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 Not just harmless fun

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Nov 29, 2001
Once upon a time two great alliances of nations fought a long and bitter war in a clash of good against evil. Eventually the forces of light won, and all that remained was one small nation led by evil rulers that would not surrender, no matter what the cost to their nation.

In their wisdom, the greatest nation in the forces of light decided that it would be wrong to drag the battle out longer than was necessary and decimate those whose only fault was to have been duped by evil men, and so they got their mightiest wizards to rain fire upon their two of their enemy's cities, and the enemy leaders realised their folly and capitulated at once.

Knowing that prosperity encourages peace, the wise men of the great nation went into the conquered nation and helped rebuild it, letting the people rule themselves and build a future for their nation. In time, they began to prosper thanks to hard work and ingenuity, and eventually they became a mighty trading nation, far surpassing any level of wealth they might have otherwise expected.

Unfortunately the clash of old and new cultures gave rise to value system that neither culture would have been happy with. Indeed, some of these new fetishes were so virulently immoral they could be described as a plague. And like any plague, they could spread far beyond where they were spawned, infecting entirely new cultures unused and unprotected from their effects.

This is a story about one such plague, and how it has reached our shores.


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Jon Erikson

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Pearl vs. Python: A Technical Review

In recent years there has been a growing trend amongst radical youth elements of American society for cultural relativism, the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer. This is clearly not true, and anyone that cares to take the time to do the research will find that the US is by far the world's greatest nation in terms of any statistic that matters. Unfortunately thanks to the influence of Liberal elements in our once-great education system these individuals choose to turn away from the products our cultures produces and embrace alien ideas that are an affront to God and our Founding Fathers.

Censored owing to un-Christian content

In some cases this relativism is less harmful than others; the English culture apes our own enough so that there is little harm to be had. But other so-called cultures are purely and simply alien to morality, and the cultural apologists are nothing more than a group of deceivers intent on the final replacement of Christian moral values with a Liberal credo of immorality and sin.

The worst attack on morality comes in the form of Japanese manga films, which spread a shocking message of immorality under the cover of animation, a cynical move targetting a genre typically aimed at children. These films are supposedly aimed at adults, but a moment's reflection counters this vacuous argument - what kind of grown adult watches cartoons? When we become adults we put childish things behind us, and cartoons, whilst of invaluable aid in entertaining and educating children, are of no use to a healthy adult of sound mind and firm moral base.

Upon my first encounter with this foriegn plague I was shocked at the gratuitous use of violence and anti-Christian symbolism. These films all fall into the fantasy and science-fiction genres (which are little more than a hotbed of paganism and Satanism anyway) and the stories generally involve an epic conflict between the forces of "good," who are typically inbued with obviously Satanic powers, and their enemies, also possessing such powers. Indeed, the only difference being that the forces of "evil" are more obviously demonic in their visages! These two forces engage in megaviolent battles using their Satanic powers, and at the end of an orgy of blood and dismembered limbs the forces of "good" are victorious and undoubtedly retire to give thanks to their evil master.

At this point I was shocked enough. Never before have I seen such a celebration of violence and Satanism, and to see it in a medium designed to entice children had me gripping the edge of my seat in righteous outrage. What kind of sick mind could conceive of such a vicious assault on the kind of decent Christian values that made America the greatest nation on Earth? It was clear to me at that point that this was nothing other than an insidious campaign being waged against our nation's youths, designed to blind them to the Truth and install the Liberal lies of a relativistic paradise where morality is whatever makes you feel good.

And worse yet, it was succeeding! The popularity of manga films has increased over the last decade, and yet few people have realised how many of our nation's children have been turned to the Liberals. I at once decided that something needed to be done about this scourge, and began to engage in an intense bout of research, forcing myself to watch hour after hour of this immoral filth. And slowly, something else became clear. I had been wrong. Very wrong.

No, the real agenda was not the dissemination of psychopathic and anti-Christian messages. These were nothing more than a cover for what these vile "films" were really pushing. It became clear only after watching several of the so-called classics (as if any film made less than fifty years ago could be termed a classic!) that the real agenda was truly Satanic - manga films exist solely to promote the idea that paedophilia is good!


Not content with dominance in the field of consumer electronics, it was now clear to me that the Japanese wished to bring about the downfall of our society by spreading this cancer in our midst, targetting the most naive and vulnerable segments of our population - teenagers and college students.

The evidence for this is clear to anyone not so simple-minded and deluded by a Liberal education. In a cheap trick the perverts that create manga films have stolen their animation techniques from Disney, and given all of their characters the same wide-eyed child-like look of innocence seen in such timeless children's classics as Sleeping Beauty or Snow White. This makes it clear that even when showing supposedly adult characters, they are subliminally referring instead to young children.

Of course it doesn't end here, for like all Liberal filthmongers they know no bounds to their depravity. The characters in these obscenities, especially the female ones, are drawn in a blatently sexual manner, with exaggerated sexual attributes, impossible proportions and disturbingly provocative clothing (when there is any!). Each character has been crafted to act upon the deadly sin of lust, and is an unholy masterpiece of desire. I found myself watching these succubi again and again, mesmerised and unable to comprehend such un-Christian filth.

When you combine the evidence the secret agenda becomes only too clear - that children are sexual creatures, and that it is alright to feel lust towards them. Furthermore, the graphic scenes of violence in manga films are clearly designed to incite violence against children in the furtherance of these foul desires. Clearly it is not only enough to simply instill such unwholesome thoughts in the minds of our youth, they are intent upon inciting violence of a most deviant manner upon our nation's children!

This is against everything that is decent and Christian in the world! It is clearly part of the Liberalist agenda of secular multiculturalism, and part of the drive towards their ultimate goal of One World government ruling over a homogenous, unthinking lower class devoid of the Christian ethics that separate us from savages.

Tomorrow I begin my crusade. If you too share the values that made this country the greatest in the world, I urge you to think of a generation lost to Satan, and to make a stand against the tide of filth lapping at our Christian shores.

Another Japanese import (none / 0) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 09:15:43 AM PST
I'd like to over here is vending machines that sell used school girl knickers. Many's the time I've run out of them on the weekend and being able to purchase them 24/365 would better than waiting until monday morning when the school's are open....

it can't possibly be (none / 0) (#102)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 12:21:42 AM PST
"I found myself watching these succubi again and again..."

Is this article for real? Got to be a joke. No one capable of operating a computer actually thinks like that.

hm..... (none / 0) (#133)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:39:50 AM PST
Wow it's amazing to me that so many people can be so closed minded and be herded like sheep to any cause. Next thing you know people will be wanting to say that breathing is against "God's" will. The very idea that anime is a tool of satan is rediculous and one thing that bothers me is the hipocracy of most people who post articles like this. 9 times out of 10 the people who post these "beware of <topic> its a tool of satan" are just as bad if not worse about other things. the guys who started this article probly watches kiddy porn.

Message to the great Jon Erikson and Adam Rightman (none / 0) (#146)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:11:51 PM PST
As a fellow Christian, i must say something about this. And this is what i have to say... you are sooooo stereotypical Jon and Adam. You guys judge things right away without understanding them, makes me kinda think you guys are prejudice. First off, just cause people grows up doesn't mean they still get to watch cartoons. Cartoons is a form of ENTERTAINMENT, not just learning morals and that. When a adult grows up, they can do anything they want to do. Second, your researching on Japanese animation, Anime, or manga (or the way you named it, the Foriegn Plague) is really really awful. I am disappointed on your research and lack of knowledge for anime and manga. Not all anime and manga is for children, most are suitiable for teenagers and adults. And don't blame Japan, blame the parents who FAILS or does terrible at protecting the kids from the foriegn plague. And not all of the anime are Sci-fi and fantasy, there's also drama, comedy, romance, action, adventure, horror. Oh wait, you were probably blind and ignored them looking for mostly sci-fi and fantasy with hentai (naked filth) in them. Maybe your still watching them- oops, did i insult? I'm sorry, there, happy? Well here's a anime film you should get. It's called "Wings of Honneamise", no, it's not fantasy, maybe a bit of sci-fi since it's about a man wanting to go to space. This is a movie you should watch, there's a christian woman in it. you'll probably enjoy, oh no wait, you probably won't, you already hate anime. my bad.

and to mr. Adam apple- i mean Adam Rightmann. How dare you say all manga readers are geeks. That's like a big insult towards everyone. I thought good people aren't suppose to insult other people? oh no, this must mean adam is retarded. Anyways i have a friend who's a geek but is really friendly and such. He knows what anime is but doesn't watch it much often. Also, i happen to be a geek who loves anime.

I am really disappointed in this article or message or whatever. Also, you're terrible and pathetic at researching subjects. All i'm going to do after i post this is laugh at you... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Wasn't this originally about Anime? (none / 0) (#166)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 04:15:50 PM PST
It seems to have have spawned in to a religious war. And so I will take the freedom to return to the discussion of Anime.

I must firmly agree with points made that the article was quite biased and unreasearched. At the core of things, really only Hentai anime where presented. Surely, why do people waste their time making an argument with only knowing an ounce of what they are writing about?

Firstly I will clearly state that I am a GIRL. And I am also an anime fan. So this comment is written from a female point of view.

Number one, I would like to eliminate the stereotype of anime "only exploiting woman, and written by filthy men." Or the like. If that is the case, then why do truckloads of female fans exist? That is because as stated before, anime is an artform!

Both anime and manga are a way of telling stories through pictures. Wether moving or on paper. And let me tell you, there are billions and billions of different titles produced. And all a bout different things.

It is true there are anime giving females strong roles, tons. There is a whole genre of anime called "Shoujo." Which are literally translated two anime/manga aimed at girls. Many of these titles feature strong [or equally as pathetic, depending on the author.[ Female characters.

Such as the life loving, young, talented and quite hyper Sana Kurata. The main character in a well loved anime "Kodomo no Omocha." [Childs toy.] Sana is merely a young 11 year old girl who stars frequently in a television show. The program follows her life over a couple of years. While it can be quite silly, it can be extremely realistic as well. It touches on many family related issues. Such as adoption, teen pregnancy, death/divorce, loss of parents, sibling rivalry, etc. "Kodomo no Omocha" is also an incredible love story. But it doesn't have any sex, or nudity, or "exploitation of woman." It is a program aimed at young, primarily female viewers. It teaches children alot of basic morals.

I don't see anything about that, do you?

How about something for a slighter older audience, but of course not hentai. It is prejudiced to say that adults who watch "Cartoons" are pedophiles. That is completely generalized and immature for various reasons. Including, well how do you know what all these "cartoons are about?" Thats right! You only know what a vague few are about.

I believe excellent titles such as "Rurouni Kenshin" have been mentioned before. This can appeal to any audience who is mature enough to handle it. It's the story of a retired Japanese assasin, Kenshin. Who wanders the land and fights to protect the people. But he will never kill. The character of Kenshin is not infact the glory he seems to be. The talented author, Mr Watsuki Nobuhiro [who is by no means a pervert.] explains well Kenshin's love for the land and farming [especially shown in the Original animated video, about Kenshin's past.] His philosophical influence, how he has matured. Kenshin's faults throughout his life, and his amazing defeats.

And Rurouni Kenshin does have violence in it. How could it not, considering the time period and themes? And that Kenshin's past is SET JURING A REAL, VIVID REVOLUTION? A revolution that truly existed? Yes, Kenshin can also update you on your Japanese history.

How about the tale of Gravitation, and when it comes to this one I recommend the manga. You may want to view this comical [and also angst filled] show with an open mind. It does deal with some touchy issues. Some may look upon it as a glossy pretty boy show where everyone is gay, but that infact is not true. Though Gravitation has many light and silly characterizations and events. It also tells us about some very interesting characters. Like the dark novelist, Yuki Eiri. Some of the issues approached are male homosexuality, the media, the music industry, financial issues, love, bitterness, hate, isolation, to be haunted, and even more social taboos.. Such as rape.

But Gravitation is not hentai, porn, whatever. Everything in the above is essential to plot. And to make that convincing, theres not going to be any explicit hentai. And certainly not exploitation of women. And you know what? I love the show.

Is that not enough? I've just pulled two miraculous programs from my hat of that contains thousands of names. No it isn't? Well oh boy. Try some of these, there not all for children because of themes, not hentai. And I do dare you to research atleast one of the titles below,..

Tokyo Babylon
Grave of the Fireflies [tear jerking and absolutely stunning.]
ANY of Hayao Miyazaki's films [heart warming]
Evangelion [please keep an open mind..]
Yami no Matsuei
Angel Sanctuary [mind boggling illustration]
Macross Plus [must see]
Card captor Sakura [good childrens program]
ayashi no ceres [high in drama]
Revolutionary girl Utena [you want symbolism? and STRONG female characters, this is the one for you!]
Fake [light comedy.]
Kareshi Kanojo ni Jiyou [very touching romance]

there are a few of my favorites for various reasons. Go ahead, try a little.


this is b/s (none / 0) (#174)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 06:03:04 PM PST
dude, maybe if you would take your head out of your ass for once, you would see that there are other religions in the world besides Christianity. what you are is a racist bastard. saying that the only "righteous" culture in the world are American Christians. what right do you have to put down other cultures that you haven't even experienced? if you are the one saying that America is the greatest, and that Christianity is the only acceptable religion, then you are the un-American one. the american dream is to do away with racism and hate in our world, and people like you are the ones that prevent that from happening...people like you disgust me. -J�k�

I am an American (none / 0) (#183)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:14:17 PM PST
Damn Straight.

Baka (none / 0) (#185)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:28:23 PM PST
This has got to be one of the funniest things I've read in along time.. I can't believe someone actually believes this bullshit..

Pft... x2 (none / 0) (#190)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:41:07 PM PST
You are nothing more then racist scum. Stay on your PERFECT country, wich, may I add, is in total DECADENCY. Oh, but nothing to worry about at all, eh? Because you're protected and invulnerable! THAT'S IT! Until you get hit by a bullet, that is.

So, as I already mentioned, you're not immortal or, at last, something worthy of mention, so, here we see that you can't say ANYTHING about what people think or do. Just get your ass off that chair and go "Purify" everyone! Better! Start a war with Asia! Why not? Aren't you great enough to WRITE that hate them? Maybe because you can't do anything more then just siting your butt and writring something random, in a act of despair to escape of your miserable life and be noted by someone? BINGO!

So, before starting to try to act as a man. Show off your face. Yeah. Again, why not? Aren't you protected? What? Are all these "GEEKS" not fair to fight you? What a loser...

Go get a life, racist scum.

And, plus, you haven't archived your goal of being a total idiot in font of us. No... Actually, we are just felling bad for someone like you being a live. Kill Youself.

wow what a fucktard! (none / 0) (#209)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:46:05 PM PST
This is perfect example of some pissed off fuck head hiding behind his religion. I would like to know ware all the "god loves every one" talk went. Isn't that the whole thing behind Christianity? I used to be Christian but I have renounced it because I found out it was evil. What has religion ever brought us...? False hopes.... War.....Death, that's it. Man created religion because man wants to feel needed, man needs to know everything.... So what do we do, we invent god.God is a figment of mans ego, mans ego to need to understand everything. Religion is the easiest way to fills our hearts with false hopes of an after life and a happier life. Well I say that is all BS. Too many lives have been taken away because of religion.... More than have been saved by it.

Who started the crusades....? Hmmm oya that's what I thought, Christians, oh and who did the Salem which hunts...oh they were Christians too.....Who kills in the name of "god" oh people who believe in him do. How many murders have been attributed to god...oh about 60% of all murders in the world in 1990 was in the name of "god".

You people sicken me. All you can do is blame blame blame blame blame blame.... But you never take any kind of blame for your self. I watch anime; I would be considered an otaku. I have watched some "hentai" which from my point of view you seem to know allot about.... Hiding something hmmm? Anime has never caused anyone to commit suicide, no one has killed in the name of anime, it is a harmless cartoon. Now it looks like you are the evil one, YOU are the type of person that makes this world a bad place to live in. You discriminate and hurt people all in the name of "god"

Yes I will give religion its just dues. It has brought the best out of people and have joined them together. But this alone can't redeem you. Until there is a religion that does not discriminate and truly lets people come together under no kind of restraint then I will be against it forever. Now do not get me wrong I do not hate people who believe in god, but I do hate people who try and use god to justify things when they are to afread to face the consiquesnese. If I were a god I would be pretty pissed of if someone killed over 6 million Jews in my name. I would be pissed if some asshole thinks that he can go and ruin people's hopes using my name. I would sure as hell be pissed if I had a fucktard saying that he is fighting in my name.

ps: i know the gramer and spelling suck, but i dont feel like fixing them. Espechaly not for a fucktard like you!

Hah... (none / 0) (#223)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:34:48 PM PST
Extremes are idiocy. That goes for religion, politics, many other things. Such as 'good' and 'evil'. I figured this out a while ago. Does it make so much sense that I see extremes in morons, and in stupid acts of the past and present...

Inteligence(yes its spelled wrong for a reason) (none / 0) (#341)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:14:00 PM PST
I managed to wander across this article through a manga based comic site, and after reading this article and replies i can firmly say one thing. Wow, what a lifeless sheltered boob. I myself am a big fan of anime and manga(for the fact, its called anime films, not manga films, capt. winkey, manga is the serialized comics) and i do take extreme offense to this article and to all of its slandering. I used to be christian, hell i used to put faith in god, but after reading out of the bible, and seeing how a lot of them acted, i got embaressed. These arent caring nurturing men of god, these are bigits, pure, simple, bland. I have since renounced my beliefs and lead a simpler life.

"I can kill cause in god i trust, ha, Its evolution baby"

Cute kid. (none / 0) (#368)
by tkatchev on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 02:15:23 AM PST
You're quite cute, kid. Didja think of all that by yourself? Wow, you're smart for your age! Here, have a nickel. Run along now, before you hurt yourself. Remember, don't play with matches!

Peace and much love...

Erikson, you are less of a Christian...... (none / 0) (#414)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 06:50:39 AM PST
You are less of a Christian than Osama Binladen is a muslim, which he is not, no matter what he tells you. I am a christian, yes. However, I don't support organized religion, because all it does is turn out people like you. I may not even be considered a Christian, but I beleive that to be a christian, all you need to beleive in is, my lord, and hopefully yours to, Jesus Christ! Oh, and here is the kind of thing you would say, only more logical: What kind of Christian would use pictures of Jesus to cover up tits? It is no doubt people like you who call Harry Potter, Magic The Gathering, and even Pokemon satanic and evil! The only single thing slightly controversial in Harry Potter is that they CALL it wizardry, where as it is really just saying words and making lights turn on. Things like that do exsist you know, but it would be easier to just clap your hands. Magic the Gathering is in no way evil. All it is is the most strategic card game ever, and it happens to use a word called Magic. Do people that think Magic The Gathering is evil also think Magicians are evil? You can't spell Magician without MAGIC! And WTF, how could any living being beleive Pokemon to be evil? By all means, Disney is way eviler than Pokemon. Do you think that Halloween is evil because we are honoring the dead? God bless America, which beleive it or not is not a communist country ruled by wacked out sudo-christians as you would like it to be, we had to read Harry Potter in school! Well, if you didn't want to you could read the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, but I don't see how that is any better, so you probably think it is Satanic as well. If what you beleive is Satan, really is Satan, than we would be alot better off under his rule! Better that than communism. However you are inncorrect in your view of Satan, you would know this is you went to Church more than once a decade. I knew that and I have only been to church 4 or 5 times. I have seen a very wide variety of Anime from Furi Kuri, to Dragon Ball Z, to Sakura Tsushin. I only watch anime in strictly Japanese with English Subtitles form. Soon enough however, I will be able to watch it completely unaltered once I know more Japanese. You obviously watch dubbed anime, because English is the language of God, right? Most anime isn't Hentai. How could you be such a communist? I supose you will never have a child mr. minister. Well, god tells us to have children, what are you going to do now? There is nothing wrong with the human body, for after all, God gave it to us. I, am a Thirteen year old boy. This is true. However, because of Anime, I am twice as mature, culturaly diverse, and in some cases intelligent as grown men such as yourself, and that person that said he wanted to kill all the Chinese, Mexicans, and blacks. Here is a news flash for ya, GOD DOESN'T HATE OUR GUTS! Why not go back to the first civilization, Mesopotamia, and live there where we where thought of as nothing more than servants to the gods. The good thing about being back there, is that only the Scribes knew how to write, so I wouldn't have the oportunity to read such horrible filth that you have turned out. As a christian I have allways learned that God loves all of us and that we should simply ask forgiveness to God. The vengful god that strikes down jews and blacks, for no reason at all, does not exsist, my freind. Anyone who has ever been to Church knows this. I saw an anime (Yes it was anime) not to long ago about Christianity and god. There was this guy living in some olden time, and he went to the king and said that he would no longer beleive in their gods because they wouldn't bless him with a child despite his offerings and prayers. The king aimed to kill him so he escaped. Our God told him that he was the true god of Heaven and Earth and that they would have a child. So then he goes off and starts to make children. So God tells him that so long as he beleivs in him, that he would bless him and bless everyone that blessed him, all he needed to do was beleive in him. Man! That is some horrible filth them Japs got there! We should hang each and everyone one of them! Incase you have so little of an imagination that you couldn't tell, I was being completely sarcastic. I love the Japanese and Japan more so. I also love America, but despise the kind of satanic country of Communism and force worship that you describe. If America becomes like that, I'll sooner kill the President with my own hands than follow that. Do you have a problem with that?
By the way, I am not angry, I actually am rather hysterical!

You gotta be kidding.... (none / 0) (#428)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 11:30:57 AM PST
Either this is a joke, or I wonder whether you have ever watched anime...

If you don't like it, ok, that's just your opinion, but you have this certain clich� remarks... It just appears that you're writing this as an anti-clich� by ridiculing the comment that is put out by a lot of the press/media/whatever, or that you just have taken over the opinion of the press/media/whatever without even ever having watched anime. Or the third option is that you have only watched Hentai...

You are a moron. (none / 0) (#445)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 04:50:58 PM PST

Suport Upers.


Research subject before you speak. (none / 0) (#486)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 07:59:37 PM PST
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so from that standpoint your article was fine. But in the future, research your subject farther than the mainstream and what's hidden in the porn section of your local video store. Anime and manga (two different things) aren't satanic or evil. They are not only for children. Don't try to change the world when you don't really know what's going on in it.

yay! (none / 0) (#189)
by Rubette on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:38:25 PM PST
You're very right!! *claps* Especially the Gravitation part ^_^.

But the sad part is, he wont listen to a word you say, seeing as that the word "homosexuality" is written in your response. Oh well.

Emiko did /research/, Mr. author, I suggest you do the same.

Hear, hear. (none / 0) (#286)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:45:48 AM PST
"Emiko did /research/, Mr. author, I suggest you do the same."

I'm positive that this wasn't the first time this was stated in this thread... so what part of this do you not understand?

.....peep going the silly site.... (none / 0) (#227)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:39:58 PM PST
Tokyo Babylon(I must say I love this one)
Grave of the Fireflies [tear jerking and absolutely stunning.] (nods head)
ANY of Hayao Miyazaki's films [heart warming] (nods head some more)
Evangelion [please keep an open mind..] (I got a little confused with the hole God and Angels thing but I get it now)
Angel Sanctuary [mind boggling illustration] (I love that one
Card captor Sakura [good childrens program](Kero-chan ish cute ^-^
Revolutionary girl Utena [you want symbolism? and STRONG female characters, this is the one for you!] UTENA UTENA UTENA and JURI!!!!!!! weeee Poor Utena and Anthy sniff the movie was sad..
Fake [light comedy.] (I like this as well)

rather funny this whole site is looks around..ahhhhhhhh but hentai is very nicely drawn and no all people in hentai are not perfect....and yes I am a girl one I got here from a club an Artist club did you know had it not been for Japan this site would look like shit and our computers would look like shit....hell even when I did belive in "god" my prist said that many cultures made up our religion and so forth.....bla I would rather be Pagan the go back to your hell hole of stupidity..... and bye hell I mean the 9 hells from The slayers * great Anime*

All I have to say is meh, and you people are sick. (none / 0) (#260)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 12:22:01 AM PST
This is all so seriously messed up how you all can be so incredibly hypocritical. You preach Christianity, yet your say to "get rid of" the "homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians". You are all incredibly hardcore zealots I must say.

Now, something that truly bothers me is that you people are like Nazis in your own sense. You are willing to commit genocide in the name of a god, which the only thing that you know about him is what is written in some book that was made by people who most likely just made up what they wrote to help others feel better of them selves or to control them.

You are the type of people who will disown a child, because they are born homosexual, just like that bigot Fred Phelps. I don't know why you extremist seem to be all over when you are only minorities. Maybe it just I some how find you people picking corners of circuses, hospitals, and maybe just even harassing pro-choice supporters.

Now, you have come on the subject that anime is bad. I want to know, why is it that you show censored hentai up their rather than pictures of gore, like Tetsuo's mutation (Akira reference), or maybe some other horridly bloody images which depict this violence which has disturbed you so?
I will tell you why Mr. "These people are obviously pedophiles" Because you went to a dammed hentai site just to relieve your self and crop some images your followers would find disturbing.

I wont to know, why is it people like you aren't more enthusiastic at doing something important? Like maybe, I don't know, not pissing the majority of this state you supposedly love?

I swear, I have enough hatred for Christians who say some crap about "Hope your happy come judgment day" or some crap, but having to put up with you zealots and having Fred Phelps lackeys in my own community just pisses me off.

Now, if you must insist to bitch about something, why not fight a little 'holy-war' in the name of a god you believe you can understand against pop music and rap, which would make me very happy you hypocrites.
P.S. I don't care if you flame me because it will probably be with some stupid remarks about my Agnostic views and me.

Anime (none / 0) (#369)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 02:18:39 AM PST
Anime aint evil.. thats just like.. HELLO KITTY being evil.. sheesh.. someone was stoned while writing this

I've noticed many geeks like manga and anime (5.00 / 3) (#12)
by Adam Rightmann on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 09:41:57 AM PST
Thank you, Jon, for opening my eyes to this menace.

One thing, I've noticed that many geeks like manga and anime. Many of this same demographic also like computer games and pornography. There seems to be a common thread, a desire for some adult rights, but a lack of adult responsibility and a desire to stay immature forever, perhaps a Peter Pan syndrome.

Ie. they want to have sex, but not with a real woman who needs emotional support and who may have a hairy, physically imperfect body. They want to take risks in combat or business or politics, but want all ill effect to disapper when they click close.

Is there any hope for these emotionally retarded geekfolk? Should they be isolated from normal people so they could pursue there perversions amongst themselves? Of course not, for just like marijuana use leads to hard drug use, cartoon depictions of pedophilia eventually lead to hanging around schoolyards.

I recommend a treatment of avesion therapy, clerical intervention and possible hormonal injections to cause the geeks to grow up, experience adolescence, and beocme interested in being functioning adults, rather than man-children.

We must do this, or our daughters will suffer.

A. Rightmann

Indeed (5.00 / 1) (#13)
by Jon Erikson on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 09:50:41 AM PST
There seems to be a common thread, a desire for some adult rights, but a lack of adult responsibility and a desire to stay immature forever, perhaps a Peter Pan syndrome.

I myself have noticed that there seems to be a lot of fairies amongst "geek" and Liberal elements.

Is there any hope for these emotionally retarded geekfolk?

There is always hope for even the most hardened sinner, as anyone but a Catholic would realise. Repentance is worth any cost, and even in the face of an unwilling recipient, the grace of God is worth any price to achieve.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

differing moral codes (1.00 / 1) (#27)
by Ravnos on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 11:57:16 AM PST
I myself have noticed that there seems to be a lot of fairies amongst "geek" and Liberal elements.

By fairies, I assume you refer homosexuals, gays, or preferences other than for heterosexual missionary style with the lights out.

Call them what you will, but I feel that you should actually attempt to do a modicum of research before posting and exposing your ignorance. Let's start at the beginning, with your original post.

The worst attack on morality comes in the form of Japanese manga films, which spread a shocking message of immorality under the cover of animation, a cynical move targetting a genre typically aimed at children. These films are supposedly aimed at adults, but a moment's reflection counters this vacuous argument - what kind of grown adult watches cartoons?

Firstly, immorality is always a relative thing. But since your stance is obviously immovable on christianity being anything but the one, right, true way to live I won't go TOO far into arguing that all semetic based religions are a bunch of bunk.

Secondly - who ever discounted amination as a respectable art form, capable of expressing complex ideas and ideoligies? Did you even try to open your mind in hopes of understanding the 5 minutes of Anime you watched while channel surfing late at night?
I challenge you to watch something like Firefly Graveyard or Wings over Honnemaise, or Ghost in the Shell and THEN tell me that anime as a medium and genre is not appropriate for adult viewing. There are all types of quality of works in any medium, and Anime and Manga are no different than silent films, opera, theatre, dance, or that crap that people call "movies" at the 100 screen cineplex.
On to the next bit -

...gratuitous use of violence and anti-Christian symbolism. These films all fall into the fantasy and science-fiction genres (which are little more than a hotbed of paganism and Satanism anyway)

ohmigod - this has GOT to be the most IGNORANT thing I've ever read! And I honestly can't believe I'm wasting my time pointing out all of the flaws in your article, but here goes -

Firstly I question your term "anti-christian symbolism" - what is that exactly? but nevermind -
With a broad statment like gratuitous violence, you have just encompassed almost the whole of humanity, especially those of the "chrisitan" faith. I challenge you to find me a violent person who is claims to be pagan. Good luck. On the other hand, I feel much better now that all the violent chrisitans are in afghanistan getting shot to hell by the another semetic religion. Let them kill each other.

Moving on, Christianity has MORE PAGANISM IN IT than an anime fil could ever HOPE to achieve - not that paganism is a bad thing. But seriously - have you put up your druidic CHRISTmas tree yet? Tossed a yule log on the fire? Hung mistle toe? Bought any gifts yet? Told your kids that Santa's coming? And that's just ONE example - don't forget about easter, oops, I mean ishtar.


Dare I go on?

First, use a spell checker - its spelled pedophilia. Secondly, WHAT KINDA DRUGS ARE YOU ON? 'cause I want some.

No seriously - how can you even SUGGEST that anime is pushing pedophilia to children??? First let's get one thing straight - Manga and anime have been around alot longer than disney style animation. Disney borrows more and more anime style with each movie they produce. Secondly, MANGA AND ANIME AREN'T FOR KIDS! Christ - what kind of fucked up person are you anyway, showing mature film like that you kids? Would you show them Glory a live action movie on blacks in the civil war - and arguably one of the most violent films ever made?

I will conced that some "anime" like Pokemon and DragonBall Z ARE oriented towards kids, but hey you've got a fucking job as a parent to raise your kids how you want - and that means that if movies like Bubble Gum Crises are deemed inappropriate by you then DON'T WATCH THEM AND DON'T LET YOUR KIDS WATCH THEM! It's not just your right, it's your responsibility.

Now, that being said, it's also my right to buy and watch one of the largest anime collections if I want to (and I've got a shitload of anime and manga films). But I don't force it on you , I don't force it on your kids, and NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE! There's no great conspiracy in the media to brainwash your kids - and if you're irresponsible enough to leave your kids to be raised by pop culture, then I have to say you sir are a shining example of a floater in the gene pool.

There is always hope for even the most hardened sinner, as anyone but a Catholic would realise. Repentance is worth any cost, and even in the face of an unwilling recipient, the grace of God is worth any price to achieve.

I think that my above comments do an adequte job of disproving this statement - let me be the first unsalvageable hardened sinner you've met.

The Ravnos

hi (none / 0) (#34)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:28:20 PM PST
You have quite a lot of false certainty about Meat Space which you articulate very poorly using vague half truths, solecisms and an eclectic mix of font styles. You are just the person I'm looking for. What does this piece of code do?

print "@array contains: [", (join " ", @array), "].\n";

Thanks in advance.

Simple. (none / 0) (#40)
by chuckx on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:43:42 PM PST
It prints out the elements of an array. However, you probably want to use this:

print "\@array contains: [", (join " ", @array), "].\n"

By escaping the "@", it will actually print out the statement, "@array contains: ". Otherwise, it will just print out the content of the array twice (first to replace "@array" and next when processing the "join" function).

- chuckx -

Please stop! (2.33 / 3) (#57)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:03:07 PM PST
Please stop DoSing Adequacy with your hacking scripts!

Editor, anywhere? (none / 0) (#75)
by chuckx on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 05:01:15 PM PST
Why is this troll still here?

First of all, it's not my script.

Second, it has absolutely nothing to do with a DOS attack.

- chuckx -

Differing moral codes? (5.00 / 1) (#39)
by Jon Erikson on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:40:05 PM PST
I mean really, there should be no need for a reply at all after reading the subject of your post! As if there were any moral codes other than the one laid out in the Bible!

But since your stance is obviously immovable on christianity being anything but the one, right, true way to live I won't go TOO far into arguing that all semetic based religions are a bunch of bunk.

And your proof for this ridiculous statement is? I'm guessing you're just another product of the Liberal establishment, trained from birth into believing in relativism and the cult of science.

Secondly - who ever discounted amination as a respectable art form, capable of expressing complex ideas and ideoligies?

*sigh* Animation is nothing more than a bastardisation of acting, and simply cannot express the subtle range of emotions that a real person can. As such it's suitable for children's entertainment, but hardly so for something a grown up would want to watch.

Firstly I question your term "anti-christian symbolism" - what is that exactly?

Symbolism that attempts to subvert Christianity obviously. It's hardly a complex phrase is it?

but nevermind - With a broad statment like gratuitous violence, you have just encompassed almost the whole of humanity, especially those of the "chrisitan" faith. I challenge you to find me a violent person who is claims to be pagan.

Atrocious use of punctuation there BTW. And a counterexample for your question is easy - Hitler was a pagan.

Moving on, Christianity has MORE PAGANISM IN IT than an anime fil could ever HOPE to achieve - not that paganism is a bad thing.

Are you really that stupid? Anything that is part of Christianity is Christian. That's just basic logic. Perhaps you should learn some.

First, use a spell checker - its spelled pedophilia. Secondly, WHAT KINDA DRUGS ARE YOU ON? 'cause I want some.

Nonsense - a pedophile is someone with a disgusting fetish for feet. That's not the same thing at all.

