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 Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Mar 12, 2002
America saw a widespread resurgence of national pride and confidence in our government in the days following the terrorist attacks of September 11th. As time passed, though, the memories of the 3,000 Americans killed in the attack faded, and liberals again commenced their ever-present criticism of the American government and its foreign policies. One of the most frequent targets of their rabid attacks was our support for the nation of Israel.

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Implying everything from a Zionist conspiracy to a Big Oil conspiracy, such otherwise intelligent people as Noam Chomsky claimed that America was oppressing Israel's Palestinian neighbors and was responsible for its own problems on 9/11. Obviously that argument is hogwash; there are many legitimate reasons why America supports Israel:
  • Israel is our greatest ally in the War on Terror. Israel knows how handle terrorists and is not afraid to use force to do so. We can learn a lot from its handling of the situation in the West Bank. Israel has made it painfully obvious to would-be terrorists that every Israeli life taken by a terrorist will result in 3-4 lost Palestinian lives, and countless less-than-lethal measures in the occupied territories. Mass roundups and detentions, torturing suspects, and destruction of random settlements and homes are only the beginning. Israel will not bow to terrorists' demands, nor will they bother with such liberal nonsense as "due process," suspects' rights, or allowing terrorists to hire attorneys to try to beat the rap. Terrorists, by the very virtue of their horrific acts, are not entitled to any of the same protections afforded to citizens suspected of lesser offenses.
  • Israel is the only democracy in the region. Having Israel present in the middle of so many monarchies and theocracies helps mitigate the extremism that would normally engulf the entire region. Israel shares the values that made our country great: they believe in one vote for one citizen, majority rule, and separation of powers.
  • Israel is run by Jews. Similar to the vast majority of Western countries, Israel is almost entirely controlled by members of the tribe. This provides both common ground and consistency throughout the world, and ensures that the societal goals that we feel are important are also promoted in the Middle East. We have chosen to allow the Jews to control every major industry and institution in America, so it only makes sense that we should trust them to run things the same way on the other side of the world.
  • Israel provides a staging ground for attacks on Terror. With its proximity to Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Pakistan, Israel provides an ideal location in which to store spare nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons for future use on hostile Arab states that hate America's freedoms and values. Although we do have military bases in Saudi Arabia and other nearby countries, these states are unstable as they teem with the same Islamic militants whose destruction we seek.
  • Israelis hate Islam. Islam is the world's foremost destabilizing factor. Islam has been responsible for countless wars and conflicts throughout history, and today its zealots threaten the very existence of the West. Ariel Sharon has no tolerance whatsoever for these cretins, and will do everything in his power to eradicate this evil cult.
  • Israel is a loyal friend. Israel has never waged war against the U.S.A. or spied on us. Israel has the utmost respect for our interests, and contributes heavily to our economy; in fact, Israel spends billions of dollars every year on weapons that are used to annihilate our enemies, the Palestinians, in the region. How many of our other allies do that for us? Every other nation in the U.N. takes our money and our troops to fight their harebrained "peacekeeping missions," and Israel is the only country that gives anything at all back to us. At the minimum, we owe them our allegiance and support.
Though anti-Semites like Noam Chomsky may oppose our support of Israel, they should keep in mind the fact that the only way we are going to win the War on Terror is to align ourselves with nations with similar interests. And while the Europeans may talk the talk, we know from past experience that they will quickly forget the War on Terror in favor of their silly crusades against GMOs or capital punishment. And in the end, only Israel is prepared and willing to join us in our mission to make the world a safer place.

I'd say I'm ambivalent at best... (5.00 / 1) (#5)
by Mint Waltman on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 09:13:12 AM PST
concerning our support for Israel. Ultimately it doesn't matter much exactly who occupies the Holy Land, so long as someone is there to keep it warm until we Christians are able to muster a military capable of reclaiming Jerusalem.

We have the military, we need the will (none / 0) (#9)
by typical geek on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 09:54:17 AM PST
Just a few enhanced radiation weapons would be enough to clear out Jerusalem, and perhaps clear out all those darn border areas. Then we can send in the Disney shock troops to Americanize the Holy Land.

gcc is to software freedom as guns are to personal freedom.

Disney, no... (5.00 / 1) (#12)
by Mint Waltman on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:12:05 AM PST
Our goals are to Christianize Jerusalem, not Americanize. Modern day America is held so tightly in the grip of Satanists, perverts and multiculturalists that I would be recreant were I to allow what today passes for 'American values' to infect the Holy Land.

Radiation weapons render the target uninhabital, no? If you are an athiest implying that the world would be better off if no one occupied the Holy Land, I suggest you take your God-hating views elsewhere.

Why not Disney? (none / 0) (#49)
by The Mad Scientist on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 05:48:10 AM PST
Radiation weapons render the target uninhabital, no?

Contamination bombs yes; they are designed to produce as much of "dirt" as possible.

Enhanced radiation bombs - so called neutron bombs - not much; they are designed to produce a small blast and a very strong flash of fast neutrons. These are known to be very destructive against living tissues, while not affecting buildings and infrastructure much - they typically cause some secondary radiation, but it's mostly short-living isotopes. Neutron bombs were designed to remove live forces from the area while keeping it usable for the aggressor.

A missile flies in from behind the skyline. When it is above the center of the city, it turns to a small sun. The blast wave breaks some roofs and some windows, otherwise doesn't cause much of damage. In few minutes, everyone in the area starts displaying symptoms of intense radiation poisoning and dies in pain in a horizon of minutes to days. Meanwhile, the plants within the reach start yellowing and drying. Conventional radiation shelters will not be of much help; lead and concrete are good shields against gamma radiation, but for protection against neutrons you need a lot of ie. water.

Everything alive dies. All inorganic structures stay in place... Don't you just love the military technology?

If you are an athiest implying that the world would be better off if no one occupied the Holy Land, I suggest you take your God-hating views elsewhere.

