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I find that the average person has a large misconception of what hacker
is, which is due to both the media and the government. The media portrays
hackers as teenagers with some knowledge of computers, who enjoy sending
people viruses, crashing websites, and breaking into people's computers using
trojan horses. We call people who do that, crackers. The media portrays us
as people who have nothing to do with our time except mess with other people's
computers, which is far from the truth. The government claims that we steal
sensitive information from them and are a risk to national security. The
media couldn't be further from the truth....
[Editorial Note] We receive quite a large number of stories like this in the submission queue. Normally they are quickly put aside, and often are not even read by any of the staff. But for some indescribable reason this one seems special; the chaff of the chaff, if you will. Enjoy. [editor's note, by em] Which reminds me that you should all thank us, the editors of this site, from shielding you from "stories" like this day after day. [editor's note, by dmg] I would just like to make it known that several other adequacy editors and I vehemently opposed the posting of this clueless article. On behalf of myself and these other editors, I offer my sincerest apologies, and suggest you simply ignore this moronic pile of drivel. [editor's note, by em] I am starting to think that this story is a "troll", and that many of the comments herein also are so. As thus, I am pondering removing it from the site. After all, Adequacy has a strict anti-trolling policy, and I would hate to see it violated. I still have to make up my mind whether it is really a troll before I do it. |
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It is totally against the beliefs of a true hacker
to harm people's computers. Those people that send around all the viruses
and crash all those websites are NOT considered to be hackers by actual hackers.
They themselves claim to be hackers because they think it's cool ( due to
movies they've seen ). Also, the primary goal of a hacker is to learn everything
possible in one's lifetime; to know everything, so almost all of a hacker's
actions are based around the principal of learning something. Using a trojan
horse is not in anyway educational, so real hackers do not use them, unless
it's one they made themselves. Hackers also have a general hatred of authority.
Authority is used to control people and control what they think, which hackers
believe is "evil". Therefore, hackers will try to disrupt authoritarian environments
as much as possible. That is why so many hackers are seen as anarchists.
That is also why the government does not like hackers. It's because the government
knows that hackers are able to truly keep them in check without much reprisal
( only about 5% of hackers are actually caught ). Hackers also believe that being
bored is bad to the point of being almost evil. Doing anything that is boring
or repetitive means that they are wasting time they could be using to learn
something or share their knowledge. About the only exception to doing repetitive
things is maybe a mind-clearing exercise or to try to learn a new skill.
Hackers, in accordance with the goal of learning as much as possible, believe that information should be free. This means that hackers believe that all intellectual property should be free and accessible to anyone who wants it. That is why hackers are some of the main opposition against Microsoft, which sells it's software for prices, which are totally insane, while manipulating people into paying for their products by making them "easy to use". However, Microsoft products often seem to be geared so much towards ease-of-use that they loose their functionality. Meanwhile, open-source software, which was started by hackers, is dirt cheap ( often downloadable for free ), and has higher quality than most commercial software. When most commercial software has a bug, it takes the company years sometimes to make a patch to fix it, and then the company charges people for the patch. OSS software is usually patched within three days of the problem being discovered, and is free to have patched. Due to the way corporations cheat people, hackers generally hate big business. This is one of the reasons that hackers tend to build their own custom computers and write their own software ( which they distribute for free ). The goal is to out companies like Microsoft, Symantec, Adobe, and McAfee out of business. Bill Gates is not seen in a good light by hackers. Almost all of the code for his programs is stolen from other companies. Bill just renames a few things, slaps a Microsoft label on it, and sells it for five times what it's worth. His company also releases products which they know have flaws in them, and wait to fix the problems with them until someone complains. One aspect of hacker culture that has been studied for years is the elitist attitude of hackers. Hackers are a very tight group, and it's hard to get in with them, except the occasional public board or internet chat. Many people see this as us trying to exclude people from our knowledge, or just being mean. There are reasons that we are so tight though. We constantly have to worry about the FBI monitoring us, wannabes who think of hacking like crackers do ( we don't want to give them the knowledge to become a cracker ), and media reporters ( they are highly annoying ). We usually