No seriously - how can you even SUGGEST that anime is pushing pedophilia to children??? First let's get one thing straight - Manga and anime have been around alot longer than disney style animation.

Wrong. The first example of a manga film was around 1958, a few years before Astro Boy was released. Get your facts straight before attacking me please.

Christ - what kind of fucked up person are you anyway, showing mature film like that you kids?

I would not show that to my children! What kind of sick person are you to even suggest such a thing!

I will conced that some "anime" like Pokemon and DragonBall Z ARE oriented towards kids, but hey you've got a fucking job as a parent to raise your kids how you want - and that means that if movies like Bubble Gum Crises are deemed inappropriate by you then DON'T WATCH THEM AND DON'T LET YOUR KIDS WATCH THEM!

Is this the same Pokemon that shows children summoning demons to do their bidding? My children won't be watching Satanism, that's for sure!

I think that my above comments do an adequte job of disproving this statement - let me be the first unsalvageable hardened sinner you've met.

Sadly there are sinners out there such as yourself which refuse to see the Truth, yes. But I can only pray that one day someone finds you and brings you into the light of the Lord, whether you want it or not. After all, it is every Christian's duty to hold the souls of their fellow men in paramount importance.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

hitler was a pagan? (none / 0) (#63)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:25:06 PM PST
you might want to check up on your history there bubba... hitler was a good christian man and was backed by the bush family. the bush family has never done any wrong have they? putting aside the whole shrub stealing the presidency thing.

Err, Hitler was not a pagan... (none / 0) (#67)
by Deadly Tedly on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:28:50 PM PST
...he was a Catholic. He was born in the Church, baptised and served as an altar boy. He was never excommunicated and always maintained he was a true Catholic (even if he was the only person who thought so). Certainly we Catholics would like to forget that, but it just goes to show that there can be many different interpretations of a religion, some rather extreme, even though it contains a simple list of instructions like the Ten Commandments.

link 1 link 2 link 3

Secondly, if you think that pornographic anime cartoons are intended for children, you are delusional. Just because it is animated, doesn't mean it is for kids. Animation is used as an art form to express all kinds of messages, humorous, pornographic, religious and otherwise. It is no different from painting, sculpture, theater and literature. And like all those other forms, animation can be good, bad, offensive or tame DT

Exactly! (none / 0) (#74)
by Jon Erikson on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 04:28:30 PM PST
...he was a Catholic. He was born in the Church, baptised and served as an altar boy. He was never excommunicated and always maintained he was a true Catholic (even if he was the only person who thought so).

Exactly! He was a Catholic, who are many things but most certainly not Christian!

Christians worship the Lord, not idols and the Virgin Whore. The filthy idolatry of the Catholic "faith" marks them out as being pagans through and through, although insidiously the pretend to be of the True Faith which makes them all the more dangerous in my Book.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

Let me get this straight.... (5.00 / 1) (#82)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 06:47:32 PM PST
See, this is the saddest part of modern Christianity. You claim to be a Christian, and I assume that you are a member of a Protestant Church. On that assumption I would like to point out that without the Catholic Church, there would be no Protestantism for you to be a member of. The Catholic Church is decended from the early churches founded on Jesus' teachings. I also find it disturbing that as a good Christian, who is supposed to love his brother, you are exhibiting blatant racism in your hatred of Japanese produced anime.
Also, the individual earlier who spoke of paganism in Christianity, is absolutly right. Every year I assume that you put up a Christmas tree and tell your kids about Santa. Both of these symbols have their roots in pagan religion and history, but were incorporated into the Christian celebration of Christmas because early Christians were converted pagans and wished to continue those traditions that they felt did not conflict with their new faith.
I do hope that this has served to educate you just a bit, and I sincerely hope that you will learn to bit even a bit more tolerant of those who are not like you. I will say for the record that I was raised in a Christian home and attended Church for 17 years straight before God called me to do his bidding in other ways. By virtue of my lifestyle and beliefs I no longer fall under the constraints of your Christian Church but I do have a very close relationship with God. I would ask that if you attack any statement that I have made it not be my beliefs, I simply ask that you show my beliefs the same respect I have shown yours. Thank you.

"May the Creator bless and guide you along the pathway you choose."

Like I said... (5.00 / 1) (#90)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 09:02:37 PM PST
...different interpretations.

Like it or not, Roman Catholics were there first. Even if you have issues with the Catholic Church, at least appreciate that they kept the Word alive for several hundred years in the dark catacombs before anyone had anything to protest about and move to a different flavor (relativism anyone?). Maybe "Love your brother" means nothing to your brand of "CHRISTianity". Maybe "Virgin Whore" is not a contradiction in terms to you. Maybe Jesus was American, not Palestinian, even if America didn't exist for 800 more years. Hopefully, you do understand the bit about shaking the dust from your feet and moving on.


"Catholics were FIRST?!" (none / 0) (#96)
by tkatchev on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:23:46 PM PST
Read some history books, your statements are simply ridiculous. Catholics split off from the Christian church around the turn of the first millenium.

Peace and much love...

I know I'm late and all that... (none / 0) (#598)
by Kitsune Aywen on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 09:07:05 AM PST
No, neither the catholics nor the protestants were first. The church 'split in two'. The mainstream back then was more catholic than protestian, but each fraction will tell you the other is the splinter group, even though it doesn't really matter. ^^ Originally, they weren't organised in a church in the first place.


that has nothing to do with it. (none / 0) (#603)
by nathan on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 11:31:11 PM PST
You Western-centered ignoramuses are a riot. There's more to the Christian world than Catholics and Protestants, you know. Man, you probably think Zen Buddhism originated in Japan.

Anyway, the original Christian church had assorted schools of thought within it, some of which generated modern churches. If I recall correctly, there were eleven principal churches, such as those of Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, and Alexandria. Some traditions originating from these churches are quite distinct from anything credal in the Western churches. For instance, the Monophysites (Nestorians) believe in the unified nature of Jesus (ie, He had one nature that was both divine and human, as opposed to the Western churches, which believe that Jesus had two natures.) The history of church succession is very tangled.

The Great Schism, in the XIIth century, is the name given to the split between the Byzantine church and the Roman church. The Pope and the Ecumenical Patriarch excommunicated one another over issues of primacy. Since then, the Eastern church has claimed that its practices are those of the original Apostolic church, which is to say the church established by the Apostles.

This is what Mr. Tkatchev is talking about. I advise you to do much reading before responding further.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

I'm well aware ... (none / 0) (#612)
by Kitsune Aywen on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 03:00:58 AM PST
... of the fact that there are more Christian churches than the two which are 'mainstream' today. I chose a random post from this arguement to reply to, because I was sick of people trying to decide which church was first - the two 'mainstream' churches today became existant at the same time, at least if you see them in contrast to each other. But it's beside the point anyways.


nice try (none / 0) (#613)
by nathan on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 10:18:17 AM PST
...but it's obvious Mr Tkatchev was talking about the Catholic/Orthodox schism, and you responded as though he were talking about the Catholic/Protestant bifurcation instead.

You are weak! You will be destroyed!

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Uh huh, Who is the idiot? (none / 0) (#687)
by atenHi on Sun Feb 24th, 2002 at 08:01:20 PM PST
"You Western-centered ignoramuses are a riot. There's more to the Christian world than Catholics and Protestants, you know. Man, you probably think Zen Buddhism originated in Japan."

Not that I have any argument here, but nathan is not the Wondersmartboy he claims to be. Zen Buddhism DID originate in Japan. It is a mix of Buddhism and Shinto.

HAHA! Caught you!

lol. (none / 0) (#647)
by BillyGreene on Sun Jan 13th, 2002 at 12:37:34 AM PST
That's sad.

You want the other person to read their history books yet you appear to know nothing about history?

The protestent reformation occured about 500 years after the turn of the millenia.

The protestent church broke from the catholic church from political reasons more then religious reasons. The religious reasons revolved around the papacy, which spiraled into the use of idols etc.

Catholics DID NOT SPLIT OFF, you split from us.

wait a second.... (none / 0) (#213)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:07:19 PM PST
Christians worship the Lord, not idols and the Virgin Whore. The filthy idolatry of the Catholic "faith" marks them out as being pagans through and through, although insidiously the pretend to be of the True Faith which makes them all the more dangerous in my Book

First: Ok so you dislike Catholics enough to call the Virgin Mary a whore, which is odd. the definition of a whore is: whore (h�r, hr)n.
A prostitute.
A person considered sexually promiscuous.
Mary is in no way a prostitute, and therefore not a whore.
Second: Does this mean by any chance that you don't like Jesus as well, he was jewish after all and so he would have had different views than you.

Heh, where are the humans? (none / 0) (#519)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:06:47 PM PST
No he was probably referring to various cultural "sects" of Catholocism that place heavy emphasis on Mary, such as Latin American Catholocism. Some times this worship can get heavy handed at times yes, but that in no way justifies the comments Mr. Anti-Everything-But-Me put forth. As such I have just reread Gulliver's Travels, for those who may not know, written by a dean of a catholic church in ireland... and find that it puts all of this rubbish into perspective. At the very end Gulliver has returned from his travels around the world and after many agreeable and disagreeable ones finds that the human race is such an absurdity from all of our haughtiness and pride whilst being pretty disgusting beings. It was the pride part that was fun to read though... A good and relevant quote would be: "...a fancy would sometimes take a Yahoo to retire into a corner, to lie down and howl, and groan, and spurn away all that came near him, although he were young and fat, and wanted neither food nor water; nor did the servants imagine what could possibly ail him. And the only remedy they found was to set him to hard work, after which he would infallibly come to himself. To this I was silent out of partiality to my own kind; yet here I could plainly discover the true seeds of [a type of depession], which only seizeth on the *lazy*, the *luxerious*, and the *rich*; who if they were forced to undergo the *same regimen*, I would undertake for the cure." i.e. quit whining, especially when you're too darned proud (that's one of those deadly sins, right? lol) to actually see your own wretchedness. and all that without ranting about El Hazard myself... Hyper-Fujisawa-kick!!!

VIRGIN WHORE?! (none / 0) (#367)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 02:14:58 AM PST
OK, now that's just retarded. What is the matter with you?! I'm not a Catholic, but Mary was God's chosen vessel to bear the Christ-child. A VIRGIN. Where are you getting the WHORE from?! By stating this you are saying that Christ was born from a whore - and that the Bible is lying - therefore GOD is lying, since the Bible is His divine inspired Word. Just because you do NOT agree with Catholics DOES NOT give you the right to trash Mary - by doing that you're showing your complete ignorance and not only that, you're snubbing your nose at God's desicions.

True Faith (none / 0) (#432)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 12:26:35 PM PST
Ah, much like you claim to be of the 'True Faith'. Who is to say which is 'True' and which is false? You? I think not. I, personally, wouldn't trust you to do the job correctly, anyway. No one who prejudices as you do can objectively state what is right and what is wrong. I'm not saying that I'm any sort of a good judge of the correctness of any religion, either. Mr. Erikson, in my personal opinion, I think it would be best for all if the entire subject was dropped, or, at the very least, you use some tact in your future posts. Near future, preferably.
The problem seems to be in the fact that you have been attacking various subjects without taking into account the possibility, however slight, that you may have begun while still uninformed. If you'd like, I'm sure I could offer you some excellent anime to view that even I, someone without even a working VCR, have managed to see. If you would take the time to take it apart, piece by piece, and analyze it for what it was meant to be, you would see that it is not necesarily 'evil', depending on what you're analyzing. Many anime are somewhat immoral, I admit, but those are the anime not esigned for moralists to view. They were the ones designed to make money off of those who enjoy watching such. In a previous post, I have offered to you the anime 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' to watch, a metaphor in itself of various Christian ideas. Now I also offer to show you a show aimed at teenagers, female ones in particular, but also males. 'El Hazard: Wanderers' is an anime TV series that has little, if any, immorality in it. Aside from the antagonist of the series doing his evil deeds, but that's generally expected, isn't it? If you don't like the anime after you see it, that's perfectly fine. But I seriously doubt your righteousness when you discredit something you've not seen. Granted, that was a bit of a hypocritical statement itself. I, myself, am prejudiced against American movies and TV shows, based on only about a few dozen or so of each. Then again, I'm talking about the recent things. And that's only really commercials for most of them. But I'm sure you get the idea. And at this point, I'm rambling. Shut up time for the Nintaku.

--Nintaku, one of the few people who ramble about El Hazard

'A UFO! Makoto, look! Somebody, look!! Hey, where is it going? Come back here! You're supposed to abduct people when they're alone in remote places! Don't they read the tabloids?' -Nanami Jinnai, El Hazard: Wanderers

So what am I? (none / 0) (#449)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 05:48:52 PM PST
I'm LDS. If you think of Catholics as idol worshippers, and evil-doers, and pagans, what am I? WHAT AM I?!!!! Retard.

You know, you were doing just fine. You had your opinions and everything. You were headed straight to Heaven until that last comment there. I just wish I could see the look on your face when you don't end up on the right hand of God like you think you are.

the hell? (none / 0) (#569)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:48:45 AM PST
whats wrong with pagans???

I cannot believe you. (none / 0) (#559)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 09:30:21 PM PST
I am very offended by your comment about Catholics. I was raised Catholic. I go to church. I worship God and Jesus. I don't worship idols. The Roman Catholic church was around before any other Christian church. The reason we have so many denominations in the Christian Church is because groups of people didn't agree with the way the church was being run (or in the case of the Church of England didn't want to stay married), so they broke away and formed another church. Another way to believe.
Also, Hitler being a Catholic does not mean a thing. There have been many cruel and horrible people in other religions.

My toughts on the subject (none / 0) (#78)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 05:17:50 PM PST
I mean really, there should be no need for a reply at all after reading the subject of your post! As if there were any moral codes other than the one laid out in the Bible!

There are over 270 religions with a rather large number of followers that state they are the true and only; I think my point here is obvious and refutes your argument.

But since your stance is obviously immovable on christianity being anything but the one, right, true way to live I won't go TOO far into arguing that all semetic based religions are a bunch of bunk.
And your proof for this ridiculous statement is? I'm guessing you're just another product of the Liberal establishment, trained from birth into believing in relativism and the cult of science.

Hipocrisy is blatant here. You have no proof, other than fait, of your statements (please don't call what you do not agree "ridiculous", that just won't help). I could equally guess you are just another product of the dominant Christian establishment, trained from birth into believing in the Word of The Lord (notice that I'm respecting the capitalization of all references to the christian God, clearly trying to have a friendly exchange of ideals without offending your religious beliefs) and the submission to Him. On an additional note, science is not a cult by the definition on the dictionary. Destructive, doomsday religious groups can be literally considered cults, not science.

Secondly - who ever discounted amination as a respectable art form, capable of expressing complex ideas and ideoligies?
*sigh* Animation is nothing more than a bastardisation of acting, and simply cannot express the subtle range of emotions that a real person can. As such it's suitable for children's entertainment, but hardly so for something a grown up would want to watch.

I differ. Good animaters (that, by your chain of thought, could be compared to good actors) take an incredible amount of time considering all the little details of the image (color, brightness, details, etc), the sequence of images, the sounds and the story (Ghost in the shell and Evangelion are excelent animation examples of exceptional art and sound with an incredible deep, intelligent and captivating moral story, that criticizes our society and warns us of what would happen if we take certain attitudes). Also, your attempt to define a child and an adult as something totally opposite and ridiculing adults that watch denominated "children entertainment" lacks a good base to stand. Children grow at different rates and some of their tastes do not go away with age and there is not a standard of evolution nor an assurance that they will fade away of "childish" things.

I challenge you to find me a violent person who is claims to be pagan.

(refering to Ravnos) Paganism is not anti-christianity, it is a term used to label a collection of Earth-based religions. And I really don't see your point here; even if there wasn't any violent pagan, it would prove nothing.

Hitler was a pagan.

Hitler was neither a pagan or christian; Hitler recognized that the Church, and Christianity as a whole, was not an immediate threat to his plans. He believed in his German Aryan God, which was supposedly the thought path that began his Aryan supremacy goals. Most Pagan Gods or Goddesses are not blonde haired and blue eyed (many aren't even portrayed as a material entity at all).

Moving on, Christianity has MORE PAGANISM IN IT than an anime fil could ever HOPE to achieve - not that paganism is a bad thing.
Are you really that stupid? Anything that is part of Christianity is Christian. That's just basic logic. Perhaps you should learn some.

I think that Ravnos intended to transmit the idea that Christianity was inspired by the paganism that was around in the time that it was rising.

First, use a spell checker - its spelled pedophilia. Secondly, WHAT KINDA DRUGS ARE YOU ON? 'cause I want some.
Nonsense - a pedophile is someone with a disgusting fetish for feet. That's not the same thing at all.

To Ravnos: that kind of behavior is, at my eyes, deplorable and highly insultive. Respect those that do not agree with you and respect will be returned to you. To Jon Erikson: a pedophile is someone that molests children; it has nothing to do with those with feet fetish.

Is this the same Pokemon that shows children summoning demons to do their bidding? My children won't be watching Satanism, that's for sure!

This a usual misconception between satanism and satan worship. Please read this for more information.

I think that my above comments do an adequte job of disproving this statement - let me be the first unsalvageable hardened sinner you've met.
Sadly there are sinners out there such as yourself which refuse to see the Truth, yes. But I can only pray that one day someone finds you and brings you into the light of the Lord, whether you want it or not. After all, it is every Christian's duty to hold the souls of their fellow men in paramount importance.

I already discussed the matter of the "Truth", so there is no need to repeat that. But, the two sentences that follow it sincerely irritate me; we have the right to pratice our beliefs, as long as it doesn't interfere with the well being or beliefs of the others. I ask of you to not try to impose christianity upon me, just as I ain't trying to impose anything upon you.

For the record, I'm not an atheist, I'm an empirical agnostic. Oh, and pardon any orthographical error that you might enconter in this comment.

How closed minded.. >.< (1.00 / 1) (#194)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:59:14 PM PST
How can you call yourself an Americian? How can you say that there is only one right religion? How are you so sure that the anime or manga creators are in line with Saten? How do you even know if they even believe such an entity exists?

I find your artical very poorly done indeed. Firstly you watch some hentai and then apply it to the rest of the Japanese animation. That is stereotyping, and I will point out stereotypes always seem to end up wrong. For example, am I to believe all Christians as openminded as a rock? That they are all puritian wannabes? I think not, especially since I was baptized as one.

You also try and say that those who are open enough to say that Japanese animation is a thing of evil are trying to force it down your throut. Then you turn around and are doing just what you are objecting to, you are trying to shove the OPINION that its Japanese Animation is evil.

And besides, if Japanese Animation is that evil, then how come God has not ridden the world of such a 'plague'?


YOU are an idiot. And I mean that in a bad way. (none / 0) (#446)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 05:33:08 PM PST
<i> *sigh* Animation is nothing more than a bastardisation of acting, and simply cannot express the subtle range of emotions that a real person can. As such it's suitable for children's entertainment, but hardly so for something a grown up would want to watch. </i>

So, uh, you're saying that Bugs Bunny isn't suitable entertainment? Or are you just referring to the "red-headed stepchild" of animation, or Japanese anime? Dammit, if you want to prove a point, at least refer to it right!

<i>Is this the same Pokemon that shows children summoning demons to do their bidding? </i>

You have GOT to be kidding me. What kind of car do you drive? Or do you ride a bicycle, because you think "horsepower" channels the energy of demon horses to make the car go?

Anime is an expression. I assume you are the type of person who wants to ban all books other than reference books from the library shelves. You want to see people like Britney Spears burn in Hell. You want everyone who isn't a Christian to bow down at your feet and beg your forgiveness.

"Freedom of speech." Heard of it? I believe it's in the Constitution.

You aren't God. Don't try to act like Him.

Why did you say this? Just answer (none / 0) (#589)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 10:51:38 PM PST
First off i pity your children. Secondly, why did the senior consultant for NPO Technalogeis say this: you're just another product of the Liberal establishment, trained from birth into believing in relativism and the cult of science.

cult of sceince? What?

STRIKE,1,2,3 YOUR A BAKA!! (none / 0) (#611)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 09:20:52 PM PST
Ok first strike:

People say Disney is a art,why can't anime be a art?

Strike 2:


This has nothing to do with this article,Ive seen your other posts mister.Erikson. I can't believe you call women Trolls cause they don't beleive what you believe!! We people like what we like!! You are narrowminded,sick,and perverted!!

Baka is Right! (none / 0) (#694)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 27th, 2002 at 02:47:46 PM PST
OMG! This is one of the worst pieces of closed minded- cr** that I've ever seen.
I have one question,... well maybe two or more.
Who are you to judge any other person because of the shows they watch on television? Pokemon and summoning evil creatures... come on now lets be real. Have you even seen an episode of that show? Pikachu looks no more evil than a household cat, don't tell be... cats are evil too.
I personally am happy that i watch 'filth' like Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon. No that doesn't make me a 7 year old and I'll tell you right now that there are people twice my age watching those same very shows.
Maybe somebody needs to clear this up for me... Is Sailormoon evil because their skirts are too short and they have magical powers (like the faries in Sleeping Beauty) and is Carpcaptor evil because Saukura uses a staff and can call upon the forces of nature (somewhat like Pocahontas)?
You know what, you had the odacity to call me a geek...and all of the people, my community that watches anime. Well guess what... who's the geek who sits at home and disses other things, having a mini-crusade to fight against the evils of animation. I'm sure many will agree with me.
Oh and one final comment, how god loving is it to put pictures of your sacred people over hentai images (which you so totally over blow as being the basis of Anime)?
You can flame me here have fun and just to let you know... I put up a fight.. a fight to the bitter end.
And to all of my Anime groupies (JK!) stand tall, stand proud for we are the smart few ^_^ *gyun!*

Straight from Kawaii_Michiru's computer!

I agree also!! (none / 0) (#735)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 21st, 2002 at 10:42:31 AM PST
You make it look like ALL anime is bad! But that's NOT true!! Not ALL of the anime shows out there have porn and violence in them! Just the ones YOU mentioned!! I used to not like anime that much, but YOU made me like it MORE!! How can you say Sailormoon is a bad show?!?! Don't come whining to me saying "I never said any about Sailormoon!" But YES YOU DID!!! You said that ALL anime is bad!! Don't you even know what Sailormoon is like?!? (probaly not! ^_^ :P) Don't you pay attention to the comercials?!? "Sailor Moon! The power of love and friendship!!" Does THAT sound bad!! Honestly, some people are REAL IDIOTS!!!

Morality? (none / 0) (#638)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 6th, 2002 at 01:22:49 PM PST
I really wonder who should be setting the battle lines on this one. I will not follow the preachings of a man who claims to be moral via his life preaching through the Bible simply because who is devout in his way carries the blind point of view as the one who he is arguing against. Usually, this is the same person who like the anime fan, is a fanatic about his faith and chooses to tell all others about the wonders it carries and the message it sends. Regardeless of who dose not want to hear it, this same fanatic goes foward to preach his way and what he has learned, which is usually not the message. Unfortunately, none usually hear the message because it is covered in hate... which always draws a crowd. If something is truly bad, then it will usually make its self known. This has been proven through history and the Bible. Immorality is too proud to be hidden. But one cannot preach about the evils of anything unless they have an understanding of all of it. This to has been written in the Bible. Unfortunaltely, no one man can fully grasp all of Morality except the One, and he died a long time ago.

Here is the folly: Your pridefully preaching about hate. You are not warning others about "bad manga" but telling others that thinking for themselves is bad and to listen only to you. You never present anything as good, bad, or neutral as to allow others to make an understanging for themselves. All of your arguments were also used against another abomination know as "rock-and-roll" and "rap music". People went out to show the evils of the satanic lyrics and horrible rythm. Somehow, henious and irrepentable sinners like Amy Grant and Jars of Clay evolved from this medium. And music that was not approiate was dubbed as not suitable for children.

An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is a burning fire.

Oh, you're a moral relativist... (none / 0) (#53)
by tkatchev on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 02:09:59 PM PST
...why didn't you just come out and say that at the start, you'd have saved us the time spent posting...

Peace and much love...

duh (none / 0) (#55)
by Ravnos on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 02:12:43 PM PST
you should've read the subject of the reply :-)

if you're a moral relativist... (none / 0) (#70)
by nathan on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:33:06 PM PST are also a nihilist, so you might as well shoot yourself in the head right now.

The only thing stopping you from realizing what an unbearable hell your nihilistic world must be is, of course, the mind-blinding drugs you must choke down by the kilo. I hope that you are able to drag yourself out of the pit before it's all over.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Nihilism does not imply suicide (none / 0) (#76)
by Ravnos on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 05:07:22 PM PST
Yes, admittedly I am a nihilist.<bR><br>but nihilism does not imply suicidal, nor does it mean that life is meaningless. Rather, while life holds no intrinsic value - I findmyself caught up in the exploration of it. And when I've learned what I need to, then I move on to the next thing - whatever happens in death.
All of Life and reality is an illusion, a shroud that we rest on. Nihilism is acknowledging that and then seeking the deeper underlying meanings.
the Ravnos
<a href=""></a>

Nihilism does not imply suicide (none / 0) (#77)
by Ravnos on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 05:07:55 PM PST
Yes, admittedly I am a nihilist.

but nihilism does not imply suicidal, nor does it mean that life is meaningless. Rather, while life holds no intrinsic value - I findmyself caught up in the exploration of it. And when I've learned what I need to, then I move on to the next thing - whatever happens in death.

All of Life and reality is an illusion, a shroud that we rest on. Nihilism is acknowledging that and then seeking the deeper underlying meanings.

the Ravnos

Nihilism. (none / 0) (#93)
by tkatchev on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:17:47 PM PST
Nihilism of the secular brand just doesn't work. If you bring it to its logical conclusion, you necessarily must commit suicide; however, most secular nihilists hypocritically avoid the question. (Which leads me to conclude that it's just a crafted pose to mask their hate of God.)

If you really want to embrace nihilism, you'll have to learn to justify it with Christian theology. Still a stupid thing to do, IMO, but at least it would be logically defensible.

Peace and much love...

For troublesome stains, use Nihilism[tm] ! (none / 0) (#149)
by because it isnt on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:22:37 PM PST
Nihilism of the secular brand just doesn't work.

There aren't any other brands of nihilism, though. Please point out the part of "nothing can be known or communicated" that allows a specific religion to be taught (or communicated) to a nihilist, in order to believe it.

I do agree with your other point, though. If you're a nihilist, there's really no point wasting the rest of the world's time by existing. -- because it isn't

Christian nihilism. (none / 0) (#151)
by tkatchev on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:40:49 PM PST
Actually, it's a very short step from Christianity to nihilism. Christianity actually teaches that this world (including our own bodies and minds) is inherrently flawed, imperfect -- i.e. "sinful"[1]. Which, in fact, is the essence of nihilism.

However, the Christian nihilists are leaving out one last step -- God is love, and where there is love, there is hope.

[1] "Sin" in original Greek means "missing the mark", i.e. "failure to achieve perfection".

Peace and much love...

secular nihilism (none / 0) (#155)
by alprazolam on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 02:35:50 PM PST
God is love, and where there is love, there is hope.

Substitute "Drugs" for "God" and there's your reason for continued existence.

Precisely how do you figure? (none / 0) (#662)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Feb 2nd, 2002 at 03:33:03 PM PST
From my standpoint on Nihilism, I live quite well. Life, having no intrinsic purpose or value allows me to create my own, and not have to worry about any attributed purpose I may not agree with. "Because the world owes us nothing, we owe eachother everything." This is also a secular, non-thiestic "nihilism" (Actually somewhat of a misnomer, I don't believe destruction is good merely because it is an actual true effort), heavily influenced by Nietzsche, who gets accused of nihilism more often than not.


mind blinding? (none / 0) (#774)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 25th, 2002 at 07:17:54 PM PST
How can a drug be mind blinding. Think before you type.

Assinine (none / 0) (#54)
by Right Hand Man on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 02:12:39 PM PST
Firstly, immorality is always a relative thing

That is utter tripe. Really, the idea the morality is relative is one of the most disagreeable things I can imagine. Relative to what? To each individual's desire to be immoral? Claiming that morality is relative is simply a weak minded way of attempting to rationalize deviant behavior and avoid its consequances. You then go on to question Christianity, which just serves to further reinforce your already glaring ignorance.

Did you even try to open your mind

Why do you God hating left leaning hand wringers always try to get leverage out of the phrase 'open your mind'? You folks have co-opted it to mean 'just accept everything that comes your way'. Someday you'll have to face the fact that your actions have consequences that you won't be able to argue your way out of, probably shortly after you die. You need to realize that the highest goal to which you can aspire is not to be as inoffensive and accepting as possible, it is to show people wrong from right, some things are simply wrong and there is no need to be open to them.

I challenge you to watch something like Firefly Graveyard...

Why not just challenge someone to sell their soul to the devil himself?

how can you even SUGGEST that anime is pushing pedophilia to children???

The people who want to erode the strong moral base of the United States, most likely so they can turn us into a bunch of pacifist whiners who won't put up any resistance when attacked because we don't want to engage in any sort of 'cultural superiority', typically start with the children. They know that most adults in America are of strong mind and Christian faith and are not as susceptible to their propaganda. They push their filth on the children who are not yet able to fully comprehend the enormity of God's power.

But I don't force it on you

Yeah, like someone of your ilk can be trusted not to force themselves on others. You must have missed the central theme in this article, that these cartoons are merely the starting point for a career in full blown child raping, you start watching these things for the thrill they provide you religion deprived mind and before long your out on the streets, looking to imitate what you saw on television.

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

OK! (none / 0) (#58)
by Stretch on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:03:22 PM PST
Why not just challenge someone to sell their soul to the devil himself?

I accept your challenge, unfortuantely, I am not sure how to make the transfer. Does the devil have a website? I would rather make this transaction electronic, if possible. What is the going rate for souls these days? A couple million dollars? Sex with a movie star of my choice? I just don't want to get ripped off, you do understand I am sure.

If it is too hard to sell my soul to the devil perhaps I will just run down to the local Blockbuster (owned by those heretic Mormons) and rent some anti-christian anime if that is a more possible challenge than selling my soul. One would think the devil would prefer direct sales however...

No (none / 0) (#62)
by Right Hand Man on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:22:48 PM PST
Satan, son of a bitch that he is, no longer does direct transactions. No, the payment for your soul comes in the form of an earthly lifetime of frivolity and immoral acts. In trade, you will spend eternity in the depths of hell.

Of course your youth and ignorance allow you to make light of this fact but don't fret, you'll eventually come around.

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

Hmm (none / 0) (#68)
by Stretch on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:29:25 PM PST
Seems like a lot of work just to get myself kicked into hell. Is there an easier way to get there? And don't tell me kill someone or anything of that nature. Again, that is far too hard for me. Like I said, a website would be nice.

Very easy. (none / 0) (#95)
by tkatchev on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:21:23 PM PST
Just commit suicide.

Peace and much love...

No. (none / 0) (#141)
by Stretch on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 12:14:24 PM PST
What part of "kill" did you not understand?

that's it? (none / 0) (#69)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:31:38 PM PST
what about a few random immoral acts, but not exactly a lifetimes worth, or not the best immoral acts. will i get my soul back in a couple of weeks?

Frivolty aside. (none / 0) (#94)
by tkatchev on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:20:02 PM PST
Yes. If you repent. (Though repenting implies much more than saying "I'm sorry". Remeber that God knows your every thought, even those that you can't admit to your own self.)

Peace and much love...

The correct translation of Satan (none / 0) (#112)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 03:14:50 AM PST
The translation of Satan from Aramic is The Accuser

It seems Right Hand MAn that you have taken very well to the satanic role you have set out for yourself by calling people names and what not.

AS for the term sin.
The greek word is Hamartia which means roughly that an archer has missed his mark.

In other words everyone misses the mark including you and that means that only God can judge.

Sorry to burst your assumption of God's role
Right Hand MAn. You really need to open and READ the Bible instead of parroting Pat Robertson.

My guess (none / 0) (#65)
by Squire of Gothos on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:27:26 PM PST
is it's pretty damn hard anymore.

Numeral issues (none / 0) (#83)
by neutral on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 07:20:09 PM PST
Firstly, immorality is always a relative thing
That is utter tripe. Really, the idea the morality is relative is one of the most disagreeable things I can imagine. Relative to what? To each individual's desire to be immoral?

I agree it is not relative; it is subjective. For example, let's look at a game of chess, between blue and green (white and black is too much symbolic); for the blue side, the opposite green are the "evil" ones, meaning they are the "good" ones, and they feel that they must destroy the "evil" green ones. The exact thing happens to the green ones; for the green side, the opposite blue are the "evil" ones, meaning they are the "good" ones, and they feel that they must destroy the "evil" blue ones.

Claiming that morality is relative is simply a weak minded way of attempting to rationalize deviant behavior and avoid its consequances.

I find this incredibly hipocritic, considering the argument you make about "open mind". You can not simply claim that what you consider an explanation for deviant and erratic behavior is a product of a weak willed mind, for it is not an argument in which you can stand.

You then go on to question Christianity, which just serves to further reinforce your already glaring ignorance.

This is insultive and revolting! Questioning christianity, or any other religion, is not ignorance! It is our right to have an opinion and please do not denigrate those that have an opinion that is not equal to the one you believe.

Why do you God hating left leaning hand wringers always try to get leverage out of the phrase 'open your mind'?

Why do you generalize? On what base, other than that of your experience? How can you be certain of what you say? I never try to leverage a discussion for my side by simply stating that "you are stupid and do no understand with that closed mind of yours", because, besides being insultive and certainly not respectful, it wouldn't move the lever one bit.

You need to realize that the highest goal to which you can aspire is not to be as inoffensive and accepting as possible, it is to show people wrong from right, some things are simply wrong and there is no need to be open to them.

Nothing is inherently wrong or right, like I hope I have clearly explained previously.

I challenge you to watch something like Firefly Graveyard...
Why not just challenge someone to sell their soul to the devil himself?

Guess this means that you can't stand opposition to yourself. And violently denying this statement would be the proof of that.

The people who want to erode the strong moral base of the United States(...)

