumber defensive use of guns by 6 to 1. Enjoy losing the leg you were hopping around the argument on.

No federal court has ever struck down a gun control law in the United States. Enjoy the fact that the courts don't agree with your reading of the constitution.

Need I say... (none / 0) (#136)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 03:47:06 AM PST
You just lost a third time, hunsvotti. Keep 'em coming.

Lost? (none / 0) (#168)
by Hunsvotti on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:18:57 PM PST
To who?

For all I know this "Anonymous Reader" business is all coming from one guy who is trying to post a bunch of different questions, as though they were coming from different people, in order to try to get me off the main topic of discussion. You can post all the "Yeah, me too! Hunsvotti sucks!" messages you want, as though there were two or five or fifty different people jumping on my back.

No, you need not say. (none / 0) (#178)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 12:46:39 AM PST
So, uh, bust out your dictionary and look up "Lost" and "Won". I do believe you have the definitions reversed.

So far not one of us Anonymous Chicken Tenderizers has proven Hunsvotti wrong. Just because there are a handful of minor points on his arguement that may slip through the cracks from some extreme perspective does not mean his arguement is unsound. I could make an arguement for the extinction of humanity that would look sane from many perspectives.

Gun crime may have dropped after the gun ban, however violent crime in general increased markedly (estimated between 10 and 30% increase '97 - '01). This is due to criminals knowing their targets do not have a gun with which to defend themselves.

Yus. (none / 0) (#180)
by Hunsvotti on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 02:09:04 AM PST
Thanks for having my back, man. 'S kinda funny how successful a tactic it is to try to steer someone into a different but similar argument, in the hopes that they'll knuckle under and forget that the original argument even exists...

Well folks, I'm not going to knuckle under. Anyone who would like to tell me how wrong I am (*snicker*) can reply to this post. I'm not going to keep track of three different threads any more.

I concede that there is no supreme court decision that gun control is somehow "illegal." In order for such a case to arrive at the Supreme Court, the legislative branch or a state government would have to attempt a massive disarming of civilians. A total firearms ban, not just on expensive toys like Uzis. It'll never happen. Such a ban would be unconstitutional.

There are arguments on both sides. Some of the framers thought civilians ought not be guaranteed any right to arm themselves. Other framers thought that to deny such a right would be the single best way to enslave them. More modern personages who agree with this notion include Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin, whose forces stood to gain a lot by having the citizens disarmed. Clearly the framers did not agree on a number of things. However, the 2nd Amendment says "the people" - as in, "We, the people", not "We, the people who are in an army". Yes, yes, you have an amicus brief to throw at me, I'm sure! Well, I have quotations from the framers that say your amicus briefs are full of beans. Who's right and who's wrong? Neither and both. It's a purely subjective argument.

I could also posit that we do have a well-regulated militia in gun owners, since they are required to register many of their firearms, and stand as the single last line of defense in the case that our national army is overrun. Oh yeah, one more thing. If guns had been banned by England, we would not have stood a chance of winning the revolution, because A) our ragtag army would not have had a means to present a real threat to the lobsterbacks; and B) even if the army had guns, many local nonmilitary residents were called upon to help deflect said lobsterbacks.

Bunk. Over ten thousand people are murdered in this country every year, and less than a thousand of these murders were accomplished with a gun. The very large majority of murders are accomplished via other means. Furthermore, banning guns would do nothing to address the cause of murder. Tens of thousands are injured by guns every year. However, 3,200,000 people were injured by cars in 1999, with 15,794 fatalities. Cars are responsible for an exponentially higher number of injuries than guns. There are people who drive drunk and endanger us all, it's true, but should we then ban all cars and force everyone to ride bikes and mopeds because of the poor decision-making capability of a minority of people?

The argument about suicide is similarly flawed. Guns are but one of many hundreds (thousands?) of methods available to a suicide case. Again, banning guns would not solve the underlying problem of insanity.

Gun usage: 1 in self-defense to 6 in crime. That's nice. At least that 1/6th segment had a chance to defend themselves. I wonder how much larger that segment would be if more people had (and used) permits to carry concealed weapons. It also completely ignores the gun usage that occurs at shooting ranges.

Domestic violence: Again, this is caused by insanity, not inanimate objects. You ban the guns and people will still have Ginsu knives in their kitchens, pokers by their fireplaces, pens in their pockets, blunt objects on their mantles, etc.

The real problem I have with guns (none / 0) (#186)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 06:58:26 AM PST
Is that they don't really help anyone. Most of the people who try to use them to solve crimes, end up shooting themselves. It isn't that guns kill people, it's just that most people aren't really capable of operating firearms without injuring themselves. Compare the amount of time a person takes learning to drive to the amount of time taken learning to shoot a gun. It's clear that guns are an ineffective deterrent to crime, since most criminals don't know how to use guns. Allowing the people to have guns is exactly the same as giving bombs to children. Arming citizens is the pure neglectful insanity.

Gun problems (none / 0) (#212)
by Hunsvotti on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 12:33:36 AM PST
Back in the old days, "driver education" consisted of the guy who sold you your car having you do a few loops around the parking lot on a Sunday afternoon. We no longer permit people to operate motor vehicles without proof of competency, nor should we, as a car is a piece of heavy machinery and improper use can very easily lead to death.

I support a similar licensing requirement for guns. They are dangerous in inexperienced hands. Before being allowed to buy a gun, a person should be required to show proof that they have completed an extensive gun safety and usage course. (I think it should be harder to get a gun license than a driver's license, because they give those out like candy to people who just don't have the skill to drive.)

There is a test one must take to obtain a hunting license, but it's mostly just common-sense questions; just about anyone can pass it.

As far as guns "clearly" not being a deterrent to crime, I have addressed that elsewhere.

Finally, disarming the people requires that you have complete trust that your government is not now and never will be run by individuals who would deprive us of as many freedoms as they can get away with, under the guise of "protecting" us or something similar. I don't want to live in a nanny state.

Humans are corruptible. I, for one, believe the government is more polite to us because they KNOW we are armed. If the only people who are armed are taking their orders from politicians (i.e. the police and armed forces), who as I have said are corruptible, where is the counterbalance? There is none. Our representatives don't have to comply with the wishes we express in letters they receive from us; they can vote as they like, according to their own moral sense, with no regard for their constituents' wishes. They can be bribed, and often are. The day may come when an armed citizenry is the only thing that stands between the people and heinously suppressive behavior.

If you don't believe me, look at Germany. Their government was led by a real smooth talker (Hitler), who was able to convince the majority that Jews as a race were responsible for the problems of their country.

Then look at the mass internment of Japanese that went on RIGHT HERE in the USA. Again, we see a government abusing its powers to an outrageous extent in the name of "protection." Granted, the Japanese had it easy compared to the Jews, but they were still forced to sell all their posessions at laughable prices before getting herded onto trains and placed in prison camps.

The Germans were fooled, and we were fooled. I don't think that *exact* sort of thing can happen again, but who knows what the next hundred years will bring?

Finally, what if an invading force overruns our national defenses? It might not be likely NOW, but what about twenty years from now, or fifty? Armed citizens might be the one chance we had for a last stand. Armed citizens in Los Angeles certainly played a role in repelling rioters from their businesses back in '92, when it was demonstrated that our police force and the National Guard could be rendered ineffective by nothing more than bad management.

History and the modern american twit (none / 0) (#215)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 02:52:32 AM PST
Germans were renowned for anti-semitism well before Hitler came on the scene, as was most of Europe. Particularly the catholic dominated parts. Hitler didn't invent racism.

As for the rest of your arguments, I have grown tired of whipping you. You and your associates lost this argument a long time ago. Enjoy a long bitter life of denial and rage.

In the words of Lars Ulrich... (none / 0) (#253)
by Hunsvotti on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 11:45:26 PM PST
"Huh? You gonna cry, ya little sissy Mary? Huh? Not so tough, not so tough!"

Alright, he didn't really say that, but that flash movie was some funny shit!

Ya can't whip someone in a subjective argument unless they concede the whole argument. You better figure that out before you get married! :P

As far as the "long bitter life of denial and rage," my response is a light-hearted PTHBBBBBBBBBBB!

Thank you for your time.

Red Herring (none / 0) (#181)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 02:16:16 AM PST
I've seen this rise in violent crime argument a million times. Usually, we get to hear all about how violent crimes increased in foreign countries after massive gun control measures. When real statistics are provided demonstrating that the gun-nut propaganda is a complete lie, the gun-nuts do an instant about-face, and tell us that crime rates are not determined by a single change in law.

I'll save everyone the trouble. There are six times as many violent crimes committed using guns as there are crimes averted using guns. Here's the simple math you need to do: If there are no guns, how much will crime rates drop? Remember, there are six times as many gun crimes as there are crimes averted with guns, and there are over 600,000 gun crimes committed in the US each year.

So he lost. And so did you.

Feh. (none / 0) (#211)
by Hunsvotti on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 12:07:45 AM PST
/* I've seen this rise in violent crime argument a million times. Usually, we get to hear all about how violent crimes increased in foreign countries after massive gun control measures. When real statistics are provided demonstrating that the gun-nut propaganda is a complete lie, the gun-nuts do an instant about-face, and tell us that crime rates are not determined by a single change in law. */

I'd like to see what sources you have for this information. Credible, independent sources please; I'm not interested in reading gun-hater propaganda.

/* I'll save everyone the trouble. There are six times as many violent crimes committed using guns as there are crimes averted using guns. Here's the simple math you need to do: If there are no guns, how much will crime rates drop? Remember, there are six times as many gun crimes as there are crimes averted with guns, and there are over 600,000 gun crimes committed in the US each year. */

You're looking at an effect instead of its cause. Guns, strychnine, cars, airplanes, railroad spikes, Ginsu knives, heavy ashtrays, and claw-tool hammers don't kill people; people do. And as I have said before, they will simply resort to other devices if they cannot obtain a gun. Furthermore, how do you propose to achieve this "no guns" situation? What about the black market? What about people who simply don't turn them in? The US government can't stop tons of drugs from crossing the border every day, nor will they be able to stop guns from entering the country. On top of that, "zip guns" are relatively easy to build; an inmate in a maximum security prison was able to build one and shoot a guard with it. If a dude in a maximum security prison can build a firearm, so can I. Finally, you imply that getting rid of guns will cause crime to decrease. That certainly didn't happen in England. The ROOT PROBLEM of insanity is not going to be solved by removing inanimate objects.

I suppose you'll want that link...

/* I'll save everyone the trouble. There are six times as many violent crimes committed using guns as there are crimes averted using guns. Here's the simple math you need to do: If there are no guns, how much will crime rates drop? */

How do you propose we achieve this "no guns" condition? Are you going to do metal detector sweeps of every last nook and cranny of the United States?

/* Remember, there are six times as many gun crimes as there are crimes averted with guns, and there are over 600,000 gun crimes committed in the US each year. */

Again, you are implying that those gun crimes that were averted are somehow insignificant, and you also don't mention all the lawful gun-owning citizens who are responsible in their gun use.

/* So he lost. And so did you. */

You can't lose an argument based on subjective criteria. :)

My Answer (none / 0) (#167)
by Hunsvotti on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:11:10 PM PST
is in post 165. Whether you are the same guy who that post responds to or not, I'll probably never know, but there you have it.

I see (none / 0) (#169)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:29:58 PM PST
So you don't have any answers to the proven facts of the damage that guns do to society, and the fact that they offer no benefits that even come close to making up for the damage they do, however, you opt out of replying because I'm anonymous. OK, that's what's known as ad hominem circumstantial. I'm sure you've heard of it. So yes, you have lost. Badly, I might add.

Badly? (none / 0) (#171)
by Hunsvotti on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:39:29 PM PST
Perhaps badly in your eyes. Read post #170, whoever you are.

Addendum (none / 0) (#170)
by Hunsvotti on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:36:23 PM PST
/* 981 people died due to accidents with guns in the US in 1997 and 17,000 were injured. Enjoy accidentally killing or injuring yourself and those near you. */

You are far more likely to get killed or injured by a car or AIDS. 981 is what percent of the population? We've got almost 300,000,000 people in this country. What part of those injuries were caused by violent crime? Guns don't cause crime, mentally defective people do.

Oh yeah... there were 15,530 murders and non-negligent manslaughters in 1999.


/* 52% of gunshot deaths in the US are suicides. Enjoy killing yourself intentionally. The heavy metal should help with that. */

Actually, if I was going to off myself, I'd probably put on Moonlight Sonata or perhaps some Vivaldi. And I certainly wouldn't use a gun - that is very messy and painful. It is far, far, far, far, far easier to fill a trash bag with nitrous oxide from a can of Cool Whip or some other source and rubber-band that sucker around my neck. A hell of a lot better way to go!

/* In homes with guns, the homicide rate is 3 times as high as in those without. Enjoy killing your family and friends intentionally. */

Teenagers and elderly drivers are responsible for the majority of traffic deaths. Yet, the majority of these people drive responsibly. Shall we ban cars from teenagers and old people who do drive properly?

/* Use of firearms for criminal purposes outnumber defensive use of guns by 6 to 1. Enjoy losing the leg you were hopping around the argument on. */

That doesn't take into account how many people were assaulted with a gun who were not carrying their own guns. That also doesn't take into account valid non-defensive uses of guns, such as taking them to the range. It also insinuates that the 1/6th of people you mention is somehow insignificant, but it's not. Those people were confronted with violence and had the opportunity to defend themselves with a tool that may very well have saved their lives.

/* No federal court has ever struck down a gun control law in the United States. Enjoy the fact that the courts don't agree with your reading of the constitution. */

You (and I mean that in the plural) launched a big ploy to divert me from the point of the argument, which is that I, as a citizen, have a right to keep and bear arms. Gun control laws do not prohibit me from owning guns. (Some guns are illegal, but not all, and if all I have is an old revolver, that's still a case where I'm armed.) None of the challenges to gun control laws have been brought forth by any significant group of people. The Supreme Court is unlikely to ever hear a case on a "gun control" law that dictates that all freemen be stripped totally of their arms, because no such law would survive the lower courts.

Read it again (none / 0) (#183)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 02:38:23 AM PST
981 accidental deaths. ACCIDENTAL, stupid. In point of fact, you have less chance of getting killes by muslim extremists than that, but that hasn't stopped a massive response from the US government. Introducing unrelated statistics is silly, isn't it?

Who cares how you would off yourself? Apparently 7,500+ americans each year choose guns. Don't waste my time. Statistics have shown that a person living in a house with a gun is 5 times more likely to commit suicide than someone without.

Cars have serious uses besides killing. (remember, SERIOUS. Hunting isn't serious.) Besides which, your argument is a classic straw man. What do cars have to do with guns?

I have no idea where you are going with your response to the statement that completely disembowels your self-defense argument. I assure you, that number is the total number of crimes averted using guns. The other figure is the total number of crimes committed using guns. 600,000 to 100,000. The figures outweigh your "facerape" anecdotal evidence about a million-billion to 1.

Finally, the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with individual rights. The accepted reading of it refers to the states' rights to arm their own militias. Several of the quotes you gave support this view over the individual rights view. In fact, the right of citizens to form militias has been rejected by the supreme court.

Almost forgot to reply to one thing... (none / 0) (#179)
by Hunsvotti on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 01:10:35 AM PST
/* By argument ad hominem, and blatant lying? That's sharp. */

Where have I lied? I just scanned through my posts. I don't see anything that could be construed as a lie.

/* Enjoy killing yourself intentionally. The heavy metal should help with that. */

That sounds like an ad hominem attack to me. I like heavy metal, therefore I'm likely to kill myself? I get the impression that you are attacking my character because the attempts to divert me from my original argument have been thwarted.

You realy oughtn't cry "Ad hominem!" and then hurl an ad hominem yourself. At least, not in one shot. The partition of your anonymity does not separate different paragraphs in the same post. OH!!!! HOW DARE I SAY THAT!!!! Know that feeling in your sternum well; it will control your passions until the day you die.

Until next time, Mr. Single Serving,


Your lie. (none / 0) (#182)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 02:24:06 AM PST
You have been proven a liar several times. You claimed that a court case about the 1st amendment constituted a decision on the part of the supreme court regarding the 2nd amendment, because the 2nd was mentioned. Despite your inability to understand why this is a lie, it remains false.

And I have not been guilty of ad hominem. How does the statement, "You are more likely to kill yourself if you listen to death metal than if you don't" constitute ad hominem?

You really don't like winning do you? Remember, the first step to improving yourself is to admit that you have a problem. Getting rid of any grotty death metal t-shirts you own would probably be a good start as well.

Really. (none / 0) (#210)
by Hunsvotti on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 11:45:43 PM PST
/* You have been proven a liar several times. You claimed that a court case about the 1st amendment constituted a decision on the part of the supreme court regarding the 2nd amendment, because the 2nd was mentioned. Despite your inability to understand why this is a lie, it remains false. */

False perhaps, but not a lie. Lying involves intent to deliberately say something that is false. If I wanted to lie, I wouldn't have provided a link, hoping that you would take the citation at face value. Instead, I posted a link to what I was quoting, giving you every opportunity to review it yourself and post a rebuttal if you disagreed. I misunderstood the original question to mean a statement of the Supreme Court, not written law, because I assumed it was relevant to the discussion, which it wasn't.

/* And I have not been guilty of ad hominem. How does the statement, "You are more likely to kill yourself if you listen to death metal than if you don't" constitute ad hominem? */

It implies to the audience that I am somehow defective, that's how.

/* You really don't like winning do you? Remember, the first step to improving yourself is to admit that you have a problem. Getting rid of any grotty death metal t-shirts you own would probably be a good start as well. */

What makes you think you've "won," exactly? The statement is completely subjective. You can say I've "lost" because I couldn't answer a question, and I can say it doesn't matter because the question was irrelevant to begin with. I am not going to pretend that I am a perfect individual, but for you to tell me that I have a "problem" and that I should get rid of T-shirts is ridiculous, irrelevant to the discussion, and - again - subjective. I don't even have heavy metal T-shirts!

You *are* defective (none / 0) (#214)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 02:46:57 AM PST
You seem not to understand what ad hominem is. I can sit here all day and call you names, but it isn't argumentum ad hominem until I use verbal attacks as the premise for a line of reasoning. Thinking man's metal band indeed!

reply (none / 0) (#225)
by publius on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 08:58:10 AM PST
>> 52% of gunshot deaths in the US are suicides. Enjoy killing yourself intentionally. The heavy metal should help with that.

Gun ownership has nothing to do with suicide rates. See Japan.
And for your information, the membrs of Anthrax support gun control. The address of the organization formerly known as Handgun Control Inc. appears in their 1998 album, The Threat is Real.

>> In homes with guns, the homicide rate is 3 times as high as in those without. Enjoy killing your family and friends intentionally.

Homicide does not exclude everyone outside of family and friends. Homicide is simply the killing of one person by another person. What is your source for this and how do you know it does not include the intentional killing of attackers or abusive spouses? Also, what are the rates of "succesful" crimes committed against households with firearms vs. households without them?

>> Use of firearms for criminal purposes outnumber defensive use of guns by 6 to 1. Enjoy losing the leg you were hopping around the argument on.

Where do these figures come from? Who counted the defensive uses of guns? What percentage of defensive uses of guns are reported to the police? If you do not know, how can you conclude that these figures are worth anything?

Sources, etc (none / 0) (#244)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 04:29:24 PM PST
The figures are from FBI and DoJ statistical data. Another figure that was given is the fact that suicide rates are 5 times as high in houses with guns. The rest of your post is a pathetic attempt to clutch at straws. There was no implication that the increased homicide rates were restricted to killing family members. People who own guns are 3 times as likely to kill other people as people who don't own guns. It's possible that some of these killings involve abusive spouses, but this doesn't justify murder. The fact that you think it does is evidence of yor own unfitness to own a gun.

no, your reading comprehension is biased (none / 0) (#106)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:49:12 PM PST
In no way is opposition to a standing army of professional soldiers the same thing as a Constitutional right of private citizens to own unregulated weapons. We already know the 2nd is a well regulated *militia* right, which guarantees the contemporary existence of the national guard, not your right to own a pistol, or an uzi, or a tank, or anything that goes bang. There is no reason pistols cannot be outlawed completely.

Listen carefully: there is NO opinion ending on appeal that has given the individual a Constitutional right to own weapons. That means the government can regulate your weapon as it sees fit, 8 days out of the week. The 2nd is a militia right, which was written into the Constitution because the Colonies wanted an assurance the federal government would not move against them with a professional army, or with a balance of Colonial militias under strict Federal control. The 2nd is an artifact of the original colonial sentiment to not to suffer English rule independently, on a Colony by Colony basis.

You really do not know what you are talking about, here.

That's a dissenting opinion (5.00 / 1) (#104)
by cp on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:41:10 PM PST
The opinion you cite was written by Douglas and joined only by Marshall. Dissenting opinions are by definition not opinions of the Court. And nor do concurring opinions count, unless they are joined by a majority or sometimes plurality of the justices. Otherwise, you could cite Thomas's concurring opinion in Printz v. U.S., which contains a much stronger statement of 2nd-amendment rights.

Try again. Your job is to find a US Supreme Court case in which the court opinion reached a pro-gun-rights result on 2nd-amendment grounds. Find one.

Wrong (none / 0) (#99)
by Smuttley on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:27:11 PM PST
Gun Crime did not surge in 1997 after handguns were banned in the UK.

Also in 1999 there were 42 murders by gun in the UK and over 10,000 in the US.

Who says Gun Control doesn't work?

Actually, you are wrong. (none / 0) (#132)
by Hunsvotti on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 03:08:52 AM PST
Yes it did. Of course, the cops are whining about funding, like they always do, but that isn't the point. Crime rose. The crooks knew that it was going to be a lot harder for an honest person to have a gun, and look what happened.

BTW, how many people in England were murdered with knives, piano wire, poison, automobiles, bare hands, and other methods? Criminals prefer guns, but if they can't find them, they will simply choose some other method.

A good example of how repeated lies (none / 0) (#86)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 01:57:02 PM PST
eventually achieve the common currency of "truth."

Allowing any idiot to own a gun is one ancient constitutional freedom

There has never been a Constitutional right to own guns, any more than there ever has been a Constutional right to own TV sets. People are simply allowed to own crap, but that crap can be regulated to the point of being outlawed in the marketplace. You will not find one reference to their ownership as a Constitutional right in the words of any judge (modulo 1 or 2 community college judges named Bubba) or founding father.

Originally, guns were looked upon as military tools, and the terms of their private ownership was strictly regulated by the states according to requirements of civil and military defense. Some Colonies passed laws making their seizure the perogative of the government.

Guns were not political fodder when the Constitution was written, they were simple things that went bang. Try to think as a colonist, not a victim of nra propaganda.

"bear arms" (none / 0) (#88)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 02:06:45 PM PST
means to serve in a militia or wage war. If you informed a colonist he had a constitutional right to "bear arms" against rabbits, shooting targets, or muggers, he'd think 18th century english was your poorly learnt second language. The 2nd amendment is a militia amendment, pure and simple.

Irrelevancy (none / 0) (#133)
by Hunsvotti on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 03:20:38 AM PST
/* "bear arms" means to serve in a militia or wage war. */


/* If you informed a colonist he had a constitutional right to "bear arms" against rabbits, shooting targets, or muggers, he'd think 18th century english was your poorly learnt second language. */

Why don't you go back in time and ask one, since you're such an expert on the 18th century? Oh wait, you are Anonymous, so maybe it was someone else who said that. Hard to keep track of you all. Can you please register? I am getting tired of repeating myself to all these "Anonymous" guys. Or would you prefer to take potshots against a person who has registered from the protection of anonymity, so that I cannot refer to your other posts in my search to locate your logical inconsistencies?

/* The 2nd amendment is a militia amendment, pure and simple. */

"The people" means the citizens of the United States of America, pure and simple. I don't see why you are so stuck on the whole militia thing. Perhaps it is because you think it's ambiguous, and you are trying to bend this to your argument.

yeah, evidence is irrelevant (none / 0) (#137)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 05:33:12 AM PST
You're completely unsupported opinion is gospel. Whatever.


What do you mean how? Dictionaries of the time had entries for "arms" which included the phrase "bear arms". Dictionaries are compilations of language usage. Read this.

Can you please register? I am getting tired of repeating myself to all these "Anonymous" guys.

It doesnt matter whether whether I'm Supreme Court Justice Scalia, or Linux Torvalds. Either you have evidence to contradict the crush of case law and history, or you have nothing. My identity is not your Constitutional guarantee to own weapons. You have none.

"The people" means the citizens of the United States of America, pure and simple.

Actually, "the people" means different things in different places of the Constitution. Sometimes it means individuals, sometimes it means community under governance. However, none of that matters since I agree that the meaning of people in the 2nd isnt each and every individual. The 2nd does in fact mean the citizens of the united states have the right to defend themselves in a well regulated militia further subject to the further subject to Article I, Section 8.

I don't see why you are so stuck on the whole militia thing.

Because that is the subject addressed by the 2nd Amendment. (Read that link, its a history of the militia debates and phrasing of the 2nd Amendment. It will become clear to you that the 2nd is a military amendment, not a constitutional individual right.)

Look, this is very simple. Find a case ending on appeal which has decided according to your interpretation. Just one. Find an incidence of the SCOTUS giving certiorari since 1936.

You just love dancing around the issues, don't you (none / 0) (#165)
by Hunsvotti on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:06:29 PM PST
/* How?

What do you mean how? */

It's really obvious. "the People", as an unmodified term (i.e. not constrained, as in "the people of a town", etc.) is not used in the Constitution or Bill of Rights to indicate a class of people smaller than every freeman of the United States.

Read this.

"The Preamble declares that the Constitution is ordained and established by "the People of the United States." The Second Amendment protects "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms," and the Ninth and Tenth Amendments provide that certain rights and powers are retained by and reserved to "the people." See also U.S. Const., Amdt. 1 ("Congress shall make no law ... abridging ... the right of the people peaceably to assemble") (emphasis added); Art. I, � 2, cl. 1 ("The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States") (emphasis added). While this textual exegesis is by no means conclusive, it suggests that "the people" protected by the Fourth Amendment, and by the First and Second Amendments, and to whom rights and powers are reserved in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, refers to a class of persons who are part of a national community or who have otherwise developed sufficient connection with this country to be considered part of that community."

The "textual exegesis" may not be conclusive, but so far I haven't seen anything on the other side which is conclusive.

/* Dictionaries of the time had entries for "arms" which included the phrase "bear arms". Dictionaries are compilations of language usage. Read this. */

I read it. The opinion expressed there is contrary to the opinion expressed in the paragraph I posted. Who's "right"? I say that what I cited hits the nail on the head. As far as the significance of the phrase "bear arms," the framers had every opportunity to specify "for military service." They did not. Furthermore, your link states:

"Congress' revisions to Madison's draft focused the Amendment still more sharply on protecting the militia; and debate surrounding the Amendment concerned not "an individual right implicit in ordered liberty," Slip. Op. at 5, but rather ensuring that states would have armed militia available as a counterweight to any standing army established by the new federal government."

What is said here has no more weight than any of the things I cited, as it is not stated in the Constitution or in the Bill of Rights. See the Ashcroft letter from my previous post; it was commented that the right of a people to remain armed was a key to preventing their enslavement. Even that is not a matter of law as I see it, but it makes perfect sense to me, and if you would argue against it, you'd be going even further away from the core of the argument. I'll elaborate later on.

There are no Supreme Court decisions regarding the Deuce that have anything to do with a significant group of people. You asked me to find a decision on this. There are none. It would be impossible for a case like this to reach the Supreme Court, because such an action would never survive the lower courts. NEVER. (See? I can repeat words of negation too!) Very clever of you to distract me from the original point of the argument by asking me to provide evidence about something which is not a main point of the argument to begin with, but as soon as you find a Supreme Court ruling that supports mass disarming of citizens, let me know. I sincerely doubt you will be able to find one, because no one in power is foolish enough to even try.

/* Can you please register? I am getting tired of repeating myself to all these "Anonymous" guys.

It doesnt matter whether whether I'm Supreme Court Justice Scalia, or Linux Torvalds. Either you have evidence to contradict the crush of case law and history, or you have nothing. My identity is not your Constitutional guarantee to own weapons. You have none. */

Who is Linux Torvalds?

All you have proven is that you wish to dodge behind anonymity. The implication that I think it's my Constitutional right to know who you (whether "you" be singular or plural) are, is utterly ludicrous. "Can you please" is not the same as "I demand that you", nor even close. In fact, I think Rob Malda put it best: You are an Anonymous Coward. I'm not planning on giving up any time soon, but you can tuck your tail between your legs and run off any time you want because some other anonymous coward might take your place, and I wouldn't be any the wiser.

/* Actually, "the people" means different things in different places of the Constitution. Sometimes it means individuals, sometimes it means community under governance. However, none of that matters since I agree that the meaning of people in the 2nd isnt each and every individual. */

You agree with yourself? Thanks, Captain Obvious! See above for my rebuttal of this idea that "the people" refers to "the army" or "the national guard" or "a city" or some organization which some of the people have membership in, but which isn't "the people" themselves, since an organization is not a person or a group of people, but an abstract entity. A man is not an abstract entity. A thousand men are not an abstract entity.

/* The 2nd does in fact mean the citizens of the united states have the right to defend themselves in a well regulated militia further subject to the further subject to Article I, Section 8. */

What part of section 8?

/* Because that is the subject addressed by the 2nd Amendment. (Read that link, its a history of the militia debates and phrasing of the 2nd Amendment. It will become clear to you that the 2nd is a military amendment, not a constitutional individual right.) */

An interesting read, particularly this bit:

"The rights of conscience, of bearing arms, of changing the government, are declared to be inherent in the people. Freedom of the press too."

I suppose you'll have an explanation as to why I, an individual, have no right to conscience, changing the government (to the extent that I can lawfully do so as an individual), or to run a free press all by my lonesome. These two sentences link those three rights together with the right to bear arms as being one and the same in terms of how rightful they are for individual citizens to have.

But like I said, before, these are quotes from debates. They are not the letter of the law. Now you are debating what the founders wanted, but that's already an uphill battle because they didn't all agree!

/* Look, this is very simple. Find a case ending on appeal which has decided according to your interpretation. Just one. Find an incidence of the SCOTUS giving certiorari since 1936. */

I have addressed this above. A writ of certioari will never be addressed by a court for a case that doesn't reach it. :)

did you have an argument to make (none / 0) (#184)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 03:31:37 AM PST
in support of your 2nd Amendment solecism? Will we get one sooner rather than later or are you content to make long winded, unrelated, ineloquent speeches about anonymous cowards and "The People"?

It's really obvious. "the People",

Whoa, back up. We were talking about "bear arms", remember? You asked how it was that "bear arms" was an 18th century term for serve in militia instead of the modern nra fantasy "own guns".

I read it. The opinion expressed there is contrary to the opinion expressed in the paragraph I posted. Who's "right"?

Please stop equivocating on the subject. The opinion is that the People's right to bear arms means the People have a right to their own civil defense under a militia, not that individuals have a civil right to own and dispose of guns as they wish outside of that militia. That is the opinion, an opinion you have not even remotely contradicted. Ergo, you are not right.

the framers had every opportunity to specify "for military service.

Pay attention. "Bear arms" is the way "military service" was referred to back then. And the *militia* debates on the wording of the 2nd implied what to you, exactly -- NRA propaganda? Moreover, gainsaying the framers' prose is evidence for nothing less miserable than someone who has run out of documentary facts and argument grasping at straws.

How incredibly, frustratingly, incorrigibly intransigent you gun goons are in debate.

What is said here has no more weight than any of the things I cited, as it is not stated in the Constitution or in the Bill of Rights.

You resist historical evidence for the meaning and purpose of the 2nd, you resist legal evidence for the juridical interpretation of the 2nd, but ...

See the Ashcroft letter from my previous post;

... you are content to cite the word of the most contentious, anti-civil libertarian attn. general in the history of modern America instead.


Ashcroft's opinions are not documentary evidence of history, they are not case law, and they are not legally enforceable. Let me explain something to you. Your standards of evidence are woefully inadequate compared to your opposition. You are required to present documentary history and case law. Can you do this?

All you have proven is that you wish to dodge behind anonymity.

Can you please stick to arguing the issues rather than the man? I'm not interested in your ignorance of ad hominem and genetic fallacies, I want to see your evidence that the 2nd is a Constitutional right for individuals to own guns.

I have addressed this above. A writ of certioari will never be addressed by a court for a case that doesn't reach it. :)

No, I'm sorry, numerous 2nd Amendment cases have been appealed upto the SCOTUS. According to SCOTUS guidelines, certioari is denied because none of the appellate courts have misinterpreted Miller. Finally, if you dont think enough cases have been brought to their attention, take it up with the NRA who has never contested gun law on the basis of the 2nd. Presumably the NRA knows something you dont. Can you guess what that might be?

Read the Bill of Rights (none / 0) (#93)
by Hunsvotti on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 02:59:02 PM PST
The right to bear arms is a part of the bill of rights, which means it IS constitutional. What part of that don't you get?

oh, an 18th century linguist, are you? (none / 0) (#101)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:33:37 PM PST
do you have evidence that the BoR cannot be understood by the supreme court established for its interpretation? See also post #88.

Nope, I'm afraid your battle was lost before you imagined it began. There is no Constitutional individual right to own weapons, meaning they can be regulated according to statutory law according to the whim of your legislature. In the unanimous opinion of every decision ending on appeal, the 2nd Amendment is a communitarian militia right which is survived today in the national guard.

This is a matter of settled law. Instead of telling me what you think one half of the 2nd means, and instead of indulging in your linguistic fantasies, why dont you look up the case law and the militia debates prior to ratification? You will not find a single statement in support of your sentimental gun lore. Not one.

what did our founding parents say? (5.00 / 1) (#107)
by publius on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 05:07:17 PM PST
"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." --James Madison, The Federalist Papers, No. 46

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves...and include all men capable of bearing arms." --Richard Henry Lee, Additional Letters from the Federal Framer (1788)

" disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them." -- George Mason

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton

"And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms....The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants" --Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William S. Smith in 1787. Taken from Jefferson, On Democracy p. 20, S. Padover ed., 1939

funny how all you need to do to sound like a radical is quote the founding fathers.

they didnt say what you think (none / 0) (#127)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 10:01:33 PM PST
Not one of your quotes has anything to say about the Constitutionality of gun ownership by individuals. Not one. (Nor will you find any.) We already know that people can own useful stuff, and that guns were useful stuff to Jefferson and are useful stuff to Joe Blow, but in order to make an argument about gun *Rights*, you have to show two things:
  1. The Constitutional right to own a certain kind stuff formerly known as guns. If X is not a constitutional right, it is, at best, a statutory right which can be revised, rewritten or rescinded; that means uzis are no more constitutional than mail order anthrax or other assorted but illegal esoteric weapons.