Well... I am an agnostic who thinks that if the children are fighting for a toy, taking away the toy is a good approach. So why not? A radiation contamination bomb could be a good way to calm down the area for couple thousands years.

Smart bombs (none / 0) (#52)
by because it isnt on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 07:01:19 AM PST
Everything alive dies. All inorganic structures stay in place... Don't you just love the military technology?

They've got better stuff than that. Israel has bombs that only kill Arabs, you know. -- because it isn't

You Christians (none / 0) (#13)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:15:14 AM PST
You people continue to kill each other for some unimportant city. Since God does not exist or does not care, there is a very easy way to solve the issue of the holy land...drop a nuclear weapon on Jerusalem. If you kiddies cannot share the toy we parents will just have to take it away from you.

--Gandalf the White

Hmm. (none / 0) (#15)
by hauntedattics on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:38:13 AM PST
You're awfully self-righteous and sure of yourself, dear, for someone whose 'parent' was a fervent Catholic.

Re: (none / 0) (#25)
by tkatchev on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 12:04:59 PM PST
Tolkien was a fanatical, die-hard Catholic.

It seems you are too dumb to even understand what you are reading. Props to the American diseducation system.

Peace and much love...

I agree with nukes but (none / 0) (#39)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 12:20:48 AM PST
we may as well squash all religions with one strike. Simultaneously nuke Rome, Mecca, Jerusalem, Salt Lake City, Lhasa, wherever it is Hindus hang out and all other so-called holy cities. The inhabitants and landowners should be compensated and relocated first of course. This should solve the problem once and for all because if there is a God then divine intervention will surely prevent it.

Scientology Hive (none / 0) (#56)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 12:35:08 PM PST
Don't forget about Clearwater, Florida. That's where all the Scientologists are.

Criteria for using of nukes - a proposal (none / 0) (#72)
by The Mad Scientist on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 11:19:48 AM PST
Simultaneously nuke Rome, Mecca, Jerusalem, Salt Lake City, Lhasa, wherever it is Hindus hang out and all other so-called holy cities.

I'd suggest some criteria for "deconflicting" of holy lands.

First, it has to be a holy place for at least two significantly different major religions.

Second, there has to be prolonged (100 years or more) atmosphere of violence between the religions in question.

Third, there have to be often outbursts of violence in the area, caused by members of Religion1 dwelling on the area where members of Religion2 don't want them, and vice versa.

Proposed method is to use a radiation contamination bomb, ie. dispersing radioactive cobalt over the place. Denying both rivaling sides to use the area, so taking away major cause of their quarrels.

The side effect, which I am sure we would cope with easily, is that TV news would become a bit more boring.

Boooooo! (none / 0) (#73)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 12:38:36 PM PST
I'd suggest some criteria for "deconflicting" of holy lands.

That takes all the FUN out of the exercise!

UK/Ireland (none / 0) (#75)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 01:08:25 PM PST
So does the Protestant/Catholic tiff qualify? If so, what do you nuke? London? Ireland? All of the above and most of Europe to boot?

What about the US? We've had several churches, mosques and temples bombed. We've have witch burning going back hundreds of years. What about Christians beating gays to death? People have lynched blacks from way back to as recently as the last couple of years with a dragging death recently in good ol' Texas. Racism has been indoctrinated into their religious creeds.

Fuck it. Nuke all humans off the face of the earth!

Doesn't qualify. (none / 0) (#77)
by The Mad Scientist on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 05:23:29 PM PST
So does the Protestant/Catholic tiff qualify? If so, what do you nuke? London? Ireland? All of the above and most of Europe to boot?

No. The religious differences of these two are next to zero and serve only as an excuse to dislike each other. Area denial would cause here only shifting of the conflict to another place.

Fuck it. Nuke all humans off the face of the earth!

Would surely make the planet a bit more peaceful place...

ooh! ooh! (none / 0) (#76)
by nathan on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 01:56:50 PM PST
Will you seek ISO certification for your new standards?

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Hmmmm....? (none / 0) (#78)
by The Mad Scientist on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 05:26:49 PM PST
Will you seek ISO certification for your new standards?

Not myself. The paperwork is too much of hassle and no fun. Let's leave it to the "paper tigers" from other departments.

But it's interesting idea.

Martydom (none / 0) (#71)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 10:25:14 AM PST
Well, that sounds like a good plan, but you know how the faithful react when someone is persecuted for their nonsensical beliefs. All of them, even those way out on the fringe that never really cared much before, go apeshit. Do you really want to create a doubly holy holy land. AKA "Disney's The Land that was Holy but is Now a Hole?" Or, "The Land That is as Close as You Can Get to the Holy Land Without Dying or Becoming Sterile?" They'd have miles of velvet ropes and neon signs encircling the place like it was a giant Graceland. Then they'd all get pissy and lynch anyone with a college degree.

I can't resist. (none / 0) (#83)
by hauntedattics on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 07:58:53 AM PST
Martydom? Is that where everyone gives his life for some guy named Marty?

Oops... (none / 0) (#88)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 07:19:42 AM PST
Yeah I saw that right after I clicked submit. D'oh!

hmm. (none / 0) (#89)
by nathan on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 08:08:47 AM PST
I think you may have missed her joke.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

by hauntedattics on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 10:25:41 AM PST
(Pardon me.)

No.... (none / 0) (#93)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 10:10:54 AM PST
I get the joke, but the joke was based on my typo of having spelled martyrdom without the second r. In both that post and this post I'm exposing my wet blanket personality, which is why no one likes me and I'm forced to post mindless unintersting drivel such as this on various weblogs.

god you're stupid (flame) (none / 0) (#94)
by nathan on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 12:11:11 PM PST
That's the form of the joke, not the joke proper.

Man. Are the g**ks actually getting dumber by the day?