This shouts hipocrisy! What strong moral base would that be? The one where, for example, the american leader is the spoiled son of a powerful politician from a wealthy oil family who is supported by religious fundamentalists, operates through clandestine organizations, has no respect for the democratic electoral process, bombs innocents, and let's others use war to deny people their civil liberties? Or would that be the strong moral America where, for example, they traffic drug to support their Contras? Where they stuff up a kitty with electronics to spy on the soviets during the Cold War? Where they use mind-altering drugs to be able to brainwash someone into accepting their ideals? The examples are almost endless, and they are considered true patriotic (patriotism is the love and dedication towards an imaginary frontier devised by man) americans. Also, by no means am I trying to say that the other countries are any better...

(...)most likely so they can turn us into a bunch of pacifist whiners who won't put up any resistance when attacked because we don't want to engage in any sort of 'cultural superiority', typically start with the children.

Are you discretly stating that you are cultural superior than the others? And, coincidence of all coincidences, one of the strongest argument on the article "Not just harmless fun" are the children. Do you not see contradiction here?

They know that most adults in America are of strong mind and Christian faith and are not as susceptible to their propaganda.

You repeat the hipocrisy of the subject already discussed about the "open mind"/"strong mind". And we could revert that and say that some adults in America are of "strong mind" and (other religion) faith and are not as susceptible to other religions propaganda.

They push their filth on the children who are not yet able to fully comprehend the enormity of God's power.

Let's reverse this: you push your filth on the children who are not yet able to fully comprehend the enormity of religious beliefs.

But I don't force it on you
Yeah, like someone of your ilk can be trusted not to force themselves on others.

We do not force nothing; we suggest, we present our opinions. Are you saying that we should not have individual opinions? That's what I perceive from that comment. Additionally, you openly force your ways down our guts while mistankenly say that Mr. Ravnos is attempting to do the same.

You must have missed the central theme in this article, that these cartoons are merely the starting point for a career in full blown child raping, you start watching these things for the thrill they provide you religion deprived mind and before long your out on the streets, looking to imitate what you saw on television.

AH, by your conclusion I could just as easily state that The Bible is merely the starting point for a carrer in a full blown killer of those that oppose his interpretation of The Bible, being influenced by the violent scenes such as the crucification of Jesus and before long he is on the streets, looking to imitate what he perceived from what he has read. And instead of trying to censor cartons, start by understanding why they are done in the first place.

As I stated before I registered, I'm not an atheist, I'm an empirical agnostic. Please pardon any orthographical error that you might encounter in this comment, because I haven't got time to revise what I have written right now.

Grave of the Fireflies (none / 0) (#233)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:27:17 PM PST
Enough time has been spent on most of your arguments, but your dismissle of Grave of the Fireflies is unaddress. Your claim that to view it is equivalent to selling one's soul to the devil. This is one of the most uninformed assumptions I have read on this entire page of comment, and trust me, there are many that must be either misinformed or out-and-out lies.

Grave of the Fireflies is a touching and pitiable story of a brother and sister who lose their parents at the end of World War II. The film follows their lives, happiness, and hardships trying to recover during the end of a losing battle and its aftermath. I will not say more about plotline for those who haven't seen it. (It is a must see whether you care for most anime or not)

Please explain how trying to understand people trying to repair broken lives can be equated with dealing with the devil. Jesus taught love, not just for those who share your personal philosphy of life but all humanity. If we, christians (and I mean we), are to love even our enemies, how do you justify condeming all anime viewers to hell.


A little confusion here... (none / 0) (#249)
by neutral on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:20:04 PM PST
Ahem... you seem to be adressing Mr Right Hand Man, not me. Please reply to HIM, not me. The italic sentences were quotes of the comments of Mr. Right Hand Man. The bold sentences were quotes of the comments of Mr. Ravnos.

To reply to him, simply press the "Reply to this" link that is at the end of his post.

ok honestly people, (none / 0) (#211)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:52:29 PM PST
ok let me try to get this straight. You need to realize that the highest goal to which you can aspire is not to be as inoffensive and accepting as possible, it is to show people wrong from right, some things are simply wrong and there is no need to be open to them. So by pushing/forcing your beliefs on someone else you are aspiring to be... what? A Know-all, a I-know-I'm-right-and-everyone-else-is-wrong kind of person? Need I remind you that no one knows everything. Sure God does, Jesus does, but no other mortal human does. For instance remember that the Catholic church (and just about most religions before that) thought that the world was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth. Add to that, peoples; definitions of right and wrong differ go back to the civil war, white plantation farmers truely thought that slavery was RIGHT. There are many other instances like that. Yeah, like someone of your ilk can be trusted not to force themselves on others. You must have missed the central theme in this article, that these cartoons are merely the starting point for a career in full blown child raping, you start watching these things for the thrill they provide you religion deprived mind and before long your out on the streets, looking to imitate what you saw on television Ok really, only people who are already messed up in their minds would do that. That is just like blaming the violence in today on videogames. If people should blame it on anything blame it on the news. Thats where people hear that these things are happening. Go ahead and shoot down my arguments if you wish, I just hope you realize not everyone acts out what they see around them, if everyone did, or maybe even just half of everyone living, then there would be so many more deaths.

just wanted to point out to ya bro.... (none / 0) (#377)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 04:13:04 AM PST
your screen name makes you look like you support masturbation!
as a good christian, of course, spankin' it is no doubt grounds for some serious assraping at the 'hands' of some demon... so ya might wanna thinkabout changin' it
be well :),

Anime, AND Hentai, kick serious ass

YOU DESCENDANT OF LUCIFER!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#748)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun May 12th, 2002 at 07:06:58 PM PST
how dare you sy that!!!!!! the problem with you guys is you just watch n watch n watch!!!! you dont even want to understand the message of the anime!!!!! its anime that teach us some life lessons! all you guys think about are yourself!!!
you dont even think about what other people think! if your so kind and a "very good" christian, why did you put jesus' picture on the anime picture?! thats bad! your evil to do that! and why would you write this article if your soo "good" that means your evil! befor thinking that anime is bad, think about yourself! YOUR THE MOST EVIL PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!! all you say are nonsense!! if anime is sooo evil the character wouldnt even care if all the people around them died! but no! they protected even the people who they dont even know!!!!!! SOME anime is evil not all!!!!!!! and what makes it LESS violent is that its ONLY drawings!! telenovelas are MORE evil!!!

Over Dramatic (none / 0) (#751)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 31st, 2002 at 08:18:07 PM PST
Anime is not evil....I like anime because its more intense than movies. I personally think that cartoon sex or "Hentai" is disgusting and is for losers with no social lifestyle what so ever. Hentai is not Anime. ohh and HOW DARE YOU PUT CHRIST ON THAT DIRTY CARTOON YOU WILL GOTO HELL YOU MORON. Ohh and all the religions are semi-correct I believe that if you live your life in a normal manner like lying cheating stealing as we all do no matter if its a computer game or something else its the experiences we have that chooses our destiny Experience is the reason why we are on earth! Why else would god/(whatever you believe in) create us? To fear him take time out of our lives to worship him in a place. If we worship god at home I don't think he will care! What ever religion you have I believe you will be with the gods/god you believed in while you were living and that heavan is a place for all religions you guys might not call it heave but whatever good place we goto after we die. And for those who believe in reincarnation....umm...your totally right but our spirit doesnt go into another animal just our rotting corpses whatever floats your boat. and for all the atheist well your screwed you non-faithful dull people you will most likely fail in life :) Thats my two words Dont take me seriously I'm only 13 years old :)

Unfair (none / 0) (#527)
by nate sama on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:28:50 PM PST
Once again, Mr. Erikson, you make me ashamed to be Christian, when people like you are making such statements. How can you say that being a "geek" is a sin? Certainly it is a social handicap, but a sin?? I myself was once these so-called "geeks" back in high school, and I look back on those days and wish I could be that enthusiastic about the gospel now. And even though I am not Catholic and have so problems with their doctrines myself, I would appreciate it if you would stop making such inapproprite comments about them. Not agreeing with you does not make a person evil.

Nathaniel Irvin

"When everyone is thinking the same, no one is thinking at all."

okay...too far.... (none / 0) (#627)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 05:14:26 PM PST
i understand that you dislike anime, fine, but you keep talking about god. Are you sure that god exists though? anyways... You are calling those who like anime geeks now? you are nothing more than a mere discriminating jackass, your opninions dont matter

mwHAHAHA (1.00 / 1) (#200)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:11:39 PM PST
i can't stop laughing my head off, you are so damn ONE sided it's not even funny. I am a geek, yeah, you know what, geeks are the only people in society who know their place in society. I'm proud to be a computer/video game/anime geek, and if you want to contest it, I'll be glad to tell you i interact with society everyday. I deal with a school full of teachers and administrators, students my age, girls, and everyone else. People respect me because I'm nice and I do many things for people.

get a damn life and open your one sided pathetic view on society


~_~ (1.00 / 2) (#276)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 05:04:48 AM PST
great now im classed as a geek os i watch anime?....FUCKEN HELL! what is wrong withyou people...i'd say epople who waste their time on the internet and puter all day are geeks...but thats just wrong...the only geeks i know aer people who spend time on usless things like this...and watch stoopid pointless movies...(like: American Beer, Earnest goes (whereever he fricken goes) forget there are other types of anime too...not just henati...and sci fi...but also comedy, action, drama and so on just like normal movies...~_~...and there are also ones for younger Thunder Cats, Samurai Pizza Cats, Transformers (yes thats rigth Transformers)....and no big eyes arent just anime...~_~....egad!...*sighs*...this guy needs to get a life and stop wastig my time adn his own...though he can go and rot in hell or wait an eternity in Pergatory

ATTN: seventypercent and the Adequacy editors: (none / 0) (#284)
by tkatchev on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 06:05:36 AM PST
This article was zeroed due to horrible, repeated misspellings and abuse of punctuation.

Can I please stop now?

Peace and much love...

Thank you for opening my eyes (none / 0) (#331)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 06:00:39 PM PST
Oh my god, I have to thank you so much. I just realized that since I love anime, manga, and computer games, I must also love pornography. I didn't quite realize this until you opened me up. In fact, why am I even bothering typing this? Im wasting valuable time I could instead be using to find pictures of chicks with dicks

You dont know what you are talking about! (none / 0) (#634)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 01:39:20 PM PST
now that's not very nice. Insecure people just need help functioning, but it isnt permanent. Animated pornograpy has been around for years, even before Anime came about! To understand Anime, you need to understand Japanese culture as well. Animation isnt just for children there, and you arent treated as inferior or "retarded" for watching it. It is a creative and imaginative media. Of course there is always the opposite side of the spectrum, and some use it for bad, but isn't that the same with AMERICAN television? MOST people dont watch pornography, and it is the same with animated pornography in Japan. MOst anime is harmless and romantic or comedic, and if you watched it without a stubborn bias, you may find that you enjoy it, like MILLIONS of ethical Americans.

How intolerant (none / 0) (#653)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 11:02:46 PM PST
This is how stereotypes operate: An unenlightened person lumps every member of a certain group together as being exactly alike. There are certainly a few people that watch anime that are exactly as you described, but the majority are quite different. I find it interesting that you feel you can be so judgemental about other people; I doubt you are flawless yourself. Another thing: If anime is all about the sexy girls, why would I, a heterosexual female, be interested in watching it? I watch anime because I love the beautiful artwork, the good storylines, and Japanese humor. Not all anime is about sex anyway. It is not something everyone would like, but I'm sure there is something in your video cabinet that I wouldn't enjoy(and I'm not calling you any names).

Just to point out (none / 0) (#657)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 27th, 2002 at 07:27:52 PM PST
we named OUR towns after BRITISH towns! Just thought id point that at

sad (none / 0) (#658)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 07:04:28 PM PST
You people are bigots posing as concerned Christians

um what the hell have you been watching??? (none / 0) (#665)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 5th, 2002 at 04:27:14 PM PST
Anime is not satinism. Ever watches sailor moon? I think not because you haven't see the really meaning of anime. You must be getting some porn movies which are bad for children but they have the right to watch them. Some people make things porn like the pictures you found but you have porn everywhere and its not from the japaneses. you are a racis. And a geek for waisting your time writing this!!!! Before you go blaming people on their culture you should know that your culture isn't perfect either. If you think all this then won't you go to hell to for watching the movies? Pervert...I know you liked then thats why you rented so many on them and now you have sinned so you have to try and make up for it and tell everyone anime is bad. Go to Hell because no one gives a shit about what you think....ok?

animee (none / 0) (#676)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 10:49:31 PM PST
i dont like pornography or computer games , i like animee ...if you dont like anime ....DONT WACHT IT...

Hel-LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (none / 0) (#701)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 07:42:37 PM PST
THIS is the new Millinium! NOBODY thinks like you do anymore! If it weren't for anime, ALL your daughters would be like Wilma and Betty from the Flintstones! Only good as housewives, cooking and making babies!


Ever watched an anime episode where the main female character always saves the day? Doesn't end up wearing skimpy attires? Isn't always showing off their good looks but more what's inside???

Oh my... I guess you don't know about that... poor you, I guess you made a fool of yourself! ^^

Now... about the 'geek' thing... would you say that Gillain Anderson, who watches anime with her kids, a geek? And yes, we're talking about Scully here!

Look where she is now! BIG STAR, EMMYS, HIT TV SERIES, MOVIES....

oh... wait... maybe you don't believe in women getting THAT much achievements in a life time... poor me, I guess I made a boo boo! *snicker*

Anyway, ciao... I'm off to watch another anime where the a geeky looking guy goes to a tough University with a girl of his childhood promise...

Who ends up more better than I can say for the people and yourself who agrees wiht you... ^^

Anime Knight

Oh look, he's trying to set an example..... (none / 0) (#744)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun May 12th, 2002 at 02:13:38 PM PST
I didn't read all of it because it's ignorant and just childish. You claim this is bad and this is good, yet look at what your preaching. Your saying this is evil and what not yet your local priest is molesting his 9yr old alter boy. You need to concentrate on what you beleive in then to go out and find something to release your anger on. Sell your computer and buy a million rosaries and give them out to every one, atleast your doing something right for God.

YOU THOUGHTLESS DEVILS!!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#747)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun May 12th, 2002 at 07:02:53 PM PST

Snort.. (none / 0) (#772)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 23rd, 2002 at 12:10:37 PM PST
Well, actually what you're refering to is 'hentai'. >.>;; Anime is actually made for children, in case you didn't know. Have you actually seen an anime? I would suggest for your understanding level to watch Hamtaro and/or Pokemon.

You sick nazi bastard (none / 0) (#773)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 25th, 2002 at 05:53:47 PM PST
you have to be the sickest person since richard nixon to publish his sick and evil thoughts

anime (none / 0) (#780)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 30th, 2002 at 08:47:32 PM PST
you all are being racist . go kill yourself .a. right man

A lack of faith. (none / 0) (#782)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Sep 3rd, 2002 at 04:41:47 AM PST

If you look at the American video industry, about 95% of the titles released are pornorgaphic in nature. This is the nature of the current market. Please do not assume that Japan has any kind of monopoly on adult materials in the video department.


I work for a major internet company, the kind that sells connections to smaller internet companies. I would estimate that up to 50% of the traffic on the Internet is either for porn requests, or for spam, much of it advertising porn. It is amazingly easy to think that there is nothing but porn on the net. Indeed, I would not be suprised if the Middle East thinks that all we do is have sex with our siblings and pets all day; just from looking at what we have up on the internet. (The basic point here is that it is not truely representative of what our pratices really are, or even the tastes the average man or woman has.)


I will not refute the argument that Japan has some of the most, shall we say, "unusual" sexual tastes in the world. It is amazingly easy to bring these images up and stick them in someone's face as an absolute. This is not the case for most tevelized Japanese animation. To assume this would be to assume that Americans are watching nothing but porn all day because most of the titles produced are of that nature.


Japanese animaters use big eyes not to attract children, but to express emotion better. If you have noticed, Disney is moving toward this as well.


I have met very few crusaders who truely were operating from a sense of God's direction, as much as a sense of fear. Many of the most effective witnessers that I have met are soft spoken, as they have a good sense of who they are, and where they fit within God's will. They often speak from a joy of what they have found, rather than a horror of what is not within God's realm. It is those who are less secure of where they are within God's will that will often act as barking dogs in the hope that they can gain God's favor by doing so. The fact that you are openly offensive to other religions tells me that you are more interested in proving that you are right than you are interested in helping those you talk to. I would suggest that you learn to guide, rather than to attempt to beat into submission. when you openly insult someone, they will close their ears to you. Do you truely wish to stand before God and watch every person who might have listened to you if you had not been so insulting to them first? I would not wish to be in that position.


If you truely wish to have an understanding of what is happening in America today, please consider the fact that we sell our days to a corporation at the lowest wage that they can get us for. Most of us do not have time to properly raise our children. Our divorce rate is at 60%, primarily because we do not have time to see our spouses, and because we are behind on our credit card payments, giving us money problems. Payments that were caused by advertising that creates a want for goods that we don't really need. I look at what was in my grandparents' houses, and my apartment has a lot more junk in it. We are taught from cradle to grave to spend more than we make, to never save, and to be constantly unhappy that we don't have more. We are taught to be induviduals, rather than partners to our mates. We sacrifice our children because we fear that we do not have enough money to support them, so we wait until we are too old to conceive.


Christian and anime fan.

The first step to financial freedon is to turn off the television.

I wonder (1.00 / 1) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 09:58:52 AM PST
why a Web site as controversial as would resort to blatant censorship of the subject matter at hand. Isn't using J. Christ to (literally) hide breasts a most decidely inadequate thing to do?

It is simple (5.00 / 1) (#15)
by Jon Erikson on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:03:23 AM PST
As a devout and dedicated Christian my aim here is to combat this sickening scourge, not to encourage it! Knowing that despite the best efforts by the tireless editors of this site that the moral underclass of "geeks" will be reading here and that they are vulnerable to any suggestions of a sexual nature (being so lacking in experience), I decided that the only sensible, moral course of action was to protect this naive souls from certain damnation at the hands of their rampant lusts.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

It's actually a trap. (5.00 / 1) (#25)
by because it isnt on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 11:48:01 AM PST
Mr Erikson is trying to convince the good people of Adequacy to gaze upon filthy unsecular theistic imagery. The only way he can do this is by juxtaposing the filth with some wholesome scenes of hentai.

I, for one, won't stand for this sort of mind-trickery and propaganda. -- because it isn't

morally corrupt geek seeks asian 12 year old (1.00 / 1) (#31)
by Ravnos on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:15:17 PM PST
Allright, that's going a bit far - First, I'm a programmer and network administrator by trade, a geek if you will. I also like anime.

(being so lacking in experience)

I also get laid on a regular basis thankyouverymuch.

and the only naive soul I see here are the poor ignorant christians, so unwilling to open their minds to the fact that they could very possibly be completely wrong.

Speaking for attractive pagan geeks everywhere, let me say, we don't appreciate your meddling in what we should or shouldn't watch. And as a devout and dedicated "satanist" my aim here is to combat the sickening scourge of chrisitanity that has been destroying this earth, lo humanity itself for over 2000 years.


The Ravnos

I hope you are aware (5.00 / 1) (#33)
by because it isnt on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:24:03 PM PST
That pagans have beliefs that are just as incorrect as the christians are, and every mention of "satan" perpetuates the mythical anthropomorphisation of evil. You're only doing their dirty work for them. -- because it isn't

most definitely aware (1.00 / 1) (#37)
by Ravnos on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:36:43 PM PST
Absolutely - I just find it a useful stance to take when pointing out the flaws in chrisitanity (which while just as flawed as paganism, I personally find it more offensive due to it's evangelistic nature).

One might say I'm a gnostic. I don't follow any religion, simply because I believe that by organizing a set of beliefs into a religion, you weaken those beliefs. While I AM spiritual, my beliefs are not set in stone, and change over time and situation.

and as for satan, all myths have their place - just remember - it's still a myth :-)

The Ravnos

God must have issues.. (1.00 / 1) (#186)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:31:36 PM PST
Okay I read this artical and I'm very infuriated with the fact that you have to put down the beautiful art of anime.. This is a disgrace to all who love anime. It isn't just cute girls in mini skirts or big muscle men ripping each other to peices! You sir must be a huge ASS!

Anime is a beautiful art intended for the older The dub people are as big bastards as YOU! The stories are very beautiful and well thought out. Takeuchi-sama is one of the most beautiful artists and manga writers out there!

And now I want to bitch 'bout these "satanistic" powers. Are you some kind of Puritan? Jesus.. I may be catholic but that doesn't mmean I'm not allowed to enjoy the pleasure of anime.

I just hope to god that you shove all that shit you said about anime down your damn throat!
You sir had angered the wrong crowd! Now I hope you en't gonna be an asshole no more..but if you have a problem with this post be ready for me to talk yur ear off. AIM; T0raNek0 Email-

Hope you burn in hell always, Sin.

Oh my god (1.00 / 1) (#120)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 05:58:46 AM PST
What did they do with Jon? They mind raped him. how sad. If we live long enough to encounter judgement day, I'll kill you. because you sir, you will be the buttkisser of the antichrist, who will lead an so called extremist christian alliance.. When you pray to god, you are most likely proud to be one that has seen the "light", And only that indicates that your soul is doomed.
btw, it isnt very smart to insult 3/4 of the world and give your email adress

how the hell did you get those pics (1.00 / 1) (#272)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:51:39 AM PST
Heh, Im wondering about HOW did you GET those pictures? Sick minded freak, and then you attach Jezus pics on it making it even sicker. you sir, are the most perverted guy Ive met on the internet

Now that's just mean (none / 0) (#352)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 10:11:37 PM PST
Believe me, if I weren't so sure you were joking, me and several of my geek friends would hurt you. "Moral underclass"?!?! I think you might want to loosen your own morals a bit, they seem to be cutting off the supply of blood to the little brain you have left. I thank you profusely for protecting me from myself; I think I'll go torture some small, helpless animals to take my mind off my rampant lusts.

Thanks for illustrating his point. (none / 0) (#370)
by tkatchev on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 02:18:45 AM PST
I think your post illusrated Mr. Rightmann's point beautifully. The worst part is, you probably don't even realize how horrible you come off; "moral underclass", indeed. If you are a typical example of g**k "culture", then I have little faith in the future of America.

Peace and much love...

Actually (5.00 / 1) (#56)
by Right Hand Man on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 02:17:16 PM PST
There don't appear to be enough graphical representations of Jesus and Mary. In both pictures the children's buttocks are clearly visible, as well as the area between the breasts. This is clearly obscene, although they serve the purpose of demonstrating how incredibly depraved these cartoons are, without crossing the line into the dark land of hardcore pornography.

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

Boulderdash (none / 0) (#16)
by Sylvester Q McNamera on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:16:48 AM PST
I do say. I can't be bothered to read your nebulous dribble, but based upon your silly graphics one can only imagine that it's quite the load of crap.

First of all, I assume you are using your misguided five minutes of fame to attempt to defame Windows users and the culture which Microsoft has spawned, and to attempt to promote that rougue Linux crap. Windows is so easy to use no wonder it's number one, and you smelly hippy freaks had better just accept it. I for one won't stand for your insolent behaviour so you can start to work on your retraction post haste.

Secondly I also imagine that you have made several broad generalizations and post modern assumptions about culures and the genesis of them, again, your bias probably negates any correctness you may have stumbled upon.

Thirdly, I can only assume that you have not backed up any of your writing with concrete references, thus the readers of this fine site will be left to their own devices with regards to verifying the stuff you probably made up. Normally this would not be a problem, but all the new retarded K5 users will certainly get their panties in a bunch over this.

Fourthly you have more than likely not paid enough attention to detail, instead focusing on large breasted women in slutty clothing. Oh sure, one can never get enough of slutty women and the like, but really old chap, is this the proper medium for that kind of talk? After all, what would your parents think?

To summarize, I would give you a -1 rewrite and suggest that you resubmit under MLP and I'll reconsider.

Best wishes,
--S.Q. McNamera

Just like a Liberal (none / 0) (#17)
by Jon Erikson on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:22:55 AM PST
I do say. I can't be bothered to read your nebulous dribble, but based upon your silly graphics one can only imagine that it's quite the load of crap.

How typical of the Liberal mindset to only read one side of the story and then proceed to denounce any alternative positions based upon whatever collection of piss and wind they can come up with! You sir, are what is wrong with America today, and if I had my way you'd be packed off to a Christian re-education camp for the state of your soul.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

Sylvester sounds like those evolutionists (none / 0) (#18)
by Adam Rightmann on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:34:07 AM PST
Who, when I asked them to provide counter arguments to their theory, got all huffy and vitriolic. Every theory should have its critics and counter arguments.

A. Rightmann

A few quick questions. (none / 0) (#19)
by chuckx on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:34:36 AM PST
Are you implying that all Americans are Christian? Or maybe just that all American should be Christian?

Do you have any tolerance for those who choose to follow a different faith?

- chuckx -

Not all Americans are Christians (none / 0) (#20)
by Adam Rightmann on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:40:02 AM PST
but America was founded as a Christian nation, and most Americans are Christian (though most of the Christians are of the heretical snake-handling Protestant cults).

But do forgive our zeal for trying to steer non-Christians away from their hellbound pathes. If you knew what was at stake, you'd be zealous, too.

A. Rightmann

At stake (none / 0) (#88)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 08:39:35 PM PST
I assume you mean my soul is at stake. I accept that you believe that, but I require a little more evidence before I buy into this assumption. I have been reading comments on this site for several days now, and I would appreciate it from this day forward if you could take into consideration that a small portion of your audience neither faithfully believes in the Lord nor requires steering away from your transposed concept of hell.

I guess it all goes back to that question 'if a tree falls in a forest and noone is around to hear it, does it make a sound?' If I die right now, not believing in anything, will my soul vanish? Yours will go straight to heaven if you ask you, but do you care what I think?

The Founding Fathers were NOT Christians! (none / 0) (#127)
by neutral on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:24:03 AM PST
"Infidelity is liberty; all religion is slavery." - Thomas Paine

America was founded as a Christian nation

I've heard this repeated often enough that it's almost become a mantra by a few Christians in trying to define this country as something they want it to be. Yes, it's true that a large percentage of Americans are Christians. A rather recent Gallup poll found that 25% of us were Catholic and some 52% of us were some form of Protestant. We are, therefore, a predominantly Christian nation by demographics. But does that mean that the Founding Fathers were Christian or that they tried to instill Christian values into our original Constitution?

Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. John Quincy Adams, Ethan Allen, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Thomas Paine and George Washington were all Deists. A Deist is not a Christian -- Deism does not recognize revealed religion, preferring instead a view that "while God created the universe, he is not directly involved in it". They eschew miracles, the divinity of Christ and generally practice no regular worship service. They prefer a naturalistic view of the world to one influenced by the supernatural.

Ian Robertson, in Sociology (3rd edition, Worth Publishing Inc.: New York, 1987) said, "At the time of its founding, the United States seemed to be an infertile ground for religion. Many of the nation's leaders - include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin - were not Christians, did not accept the authority of the Bible, and were hostile to organized religion. The attitude of the general public was one of apathy: in 1776, only 5 percent of the population were participating members of the churches."

So much for the theory that our country was founded by Christians.

Jefferson, Paine, et al, were not that unusual in their day -- especially among the educated elite of the 18th century. While they were political radicals in the sense that they sought to divorce the States from the British Crown and establish a new kind of government, they also held much in common with the European philosophers of the day. The concept of Libertad was beginning to take root in Europe -- ironically spurred by the nationalist fervor stoked by one of the last of the great emperors, Napoleon. While our founders were not generally Christian, neither did they have any interest in quelling the practice of any given religion, they well understood the perils of theocracy as well as the more insidious one of state-sponsored oppression.

The most prolific of the bunch were Jefferson and Paine. While Paine had a more acerbic view of Christians and Christianity, Jefferson once wrote in a letter to William Canby, "Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern, which have come under my observation, none appear to me so pure as that of Jesus." While he did not subscribe to Christ's divinity, he did recognize him as a singular teacher and greatly respected the basic tenets of Christianity.

John Adams exposed his clear Deist thinking in a letter to F.A. Van der Kamp (Dec. 27, 1816) when he wrote, "As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed?"

More to the point of the mistaken idea that America was founded on Christianity is this excerpt from the Treaty of Peace and Friendship signed with the Barbary coast (Tripoli), November 4, 1796: "As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, -- as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquillity of Musselmen,-- and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

From Ethan Allen's own pen: "I have generally been denominated a Deist, the reality of which I never disputed, being conscious I am no Christian, except mere infant baptism makes me one; and as to being a Deist, I know not strictly speaking whether I am one or not." (From Reason the Only Oracle of Man.)

Paine was perhaps the harshest of all the original patriots in his condemnation of religion. In Age of Reason, he said: "I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish Church, by the Roman Church, by the Greek Church, by the Turkish Church, by the Protestant Church, nor by any Church that I know of. My own mind is my own Church." ... as well as ... "The story of Jesus Christ appearing after he was dead is the story of an apparition, such as timid imaginations can always create in vision, and credulity believe. Stories of this kind had been told of the assassination of Julius Caesar."

So, you ask, what is my point? Am I trying to say that we were founded by a group of anti-Christian rebels or that our nation's ideals do not incorporate much of what is good about Christianity?

Not at all. I'm thinking about the religious forces that helped to propel G.W. Bush into the office of the Presidency -- forces which had great hopes for bending the rules a little here, a little there on issues like abortion, gay rights, and separation of church and state. And I'm wondering just how Jefferson or Paine would react to the Alan Keyes and Randall Terrys of today if they could speak. I'm wondering if the religious activists who believe that their version of faith is better than any other have ever stopped to consider that the shoe fits on both feet. I'm asking out loud whether they believe that groups like the ACLU -- demonized as anti-Christ and anti-God for their defense of unpopular views -- would come to their side just as loudly if they were in the minority.

We are a nation of variation and we have designed our laws to honor the majority while protecting the minority. When the extremist thinkers of 1776 sat down to finalize their act of rebellion -- jeopardizing their homes, their families, and their very lives before the bayonets of King George's troops -- it may have been Thomas Paine's words that echoed in their minds:
"He who would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression."

I've read somewhere, "Tolerance is compatible with our freedoms, as long as neither a tyranny of the majority, nor a special-interests minority hold sway over others."

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Forgot to mention (none / 0) (#128)
by neutral on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:30:39 AM PST
Here is some additional quotes (some that I find very insightful) by Thomas Jefferson:

"Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear. Do not be frightened from this inquiry by any fear of its consequences.... If it end in a belief that there is no god, you will find incitements to virtue in the comfort and pleasantness you feel in its exercise and in the love of others it will procure for you."

"I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world, and do not find in our particular superstition [Christianity] one redeeming feature. They are all alike, founded on fables and mythology."

"The Christian god is a three headed monster, cruel, vengeful and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging, three headed beast-like god, one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites."

"And the day will come, when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as His Father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva, in the brain of Jupiter."

"Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man."

Have a, eh, glorious day.

Mr Adam Rightmann... (none / 0) (#434)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 12:44:29 PM PST what you're saying with your statement "souls are at stake" is, basically, that anime is evil and decadent and a scourge upon our perfect, shining, upright American shores (pfft), right?

*takes a good long look at her extensive anime and video game collection. Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Outlaw Star, Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin, and Hime Mononoke, all in neat little rows.*

...I am SO going to hell.

But, you know...since you and Jon here have both technically blasphemed the name of God by naming yourselves judge and jury in His stead, I guess I'll see you both there, won't I?

*flashes him a bright, saccharine-sweet smile* Have a wonderful life!

Easy answers (none / 0) (#42)
by Jon Erikson on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:44:33 PM PST
Are you implying that all Americans are Christian?

One day perhaps, but no, not now. And since the Liberals snuck into power, they have fought tooth and claw to erase decent Christian values from our once-great nation.

Or maybe just that all American should be Christian?

Of course. This is a Christian nation founded on Christian ideals! The idea that anyone can not be a Christian is preposterious!

Do you have any tolerance for those who choose to follow a different faith?

Don't get me wrong - I don't hate these people. Many of them have simply been deluded into thinking their beliefs are right, and can be guided back into Truth by the actions of concerned Christians. It's only those that willingly reject the Lord that deserve our hate, for they are the minions of Satan intent upon corrupting the souls of our children and condemning them to Hell.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

Deluded? (none / 0) (#422)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 07:57:45 AM PST
By that argument, I could say that you've been deluded into thinking your beliefs are right. Granted, this argument could last forever, and most likely will unless someone shuts up about it. Or, preferably, everyone shuts up about it. I doubt that will happen any time soon, though. The more I read your poses, Mr. Erikson, the less credible you seem as someone to take seriously. Sorry.

--Nintaku, ...That Guy... Yeah, him.

'Superstition. And, jealousy.' -'Dragula' by Rob Zombie

Look, pal... (none / 0) (#763)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 4th, 2002 at 09:25:35 AM PST
Don't get me wrong here, because I'm canadian and didn't take history classes that spoke of world's soooo perfect nation, but I do remember the world "Freedom" being everywhere. Freedom is far from being a Christian concept, as far as I'm concerned. And freedom of religion is parts of what make America so great.

And maybe Christians just don't have all of the answers? I, myself, am officially a Christian, but I base my life on a bunch of moral values that mean a lot to me. I don't pray every day, but I don't think other people would be shocked at all if there was no Christianism. But if I killed someone, and there was no Christianism, that would be immoral. Like I said, good principles alone could make the world a better place, but Christian values usually are restrictions that keep others from doing something harmless. Anyway, I won't go any further because that would question your religious beliefs, which I don't want to do. (I'm positive I've been labelled as satanist by now so that wouldn't help my credibility very much...) But remember that "Don't hurt people because you wouldn't want to be hurt, and that would make the other person sad", is a LOT better than "Don't hurt people or the Lord will give you a spanking you'll never forget after your death!" in my opinion... I let you think about it.

Oh and one last thing:
Anime is not the way you described it. Well, most of it. Of course, there is a lot of porn and discutable situations in anime, but the series aimed at children are heavily edited before anything too violent or sexual reaches the (american, anyway) kids. And when you said Pok�mon was about kids summoning demons to do their biddings, I nearly fell off the chair... "From the dark depths of Hell, I summon thee, the great unholy Jigglypuff!! Go and use your dark energy borrowed from Satan to make that opponent fall asleep to win that friendly battle against an overly cute blue crocodile that shoots water as its main weapon!!" I don't think little kids have tried to summon Pikachus from the depths of the unholy lands using chicken blood and black candles made with human hair... yet.

