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 Another terrorist act.

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Nov 12, 2001
Another terrorist act has been committed in New York.

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A Boeing 767 has just crashed on Queens; it was outbound from Detroit to the Dominican Republic. Four buildings are reportedly on fire. Clearly another terrorist act.

Jumping the gun? (none / 0) (#1)
by Hagbard Celine on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 07:42:21 AM PST
Wait a minute. I've got little more news at this point than you post, but how can you claim it's an attack before we even hear the official word? I think it's only logical to be skeptical until the facts are presented. This is like blaming Osama Bin Laden for the attacks on New York before. They still haven't proved that. Next thing you know it could be you or me who did the attack. They evidently don't need any proof.

Proof (none / 0) (#4)
by Mendax Veritas on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 08:28:53 AM PST
Well, the claim is that they have convincing evidence of bin Laden's (or Al Qaeda's) involvement in the 9/11 hijackings, but that they don't want to release that evidence to the public for security reasons. Which may be true; probably much of the evidence derives from covert sources that the US government would not want to jeopardize. For what it's worth, those outside the US government who have been told about the evidence (including NATO leaders and Pakistani president Musharraf) seem to accept that bin Laden was involved.

Convincing? (none / 0) (#9)
by Hagbard Celine on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 03:14:23 PM PST
True, I read that too. Musharaff and NATO are convinced. Yet some NATO members voiced concern over the flimsy nature of the case against bin Laden. I'm not saying he didn't do it, obviously he's the most likely suspect. However, it disturbs me that the US media hasn't even questioned the fact since day one. The media have been judge, jury and wannabe executioner (if you read some of the more right opeds)
Of course due to the nature of the so-called PATRIOT act, it doesn't matter whether you're guilty or innocent, the government can tap your phone, search your house and jail you indefinitely after they've gotten their rubber stamp secret court to "approve" that you're a "terrorist" or could be.
The saddest point of this whole thing is the fact that while everyone has talked about how we can't let the terrorists win and we must go on with our lives they have won by accelerating our deterioration into a police state.
Whether it was bin Laden or not, the attack of September 11th has been an impetus for the movement towards the stripping of our civil liberties.
While we're distracted, scared of antrhax in our mail and obsessing over each new report from the ground in Afghanistan, they're also picking our collective pockets.
The Republican House has put together a so-called economic stimulus bill that consits of little more than retroactive tax kickbacks to their largest corporate contributors. That said, we really have to understand what's going on. They are seeking the repeal of the Alternative Minimum Tax, a law specifically designed to discourage corporations from looking for tax loopholes and shelters. IBM alone is slated to recieve $1 billion. That billion has already been spent, it's taxes that IBM has paid since 1986. Go over to or some other daytrader site and look at the vitals for IBM. They made over $4 billion in net income last year. How is that stimulus?
They don't even attach any strings to it. I could understand if there was a clause saying that these companies a)cannot layoff people or b)must create xxx number of jobs. They're not going to do that. This money will go into their corporate coffers to help inflate the diamond parachutes of CEOs who already make millions of dollars every year.
Before this whole thing happened, I really was considering leaving the United States in a couple years once I have the financial resources. Apply whatever labels you wish or put me in a box of your making. I love this country and celebrate and appreciate those who have died to keep me and mine free, but this is no longer government for the people by the people. It's for the corporations and their lobbyists. Enough ranting, I can tell I got off topic.

he admitted to it (5.00 / 1) (#10)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 03:30:33 PM PST
In a recent video tape, he admitted he was responsible for the attacks Sept. 11th.

So I reckon... (none / 0) (#16)
by noah Oneye on Tue Nov 13th, 2001 at 09:28:33 AM PST
you must be an Arabic speaker. Or else yer saying you trust the translations spoonfed to you by the aforementioned media? All you know for sure is that you saw a video of a guy who looked Arabic. When, where, who and what he said you ain't got a clue.

"...and in your free time you can make me sandwiches..."

AMT (none / 0) (#11)
by Mendax Veritas on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 03:33:27 PM PST
The Alternative Minimum Tax should be got rid of. It's basically a completely separate tax system from the standard income tax. To be safe, you really have to calculate your taxes twice (once in the standard system, once in AMT), and then pay whichever is greater. This doesn't tend to be a problem if all you have is a single income and no property, but for people with significant investment income, property, or large variations in income from year to year (consultants, people who play the stock market, etc.) it can be a real killer. I've known people who got into serious trouble with the IRS because they didn't know about the AMT, or made mistakes in calculating it because it's too complex and unfamiliar. The tax code should be simple enough that the average citizen, without a CPA, can do his own taxes. The AMT is the biggest single reason that many people can't do that. It should die.