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Taking the bait... (none / 0) (#95)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 02:50:00 PM PST
Right. The joke was made that Martydom would be giving your life in the name of Marty where as martyrdom is giving your life in the name of your diety of choice. It was humorous. I responded with a rather pointless acknoledgment that I was aware of my typo that caused the joke that was funny. Hilarity ensued with this thread between me, the stupid geek, and you.

Unless Marty is some figure of significance that I should otherwise be aware of that lends additional humor to the joke, I don't see what your point is. Maybe your point is that I am easily baited into pointless debate and that you are an asshole that enjoys baiting people. If so, bravo, I continue to respond on cue as though I were a trained monkey. If you still feel that I missed the joke, please explain it to my stupid, geeky ass.

I am the soul of charity (none / 0) (#96)
by nathan on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 03:02:35 PM PST
The real point to making the joke, in my opinion, is that your triviliazation of holiness, and your conflation of religiousness with stupidity, would have made Martydom an appropriate action for the religious to engage in - pointless, misguided, stupid. You unintentionally satirized yourself, and your inability to understand why it was funny made it even better.

I could go on, but what's the point? You're no more capable of understanding what I found funny about your post, and Haunted's response, than you were before; and now, you think I'm a jerk to boot.

Let's just shut this down.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Thank you (none / 0) (#97)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 19th, 2002 at 04:09:18 PM PST
The point you make never occured to me because my original comments made under the subject "Martydom" were not to be taken seriously and were intended to satirize it's parent, "You Christians." I do not state that people that are religious are stupid. The intended connotation was that people, when acting as a large group, are stupid. Religious folk or at least all people who claim to be religious and would take offense to such an attack on the "Holy Land," would certainly behave in an utterly retarded fashion.

Also, I do not trivilize that which is holy. I meant to imply that aforemention stupid large groups of people generally trivilize that which they intend to make sacred, at least in America, by marketing and commercializing it. See the recent trend of attaching as many mini-American flags as you possibly can to your vehicle. I've seen as many as five flags on one vehicle.

Full disclaimer: I am agnostic. I do not understand how otherwise intelligent people can believe heart and soul in what an organized body such as the Catholic Church tell them. I do understand why otherwise intelligent people would believe in a "Creator" and have their own particular theories surrounding this "Creator". I can even understand various interpretations of the Bible or whatever other religious texts they might subscribe to. I simply disagree with them. At various points in the past in wrestling to get free of the Catholic Church I felt like nuking the Holy Land. I then went to high school.

the fiery falmes of hell (none / 0) (#98)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 20th, 2002 at 09:36:57 AM PST

Oh the humanity!

insensitive jerk! (5.00 / 1) (#99)
by nathan on Wed Mar 20th, 2002 at 11:04:55 AM PST
How well would you type if you'd just had to have a hand amputated?

I can tell you, learning Dvorak with my feet wasn't exactly easy. Yet, somehow I manage to churn out five to ten posts a day to amuse your callous, wretched ass.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Wow! (none / 0) (#101)
by because it isnt on Thu Mar 21st, 2002 at 06:57:36 AM PST
Sorry to hear about your recent disablement. Can still play the violin? With your feet? I am very impressed. -- because it isn't

I now play Indian style n/t (none / 0) (#102)
by nathan on Thu Mar 21st, 2002 at 01:26:46 PM PST

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Argh. (none / 0) (#33)
by RobotSlave on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 07:16:30 PM PST
OK, this isn't really important, but it's happened often enough here to irritate me.

Would somebody please use the word "ambivalent" correctly?

It keeps getting used as a synonym for "apathetic." It isn't. It means something quite different.

That is all. Carry on.

© 2002, RobotSlave. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

Hmmm (none / 0) (#87)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 03:59:23 AM PST
I could be wrong but I thought that Jesus won't come back till the Jews are once again in the promise land and then have taken him as their savior. Being a <cough>Christian<cough> you shouldn't talk such rubbish

(anger)... (none / 0) (#100)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 20th, 2002 at 09:15:23 PM PST
You racist prick...

u dumbass (2.33 / 3) (#6)
by PotatoError on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 09:26:37 AM PST
You've just also explained the actions of the terrorists. That they wont stand for Israel and US opression and unfairness.

Come on, terrorists dont just fly themselves into a building for the hell of it. There is reason.

People dont dance on the street in countless countries when they hear the news for the hell of it. There is reason.

Those who fail to open their minds to see the truth are as bad as Bush, Blair and the rest of the New World Order.

"As time passed, though, the memories of the 3,000 Americans killed in the attack faded, and liberals again commenced their ever-present criticism of the American government and its foreign policies"
Actually I never stopped. After the first plane flew into the WTC I was already suspecting it was Islamic terrorists. Why would I suspect this? Because the US has been pissing them off for decades and eventually something like this will happen.

The event didnt bother me too much - just the ideals behind it. More people are killed each year from car accidents - more people are killed from alchohol related deaths and more people are killed from drug related deaths. Also handguns kill more people in the US per year than were killed at the WTC but countless americans are all too happy to keep firearms. See the stupidity here?
So saying 3000 people died doesnt make it the worst disaster in history. It sounds bad saying that but it needs to be said.
The only thing the attack did was wake people up to the fact that all actions have consequences however unfair you think they are. It showed the US that it IS pissing people off and pissed off people do stuff like that. Maybe the US should have learnt from the Israeli situation years ocean in the way isnt exactly a protection.

For once I agree with Potato Error (5.00 / 1) (#7)
by Adam Rightmann on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 09:48:44 AM PST
Also handguns kill more people in the US per year than were killed at the WTC but countless americans are all too happy to keep firearms. See the stupidity here?

