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 Harry Potter - What Does God Have to Say?

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Dec 14, 2001
I received an email from a friend today giving some background information on the Harry Potter books as told by a witch. I would like to share it with you.

[editor's note, by em] Aaargh, don't stick your whole looong diary in the intro box!!!


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What Does God Have To Say?

I am writing this urgent message because I was once a witch. I lived by the stars as an astrologer and numerologist casting horoscopes and spells. I lived in the mysterious and shadowy realm of the occult. By means of spells and magic, I was able to invoke the powers of the "controlling unknown" and fly upon the night winds transcending the astral plane.

Halloween was my favorite time of the year and I was intrigued and absorbed in the realm of Wiccan witchcraft. All of this was happening in the decade of the 1960's when witchcraft was just starting to come out of the broom closet.

It was during that decade of the 1960's, in the year 1966, that a woman named J.K. Rowling was born. This is the woman who has captivated the world in the year of 2000 with four books known as the "Harry Potter Series." These books are orientational and instructional manuals of witchcraft woven into the format of entertainment. These four books by J.K. Rowling teach witchcraft! I know this because I was once very much a part of that world.

Witchcraft was very different in the 1960's. There were a lot fewer witches, and the craft was far more secretive. At the end of that spiritually troubled decade, I was miraculously saved by the power of Jesus Christ and His saving blood. I was also delivered from every evil spirit that lived in me and was set free.

However, as I began to attend fundamental Christian churches, I realized that even there witchcraft had left its mark. Pagan holidays and sabats were celebrated as "Christian holidays."

As time went on, I watched the so-called "Christian" churches compromising and unifying. I also watched with amazement as teachings from Eastern religions and "New Age" doctrine began to captivate congregations. It was a satanic set-up, and I saw it coming. Illuministic conspirators were bringing forth a one-world religion with a cleverly concealed element of occultism interwoven in its teachings.

In order to succeed in bringingwitchcraft to the world and thus complete satanic control, an entire generation would have to be induced and taught to think like witches, talk like witches, dress like witches, and act like witches. The occult songs of the 1960's launched the Luciferian project of capturing the minds of an entire generation. In the song "Sound Of Silence" by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, we were told of seeds that were left while an entire generation was sleeping, and that the "vision that was planted in my brain still remains." Now it is the year 2001. All of the foundations for occultism and witchcraft are in place. The Illuminists have to move quickly, because time is running out.

It was the Communist revolutionary Lenin who said, "Give me one generation of youth, and I will transform the entire world." Now an entire generation of youth has been given to a woman named J.K. Rowling and her four books on witchcraft, known as the Harry Potter Series. As a former witch, I can speak with authority when I say that I have examined the works of Rowling and that the Harry Potter books are training manuals for the occult.

Untold millions of young people are being taught to think, speak, dress and act like witches by filling their heads with the contents of these books.

Children are obsessed with the Harry Potter books that they have left television and video games to read these witchcraft manuals. The first book of the series, entitled "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," finds the orphan, Harry Potter, embarking into a new realm when he is taken to "Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." At this occult school, Harry Potter learns how to obtain and use witchcraft equipment. Harry also learns a new vocabulary, including words such as "Azkaban," "Circe," "Draco," "Erised," "Hermes," and "Slytherin"; all of which are names of real devils or demons. These are not characters of fiction!

How serious is this? By reading these materials, many millions of young people are learning how to work with demon spirits. They are getting toknow them by name. Vast numbers of children professing to be Christians are also filling their hearts and minds, while willingly ignorant parents look the other way.

The titles of the books should be warning enough to make us realize how satanic and anti-christ these books are. The afore mentioned title of the first book, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," was a real give away. The second book was called "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," while the third book was entitled "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." Sadly enough, this blatant witchcraft has been endorsed by well-known and respected "Christian" leaders. Nothing could be more obvious than that Harry Potter books are pure witchcraft and of the devil.

The "Christian" leaders, however, defend them by saying that good magic always wins and overcomes evil magic. This is the oldest con game ever hatched out of hell. As a real witch, I learned about the two sides of "the force." Apparently, so do many "Christian" leaders. When real witches have sabats and esbats and meet as a coven, they greet each other by saying "Blessed be," and when they part, they say "The Force be with you." Both sides of this "Force" are Satan. It is not a good side of the force that overcomes the bad side of the force, but rather it's the blood of Jesus Christ that destroys both supposed sides of the satanic "Force."

