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 Humans: Murderous Freaks of Nature?

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Aug 22, 2002
�It is a disturbing thought what a murderous race that mankind is. We wantonly kill each other at every turn. And, although it is technically taboo to murder each other, it is completely acceptable to kill babies (via abortion) and animals. But what is even more disturbing is how readily we defy the will of God by killing other living things.

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I believe that most people will agree with me when I say that murder is wrong. However, few people adhere to this principle. I'm sure it has occurred to you that eating meat is murder, whether you are a vegetarian or not. The idea has probably crossed your mind, as the vegetarians themselves have impressed it upon you. However, nobody ever seems to discuss the plants and bacteria that we slay every day. Truly we cannot allow such a travesty to continue.

Scientists say that plants have no feeling (because they have no "nerves")- so taking a fruit or vegetable off of a plant won't kill them and it will not hurt. However, science has also "proven" that the Earth is round, the planets (including the Earth) revolve around the Sun, and women are equal to men (which will be discussed later). Plants may be able to experience pain- we do not know since we have never been plants ourselves. Although there is doubt, we should err on the side of caution- for plants are creatures of God just like any lifeform. You will burn in Hell if you destroy one of God's creations. If that doesn't scare you, heathen, then think about this. Fruits are a plant's ovaries. How would you like your reproductive organs ripped from your body? Sure- they are unnecessary, but I'm sure you would want them around for your sinful practices. The bottom line is: although you cannot hear them scream, plants could be in pain from the torture that farmers put them through.

But how would we survive without plants and animals to eat? It is really quite simple. There are several food products that are not and have not ever been alive. Although eggs have the potential for life, if they are not fertilized they can be harvested. Dairy products are also available to us, as that would not kill anything in the process. However, we must discontinue the barbaric practice of pasteurization. For every human life it saves, it kills millions of bacteria. The rest of our diet can be covered by synthetic foods (such as anything from Macdonald's) and supplementary vitamins.

And if you are a true "pro-lifer" you should stop bathing. People kill millions of bacteria every day by showering and bathing, and worse yet they use soap. This "soap" is sold as a cleansing liquid, but it does anything but cleanse. It causes the wholesale slaughter of bacteria by the millions each day- per person. Of course, one may argue that a foul odor would result if we were to stop bathing. And it is true that the odor would become quite unbearable, but after a period of time you would not even notice the foul smell. And while we are on the subject, we can forget brushing teeth as well. Besides, with the advent of dentures tooth brushing has become all but obsolete.

And as much as we want to, we cannot kill those household "pests." God put them here for a reason- to test mankind. They are God's reminders that all living things deserve to live, no matter how humble. Cockroaches and mosquitoes were put on Earth before mankind. If anything, they should be killing us for taking over their land. But they have been patient, and even though they could overwhelm us in numbers they have not done so yet.

Of course, the next logical step in all of this is to make abortion illegal. It is clearly murder at no matter what stage, as a fertilized egg is a life. Now, many people who don't believe in abortion believe that it still should be a woman's choice. But this notion is so outrageous it makes me burst into tears laughing. Women have enough to worry about taking care of the house and their children. Their brains would overheat from such a complicated issue as abortion. Their emotions would take over, since there is little actual intelligence in the female mind, and they would probably opt for murder because their primitive minds just don't know any better.

Some people believe that abortions should be allowed if the mother will die without one. Having an abortion to save your own life is like making a pact with the Devil. In fact, if you have an abortion you are sacrificing the child to Satan damning both you and the child to eternal Hellfire. But if you pass up on the abortion, and you have been a good Christian, you will walk with God in the Kingdom of Heaven alongside your child. "Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourself (Philippians 2, 7-10)."

Lastly, all antibiotics, soaps and salves shall not be used. God made bacteria to help mankind. Is it a coincidence that overpopulation of the world occurred as soon as we started slaying bacteria? Disease is meant to keep mankind in check. The world can only hold so many people, and we cannot hope to save all of them. We should let God decide who must stay and who must go, and so the only healing that should be allowed is prayer. That is the only true healing. Since we have made abortion illegal, all of the fatalities that result will be replaced.