Now, in an ideal childhood, such as my boyhood, older uncles and fathers would take you out to the range with an assortment of rifles, shotguns and pistols (.22, .30-06, modifed AR-15, water cooled Maxim, .410, 1911 Colt, .357 magnum, .22 revolver, .44 magnum) and let you familiarize oneself with the assortment of firearms that any law-abiding citizen in our great country may own (yes, machine guns too, if you get your dealers license). You would know how to load, aim and fire them, clean them, and develope a fine appreciation for those useful tools that freed us from Albion's iron grasp and secures our freedom against fuzzy minded Com-Symps. You would learn the basics of firearm safety, summed up in two rules:
  • Always assume every gun is loaded.
  • Don't point a gun at anything unless you intend to kill it
Sadly, today children learn about sexual perversions in school, and guns on TV or on the street. Is it any wonder so many people die by gunshot? If every teenager street-thug knew just how effective a properly aimed 1911 Colt was, street gangs would be a lot more polite, and shootouts would be far quicker. Ancillary targets (5 year olds, people hiding in houses) would be far fewer too.

So please, write your local school board and demand guns not sex in school.

A. Rightmann

Exactly (none / 0) (#16)
by Right Hand Man on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:47:14 AM PST
Although I would question the man's statistics.

You could certainly make the claim if you included persons killed by the military, and the police, and suicides, and people protecting themselves, and so on and so forth. I don't think it can be made if you just consider accidental deaths and murders.

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

So THIS is the liberal war plan. (none / 0) (#8)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 09:54:06 AM PST
Unconditional surrender to the extreme Islamists?

Why, since you can't judge cultures, the horrible civil rights and subhuman status of women in Islamic theocracies isn't "bad" at all, and we haughty Americans should just continue to let them blow up statues.

And our standing up for freedom and democracy across the globe? What arrogance! Didn't we realize that poor ol' Osama had feeling too?

This is the typical response (none / 0) (#22)
by PotatoError on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 11:37:37 AM PST
"So we are just supposed to let them do it?"

No, of course not. But if you had followed our reasoning a decade ago this event would never have happened.

"And our standing up for freedom and democracy across the globe?"
Not so much freedom and democracy as standing up for American interests with no consideration of the consequences. Thats why some people (not me) hate america. When your child is killed by Israeli soldiers armed with US weapons then you tend to get a little pissed off right? Especially when the US instead of sanctioning Israel chooses to sanction your own country, accusing it of being inhumane.
When Iraq is condoned by the US for not following the geneva convention on the treatment of its prisonners of war but then later, the US decides that captured taliban fighters arent considered prisonners of war and actually considers torturing information out of them. Thats a bit hypocritical.
When the US condones the regime of Saddam Hussein because of "humanitarian reasons" but then supports facist and oppressive governments in other countries where the US has economic interests - that is also hypocracy.
This is how people get pissed off...and with no unbiased international law you are bound to get some people taking matters into their own hands.

Well... (none / 0) (#29)
by hauntedattics on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 03:21:39 PM PST
I don't think the U.S. government has a lock on hypocrisy or inconsistent foreign policy, do you? Plenty of other countries use their own national interest to direct their respective foreign policies; the U.S. is just the largest and most visible of these.

It always interests me how Israel (or the U.S. as its 'protector') is the focal point for Arab anger. Especially when hundreds of Muslims were just recently killed in sectarian violence in Gujarat, simply because they were Muslim. Have you heard anything about that from the Arab states? Me neither. There's some inconsistency for you.

(By the way, I think you meant 'condemn' where you said 'condone.' 'Condone' is more along the lines of 'support.')

WHAT!?!?!? (none / 0) (#92)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 07:22:10 PM PST
The taliban that were captured had it beter than if they were still fighting for Osama. They got medical treatment, 3 hots and a bed, their prayers were played over a loudspeaker every day for them. How can you say that <CITE>actually considers torturing information out of them.</CITE>

What ever fucker

irrelevant... (none / 0) (#10)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 09:55:57 AM PST
More people are killed each year from car accidents - more people are killed from alchohol related deaths and more people are killed from drug related deaths. Also handguns kill more people in the US per year than were killed at the WTC but countless americans are all too happy to keep firearms. See the stupidity here?

But they weren't killed by handguns or car accidents, were they? If someone dies due to medical malpractise you don't say "Oh well, a lot more people died this year in car accidents."

By your logic there's no reason to get upset if the US causes suffering through its foreign policy...

It is relevant (none / 0) (#24)
by PotatoError on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 11:48:13 AM PST
When your president stands up on TV and makes a big deal at the "tragic loss of life" then he's just playing on the sentimental value rather than looking at the deeper truth.

One of the "enemy" could similarly stand up and make a big deal at the "tragic loss of life" caused by American foreign policy. Mainly its support of Israel and the way it never condoned any of Israels contraversially inhumane actions.
Therefore I neither see America or the Arabs as good or bad - they are just as good and bad as each other.

Did you know for example that its estimated that as many civilians died in Afgahnistan due to US bombing as died at WTC? What do you think those people are saying? "Oh well, I guess they had to kill someone in revenge..why not my child?"..or maybe they will think more along the lines of "what the fuck did they bomb our village and kill my family for?! I never did nothing to them".

And for every 100 people you make think like this you are going to breed 1 hard core terrorist wanting revenge. Cuz as america has proved - revenge lust is universal regardless of how developed you are.


You're treating the Muslim... (none / 0) (#28)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 03:06:27 PM PST as though it were a monolith.

Fact: Osama bin Laden said virtually nothing about Israel before the bombs began to fall on Afghanistan. He played it as a trump card, hoping it would rouse the Muslim world to fight the US- which hasn't happened. Know why? Because while the Palestinians naturally care about their own plight, the rest of the Muslim world does little more than pay lip service to their situation. Did you know that the Jordanian army killed thousands of Palestinians in the 1970s? Did you know that no Arab country, save Jordan, will allow Palestinians to become citizens? Why is that? Are you familiar with the concept of a 'political football?'

If 9/11 were just about Israel, why were none of the highjackers Palestinian? You'd know that Palestinians are hardly strangers to highjacking if you've studied history.

I realize that many like to point out that the US 'props up' corrupt regimes, but these same people never acknowledge that the groups who'd like to overthrow these corrupt regimes aren't democratic, they're even more oppressive and backwards....