  2. That the isolated quotes you provided, removed as they were from the context of any argument, constitute proof that the framers of your Constitution were not referring to guns in their communitarian milita function, but meant instead to say that the whole worth of their Constitution is in the individual's right to annul it according to the Second Amendment. After all, what good is a gun if you cannot pull the trigger whenever *you* feel personally tyrannized by the taxman? In other words, a Constitution which fails for lack of consideration in its function as the social contract it was expressly written to be.

I love gun nuts, really I do.

Uh (none / 0) (#250)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 06:52:09 PM PST
A) There have been several Supreme Court decisions that lend support to the 'individual rights' interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. I won't specifically cite any because it appears that making shit up on the fly fits well with your style and I'd hate to screw you up with facts.

B) The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution refers to 'the right of the people' just like the First and Fourth do. Clintonian linguistics were not well established as of the writing of those documents, I doubt that the meaning of those 5 words shifted as you seem to be claiming.

None exists (none / 0) (#256)
by cp on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 12:36:31 AM PST
I won't specifically cite any
Nor do I expect you to; none exists.

There is exactly one US Supreme Court case that has addressed the scope of the 2nd amendment directly, and that case was U.S. v. Miller (in 1939). In that case, the Court held that the 2nd amendment creates no constitutional right to own sawed-off shotguns, inasmuch as sawed-off shotguns have no legitimate use and especially have no use within the context of militias.

That's it. That's the one case. And it didn't reach a pro-guns result.

The same is largely true at the District and Circuit levels; that is, that pro-guns results have not been reached, not that there haven't been cases. (The SCOTUS has exercised its discretion not to hear 2nd amendment cases; the lower courts don't have that option.) Until two days ago, no Circuit court had ever held that the 2nd amendment ensconces an individual right (as opposed to a collective state right). The case is U.S. v. Emerson, and I don't suppose you've read it.

You may like your theories. By definition, they're the best ones you can imagine, because otherwise you'd be holding different ones. You may think that the plain language of the 2nd amendment supports your theory and excludes all others. You may think these things. But the fact that you think these things and believe them with all your heart does not alter the fact that the courts have not sided with you. They simply haven't. When you say there have been several cases that support your position, you're at best misinformed and at worst outright lying.

If you disagree with this result, then you should be actively agitating and bending the country's political will to your side. The result exists, and you must confront it if you wish to change it. By hiding your head in the sand and pretending the facts of the matter are something they are not, you are doing yourself and everyone you support a disservice.

And worst of all, instead of educating yourself, you're arguing on the Internet with people who have done more research than you. How can you hope to prevail if you're slobberingly misinformed?

That's a rhetorical question, by the way, so do not worry that of the many questions for which you have no answers, that this is one as well.

No (none / 0) (#268)
by Right Hand Man on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 04:37:39 PM PST
That's it. That's the one case. And it didn't reach a pro-guns result.

Wrong. No it isn't. Yes it did.

In U.S. v. Miller Justice McReynolds writes that there is no evidence that a sawed-off shotgun
"at this time has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia."
which may lead a person to think that the Court views the Second Amendment as applying only to militias. Further reading reveals that
"certainly it is not within judicial notice that this weapon is any part of the ordinary military equipment or that its use could contribute to the common defense."
which can be read to mean that the Second Amendment supports the right to own all sorts of exotic weapons, as long a they have a military application (rockets launchers and such). Note that nowhere in the decision does the court state that Miller could not seek protection from prosecution because the Amendment does not apply to individuals. Further, McReynolds writes
"the debates in the Convention, the history and legislation of Colonies and States, and the writings of approved commentators all show plainly enough that the Militia comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense."
which most definitely indicates that, despite the sexist connotations, the rights of all males to keep arms are protected.

As I am sure you are comfortable with your ignorance of the remaining Supreme Court decisions that mention the Second Amendment, I won't bother to explain them to you. I will make mention of a few and if you are able I suggest you read them. Try United States v. Cruickshank, 1875; Presser v. Illinois, 1886; B & Q.R.Co. v. Chicago, 1897. The decision in the Dredd Scott case might even round out your education a bit.

Regardless of whether you are able to mentally digest the cases I cite I cannot spend any more time on you. I must go earn more money to send to the GOA. Good evening.

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

Why are you even citing those cases? (none / 0) (#270)
by cp on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 07:41:21 PM PST
I did not say that no other SCOTUS decision has ever mentioned the 2nd amendment. What I said is that no other SCOTUS decision has addressed the scope of the 2nd amendment as to whether it protects individual gun ownerhsip. Presser v. Illinois and US v. Cruikshank dealt with issues of federalism and only tangentially with the 2nd amendment (that whatever the 2nd amendment means, as part of the Bill of Rights it therefore only applies to the federal government). If your intention is to expand 2nd amendment jurisprudence to permit of an individual's right to firearms, then it is curious that you would smugly declare victory when all you hold in your hands is two cases restricting the 2nd amendment's purview.

Burlington & Quincy v. Chicago doesn't have anything to do whatsoever with the 2nd amendment, so why are you even bringing it up? I'm equally baffled by your allusion to Scott v Sandford, since that case has everything to do with slavery and property law and nothing to do with the 2nd amendment; it's also perhaps the single most discredited opinion in the SCOTUS's history. (And if you want to get into a battle of trivia and ephemera concerning Dredd Scott, then you'll likely lose. First volley: the complainant's actual name was "Sanford", not "Sandford" as the title erroneously states.)

Turning back to Miller. It is one thing to declare what the 2nd amendment does not protect (owning sawed-off shotguns), and it is an entirely different thing to argue that this result necessarily compels your logic that the 2nd amendment protects everything that is not a sawed-off shotgun. Even if we ignore the simple fact that your quote is dicta and not a holding in its own right, it still doesn't buy you your individualist gun rights model; McReynold's rhetoric stands for nothing more than that Congress may not disarm militias; it is entirely silent on whether states may disarm their own militias or whether the right to gun ownership under the 2nd amendment extends to private gun ownership. To get that far, you have to present an argument such as the one I cited in U.S. v Emerson, which argues from first principles of original intent and common law.

The SCOTUS has never in its history struck down an act of Congress or of any state legislature restricting firearms on the basis of the 2nd amendment. The only times such laws have been struck down federal laws restricting gun ownership, it has been on the basis of other doctrines, such as federalism (Printz v. US) or the 10th amendment (U.S. v Lopez). I challenge you to present a single SCOTUS case demonstrating otherwise.

In accordance with your vitriol and childish insults and for reasons outline above, you remain as ignorant of the law as you do of rhetoric and civility.

Because: (none / 0) (#272)
by Right Hand Man on Fri Oct 19th, 2001 at 04:58:02 AM PST
Burlington & Quincy v. Chicago is the first decision that advanced what is known as the incorporationist view of the Bill of Rights. Presumably it applies to the Second Amendment as that Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights. Possibly it doesn't, in your world, but I think it does.

Scott v Sandford mentions that as a test for citizenship one could consider whether or not a person was able to own firearms. Whether or not it has been discredited is beside the point, you don't throw out the barrel because you've found one bad apple. The statement that Scott is not a citizen becuase he holds no rights of a citizen (one of those being that he cannot own firearms) has NEVER been reversed by the court. The decision as a whole is certainly distasteful but it remains a valuable ruling.

In the Miller case the decision does not state that the 2nd Amendment does not protect sawed off shotguns, it states that it does not protect sawed off shotguns because they have no military application, quite different from the former. Had Miller been in possession of an M16 the decision would certainly not apply as written.

You acknowledge that the courts have struck down various laws on the basis of Federalism, yet neglect to mention that in nearly all cases the decision is essentially based on the meaning of the 2nd Amendment given Federalist thinking.

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

bah (none / 0) (#273)
by cp on Fri Oct 19th, 2001 at 08:43:56 AM PST
Burlington & Quincy v. Chicago is the first decision that advanced what is known as the incorporationist view of the Bill of Rights. Presumably it applies to the Second Amendment as that Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights. Possibly it doesn't, in your world, but I think it does.
I must remind you: the dominant doctrine is not incorporation but selective incorporation. It's an absurd doctrine driven by an absurd decision to strike the "privileges and immunities" clause from the 14th amendment in the Slaughterhouse cases. It's the same doctrine that allows state juries to convict without a unanimous decision, and it's the same doctrine that allows states to get away with violating numerous constitutional liberties under the premise that states are held to a lower standard with respect to the Bill of Rights than is the Federal government.
Scott v Sandford mentions that as a test for citizenship one could consider whether or not a person was able to own firearms. Whether or not it has been discredited is beside the point, you don't throw out the barrel because you've found one bad apple.
You're reading far too much into it. Apart from basing his holding in most part on other justifications, Taney here is describing common rights associated with citizenship but not necessarily of constitutional dimension. The right to carry a passport inheres in citizenship, and whether a slave is categorically denied a passport is strong evidence that he is not a citizen, but there is no constitutional infraction if a passport is denied or restricted for a whole host of civil reasons.
In the Miller case the decision does not state that the 2nd Amendment does not protect sawed off shotguns, it states that it does not protect sawed off shotguns because they have no military application, quite different from the former. Had Miller been in possession of an M16 the decision would certainly not apply as written.
Even if your point is accepted for the sake of argument, it still won't buy you an individual right to gun ownership; at most, it says the Federal government has no place in regulating munitions suitable for the militia.
You acknowledge that the courts have struck down various laws on the basis of Federalism, yet neglect to mention that in nearly all cases the decision is essentially based on the meaning of the 2nd Amendment given Federalist thinking.
Certainly not for the cases I cited. And I maintain the important distinction, though it be a fine one, between holding that "none of the Bill of Rights applies to the states" and "the 2nd amendment creates a right against the federal government concerning gun ownership but does not apply to the states".

You're grasping at straws to prove an assertion that cannot be proved inasmuch as it is false: that the Supreme Court has ever given teeth to the 2nd amendment.

Inasmuch as I am an avid proponent of individual gun rights, I find your efforts to champion the ideals that I hold dear to be intellectually bankrupt and counterproductive. You're sitting on your laurels maintaining that the Supreme Court has already resolved the debate in our favor, when the plain truth is that they have done no such thing. Perhaps the recent Emerson case will finally force their hand, but the SCOTUS has denied cert. to many more deserving cases. It's a travesty, and you're doing nothing to help correct it. And in the process, you manage to make the rest of us look like ignorant loons through your specious arguments and absurd logic.

Get over it. The authority of the SCOTUS is of no help here. Erect your jurisprudence on firmer ground, or else you will always have to answer to Chuck Schumer's (correct) assertion that the Supreme Court has never recognized an individual's right to own guns (from which he concludes that it is perfectly constitutional to restrict individual gun ownership).

uugh! (none / 0) (#378)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 05:23:32 PM PST
riiteeeoo. everyone agreed with eachother back in 1766 back when the constitution was drafted. i'm sure. were you there? if everyone agreed with everyone else, there would be no need to have a bill of rights to guide the government, because government officials would have been on the same level as citizens as to what laws, etc. are appropriate.

if the only arguments you have against free speech are that they defame your god and religion, those are weak arguments indeed. the government should not change its rules based on religion (but then i suppose you'd have that part about separation of church and state striken as well.) you seem to want speech restricted because conflicts with your ideas of right and wrong. well what if someone of another faith were offended by your christian views and tried to silence them? i doubt you'd be very sympathetic. if i were to say that the color orange offends me, does that mean no one should be allowed to wear it in public? of course not, thats absurd, and so is your suggestion.

democracy runs on the idea of a marketplace of ideas, and once someone restricts what you can and cannot say, that marketplace is distorted, if not destroyed. new ideas cannot be introduced if we're not allowed to speak them.

Run away little girl (none / 0) (#264)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 02:00:00 PM PST
For someone who arrogantly assumes herself to be "enlightened" you certainly jump on the stereotype bandwagon awfully fast! Seriously, some of those comments that you made were plain ignorant.

"Some idiot band"

Have you ever listened to them? No, but "you know their type", right? Ridiculous!

You're so sure that they're the ones sitting behind the stadium, smoking grass during lunch hour and rolling in twenty minutes late to their next class!?!?!

Were you there when the band formed or something? Jeez, give me a break.

You don't hesitate for one second to label something, anything despite your almost complete lack of knowledge on the subject. In fact, you seem to revel in it. That's dangerous! God forbid you actually research something before forming a conclusion. Oh No, that would just involve WAY too much effort on your part.

You do to feminism what the Taliban did to the Islamic faith. Go read your Andrea Dworkin, you're way out of your league here.


Change their name to... (none / 0) (#126)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 09:51:20 PM PST
They should change their name to "The band formerly known as Anthrax". Then, maybe, only Prince fans would be offended by their name.

Bacillus anthracis (none / 0) (#279)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 19th, 2001 at 03:24:08 PM PST
They should change their name to Bacillus anthracis. Then perhaps they wouldn't get confused by these ignorant morons, but to the ordinary layman, they would still be known as Anthrax.

With disgust... from Sweden (none / 0) (#336)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 01:00:44 AM PST
It doesn't have to be more important that the Sep 11 tragedy, just no their problem. It's an old band name befor ethis ever happend. They have been callle ANTHRAX for over 20 years and YES it would do them damage to change their band name. It would be like starting over again. Doesn't matter if they put out a new album with good new music under a new name, they would not be reaching the mass fans that have been loyal to their favorite band since the early 80's. Its like a brand, which stands for quality and has it's loyal customers. Can you imagin Coca Cola changing their name? No, and I still have not seen 1 good reason for ANTHRAX to do so.

I've just seen blind, ignorant, extreme, very religious people attacking a poor band who struggled so hard for 20 years, to just give up their name because of the tragedy and the current anthrax problem. That would meen the Terrorists are winning. They managed to inflict fear and made people fight each other and try to take freedom away from some. ANTHARX the band have a right to keep the name, which they deserve.

This does not mean they are unloyal Americans or Satanists. They are aware of reality, the difference of the real promlem & tragedy compared to the simple name of a band.

They are not guilty of anything. Without showing disrespect, the tragedy is not their personal problem. They are not to blame, they are not responsible, so why should they bend for those who dislike the word ANTHRAX?

If you dislike the word Anthrax, close your eyes, not the eyes of others, for every individual is a free human being. Censurship is not the cure. Learn about the harsh reality and do what you can to help solve the problem.

It's so unreal for me too see the logic that some American Christians have. They are so full of morals and the Bible's crap that it scares me. Radical lambs! It's the year 2001, and they act like its a witch burning, or the stoning of an unfaithful. Organized religion stinks and is the result of almost every war on this planet amongst humans, besides wars for land/power. Even then religion is used to fuel the war.

I am Swedish, and believe some of you radical Christians should stop preaching about what is moraly right and grow up, look around in they year 2001, see reality, face the problems, the roots, the Terrorists!

True metal never dies!

they should NOT change their name (none / 0) (#447)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 12:20:14 AM PST
im sitting here having quite a laugh at all u ppl, that read this site for so called grown ups, and yeah im sure u all consider urselfs grown ups, and ofcourse as grown ups u know a great deal, coz ur grown up, but for one, u keep relating anthrax to 9/11 but no one knows for sure who did it, so the bad has nothing to do with 9/11 and they shoudlnt change their name coz of it, all u americans r going yeah we r so strong, we wont back down in the face of terrorisim and here u r telling a band to back down and change their name in the face of terrorisim, and all because you dont like the music that band plays, which is ok ofcourse ur not going to like what they play coz ur grown ups ur sophisticated, ur cultured, thats cool and everything just dont go round saying what u dont like is crap coz not everyone shares ur views, and plus we r probably younger than u grown ups so why the hell should we listen to u and do what u say, come on what did u expect from us,

Scott Ian is Freddie Hitler (none / 0) (#89)
by venalcolony on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 02:14:30 PM PST
Anthrax's statement was tasteful and appropriate, all things considered.

These are hard times for the thrash-metal band Anthrax. Scott Ian, the lead singer, moaned to Washington Post columnist Lloyd Grove that "It's as if it's 1937 and I'm a bandleader named Freddie Hitler... maybe we should change the name. A friend suggested Basket of Puppies." Ian claims he has stocked up on Cipro, a medication said to be an antidote to the disease. "I will not die an ironic death," he said.


The difference between trolling and life is life doesnt have to make sense.

Scott Ian is laughing at the victims (none / 0) (#121)
by American on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 09:20:22 PM PST
Just so you know, Scott Ian is Jewish. His hometown is New York City. Read the website. They have clearly written that they are saddened by the events and have links to organizations accepting aid money. Listen, Read, Learn, Live.

i see (none / 0) (#128)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 10:18:37 PM PST
Just so you know, Scott Ian is Jewish.

Why would such an irrelevant factoid matter unless one was so literal minded as to also believe that Scott Ian is seriously considering renaming the band "Basket of Puppies" and has stocked up on Cipro in his desire to not "die an ironic death"? Scott didnt make the point you raised, why did you?

They have clearly written that they are saddened by the events

That's nice. Nowadays, one *has* to do things like this in order to protect one's reputation from the encroaching disapproval of literal minded consumers.

Cut 'n Paste (none / 0) (#265)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 02:21:05 PM PST
Glad to see that your "cut and paste" abilities are up to snuff and you were able to rip that quote off from the Washington Post article directly. Why form your own opinion when you can simply highjack another's.

Too bad you didn't bother to actually learn about the subject you are speaking of. If you took a moment you would realize that Scott Ian is the Rhythm Guitarist for the group, not the lead singer.

You might argue that it is not relevant to the point (point? There was a point to your dribble?) you were trying to make. Little things like that, however, just show everyone you are spewing from your ass, not your mind.


Anthrax a new band?? (3.00 / 2) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 12th, 2001 at 07:51:37 PM PST
Is this some kind of a sick joke? Anthrax is not a grind-metal-core or whatever you said above! They are a heavy metal band that has existed for almost 20 YEARS!!! And they are not cashing in on the recent attacks... Furthermore, to pretend that they are doing so while this NYC based band - always has been - has been deeply influenced by the recent terrorist attacks to their hometown, is just plain... well let's say un-intelligent. In fact I'd like to talk in person to the people who wrote those stupid, ignorant, in-the-name-of-the-people's-sake-because-of-the-horrible-terrorist-attacks-pleas, to Anthrax because they truly are ignorants... Anthrax - the band - have been on avant-garde of metal scene for almost 2 decades, pioneers of THRASH-METAL, and RAP-METAL fusion (go check out Bring Da Noize w/ Public Enemy) and I still can't get over the fact that the dumbasses were shocked when they typed and found that there is a music band that bears that name... ooooo! you have to change it because bla bla bla... what's next?? Are we going to erase World Trade Center in all the old documents, web pages and etc., because it might remind some uptight urban know-it-all who obviously has too much time on its hands to come up with stupidities like the above mentioned posts. Please, before writing something, check out your facts! And they are: Anthrax are a long existing, popular (!) metal band!!! They should not, I repeat, SHOULD NOT, change their name just because it might be offending to someone. What about The Beatles ? They should have changed their name because it is offending to the bugs? Or were they cashing in on a horrendous bug-invasion in Africa? (notice the sarcasm)

I can't believe there are so many ignoramuses in America... the land of the free but sometimes our liberty becomes endangering someone elses...

See ya on the Message board!


Simpletons (1.00 / 1) (#13)
by Hunsvotti on Fri Oct 12th, 2001 at 08:02:38 PM PST
Yes, simpletons. That's what they are. Or perhaps reactionaries, since all they are doing is blindly reacting, flailing out against someone, anyone, in an attempt to make sure everyone is sufficiently "reverent" or whatever their particular hang-up is with regards to what happened last month. Big events like these tend to push people's buttons.

The solution is to recognize this and not let your buttons get pushed. After all, that's one of the things the terrorists want - to traumatize us. They love it when we go into this kind of worthless infighting.

As a devout Methodist... (4.20 / 5) (#25)
by Mint Waltman on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 09:31:03 AM PST
I must admit that I don't listen to rock-metal music, and I certainly don't moosh-dance at concerts like I've seen on 20/20. But is it too much to ask this band to show some human decency? By celebrating bio-terrorism for the past 20 years the band Anthrax has set a very poor example. Indeed, since they have been around for so long, they may have inspired these anthrax mailings with their hate-filled lyrics. This isn't such a crazy theory. Remember when those kids who listened to Marilyn Manson shot Christian students at Columbine High School? How do we know that those perpetrating these anthrax mailings aren't fans of the band Anthrax? In order to set a better example for children I think the band should not only change their name, but their lyrical content as well. It's really just too dangerous to have these creeps singing about mailing anthrax to people even if they did change their name. Failing that, I wouldn't hesitate to make their music outright illegal.

Once again, ignorance perpetuates (3.50 / 2) (#29)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 01:32:56 PM PST
First off, it's clearly been outlined that Anthrax the band has been around a lot longer that it has been used as a terrorists weapon. When the band conceived it's name, anthrax the disease was a rare disease becoming rarer.

Before your ignorance clouds your judgement too much, perhaps you should stop and listen to the lyrics you claim are "hate-filled", "celebrating bio-terrorism", ever "inspiring" it.

Many of their song lyrics are comical (ie. songs about drinking milk and coffee), others have songs that are anti-violence ("You're the coward with the gun...crazy sense of right and wrong" from "Random Acts of Senseless Violence", 1995) and anti-racist:

Don't look at me as a white man
I'm just a man
Don't look at me as a black man
I'm just a manIt takes a man to deal with ignorance
Prove that you can

Prejudice is unnatural thought
When we were kids
It's not inherited, it's taught
When we were kids
If we were blind and had no choice
Differences hid
Would we hate each other by the tone of our voice.

(From Schism, 1988)

dmg and Mint Wlatman, among others, I would like you to read the above lyrics, as many times as it takes to figure out who is more ignorant...the band or yourselves.

Of course, in other lyrics, I can see why religious zealots would love to see Anthrax burned at the stake...take the song "Make Me Laugh", whose lyrics promote thinking for yourself instead of following religion blindly.

You miss the point (5.00 / 3) (#30)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 02:02:34 PM PST
thinking for yourself instead of following religion blindly.

I realize adequacy readers are on the whole more intelligent than the vast majority of the sheep who make up the general population, but most people are too stupid to be trusted to 'think for themselves' and that is exactly WHY we have organized religion.

The purpose of religion is to help the less intelligent people to behave sensibly, by scaring them, or encouraging them (the carrot and the stick). If we didn't have religion, most people would behave like wild animals, running around killing anyone they diagreed with.

As an Atheist, I sure as hell am glad that those rednecks down south believe that 'thou shalt not kill', otherwise I would have been dead a long time ago.

Think about it. Just because you are smart and have understood that religion is just about controlling the masses, does not mean that it is a BAD thing, its just not for you.

As for Anthrax, they should change their name, get loads of free publicity, and when this furore has died down (which it inevitably will) they can get even more free publicity by changing their name back again.

Everybody wins. The public is reassured, and Anthrax gets more CD sales which is what they are all about.

Religion (none / 0) (#51)
by Hunsvotti on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 03:25:03 AM PST
I went to church at the behest of my grandmother the other week. They expected me to chant (with the rest of them) in a frightening display of self-hate about how unworthy we were of salvation.

Folks, if you act nice to your fellow human beings because you're afraid of a hot red hell, I'm afraid you are already lost. You should be nice to other people because it feels good to do so.

a fly in your ointment (none / 0) (#90)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 02:18:33 PM PST
You should be nice to other people because it feels good to do so.

Unfortunately, it feels much better to act like a complete heel, you fucking idiot. (Heh, that felt good.)

The comedy! (0.00 / 1) (#50)
by Hunsvotti on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 03:20:45 AM PST


Thanks, man. Your humor is just the perfect medicine!!!




Bin Laden listens to Anthrax (none / 0) (#125)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 09:40:20 PM PST
I hear he has a huge collection of Anthrax albums...heck, he might have even starred in one of their videos. I'm sure if you play the albums backwards, you'll hear "Mail anthrax to all Americans".

I'd like to make your access to the internet illegal before you promote any more hatred.

As a devout sane being... (none / 0) (#172)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:47:22 PM PST
<<Failing that, I wouldn't hesitate to make their music outright illegal.

I don't like gospel music. I'm agnostic. It offends my beliefs and mocks my view of the universe. I demand that gospel be made illegal!

~ Drakkon Vargatron
- Stormwarden CA THRASH -

Your ignorance is unbecoming... (5.00 / 1) (#193)
by Mint Waltman on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 09:40:41 AM PST
Your attacks upon my religious beliefs simply prove that you are a very bigoted, close-minded cretin. My opposition to Anthrax is based upon the proven FACT that they are capitalizing on human suffering through their shameful behavior- not on religious grounds. I'll assume that you cannot refute FACT and therefore chose to attack me personally for no other reason than my being Christian. I will pray for you Drakkon Vargatron.

Perhaps this all a misunderstanding though as your name implies that you are a recent immigrant from, or resident of a village of trolls in Norway. It may well be that your grasp of English is lacking and you meant to agree with me...?

Heh. (none / 0) (#201)
by Stormwarden on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 02:38:33 PM PST
You missed my point entirely. I was not making an attack upon your religious beliefs whatsoever, I was making a mockery of your statement that a form of music, *ANY* form of music, should be made illegal. It's an art form whether you happen to like it or not. I've seen people offended because the statue of David is nude. Should we make nude statuary illegal, too? Shall we force people studying art and anatomy to place maple leaves and brassiers on their subjects for fear of offending someone? Yes, there is a comparison between the two, because when you boil both situations down, you are censoring something for absolutely no good reason. Oh my! It hurts my sensitive eyes! Guess what? It's not going to go away because you want to pretend it doesn't exist. If we act as though the World Trade Center never existed at all, does that mean the towers were never destroyed and nobody died? Of course not. Personally, I find the entire paranoia over anthrax incredibly puerile. How many confirmed cases have there been? Three? Four? Five at the VERY most, last I heard. Troubling, but nothing to panic over. Lastly, since when it is a proven fact that the band Anthrax, which has been in existence for around twenty years, is capitalising on human suffering? They are a thrash metal band. Metal is not a subgenre that drags in money by the bushel. People listen to metal, GENUINE metal, because they like the music and no other reason. If Anthrax were indeed called Basket of Puppies like Scott Ian remarked, I wouldn't care. Their music would be the same and would still appeal to me. Trying to force them to change their name because of current events is stupid, reactionary, and pointless. Do you understand, or should I repeat myself more slowly, in smaller words?

And by the way... I think my reading comprehension is a sight better than yours based on your gross misinterpretation of my point. Despite what you think, however, the world does not revolve around you and your likes and dislikes. Don't bother praying for me - God, unlike most of his creations, understands the right of the individual to walk their own path.

~ Drakkon Vargatron
Stormwarden - CA THRASH -

Okay, prove that fact. (none / 0) (#278)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 19th, 2001 at 03:21:16 PM PST
Sorry, how is it a proven fact that they are capitalizing on human suffering? Their name as a band has been around twenty years longer than these attacks have, they postponed their tour, and postponed the recording of a live album due to these attacks. That proves that they are not trying to capitalize, otherwise they would have rushed out the production of their album.

It is a proven FACT that you are ignorant, however, given all of your posts bearing false information about the band and their premise. Your attacks on heavy metal show that you are as closed-minded as the original poster who attacked your religion.

Note - (none / 0) (#282)
by Stormwarden on Fri Oct 19th, 2001 at 08:24:47 PM PST
I (being the original poster now upgraded with an ID of my own) wasn't attacking his religion, I was making a point. It was an aggressive, confrontational one, but that was necessary - I could have used any style of music and the message would have been identical, but it wouldn't have registered. Only by using something of value and pertinance to this person would it have carried. Obviously, however, I was wasting my time trying to be subtle, or debate this intelligently at all... he's ignored my counter-response utterly.

~ Drakkon Vargatron

Other factors. (none / 0) (#283)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 19th, 2001 at 08:50:46 PM PST
I would have said, "I was wasting my time trying to be subtle or debate this intelligently, because I give my name as 'Drakkon Vargatron'".

Hmm. (none / 0) (#432)
by Stormwarden on Fri Oct 26th, 2001 at 11:48:36 PM PST
I thought I'd replied to this a while ago, but apparently I didn't. Hmm. Oh well.

So, my Internet pseudonym suddenly has telling bearing on my logic, ideas, and intelligence?

In that case, I suppose I shall be forced to ignore both you, and the person I had previously been arguing with.

After all, you don't have the bollocks to leave a name at all, and really, who puts any stock in the words of a guy named 'Mint'?

~ Drakkon Vargatron
California Thrash

How dare you (5.00 / 1) (#309)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 03:02:05 PM PST
make fun of Norwegian trolls! TAKE IT BACK!!!

name change (4.00 / 2) (#17)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 12th, 2001 at 08:20:18 PM PST
Anthrax has been around for quite some time. And the Anthrax scares are just that. There have only been a couple of actual cases were anthrax was actually found. The others turned out to be false reports.

Anthrax is not only made artificially is does occur naturally. For this band to change it's name would be admitted the terrorists got the better of us. Bin Laden's little speech stated that Amrica would not feel safe. With all the idiot freaking out everytime the see a white powdery substance means he was right.

Oh my good there's a white powdery substance at the bakery! If it gets me fine. Whoopee. But I will not live my life in fear. Anthrax keeping there name is like laugh in Bin Laden's face.

oh my (2.66 / 3) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 12th, 2001 at 09:01:57 PM PST
I just started reading this site today, and I find it so amusing. It says that it is a news for grown-ups. Hehe... why don't any of these "grown-ups" have facts straight.

First Anthrax is a band that has been around since the early 80's. I for one have never been a fan, but that doesn't matter.

Why should they change their name? Because some sicko is mailing anthrax to people? For those of you that don't pay attention to forensic science like myself, I would like to tell you that people use anthrax to poison people quite often. I am going to take a guess and say that the recent anthrax attacks have nothing to do with terrorists.

You people need to open your minds. You are all such jaded fools... You've been living your easy lives cooped up inside too much... NEWS FLASH! Lots of evil stuff goes on in the world. Woohoo... Change your name! Mass Hysteria! The terrorists are coming.

If anyone should be freaked out by this, it would be me. I, until recently had an apartment about .25 miles away from the WTC, and I lost two friends in the attack (maybe more). I used to go through the WTC everyday at around 9am... If you guys start picking at every little thing because it in some way relates to to something that could possibly be linked to the terrorists, then the terrorists have whipped your ass. How many New Yorker's out there think Anthrax should change their name? I mean, sheesh, they have had that name for 20 years, I think they deserve it. Lighten up a little eh?


"ooh he has secret in the name of his company... he should change that cause the terrorists probably tell secrets... oohh the terrorists are a group... he shouldn't be a group like the terrorists."

Then (1.00 / 1) (#20)
by CLaW on Fri Oct 12th, 2001 at 09:41:53 PM PST
You havent been reading it long enough. Keep reading dood!

Anthrax poisening common? (none / 0) (#33)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 03:04:06 PM PST
For those of you that don't pay attention to forensic science like myself, I would like to tell you that people use anthrax to poison people quite often
Every report I've seen about these cases of Anthrax poisening has claimed that its the first case of Anthrax for a long time. I think the last case was in 1976, I could be pulling that date out of my arse but I remember that pretty much every report I have read indicated a date in the 70's.

Please post some links to back up your claim that Anthrax is common, otherwise I shall have to assume that you also are talking out of your arse.

"It all returns to nothing
it all keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down"

sorry... (none / 0) (#43)
by dotKAMbot on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 08:50:01 PM PST
well... the i-net is so polluted with the current anthrax stories that I can't find anything without wasting too much time.... I ahve a few tapes that deal with anthrax cases from the 80's and 90's, so I know for sure 76 wasn't the last case... I really don't care, that wasn't the important part of my post, so don't believe it... no skin off my back

daniel j. wharton

It's progress until there is nothing left to gain.

Reiteration (3.00 / 2) (#22)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 04:46:49 AM PST
It's just a band. It's just a word. We're all adults here, as the slogan boasts, so let's grow up, shall we? Having them change their name is not going to do anything to help the current situation. I'm surprised this is even one of the main articles....

moron (3.00 / 2) (#24)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 07:35:58 AM PST
"flocking like frightened sheep"

* typical remedial language graduate using bible allusions in an attempt to sound like youre even aware of whats going on.

"a "Heavy Metal" rock band has been attempting to cash in on bioterrorism..."

* oh, i suspected heavy metal of being of the country order of music, trite asshole. dont forget that they were formed 20 years ago, and that they have yet to release an album pertaining to the death of a recent anthrax victim. you probably dont realise this, but it hasnt been classified as terrorism as of yet.

"Boy was I ever wrong !!!."

* my fourth grade english teacher, mrs. duckworth, would not be proud of you.

'"Grind-Core" rock band,' '"Speed Metal" band,' '"Death Metal" rock band.'

* you neglected a few other clashing genres.

"...they have a new CD out hatefully entitled 'Spreading the Disease' which is full of songs praising bioterrorism"

* i read the copyright on my cd as 1985; maybe its all the crystal meth i muscle in my leg behind the local wal-mart like every other anthrax fan, right?

"...sitting safely in the decadent rock-star comfort of their Air-Conditioned Winnebago"

* im pretty sure they all live in new york. unless theyre more of the insane type than the decadent type, winnebagos are not going to be what they live in. i have air conditioning in my 30 year old car, i must be a rock star.

"I am not laughing."

* everyone who read your article is.

"feel free to use this pre-written example message"

* pre-fabricated internal thoughts and opinions for everyone! youre a genius, mussolini.