Oh and, before you think I'm trying to corrupt influenceable minds... Kids, don't listen to my nonsense. What I think is simply impossible by all means.

Blasphemy (none / 0) (#26)
by Sylvester Q McNamera on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 11:50:47 AM PST
I say, you're quite incorrect in your untenable anaysis of my response.

To make such wild and dubious references regarding any form of organised religion which survives only to besmirch the one true religion, which we know is the Southern Baptist faith, is quite beyond even the scope of this open minded web site. May the baby Jeuss himself come back and slap you in person for that insolent remark.

It's obvious to anyone with the ability to comprehend the Kings English that you should spend your time improving your writing skills and adding flavor to your food instead of making these wanton attacks on a God fearing Baptist such as myself. I'll have the prayer group at my mission add you to their prayer list tonight. You surely need it.

Best wishes,
--S.Q. McNamera

You sir are a deceiver! (none / 0) (#43)
by Jon Erikson on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:48:05 PM PST
To make such wild and dubious references regarding any form of organised religion which survives only to besmirch the one true religion, which we know is the Southern Baptist faith, is quite beyond even the scope of this open minded web site. May the baby Jeuss himself come back and slap you in person for that insolent remark.

I call you out as a lier and a deceiver, for no True Christian would misspell the name of Jesus in such a blasphemous way! You call yourself a Baptist, but you are nothing but a tool of Satan in his quest for damned souls.

Quite frankly you're lucky to be hiding behind your online identity, for otherwise myself and several other concerned Christians would be knocking on your door right now, to ensure your filthy lies no longer bother decent folk.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

I will ask elby for the ip logs (none / 0) (#44)
by Adam Rightmann on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:52:02 PM PST
and perhaps we can track down this heretical McNamara and send an exorcist team over, it's the least we can do for a loyal reader.

A. Rightmann

You shall perish Mr. Wrongman (none / 0) (#47)
by Sylvester Q McNamera on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 01:03:44 PM PST
Me and my "gun rack mounted in the back window of our pickup trucks" Baptist friends shall be awaiting your nefarious lot with hot molten bundles of speeding lead, as it were.

I should think you would be wise to retract your statement before you are forced to deal with the Southern Baptist style of vengance. Lets just say that it might be the will of God for your arse to be closely associated with a variety of farm animals in ways that your friends and family members would find rather distastefull. You, on the other hand, I'm sure would enjoy it, you sick twisted poser. Now stop your silly crusade or I shall be forced to tell you to stop again.

Best wishes,
--S.Q. McNamera

LoL (none / 0) (#216)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:13:59 PM PST
So... you're also willing to kill this guy and or hurt him because of a typo?? Yeah... some merciful guy you are there.

You sir are a moron (none / 0) (#230)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:07:08 PM PST
Quite frankly you're lucky to be hiding behind your online identity, for otherwise myself and several other concerned Christians would be knocking on your door right now, to ensure your filthy lies no longer bother decent folk.

As you are lucky to be hiding behind your online identity, or millions of decent americans would be knocking on your door to insure that you cannot spread your stupidity.

uhhh... go look in a mirror (none / 0) (#176)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 06:16:38 PM PST
before i start, i must say that reading these post was quite interesting. although i do not agree with the idea that anime is a bad influence on society, i feel that others have the right to believe in what they believe.

but one thing that frustrates me while reading these post is the hypocracy apparant in your arguments. you yourself say:

"How typical of the Liberal mindset to only read one side of the story and then proceed to denounce any alternative positions based upon whatever collection of piss and wind they can come up with!"

but at the same time, you yourself are commiting this act. you judge that this person is some ignorant moron. then you proceed to bash not only his thoughts, but his own person.

its also amusing to see, at least to me, two opposite sides of the spectrum argue about topics in which they both have different interpertations about. yes, hentai is revolting, but not all anime is like that. and yes, christianity may be hypocritical, but it does not mean it is wrong to believe in it.

everyone is going to have a different opinion, that is what makes the world an interesting place.

Bobo's two cents ... (none / 0) (#429)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 11:51:25 AM PST
Speaking of reading "one side of the story," go back and re-read your stupid article. See if THAT isn't one-sided

"Rougue"? (none / 0) (#21)
by tkatchev on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:58:33 AM PST
I assume that you either meant "rouge" or "rogue", didn't you?

P.S. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. As a liberalist, you're supposed to study Merriam and Webster as if it were the Bible.

Peace and much love...

I'm not a liberalist (none / 0) (#28)
by Sylvester Q McNamera on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:00:19 PM PST
I'm quite the modernist, thank you. Now run along and stop pestering me with your tripe. I suggest an 8 year stint at the Uni, then perhaps you'll be able to engage a person of my stature in meaningful banter.

Oh the nerve of some people.

Best wishes,
--S.Q. McNamera

You lose. (none / 0) (#52)
by tkatchev on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 02:04:48 PM PST
Modernism is just a sub-category of liberalism. As usual, liberalists flat-out refuse to acknowledge that there exist people that think outside their secular-humanist cage.

P.S. Don't insult me, I'm probably smarter and more experienced than you, judging by your infantile pose.

Peace and much love...

big words rule! (none / 0) (#60)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:18:03 PM PST
but do you ever get your chain yanked?!?! -- it makes my head hurt

Huh? (none / 0) (#92)
by tkatchev on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:12:14 PM PST
Sir, that comment was inadequate.

Peace and much love...

I never liked anime (5.00 / 2) (#22)
by typical geek on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:58:49 AM PST
and it did cause me grief among my geek friends. They would get a new VHS copy of something like Gundam Wing or Princess Monomonkey (back in the 80's, before DVDs existed) and schedule a party around it. No chicks ever showed up though, so I would just go out to the bars, drinks lots of beer and try to pick up heavy chicks (and succeed once in a while). I don't feel so bad now, the reason I don't like it is that I'm not a pedophile.

gcc is to software freedom as guns are to personal freedom.

Why do you like 'heavy' chicks? (none / 0) (#29)
by because it isnt on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:07:21 PM PST
You should rush back to your geek friends and apologise for the error of your ways. You're shacked up with the back end of a donkey while your gaijin chums have hit the jackpot of the dating scene. Mmm. -- because it isn't

I found heavy chicks less likely to have boyfriend (none / 0) (#30)
by typical geek on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:13:56 PM PST
s, and more like to want to go home with me.

gcc is to software freedom as guns are to personal freedom.

water finds its own level (none / 0) (#32)
by because it isnt on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:19:05 PM PST
Ganbatte. -- because it isn't

spoken like someone who never did a fatgirl (none / 0) (#35)
by typical geek on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:29:17 PM PST
oh boy are they fun, and grateful!

gcc is to software freedom as guns are to personal freedom.

As we say, "nice personality" (none / 0) (#45)
by because it isnt on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:52:36 PM PST
The asian prawn-crackers I have known may be high-maintainance, but at least I can be with them in public without hiding my face in shame. -- because it isn't

What a sad, lonely picture you paint of yourself. (5.00 / 1) (#49)
by elenchos on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 01:17:04 PM PST
Apropos of nothing, you think you look "cool" in attacking the quality of the sexual fulfillment others have found. Why? Do you think it makes you look like a "stud" to belittle others? Do you think anyone reads this and wishes to be more like you?

They don't. Normal people look at an exchange like this and think "how sad that this empty, mean, angry person feels the need to use these kinds of put-downs to build up his own diseased ego."

We who know the real joys of love would never waste a second's thought on feeling "shame" at being with the one we love. Whereas, those whose lives are naught but a long string of disappointments are forever looking left and right, searching for approval and validation in the faces of strangers.

You are mean and phoney, and no one thinks that is "cool".

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

I agree. (5.00 / 1) (#66)
by nathan on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:28:25 PM PST
Geez, elenchos, if Natalie Portman gained 200 kilos, there'd just be more of her to love.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

My only thoughts are of saving you from yourself (none / 0) (#80)
by because it isnt on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 06:33:00 PM PST
We who know the real joys of love would never waste a second's thought on feeling "shame" at being with the one we love.

This is the typical fantasy world that theistic droolers are lead to believe. One needs a strong secular upbringing to understand what real life is like. typical geek is on the slippery slope and only the harsh truth can save him. He shouldn't settle for second best when he has a whole world of pleasure awaiting him.

You are mean and phoney, and no one thinks that is "cool".

Those are harsh and cruel words, enchelos. Why would you wish to slander me, when all I am doing is trying to help people lead better lives? -- because it isn't

Confused... (5.00 / 1) (#123)
by hauntedattics on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 06:35:01 AM PST
How is it helping people lead better lives by encouraging them to focus more on what others think of them and their mates? Or to focus more on the outside package when the inner one is so much more important, and lasting? I don't know of many who center their lives on pleasure who haven't ended up either (a) repudiating that existence or (b) dead.

And calling people "theistic droolers" isn't likely to endear you to many, particularly on this site, Mr. Isn't.

Better Lifes (5.00 / 1) (#270)
by Kitsune Aywen on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:44:12 AM PST
And who are you to judge what is the better life? Who are you to say that it is indeed a disappointment to cuddle around with friends instead of having sex?

Sex isn't for pleasure. It's for reproduction. It's for showing ones love, a wonderful, and rare thing. You slander it - I prefer a person who quitely is with themselves over someone who would sleep with a man or woman they don't plan to share the rest of their life with.

Virginity is a great gift to give away. You slander it.

Kitsune Aywen

ugh (none / 0) (#568)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:38:25 AM PST
excuse you...i think youre a bit mistaken there bud...asshole

Sorry For Your Friends (none / 0) (#269)
by Kitsune Aywen on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:40:45 AM PST
I'm sorry for your friends, then. :) I do have friends. Most of us like to watch anime. But we also love to go out, we love to discuss matters of importance (like our point of view on the happenings in Afghanistan or the sense of life).

I don't go out to parties. Why? Because I don't like it. It's not a matter of not being able to. ^_^ I know quite well that if I went to the disco and wanted a hot guy for myself, I could get one - I'm decent looking, can converse, and love to have fun.

Kitsune Aywen

Uhm... (none / 0) (#305)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 12:08:13 PM PST
Gundam Wing and Princess Mononoke didn't come out in the 80's.

Uhm... (none / 0) (#659)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 30th, 2002 at 09:10:28 AM PST

Yo! Fool! (none / 0) (#702)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 07:47:29 PM PST
I am sooooooooooo 'sorry' to say that Princess Mononoke (If you're gonna bag something, learn to spell, okay? Idiot...) and Gundam was released WAY After the 80's. HEL-LOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! What time period are ya on???

Oooooooooooh! SO manly of you to pick up hookers and prostitutes! -tsk- And you though us anime fans are evil... just listen to yourself!

I guess you never understood the meaning of 'True Love'! heh heh...

Oh well... I just hope oyu live long enough to read this before you get AIDS or something... Loser....

Anime Knight

Who's the fool? (none / 0) (#717)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 08:20:43 PM PST
Man, Gundam was first shown in Japan in April of 1979. Not sure about Mononoke though. Look it up.

Not All manga contains as described above (none / 0) (#24)
by Anime Area UK on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 11:34:14 AM PST
I'd like to point out in this article that the writer has not given any film names... and that not all Manga/Anime films have violence in ... for example Pokemon...

Pokemon (none / 0) (#87)
by MessiahWWKD on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 08:26:22 PM PST
No, Pokemon just promotes cock fighting and other acts of abusing animals.
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

sigh... (none / 0) (#290)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:35:37 AM PST
it's too bad kids don't know what's cock fighting mr or ms moron... and i doubt kids would hate animals, unless if they were attacked by a certain animal and gets a phobia against that certain animal...

'Cock fighting'? (none / 0) (#413)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 06:33:16 AM PST
I'm not sure I understand your unspoken meaning here. Do you mean to say that children, upon viewing Pokemon, will believe that the mundane animals of the real world have any of the super abilities of animals in the Pokemon world? That would require very young children and very bad parents. Pokemon is not harmful to children, as long as they have parental guidance. And please don't tell me that they wouldn't need parental guidance if they didn't watch anime.

--Nintaku, the Music Man

'You pray so hard on bloody knees' -'Superbeast' by Rob Zombie

pedophilia (none / 0) (#36)
by alprazolam on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:34:51 PM PST
It needs to be pointed out that scientific study after scientific study has proven that there is no cure for pedophilia. Therefore the best defense for the youth of today is wide dissemination of so called "hentai" or other types of pornography that distracts the future pedophile from thoughts of sexual acts with children and gives them a "hobby" which they can spend all their time on. Which is another reason why the government should subsidize high speed bandwidth into the home.

but anime is a gateway to pedophile (none / 0) (#41)
by Adam Rightmann on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:44:20 PM PST
much like marijuana is a gateway drug to heroin, xanax and cocaine.

After a year or two of watching anime, the pervert finds that it no longer arouses him as much, the spark is gone. Most then ask their anime dealers for something stronger, which is where child porn comes in. Some do desperate things like hang around schoolyards trying to kidnap little girls.

We do really need to crack down on this disgusting habit.

A. Rightmann

marijuana? (none / 0) (#46)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 12:59:25 PM PST
I've been smoking it for a while now. I've had no desire ever to try harder drugs. Besides, I show up to work every day, go to school, and also learn on my own outside of class. I also have healthy relationships with family, friends, and my live-in girlfriend. yeah, living in sin is wonderful.

I will pray for you (none / 0) (#48)
by Adam Rightmann on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 01:12:31 PM PST
that someday you will have the strength to free yourself of the shackles of the demon weed.

Once free of your marijuana addiction, I'm sure you will realize the sinful nature of your relationship, and marry your girlfriend.

So please, take the baggie of demon weed and flush it down the toilet. Make a bonfire on your lawn and throw in your bong, your tie-dye T-shirts, your Anthrax CDs and your Phish bootlegs and whatever other drug paraphenalia you have.

You will thank me some day.

A. Rightmann

sin is in (none / 0) (#61)
by Stretch on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:18:53 PM PST
"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be food for you. And to the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground--everything that has the breath of life in it--I give every green plant for food. And it was so" (Genesis 1:29-30).

Seems to me eating the "demon weed" is perfectly acceptable (and does get you stoned. Very stoned.) Even from a fundamentalist point of view, smoking weed would also be acceptable since apparently god "gave" it to us. Perhaps if smoking marijauna wasn't wrongly considered sinful by the masses less people would think they were rebelling by using it. Consumption is consumption be it through your stomach and into your bloodstream or through your lungs and into your bloodstream.

The typical response of a Liberal... (5.00 / 1) (#73)
by Jon Erikson on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 04:23:11 PM PST
... is to turn around and try and quote the Bible when confronted with something they cannot answer in any other way. Unfortunately for you there is a simple answer to your so-called rebuttal - Satan created marijuana to tempt the foolish away from the Lord. It is a known fact that people that smoke "dope" are less likely to go to Church, and that in doing so put their souls in direst peril.

When drugs are elimated I will give praise to the Lord for it shall be a glorious day.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

You have strayed from the flock (none / 0) (#81)
by Stretch on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 06:33:45 PM PST
It is also typical of a self-proclaimed conservative to ignore the bible whenever it contridicts their own personal agenda.

When drugs are elimated I will give praise to the Lord for it shall be a glorious day.

Tell that to the millions of dreadfully sick and pained that will be a state of untreated agony when (erm, if) that glorious day arrives. Drugs, be it marijuana cigarettes, aspirin or penicillin, are not un-Christian, and for this arguement, simply because the bible nor any "official" Christian literature says they are. You have taken your own morals, not god's or jesus's and applied it to your heretical version of Christianity. Pray to your lord and savior Jesus Christ, for only he can cleanse your eternally damned soul. Heathen.

PS: I chose to rebutt you with a quote from the bible simply because that is the only plane of thought you attempt work on. There are, of course, many other ways to argue this particular point, but with you, they would all fall on deaf ears.

Strayed! Ha, pull the other one! (none / 0) (#109)
by Jon Erikson on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 02:22:21 AM PST
Oh my sad, lost friend, you truly have been deceived haven't you? I would suggest that you stop addling your brain with drugs before you suffer further mental deterioration and embark upon a strict regime of fasting and prayer to bring you back into the fold.

Tell that to the millions of dreadfully sick and pained that will be a state of untreated agony when (erm, if) that glorious day arrives. Drugs, be it marijuana cigarettes, aspirin or penicillin, are not un-Christian, and for this arguement, simply because the bible nor any "official" Christian literature says they are.

You attack a strawman there unfortunately, for where did I state that I opposed legitimate medical advances designed to help my fellow man? Such things are for the benefit of all mankind, and come from the reasoning which God gave us. They are totally different from chemicals which weaken the mind and corrupt the body.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

You are being unclear (none / 0) (#137)
by Stretch on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:53:04 AM PST
I would suggest that you stop addling your brain with drugs before you suffer further mental deterioration and embark upon a strict regime of fasting and prayer to bring you back into the fold.

Where did I say I took drugs, be them illegal or not? I haven't. When you assume, you make an ass out of yourself.

You attack a strawman there unfortunately, for where did I state that I opposed legitimate medical advances designed to help my fellow man? Such things are for the benefit of all mankind, and come from the reasoning which God gave us. They are totally different from chemicals which weaken the mind and corrupt the body.

You said and I quote, "When drugs are elimated I will give praise to the Lord for it shall be a glorious day." There is nothing in that statement or any other statement on this thread indicating you even know the difference between medical drugs and (for arguement's sake we will call them) recreational drugs. Perhaps you should look up the definition of "drugs" because it does not distinguish between legal and illegal medicines.

Futhermore, the jury is still out on the medicinal benefits of marijuana. Like all drugs, marijuana has "ill" side-effects (such as getting one "high"), but if that allows a cancer patient to keep food down and all other alternatives have been ineffective can you really say marijuana does not help your fellow man? Perhaps you should stop by a cancer clinique and talk to some patients and doctors there if you are still as confused as you sound.

God the Creator (none / 0) (#89)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 08:49:01 PM PST
Satan created marijuana to tempt the foolish away from the Lord.

In all my understanding of the teachings of the Bible, only God can create, since when did Satan achieve the ability to create?

God the Mischievous (5.00 / 1) (#138)
by Stretch on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 12:02:34 PM PST
Satan was given the ability to create only through the confusion of many good-willed, but misguided and ignorant Christians. These are the same people who think alleged dinosaur bones were created by satan to test their faith. Have no doubt that if these same people were alive in 1491 they would believe the earth was flat. If there are aliens, undoubtably these same people will think they are devil's in disguise. When they don't understand something, it must be satan's doing.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (none / 0) (#452)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 06:13:38 PM PST
So let's see here. I guess you think Anthrax and Metallica and Aerosmith and Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles are all music of the devil, huh? What kind of music do you listen to, anyway? Oh, duh. I'm sorry. I forgot. You sit and listen to the Good N' Holy Christian Choir all day, right?

Correllation is not causation (none / 0) (#59)
by Hagbard Celine on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:03:28 PM PST
First of all, I'd like to say that I respect your position and that you live your life by your code of ethics and morals.

However, I humbly suggest that you take into consideration that those people living outside your moral system may not want/need to be saved.

While you may feel that you have a monopoly on morals, you should realize that many people live moral lives without being Christians. I myself am an atheist (I will laugh when someone posts that my views are immediately discounted because of this fact.)

However, I feel that I am quite a moral person. True, I imbibe liquor and use the "demon weed". But I am nice to other people and in fact work for the church.

You should also be aware that the gateway drug theory is a myth. You can look here and here. You and all people need to remember:

Correlation is NOT causation

I know many people who watch anime and have done for years and have never committed any sexual offense against young people. In fact, anime leads to....more anime. And not all anime features the sexual content that the poster put in his article. I have watched Anime since I was 8 and have no wishes to violate young girls. (or boys) Please, stop the generalizing. It hurts.

I have a suggestion for you though: Why don't you and your like-minded brethren find a new place where you can start a Christian state. You could be called the Christiban. There you can apply all these rules from your good book on people. This would be called a theocracy. And please, don't try to tell me the U.S. is a Christian state or that I'm part of the secular humanist conspiracy. 9Or do so if you wish, but logic is so much more hearty that rhetoric) You might say I'm part of the "pursuit of happiness conspiracy" which our founding fathers also belonged to. PFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTT

you will get what you deserve (none / 0) (#64)
by nathan on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 03:27:21 PM PST
when MJ and booze make you impotent and feminized.

Life ain't all a party, chum.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Suckus Maximus (none / 0) (#50)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 01:20:19 PM PST
yummy.....remove the jesus's and go to town!

heh (none / 0) (#71)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 04:10:00 PM PST
damn, you christian idiots need to get laid. bad. go find a hooker that'll let ya bugger her little butthole. you'll feel better.

<this message brough by the devil himself>

how sad (none / 0) (#72)
by nathan on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 04:17:10 PM PST
<this message brough by the devil himself> [sic]

You don't know how right you are. Good luck...

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Misogynism (none / 0) (#86)
by MessiahWWKD on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 08:22:04 PM PST
It's just like an atheist to think of a woman as nothing but a sex object. That is one reason I refuse to label myself as one ever again.
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

What in hell (none / 0) (#690)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 25th, 2002 at 03:56:57 PM PST
What kind of connection do you have in hell? Im geussing since hell is well... hell, its 1200 baud?

Don't Confuse Tools and Objectives (1.00 / 1) (#79)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 06:12:51 PM PST
Anime is a tool - a medium like any other. It is used for a purpose (objective): entertain, make a statement, change a person's beliefs, etc.

Granted there are sick people advocating filthy crimes against children using this medium to spread their disease. Such people, however, will use ANY medium to further their agenda and infect others, not just Anime.

Why attack the medium when you should really be attacking the few publishing houses that create the really indecent material?

Why attack the tool when you should be attacking the objective?

If we were to attack and destroy Anime because of a few indecent animators, then we would have to:

-destroy the internet (filthy sites exist)
-destroy television (violent programs exist)
-destroy music (dirty songs exist)
-destroy photographs (pornographic photographs exist)
-destroy radio (indecent talk show hosts exist)
-destroy books (lurid literature exists)

We would have to destroy ALL media including cutting off everyone's tongue and everyone's hands because all these things can be used to spread wickedness and moral disease.

I ask you, though, my brothers:

Where would we be then?

Where would we be after we had destroyed any and all media in our culture, media which can, by the way, be used to spread wholesome ideas?

Where would we be after we had cut off our tongues and our hands?

Where would we be after we destroyed television, radio, pictures, books, photographs and the internet?


The answer should be obvious:

Ask Mr. Taliban.




You must first prove yourself (none / 0) (#91)
by inveigle on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 09:17:48 PM PST

You must first prove yourself through your anonymous postings - these should be made from the same IP address as your request for a password, for tracking purposes. Only when we in the inner circle have determined that your posts have demonstrated sufficient wit, insight, and meat, will your password be sent.

Strawman (5.00 / 1) (#114)
by Jon Erikson on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 03:22:11 AM PST
Why attack the medium when you should really be attacking the few publishing houses that create the really indecent material?

I don't even need to attack the rest of your strawman. You are attacking a position I never stated. Of course we need to go after the filthmongers that produce this rubbish, just like we're going after Al Qaeda for September 11. That doesn't mean that we can't attack it when we see it though, as an intermediate solution.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

wait a sec (1.00 / 1) (#215)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:08:33 PM PST
So what you're saying is that we should destroy everything that has the potential for evil. Ok. If I agree with you, then maybe we should destroy you and me and everyone else. Because it's the people that's the root of all problems. Not inanimate objects and such. Anime doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt people. It all depends on wether you allow yourself to be corrupted by such things. Everything is capable of evil. But that doesn't mean we destroy everyhing with it. You mentioned that we were attacking Al que(blah) or what ever that place was called because of Sept 11. But... but. Is it worth destroying EVery single one of them at the expense that maybe 1... just 1 of them are truely loving and understanding people? Do you think ALL Japanese people are a problem? Well, we have good Americans and we have evil Americans. You just can't be so one sided in things. I mean, look at Disney... that was sposed to be all wholesome good fun but we all know what was on the cover of The Little Mermaid, now don't we. But does that mean we must destroy all of Disney? No.

Nuclear Weapons are also "tools" (5.00 / 1) (#153)
by nx01 on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 02:19:52 PM PST
By your logic, we shouldn't be bothering to attempt to reduce our arsenal. After all, just because "bad" nukes exist, it doesn't mean that "good" nukes don't exist! Just because rapes exist, it doesn't mean that we should try and eliminate rape, because maybe there is an upside to it! Just because murder exists doesn't mean we should stop people from killing, maybe it's a good murder!



Get over your free-software commie style of thought. Some things need to be censored, and some need to be destroyed. Some tools are evil -- through and through evil. They sow evil and they reap evil. We have a moral duty to eliminate these evil tools. Anime is one of them. HTH.

"Every time I look at the X window system, it's so fucking stupid; and part of me feels responsible for the worst parts of it."
-- James Gosling

Your argument is not truly related (1.00 / 1) (#238)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:57:12 PM PST
The argument is not that because there is a bad version of something, that their may be a good version. The argument here is that there is a difference between hentai and the rest of anime. This is an art form, not weaponry.

How would one define your "good nuke" or "good rape." These are dangerous physical offences against humanity. However you may look at it, art cannot do this. It can influence the way one thinks, but only as much as a rational human being lets it. It is an added experience to a lifetie of memories. If it carried a special meaning, that's even better because the goal of anime is not evil.


P.S. Also explain how enjoying anime makes have a "free-software commie style of thought." By squashing freedom of expression, you are the one regressing to Soviet ideals.

since when was thought not allowed? (1.00 / 1) (#84)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 07:47:18 PM PST
first, a few corrections to make...

1: manga are graphic novels or comics, not like the ones by marvel or DC, often spanning several hundreds of pages

2: anime is video, [usually] not "cartoons"

3: hentai is your so-called "filth" (don't get me wrong, i think *all* forms of pornography are totally pointless)

second, some common sense...

this grand and holy country, the one you're trying to defend from foreign ideas and everything "unwholesome", is rendering your "crusade" totally ineffective

as one who happens to like anime, i'm glad that the government gives me the privelage to poison myself with evil and ungodliness

also, you need to do much more research before you assume that one overgeneralization applies to every instance

third, a description of my position...

i take an unconventional approach to many things. i question, not assuming that something said is a fact, and not investing too much concern in trivial matters

i have very little (if any) faith in this country, the government, and the world around me

fourth, some thoughts...

the forces of "good vs evil" are NOT as clear-cut as you want it to seem. had the axis won, america would become the root of all evil and germany and japan the saints who defeated the demons. i'm exaggerating this to make a point: the concept of good and evil is a very subjective one, and relative to the observer

"sin" as you call it is deeply embedded in both society and humanity, you're not going to save the world by attacking an international sub-culture due to a minority of individuals. it seems that the church has come to terms with the other forms of "filth" due to the lack of crusaders

just because someone doesn't think what you do, that doesn't make them wrong

Distressing.. (1.00 / 1) (#85)
by Samuel on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 08:20:22 PM PST
What I find most distressing in this argument is that animation is not considered an artform and should only be regulated to children.

Why is this? I don't understand and hope that someone can enlighten me..

Do you consider Van Gough's sunflowers to be childish? What if Van Gough had been born in this centaury and had had access to a camera. If he had painted more then one painting of his sunflowers and strung them together?

This would be considered animation, and I sorely hope that you would not consider this childish.

How is this different to cartoons that are created today? Many cartoons today work on two distinct levels, take Shrek, whilst being a child's movie there are elements in there that only an adult would understand.

Whilst some Mange/Anime material does seem to contain lolitsh charactors this does not represent Manga as a whole.

Their are western pornographic cartoons, this does not represent all western cartoons.

To illiustrate my point of cartoons not being for children, I present, his comic strips do not seem to be targetted only at children, but for both adults and children. Unless of course he has "strayed from the flock" as devote as he seems attacking every other religion.

Please point out what I am missing here..

PS: Tie-dye considired an item of drug related paraphanlia, oh please!

It's simple (5.00 / 1) (#121)
by Jon Erikson on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 06:05:32 AM PST
What I find most distressing in this argument is that animation is not considered an artform and should only be regulated to children.

It's simple really if you're not obsessed with images of underage cartoon females flashing their hairless bodies at you. What you'd notice is the lack of any emotional depth or visual appeal an animation is able to convey compared to even the most unexciting play. Only grossly exaggerated emotions can come through in animation, and no such "artist" can draw a scene that compares to the magnificance of God's creation.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

animation is art (1.00 / 1) (#130)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:03:02 AM PST
You could say the same about any other work of art, yet you dont discount those as being worthwhile do you? I believe that amazing subtlety of emotion can be conveyed by a skilled animators hand. Animation is just like a work of art. It often does not act to imitate reality, but instead to show its own interpretation of it. And this, is what makes it interesting. When you animate a scene, instead of filming it, you have complete control over every aspect of its appearance. Meanwhile in a filmed scene, you can only try to get the effect you want. If what you're saying is right, why dont we just stop painting or making any forms of art, and just record things that our around us through video tape, photographs, etc.

I believe human creations are wonderful things. And if your god exists, I'm sure he wouldn't see them as an affront to his creation.

You aren't getting the point (1.00 / 1) (#203)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:32:27 PM PST
If I draw a picture of a natural woman... would you consider it art? Now.. if I draw another picture of the same woman moving her arm up a notch, and then another picture of the woman moving her arm an even higher notch. Would you consider these separate pictures art? If so, then if I were to combine these and give the illusion of movement, you wouldn't consider this art? It was art to you BEFORE I put the images together to form a movement. Ok, after that, let's say I meant this movement to be for adults. Even though it's the simplest movement in my "animation" of separate pieces of art. Then it wouldn't be for children. You seem to confuse common sense with naked 12 year old girl cartoons. Animation IS art. But because animation isn't american doesn't mean it isn't art.

Art: A form of expression.

You can express ALOT of things. I can express love, morals, hate, irony, sadness, happiness, LUST, ect. ect. because these are what are in the human psyche. Tell me, do you FEAR God? In a sense, you seem to be afraid of things that are different because you fear that God will punish you for liking something. If God judged you on personal tastes... then we all would be doomed. I don't think God is going to damn me to hell because I watched an anime. He would damn me to hell for my intentions. It's like doing something good with evil intentions. Yes, even evil can seem good and wholesome. I could give you the jacket off my back but what if I wanted it to give you a rash? My good deed ended up being an evil intention. The creator's intentions are to convey a story. They aren't intending to destroy children's minds. They intend to entertain.

There you go again! (none / 0) (#373)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 03:24:18 AM PST
It's simple really if you're not obsessed with images of underage cartoon females flashing their hairless bodies at you. The only person here who seems obsessed with that appears to be you, Mr. Erikson. Are you perfectly alright? I'm starting to fear for your mental health. And if I see you as the only person maintaining this train of thought any more, I'm sure I'll have to worry about my own, as well. --Nintaku, That Crazy Otaku 'I always knew you were no ordinary mortal, but I had no idea you were a cat. Wait! What am I saying?!' 'Nyah.' -Nicholas D. Wolfwood and Black Cat Space, Trigun

my two cents. (0.00 / 1) (#97)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 10:54:00 PM PST
I'm only an occasional reader of this website, so no, I don't have an account.. I'll just be one of the faceless and therefore discountable. Ignore at your leisure.

I am a Christian. I can think critically. I also own a moderate collection of anime. Some of it even shows *gasp* nudity. Shocking, no?

To those who believe that Jon and Adam represent any sizeable part of my chosen religion, I sincerely apologize for their behavior. In my estimation, they are trolls. Large, ugly, hairy trolls. This article was a troll, and their responses were trolls. I am saddened that I'm only feeding it by responding because this isn't even one of the better ones that I've ran across in my 11 years of being online. I do so only because your article and replies promote a self-important, self-serving, bastardized caricature of my faith.. a caricature which is all too prevalent in our media and culture. I suppose you two win. Congratulations.

There are thousands, perhaps millions, of Christians who are like me. Who can use their brains and hands more than their mouths. Who can act within a society, not for a Political Agenda, but to simply go and honestly care for others regardless of who, what, or where they are without shoving a fistful of worldview into their mouths. We attempt to be informed. We can evaluate without resorting to name-calling or condemning. We can watch Princess Mononoke, Rurouni Kenshin, Ninja Scroll, Akira, or Lain and not recoil because it Shocks Our Sensibilities or Causes Us To Question. We can even enjoy it.

Jon and Adam will call us the apostate.

May I burn in hell.

~the other jon

Animation = Art (1.00 / 1) (#99)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Nov 29th, 2001 at 11:25:48 PM PST
Animation = Art
Animation != Work of satan

The real equation (none / 0) (#104)
by MessiahWWKD on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 12:51:09 AM PST
Animation of naked children in sexually suggestive positions != Art
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

Wait (none / 0) (#220)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:32:13 PM PST
So let me get this strait..... If:
Animation = Art
Animation != Work of satan
then does that mean that all art is a work of Satan??? Simple substitution would lead me to believe that you think this is so. If you do then that must mean that you don't like Salvador Dali and the Mona Lisa because they are art. Please feel free to correct me if I have inferred incorrectly

hmmm (none / 0) (#225)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:37:12 PM PST
Would this mean that a drawing of the cross would be a work of Satan? Religious art? All works of Satan? Interesting.

! = Work of Satan (none / 0) (#372)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 03:11:22 AM PST
I believe that

Animation = Art
Animation != Work of Satan

is supposed to mean that animation is art, and animation is not a work of Satan. This comes from years of roleplaying online. Various commands involve using '!' to mean 'not'. Just a slightly educated guess.

