This has gone far enough. For all you amazingly intelligent tech types that are telling [iat|jsm] about all the mistakes they have made, I'd like to recommend something. SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU SELF-ABSORBED, WHINY, UNCOMPREHENDING, RETARDS!
If any of you bothered to read even five of the previously posted comments before blathering on with your "corrections", you would realize YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT FOR POSTING THE EXACT SAME THING THAT 300+ OTHER PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY POSTED. If you don't have anything to add, what are you doing? Can people really be this stupid? Is every person who fancies oneself as a techie of the Linux sort too self-absorbed and so overzealous that one can't even check to see if somebody already covered the points you were going to write about?
To conclude, GET A LIFE.
After writing that, I must admit that it is still incredibly amusing. "This article doesn't seem serious, but just in case I better inform you..." "First of all, it's Linus Torvalds..."
Oh, and I sincerely apologize if I offended any retarded people by associating them with all these idiots I was referring to in the above commentary.