"In the beginning, God created the Universe. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is widely regarded as a bad move."
The above quote is famous in certain circles, both for its entertainment value and inherent heresy. But I believe it helps to raise some rather interesting questions about God, and what we know of God through His creation.
In the book of Genesis, we're told that God created the Heavens and the Earth, the water, land and sky. Then he created the creatures of the ocean, followed by the creatures on the land. Male and female, he created every one.
Then God created Man in His own image. Let's consider the implications of that. God created Man in His (God's) image. This means we know roughly what God looks like through our knowledge of Man. We don't necessarily know that Man was created as an exact replica of God with regard to internal organs, but I think we can safely assume that external details are going to remain constant. Two eyes, two ears, one nose with two nostrils, one mouth with teeth and tongue, etc.
This means that God has genitals. A penis and testicles. What does God need with sexual equipment?
Now wait, this is not just irreverant heresy. If you take the Bible as literal truth, unaltered by one jot or tittle, this becomes a valid question. God created Man and put him in the Garden to name all the creatures and everything he found. Man obliged him and did his duty, but got bored and lonely so God created Woman to be a helpmate. This means that God created in Man the capacity for sexual reproduction, but no means to satisfy it. It can be assumed that Woman was in mind for a later project, but we still return to the original question. Man, created in God's image, possesses sexual organs. It therefore follows that God has them as well. Why?
As a devout Deist/Agnostic, I don't presume to have the answer to that question. It isn't that important to me, but it is fascinating, and I'm curious as to what input people can provide.