"I hope the sheer number of concerned readers here at will mean that pressure can be brought to bear on them."

* not every man goes on his knees as quick as you.

"unkempt, dishevalled aggressively long hair."

* they have short hair, and im pretty sure one of them is bald.

"I feel that your band's name is inappropriate in these times of crisis."

* i bet you eat more salisbury steaks than you do hamburgers. let me know if you figure that out.

"more vulnerable members of society"

* anthrax, the disease, can infect more people than just corky and forest gump.

"'Puff' was an irresponsible reference to drug-usage which could have led children astray. He chose to "do the right thing"."

* i was cleaning the chamber of my official p-diddy 9 as i read your thoughts. i would hate to involve illegal drugs in my daily activities of smoking nicotine, insulting my stomach lining with alcohol, and shooting up night clubs. thank god i have a stable icon of nobility in puff daddy. i should inform you that he didnt change it for the reason you stated.

Oh please... (3.00 / 2) (#26)
by asiaczek on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 10:03:55 AM PST
> After all, I didn't want to overreact (since that is what the terrorists want us to do).
> There is nothing more sad than the sight of once-proud Americans flocking like frightened
> sheep to their local Army Surplus in search of gas masks. Such overreaction makes us look
> stupid in the eyes of the world

I would say that there is nothing more pathetic than the sight of you overconfident Americans getting hysterical over some band's [1] name. Such overreaction makes you look stupid in the eyes of the world.


[1] Nobody had probably listened to their music for ages until this anthrax-hysteria began, with journalists calling it an 'outbreak' when all we got is just a couple of cases and with idiots like you making stupid petitions. Now the band has got publicity, whether or not they change their name. I'm sure they're thrilled.

I kinda remember listening to Anthrax as a kid... (none / 0) (#28)
by Frithiof on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 11:45:00 AM PST
the song "Room for one more" from their album 'Sound of White Noise' was kinda catchy at the time...I just checked and they seem to be out of stock of this item.

Big surprise there. They probably didn't want anyone listening to this band's hate-filled lyrics and pro-terrorism bile.


Since when does ignorance make News for Grown-Ups? (3.00 / 2) (#27)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 11:18:00 AM PST

Your ramblings on a subject in which you are clearly ignorant about, makes your "article" incredulous, transparent and sensationalistic. Otherwise known as *BAD MEDIA*. As a fan of this band and of free speech, I am just thankful that the same Constitutional Amendment that allows you to spew forth such idiocy will allow the band Anthrax to keep their name. No matter how many E-mails or letters you or your mindless, politically correct, soccer mom, PMRC minions feel like constructing, it won't have any legal bearing on this fine band changing their name. Good thing you are not in the demographic these guys are trying to sell records to, eh?

The fact that you "think" there is a *NEW* band named Anthrax, with a *NEW* CD entitled Spreading The Disease is laughable at best! The band has been named Anthrax for two decades and their so-called *NEW* CD, entitled Spreading the Disease, was released in the eighties. That is over a decade before the national threat of the disease Anthrax that we are faced with today! You couldn't possibly be any less informed about this subject, could you?

Here's an ironic observation about your diatribe that obviously escaped your and your editor's scathing wit and shrewd fact reporting ability. By your own admission, "Such overreaction makes us look stupid in the eyes of the world, and plays into the hands of those who would terrorise us." I believe this parodies your own point quite nicely since your overreaction to a simple band name makes you "look stupid". Hey, you said it.

Much in the same way you are urging others to crusade against the band Anthrax (who obviously has *NO* affiliation with the disease Anthrax), I urge the true intelligent and thoughtful people of the United States not to give into this bad media drivel. Our target as Americans should be the terrorists who appropriated these deeds against our great nation. We should not focus our frustration at a band that grew up in New York, a band who is also deeply saddened by these acts of terror and a band that was founded two decades ago that just happens to share the name of a deadly disease.

As a nation we need to refocus our attention and resources to the real problems instead of catering to sensationalistic media witch hunts and creating internal targets where there are none. Talk to your children more. Send aid to the charities benefiting the victims of these heinous acts. Do something constructive with your time, money and resources. DO NOT waste your efforts trying to needlessly tear down musical or entertainment avenues. After all, entertainment, compassion, motivation, strength, information (not opinion) and stamina will get us through these trying times. Responding to uninformed droning by a second-hand reporter wannabe like dmg, will get us absolutely nowhere.

News for grown-ups with "special needs" (4.50 / 2) (#39)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 07:12:10 PM PST
I don't remember how this page got bookmarked but this has got to be the funniest thing I've ever read. I was looking around for the punchline but it really seems like this post is for real. Am I just missing the joke? Or is this site bitching about a band that was formed years ago? I hate how tragedy emboldens the intellectually obtuse. Please go back and hug your insecurity, it still loves you. :)

James Joyce? (none / 0) (#60)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 05:00:04 AM PST
I thought you were dead man! Good to see you're still kicking around, you crazy Irish fucker. Still using english in ways it was never intended to work, I see. Keep it up, bud. When's the next novel coming out?

This does not surprise me, heavey metal bands (5.00 / 2) (#32)
by Adam Rightmann on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 02:07:58 PM PST
usually unpatriotic and unAmerican. I believe I made that point in my review on Rock Star eariler on this point, heavey metal bands are typically pawns of an unhealthy, unAmerican plot of the vast homosexual conspiracy. Indeed, this Anthrax would have to do a tour unplugged and playing Handel's Messiah before I would allow any teenager of mine to listen to them.

A. Rightmann

Amen. (none / 0) (#49)
by Hunsvotti on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 03:11:30 AM PST
You're from Landover Baptist, right?

My only connections with Baptists (none / 0) (#145)
by Adam Rightmann on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 10:21:50 AM PST
are to pray for their souls, that the scales may fall from their eyes and they will rejoin the true Church before it is too late.

A. Rightmann

Before it's too late? (none / 0) (#152)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 02:03:20 PM PST
Oh, I forgot, there's only one correct religion, and it's perfect. And it will wage holy war and kill anyone that says otherwise.

one correct religion (5.00 / 1) (#189)
by nathan on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 08:41:25 AM PST
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but through me."

As you show no interest in contending with the damned in order to save them, I can only conclude that you want their blood on your hands.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Damnit, I'm damned again. (none / 0) (#240)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 03:38:25 PM PST
And you are showing an interest in contending with the damned? No, you want to burn them before they infect you.

Are you trying to "save me" from heavy metal? Why not doing something productive?

Atheist (none / 0) (#258)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 07:37:07 AM PST
"I contend that we are both atheists.
I just believe in one fewer god than you do.
When you understand why YOU dismiss all the other possible gods,
you will understand why I dismiss yours."

Stephen Roberts

HA! (none / 0) (#156)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 06:17:12 PM PST
Oh, Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Keep reading your stories and singing your songs. I'll be busy believing in myself, not a myth.

Jesus Saves.. (none / 0) (#304)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 21st, 2001 at 12:44:58 AM PST
"Jesus Saves," wasn't that a song by Slayer?

Yup! (none / 0) (#330)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 11:32:58 PM PST
..and a good song too. I wonder if SLAYER will be victimized by some morons soon for having an "evil" name like "Slayer"? I don't understand these folks who want to censur everything. As if Anthrax changed their name, it would make everything better? The disease/threat would just go away? Nope. Focus on the real threat!

Pathetic, paranoid conservative puppet!!! (none / 0) (#81)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 01:20:36 PM PST
UnAmerican? What the hell is wrong with you? Are we back to the 1950's with Joe McCarthy leading us all on a witch hunt? Damn dude, I'm in a metal band, and we make songs about how people like you love to assume things and scare people and confuse patriotism with voting convservatism. I'm a liberal, and I consider myself a patriot, because I'm pretty sure I was just as shocked as you were by the attacks on september 11th.

Anyways, about the actual article, this guy probably only took a quick glance at the issue here. For one thing, it is NOT Dave Mustaine who is sueing Napster, it is Lars Ulrich, from a completely different band.

I can't believe you people think like this. It lessens my faith in human kind and it makes me believe that we're getting closer and closer to killing everyone on Earth out of our own stupidity.

Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. Does that ring a bell? I think some guy you really respect said that once.

Adam Rightmann (none / 0) (#118)
by American on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 09:03:06 PM PST
That's too bad you won't let your teens listen to Anthrax, because doing so might open up their minds. "The vast homosexual conspiracy" you speak of has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Open your damn mind and you might learn to have respect and tolerance for people different than you. I can guarantee you have at least one friend or family member who is gay or in the closet. So shut the hell up. Learn from the signs seen everywhere "United We Stand." You don't have to agree with homosexuality, as that is your right protected by the Bill of Rights, but don't continue your ignorance which spreads the message of hate. God loves everyone. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E!

foolish man (none / 0) (#143)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 08:45:28 AM PST
"before I would allow any teenager of mine to listen to them"

- Censorship
- Selective education
- Surpresion

I think the Taliban will welcome you as one of their own mister Rightman!

Back to the point, would you allow me to inform you that both anthrax and napalm are American made? Now that is distaste!

Teenagers grow into their rights (none / 0) (#146)
by Adam Rightmann on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 10:30:43 AM PST
and what is appropriate for a young man of 19 may be entirely inappropriate for a 13 year old girl. Accordingly, as a responsible parent, I take an interest in what my children are exposed to, and certainly will not let them be exposed to everything in the world at 13. At 19, perhaps.

The ironic thing here is that back in the 1980's (probably when you were watching Thundercats or something) there was a large battle against labeling records (those black vinyls things that were replaced by the sonically inferior tiny shiny CDs) for adult content. Many of the then current heavey metal artists like Twisted Sister and Frank Zappa said it was the parents job to control what their kids listened to, not the government. You may not listen to me, but listen to your heavey metal idols like Frank Zappa and Dee Schneider.

As far as comparing me to the Taliban, I think they have a bad <i>rap</i> in the US. Sure, they may go too far in some things, but they brought safety and security to the streets of Kabul. You can leave a Mercedes unlocked in downtown Kabul, with the keys in the ignition. Can you do that in the US? A woman may gave to wear the Burqaah to walk the streets, but she can walk the streets with no fear of being raped, can any woman in the US say that? Don't believe everything the secualr humanists on the nightly news say.

A. Rightmann

Holy shit! (none / 0) (#149)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 01:22:58 PM PST
"usually unpatriotic and unAmerican. I believe I made that point in my review on Rock Star eariler on this point, heavey metal bands are typically pawns of an unhealthy, unAmerican plot of the vast homosexual conspiracy. Indeed, this Anthrax would have to do a tour unplugged and playing Handel's Messiah before I would allow any teenager of mine to listen to them."

I don't even know where to start. A homosexual conspiracy? Perpetuated by... Metal bands? I'm not even sure how to respond to that. And your bit about people having it good under the Taliban again shows your extreme lack of realism relating to anything at all. I challenge you to find a Mercedes in Afghanistan. Women have to wear a Burqaah....and they can't go to school...and they can't have a job...and they can't *read*...and they can't go to the same hospitals as men...and they can't expose *any* part of their skin. Most of these, ahem, 'crimes' are punishable by DEATH. I think the bad rap here is the hollow ring we're all hearing from your skull, pal.

I can only assume you're playing devil's advocate. (none / 0) (#150)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 01:39:50 PM PST

Defending the Taliban. Amazing.

Yes, maybe women can walk the streets of Kabul...but they certainly won't be journying out to vote or work.

BTW the Taliban is in the habit of burying widows alive. Ask your Christ what he thinks of THAT.

Just a lil info for your twisted brain. I hope your kids get some sense and emancipate themselves ASAP...

As a thrash metal artist, and as a sentient being, (none / 0) (#164)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:00:26 PM PST
I have but one comment.

You, Mr. Rightmann, sir, are the most ignorant person I have ever had the misfortune to come across.

I am amazed you've lived as long as you have.

I'm assuming that's more than 1.5 decades.

Of course, nobody's perfect.

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

That is all.

~ Drakkon Vargatron

taliban w/ bad rap? (none / 0) (#254)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 11:48:32 PM PST
You say that women in Afghanistan can walk the streets without being in fear of being raped. Well, if they are walking down the street without a male guardian, they get whipped publicly. If they walk with a male guardian, but not of their family, they get whipped. If they are married and walk with a male who isn't family or their husband, they are stoned to death publicly. Sounds great. Sounds good. Oh, and what Mercedes? If you did live in Afghanistan and had a Mercedes, you are a very prominent figure and no one would mess with anything of yours or they would die. I think that's the same here, you know, if you see a really nice car down in a ghetto somewhere, I know I wouldn't touch it. Not all cars will be owned by someone really powerful, but it's enough of a chance that you would not touch it.
As for you protecting your daughter, that is your right. But it is also your duty as a parent to educate her. I do know people that see girls like the one you are raising and think of ways to "break" them so that they become something that they weren't. They would normally try and "break" mormons, because when they "fall," they fall far. Your daughter needs more than to be just sheltered.
This comment is shorter than my last. You can still reach me at, and Riehlthing on the Megadeth and Anthrax message boards.

Re: Teenagers grow into their rights (none / 0) (#422)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 25th, 2001 at 12:29:29 PM PST
I'm not even going to bother stating an opinion about Anthrax (the band) changing their name as that's been rather amply done already.

I remember the PMRC. Those "heavey metal idols" as you refer to them wanted parents to be involved in their children's lives, not censorship (which appeared to be the ultimate aim of the PMRC). I'm all for parents being involved in their children's lives, but there is a limit.

For the record, Frank Zappa never was a "metal idol" - he was an idol to be sure but he was never a metal guy. Also you've forgotten the other member of that 'unholy trinity' - John Denver. Are you going to start calling him a "heavey metal idol" too?

Mr. Rightmann... (none / 0) (#155)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 06:13:23 PM PST
I find you to be close-minded, uninformed and, well, to put it bluntly, stupid.

What do you allow your child to listen to? If you say anything like the usual Blink 182 or Nelly, or pretty much any pop music, you are a hypocrite. Heavy metal (by the way, it IS spelled heavy, not heavey...) is no worse for anyone to listen to than any of the sugar-coated music that pollutes our airwaves today.

The fact that you are defending the Taliban damages your credibility considerably. Furthermore, so does attacking a musical group because their choices conflict with your own.

Anthrax has been around for a very long time. Since the early 80's. Their name has nothing to do with the recent germ warfare and such. I feel that their statement on their website was tasteful. They made an unfortunate mistake by choosing a name that is a disease and they are not laughing at the victims in any way.

People these days simply need to pull their heads out of their arses and realize that we live in a very diverse world where open-mindedness is the answer to all of our problems. Open minds open doors. Open doors lead to opportunity. Simple as that. 'Nuff said.

anthrax (none / 0) (#344)
by matttoller on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 06:31:16 AM PST
you know.....i am constantly suprised by the concrete IDIOCY of the american public. prior to september 11 i had all but stopped watching the news because it was so sensationalized and foolish it made me angry. and now, this anthrax scare has certainly reaffirmed my belief. granted it is a terrible thing that is happening, but so far i believe eight or nine of the hundreds of millions of americans that live in this country have contracted anthrax and two have died. i'm pretty sure more people die of lou gehrig's disease. so for thousands of people to buy cipro, and give it to their children, actually probably doing them more harm than good, or to spend hundreds of dollars on an outmoted and nonfucntioning gas mask....thats silly. removing every image of the world trade centers to not offend anyone is silly. BANNING songs like bridge over troubled water by simon and garfunkel or imagine by john lennon from the radio to not offend anyone is very silly. but to demand a band like anthrax, who has been playing music for almost twenty years, and quite honestly until you ALL brought them back hasn't been in the public eye all that much as of late, is absolutely preposterous. why don't you all grow up. while you are on here fighting a perfectly honest and hardworking band becaue you don't want to be OFFENDED your children are probably smoking crack or vandalizing street signs. you are so caught up in how your life is affected and how you don't want to be offended you are ignoring everything else. if everyone in this country stopped worrying about what everyone else was doing and worried about themselves and their families it would certainly be a better place. the president did say all americans have to make sacrifices, but it shouldn't be an innocent band being forced to change their name but perhaps have more to do with bored housewives keeping their noses out of other people's business. this is truly a tough time for all americans, why don't you do something constructive to help the cause and leave the band anthrax out of it?

(none) (none / 0) (#428)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 25th, 2001 at 10:54:57 PM PST
H-E-A-V-Y 'nuf said

You are a moron. (none / 0) (#35)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 05:34:09 PM PST
the band has been around for 20 years. SPREADING THE DISEASE is not their new album. that album came out in 1985. and from reading the lyrics, none of the songs are about chemical warfare.

you should work on your journalism skills, bro. journalists are supposed to state the facts, not make up stuff as they go along or make assumptions.


where do I begin? (none / 0) (#44)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 09:07:19 PM PST
As others have stated, Anthrax has been around for 20 years. "Spreading the Disease" came out in 1985.

Anthrax is among the more intelligent metal bands, and have always been socially consious. Theyw ere one of the first mainstream bands to deal with the subjects of homelessness ("Who Cares Wins"), racism ("Schism", "Keep It In The Family"), Native American rights ("Indians"), the fall of communism and the rise of democracy in eastern Europe ("One Man Stands"), and many many other issues.

They are NOT shock rockers. They are just a heavy metal band (a very talented one) who are too intelligent to be content with singing about parties, girls, and drugs.

You couldn't have picked a more inappropriate band to pick on because you are dead wrong in just about every sentence you wrote. You even put them in the wrong genre'. They aren't even close to grind-core or deathmetal.

This is the most blatantly stupid article i have read in a long time. That's not an ad hominem. To open one's mouth with such a rant while being clearly ignorant and incorrect on practically everything takes stupidity.

...and Anthrax haven't had long hair in a decade and a half!

Interesting (none / 0) (#58)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:56:10 AM PST
So it's intelligence that makes people sing about death and satan is it?

they could be singing the same mindless (none / 0) (#63)
by THC 1138 on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 06:54:15 AM PST
drivel that you hear everyday on the radio, but i bet you'd prefer that.

How does it feel? Well it feels f**king blind. - b. k.

To death and satan? (none / 0) (#64)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 07:00:58 AM PST
Certainly I'd prefer that, but tell me, how do lyrics about death and satan not fall under the heading of mindless drivel?

I'm not saying that it is or isn't mindless (none / 0) (#67)
by THC 1138 on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 07:12:45 AM PST
drivel, but there's a lot less of it dealing with death and satan. And when I listen to it, I can forget all about "Living La Vida Loca."

How does it feel? Well it feels f**king blind. - b. k.

Examples? (none / 0) (#75)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 11:39:49 AM PST
they do NOT sing about death and satan! At least not in an irresponsible way. Some on this board have actually posted PROOF and EXAMPLES of what Anthrax is really about: a thinking man's metal band. You have thrown out assertion after assertion that have either been demonstrably false or have completely lacked proof.

I think it's been pretty clear by everybody here who actually KNOWS anything about the band that you not only do not know what you are talking about, but you don't even come close. You're not even in the freaking ballpark.

If you don't want to listen to them, that's fine. We all have our tastes. I personally think Whitney Houston has done more societal harm to this country than Anthrax ever has or will, but that's a different subject.

The point is, you don't have to listen to them. But you should not tell lies about them. You should be ENCOURAGING bands like Anthrax because they're intelligent and responsible. If you actually knew anything about them, I think you'd find that you agree with more of their views than you'd disagree with. But you wouldn't know because you never got farther than their name and an obscure album that's 18 years old.

It's a shame Anthrax isn't MORE popular. They would bring back some much needed musicianship and social consience to a genre' that's in dire need of both.

OXYMORON ALERT!!! (5.00 / 1) (#84)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 01:51:01 PM PST
a thinking man's metal band

This is an oxymoron. Like military intelligence, or a 'really great Olsen twins movie'.

Surely anyone who could think for themselves would not listen to the kind of music which is only really fit for Psyops deployment in Panama ?

Rainer Ganahl said it best

idiot (none / 0) (#109)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 05:26:46 PM PST
Anthrax knows more musical theory than 90% of anything you'll hear on top 40 radio. They actually play instruments too!

I hear Bach knew lots of musical theory (none / 0) (#130)
by T Reginald Gibbons on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 01:48:47 AM PST
Perhaps since musical theory is so important to you, you should listen to Bach. He's christian to, so you won't have to go to hell for listening to him.

Highway to hell (none / 0) (#140)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 07:23:46 AM PST
If going to hell means I won't have to listen to your drivel, I'm there.

I hear it's warm there at this time of year.

Let me see if I understand (none / 0) (#153)
by T Reginald Gibbons on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 04:30:22 PM PST
You: Anthrax is great because they are masters of musical theory
Me: Bach was a master of musical theory. Perhaps he, too, is worth listening to, and he won't imperil your soul.
You: YOU SUCK! I want to be tortured in hell for all eternity.

With witty responses like that, it's hard to see why anyone would doubt Anthrax's status as the thinking man's metal band!

T Reg Gibbons... (none / 0) (#162)
by nathan on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 08:50:22 PM PST
Say, Reg old chum, you wouldn't happen to be the same Reg Gibbons I knew in my misspent youth in a certain city in a certain province in a certain frosty North American nation? An alumnus of a certain school with the initials HC? You certainly sound like him...

Nathan, intrigued
Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

I'm afraid not (none / 0) (#177)
by T Reginald Gibbons on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 12:15:16 AM PST
I misspent my youth in Australia, so I couldn't be him.

Are you drunk? (none / 0) (#393)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 12:25:20 AM PST
"You: Anthrax is great because they are masters of musical theory
Me: Bach was a master of musical theory. Perhaps he, too, is worth listening to, and he won't imperil your soul.
You: YOU SUCK! I want to be tortured in hell for all eternity.

With witty responses like that, it's hard to see why anyone would doubt Anthrax's status as the thinking man's metal band!" - T Reginald

With all due respect, you have no clue as to what you're talking about. Your generalization that you use is just about as bad as the generalization that the terrorists used against all Americans on September 11th, the big difference being that you're using words and not violence, as far as I know. You make metalheads out to be narrow minded egotistical jerks, and while there are some, most of us aren't. Yes, Bach was great with musical theory, and in fact, I am known to sit back and listen to some Bach from time to time, but the fact is, Anthrax does in fact have some great musical talent, and if you aren't at least willing to think about that, then I pity you. Also, look at this attitude you sport towards people who don't agree with your religion, that they WANT to burn in hell. Have you ever thought for just one moment that people do have different beliefs, and they all have their own, in almost every case, rational reasons for those beliefs? It's that same attitude that you sported there also that caused the disaster on September 11th. So really, before you make yourself into any more of a mindless waste of skin, I reccomend that you actually think about what you're saying and at least try to make it sound rational.

And for the record, no, I wasn't the one who posted about burning in hell that you responded to, but I did feel the need to defend myself and many others who you offended with your mindless grabble. Jeez, and you call Anthrax offensive.

blah (none / 0) (#157)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 07:51:41 PM PST
Fine, listen to Extol...they are a Christian Death Metal band. That's aside the point anyways.

What I don't understand is why have a band change their name because they chose is 20 some years before the case of Anthrax in Florida?

Why not get on Death's case? Or Malovent Creation? Nile? Cannible Corpse?

I'm sorry, I don't see the logic of having a band change their name because of what is going on...

There is no such thing as christian death metal (5.00 / 1) (#158)
by T Reginald Gibbons on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 08:01:44 PM PST
"Christian" metal bands are as much servants of satan as nazi death metal bands. They are merely the right hand of satan, while the more obviously satanic bands are satan's left hand. So-called christian death metal bands are the serpent lead good christian youths into a world of sin and depravity.

As for Death, Malevolent Creation, Nile and Cannibal Corpse, I'm a little lost. Are you suggesting that Cannibal Corpses used the river Nile to destroy the world trade center? Or Malevolent Creations have been sending Death in envelopes to infect the US? Your thinking is a little messy, I guess from all the heroin you metal-heads do.

Allow me to enlighten you... (none / 0) (#331)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 12:02:17 AM PST
...there are certain things you cannot understand and will not understand. Why? Because you have to understand the world of Hard Rock & Heavy Metal music first, and that is something you won't learn in the Bible. First, I'm not religious at all, I rather believe in myself and enjoy my life as much as possible before I grow old and die. Our "metal" music is more than your average polished happy pop on M tv. It's more than a religion, it's a lifestyle. Our music have been around for over 30 years, with many new related styles developing over the years. Many wonder why (and think) that metal bands are "evil" due to some bands having "evil" names or names linked to violence or aggression. Same for song titles. Well, not always, but if you listen to some of the more brutal music, thats were it gets it's name from. The ENERGY and POWER that comes out of the music. Some of us like it, and you have to accept that. There is a lot of mainstream music which some of us would call WIMPY or PATHETIC. But just the same, we have to accept others like that kind of music. Its that simple, different music for different tastes. You can't push your ideas, your music, your religion on others. Many people do, for they think they are so right and everything else is wrong. Just like the extreme Christians who fight metal bands.

Death Metal bands,,,, the name is death and yes, the music is very brutal. Either you like it or not. As for the names of the bands and songs, its just that: names. Tehy write aggressive songs and have aggresive lyrics to match. It would be weird for them to have happy songs about flowers when the music is dark and heavy. Why dark and heavy? Because they feel like it, they have an intrest in those themes. That doesn't make them evil people. Its like enjoying a HORROR movie, are you evil for that? Or what about the authors of books/movies that go under the "Horror" catagory? Are they evil twisted people pushing a secret message from Satan to reader/film viewers? If you think so you are so confused, and I pity you. AMERICA is supposed to be about freedom, but it can't be with people who push their views & beliefs onto others. You are NOT always right, no matter what you beleive. So keep it to yourself if you have a pathetic opinion that suggests you are right and others so wrong. The Bible is not a guide to what is always right. The Muslims have their own books. I have my life and my music. I get so annoyed at seeing people like you calling people into metal for heroin users. Are all heavy metal people into drugs? Nope! In that case those who listen to Reggae must smoke weed. And Disco Ravers must be using Acid!? Fuck that! Censuring things will not solve anything either.

I read that the band DREAM THEATER had to remove their no live album from stores and change the cover artwork. The album was called "Live Scenes From New York" and featured the New York skyline in the background with a burning red apple in the front. Now that apple's fire was right underneath the skyline, and some (idiotic) people get annoyed and force the band to change their cover so it has NO fire and replace the apple with a golden D.T. logo. Oh, so that's gonna make the problem go away!? They don't want people seeing something that will upset them or remind them of the tragedy. Censurship! Are people that weak? Accept reality and deal with it. A cd is a cd. Heavy metal is music, and to that style of music the bands can have whatever image, name and songs they want. Its a different issue from terrirism. Go after the enemy (the real threat) instead of attacking metal bands, or anything with the word "terror" or "war".

By the way, I'm Swedish and live in Sweden, I'm so glad I'm not in your ignorant paranoid christian land right now! Make no mistake (pointing it out for the blind morons)... I'm no insulting America, just some of you radical idiots who are too religious and censur everything!

Have a nice life!

What is wrong with you Antrhax people ? (none / 0) (#341)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 02:59:04 AM PST
Are you psychopaths hell bent on offending everyone in the USA ?

DREAM THEATER had to remove their no live album from stores and change the cover artwork. The album was called "Live Scenes From New York" and featured the New York skyline in the background with a burning red apple in the front

Too fucking right they changed their album cover. It was offensive. And if Anthrax had any balls whatsoever, they would withdraw 'Spreading the Disease' from the stores immediately.

It does not matter whether it was recorded in 1973 or in 2001. The point is, people are hurting, and Anthrax are rubbing salt into the wounds with their 'fuck you' attitude.

No way (none / 0) (#356)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 09:34:33 AM PST
I cannot believe you people. Anthrax most definitely DOES NOT have a "fuck you" attitude. They have expressed their sorrow and sympathy for those afflicted with anthrax.

In no fucking way are they trying to "cash in" on what's happening. There's no reason whatsoever that they should change their name.

If there was a band called "Bombing Afghanistan with Cruise Missiles" none of you would want to change their name. It's indicitive of American hypocricy (and yes, I AM an American, so I can say this because I know it's true). Something isn't bad until it happens to us.

So before you ignorant fools spout and false crap like Anthrax is trying to "cash in" on these unfortunate events, please at least know what the fuck you are talking about.

JSB (none / 0) (#159)
by nathan on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 08:17:56 PM PST
Bach's knowledge of music theory is worth discussing. The truth is, Bach had little formal training. While the immense amount of practical and private study he undertook gave him an immense, and possibly unequalled insight into music, it's unclear whether his knowledge was at all similar to the academic discipline called music theory.
Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Bach's lack of formal training (none / 0) (#444)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 10:46:46 PM PST
This makes him different from Anthrax in what way? Oh yeah, they took a few lessons once upon a time.

Back couldn't write anything like "Intro to Reality/Belly of the Beast". He was too busy dreaming about screwing angels and little girls.

More oxymorons (none / 0) (#138)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 06:14:15 AM PST
"Religious ideals"...there's another oxymoron for you.

Ha. (none / 0) (#243)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 04:12:11 PM PST
This coming from the person who said that "Hit Me Baby One More Time" was promoting wholesome christian values, when it's obviously about a teenage girl asking for one final lay...

I listen to a wide range of metal from music that would make you cringe (Cannibal Corpse, Gorgasm, Dying Fetus, Skinless) to Anthrax, Slayer, Helloween, Megadeth, etc. etc.

When Anthrax sings about death, satan, war, etc, it's in a cynical, sarcastic light. Of course, some closeminded bible thumpers can't grasp these concepts. Too bad for you.

Check out:

Re: Interesting (none / 0) (#69)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 08:56:16 AM PST
Did you bother to read the post that you replied to, or any of Anthrax's lyrics?

If you did, then you would realize that none of their songs are about satan, and the few songs that mention death are not about death per se, but rather the loss of a Grandparent (ie. "Bare"), or death as a result of social injustices (ie. "Random acts of senseless violence")

You're looking so hard to find satan and death in places where it doesn't exist. Perhaps you should spend that energy embracing life and trying to find god.

PS - to dmg, thanks for the link to the bands email...I asked them NOT to give in to pressure from you and your ignorance, but rather to keep their name. Changing it would only be giving up the freedom that terrorists wanted to take away from us in the first place.

BBSpot beat you to it (none / 0) (#38)
by egg troll on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 06:59:26 PM PST
This URL appeared several days ago on I'd post it as a hyperlink but is too clever for me to figure out how.

Posting for the love of the baby Jesus....

right next to the Post button (none / 0) (#40)
by Frithiof on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 07:12:30 PM PST
is a little device you can use to select either 'Plain Text' or 'HTML Formatted'... there's also a list of allowed HTML code underneath that.

I remember having a little difficulty with it the first time I used it, too. I was like "woah, I can *choose* whether or not I want HTML in my posts! holy crap!". It was amazing.


A HREF (none / 0) (#42)
by egg troll on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 08:03:26 PM PST
Is the code just straight HTML or do I have to do anything special?

Posting for the love of the baby Jesus....

Frithiof the Ass (none / 0) (#62)
by THC 1138 on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 06:52:08 AM PST
Below the comment box, it list the tags you can use. It's straight HTML. just select HTML, instead of Plain text. And Frithiof, if Anthrax changes the name for the good of the country, will you stop being a rude jerk?

How does it feel? Well it feels f**king blind. - b. k.

I recently came down with a case of (none / 0) (#66)
by THC 1138 on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 07:08:01 AM PST
SlayTalicThraxOdus. I had to listen to Barry Manilow and Neil Diamond for 3 weeks straight, but now I'm almost cured. I think a little Boz Scaggs will do the trick.
How does it feel? Well it feels f**king blind. - b. k.

IGNORANCE (4.00 / 2) (#41)
by American on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 07:44:40 PM PST
The writer of this piece of crap further proves my theory that most Americans are IGNORANT and ARROGANT. Next time you decide to bitch about something, educate yourself first. I've got Anthrax the band's back. "Spreading the Disease" was released in 1985 and does NOT (in-joke for 'Thrax fans) have any songs about bioterrorism. None of their songs have ever praised terrorist acts. The "Methodist" who wrote earlier needs to think and learn for themselves before blindly believing what one bad journalist writes. This leads me to another point...Why is it that many of the "Patriots" in our country have a lack of respect for the Bill of Rights? Ban Anthrax the band and their music? Isn't this what the Taliban supports? Americans are such hypocrites.

Nonsense (4.00 / 2) (#45)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 13th, 2001 at 10:43:01 PM PST
Apparently the original poster failed to do any research. Here are some factual mistakes the poster made:

1. The band celebrated its 20th anniversary recently. The name was not picked out of insensitivity to the tragedy.

2. The "Spreading the Disease" album came out in the 1980's. Going to any music selling website would have provided that information. The album name was not picked out of insensitivity to the tragedy. Had the original poster looked at the song titles, he would realize that the songs are not about bio terrorism.

3. They are upset by this tragedy. A closer look at the website would reveal their comments about how they feel their city (New York) was violated.

So, what we have is a knee jerk reaction to censor something that isn't even offensive.

When President Bush addressed the nation during the week of the attacks, he said that the terrorists hate freedom. Apparently the censor minded original poster hates freedom too.

Stupidity on parade.. (2.33 / 3) (#74)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 11:28:12 AM PST
Ok, I've seen some winners in my day, but the moron who posted this takes tha cake.. hey idiot- Anthrax was formed YEARS ago! SPreading The Disease came out in the 80's and has NOTHING to do with the recent disease scare.. Why don't you find out about what you're talking about before you open your mouth?? Unless you just get off on publicly making an ass of yourself.. This is the stupidest thing I've read in a long time.. You deserev to be humiliated in public.. Oh wait- you just did that yourself..

