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   Comments by hauntedattics   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Sep 26, 2001

Tongue-in-cheek? Hijacked plane crash destroys Canary Wharf; Shocked Americans ask, `What's Canary Wharf?'

Sep 28, 2001

Living in Conundrum Village I'm a teenager, and I want it bad!

Sep 28, 2001

Academy of God-haters? I'm a teenager, and I want it bad!

Oct 01, 2001

Here, here... I'm a teenager, and I want it bad!

Oct 01, 2001

Hmm... I need to get laid.

Oct 02, 2001

Don't get me started... Brett Favre Must Be Stopped

Oct 02, 2001

Even scarier... Totalitarian America

Oct 02, 2001

Dear Mr. 27: I regret to inform you that... A poem

Oct 02, 2001

2nd minor correction Brett Favre Must Be Stopped

Oct 02, 2001

we're not all horrible... A day in the life

Oct 03, 2001

Point well taken Brett Favre Must Be Stopped

Oct 03, 2001

Trust an Expert I feel terrible.

Oct 04, 2001

My favorite hunting weapon... Urban Scavengers

Oct 04, 2001

Very astute... Brett Favre Must Be Stopped

Oct 04, 2001

Yeah, but from an epidemiological point of view... Hi Catfish!

Oct 04, 2001

A tentative suggestion... Aaack...

Oct 04, 2001

A hearty second Urban Scavengers

Oct 04, 2001

Just because you're paranoid... Urban Scavengers

Oct 04, 2001

Uh-oh, now I'm worried crud

Oct 05, 2001

However... I'm a teenager, and I want it bad!

Oct 05, 2001

My apologies... crud

Oct 05, 2001

There it is... rain

Oct 05, 2001

That's true... rain

Oct 09, 2001

Oh really? Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 10, 2001

Thanks dmg... Excellent Work!

Oct 10, 2001

I feel a strange compulsion... rain

Oct 10, 2001

hey... decisions, decisions

Oct 11, 2001

Fascinating... Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

What is Samhain??? The Plan...

Oct 12, 2001

Wow... How should I define myself?

Oct 12, 2001

Background nothin'... A thought from today's activities

Oct 12, 2001

Kind eyes, huh? Who is your favorite terrorist?

Oct 15, 2001

While we're at it... We must all grow opium!

Oct 15, 2001

Hmm... Achieving Justice for bin Laden

Oct 15, 2001

Wow, this is scary... I have not had relations for months!

Oct 15, 2001

Now I'm getting really scared... Why I am mentally defective and should be shunned in public

Oct 16, 2001

Oops... Achieving Justice for bin Laden

Oct 16, 2001

Question Osama Bin Falwell

Oct 16, 2001

Oh the genetic complications... Fundamental lifestyle change

Oct 16, 2001

Mutant Fundamental lifestyle change

Oct 16, 2001

Fascinating Fundamental lifestyle change

Oct 16, 2001

Otter-like dementia? The word.

Oct 17, 2001

D'oh! You found me out. Fundamental lifestyle change

Oct 17, 2001

I wholeheartedly agree Justice for the Victims of 9/11 ! :: (a minority viewpoint)

Oct 17, 2001

Oh really? The word.

Oct 18, 2001

I'm hurt... Justice for the Victims of 9/11 ! :: (a minority viewpoint)

Oct 18, 2001

Please tell me more One of my nutty English papers.

Oct 18, 2001

And besides... Justice for the Victims of 9/11 ! :: (a minority viewpoint)

Oct 18, 2001

Some random thoughts Here's Some More Meat for You SFB Vultures! Enjoy!

Oct 18, 2001

I never thought of that before... One of my nutty English papers.

Oct 18, 2001

Try something from across the pond DM Fetish

Oct 18, 2001

Hmm... Why should I care?

Oct 19, 2001

Whoa dude... Islam: What is it?

Oct 19, 2001

Maybe... lesbian update

Oct 19, 2001

I second your crush... there is no god but shoeboy

Oct 19, 2001

Wow... DM Fetish

Oct 19, 2001

Good luck... The Rules of Engagement

Oct 19, 2001

Well... DM Fetish

Oct 19, 2001

Uh oh... lesbian update

Oct 19, 2001

If Allah is a loving God... Islam: What is it?

Oct 22, 2001

Why? Islam: What is it?

Oct 22, 2001

I plan on reading the Koran... Islam: What is it?

Oct 23, 2001

I'm already your servant... what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Pretentious musical reference what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

OK... what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Hey, we agree on something... what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Ouch...that smarts what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Ditto what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

You'd better watch it... what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Why... what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Wow... what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Be careful... what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Sorry to be unclear what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Sorry... what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Fascinating what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Don't unload your baggage on me sister what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

Please... Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 23, 2001

There's also an e what a freak

Oct 24, 2001

Well... bulb

Oct 24, 2001

Maybe not... Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 24, 2001

Hmmm.. Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 24, 2001

A few more Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 25, 2001

Actually... what a freak

Oct 25, 2001

Hey... Gimme Danger

Oct 25, 2001

How true... Gimme Danger

Oct 26, 2001

What??? Gimme Danger

Oct 26, 2001

Not enough... Sigh

Oct 26, 2001

Ouch I'm researching stalkers

Oct 26, 2001

I'm insulted... I'm researching stalkers

Oct 26, 2001

Wha??? I don't like spaceghoti.

Oct 26, 2001

How about... I don't like spaceghoti.

Oct 29, 2001

Interesting... Anthrax - Some factual corrections, but no apology.

Oct 29, 2001

Was Hitler Catholic? Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

Please don't leave This will be Skippy's Last Diary Entry Here

Oct 29, 2001

Hey... I don't like spaceghoti.

Oct 29, 2001

Yes, please do... Do I have appendicitis?

Oct 29, 2001

OK, now I'm confused Terrorism and root causes - clarification

Oct 29, 2001

Hey Frith... IRC; an internet wasteland?

Oct 29, 2001

To quote... Anthrax - Some factual corrections, but no apology.

Oct 29, 2001

How do you know... I can't escape Tkatchev.

Oct 29, 2001

Gidon Kremer Bartok violin concerto

Oct 29, 2001

Please don't I can't escape Tkatchev.

Oct 29, 2001

Flirtatious? I can't escape Tkatchev.

Oct 30, 2001

The only bad thing Impending Career Change

Oct 30, 2001

Well... Anthrax - Some factual corrections, but no apology.

Oct 30, 2001

Easy there, Homer... Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

You are right, as usual Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

Nope. Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

OK Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

Hmm... Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

Yes, but... Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

Iceland rocks Is your privacy ensured?