If you want corporations not to dodge taxes because of loopholes, why not just close the loopholes by simplifying the tax system, rather than introduce whole new dimensions of complexity?

isn't it cute (none / 0) (#12)
by nathan on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 04:28:50 PM PST
how Erisians would have voted for FDR?

Fuck all of y'all. Vote Wendell Wilkie!

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Accident not an Attack (none / 0) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Nov 13th, 2001 at 05:02:32 AM PST
GE manufactures the engines used on the planes suck as AA filght 587 from JFK. Reports show that the engine had problems in the past with its design.

Witnesses said they saw the one engine literally fall off the plane before it began to plummet to the ground.

Not necessarily, it was an Airbus 300 (none / 0) (#2)
by Adam Rightmann on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 07:44:41 AM PST
For those of you who don't follow the commercial airliner business, Airbus is a European consortium who makes completely fly-by-wire jetliners. Fly-by-wire means there is a computer between the controls and the control surfaces, interpreting pilot responce, interpreting airframe responce, and passing feedback back and forth.

So, as you stare at your IE 6 on Windows NT that you use to surf the web, think how often it crashes, maybe once or twice a month. Now, imagine putting your life, and the lives of hundreds of passengers in the hands of that computer. Ta-da, that's an Airbus. Software errors have led to crashes at airshows and other places, that might be today's reason, too.

It's not surprising, though. It's typical of European behavior to diminish humanity and heroes (the pilots) in a heartless quest for greater efficiency. Thank goodness Boeing-McDouglas still believes in directly connecting pilots to the control surfaces. If a Boeing-McDouglas plane BSODs, the pilots can still dead-stick it in.

A. Rightmann

Not quite (none / 0) (#3)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 08:26:10 AM PST
The A300 is not fly-by-wire. In fact the problem is probably caused by not enough computer control.

After all, computers simply do what they are told. How often can the same be said for a human being ?

Well then, you will enjoy Europe of the future (none / 0) (#5)
by Adam Rightmann on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 08:51:50 AM PST
When all is controlled by computers, programmed by the secular-humanist conspiracy, no messy humans to interrupt your life.

And when you get that message,

"Dear Anonymous, Gnu-Life 2010 has evaluated your life in regards to the wellbeing you provide versus the materials needed to support, and has decided you are redundant. Please report to euthanasia site B-75 on Tuesday."

You can go with a smile on your face.

A. Rightmann

Oh my God! (5.00 / 2) (#7)
by zikzak on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 10:45:47 AM PST
Soylent Green is people!

really? (5.00 / 1) (#8)
by poltroon on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 02:11:35 PM PST
Airbuses are controled by IE 6 on Windows NT? If they've already upgraded to IE 6, why haven't they upgraded to XP yet? What a horrible oversight. Who'd want to put their life in the hands of archaic software like NT?

They should sign up for .Net and Passport. (none / 0) (#13)
by elenchos on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 07:57:05 PM PST
Or whatever it is. The thing where for a low yearly fee they get a licenese to borrow the software for a limited time, and are automatically upgraded whenever a new version comes out.

The only reason Microsoft software sometimes looks bad is when users refuse to responsibly upgrade and patch. If they would do so religiously, their problems would be solved.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

slow to patch (none / 0) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Nov 13th, 2001 at 04:57:46 AM PST
<< The only reason Microsoft software sometimes looks bad is when users refuse to responsibly upgrade and patch. If they would do so religiously, their problems would be solved.>>

Man are you a fucking idiot. How often does Microsoft release patches, or as they call them Service Packs? NOT VERY FUCKING OFTEN.

<<Or whatever it is. The thing where for a low yearly fee they get a licenese to borrow the software for a limited time, and are automatically upgraded whenever a new version comes out.>>

.Net has not been fully implimented. Passport is not really necessary for .Net

The idea behind Passport is the same as with the Microsoft XBOX and "it's" one UserID and Password for all services.

Also it is NOT a low yearly fee. You rent or lease the services you use. You can continue to use them or you can upgrade. Microsoft with it's new licensing scheme wants to tell businesses when they should upgrade whether they need to or not.