--Nintaku, Kickin' It with Radiskull and Devil Doll

'It's a gift from Goooood, a very nice gift from God' -'Gift From God' by Joe Sparks, Episode 8 of Radiskull & Devil Doll

yeah... (none / 0) (#686)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 24th, 2002 at 07:29:05 PM PST
!= is the C++ programming language boolean operator for "not equal to" ^~

Oh no... (1.00 / 1) (#242)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:03:24 PM PST
Animation is the work of the devil? That means that clay animation of Jesus Christ (that aired on television last year) was made by devils! AHHHHHHHH! We're all gonna die!!!

p.s if you didn't noticed the sarcasm, you're an idiot...

what...animation= art =devils work???? (1.00 / 2) (#279)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 05:23:43 AM PST
animation = art = devils work what?!?!?!...that means you writing is the work of the devil...text is a form of art...if yu hadnt noticed and like everyone else has said the great works of famous artists...and dont forget the doodling you do in your book when your waiting or bored...egad!...well if this is true well...lets just say i dont get to say hi to god then...~_~;;;;....i like religion and all but i dont care for church...just makes me go to sleep...(services) but i will go visit and see my uncels stain glass window...and if anyone breaks i swear i will HUNT you down and KILL you... and may i go on...story boards for films and other cartoons and graphic design...the logos you wear on your shirts...the colour on your shirts WE'RE ALL GOIGN TO HELL THEN...SEE YOU THERE

ATTN: seventypercent and the Adequacy editors: (none / 0) (#283)
by tkatchev on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 06:03:08 AM PST
This article was censored due to horrible misspellings and abuse of punctuation.

Isn't infighting just so much fun?

Peace and much love...

wow. (none / 0) (#427)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 11:03:25 AM PST
oooh, three misspelled words and a run-on sentence. I guess that must mean that it's a worthless comment. Thanks for doing my thinking for me! I didn't need to spend my time reading anyways! I'll just smile and nod.

To see with eyes unclouded by bias obstinacy (1.00 / 1) (#101)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 12:14:21 AM PST
Firstly, to Mr "I never liked anime ", it's "Mononoke Hime" - please don't misspell the title of this legendary film.

I think most of the anime advocates have said this already but I'll say it again. Jon, you seem to have Anime confused with hentai. Whoever exposed you to anime was probably a horny kinda person so you got the wrong impression of anime. I go to a Christian school and our Chaplain absolutely loved Neon Genesis Evangelion when we showed him an episode. Yes, there is some kinky parts but mature viewers tend to focus on the intricate story and highly Christian orientated themes. Now if Evangelion was the first anime you saw, I'm sure you would have a very different view on anime.
What you are saying right now is all Hollywood movies are evil because you just happened to see a few with sex scenes in it. I know lots of ppl you think like you in my school but the ones who have opened their eyes to a wide variety of anime knows it for what it truly is: something that cannot be categorically defined. My anime collection spans over 500 cds. But I can barely fill 2 CDs with all hentai. In your unequivocal condemnation of Anime, you never mentioned "Rurouni Kenshin" - who fight (never kills) to atone for atrocities he committed in the past, or Ghost in the shell which challenges our belief of what is human. Yes, there is some anime which I wouldn't want my children to watch, but there are also others which I wouldn't want them to miss out on. Your impartial criticism on ALL anime undermines your objectivity and shows you are simply in no position to make educated commentary on anime.

Before you embark on your "crusade" I challenge you to do some research on your "demonic foes" and watch some anime which is not hentai. Perhaps then you can change your crusade to something more sensible like a crusade against Hentai.

For your question "what kind of grown adult watches cartoons?", my answer is "none". But millions of grown adults watch Anime. Yes, manga/anime is succeeding but not for the reasons you have specified.


Yes, Evangelion rules (5.00 / 1) (#135)
by perdida on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:18:47 AM PST
It's one of the things I'd have in the curriculum if I were to teach a science fiction class.. I'd also include Infinite Jest, A Wild Sheep Chase, and The Demolished Man.

This is what democracy looks like

This is the reason organized religeon is tripe (1.50 / 2) (#103)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 12:42:42 AM PST
I realizing a few years ago that religeon, however much it tries to do good (and it does some), just makes things worse. Look at this entire discussion, it started out as an article about the so called 'evil' of the Japenese Animation scene dubbed 'Anime' and 'Manga', but has turned into a full blown religeon/beliefs war. If people could decide to believe that some form of diety or god may or may not exist and not put an entire belief system around it, things would be mutch better off. You tell me Christians have their morals, was it not them who began the crusades? Killed thousands of Muslims? Aside from this many Christians (and other religeons) seem to put down other religeons claiming theirs the 'True' faith, was not Jesus Christ himself a Jew? So all these good Christians go around spreading their 'Word' and say to become Christians all the while contradicting what Jesus was trying to say, which is bluntly "Be who you are, forgive and be nice to everyone" from what I have seen in this post and others along with examples in the real world (the Crusades, the current war on terrorism are just 2 examples) it is quite obvious that Christians with all their high-handedness and beliefs seem to ignore the message Jesus tried to teach. For all this talk of Satanism and the Satanic messages and implications of Anime (which as many have posted, not ALL anime have these messages) which may be true for some, but it does not mean that an artform must be destroyed for it! Jesus did not go around telling people not to be who they are or who they want to be, he went around and told those who wanted to listen what he and God held true. He did not force anyone to listen, nor did he tell them their path was wrong! He left those who walked their own path keep walking. Amazing how a person such as myself who has denounced organized religeons (but not the possible existance of God or another diety) at such a young age of only 15 (I am 16 now) can say his peice and think a bunch of fanatical religeous personae will listen, but if you cannot see that the opposite of your beliefs (destruction, in this case the artform of anime) are what you are attempting. If you believe that the perverted forms of this artform should not be allowed, do not tell us your opinions and say we are 'Liberals' or 'Heathans' or whatever else you want to call us when we do not agree, tell the companies who create these perverted forms of 'art'. I must say that removing anime from this world would be a sad thing for the enthuseists, but i do not think that the loss of pornographic material would affect us overly much. If you do not want pornography in this world, do not tell us, tell the creators of pornography.

- ibutsu (no I am not japanese)

Postscriptum: The United States of America is not the Christion being you believe it is, it is a government who wants to create a scociety for people to live in with the beliefs they want to beleive in and on top of that to make as much money as possible whle doing so. Open your eyes to your surroundings, this is not a perfect world and if there is a God, he did not intend it to be perfect, if he wanted it to be perfect, he would have stopped Adam and Eve from eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Oh yes, I nearly forgot, if God knows all our thoughts at every moment, how come he didn't know when Adam and Eve were thinking of eating the fruit? Before you push such drivel upon others, consider what the bible itself said and understand that the bible is not meant to be interpreted exactly as written, for it was written by men from their understanding of what happened and not by God himself, this is my basis for my beleifs (or lack there of), for no religeon has anything truely written or created by their Diety, how are we to know that what is written was written in truth and not just personal belief? Thank you for reading this.

ATTN: tkatchev (none / 0) (#132)
by seventypercent on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:35:22 AM PST
We have noticed that you are continually and increasingly abusing your Trusted User status to zero-rate comments that you do not personally agree with. Please note that comments that are rated below 1 are hidden from untrusted users, and as such, the zero rating is intended to be used for instances such as "FIRST POST!", "goat sex", and similar inanities. It is not -- repeat, not intended to give Trusted Users a mechanism to hide legitimate, non-abusive comments that they just happen to disagree with. In fact, doing this demonstrates a considerable amount of intellectual cowardice (you would rather prevent the comment from being seen than respond to it.)

Now, I do think that the above comment is (by and large) crap, but that is no excuse to abuse the rating system to hide it. This being the case, I have boosted it to make it visible again. We hereby politely request that you stop abusing the ratings system and reserve the use of zero ratings for cases where they are truly justified. If you violently disagree with a comment, either rate it as a 1 or respond to it (or both.) Continued abuse of the ratings system will require an adjustment to your mojo which will remove your ability to zero-rate comments and thus make the issue moot.

Thank you for your time.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

Ideology has nothing to do with it. (none / 0) (#140)
by tkatchev on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 12:11:11 PM PST
You misunderstand. I zero comments with consistently horrible spelling mistakes. In the above case, it was the repeated use of the word "religeon". (ugh)

Please don't start confrontations, I am not your enemy, by any means.

I consider horribly spelled posts the equivalent of spamming, not much better than "first post", et al. It is disrespectful to the reader when a poster cares so little about his message that he doesn't bother to spend a few seconds correcting errors. And, for god's sake, don't start arguing that spelling is "not important". In my mind, it is just plain human courtesy to take a few moments to properly format your post. Writing messages littered with "religeon" and "thier" is akin to a guest leaving muddy footsteps on your prized Persian hand-crafted living-room rug.

Peace and much love...

Re: Ideology has nothing to do with it. (1.00 / 1) (#168)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 04:43:47 PM PST
Although I do not think most people can afford hand-crafted persian rugs, I understand your point, I apologise for my horrid speliing errors but that is still no excuse for this appearant "zeroing posts". Would you appreciate it if I had done this to you had you been making spelling errors? I extremely doubt it.

- ibutsu

Postscriptum: No human is perfect so spelling errors will exist, if you cannot tolerate them, that is your problem, but do not take it out on the people who made them, correct them and tell them their error, only this way will they learn.

in fact (none / 0) (#202)
by johnny ambiguous on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:18:29 PM PST
In fact a properly composed weblog or newsgroup post, at least one of any considerable length, must always contain at least one spelling error.

It is far far better to tolerate that single at-least-human error, by the way, than to stoop to the use of automated spell-checkers.

"Anime," whatever that is, may or may not be the work of the devil. On the one pan repose the admirable Mr. Ericson's cogent, ponderous arguments as we read them above, yet weighing upon the other side of the balance there's this fella who published Negative Dialectics on-line and he really digs Neon Genesis Evangelion. So even a sober, judicious person such as myself, never having witnessed any of this "anime," doesn't know what to think. (In fact he doesn't even know how to pronounce it. "Ay-knyme"? "Ah-neem"? "Annie-Mae"? Damn these foreigners.)

However, in distinction, getting back to computerized spell-checkers, those things are indeed the work of the Devil. I say it's so. Spell-checkers should be shunned like leprosy.

Yours WDK -

Getting into my Chevrolet Magic Fire, I drove slowly back to the office. - L. Rosen

Pronunciation (none / 0) (#357)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 11:39:39 PM PST
The proper pronunciation for the romaji word 'anime' is "ah-nih-meh'". Please do your best to understand that. I'm not quite sure if that's as well spelled as it should be, but I'm not used to being a pronunciation guide to something as phonetic as romaji. Romaji, by the way, is the Japanese language written in our lettering.


It's a matter of degree. (none / 0) (#263)
by tkatchev on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 12:44:53 AM PST
I understand human error -- sometimes you just make mistakes, and there is nothing you can do about it.

However, when every third monosyllable word is misspelled, it becomes more than just "an error" -- it becomes an affront. It simply means that the poster doesn't value neither his nor the reader's time; this is insulting.

Peace and much love...

wow (1.00 / 1) (#218)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:24:35 PM PST
Very nice. You have argued all the arguements that I can think of and you have a really good point. Just felt like showing some appreciation for God knows how little of it I've seen on this forum lately.

History (1.00 / 1) (#105)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 12:53:53 AM PST
One of the main purposes of learning about history in the course of our education is to prepare the youth against repeating the mistakes in history. Now then, I assume that all of us were raised in America in the system that our government has laid out for us, and has been reasonably successful in raising the most powerful country in the world. Over the course of one's education, one was most likely exposed to the play entitled The Crucible, a primarily accurate account of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. The blatant ignorance spouted off here towards Manga/Anime is a perfect mirror of the persecution of members of the Pagan religion during these trials. Pagans were criticized out of ignorance of the "Pure-loving Americans" before anyone even thought to learn about the Pagan religion and try and understand it. Dozens were hanged just because they didn't admit to doing witchcraft, which (no pun intended) most did not participate in. I would think that after 300 years, we may have progressed from this and learned as a people to learn about others before we persecute them to death, since that's all America does. One thing continues to bother me about the original article. If you are so against the use of animation to "spread the devil's work," then why include 2 pictures of hentai in the middle of your article? By the way, "hentai", in japanese means "a pervert", so the Japanese agree with you, you racist, bigot, that hentai is an exploit of the female sex. You are not only contributing to the amount of hentai on the net, but you are also contradicting yourself by placing the pictures of Jesus and Mary in such blasphemous places.
Didn't you go to history class at all? If you did, you may have learned that America went into Japan after the conquest and completely revamped their whole society as much as was possible in 7 years, trying to form a mini-America overseas. This was all apart of a plan to further capitalism in Asia and to destroy Communism. I wish people would stop glorifying everything America has done in its history, because next thing you know, people will be saying that killing NATIVE Americans and taking the remaining ones and placing them on land plots barely substantial enough to live in, let alone thrive in, was a humane and "divinely mandated" act. Does the "Trail of Tears" ring a bell? How old are you guys? Maybe I'm criticizing the wrong thing, if you are too old to realize the follies of America's wars, and too old to know just how propaganda-fueled your beliefs are. And BTW, that's not a good thing. Is this a lost cause? Am I trying to convince people that are so set in their "upright-Christian" ways, that they cannot bear to be criticized or *gasp* wrong?

The Japanese question. (5.00 / 2) (#106)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:31:14 AM PST
There there can be no doubt that there is is strong infantilist streak in Japanese culture. In America, serious novels like Johnathan Franzen's The Corrections can make it to the top of the bestseller list, and thoughtful films like Schindler's List are widely seen by the public. By contrast, in Japan it is common to see grown men reading puerile comic books whose contents are little more than mindless titilation, likewise, Japanese cinema consists largely of cartoons featuring young girls being raped by aliens. Japanese culture is full of childish imagery, even among products for adults. The prevalence of cutesy Sanrio characters is probably the best example of this, but this infantilism is not limited to visual art.

Japanese music, to cite another example, is well known for the widespread popularity "Pop Idoru" phenomenon, in which adolescents sing corny lyrics set to saccharine tunes. This childishness is everywhere in Japanse culture, and is extremely off-putting to anyone desiring any sort of future for Japan other than that of a feeble second-rate power. It is embarrassing to think that a culture whose proud traditions include, Zen Bhuddism, Noh plays, and the Samurai tradition is now primarily famous for inventing Pokemon.

The infantilist streak in present-day Japan can be directly traced to the country's devastating defeat in WWII, and the resulting reliance on the United States for financial, and then military aid. The economic malaise currently gripping the country can thus be seen as a kind of national arrested adolescence, a refusal to "grow up" and make the kind of tough economic decisions necessary to gear the Japanese economy towards playing a serious role in the global economic marketplace. For Japan to become anything other than a meretricious third-world backwater, it must lose the babyish tendencies that currently pervade its culture. One excellent way for this to happen would be for Japan to develop its token "Self-Defense-Force" into a fully-functioning military like that of China. However, if the seemingly unstoppable tide of thumbsucking anime drivel being produced today is an indication of anything, I for one am not optimistic.

Misunderstanding (none / 0) (#330)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 05:52:15 PM PST
I don't quite think you have quite an understanding of what you are talking about. First of all, you cite Shindlers list due to the fact of it being a great film. While that is true, you must realize the strength of the Japanese film market. Who made Shindlers list? Oh yeah, Spielburg. Now I think we all know that Spielburg can get as much money as he wants to make a movie. Hollywood pulls in tons of money for America. As for the Japanese, they don't quite have the money to make enormous budget films. Thus they turn to animation. Just remember. Its all in fun. Sure movies are a form of art, but they are also a form of entertainment. Animation even has advantages over live action movies. There are things that can be more easily portrayed through animation than in movies.

As for what you said about their current economic status showing their lack of ability to "grow up", you are very misinformed. What makes animation so appealing is it allows entertainment in an otherwise dreary and strict life. Most children in Japan spend so much time studying and going to school that they don't get time to be kids. They go to school 6 days a week, and when they aren't going to their normal school, they are either studying or going to cram school. I think that if they wan't to watch something that we would consider childish in their spare time, well, all the power to them, they deserve it!

practice what you preach, will ya? (none / 0) (#358)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 12:02:33 AM PST
Thank you for providing me with entertainment. I spent a good five minutes laughing after I read this. I haven't seen jokes this hilarious for a long time.

"By contrast, in Japan it is common to see grown men reading puerile comic books whose contents are little more than mindless titilation, likewise, Japanese cinema consists largely of cartoons featuring young girls being raped by aliens."

Bearing this statement in mind, am I to assume that Americans (grown men included) are not responsible for thousands upon thousands of pornographic sites on the internet? Tell me, how is pornography any deeper than hentai?

What Japanese movies have you seen, might I ask, that feature "young girls being raped by aliens"? Oh, American movies are all packed with plot and deep meanings, are they? That explains the number of times that I have cringed at the blatant sexual innuendos in American films and wondered at the point of seeing Jennifer Lopez run from a giant crocodile. I mean, come on. First you had Gorilla, now you have dinosaurs and giant snakes. What is this, Revenge of the Corny Movies?

"in which adolescents sing corny lyrics set to saccharine tunes"

If you have a daughter, she probably listens to the Backstreet Boys or N'Sync or any of the two hundred and eighty four other manufactured pop bands. Don't complain about pop culture in other countries when it's equally prevalent in yours.
However, after listening to songs from both Japanese and American pop bands, I have to conclude that these Japanese singers tend to have more talent (at least they can hold a tune) and tend not to have a lead singer in a five-person band and four people dancing and singing chorus.
Corny lyrics set to saccharine tunes? Can you honestly tell me that you can tell one boyband song from the other?

"The infantilist streak in present-day Japan can be directly traced to the country's devastating defeat in WWII, and the resulting reliance on the United States for financial, and then military aid. "

I may not be very old, nor have I studied years upon years of history intensively, but might I remind you that prior to D-Day, the Axis forces were trashing the Allieds? The devastating Japanese assault on the Far-east and South-east Asia in particular is nothing if not impressive. It might not be despicable, it might be wrong, it might have resulted in thousands of deaths, but it was also a sample of some of the best military tactics and cohesion between land, sea and air. The Japanese ploughed through Malaya and captured the fortress of Singapore within 100 days, trouncing the British in the process. When the Allieds engaged Japan in war, they lost as many men as the Japanese did. Devastating defeat? I think it was a close call on the part of the Allieds.

The "aid" as you call it, from the US, was not so much needed as forced upon Japan. Military aid was not given as the US pitied Japan, rather, it was a case of "once bitten, twice shy" in which the Americans wanted to rule out the possibility of Japan rising again as a great military power.

"For Japan to become anything other than a meretricious third-world backwater, it must lose the babyish tendencies that currently pervade its culture"

Might I remind you that it is Japanese culture that is sweeping the world? From your computer games - Final Fantasy, Resident Evil - to your television shows - Cardcaptor Sakura, Rurouni Kenshin, and in Asian countries, the Japanese drama serials - to toys - Pokemon toys, the Tamagotchi, Hello Kitty. The Japanese military has been suppressed by America, but for the past few decades (before the current economic downturn), Japan's economy has been doing what its military might did during World War II - sweeping across the world.

"fully-functioning military like that of China"

Oh, so now you've got Japanese to hate, you're all buddy-buddy with China. China has always been a respectable nation (not that it's really been shown much of the respect it deserves). As far as I know, China is not exactly known for its military might, just for the millions of people that can enlist in its army, and the "secret ingredient" in the Chinese military - a diehard patriotism to China found in its people. Not many countries can boast of such a loyal people.

"seemingly unstoppable tide of thumbsucking anime drivel "

Actually, I find the majority of anime (not hentai, you understand) decidedly more thought-provoking than the crap that American television channels are churning out nowadays. Movies like Ghost in the Shell, Princess Mononoke and Akira are a lot more worthwhile watching than Scream (1 to 250) and Lake Placid.

There are worthwhile shows and terrible shows everywhere, I'm not denying that. There is crap in American television and there is crap in Japanese television. Just because there is crap in anime doesn't mean anime is crap. Likewise for American shows.

"I for one am not optimistic."

America doesn't exactly have the most desirable track record for open-mindedness, with racism and prejudice everywhere. If this hypocritical, holier-than-thou attitude is going to continue, I for one have to say that I'm not terribly optimistic about the future of America, either.

Perhaps you should raelize. (none / 0) (#651)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:32:08 AM PST
Just like American cartoons are aimed at a variety of audience, from "Bob the Builder" for preschool to "South Park" for the adults. Japanese anime is for a variety of adults.

No adult man watches Hello Kitty, just like no 3 year old should watch XXX movies.

Back to the 'World War' thing??? (none / 0) (#703)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 07:50:45 PM PST
Puh-leeeeaze... Go back to the rock from whence you crawled our from... We want a discussion, not a historic lesson...

Just goes to show how repetitive you type of people can get.... *sigh*

Anime Knight

weirdos (1.00 / 1) (#107)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:36:23 AM PST
you guys got some serious problems... first off there is anime...then there is "hentai" witch also means pervery in jap. you guys need to get your act together before trying to blaim something on your own insucrities you probably got turned down by a chick because she was watching "anime"..witch is not hentai by the way......

weirods (1.00 / 1) (#108)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:47:49 AM PST
stupid typos...ment to say Pervert

The original artist of those images (1.00 / 1) (#110)
by BinaryTree on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 02:29:54 AM PST
Mr. Onoe

You may email him and bitch directly. Though it is unlikely he's English-literate enough to understand it, or care enough that a bunch of filthy uptight gaijin like us are offended.

Hmm (5.00 / 1) (#116)
by Jon Erikson on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 03:38:32 AM PST
You seem remarkably familiar with this disgusting animation I have to say. This worries me. I have to ask, do you find yourself fascinated by Britney Spears in a schoolgirls' outfit? Does your daily route now take you first girls' schools? Do you find yourself aroused at the thought of an innocent, fresh face?

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

That's the least of your worries (1.00 / 1) (#152)
by because it isnt on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:52:37 PM PST
I have to ask, do you find yourself fascinated by Britney Spears in a schoolgirls' outfit? Does your daily route now take you first girls' schools? Do you find yourself aroused at the thought of an innocent, fresh face?

Do you like chopping little girls up? How about feasting on them? If all you've seen is a (literally!) painted hussy lifting her skirt for tuppennys, then you haven't really seen much in this world, have you? -- because it isn't

Christian Values in Anime (1.00 / 1) (#111)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 02:56:15 AM PST
I agree with you some *some* anime is really not all that tasteful (just as some normal released non-pornograpghic movies on the big screen are i.e. Leaving Las Vegas). Unfortunately you were unlucky enough to watch one such "crap" anime. Thet are all NOT like this. Many show no nudity what so ever and are just like any of America's normal public released movies at the theatres. The only difference is they use animation for the media.

I personally like the non-pornograpghic ones because in most they show women as being capable and strong. I think it would give American female children a great role model to see themselves as actually having brains and that they too can succede in society. I think anime is EVEN better for Japanese girls since their culture stresses so much male dominance (and we don't want to become another Taliban ourselves in America by doing that to our OWN women).

So next time you see an anime in the store pick it up and look at the back and you will see a RATING on every anime of the appropriate age for the viewer, just as we have the ratings from G to PG-13 to R. Hopefully parents will actually pay attention to what their kids are asking to rent and check. Animation is not just a media to entice children really because children are always so VERY VERY enticed to go into the adult section of the video store and I am sure every child has given their parents the slip once in their young lives and gotten a peek inside. Also pick up the anime boxes without nude girls on it and read the description on the back and you will see it is not all smut but a lot of time was put into the storyline just like normal movies.

if you want to watch strong women (5.00 / 1) (#126)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:18:42 AM PST
Then why don't you watch actual flesh-and-blood women? Why do you have to watch the fictitious constructions of a male cartoonist?

I think you're more interested in consuming a certain fantasy than participating in the real world.

Escaping the real world (1.00 / 1) (#167)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 04:35:58 PM PST
Almost all forms of media in all cultures and countries are used to help people "escape reality". Did you sit down with a good book recently? Dear God man! What are you doing escaping from reality? Watch any movies lately? Perhaps Casablanca? Tsk Tsk Tsk.....

- ibutsu

Cartoonists (none / 0) (#371)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 02:26:58 AM PST
Not all illustrators and animators of anime are male. Many are female. Granted, I can't name any, but that's just because I don't usually read the credits on my anime. I only know the name of one anime creator/animator, that being Akira Toriyama, the creator of 'Dragonball' and 'Dragonball Z'. There are not, by the way, on my top ten list of excellent anime. Chinese legends don't really interest me all that much.

--Nintaku, Creator of Silly Titles

'Pretend you're invincible, and no one can save you from yourself' - 'Invincible' by No Use For A Name

partitioned arguments (none / 0) (#113)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 03:16:58 AM PST
I became violently ill reading all of this garbage earlier this evening, and after thinking about it all a bit, I decided I needed to come back and put my .02 in. You're all living up the age old argument, but most are still doing it the exact same way. I've tried these some of these tactics before, and I feel that all they do is make an argument worthless. Arguments arent worthless, we engage in them to make sure that our reasoning is good behind our own decisions, and to become aware of the other peoples perspectives (at least this is what I believe).
Now, I am just a lad of 20, but I believe a lot of you are being very childish. In kindergarten and in home life (I have 3 younger brothers) I see children fight over erverything. They will get into intractable arguments because neither side is willing to admit that they could be wrong on any accounts.

The same this is happening here. The stubborn religious types refuse to admit that, although they believe that one set of beliefs is right, they may infact be wrong. There doesn't seem to be quite so many, but I've run into plenty of atheists that will not admit that they could be wrong, and there may exist a higher being.

Its my personal belief that growing up isnt about not watching cartoons anymore, or having sex, or putting away any childish things. I believe that this is a misconception of all the tight ass grown ups out there that forget what its like to have a little fun. Instead I believe that growing up is all about learning to admit that you can fallible, and to keep an open mind to others beliefs and ways of life.

I used to fight with my siblings all the time. We would get into verbal and physical conflicts all the time. Sometimes, seemingly, out of the sheer pleasure of yelling at each other. But I've stopped fighting with my brothers, because now I can see that half the time, they were right. And looking back at it now, I perpetuated some arguments only because I felt superior as the eldest sibling, and I couldnt be the wrong one. Now though, I can see more clearly, and I enter into arguments now cautioning myself, to not be so blinded by my own zeal to see others points of view, and this also helps me to arbitrate arguments between my siblings who still engage in pointless battles.

So I wish other people would grow up too. It hurts every time a religious person turtles when they can't argue logically and just starts labelling people as "liberal" or other garbage. But it also hurts when atheists just start mocking christianity without forming a logical argument. I know the frustrations, because often logical arguments are just dismissed. But they are still important.

That being said. As a complete side note, I would like to add. That I am an anostic, and I am an avid anime fan. Its a little distirbing that anime gets thrown in the same bag as hentai. Because anime is to hentai as Masterpeice Theatre is to Debbie Does the Dallas Cowboys. People put them in the same bucket, the same way they keep calling anime a "cartoon" just because it is animated.

I watch anime because the plot is often more complex, and involves more character developement than anything that you can watch on american television, and if you're about to disagree with me, it probabably just means that you havent watched enough anime. I even believe that some anime would do a better job at instilling value systems than any church that Ive been to. And I used to go to quite a few. You are welcome not to believe me, but I've most likely seen more anime than you have.

This is not to say that I like hentai. I've never been a big fan of pornography, seeing as how the real thing is much better. You could say that such entertainment (hentai) encourages "deviant" sexual behavior, but I challenge you to prove that this is any different than any pornography that you can find here in the states.

That's my long winded .02 hope I didnt sound like a pompous idiot. I often do and freely admit this. I also believe that I may be wrong about any or all of this. But this is my belief at the moment. Feel free to change my mind about any of it if you can give me a logical argument.

Thank you (5.00 / 1) (#115)
by Jon Erikson on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 03:32:52 AM PST
For a Liberal and a sinner, you seem to actually practice the open-mindedness that others merely preach. While I do not agree with you on many of the points you would make, and would hope and pray that you see the Light in the future, I shall refrain from arguing with you as it is pleasent to see such rationality and politeness.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

shaddup (none / 0) (#740)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 06:31:33 AM PST
oh shaddup jon. u close-minded freak. using the name of god. u s2pid jackass. iv read all your stubborn posts,it doesn't make sense. now i dare you to reply to the topics with good arguments...

hmm (1.00 / 1) (#117)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 04:34:02 AM PST
Majority of Japanese society are composed of Shinto Belief followers.

Did you know it can be said that Christans such as yourself Eric. Can be only interested in one thing when it comes to your religion? That is You only care about heaven. If god was to you tell you today that it was ok to go out and murder every last non christan...YOU would have no problem with that I wager. EVEN though this conflicts with your exsisting Beliefs. But I guess you cant refuse god EVEN though it is against your beliefs.

I also as this. Which is more important to you? protecting your family? Or Protecting your place in heaven? Because you cant have it both ways. if you kill in self Defence, even if its not to protect your family. Is it selfish? is it Disobediant? Because what if god WANTED you to pass at that moment? I say this. You can not guess what god wishes of us all beyond being good people. And you CERTAINLY cannot say you actually care about these individuals who you call sinners, when you know above all else that you have no control over their fate, Only your god as you christians say.

hmm (1.00 / 1) (#119)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 04:54:27 AM PST
sorry this was addressed to Jon Ericson. I messed up on that misprint, and prob other misprints exsist.

uh... (none / 0) (#738)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 05:42:26 AM PST
and the point??? no offense, but i simply don't get it

hmm... (none / 0) (#118)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 04:42:23 AM PST
It seems that all the anime that has been reviewed are mostly hentai. It's like basing all American movies on pornography. My point is - don't generalise. There are lots of anime movies out there that doesn't have gratuitious violence or sex in it. An excellent example are anime movies directed by Hayao Miyazaki. His work have strong moral content without being preachy. He tends to have strong female characters in his movies that are good role models for young women as well.

YOUR SICK DOOD (1.50 / 2) (#124)
by TrinTrinSan on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 06:57:31 AM PST
those pictures you have posted are called adult manga or "hentai" you have to be 18 or older to purchase it, i think its sick and wrong of you to use those kind of pictures that children cannot go purchase in the stores, america sells somthing just like those pictures its called "porn" in yoru own word "oh blah blah blah porns so bad our children run around watchintg naughty nurses its making our childrens minds corrupt blah blah blah"

news flash, not all manga and anime is nudity people, just liek not all american tv is porn. i speak for the millions of anime fans out there who are not only lovers of anime but also lovers of christ, show me in the bible where it says "thou shalt damn anime because they have a adult version"

Huh? (1.00 / 1) (#129)
by Winter on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:36:04 AM PST
Do you have a point, or was this just an excuse to browse through a bunch of pornographic images "for the Lordah!"?
If you're going to crusade, don't write about it. We'll hear soon enough.

Wow! (1.00 / 1) (#131)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:33:46 AM PST
I can't believe people like this really exist. Which of the thousands of versions of Christianity do you belong to Jon? It's too hard to come back with a response to religious people. They always pick and choose what to believe in, and then just call it Chrisitanity.

Saying that no other culture besides the white person's culture has something to offer, is just crazy. You sound like Hitler, and I know I'm not the first to say that here.

I'm not here to try to convince you of anything, but why can't you just let people do what they want to do. Let me watch anime, and I'll let you read the Bible. Why do you have to ruin other peole's good time. Anime does not corrupt children, as your article suggested, nor is all anime targeted at children. Some anime are as harmless as cartoons here. Others are made for anyone who can understand it. Do you think so little of children, that you yourself has to mommy every single one?

Children are not stupid. Sure, I wouldn't want a young child who doesn't understand a lot in the world, to watch anything with violence in it, but if the parents are doing their job, the child will understand it, rather than not even know about it. Prepare your kids for the real world, don't shield them from it.

I am truly saddend... (1.00 / 1) (#134)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:06:21 AM PST all of you. Only few arguments have been made which contain unbiased views and attempts to reason with the other party. Some prefer to slander others with crude comments, and others know only half the story. Even the Church has someone to play Devil's Advocate for them whenever they consider declaring sainthood. And again, they try to remain neutral, following only their personal beliefs (i.e. Bible) and do not make unsubstantiated claims.

First off, to the creator: If you're going to make a topic like this, you're bound to get emotional responses; you're blatantly attacking what some people believe unjustly, and very aggressively at that. You can't expect a level-headed conservation unless you start one first. Next time, be more considerate to other people's beliefs and preferences as well. Second, you're using mostly stereotypes and what you THINK you know about about the subject. There isn't a hint of nearly enough research on the matter, except for a few pictures being placed in the article out of it's original context. Even Christians don't like it when the Bible is quoted out of context, so you should avoid that as well.

Also, glorifying something and demeaning others is totally irrational and unneeded if it is the truth. Jesus learned and preached humility; let's follow that teaching. Don't praise things and put it on false pedestals, if someone accomplishes things, they will be acknoledged their due (hence my discontentment with certain media... but that's off-subject...)

Now, to the topic...

It is very true that due to the ever-increasing simplicity of information distribution, everyone, even children, now have access to information both legitamite and illegitamate. The dangers lie in them happening upon what is deemed "inappropriate" for their state of mind (age means nothing), like the above images show. These are truly not meant to be viewed by children or anyone who may take it the wrong way. America has a different mentality altogether than the entire eastern world, and thus shouldn't import everything that may turn a profit; money should be the last thing on our minds. Instead, patience is needed for people's mental maturity to change, then use of one's own faith in reasoning will guide the way. It is important that proper values be taught among children, such as respect for others.

However bad the above images are though, it is taken out of context. Those are examples of pornography in general, and so you cannot attack one without attacking the other. In this case a form of media was attacked though, and that turns out to be the hypocritical part. What is done in form of animation has been done, and is still done, by real people for a longer period of time. Turn to almost any TV channel and you'll see the similar stylistic means to get a point across. "Pretty" people clearly dominate the media, and it's no different for made-up people. Everyone wants their ideal world (the author too, or he wouldn't have written the article), so they do their best to emulate it. It just happens to be easier to emulate with purely fictitious characters.

The difference in japanese animation is however, their use of exaggeration. Ideally, everyone has child-like features, as adults are poignantly flawed. Children are often connotated with innocence and life, being full of energy and happy. To the japanese, all people should be more like children, so they would draw people with more child-like features. And they exaggerate the most important features, such as the eyes and subtle smile, as these are most important. As in any other form of media, characters have large breasts or muscles, and a shapely figure; given the choice, anyone would do the same.