Oct 30, 2001

How do you... I'm bored

Oct 31, 2001

Have you... Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 31, 2001

Yeah, well... Why boys are better than girls

Oct 31, 2001

Gaydar is infallible Why girls are better than boys

Oct 31, 2001

Warning... Why Natalie Portman Is Better Than Any Of You

Oct 31, 2001

OK, this has nothing to do with... The scramjet failed :(

Oct 31, 2001

Your statistical problem Why boys are better than girls

Oct 31, 2001

Oman? Damn. The scramjet failed :(

Oct 31, 2001

(Bad) advice Impending Career Change

Oct 31, 2001

What... Why girls are better than boys

Oct 31, 2001

Great Killer Wheels: How To Get Started in the Custom-Car Movement

Oct 31, 2001

For an adequacy contributor Gluggi 98 SE

Oct 31, 2001

Wow... Impending Career Change

Nov 01, 2001

Jeez exorcising haunted attics

Nov 01, 2001

Thanks, gospodin nothing

Nov 01, 2001

A theory about Mr Jackson This week's top-selling music releases

Nov 01, 2001

I don't know... So.. I'm back to see the kid

Nov 01, 2001

Cracking up? exorcising haunted attics

Nov 01, 2001

You should definitely stop... I am addicted to Hot Deals and cannot help myself.

Nov 01, 2001

abject apology exorcising haunted attics

Nov 01, 2001

Hmm... Anthrax - Some factual corrections, but no apology.

Nov 02, 2001

Actually... Terrorism in the PRC

Nov 02, 2001

Well... Terrorism in the PRC

Nov 02, 2001

Hey... Terrorism in the PRC

Nov 07, 2001

Interestingly... why boys and girls are different

Nov 08, 2001

Versailles is... Hey

Nov 08, 2001

Watch out, nathan Snoring can be cute?

Nov 08, 2001

A suggestion Nice guys

Nov 12, 2001

Congrats... new job!

Nov 12, 2001

According to NBC 10 minutes ago... Another terrorist act.

Nov 12, 2001

Yeah... objectivist club

Nov 12, 2001

Actually... Thanks everyone!

Nov 12, 2001

A suggestion Weight Loss

Nov 12, 2001

Well... Snoring can be cute?

Nov 12, 2001

Mozart vs. Wagner Music Review: Britney

Nov 12, 2001

Interestingly... Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 13, 2001

No frowns Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 13, 2001

Any time, dear Music Review: Britney

Nov 13, 2001

Christian calendar Some help for all you aspiring Santas.

Nov 13, 2001

Wow... Ken Kesey will go no furthur

Nov 13, 2001

I don't know... Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 13, 2001

Musicians... new job!

Nov 13, 2001

Frog point of view A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 14, 2001

Ouch... I am so completely enamored...

Nov 14, 2001

Holy wow, nathan... I am so completely enamored...

Nov 14, 2001

OK then... A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 14, 2001

Hmm... A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 14, 2001

They are... Thanks everyone!

Nov 14, 2001

Wow... Hullo.

Nov 14, 2001

And let's not forget... Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 14, 2001

Yeah, cleavage... I am so completely enamored...

Nov 14, 2001

Hmm... A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 14, 2001

domain name Taking the Internet to Lands Uncharted

Nov 14, 2001

Here ya go... I am so completely enamored...

Nov 15, 2001

I'd be happy to post pictures of cleavage... I am so completely enamored...

Nov 15, 2001

There's hope for you yet... Sad realization

Nov 15, 2001

And indeed... The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 15, 2001

Uh-oh I am so completely enamored...

Nov 15, 2001

Nice to meet you, dear I am the secular humanist media conspiracy!

Nov 15, 2001

What, Sad realization

Nov 15, 2001

Where in the world... Shit I'm Horny!

Nov 15, 2001

Either that... The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

Don't get me wrong... The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

God as Yeti? The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

Hey... Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 16, 2001

Hmm... A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 16, 2001

Thanks... Sad realization

Nov 16, 2001

As much as it pains me to do so... It's all about the Benjamins.

Nov 16, 2001

My my... The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

Oops... It's all about the Benjamins.

Nov 16, 2001

No... The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

OK It's all about the Benjamins.

Nov 19, 2001

yeah... DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

Nov 19, 2001

Actually... Active recruiting

Nov 19, 2001

Me too... It's all about the Benjamins.

Nov 19, 2001

Very cute has natalie met her match??

Nov 19, 2001

Hey Mmmkay...

Nov 20, 2001

the princess's magical kung-fu powers... Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 20, 2001

Maybe... Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

What... has natalie met her match??

Nov 20, 2001

Hey... The Air Force

Nov 20, 2001

Well, you know, DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

Nov 20, 2001

The other answer Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

Don't... The Air Force

Nov 20, 2001

Welcome to a chick's world... Damn damn damn.

Nov 21, 2001

I actually... Damn damn damn.

Nov 21, 2001

Gee... The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 21, 2001

No, see... Active recruiting

Nov 21, 2001

Danger... My wife hungers for dark meat, and my nephew is a Commie!

Nov 21, 2001

Damn, some light reading

Nov 24, 2001

Wait a sec... Ode to luisa

Nov 24, 2001

A word or two of advice... The Reason I'm Posting on Adequacy Despite Being Unwelcome

Nov 26, 2001

Is it just me... unfortunately, she speaks english

Nov 26, 2001

Just a minor point... A law that is ignored is not a good law.

Nov 26, 2001

I believe ol' Leon was... Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 26, 2001

Realpolitik Please Don't Kill Osama Bin Laden

Nov 27, 2001

Hmm. Please Don't Kill Osama Bin Laden

Nov 27, 2001

Mr. X... A request (and warning) to our readers

Nov 28, 2001

The only professor I ever had a crush on... Playing with fire

Nov 28, 2001

Think of the alternative... job

Nov 30, 2001

Confused... Not just harmless fun

Nov 30, 2001

Relax... the opposite sex

Dec 03, 2001

*Contented sigh* Winter Ball -- December 15th Crisis!

Dec 04, 2001

Ooh... How to Smash Global Industrial Capitalism Without Leaving Your Bar-Stool

Dec 04, 2001

Wow... hey, alprazolam,

Dec 05, 2001

Impressive... Rich Man

Dec 05, 2001

Oh, OK... George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 05, 2001

Careful... Rich Man

Dec 05, 2001

*Another contented sigh* Hurray for Adequacy

Dec 05, 2001

Paganini... Rich Man

Dec 06, 2001

Yeah, it's Levine Rich Man

Dec 07, 2001

Seven Steps to the door Contemporary Russian Poetry pt. II

Dec 10, 2001

Hmm... jerkcity

Dec 10, 2001

Are you kidding? Diaries...

Dec 10, 2001

Hmmm..... Analyze this

Dec 10, 2001

Remember, though, Analyze this

Dec 10, 2001

Of course, dear jerkcity

Dec 10, 2001

Damn... Contemporary Russian Poetry pt. II

Dec 10, 2001

Hey... jerkcity

Dec 10, 2001

One day... Welcome to the Third World

Dec 10, 2001

Seconded. The sky: a revisionist examination

Dec 10, 2001

Hey... My observations about Republicans

Dec 10, 2001

Unlike Diaries...