You must be one of those Lunixers we sometimes get (none / 0) (#18)
by elenchos on Tue Nov 13th, 2001 at 03:56:51 PM PST
I can tell by your rather shocking and abusing language. I only want to ask that you please refrain from attacking this site with a D. of S. attack or a Mail Bomb. Even the idea of doing away with private property and making everything "open-source" may be discussed without resorting to terrorist tactics. Thank you.

Anyway, thanks for the update on Micro-Soft's excellent new offer. I had no idea that we wouldn't be locked into year-long contracts, but instead would be enjoying the flexibility of a pay-as-you go system. You know what that is? It's called anticipating the needs of the customer, that's what it's called. It's called creative marketing, OK? It's what separates de-listed failures like VA Linux from paragons of the American Dream like Micro-Soft.

Are security upgrades frequent enough? Well, all I know is that if users would take advantage of them in a timely fashion, they wouldn't have security problems. Micro-Soft could just whine and feel sorry for themselves when everyone blames them for user laziness, but instead they have taken up the challenge of users who are irresponsible and made lemons into lemonade. Lemonade for everyone, including ingrate Lunix users who will enjoy a safer and more secure Internet because of it.

Thanks Micro-Soft!

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

death to morons (none / 0) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Nov 13th, 2001 at 10:09:42 PM PST
<<I can tell by your rather shocking and abusing language. I only want to ask that you please refrain from attacking this site with a D. of S. attack or a Mail Bomb. Even the idea of doing away with private property and making everything "open-source" may be discussed without resorting to terrorist tactics. Thank you.>>

Man are you a fucking idiot. You think just because some uses a non-Windows operating system that means they are going to launch DoS attack on this pathetic site. I know now why this site is so controversial. Could it be that you morons are so misinformed?

I have browsed through you past posts and your misspelling show you are either misinformed or just plain stupid.

Lunix: It's spelled L-I-N-U-X
Micro-Soft: Microsoft dropped the hyphen when they moved the company to Seattle.

<< Are security upgrades frequent enough? Well, all I know is that if users would take advantage of them in a timely fashion, they wouldn't have security problems. Micro-Soft could just whine and feel sorry for themselves when everyone blames them for user laziness, but instead they have taken up the challenge of users who are irresponsible and made lemons into lemonade. Lemonade for everyone, including ingrate Lunix users who will enjoy a safer and more secure Internet because of it.>>

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Please stop my guts is going to bust. If I download the newest Service Pack or patch for a MS product immediately, how long will I have to deal with problems while waiting for the next one? The only reason I enjoyed a safer more secure Internet experience was simply due to the fact that I run Linux. My PC running running Windows 2000 was almost killed by Nimda and Sircam back when it was running rampant. I WAITED for Service Pack 2.

Did relief come from MS? Oh HELL NO! It came from Symantec (the guys who make Norton Anti-Virus). I immediately got on their site(well not immediately because these bad boys have a way of slowing your MS network to a CRAWL) and downloaded the latest update and removal utilities as soon as they became available and solved the problems. The MS "fix" came too little and way too late.

<<Are security upgrades frequent enough? Well, all I know is that if users would take advantage of them in a timely fashion, they wouldn't have security problems.>>

I wanna revisit this statement in which you TOTALLY contradict yourself. It's hard to implement them in a timely fashion if they aren't available yet. Microsoft's policy is to wait and see how bad it gets and then get around to solving the problem.

Also I do NOT believe everything should be "open source". Most open source supporters fully believe that OSS can co-exist with proprietary software. It's just idiots like yourself that think otherwise.

Now we are getting death threats. Figures. (none / 0) (#21)
by elenchos on Tue Nov 13th, 2001 at 11:42:06 PM PST
It is fortunate that the F.B.I. has recently been given the kind of powers they need to deal with the maniacs running rampant on the Internet these days.

Here you are, casting insults left and right, using the f-word with abandon, and trying to intimidate any who speak against you with threats of violence. And you blame Micro-Soft for breaking your computer? Why not blame your fellow hackers who wrote those viruses? I think if you met them, you would find much in common.

In any event, I think you need to take a two-pronged approach to some much-needed self improvement. On the technical side, you clearly are having way too much difficulty in maintaining your PC. Have you looked into the MCSE program? You have tried the "lone wolf" approach, and look where it got you, eh? Now it is time to settle in and show a little respect for established institutions. So read those books, and sign up for an MSCE class. You'll learn what you need to keep that PC working, and do your self-esteem a world of good in the process.