Don't take this as a defense of US foreign policy. I certainly don't agree with all of it. But the answers are much more complicated than you seem to think.

Good points (none / 0) (#45)
by asharp on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 02:16:11 AM PST
To be fair though, the author of the article was the one to link Palestine to 9/11.

Personally, I'm amazed that a Palestinian wasn't one of those who hijacked the plane. But then we don't know exactly who was controlling the operation nor do we know how much involvement Palestinians have in the Al'Queada (sp?) network.

Please feel free to enlighten us if you know!

terrorism (none / 0) (#11)
by nathan on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:05:28 AM PST
they wont stand for Israel and US opression and unfairness...

So what would you suggest instead? Maybe a group hug, followed by a circle-jerk?

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Well.. (none / 0) (#23)
by PotatoError on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 11:42:16 AM PST
its too late now isnt it?
3000 people dead and 2 towers collapsed. You cant turn back time.

If only you had listened in the years before - you know instead of telling people like me to shut up when we said that the US should rethink its foreign policy on the Israel situation. I can remember people asking me "why bother?" and "what can they do to us - we have the biggest army" and such gems as "yea well screw the arabs what do we care?" and rubbish like that. Well there you go - dont say you were never warned.

I ask again. (none / 0) (#31)
by nathan on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 05:15:41 PM PST
What is your solution?

Instead of telling me that I have a problem, tell me what your solution is.

I am very interested in hearing your s-o-l-u-t-i-o-n.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Well (none / 0) (#50)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 06:10:49 AM PST
my solution is to treat everyone fairly and to stop biasing all judgements towards Israel. That way you wont piss people off as much.


bravo! (5.00 / 1) (#53)
by nathan on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 10:27:35 AM PST
If only you were Secretary of Defense. Hell, President of the USA.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Re: (none / 0) (#55)
by tkatchev on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 11:36:22 AM PST
President of the World.

Peace and much love...

Really man... (none / 0) (#74)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 12:58:24 PM PST
You seem to be awfully obsessed with hugs and circle-jerks. Personally I recommend doing it in the opposite order. Stickier that way.

And the reason is... (none / 0) (#57)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 01:33:07 PM PST
Come on, terrorists dont just fly themselves into a building for the hell of it. There is reason.

Well, yes. Their reason is that they think that's the most effective way of achieving their goals.

So our goal is to help them understand that those methods aren't really effective in this situation. Maybe someday they'll crack open a history book and look at alternate strategies. (Hint: Western democracies are complete suckers for the whole civil disobedience/non-violent resisistance thing, especially if you can combine it with some halfway-convincing rhetoric.)

Question. (none / 0) (#14)
by hauntedattics on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 10:25:09 AM PST
Wasn't an American in the CIA or armed forces convicted of spying for the Israelis some time ago? Is he still in jail?

Perhaps (none / 0) (#19)
by dmg on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 11:25:24 AM PST
You were thinking of Mordechai Vanunu imprisoned by the Israeli government for blowing the whistle on their nuclear program.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

Or (none / 0) (#85)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 04:50:09 PM PST
Or maybe Jonathan Pollard.

Or possibly the so-called art students.

Art students (none / 0) (#86)
by The Mad Scientist on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 06:53:51 PM PST
Espionage is an art of its own kind.

Actually more enjoyable than many other kinds of art.

the truth is out there (none / 0) (#37)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 09:47:26 PM PST
An outrage against the children of Jefferson!. There is no end to the Zionist conspiracy.

the arab-israeli conflict in a nutshell (5.00 / 1) (#17)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 11:01:16 AM PST
If I have to die in a nuclear holocaust because two otherwise identical semitic tribes think they have blood and holy rights to the same spit of dirt in the desert, I'll be fucking pissed.

No. (5.00 / 1) (#18)
by dmg on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 11:22:51 AM PST
You'll be dead.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

nuke the israelis instead (none / 0) (#20)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 11:27:30 AM PST
why dont we just nuke the israelis out of israel, allow the palestinians to live there, and get support from every arab country ? in the same wave, we can put an end to jewish hegemony in the western world

The Hollywood connection? (none / 0) (#36)
by RootComplex on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 08:58:34 PM PST
I thought all the Hewbrew control of western cultures stemmed from their roles as producers of soft-core pornography. I'm sure anyone else who's stayed up late on a friday night cleaning guns and watching Skinimax can attest to this. Well, provided they made it to the credits that is.

racist (none / 0) (#81)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 06:40:57 AM PST
maybe if we got a planeload of racist people like you, and dropped them on Afghanistan, it would be a better nuke.

Israel knows how handle terrorists (none / 0) (#21)
by FeedMeaStrayCat on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 11:30:01 AM PST
Yup, they sure have that "Terrorist Problem" nipped in the bud.

The Israeli Approach to Terrorism (none / 0) (#26)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 02:08:21 PM PST
Israeli soldiers don't hesitate to shoot rock-throwing Palestinian children dead. They've been known to hire Arabic speakers to taunt the children to draw them out, so the bored Israeli soldiers will have something to do. This ensures said children do not have the chance to grow up to learn to fly planes into buildings.

Yep, Israel, what a saintly nation, pure as driven snow for sure.

Oh give me a flippin' break (none / 0) (#32)
by seventypercent on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 06:18:29 PM PST
Israeli soldiers don't hesitate to shoot rock-throwing Palestinian children dead.

And do you know why that is? It's because when those "children" grow up in ten years, the rock will be replaced by an assault rifle or a suicide bomb strapped across their chest! And instead of simply breaking a window or bruising somebody's limbs, they will kill potentially dozens of fair-skinned peoples.

There are no such thing as "Palestinian children." There are only "future Palestinian terrorists." The sooner that you bleeding-hearts recognize this, the better.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

So, why .... (none / 0) (#46)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 03:15:50 AM PST
Why not kill all new born Palestinian babies?
Why not sterilize all Palestinian women?
Or a vasectomy for every Palestinian male?