Dec 11, 2001

Yes, but just to clarify... Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 12, 2001

A suggestion Down Time

Dec 12, 2001

Definition Only extremely attractive people are cool.

Dec 12, 2001

Who said anything Only extremely attractive people are cool.

Dec 13, 2001

Hmm... Dearest Adequacy Readors

Dec 13, 2001

A question Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 13, 2001

Question. welcome to adequacy

Dec 13, 2001

Yeah. If hell did exist...

Dec 13, 2001

But...but... Dearest Adequacy Readors

Dec 13, 2001

Oh yeah Dearest Adequacy Readors

Dec 14, 2001

Goodness. Dearest Adequacy Readors

Dec 14, 2001

My objection If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001

Do vs. Be Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 14, 2001

At the risk... worthy link

Dec 14, 2001

Yes... Extremely attractive people do not wear makeup regularly.

Dec 14, 2001

No, no, no!! Dinner Tonight.

Dec 15, 2001

Involuntary masochism? Brief Public Service Reminder

Dec 15, 2001

One girl's opinion Extremely attractive people do not wear makeup regularly.

Dec 15, 2001

Oog... Dinner Tonight.

Dec 15, 2001

Is there a way Beware of Charities

Dec 15, 2001

Agreed. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 15, 2001

I think The Guide to the Cuisines of the World: Poutine

Dec 16, 2001

Yes, but... worthy link

Dec 16, 2001

Oh man... Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 17, 2001

Umm... famous last words

Dec 17, 2001

He died? Martin-Cortez Newsletter, Issue 1 v I

Dec 17, 2001

Oban? Dinner Tonight.

Dec 17, 2001

Looking forward... Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 17, 2001

Oh, that was you? Christmas is child abuse

Dec 17, 2001

Parce que... My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 17, 2001

Very interesting... Autism and geeks

Dec 18, 2001

Hmmm... Autism and geeks

Dec 18, 2001

Question Irresponsible Meat Judge

Dec 18, 2001

Very cool. Sometimes the most amazing things in life...

Dec 18, 2001

Well... Islam is not the enemy

Dec 19, 2001

Clarification Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 19, 2001

Yes!! g**k math is not hard.

Dec 21, 2001

Well, you know, dear... Sick in the Mind

Dec 21, 2001

Shall I spell it out for you... My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 21, 2001

Quibbles New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 21, 2001

First of all... Postmodernist Art, Pt. II

Dec 21, 2001

Ms. Luisa... Women are sublime; men are beautiful.

Dec 27, 2001

Uh-huh... Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 27, 2001

Women should shovel the driveway... Review: Saint Luke's Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Dec 27, 2001

Hmm... Fellowship Of The Rings Comparative Movie Review

Dec 27, 2001

Question Contemporary Russian Poetry, Pt. III

Jan 02, 2002

Ahem... liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

Here I am... I Miss Hauntedattics

Jan 02, 2002

Rule for living Excerpt

Jan 02, 2002

Urgh... Excerpt

Jan 02, 2002

Well... Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 02, 2002

A thought My inlaws are not fertile!

Jan 02, 2002

Like I said... Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 02, 2002

Resolution New Year's Resolution

Jan 03, 2002

Thoughts home for the holidays. sigh.

Jan 04, 2002

Hmm... My inlaws are not fertile!

Jan 04, 2002

Well... Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

an idea Britney Spears' Six-Inch Secret

Jan 04, 2002

Uh-huh When I first came here I thought this place was interesting....

Jan 04, 2002

What? The witch is dead.

Jan 05, 2002

Interesting My inlaws are not fertile!

Jan 07, 2002

How nice My inlaws are not fertile!

Jan 07, 2002

Uh-huh Playmate update

Jan 07, 2002

Yes A Love Sonnet

Jan 08, 2002

Uh-huh Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 08, 2002

You are right Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 08, 2002

Ouch. An instance of Western cultural chauvinism

Jan 09, 2002

I hope you're right. *Sigh* And The World Falls Farther...

Jan 09, 2002

Wow. Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 09, 2002

Eerie... Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 09, 2002

Explanation Britney Spears' Six-Inch Secret

Jan 09, 2002

Indeed... The world lost a great man yesterday.

Jan 09, 2002

Umm... When I first came here I thought this place was interesting....

Jan 09, 2002

Umm, dear... Hackers: Misunderstood

Jan 10, 2002

You say that This is my last post to Adequacy

Jan 10, 2002

Why, oh why This is my last post to Adequacy

Jan 10, 2002

Suggestion Celebrating 2000 Years of British Achievement

Jan 11, 2002

Notice... This is my last post to Adequacy

Jan 11, 2002

Hmm... I'm not ok, so niether can you be.

Jan 13, 2002

A suggestion The Consolation of Melancholy

Jan 13, 2002

Second this Life Test #1, Question #1453

Jan 13, 2002

What do Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 13, 2002

Hmm... Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 14, 2002

If The Consolation of Melancholy

Jan 14, 2002

Clarification Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 14, 2002

Ahem. Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 14, 2002

Gah!! Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 15, 2002

Pardon??? Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 15, 2002

No sniffing I'm not ok, so niether can you be.

Jan 15, 2002

No Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 15, 2002

Actually Help Save Me!!!

Jan 15, 2002

Curious Accepting Homosexuals

Jan 15, 2002

What Help Save Me!!!

Jan 15, 2002

Well Help Save Me!!!

Jan 16, 2002

Congratulations Life Test #1, Question #1453

Jan 16, 2002

OK... Accepting Homosexuals

Jan 16, 2002

I would Help Save Me!!!

Jan 16, 2002

Word of caution Snowboarding + girlie = this diary

Jan 16, 2002

Alert! Alert! Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 17, 2002

Laugh away, bucko Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 17, 2002

Suggestion "The Blinding Dawn" or "Breakfast at PizzaHut

Jan 17, 2002

Correction Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 17, 2002

I like... Hey Kids! Need a Band Name? Then Check This Out!

Jan 17, 2002

Oh, crap. The financial time bomb

Jan 17, 2002

You could always... A Friend in Need

Jan 17, 2002

Yeah. I don't like the OSM story on the front page.

Jan 17, 2002

Yes. Duran Duran makes some good music, and all of their band members are decent human beings

Jan 17, 2002

Yes. Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 17, 2002

Whoo hoo! Accepting Homosexuals

Jan 18, 2002

Hmm... Where is he???

Jan 18, 2002

You are the sweetest Where is he???

Jan 18, 2002

Uh-huh. Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 18, 2002

OK... I Admire Beauty from Afar

Jan 18, 2002

I don't I Admire Beauty from Afar

Jan 18, 2002

Umm... Duran Duran makes some good music, and all of their band members are decent human beings

Jan 18, 2002

Wow. Where is he???

Jan 20, 2002

Omigod... Love hurts.

Jan 20, 2002

Correction Love hurts.