The other problem is moral. You strike out with violence against those who mean you well, and you shift blame for your own failures. You need moral and ethical guidance. Have you ever heard of the philosopher Immanuel Kant? He's the mentor you need. Go buy yourself a copy of his fine book A Critique of Pure Reason from and study it carfully.

Do that, and I gurantee you will come back a better and wiser man.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

could you be any dumber? (4.00 / 1) (#23)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 12:37:10 AM PST
Yes I have looked into the MCSE, stupid. I do hold that certification. I also have the A+, Net+, iNet+, CNA, CNE, RHCNA, RHCNE, MCP, Linux+.

If you are so well versed why don't YOU give a solution behind the stupidity that you posted earlier. This method is obviously ineffective if the patches and security updates have not yet been released by Microsoft.

Come on smart guy.

Also it's not a death threat, stupid. I did not literally post "I'm gonna kill you" or something to that effect. If you considered it a threat than you also consider yourself a moron.

Here's an incomplete list of items that MS has literally FAILED to even address:

Outlook Express automatically launches executables
ActiveX exploit (ie InternetExploder)
Easy theft of Passport LuserID, password, and wallet
Administrator account

Many of these have been well documented by third parties, and sent to MS with high priority. Some are even hard coded into the design of Windows. Microsoft, rather than address the problem, sends them an e-mail that is little more than a slap on the wrist.

major problem reported to MS (ie Nimda)
MS waits
multiple reports
MS waits
problem goes public
MS states they are developing a fix
Other companies release a fix (ie Symantec)
MS states fix will be available soon
Ms receives bad press
problem dies down
MS fix released, only fixes half of the problem
More bad press, including holes not plugged

This all makes me wonder when that IIS fix MS has been talking about is going to be released. I bet some other company already found a solution. Oh wait, Sun Microsystems.

Trying to weasel out of it, eh? (5.00 / 1) (#24)
by T Reginald Gibbons on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 03:29:43 AM PST
The trail of evidence you have left is quite enough to prove your violent intent. The fact that you repeatedly refer to elenchos as an idiot, prior to your "death to morons" post (using identical phrasing, no less), coupled with the post itself proves that you are calling for the murder of elenchos. Remember, it is your intent that is going to be proven in a court of law, not his perception of himself. Schoolboy excuses may clear your conscience, but I doubt they'll convince a judge.

Do you think the fact that you (I presume) issue death threats idly whenever you are unable to control your temper means we should take your threats any less seriously on the internet? You have threatened a man with murder. If I were the site's administrators (and I suppose you should count yourself lucky I am not), I would be forwarding your email address to the NSA immediately, so that they could throw your ass in prison, where it belongs.

Maybe I should back down. (none / 0) (#26)
by elenchos on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 06:31:14 PM PST
It's unavoidably true that this nameless individual is mentally ill. The question is, how dangerous is he? Will he come after me? Or my family?

I guess we can take it for granted that he has already begun DoSing the site. Typically the near-constant attack on Adequacy spikes up a bit whenever one of these Lunixists starts raving. But this one sounds far more dangerous than most. Note that he is a real MCSE!

Haven't I been saying all along that such power should be kept from the hands of these irresponsible criminals? Look at what we are up against!

I don't know what to do. I know that Adequacy is the most courageous site on the Internet, but am I courageous engough to handle the task?

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

MCSE (none / 0) (#29)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 07:37:52 PM PST
"Note that he is a real MCSE!"

Why is it that you and others on this site seemed to believe that MCSEs are the greatest of IT professionals. I seriously doubt that you have even bothered to read through the course material.

The MCSE covers only glances over networking as a whole. Also please quit referring to MCSE like it's a profession. It's a certification nothing more. The best anyone can hope to get from having an MCSE is a job as an entry-level Network Administrator. This person would only belimited to Microsoft OSes.

I do not believe that you should run off at the mouth over stating the importance of this certification. If it is so high an mighty then why is it that there are so many of them unemployed? They sit there filling out applications out McDonald's while those with higher level certifications keep their jobs.

Any company would be more inclined to hire and pay better someone with his certifications than an MCSE. Anyone who goes around touting that they have their MCSE is a joke in the IT field.