Anthrax ROCKS and does NOT need to change their name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anthrax Do Not Change Your Name (none / 0) (#116)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 08:16:26 PM PST
Anthrax should not change their name. They are far from the stereotypical satanic metal as you can find. They are really intelligent musicians, they don't do drugs (they might drink some), they don't worhip satan, they don't flash around their long hair (what long hair, and in Scott's case, what hair?) and wear leather on stage. Here is some evidence to show you how they really are.
They talk against violence, racism and communism.
"One Man Stands" off the ablum Persistence of Time.
"Freedom, taken for granted 'cause we don't know what oppression means.
Freedom, taken for granted by the leaders who would crush the dream.
A crack exposing human rights,
light against a granite sky.
A crack exposing human life.
A fire burns.
For the freedom
Never given but taken.
For the freedom
Die for the Reason.
One Man Stands, hard as he waits for freedom's hand, a unified voice for freedom of choice.
One Man Stands for
he'll give his, would you give yours to fight for a cause."
Later in the song, they say this,
"Free choice, religious freedom, basic rights are on the bottom line.
Down with all the icons of the past cold war and detente. The flock no longer fears the wolf, the flock is taking what it wants."
Sounds like they're against people being oppressed and they're for human rights. If any of you have seen the picture of the one man standing in front of a line of Communists tanks trying to enter a city, and reading that the tanks did not enter the city because one man stood to stop them. Did you feel American? Did you feel proud? Did you feel proud enough to write a song about it? I bet you didn't. But Scott Ian did. I think he's unAmerican, don't you?
Here's another bad song by them.
"The public enemy's not the man who speaks his mind
the public enemy's the man that goes an cats blind.
Searching for an answer that he'll never find."
then in the same song,
"Don't even try to tell me what you think is right,
when to you blacks are niggers, and jews are kikes.
and you expect to be taken seriously, but your actions, they're more than curiously juvenile. you emulate what you hate, and you don't even know why you feel this way. 'cause daddy hated this, and mommy hated that."
I think they're against hatred. But that's in the song "Keep it in the Family" on the same Persistence of Time album, how about we skip to the song called H8 Red's closing words, "You may not know this, we may be different, different but equal, different and free."
"Schism" from State of Euphoria, "Don't look at me as a white man.
I'm just a man.
Don't look at me as a black man.
I'm just a man."
That's 3 songs against racism. They're an evil band, they're telling people to be nice to each other.
Then they do something bad, they want you to think for yourselves and have opinions in the song "Burst" off Sound of White Noise.
"Kill someone, save a life.
Don't do drugs, drink all night.
Worship Jesus, praise Satan,
Opinions are all contradiction.
It's not a case of wrong and right.
You may hate what I like.
Vice versa, it's the same.
Just do it, no pain no gain.
Who cares what you expect,
What is politically correct?
All my ideas are in bad taste,
get off my case and Judge yourself, no one else."
But songs, you know, those are tough things, you have to read the lyrics or listen intently, let's go to what Scott said about the attacks the day after. "Even a stupid rock tour has to suffer.
We're gonna go home." Then he finishes it w/ this.
"My city has been raped. It's people murdered. Justice must be swift and uncompromising."
In closing, this whole business about a petition to get them to change their name is pointless, but you have your right to do that and try to get them to change. I have my opinion that I want them to keep it the same.
"Now I'm going to tell ya a story,
a tale of wrong and right.
and freedom is the reason,
you can't take it without a fight.

So now I'm starting up a posse,
to come and look for you.
We're gonna put a stop,
to what you want to do.
You fuckin' whores
that's all you are.
You say our records are offensive.
our messages ain't right.
you say 'We're going to label records,
so our kids can grow up right.'
You fuckin' whores.
That's all you are.
Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape
these 7 words you're trying to take.
shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape.
Right or wrong it's our choice to make.
America the beautiful, land of the free.
Don't change the words to land of hypocrisy.
Now I'm starting up a posse
and we'll damn sure make you see
something that offends you,
may not be offensive to me.
you fuckin' whores, that's all you are.
Now you might take offense,
to a word like 'fuck' or 'shit'
but you fuckin' don't have the right,
to disciminate against me for saying it.
you fuckin' whores, that's all you are.
Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape
these 7 words you're trying to take.
shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape.
Right or wrong it's our choice to make.
America the beautiful, land of the free.
Don't change the words to land of hypocrisy.
So now I'm starting up a posse,
to fight for freedom of choice
to fight for freedom of speech,
we're gonna make you hear our voice.
And, now, I don't do this to shock you
I don't do this for spite.
You've got a choice don't buy it, don't read it,
and don't say your opinion's right.
you fuckin' whores, that's all you are.
You know you can't censor my feelings,
you can't censor my thoughts,
censorship's against, everything america stands for.
you fuckin' whores, that's all you are.
Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape
these 7 words you're trying to take.
shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape.
Right or wrong it's our choice to make.
America the beautiful, land of the free.
Don't change the words to land of hypocrisy."
Well, I'm down with my rant. The above lyrics are from "Startin' Up A Posse" by Anthrax, it's on the album Attack of the Killer B's, uh oh, killer bee attacks are on the rise, better change that title too. And no one said anything about a more recent album, "Volume 8: The Threat Is Real" and on the inside cover is a fold out movie poster w/ the Anthrax members looking like cheesy action hero's w/ a city behind them being torn apart by giant spiders. is a way to contact me, and I'm on Anthrax and Megadeth's message boards as Riehlthing.
I won't even start on the Dave Mustaine comment.

Anthrax (none / 0) (#161)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 08:31:00 PM PST
To DMG:You are either very young or you have been living under a rock. Anthrax has been out for over 16 years. Like I tell my 7 year old son "PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE READING!!!" You might learn something or might not miss something.

It gets worse than that! (5.00 / 1) (#47)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 02:29:02 AM PST
According to this article, after the terrorist attacks, Anthrax changed the name of their tour scheduled in January to "Operation Enduring Metal". This an obvious attempt to poke fun at the USian-led war against terror "Operation Enduring Freedom".

Our president said clearly that in this war you are either with the side of the US or with the side of terror: I think it is clearly whose side Anthrax are on!

Operation Enduring Metal (none / 0) (#53)
by Hunsvotti on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 03:28:00 AM PST
It is obvious to me that a decision like that could only mean one thing.

"We support you, Uncle Sam, and here's our way of showing our support: We are going to show solidarity by naming our tour after your operation. We can only hope that we bring joy to our fans commensurate with the great success we wish you. ROCK ON USA!!!"

good god (0.33 / 3) (#76)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 11:42:11 AM PST
good god you're fucking <B>stupid</B>.

What your president said (none / 0) (#115)
by Greg on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 08:12:07 PM PST
Our president said clearly that in this war you are either with the side of the US or with the side of terror

Doesn't that worry you at all? It certainly worries me!


It gets worse than that! (none / 0) (#192)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 09:12:48 AM PST
It is not ANTHRAX's tour, they are a supporting act. The headling act names the tour.

Waste of bandwidth. (0.00 / 1) (#57)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:14:08 AM PST
You didn't type all that just to tell us you're retarded, did you? Oh hell you did.

There are easier ways of notifying people not to ineract with you.

Stapling "I HAVE NO BRAIN" to your forehead is one.

idiot (2.33 / 3) (#68)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 07:46:55 AM PST
Whoever wrote this is a prick, where did the band say that the death of 6000 people was funny, they didnt even imply that. The fact that you insult their hair belittles your view even more. I feel that thier statement released was the appropriate thing to say.

Where's your proof? (1.00 / 1) (#70)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 09:33:16 AM PST
Where is your proof that all Anthrax sings about is Death and Satan? You keep avoiding that question. Your ignorance is astounding. You feel that just because they are a heavy metal band they automaticaly worship satan.

OK you asked for it. (4.00 / 4) (#82)
by dmg on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 01:29:22 PM PST
It is a FACT that ALL heavy metal/thrash/grindcore/death/speed/black metal groups claim to worship Satan. It goes with the leather pants and the long hair.

You really have asked for it though when you ask for evidence. Whenever Antrhax are not worshipping Satan they are glorifying violence of one kind or another.

I will let their lyrics speak for themselves.

From the Album 'Reign in Blood' The track blasphemously entitled 'Jesus Saves'.

You have your own reality
You spend your life just kissing ass
A trait that's grown as time has passed

Here we see that Anthrax are anti-christian.

This track 'Necrophobic' contains the following disgusting lyrics:

Strangulation, mutilation, cancer of the brain
Limb dissection, amputation, from a mind deranged
Asphyxiation, suffocation, gasping for air
Explain to me the feeling after sitting in the chair

Which proves Anthrax revel in torture and suffering.

There's more: the track 'Reborn' contains this charming lyric in praise of Satanism and Witchcraft...

Incantation spell gone by
I will live again
My deals will made eternally
I signed the book in red
My rage will be unleashed again
Burning the next morn
Death means nothing there is no end
I will be reborn

As if this were not bad enough, they go on to glorify Naziism and Hitler's SS in a poor parody of Stephen King's novel 'Apt Pupil' (about a kid who is sexually aroused by stories of concentration camps in WWII. The track is entitled 'A Skeleton In The Closet'

All American, an evil game of extortion
A sick old man, and who would guess
He was once S.S.
A deadly fascination, of a madman's solution
Six million dead, poison tales pollutes his head

More death from the track 'NFL'

Wake up dead in a plywood bed
Six feet from the rest of your life

Glorifying mindless violence: from the track 'Armed and Dangerous'

Am I evil, or am I insane
The lion inside of me, is no longer tame
A blade in my left, a gun in my right
To beat you within, an inch of your life

More pointless glorification of violence from the track 'Gung Ho'

Raging on the warpath, storming through the town
Blowing it to pieces, killing all around
Stand in our way, if you've got the balls
In a hail of bullets, your nailed to the wall

Yet more obscene glorification of violence from the track 'Random Acts of Senseless Violence '

Random acts of senseless, random acts of senseless
Random acts of senseless, random acts of senseless Violence
I see something wrong and I fix it with my hands
I walk a thin blue line, this cross I came to bear
I see something wrong and I fix it with my hands
I walk a thin blue line and I'll be the one who laughs when,
You die

Yet more senseless violence, are you starting to see a pattern here ? from the track 'killing box'

A piece of you burns every time you like
So lets start a war, just to see how many die

And perhaps the most reprehensible track in view of the senseless slaughter we are currently inflicting on innocent Afghanis: from the track 'Death from Above' Anthrax happily glorify the slaughter of innocent Muslims unlucky enough to live in Afghanistan.

No reason, no warning
Nor shadow be found
Got you in my sights
And I'll shoot you down
Jet fighter, jet fighter
Turbo jet engines ignite
Jet fighter, jet fighter
Death will filling the sky
Jet fighter, jet fighter
An airborne assault and attack
Jet fighter, jet fighter
A cold blooded stab in the back


time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

Fact or fiction? (5.00 / 1) (#92)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 02:35:44 PM PST
How does your uninformed opinion suddenly become FACT?

Once again your ignorance prevails, as many of the songs listed above are not even Anthrax songs (ie. Reborn, Necrophobic, and Reborn).

Then in the songs that are in fact Anthrax songs, it appears you have editted the lyrics to your liking, out of context of the original song. (I could do that to your said "worship satan"...are you trying to instruct me to worship satan?)

In NFL, which you quoted, they talk about how you waste your life by taking drugs...gee, that sounds like they are glorifying drug use.

Many of these songs are anti-war and anti-violence. Are they promoting violence by talking about it? Then you would be guilty of that too.
In fact, this whole thread is promoting violence and hatred, because that is all the ignorant people seem to have on their minds.

FACT? (none / 0) (#100)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:33:01 PM PST
"It is a FACT that ALL heavy metal/thrash/grindcore/death/speed/black metal groups claim to worship Satan. It goes with the leather pants and the long hair."

Kind of like its a FACT that ALL catholic priests molest young choir boys?

Let's separate fact from opinion and recognize that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That doesn't mean that everyone should inflict their opinion on everyone else.

Those songs aren't Anthrax dumbshit (1.00 / 1) (#108)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 05:11:29 PM PST
umm you obviously know ZERO about Anthrax and metal in general. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells knows that those songs are from the band Slayer NOT Anthrax..

That's beside the point... (5.00 / 2) (#111)
by Mint Waltman on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 07:11:39 PM PST
as Slayer and Anthrax are BOTH rock-metal bands. Heard one, you heard 'em all. Both are guilty of being poor examples for children and I plan to write many angry letters of protest to any store or online retailer that continues to sell albums by these disgusting bands. Thanks for bringing Slayer to my attention. Now I have two bands to rail against.

This is also besides the point... (none / 0) (#120)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 09:19:37 PM PST
As Al-Qaida and the IRA are BOTH deeply religious terrorist groups. Prayed with one, you prayed with'em all. Religion has been the root of war and death for centuries. Now that sounds like a pretty good example to set for children.

Thanks, but I'll stick to playing metal for my kids on Sunday mornings. The only war its ever created is this string of internet posts.

re: That's beside the point... (none / 0) (#300)
by Tia on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 11:22:51 PM PST
Here you go again with the censorship...

Don't forget to add Deicide to your list as well as ICP, Twiztid, Slipknot, Rammstein, System of a Down, Ozzy, Marilyn Manson, Linkin Park, Union Underground, Hatebreed, Morbid Angel, Systematic, Godsmack (the lead singer is Wiccan for God's sake)...then you can add Britney Spears (what was she thinking when she started dressing like that?), Christina Aguilara (voulez vous couchez..), N'Synch and the Backstreet Boys (none of the Christian girls are having innocent thoughts about any of them)...

I think you need to find another hobby....

DESTROY (none / 0) (#345)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 06:40:18 AM PST
Ok. Good idea. Rail against Slayer. Rail against Anthrax. Cos they tell a dirty truth an this is no good, no american.
While your president kills people pushing a fuckin' button, try to stop us.
I'm waiting for you.


More Evil Anthrax Lyrics (3.00 / 2) (#112)
by AnthraxDisser on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 07:29:29 PM PST
He's right about the lyrics, and I found some more:
Anthrax song-"Gimme All your Lovin'" is about Rape.
Anthrax song-"Sex Farm" is also about Rape.
Anthrax song-"Mother" is about incest.
Anthrax song-"Master of Puppets" is about pediphiles.
Anthrax song-"Ride the Lightning" teaches kids to fly a kite during a lightning storm.
Anthrax song-"MMM MMM MMM MMM" is about Bondage and bad things.
Anthrax song-"Rollin, Rollin, Rollin" is about decapitation.
Anthrax song-"Crooked Cigarette" tells kids to smoke.

Man, I need to get a LIFE.

Hit me baby one more time (4.50 / 2) (#139)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 07:19:05 AM PST
Anthrax also wrote "...Baby one more time", with this chorus that encourages suicide, drug use, and physical abuse:

My lonliness is killing me
I must confess I still believe
When I'm not with you
I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time

Truly the work of the devil!

Anthrax didn't write that! (3.50 / 2) (#151)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 01:46:15 PM PST
That way Britany Speers.

And the lyrics on that song are all about embracing good, traditional, christian gender roles. What's your problem with that?

None of these are Anthrax songs (none / 0) (#198)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 01:38:29 PM PST
Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning are old Metallica songs. One is about how drugs enslave people, the other describes a man dreaming about being put in the electric chair. Rollin is a song by Limp Biskit. The lyrics have nothing to do with decapitation. I've never even heard of most other songs but feel free to search the song titles of Anthrax's albums at and see if you can find them.

Think Before You Speak

By all means, go on making an idiot of yourself (1.00 / 1) (#166)
by Goreripper on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:08:12 PM PST
Firstly, it is not a fact that all metal bands worship Satan. Some of them don't worship any supreme being at all.
Secondly, just because a band writes a song about something, it means they support that point of view, does it? If I write a book about Hitler, does that make a Nazi. If I make a film about a black man being dragged to death behind a pick-up truck, does that make me a member of the KKK? So why, if a band writes a song about an air-raid, they're glorifying war? Idiot.
Thirdly, taking quotes out of context of what is around them is a cheat's way of trying to win an argument.
Fourthly, half the lyrics you quoted aren't even from Anthrax songs, dickhead.
Lastly, with the world on the brink of a major conflict that could perceivably escalate with the use of chemical, biological and even nuclear weapons, why are you so het-up about 15-year old Slayer songs? Surely there is a much more relevant issue you could be discussing. And before you point it out, I do realise the irony of that last statement. I know whay 'irony' means. Maybe you should look it up.

anthrax (none / 0) (#353)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 08:58:36 AM PST
Let me just say one thing here dmg, you are way out of line

Here are my issues

1. Anthrax has been around since the early 80's, how did they know this was gonna happen. They had no way of knowing, so for you to criticize them is totally wrong.

2. Those lyrics you posted are all screwed up. first of all reign in blood is from slayer, not anthrax. Also not all heavy metal bands are satan worshipers. Did you know Dave Mustaine is a christian. What about the christian heavy metal bands, i guess they are satanic too.

3. Metallica wrote a song called master of puppets, it is all about how bad cocaine is. because they wrote about it, does that mean they endorse it..NO. How about brittany spears "hit me baby one more time" is she endorsing for females to get beat, why dont you go bark up her tree.

Get all the facts straight before you comment on this. I also believe that some of what you wrote here can be taken as slander. I will be sure to forward this on to anthrax.

jackass... (2.00 / 1) (#377)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 03:52:24 PM PST
No, really, you shouldn't go on. Most of the songs you mentioned above are NOT by Anthrax, they are by Slayer.

I sure hope that you were joking and are not that stupid. If you're a metalhead just trying to be a smartass, please, you're even dumber than the people who DO want Anthrax to change their name.

Don't make this even worse by putting even more misinformation into it.

dmg (none / 0) (#380)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 05:52:10 PM PST
you suck sweaty balls......fucking looooooooser what you should probably do is go out and get your cherry popped instead of menstruating in front of your computer,writing deranged drivel...go ahead!hit the off button, go for a walk in the park but please spare us the near-retarded, off-base, bullshit that you write.....fucking limeys they always fuck it up for the rest of us.....

Re: Anthrax lyrics? (none / 0) (#405)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 11:58:19 AM PST
YOU'RE A BLITHERING IDIOT!!!!!! "Need I say more?" F-ck you. Most of the lyrics you printed were by a band named Slayer, not Anthrax. None of the members of Anthrax were ever in Slayer. You dumb, ignorant jackass. You don't have a CLUE to what you're talking about.

are you that close minded? (none / 0) (#410)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 01:45:08 PM PST
are you a moron? let me show my points
a)"reign in blood" is by the band Slayer, an openly satanist band, and even so, what is it to you? your not listening to their music.
b)antrax came out, with that name mind you, in 1981, a good 20 years before the whole Sept. 11 tragedy. This was in the article on the website, but you, like many other conservative hypocrites, fail to provide all the information.
c) About not being religious, the guitarist, Scott Ian, is jewish and proud of it.
d) they have not produced an ablum since Sept. 11, so they did not right any of thier lyrics in spite of this tragedy. In fact, they are even doing a benefit concert with other "satanic" bands
d) stop whining over a trivial matter of a bands name, and start doing something productive with yourself.

Putz. (2.25 / 4) (#71)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 10:19:58 AM PST
You have got to be the biggest nimrod on the face of the planet.

Anthrax was formed AND NAMED in the EARLY 80s. "Spreading the Disease" was an album released in the late 80s, and if you would take half as much time to look into the album & band as you did slamming them on this site, you would have realized this, as well as the fact that NONE of the songs on said album deal w/ bioterrorism, much less "praise" it.

It's mindless fucks like you that give the rest of us (human beings) a bad name. I must just say that I can hardly fathom how one person can possibly be so amazingly stupid. Your ignorance astounds me.

Do us all a favor & lock yourself in a broom closet. Putz.

You people sicken me (1.66 / 3) (#73)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 10:31:56 AM PST
Change the name? What are you , Morons? Next thing you knw, they'll want to change the name of the Castle Anthrax from "Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail"

Yes! Boycott Monty Python! (0.00 / 1) (#80)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 01:19:49 PM PST
Oh my God! Monty Python talked about Anthrax in the 70's? THEY must be responsible for this terrorism!

Castle Anthrax (3.00 / 2) (#102)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:37:00 PM PST
You raise a good point. Look at the movie...not only does it mention "Castle Anthrax", it also pokes fun at the holy crusades, and a number a characters die in the movie, or have their arms and legs cut off.

By the logic of others on this thread, I guess that would mean that Monty Python promotes bio-terrorism, violence, and worships satan. I will never be able to watch this movie again.

OXYMORON ALERT (3.00 / 1) (#78)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 01:06:03 PM PST
, Anthrax (the band) is a thinking man's metal band.

Are you trying to 'troll' this site ? Surely the idea of a 'thinking mans metal band' is an oxymoron at best.

Your assertion that their music is 'aggressive' certainly does not surpise me. But I think New York, and indeed the rest of the USA has had enough 'aggression' in the past month to last it a lifetime.

Change the name, dudes. Its simply not worth keeping it. You will never get the morons to understand, and most importantly, it will COST YOU RECORD/CD SALES.

Fool (1.00 / 1) (#176)
by Hunsvotti on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 12:07:19 AM PST
Yeah, it's a "troll" and will be deleted. AHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Irony (1.00 / 1) (#79)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 01:09:20 PM PST
I was trying to figure out what this site was about, and why there would be such a moronic, uniformed discussion such as this, when Anthrax the band has been around for twenty years.

I came across their mission statement:

"There are a number of people who have opinions that don't quite fit the norm. Because of this, they aren't welcome many places. This is where they exercise their right to speak, where the dreams of tomorrow take flight today.
This site is aimed at middle class white male professionals - the sort of people who have been sadly sidelined by todays victim culture, and the domination of homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who have all risen up with their discrimination laws and 'equality' to sadly control the media agenda.
These people are not welcome here. This is where we make a stand. This is where we fight back.
It is also squarely aimed at the marginalised of society -- homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who remain in a state of oppression, kept down by the dominant white male patriarchy and by insufficiently rigorous 'discrimination' laws and the corporate media.
These people are welcome here. This is where we make a stand. This is where we fight back.
Controversial opinions, passionately held. We Are"

Isn't it rather ironic than that dmg's post favors censorship, restricting the freedom of speech "to sadly control the media agenda", and taking a rather conservative right-wing stance rather than a "Controversial opinion".

I'm afraid... (5.00 / 1) (#87)
by tkatchev on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 02:02:28 PM PST
...that a conservative right-wing stance is the only marginalized one in our society. It seems that stolid Christians with a moral backing are the only oppressed minority left.

Peace and much love...

Oppression (1.00 / 1) (#103)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:38:24 PM PST
Oh yeah...christians never oppress anyone.

Proud to be an American (1.00 / 1) (#91)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 02:28:44 PM PST
I found this article from a link on a music website I frequent.

For the record I would like to say I am not really an Anthrax fan, their music is good for what it is but it's just not for me. That said, this isn't some sort of "trying to protect my band" reaction.

For all of you so-called grown ups I would like you tell you that you aren't acting very grown up. For one, take responsibility in your research and reporting. If you want to report something do complete research and speak factually. You had many facts wrong, which many people have pointed out.

Anthrax has been around for 20 years, and "Spreading the Disease" has been around since the 80s. No one had a problem with it then, but then again Anthrax the disease wasn't really around. Most people who hear the word Anthrax associate it with the band because the disease is so completely rare. If you've been watching the news, until last week there had not been an anthrax related death since the 70s.

Scott Ian, the band's singer and founder, got the name in biology class in highschool. He thought it sounded very "metal" which it does in my opinion. Check out the other metal band names and compare. Anthrax fits right in. You don't have to like the genre, but this is like kindergarten, you look and see what matches and what doesn't. Anthrax matches that genre's style of names.

And besides that fact, the band already feels REALLY bad about this. They aren't being jerks and going "We're gonna profit off this." Scott Ian compares this to WW2 era and saying it would suck right then if he was a band leader named Freddie Hitler. He would really want to change the name. Right now, they are deciding if they want to change it or not. It's a very sensitive time and they are taking it seriously.

As for some idiots out there claiming Anthrax is unAmerican... hello what country do you live in? America is about freedom. America means you can say whatever you want to without fear of persecution. If you insist on censoring then you make this country something it's not. YOU make it unAmerican. Our founding fathers would look at you people and be ashamed. If you want to live in a country where everything is monitored and people aren't allowed to say anything 'wrong' then you should move to a country like Afghanistan where life is very strict and they have rules about these things. If you want to live in a country where freedom is paramount then stay here and accept everyone and BE TOLERANT of all.

Just because you don't like a particular name or a type of music does not make it wrong. It is their choice to make music, and it is your choice not to listen to it. Make that choice.

You don't know Anthrax, and obviously you did not research this or else you would know better. Hell I don't know Anthrax, never met them, but I did read up on them, and I've heard about them through the years. I do know they seem like good people, good Americans, and in a very tough situation.

Instead of wasting your time trying to point fingers at a harmless band that you didn't care about until a few days ago, who did nothing but have a name for 20 years without incident, why don't you try being productive? Do some charity work, enlist in the military, or even just live your life peacefully. You know none of you would care or even know about the band Anthrax if instead of anthrax people were spreading around small pox or something. Think about it.


Dickheads (1.00 / 1) (#105)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 04:44:08 PM PST
Spreading the Disease was released in the 80's you fucking retard. You Americans are fucking stupid. Inestigate before you wright such utter tripe.

Bad, Bad, Anthrax (3.00 / 2) (#110)
by AnthraxDisser on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 06:56:06 PM PST
This brand new band, Anthrax is just horrible. I heard that their singer, Fred Durst, bites the heads off of puppies and threatens to throw the disease anthrax out into the crowd at concerts.
Just the name of their CD, "Hell Awaits" is in itself a sin.
If you play their new album, "Spreading the Disease" backwards, Durst can be heard saying, "Kill yourself with Anthrax, give some to your neighbor."
This is the kind of thing we Americans need to ban from our land of the free.
I wish I had a life.

Even worse Anthrax (3.00 / 2) (#123)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 09:30:40 PM PST
I also heard that their drummer, Angus Young, likes to dress as a school boy so he can lure young school kids and molest them!
And that song they wrote "Fly your plane into the World Trade Centre" was in really poor taste!

ATTENTION LOYAL AMERICANS!!! (5.00 / 2) (#113)
by Mint Waltman on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 07:35:54 PM PST
I, like all of you, am outraged by the actions of the band Anthrax. They are doing little more than profiting on the suffering of victims of bio-terrorism by releasing the disgustingly titled 'Spreading the Disease' in spite of recent events. Well, I say it's time for us good, decent Americans to take back our country and our culture from rock-metal bands. I hate to imagine an impressionable member of the church youth group I lead put down their Michael W. Smith or DC Talk albums and instead listen to the hate and vitriol espoused by these creeps. I imagine they might think it makes them look 'cool' in front of their peers, but it doesn't. It makes Jesus weep.

In order to prevent the above from EVER happening, I have mobilized my youth group to spread the news that these terrible people think our FEAR and ANXIETY over bio-terrorism is something to make light of. We have begun going door-to-door to talk to mothers of teenagers who might be tempted to buy an Anthrax album, or worse, already own one. We have also writen many letters to our local paper outling many of the points dmg made in his informative article, and plan to protest ANY record store that continues to sell Anthrax albums despite their reprehensible behavior.

In addition to the above, I have organized a burning of Anthrax albums to take place later this week in the field outside my church. All are welcome, and those who wish to come over to the good side may do so by exchanging an Anthrax album to be burned later for a Bible.

I urge all of you to take similar actions in your part of this great, God-fearing nation. This country was founded by conservative Christians and God willing it will soon return to that former glory!

Clueless (1.00 / 1) (#114)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 08:07:31 PM PST
You still haven't got a clue, have you. If you had bothered to read any of the replies by the others here, you'd realize that the album "Spreading the Disease" was released 16 years ago.

The more you try and act against the band, the more free publicity they will personally, I thank you for bringing more attention to a great band that hasn't had much press lately. With your "album burnings", more people will be curious, and they'll get to hear some of the best albums put out in the past decade.

Monty Python lives (none / 0) (#117)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 09:02:34 PM PST
This is starting to look more and more like "The Quest for the Holy Grail"

"Burn her...she's a witch!"

"Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!"

Holy Grail (none / 0) (#174)
by Hunsvotti on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:56:53 PM PST
What is the unladen air speed of a Bible Belt podium-pounder?

Holy Grail (none / 0) (#239)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 03:34:23 PM PST
"What about a Taliban Belt podium-pounder?"

"Oh, yeah, well that's different."

"Of course, Taliban Belt podium-pounders are non-migratory..."

(none) (none / 0) (#427)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 25th, 2001 at 10:45:37 PM PST
That's repressed, not opressed.

Yeah, look out loyal Americans! (1.00 / 1) (#119)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 09:08:30 PM PST
I agree wholeheartedly that it is absolutely disgusting how Anthrax is profitting off of others suffering. It's astonishing that they have been allowed to release thirteen albums since September 11.

And it's horrible that they postponed their North American tour from September and October to January and February in the wake of the terrorist attacks. I'm sure they're trying to look sympathetic just so they can sell more albums.

You People Need Help (none / 0) (#230)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 11:06:16 AM PST
Scott Ian,rhythm guitarist founded the band in the early 1980's.The band Anthrax released there first album Fistful Of Metal in 1983.There Spreading The Disease album was released in 1985 and is one of the best metal albums ever released.He is not using the Anthrax name to start controversy because he's been using it for almost 20 years.Get your facts straight you prick.

In that case... (none / 0) (#234)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 01:35:30 PM PST
Spreading The Disease album was released in 1985 and is one of the best metal albums ever released

...I would hate to hear one of the worst metal albums

Worst metal albums (none / 0) (#238)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 03:31:59 PM PST
It's called "Christian metal". I'd hate to hear it, too.

Lol (none / 0) (#433)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 29th, 2001 at 02:20:07 AM PST

anthrax releases 13 albums in less than 2 months? (none / 0) (#351)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 07:42:29 AM PST
////It's astonishing that they have been allowed to release thirteen albums since September 11.

er, what? are you really that stupid?

sarcasm maybe? (none / 0) (#387)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 08:38:05 PM PST
since you are really smart you probably didn't miss the fact that he was being sarcastic - he was simply pointing out that anthrax is not a new band trying to benefit from recent events - that they have released 13 albums before any of this happened.

Why do people try to create problems where no problems do not exist, when there are so many real problems to deal with.

Eh... (1.00 / 1) (#134)
by Hunsvotti on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 03:38:47 AM PST
Are you fucking serious? 'Spreading the Disease' was released in 1985. BTW, how do you know what makes Jesus weep?

/* In order to prevent the above from EVER happening, I have mobilized my youth group to spread the news that these terrible people think our FEAR and ANXIETY over bio-terrorism is something to make light of. */

Your fear and anxiety is making you act like a poorly-written character from a "Jay and Silent Bob" movie.

/* Well, I say it's time for us good, decent Americans to take back our country and our culture from rock-metal bands. */

They are a part of the culture of this and many other nations.

/* I hate to imagine an impressionable member of the church youth group I lead put down their Michael W. Smith or DC Talk albums and instead listen to the hate and vitriol espoused by these creeps. */

I think the reason why they're in your youth group is that they ARE impressionable, because if they were thinking for themselves, they'd go to and other sites and see for themselves what the band is REALLY about.

/* In addition to the above, I have organized a burning of Anthrax albums to take place later this week in the field outside my church. All are welcome, and those who wish to come over to the good side may do so by exchanging an Anthrax album to be burned later for a Bible. */

Why don't you burn a flag too?

/* I urge all of you to take similar actions in your part of this great, God-fearing nation. This country was founded by conservative Christians and God willing it will soon return to that former glory! */

Some of this nation's greatest and best-known founders were Deists who thought that hot-headed, Bible-thumping zealots like you were the bane of all human existence. See the writings of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and Ethan Allen.

You are an idiot (5.00 / 1) (#277)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 19th, 2001 at 03:07:26 PM PST
Read this, you fool:

The Founding Fathers were clearly not Anti-Christians as you suggest.

Dumbass (1.00 / 1) (#204)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 07:37:54 PM PST
Man, I thought bob Larson was bad.You are about the dumbest holyroller piece of shit I've ever seen.

burning albums (none / 0) (#216)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 04:57:33 AM PST
if anything, their album sales are suffering. if i saw people protesting the sale of anthrax albums near here, i would personally protest their right to not get a tire iron bashed knees. the burning of cd's is probably illegal. toxins are released when plastics are burned. i doubt aluminum dust being in young childrens lungs is really something their parents want.

DOH! (none / 0) (#220)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 05:53:57 AM PST
Burn the CD�s ?!? Just send them to me and I�ll figure out some proper use for them.
This whole situation wouldn�t exist if a dumbass looooong time ago wouldn�t have eaten so much mushrooms and figured out that he�s a son of god.

Religion kills.
Music saves.

Mobilize the Youth Group (none / 0) (#255)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 12:10:35 AM PST
You mobilize that Youth Group. I hope you come to my house. I will glady make a copy of some select Anthrax songs for you to listen to.
Let's start with "Who Cares Wins,"
it's about homeless people being the unseen population and to bring awareness to them.
How about "The Enemy," it's off the album Spreading the Disease that came out in 1985 and is about Hitler. It talked about how much of a coward he was by committing suicide so he wouldn't face his crimes.
Let's then have "N.F.L." A song about drug use ruining the life of a musician and that his life was a waste, or, the real title, "Efilnikufesin," nisefuckinlife.
How about "Burst," a song to make you think for yourself and don't judge people. Better watch out for the evil men. They might want you to think and lift your head up out of your bible.
I would like to ask you a question, you probably don't want to hear it though.
The bible was written a long time ago, it's been translated a lot of times right? Hebrew to Latin to German to English. How many mistranslations do you think there are? Also, think about this, floods. Greeks had a flood in mythology, Romans had one too, many Indian tribes did too, Bible has a flood. I bet there was a flood. Did you know the only cultures that didn't have a flood in their culture were either reknown great sailers or were severly land locked? Makes you wonder about that, doesn't it? What if the bible is just another mythology, but written down. How come the Romans kept track of almost everyone during their time. How come Jesus wasn't kept track of. How come the first we heard about him was 30 years after his death?

Well, closing this one up. You can all reach me at or Riehlthing on the Anthrax and Megadeth message board. Oh, by the way, I'm a Lutheran that lifted his head up out of the bible.

