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In the days following the horrific attack on America and the subsequent war on Islam, the reaction from the world community was predictable. The Europeans spent a day or two wringing their hands and telling everybody how shocked they were, and then immediately went back to their anti-American agenda. The Asians have been sympathetic, but unhelpful. Similarly, the South Americans have been able to muster very little more than empty words of support, given their weak economy. The Africans, by and large, are unaware that things such as New York City and airplanes exist. And the reaction from Muslim nations could most aptly be described as one of restrained glee.
Through it all, our lone ally in this struggle has been the nation of Israel. This is a battle between good and evil; it is a struggle of right versus wrong. There is no "middle ground" to occupy in this conflict, and Israel is the only nation that has decisively sided with Good. Unfortunately, Israel has her enemies as well, and she has no greater enemy than the Nazi party. So what do you do when you discover that one of your co-workers is a Nazi? |
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It all started innocently enough. I am a software engineer, and my development team had just finished the work for a major release. We wanted to change the main color in our GUI from LightBlue to SteelBlue, and our 6.0 release incorporated this modification. This was a lot of work; we ended up having to replace about 613 hardcoded references to "LightBlue." We also fixed a bug where right-clicking on the status bar would cause the GUI to core dump. Incidentally, you hear a lot of talk about how Linux (which is the OS we're using) is better than Windows, but when was the last time you heard of a Windows machine "core dumping?" Hopefully, our 7.0 release will consist of a port to Windows so that we can put an end to this nonsense.
Anyway, to celebrate this milestone, I decided to take my software team out for dinner. We went to a steakhouse which, despite the fact that it serves alcohol, is a pretty decent place to eat. The food was delicious, and after we had finished the meal, we remained at the table and discussed various topics. The talk inevitably turned to politics, and one of the subjects that came up was the Palestinian war against Israeli women and children. We talked about counter-terrorism measures, security procedures, and the ridiculousness of the Koran. It was at this point that things went south. One of my developers started talking about Israel in a manner that, quite frankly, stunned me. He mentioned that Israel was erecting settlements in Palestinian terrortories (I'm sorry, I meant "territories") and ventured the opinion that these settlements were illegal. He repeated Islamic rumors about Israeli Defense Force (IDF) troops blocking pregnant women from getting access to hospitals, which resulted in stillborn children. He spewed out ridiculous racial innuendo about Israeli troops spray-painting threats on Palestinian billboards. He spoke negatively about the actions of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. In short, he levied so many accusations and aimed so much anti-Semetic hatred against the people of Israel that it became clear that he was allying himself with Israel's worst enemy. It was at this point that I realized the truth: a Nazi walked among us. There was a man named Adolf Hitler who held similar convictions, and it took a bloody world war to get rid of him. And here I was having lunch with his (apparent) genetic clone. It amazes me that speaking against Israel in such a derogatory and spiteful tone remains legal in the United States, particularly in light of recent events. Oh, you can be sure that I behaved diplomatically; through all of this hate speech, I nodded politely and even managed to keep a smile on my face despite the fact that I wanted to take this guy outside and blacken a couple of his eyes. When we got back to the office, I decided that I needed to keep a close eye on this man. I have an SGI O2 workstation with a webcam. I waited until everybody left and then repositioned the webcam so that it looked in on his cubicle; this was tricky and required me to run wiring through the ceiling tiles, but the result is that I can constantly surveil this man and make sure that he is not participating in such activities as reading Mein Kampf or meeting with officials of the German government. I installed an Ethernet sniffer so that I can track his Internet traffic; if he reads any Nazi Web sites at work, I will have irrefutable proof that I can present to my employer as grounds for dismissal. I've found that he spends lots of time perusing CNN.com, which is evidence of his left-wing, National Socialist (Nazi) leanings. My wife and I have decided to take turns watching his house. She takes the day shift, while I'm at work; she tirelessly watches their property in our minivan with our two children. She has claimed to have seen a Nazi flag hanging on his living room wall during the brief moments that his front door is open, though she admits that this might be a Rusty Wallace poster. I watch his house at night. Several times I have seen unknown persons go into his residence; how am I to know if these people are not officials from the German or Soviet governments? One thing is clear: I have a Nazi, a thick-eyebrowed cunting Hun, working with me. How should I deal with this? I believe that I have enough evidence to get him fired if I were to go to my management. However, I'm not sure; in today's lawyer-friendly environment, is anecdotal evidence enough? I'm considering taking a tape recorder to his office, hiding it in my suit coat, and trying to get him to make some of his anti-Jewish comments so that they can be recorded. With this, I should have no problem getting him fired.
Beyond that, I am this man's direct supervisor; though he has always been very efficient and thorough, I could invent false claims of bungling and shoddy work. This introduces obvious moral and ethical questions, but the greater principle ought to be the guiding principle; is a man who is so blatantly anti-Jewish deserving of gainful employment at a moral code shop? I believe the answer to that question is an unequivocal "no." With this in mind, I am willing to take whatever steps are necessary to get him out. I will not tolerate anti-Semetism on my team, and as far as I'm concerned, the end justifies the means. A terror supporter is not somebody I want on my team. |
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