Also I would like to point out that yes Microsoft (notice the spelling) did drop the hyphen when they moved to Seattle. Later they set up shop in Redmond. As for his repeated attacks on your intelligence, I would take his considerations about spelling. I too have read through your posts. Your constant spelling of Microsoft as Micro-Soft and Linux as Lunix seems to be a repeated target. Not to mention your repeated ability to contradict yourself when discussing topics which you obviously know nothing about.

That's as maybe (none / 0) (#38)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 12:05:19 AM PST
However, we must never lose sight of the key spelling issue here, which is that spel flamuhs are the lowest form of life on the net.

by Anonymous Reader on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 07:40:13 PM PST
Which e-mail address might that be? Would that happen to the e-mail address that you picked up from my a cookie? Oh, you mean the anymous wemail address.

Maybe you mean my IP address. Notice how it changes? Might it be becomes not only am I posting from another network in another city I am also using another ISP.

Good Luck to ya, bitch!

I have reviewed your post (5.00 / 1) (#31)
by T Reginald Gibbons on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 08:30:46 PM PST
Judging by your constant misspellings, you are getting a little hot under the collar by now. Surely you know that each of the ISPs you use to perpetrate acts of juvenile psychological violence over the internet keeps logs of which account had which IP and when. Since adequacy has your actual IPs, it would simply be a matter of a phone call to any of your providers and your petty game will be up, and your email will be on it's way to the NSA. I pray that they do this before you either kill someone or hack the site.

I've consulted with the other editors on this... (none / 0) (#32)
by elenchos on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 09:08:04 PM PST
...and somehow, they find no reason to be alarmed. "Death threats are just part of being an Adequacy editor, " one quipped.

I think it's an example of that legendary Adequacy courage that we hear so often about. I only hope they know what they are talking about. Do you know that two of this guy's certifications are so elite that no one has ever heard of them? What if he knows of a way to make the server explode?

Well, nothing to do but gird up and weather the hacking storm.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

There's absolutely no telling... (5.00 / 1) (#33)
by poltroon on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 09:22:31 PM PST
...what he might do. His head is a slurry of incorrect factoids which he appears to believe with unwavering confidence. I mean, my God, he thinks Microsoft originally registered its trademark when moving to Seattle! Hello? It was New Mexico.

You know, in a very real sense... (none / 0) (#35)
by elenchos on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 09:54:34 PM PST
...the true Micro-Soft never left New Mexico. Know what I mean?

In another sense, Micro-Soft never left anywhere, nor moved to anywhere. Nor changed any name, or registered any name. The Micro-Soft that can be named is not the Eternal Name.

These guys are funny. They think they know so much about Micro-Soft, but can't even get the most basic facts straight. Like when the patch against Nimda was released. Or knowing anything about the plausibility of flying an airplane on WindowsNT. Or sailing an aircraft carrier.

Just goes to show, eh?

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

the Nimda release (none / 0) (#39)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 12:13:35 AM PST
The official release date of W32.nimda@MM is Sept 18th, 2001. Many systems were hit shortly afterwards. Most organizations found relief from the anti-virus community long before the Windows patch was released. Even companies who had applied the even the most recent security patches were affected.

When was the patch available elenchos? I already know, but do you?

Does anyone know... (none / 0) (#41)
by elenchos on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 01:06:45 AM PST
...why these dorks come to Adequacy for the apparent reason of demonstrating their ability to do Google searches? And then to challenge the mighty elenchos to do a Google search of his own?

What is being proven here? The ability to type words into a text field and click a button?

Anyway, you understand the difference between a cumulitive patch and the parts that make up a cumulitive patch, right? Obviously, if you are too lazy and incompetent to have gotten any of the previous patches that came out months and even years before Sept, 18 2001 then you need Micro-Soft to ride to the rescue, as usual, and pass out a complete and easy-to-install patch that collected them all together in one place. So much easier to wait for a virus warning to show up on page A1 of USA Today and piss and whine until Micro-Soft offers a panacaea than to keep current on the numerous patches that came out before. After, the Web won't surf itself and somebody has to write all that wisdom that we read at Slashdot. Who has the time?

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

explain (none / 0) (#45)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 05:07:23 AM PST
I have no idea what in the world all this about and why elenchos and another Anonymous poster feel the need to bicker back and forth. However, I feel that it is now my duty to attempt to put a stop to it.