Another point to criticize would be that manga and anime are made purely as an artform; this is not exactly true as there is also a story to go along with it. In fact, I have come to notice that anime tends to have more of a plot than many other movies or TV shows, as there are no bounds to the symbolism that can be used. My favorite example would be "Grave of the Fireflies", a war film held in high regard for it's message and sincerity. You will find nothing of questionable to be attacked there. As you dig deeper into anime, it is true that many have fantasy and science-fiction themes, but the problems addressed therein are more real than many books. And book-lovers don't generally complain about TVs portrayals of fantastical themes, and Bible-lovers don't complain about a book author's freedom in books (non-perverted of course... but if your mind's still on that, maybe you're the one who needs to grow up :p).

Anime in general is just based off people's view of the world. It happens to be one full of life and perks for anime-fans. Hence the bright colors and idealistic child-like persona of their characters. Japanese are far more used to respect and politeness, so when they care to induldge on their darker side as in the above pictures, they needn't fear about their children, as they grow up this way as well, and are very obedient. Perhaps American children should be taught these values better as well, or you could try shutting out the problem from them... but that often leads to disaster.

In conclusion, real people or made-up people, it doesn't matter to the truly unbiased. We all see each other as a form of ideal picture in our minds, and our minds have yet to reach their full potential. Until we each come to our conclusions by our own power, we can only tolerate and nudge others, not destroy them and their beliefs.

You... (1.00 / 1) (#136)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:22:40 AM PST
You are a child. Adults would attack the root of the problem, which is American mentality, not the practices of another country! America is the one who imported anime from Japan, and it was too much to handle! Japan has much less social problems than America, and yet they have no problem with this because their kids know better! And yet here you are, whining about something that you shouldn't have touched in the first place, and continue to ignore the true problem at hand! Your beliefs have done nothing for you, and "heathens" manage to live much more peacefully through their own strength instead of relying on somebody else! God may love you, but he'll love you more if you could actually think for yourself! You weakness of sight will be your downfall... ignorance is a sin everybody knows about, why not you?

You, a Believer? (1.00 / 1) (#139)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 12:05:13 PM PST
A devout believer does not see the devil in all things... those of true faith have no need for slander, so stop your aggressions now...

idiot... (1.00 / 1) (#142)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 12:37:08 PM PST
Jon Erikson has to be the dumbest person, ever. The post he has insults me as an American, a liberal, and a Christian. It amazes me such stupidity in people even exist.

are you flirting? (5.00 / 1) (#156)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 02:58:34 PM PST
The post he has insults me as an American, a liberal, and a Christian.


*Sigh* How pathetic of everyone... (none / 0) (#143)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:04:44 PM PST
OH MY! I cannot believe all of you are wasting your time on the purpose of anime and if it evil or not. *sigh*

What I can say is a lot of you are not open minded and are treating people badly by generalizing and I'm sorry but Disney IS copying japanese animation because the record states that the first *anime* was done in 1917 and was called Saru Kani Kassen (The crab takes revenge on the monkey) and these animes were mainly for children at that point. Of course, times change and the japanese animation adapts to the world we are living today.

And PLEASE, there is no such thing as satanism being in anime and since I don't believe in christinaity because that religion as many others are opium to the mind and is actually blinding people, I think that the person who wrote that article should go and seek for some help, seriously.

The animes I'm watching are a metaphor for the small being heard, for the minorities geeting heard yes, a lot of animes show that courage, loyality,love, freindship,trust and honesty are possible and therefore are NOT evil. Go and look at Fushigi Yuugi for example. Also, the violence in some of those animes have a purpose.

Anyway, I can't believe you guys are wasting your time with that... I'm just a poor little female adult that knows nothing for a lot of you I assume :/

Message to the great Jon Erikson and Adam Rightman (1.00 / 1) (#145)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:10:50 PM PST
As a fellow Christian, i must say something about this. And this is what i have to say... you are sooooo stereotypical Jon and Adam. You guys judge things right away without understanding them, makes me kinda think you guys are prejudice. First off, just cause people grows up doesn't mean they still get to watch cartoons. Cartoons is a form of ENTERTAINMENT, not just learning morals and that. When a adult grows up, they can do anything they want to do. Second, your researching on Japanese animation, Anime, or manga (or the way you named it, the Foriegn Plague) is really really awful. I am disappointed on your research and lack of knowledge for anime and manga. Not all anime and manga is for children, most are suitiable for teenagers and adults. And don't blame Japan, blame the parents who FAILS or does terrible at protecting the kids from the foriegn plague. And not all of the anime are Sci-fi and fantasy, there's also drama, comedy, romance, action, adventure, horror. Oh wait, you were probably blind and ignored them looking for mostly sci-fi and fantasy with hentai (naked filth) in them. Maybe your still watching them- oops, did i insult? I'm sorry, there, happy? Well here's a anime film you should get. It's called "Wings of Honneamise", no, it's not fantasy, maybe a bit of sci-fi since it's about a man wanting to go to space. This is a movie you should watch, there's a christian woman in it. you'll probably enjoy, oh no wait, you probably won't, you already hate anime. my bad.

and to mr. Adam apple- i mean Adam Rightmann. How dare you say all manga readers are geeks. That's like a big insult towards everyone. I thought good people aren't suppose to insult other people? oh no, this must mean adam is retarded. Anyways i have a friend who's a geek but is really friendly and such. He knows what anime is but doesn't watch it much often.

I am really disappointed in this article or message or whatever. Also, you're terrible and pathetic at researching subjects. All i'm going to do after i post this is laugh at you... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Reply (5.00 / 1) (#161)
by Jon Erikson on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 03:38:51 PM PST
As a fellow Christian, i must say something about this. And this is what i have to say... you are sooooo stereotypical Jon and Adam. You guys judge things right away without understanding them, makes me kinda think you guys are prejudice.

What's there to understand? I mean, it strikes me as being very easy to understand that showing such flagrently pedophiliac images of nubile young girls is immoral, and anyone that believes in the word of the Lord should easily be able to see that.

When a adult grows up, they can do anything they want to do.

You are no Christian! You sir, are nothing more than a filthy relativist, trying to disguise your foul habits under a cloak of worthiness. I need to say no more.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

Hrmm (1.00 / 1) (#170)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 05:14:19 PM PST
Are you saying adults cannot do what they want? That they are not allowed to think for themselves? If you believe such things, you need a reality check. Freedom is what God always promised, to the hebrew slaves in egypt and to all beievers of him, if you do not believe in freedom, how can you call yourself a Christian and a believer and follower of God? Do not confuse your personal beliefs with those of all Christians.

- ibutsu

Geez honestly (1.00 / 1) (#250)
by liathchan on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:22:40 PM PST
Wow such filthy comments from a so-called christian. There is something that isn't seen it seems. Not all of the characters are female and younge there are older characters, and males. And to tell the truth i have seen a sarge amount of anime mostly non-hentai. There has been no pedophilia. You have really odd beliefs in my opinion. I bet you are against abortion and cloning, just a guess though i could be wrong.
Knives - "Thats the easiest way to do it. You wanted to save the butterfly, right?"

are you done judging yet? (1.00 / 1) (#252)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:40:21 PM PST
wait, you're not? Then shut up!

This reminds me of the time when Adam and Eve were naked in the Garden of Eden prancing around...

By the looks of your message, i can easily tell you ain't no adult. You're probably just gonna end up ignoring this mr. moron. And those pictures you showed never appeared on the anime you watched. I'm a guy that's in art, and i can easily tell those pics are drawn by hentai (anime porn) fans. You probably still kept the uncensored version, but then again how would I know? I don't even know you, and thank God i don't know you...

sigh, but then maybe you're right. Maybe i should stop watching anime and watch Looney Tunes and do what they do. I should probably hunt down the fast runner in my school by laying traps to capture him so i can eat him. Or dress up in hunting gear and hunt teachers and eat them... (sarcasm right there)

I love to draw art, i also draw anime. If God gave me a command to become priest rather then a artist, i'd just laugh and hang myself. I do what i wanna do. So is there anything with drawing when i wanna draw? Anything wrong with hanging with my friends when i wanna hang with them? Anything wrong with cooking my little cousin food when i wanna cook him food? Anything wrong when with me when i go to church? No? good, then shut up.

Out of intrest? (1.00 / 1) (#271)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:45:15 AM PST
I take it you are the kind of person who is also against Harry potter?

If you are truly a Christian the surely you must remember it is not for you to judge people.

Then again Christianity is very hypocritical, after all it states that thou shall not kill, yet because of Christianity we have thousands of people murdered around the world all in the name of spreading the good word.

But back to the original idea of this thread the idea that anime is aimed at courpting our children. Animation has only been aimed at children in the western world, in other cultures they are aimed at people of all ages to add to this just look at the items produced at Hollywood, they are often many times more violent than many anime films are?.

The style of anime drawing goes back to 1917 when the first series were made so I think you need to check your facts. Also are you suggesting that America is a good and 'Holy' place being corrupted by evil foreign influences if so, how can you say this when there have been numerous instances of kids grabbing guns and murdering there class mates? This was before anime had even hit the American shores.

Well that's my rant over.

hahahaha.. (none / 0) (#296)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 10:23:46 AM PST
To understand, you gotta research, but i guess you were too retarded to do research. So from this point on, i'm just gonna call you dumb@$$, because you're dumb and in my opinion you're an @$$. You probably ignored the FACT that you are terrible at researching anime mr. dumb@$$.

And where in the bible does it say "ANIME AND MANGA IS EVIL"? oh no, you can't find it! [entering sarcasm] Maybe you should write it in your bible so that you can read it and preach the lie to other people.

Now have a nice day mr. dumb@$$! ^_^

Where's the 'pedophilism'? (none / 0) (#366)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 01:52:00 AM PST
Mr. Erikson, I am a 16 year old who watches anime. Out of all of the anime I've seen, only one has had any pedophilism or pedophilistic references, and that one was not hentai. The only pedophilistic Japanese illustrations or animations I can imagine would exist would be either hentai of very peculiar nature or just something someone drew while extremely bored.
While I'm on the subject of anime, I'd like to suggest that you watch all of the anime show called 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'. Very heavily influenced by Christianity, albeit being science fiction. I'm sure you'd find it... interesting, at least. Be sure to catch the Adam and Eve reference at the end, the 'playing God' references throughout, the references to 'Angels', the unspoken allusion to the story of the 'Prodigal Son', et cetera. Although not one of my favorites, it is definitely one of the best and most substantive anime ever produced.
And for at least a moment, please try not to think of anything non-American (which would basically include everything non-Native American) to be evil or wrong, or even morally bankrupt.

--Nintaku, Gamer of the New Millenium

'I am a soldier of peace, ever searching for the elusive mayfly known as love.' -Vash the Stampede, Trigun

Nubile. Is that clouds or something? (none / 0) (#450)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 05:58:54 PM PST
Nubile young girls. Obviously you haven't been to a high school recently. Or a middle school for that matter. Girls run rampant nowadays wearing halter-tops and miniskirts and hot pants during school. "Geeks" and "nerds" and any other guy can salivate watching these "nubile young girls."

So are you going on a crusade to ban school yet?

You have the Attention span of a gnat! (none / 0) (#482)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 06:48:14 PM PST
First did you read the INTIRE Post!?!?! You defenently(sp?) did not! I know alot of Adults who watch Animes.....My dad for 1! I introduced it to him and he is ok with me watching this so called "New sin". I can name you 3 animes that have NOTHING TO DO WITH SEX,EXTREME VIOLENCE AND Temptresses!!
1:Child's Toy-The series of a Hyper-active Girl who is a star of her own tv series(No sex,No violence...I think..... and do you count 8-12 year olds tempresses?)
2:1 pound Gospel-A Nun in training is trying to help a boxer stop being a glutton(THERE,A PRO-CHRISTIAN ANIME!!!.SATIFIED!)
3:Catnapped-2 kids go to a world were everyone are cats to bring back they're dog from a evil sorceress(A Anime Disney movie......AND IF YOU THINK THE SORCERESS IS A TEMPTRESS THEN YOU NEED GLASSES OR SOMETHING!)

There,I don't expect you to get some sense but hope you listen to me

ugh (none / 0) (#739)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 05:50:39 AM PST
i'm sick of you jon!!! why don't you try and watch an anime suggested to you??? even just once, for this topic to cease. god.
your so narrow-minded!!! shouldn't you be intrigued that many are defending anime, adult and youth alike? if i were you, i'd try to watch the animes suggested to me, then decide if it's really satanistic or not.
but you're so stubborn!

Anime == silly cartoons? (5.00 / 2) (#147)
by BinaryTree on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:13:59 PM PST
Is this the right place to discuss those silly cartoons with the big eyes?

I'm curious, where did they originate? I'm guessing they were the experiments of some Berkeley artists doing too much acid in the 60's that unfortunately caught on, but I could be wrong.

What I really don't understand is why these cartoons have caught on with adults. Watching cartoons is sad enough, but I really have to question the motives of those who watch cartoons in which every female appears to be some poor souls idealized version of a prepubescent girl he wanted to get his hands on him junior high.

I have this horrible suspicion that most people who watch these cartoons are socially inept geeks who sit alone in the dark and masturbate while fantasizing about these bizarre looking women.

Not that I'm against geeks or masturbation, you understand, but I'd hope one would use real women for inspiration.

I'd appreciate anyone who can help explain why these cartoons are viewed as anything more than a bad joke. Thanks.

alright (none / 0) (#247)
by liathchan on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:16:00 PM PST
Well i guess not everyone are as much of an adult as you!. As for me I like Anime, I have several mangas and I am FEMALE. No I am not a lesbian, whether you will take my word for it or not. Anime may only be silly to you, it is incredibly similiar with "regular" movies. THe storylines can be good or bad, just like with movies, and acting can be conpared to voice acting. I have watched several animes and cryed at the ends because they were sad. God forbid the silly cartoons can evoke emotions! You are entitled to your view so farewell.
Knives - "Thats the easiest way to do it. You wanted to save the butterfly, right?"

a fluffy anonymous reader with a beak (none / 0) (#262)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 12:28:31 AM PST
God created humans in his own image.Humans drew anime to express themselves. Whether good nor bad,animation will always be a topic.Its like saying that all asian guys are dumb.I agree with your statement. "The storylines can be good or bad, just like with movies, and acting can be conpared to voice acting." You just can't say a rock is red, because not all rocks are red.

Hmm... "We arn't God and sometimes we have to play the devil." Wolfwood.

Intriguing (none / 0) (#287)
by BinaryTree on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:59:15 AM PST
I love how people who are deeply embarassed about certain personal habits (in this instance, a taste for stupid cartoons) tend to treat any criticism of those deviant habits as a deliberate attempt to "stir up" trouble.

Christ, if there was an group would I be "trolling" if I went in there an told them they were a bunch of sickos? Of course not.

I also think you're being unduly sensitive if you consider what I wrote patently offensive. I've been a little too mature for some years now to watch cartoons, so I was surprised to learn from an aquaintance that these big eyed things are popular among a few people. I'd appreciate any enlightenment you can offer on the subject.

Female and anime watcher (none / 0) (#336)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:27:03 PM PST
Hey, my name is Kiri, and I'm a 21 year old female who has been a fan of various anime for years now. You asked honestly why people would want to watch something you view as cartoons (I don't blame you for that misconception. It's one I had too.) and I have decided to respond honestly. I am not trying to change anyone's mind. I just want to explain something properly. I'll address your comments first though.

"I love how people who are deeply embarassed about certain personal habits (in this instance, a taste for stupid cartoons) tend to treat any criticism of those deviant habits as a deliberate attempt to 'stir up' trouble."

My parents actually criticize me all the time. It's kind of amusing (because they aren't very serious about it). We all have things we find fun or amusing and just simply enjoyable. My grandmother used to watch soap operas. Anime tends to have a more intellectual (well... depending on the one you see) approach to life, not just melodrama. Which of us is wrong, my grandmother or me? She watched things about lurid sex and ludicrous plots and I watched animation. I think neither of us are. My dad likes fantasy novels. My mom likes Star Trek. My brother likes Everquest. None of us are doing any of these things to the point where it affects our social lives or makes us deviant. In fact, I think it's considered healthy to have a hobby. :)

"I also think you're being unduly sensitive if you consider what I wrote patently offensive. I've been a little too mature for some years now to watch cartoons, so I was surprised to learn from an aquaintance that these big eyed things are popular among a few people. I'd appreciate any enlightenment you can offer on the subject."

Yeah, some people like to cause flame wars, or just yell without any reason. Ehn, such is life. And why on earth are you too mature to watch cartoons? Is it wrong? Even just to sit and watch something like Bugs Bunny? Man, that's way too old for me. I always hope to be able to look at the world with childish curiosity.

Anyway, I think anime is fun. It's oftentimes better written than American shows. (Trigun anyone?) It tends to have a continous plot (except for children's shows like Pokemon, though Digimon has a continous plot) and it's like a story that you would read, but in a visual medium. (I hope some of this is making sense... it's been a long day.) I guess what is so appealing to me is the fantasy of it while keeping the characters human (even if they might not be) and the continuous story line, instead of a regenerated "bad guy does something bad, good guy beats him, good prevails" so often found in American television. In real life, good does not always win. It's the same in anime, though most often there /are/ happy endings.

Anyway, I've done a lot of rambling. If you have any questions or comments, you can direct them to me at and I'll happily respond (except to flames. I use those in my fireplace. Or feed them to my cats.). I tried my hardest not to offend anyone. Yeah, I guess that's it.


I agree (none / 0) (#768)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 9th, 2002 at 08:15:22 PM PST
I agree with Kiri.
I Have watch many anime shows. I've seen some where the only meaning of it is to kill or be killed. But i've seen some with an actual plot.
If you only have seen one that is extremely destructive to your psyche then i believe you are not mature enough to be able to tell the diference between Fantasy and REALITY.

Anime (none / 0) (#359)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 12:23:03 AM PST
wacth some, thats all i can say. Open your mind a littel.

bitch, (none / 0) (#736)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 03:48:03 AM PST
why don't you try watching one???

Life is full of many questions and opinions... (none / 0) (#258)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 12:00:31 AM PST
Your little comment on the eyes was quit amusing,but no.I know people who do dirty things and some who are geeks,but your idea with "most people who watches these cartoons are socially inept geeks who sit alone in the dark and masturbate while fantasizing about these bizare looking women" was sort of unclear to me in a sense.Many people enjoy watching anime and yet they still have a life.The eyes are drawn for feelings and emotion like Mona Lisa's smile.

"I really have to question the motives of those who watch cartoons in which every female appears to be some poor souls idealized version of a prepubescent girl he wanted to get his hands on him junior high."

Was this a hentai or a regular anime?Don't confuse the two,because hentai is its own category under anime.I'm not really that ofended by your comments.Anime,just like everything,can be associated with adults.Like how people can make books and plastic models into things for adults.

Cartoons/animation was create for the soul purpose of entertanment and expression of feelings.Art is a feeling like the eyes.Cartoons don't have emotions,but human gives it to them.Its just an expresion of thought and imaginatio.So you see them as bad jokes?Everyone has their own opinion and views about anime so I guess animation is just a big joke to you.Its arite,but just have an open mind about others.

A-NI-MEH! ANIME!!! GET IT RIGHT AT LEAST!!! (none / 0) (#704)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 07:52:35 PM PST
ANOTHER moron to add to the growing ranks of morons....

WELL, if you see it that way, why don't you call Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny silly?

Hmmm.... racist scum...

Anime Knight

question (5.00 / 1) (#148)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:15:56 PM PST
Out of curiosity I'd like to know what anime (or "manga films") Jon Erikson watched to write this article.


Some titles (5.00 / 1) (#160)
by Jon Erikson on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 03:27:48 PM PST
To be perfectly honest I've tried to put this filth out of my mind as much as possible, although my dreams are now often haunted by foul images of brazen temptresses with huge eyes. And I am a man of God!

But anyway, I think there was one called Dragonballs, another called Princess Moloko or something and one about ghosts or some other pagan nonsense. There were a couple more, but they were so blandly horrific I couldn't really remember any details.

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

Although I know you wont listen.... (1.00 / 1) (#171)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 05:23:53 PM PST
Perhaps you should try watching some that have a reality based theme... I'd suggest a romantic comedy series called Love Hina but an unmarried man lives in a house with girls! Boy, how unchristian is that! Even though there is no nudity, there are some sexual jokes (although in most cases they are accidents) and some sci-fish happenings, for the most of the series it tries to stay down to earth for the most part. Beyond that, it is about a person who made a promise as a young boy (to go to Tokyo University with the girl he made the promise to and to live happily ever after) an is trying to keep it to the best of his ability although he does not remember who the young girl was as she moved away shortly after. It is a good series, although you will most likely not believe me.

- ibutsu

I want my 2 minutes of ignorance too! (1.00 / 1) (#172)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 05:35:40 PM PST
To Mr.Erikson:

People like you are the reason people like me need medication...
I mean seriously... The only reason some people are alive is because it's illegal to kill them... By the way no offense... I think someone accidentally pissed in your gene pool


ghosts or some other pagan nonsense (1.00 / 1) (#231)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:08:05 PM PST
I can only guess that you refer to Ghost in the Shell which was not about the supernatural, but rather the implecations of technology becoming so integrated with life that many humans had mecanical bodies and artificial intelligence became a reality. The term ghost refered to a person's actual essence (soul). The moral implictation of this was whether an artificial being could have a ghost (soul).

Also the pictures used to represent all anime are offensive. First and most importantly, someone had the blasphemous idea to paste images of persons held sacred to Christianity onto hentai.

Secondly, as stated before by others, hentai is a gross misrepresentation of anime. Hentai is to anime as American pornography is to American made movies. It does not follow that because all hentai is anime, all anime is hentai.

Finally, these images did not come from Dragonball, Princess Mononoke, or Ghost in the Shell. There must be more that you "forgot" to list. This is merely a hypothesis, but due to the fact that no reference to specific anime is included in the article that your research was only hentai and the titles you have been trying to "put out of your" are actually just reference to three of the most famous non-hentai anime. Please correct me it I'm wrong.

In closing, I find most offensive of all this obviously unbiased and unresearched "article," is the sense of smug superiority over all non-Americans and non-Christians. Asserting that there is nothing to learn from any other culture is a sickening, racist statement. Jesus taught acceptance of all regardless of race, social position, or religious standpoint.


P.S. I am both a Christian and an anime viewer. They are not mutually exclusive.

Ohhhh funny! (1.00 / 1) (#245)
by liathchan on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:08:21 PM PST
called Dragonballs, another called Princess Moloko or something

Oh hahahaha Dragonball and Dragonball Z are some of the most non-hentai animes I've seen! Add to that Princess Mononoke that has no nudity in it at all! Thoses pictures you have are definitly Hentai however and as many before me have stated not all anime is Hentai. At first your original article pissed me off, but now i can't stop laughing about it. You know soo little about anime its funny. You can't even spell the names right. That does make me laugh. but hey, you posted your opinnion, and although I don't agree you are entitled to your beliefs.
Knives - "Thats the easiest way to do it. You wanted to save the butterfly, right?"

The writer assumes all Anime/Manga is "evil&q (none / 0) (#306)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 12:09:24 PM PST
I'll take it that you have never ever heard of Pokemon or Digimon?

btw, If you are going to censor it properly ... do it with black tape... not with silly images

BAKA!!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#567)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:12:01 AM PST
i agree with censoring properly, i dont think putting pictures of christ and mary (is that who they are?) over a womans titties is really i think your just a sick perv...princess mononoke was an excellent movie btw...and will you please quit calling pagan things nonsense, you stupid prick, most christian holidays and traditions were stolen from the pagans you dumbass so you dont need to be commenting like that

btw....baka is idiot in japanese ^_^

OMG ITS TITS!!! *sarcasm* heh...

Dragonball (none / 0) (#518)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:06:41 PM PST
...not to add anymore silliness and misunderstanding to this obvious (but hilarious) troll site... but
I'm guessing you've only seen the TV edit versions of the Dragonball series, and never read the manga. It's hardly what I would call hentai, but it's not exactly the most innocent thing out there either...

Raven... impatiently waiting another year or so before gifting my nephews with Dragonball DVDs

So, you weren't joking? (none / 0) (#363)
by iconoclast on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 01:18:54 AM PST
Honestly, I wasn't sure if you were one of those overzealous, frothing-at-the-mouth-christians or just being sarcastic.

But now that I am sure it's the former, what you're saying is that you couldn't help but get horny after watching some cartoons and it made you feel guilty, so we should ban these cartoons? Because you can't keep your libido in check? The part I don't understand is why you kept watching them. Shouldn't a god-fearing christian like yourself have realized it was the devil, satan trying to temp you, and turned away? You've only got yourself to blame. Damnit, god is going to be PISSED.

I want to vomit. (none / 0) (#469)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 12:05:19 AM PST
First off, you have no specific examples to back up any of the statements made in your article. Then when you finally do come up with some names (if you can call what you pulled out of your ass names), you pick things that have nothing to do with sex or naked women fulfilling their lustful desires. I will admit that there is ADULT anime out there, but the only way that a child could get a hold of it is by having incredably ignorant parents. You also said that you had watched "hours" of this "filth". If it bothered you that much, why would you watch it? And it is obvious that you got nothing out of it when you can't even name what you watched. I am also appuled that you refured to anime as "cartoons" when it is so much more than a cartoon. Cartoons are Bugs bunny and Road Runner. Anime is deeper, they hold stories with actual meaning. I must also say that the images you chose are not even close to an accurate representation of anime (oh, and kudos on violating your messiah and his mother, by pasting them over hentai). And who the hell are you to say what adults can be entertained by? No where does your book say "Thou shalt not enjoy childish things". Show me where it says that. Finally, you are a uneducated little shit-head extreemist christian. You hurt your faith more than you help it.

You have to be kidding me... (none / 0) (#724)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 05:12:23 PM PST
You judged the collective realm of Anime based off THREE the immortal words of Darrel Hammond on SNL "Boy, I think you might be legally retarded" (no offense meant to any out there who truly are)

This officially demonstrated just how shoddy and ignorant your opinion is...the entire article made me get the insatiable urge to take an IQ test just to make sure I hadn't become stupider from your 'opinion'...when are you people finally going to realize the US is NOT the pure and moral realm you like to make it out as (based on the fact you clearly view Japan as a heathen nation) if anything some could argue they are more civilized than we are

I pity anyone who believes this article is've seriously downgraded my opinion of my fellow man...

You Must be the anti christ (none / 0) (#775)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 25th, 2002 at 07:27:32 PM PST
The fact that you put an image of Christ on those dirty pictures means that you will burn in hell.

And by the way, I can tell you lied about everything you said.

what is anime?!?!! WTF??!?!?!? (1.33 / 3) (#275)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 04:54:23 AM PST
anime/manga are japanese cartoons...if you have ever seen Transformers then you have seen some manga at least... this guy really gives me the shits...blah blah not even going to care to read the rest of this artical...i only read like 3 paragraphs and thought this guy is a BEEP BEEPEN BEEP!!!!...etc etc etc... there are many forms of manga/ should try look it up but be warnd you may come across some pisc you'd rather not see (hentai) whioch this guy seemed to pick up and put in a censor...the sick prick...

ATTN: seventypercent and the Adequacy editors: (none / 0) (#282)
by tkatchev on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 06:01:05 AM PST
This article was zeroed due to horrible misspellings and abuse of punctuation.

Peace and much love...

A: All of them... (none / 0) (#292)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 09:04:30 AM PST least everything that had an "adult only" sticker. After all, like all good censors and want-to-be censors, he needed to make sure it was all bad.

Isn't he dedicated? Devoting long, lonely nights to finding hentai and watching it all alone, with perhaps only a bottle of hand lotion and some tissues (he has dry skin, he told me). Poor Jon, having to keep the world safe for the rest of us.

AMAZING!!! (none / 0) (#705)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 07:57:02 PM PST
Mr Erikson replied to a message! *astounded*


At LEAST get Mononoke right, dung head. *rolls eyes*

Oh! So, Dragon Ball Z is evil???? YO! Believe it or not, it isn't! (THAT'S RIGHT!!!) Kids these days are now more motivated to try harder at school, sports AND academic skills thanks to DBZ! (WHICH is more than I can say for... say... Mickey Mouse??? What has he ever thought kids???)

"Oh gosh! Minnie! You look nice! Let's make babies!"

I rest my case...

Anime Knight

I'm not surprised about the mix-up... (1.00 / 1) (#150)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 01:31:15 PM PST
of the terms anime and hentai. Rightmann posted another story a while back that relied too much on opinions and too little on fact. He wanted to believe that Anthrax (the band) just came out recently and released "Spreading the Disease" to capitalize on the anthrax letters. Obviously the band was formed in '83 and the record came out shortly after that ('85 to be exact, a quick trip to verified that).

But look at the bright side--we all know where to turn to find knee-jerk reactions on different cultures and ideas. The problem lies in the fact that it is far too easy to learn rhetoric than to take the time to do some simple fact-checking and research. Oh how the mighty have fallen...

How I see things. (1.00 / 1) (#154)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 02:27:54 PM PST
I was directed here by a friend because I am into the Anime scene. I am not an expert in religion nor anime and will not pretend to be.

I was not reared in a family focused on religion, but have had the choice all my life to be taken under it's wing. I refused mass religion because I feel any person or group who will hate others different from their own self, or shun those who have opinions which opose their own are not people whom I wish to be around. Don't think that I'm satan because of this, I do beleive in god and pray on a regular basis. I just like to see others for who they are. I don't judge. If one person is a buddist, more power to them. If someone wants to be gay, they have rights!(In this great moral country of ours) And if someone wants to like "cartoons" when they are forty then I beleive they should be able to enjoy themselves. They are, after all, humans, just as you Christians are too.

Some people who are into anime don't see the images that others see imprinted into them. I watch anime and I know that it's something I want to do. Nothing that was forced on me. My mother didn't like anime, nor did any of my friends. But I got into and it was a choice that I made. I don't force it on any one else and I don't hate or insult those that don't like it.

Sometimes people will beleive different things and live their lives a certain way. I may not agree with it, and you may not either. It's the way the world is. We can't fix every problem, but if we are going to try, maybe we should start with things a little more important like murder, World hunger, and Racism. Not anime. To me I don't think it's going to do any thing to corrupt people. Most watchers of hentai were into the porn scene fisrt and that's how they got started on Hentai. They were not raised into hentai by maturing anime.

I do not wish to get horribly chewed out for my opinion as I have seen happen. I'm just stating my mind and I hope that someone will respect me for it. I only ask that you try to take in my veiws before you go on a tangent of rude remarks.

A long good arguement. (1.00 / 1) (#158)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 03:05:04 PM PST
Now, I have nothing against religion, I'm just not into that stuff, but I think you are all being too absorded and well, stupid. Anime is an art form. Anime is an art form from another country. Key word. Another country with difference beliefs.

And anime is not childish. In fact, as you have mentioned, many of them are not meant for children. But many of the companies that translate and produce anime here in America, *just don't get that*. If you need a Satan, blame it on them for targeting this on kids! Don't blame it on the people who made anime and those we like it!

And we are not going to go to hell (basically what this article means). And what you don't understand, if the fact that, there are different kinds of anime! Not all are perverted and has nudity and violence - many are quiet cute and cuddly and is quiet already for General audiances, that includes children!

But if you still belive Anime is the devil, then you are saying Anmerican movies, TV shows, and animation are the devil too. Every type of entertainment will have something explict! Because of this, you should think everything in Blockbuster is against God.

Now I admit there are many animes that I do not want to see, but why are you attacking them in general? Not all movies are bad - many of them have nothing wrong with them, and that's the same with anime!

Is Hello Kitty bad? No, I don't think so. Oh yes, I'm going to suffer when I die because I caught a glimpse of a nipple! My, I'm so scared! What if I saw that in a R-rated movie? Then I'm going to Heaven?

In my humble opinion, whoever wrote this article did not do a very good job. Don't you know the first thing you do is research? Did you do that?

Oh, another thing (this is long, sorry), are you all trying to convince us we should attack anime in general because it's against God? Open your eyes, we're not all radicaly religious! Our lives doesn't revolve around "Oh my goodness! This is a sin!"


digusted (1.00 / 1) (#159)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 03:10:17 PM PST
I am a practicing Christian and I was sent to this site by one of my non-Christian friends, and I am totally offended, not by the manga or anime, but by you. You have taken the Christian ideals and started playing God. "Whichever one of you has committed no sin may throw the first stone" John 8:7. I'm not saying that the more pornographic type of anime is wrong, but that is a different category all together, called Henta I believe, but the fact of the matter is, who are you to judge? I am a Christian adult who enjoys cartoons, if you are going to start bashing cartoons, then don't just blame it on those from Asian decent. Go to any Christian bookstore and grab yourself a book on Disney, your "good American example." I've read many books, cover to cover, on the evils of Disney and his use of satanic imagery, witchcraft, and homosexuality. Most anime characters are where a lot more than Tinkerbell. Please, just do some research into things before you decide to pronounce judgment, as a Christian, consult your bible, as an American, look at your own cartoons in the same light, oh, and if you are going to show pictures, I've never been as offended my any anime than as I have been by the use of you censoring your blatant pictures with images of Jesus and the virgin Mary. Disgusting and sacrilegious.

Good Lord! (1.00 / 1) (#162)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 04:01:55 PM PST
Hey, whoever put the virgin mary and jesus christ over the body parts of that pornographic anime, congratulations.

You just ruined your entire argument because when I think about it now all I do is laugh.

P.S., No offense, but if you don't even let your children watch pokemon, I will assume you dont let them do allot of other things. One of two things will happen:

Your kids might remain wholly christian and faithful to the religion and teachings, and will never touch any sinful things in life.


They will totally reverse from anything you have ever taught them. Let's hope this doesnt happen for both our sakes because then he or she will become another Gothic dickhead.

Asses (1.00 / 1) (#163)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 04:04:54 PM PST
You are a fucking retard. You are the most racist, close-minded piece of shit that I have ever known to have existed. The HELL is wrong with you?! I think someone hasn't been gettin' any, so he blames the world. Fuckin' Nazi.

<a href=> Click Here</a>

Idiots... (1.00 / 1) (#164)
by Trunks on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 04:07:13 PM PST
You people are idiots, how can you even claim to be adults? You are all just a bunch of egotistical, selfindulged, jerks. "Geeks" isnt a term, and you're discussing hentai and porn! The way you talk sounds like children bickering.