Perhaps if we all followed my ideal mankind could be saved. However, at the current rate we are going the entire world is going to Hell in a handbasket. I implore you to write to your local Congressperson and get laws such as these approved. In fact, I sent a letter, myself. I have also suggested, and rightfully so, that anyone who breaches these laws shall be put to death. As that is what God would want. Amen.

Interesting, but ... (none / 0) (#2)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 08:50:21 AM PST
Even if one ate only "dead" things, the food would still likely contain some bacteria.
Sterilizing the food would be a no-no, since it would kill bacteria.
If one ingested unsterilized food, some bacteria in the food might be killed by one's stomach acids, again a no-no.

PFFT (5.00 / 1) (#3)
by Gravitron on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 01:21:04 PM PST
Your entire stupid aspect flows from the ancient stupid conceptializem of godhood.
So, I'll approach it as such.
The humans are god's creation, his prime work, and all around was to serve as a tool in the human's hand.
As it was written:
You'll work the land, and it in turn will give you its fruits.
You'll use the beast as you see fit.
Since the human is god's pride and in his image, everything the human does is obviously god's will as long as it's done in good intentions (which carpets the road to hell haha).
Personally, you know what you can do with your "god" stuff and where to put it in my opinion.
Fact is:
Human beings are arrogant, selfish, utterly stupid and will ultimately eliminate the very surface they require to exist on.
Stop hanging everything in god's will, and blaming everything on some fictionus devil.
Humans are humans, what they do, they choose to do counciously.
If I could, I would plant a certain bacteria in you, and then we'll see how you react to your lovly "god's creation".
As for abortion, you wanna force a woman to give birth? fine.
But y'll be the one to take care of the baby, let's see you then tough one.
In conclusion, frankly, I am quite suprised this place claims a title the such as "news for grownups" while they let pricks like you post.
This is neither news, nor grown up.
Maybe I'm not conducting in the most mature fashion here, but you've proven to posses little mental power and thus, deserve no such better treatment yourself.

What next? some K.K.K coming here to make some african-american jokes?

Time after time I am amazed to what inconsequential and moronic issues the human race is able to sink onto and dwell at, while there are multitudes of gravely important issues to discuss which are happening all around just a bit beyond their meager cognitive comprehansion and sight reach.

Please spare us this poorly spelled garbage. (5.00 / 1) (#6)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 05:18:47 PM PST
  • 'conceptializem' - not a real word
  • 'god's creation' - should be 'God's creation'
  • 'his prime work' - should be 'His prime work'
  • 'fictionus' - not a real word
  • 'counciously' - correct spelling is 'conciously'
  • 'lovly' - correct spelling is 'lovely'
  • ' y'll' - not a real word
  • 'claims a title the such as' - incomprehensible non sentence fragment
  • 'meager' - correct spelling is 'meagre'
  • 'comprehansion' - correct spelling is 'comprehension'

    You managed to make it impossible for me to take anything you say seriously by littering your posting with errors. If you can produce this many errors in a simple Internet message, one shudders to think how flawed your philosophical and intellectual thought processes might be, and one certainly is not interested in the content of any message you might post here.

    In your own words: "you've proven to posses little mental power and thus, deserve no such better treatment yourself"

    Hmmm... (5.00 / 1) (#9)
    by Rountree on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 08:08:08 PM PST
    Thank you for the constructive criticism! I especially enjoyed it when you called me an idiot for reading one thing that I wrote- even though you do not know me at all.

    Not only this, but you insult God and make light of the Devil, which are both roads to eternal torture. That is right- if you do not atone for your sins, you are a one way ticket to Hell. Sure you will not pay for this ticket while you are living, but you are sure to pay afterwards.

    So while Devils shove hot coals in your various orifices, do not cry to me for help when I am in the Kingdom of God.