Jan 21, 2002

Caveat My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 22, 2002

Thoughts What Sucks About Marriage

Jan 22, 2002

Well... Martin Cortez Newsletter, Issue 5, Vol 1.

Jan 22, 2002

Wow. My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 22, 2002

I think... My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 22, 2002

Hey... Looking Forward: Cinema in 2002

Jan 22, 2002

Hmm... What Sucks About Marriage

Jan 22, 2002

Wow. Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 23, 2002

I hate The diary where I present myself for your ridicule.

Jan 23, 2002

Not this lady Linux Zealot goes to the Movies

Jan 23, 2002

Question You know...

Jan 23, 2002

Cool. Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 23, 2002

Nope. The diary where I present myself for your ridicule.

Jan 23, 2002

Question An Adequate Look at Insider Trading

Jan 24, 2002

Ouch. You know...

Jan 24, 2002

Sympathies The Caffeine Fix

Jan 24, 2002

Yes, but... The Caffeine Fix

Jan 24, 2002

Questions Martin Cortez Newsletter

Jan 24, 2002

Snob. My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 24, 2002

Oh my God. My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 24, 2002

Ahem. My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 25, 2002

Promote clarity and ease of comprehension Linux Zealot goes to the Movies

Jan 25, 2002

So... My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 28, 2002

Har... Prepare the Huskies

Jan 28, 2002

I'm flattered... Where Do You Stand in the GNU World Order?

Jan 28, 2002

Hey, you're back! Where Do You Stand in the GNU World Order?

Jan 28, 2002

Ms. Hewitt - the female perspective Declaration of War Against Adequacy

Jan 29, 2002

Yep. Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 29, 2002

Thanks... Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 29, 2002

I'm sure Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 29, 2002

Uh huh. Napster, Gnutella and the file sharing revolution

Jan 29, 2002

Question for you Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 29, 2002

Sigh Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 30, 2002

Hmm... Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 30, 2002

Suggestion The Time is Right for Manual Sex

Jan 30, 2002

Hey. Bloody Sunday, Bloody Right!

Jan 30, 2002

Uh-huh. Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 31, 2002

None taken, dear The Motherland

Jan 31, 2002

What does Bloody Sunday, Bloody Right!

Jan 31, 2002

Question Mundane Rambling

Jan 31, 2002

Hmm... Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Jan 31, 2002

Nope. Is �cunt� banned from adequacy?

Jan 31, 2002

Gotcha. The Motherland

Feb 01, 2002

If... Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 01, 2002

Reality check Screw All of You

Feb 01, 2002

Question An essential fashion item

Feb 01, 2002

Wait... Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Feb 01, 2002

What??? Screw All of You

Feb 01, 2002

Ya know... Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 01, 2002

Ouch. Is �cunt� banned from adequacy?

Feb 01, 2002

Why Screw All of You

Feb 01, 2002

Buff. An essential fashion item

Feb 02, 2002

Is your An Adequate Guide to This Weekend in Television

Feb 02, 2002

Wait... Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Feb 03, 2002

Yep. I need love.

Feb 03, 2002

Voodoo. Let's get this straight

Feb 03, 2002

Hmm. Screw All of You

Feb 04, 2002

Pardon me... An Adequate Guide to This Weekend in Television

Feb 04, 2002

Question Is brain power that good?

Feb 04, 2002

I take it that Super Bowl Commercial

Feb 04, 2002

Uh-huh. Is brain power that good?

Feb 04, 2002

Damn. Is brain power that good?

Feb 04, 2002

Interesting. A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 04, 2002

What? Further adventures in late night television

Feb 05, 2002

Shopping Further adventures in late night television

Feb 05, 2002

Yes. Am I getting old?

Feb 05, 2002

Interesting "New Chronology": As Requested.

Feb 05, 2002

Question Death Threats on Groups.Google.Com

Feb 05, 2002

Right. Torture - it's inevitable, so lets do it right !

Feb 05, 2002

How about Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 05, 2002

[Expletive deleted] Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 06, 2002

You may LOTR: Please don't kill me.

Feb 06, 2002

Hey... Greetings Adequate Ones

Feb 06, 2002

almost 31 Happy birthday to me

Feb 06, 2002

Pardon me, sir... The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 06, 2002

Quit whining Happy birthday to me

Feb 06, 2002

Hi Greetings Adequate Ones

Feb 06, 2002

*Cough* Boys can never be sexually abused by women

Feb 06, 2002

Amazing, ain't it? Happy birthday to me

Feb 06, 2002

English lads Boys can never be sexually abused by women

Feb 06, 2002

I believe The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 06, 2002

Apparently Boys can never be sexually abused by women

Feb 06, 2002

Hey, watch it Happy birthday to me

Feb 07, 2002

I suddenly Happy birthday to me

Feb 07, 2002

Hmph. Boys can never be sexually abused by women

Feb 07, 2002

Wait a minute. Happy Birthday, Reagan

Feb 07, 2002

Interesting. The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 07, 2002

Nothing. Happy birthday to me

Feb 07, 2002

osm is older... Happy Birthday, Reagan

Feb 08, 2002

Prefixes Animals: Food for Thought

Feb 08, 2002

Oops. Happy birthday to me

Feb 08, 2002

Question The Genital Offensive

Feb 08, 2002

Wow. When are you considered 'old'?

Feb 08, 2002

Alcohol Naked dancing and losing friends

Feb 08, 2002

Not to butt into your mutual lovefest, I Am About to Lose It

Feb 09, 2002

Yes. Naked dancing and losing friends

Feb 09, 2002

Nostalgia. Public School (And Other) Charities

Feb 09, 2002

Huh??? The Satanic Nature of Kuro5hin is Revealed.

Feb 09, 2002

I wish The Genital Offensive

Feb 09, 2002

Wait a sec. Naked dancing and losing friends

Feb 09, 2002

Suggestion. damn

Feb 10, 2002

Question The US Civil War

Feb 10, 2002

I think Public School (And Other) Charities

Feb 10, 2002

Important lesson. When are you considered 'old'?

Feb 10, 2002

Hey, Naked dancing and losing friends

Feb 11, 2002

Oh yeah. The Genital Offensive

Feb 11, 2002

Why Naked dancing and losing friends

Feb 11, 2002

Really? Link Propagation.

Feb 11, 2002

Hmm. Why Drunks Should Not Sing

Feb 11, 2002

Thank you. The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 11, 2002

*Happy sigh* Naked dancing and losing friends

Feb 12, 2002

Question about Lent. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 12, 2002

The truly OB-La-Di, OB-La-Da

Feb 12, 2002

Glad to see What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

What?? What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

Bittersweet Have a Solemn Lent

Feb 13, 2002

How open-minded and tolerant of you. Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 13, 2002

Hmm... What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

Nasty. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

Random question for no one in particular. Indianapolis

Feb 13, 2002

Addendum What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

Thought. The Satanic Nature of Kuro5hin is Revealed.