Holy Cow! (none / 0) (#54)
by FeedMeaStrayCat on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 10:57:01 AM PST
You're practicaly advocating the killing of children because they're palestinian. That's wonderful.

You can call us bleeding hearts all you want. I'm not offended.

They sure know .... (none / 0) (#48)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 03:26:11 AM PST
After having been terrorists themselves, and after 50 years of war against terrorism, with the result we can observe everyday.

2 major points I wanna touch on (1.00 / 1) (#27)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 02:15:18 PM PST
Israelis hate Islam. Islam is the world's foremost destabilizing factor. Islam has been responsible for countless wars and conflicts throughout history, and today its zealots threaten the very existence of the West. Ariel Sharon has no tolerance whatsoever for these cretins, and will do everything in his power to eradicate this evil cult.

This is a very stereotypical attitude. Isalm isn't all bad. Not all muslims interpret the religious text for the gain. Everything you mentioned could also be said about Christians. There have been more wars and unforgivable acts (Spanish Inquisition) in the name of Chritianity than any other religion.

Israel is a loyal friend. Israel has never waged war against the U.S.A. or spied on us. Israel has the utmost respect for our interests, and contributes heavily to our economy; in fact, Israel spends billions of dollars every year on weapons that are used to annihilate our enemies, the Palestinians, in the region. How many of our other allies do that for us? Every other nation in the U.N. takes our money and our troops to fight their harebrained "peacekeeping missions," and Israel is the only country that gives anything at all back to us. At the minimum, we owe them our allegiance and support.

Since when do we consider the Palestinians to be our enemy? You don't see us sending in troops to "kill them all" or even aid Isreal do you? The only reason Isreal really likes us and supports us is because of what we give them. Look at all the Apache helicopters they fly.

American guns (none / 0) (#79)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 12:40:46 AM PST
And don't forget the Colts they shoot with...

For those who think Israel has never attacked... (none / 0) (#30)
by phiber on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 04:46:00 PM PST
... the United States: check this out.

Right on (none / 0) (#43)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 01:36:27 AM PST
Yep. This is the point that got me too. The rest of the essay I could dismiss as the silly tongue-in-cheek misguided humour that makes this site so entertaining. But the claim that Israel has not attacked us got me in the gut. Israel made a calculated political decision to kill our boys on the Liberty. It makes me sick that that bigoted, terrorist country is the top recipient of U.S. aid. We should bomb Tel Aviv in retaliation for what they did to us.

Are you a redneck? (none / 0) (#34)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 08:16:26 PM PST
If you think you can make sensible people believe that your "satire," full of the usual myths used by members of the so-called digital intifada, is even remotely grounded in fact, you are sadly mistaken. Only the densest idiots and hateful bigots such as yourself would subscribe to your idiotic ravings. I sincerely hope that you and the likes of you experience the full pleasure of having your family wiped out by a suicide bomber... perhaps then you'll be able to appreciate the position Israel is in.

Rot in hell, you and Hanan Ashrawi. The good PR Palestinians have been enjoying is a load of bull, and it's only a matter of time before the international community sees through it.

clean the filth out (none / 0) (#35)
by shimizu on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 08:16:37 PM PST
Who the hell writes these articles? Much like many articles that enter these newsgroups, this one is
just as one sided, and close minded as many of them.

"Islam is the world's foremost destabilizing factor"
obviously written by someone who is ignorant of the islamic faith.

"weapons that are used to annihilate our enemies, the Palestinians, in the region"
yeah, like they're doing you a favor. They only want their holy land. When did palestine
become america's enemy?

"And in the end, only Israel is prepared and willing to join us in our mission to make the world a safer place."
only to the extent that it stabilizes israel.

"Israel has made it painfully obvious to would-be terrorists that every Israeli life taken by a terrorist will result in 3-4 lost Palestinian lives"
as far as I can see. Israelites are just as bad terrorists, as the people they set out to kill. How many
times over the news have you heard of civilians being seasoned with bullets everytime the israelites retaliate?

This discussion board stinks. I think it needs some fresh air, and people with wider perspectives who
have researched the pros and cons of whatever post they happen to put up.

moron (none / 0) (#40)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 12:42:16 AM PST
Can't you figure out that these articles are (at least partially) facetious? In this case, an obvious reverse strawman anti-Israel argument was constructed. In other words, you are just agreeing with them by arguing against them. BTW, look "argueing" up,

Well then, click on My Story Submitter (none / 0) (#51)
by Adam Rightmann on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 06:14:10 AM PST
As one of the more caring and considerate editors of this site, if you submit a decent, controversial story I will get it on the front page, assuming of course, that one of the power mad despotic editors doesn't delete it first.

A. Rightmann

I agree. I mean I disagree. (none / 0) (#38)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 12:15:24 AM PST
Israel is our greatest ally in the War on Terror.
I agree.
Israel should be our first target in the War on Terror.

Israel is the only democracy in the region.
Iran is a democracy.
Iran is evil.

Israel is run by Jews.
The US is run by Jews.
The above statement is anti-semitic.

Israel provides a staging ground for attacks on Terror.
The only advantage Israel has given the US was a Mig-21.
Just give Israel the word and they will dominate the Middle East for us.

Israelis hate Islam.
This is true with th exception of Israelis who are muslim.
Many Jews (such as Noam Chomsky) are self-hating.

Israel is a loyal friend.
I agree.
What about the USS Liberty?

Can't keep a Jew down (5.00 / 1) (#41)
by geoffwa on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 12:58:39 AM PST
Sharon: Your honour, I plead Judaism.

Judge: Schuldig!

Remember - if you read it or saw it on TV, it's a Jewish conspiracy.

facts (none / 0) (#84)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 04:40:34 PM PST
The US is run by Jews.
The above statement is anti-semitic.

Perhaps. But it is also factual.