Too little... (5.00 / 1) (#267)
by Mint Waltman on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 03:16:59 PM PST
too late. If I were in a rock band that just showed the world how tasteless we were I would be eager to release a bunch of 'feel good' 'help the children' songs posthaste in order to get some good PR. Golly, these Anthrax creeps are even more cynical than I thought. They've already shown their true colors, and they sure as heck aren't red, white and blue.

Cynical creeps (none / 0) (#275)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 19th, 2001 at 09:56:46 AM PST
First of all, you wouldn't be in a rock band, because that's supposed to be the devil's music, isn't it? Who is the cynical creep that's looking for satanic lyrics where there aren't any, who is wasting their time petitioning a band that has nothing to do with the events of Sept. 11 to change their name, instead of helping people feel better himself?

Attention Mint Waltman... (none / 0) (#285)
by Tia on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 02:43:43 AM PST
First of all, you're not like the rest of us. The normal people in this country can distinguish between a music genre and the real world. I think that you are forgetting that this country stands for freedom. Freedom of speech (which includes music), freedom of press (which is why you get to post your neo-Nazi thoughts here) and freedom of religion (which means that all people are free to practice whatever religion they believe in and not have to worry about being persecuted for it). You have trashed all three of those freedoms in your post.

It scares me that you are allowed to influence young people with your facist and Nazi-esque views. Burning albums? And a mighty Sig Heil to you too... Are you planning on a book burning the following week? Perhaps starting with the Qaran? Then you could lock up anyone who looks like they might be from the Middle East, then work your way through the rest of the immigrants in this country and finish it off with a might burning at the stake of all the Liberals. Sounds like a busy month for you.

Why don't you just realize that it's a band name. A name they have had for about 20 years. It's just a name. I can't believe that in this day and age that there are still some people who are as narrow minded as you are and that you are so threatened by a band name.

Personally, I emailed Scott Ian of the band Anthrax and told him that if they decided to cave in to this madness (which I'm sure they won't) they should rename their band Smallpox, Botulism, Plague, or Mustard Gas. I would hate for you to have nothing left to do if they changed their name to "Basket of Puppies". Better yet, why don't you mobilize your youth group (geez that still sounds a little Nazi-like) and give blood or hold a bake sale to raise money for the victims of this tragedy? Why waste so much energy being negative when you can do positive things to help others?

I urge all of the decent normal people in this world to stand up to those madmen (and women) who fight so diligently to take away our rights both here (the conservative right) and abroad (bin Laden).

Wrong. (5.00 / 1) (#289)
by Mint Waltman on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 10:40:49 AM PST
You have trashed all three of those freedoms in your post.

How have I 'trashed' the Bill of Rights by stating my opinion? If anything I'm employing the Bill of Rights. I did not mention their religion (because it's obvious to all of us what it is anyway), their right to release albums or issue press releases. You brought up these issues.

It scares me that you are allowed to influence young people with your facist and Nazi-esque views. Are you planning on a book burning the following week? Perhaps starting with the Qaran? Then you could lock up anyone who looks like they might be from the Middle East, then work your way through the rest of the immigrants in this country and finish it off with a might burning at the stake of all the Liberals.

Invoking my right to protest what I see as immoral is tantamount to fascism? This statement simply reveals the weakness of your agrument. YOU would like to silence ME. YOU are the fascist if anyone is. All I, along with the intelligent contingent of the internet's most controversial website, am doing is calling upon Anthrax to show some decency, not cease making music. Plus, your equating my religion with hate-crimes is thourghly disgusting. I have not made one mention of Islam, the Qaran or immigrants from the Middle East. No doubt you would be enraged if I said Islam is to blame for terrorism. How is your equating my beliefs with hate-crime any different. All of this came from you, and the axe you obviously have to grind with organized religion. This pale attempt at setting up a strawman argument is bad form, and deserving of censure.

Personally, I emailed Scott Ian of the band Anthrax and told him that if they decided to cave in to this madness (which I'm sure they won't) they should rename their band Smallpox, Botulism, Plague, or Mustard Gas.

You're one class act.

Why waste so much energy being negative when you can do positive things to help others?

How's this for positive: Hopefully we soon will no longer have to worry about children walking down the isle of a store and asking their parents about the Anthrax album on display.

Compare You with Nazis, not your religion (none / 0) (#293)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 12:30:22 PM PST
You state that you do not want to cease Anthrax from making music, yet you want to stop "impressionable members" from hearing them, and record stores to stop selling them (and not just Anthrax, but all "rock-metal bands" for that matter). By burning albums and petitioning record stores, you are moving beyond simply stating opinion into action, action that impinges on my freedom to listen to the band, and yes, you do want to silence them.

Personally, I have nothing against your religion, but I am against you wanting to "return to that former glory...founded by conservative Christians", which does imply taking away the rights of others to practise whatever religion they choose and control their "impressionable" minds.

I'm glad you didn't mention Anthrax's religion, because if you had done a similar research of actual facts that led you to incorrectly state that they released "Spreading the Disease" recently, you would no doubt miss the fact that Scott Ian is Jewish. Because given your wish to burn albums, restrict others freedoms, if you had of mentioned his religion you would have further solidified the comparison between yourself (not your religion) to a Nazi regime.

knee-jerk (5.00 / 1) (#296)
by Mint Waltman on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 05:48:19 PM PST
You state that you do not want to cease Anthrax from making music, yet you want to stop "impressionable members" from hearing them,

Anyone who would want to do that is obviously a Nazi.

By burning albums and petitioning record stores, you are moving beyond simply stating opinion into action, action that impinges on my freedom to listen to the band, and yes, you do want to silence them.

First it was my mere opinion that offended you. Now the fact that I'm taking action in the name of what is right offends you. So, is your opposition to the democratic process all encompasing, or is it just when those you disagree with use it that you get riled up?

I am against you wanting to "return to that former glory...founded by conservative Christians", which does imply taking away the rights of others to practise whatever religion they choose and control their "impressionable" minds.

Wrong. This would not take anyone's rights away. All would be free to practise whatever religion they choose- even the Catholics. This stands in stark contrast to today's social/political atmosphere were being a decent Christian could be dangerous to your health. There are many who won't be satisfied until Christians are once again thrown to the lions.

Scott Ian is Jewish.

Doesn't mean he can't be tasteless.

You are right (none / 0) (#301)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 11:31:20 PM PST
You are absolutely right. I should not let ignorant people with uniformed opinions that want to tell me what I can and cannot listen to offend me. Anthrax has announced that they will not be changing their name, so this is a pointless argument.

I do thank you, however, for raising the public's awareness of one of my favorite bands. Though they did not want to capitilize on others suffering, you have helped them to do just that.

Go ahead and organize your album burning, if that helps you to deal with your misplaced anger from the events of Sept. 11. Personally, I'll stick to a more constructive way of dealing with those unfortunate events, by attending a fund-raiser for New York City fire fighters on Nov. 28. You may have heard of the organizers...their a band from New York named Anthrax.

Thanks to everyone for this "intellectual" discussion.

You are such an idiot... (none / 0) (#299)
by Tia on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 11:12:32 PM PST
You have so totally proven my point. You are only interested in YOUR rights and not the rights of others. What happened to everyone else's right to buy Anthrax albums? If you don't like it, don't buy it, don't listen to it. Their music isn't really considered mainstream and you're not likely to hear it on whatever Christian radio station you listen to so why does this even interest you.

Most of the normal people in this country understand that it's just a band name. They are not cashing in on any tragedy, they had the name before the psychos started using it as a weapon of terror. As far as my email to Scott Ian, I can see that a sarcastic wit (hell, any wit) is totally beyond the comprehension of your small mind.

You did get one thing right, I am against organized religion. It is set up to alienate people rather than to lift them up. Organized religion is the basis of many wars and atrocities against humans. The fact that you mentioned your "Christian youth group" and "burning albums" in the same sentence proves that. Censorship is where the Nazis started. They burned those books which did not agree with their philosophy. You're doing the exact same thing. What right do you have to impose your religion and YOUR morals on everyone else? Why should Anthrax change the name that they have had for more than 20 years just to please you? What difference will all of this make in another 20 years. There are a lot more relevent battles to fight, but making a band change their name just because it now happens to be associated with terrorism is small minded, petty and ridiculous.

Burning records (none / 0) (#305)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 21st, 2001 at 08:43:10 AM PST
OK,so you write whatever you want who cares. While you are out burning records why don't you think about the air. Yes the air. Burning vinyl and plastic can't be goog for the air. Maybe you can include the location of the Church so the EPA can pay you a visit!

Whatever.... (none / 0) (#295)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 03:15:20 PM PST
Oh you hate metal but I see you don't know anything about it. You don't know anything about the band you're talking about. Why don't you go to their site and read their lyrics and then talk. Yes metal can be all about hate but it can also be about love and peace.

ANTHRAX and your misguided intentions (none / 0) (#298)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 07:11:09 PM PST
As a group who claims to be for the "outsiders" of our great nation, I feel it my duty to inform you and your followers of your grave misrepresention here.

I am urging everyone on this site to NOT, I repeat NOT partake in this absurd farce to try and get the heavy metal band Anthrax to change their name in light of recent events. In a world today changed because of the events of September 11th, you are mistakenly aiming your efforts to bring about a change at the wrong target.

I am a 27 year old college educated productive member of society. What's more, I am one of the soldiers overseas protecting your country so people like yourself have the right to partake in such tomfoolery as this. Since you are writing this column in honor of "our men and women fighting overseas", I refuse to have my name and that of my fellow soldiers used for such a disgraceful and wrong purpose.

I am appalled at your completely unfair and totally uneducated attempt at getting Anthrax to change their name. The main reason for my disdain is because of your COMPLETE and INEXCUSEABLE lack of research on the issue. The saddest part of your assault on them was that all the information you needed to avoid this waste of cyberspace was right in front of your eyes in the quotation you pulled directly from the website.

I don't know who any of you are and I won't judge you as naive or culturally inept with your lack of knowledge of the band Anthrax heretofore. I do not expect you to be able to name their songs or bandmembers verbatim the way I can, and I understand that because of it you are at a distinct disadvantage. However I do feel it my job to inform you of your gross inaccuracies about the band unfairly portrayed in this waste of cyberspace you refer to as a "petition".

These are the TRUTHS about the band ANTHRAX, whom I have been listening to since their inception.
**Note: Please understand that in no way is my opinion biased because of my enjoying their music--I would have gladly defended, say, Wayne Newton if you had lambasted him so attrociously.

-ANTHRAX is NOT a "grind core" band. They play
heavy thrash-metal. By pigeonholing them as a different genre of music than they actually play,
you set the stage for the further fallacies to come.

-ANTHRAX is NOT a "devil-worshipping" band.

-ANTHRAX grew up in New York, still live there,
and know a hell of a lot more about the true
brevity of the events on September 11th than you
may think!

-ANTHRAX is not a band of carefree rockstars who
pose about in lavish luxury as you portray--rather quite the contrary. I have met guitarist Scott Ian in person in Connecticut a few years ago, and can attest he is a gentleman in spite
of his rock-star status you claim as a shortcoming. The band has performed with Afro-American musicians outside of their genre in an effort to promote racial harmony within the ranks of rock music. The band has also
performed charity concerts for the homeless,
their cause-celebre, on a regular basis--even
performing a song about the homeless in and
around their New York on their "State of
Euphoria" album called "Who Cares Wins". You may
also find it interesting to note that the band does not drink or do drugs of any kind, and promotes a drug-free lifestyle.

-And above all, and most the most blatant misrepresentation in your calvacade of faux-pas is the fact that ANTHRAX, the band you erroneously refer to as a "new" band, has actually been around since the days of New Coke, DeLoreans and Reaganomics. Infact, the so called "new" album you referred to as the most offensive, "Spreading The Disease", was actually in existence since--gasp!!--1985!!

I will tell you to save your breath, because your pleas will fall on deaf ears. The band has decided to stick to their name. And why shouldn't they?? Hasn't any of the last few weeks taught you anything about the scare-tactics?? The ritualistic name-changing of a band will do little to curb the already minute threat of Anthrax (the disease) in our country. All it will do is feed the Taliban press or whatever sick faction is responsible for this, with further ammunition to appease their die-hard ranks, and help them believe that they are winning the war against America. President Bush insisted Americans continue on living our lives as before, and I would liken this suggestion on your part to the recent decline in travel due to people avoiding airplanes--once again, positive feedback for the enemy's front. What's more, as I've clearly shown above and any researcher truly worth their salt can plainly see, the band ANTHRAX has predated the current scare that bears the same name by two decades. And your lameattempts to re-name the band (Aunt-Wax?? COME ON!!) are about as mealy-mouthed as the information you posted on this site.

I say again--as a soldier defending your country, I am ashamed at this aberration of the First Amendment. Your attempt to undermine this band, spearheading them as an accomplice in the insidious events of the past few weeks, let alone the past month is nothing more than a smear campaign.

I am cc'ing this letter to the ANTHRAX fan email to let them know about this ridiculous petition, and am urging everybody to disregard this ludicrous petition as rubbish. The fact remains that ANTHRAX the band had nothing to do with the recent outbreaks. Their name is nothing more than an ironic coincidence. And to the author of this shameless smear campaign, I urge you to research your facts thoroughly before you post any information on the internet or any other medium under the guise of a well-learned source.

By the way, I AM a conservative, believe in Jesus, and have taken the Lord into my heart as my savior. Unlike you, sir--I choose to not use my religious leanings as an excuse to ascend a soapbox. Enjoy your record burning, and I along with the members of ANTHRAX will happily rejoice at the added linings to their pockets because of the albums you so foolishly purchased!!


RE: ANTHRAX and your misguided intentions (none / 0) (#347)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 07:26:28 AM PST
I was trying to come up with some things to say about this absurd petition, but I think David did a very good job saying what anyone who has ever listened to Anthrax, let alone listened for the last 15+ years, was wanting to say. All I have to say to the writer of this article/petition is that you should be ashamed of yourself, and to David, right-fucking-on. Dan

Here, Here! (none / 0) (#382)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 07:28:07 PM PST
Well said. Reactionary and ignorant "reporting" like that done on this page makes me sick. I'm glad not everyone is so easily lead.

In defense of the band ANTHRAX (none / 0) (#323)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 09:21:58 PM PST
You ignorant morons. The band ANTHRAX has been
around since the early 1980's, and the album "Spreading The Disease" was released back in ** 1985 ** That was 16 years ago !! The band
IS NOT profiting off any of the unfortunate going-ons in this country. If you want to be pissed off at someone, get pissed off at those who are trying to hurt this country !!

your right (none / 0) (#337)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 01:12:12 AM PST
Anthrax has been around since long before many people had heard of the disease. i do think that they need to change their name just based of the fact that a few people have gotten the disease. who ever wrote this article has certainly not done any research on the subject and has no room to talk.

That's amazing (none / 0) (#339)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 02:29:36 AM PST
I live in Denmark and hope that what we hear about "stupid Americans" is just a generalization every day. But they certainly exist, you remind me of. It's been a long while since I've seen someone as ignorant as you. Your complete and utter lack of understanding of basic logic combined with the Jihad-ish desire to censor anything you don't like or don't seem "fit" for people (who must be just as ignorant as you to let you do it, otherwise they would be able to think for themselves instead of letting people like you attempt at it) makes me not only disgusted, but also very scared. I hope that you are one of a kind and that you will never get any kind of influence on a larger scale. I feel truly sorry for those kids you claim to be indoctrinating.

Regards, Jacob A.

ok (none / 0) (#348)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 07:32:22 AM PST
err...freedom of speech anyone??

anthrax (none / 0) (#349)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 07:36:15 AM PST
it's not like Anthrax (the band) just recently formed after the cases of anthrax (the bacteria) have happened. Anthrax (band) has been together for 20 years or so... if you people would actually read the press release and what the band members have to say you would see that the name appealed to one of them in a biology class and he thought it sounded cool... not "hey let's name our band after this because it's a horrible bacteria that can be used in biological warfare and kill lots of people!" the members of Anthrax have expressed their sympathy towards the victims of 9-11 and the anthrax bacteria... they did not expect anything like this to happen. let it be... fight the terrorists, not the artists..

Ignorance is America (none / 0) (#350)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 07:40:22 AM PST
I do not listen to Anthrax. I AM a Christian. And I think all you morons asking the band to change their name are complete and total idiots. America is so ready to attack something that makes them feel uncomfortable. If you wanted Anthrax to change their name why not ask them 20 years ago when they first emerged? The band can't help that we're having an anthrax scare in 2001. It has nothing to do with the band. Asking the band to change their name in the name of Christianity and God sickens me. As a Christian, my biggest struggle is dealing with other Christians. My favorite bumper sticker is, "God, save me from your followers." Anthrax can't be cashing in on the anthrax scare because they aren't making any money from it! America is ignorant and stupid. Amen!

Hitler did the same, didn't he? (none / 0) (#352)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 08:57:12 AM PST
Please note that I'm anonymous cause I don't want to hear anything of this site again!

Hello, I'm writing from Germany. We truely feel with all americans who lost relatives and friends. But I, and among a lot of others, do NOT feel for misguided "Bible-Belt terrorists", who think that they can blame rock-bands for crashing down the two towers of the WTC or even more ridiculous, spreading the disease, just because that's their title of a CD released in 1985. Maybe these are the same people killing doctors who procure abortion.
When this affair comes into European press, I tell you that there will be a lot of laugher because of the stupidness and ignorance of some americans. We believe in almost the same things as you, but sometimes we have to laugh..
Everytime an American sues a company because he has spilled some coffee or something and gets 4 million dollars, we have to laugh.
But let me tell you that no one laughed as these two towers crashed, no one. Hell, these people sueing and whining are just leaving us no other opportunity...

But I don't know if I now have to laugh or to weep. Because this is just too ridiculous. Do something useful, as I, cause I note that I waste my time on this and I've got to finish these declaration.

Metalheadz of America, united we stand!
Against those

Uh, just forgot... (none / 0) (#354)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 09:02:52 AM PST
Ooops, I just forgot to explain my headline:
Burning CDs reminds me of Hitler doing the same with books during the third Reich.
I hope you're sleeping well over there.

wowzers. (none / 0) (#385)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 08:23:33 PM PST
yes. since anthrax is such a new band. and their first cd entitled "spreading the disease" came out so recently. they are trying to profit from people dying.

oh wait. they have had that name for about 20 years. anf that cd came out in 1985. yeah. they are definitely trying to profit off of this. what the heck are you thinking? someone always has to try to blame someone for something that they had nothing to do with. i don't understand people. you are attacking someone you have never met, talked to, or even read about, and telling people to burn cd's of this band? why didn't you do this a year ago? they had the same name. anthrax the powder stuff caused the same problems. but they didn't have to change their name then. they just have to do it now because it "offends" people.

you have no idea what you are talking about, and yet you are telling everyone about how this band is trying to profit off of a national tragedy. i don't get it.

get a real life (none / 0) (#386)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 08:37:04 PM PST
i can't believe you are serious about this. Anthrax was one of the most highly influenctial bands of the early 80's.

it is right wing conservative people like yourself that still plague this country. it is people that you that will not accept people for their differences and thus cause prejudice. its people like you that call for the racial discrimination against other races, religions, and sexual preferences just because they are different. maybe if you could sit down for about an hour and expanded your mind about topics, you wouldn't be a loser.

the fact that this topic is coming up 21 years after they formed, is stupid. why don't you go tell elton john to change something about himself since he is openly gay and that "corrupts the minds of your children?" get a life. i don't know where you think you have this authority to tell a person to change their name. how about this. your first name is Mint. i personally hate the flavor mint, so i want you to change your name right now cuz it offends me and causes me to vomit everytime i think about it.

also you talk about god and christians. first of all this country is not catholic. the main focus of America is freedom. that includes freedom to practice any religion and also free speech. just because our president is catholic and he talks about "GOD" in all his address, doesn't mean that the country has a designated religion. it is kind of like the language of this country. there is none because there is a diverse number of groups in this country, that you cannot force people to speak a certain language. that is not freedom, that is slavery.

i really couldn't care less what you manipulate your youth group to do. don't try to persuade a group of musicians to change their name they have had for 20+ years just because you are offended by it. it you don't like it then you don't have to listen to the music. its as simple as that. they do not create the disease nor promote it. its a name, get over it. do you want jefferson airplane to change their name just because planes crashed into the twin towers? i wouldn't think so. i rest my case. leave the band alone and learn to do extra research on things before you shoot off your mouth about something that you boviously have no clue about.

by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 07:25:06 AM PST
I think it's ridiculous how many of you have decided to start a rally against the band ANTHRAX. They are not sending anthrax in envelopes and they were deeply affected by the tragedies on 9/11 as we all were. They are not trying to capitalize on the recent events, they are just being who they always have been, one of the best and most influential metal bands of all-time. I've met them before, and they are just regular guys who like to have a good time and make great music. It's sad to see people attack them for something they are not guilty of. I am also a CHRISTIAN, but I'm tired of seeing certain Christians trying to make enemies and fight with people who are more innocent than they are, and claim to be holier than thou with all the answers. We are all human, and nobody's perfect, but claiming that ANTHRAX has recorded 13 albums since 9/11 is ridiculous and starting ralies to burn their albums is completey insane. They are just a band that diserves our respect and our sympathy especially in a time like this (Some of them actually reside in NYC). They should not be condemned for something they never intended to do. How would you like it if you had a three year old son named OSAMA, and everyone who knows you and doesn't know you or anything about you, began demanding in public that you change your son's name, because they claim that you are just trying to get attention from the events of 9/11. Open your eyes and your minds, and get your facts straight before you make these untruthful statements. Leave ANTHRAX (the band) alone, and God Bless America.

Change his name for the love of God. (none / 0) (#401)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 09:23:15 AM PST
How would you like it if you had a three year old son named OSAMA, and everyone who knows you and doesn't know you or anything about you, began demanding in public that you change your son's name, because they claim that you are just trying to get attention from the events of 9/11.

How can you not rename your son ? Do you realise the amount of hatred he will experience when he starts school ? Not everyone is as intelligent as the readers of this website, they will not make the conceptual leap from name=>value that we find so easy.

At best he will be taunted in the playground. At worse he could be the victim of a racial attack, or even murder.

Please, for your son's sake, change his name, or make Osama his middle name. It is unfortunate, I know, but sometimes pragmatism must come before principles.

UPDATE (none / 0) (#406)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 12:41:30 PM PST

All of you are idiots. (none / 0) (#400)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 07:31:30 AM PST
Anthrax (the band) has used that name for a good 20 years now. Joey Belladonna wasn't even the original singer, and is no longer in the band (since 1993)yet your article says that he should rename "his" band. "Spreading the Disease" is NOT the name of a new Anthrax album, but a very old one that was released in *1985*. That's sixteen years ago. I decided to do the math for you since NONE of you are apparently intelligent enough to subtract.
All of you self-righteous A-holes should be ashamed of yourself for being flamingly IGNORANT and accusing a band for "cashing in" on the current crisis when every single one of your "facts" are pure 100% bullsh-t. You want someone to blame? How about getting off your asses and HELPING the cause against terrorism, such as volunteering at the Red Cross, instead of venting your ignorant frustration on a band that has nothing to do with what's going on with the current war?
I spit in all of your faces; figuratively, and if I ever see you in person, literally too. You make me sick.

you ignorant man (none / 0) (#435)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 29th, 2001 at 09:18:02 PM PST
I would rather burn a bible. The one book that seems to be ok for any child to read is full of adultery and torture. And you continue to look for scapegoats in metal music. Does god not use plagues to vanquish the wicked? Think before you speak.

Anthrax (none / 0) (#443)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Nov 19th, 2001 at 10:41:29 PM PST
You're a fucking Nazi. That's what you are. Nazis like you should try reading books instead of burning them. Ok, so we're talking about music. Anyway, how would you feel if I burned Bibles instead? I wouldn't make any prejudiced statement. Heh heh. I'd throw in the Koran and the Torah, along with the Book of Mormon, and I wouldn't hesitate to include any religious material I felt like. Hell, I might even throw in a flag.

Except I'm not a Nazi. I'm a free-born free-thinking citizen of the United States of America, and I'm not a fair-weather patriot. I love freedom first, this country second.

That is what Anthrax sings about. If they don't mind, I'll borrow a little quote from them:

"I'm gonna tell you a story,
A tale of wrong and right,
And freedom is the reason
you can't take it without a fight

So now I'm starting up a posse
to come and look for you
we're gonna put a stop
to what you want to do

You fucking whore
That's all you are"

ad nauseum. It's the greates anti-censorship song ever written. You should thank the great country that provides them with the freedom to sing that song, because it also provides you with the freedom to PURCHASE their albums so you can burn them.

You fucking idiot.


Startin' up a posse (1.00 / 1) (#122)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 09:26:52 PM PST
Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape
These seven words they're trying to take
Right or wrong, it's our choice to make
America the beautiful, land of the free
Don't change the words to land of hipocrisy

Startin' up a Posse 2001 (none / 0) (#222)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 08:28:30 AM PST
Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape, Anthrax
These eight words they're trying to axe
It's their fault aiport security was lax
America the beautiful, but don't send us your poor
America the free...not anymore

The terrorists have won (1.00 / 1) (#124)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 14th, 2001 at 09:35:16 PM PST
Look at the in-fighting over a innocently-intentioned and unfortunately named band has created in the wake of Sept. 11.

In case we've all forgotten, the band, listeners of heavy metal music, and the religious right are not the enemy.

But the terrorists have made us so. They achieved what they set out to do. They won. Our society has lost.

Journalism 101 (1.00 / 1) (#129)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 12:15:49 AM PST
Only because you tag yourselves as "News for Grownups" do I even want to point out these basic lessons from Jounalism 101:

Let me introduce you to the two biggest enemies of a true journalist: slander and libel. Slander, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is "the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation". Libel, also according to Merriam-Webster, is " 1.)a written or oral defamatory stement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression 2. a) a statement or representation published without just cause and tending to expose another to public contempt 2. b) defamation of a person by written or representational means". Now, journalists who pride themselves on integrity and credibilty take special care to not venture into the unethical realms of slander and libel (much how you guys avoid Sodom and Gomorrah).
DMG, you made reference to your use of the Internet as a research tool; however, you apparently didn't have the presence of mind (or desire to double-check your research) to recognize that a quick trip to or or any other website that sells music CD's would have given you the correct historical band info as well as their discography. I'm all for free speech, but it saddens me to think that there are people like you trying to pass biased rhetoric rife with falsehoods off as factual information to a group of people who are uninformaed and could benefit from an accurate and complete story.
Without getting into a spitting contest about citing specific cases, if memory serves correctly, this type of reporting does meet the criteria for libel. There is a plain and clear intent to defame the band Anthrax. Regardless of whether you are a fan of the band or not, I would hope that there are other readers out there who are passionate in their pursuit for honesty, accuracy and integrity in the media that we so desperately depend on for information. You see, when we no longer expect our journalists to be true and ethical, they will no longer be journalists but propagandaists. (Recall the German newsreels about the "work-camps" circa WW2). Please, please,, change your tagline to "Propaganda for Grown-ups", because your operation is far from a legitimate news group.

keep your day job (5.00 / 1) (#142)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 08:23:15 AM PST
It's awfully nice of you to play mister lawyer man, but you have both your facts and your law completely wrong.

The members of the band Anthrax are celebrities né plus ultra. As celebrities, Anthrax must meet a higher standard (actual malice) to prove libel than would non-celebrities (who must only show that false statements were made and harm was incurred). See Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts and Associated Press v. Walker.

So even if we accept your critique of dmg's reporting (which we need not and should not do), your accusation of libel is groundless. Inasmuch as dmg is a private individual governed by the standard articulated in Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc., you yourself should be wary of committing libel with these accusations.

Well, lookit you! (1.00 / 1) (#173)
by Hunsvotti on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:54:19 PM PST
Mr. FindLaw strikes again! His only mistake was assuming that dmg was trying for any kind of journalistic integrity in the first place, rather than going off on a long and tedious (and yet, morbidly fascinating) tirade against perceived evil.

Actually, any chance of integrity was lost (1.00 / 1) (#141)
by THC 1138 on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 08:20:00 AM PST
a long time ago. This site is either a big joke, and a bunch of kids who run this are laughing at all the idiots falling for their "trolls", or this is a "serious" site that goes to every length to ensure that the facts are presented, and that positive debate is encouraged.
I even posted that Onion clip about "Freedoms Curtailed in Defense of Liberty", but I think they removed it.

How does it feel? Well it feels f**king blind. - b. k.

Scoop (1.00 / 1) (#175)
by Hunsvotti on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 12:02:29 AM PST
<blockquote>Scoop is a "collaborative media application". It falls somewhere between a content management system, a web bulletin board system, and a weblog. Scoop is designed to enable your website to become a community. It empowers your visitors to be the producers of the site, contributing news and discussion, and making sure that the signal remains high.</blockquote>

Thus spake That's the engine Adequacy runs on. Long story short: Anyone can post an article, and the stuff with the most interest percolates to the top.

It's hopeless (1.00 / 1) (#144)
by klaivu on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 08:48:15 AM PST
A believing man does not think, and a thinking man does not believe - It's impossible to win a debate against the type of fanatic seen here. Topmost in their thought world are the concepts of their religion, everything else underneath. In their minds, all that secondary info is explained with god, ie. the religious set of thinking. The image of metal bands as influential groups of satan-worshippers is too imprinted in their minds to even consider the concept of a socially conscious and critical band that uses the word 'satan' repeatedly or is atheistic. All they see is that near-religious symbol and react accordingly.

It's useless to plead them find out what this band is about. You can validate your point with a shower of facts, but they still won't listen. Their view on things is so set they'll never doubt themselves wrong. Faith is doubtless belief. Easy to apply to many more things than the holy babble.

name change: what would that change ?? (1.00 / 1) (#147)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:34:14 AM PST
The band Anthrax has been around for 20 years or so. Hard to claim that they are "cashing in" due to the events of 9/11. How can someone logging onto their website, looking for other information, learn anything about the band or their audience.

I wear a suit to work, I'm a concerned parent, and I listen to Anthrax. BIG DEAL.

Go see the GWAR website and look at the announcement for their new cd ( That was posted/ recorded well before 9/11. That does not reflect support for current events.

These bands represent what is great about the US.

Anthrax Scare (1.00 / 1) (#148)
by KingV on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 11:55:26 AM PST
First of all, let me start by saying how ridiculous this whole thing is.

I agree that if we give in and change stupid little things in our daily life, we are just giving in to terrorism.

Why don't we just delete everything offensive? How about they change their name to "Kiss My Ass" or "Mind Your Own Damn Business"?

They have had the name Anthrax for many years, and Dave Mustaine has absolutely nothing to do with the band, except that his band toured with them for HALF of last year. If you knew anything at all about what you are talking about you would also know that the actual man "insulting the record buying public with his irredeemable horrifically tasteless posturing" as you put it is Scott Ian, who happens to be bald.

I am not a huge fan of Anthrax, but you need to at least get your facts straight before making a post about what someone else should or shouldn't do.

I happen to be on a HAZMAT Response Team in a major US city. Our Anthrax run volume has gone through the roof over the past two weeks. Every single run has been from some uneducated person letting their imagination run wild. We all have to be careful, not scared.
There is a guy here that is now facing a 20 year sentence for leaving an envelope of a white powder that is used every day in their shop, on his buddy's desk. He expected to be there when it was opened on monday, but his buddy worked on saturday and found it. The prankster was notified by phone and immediately told what he had done. Although that was horribly bad timing on his part, 20 years seems a little like overcompensation to me. "We can't get the one's that actually did this, so let's just get who we can" mentality. That's the same mentality it takes to petition a Thrash band to change their name because YOU feel it's offensive.

If you don't like the name or the music, all you have to do is ignore it. Don't buy their CD's & don't go to their shows!

Don't bother trying to argue with me about the Constitution or Morals or Religion. Frankly I don't have the time, and very little that you have to say has any merit to me at this point. KingV

Some people are morons (2.50 / 2) (#154)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 04:55:52 PM PST
The Guy who posted the lyrics didn't even know that half of them were not even lyrics from anthrax, that alone made me fall on the floor laughing, he also didn't take a look to see what they really mean.

To the guy who said he would only let his kids listen to anthrax if they did and accoustic tour and played handel, who cares what you think, most metal bands are pro-America, go to some sites you will see that they are having anti-Bin Laden statements and showing condolences from the attacks, and if you would actually read closely to the article on their site they say that to even be associated with the terror makes them feel bad and they arent changing their name because they feel there is no need too because they hope there are no more cases of anthrax. The hard rock band Jackyl isn't even remotely anti-american as they released a song on there website with the lyrics:







If metalheads are so anti-american how come most of the ones including me want the terrorists dead, man you are one stupid moron. We have rights just because we have had bad sterotypes doesnt mean we are bad people.

Jackyl? (none / 0) (#242)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 03:55:40 PM PST
Those lyrics and the band Jackyl are exactly the antithesis of what heavy metal stands for.

Check out the lyrics to the Anthrax songs posted earlier.

Another offensive name--BioWar Corp. (5.00 / 2) (#160)
by moriveth on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 08:27:04 PM PST
BioWar Corp., best known as designers of the popular Baldur's Gate series of Dungeons and Dragons Role Playing Games, is every bit as insensitive a name as Anthrax. What does it say about a company which, after recent events, continues to call itself shorthand for "Biological Warfare"?

If my fellow readers need any further convincing, BioWar Corp. designed a game called "MDK2", where "MDK" stands for "Murder Death Kill"--thus demonstrating that their insensitivity does not stop with the company name. I believe they were also involved in the creation of the notoriously violent title Postal.

Clearly, efforts to convince BioWar of the errors of its ways should be a primary focus of our campaign.

Insanity (none / 0) (#207)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 08:42:27 PM PST
Are you completely insane?

Its called BIOWARE.

Ware not War.

Bio as in Biological...guess what, all LIFE is Biological.

What they mean with this name is that their "commodity" is living beings, they take pride in their work and their efforts.

This has nothing to do with Bio Warfare whatsoever, to even insinuate it is absurd.

BioWare Corporation (none / 0) (#208)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 08:47:13 PM PST
You all should be aware that the name of the company is in fact BioWare, not BioWar. It is a reference to the fact that they make games starring *people* and that their product is *software*.