Feb 14, 2002

Suggestion. hedonism

Feb 14, 2002

Are you Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 14, 2002

France and NATO. We must invoke the Monroe Doctrine!

Feb 14, 2002

Ayn Rand LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 14, 2002

How about I need better sources of caffeine

Feb 14, 2002

Hluaghalghalghalghhluagh hedonism

Feb 14, 2002

Pay attention. Indianapolis

Feb 14, 2002

It's "Hobbesian." Death Threats on Groups.Google.Com

Feb 15, 2002

Clue. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 15, 2002

Question. LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 15, 2002

Query Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

Not quite illiterate. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 17, 2002

Confusion. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 17, 2002

Hmmm... Torture - it's inevitable, so lets do it right !

Feb 17, 2002

Bars. I Despise the Olympics

Feb 17, 2002

Bars. I Despise the Olympics

Feb 17, 2002

Where to start... Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 18, 2002

Talking at cross purposes? What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 18, 2002

There, there. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 18, 2002

So... Beautiful People

Feb 18, 2002

Yes. Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 18, 2002

Clarification. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 20, 2002

What does Feminist Slanders Exposed by Orinoco

Feb 20, 2002

Answer. Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Feb 20, 2002

I think... What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 20, 2002

Hmm... Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 22, 2002

I think... Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 22, 2002

Hmm. Anthem

Feb 22, 2002

Wisdom teeth. I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 22, 2002


Feb 22, 2002

Oh joy. Reality Check

Feb 22, 2002

Question. Eugenics? Feminism? Ain't much difference

Feb 22, 2002

Confused. America's Death Machines

Feb 22, 2002

Wait a sec... Question

Feb 22, 2002

America the teeth-obsessed. I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 22, 2002


Feb 22, 2002

I know others' experiences. Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 24, 2002

Suggestion Just curious

Feb 24, 2002

Either... Someone Help This Poor Guy

Feb 24, 2002

Just wait... I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 25, 2002

Clarification. Just curious

Feb 25, 2002

Well, you know... The Cold, Hard Facts of Geekdom

Feb 25, 2002

Denseheads. Reality Check

Feb 25, 2002

Bill Murray fan? Anthem

Feb 26, 2002

Interesting. The Politics of Envy

Feb 27, 2002

Why Oh, my...

Feb 27, 2002

Me too. Robert Frost: a damn geek.

Feb 28, 2002

I started to read it the other day We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 28, 2002

Question. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 28, 2002

Don't do it! I`m new here and I�m extreme

Feb 28, 2002

Umm... Caffeinated mints, and getting into the body you desire.

Mar 01, 2002

Eek. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 01, 2002

Censorship... GPL goes to court: Part 2

Mar 01, 2002

Yeah, I know. Now I May Have Seen Everything

Mar 01, 2002

Actually... Now I May Have Seen Everything

Mar 01, 2002

Communism... It's Time We Rounded Up Rich White Males

Mar 02, 2002

Wow. Now I May Have Seen Everything

Mar 02, 2002

Look, buddy. GPL goes to court: Part 2

Mar 03, 2002

Hmmm... We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 03, 2002

My impression is that Holiday Destination

Mar 03, 2002

No, I didn't. GPL goes to court: Part 2

Mar 04, 2002

Interesting... Shocking.

Mar 04, 2002

Yeah, I know. Holiday Destination

Mar 04, 2002

Damnit, nathan... Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 04, 2002

Our lifestyle will remain wholly American... It's time to surrender.

Mar 04, 2002

Oops. Shocking.

Mar 05, 2002

Question. Testicular deficiency at

Mar 05, 2002

'Aesthetics' vs. 'Science' We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 05, 2002

Humph. It's time to surrender.

Mar 05, 2002

Yep. It's time to surrender.

Mar 06, 2002

Thanks Death Threats on Groups.Google.Com

Mar 06, 2002

Confused. The Drug Underground Comes Online

Mar 06, 2002

You're thinking 1918. It's time to surrender.

Mar 06, 2002

Yeah... Keep them ignorant

Mar 07, 2002

Baa. Keep them ignorant

Mar 07, 2002

How about... 1000 voices, drilling your thoughts every day.

Mar 07, 2002

So... Sweat Shops

Mar 07, 2002

Yeah. It's time to surrender.

Mar 07, 2002

That's why... Keep them ignorant

Mar 07, 2002

Dood, you're a genius. What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

You know, How I Killed God

Mar 07, 2002

Uh-huh. What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Smaller is better? The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Mar 08, 2002

Ouch. Helpful Tip

Mar 08, 2002

Try... Adequacy.Org Presents the Commonsense Crossword

Mar 08, 2002

Request. Adequacy.Org Presents the Commonsense Crossword

Mar 09, 2002

Jeez. What is PotatoError, anyway?

Mar 09, 2002

Oh yeah. Execution of the masses.

Mar 09, 2002

Lutefisk. Favorite Ethnic Dish

Mar 09, 2002

Yes. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 11, 2002

Wow. Execution of the masses.

Mar 11, 2002

Touche. Execution of the masses.

Mar 11, 2002

Believe it or not... Execution of the masses.

Mar 11, 2002

Moi non plus. Adequacy stooping to Plagiarism?!

Mar 11, 2002

Scandinavia Favorite Ethnic Dish

Mar 11, 2002

Don't Adequacy.Org Presents the Commonsense Crossword

Mar 12, 2002

Ook. Public Gallows in every town square.

Mar 12, 2002

You're not the only one. Thought you might like this

Mar 12, 2002

Question. Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 12, 2002

Confused. Google Needs a Winston Smith

Mar 12, 2002

Eek. Public Gallows in every town square.

Mar 12, 2002

Hmm. Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 12, 2002

Christ and the Church Thought you might like this

Mar 12, 2002

Clues. Adequacy.Org Presents the Commonsense Crossword

Mar 12, 2002

Wow. Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 12, 2002

Oh. Google Needs a Winston Smith

Mar 12, 2002

Well... Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 12, 2002

Funny... Favorite Ethnic Dish

Mar 14, 2002

No. Thought you might like this

Mar 14, 2002

Hey Google Needs a Winston Smith

Mar 14, 2002

Yep. Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 14, 2002

Equal fights. Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 14, 2002

Zimbabwe. Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 14, 2002

You are right. Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 14, 2002

Ook. Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 15, 2002

HWP Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

Impotence. I feel so lonely

Mar 15, 2002

Yes, but... should women?

Mar 15, 2002

You obviously... Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 15, 2002

Humph. Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 15, 2002

Oops. Favorite Ethnic Dish

Mar 15, 2002

Flattery... Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 15, 2002

Well, Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

Yes. Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 15, 2002

Oh my God. Chloedancer & Shoeboy's Homepage?

Mar 15, 2002

No, dood. Homosexual propaganda

Mar 15, 2002

You know, Stock Finish

Mar 15, 2002

Oh, man. Can someone...

Mar 15, 2002

Moulin Rouge. Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 16, 2002

Richard Roxburgh Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 16, 2002

No!!!! Can someone...