High level witches believe that there are seven satanic princes and that the seventh, which is assigned to Christians, has no name. In coven meetings, he is called "the nameless one." In the Harry Potter books, there is a character called "Voldemort." The pronunciation guide says of this being "He who must not be named."

On July 8, 2000, at midnight, bookstores everywhere were stormed by millions of children to obtain the latest and fourth book of the series known as "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." These books were taken into homes everywhere with a real evil spirit following each copy to curse those homes. July 8th was also the 18th day (three sixes in numerology) from the witches' sabat of midsummer. July 8th was also the 13th day from the signing of the United Religions Charter in San Francisco. Now we have learned that the public school system is planning to use the magic of Harry Potter in the classrooms making the public schools centers of witchcraft training.

What does God have to say about such books as the Harry Potter series? In the Bible in the book of Acts, we read the following in the 19th chapter, verses 18-20: "And many that believed came, and confessed, and showed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed."

As parents, we will answer to God if we allow our children to read witchcraft books. The Word of God will prevail mightily in your life only if such things of Satan are destroyed.

God says: (none / 0) (#1)
by derek3000 on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:46:37 AM PST
"Not now, my pizza just got here. Besides, don't you have anything better to worry about?"

"Feel me when I bring it!" --Gay Jamie

Bravo! (5.00 / 1) (#2)
by Jon Erikson on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:14:50 AM PST
Finally some real sense about the dangers which lurk everywhere in our modern, sinful society. I am almost inspired to write an article detailing the dangers of so-called "fantasy" novels.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

Snort, Chuckle, Gasp... (1.00 / 1) (#3)
by Xyon on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:06:51 AM PST
Your serious, aren't you.

If we have a decadent society it is because of the lack of parenting, which you likely wouldn't disagree with, and the lack of significant socital rituals including but not limited to rituals of adulthood.

Do me a favor, please don't try to limit my children's access to Harry Potter books. I, as a good parent, will read anything they are reading, and likely sharing some of things I enjoy. Just like I will monitor their TV viewing and Internet use.

-I- will make the decisions for my children and anyone who attempts to limit my right to do so will have a copy of the Constitution waved under his nose.

BTW... I read an interesting "fantasy" novel the other day. It was titled Bible and seems to be a collection of writing from various authors. I would be very careful about it though because it teachs the precepts of a religious cult, two of them in fact.
"Anyone who says something is as easy as taking candy from a baby, has never tried to take candy from a baby."

Are you trolling me? (5.00 / 1) (#4)
by Jon Erikson on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:38:11 AM PST
Your [sic] serious, aren't you.

Of course I am madam. To lie is to sin after all. However I wonder about you.

BTW... I read an interesting "fantasy" novel the other day. It was titled Bible and seems to be a collection of writing from various authors. I would be very careful about it though because it teachs the precepts of a religious cult, two of them in fact.

See, I was right. You are nothing more than a filthy troll, which is clearly against the policies of this noble discussion site.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

Dear Sir (none / 0) (#5)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:25:11 AM PST
I am kindly asking for you to refrain from using the word "noble". This is my word, and you shall not be allowed to take it.

PS: What is this so called "troll" which you talk of?

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD.
Super Ellite Senior Consultant For The Consultants, OPN Technologies Inc.

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright � 2002, Martino Cortez.

Watch out! (none / 0) (#6)
by tkatchev on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:36:43 AM PST
I think you meant to say "nobile".

Peace and much love...

sir, (none / 0) (#7)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:43:40 AM PST
i am very sorry sir. now that i am looking at work of my former female typists, i can see many typos that they have made. rest assured, when new naked females for my employee, i will make sure they have correct gramatical as well as correct spelling skills.

thank you for your patience

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright � 2002, Martino Cortez.

Sorry, not trolling. (none / 0) (#8)
by Xyon on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 11:44:37 AM PST
My reply was no more offensive than the original diary. To insist Harry Potter is anything like the Wiccan religion, or that all Wiccan's are servants of Satan IS offensive, even if I am not a Wiccan.