In addition, Bioware had *nothing* to do with the game "Postal". That was published by Ripcord Games. Please check your sources before writing such a diatribe against a firm. I found this information out in exactly 30 seconds in a GOOGLE-search.

BioWare.. (none / 0) (#226)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 09:00:10 AM PST
First off, its BioWare, not Biowar.
This name originated because the founders were doctors, who originally wrote Medical Simulation Software. Hence the "Bio". Ware is simply short for "Software".

Postal - Not made by BioWare.

MDK2 - Stands for "Max, Doctor, Kurt" The names of the three main characters in the game. The "murder death kill" thing is a reference taken from the movie "Demolition Man", and was then later used as a "hey, thats what that means"

And for the record, they're Canadian, not American.

You don't make sense (5.00 / 1) (#227)
by dmg on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 09:46:36 AM PST
And for the record, they're Canadian, not American.

You say they are Canadian, not American, and yet Canada makes up over 50% of the north American land mass.

Could you explain please why you assert that Canadians are not Americans, when anyone with a basic understanding of geography knows that to be Canadian IMPLIES that one is American.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

Americans vs. Canadians (none / 0) (#232)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 01:11:11 PM PST
It's a simple fact that citizens of the USA call themselves "American", not "United Statesians".

Candians are "North American", but not "American", and would be offended to be called American.

Perhaps (none / 0) (#233)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 01:33:35 PM PST
Perhaps from your narrow viewpoint you are correct. However to the international community, you will always be considered American whether you choose to be offended or not! :-)

American vs. Canadian (none / 0) (#237)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 03:30:39 PM PST
Outside the US, most people do know that Canada and the USA are separate countries, and know the difference between a Canadian and an American. Too bad that you don't.

OK, I'll try and make it easy for you. (none / 0) (#257)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 05:22:00 AM PST
and know the difference between a Canadian and an American.

All Canadians are American
All USAians are American
All Mexicans are Americna
All Brazillians are American
All Venezuelans are American
All Peruvians are American
All Argentinians are American
All Guatemalans are American
All Chileans are American
All Columbians are Americna
All Bolivians are American
All Ecuadoreans are American
All Panamanians are American

Do you understand NOW ?

Geography (none / 0) (#260)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 09:59:01 AM PST
Gee, you must have aced geography, because you could label a map of the entire Western Heisphere with just one word. Nevermind that there is a "North" or a "South" in there. Name me one Brazilian or Chilean that calls him or herself "American".

I can name one (5.00 / 1) (#287)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 09:31:45 AM PST
Name me one Brazilian or Chilean that calls him or herself "American".

My friend Jose Dominguez from Rio de Janiero calls himself American, since he lives on the South American continent.

North vs. South (none / 0) (#292)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 11:54:47 AM PST
Does he specify "South American" or simply "American"? Believe it or not, there is a difference.

As for the Chilean-American comment, there is a difference between someone who is from Chile and is currently living in the US (hence "Chilean-American"), vs. a native living in Chile, who is a Chilean and a South American. Or would you assert that because we call them "African-Americans" that everyone from Africa would also be considered American?

Tell it like it is.... (none / 0) (#438)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 30th, 2001 at 02:46:45 PM PST
your friend Jose is a dork

Chilean American (5.00 / 1) (#290)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 11:10:34 AM PST
I have a friend who is Chilean. He is an American, a Chilean American. I call him a Chilli Bean.

You are an idiot (none / 0) (#276)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 19th, 2001 at 02:58:01 PM PST
Let me make it simple and plain why people from the United States of America call themselves Americans, and their country America. It's because the United States of America is the only country with the word "America" in its official title. Interestingly, there are at least several other countries with the words "United States" in their official title, including the United States of Mexico and the United States of Brazil (fellow "American" nations). We don't call them the "United States". All "United States" does by being in the title is roughly indicate what system of government the nation has. It is "America" which defines the people and name of the nation.

Living in North America doesn't = American. (none / 0) (#303)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 21st, 2001 at 12:38:25 AM PST
Fine, see what happens when you call a Mexican citizen an American. I bet you you wont be walking for a month or two

Narrow viewpoint (none / 0) (#245)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 04:39:50 PM PST
It's YOUR narrow viewpoint that gives Americans a bad name as being arrogant ego-centric assholes.

Yeah, whatever. (none / 0) (#247)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 04:57:19 PM PST
Occaisonally we Canadians get mistaken for Americans over seas, yes. But generally when we tell them we're Canadian they seem to treat us better. I wonder why this is?

Hell yeah! (none / 0) (#262)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 10:39:17 AM PST
The international community does seem to be able to tell the difference between a Canadian and an American. It's the US citizens (I guess I'll have to use this term so you won't get too confused) that don't seem to understand the difference.

what rock have you been under? (none / 0) (#320)
by wyldron on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 08:27:30 PM PST
ok tell you what. tell a canadian he/she is an american and see how fast you either A: get ripped a new one......or B: get the snot beat out of you.......

ANTHRAX and others (none / 0) (#361)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 11:23:26 AM PST
Hey, all of you! Don't you have enough of demonizing heavy metal, role playing games, and videogames? If you don't like 'em, don't buy 'em! Freedom of expression and freedom of choice are the best qualities we can have in our life (and many don't have them at all!). So please, find a better topic to discuss! Anthrax should remain Anthrax. The bloody disgusting act of war in ANY case and form doesn't concern music. Music is UNION, non separation. Enough with this! Anthrax forever!

How, I ask, is the name of the band hurting you? (none / 0) (#372)
by ArmoredSaint on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 02:17:23 PM PST
You've got to be kidding me. People, let's come to our senses. I know everyone has to blame something or complain about something related to this, but how in the world is the name of the band Anthrax hurting you or offending you so much that you want them to change their name?

Just because they are heavy metal,(and for all you people who think they are "speed-metal" or "death metal" - they ARE NOT. Speed or death metal is a seperate genre to their music. They are just plain and simple heavy metal/hard rock.), doesnt mean that they are satanic or like what is going on right now because it's bringing evil upon the world. And they certainly are not doing this to get more attention and therefore make more money.

This situation is out of the band's grasp. The band has been making music since the early 1980's! They shouldn't have to change it just because of anthrax the bug is starting to break out just now.

They have never been demonic or satanic in there almost 20 year career. Heavy metal does not mean you are satanic or worship the devil or whatever. Thats just a very, very popular stereotype. I know they have an album out called "Spreading the Disease", but it came out YEARS ago and not just recently as quite a few of you claim. You better get your info straight before writing about it.

Yeah, sure, I'm sure they'd just be so very happy to change their name to Ant-wax or whatever for the time being until this situation 'passes over'. Who knows how long that could be! If that is the case, then they should just throw in the towel right now and call it quits. Now there is a smart solution. Just quit what you have been doing almost your entire life just because your name is "offending" people because a horrible bug that coincides with your name is out.

THE BAND HAS NO CONTROL OVER THIS! They are not doing it on purpose! They are not trying to cause any harm. Therefore, they will NOT change their name just to make you sleep better at night!

Anthrax and other issues (0.70 / 0) (#374)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 02:45:22 PM PST
Its quite comical how one person can create such a big fuss with the wrong facts. maybe some research would have been a good idea before posting such forced on the public opinions that are quite clearly out of context (duh.)

to throw in my two cents, here goes.

1. The band Anthrax, which coincidentally were once based out of New York, are near the celebration of their 20 year anniversary.

2. Once you get further than Toronto, Canadian culture is LARGELY different than American. Close-bordered Canadians share common attitudes with Americans. Our continent is called North America, containing 3 countries; Canada, The United States of America, and Mexico. Together we all are North America, individually we are citizens of our respective country.

3. Why do we all of the sudden have to go after software creators because of their names? what happened to content control because of the moral christian bullshit?

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
not Toronto, America.

Research much? (none / 0) (#246)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 04:53:10 PM PST
Well, first off, get it straight. It's BioWare. Not BioWar. So, that basically invalidates your whole arguement. Have a nice day. :)

get a life!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#317)
by wyldron on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 08:18:49 PM PST
ok!. first off the name of the company is BIOWARE!!!!!! with an "E" on the end!!!!!!! NOT BioWar. If people are going to try and make changes for the better they should REALLY do thier homework first and PAY ATTENTION to the little details. you know LIKE THE WAY THE DAMN NAME IS SPELLED MAYBE!!!!

um.... (none / 0) (#360)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 11:07:24 AM PST
get help now....thank u....and check your facts, ok

it's BiowarE (none / 0) (#441)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 1st, 2001 at 01:05:26 PM PST
the name is BiowarE wich more refers to wearing biological entities

i think you're all in a self-centered, reactionnary, pro-censorshit american ego trip and you should all fucking seriously think about what kind of police state we're going in if you all continue to blather what the media spews about the subject.

You've gotta be kidding (1.00 / 1) (#163)
by Goreripper on Mon Oct 15th, 2001 at 10:51:05 PM PST
This is either a very well conceived hoax, or one the most ill-informed postings I've ever seen. I will admit I've seen some pretty good hoaxes in my time, and this one is one of the best. First of all, this person expects us to believe that they actually typed in the URL to find out information about anthrax? I ask you, if you wanted to find out information about malaria, would YOU type A person who actually knows what URL stands for would also know the Internet doesn't work like that. Secondly, how would a person who knows so little about heavy metal know the name Dave Mustaine? They wouldn't have found that name on Anthrax' website. Dave Mustaine is in Megadeth! And mentioning the Napster issue is almost a dead giveaway: neither Anthrax nor Dave Mustaine were ever involved in a dispute with Napster. It was virtually front page news fer Chrissake.
Even if you just skimmed over the Anthrax website, you'd know that "Spreading the Disease" has been out since 1985.
Whoever wrote this drivel had their tongue stuck so far in their cheek, I'm surprised they didn't choke on it. This is a very cynical and sarcastic response to all those who really do think Anthrax should change their name.
I will say this though, it certainly got a debate going.

You are an idiot. (1.00 / 1) (#185)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 06:37:43 AM PST
No, make that you are a TOTAL FUCKING idiot.

Get a life, you jerk .....

I think that for Anthrax to change their name (1.00 / 1) (#187)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 07:05:16 AM PST
I think that for Anthrax to change their name now would be a huge insult for all of the Americans who fought and died to protect our freedom.

For us to cower in fear about the insignificant things (like a rock band's name) would be a victory for the terrorists who tried to demoralize this country.

It's funny how tragedy can bring out the best and worst in all of us. We've seen many examples of the former, on TV, in New York City and throughout the country. This web page is a great example of the latter.


Whoa!! This site is awesome! (2.00 / 2) (#188)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 07:56:29 AM PST
I had never heard of Anthrax before I saw this article. Well, just to see what the fuss was about, I ran out and bought a couple of their CDs.


In fact, I like them so much, I bought a couple more for my son and daughter. They're in junior high, and love to bring new music to listen to with their friends. Now, I know that Anthrax has been around for awhile. That's why my kids didn't know about them. But now they do!

Thanks, you guys!!

Kneejerk Journalism at it's best! (1.00 / 1) (#190)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 08:41:28 AM PST
Anthrax is not a "new" band capitalizing on the latest events. I bought one of there CD's "Attack of the Killer B's" back in the early 90's.

If the author of this article really didn't want to give in to the terrorists be overreacting, then you should have done a BIT more research. By making a snap judgement and starting an email campaign with so little information...YOU are the one guilty of encouraging overreaction by doing it yourself.

Chris J

Last Time I Come Here (1.00 / 1) (#191)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 08:46:57 AM PST
This is such a crock. There are some great rebuttals and I commend those who posted the well thought out comments and details as to why Anthrax *SHOULD NOT* change their name. I first started listening to Anthrax when I was 15. I just turned 25. The poster of this story is an idiot. I think that was the intention though to get everyone hacked off. Well this is the last time I come here.. back to slashdot..


a triumph (4.00 / 1) (#196)
by nathan on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 11:38:36 AM PST
The Hemingway-like strength of this correspondent's style makes him a prime candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

On the other hand, I'm unsure at what value to take this literary masterwork.

I first started listening to Anthrax when I was 15. I just turned 25. The poster of this story is an idiot.

Is this a desperate cry for help?

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

hey dmg... (none / 0) (#197)
by Materia on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 12:44:07 PM PST
What an astounding display of complete and utter ignorance. Congratulations, you're the most patheticly retarded wretch of man I have ever seen or heard of in the entire world. More than that you're a goddamned liar. Get your facts straight, or shut your filthy, paranoid, uptight and thouroughly un-american mouth.

Sit down a take a good listen to "Spreading the Disease". It's been one of my favourite albums for more than a decade. "new satanic bioterror praising grindcore"... lay off the crack.

Speed metal owns your soul.

People People Please!! (none / 0) (#199)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 01:53:03 PM PST
I am a heavy metal fan.
I do not worship satan
I do not, have not, and will not do any illegal drugs.
I do not wear leather, spikes, hair dye (ok ok a couple blond highlights) or face paint.
I have a 90%+ average in school
I help members of my community.

Am I Evil in your eyes?? Ask yourself that question. Does God hate me because of the music I listen to? No. In the same light do I hate you for you beliefs? No!

Here is what I am seeing here:

Christian: "You are going to hell because of that cursed music."
Metalhead: "Your opinion doesn't matter because I disagree with your beliefs."

This seems to be just a circle of insults based on personal viewpoints with very little relevant information being passed. If you want to argue a point, argue it with facts, not insults. Sure it might make you feel better but does it change anything?? I think not! There seems to be a great deal of ignorance on both sides. There are repeated mentions of Anthrax's "Satanic, Violence-glorifying lyrics." But I am quite sure that very few of the people who posted these comments have even seen the lyrics. In fact the lyrics from the band Slayer were passed off as Anthrax lyrics in one case. If you are going to make a case, please at least know what your talking about instead of just jumping on the "let's bash Anthrax!" bandwagon.
On the other side there are alot of religious slanders going on that I think are quite unneeded. If you have a problem with something someone says, explain why, don't just insult them. You will never be taken seriously without showing some class. By doing this you are just proving their point.

As for the main purpose of this topic, I think only Scott and the other members can decide whether or not to change the name. Yes it might be a nice gesture, or a publicity stunt if you want to look at it that way. But the truth is they formed the band well before any of this was even concieved, and it is their right to keep the name if they choose to do so. Perhaps some of their comments were distasteful, but they have been doing what they do for 20 years without anyone saying anything. Why change that now??

Opinions (none / 0) (#224)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 08:56:16 AM PST
I am a 29 year old caucasian Canadian male.
I am a physician, but also work part time voluntarily in a laboratory, trying to find genetic causes and treatments of illness.
I listen to heavy metal music, with Anthrax being my favorite band.
As a scientist, I do not believe in God or the devil, but I do believe that religion is very helpful for some people, so I do not begrudge those who do not share my own viewpoint.

I am glad that I do not believe in God, because I would hate to think that God would judge me just because I listen to a certain type of music.

I do not think that Anthrax should change their name. It was not an insensitive choice, as they picked their name two decades before the horrible events of Sept. 11, 2001. Some would suggest that Anthrax would increase record sales by changing their name, but I do not agree. The people that want them to change their name are people that don't like heavy metal, believing it to be the "devil's music", and would not buy their album whether they were called "Anthrax", "Basket Full of Puppies", or "I love Jesus". They would, however, lose the name recognition of longtime loyal fans, and could also be accused by them of selling out their American values of freedom.

The original poster has an opinion, and that is fair. It is not necessarily an informed opinion, as it is based on flawed information, but nevertheless, he is entitled to his opinion. I am entitled to mine, and we have a difference of opinion. He is not going to change my opinion, and I am not going to change his.

Everyone reading this message board is entitled to their own opinion. Educate yourself and make it an informed opinion. However, make it your OWN opinion, not that of someone else, and don't try and force it down someone else's throat.

Really ? (none / 0) (#228)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 09:57:16 AM PST
I do believe that religion is very helpful for some people, so I do not begrudge those who do not share my own viewpoint.

Even those who for 'religious reasons' see fit to post Anthrax in the mail, or fly plane-loads of innocent passengers into the World Trade Centre ?

He is not going to change my opinion, and I am not going to change his.

You may not change your opinion, but I would hope that you would realise that sometimes, differing viewpoints come into conflict. Conflicts which are not resolvable by conventional dialogue. Religion is a mind trick to legitimise non-democratic power structures (be they governmental, political or whatever). Affording religions 'respect' because they claim that god told them something, out of a misplaced sense of 'valuing diversity' is the ultimate cop-out.

What are you scared of ? Religious lunatics of all persuasions are running riot, furthering their agendas, and the best thing the atheists and agnostics can do is 'respect' other religions.

You don't begrudge them their ridiculous views because (so far) they haven't impacted on you yet. But when they do, it will be too late for you.

You might want to reflect on that for a while.

Read the rest of my post (none / 0) (#231)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 01:07:24 PM PST
I say any and all opinions are fine, as long as they are recognized as being opinions, and not fact, nor rules that all must abide by.

As I said before, I don't mind that you have a different opinion than me, but don't try and shove yours down my throat. It's that last statement that you need to refer to.

To label all religion is bad is making the same mistake as labelling all heavy metal songs as bad. It's creating overgeneralizations that inevitably lead to prejudice.

In general, I like heavy metal music, but there are also some real assholes playing heavy metal that I don't like. Religion has done a lot of good for a lot of people, but has also spawned extremists that have done a lot of terrible things in this world. In my opinion, religion has caused a lot more trouble in this world than heavy metal has, so I'll listen to heavy metal and pass on the religion. Someone else can devote their life to God and burn heavy metal albums for all I care, as long as they don't impose themselves on me.

Don't tell me what I should or should not listen to, and I won't tell you who you can or can't pray to.

Dragging Christianity through the mud (none / 0) (#200)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 02:16:02 PM PST
I'm a Christian, and I'm thinking that all these people claiming that Anthrax need to change their names MUST be joking. PLEASE tell me you're all joking and that other Christians aren't this stupid. If you're posing as a Christian just to make us all look ignorant, please stop. And if you are really a Christian of some sort, please use that brain God gave you.
btw, Anthrax plays some great heavy metal!

I hate when I read this shit. (none / 0) (#202)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 04:04:28 PM PST
First of all, excuse my poor english cause my language is french.

I'm a 16 year old peaceful, drug free person, I'm good at school, I hate violence and I don't worship satan in any way.

Even then, I'm a total metalhead. I listen to heavy metal intensively because I like the musical quality and power there is to it. I have Metallica, Children Of Bodom, Slayer t-shirts and actually have Anthrax painted in liquid paper on my pencil case. I play in a small local heavy metal band and I follow many of my favorite bands' histories and I know that even though many songs talk about hell, satan, violence and all, heavy metal musicians and listeners are very intelligent people and don't worship satan at all, and are all saddened by the innocent deaths occured in the recent events. Just go in the official band websites like Anthrax's, Metallica and many others and see by yourself.

As for the drugs bullshit, it is ridiculous to relate drugs to music. It seems to many (stupid) people that as soon as you listen heavy metal (oh my god!) you take drugs and worship satan and want to kill everyone. That's bullshit. All the metalheads I know are very intelligent people, at most smoke pot once in a while and are aware that heavy metal music is about many of the best musical masterpieces of all time, not drugs, violence, satan and delinquance.

So before being stupid and pretentious and bashing heavy metal and its listeners/musicians, get some information, meet some metalheads before judging them with those senseless stereotypes.

anthrax (none / 0) (#203)
by godofmetal on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 05:15:08 PM PST
first of all, is the person who posted this about Anthrax serious? if so, they are seriously uninformed and ignorant, deserving more blame than the band Anthrax themselves. First of all, Anthrax have been out since the early 80s, proving that they are not trying to cash in to what is happening. If anything, they would lose money by calling themselves Anthrax. the album spreading the disease is not new, and it came out in the early 80s as well, their second album. when they named the band, they had no idea this would happen. and now that it has happened, it is not a reason for them to change their name. I think the person who posted this needs a good kick in the ass, and they need to do more research next time before they go around spreading lies--they are a true product of the American media--a media that spreads propaganda, creating brainwashed fools such as this person.

Bad name (none / 0) (#206)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 16th, 2001 at 08:36:41 PM PST
Its exactly reactions like this that give america a bad name in the rest of the world.

And if this is what "true america" is about, I am glad I am not an american.

America is better than that.

You are a complete dumbass!! (none / 0) (#213)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 02:43:26 AM PST
In your post you are pretending to be some right minded savior of America or something. Hey, i am not an American, i am not a Muslim, but i am a fan of the band Anthrax, and i feel that you are unfairly bashing them without researching the topic before speaking out.

Unlike what you said, Anthrax have been going strong for since the early 80's, well before anything to do with Sept 11 2001 had arisen. The guitarist Scott Ian, came up with the name Anthrax in biology class, the guitarist also happens to be Jewish. I'm sure people with your backwards, introverted, bigot state of mind will try and make a link between those two things. and Thirdly, Anthrax are from New York, and themselves announced their deepest sympathy's for the victims of the horrendous terrorist acts.

Next time you judge something, try and find out about it before you start the derogatory comments.

A concerned citizen (none / 0) (#217)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 05:37:19 AM PST
"unkempt, dishevalled aggressively long hair."

What is aggressive hair like? Can it attack me? How do I protect myself from aggressive hair? Now I'm scared.

It's spelled "dishevelled", genius. And try to check your facts before embarking on another rabid tirade against this big, scary world that has you so clearly peeing your pants and running to Mommy Church.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as defining what America (the United States actually...America includes the areas south of here that we rather ruthlessly exploit and oppress)is about, liberty is a little highher on the totem pole than Christianity. Freedom of religion, expression and all that?

So, what's with all these religious patriots calling for all kinds of censorship? They are totally and irredeemably un-American.

And the whole gun argument: where does this statistic re: crime going up after gun control legislation being introduced originate from? I have run into it many times, but never in any form other than the traditional statement of "When legislation was introduced in England..." The source is apparently "Cos I said so"?

Wow. Tickle me pink. In any case, trying to argue a case with statistics is just stupid. Remeber what they say about statistics? Remember, statistics are what advertisers use.

Ban stupid Christians.

I prefer the intelligent, open-minded ones that actually live by the teachings of Jesus.

I don't care for this room-temperature-in-Celsius-IQ crowd, who goes about sticking their proverbial, Bible-misinterpreting genitalia in the mashed potatoes of freedom when people are just trying to live their lives.

Statistics (none / 0) (#223)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 08:30:58 AM PST
Did you know that 78% of all statistics are useless?

Also, 5 out of every 4 people have trouble with fractions.

Anthrax (none / 0) (#219)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 05:53:03 AM PST
For god's sake...they've been around for 20 years and are hardly NEW and CAPITALIZING on the disease. How is if offending you that this is their band name??????

Hmmm.. (none / 0) (#221)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 05:59:37 AM PST
Knee-jerk reactions are always amusing, and so often stem from nothing less than extreme ignorance. As previously stated, 'Spreading the Disease' was released 16 years ago, so they can hardly be accused of 'making money from bio-terrorism'. Next, before leaping to entirely the wrong conclusion, I would hope that people who believe metal/rock must equate to songs singing the praises of death and satanism should _really_ look more closely at their targets. Anthrax do not promote violence, terrorism, death, or..(snigger) Satan. THINK, people! Art has always dealt with subject matter that is designed to promote thought. You will find this within poetry, painting, writing, and even music! Some music more so than others.

Whoever wrote this "article" is a moron. (none / 0) (#229)
by TNOTB on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 10:48:18 AM PST
Spreading the Disease is NOT a new album, unless albums from 1985 still count as new. Spreading the Disease does not have songs praising bioterrorism, I don't think it has any songs about bioterrorism at all. It's not death metal, and it's not singing about satan. Where did this idiot get his info? I feel sorry for the guy who wrote that, being that big of an idiot must be a real problem in life.

To all those who are so uninformed... (none / 0) (#235)
by GrownUp on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 03:04:42 PM PST
Hello. First, I would like to introduce myself... I am 28 years old and have been a heavy metal fan since I was about 15 years old. I have also been a fan of the band Anthrax since probably the same age. Having said that, I have also studied Jazz, Classical, Hip-Hop, Blues, R & B, etc.

Let's face the facts.

You are completely uneducated to any of the facts involving the band Anthrax, the people in the band, their lyrical content, or the entire genre of Heavy Metal for that matter. It is completely and totally useless to argue with any of you, because none of what any of you have to say has any educated value whatsoever.

You are pompous, self-absorbed elitists with no concept of opinion, taste, or freedom. The statements you have made make you all look like fools. You are wrong about practically everything you have to say... Too many to count, in fact. I grew tired after reading the first quarter of your poppycock, and went directly to skimming through. You have no idea that you look like complete and total buffoons... and that is not even to your "average" Anthrax fan... not even your "average" heavy metal fan. No, you look like complete and total buffoons to any educated person who takes ANY sort of time whatsoever to look in to FACTS and speak intelligently based upon those facts. Your banter is disgusting, and truly a let down to our culture, our freedom, and our minds.

So please... I implore you to continue with your misguided and inexcusable drivel, so anyone with half a brain can get a few laughs.

Do us all a favor and GET A CLUE.

It is people like you that will DESTROY us and our freedom as a nation under God.

Chris Addison

News for IDIOTS (none / 0) (#236)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 03:12:52 PM PST
First of all, you opinionated christian asshole, Anthrax has been around since 1981. Second of all, you have no business discussing heavy metal or attempting to define it, stick to shuffling church pamphlets and giving your pastor handjobs. I'm not going to waste time explaining the difference between "Grind-Core" and speed metal, I'd have better lucky trying to elicit an orgasm from an egg.

Everything that you just proved that you are just another stereotype, an ignorant pigheaded neofascist christian whore that gives ignorant pighead fascist christian whores a bad name. Get the facts right before you spew such a blatantly laughable diatribe.

"Spreading the Disease" was released in NINETEEN EIGHTY FIVE. Hardly the new record... You criticize the band for their glaringly repentant response? Take some time out for EMPATHY, and comprehend what these people are going through... you're the kind of shithead that beats muslims in 7-11 parking lots with your drunk, obese biker "pals".

My opinion is that Anthrax should stand their ground and refuse to change the name, although they probably will be harassed into it by bible thumping, starched collar uberconservative jackoffs like you.

I doubt this will get posted since the concept of "freedom of speech" is still new to you fuckers...

here we go again... (none / 0) (#241)
by oneinamillion111 on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 03:44:24 PM PST
i feel the strong need to be blunt here...


geez they're a band! they were anthrax b4 all this crap... (like if my name was osama, i bet you would ask me to change it too...) u know theres also a band called papa roach whose album is called infest.... i bet thats offensive to those people who have cockraches.... what about disturbed? that offends disturbed people i bet...

riiiiiight... and next you're going to tell me that the beatles' name offended those lovely little hard shelled creatures (who might i add are BIOLOGICAL)

news for grown-ups? i think thats what a lot of you need to do... grow up and stop with the stupidity!!!

oh yeah and i do believe you're forgetting that rockers have rights too



ps: the anthrax is an inside job, its not "biological warfare" from the muslims why dont you check it up with our little buddies in iowa?

ya better be damn happy i missed this b4 (none / 0) (#248)
by oneinamillion111 on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 06:23:04 PM PST
i think i might be the only chica posting on here but i wanted to say that to put puffy and "doing the right thing" in the same sentence, should be against some grammatical rule... he also didnt change his name for the good of the country oh yeah cash in on bio terrorism? how the hell can a 20 yr old band do that? its more like the pharmaceutical companies doubling the prices of antrax treatments who are trying to cash in on this "biological war" biological war my butt bin laden doesnt have time for petty blue envelopes with white powder in them, heck he probably doesnt even know who tom brokaw (sp?)is... dont start on other people's "overreactions" when you're sitting here complaining about a 20 year old band's disrespect for a disease... you're right about the internet having everything under the sun cos i must admit, i never thought i'd see something as stupid as this -- ever oh yes we're so innocent when we type in web addresses (most people would try msn's health site, or encartas online medical encylcopaedia... i guess that takes away the innocence that random guesses guarantee) i have aggressively long hair which can be a pain and sometimes gets dishevelled and unkempt but maybe if i went for the bald look you'd say i had an aggressively bald head (possibly offensive to people like my father and mr clean) so i really cant win and it looks like anthrax the band can't either... hmmm have you ever seen Aaron Lewis? or the guys from Tool? they have aggressively pierced and tattooed bodies.... but none of them have aggressively long hair.... if you want to "respectfully suggest" anything, it has to involve respect and cuts like this: "I am sure that being a member of the band 'Anthrax', gruelling touring schedules notwithstanding is nowhere near as painful as actually suffering from the disease itself." just display more clearly your lack of respect... its like apologising to someone and throwing in a "but i dont see why i should say sorry since u were the wrong one" its got nothing to do with courage and heres a quick one for u i doubt the war against terrorism will ever be over there is always going to be some idiot with too much spare time and a brain full of weird ideas, but i pray that i will some day be proved wrong... thanks g-bay

please excuse (none / 0) (#249)
by oneinamillion111 on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 06:34:40 PM PST
please excuse that last post, i didnt mean for it to come out as one big run-on sentence, bear with me lol

its really not that big of a deal anyway, i didn't expect anyone to read it, i'm not very well spoken but i like to get my thoughts out there

thanks again


Ignorance Reigns (none / 0) (#251)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 08:02:39 PM PST
Wow, I'm shocked that a site would allow such a moronic artical like what we have here. This isn't an opinionated article.. It's pure Ignorance... And this as a first time vistor to the site just shows me and I'm sure tons of other people here that these writers have no idea what they are talking about. To the person who wrote this, try a little research before you BLINDLY write your thoughts. As even stated WITHIN your own article the band has been around since the 80's!!.. DUH, Hello? Anyone in there? ... Don't quit your day job.. And with the petition, I encourage anyone with a few active brain cells to realize the stupidity of the author and write to Anthrax and tell them to ignore the petition.

Heroin?! (none / 0) (#252)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 17th, 2001 at 08:31:08 PM PST
Where on earth do you people learn to make generalisations like that?! Certainly not in the education system of most developed countries, so, indeed, _where_ does this skill come from? Your support network of "good christian people", who preach love and hope whilst raping and molesting their children? Oh, oops..was THAT a grossly inaccurate generalisation?! I'm sorry, I should think about what I'm saying, and so should you. Use your fucking brain, moron.

Joey Belladonna renamed his band (none / 0) (#259)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 09:52:04 AM PST
"[Editors note, by dmg] This report from the Netherlands demonstrates that our European friends have more decency than some of us here at home. Why can't Joey Belladonna simply admit he was wrong, and rename his band ?"

Joey Belladonna did rename his Belladonna after he was kicked out of Anthrax in 1993. Once again you prove your ignorance about Anthrax (the band), and use incorrect facts to base your arguments. So why can't you simply admit that you are wrong?

Incidently, John Bush replaced Joey Belladonna as the lead singer of Anthrax. Perhaps he should change his surname, since it may be confused with not one, but two US presidents, which, of course, is an insult to all Americans.

"Anthrax" (none / 0) (#263)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 11:06:52 AM PST
OK, I do not get it. You are trying to tell a Rock Band that has had the same-name for over 20 years to change their name?. The name is simply a name that is known for their GREAT music and NOT the desease that is being spread around today. ANTHRAX the Band have/had NOTHING to do with the desease, so why in Gods' name should they change their name? They ought to keep that name. It is what they are, NOT the Infection(s). AND that album you speak of....SPREADING THE DISEASE? yes that one! That album came out in the 80's. I bought that sooooooooooo long ago. And you that has NO CLUE of WHAT the HELL you are saying OR trying to say thinks it has just come out. AND you THINK that they are trying to SELL more because of what is going on NOW? What a FUCKING DULT you are.
I mean come on, lets be real. You do NOT know anything you are saying.

ANTHRAX- the Band are Nothing that you claim them to be...NOTHING!!! They actually play GREAT Metal music. FUN Metal music. ENJOYABLY Metal music. It is NOT crap.

And now there is going to be this 'burn Anthrax cds night' WHAT has ANTHRAX done to deserve any of this? I am sure they are saddened by ALL of these events as much as the rest of us.
AND they ARE American's and FROM NYC. So who the FUCK are you to tell them to change what is rightfully theirs.

Shit happens every day, and we all have to live with it and deal with it but there are so many other things to worry about out there than the name of a band.

The band DEATH....people die all the time, so should they change their name? NO!

MEGADETH----Many people died and are dying, we are at war, should they change their name? NO!

The CARS----People get into car accidents every day, shall they change their name? NO!

The Police----They"police" arrest people every day for killings and shit like this, shall they change their name? NO!

SO...shut the fuck up and leave the band ANTHRAX alone, they have NOTHING to do with this case or these cases. You want to do some good then leave the band alone and find the person(s) that have done the wrong by spreading this infection via mail in the first place.


SO DICKWEED, get your stories and facts correct before judging something or someone that you know positively NOTHING about.

Anthrax (none / 0) (#266)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 03:02:34 PM PST
"So you can understand my disgust when I discovered that a "Heavy Metal" rock band has been attempting to cash in on bioterrorism..."

I would just like everyone to see this again and realize how much research and thought he put into this little parade. As you can see by many of the previous posts the information is incorrect.

I'm just another heavy metal head who does not want to see Anthrax take the heat for picking a name 15 years ago.

Are you serious? (none / 0) (#269)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 07:23:55 PM PST
How can you say that this is a website for educated people when you obviously don't do any research?! How "grown-up" is this, anyway? Anthrax (the band) is awesome and there's no need to start trashing them for their name. Would you be happier if their name was Cipro?? Point is, get a life, "dmg". I would also be embarrased to put my full name if I had written such a horrible article!

RE: Anthrax, please change your name (none / 0) (#271)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 18th, 2001 at 11:20:24 PM PST
I don't know how this person managed to write this article, since he/she has done absolutely NO research whatsoever. Firstly, Anthrax have been around for almost 20 years and the "Spreading the Disease" record came out in 1985!!! Secondly, Dave Mustaine, quoted in the article, is actually the lead singer for Megadeth--he has nothing to do with Anthrax at all! What makes you think that a band would consider changing their name of 20 years to something as ridiculous as Ant Wax? I sincerely hope the poll with alternative name suggestions were a joke. Thirdly, Puff Daddy certainly does continue to use that name, along with the P-Diddy and Sean "Puffy" Combs variations, depending on the project he's working on. Give the guys a break--it's idiots like you that are causing the hyper-sensitivity surrounding this tragedy. That's right, although you may think of me as supporting this "satanic depravity", I agree that this is a terrible thing to have happened, but I also believe we should be thinking about finding the ones responsible, rather than harassing some poor band into changing their name "for the duration of the war". The comments in this article were thoughtless and anyone with half a brain would simply laugh. Ha, ha, ha.