Israel is no no one's friend. (5.00 / 1) (#42)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 01:09:07 AM PST
This site is in danger of being obscured by an opaque fog of lies. Allow me to disperse the choking fumes of falsehood with clear fresh breezes of truth.

First, Israel is not a Jewish state. The fascist, racist occupiers of the Holy Land who gather under the blue-and-white swastika that is the flag of the state of Israel are mostly the descendants of atheistic European socialists. These nonbelievers struggle ceaselessly to stifle Islam, which represents the highest development of the creed of Abraham, Isaac, and Moses.

Second, the only true terrorist state in the middle east is Israel, which responds to the attacks of jihadi, martyrs by raining destruction upon civilian areas of Palestine from the safety of their jets, tanks, and helicopters. Rather than submit to the true democracy of Islamic rule, as is the will the supreme holiness that is Allah, rather than seeing the actions of the jihadi martyrs as they truly are, exhortations to reflect on the fragility of life, the brevity of our span in this realm of flesh and shadows, and to turn to the spiritual issues that are truly important, the leaders of Israel choose to perpetuate the lie that these brave warriors of Islam who choose the way of the bomb as Allah's little wakeup call are murderous criminals.

Third, Israel is not a democracy. Since Israel occupies most of the holy lands which Allah in his infinite prudence decreed must be ruled by Islamic law, and since most Islamic peoples (Pakistani, Saudi, Iraqi, Indonesians, Thai, Egyptians, etc.) are forbidden from voting in elections to choose the Government of Israeli-occupied lands, it must be concluded that Israel is stifling true democracy in the Holy Land. O, what a twisted, malignant thing is the soul of treacherous man! How deep the roots of evil bore! How impenetrable the darkness cast by the gnarled branches of sin, extending forth in a vast and thorny thicket to blot out the pure light of God's love!!

Is there hope, then, for the tribe of Abraham, for those who follow the stern warnings of Jeremiah? For those who keep in their hearts the loving message of gentle Jesus, and who, above all, hold fast to the word of Muhammad, God's final and greatest prophet? I think there is. Hope is in the smiling souls of the jihadi who oppose the evil of Israel and their overlords in the United States with their acts, minds, and lives. May God keep and bless us all.


You too ... (5.00 / 1) (#47)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 03:23:48 AM PST
As the author, are really good at spreading bullshit.

I love that punchline at the end (none / 0) (#58)
by PotatoError on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 02:26:18 PM PST
Islam: live it, love it, be it.


Israeli democracy (none / 0) (#44)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 01:58:01 AM PST
It's really sort of a multi-tiered system of Apartheid:

Tier I: Jewish males

Tier II: Jewish females

Tier III: All others

Yep. (5.00 / 1) (#63)
by hauntedattics on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 07:00:58 AM PST
Israeli democracy sux, dood. The Syrian, Jordanian, Saudi, Iraqi and Iranian democracies are so much more kickass...

Top democracies (none / 0) (#64)
by because it isnt on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 07:51:50 AM PST
The Syrian, Jordanian, Saudi, Iraqi and Iranian democracies are so much more kickass...

I think, if we're comparing democracies, Zimbabwe would be top of the list right now... -- because it isn't

Zimbabwe. (none / 0) (#65)
by hauntedattics on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 03:10:49 PM PST
I am shocked, SHOCKED, that there were 'irregularities' in last weekend's election. Everyone knows what a fine, upstanding and fair leader Mr. Mugabe is...

in his defense (none / 0) (#67)
by nathan on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 04:21:03 PM PST
He was pretty good until his syphillis hit stage III. Zimbabwe was considered a model of well-run decolonialisation for a while.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Ook. (none / 0) (#68)
by hauntedattics on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 06:20:11 PM PST
He has syphilis? That would explain a lot. I knew that Zimbabwe used to be a pretty good model, but never understood why it slid so quickly down the crapper.

(Chalk up another instance of ignorance for ol' many is that today?)

Zoink. (none / 0) (#70)
by because it isnt on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 09:28:09 AM PST
I knew that Zimbabwe used to be a pretty good model, but never understood why it slid so quickly down the crapper.

I think it was more because he pissed off the Old Boy Network of globalists by kicking all those white people off their farms. Never underestimate the power of old Etonians, and all that.

But still. He's an old man. Whatever injustice he might cause, you can at least be happy in the knowledge he won't last another 20 years. -- because it isn't

Mugabe. (none / 0) (#82)
by hauntedattics on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 07:56:24 AM PST
He's done a bit more than kick a few white farmers off their land, dear. And while he certainly won't last another 20 years, I'm afraid the economic, political and social effects of his actions will last longer than that.

So the globalists are an Old Boy Network? How exciting! I've never been part of an Old Boy Network before...

Israeli democracy (5.00 / 1) (#80)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 04:28:02 AM PST
Yeah, Israel isn't a democracy in today's sense. It's a democracy in the "U.S. 150 years ago" sense. White males enjoyed all the rights of a flourishing "democracy". All others? *shrug*

Can you say . . . FLAMEBAIT?! (none / 0) (#59)
by RootinTootin on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 05:32:32 PM PST
Call me trollish, but I am unable to distinguish this post from a family-size bag of flaming dog poo. Every single point the author makes is so easily refutable there can be no other intention here than to provoke readers of the post. The inflamatory language of the poster (rabid attacks, evil cult, anti-Semites, etc.) further indicates that the poster is just out to piss someone off.

When someone actually posts a genuine, well-conceived essay that makes lucid points based on fact, let me know . . .

I agree that we should support Israel... (none / 0) (#60)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 06:23:10 PM PST
But most of that article is anti-Muslim and just plain wrong. But first, to the anti-Israel people, who are fools in my opinion.

Do you know why Europe let Vlad the Impaler stay in power? His Romanian Army kept the Muslims out of Europe.

Do you know the USA will never truly support a Palestinian State in the Holy Land? Because Israel keeps the radical Muslims out of secular countries like Turkey and secularizing countries like Egypt and Jordan.