First off after reading through articles written by dmg, elenchos and even articles concerning Linux I can can make the assumption that niether of you (dmg or elenchos) are experts in the IT field. Having a Masters Degree in Computer Science from the University of California I can point out the utter comical [factual] errors made throughout these articles. However, it would take too much time, too much space, and I don't wish to rehash old arguments.

Now elenchos, I believe that rather than simply posting "you can find that on a search" whenever someone asks you a question" shows that you obviously lack the knowledge to answer the questions. Simply because you can READ how to do it, doesn't mean that you actually can do it. This is why many good schools rely heavily on hands-on training. Hell, tech support can sit there and explain how to do something, and the stupid-ass on the other end just can't seem to do it.

You also have a tendency to believe that anyone who disagrees with you is a hippy, hacker, teenage boy, or what not and will launch DoS attacks on This as well shows an utter lack of knowledge. If this person is an American it is his/her right to disagree. Even if this person is a Linux user I still do not see how you can automatically assume they would waste their time or that they would do "bad things".

Hell I have worked at IBM for almost 10 years as a Software Engineer. I have been working at the Storage Systems and Server Department at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose for the last year. Pays great, benefits are excellent. Hell right now I'm taking 2 of my 4 weeks of vacation to spend Thanksgiving with my family in Kanas City, MO. Beyond that I would prefer to spend time with my wife and my baby girl. So I have got better things to do then launch DoS attacks or worse at your web server.

Your blasphemy will cost you (none / 0) (#46)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 05:18:31 AM PST
You must think it is cool or hip to fill up the internet sites of others with your vile profanity. This only makes you look childish at best. I do not for a second believe that a person with a mouth as filthy as yours could maintain employment at IBM for ten years. You, sir, are a liar and a sinner. I urge you to repent, while you still can. Death stalks us all, after all, and the bible is quite explicit on the subject of which lake the blasphemers and liars are to be thrown into.

Furthermore, what sort of man could claim to be old enough to have spent ten years in the workplace, and not yet have started a family of his own? Do you not like women?

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." -- John 3:16

My FOUL mouth (1.00 / 1) (#47)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 09:27:53 AM PST
I'M the guy with the FOUL mouth. I do not work at IBM. I don't know why you're attacking the schmuck. You act like only he and yourself can post anonymously.

As for his age thing, jack-off. We'll compare him to say oh I dunno, maybe that Linux Torvalds character.

Linux Torvalds got his Master Degree at age 21. It could be that he got the degree around the same age. He's worked for the company obviously a TOTAL of 10 years. Only 1 of those was in San Jose or where ever, stupid. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH STARTING A FAMILY in your 30s, dumbass?!

I supposed you're one of the stupid shits that thinks people should have kids at 16!

Shit for all you know that guy could other kids that live in Kansas or something from a previous marriage. If he's not in Kansas City all the time he's not gonna spending a whole lotta time with his other kid(s) when he's at in San Jose or where ever he lives.

There are OTHER possibilites too, maybe he had kids but they died. Maybe Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Makes you sound like a big man posting something stupid like that doesn't it jack-ass!?

Or he could be a dick head with kids that just don't like him or something.

I have kids. Two boys to be exact. My oldest will be heading to college next year. I am utterly offended when people make assumptions about parents and don't even know them.

And for your information, since my kids aren't morons I do watch my mouth in front of them.

you mocking me? (none / 0) (#49)
by NAWL on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 10:02:50 AM PST
Hey don't mock the loyalists. There's no need to attempt to make them feel dumb by continuing to mock their misspelings and misinformation.

"We'll compare him to say oh I dunno, maybe that Linux Torvalds character."

"Linux Torvalds got his Master Degree at age 21."

Seeing as how you originally called him "that Linux Torvalds character", I will assume you misspelled it to make sure they know exactly who you were referring to.

Note: I am a long time reader and have only become a "member" very recently. I too found humor in the Linux Mandrake article, :)

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

Linus got married years ago (none / 0) (#50)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 01:34:28 PM PST
And has been punping out progeny ever since. Point to me. I believe that's game, sir.

no girls for this guy (none / 0) (#51)
by NAWL on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 02:41:15 PM PST
Geez, you're assuming the guy didn't even date. Not every has to marry young. Some people take a little longer to find that special someone.

At no time did he state when he had gotten married. You are all assuming that he waited 10 years after graduating.