try to keep such people away from us by hiding that we are hackers. In cases in which that does not work, there have been more forceful methods used, such as banning people from our chat rooms ( that's why we use IRC so much; we can ban people ). There are some of us that go overboard that try to scare people away, using anything from faked mail to crashing their computer, but these "extremists" are generally looked down on by hackers. An aspect of our culture that makes a lot of people mad is that we generally have an intolerance of people with a lesser intelligence and look down on such people. We look at the matter in terms of "if people would try to learn, then they wouldn't be stupid, therefore stupid people are lazy". While that may not be fair, neither are the ideas that the general population has about us. Something that is commonly commented on about hackers is that many of us do not have many real life friends. People just assume that we are anti-social or "geeks" or something because we don't talk to many people in real life. However, we do talk to a lot of people online. People will say that we talk to people online because we can't handle talking to real people, in person. The interesting thing is, among us there is no racism, sexism, religious persecution, or judgments based on appearance. The only way we can find out enough information about each other to have those reactions to people is if we voluntarily give out that information. Whereas in "real-life", there is all sorts of persecution, simply because people are able to actually see and touch each other. Among us, all that really matters is your mind ( and maybe your spelling and typing skills ). Hackers, despite their goal of attaining knowledge, often have an extreme dislike for school. Our idea is that "Why should we go to school for 8 hours, when we can learn the same thing on the internet in 2 hours?". In many cases, hackers are much more intelligent than their teachers, and many have the knowledge to take the teacher's jobs. In fact, at the time of writing this, I am teaching the computer class at my school, and I am only sixteen years old. As far as school goes, hackers fit into two basic categories, slackers or over-achievers. Those who fall into the slacker category are there because they find school so boring ( because they know all the material already ), that they can't concentrate on it. Then there are the over-achievers that surpass the rest of their class. The over-achievers generally do this with the actual intention of trying to get other people to follow the example ( reducing the amount of stupid people in the world ), or in some case, to make the teachers look bad, as they often surpass the teacher, which leads to correcting the teacher and arguing with them over the class material. The government generally seems to hate hackers. Most of the time a hacker is caught, the government makes an example out of them to try to scare other hackers. A perfect example is the way that the government treated Kevin Mitnick; basically ruining his life. The reason that the government is so afraid of hackers is that hackers generally dislike the government, and hackers are the only group in the United States that could successfully make an attack on the government or start a revolution without much effort or fear of reprisal. The government relies on computers, especially the military, and hackers have the ability to take away those computers or control them, thus crippling or controlling the government. While no hacker has ever done that, the government is so afraid that is will happen that they want to expunge the country of hackers. What they fail to realize is that other countries have a lot of hackers too, and many of those countries hire them to make "cyber warfare" on other countries. The United States government is not equipped to deal with that kind of threat, so the hackers of the United States end up being the only real defense. Removing us from the country would leave the United States wide open to attack. The government claims to have an info war facility in Washington DC that is for dealing with these sorts of attacks. If that is the case, then why is it that people, in our own country, are able to repeatedly break into government computers, sometimes without even being detected? It is because of this that most attacks against government computers are not reported and are often covered up by the government itself. To get rid of hackers, the government has tried to use propaganda to persuade the public to believe that all hackers are just like the crackers mentioned at the beginning of this paper. They do this by only reporting the bad things that have happened due to crackers and hackers. Most people are unaware that most of the computer technology we have was invented by hackers. Steve Wozniak, the founder of Apple Computers, is a self-professed hacker. The people that made the internet accessible to everyone were hackers. They took the control of it from the universities and government. Hackers are the people that brought high-level encryption to the public, providing privacy online, and the people who blew the whistle on the NSA's civilian surveillance system called ECHELON. Hackers are for the people and for the good of the world, and the government wants to deprive the world of us? I hope that this paper has at least shown the viewpoint of hackers to the reader, if not brought them over to the side of hackers. |
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