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 *Sigh* And The World Falls Farther...

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jan 08, 2002
It appears, as I peruse this site (for lack of better things to do), I find some disturbing things: Mr. T. Reginald Gibbons (now something else) states in the midst of a heated anti-hacker posting several facts about elisp (most of which, by the way, are wrong...perl is NOT by any stretch of the imagination a Linux-only language...and that's just the point I remember...).

[editor's note by elenchos] Warning: No whitespace at all (as if you couldn't have guessed). The contents themselves are exactly what you'd expect from a UID that is a Tolkien character. You'll get bored reading this, but at least you won't be able to blame Adequacy for not warning you. Also contains illegal hacking instructions, notwithstanding that they are shoddy hacking instructions that don't work.

Shortly thereafter, you find Mr. T. Gibbons the poster of a most aggravating article, simply FULL of untruths and outright lies. How a man could claim to be educated and still make such gross misstatements is beyond me. I am simply a lowly University student, yet I learned from a young age that you are not to say something without checking the facts first. So...since my story submission was ignored, I will simply post here. Some major points of trouble in the various and assorted articles I have read: 1) Please understand me: The Internet is NOT AOL. AOL is a gateway, rather like a quiet refuge (some would use the term 'nuthouse') that has but one small opening to the outside world. You are free to explore this outside world, but you are also discouraged, as it might damage you or harm your children. 2) "Hackers" are not the enemy. They are not the devil. They do not sit around in smelly, dark rooms all day imagining new ways of destroying peoples lives. What they do do is make a LOT of money. How do I know? I'm just beginning my junior year of college. I could walk out of school today, with no degree, and ask for (and get) a job in the computer industry paying at least $50,000. Yes, I would have to look. But when you're skilled, the jobs come to you. Hackers are skilled. Perhaps that rubs some people on this site the wrong way, but that's how it is. 3) Perl is not the devil. For that matter, none of the following is evil: Perl Linux (or Lunix, for what it's worth...) Linus (the man behind the OS) RMS or ESR or the GNU project or Apache or telnet or ssh or encryption or any of the other things most on this site seem terrified of. Look at these facts: runs on perl. The code for is known as Scoop and it was written, and is maintained by, hackers in the community. Yes, elby made some changes. But that just means that elby can *gasp* program in perl. Kuro5shin itself, the parent of the Scoop project, is a hacker gathering place, mostly dealing in news that interests us. Linux was not developed as part of a vast Soviet conspiracy. Linux was written in 1991 to meet the shortcomings of the Minix operating system. Linus didn't work for the Soviets. He didn't sell to the Soviets. In fact, he never sold to anybody! If Linux is such a threat, then why did the NSA recently release security tools to make Linux easier to secure? And if it's such a threat, then explain why the vast majority of all routers in the world run some flavor or UNIX/Linux? I could go on. I could mention the fact that Larry Wall is a linguist by trade, and perl is simply his lovechild. I could mention that William Gibson writes fiction, thank you. Not hacking manuals. Fiction. That stuff that some (read: normal, moral, understanding Republican) people read for fun. I could state that gross generalizations and cries for banning (of books, ways of life, etc) have long been the trademarks of a communist society, not a free republic. And finally, I could ask this: if the editors of this site are so confident in their positions on computing and the masses, why are they so afraid to allow Netcraft access to their profile? Go here and notice how Netcraft has been denied permission to view the kind of software Adequacy is running. Something tells me you'd find Linux, running Apache with a mod_perl modification. --The author is a Computer Science student at a Baptist University in the Midwest. He is actively involved in the studies of perl, Linux, and all things evil, with the full encouragement of his professors. Go figure.

Jesus Christ! (5.00 / 2) (#1)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 06:52:33 PM PST
Are you people still here?? And making the fucking site slow, to boot! Makes you only too happy I'm sure, as a malevolent hacker, to use your "skillz" to slow down this site for us, the legitimate users. And it's just not enough to do your DOSing, either; you've gotta come in and accuse our own revered elby of being one of your disgusting kind.

Gah! A college student! No wonder our universities are becoming such a hole in our new patriotism; look at the people it breeds! Hackers! Terrorists! When, oh when, are we going to shut down these cesspools before it's too late??

--Anonymous Reader #24601

Where do you get these people from? (none / 0) (#3)
by because it isnt on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:18:05 PM PST
I lost interest in the "hacker" article after around 300 people had replied to it. To my mind, all possible rebuttals and discussions of every point in the article had been made. There really was no need for any more. They've already been said!

