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Whats happening in the world - the Middle East, Afghanistan, here, there, everywhere, its all just a repetition. It feels like we've been here before. Each news item is different and yet deep down, it feels like a repeat. Each war is new and yet the causes behind it aren't new at all. The past stretches a long time back and that phrase springs to mind: "history repeats itself".
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So where does that leave us? Is each generation just a copy of the last one, carrying out the same actions? Indeed, how do we distinguish ourselves from our ancestors?
We lust for revenge just like our ancestors did and we are capable of hate just like our ancestors too - socially we are the same. After 5000 years of supposed civilisation we still start wars and have trouble ending them. We certainly arent any better at dealing with our most destructive thoughts. The Ancient Greeks probably had the same lack of ability at solving social problems as we do today. Disregard any thoughts about being socially superior to your ancestors - also disregard being socially superior to others on this planet. I know that many citizens of the West consider themselves more civilised than the inhabitants of violent countries such as Palestine but the truth is that we're exactly the same. And so it happened - a war in Afghanistan which was called a "War against terrorism" but which at the end of the day to many Americans was primarily all about revenge. More Afghanistan civilians died in the following retribution than in the WTC incident itself but to many Americans this was justified because "they did it to us first". Im not looking down on Americans at all - they are fine people. All im doing is using their reaction to the WTC as an example that shows whether you live in America, Israel, Afghanistan or anywhere else in the world, you're just as capable of squabbling, fighting and revenge when put in that situation. Even I have found myself to be perfectly capable of hate and revenge I admit. So it seems that as a species we havent improved much socially from the start of History. Are we therefore really capable of coping with the ever increasing technology we develop and the problems it brings?
Big question - do we need wars for some reason? Are they part of what makes us human...remove the hate and you remove the love kind of thing?
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