What A Dult! (none / 0) (#274)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 19th, 2001 at 09:41:30 AM PST
Perhaps you could call yourself 'Ant Wax' or 'Aunt Frax' or something else that would preserve the continuity of your image, without causing such enormous offense to the more vulnerable members of society.

***And my name is JOHN, I also left another post entitled ANTHRAX! And I am NOT one of those 'kids' I am near 34 years of age so I do know a thing or two of what is going on here!!!

Hmmm, You have no understanding or knowledge of what you are saying. Seriously I think you ought to do some research before you go running your mouth on something that you just don't know anything about.

So, you think ANTHRAX ought to changer their name to 'ANT WAX or AUNT FRAX?' Damn you cannot be serious.
And you know it is people like you that go on fucking up the freedom that is rightfully ours.
Anthrax the band has nothing to do with Anthrax the disease.

So, get your facts straight, before you go doing what you think is the right thing. You must be receiving so much hate mail for writing shit that you have no idea of what you are writing.
If I were YOU, I would feel like such a dumb ass typing something and speaking about something that I had no idea about.

I think you ought to apologize to ANTHRAX the band and the ANTHRAX fans for typing a bunch of false bull shit.

You even have others on here typing bullshit that they too no nothing about.

And by the way, they are NOT a new band, they do NOT have a new cd out called Spreading the Disease. The band ANTHRAX have been a band with the name ANTHRAX since 1980 or so, and the Spreading the Disease record came out in like 1985.

So, get your stories straight you moron!!!!

dmg is a fucking idiot!!! (0.00 / 1) (#281)
by metalsavior16 on Fri Oct 19th, 2001 at 04:27:43 PM PST

Anthrax, the band (none / 0) (#286)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 08:30:38 AM PST
Wow, your research abilities are amazing! "spreading the disease" was released over fifteen years ago and has nothing to do with terrorism, you don`t own the album or have seen the lyrics or you would have known that. Joey Belladonna was fired from the band about ten years ago. Anthrax is not grindcore or death metal, they are a thrash band. Actually, as far as lyrics go, Anthrax is one of the smarter bands in the metal genre. read the lyrics esp. on later albums like 'sound of white noise', 'stomp 442', etc. Just go the and check out Scott`s "alpha mail" and you`ll see how wrong you are about this band. dummy.

Misinformation, disinformation and information (none / 0) (#288)
by Cthulhu fthagn on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 10:38:14 AM PST
1) Anthrax is a brand new hard rock band

This is what I call misinformation, based on ignorance

2) Anthrax is a satanic band who wants to exploit the anthrax attacks in USA

This is what I call disinformation, based on a kind of manipulation, whether on good or bad grounds

3) Anthrax is a long time established hard rock band who worked with several other bands like Metallica, Slayer, Public Enemy and there is no way they will change their name. Furthermore, the initiant of the debate (dmg) made, perhaps against its will, a large advertising campaign in favor of Anthrax because all the controversy was repercuted by very large newsservers like Yahoo.

This is perhaps joyful, this is perhaps sad, but this is the truth.

This is Information

End of Debate !

dmg an Anthrax fan? (4.00 / 1) (#291)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 11:41:13 AM PST
Perhaps dmg is actually an Anthrax fan, and is creating a controversy to raise awareness and give free publicity to the band. The more people drummed up to boycott the band, have their album sales banned, and petitioned to change their name, the more people hear of them and become new fans. Even though the band has not wanted to capitalize on these tragic events, dmg has helped them to capitalize. And I thought I was a big Anthrax fan.

Good supposition... (none / 0) (#294)
by Cthulhu fthagn on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 01:35:30 PM PST
But I fear vastly that dmg hadn't foresee that far.

dmg has a weirdo and quite funny process of thinking, alas implicating others. He had done three mistakes.

searching instead of (for instance)
making too early conclusions
disconnecting from instead of investigating further and deeper. There was enough material to refute his patterns of thought.

Let me resume : he had missed a chance of learning something really important : making mistakes isn't always lethal, but not learning from mistakes (especially his own) can hinder evolution of mind...

ANTHRAX, PLEASE CHANGE YOUR NAME (?) (none / 0) (#297)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Oct 20th, 2001 at 07:02:56 PM PST
As a group who claims to be for the "outsiders" of our great nation, I feel it my duty to inform you and your followers of your grave misrepresention here.

I am urging everyone on this site to NOT, I repeat NOT partake in this absurd farce to try and get the heavy metal band Anthrax to change their name in light of recent events. In a world today changed because of the events of September 11th, you are mistakenly aiming your efforts to bring about a change at the wrong target.

I am a 27 year old college educated productive member of society. What's more, I am one of the soldiers overseas protecting your country so people like yourself have the right to partake in such tomfoolery as this. Since you are writing this column in honor of "our men and women fighting overseas", I refuse to have my name and that of my fellow soldiers used for such a disgraceful and wrong purpose.

I am appalled at your completely unfair and totally uneducated attempt at getting Anthrax to change their name. The main reason for my disdain is because of your COMPLETE and INEXCUSEABLE lack of research on the issue. The saddest part of your assault on them was that all the information you needed to avoid this waste of cyberspace was right in front of your eyes in the quotation you pulled directly from the website.

I don't know who any of you are and I won't judge you as naive or culturally inept with your lack of knowledge of the band Anthrax heretofore. I do not expect you to be able to name their songs or bandmembers verbatim the way I can, and I understand that because of it you are at a distinct disadvantage. However I do feel it my job to inform you of your gross inaccuracies about the band unfairly portrayed in this waste of cyberspace you refer to as a "petition".

These are the TRUTHS about the band ANTHRAX, whom I have been listening to since their inception.
**Note: Please understand that in no way is my opinion biased because of my enjoying their music--I would have gladly defended, say, Wayne Newton if you had lambasted him so attrociously.

-ANTHRAX is NOT a "grind core" band. They play
heavy thrash-metal. By pigeonholing them as a different genre of music than they actually play,
you set the stage for the further fallacies to come.

-ANTHRAX is NOT a "devil-worshipping" band.

-ANTHRAX grew up in New York, still live there,
and know a hell of a lot more about the true
brevity of the events on September 11th than you
may think!

-ANTHRAX is not a band of carefree rockstars who
pose about in lavish luxury as you portray--rather quite the contrary. I have met guitarist Scott Ian in person in Connecticut a few years ago, and can attest he is a gentleman in spite
of his rock-star status you claim as a shortcoming. The band has performed with Afro-American musicians outside of their genre in an effort to promote racial harmony within the ranks of rock music. The band has also
performed charity concerts for the homeless,
their cause-celebre, on a regular basis--even
performing a song about the homeless in and
around their New York on their "State of
Euphoria" album called "Who Cares Wins". You may
also find it interesting to note that the band does not drink or do drugs of any kind, and promotes a drug-free lifestyle.

-And above all, and most the most blatant misrepresentation in your calvacade of faux-pas is the fact that ANTHRAX, the band you erroneously refer to as a "new" band, has actually been around since the days of New Coke, DeLoreans and Reaganomics. Infact, the so called "new" album you referred to as the most offensive, "Spreading The Disease", was actually in existence since--gasp!!--1985!!

I will tell you to save your breath, because your pleas will fall on deaf ears. The band has decided to stick to their name. And why shouldn't they?? Hasn't any of the last few weeks taught you anything about the scare-tactics?? The ritualistic name-changing of a band will do little to curb the already minute threat of Anthrax (the disease) in our country. All it will do is feed the Taliban press or whatever sick faction is responsible for this, with further ammunition to appease their die-hard ranks, and help them believe that they are winning the war against America. President Bush insisted Americans continue on living our lives as before, and I would liken this suggestion on your part to the recent decline in travel due to people avoiding airplanes--once again, positive feedback for the enemy's front. What's more, as I've clearly shown above and any researcher truly worth their salt can plainly see, the band ANTHRAX has predated the current scare that bears the same name by two decades. And your lame-ass attempts to re-name the band (Aunt-Wax?? COME ON!!) are about as mealy-mouthed as the information you posted on this site.

I say again--as a soldier defending your country, I am ashamed at this aberration of the First Amendment. Your attempt to undermine this band, spearheading them as an accomplice in the insidious events of the past few weeks, let alone the past month is nothing more than a smear campaign--the equivalent of picking flyshit out of pepper.

I am cc'ing this letter to the ANTHRAX fan email to let them know about this ridiculous petition, and am urging everybody to disregard this ludicrous petition as rubbish. The fact remains that ANTHRAX the band had nothing to do with the recent outbreaks. Their name is nothing more than an ironic coincidence. And to the author of this shameless smear campaign, I urge you to research your facts thoroughly before you post any information on the internet or any other medium under the guise of a well-learned source.

CPL David J. Renza
U.S. Army

Anthrax cashing in on recent events? (none / 0) (#302)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 21st, 2001 at 12:32:59 AM PST
Umm, like most media, the author of this story did not check even the most obvious of facts. the heavy metal band "Anthrax" has been around for 20+ years. Their so called "new" album, "Spreading the Disease" came out in 1985. How do I know this? I bought that album when I was in Jr High School (I'm 31 now) on vinyl, before CD was in mass production. I bought it at a music store chain called "Big Ben's" which is now better known as Tower Records. Now if that's new, then I would like to find out where the author's time machine is because I would love to put some money into Microsoft stock knowing how it's going to do in the few years after 1985. Instead of pleading with the band to change their name of 20+ years based on misinformation or just a plain old LIE, how about plead with your editors to check their facts before posting articles that are nothing better than pure fantasy and fiction. Can you imagine what a publisher like the New York Times or the Washington Post would have to pay in libel for printing something like this? I just hope the band doesn't take that kind of action against you.

An apology... (5.00 / 1) (#306)
by Mint Waltman on Sun Oct 21st, 2001 at 03:17:08 PM PST
Hello all, I'd like to issue an apology to everyone. Apparently the band Anthrax has been around for a while. I just learned this from an inner-city youth I mentor. Needless to say, I've canceled the album burning I advertised in an earlier post. I just wish someone had pointed this out earlier!

It has been pointed out ad nauseum... (none / 0) (#307)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Oct 21st, 2001 at 06:41:10 PM PST
"I just wish someone had pointed this out earlier"?

Have you read any of these 305 posts, or just your own? At least two dozen different people, if not more, mentioned the untruths in dmg's original post, and a quick look at the bands website would have shown the info to be false.

Anyway, no hard feelings. I just wish others would take the time like yourself to distinguish fact from fiction.

You are an idiot (none / 0) (#421)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 25th, 2001 at 08:08:12 AM PST
Please, do mankind a favor and kill yourself.

the band not the disease (none / 0) (#423)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 25th, 2001 at 01:23:29 PM PST
all you idiots throwing a fit about the band anthrax need to realize that they have been around for years, its too bad scared little pussies like all of you have nothing better to contribute to this crisis than changing the name of a band. the fact that they wont conform and do what all you poor bleeding hearts want them to during these times shows the fact they actually have a backbone, instead of all the tools who didnt give a fuck abut this country before now flying american flags because its the thing to do. they wont let these events control every aspect of their lives, and america would be better if you whiny bitches did the same.

Spreading The Truth (none / 0) (#426)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 25th, 2001 at 10:40:19 PM PST
This is exactly why you should READ before you react! Treat an album that came out in 1985 like it came out yesterday and see just how many people you can irk at one time. For fuck's sake, I was 3 when Spreading The Disease was released! Get a clue! Kate

anthrax (none / 0) (#439)
by south of heaven on Tue Oct 30th, 2001 at 06:00:35 PM PST
i hope you get anthraxed u ignorant fool

Anthrax the Band ROCKS! (none / 0) (#310)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 05:13:59 PM PST
You stupid foreigner. Get a clue. Anthrax is a cool heavy metal band. Nothing to do with Dave Mustaine (he's Megadeth). And Anthrax hasn't had long hair in quite a while. They've had the name Anthrax for over 10 years, possibly more. Intolerance like you express will not be tolerated in America. You vile superficial loser.

Religion is Bad (1.00 / 1) (#311)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 05:28:05 PM PST
Hey you jesus freaks, take a cold hard look at your intolerant attitudes, and compare with the hated Taliban. Not much different, eh? Religion is the cause of most of the problems in the World, and the planet would be much better without it. "Imagine". Enough of this "My God says your God is bad" nonsense. Wake up!

Arrogance/Ignorance (none / 0) (#312)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 07:48:48 PM PST
How ignorant can you become to feel the urge to Tell a band that is over 10 years old to CHANGE THERE NAME because of an incident that has occured. Which is taken out of proportion by the public. I find anyone who agrees with the name changing of anthrax to be pityful and needs to learn about this before opening there mouths yet again.

Spreading The Truth (none / 0) (#425)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 25th, 2001 at 10:34:41 PM PST
They're well over 10 years old. They've been around since '81 or '82. I really don't know how anyone could be ingorant, foolish, and reactionary enough to think that they are "some new speed metal band trying to capitalise on the tragedy." It boggles the mind. Those of you who have been living in closets and listening to Kenny G for the past twenty years might want to read these two letters from Anthrax guitarist, Scott Ian.

And from now on, think before you react. And try reading something once in a while.

If what I said resembled you totally and you feel the need to show me how wrong you really can be, feel free to email me at


NO way (none / 0) (#313)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 08:04:58 PM PST
Anthrax have had that name since long before the acts of Sept. 11th. They have no reason to change their name. If there was some biochemical weapon out there called adequacy, and you didnt know about it when you created your site, then some terrorist threatened our country with it, would you feel the need to change your name? Exactly. It's just a name.

Adequacy should change their name!! (none / 0) (#314)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 08:05:15 PM PST
Dear Adequacy,

How ignorant can you get? Anthrax has been a band for over 20 years and are a well respected and firmly established proffesional musical act. Your ignorance on this subject is overwhelming! Who ever wrote this article did minimal research on the group, which is evident by all the assinine remarks that are made throughout the article. Anthrax the band is not "Grid-core" or "Death Metal" by any stretch of the imagination. Nor are they "cashing in" on the unfortunate situation which has unfolded in the past few weeks. Here is a quote from your article "I didn't want to overreact (since that is what the terrorists want us to do)." Well, this is exactly what you have done! By slamming the band Anthrax for an unfortunate coincidence you are acting according to the wishes of terrorism and are in effect spreading intolerance, fear, hatred, and ignorance. Incidentaly, had you ever listened to the album "Spreading the Disease", you would have become aware that there is not one single song on that album that has anything to do with the spread of bio-terrorism. You need to calm down, grown up, get real, and get a life! Long live Anthrax (the band), and let's hope anthrax the disease becomes a thing of the past very quickly. Nuff said.

Simon Springer.

Give me a break (none / 0) (#315)
by amievil13 on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 08:07:32 PM PST
I dont know if this website is for real or not. I started reading some of it and just laughed at the errors and wrongful thoughts and interperations of people that posted here. Why in the hell a band should change their name due to recent events. Or for that matter, when there are so many people in need why waste time and money on a stupid website concerned with a band that you know nothing about. I could take the easy road and claim that political correctness and fear of insulting people got us into a situation where people who viemently HATED us lived among us freely and had their rights protected up until the point they decided to kill 6000 of us. But I wont. All I will say is Anthrax should keep their name, people should visit NYC and people should fly on airplanes at will. We should keep and protect everything that is normal to us and never tiptoe around or change our beliefs or ideas on what is now OK because of what some terrorists have done to us.

Freedom of Speech and Anthrax (none / 0) (#316)
by Whitewater on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 08:17:06 PM PST
As a long time, self proclaimed metal head, and purveyor of freedom of speech, I am outraged by all of your ignorance. Anthrax, have been around since the early 1980s and are in no way trying to make a buck off of the current unfortunate trends of bio-terrorism. Check out the rock show on VH1 on Fridays at's hosted by their rhythm guitarist...let him explain it to you. He is as upset as anyone by whats happening and finds it difficult to be in a band that has the name of what is now a serious biological threat, that none of us really thought we would see done in our lifetimes.

So you want this band to change their name...WHY??!! They have every right to have their name, and if they change it, strike up a victory for whoever is causing this scare! Because that's what it would be...changing the name of this band would be an act of FEAR, and an act against America and the freedoms it was founded on. for grown ups, hardly...rather more like news for people afraid of freedom, and afraid to live their lives in the face of what may scare another word, Cowards!!! In the words of Thomas Jefferson, "Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither." I for one say the same for all of you.

do your homework next time (none / 0) (#318)
by wyldron on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 08:21:13 PM PST
ok. first off the band has been named anthrax for almost 25 years now. the album spreading the disease came out in the mid 80's and joey belladonna hasnt been the singer of the band since the early 90's. if people are going to go around trying to better the world they need to get thier facts straight and do thier homework a little better next time.

You people are idiots (none / 0) (#319)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 08:21:44 PM PST
I can't believe you idiots are even discussing having Anthrax change their name. At first I thought this was a joke. It makes me sick. Anyone who thinks Anthrax should change their name is a complete fool. How is that going to help? If you go to their website you can see they are not trying to cash-in on this tragedy. Anthrax is a New York City band and proud of it. I am sure the tragedy is affecting them the same as any other proud American.


Anthrax the band (none / 0) (#321)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 08:39:06 PM PST
Anthrax is not grincore. THEY ARE THRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are not a "new" band. They've been around for 20 years. If you go to a website, say, like cdnow, and search for anthrax, you will get the dates the albums were released. Their first album was released in 1983. I think you're the ones trying to get the cash in. You narrowminded fools. Learn your facts before you accuse of things.

Is there any difference ? Its all tuneless noise (5.00 / 1) (#340)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 02:52:48 AM PST
Anthrax is not grincore. THEY ARE THRASH

What's the difference ?

Anthrax (none / 0) (#322)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 08:58:13 PM PST
they do not need to change their name, you people need tp wake the f*ck up and realize that they have been around longer than most of you have know about Anthrax. Grow up, are you goign to start goign ot video stores and trash all the copies of Die Hard also? good Lord. this is a terrible thing but you cannot say they are tryign to cash in on bio-terrorism when they have been around for so long. this is pathetic. you make me sick you have nothing g\better to do than to gripe about a band's name?? they are not even in their Prime (industry wise i love them)anymore and hardly any new fans are collected by them. the old schoolers who remember the KNOT man are the ones who are still hard core fans.
all you fakers out there need to shut up.

go give blood or something, do somethign constructive in stead of destructive.

they are aware of the situation and they are professional people if htey feel something needs to be done they will do it.

also read their lyrics and you will understand that they are normal people... metal music is not evil like you morons think it is.

open your mind

Slayer (none / 0) (#324)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 09:27:08 PM PST
Slayer has a kick ass song called Chemical Warfare.
should you try to judge them also?

judge not least ye be judged yourself.

or something i know that is not right but close enough

Anthrax, DO NOT CHANGE YOUR NAME (none / 0) (#325)
by Oddball on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 09:53:22 PM PST
I'm amazed that so many people would jump at the opportunity to go off on Anthrax like this. They have had their name for almost two decades, and you expect them to give it up because of recent events? This is just what terrorism is all about: making PC warriors such as yourselves start causing trouble. Terrorists aim to get a reaction out of you. Don't take it out on a band simply because of their name.

Anthrax's music has entertained millions, and they will continue to be known as Anthrax long after your weak-minded attempt to change their name fails miserably.

Persist with this silly plea if you wish, but allow me to name you as buffoons if you do. I certainly wouldn't be the first, or the last.

in regards to the band anthrax (none / 0) (#328)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 10:59:30 PM PST
Ah yes, you all feel that this bands name is oh so wrong, maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass you would realize that anthrax has been around for over 10 years. 10 years, lets see that's a little bit before Sept 2001 now isn't it? Read up on things before you let the whole world how much of an asshole you really are.

ANTHRAX (none / 0) (#329)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 22nd, 2001 at 11:27:57 PM PST
If anyone thinks that they should change their name then they are completely stupid. There is absolutely no reason for it. It's not like they're trying to cash in on it, encourage bio-terrorism, or be "politically insensitive." After all, they have been ANTHRAX for longer than most of you idiots have known what it is. I have met the members of this great band and they were extremely nice guys and would never try to encourage anything bad happening such as what is going on. Besides, how could they be trying to cash in on it? Most people will probably try to avoid buying anything with ANTHRAX written on it. Not me though. I will continue to support ANTHRAX as I have since I was very young. If anyone can prove my points wrong somehow or disagrees with me, e-mail me at and I will gladly prove you wrong.

vachier (none / 0) (#332)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 12:09:20 AM PST
you so ignorant!
talk about what you know(like sucking dick and be sodomised)
bastard!i wish you'll be well in hell...

P.S.the 60s are over!

ANTHRAX should NOT change their name! (none / 0) (#333)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 12:14:10 AM PST
Why should the metal band ANTHRAX change their name? They should NOT because:
1) It's just a name, not something they represent.
2) They are not profiting by their name, they are suffering.
3) They named the band 2o years ago, todays problem should not concern them personally.
4) Todays link between the real problem and ANTHRAX the band are by mere coincidence.
5) Respect freedom, the freedom to keep a band called ANTHRAX after working so hard for 20 years to get to where they are now.

Censurship is for the ignorant & weak!

Dumb... (none / 0) (#334)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 12:31:31 AM PST
Spreading the disease was released a long time some research before posting some stupid shit!!!

idiots (none / 0) (#335)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 12:39:52 AM PST
Face it, Mint (if that is your real name) and all you other pathetic losers who think Anthrax should change their name.

You have to learn to deal with it, stop barking up the wrong tree and get a life!

That's what's wrong with society today: too many overreactive, misinformed idiots like you. Someone is always going to be offended by something and there's nothing you can do about it.

You Guys Are Idiots (none / 0) (#338)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 02:18:46 AM PST
The band Anthrax has been around for about 20 years. It is stupid to say that they chose that name to cash in on the recent events. Before you start a petition for the band to change it's name you should get your facts staight. If you had done any reseach at all you would have found this out. Instead you all sound like a bunch of stupid jackasses who act without thinking and try to speak out without the proper knowledge or the facts. As Americans we are entitled to free speach but before you open your mouth make sure you know what the hell you are talking about.

You can be smarter than that (none / 0) (#342)
by ENTOMBED on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 03:33:25 AM PST
You don't know anything about Anthrax, the metal band.
First, death-metal bands are more brutal than thier music. But I admit, this tag is easier for you to scare people.
Joey Belladonna left the band a long time ago.
When you see some recent pictures of the band, can you tell me who's got long hair ???
This band has always been one of the smartest, dealing with lyrics. For instance in "Among the Livind" or "State of Euphoria" LPs, some lyrics are inspired by Stephen King's novels. So, we know they are able to READ ! Most of average metal bands only talk about death, murders or satan.

Do yo want to put a ban on Guns'n'Roses too ? And what about the Rolling Stones ? Seen from now, this name may be seen as an encouragement for "intifada" for Palestinian people. Who draws the line ? Is Slipknot OK to you ?

Don't you have anything more important to do than trying to raise censorship ? Are you aware the taliban's regime is using censorship too ?

This is sad for you to waste your time on this.

Julien, French Headbanger.

i cant believe the stupidity (none / 0) (#343)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 05:03:55 AM PST
Are you people serious?For one Joey Belladonna has been out of the band for 10 years.Another Anthrax has been around for almost 2o.More dumb comments,Spreading the Disease came out in 86.Get your damn facts straight your making yourself look like the ignorant self rightous assholes that you are.And Anthrax is not even close to DEathMetal or Grindcore.Before you spew inconsistant crap like check you facts you sound like the biggest idiots iv ever encountered.

Anthrax (none / 0) (#346)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 07:10:12 AM PST
This is the stupidest argument I have ever heard of. Drop you silly little case and go cover some real news. ANTHRAX rocks, and that's that. A name is a name. You stupid asses.

ATTENTION ALL (none / 0) (#355)
by duhduhduhduhduh on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 09:33:25 AM PST
Welcome to Ignorancy - News for Old Opinionated Stiffs.

First off, I'd to thank the band Anthrax for not using their talent and power to write music about how uninformed and unintelligent we are. I'm glad that NOBODY has noticed our lack of research on this issue. Thankfully they do not have a fan-base that could do some harm to our mindless ranting. Please, tell your friends about the above article so the entire world can see how retarded we really are.

How is anthrax cashing in? (none / 0) (#357)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 10:10:48 AM PST
I don't understand how you can say that anthrax is cashing in on bioterrorism. It might be cashing in if they had changed there name to anthrax after the 9-11 incident. This is not the case. In the early eighties (20 years before the 9-11 incident) they named themselves anthrax. Besides this president bush has stated that we should go back to living as things were before the incident or we are giving in to terrorism. Well anthrax was anthrax before and the will be after the incident. You also forget to mention that they have came out in support of the firefighters and police officers that died that day. They were part of a fundraiser concert. Besides this anthrax is not that popular anymore, a would bet that 99% of the people who would be offended by the name no nothing about the band or even that it exists, except for this dumb website that think it should change its name. Well i hope you know that all you'll do is sell some more records for them. Thats my piece.

by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 10:25:47 AM PST
I can't believe how ignorant people can be!! Blaming an artist for tragedies!! First of all, Anthrax the band has been around since the early 80's, and named the band just because it sounded like a cool metal name. The guys in the band are very down to earth and have done alot to help out in these times of tragedy. Also, they are very talented musicians, and if you do gooders out there don't like it, TURN IT OFF!! There are too many other things out there for you to worry about than a rock bands' name!! You people always have to preach about something!! Get off your goddamned high horses and realize that this is AMERICA!! Trying to get someone to change a name or change their musical tastes is no better than communism! If you want to live in a society that regulates everything you do, then GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY!! I, for one am proud to be an American, and very pleased that I can Listen to what I want, watch what I want, and go where I want. You people say that you're Christians? If so, then start acting like one damnit!! Anthrax is a very talented group of individuals and I suggest you do your research before making comments about anything. Find out just what kind of people they are! I personally have met Scott Ian, the guitarist, and let me tell you, he is a very nice guy and happy that he is American. Just keep in mind that they are not a new band, these guys have been at it longer than you think, and they are damned good at what they do! Open your minds assholes!!

The End Is Near (none / 0) (#359)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 10:54:02 AM PST
Yep, it sure is... you know why?

This thread...hell, the whole topic...proves once and for all that humanity has finally sank to a new low. Despite all the technological and social advances we have made it is painfully obvious that there are still loads of people out there that are the human equivalent of piss in the gene pool.

Don't you people have anything better to do than to attempt to incite near-hysteria over a f**king band's name? What's worse is that the level of neo-McCarthyism in your utter disregard for the facts behind the band's name just exemplifies how people like you are the real threat to democracy and the American way of life, not a group of musicians... get a life.

Did you know there was an industrial band called Einsturzende Neubauten that came out about 20 or so years ago... and their name means "Collapsing New Buildings" in German. Of course you didn't, because that would have taken a bit of honest research and fact checking, neither of which applies to you. Perhaps now you can organize a burning of EN discs since they obviously have disrespected the memory of the people who perished in the WTC and the Pentagon.... pfffft. While you're at it make sure and pass around the collection plate, since people tend to be more generous when they are upset or feel threatened... it's worked for the Church for centuries, so why stop now, right?

This nation was founded on the principles of liberty, equality and justice, all of which were ratified by people who were disgusted with the religious zealotry that permeated the United Kingdom in the 17th Century. Unfortunately, it seems that ignorant ranting under the guise of "true Christian values" continues unabated, and your narrow-mindedness sickens me just as much as does the Taliban's. Get off of your soapbox, do some fact-checking and honest research before you open your mouth and spew idiotic rhetoric.

For the record: I am a metal fan in my early 30's, have 2 degrees and I am finishing my Master's Degree in sociology this coming Spring. I have extremely long hair, yet also hold a very good position within a Fortune 500 company that is run by people who learned a long time ago never to judge a book by its' cover. I renounced my Christian faith years ago after I realized that I was following a hollow faith created by man, not God.

I am also a Satanist, which may frighten the general Christian hordes, but if you actually did your homework you'd realize that most Satanists do not worship an invisible entity unlike Christians, but rather we acknowledge that there is just as much good as there is evil in the world. We don't sacrifice babies, or any of the drivel that Hollywood has managed to brainwash the masses with. We do, however, hold in contempt stupidity and ignorance as a cardinal sin... and from what I've gathered several people that have posted here regarding Anthrax are lucky to be walking upright. The thought of people as narrow-minded, bigoted and ignorant such as "dmg" procreating sends shivers down my spine.

Get off of your soapbox and pay attention to the real issues, and do us all a favor and shut your trap if you don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, and change the name of the site to, since that's more fitting. "News for grown ups" - perhaps for those grown ups whose idea of literary enlightenment is reading the National Enquirer while watching Jerry Springer.

Anti-Anthrax petitioners--check your facts. (none / 0) (#362)
by mcaton on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 11:27:40 AM PST
News for grown-ups? Hardly. I'm glad I see before me such reasoned debates as the following: "Canadians are Americans too", "No they're not", "Yes they are", "You're dumb", "I'm telling". Impressive. I'm going to clear up your little petition issue here. Adequacy's regular visitors may already be aware of these facts, in which case I'm even more annoyed by your efforts.

1) Anthrax has had this name for 20 years.

2) Anthrax has gone to the press on numerous occasions to make clear that they in no way want to profit from their name.

3) Anthrax has done in deed what they've said in word, for example by refusing to allow Bayer to place banner ads for Cipro on their web site.

4) Dave Mustaine is the lead singer of Megadeth

5) It's Metallica that complained about their music being downloaded off of Napster (and rightfully so).

6) Spreading the Disease was released in the 1980's, well before the problems that we now face were imaginable.

I don't have to insult this cause separately. Posting facts next to your little attempt at supporting an argument does it for me.

In normal times, it's shameful and ridiculous that people try to censor literature, music, or art in accordance with their own tastes, as opposed to worrying about real problems. In these times it's even worse. This web site's authors, supporters, and those who sign this petition are no better than the Jerry Falwells who waste our time blaming the world's ills on straw men.

From a badly irritated Anthrax fan AND biotechnology scientist (!)

P.S. I'm frankly curious as to what a cogent argument to make Anthrax change their name might look like. If you can think of one, please email me at

Anthrax (none / 0) (#363)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 11:43:22 AM PST
all people, who wants anthrax to change their name: you don�t see a thing. The Problem is not the BAND anthrax, the problem is the REAL anthrax. So, people, leave the band alone ! the band uses this name now for almost 20 (!!!) years. You`re spending your time on the false things... you could help the victims of anthrax in this time. so think about it!

Biohazard / Anthrax (none / 0) (#364)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 12:31:10 PM PST
Anthrax have every right to their name. They've had it for more than two decades. So we also change the name of the band Biohazard because it's in bad taste? Or perhaps Godsmack because they offend religeous factions... or perhaps the band Earth Crisis should change their name because of the world wide recession and destruction of natural resources. Well they already broke up so I guess we saved our children from those "evil doers."

Get real.

The band anthrax (none / 0) (#365)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 12:56:21 PM PST
It not only sickens that people want to send anthrax to one another, but also to all the close-mined, ultra sensitive, whiny politically correct babies. If you looked up anything on the band Anthrax, you would see that they formed in 1981, a whole 20 years before this whole event started happening. Whining over a name is such a trivial matter, if you want to do something, go help the homeless or the people who need help.They are evn playing a benefit show for the victims of the New York tragedy. Go to the website, read the bands comments, just don't assume something. You know what they say about assume- it makes an ass out of you and me. And to quote the words of the band-
"Now in the wake of those events, our name symbolizes fear, paranoia and death. Suddenly our name is not so cool. To be associated with these things we are against is a strange and stressful situation. To us, and to millions of people, it is just a name. We don't want to change the name of the band, not because it would be a pain in the ass, but because we hope that no further negative events will happen and it won't be necessary. We hope and pray that this problem goes away quietly and we all grow old and fat together."-Anthrax

Anthrax the GROUP (none / 0) (#366)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 01:40:53 PM PST
Are you serious? Anthrax is NEW speed metal? And did I read a comment about disheveled angry long hair?

Do you really think they should change their name? They're not cashing in on a recent tragedy. They've been Anthrax for quite a while.

To put this in perspective, should, lessee, Jefferson Airplane change their name? Wait, I think they're all dead. How about people with beards? Others might think they're terrorists.

Also, how does Dave Mustaine fit into this? ("On the one hand, Dave Mustaine complains that people are stealing the band's music via Napster, and yet at the same time, he feels free to insult the record buying public with his irredeemable horrifically tasteless posturing, at a time when the whole country is feeling weak and vulnerable.")

Check the facts before you start posturing. Your jounalism is irresponsible.

satan?.. or just dumbasses? (none / 0) (#367)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 01:46:18 PM PST
ahem.. to clear up one thing.. satanist do not even believe in satan.. satan was made up by the catholic church and protestant religons for the people to see evil as a person.. the usual religous trick..

Anthrax the band (none / 0) (#368)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 01:50:46 PM PST
You, my ignorant friend, are an idiot. Anthrax the band has been around for the better part of 20 years. They aren't trying to make a bad joke, they didn't see into the future and think it would be funny. They are just several guys who thought back while in school (I remind you that was about 20 years ago) that Anthrax was a cool sounding name. They aren't trying to be pricks, you are just blowing this shit way out of whack. If you actually read a little bit about their past you would have known more, dumbass

ANTHRAX (none / 0) (#369)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 02:02:50 PM PST
The people here who pointed out facts about the band are 100% correct because, well, they actually used FACTS. The problem is that the person who wrote the original drivel seems to be blind to any kind of facts at all. He/she went to the official band's website, posted the official press release along with his/her article and STILL failed to see the holes in this peice of garbage "article". (and there ARE many holes)

Funny that the people here against the name Anthrax will not even recognize this.