I also honestly believe that the Judeo-Christian mythos is as valid as any other mythos.

The Bible is a wonderful book with deep insight into human nature. It is also full of fables that teach values. I don't know if I share all the values so I would monitor my children's access to this book as I would any other.

BTW... You can't yell "Troll." anytime some expresses a belief that doesn't mesh with your own. If we all agree on everything then there isn't much to discuss.
"Anyone who says something is as easy as taking candy from a baby, has never tried to take candy from a baby."

choking (none / 0) (#9)
by nathan on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 04:38:35 PM PST
The Bible is a wonderful book with deep insight into human nature...

It sickens me that you throw us a bone like that. You might as well have said, "...but I could write a better one because my values are better."

What makes you think Christianity is all or even primarily about the Bible?

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

kakistocracy doesn't work (none / 0) (#21)
by because it isnt on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:57:34 AM PST
It sickens me that you throw us a bone like that. You might as well have said, "...but I could write a better one because my values are better."

What human being worth their salt would think their own values are worse than others'? Such a dysfunctional human would be an embarrassment to the human race.

What makes you think Christianity is all or even primarily about the Bible?

I'm not sure why you would want to bring a specific religion into a discussion of works of fiction. As I'm sure you know, the Holy Bible is the basis for many religions, not just Christianity. -- because it isn't

bah (none / 0) (#24)
by nathan on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:40:08 PM PST
It's one thing to have respect for your own values, but another to claim that they are the greatest anyone's ever possessed in history.

As for religions 'other than Christianity' being based on the Bible, why don't you name a couple? Hint: Judaism certainly doesn't count.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

humbug? (none / 0) (#25)
by because it isnt on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:40:59 PM PST
It's one thing to have respect for your own values, but another to claim that they are the greatest anyone's ever possessed in history.

Indeed. However, Xyon did not appear to be claiming that, merely that he would monitor his children's Bible reading. I'm sure any concerned parent or guardian would do the same. There are many things in the Bible that are unsuitable for children. Religious belief is no excuse for reckless parenting.

As for religions 'other than Christianity' being based on the Bible, why don't you name a couple? Hint: Judaism certainly doesn't count.

Well, two off the top of my head would be Islam, which accepts the OT and many parts from the NT, and the Church of Latter-Day Saints, which accepts the Bible but mainly revolves around teachings from the Book of Mormon. -- because it isn't

reread. (none / 0) (#26)
by nathan on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 04:40:21 PM PST
Xyon wrote: "I'm not sure if I share all those values [ie, those of the Bible.]" S/he is claiming that his own 'values' supercede those of the Bible, with no commentary indicating any kind of legitimate basis for this decision (ie, about the supercession.)

Islam in no way "accepts the Bible," it accepts the Koran, next to which the Bible is uncanonical. In Islamic thought, the Bible is a corrupted, incomplete form of the Word of God.

As for the Mormons, I would argue they are still within the ambit of Christianity. Of course, they are sorely heretical.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Peace be with you. (none / 0) (#27)
by because it isnt on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 05:27:29 PM PST
Xyon wrote: "I'm not sure if I share all those values [ie, those of the Bible.]" S/he is claiming that his own 'values' supercede those of the Bible

The Bible doesn't have values - it's an inanimate book. A book that offers religious and spiritual guidance. Contrary to certain right-wing factions of Christianity, it's not a "rule book". There are many minor parts of the Bible that can be ignored or rejected without going against the principles of Christianity.

For example, I wear a heathen's polyester-cotton shirt, which is strictly prohibited.

Islam in no way "accepts the Bible,"

Of course it accepts the Bible. It doesn't accept the holy trinity, but it's quite happy to agree that Jesus (pbuh) existed, and that Yahweh = Allah = God. Try this simple test - give a Bible to both a Muslim and an Atheist. Ask both of them if they think it's a load of old cobblers. The Muslim won't let you down.

Now, if Islam completely agreed with everything in the Bible, it would be Christianity. But no-one agrees with everything in the Bible, because they'd be agreeing with many contradictory statements along the way. Most people prefer to pick and choose their favourite mutually-exclusive option.

As for the Mormons, I would argue they are still within the ambit of Christianity. Of course, they are sorely heretical.

