I'm not sure about the rest of you, but my life would be a lot better if condoms were not necessary. Alas, they are a necessary evil; using them is far better than the alternatives, both in the immediate (no more sex) and oblique (babies) senses.
I feel like the condom industry pulled a serious fast one on me. Up until I started having sex, I had been led to believe by condom makers and growing up books (we all leafed through those nervously, so there's no point in being bashful) that condoms didn't make much of a difference during sex. This is simply untrue. It took me a long time to figure out that part of my problem is that the average condom is too small in terms of width. (This sounds like a typical thing for a pencil pee-pee to claim on the internet, but it's relevant to the matter at hand; I don't care if you don't believe me anyway, just please don't let that stop you from advising me on the matter). Anyway, the average latex condom is too small. This presents a problem because (so far as I've been able to find) condom manufacturers only make their extra-thin products in the so-called normal size. Normal size condoms can fit me, but it's even worse to have to deal with that than to deal with the added thickness of the larger sized condoms.
My first question, then, is this: does anybody know of a condom that is both extra-thin AND large? The average diameter for a condom is about 1 3/8", whereas a large condom will be at least 1 1/2".
More importantly, however, is the issue of polyurethane. I've been poking around (pardon the pun), and I've discovered that a few companies make condoms out of polyurethane, which seems (from what sparse commentary I could find) to be lauded for being much thinner than even the thinnest latex condoms. This sounds quite excellent. Further research revealed that Trojan's polyurethane offering is a full 1 3/4" in diameter (or so they claim).
So my question is: if polyurethane is so much thinner and stronger (another claim that was made--I have no experience to back that up), why is it relegated to a distantly second class position in the condom material hierarchy? Is there some obscured evil about polyurethane condoms that someone who has experience with them would care to share with me? I've asked around, and I haven't found anyone who has any experience using them. I'm usually not such a squeamish shopper, but, to be quite frank, if it goes on my penis, several added layers of screening are necessary. I'm not phallocentric, but I don't want my dick to fall off either. I also don't want to find out that they aren't what they're cracked up to be in flagrante delicto, if you catch my meaning.
That is all. Any and all advice on this matter is greatly appreciated.