A Cry For Truth (none / 0) (#169)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 04:44:10 PM PST
A person from one of my Sailor Moon e-lists e-mailed the group with an "interesting link", taking me to this message board. Upon uploading the page, I nearly had a heart attack.

I've read most of the posts here and found a few really good posts and links made early on in the argument. I hope these people read my post and comment further. I'm sad that I can't read all the posts, as I have a research paper due Monday (I love college!). But I will take some time, as I love anime and feel the need to defend it somewhat.

I was raised in the Christian church- I'm labeled as a Protestant. I love God. I believe Jesus is His only begotten Son and that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. My dad grew up as a "Catholic" and, when he married, attended a Protestant church with my mother. Since then, I'm sad to say that my mother is the only one to attend church regularly, and I attend church with her whenever I can. I admit my religious knowledge is not as strong as it was when I was a child, but I hope I can make a strong argument with what I know now and have studied from the Bible.

A Christian is a person who loves God and believes in Jesus. A Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Jesus and endeavors to live a life like his- following God's Commandments, the Golden Rule, and Jesus' teachings.

A Christian IS NOT a person who belittles others, slanders others, and alienates others. The basis of a Christian life is to promote the belief of God and Jesus, to love everyone unconditionally (even your enemies), and to be just.

There has been a lot of slandering and belittling. It makes me sad that those who claim to be Christians are handling this situation quite poorly. I don't think there is a post in here that is not offensive or slanderous in some way. Christians can't expect to win the argument this way.

Most of the "Christians" who have posted will not win their argument because they don't appear to know enough about what they are fighting against. I keep reading messages that say the majority of anime is not the hentai pictures portrayed in the original, then read replies from "Christians" that ignore this truth and still react against the stereotype.

The majority of anime and manga is NOT hentai/ecchi/pornography. If you argue against anime believing that anime is pornography, you will never win. You cannot win using lie.

My favorite animes are mostly mahao shoujo (translated as magic girl)- Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, and Magic Knight Rayearth, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Clover, Marmalade Boy, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Mononoke Hime, Card Captor Sakura, Peach Girl, Legendary Angel of Love Wedding Peach, Fushigi Yugi. I know pretty much everything about those series. And I will tell you right now there is NO pornography in there. THERE IS, however, a few naked scenes in there. However, I do NOT equate being naked with those disgusting and perverted pictures. Nakedness is used more as a symbol. In the final episode of Sailor Moon, the title character loses everyone she loves and is left with nothing but hope to use against her enemies. She becomes naked (stripped of clothing = stripped of friends) and gains angel's wings (wings = eternal hope and redemption for her enemies). And nothing is shown. There are no details. Just the outline of a body and peach color. I showed the series to some kids I baby-sat for and they didn't even pay attention to that fact, commenting more on the endless hope and love Sailor Moon felt for her friends and enemies.

And might I ask what is ungodly about nakedness? Isn't naked how God first intended people? It is only the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that opened our eyes to this nakedness. As long as it is not blatantly pornographic or meant to arouse the viewer, I find no reason not to admire God's handy work at intervals (granted, I don't believe we should walk around naked- what's done is done, and I get cold too easily to walk around naked- and I don't want to see any of the people I know naked! It would be too weird). I'm also going to tell everyone here right up front that nakedness in anime IS NOT intended to arouse the viewer in any way. I'm sorry if you have a problem with viewing it. But I digress. My apologies. Back to the topic.

Another point is that Americans have created "dubs" in response to the offenses in the originals against religions. I'm surprised this point hasn't been made.

Most who are against anime for the possible nudity, cussing, or violence can easily get edited versions for younger children. These have been dubbed over into English remarkably well. You should find even LESS offensive with the dubs. Take Sailor Moon again. Nude scenes, a homosexual relationship, even an episode that only had a scene with the main character dressed a bit too "risque" has been deleted to make the rating ages THREE and up! The "action" that the original post called for has been taken already- there are other options. For Gundam Wing, they eliminated the term "God of Death", a few cuss words, and even a few death threats.

My next point is that those images don't look like ANY of the anime or manga I've seen. They look like DOUJINSHI. Doujinshi are works made by people other than the creators. They are unofficial and are only made to promote other artist's work. It seems the original post has used these adult doujinshi drawings rather than official anime drawings. Since the characters and series depicted aren't named, I can't say for certain. They might even be AMERICAN MADE in Japanese style!

Quick review: 1) Christians have no need to fear the anime movement because the majority of anime and manga is not pornographic. And one doesn't kill a man when only the and is the only part infected. You amputate the hand. You redirect your attack. 2) American Dubs are available for younger children. 3) The pictures used in the original post are misleading. That, most likely, is not anime or manga.

As far as the attack on the fan (typically called by the Japanese term "otaku") of anime and manga, I find everything to be an incorrect stereotype. I'm proof of that. I am a bit of a geek, meaning I'm socially awkward, but that is a personality flaw. Not a negative trait. Not really a pleasant trait to have, but it's not evil. The original post also made it sound like anime is ONLY aimed at boys to encourage masturbation. I'm a girl. Ninety-nine percent of the fans of anime I know are female. The mahao shoujo, currently the most popular type brought over to America, is aimed specifically at girls to promote confidence and friendship, good behavior, and exemplary living styles.

My closing statement is that it should also be considered that these are works of fiction. Christian children should be raised with the knowledge that God is the most powerful of all and that you cannot use magic. Christian children should also not be denied from fiction because it has questionable content. If you have raised them in the teachings of Jesus, you will never have to worry about them taking such shows as these seriously. These are meant to be entertainment- a fanciful "what-if". God gave us this wonderful gift of creativity- we can draw a flower, recreate a sunrise on paper, write about fantastic adventures. As long as we know the truth and have our faith, I find no reason to deny people from considering the "what-ifs". The what-ifs make me even more grateful that we have God to rely on and love us.

Well, this turned out much longer than I originally though it would be. If you've read all this, I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say and agree with me on some points. I tried to be as logical as I could, despite the emotions of the original response. I apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors- I don't have time to spell check this article. I hope anime and manga otaku can forgive for offenses made in ignorance. I hope those against anime will understand the truth. You guys don't have to like anime or manga, but I hope you will acknowledge that anime and manga aren't pornographic and stop the arguing and slandering. And please, look into a topic that you are slandering more.

Just a little note: if you want some basic info on anime fans, check out the following site:

It's a Sailor Moon site called "Save Our Sailors (SOS)", a long-running site that has a history of dealing with companies that brought Sailor Moon to America. They show just a fraction of the fans that love just this one show. As you can see, the show is targeted mostly at older teens. And those teens are growing up and still remaining dedicated fans. It's hard to give up something you love. And who is to say that something is childish? Certainly not me. I won't believe it until God says so.

Also, check out this site for more information on the target audiences of anime. I got these just by searching for "anime audience demographics" at Yahoo! and I doubt you will have trouble finding other sites. I encourage everyone interested in the topic to make the effort.

A Female Christian Fan

I thought I was of a dying breed... (none / 0) (#246)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:12:53 PM PST
I thought I was of a dying breed (or at least extremely rare one) until I saw your signature as a "Female Christian (anime) Fan"! Amen, sister, and HOWDY!!! I'm female, Christian, and an otaku, to boot. Just wanted to say hi and thanks for posting almost exactly what I would have posted, had I decided to bless this person with my time and intellect. ^_- At any rate, I would have added yet another idea, for the benefit of those who've posted who seem to believe that organized Christianity consists entirely of hypocrites, blamers, and judgmental maniacs. I am embarrassed that this man calls himself Christian. Just as I felt when Jerry Falwell said that the "gays, lesbians, and abortionists" brought the September 11 attacks down as the righteous anger of God, I once again feel an urge to distance myself from the title Christian. At the same time, I realize I cannot, for if I (and all those who think like me) did, we would be leaving only this person to represent what that worthy name stands for. And that would be reason enough for the rocks to cry out.


Oh my... (none / 0) (#173)
by question on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 05:44:43 PM PST
Alright, first off, I just wanted to say that you I agree with whoever mentioned earlier that you people are acting like bickering fools. I was sent here by a friend who likes anime as well, and upon reading the message and replies, I found myself reading the same things over and over again. You call yourselves adults and you are fighting with less sense than children. For one thing, I see that the first post was made by a Christian. Or rather, a fanatic. I don't have anything against any religous people, everyone can believe in what they choose to, but please don't try to tell others what they should believe in. In doing so, what, may I ask, makes you any higher than Satan himself? Everyone has the right to make decisions for themselves, and what is the difference of you trying to force someone to do what you believe is right and what Satan tried to do in the bible? Who are you, or anyone for that matter, that you think you can order people around with as much athourity as the God you so devoutly worship? EVERYONE has a right to choose what they believe in. "Good" and "evil" are subject to belief. As someone earlier mentioned using chess, to whatever side you are on the other side is a threat and is probably categorized as 'evil'. Are you all really so insecure as to think that everyone who dissagrees with you is automatically wrong because of something one man said? And not to offend anyone who worships God, but how do you know He exists other than your faith and belief in Him? If your belief is what makes Him real, how can you dispise other religions so much? Did your God teach you to be so blind and cruel as to slander what others beleive in simply because you think it's 'wrong'? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to impose them upon others. And how you categorize anime in with cartoon pornography. Does that mean that in that respect, we should not watch any movies or plays or look at any pictures because a few of them might have nudity, flirting, or sex in them? Who are you to say that these things are a 'sin' anyways? There are other cultures who were taught to revere the human body, and I'm guessing you have kids, so what makes how they were concieved any different from porn or hentai? The fact that they enjoyed it? For one thing, I have no doubt that you yourself have enjoyed the act of sex, or as those who can't stand using such a vulgar word describe it, 'making love'. What is the use of living life wrapped in a belief that tells you never to enjoy yourself? If you want to live by a rigid code telling you to never enjoy anything as that is self-indulgence and as so a sin, don't drag others with you and force them to be as deprived of fun as you force yourself to be. You pity others who have separate opinons; hold them in contempt, but who's to say what you believe in , God, ever existed? Freedom of speech was taken too far, by you who have deemed yourself a 'good Christian', by someone who was taught to help others and not be hateful. We are all hypocrites, I suppose it's part of our nature. I'm not saying you should roll over and blame it all on 'that's just how people are' or anything, but just think for a moment. You have the chance to impose (or maybe I should just say 'steer') upon your children how you see the right and wrongs of the world. To a point. If you believe that you have taught them well enough of the right paths and wrong, let them decide. You might be surprised at what you find out. As for others, we respect your rights, we won't tell you that you are 'wrong', but in return, we ask that you do the same. Everyone wonders how wars are started. They are made by poeple too dense or stubborn to compromise and talk. Holy wars, like the crusades, were made by these righteous and religious people. What happened during the crusades? Thousands were murdered, children, women and men alike, and then gutted like fish to see if they were hiding any jewels or money inside them. All in the name of 'God'. Don't put yourself on a pedastal because we're different, that's just how we are. might it have occured to you, ever, that trashing someone elses beliefs is as harmful as if they trashed yours? Anime is like anything else, it can be both good and bad, mostly depending on the maturity of the viewer and creator. If you don't like it, that is fine. No one forces you to watch it, and you can stop your children if you don't want them watching it, but please, don't criticize what others like. In the first post it talks of the forces of light and dark. Did they ever stop and think that maybe the 'Dark' forces might be just fighting for what they thought was right, that those people had feelings as well? And you speak of those of 'Light' having magic, and then go and bash sci-fi and fantasy stories for having magic and good and evil sides as well. You really must be blind. now, you believe that christian films on TV are alright, right? What if we find those offensive? Would you take them off, or would you insist that we are ignorant for trying to destroy something so 'pure' and 'good' and 'right'? I think you could take a hint from sci-fi novels, because many times they show such ignorant people like you how little a difference there is between your enormous assumptions of good and evil. What if God was actually bad and Satan was good? You say that that could never be since God is light, while Satan is pure evil. Was not Satan an angel himself? Anime is a form of art, as is writing. They let people express their feelings, just as religion does. Do not bother others with things that are so blatantly, forgive me for saying this, stupid. Think before trying to tell others what your version of right and wrong is and telling them that theirs is wrong, you have no idea of whether that is true or not and would vehmenently deny it if it were in fact the other way around. It sickens me how much you all try to tell each other what should and shouldn't be done. I think that perhaps you need to take a trip back to high school and read "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee again. Take my advice, or don't, it's your choice.

Very sad (1.00 / 1) (#175)
by Rubette on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 06:07:18 PM PST
It's sad to know that this is the world of mis-informed, close-minded, racest, elitists that my generation will encounter. I pitty those who give up rationality because they have too much energy. But It eases me a little to know that I am able to shift through most of this dirt, and think for myself. With all of this, I'd like to say that your artical has given me even more reason to stay agnostic.

You're point would be valid. That is, if you knew the facts, and you hadn't exagerated. The fact that you failed at both, made me loose all confidence in your artical.

Before you go any further, I'd advise you to do the following:

Learn a little more about people and the human condition: These are people creating manga, anime and video games, not devils. Also, "One World" is actually the human ideal. If we stay secular, biologically we humans, an any other creature weaken (kind of a broader idea of incest, hon). If we integrate, the immune systems and the physical health of our offspring become stronger.

Learn a bit more about history and it's nature: Do not turn such an enduring event in history, such as WWII, into the plot-line of a hollywood movie. Any historian will tell you never to draw black and white lines, especially when you know the whole story. I find it ironic that you used the term "crusade" at the end of your statement. Any person who studies the cusades, such as myself, knows that it was not a success, but a fatal human error for the sake of Christianity.

Learn more about the culture you're accusing: Japan is not un-known to morals. Infact, it's highly infuenced by Christianity. And if you looked a little deaper, you might see the anime and manga that are infuenced by this aswell. With that, don't acuse an "alien" culture of being so wrong, simply because you know nothing about them. It's sad to think that you would even think to judge them just on faith...

Learn more about anime and manga: If you truely knew the entire background of the topic, you would not have jumped to this conclusion. Like America's film industry, Anime covers all genres. Like America, anime has pornography, but also Like America it has truely noteworthy and heavily moral titles (if indeed that's what you need so badly). And on top of that, it's for everybody, not "the children".

Get a hobby!: It's quite obvious you have too much energy. You're more obsessed with this topic then the fans. Go outside! Live life! Realize how much beauty there is in everthing, aswell as the creations of other human beings! But if you can't seem to do this because of this "devil" you speak of, I feel pitty for you, but I'm content in realizing that I will know so much more than you during my lifetime. It's for people like you who have given up on this, that I will expience and do my best in this life that was given to me.

Hahahaha!!! (1.00 / 1) (#177)
by Kuroi Tenshi on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 06:44:29 PM PST
Hahahaha!!! ^_____^

I have just read the great 'article' - if that THING can be called like that - that you, Jon Idontknowwhat, have written about this 'plague' that is infecting your, oh, great american society - where even children kill each other with shot guns... �_�U -... My god... This should be the funniest thing i've ever read!!! And the most ignorant too...

I don't know what do you do for living, who you are or how many 'devil japanese cartoons' have you watched to write this THING called ironically 'article', but it's clear for me that whoever provided you with the tapes/DVDs to make your big 'research' about this topic, has completely fooled you!!! Hahahaha!!! ^_^ REALLY!!! Because, if you *really* watched anime - yes... It's called "anime" no "manga films"... Manga Films is an anime company, for your information... - once in your pure and holy life, i guess that you've only watched hentai anime and *NOTHING* else. Otherwise, maybe you have some psychological problem and you have suffered *SO MANY* brain-washes that you can't even think clearly.... Really... <looks at him concerned O_O>

I will not waste my time trying to explain you why and in which points you are wrong, because i know it'll be completely *useless* and because i should refute the whole 'article', piece by piece. �_� You're so blind to see the truth - the real truth, no your christian-crapped truth �_� - that you won't hear to anybody else... And specially to one of my kind. Because, YES, oh poor of you... I'm proudly one of those 'evil souls' that like to watch the 'perverted' and 'devil japanese cartoons' that you 'respectfully comment' in your beautiful article!! Yes!! I'm one of the *MILLIONS* of people around the world, that have something in their heads, that can think with their brains - besides writing stupid, fanatic articles offending other people's tastes and art expressions (which shows us how respectful are you with other people's expressions...) -, and that can live their lives in the way they like and with no blind, brainless persons like you telling us what to do and what don't do. I'm one of the *millions* of people who have discovered manga and anime and that have made them one of the biggest passions of their lives, not because we are part of some satanic sect, but because we're *INTELLIGENT, RESPECTFUL, WISE* people, who can see the world with the eyes of the tolerance. I'm one of those great people called "anime fans" or "manga fans" or even "otaku"... I'm one of those that have been 'perverted' by the *BEST KIND OF ART* in this world... A kind of art truly, honest, direct... NOT cinic, twisted and perverted, like you presented it here... I'm a 20 years old journalism & laws student who has watched anime for the past 5 years and that has discovered that people like you, Jon, are the ones who make this world even worse than how it already is.

YES! It's people like you - who offend the other's artistics expression, who don't respect other's believing, who can't even write an article with a little of objectivity - who are the responsibiles for the world's decadence.

I don't know... Why can't you just see that the one who is wrong is YOU, and not japanese cartoons??? Why can't you respect a little other people's culture?? You're more racialist than Hitler himself!!! I really think that all the japanese people in this world - and not only the japanese anime fans and creators, but the WHOLE japanese nation (which is a greater nation that your beloved America), should demand you due to injuries and perjuices!!!!

Just because some of the, oh, great americans, oh, can't produce something so beautiful, so integre, so complete like anime and manga, you think that it's their problem!!! I bet that you don't even know some japanese people!! I bet that you don't even have watched some damned *GOOD* anime!! >_<U

The best evidence that you haven't watched *NOTHING ELSE BUT HENTAI ANIME* are the pictures that you put in your 'article'. You just watched hentai anime, which is the only porn genre of anime, and which is liked by just *SOME* kind of anime fans... But what about the really good shows?? Nothing. You don't say a word about their lessons, the principles that they give us... NO! You just keep saying that it's only 'pervertion and satanism'!!!

My God... How can you be *SO* blind??

I will not waste my time anymore. The last thing i will say is that you don't know *NOTHING* of what you're talking about. You don't even know what those principles that you think anime offends are!! You're just a poooooooooooooor soul, unable to see anything else besides his nose top and you don't know *NOTHING* about manga, anime, japanese people or even Japan. I'm amazed that you even spelled "japanese" right!!!

My only hope and wish is that people like you someday will get extinct and the world will be free of the *REAL PLAGUE* that the guys like you are. I'm not saying that everybody has to watch anime or read mangas, because not everybody is ready to confront theirselves with the real world and to deal with it, but at least we need to get rid of poor, ignorant, blind and mind closed freaks like you, that can't even respect millenial cultures like the japanese culture, and that can't realize that the *evil thing* is what *THEY* are doing - closing their minds and perspectives to other points of views and trying to close others minds in the same way - and *NOT* what japanese animations or comics shows to the world.

I'm very sorry for you, dear Jon Erikson, but you don't have to fear that this evil touch you and you don't have to start 'campaigns' to tell other people about this nice revelation of yours.... You're already dead. Mentally dead. This 'article' of yours is the irrefutable evidence of what i'm saying (and, of course, those who agree with you may feel alluded by *ALL* my offensive, bad and rude words. This whole text is dedicated not only to you, Jon Erikson, but to *ALL* those blind, mind-closed ones that think that what you're saying is truth).

Kuroi Tenshi (Black Angel or �ngel Negro, for those japanese-ignorant ones ^_~)
Vi�a del Mar - Chile - South America.

It's a shame murder is illegal (5.00 / 1) (#178)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 06:50:38 PM PST
You sound Amish. You shouldn't be using a computer, they might exile you from the village... But then the village would be missing its idiot. o_O


I hate you.

God I love this site (5.00 / 1) (#240)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:57:59 PM PST

I LOVE YOU!!! (commenter...not author) (none / 0) (#618)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 12:32:11 PM PST
absoultly right man!

and to clairfy, you are aware that your horrible 'Satan' was originally Lucifer 'the bringer of light'?

How can you be so close minded? (1.00 / 1) (#179)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 06:52:55 PM PST
Not only have you insulted christians, you have insulted millions and millions of people's intelligence with this anti-worldly propaganda. It's clear that you are in no alignment with christianity since it teaches people to love and respect people no matter their race, gender, religion, etc. ect.

Do you seriously think that Japanese people are truely evil? If so, you're no different than Hitler who killed millions of God's people. You share the same ideas as this man by saying nasty things about a race that has NOTHING to do with you. Do you have to steriotype a whole people because it's easier for you to comprehend? I watch anime, but I am FAR from showing as much hate and anti-human feelings. In fact, unlike you, I think ALL races have their good and bad side. Of course, I can understand that this sort of stuff could be written up by a close-minded, racist, dull person that you are. Jesus never judged anyone. So why are you? I can't imagine how you think it is ok to be so anti-worldly. It's discusting. I'm going to spare the people I know that are so much stronger christians than you because they don't deserve to see this close-minded hate you bestowed upon the world.

Have a nice life.

*sigh* (1.00 / 1) (#180)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 06:53:29 PM PST
I read your artical and the first thing that I thought of was, "Puritian". Following up that thought was, "People were convicted and hung using some of the most unbelievable pieces of evidence? The acts of a few attention hungry girls?"

To Jon, I find your replies rather conveniantly avioding good arguements, not to mention, that they all rely on a stereotype that several both know, and have pointed out is wrong.

In short, if you are going to say that all anime is bad for such and such reason; find a reason for it to be bad.


Ignoramus (1.00 / 1) (#182)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 06:58:39 PM PST
To Jon,

I agree with many people who have posted here, You have no idea what your talking about. The images you showed were hentai, or animated pornography. Hentai is the Japanese word for pervert so obviously it came from there. Anime, however, is vastly different from hentai. Anime have complex plots and stunning animation, and although some are adult themed, many are for children. I dare you to watch Tonari no Totoro and tell me it is satanic and a threat to the children of the United States. I'm surprised that I'm only 17 years old and I seem to know more about something you supposedly researched. I am a avid anime viewer and I'm am insulted by how viciously you attacked anime due to your ignorance. Furthermore, your another bible bumping Christian, probably Geri Falliwell in disguise. I am a Deist and I can't stand you far right, praise the lord, Jesus is #1 people. Answer me this, where was your god on September 11th?

Where he has always been (4.00 / 1) (#188)
by frosty on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:34:10 PM PST
Answer me this, where was your god on September 11th?

Enthroned in the heavens soveriegnly ruling over his creation and bringing about his purposes in the world.

Where was yours?

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger" -J.R.R. Tolkien

Pft... (1.00 / 1) (#187)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:32:39 PM PST
You are nothing more then racist scum. Stay on your PERFECT country, wich, may I add, is in total DECADENCY. Oh, but nothing to worry about at all, eh? Because you're protected and invulnerable! THAT'S IT! Until you get hit by a bullet, that is.

So, as I already mentioned, you're not immortal or, at last, something worthy of mention, so, here we see that you can't say ANYTHING about what people think or do. Just get your ass off that chair and go "Purify" everyone! Better! Start a war with Asia! Why not? Aren't you great enough to WRITE that hate them? Maybe because you can't do anything more then just siting your butt and writring something random, in a act of despair to escape of your miserable life and be noted by someone? BINGO!

So, before starting to try to act as a man. Show off your face. Yeah. Again, why not? Aren't you protected? What? Are all these "GEEKS" not fair to fight you? What a loser...

Go get a life, racist scum.

At least I'll have fun! (1.00 / 1) (#191)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:49:13 PM PST
Woo Whoo!

Being a self seficient individual who needs no crutch to get through life, and is able to think for himself, I've been told that I'm going to Hell before. Chalk one more up for my hellbound adventure ticket!

Hey Jon -- when I see you there, we'll sit down and watch some more!

How close minded... (1.00 / 1) (#192)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:50:00 PM PST
How can you call yourself an Americian? How can you say that there is only one right religion? How are you so sure that the anime or manga creators are in line with Saten? How do you even know if they even believe such an entity exists?

I find your artical very poorly done indeed. Firstly you watch some hentai and then apply it to the rest of the Japanese animation. That is stereotyping, and I will point out stereotypes always seem to end up wrong. For example, am I to believe all Christians as openminded as a rock? That they are all puritian wannabes? I think not, especially since I was baptized as one.

You also try and say that those who are open enough to say that Japanese animation is a thing of evil are trying to force it down your throut. Then you turn around and are doing just what you are objecting to, you are trying to shove the OPINION that its Japanese Animation is evil.

And besides, if Japanese Animation is that evil, then how come God has not ridden the world of such a 'plague'?


just ammusing (none / 0) (#193)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:51:22 PM PST
you know what, fellow anime lovers? I think all of our politically correct criticism is just ammusing this guy. none of us are ever going to change our minds, so I say we just drop it.
it's not doing anything at all, so we best just ignore him, and move on with our decent lives.
good riddance

yeah (1.00 / 1) (#195)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 07:59:38 PM PST
I admit, some anime have adult scenes in them, but the ones you are talking about is called Hentai.

Yes I am an anime fan.

wow, im amazed at the lack of insight (1.00 / 1) (#196)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:04:17 PM PST
first off, i will also agree with all those before me, clearly you are stereotyping anime for the objectionable parts and not seeing it for what it is. This belief you have that the "US is by far the world's greatest nation in terms of any statistic that matters" is complete utter trash and you know it. Yeah, I'm american, born, raised, and living here, I'm into anime, and damn proud of it.

second, i think em has you beat around every corner. Not only are you a completely unsightful idiot, you fail to even consider watching more pleasent titles or titles with good plots and stories. You probably watched one dumb hentai film and wrote off all of anime/manga based on it.

third, your statement that adults don't watch cartoons is completely wrong. My dad watched cartoons with me even today. He has also watched some of my anime, and while he's not a fan of it, he probably respects it for what it serves.

It's obvious you put no real effort or research into this statement, it's one sided, completely relgious in background, with no opposite views and no valued points. If you always write articles like this, I suggest you quit now, because this was the worse. If you want a anime that represents you, try Martian Successor Nadesico, your the Jovians!

bakayoro! --k.r danforth (rikisuu delta)

*smacks forehead* (1.00 / 1) (#197)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:07:25 PM PST
Jon, you're entitled to your opinion. I noticed that you mentioned DragonBall. You see, that series was based on an old Chinees legend about a boy who was a monkey. As we know, many chinees legends have something about martial arts in them where people could do incredible things with their bodies. This being that the show based on these legends came up with Chi. Chi is using your lifeforce to harness energies to be stronger/better physically. Of course, it's a little more complicated than that. You tend to not realise that this show is something Jesus wouldn't say is evil. The characters ARE good. They have the INTENTIONS to do good. They gained their powers through training their bodies. You see, I believe God has bestowed on humanity the ability to do things they don't think they can do. If you could fly, just because your body ALLOWED you to, would you? Why would God tell you not to? It's an ability he would have gave you if we were able to fly. And DragonBall is directed to adults. It has morals and themes about loving yourself and others and doing what is right. Goku, the main character has a DEEP sense of justice and what is right and wrong. Dude, these shows are not out to destroy minds and lives. The show is out to do what the creators intended it to do and that was to tell a story no different than our Disney movies. Look at snow white and Cinderella. They have WIZARDS. But you don't attack them... it's up to the individual to decide how something affects them. It's called free will. I chose to not let DragonBall and other animes make me evil. I have actually LEARNED about honor, trust, friendship, integrity, and humility by watching such shows. They DO have morals in them. You just gotta look past all the strawberries and cream to see it.

Hey Jon, Whered you get that hentai? (none / 0) (#198)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:07:58 PM PST
I find it amusing as hell that you are flaming anime saying it is all porn and crap and saying porn is evil or something, But i find it more amusing you are using Hentai in your article. Most funny of all is if you remove the xian at the end of the name, you get the original picture. Why oh why have you backed up the original image you retard? And what site did you get these from?

Its obvious someone has been looking at hentai, that made this article that is. Interesting how you seem to flame anime because it has some hentai in it, and you yourself look at hentai.

A Libertarian Responds (5.00 / 1) (#199)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:08:14 PM PST
I was directed to this thread from a post at a site called "Anime Academy" ( I must say that I would find this article extremely offensive, were it not for the large amount of uninformed opinions and biased, non-valid, non-sound arguments. I have read a great majority of the serious posts (I skipped the flame wars) that people made in response. To give people some of my background (and, hence, grounds to help validly judge my comments), I am a first-year philosophy/physics major at a liberal arts school. I consider myself Libertarian politically, and revisionist-Objectivist philosophically. I am an atheists (grounds for many of you to impeach my character outright), and have been watching anime for 2.5 years now. I have seen many series, ranging from the childish (Pokemon) to the deep (FLCL, Grave of the Fireflies), and yes, I have viewed some Hentai. I will first respond to the article, and then a blanket response to the posters. The argument that Mr. Erikson presents against anime is very obviously fallacious. His points are not sound or cogent, are grossly underinformed, and make many errors of logical transfer. He has obiviously equated the truth of the some to be the truth of the all, an invalide translation by any logical system. A perfect example of this is Mr. Erikson's representation of all anime as pornography. Indeed, there are some animes that contain sexual scenes. There are also some that just contain nudity, even in shows ntended for children. Often in the latter, the nudity is showed as a facet of everyday life, such as bathing. I'm not aware of many people who bathe fully clothed. Since many anime deal with everyday Japanese life, and as bathing is a part of everyday life, it is necesary to show some nudity. It is not intended to be sexual, merely factual. The previous example also serves to directly contradict another of Mr. Erikson's points, that all anime is sci-fi/fantasy. I can name numerous shows (Marmalade Boy, Kodomo no Omocha, KareKano, FLCL) that do not deal directly with imaginary settings, but rather with day to day, modern Japanese life. The author continues to compound upon false information as he progresses. The errors range from simple misunderstanding, to intentional misconstruing, to straight out denial of reality. A prime example of this is the assertion that Japanese animators stole techniques from Disney. While it is true that many older anime creators were influenced into the field by Disne's animations, the styles developed in remarkable isolation from each other. A reading of Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics" explains this very well. Also, Mr. Erikson is confused to the history of the country he loves so much. America was not founded upon the Bible. America was not founded as a Theocracy. The founding fathers were Deist, a form of Christianity that purports men as rational beings in a world created and saved by a god that no longer maintains much interaction with his subjects. As such, men are forced to survive by there own means. Mr. Erikson's argument is further proved invalid by his use of argumentum ad populum, argumentum ad hominem, argumentum ad baculum, and argumentum ad absurdum. He actually manages to make multiple of these fallacies in one statement, that anime fans are rapists. Here, he both taking the point to an absurd conclusion (also commiting slippery slope), and making an attack against anime fans in an attempt to discredit their opinions. He leaves a premise and a conclusion unstated in a classic 'barbara' syllogism: All anime fans are rapists. All rapists are people not to be taken seriously. Therefore, all anime fans are not to be taken seriously. To make sure his point is accepted, he resorts to threats (you don't want to go to hell) and appeals to the populus (All good christians believe this.) As a response to the posters, I can not fault you on most points, since you were grossly misinformed by someone you take to be a credible source. The only thing thing I can put on you is the unquestioned trust in this man. I now make an appeal to you: please, do your own research. Watch anime, not merely the popular stuff, but some of the "art flicks" like Wings of Honneamise or Grave of the Fireflies. Watch them objectively, non-judgementally. Do not go into them as you would a Bugs Bunny film. Do not approach them with the mindset of a crusader. Approach them, "open minded", not open minded to the point of accepting every new idea, but to the point of removing Christian blinders, accepting that something exists, and evaluating it as a rational, thinking being. In closing, I would just like to refute the notion that all animation is intended for children, and that aniation is incabable of portraying the nuances of live action. A person above pointed out all the decisions that need to be made while animating a feature, such as lighting, coloring, sequence of visuals, expressions on faces, complexity of background, and so on. Animation is very capable of eliciting emotion. As such, it follows that some emotion must be portrayed to be elicited. Mr. Erikson's treatment of this topic was an ad hominem/ad populum dismissal "What kind of adult watches cartoons?" Animation and cartoons are separate entities. Merrie Melodies is a cartoon. Beauty and the Beast is not. The difference lies not in quality of animation, but in the complexity of the subject being dealt with, the attention to detail, and (often) intention to provide slapstick humor. This does not mean cartoons are merely children's entertainment, however. Take, for example, Jay Ward's "Rocky and Bullwinkle", a show filled with many puns, double entandres, historical references, political allusions, and the like. Very adult in nature. The fact that cartoons were an evolution of comic strips further proves this point. Comics were, and are, intended for adults. Look at the facts: comics: are written by adults, contain situations common to adults, use adult diction and syntax, and are primarily carried in a media primarily purchased by adults. Anime is not evil. Mr. Erikson has attempted to distort reality to fit a religious biased. A cursory examination of the facts shows this. Anime, and animation, are valid forms of entertainment. To state otherwise is to be at odds with reality. Marc Domask "Roark" in the Anime Academy Lounge. Please contact me, as I will happily answer questions/debate any points of mine that you believe invalid. Info follows: Emai: Phone: 320-589-6727 Snail Mail: 600 E. 4th Street UMM Mail #347 Morris, MN, 56267

librariatarian? (none / 0) (#475)
by otak on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 01:05:26 PM PST
apparently you've been liberated from the need for paragraphs.

ROFLMAO (none / 0) (#488)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 09:57:31 PM PST
Hehe, this place is as funny as �uc&.

The humor in it all (none / 0) (#201)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:12:34 PM PST
I am a die-hard hopeful cynic. I'm also a bitter optimist. Whatever I am, I like to sit on the fence and watch the mayhem. I've also realized a few things along the way.

I've realized that perhaps the Christian God DOES exist. Of course, then that means the Jewish God exists. And my God exists. And your God exists. All the different deities of the world have an equal probability of existing. And if faith is the currency these Gods trade in, then reality is merely a power struggle to attain the most influence over the greatest number of people. Thinking in these terms, I have no trouble embracing any and all religions, because they all have an equal probability of being right.