    You for real? (none / 0) (#40)
    by SanSeveroPrince on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 02:50:30 AM PST
    Or are you kidding? Please tell me you're having great fun writing your religious crap...

    RE: You for real? (5.00 / 1) (#41)
    by Rountree on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 04:41:04 AM PST
    There is nothing funny about Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!

    And I really do not appreciate you calling this religious "crap." You should not utter such blasphemy.

    I hope that you stop your evil ways and listen to what the Lord has to tell you.

    What the hell is wrong with you people? (none / 0) (#45)
    by Naive Fool on Wed Aug 28th, 2002 at 02:33:36 PM PST
    Can't you tell sarcasm when you read it? No one capable of passable spelling and grammer would ever be that blatantly hypocritical. If this article had been written by the kind of person it was spoofing, you probably wouldn't have noticed the inconsistancies. Read some Swift and Pope and get over your complete lack of subtlety and irony you fool.

    Clearly it is time to go back to the old ways (none / 0) (#4)
    by Fon2d2 on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 01:29:28 PM PST
    Breatharians recognize that the human body initially evolved not to depend on food. If only the modern, 'civilized' man could do the same. Imagine an end to war, famine, and disease. It is possible in our time.

    Cease and Desist your Libel Immediately! (none / 0) (#5)
    by jvance on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 05:17:34 PM PST
    If you do not retract your comments forthwith, you shall suffer a barrage of barratry so powerful as to make the Earth tremble and stars fall from the Heavens above!


    The McDonalds Corporation
    Adequacy has turned into a cesspool consisting of ... blubbering, superstitious fools arguing with smug, pseudointellectual assholes. -AR

    Is this suposed to be funny /nt (none / 0) (#7)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 06:24:36 PM PST

    Really (none / 0) (#8)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 06:33:58 PM PST
    Why is this shit here? First fruit is grown to be food. Animals eat the fruit dropped on the grown then they shit out the seeds few years later boom new trees. Its the process of life, grass grows, deer eats grass, wolf eats deer, wolf dies, grass grows uses the minerals to grow and so on, or does your extremeist religion not allow you to watch the lion king? A freaking cartoon knows more about life then you.

    Don't insult the Lion King (5.00 / 1) (#11)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 10:38:58 PM PST
    Mufaasa was badass. And Timon and Pumba rocked.

    YES! (none / 0) (#10)
    by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 10:07:57 PM PST
    Way to go Roun! Whooooooo!!!!!

    You can't call just humans murderous then... (none / 0) (#12)
    by gordonjcp on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 01:21:58 AM PST
    ... because everything eats. Even herbivores.

    Go roun! (none / 0) (#13)
    by Tenchimaru Draconis on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 02:26:30 AM PST
    You da man! You can do what noone can! Gooooooooooooooooooooo Roun!

    Very interesting... (1.00 / 2) (#14)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 02:36:22 AM PST
    But that means that humans shouldn't live at all, because our natural defence slays lots of bacterias just because we e.g. breathe...

    So the solution is as simple as it is silly... Remove all living (and dead) things from the earth, and then nothing can be harmed anymore :)


    Scream thy last scream old woman with a casket (1.00 / 1) (#15)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 04:05:17 AM PST
    I declare this to be the speach of the future breed.
    all shall stop
    and breath acording

    ~gila monster, the true dsfaaaghfhjfk

    Open (5.00 / 1) (#16)
    by Patrick Bateman on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 06:43:20 AM PST
    "And as much as we want to, we cannot kill those household "pests." God put them here for a reason- to test mankind. They are God's reminders that all living things deserve to live, no matter how humble. Cockroaches and mosquitoes were put on Earth before mankind. If anything, they should be killing us for taking over their land. But they have been patient, and even though they could overwhelm us in numbers they have not done so yet."