So I am still completely amazed at how a further 5000 people feel the need to reply as well. I mean, surely they read some of the posts already there, yes? Did they at any time consider they might be posting exactly the same things as everybody else?

It's an article on "hackers". It's not complimentary. It's not new news by any stretch of the imagination. Get over it! -- because it isn't

It's indeed mind-boggling. (5.00 / 1) (#7)
by tkatchev on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 09:08:04 PM PST
Either the kids are truly retarded, or they are deliberatly spamming the article with useless messages.

I'm gravitating towards "retarded", though.

Peace and much love...

What is mind boggling is (1.00 / 1) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 01:46:38 AM PST
The education level of the avg user on this site..

Adequacy.or - News for Grown-Ups - as written by people with a 12 year olds grasp of the worl and reality.

I guess it is time you updated the title for this site

Hmmm (none / 0) (#16)
by osm on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 02:43:13 AM PST
{string of rubbish deleted for clarity}... Adequacy.or... {string of rubbish deleted for clarity}... olds... {string of rubbish deleted for clarity}... worl... {string of rubbish deleted for clarity}...

What is that? Ebonics?

No! (none / 0) (#18)
by tkatchev on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 03:15:47 AM PST
It's "elite speak".


Peace and much love...

well..... (none / 0) (#30)
by philipm on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 07:19:40 PM PST
surely the drug providers must bear SOME responsibility.


I hope you're right. (none / 0) (#20)
by hauntedattics on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 06:01:10 AM PST
I hope they're retarded too, since your first option is much more ominous...

OK, the idea of a whole subsection of a generation growing up retarded isn't exactly cheery, welcome news either.

perhaps now you understand (none / 0) (#22)
by nathan on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 07:58:01 AM PST
...why so many of us here really, really despise h4x0rs and other anti-social malcontent criminals. It's because they're so damn stupid.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Dear Sir, (none / 0) (#2)
by osm on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 07:14:43 PM PST
It has recently come to my attention that many universities use illegal methods to access the internet. Are you accessing this site through a legal, certified backbone like AOL? If not, please expect a visit from the FBI.

On second thought, please expect a visit from the FBI anyway, since your post here not only mentions but ADVOCATES countless illegal hacking procedures. You might want to flush your LSD down the toilet now.

Yours Truly,
A Concerned Editor

Hey osm. (none / 0) (#4)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 08:45:53 PM PST
It has recently come to my attention that many universities use illegal methods to access the internet. Are you accessing this site through a legal, certified backbone like AOL?

What? What exactly are these illegal methods, and which universities use them? I know my university isn't in this category, they being one of the original backbones of the internet.

How exactly does an organization with as much traffic and bandwidth demands as a university do such a thing?

If not, please expect a visit from the FBI.

Please expect a visit from some large, burly men with a pretty new coat for you. The sleeves are really neat, you'll like it.

On second thought, please expect a visit from the FBI anyway, since your post here not only mentions but ADVOCATES countless illegal hacking procedures.

No it doesn't. He doesn't even mention any course of action. As of yet, programming in perl is not a crime.

You're the one on hallucinogens here. You're seeing a mass of illegal activities where there ARE NONE! THERE IS NOT A SINGLE REFERENCE IN HIS POST TO AN ILLEGAL ACTIVITY. While his polititcal leanings, writing style and grammer might be questionable at best, and his post isn't especially insightful, this fellow does make a valid point.

What exactly is the configuration of the server Adequacy is running on, anyways?

Hey, dipshit, (none / 0) (#5)
by osm on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 08:55:34 PM PST
What? What exactly are these illegal methods, and which universities use them?

This isn't a remedial IS class. university isn't in this category, they being one of the original backbones of the internet.

Oh my God. You deluded fool. Do you REALLY believe that?! Everyone knows that Microsoft and AOL copioneered the internet. Your university STOLE proprietary technology to access the AOL backbone. You are supporting a corrupted educational system run by left-wing hippies who have no sense of personal/intellectual property.

No it doesn't. He doesn't even mention any course of action. As of yet, programming in perl is not a crime.

He attempted to use a known hacker site (Netcraft) to illegally access our server information. Furthermore, the only reason anyone would "program in perl" is to commit an illegal act. Perl is the language of choice for teen hackers.

What exactly is the configuration of the server Adequacy is running on, anyways?

That is of absolutely no concern to you. And should you make the grave mistake of attempting to find out, you shall be turned over to the proper authorities.

Hey osm (5.00 / 1) (#6)
by because it isnt on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 09:06:47 PM PST
Your university STOLE proprietary technology to access the AOL backbone.