I see nothing wrong with waiting to get married and have kids. Most failed marriages are a result of marrying too young. You only assume that his culture is the same as yours and that he should do things YOUR way. Many cultures around the world do not hold the same beliefs about marriage that you do. Get off your high horse.

"My foul mouth" does make some interesting points. Who is to say that the woman he is now maaried to is his first wife? Maybe any of the other possibilities he/she presents are possible. Once again I memtion cultures. In some cultures the husband is much older than the wife.

Who cares what Linus Torvalds did. He's obviously NOT Linus Torvalds. LT works at Transmeta. This guy works at IBM. How long was it till Bill Gates had kids?

You guys seriously need to lighten up on the assumptions and also need to get off of this 'Pat Robertson-esque' "this is how it should be and if you don't think so, you're wrong [and will burn in hell]" crap.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

naw... (none / 0) (#52)
by poltroon on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 08:14:21 PM PST
It's entirely plausible, likely even, that a foulmouthed man could work as a computer scientist for ten years without starting a family. What's less believable is that the man now has a wife and child. It's commonly known, though infrequently acknowledged, that computer science attracts more gays than any other field. And computer scientists are also notorious for communication impediments. The fact that you don't know this, or are in denial, indicates that either you are not familiar with the field or you're part of it.

What? (none / 0) (#40)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 12:45:18 AM PST
***He is a computer scientist and sexual athlete of the first order, and is widely admired as a warrior, patriot, and public intellectual.***

Sorry I just thought this was utterly FUNNY :)

The thought that this person is a computer scientist is hilarious. This is someone that can't even understand that can't get the spelling of Linux correct. He also can't seem to realize that Linux kernel hackers are no different from the Windows kernel hackers. I never in my life would have met a computer scientist that would call for a Ban on Programming. Yeah I'm pretty sure that he, as soon as he got to whatever rinky-dink school he went to (hell screw it he's probably still in High School) decided "gee I wanna be a computer scientist. I also seriously doubt that he would pass his "tests" that he believes should be instituted.

It's even funnier than this:

***gave up a promising career as an MCSE administrating NT servers and programming in VB at one of the United States' top investment banks.***

Gave up a career as an MCSE? As someone stated before this is a certification not a career. What's so great about programming in visual basic? And why oh why are MCSE and programming together. I have never met any "MCSE" that knows squat about programming. I think there's a confusion between Programming in "Visual Basic" and writting simple log in scripts. I have never met a professional programmer who touts the MCSE.

Oh well I have embarrassed them enough.

Why is the most controversial site on the WEB? Because the "staff" (Haha) is so utterly misinformed it's not even funny.

"A Boeing 767 has just crashed on Queens; it was outbound from Detroit to the Dominican Republic. Four buildings are reportedly on fire. Clearly another terrorist act."

The plane crashed 2 and a half minutes after take off. It's kind of hard to get from Detroit to Queens in that amount of time. CLEARLY another terrorist attack. Maybe they know something the FAA and the FBI don't. Hmmmm.....

Blast! He's uncovered our spelling errors! (5.00 / 1) (#42)
by elenchos on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 01:30:35 AM PST
Now everyone will see us for the frauds we are! Curses.

I don't know what reply these personal flames deserve. Are you trying to make a point of some kind? Everything you read about D.M.G. and myself is true. If you don't believe it, why not show a fact or two to support your case? Because it's easier to spew out random insults and pick at spelling?

By the way, tkatchev is not on staff here. He is simply given the privlige of writng his paranoid ravings in his diary, along with the other users. I think it is far too much latitude for someone of his background and mental state (he has issues with anger management), but others feel he is harmless. Since everyone knows he is Russian and grew up under the hopeless Soviet educational system, it is presumed that nothing he says is taken seriously by anyone.

But if you think it is funny, or don't think it's funny (you can't seem to decide), at least you're getting something out of it, and I suppose all the time you spend writing spelling flames is time not spent writing viruses and hacking networks. We can all be grateful for that.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

questionable degree (none / 0) (#53)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Nov 21st, 2001 at 03:37:25 AM PST
I was just reading your article on Banning Programming. I then read through the responses (at least the ones that seemed interesting enough).

Now if by some chance, elenchos, you do have a degree in computer science, the post about viewing HTML did not paint you in a good light. You and others calling this illegal and hacking show little knowledge in that respect. HTML is an open standard. It's not only a standard but it open source as well.

