It means I don't get to watch the only two sci-fi franchises I really ever followed or enjoyed. I do other things, plenty of other things, but in those moments of still and calm where I'd flip the tellie on and stick a tape in, I am left empty-handed and in want.
So, What does THIS mean?
It means I fucking hate all of you. So fuck off, all of you, you get on my pecs:
- Hoedancer, don't you dare try to psychoanalyze me or be nice and offer a friendly ear (unles you want to trade nude pics of yourself). It just pisses me off more.
- Shoeboy, don't bother editing this journal with some faux-witty comment; we can all, I am sure, imagine it there already. This journal is unfunny enough without your help anyways.
- Elenchos, quit mailing me recipe clippings for stuffed grape leaves and baklava. I don't know how you got my address but I am scared and frightened. These things taste horrible.
- 70%: go and make your "please talk to your children about this" posts elsewhere. You wanna talk to your children about something? Tell them about how if you ever write that phrase in any diary of mine again I'm going to take a dump on the hood of your car on a hot Summer day.
I have to go to the restroom. The rest of you can all just bugger off in general for now.