Mar 16, 2002

You are so cute Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 16, 2002

Mugabe. Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 16, 2002

I can't resist. Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 16, 2002

Drooling over Ewan. Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 17, 2002

Freaked out? Can someone...

Mar 17, 2002

I wonder... Today

Mar 18, 2002

Confused, as usual. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

Hooray! I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep

Mar 18, 2002

Duh. Weekend Socializing

Mar 18, 2002

How old... I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep

Mar 18, 2002

BLAGHLUABLALUGBLALGAHULBAGHULG... Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 19, 2002

PITA Weekend Socializing

Mar 19, 2002

I know it's hard to swallow... I'm not sure whether this site is a joke...

Mar 19, 2002

I've heard of that. Is this a troll?

Mar 19, 2002

Waddy skad-la Thoughts on Lee Harvey Oswald's widow's affair with his Brother

Mar 19, 2002

'Bad' grammar may be the American way... The Stupidity of Environmental Liberalism

Mar 19, 2002

Hmm... Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 20, 2002

Question. Yes, I am a hacker. I hack.

Mar 20, 2002

Interesting. Is this a troll?

Mar 20, 2002

Or even better still, A request

Mar 20, 2002

speaking of babbling... Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 20, 2002

Michael Douglas's erect penis in full technicolor America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 21, 2002

Yep. A request

Mar 21, 2002

Knowing it all My regrets are starting to overwhelm me.

Mar 21, 2002

Hearty second. Common Sense taught in school

Mar 21, 2002

Uh... Common Sense taught in school

Mar 21, 2002

Goodness. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 21, 2002

Labels. America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 21, 2002

Confused. America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 21, 2002

Oh, OK. Yes, I am a hacker. I hack.

Mar 22, 2002

How... The UK is endangering world peace

Mar 22, 2002

I shouldn't even bother asking, but... I'm considering selling my soul

Mar 22, 2002

Question. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 22, 2002

I think... America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 22, 2002

My point... Yes, I am a hacker. I hack.

Mar 23, 2002

Fine. Who knew?

Mar 23, 2002

Believe it or not, America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 24, 2002

Mr. Douglas's body parts America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 24, 2002

Useful distinction? America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 24, 2002

Fatboy Slim video... what does this dream mean?

Mar 25, 2002

Whoa, dude. Dude! Why "Hacker?"

Mar 26, 2002

Money and kids. Kids and money. Hmmmmm...

Mar 26, 2002

Drum roll please. America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 27, 2002

Clarification Hmmmmm...

Mar 27, 2002

Question Road rage

Mar 28, 2002

Hmm... Maybe K5 is satanic, like tkatchev said.

Mar 28, 2002

Hi Aimee. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 28, 2002

Hey, wait a minute! The Proselytizing Atheist

Mar 29, 2002

Yes. Yes it is. n/t Maybe K5 is satanic, like tkatchev said.

Mar 29, 2002

Suggestion. The consequences of Determinism

Mar 29, 2002

Can't resist, as usual. Good Evening Dear Sirs,

Mar 29, 2002

Oh, man... Islamic Ji-ography

Mar 29, 2002

Oh yeah. Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Mar 30, 2002

Goodness. Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Mar 30, 2002

You and Mad Scientist should get together n/t Repeal the Drunk Driving Laws Now

Mar 30, 2002

Urm... Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 30, 2002

'Legally' Maybe K5 is satanic, like tkatchev said.

Apr 01, 2002

Sounds good... Bloody Mary

Apr 01, 2002

You're back!! King Cotton

Apr 01, 2002

AR not in Reality It's April 1 everyone

Apr 01, 2002

Not surprisingly condescending!!! Blade II And The Twilight Of Science

Apr 01, 2002

Ah, shit. Queen Mum Spontaneously Reanimates, Does Elvis Imitation

Apr 02, 2002

You're not Austrian, by any chance? n/t Blade II And The Twilight Of Science

Apr 09, 2002

How come you never return my calls anymore? Adequacy. Can we make it even better ?

Apr 12, 2002

The 9/11 generation The Treason of Creationism

Apr 12, 2002

Gender gap Springtime = Sex

Apr 12, 2002

Hmph. Paging Dr. Science, paging Dr. Science...

Apr 12, 2002

Hmm... Springtime = Sex

Apr 12, 2002

Good for you. God and High Society

Apr 12, 2002

Stay tuned. n/t Springtime = Sex

Apr 13, 2002

Why the Bombings... Adequacy Quotes

Apr 13, 2002

There is an alternative to caffeine. [I am saddened that] the Hypermints are gone.

Apr 13, 2002

Mrs. Beckham... David Beckham

Apr 13, 2002

Wait a minute. Springtime = Sex

Apr 13, 2002

Request. Protect Our Children Now

Apr 14, 2002

Hurble burble Springtime = Sex

Apr 14, 2002

Seconded. What IS adequacy all about????

Apr 14, 2002

Thank you. Liberalist morons strike again.

Apr 14, 2002

Criterion. Libertarian corruption

Apr 14, 2002

That's interesting. We need more toxins

Apr 14, 2002

Whoa. What do you think of adequacy ?

Apr 14, 2002

Business idea. David Beckham

Apr 14, 2002

Sigh. Australia and Australians

Apr 14, 2002

Hey, quit it. Protect Our Children Now

Apr 14, 2002

Fingerbanged? What IS adequacy all about????

Apr 14, 2002

Really? We need more toxins

Apr 14, 2002

Well, now he's back... Military intervenes to protect democracy in Venezuela

Apr 15, 2002

Answers. Stranger in paradise

Apr 15, 2002

Yes! Stranger in paradise

Apr 15, 2002

Beautiful. The Time To Act Is Now

Apr 15, 2002

Wait a sec. What IS adequacy all about????

Apr 15, 2002

The men, too. Stranger in paradise

Apr 15, 2002

You know... Security

Apr 16, 2002

Nah. The Time To Act Is Now

Apr 16, 2002

Sweet Jesus, this makes me feel old. The time is right

Apr 16, 2002

Deer, definitely. Hmm, grilling time!

Apr 16, 2002

Ha ha ha! Liberalist morons strike again.

Apr 17, 2002

Question. Where are we going?

Apr 17, 2002

Nope. Liberalist morons strike again.

Apr 17, 2002

Not to be harsh, dear, but... Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 17, 2002

Thanks... Hmm, grilling time!

Apr 17, 2002

Umm... The Treason of Creationism

Apr 17, 2002

Not impressed. On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Apr 17, 2002

Good Lord. On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Apr 18, 2002

Sorry... Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 18, 2002

It's all about humility. April madness

Apr 18, 2002

Drugs. Where the Depravity Begins

Apr 18, 2002

Question. What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 18, 2002

See my email. n/t Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 18, 2002

And how... April madness

Apr 18, 2002

I think... Where are we going?