Why be offended by a band name that can cause NO harm whatsoever, well except to bring uninformed idiots out of the woodwork, who pride themselves in speaking on psuedo-platforms because they can't do anything to change what's really going on in the country right now.

The poster of this trash is highly uninformed, but the people who read it and are of the same opinions are even worse. They HAVE been informed, yet still fail to see it. That makes you dense.

As for increased record sales, indeed that may happen because of the likes of people seen here who bring people's uninformed attention to it. Anthrax, the band, has only made a press release in response to people like you. You brought this issue to the surface, not the band. So if your innocent children have their curiosity teased, and want to hear this music that you so ignorantly oppose, blame yourselves.

The only petition I'll be signing is the one to get this article taken down. It's a good thing ignorance isn't a crime!

Don't you people have anything more imprtant to do? Like, I hear you're supposed to sniff your mail, ya know, just to be sure. Lemme know how that works out for ya.

insane (none / 0) (#370)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 02:07:27 PM PST
I can't believe you guys actually posted this comepletely ridiculous article. The author didn't even check his/her facts.
shame on you.

ps: joey belladonna isn't even in anthrax.....research people, research.

Anthrax (none / 0) (#371)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 02:10:37 PM PST
To the fine moron known as DMG that wrote the plea to anthrax to change thier name. You obviously know nothing about the band anthrax. They are in no way a new band, nor are they taking advantage of the current tension in the US. The band has been around for a good 20 years, and the new album "Spreading the Disease", was released in 1985. Do your research shithead. Your request to change the name is just ridiculos.

*sigh* (2.00 / 1) (#373)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 02:30:17 PM PST
I could just scream, "YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON," but instead I'll just completely tear your argument to shreds analytically. You posted this yourself... "Before the tragedy of September 11th the only thing scary about Anthrax was our bad hair in the 80's and the "Fistful Of Metal" album cover. Most people associated the name Anthrax with the band, not the germ. Now in the wake of those events, our name symbolizes fear, paranoia and death. Suddenly our name is not so cool. To be associated with these things we are against is a strange and stressful situation. To us, and to millions of people, it is just a name. We don't want to change the name of the band, not because it would be a pain in the ass, but because we hope that no further negative events will happen and it won't be necessary. We hope and pray that this problem goes away quietly and we all grow old and fat together."

If you didn't notice, they ARE indeed being sympathetic, and are now regretting having their name. They also mention their first album from the EARLY EIGHTIES, which basically belies your entire argument. They've been around for 20 years, like everyone has said, and they could not have forseen this anthrax scare at the time.

I mean, really... are you expecting them to be prophets or something?

You also mentioned that their ways are "satanist" and the like. Well, to my knowledge... obviously not to yours, Scott Ian, the main publicized member of the band, is a devout member of the Jewish faith.

Spreading the Disease came out in 1985. See previous response.

For the record, Dave Mustaine is in Megadeth, NOT Anthrax. So why even mention him in the argument? Exactly. There's no reason to.

And another thing, all the lyrics aren't about death... so the line "You're anti, you're anti-social!" has to do with the current American crisis?

So, I'd like to tell anyone who is about to email the band (which, it seems, is very few except for the album burning type...) DON'T. This person doesn't have their facts straight.

Now, regarding the album burning types. You obviously need to get your facts straight too. It's like saying, "Hey, you didn't predict a disaster 20 years ago that makes your name bad... so we're burning all of your 15-20 year old albums! MUAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha..." Now, let's say... just hypothetically... that some random Christian author wrote a book 20 years ago, and the current situation makes it offensive to some people... would you like them BURNING ALL OF THE BOOKS? Or howabout, since he's a Christian author, hypothetically... just BURN THE BIBLE?

I can only hope that if anthrax (the DISEASE) spreads across the country, it takes out dumb, pretentious assholes like you. This would make our country better as a whole. You're like the people who don't believe in evolution... I can see why, it looks like you have the intelligence of a large ape.

Thank you,
Tim Lyons

wow... idiot! (none / 0) (#375)
by cavi98 on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 03:10:46 PM PST
Wow, what kind of an idiot takes the time to write all this, but doesn't even take a second to do a little research??

1st.. Anthrax, the band, is not a "new" band... they have been around for 20 years, there name was chosen WELL before any of these terrible events in our country began. I am only 21, and even I know that!

2nd.. The Anthrax album "Spreading the Disease" came out in the 80s... that is not considered a new release... where the heck have you been?

3rd.. Dave Mustaine is in the band MEGADEATH (which is also not new, so is not trying to be funny) and has nothing to do with Anthrax, ya genius.

4th.. Dave Mustaine, also was not the one fighting Napster... that was Lars Ulrich, he is from the band Metallica... ever heard of them? Or are they a "new" band too?

5th.. The fact that the term "Puff" has reference to drug use has NOTHING to do with why P. Diddy changed his name.

I see you must know how the internet works, it would be worth your while to find a search engine and do a little research before you make an ASS of yourself! Oh... oops... it's a little too late for that one now isn't it?!?!?!?!

I would think that since you found the site, and saw that it was a band, you would have maybe looked into it a little, before making a bunch of CRAP up about them! Good Job ya idiot!!

Get a clue (2.00 / 1) (#376)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 03:17:37 PM PST
How cornballish. A band that has been around for almost 20 years should change its name because it just so happens that this Bio-war is using the same disease as their name. Get a clue. BTW, Spreading the Disease was released in 1985. Let me guess, they predicted Sept 11th events 16 years ago, right? :o Their newest album, released in 1998, is called The Threat is Real. Do a little research before you start making accusations!! :p Did any of you Politically correct numba$$es petition for the Dead Kennedies to change their name? I mean, "how does America feel having our revered assassinated president to be humorized by a punk band?" I could understand if the band just came out SINCE the terrorist attack, however this is ludicrous!! If you cannot deal with our new society and this age of terrorism, then go hide in your momma's skirts. If you feel particularly "wounded", talk to a head-doctor or call someone who cares!! But don't expect society to change because of "things being related to Sept 11th". Anthrax, keep your f@#$in name!!

ANTHRAX (none / 0) (#379)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 05:26:55 PM PST
To 'DMG' and the other ignorant people out there who are crying because they are offended by a band name-by all means Anthrax is not a new band, they have been around for almost twenty years (long before the recent rash of Anthrax scares and deaths, but not before the inception of the disease hundreds of years ago). Before you criticize anything maybe you should do some research first before opening your big mouth. They are not cashing in on anything-stop being so damn sensitive. I am equally appalled by the events of September 11th and the aftermath there of, but I am not going to cry at every little word or name associated with the horror that has been taking place during the past few months. In essence, the petition posted is a load of BS. Stop trying to lead a crusade and sway people's minds. I am a firm believer in the lord our God but also a fan of Heavy Metal music in general and urge you to read the whole story before you pass judgement.

anthrax, THE BAND (none / 0) (#381)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 06:48:43 PM PST
how ignorant can some people be? the band has clearly been around since 1981 and no lies the media makes can cover this up. Now onto the many other mistakes made. They are not a grindcore band, nor death metal. their cds(excluding the latest 2, stomp 442 and volume 8:the threat is real) are thrash/speed metal. Dave Mustaine is not in Anthrax, has never been in Anthrax and will never be. Freedom of speech is something everyone is supposed to have and this is trying to be taken away from the band. They are not preaching bio-terrorism or war in any fashion. I think instead of looking for a scapegoat to blame something on, let things be and concentrate on more pressing issues like anthrax, the disease, and what is being done about it.

yea right..get your facts straight. (none / 0) (#383)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 07:38:46 PM PST
i may not know alot about the band or the deisease anthrax, but i dont care. i like anthrax music and i haver been lising to it and going to there shows for years. and i dont think that cause someone doesnt know how to look up somwething on a computer anyother way then one websight that they should change there name. THEY ARE NOT A NEW BAND, like you sai, tey were around in the 80s and they didnt know that all this was going to happen. y should they change it, they have been using it for years and it is how tey are known, they are anthrax. the band and this thing going around have nothing to do with each other, other then the name. so back of buddy and let the heavy metal play.

Renaming Anthrax (none / 0) (#384)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 07:41:30 PM PST
You stupid fools. It's just a name!! Are you so hyper sensitive that you will stop at nothing to abolish what you think to be offensive? Are we to live in a totalitarian state so you can "feel good"? Another thing, get your facts straight. Anthrax has several songs that have positive messages; messages about unity, peace, and understanding history. Until you do research, you appear to be nothing but fascist scum

You 'grown-ups' are clueless... (none / 0) (#388)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 08:42:12 PM PST
First off, try actually learning about the band, because the way you so pathetically researched the band and made assumptions to them being "grind-core" (More than likely you guys could never comprehend what grind-core is, let alone what death metal or even actual metal is by the sounds of it) and that they are a new band (laughable) makes you sound more and more like close-minded wrinkly old people who only have enough musical knowledge to use for the hymnals you hear at church every Sunday.

Secondly, Anthrax has kept their name for years....and years....actually, 20 years to be exact. And this Anthrax deal only started recently. You can rest assured (but you won't), there is no connection to their name and that you are flipping out over nothing. You people are just another batch of selfish, childish excuses for human beings who could hardly be called Adults.

GIve Me A Break!!! (none / 0) (#389)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 08:49:43 PM PST
All of you people here at are so ignorant. the band anthrax has been around since the 80's. you said that they were trying to cash in on the terrorism, when in fact they have been making albums for the past 10 to 15 years. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT AND RESEARCH before you say something. Changing the bands name is not going to solve the problem, i hope you all know that. you all need to find something better to do rather than point fingers.

Kill dmg the fag who wrote the original (0.00 / 1) (#390)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 10:21:19 PM PST
What a fucking loser. I suggest we all go to his apartment and rape him with a turkey baster. How old are you, loser? You have the intelligence of a rock and the maturity of a 5 year old. I bet you've never had sex. Every single point you make can be proven WRONG. I wish a was a hacker who could shut down this pathetic propaganda bullshit. Fuck you, DIE!!!

dmg - please, PLEASE change your name (4.00 / 1) (#391)
by surreal13 on Tue Oct 23rd, 2001 at 11:29:25 PM PST
A plea to the user currently known as dmg,
I am sure you are aware of the criticism rap has gotten over the years because of violent lyrics from artists such as Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, and many others. Well, there is also a rapper by the name of DMG that belongs to the group Facemob. He, along with his group, promotes the same senseless killing, drug use, and derogatory comments towards women just like every other rapper out there.

I find your user name to be offensive during these controversial times.

Perhaps you can call yourself "abc" or something of that nature that would preserve the continuity of your image, without causing such enormous offense to the more vulnerable members of this site.

It would be a great way for you to do your bit to help us heal the wounds that rappers such as Eminem have opened.

Just in case you don't believe me, here is an excerpt of his lyrics from a song entitled "RAL Mafia." Enjoy:

Niggas sure wonder why I hang with these thugs
Cause my Nigga Yuk fuckin' these Niggas up
Nigga, this Rap-A-Lot Mafia till I die
Why? Because we ride
Everyday do or die
Riffles and .45's
17-shot nines
Right up between your eyes
Niggas is gonna die
Niggas come from the pound
Hummers and S-S's
Born to be a killer
Fill a Nigga
Body with holes
Head to toe when he showed up
Blow up your whole motherfuckin' head, quote us
And I'ma roll, with my Niggas till the wheels fall
Clean up the motherfuckin' car
And in this room we bring the world war

Need I go on. Thank you for reading this and I am sure you will do the right thing.

Is this a joke? (none / 0) (#392)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 12:05:22 AM PST
I'm really curious as to if this is a joke, because a page cannot possibly have this much false information and be serious. First off, Anthrax is NOT trying to cash in on this, they've been around since the early 80's, and they released their first album in 1984. Spreading the Disease wasn't released until 1985. The page mentions how it's not right to do what the terrorists want and go into complete panic over this, so why should Anthrax change their name? It'd be just another victory for these terrorists. If you are serious about this page, I'm sorry, but you have no case, you're just plain flat out wrong. You have no REAL facts to back up your thoughts, and there's too many REAL facts to back up Anthrax keeping their rightful name.

my god people are stupid... (none / 0) (#394)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 02:17:00 AM PST
ok where should i start??? for the past half hour i have wasted my time reading some of this FUCKING BULLSHIT that some of you idiotic, overprotective, even NAZI motherfuckers have written. if your gonna fukcin complain about somethin then at least fucking know about something your complaing about so you dont look like a fucking idiot when you are proved wrong because of your fucking ignorance!!!! let me set a few of you narcisstic jerks right.
1. most of you dumb FUCKRAGS writing on this board who have complained about anthrax's lyrics seem to somehow confuse their lyrics with hmmmmm SLAYER and METALLICA and MEGADETH so you can support your pathetically stupid points with equally and pathetically bad evidence that isnt fucking right. for example one of you fucking dickmunching wankers seems to have presumed that the METALLICA classic 'ride the lightning' encourages children to fly kites in the lightning. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK!???? get your fukcing facts straight asshole
2. yes, the knowlegeable people are right anthrax was formed in fducking 1980 before the concept of BIOTERRORISM was even concieved you dumbasses!"!!!!!
3. occasionaly anthraxs lyrics may seem a little pro violence but its all about expressing that anger into something positive you fucking idiots !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people go home and listen to heavy metal because it STOPS them fucking killing people!! metral deals to the darker emotions, in much the way that EA Poe dealt with the darker side of life in his writings. without this freedom to express what anthrax have to say, how the fuck can you express it?????????? you cant go out and say that shit in public now can you? if there even is one song on any of there 13 fucking cds about bioterrorism then it doesnt fukcing focus on promoting that bullshit its all about channeling the anger on the subject into a positive means so they can express it in a way that a listener can connect to it you FUCKRAGS! fuck
ill leave you with a quote my resourceful friend just left me
''There is nothing more sad than to see a flock of Americans gather together like frightened sheep, blindly swinging at what seems to be the wolf''

WHY? (none / 0) (#395)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 02:43:37 AM PST
I have never in my life read anything as ill informed as the "report" on the band Anthrax. It does not deserve to be published and really does not even dignify a response, such is the depth of stupidity displayed in the report. It is ignorant people like you who are helping the cause of the terrorists by spreading misinformation and condoning the silencing of free speech. Wake up!

Adequacy (2.00 / 1) (#396)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 02:45:05 AM PST
News for grown ups?

Try news for wankers with their heads stuck up their arses.

Ignorance like this fucking pisses me off.

Don't believe the hype. (none / 0) (#398)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 07:24:53 AM PST
If Jesus were alive today, he would be displeased to see anyone burning books, art or records. Anthrax, the band, are not the enemy. It's sad to see people exploit recent tragedies, and to use horrific events as an excuse to fight against a harmless rock band. Shame on all you Bible-thumping Christian supremacists. You have outdone yourselves in terms of tastelessness yet again. I urge you to cease your exploitation of tragic events and manipulation of young minds. Let the kids think for themselves. You might be suprised at how smart they are. Mint, I'll see you in hell.
Greg Svitil
Washington, DC

ANTHRAX, The threat is real! (none / 0) (#402)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 10:04:47 AM PST
Wow, you guys are really DUMB! I can't believe you have the nerve to call the bullshit you sling news! ANTHRAX has been around for over 20 years. A little tiny bit of research would have told you that. And why on earth should they change their name? The current political climate? The threat of bio-terrorism? Because YOU say so??? HA! The very thought cracks me up.

Actually, since you have demonstrated your inability to discern your collective ass from a hole in the ground, I think I'm going to start a petition to get YOU to change YOUR name to Ya like that? Do ya? HUH? In fact, I'll even set up an automatic link so people can email your stupid ass directly.

Now, I'm off to listen to some "Evil Death Metal". Hey, here's my 'Among the Living' album right here (That's an ANTHRAX album released in 1986, since you obviously don't know).

Have an efilnikufesin, dipshits!


Wesley Willis comments on this thread: (none / 0) (#403)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 10:35:19 AM PST

I want to smack your empty head with a brick
You have no clue what you're talking about
I want to take you to an Anthrax show
Watching you get your ass kicked would be delightful

Dumb Moronic Geek
Dumb Moronic Geek
Dumb Moronic Geek

Where do you get your facts?
Did you read them on a bathroom wall
While caressing a stranger's penis
In the next stall?

Dumb Moronic Geek
Dumb Moronic Geek
Dumb Moronic Geek

Moriveth, Mint Waltman, DMG
You all have the IQ of a peanut
You make me ashamed to be an American

Dumb Moronic Geek
Dumb Moronic Geek
Dumb Moronic Geek

Rock over London; Rock on Chicago
Burger King: it does a body good.

This is quite possibly.... (none / 0) (#404)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 10:45:07 AM PST
the most fucking idiotic, illogical, ignorant peice of writing i have ever had the displeasure of reading....
i seriously do not know whether to laugh out loud at you idiots or become extremely worried that absolute wastes of flesh like you truly believe this bullshit you spew forth...

you are so completely wrong in EVERYTHING you have written in the above statement that you have suceeded in achieving a level of patheticness I previously thought was unattainable in humans.

Stupidity of this level and magnitude should not be tolerated, and it is even scarier to see that a number of people seem to agree with you.

on behalf of all INTELLIGENT, OPEN MINDED Metalheads, i would like you thank you for significantly lowering our views and expectations on the average intelligence of the human race.... If our world is full of people like you, we are in serious trouble.

yours truly,
open minded, intelligent METALHEAD.

Funny, Funny Stuff. (none / 0) (#407)
by eb on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 12:57:00 PM PST
Hilarious. I've been chuckling for the past 20 minutes, not only at the original post, but at the responses to it who took it seriously. Obviously, this post is a satire of the kind of knee-jerk reactions we've been seeing over the past month to *everything*.

I hope there are other people who enjoyed it as much as i did.

build a man a fire and he'll be warm all day. set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

This is the worst thing I've ever heard!!! (none / 0) (#408)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 01:06:52 PM PST
Why should Anthrax change their name? The band has been around for 20+ years, and now just because some stupid shithead is spreading this certain disease, you want them to change their name?
Is the band responsible for this terrible act?
Do they have any connection to the disease except for their name? The answer is no!

This is a great opportunity for those of you who hate metal of any kind.
But you know what? This ain't gonna happen, the band will keep their name no matter what you people think.
Anthrax is forever, and I'm not talking about the disease...

Changing The Band Name (none / 0) (#409)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 01:26:03 PM PST
To anybody who thinks that Anthrax should change their name, go find something better to do with your time. They have been around for 20 years now and the name has meant nothing until 3 weeks ago. They are not trying to cash in on this tragedy, nor should anybody with a soul. It is simply who they are, and what they want their name to be. to tell them to change their name is taking away from their identity.
I am not a big fan of Anthrax, so don't think I am some punk who is just out to support his favorite band, but i do believe that changing a name because a few people may be offended is ridiculous.
As to you whoever posted this petition, you are about as ignorant as the people who ran the the stores to buy gas masks anyway.
I also don't belive the band appreciates your hate literature. Maybe we should start a petition for you to write them a formal appology.

Anthrax (the band) and Misinformation. (none / 0) (#411)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 02:14:36 PM PST
It is a shame that you are so vengeful towards the band Anthrax when you are so misinformed. Anthrax has been around for almost 20 years, and I have been a fan of the band for many years. They are by no means a "new" band. They are also by no means a "death metal" or "grindcore" band. They have taken no measures to profit in any way from the attack of 9/11. Anthrax is from New York!
Given that you have so little understanding about metal music, it is ludicrous for you to make any suggestions as to how the band should deal with what could be considered a public relations disaster. It is certainly true that people may find the band name offensive given current circumstances, but for them to change their moniker after 2 decades seems drastic. By your mentality the Grateful Dead should have changed their name during any trying period or loss of life, as they showed no respect for the dead who would certainly be more grateful to be alive!!!
While I certainly agree that musicians should be sensitive to this matter, what you ask goes far beyond reason. The rap group The Coup had an album cover of the Twin Towers exploding, which went to press before the attack. The cover was pulled immediately, as to not trample the sensitive American psyche. This is reasonable. It was directly related, new and easy to change. Dream Theater enacted similar measures with their cover of Scenes from New York. Both of these products were new, easy to change, and of minimal consquence to change. Anthrax is not in the same position. If they were planning on releasing an album called "Mail Order Terrorism," before the attacks, no one would question the need for them to change their product. But to, not only insist that they change their name, but beligerently attack them while knowing so little about the group, just shows a hyper-reactionary way of thought that is highly counterproductive during these times, and is further conducive to panic!! The link you have to the site for "Spreading the Disease" shows the release date as 1986! If you followed your own link, you would have to rethink your entire article!
I sincerely hope that you reconsider your stance on this matter, not only for yourself, but for the benefit of those that may be swayed by your misinformation. Now is not the time for us to be picking fights within, we need to put our differences aside and prepare for hard times ahead. Do not let such petty differences in opinion undermine the devastating seriousness of our country's current environment.

Thank you,
Matt Medeiros

to all my fellow metalheads.... (none / 0) (#412)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 03:00:57 PM PST
i would just like to thank all of you for proving that the stereotypes about us and our music are 100% wrong. If this ignorant idiot has accomplished one thing with his misinformed rant, it is that Metalheads are some of the most open minded, intelligent people out there. The fact that many of us kept our tempers and replied to this idiot with cold hard FACTS that prove his incompitence when it would have been much easier to get pissed off and let this fool have a peice of our minds proves that WE are not the ones lacking intelligence....

Huh ? (5.00 / 1) (#419)
by dmg on Thu Oct 25th, 2001 at 03:46:29 AM PST
...kept our tempers and replied to this idiot with cold hard FACTS

What, you mean like this ?


I want to smack your empty head with a brick
You have no clue what you're talking about
I want to take you to an Anthrax show
Watching you get your ass kicked would be

Or like this ?

What a fucking loser. I suggest we all go to his apartment and rape him with a turkey baster

Or like this ?

I can only hope that if anthrax (the DISEASE) spreads across the country, it takes out dumb, pretentious assholes like you

Not to mention the several death threats I have received from so-called intelligent 'metalheads'. You see, metalheads are by nature quite violent, and have trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality.

Fantasy - everyone in the world should recognise 'metal' as a great artform.

Reality - Metal is a shitty excuse for music that should be banned as it is without artistic merit, and basically encourages crime, satanism and violence. Metalheads are some of the most bigoted vain obsessive idiots in the world.

Perhaps if you stopped spending so much time admiring your curly long hair in the mirror and trying to look like Eddie Van Halen or that guy out of Poison and instead took time out to listen to some real music (rap and hip hop for example) you would not feel the need to make so many death threats.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

A question for you DMG (none / 0) (#430)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 26th, 2001 at 01:45:33 PM PST
Why have you not given a response to the factual evidence that what you originally wrote is wrong? You seem to only be responding to childish statements like "I want to smack your empty head with a brick ". Even then most of your responses are simply more disinformation. You still have not explained to us how lyrics that come from bands other than Anthrax are proof that the band Anthrax believes in one thing or another. I'd like to hear where you found all the lyrics (and the meanings of those lyrics). I'd also like to hear why we should believe anything you say when you have listed false information over and over in this discussion.


hahahaha (none / 0) (#431)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 26th, 2001 at 03:29:06 PM PST

Are you REALLY going to have the testicular fortitude to say that something should be banned because it has no merrit? If so, you oughtta just take this site down now.

First, you're ignorant enough to try and mislead people with false information, then you also state your opinion as fact, then when people who knew all the facts called you on it, you just came up with the oh-so-clever "all metalheads are violent" crap. Then again what choice did you have? Even you know that your false representation can't be defended so where else could you go with your argument?

You want to talk fantasy from reality? You actually believe the things you are saying are true and of journalistic quality. You, in fact, are quite delusional.

I mean, you did mention rap and hip hop as if they were credible sources for peace and love. So either you're delusional or you just put this "article" up to get a rise out of us metalheads and to get a lot of visitors to this stupid site.

SO, who exactly is trying to profit from the recent anthrax scare? A band that's been around for 20 years? Or a moron who wants to make his fame by making a band look like they're guilty of what he, himself is? An oportunist who can't make a name for himself without using someone elses platform.

I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet, as it is SOOO obvious.

Anthrax (none / 0) (#413)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 03:45:32 PM PST
You people are incredably silly and uninformed. How did you get a website? Anthrax was around before you new what terrorism was. It sounds to me like you are the ones trying to capitalize on the recent attacks. "Aunt Frax" what are you, nuts? I should report you to F.A.I.R. "News for grown-ups" HA HA.

Anthrax (none / 0) (#414)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 03:48:48 PM PST
You people sound incredibly silly and uninformed. You have to step back and think about what your saying, and get the facts straight man! Anthrax was around before you new what terrorism was. It sounds to me like you are the ones trying to capitalize on the recent attacks. "Aunt Frax" - what are you, nuts? I should report you to F.A.I.R.

"News for grown-ups" - HA HA.

are you for real??? (none / 0) (#415)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 03:57:29 PM PST
i don't even understand why this bothers everyone so much. it's obvious mint has no idea what he's writing about. it's just too bad ignorance breeds ignorance. i feel bad for all those poor, mindless, lemmings who take the shit you proclaim at face value (and i'm sure jesus weeps at this as well). it's really pathetic that such stupidity exists.
in the words of the great billy milano, do the world a favor...."kill yourself."

anthrax name change (none / 0) (#416)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 04:03:52 PM PST
this is probably the most ridiculous article i think i've ever read. i think a 5 yr old can do better research that the writers at this site. anthrax has been around since 1984 and how they could "cash in" on the recent tragedies is hilarious. joey belladonna, please change your name....hey goofs, joey is not even in the band any more. get the facts straight and worry about bettering the country and quit making more problems. thanx....

Anthrax (none / 0) (#417)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 08:10:46 PM PST
Anthrax has been around since the early eigthies so to say their tring to cash in is retarded and the album spreading the dieses has also been around for while. So maybe you should do some more research and read that message on the sites before you go start making statments about how evil they are. Funalliy listen to their music and tell what makes it satanic.

No Name Change For Anthrax (none / 0) (#418)
by DefSwegie on Wed Oct 24th, 2001 at 08:29:13 PM PST
I really wish people would find out facts and do their homework before they try and attack a band that has been around for years. Yes, the band in question is Anthrax. Yes, their name IS Anthrax.

What the one who calls himself "DMG" should know is that the band Anthrax is NOT a new band. In fact, the band has been around since 1982. They are not "Grind-Core" (which is spelled Grindcore without a hyphen), and if you would have even bothered to listen to or read the lyrics to any Anthrax CD you will see that they talk about nothing Satanic related at all. One more time, had some bothered to investigate the band further they would have known that Joey Belladonna has not been apart of Anthrax since 1991.

"Spreading The Disease" a new CD? Can we please do some homework here people!? The CD in question actually came out in 1985, 16 years before the recent anthrax scare. Any plain Joe who would simply pick the CD up and look at copyright date on the back side on the bottom of CD would clearly see that. Again, if you bothered to listen or even read the lyrics to the CD you would see that the lyrics have nothing to do with Bioterrorism whatsoever.

Wait, now Anthrax are "Death Metal?" I thought they were "Grindcore?" I think DMG has a distate for the genre of Heavy Metal and it's subgenres and is trying to stir up controversy with it relating to recent events. Let's stick to the subject at hand here.

As far as Anthrax being juvenile goes, well yes, they are juvenile and actually have a sense of humor (which is something many people in this country lack). Goof-balls are who Anthrax are, it's who they've always been in their nearly 20 years of existence, and it's who I hope they continue to be.

As I suspected, I think you dislike the music form of Heavy Metal and simply need an outlet to base soiceties problems on. I don't see what ranting about Dave Mustaine has to do with anything relating to Anthrax (the band or otherwise). If you thought Dave Mustaine is apart of the band Anthrax then I truly feel sorry for you because he is not and never was. He is a close friend of the band but has never been apart of the band.

Please, do not try to place societies problems on one band who happened to have a name which people fear right now. Before the anthrax scare broke, no one mentioned one word about the band, but now that everyone is scared of what is going on in this country they feel the need to attack the band. I don't agree that Anthrax should have to change their name. In fact, I applaude them for keeping their name. They are the only ones out of this whole disaster to show some strength and go on strong, and keep their name flying high, no matter how much of a negative reaction they get from people. It's the true metal way.

Ever since the terrorist attacks of September 11, everyone has been postponing prior obligations and changing things simply because of what has happened. That is not the American way in my humble opinion. We are not about backing down. America is about going on, going strong, and not letting anything get in our way. I understand that what happened on Sep. 11 was very tragic and will never be forgotten, but we've got to move on and move on strong! We've mourned enough and now it's time to strive forward. We've got to show the world that we won't let anything slow us down, not this terriorist attack, not this scare of anthrax, not anything.

Do not try and put words into the mouth of the band. The band never stated the death of those who were infected by anthrax was a joke to them. The band feels just as terrible as the rest of America, but they refuse to let recent events hinder their name. Their name has nothing to do with the disease and never has.

And for future references, next time can we please get the facts right before we open our mouths people? The world would be a much better place if people could grasp a concept such as that.


The Anthrax Band Question (none / 0) (#420)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Oct 25th, 2001 at 06:15:52 AM PST
I've been reading to the Netherlander report about the case brought forth from the name of the metal band Anthrax and the omonimous disease which is spreading terror all over the world: I've been simply disgusted from the words written on it. It's incredible how people can speak without having an idea about what they're talking about and without being acquainted. First off: Anthrax plays THRASH METAL, not grind-core or speed metal. They are different sub-genres of heavy metal music. Second thing, Anthrax band exists since 1981, they are not a "new rock band" as written on that misunderstanding report. Their first album "Fistful of Metal" was released in 1983. "Spreading the Disease", the album which created so many controversies, was released in 1984, it's their second work, not their new LP and, above all, songs in it DON'T TALK ABOUT BIOTERRORISM, but simply tell about personal points of view of day-by-day life. Spreading the disease is a metaphor for spreading the heavy metal music all over the world.
This is the truth, so there is no reason for the band to change their name, which is a symbol of heavy metal history in years... The band has no involvment with all the horror and violence exploded in these days. The next time you will criticize something or someone, please go straight to acquaint before insulting the great world of heavy metal. We're fed up with being pointed as Satan worshipers, such as violent death's predicators, as non-decorous people. We're just music listeners and/or players: heavy metal was not born to engage in politics, it is and always will an entertainment for whoever loves hard sound and great musicianship. Heavy metal is the right answer to "right-thinking people" who thinks to clean thier conscience by demonizing against the easy-accused of a difficult situation.

It' s all a waste of time and nothing else (none / 0) (#429)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Oct 26th, 2001 at 01:16:34 AM PST
I'm replying to dmg only. I have read some messages and truly I'm sorry for the ones that made an effort to explain something to a person that doesn't want to listen, neither is interested.
dmg is only writing what comes to his mind without thinking. He is an extremist like the ones he, blindly, would like to fight. dmg, you'll not make anything good by making Anthrax change their name.
It's just a name.
And you're just a dork.
If you wanna make something to make things better
I'm tired of this kind of annoying and unuseful shit.
Just be quiet and do something really useful instead of a witch hunt in 2001.

Anthrax (none / 0) (#434)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 29th, 2001 at 03:25:39 PM PST
First off, Anthrax has been around for over 15 years! pretty damn old. Secondly, if you actually pulled your head out of your ass and listened to them, you'd realize that they're quite comical and the furthest thing from terrorists. They are only one casualty of the news media distorting this war out of many.
Next time take time to become truly informed before over-reacting, as you failed to do.

Anthrax (none / 0) (#436)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Oct 29th, 2001 at 10:44:35 PM PST
Dude, you totally suck!
why would you be pissed at a band who has had this name for decades.

"Apparently they have a new CD out hatefully entitled 'Spreading the Disease' which is full of songs praising bioterrorism "

yeah, im sure that they really praise bio-fucking-terrorism, especially when its being aimed at their own country.

you are a top class jerk (none / 0) (#437)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Oct 30th, 2001 at 02:01:58 PM PST
As many have pointed out Anthrax have been around for years, etc etc and Mustaine is in a band called Megadeth from the west coast.Anthrax are from New York.And I would take a look at the F.B.I building if you want to know who has been planting the Anthrax. They just want to justify the Terrorism that we are carrying out in the name of an Oil pipeline for Son Of A Bush. You Ignorant religious freak.

Anthrax (none / 0) (#440)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 1st, 2001 at 12:55:37 PM PST
You are an idiot. I'm not a troll, that is just my opinion. Again, YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Anthrax has been around since the early 80's, Dave Mustaine is in Megadeth, not Anthrax and you are an idiot. I know you don't have the balls to post a reply that does not agree with you closed, deluded mind. You'll just call them a troll and cut their post.

Braindead fucking journalist (none / 0) (#442)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 2nd, 2001 at 08:19:42 AM PST
there is absolutely no way in hell that anthrax will change their name. so why not focus on a more pressing issue i'm sure in the fucked up country that is america, there is something more important that changing a fifteen year old bands name. get a life mate.

To the guy critizicing Anthrax... sir... (none / 0) (#445)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 08:55:33 PM PST
You are a dumbass...

"new"? please, why dont you try to inform yourselve a little better before spreading misinformation...

First of all Anthrax has existed since the middle 80's when you didn't even knew the bacteria existed you ignorant asshole.

Second, do you even read the papers? the anthrax is coming from local terrorism not muslim, dumbass...

Satanic depravity? please! have you even heard their music, before making a judgement on the band and their music?

They decided not to change the name because it has been their name since they started almost 20 years ago, and because some assholes are ruining their own country they are not going to change it, they are not going the cowards way...

Juvenile anctics? they are probably older than you, and defenitly much more informed...

Dave Mustaine isn't theone complaining about the music being stole from napster... it's Lars Ulrich from Metallica, god man you are the temple of ignorance and missinformation...

Please go back to your trailer, grow a brain then try to make an informed and intelligent post you dumbass...


u stupit cunt (none / 0) (#446)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 08:22:57 PM PST
anthrax have been around 4 20 years u idiot and
Spreading the Disease was released 16 years ago


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