I have never in my life been so completely surrounded by a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals patting themselves on the back while engaging in what seemed like the largest circle-jerk ever (and I used to attend Berkeley). Mind you, I have nothing against liberalists or liberalism. But there are those out there that adopt that stance as some sort of weird religion, channeling out any sort of conflicting viewpoint, that they become nothing more than fanatical, mindless twits that write nothing but point-by-point rebuttals and recite bits and pieces of various books with no real understanding of the original meaning or context. These people flood Kuro5hin. There were no controversial opinions, no dissenting thought, no random grammar corrections- just a bunch of coffee shop goons congratulating themselves on being able to think exactly alike. When certain intrepid souls did offer up an intelligent and controversial opinion, they were deluged with so much idiotic tripe that either the original signal was drowned out by senseless noise, or they were (presumably) "rated" out of oblivion.
And here is the major crux of the problem- DEMOCRACY. Letting the membership (which is open to anyone) of the site edit and moderate the articles and forum is restricting the opinions to nothing more than the same rah-rah ultra-liberalist crap. I saw no evidence of any sort of controversy that might have sparked new avenues of thought. Just a bunch of ass-backward clowns reveling in their feces, never once realizing that they have reached an intellectual dead-end. It was reverse fascism in action- the voices of the many completely silencing the voices of the few.
However, what's really frightening is the fact that these ass-clowns completely outnumber the Adequate. Let's assume for a minute that Kuro5hin and Adequacy are microcosmic internet entities mirroring our own current society (which, if you think about it, isn't really that far-fetched). Logically, we can then conclude that these close-minded idiotic fuckers completely outnumber the more open-minded intelligent fuckers, and will go on to create (one way or another) more close-minded idiotic fuckers. Statistically, more of these Kuro5hin-type fools will achieve positions of power, as intelligence and open-mindedness rarely play a role in such matters. Probably old news to most of you reading this, but it's just fucking disturbing when you're presented with a physical manifestation of the grim times that are to come.
That is why I welcome the elitist atmosphere of Adequacy and its sage (and occasionally crackpot) staff of iron-handed editors. They channel out the noise (Aryan King comes to mind), but all opinions are welcome, as long as they are intelligent and well-argued (or good for a chuckle or two).
But the problem remains. What shall we do about Kuro5hin? I leave it to the readership to hopefully arrive at an adequate answer.