Apr 19, 2002

Tried again just now. n/t Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 19, 2002

Monsanto. Bye, Ass

Apr 19, 2002

Hey Slave... April madness

Apr 19, 2002

Please... April madness

Apr 19, 2002

You know... On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Apr 19, 2002

Oops. April madness

Apr 19, 2002

Sorry about that. Protect Our Children Now

Apr 19, 2002

Germs. We need more toxins

Apr 20, 2002

Human nature and hair Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 20, 2002

Unfortunately, Glasses make people ugly.

Apr 20, 2002

Sorry, can't help myself. Secret World Conspiricy Revealed!!!

Apr 20, 2002

Honestly... April madness

Apr 21, 2002

Hairy swans Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 21, 2002

My impression... Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 21, 2002

Hey! Glasses make people ugly.

Apr 21, 2002

My understanding... Where the Depravity Begins

Apr 23, 2002

No. Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 23, 2002

Doesn't... Can you help me?

Apr 23, 2002

USX Microsoft

Apr 23, 2002

Ego boy New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 23, 2002

Nope. Protect Our Children Now

Apr 24, 2002

The weird thing... Can you help me?

Apr 24, 2002

Unions and the trade war. Microsoft

Apr 24, 2002

Of course he hasn't The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 24, 2002

Egomania New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 24, 2002

Post-doc New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 25, 2002

Hey... Microsoft

Apr 25, 2002

You know... My Journey Through Linux Hell

Apr 25, 2002

Just wondering... Reasserting America's Manhood

Apr 25, 2002

Caring Why is _every_ woman psycho?

Apr 25, 2002

Of course my job would be affected My Journey Through Linux Hell

Apr 26, 2002

Me. Why is _every_ woman psycho?

Apr 26, 2002

Question. Spikey-Haired Asian Chicks

Apr 26, 2002

Well... Am I a 75-cent whore?

Apr 26, 2002

If... Why I want to be an American Citizen

Apr 26, 2002

Suggestion. My Journey Through Linux Hell

Apr 26, 2002

If you asked... The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 29, 2002

But, dear... Am I a 75-cent whore?

Apr 29, 2002

Maybe I'm missing something... Dissociatives

Apr 29, 2002

Why? Nya Nya Nya

Apr 29, 2002

No, I don't think so. The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 29, 2002

Question Why I want to be an American Citizen

Apr 29, 2002

I would... My Journey Through Linux Hell

Apr 29, 2002

No. Nya Nya Nya

Apr 30, 2002

OK... Am I a 75-cent whore?

Apr 30, 2002

Speak for yourself. I should've known better...

Apr 30, 2002

Girls' names Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

Apr 30, 2002

Well... My Journey Through Linux Hell

Apr 30, 2002

The world according to AR The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 30, 2002

Call me conservative... What is the more superfluous gender?

May 01, 2002

There, there dear... If it ain't broke...break it!

May 01, 2002

You have to wonder... Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 01, 2002

Nope. Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

May 01, 2002

You knew this was coming, didn't you? Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 02, 2002

Excuse me... Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 02, 2002

I know you are a dork... give me advice.

May 02, 2002

Ah, Sydney! So, how are things at home?

May 02, 2002

Sex music. Why can't I get a second date?

May 02, 2002

Wow. What is the more superfluous gender?

May 02, 2002

Earth to AR, come in AR... Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 02, 2002

Earth to Mr. Isn't. So, how are things at home?

May 02, 2002

Forget the cows... This is sick

May 02, 2002

Sure, I'll vote. Nathan VS SR? Who won the debate?

May 03, 2002

Good advice. Vandalism in the PRC

May 03, 2002

Not chocolate. give me advice.

May 03, 2002

Sex is funny. Why can't I get a second date?

May 03, 2002

Oh, man. Why can't I get a second date?

May 03, 2002

*snicker* So, how are things at home?

May 03, 2002

What about HBO? n/t Skipping ads is stealing, says CEO of Turner Broadcasting

May 06, 2002

Well, you know... Vandalism in the PRC

May 06, 2002

Maybe... This is bizarre

May 06, 2002

The movie version of... Happy Mayday!

May 06, 2002

A Woody Allen story Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 06, 2002

Because, unlike some people, Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

May 06, 2002

Freedom This is bizarre

May 06, 2002

Right. What is the more superfluous gender?

May 07, 2002

Think of it this way... Canada rules!

May 07, 2002

You are my hero... Four Spider-Man movies reviewed

May 07, 2002

If... Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 07, 2002

Still whining, huh? Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 08, 2002

Yes. Yes I am. Four Spider-Man movies reviewed

May 08, 2002

Oh, I don't know. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 08, 2002

Somehow... I have been enlightened.

May 08, 2002

Need help... Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 08, 2002

If... Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 08, 2002

Yes, it is very sad. Koleen Brooks Has Got The Right Stuff

May 08, 2002

Music for teens Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 09, 2002

Apologies. Four Spider-Man movies reviewed

May 09, 2002

Minus one. Finally here

May 10, 2002

Umm... Finally here

May 10, 2002

A little hint. Finally here

May 10, 2002

"Sexual" music Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 10, 2002

Obviously, This is disturbing.

May 10, 2002

BrainSeller! BrainSeller! Quick quick This is disturbing.

May 10, 2002

Post-Romantic exceptions. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 10, 2002

You don't really... more kuro5hin bashing

May 12, 2002

The efficiency... Dearest Adequacy Readers,

May 12, 2002

Most high school poets do "die"... Burma Shave!

May 12, 2002

So... Improving Adequacy

May 15, 2002

And... Educating Miss Adequacy

May 15, 2002

Whaddya mean... Absurdity

May 15, 2002

Yep. Spring-Time is the Gaiest Time!

May 16, 2002

*wink* n/t Spring-Time is the Gaiest Time!

May 16, 2002

Hey... Absurdity

May 17, 2002

Your analysis of the new Star Wars movie... No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 17, 2002

Umm, dear... Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 17, 2002

Clown porn The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 21, 2002

You know... Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 21, 2002

Yes. No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 21, 2002

Oh dear. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 22, 2002

Thus, in your world... Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 22, 2002

Uh-huh. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 22, 2002

So, according to your post... No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 22, 2002

Frivolous question. The Dark Side of Cancer

May 22, 2002

Why should it bother you? Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 23, 2002

You are... The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 23, 2002

My Magic 8 Ball... Which is the best way to predict the future ?

May 24, 2002

You are right. Which is the best way to predict the future ?

May 24, 2002

No more annoying... The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 24, 2002

I'd laugh... Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 24, 2002

Rousseau may have started it... Which is the best way to predict the future ?

May 24, 2002

Ha! I laugh at your sensitive skin! Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 26, 2002

Mr. Error... Fun with fatties

May 26, 2002

Benefits? Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 26, 2002

Chocolate Milkshakes Fun with fatties

May 28, 2002

Weed. Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 28, 2002

Even more food for thought. Necrobestiality

May 29, 2002

So... Hedonist seeks pleasure advice.