    Cockroaches are dumb, they can't even talk worth hoolahoop. I once read an article that claimed cockroaches as "rulers of the dino-age." Back then in the days, they were size of large garbage cans. Of course, there was the bomb in Nagasaki and Hiroshima that eliminated all the dinosours-- however, the cockroaches used Darwin's "Origin of Species," and sort of... "adapted" to their environments. Thus, they shrunk and whatnot. When the cockroaches were small, they were able to survive radiation and the toes of T-Rexes. Anyways, my point is the cockroaches can survive in the cleanest of the dirtiest of conditions. Furthermore, the cockroaches are smart. The ultimate goal here for mankind is to manipulate the cockroaches to evolve once more into suitable cockroaches that would benefit manikind in ways that are unperceivable even to the slightest and most complex of minds, imaginable.


    tell me.... (none / 0) (#20)
    by mrt76 on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 11:30:52 AM PST
    Why do I get the feeling a blow job from you would be most pleasurable?
    "...I'm in no mood for a freak show this afternoon..."

    Let me guess. (none / 0) (#24)
    by tkatchev on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 08:03:20 AM PST
    Is is the large, boneless tongue?

    Peace and much love...

    ... You guys are really stupid. (1.50 / 2) (#17)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 08:53:30 AM PST

    Anyway, nice work Rountree, in stirring up the anger of those who don't know of this thing called "Sarcasm" and this other thing called "Humor"

    Ugly (5.00 / 1) (#18)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 10:23:59 AM PST
    Ugly bags of mostly water.....

    Hmm ... (1.00 / 1) (#22)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 10:14:01 PM PST
    How do you know whether people are really angry about this story, or they're just being satirical?

    Yay. (1.00 / 1) (#23)
    by tkatchev on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 08:00:09 AM PST
    Sir, I find your ideas fascinating and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

    Peace and much love...

    What liberalist garbage (5.00 / 2) (#19)
    by Adam Rightmann on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 11:07:42 AM PST
    Obviously, you have not read one word of the Bible. Right in the beginning, the first few paragraphs, in the book of Genesis, it is explained how our Heavenly Father made everything, culminating in his greatest achievement, man. And then the Bible explains that the Lord has given Adam (and man) dominion over everything he has made.

    So, to put it straightforward, God made animals and plants for us to eat. Every yummy mouthful of that tender sping lamb is a tasty reminder of our debt to God, going all the way back to Abraham and the ram, and before.

    It's clear that you hate people, is it a drug addiction, pornography, or Satanic possession that gives you such self loathing.

    A. Rightmann

    Adam Rightman - another liberalist (none / 0) (#27)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 06:37:01 AM PST
    "... our Heavenly Father made everything, culminating in his greatest achievement, man."
    No Christian would claim that man is greater than God's son, Jesus.
    Even Jews and Muslims do not claim than man is greater than the angels.

    Thanks for playing... (none / 0) (#30)
    by gzt on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 02:47:14 PM PST
    But no Christian would say God made Jesus.

    Nice try, though. If you want to try trapping him, go through the obscure points of the Dumb Ox's great work.

    I won't even bother to address your concerns about angels.

    I have a newsletter, if you wish to subscribe.


    So close, yet so far (none / 0) (#33)
    by Adam Rightmann on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 05:29:46 AM PST
    No Christian would claim that man is greater than God's son, Jesus.

    Umm, you have it backward. God's son became man, and died for all men, and rose again, becoming the greatest man of all time. So, in computer speak, Jesus == man.

    Angels are an interesting case, though. It isn't mentioned how they are created in Genesis, one oculd spend years engaged in theological research and debating about their origins. Any ideas?

    A. Rightmann

    The hierarchy of heaven (none / 0) (#34)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 07:35:05 AM PST
    The issue of whether Christ was ever a man depends on whether you are referring to "earthly man" or "heavenly man", which is a murky issue. See:
    As for the ranking of God, man, Christ and the angels, St. Thomas Aquinas stated:
    (Christ) "is nearer God, and shares His gifts more fully, not only than man, but even than angels." See
    I have nothing to say at the moment regarding the origin of angels.
    As to whether or not God "created" Christ, this depends on one's interpretation of the phrase "only begotten Son", and Mr. Rightmann did state that God created everything.