Get off the drugs and get help. AOL's backbone wasn't around in 1495 like my university's was. In fact, AOL's country wasn't even around in 1495, so if I were you I'd save it for your cats. -- because it isn't

Hilarious (5.00 / 1) (#9)
by osm on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 09:37:08 PM PST
You fucking pastey bad-teeth-having fuckers continue to yap about your long history as if it was worth so much as a rat turd.


You're in good company. (none / 0) (#10)
by tkatchev on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 09:55:04 PM PST
Now that you are the only superpower left, you can get together with other oriental dictatorships and abuse human rights together.

Have fun; Mr. W is in very good company with Mr. Song, Mr. Zhu, and Mr. Khai.

Peace and much love...

Who gives a shit? (none / 0) (#11)
by osm on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 10:05:50 PM PST

No, I think he's right. (none / 0) (#12)
by elenchos on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:05:45 PM PST
We should let the English (but NOT the Russians) have some human rights, provided they calm down and are willing to request them POLITELY. Obviously the answer to these terrorists we get here at Adequacy should be "no".

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

Good point (none / 0) (#13)
by osm on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 11:10:57 PM PST
Of course, as soon as we encourage their civil rights, they'll piss and moan about how we always have to interfere with other nations.

Personally, I lean toward letting the rest of the world blow itself straight to hell. God has always smiled upon these United States.

OSM!! (1.00 / 1) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 01:40:35 AM PST
You stupid dumb dipshit!!

The internet and the technology it runs has it origin by way of the U.S. Gov't long before MS and a hell of a lot longer than AOL ever existed. It was designed as a secure means of communications between Nuclear Silos. Later it was used by Universities. Universities using Gov't Grants created the internet as we kow it today. For example that Cisco routers were created at Stanford University before Cisco was around. Perl is also not the teen hackers language of choice.. What is you ask...VBS..Who created VBS you ask.. MICROSOFT!!! SO shut up and learn a little before you speak..You bug me!!

Dear "Sir", (none / 0) (#17)
by osm on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 03:03:37 AM PST
You stupid dumb dipshit!!

How ironic.

The internet and the technology it runs has it origin by way of the U.S. Gov't long before MS and a hell of a lot longer than AOL ever existed.

How many times do I have to explain this? This is just plain wrong. Microsoft and AOL ARE the internet, always HAVE BEEN the internet and always WILL BE the internet. The technology developed by AOL and Microsoft in a landmark partnership was STOLEN by university hippie hackers. It seems that "hacker" is some computer-speak for "thief". You sandal-wearing, long-haired punks just can't stand the fact that two mega-corporations are the only reason you are able to engage in your insidious activities.

It was designed as a secure means of communications between Nuclear Silos.

That's cute. Nice touch. Of course, this is absurd. Try typing "go NuclearSilo" on AOL and see what happens. Nothing. That's because you're full of shit.

Later it was used by Universities. Universities using Gov't Grants created the internet as we kow it today.

Let me correct that paragraph for you:
"Later, it was STOLEN by leftist hippie infested Universities ILLEGALLY using government hardware."

Perl is also not the teen hackers language of choice.

Yeah, right. Our server logs are saturated with instances of hackers trying to access our content using illegal perl hacker tools.

SO shut up and learn a little before you speak..You bug me!!

History is filled with example after example of people who are "bugged" by the TRUTH.

Maybe if you hacker kiddies quit taking LSD you would be able to form a cogent argument.

To think (none / 0) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 03:47:17 AM PST
You are a editor or whatever on this site..But I guess you need to try and sound stupid so people use the boards. Heck it worked on me didn't it. Speaking of truths..
How many Viruses are written with Perl vs. VBS?

off topic (none / 0) (#29)
by error27 on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 10:18:42 AM PST
>>How many Viruses are written with Perl vs. VBS?

Does this look like a site for discussing illegal hacking techniques? Does it have open sores war3z for you to download? is not a hacking site.

If you are having trouble with your "skr1ptz" then ask on a different website... No one here is going to help you because hacking is illegal.

PS. Get a life. Hacking isn't cool.

I have some bad news for you. (5.00 / 1) (#23)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 11:08:55 AM PST
What? What exactly are these illegal methods, and which universities use them?

Ignorance is no excuse before the law.

Please expect a visit from some large, burly men

The feelings of inadequacy that compel you to utter threats of violence are obviously out of place on a site called adequacy. They are also illegal.

Dear Sir, (none / 0) (#8)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Tue Jan 8th, 2002 at 09:21:11 PM PST
My female typists would like to inform you that you should work on your whitespace.