So, you'd like to argue that they are Christians, yet many of their beliefs are not Christian. That's a very confused line of argument Here's my take on it: they're not Christians. They like Christianity a lot, but they mostly prefer what's written in the Book of Mormon. -- because it isn't

And who are you? (none / 0) (#13)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:29:21 PM PST
Honestly, Who the fuck do you and others like you think you are? Honestly, I don't belevie in God, Frankly with the world going to the shitter the way it is I just can not beleive this is planned. You act like people who do not read the bible and beleive in god are somehow dirty or wrong, Everyone has an oppinion, And mine is that your a jack-ass.

If there truely is a heaven you'll be laughing it up huh, Meanwhile I'll just enjoy my time down here, Live a decent life, Give to charity, And get laid whenever the means presents itself.

Fuck off self rightous ass

Now, as much of a redneck as Erikson is... (5.00 / 1) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:27:56 AM PST
... i feel compelled to spring to his defence. Hrmm. Actually, no I don't.

>world going to the shitter the way it is i cannot believe this is planned.

It isn't, but that doesn't preclude a belief in God.

>self rightous ass

"self-righteous" is one of those phrases which has changed meaning from, erm, what it orignally meant, to "i don't like you, but i'll misappropriate towards my opinion a word which makes me sound learned."

True, Mr. Erikson is self-righteous. But I doubt you're using the term as anything other than a tired platitude from the fashionably disaffected generation.

Be fully inspired! (none / 0) (#10)
by Ben Reid on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:15:49 PM PST
After reading your article on Anime (which inspired me to join adequacy BTW) I would much look forward to your views on "fantasy" novels.

I don't think that even our Christian brothers and sisters realise how much thought and planning has gone into these Harry Potter books. They are sophisticated and they are well thought out. They target the minds of children and adults alike (kids don't go to see the Harry Potter movie or buy the books alone now do they?).

Satan would be sitting back laughing as the western world is introduced to witchcraft through the Harry Potter "phenomenon".

what drugs are you on? (none / 0) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 07:47:33 PM PST
Anyone who can imagine that Harry Potter is an instruction manual for witchcraft must be on some sort of drug or very badly informed. We, my friend and I, are both Wiccans and know enough about our religion to know it is far from anything even remotely resembling Harry Potter. For someone who use to be a witch, you sure do know very little about the religion to suggest something that rediculous.
You write as though Wicca itself isn't a seperate religion from Satanism and Demonolotry. We do live in a free democratic society and can chose whatever religion we would like to practice. Therefore, if Christians can write children's books, then so can pagans (though I really wouldn't consider this true to paganism).
Also, I would be totally shocked and dismayed if I found out that J.K.Rowling actually looked all of that stuff up. She wrote the first book while homeless living in her car.
And if you are suggesting that the bible is something factual then you are very ignorant. The bible has been mistranslated, and edited to fit the Church's purpose since before the middle ages. Alas, if Christianity isn't based on the bible, then alot of Christians, such as yourself, who are selfrightous and base their judgements of other religions based on this fictional book have alot of waking-up to do.
There is one thing that I do agree with you on. This society and it's major religion (Christianity) are full of paganism and it's symbolism. However, we were first so it is your religion that has desecrated ours.
Furthermore, how are you suppose to base a religion on a novel that tells you so little about how to do so. It may mention a few things but it is so vague that if you tried to base something on it, you would never get anywhere. It is like trying to build a brick mansion when all you have is a foot of land and two pieces of plywood.
Another thing, erised is only mentioned once in the mirror's inscription; I hope you get your heart's erised because it is merely your heart's desire you are looking at.

two former Christians
P.S. We're glad you've found peace with your religion, now please let us find peace with ours.

I never claimed to be a witch (none / 0) (#12)
by Ben Reid on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:44:35 PM PST
I merely posted an email that I received from someone who used to be a witch. You clearly didn't read my diary entry that carefully.

The Harry Potter books cleary introduce concepts of witchcraft and encourage one to pursue it further. They may not be a definitive step by step "instruction manual" or "guide" as you put it - that would be too obvious - but the satanic undertones are loud and clear. Do you think J.K. Rowling used explicit witchcraft terms and names of real life demons by accident? You sure are naive to believe that.