    Murky? (none / 0) (#37)
    by gzt on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 08:47:12 AM PST
    If you're debating Christian doctrine, please stay within the realm of Christian doctrine. Your "murky issue" is heterodoxy. What, did you think a debate of Christian doctrine would consider an argument predicated on the assumption that there was no historical Jesus?

    I am glad you took my suggestion and looked at St. Thomas' work, but I don't see the relevance. It does not state whether men are greater than angles.

    Whether or not Christ was created does not depend on "your" interpretation of the phrase, it depends on empirical fact. People nowadays tend to forget we're not dealing with some namby-pamby word games divorced from reality. In the context of this debate about Christian belief, the answer to the question lies in orthodox Christian theology.

    Indeed (none / 0) (#43)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 07:29:34 AM PST
    The view that Christ was not an earthly man is not "orthodox". However, it raises the question of just how "manly" Christ was/is.
    Mr. Rightmann stated that Jesus == man. If one adopts that view, then man (citing Jesus as an example) is head of the angels. But is Jesus just a very special man, or is He a unique Being distinct from both man and the angels? St. Thomas seems to indicate than Christ is more than a man.
    Is Christ a natural evolution of man, or a result of divine intervention? If the former, than mankind should conceivably be able to produce multiple "Christs". I suggest that the latter view of divine intervention is more "orthodox".
    As for the ranking of man vs angels: St. Thomas' statement that Christ "is nearer God, ... not only than man, but even than angels" seems to indicate that angels are nearer God than man. This is not definite, but certainly man (referring not to Christ) is not head of the angels.

    Honestly... (none / 0) (#21)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 23rd, 2002 at 04:25:28 PM PST
    This place is supposed to be News for adults, and it's just a bunch of kids pretending to be smart, and in doing so, showing just how little they know. There's this thing called humor, but it's like a ceiling. :-\

    you should... (none / 0) (#46)
    by Anonymous Reader on Fri Sep 6th, 2002 at 02:55:19 PM PST shit and live.

    You are wrong about death (2.00 / 1) (#25)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 03:48:50 PM PST
    Without death there can be no life, just as without down there can be no up.

    What is life? A mechanical process? A chemical process? Are we our heartbeats, the minute electrical pulses among our neurons? Are we our DNA? Are we the ATP cycle?

    Life is not mere clattering of organic molecules. I would venture that what we mean by life is mot material at all. Rather, life is grounded in the field of experience. When we speak of living, we speak of our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sensations, not of the given state of our molecules at some set time.

    We can see then that everything that intensifies our feelings, thoughts, in short, our lived experience, even if this involves causing death, is good. Everything that would stifle this intensification is bad. Pointless, random death is merely a waste, but purposeful killing can be a life-enhancing experience.

    All throughout history, human beings have recognized the healing power and inner growth potential of killing, and have included beneficial death practices into society. Examples of this include hunting rituals, human and animal scrifice, cannibal feasts, abortion rituals, wars, and public executions.

    A weak-willed aversion to death will only stifle society and goad people into empty sprees of purposeless killing, as their frustration builds and seeks release.

    So we shape our need to kill in socially constructive, life-affirming ways. I heartily encourage everyone to try killing. If you are nervous, start small: the next time a cockroach scuttles across your kitchen linoleum, shout: "Insolent filth-bringer, for the cleanliness of my home, I CRUSH THEE!!!" Then stomp that sucker good. You'll be pleasantly surprised by how terrific you feel.

    Put a little killing in your life. You'll feel better and look great.

    You deserve a 5, (none / 0) (#31)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 04:54:41 PM PST
    but you didn't log in.

    Rountree! (none / 0) (#26)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 24th, 2002 at 08:25:22 PM PST
    You put it on Adequacy! LOL! I loved it from the minute I read it, but I never knew it would get this far!

    This is zombiegirl by the way. Molly :) Haven't seen you in forever...come to the chat again sometime okay?

    Hugs & Kisses ;)

    Hullo Mr. Rountree. (none / 0) (#28)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 08:53:10 AM PST
    Can I have some Fruit Pastilles, please?