People talk about how Israel is so vulnerable. This country, like the USA, has never lost a war, although it has had a Vietnam-like conflict in the invasion of Lebanon.

If the Arabs are so tough, why isn't there a Palestinian State already?

Because if they tried Israel would beat the hell out of them and this time they wouldn't stop because the U.N. asked them to.

1967. A lot of Israelis don't like the U.N. because if that liberal, soft, weak little organization that is basically the Unites States with some support from Australia and Great Britain when there's a war that needs stopped, halted the Six Day War.

If they hadn't, Israel would stretch from Egypt to India by now, and the world would have two superpowers.

Let's say that every black person in Harlem moves to Manhattan and says they want to create a country there. They start shooting people and blowing them up when the Government tells them, very nicely, that they are crackpots. What would the US do?

The same thing the Israelis are doing. They'd pump Tanks, Helicopters, and Infantry into Manhattan, camp in Central Park, and basically clean up the mess.

I hope that something big happens in Israel soon, something that makes those people so mad they roll over good old retired Terrorist Yasser and dont stop going until they reach Baghdad in the West, Riyadh in the South, and Cairo in the East.

Why don't the Israel critics go live in Ramallah for a while? With their undoubtedly fair white skin, obvious non-Muslim religion, and odd-sounding accents, how long do you think they would last without protection from the IDF?

I give them 10 minutes before they get their throats slit and their bodies dragged through the streets with crowds burning US and Israeli flags all around them.

The rest of the world is jealous of the US, and to a lesser degree, Israel. Who saved Europe, Asia and basically the world in the 40's? Sorry, it wasn't good old Uncle Joe in the Kremlin, it was FDR in the White House. Who gives billions of dollars a year to countries devastated by war or natural disaster? It isnt France, or the U.N., who calls the USA a 'deadbeat. It is the United States who gives away more money than the Italian government spends in a year to worthy caused around the world.

So the next time an earthquake kills 30,000 in your Third-World country and the US gives a couple dozen billion, maybe you should think before you step into a plane and fly it into a building.

But that's off the point. Europe and the Middle East don't like Israel because the Arab Nations <I>know</I> they can't beat Israel in a fair, or unfair, fight, and the Europeans always have to root for the little guy. "Oh, look at those mean Checzs, won't give some land to poor little Germany..." and three years later we all know what happened. Unless you're a wacked out Neo-Nazi or idiot Muslim Fanatic, or a Hollywood Star.

Bass ackwards (none / 0) (#61)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 01:17:32 AM PST
"Let's say that every black person in Harlem moves to Manhattan and says they want to create a country there. They start shooting people and blowing them up when the Government tells them, very nicely, that they are crackpots. What would the US do?
The same thing the Israelis are doing. They'd pump Tanks, Helicopters, and Infantry into Manhattan, camp in Central Park, and basically clean up the mess."

The problem is, you have the analogy completely backwards. The Arabs were already in Palestine for over a thousand years before the European Jews invaded in the 20th century and declared it their homeland.

Also, Harlem is in Manhattan, you dickwad.

Bass ackwards II (none / 0) (#62)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 04:20:56 AM PST
"I hope that something big happens in Israel soon, something that makes those people so mad they roll over good old retired Terrorist Yasser and dont stop going until they reach Baghdad in the West, Riyadh in the South, and Cairo in the East."

Got yer directions backwards, you dickwad.

Noam Chomsky... is a Jew. (none / 0) (#66)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 04:17:01 PM PST
While he might be anti-Isreal he surely is not anti-semite. Proceed to troll me with your pre-planned anti-chomsky gruel.

Not necessarily. (none / 0) (#69)
by tkatchev on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 12:46:09 AM PST
You see, the Jews have complicated purity laws[1] -- while he may seem to be a Jew to your untrained eye, that doesn't mean that he is accepted as such by the Jewish community.

So it is quite possible, in fact, to be a Jew and an anti-semite at the same time.

[1] This seems to be a common trait of all nomadic peoples, for some reason. (i.e. Gypsies, for example.)

Peace and much love...

For one thing, Noam Chomsky is Jewish... (none / 0) (#90)
by Macragge on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 09:47:53 AM PST
And for another, he is against what's going on in the Middle East on basis of morality, not religion. He isn't the type of person to judge someone by who they are, but by their actions.

Perhaps you should actually READ some of his work. There IS a reason he has a job at MIT.

Anyway, I can't be bothered spending any more time on this. I've got to deal with somebody who's claiming that Linux users are more racist than the KKK.

Palestinians Shouldn't Stop (none / 0) (#103)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 22nd, 2002 at 10:40:15 AM PST
Why should they? Some other country is occupying their territory, killing them, and then is pretending to be innocent. Only Americans would fall for such thinly veiled plots. If the US cared so much they should destabilize the non-democratic countries in the region (they won't do that though because they won't like the democratically elected leaders, and because the new leaders won't sell oil to the US... they shouldn't).

Americans don't care about anything except money and fads. 9/11 is already a fad. China is making all the US flags (and misc. souvenirs) anyway, so I don't care about that.

Your just a anti semite racist un-american pig (none / 0) (#104)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 22nd, 2002 at 11:03:52 AM PST
and you will certainly die and be buried with a pig and not like it at all. Your stupid country probably has outhouses for bathrooms or just holes in the groud like italians. Your probably a italian... Your schools suck too so I don't know why your complaining. America is the best country on earth, and if you don't like it, we'll hunt you down and kill you and bury you with oinkers. Your probably a freind of IgnaciousJR.

And you (none / 0) (#105)
by budlite on Fri Mar 22nd, 2002 at 01:12:47 PM PST
are either a racist pig (your words) or an 11-year-old failing miserably at being sarcastic.

Who let the kids in, or is it dogs out? (none / 0) (#106)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 22nd, 2002 at 01:22:25 PM PST
Hey Kid:

Since today is a weekday, WHY AREN'T YOU IN SCHOOL???


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