I have seen it all over this from others too. People claiming that viewing header information is illegal. It is perfectly legal and even ethical.

Viewing the header information for e-mails is also legal. If someone is spamming you, wouldn't you like to know where the message originated so you can report them to their ISP?

trademarks (none / 0) (#36)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 10:04:49 PM PST
Microsoft Corporation and Micro-Soft Corporation are two different registered trademarks.

(ie a search for "Micro Soft" would not catch "Microsoft."). ... filed with
the US Patent & Trademark Office for marks intended for commercial use ...

Therefore niether would a search for Miro-Soft.

In the above site you will find that Micro-Spft was actually an informal partnership created by the original founders [Bill Gates and Paul Allen] when they accepted positions at Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS).

So, (5.00 / 1) (#37)
by poltroon on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 10:34:34 PM PST
what does that have to do with Seattle?

You have my utmost support (5.00 / 1) (#34)
by T Reginald Gibbons on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 09:38:31 PM PST
No doubt you are in for a few daunting weeks of terror at the hands of this internet psychopath. Take courage in the fact that, if you die, your deaths will inevitably lead to the internet user's license that is the only conceivably workable method of keeping these dangerous killers and hackers, not to mention their illegal operating systems, off the net.

Ah yes, death. (none / 0) (#43)
by elenchos on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 01:40:10 AM PST
I wish I had more time to comment on this, but let me just say that death is approaching rapidly. We are all doomed, you know.

Death, the great equalizer, is inevitable, and it means a universe, your entire world, becomes nothingness and is completely gone, forever. Thinking upon the vast infinity of time and space that our miniscule lives are cast into upon our deaths makes the ultimate meaninglessness of everything all the more undeniable.

But perhaps the infintesimle difference that banning hacking will make is some tiny consolation. Compared with eternity, it is nothing, but there it is.

There is no avoiding death, that's for sure. And there is nothing but total void after that. Sigh. Death.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

commin home (none / 0) (#54)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 02:10:01 PM PST
I wish I knew where you lived so I could get you....

Alright, you need to shutup and go away... (none / 0) (#55)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 01:39:43 PM PST
You need to stop and engage your brain before you start to talk about something you obviously don't know what your talking about...

Because you are just arousing unecessary violence among people that DO know what they are talking about...

But since it looks like you won't be leaving any time soon, let me leave this one note, you are probably only good for laughs on the internet world...

MicroSoft moved? (5.00 / 1) (#22)
by poltroon on Wed Nov 14th, 2001 at 12:19:15 AM PST
Micro-Soft: Microsoft dropped the hyphen when they moved the company to Seattle.

MicroSoft moved to Seattle!? How'd I miss it? And here I thought I was safely buffered from culty gated communties like that. I'll have to start watching my back, now that they're among us.

Reality check. (none / 0) (#20)
by tkatchev on Tue Nov 13th, 2001 at 10:50:58 PM PST
Microsoft == COMMUNISM.

State capitalism is evil and leads to zombie-worship.

(Enough already, let's not beat the dead horse already, OK?)

Peace and much love...

According to NBC 10 minutes ago... (none / 0) (#6)
by hauntedattics on Mon Nov 12th, 2001 at 10:23:38 AM PST
it actually took off earlier this morning from JFK airport about 5 miles from the crash site. They lost radar contact about 6 minutes into the flight. An eyewitness reported seeing fire and something coming off the wing, whereupon the plane took a nose dive.

Not a terrorist act, but closely related (none / 0) (#17)
by zikzak on Tue Nov 13th, 2001 at 01:23:28 PM PST
In our government's current paranoia they have rounded up and arrested all muslims of middle Eastern descent who were working at airports. No doubt quite a few of these were responsible for aircraft maintenance. Since there is now a shortage of qualified maintenance workers, we can expect to see more crashes.

This is just like when Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers and crashes increased dramatically for a few years until all the scabs could figure out how to do their new jobs effectively.

wrong place, sorry (none / 0) (#48)
by NAWL on Thu Nov 15th, 2001 at 09:54:37 AM PST
Actually, most maintenace worker do NOT work at the airport. They have overhaul bases. These are not usually located near large cities like LA and NY.

Take American Airlines for example. When it acquired TWA, it also acquired the two overhaul bases in St. Louis and Kansas City.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?


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