May 29, 2002

Bad luck of never being able to smoke a joint? Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 29, 2002

You went to Fundy/Nova Scotia... Hedonist seeks pleasure advice.

May 29, 2002

Trust me... Hedonist seeks pleasure advice.

May 30, 2002

Not to... Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

May 30, 2002

Quick question. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

May 30, 2002

OK, Mr. Indy. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 01, 2002

At the risk of... Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 02, 2002

Correction. World Cup Update #1

Jun 02, 2002

Something else to think about. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 02, 2002

Han Solo. The New Faust

Jun 02, 2002

Hey, don't look at me... w0w I must be 1337 h4X0r

Jun 03, 2002

Interesting. The New Faust

Jun 03, 2002

And you do... PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 03, 2002

To the Editors An Introduction to Online Gaming

Jun 03, 2002

Question. My New Account - Whoop-de-fucking-doo

Jun 04, 2002

Seconded. The Hall of Shame

Jun 04, 2002

My dear child... Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 04, 2002

Well... Utopia?

Jun 04, 2002

But... The Hall of Shame

Jun 05, 2002

As long as... The Hall of Shame

Jun 05, 2002

Obviously, Sauda��es!

Jun 05, 2002

I, on the other hand, Update

Jun 05, 2002

I think I saw your friend Rick... On why Pearl is not like natural language (Part I)

Jun 06, 2002

Keep in mind... Sauda��es!

Jun 06, 2002

Question. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 07, 2002

As your case indicates, Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 07, 2002

It looks like... Ancient History for Ignorant Americans

Jun 07, 2002

Stalin... Debunking the Holocaust Hoax

Jun 07, 2002

Actually, Why Al-Qeada isn't responsible for the WTC

Jun 09, 2002

When you travel as much as I do... Why Al-Qeada isn't responsible for the WTC

Jun 09, 2002

Not to be really nitpicky... Can't Sleep? Blame God.

Jun 09, 2002

Shameless vicarious living. World Cup Update #3

Jun 10, 2002

Snuggling. Can't Sleep? Blame God.

Jun 10, 2002

Only from Mr. Scientist... I Am A Criminal Suspect (Apparently)

Jun 10, 2002

I particularly like... Ancient History for Ignorant Americans

Jun 10, 2002

Can I... On why Pearl is not like natural language (Part I)

Jun 10, 2002

To be fair... The Wankometer

Jun 10, 2002

I can't resist. I am deeply, I must say deeply offended

Jun 12, 2002

Clarification. A final solution to the problem of Evil

Jun 12, 2002

You are right. I Am A Criminal Suspect (Apparently)

Jun 12, 2002

Mr. Ash... Why Does This Site Make No Sense

Jun 12, 2002

Revisionism does not equal truth. Debunking the Holocaust Hoax

Jun 12, 2002

That's true. A final solution to the problem of Evil

Jun 12, 2002

They also say... South Park lied to me!

Jun 12, 2002

I like my Dell laptop. Emachines - simply the best.

Jun 12, 2002

I think you missed the point. Kill Yr Idols: The American Electorate

Jun 13, 2002

What... Ancient History for Ignorant Americans

Jun 13, 2002

You appear to be rather grumpy today. South Park lied to me!

Jun 13, 2002

Do you... Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 13, 2002

Underage Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 14, 2002

As a former dancer... Linux Zealot needs a job

Jun 14, 2002

Your emotional baggage... Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 15, 2002

*Sniff* Linux Zealot needs a job

Jun 16, 2002

Roger. Over and out. n/t Linux Zealot needs a job

Jun 17, 2002

Apologies. Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 17, 2002

Looks like... A World Cup Feast

Jun 17, 2002

I know. A final solution to the problem of Evil

Jun 18, 2002

Charlie's Angels. Don't Do What Scooby-Doo Does

Jun 21, 2002

Sometimes, I want a mistress!

Jun 22, 2002

Me, too. Don't Do What Scooby-Doo Does

Jun 22, 2002

Interesting. Southern Belle Asian Chicks

Jun 22, 2002

Umm... A final solution to the problem of Evil

Jun 24, 2002

You'll have to excuse me. World Cup and Passport Restrictions

Jun 24, 2002

Hey... bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 24, 2002

A tree... Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

Obviously, Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

Do you mean... Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

Confused. bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 25, 2002

You're right. Microsoft [continues to fight a legal challenge in a consistent manner]

Jun 25, 2002

Hmph. bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 25, 2002

Oh my. Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 27, 2002

Top quality stuff, as usual. Summer Blockbuster Showdown!!!

Jul 09, 2002

The Chinese Americans are arrogant and rude!

Jul 18, 2002

Why... A question for the atheists

Jul 18, 2002

You're so right. Atheists Unite!

Jul 19, 2002

Apparently... Atheists Unite!

Jul 19, 2002

You, sir, are a prevert. Ask Adequacy: Am I a Pedophile?

Jul 23, 2002

Ooh, weird. I am dating a liberalist

Jul 23, 2002

Gotta love the internet. Sirs,

Jul 23, 2002

Uh-oh. Dealing with Nazism in the Workplace

Jul 25, 2002

Hmm. I am dating a liberalist

Jul 25, 2002

Hmph. do some atheists hate religion?

Jul 25, 2002

Thanks, dear. I am dating a liberalist

Jul 26, 2002

Well... do some atheists hate religion?

Aug 13, 2002

Channelling elenchos, please bear with me... Mommyism in the Workplace

Aug 14, 2002

I don't know. Surprising obscure facts.

Aug 14, 2002

Dan Savage Confidential to Karel Jenczek

Aug 14, 2002

Extra large. Remember the Alamo!

Aug 14, 2002

A story. Lesbian Parenting and the Myth of Gay Children

Aug 19, 2002

Hmm. Lesbian Parenting and the Myth of Gay Children

Aug 19, 2002

Coffee and fruit. My vacation to America and what I found there

Aug 19, 2002

Of course Another mindless link.

Aug 21, 2002

Oops... Another mindless link.

Aug 21, 2002

If... I s God punishing my parents?

Aug 22, 2002

Harvard Square My vacation to America and what I found there

Aug 22, 2002

Hey... I s God punishing my parents?

Aug 22, 2002

Has it ever occurred to you... Not Very Adequate

Sep 04, 2002

Wow. My roommate is gay! My roommate is a drunk.

Sep 04, 2002

Road quality is poor in the U.S. because... The most beautiful display of utter crap I have ever had the mispleasure of seeing

Sep 04, 2002

I know sometimes it sucks, but... I hate myself and I want to die

Sep 04, 2002

Hmm. All young women want to be artists

Sep 06, 2002

Not much more pathetic than... My roommate is gay! My roommate is a drunk.

Sep 09, 2002

In general, Linux Zealot vs the RIAA.

Sep 10, 2002

Apparently, this was a waste of time

Sep 10, 2002

Dude. Am I a grown-up?

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