I didn't force you to read my diary and I didn't impose my will on you -- just as Jesus Christ does not impose himself on anyone. It is up to each individual to choose or reject Him and the gift of eternal life. It is sad that Satan has tricked you into believing he will give you peace - the only thing he has in store for you is death, hate and suffering. I can only pray that you wake up to his deceit before it's too late.

Pile of shit (1.66 / 3) (#17)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:06:40 AM PST
wow was that a pile of shit or what?! LOL!!!

THIS SITE IS SOOO FUNNY!!! (none / 0) (#15)
by HiProfile on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:32:06 AM PST
All you misinformed idiots (defined as a person with an IQ of under 50) make the rest of us feel so much better [SMARTER!] because of your ideas.

Whichcraft in your definition is the kind in "Hockus Pockus" where the ritual revolves around the devil. Is the devil ever refered to as the "Head Master" or "Supreme Ruler"?! Stop twisting the words of a book writen 1500 years ago that has been altered more times than can be believed. You fanatics disgust me.

Are you people assholes? (none / 0) (#16)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:03:21 AM PST
What the hell is with you people? Harry Potter is just books. It's not like it's a cult or anything. They're just fun to read. I keep seeing fat and ugly ho's going out to buy HP books just to burn them. You are dipshits! You're acyually helping Harry Potter sales. So you suck! Anyway, this site is a joke site, it's just funny to read these things and find out how idiodiccally stupid you people are. The site's mission statement is against Canadians! WHO THE FUCK HATES CANADIANS??? NOBODY!!!

Yes, we are. (none / 0) (#18)
by tkatchev on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:25:56 AM PST
You have figured out the great cosmic secret. We indeed are assholes. Smart of you, huh?

Have a productive day, and keep your marbles sharpened.

Peace and much love...

Witches, God and Jesus... (none / 0) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:53:48 AM PST
Surely you people do'nt belive this e-mail from a madman claiming to be a witch...

Personally I do'nt belive in god nor witches.. It's all a bunch of bolony... And even if there is a god he's more like Satan...

If J.K. Rowling used Witchcraft terms and names of real <u>Demons</u> in her books, it does'nt mean she's a witch.. Anyone can do research about cults and witchcraft histroy... How do you think they make history channel programs? RESEARCH!

And finally my friends.. Claiming that the Harry Potter books are manuals to witchcraft is just like claiming that "Jurassic Park" is instructions of how to breed dinosaurs and raise them properly..

- Mike from Israel

I'm sorry, but I do have to ask where you got this (none / 0) (#20)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 07:20:57 AM PST
I have studied a fairly wide variety of the pagan paths- Wicca as well as others. I do have to ask where you got a good bit of this.
"Draco" if I remember rightly, is latin for "Dragon". If it was later assigned as a demon's name, so be it, I could name a demon Richard Nixon if I liked and there's probably quite a few who'd agree with me it'd fit- but that doesn't change the name's original source.
And Hermes was a Greek God actually, well known for playing pranks and tricks, as well as being a messenger. Anyone who's had the barest brush with Greek literature in Highschool English knows that. Circe is also Greek in origin.
As to "Manuals of Witchcraft"- if you truly studied Wicca -which you've dropped numerous common knowledge referances to and no indepth ones- you would know these books are no such thing. The two divine beings beloved by those of Wicca do not even enter a single thought in the book.
And as my parting shot- the most beloved holiday of Christianity- Christmas- uses terms from and is in many ways very similar to the pagan holiday of Yuletide. Maybe you should find a new religion completely if you have objections to religious-crossing, because christianity is as rife with it as the US is with various cultures.

Yah, riiiight. (2.50 / 2) (#22)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:18:54 AM PST
That's the most elephant shit I've ever heard in my life!

Fool (2.50 / 2) (#23)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 10:23:39 AM PST
Go stick your head in a toilet, maybe some of your stupidness will wash out of your ears.

This makes no sence (none / 0) (#28)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 16th, 2002 at 12:15:35 PM PST
I read all 4 books of Harry Poter and i ashure you that i still cant preform any spels that wore mencioned in the book so i dont even know how you came up with the fact that Harry Poter is a wichcraft manual


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