    Thanks -- because it isn't

    fronts (none / 0) (#29)
    by Anonymous Reader on Sun Aug 25th, 2002 at 12:23:46 PM PST
    join the plant liberation front today

    also, warm baths are great breeding grounds for bacteria. . . just don't use any soap

    You start from a false presumption (none / 0) (#32)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 02:54:22 AM PST
    If God did not want things to be "murdered", He would not let anyone kill them. QED.

    Quabling Samantics (none / 0) (#36)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 08:37:14 AM PST
    On the contrary. God does not control humans, he gives them options. QED when Eve was able to partake in the apple.

    By the way, above was the proper usage of, "QED." In case you were wondering, it means, "Thus was to be demonstrated." Yours, however, was not proper usage, since clearly it wasn't demonstrated, in that we eat fruit every day. So there. :)I love the effort though.

    We are the freaks? (5.00 / 1) (#35)
    by Icebox on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 08:33:02 AM PST
    I think it is quite obvious that the bloodthirsty party here is whomever (or whatever) devised the laws of nature. We, and every other living thing on the planet, just do whatever is necessry to survive.

    Last summer there were shark attacks on the news every time I turned on the TV. This year we have bears dragging little children right out of their strollers while they sit peacefully on the front porch. Less publicized are the attacks that cougars make on California joggers, and they are only less publicized because they have become so commonplace. I'm sure that if the whitetail deer community has some kind of mass media, they are at this very moment relating stories of the hundred dozen or so coyote attacks, and bear maulings, and wolf packs run downs that plague their kind.

    There is a spider that lives in the bathroom in my garage that has killed 50 or so ants since it moved in a month ago. Its web is in a high ant traffic area and it seems to have a pretty good taste for the things because every time I look it is wrapping up another victim. No doubt the ants are outraged. A friend of mine also used to have some kind of flower that would eat ants if you dropped them in it, although it wasn't nearly as voracious as the spider.

    What all this points to is that we, humans, animals, plants, etc., seem to be pitted against one another by some force we don't understand and didn't have any hand in putting in place. It also means that if you live in bear country you shouldn't leave little kids outside as bear snacks, then act suprised when a bear snacks on one. If you like to jog and live where there are giant cats that eat stuff that runs away from them, arm yourself. Arm yourself in general. Everything everywhere is out to kill you. Don't think that the maple tree in your front yard doesn't want to bash your head in so your corpse can fertilize the soil around its roots, it does and if it could just move a little faster it would take care of your ass next time you go by on the riding lawn mower.

    hummm (none / 0) (#38)
    by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 26th, 2002 at 10:37:44 AM PST
    ok i read the artical (if you can call it that)
    i read the responses. i realy dont think this can be serius why?? because if he / she is . mankind has reached a new low in stupidity. my 2 cents worth

    i dont suffer frome insanity..........
    i injoy it.

    Hehehe (none / 0) (#39)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 01:28:53 AM PST
    Dear God,
    I love this site!

    Kenny rock (none / 0) (#42)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 07:29:29 AM PST
    Man, ive read some of the comments on this page and people are just ignorent. to think the "a bunch of kids" arent smart?? gimme a break and ook around today. we are genious. kenneth a. rountree is a prime example. and, do you all know what a SATIRE is? yea, and you say were not intelligent. time to go look in a mirror. way to go ken...we should all be like you...and to the people who have to bash this before even thinking about what they may be reading?? SHUT UP

    Kenny rock (none / 0) (#44)
    by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 27th, 2002 at 07:30:39 AM PST
    Man, ive read some of the comments on this page and people are just ignorent. to think the "a bunch of kids" arent smart?? gimme a break and ook around today. we are genious. kenneth a. rountree is a prime example. and, do you all know what a SATIRE is? yea, and you say were not intelligent. time to go look in a mirror. way to go ken...we should all be like you...and to the people who have to bash this before even thinking about what they may be reading?? SHUT UP.
    the infamous Bryson Cooper


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