Please resubmit this diary for us to read your no doubt strong arguments. In the mean time, I have no idea what it is you wrote.

Thank you for your time. PS: AOL is indeed the internet. Only hackers use other means to connect to AOL using so called "I.S.P.'s".

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright © 2002, Martino Cortez.

Lessons to learn (none / 0) (#21)
by First Incision on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 06:26:56 AM PST
Mr. Aragorn, your first goal in life should be to become popular. There are many ways of becoming popular.

Writing incoherent, hard-to-read posts on worn-out hacker topics may make you popular in some places, but these places are few and far between.

Making a post like this will do two things. First, it will bore the hell out of the intelligent and interesting people around here. Second, it make them antagonistic towards you, and they will make fun of you. Do not challenge their rhetorical skills. As of yet, you have not even mastered the paragraph.
Do you suffer from late-night hacking? Ask your doctor about Protonix.

l33t haxor html ta6z (5.00 / 1) (#24)
by doofus on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:42:47 PM PST
So...since my story submission was ignored, I will simply post here.

Perhaps there was a reason your "story" was not accepted. Perhaps that reason was that it was considered much too flawed and filled with blatent inaccuracies.

For that matter, none of the following is evil: Perl Linux (or Lunix, for what it's worth...) Linus (the man behind the OS) RMS or ESR or the GNU project or Apache or telnet or ssh or encryption or any of the other things most on this site seem terrified of

I'll have more to say about Perl in a minute. Linux seems to be a good person, if a little misguided. RMS and ESR have been covered in depth on this site many times. Why are you figuratively beating those literal dead horses? The other "technologies" you mentioned are neither moral nor immoral - they are inanimate objects (or in this case, dormant executables) that can be used for good or evil. What is important is what is in the user's heart, and an l33t haxor's heart is dark, I'm afraid.

Kuro5shin itself, the parent of the Scoop project, is a hacker gathering place, mostly dealing in news that interests us.

Mentioning that site on this site classifies you immediately as a troll.

Linux was not developed as part of a vast Soviet conspiracy.

Finland was a known Soviet sympathizing country. Any freedom-loving Soviet escapee that managed to get across the Soviet-Finnish frontier but was caught/found out by Finns were returned to their point of origin. Linux Torvaldez is Finnish. I'll let you to draw your own conclusions.

I'll admit you are correct on one point; Perl (aka "perl") is a "programming language", but it's origins are suspect. Just as the "rock" band Pearl Jam's name refers to human male ejaculate, so does this "programming language" name. As a result, no right-thinking man or woman would even consider using it as a way to create "free speech source code"

The author is a Computer Science student at a Baptist University in the Midwest.

Every computer science student at every Baptist university must decide which path they wish to take; the darkness of hacking and technology or the light of television preacherdom. It's your call, my merely adequate friend.

$50,000? chump change! (none / 0) (#25)
by dirty monkey man on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 01:44:31 PM PST
in all seriousness, i manage a bowling alley and i make a good deal more than that.

if i only made 50k, i would never have been able to buy a house or a car. and i live in a region of the US with a low cost of living.

i'm not trying to burst your bubble, but i want you to be prepared for relative poverty.

50k (none / 0) (#26)
by SpaceGhoti on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 03:52:25 PM PST
Really? I was living very comfortably with a brand-new Mazda 626 on 50k. Denver is no longer considered a low-cost region, either. Just what do you do with your income?

A troll's true colors.

I dont know about him (5.00 / 1) (#27)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 05:13:09 PM PST
but I buy Open Source Software. It's true I have no money left for hookers, but I have a cunning plan to rescue myself from unfulfilled sexual desire: become a convinced, militant tkatchevist.

must be all the coke... (5.00 / 1) (#28)
by dirty monkey man on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 07:29:39 PM PST
actually, in my post i said 'house or car' when i should have said 'house and car'.

the house was the big part though, having a nice car and a nice apartment is easy, it's saving up a good-sized down payment that i found to be hard. on 50k i wouldn't have a house for a long time, and i could have forgotten about ever starting a family.

50k is nothing, it's dogshit, a joke. if you're a single-income family you are going to have a seriously hard time on that unless you live in the ozarks and make your own clothes and whiskey.

see we're fooled into looking around and seeing people making that kind of money who have a house and a car and a family, but see people like that all have something in common, namely two incomes.

that middle class comfortable 50k is really more like a hardwon 80 or 90k, with the additional burden of both parents being so fucking wiped out that they're ready to kill themselves or each other.

no thanks.


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