I've realized that most people are much to stringent when it comes to interpreting the Bible. Are you a Creationist? Do you believe the world was created in Seven Days? Do you even realize that in all likelihood that was a metaphor? I'm sure even the man (Yes, it was a MAN who wrote the Bible, it's not the word straight from God's mouth) who wrote the book knew the world could not possibly have been created in 7 days. Most of the Bible is metaphorical and suggestive. It's not the die-hard truth, it's just an allusion. Since the writer, or perhaps writers, could not all have been around to have witnessed ALL of the events that transpired, I'm sure a lot of it is exaggerated or embellished for effect. Is this blasphemy? I seriously doubt it.

I've realized that people are much too quick to play the victim. Americans are the all-powerful 'Good' people, the 'Right' side of every argument, the 'Light' against all the darkness of other nations. Of course, this means we'd have to disregard our wanton slaughter of the original inhabitants of this continent. And we'd best forget all the terrible things America as a nation has done, because since we're so GOOD obviously we couldn't have done all those things we did.

I also realized people will find a scape goat for their irresponsibilities. People will blame anything and everything different for their fallacies, failures and general flaws. Anime, Media, Video Games, if it's different it must be the reason why your life and everyone else's sucks.

I have realized people are much too quick to point out the error of everyone else's ways. It is not your DUTY to save the souls of everyone around you. At the most, it is your duty to try and persuade them. And the best way to do this is by example. Is not the humble life the best life of all? Lead a good life, and others may emulate you. Never try to 'convince' people they are wrong. It just never works and it's not your responsibility. It is arrogance to assume that you are right and all others are wrong. How can you be sure? Are you 100% positive you are right? Is your faith that strong? Or are you just trying to convince yourself to avoid looking beyond the surface?

None of you have to listen to me. I'll tell you right now I'm a heathen. I believe in the Goddess Eris, because she makes the most sense of any deity I've ever seen. Call me a silver-tongued devil. Call me a sinner on the way to Hell. Call me what you will, but even the most sinful man or woman can be right. Don't spite yourself just to spite me. Open your mind to possibilities that exist. I don't say accept everything, just question everything. What you think is right may not be. Christians thought the Earth was the center of the universe for over a millenia. They were wrong. If they were wrong about that, what else could they be wrong about?

Think about it.

Deos Arcana - Master of Illusion, Delusion, and All-Around Confusion.

PS. That's a signature, it has no meaning besides identifying me to people who know me.

An offence to Christians everywhere. (1.00 / 1) (#204)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:35:46 PM PST
I am a Christian. I believe in God, Jesus and the Bible. I am offended that anyone put up an article like this and suggested that the Bible and God have said anything such as these things. Jesus' teachings were all of acceptance, and loving unconditionally. Leave the judging to God. Learn to love your fellow man. Go back to church because it seems you have been lead terribly off base.

And perhaps you should take an Anthropology class and find out what egocentricism is.

I will pray for you're eternal soul.

>Sigh< (1.00 / 1) (#205)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:38:41 PM PST
Having read your article, sir, I must, first and foremost, ask which anime, exactly, you have seen, that allows you to write an article condemning the medium as a whole. Writing such an article after only having seen the limited amount of Japanese anime you obviously have is like writing a complete critique of all the works of classical England after having only read one Shakespearean play. Not only does it show your own ignorance, it cheapens the value of what might otherwise have been a valid argument, had you only taken the time to do a little research into your subject matter.

Now, I'm going to individually attack each of the incorrect statements made in your article. Please bear with me, as this will quite obviously be a very long post.

<I>"...the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer."</I>
This is quite possibly the single most ludicrous statement I have ever heard in my entire life. The implication that the Christian-American culture is so superior that it should be valued above, and to the exclusion, all others is a ridiculous one. Each culture is unique in its own way, and, while each has its own glaring faults, each also has an infinite amount of beauty to it, from the art of the various European cultures to the simple spirituality of the Native Americans.

<I>"...the English culture apes our own enough so that there is little harm to be had."</I>
In case you've forgotten, the English culture has existed far longer than your own.

<I>"The worst attack on morality comes in the form of Japanese manga films..."</I>
...not terrorists who blow up buildings, not fundamental extremists who abuse their women and would gladly kill and Christian he should happen to come across. No, the greatest threat to Western civilization are the Japanese and their damn cartoons.

<I>"...and began to engage in an intense bout of research, forcing myself to watch hour after hour of this immoral filth."</I>
Now, now, Jon. Lying is wrong. This article is clearly based on experience with one or two hours of anime, at the very most.

<I>"...(as if any film made less than fifty years ago could be termed a classic!)..."</I>
I'm not even going to TOUCH this one.

<I>"...manga films exist solely to promote the idea that paedophilia is good!"</I>
I beg your pardon? What exactly were you watching? This ludicrous statement clearly shows exactly how narrow your experience with Japanese animation really is, and, as such, invalidates your entire argument.

<I>"...the most naive and vulnerable segments of our population - teenagers and college students."</I>
Gee, that's interesting. I could have sword a six month old child was more naive and impressionable than a seventeen-year old. Of course, that's just me.

<I>"In a cheap trick the perverts that create manga films have stolen their animation techniques from Disney..."</I>
Tsk, tsk. Do your research, my friend. Large, emotive eyes had been used in Japanese art long before Disney characters began to take on that character trait. Old Walt borrowed his style from the manga authors, not the other way 'round. If you want a TRUE case of out-and-out copywright infringement, go watch "Kimba the White Lion", made a good thirty years before "The Lion King", if memory serves me correctly.

<I>" such timeless children's classics as Sleeping Beauty or Snow White."</I>
Both of which fall into the realm of fantasy, which, as you youself said, is "little more than a hotbed of paganism and Satanism anyway". Do I detect a double-standard?

<I>"I found myself watching these succubi again and again, mesmerised and unable to comprehend such un-Christian filth."</I>
Chortle. Yeah, we're all sure that's why you watched them again and again, eh?

In any event... I suppose you're entitled to opinion, even if it's flimsier than a paper doll when challenged in a rational, logical argument. I just honestly hope I've read this article wrong, that it's a form of satire or parody (and if it is, bravo! Quite amusing, really). On the other hand, I get the impression that you actually believe what you're saying. Feel free to reply to this with whatever counter-arguments you see fit to use. I'd be happy to knock them down.

Have a nice day!

-Eric Lord (

im with you (none / 0) (#552)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 13th, 2001 at 02:13:26 PM PST
you wrote everything i was thinking.

Arnt ppl who truely follow god open minded and loving?

i say this guy should seek help.

Um just encase you missed this but there is no god (1.00 / 1) (#206)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:39:33 PM PST
This is perfect example of some pissed off fuck head hiding behind his religion. I would like to know ware all the "god loves every one" talk went. Isn't that the whole thing behind Christianity? I used to be Christian but I have renounced it because I found out it was evil. What has religion ever brought us...? False hopes.... War.....Death, that's it. Man created religion because man wants to feel needed, man needs to know everything.... So what do we do, we invent god.God is a figment of mans ego, mans ego to need to understand everything. Religion is the easiest way to fills our hearts with false hopes of an after life and a happier life. Well I say that is all BS. Too many lives have been taken away because of religion.... More than have been saved by it.

Who started the crusades....? Hmmm oya that's what I thought, Christians, oh and who did the Salem which hunts...oh they were Christians too.....Who kills in the name of "god" oh people who believe in him do. How many murders have been attributed to god...oh about 60% of all murders in the world in 1990 was in the name of "god".

You people sicken me. All you can do is blame blame blame blame blame blame.... But you never take any kind of blame for your self. I watch anime; I would be considered an otaku. I have watched some "hentai" which from my point of view you seem to know allot about.... Hiding something hmmm? Anime has never caused anyone to commit suicide, no one has killed in the name of anime, it is a harmless cartoon. Now it looks like you are the evil one, YOU are the type of person that makes this world a bad place to live in. You discriminate and hurt people all in the name of "god"

Yes I will give religion its just dues. It has brought the best out of people and have joined them together. But this alone can't redeem you. Until there is a religion that does not discriminate and truly lets people come together under no kind of restraint then I will be against it forever. Now do not get me wrong I do not hate people who believe in god, but I do hate people who try and use god to justify things when they are to afread to face the consiquesnese. If I were a god I would be pretty pissed of if someone killed over 6 million Jews in my name. I would be pissed if some asshole thinks that he can go and ruin people's hopes using my name. I would sure as hell be pissed if I had a fucktard saying that he is fighting in my name.

ps: i know the gramer and spelling suck, but i dont feel like fixing them. Espechaly not for a fucktard like you!

yeah.... (1.00 / 1) (#207)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:40:58 PM PST
well dang.

I'd say something about this, but looks like the rest of the world has done it before i got here.

Instead, Mr. Erickson, i'm here to point you to a title that might piss you off..

It's called "Ninja Resurrection" about the resurrection of satan and the wholesale slaughter of christians in feudal japan(based on real events, no less). It's an exremely violent and unsettling tale, and I hope you enjoy the blood quotient contained within..

Have a nice day, and pull your head out of your ass...

Ninja Resurrection (1.00 / 2) (#278)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 05:14:34 AM PST
well...funny this one...yes it is violent and blah blah blah...but i have purchused this adn i am 16...who cares...the first 2 are anime and the next 3 are actual how do we justify this?... Ninja Scrolls: this anime is with the same character Jubei before he had his eye god...just demons...immortality... Immortality...well if you havent seen a movie with iommortal people/characters in dont get out very interesting selections...actions, scifi and all that are interesting to my eyes...violents plays no my life...unless...its from teasing which to me is quiet understandable...figth back!... American anime is totally different to Japanese...look at Power Puff girls (which sucks balls)....and the cut up and minced censord DBZ (Dragonball Z for you none anime literate people) they totally screwed up the cartoon (DBZ) and who cares about the power puff girls...and they also minced up Sailor moon a bit...~_~...god!...dan... i wish you would get a life bucko (to the writer to this artical)

ATTN: seventypercent and the Adequacy editors: (none / 0) (#281)
by tkatchev on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 05:59:39 AM PST
This article was zeroed due to horrible misspellings and abuse of punctuation.

Peace and much love...

Ninja Resurection (none / 0) (#424)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 09:12:51 AM PST
A little note here. Ninja Resurection is not a sequal to Ninja Scroll, They are two seperate stories and the makers of Ninja Resurection were attempting to imply a connection between their trash and the Classic Ninja Scroll.
So it is not the Jubei from the Ninja scroll movie but simply a different guy named Jubei entirely.

In reply to the article. (none / 0) (#208)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:41:17 PM PST
Although it says that I'm an " Anonymous Reader ", I won't stay anonymous for the simple fact that I believe being faceless, or in this case nameless is a coward's act. So here, I state my name. My name's Jean. I'd like to start out by saying that I understand what the article is trying to get across. The point is, that this form of entertainment for the youth of today is wrong. The purpose of the article is to hopefully educate the youth about the kind of " filth" and "un-Christian" cartoons out there. How they're wrong and how they corrupt the mind.
I agree that there's things children, and perhaps early teens shouldn't be watching, seeing, or being influenced by. But. The pictures you posted to support your arguement/debate on the issue of Japanese animation in the United States, is misrepresenting "anime" in general. Yes, it is a form of Japanese animation, following the guidelines that yes, it is drawn in that set style of large eyes, unrealistic body structure, and wild hair colors. But, most of those pictures that you posted have a 18+ rating.
Only the college students that you speak of have access to photos such as those. And well, if some of the younger ones really want it, they'll find ways to see it on their on. But the majority of the ones that can think for themselves, and understand that it's " Hentai" or " Eechi" keep away from it. Not every teenager, college student, or child enjoys watching a half nude girl dance around with her body parts hanging out of her sweater. There are the exceptions, and that's why there's still the issue of porn (this word can be taken out if it's not appropriate. I'm not trying to offend anyone)
Most anime, like Pokemon (shown on Cartoon Network), is meant for children and early teens between the ages of 5-11 or 12 maybe. After that, anime such as Gundam Wing (Shown on Cartoon Network) and Escaflowne (Was shown on the Fox channel), it's meant for teenagers and college students. Those aren't really things that a small child should be watching. Why? The same reason why I won't take my little sister, who is currently nine, into a rated R movie. There's content in it that clearly isn't meant for them.
So yes, I agree there's content such as the pictures that you posted in " hentai" and "eechi" japanese animated cartoons, if you like that term, but those clearly state on the packages that they are for 18+. Or at the store, are clearly set aside from the rest of the anime videos. It is then the employee's job to say, " Are you over 18?"
Like all systems or methods, it isn't perfect. There are still some people that manage to get the 18+ videos. But then, there are still teenagers under 17, that manage to sneak into rated R movies.
The article showed me another viewpoint to this issue that I'd not seen before, that, I thank you for because I'm always searching for new viewpoints. But the pictures greatly upset me, because, as I stated earlier, they misrepresent general anime. That, up there is what is considered to be soft porn (delete the word if offensive) by anime standards. It's bad anime! I'm sorry that you had to force yourself to watch it too, because most of the people that love anime, never touch that stuff. They watch better ones, such as some of my previous examples. Clean animation with plotlines and dialouge. Something more than , uh, again, the pictures shown. Well, thank you for your time and space and a chance to express myself in reply to the article.

Not sure what to say... (none / 0) (#261)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 12:25:41 AM PST
Jon, I'm sure you'll not read all of these things.

Now that the otaku have gotten wind of this it pretty much passed into the blood stream of online connections. For the past 200+ posts I've seen the magority crying out against you.

I myself have been trying to think of what to say for several hours but I came to saddening conclusions. That you won't read this anyway, you won't listion to the reasonable comments since you'll probably not take the time to read them all and you'll more than likely be defensive and lastly and saddest of all... that maybe fore these reasons my posting at all doesn't matter.

But I will tell you what I think.

I think that as stated you're taking hentai and making out all anime to be it.
It's not all perverse and degrading. Wings of onnaimise was mentioned. That is a lovely movie. Closest thing to anything really sexual is I think a stylised woman in the background of one scene, the army ment talking a little rowdy and the fact that the would-be astronaut in this fictional space race developes a crush on a devotely religious women. They never sleep together mind you... I think he tries something bad then has an attack of concience and repents. She forgives him for it and he becomes a born again Christian before the movie is through. Tell me... how can that be pornographic? It's a very moving story and it just happend to be expressed in an animated media.

Also note... north american culter isn't some great and beautiful thing. People rant and rave as if this were the 1950's. It isn't. As said before in this day and age children take guns to school and massacre each other. Teen pregnancy is at an unbelievable level and nothing is being done to curb it. Many people denounce sexual education in school as being "the devils hand" and such... but you know what? Knowing making a baby is going to hurt me... badly. Knowing all the diseases I could get from having sex. That sure disuaded me and it doesn't make me want to run out and fool around.

I'll take the case of my cousin and name no names. She was devote chistian girly... screamed at her brother and I for putting on a song which in one line made reference to the bible... the song had been sarcastic about people shooting down reliion and she missed it and flew off the handle. Good little crusader stomped my cassette. she's 17, unwed, pregnant and considered the town slut. Kids like this are all over in America...

Now tell me... where is the threat to Christian values? In a foreign media? No...
the things that hurt this society are already in our society. But we want to blame someone else all the time. "It's the commies, it's the japs and other foreigners!" ...sounds a lot like "It's those damn Jews!" doesn't it?

We're a generation raised by our cartoon shows... many of the shows I watched as a little girl were anime and I never knew. "Transformers", "Astroboy", "Star sabre and the Space Sheriffs" (Can't recal if that's the correct name) thinks like those. But you know what... I compare what my people claiming to be devote christians have shown me by example and what I've seen from example in these shows both as a child and now in the deeper plots of the more mature anime... and you know what?

I think a few more people could stand to learn from some of these shows.
Must say I'd sooner have a child of mine watch Star Sabre than watch Mega Babies or some of these other North American "children's shows".
Sorry but even MY bathroom humour can't take that.

Thanks for reading if you did Jon. If not it won't hurt me any... your opinion has it's place. But as you can see... a lot of people disagree, and our opinions have a place aswell.

Melody Dawn.

Well, isn't that bloody nice. (1.00 / 1) (#210)
by Adol on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:50:44 PM PST
Originally posted by Jon Erikson: "In recent years there has been a growing trend amongst radical youth elements of American society for cultural relativism, the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer."

You make it sound like Chrisitianity is an American/European concept. Christianity is the product of a non-European culture, imported during the Roman era, then spread through Roman conquest. This was later spread throughout the world, and yes, also to JAPAN. It's as much of an imported religion here, in Europe, and in Japan. That statement is unfounded.

Originally posted by Jon Erikson: "In their wisdom, the greatest nation in the forces of light decided that it would be wrong to drag the battle out longer than was necessary and decimate those whose only fault was to have been duped by evil men, and so they got their mightiest wizards to rain fire upon their two of their enemy's cities, and the enemy leaders realised their folly and capitulated at once."

[sarcasm] WIZARDS! And you call yourself a Christian. [/sarcasm] I also find it fairly disgusting that you refer to World War 2 as some sort of fantasy story. It's too much of a serious event to be portrayed like that.

Originally posted by Adam Rightmann: "After a year or two of watching anime, the pervert finds that it no longer arouses him as much, the spark is gone. Most then ask their anime dealers for something stronger, which is where child porn comes in. Some do desperate things like hang around schoolyards trying to kidnap little girls."

After years of watching anime, I have no desire for kiddy porn. Granted, my taste in women has been skewed a bit by anime influencing me more towards Japanese women, nothing harmful has come from it.

Originally posted by Anonymous Reader: "The infantilist streak in present-day Japan can be directly traced to the country's devastating defeat in WWII, and the resulting reliance on the United States for financial, and then military aid. The economic malaise currently gripping the country can thus be seen as a kind of national arrested adolescence, a refusal to "grow up" and make the kind of tough economic decisions necessary to gear the Japanese economy towards playing a serious role in the global economic marketplace. For Japan to become anything other than a meretricious third-world backwater, it must lose the babyish tendencies that currently pervade its culture. One excellent way for this to happen would be for Japan to develop its token "Self-Defense-Force" into a fully-functioning military like that of China. However, if the seemingly unstoppable tide of thumbsucking anime drivel being produced today is an indication of anything, I for one am not optimistic.

The US wanted to give them aid. It was a bastion of Capitalism in the East for the fight against Communisum. The reason the Japanese don't develop a large army is because it is written into their constitution that they can not have one, besides for self defense. This is also a product of the US.

Originally posted by Adam Rightmann: "One thing, I've noticed that many geeks like manga and anime."
Originally posted by Jon Erikson: "I myself have noticed that there seems to be a lot of fairies amongst "geek" and Liberal elements."

That's very nice of you, bashing geeks and all, who are generally a docile and good-natured bunch.

Although, this is all to no end. No matter what is said or done, the Jon Eriksons and Adam Rightmanns of this world aren't going to change because they are too stubborn in the views to see anything else. To close, I'd like to present a quote from a comic that seems incredibly accurate at this point; "Ronald McDonald, with the help of cheese soup, controls America from a secret Volkswagon - hidden in the past." Doesn't make much sense, does it? But neither did this article.
~~~ Adol, adventurer extrodinaire.

The only solution... (1.00 / 1) (#212)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 08:53:43 PM PST
It is quite obvious that God is showing us right
here and now that we must eradicate the Japanese
and all of their threats! The Japanese refuse
to accept Christianity, even though we offered
them a great chance to turn their pagan nation
around when we conquered them in WW2. I vote the
eradication of every Japanese man, woman, and
child, as it is obvious they only intend to
conduct a covert war against the minds and
morality of our children. Also, in our just
and righteous conquest, we must not forget also
to cleanse ourselves of those diseased minds
which Japanese Animation has fostered; They
(as evidenced by the posts above) are not likely
to repent either, and since they are capitulating
with the enemy, THEY ARE THE ENEMY. There are
companies which sell this contemptible filth,
and they should have records of who they buy and
sell to, which should make locating and
cleansing these diseased, disgusting souls
easy. God has spoken to us, my friends, and
now me must take up arms once again to defend
our just and right beliefs and morals!


oh wtf (1.00 / 1) (#228)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:43:53 PM PST
So then by what you're saying genocide is alright. Even more you ar inferring that God says gegnocide is good! Which goes against the ten commandmetnts with "thou shalt not kill" Add to how we have made genocide against the law. It just wouldn't be smart to try to kill all the Japanese and their supporters. Plus, we would loose a lot of money that comes from our import and export with Japan and all their supporters (which by the way is too loosely definded.)

you are a jackass... (none / 0) (#295)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 10:20:18 AM PST
the above was a joke. I know it's hard to tell the difference sometimes at this site, but that was obvious.

Commandments (none / 0) (#360)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 12:43:34 AM PST
As really annoying nitpicker and corrector of the world, I feel it is my duty to inform you that there is no such thing as 'thou shalt not kill'. It's 'Thou shalt not commit murder'. That is all.

--Nintaku, the Otaku of Nintendo

By the way, I know 'otaku' doesn't translate to 'anime fan' or anything remotely similar. That's just how it's used by American fans.

Part 1b (1.00 / 1) (#214)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:08:31 PM PST
This type of unresearched, biased, and fanatical rant keeps bringing to mind Monty Python's Meaning of Life Part 1b. What do the rest of you think?

Douglas Adams (1.00 / 1) (#217)
by Adol on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:16:35 PM PST
Douglas Adams' books also come to mind. 42!
~~~ Adol, adventurer extrodinaire.

Please, stop this useless battle (1.00 / 1) (#219)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:26:16 PM PST
i'm neutral here, okay? i defend both Christian and anime. now to get down to more important business. Jon, you say you're a Christian but going around telling people that they aren't Christians is wrong! When you say that you are
turning against Christianity. We are supposed to be lovers not fighters. We love our enemies too
so let's just make peace. You can't say that anime is assocaited with Satan. Why? you ask. well,because anime is based on good vs. evil.

Jon, this is a test. If you will not make peace
then you are stuck on YOUR ways. That would just prove how much of a sinner you really are. We are
all sinners but Jon, you aren't perfect. Jon, if
you were a good Christian(if most of you were good
Christians) then you would try to make peace.In the end everythng will turn out fine. Be faithful
of God. If you were a good Christian you wouldn't
be critizing other Christians for their beleifs.

Now say you're sorry and make peace and prove that
you are a good Christian or you can keep fighting
like Satan wants. Go wants you to make peace and
be happy and follow him. Satan wants you to keep
fighting and get into arguments and critize people hurt people. Now which one will you take?
The Lord's side or Satan's side?

How this is extremely amusing. (1.00 / 1) (#222)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:34:41 PM PST
I have decided to continue with posting on this site, granted that everything that I have thought of saying has already been said. Yet, I would probably feel left out if I didn't add some sort of comment on this most incredible of discussion posts, since there are things here that I have not seen most elsewhere.

A) We have incredibly Right-minded extremists who have infinite belief in their faith that has led them to believe far more into religion than I think is normal.

B) We have sensible Christians (and sensible non-Christians) who are able to understand the good points of being Christian, and have an acceptance for the existance of Japanese religion and an understanding that Japanese animation does not come from a Christian standpoint because only less than 1% of Japan is Christian. ( The rest is mostly Shintou or Buddhist, both very respective religions, and religions whose histories and texts go back farther than the writings of Christianity. ) These people proceed to post some very intelligent and thought out posts that argue, debate, and counter the opinions of Jon Erikson and Adam Rightman (who are by far very UN-sensible Christians in the most incredible sense), as well as others who, for some reason, agree with Jon and Adam.

C) People who are most likely the above, but seeing as how they have more important things to do than this, simply put their quick comment here (usually an insult to Jon or Adam, both who deserve them), and then leave without giving this website a second thought.

Oddly enough, I find it itneresting that Sylvester was ready to pump Jon and Adam full of lead if they came down to try and change his side of Christianity. I was born in Kentucky and have family in Tennessee and messing with Southern Batists is a VERY bad idea. It was a Holy War all over again, and to think that you guys would let the argument get to that point is, frankly, amusing. (Although I doubt Sylvester would really shoot Jon and Adam, and I doubt Jon and Adam would go track down Sylvester for that. I mean it's just common sense and good human behavior)

Frankly, if Jon had posted this and made more sensible comments in his posts here, I might be inclined to talk more with him about this subject. Except all I have seen is Jon's posts and Adam's posts filled with nothing but single-minded, one-sided, monotary voices that speak nothing but misinformation.

Jon and Adam: Your hearts may be in the right place in your desire to do good, but your argumental abilities and structure are simply too poor. Take some Ethics and Philosophy classes at a college or something along those lines, and then we can talk.

What you may see as Morally right to YOU may not be ethically right. Morals and Ethics are two different things.

I am an Episcopalian, even if not a very strong one at that. I was Batised when I was a child, and went out to the world to search for my own way to do things. Think for myself and see the world from different perspectives. I am now 19 and have seen many interesting and fascinating things. What I have done in 19 years apparently is something you fellows have NOT done at all so far.

Frankly, I just don't have any respect for you two. If you can not argue something intelligently, and be willing to set your beliefs aside for a moment to hear another man or woman's side, then I'm afraid there is just no hope for you two.

Oh and by the way, I do not know where you got those images, but that is not Dragon Ball Z or Princess Mononoke. Those two are probably pictures from an illustration book or hentai game series where such pictures are from. For you to mistake those as examples of ALL Japanese animation, comics, magazines, media, is a HUGE mis-assumption.

Worse is your commitment to not even TRY to understand these things. Tsk tsk. If I went to a restaurant and got the same thing again and again and agan, and not experiment with any other foods, then I'd be quite a dull person. Certainly there must be SOMETHING where you thought, "hmm, this is new and something I have not tried before. I wonder what it's like." The same thing applies to Japanese animation. Give it a try. And having dreams with anime characters is a good thing.

I think I might hang around here more to keep an eye on what's going on. This is interesting enough, I may use this place as source material for an essay on the morals and ethics behind the creation of anime, and the misunderstandings that must be overcome to continue making anime an acceptable media in the Uniter States.

Sorry Jon and Adam. You guys are not going to win, and I do not mean whether your religion is going to win, but that you're attempt to convince people that Japanese Animation is evil is going to fail miserably. In fact, it already has.


what's the point? (1.00 / 1) (#224)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:36:07 PM PST
wow Jon Erikson,that is really quite a piece,NAH!,an inapropriate piece of 'cultural' argument and 'celebratial satanism' rant crap,since you've never watched anime before and i might suggest that you should shut are just like Steve Hounsham,one of the spokesman of transport 2000 in britain,who rants about 'speed is dangerous' and 'speed kills' rants and it mad quite a lot of car enthusiats mad.and i dont really why you should relate this problem with religion,as though you are some renegade who wants to take over the minds of people with religion,you see,there are a million people who like anime and manga and you think they will listen to your rants?! i dont think this world,thers so much of problems and you want to make another one?! you,jon,acting like a 7 year old kid who thinks that he is so smart,wants to begin a fucked up crusade....DREAM ON! your "crusade" will die off.

hee hee. good joke (0.00 / 1) (#226)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:37:40 PM PST
i love the WHOIS data for this domain, very nice. I guess we are dumber then we think we are, eh?

go to hell


Ok, this article reeks of ABSOLUTE STUPIDITY (1.00 / 1) (#229)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 09:52:16 PM PST
Ahem... let me start out by saying that whoever wrote this article and anyone who agrees with it is brainless. I'm not saying you're stupid, ignorant, biased, racist, a bigot, incompetant, and any other insult you can think of, I'm simply saying you don't have a brain and the last time I checked, people without a brain cannot show any of those emotions, but instead just sit there and drool on themselves.

Ok, now that I have made that point, let me point out some OBVIOUS FAULTS in your comments. You say that America is the greatest nation and that all nations pale compared to it, but last time I checked, Americans came from England. You know the story, don't you? The year was 1671 and the Mayflower landed in the Massachusetts area. Plymouth was established and the rest was history. Of course, people who agree with this article probably think God put Americans on the planet without any sort of history from other nations blah blah blah. So #1, DON'T DISRESPECT ENGLAND.

Second point. Americans did not lay the foundation of all we have today. Ever hear of cultural interactions? Back when THERE WEREN'T AMERICANS, but great empires such as Rome and Greece, there was a little place called the cradle of civilization that lay in that little area of the world we call the Middle East. Little history lesson, now. The Greeks and Romans knew very little about math. They knew a great deal of science, but could not prove it mathematically. It wasn't until the empires started their imperialistic march toward the middle east, that math became known to a great civilizations. Now I'm not speaking of math such as the kind people who agree with this article know about like 1 + 1 = 2, but REAL MATH. x^2 - y^2 = (x + y) * (x - y). Yes, I'm speaking about algebra. The middle easterners knew algebra before any European did. You might think "Well we're Americans, we could have figued that out blah bling bleh," but guess what, AMERICANS WERE ENGLISH AS STATED BEFORE! And English were decendents of guess who? GREEKS AND ROMANS! So #2 DON'T DISRESPECT ANY OTHER COUNTRY!

Third point. God gave you a brain for a reason. It was to think for yourselves and live for yourselves. It's good that you look to him for guidance, but when you stop using your brains and start looking to him for every little petty problem of your life, that's when you truely become dillholes. I read in one of your posts that science was a "cult." Whoever wrote that, check yourself into a idiot clinic. Guess what was responsible for your ability to post on this forum? Give up? IT WAS SCIENCE! Development of microprocessors and microchip transistors came from SCIENCE!!! Guess what your computer runs on? Electricity, right? Guess what electronics is? SCIENCE!!! The ability to control electricity is electronics that comes from SCIENCE? Know you Gauss, Faraday, Volta, Tesla, Ampere, and Franklin were? Of course not. You only look up to one authority, God. So God was the one who gave you electronics, but I'll put this in a you people can understand. The people I listed were "angels with the power of light who brought knowledge of electricity and electrical energy to this world." Now, for people who actually have brains, the people I listed were scientists. Simple as that. They were scientists studying the basic principles of electricity and magnetism in physics. They laid the foundation for the technology you take so much for granted today. So #3 and #4: USE THE BRAIN GOD GAVE YOU AND THINK FOR YOURSELVES and SCIENCE IS NOT SATANISM! OR A CULT. IF ANYTHING, YOU PEOPLE SHOULD THINK OF IT AS A GIFT FROM GOD!!!

Finally, I'll say this. Jesus preached love. He did not preach hate, he did not preach anger, he did not preach animosity, he preached one simple idea: love anyone and anything you meet, whether it be your enemy, your brother, your sister, your neighbor, your dog, your goldfish, etc., etc., etc. IF you are turely Christians, you would have known this. He died in on the cross and took sins such as the ones you are commiting in the Garden of Gesemeny. What sin do I speak of? I speak of the sin of hate. I speak of the sin of prejudice. I speak of the sin of ignorance and bias. Your God put each and every one of us on this Earth for a reason. You have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to put yourselves higher than anyone else. Doing so would be denying your own God. Nations around the world have given us great ideas, principles, inventions, leaders, products, and people. America is a "melting pot" and shunning others defies what this great nation stands for. This article and the posts which agree with it made me sick. I hope you can take a good look at what you've all become: harbingers of hate.

JESUS DOESNT EXIST (none / 0) (#510)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 05:10:52 PM PST
U live in a fantasy world, jesus doesnt exist

Debate with me, please! (none / 0) (#234)
by neutral on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:27:26 PM PST
I'm still anxiously awaiting a reply to my multiple previous comments, especially a reply on the part of either Adam Rightmann, nathan, Jon Erikson, Right Hand Man (in case you do not know, Mr Right Hand Man, the pagan idea that the right was "good" and the left was "bad" was adopted in the bible; thus, you are using a pagan belief, that found it's way into the bible, as your nickname -- this I find humongously hypocritical) or any with the same kind of fanatical religious belief.

Of course, all are free to reply -- I even encourage them to do so -- but I would particularly enjoy an opposing point of view and not just someone patronizing me and my ideals.

sorry, (none / 0) (#302)
by nathan on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 11:27:52 AM PST
I've been busy, and I haven't had time to read your posts. That's why i haven't been responding.

While I'll admit I haven't read your posts, I'm confident that they are more of the same geeky, liberalist bushwa that gives me dyspepsia. Why don't you take a shot at Kierkegaard or the Gospel of John? That'd really "expand your mind," d00d.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Arrogant... (none / 0) (#326)
by neutral on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 04:34:14 PM PST
How rude, common and grotesque. If this is the kind of response that you will give to me, then I would rather you give none at all. You choose to insult, intimidate and generalize me before you even read what I have posted. How arrogant can this be? I considered you (from the little I have gathered about you) a respectfull man, with a good education, not just another indecent troll like the many I am used to see. Sincerely, you disapoint me. Or maybe you are just trying to escape the burden of replying...

Why don't you take a shot at Kierkegaard or the Gospel of John? That'd really "expand your mind," d00d.

I'll disregard the generalization of geeks (which I am not) you make by saying "d00d". I have read the Gospel of John, although I can not say the same about Kierkegaard, and I will let the words of Benjamin Franklin explain why they did not affect me:

"My parents had given me betimes religious impressions, and I have received from my infancy a pious education in the principles of Calvinism. But scarcely was I arrived at fifteen years of age, when after having doubted in turn of different tenets, according as I found them combated in the different books that I read, I began to doubt of Revelation itself.

"...Some books against Deism fell into my hands... It happened that they wrought an effect on me quite contrary to what was intended by them; for the arguments of the Deists, which were quoted to be refuted, appeared to me much stronger than the refutations; in short, I soon became a through Deist."

This refutation regime is not efficient. It allows outside influences, thus feels a need to refute them. I would rather take an Orwellian approach to this matter than the old fashioned way; that is to say in resume, "we can never miss what we never had".

By this I mean that, in theory, without external influence or knowledge of deviant thinkers or tought, one's religion could take the role of the "one and only true religion", because there would be no knowledge of others to contradict any of it's religious views, thus becoming truth. If one could limit tought (more on this further) and language, one could hope to prevent understandment of "heretic" (heretic as in opposing) tought, language and, consequently, behavior. The basis of the language would consist of merely daily and religious vocabulary -- scientific, technical and political vocabulary would not exist, because there would be no need for them -- that would be stripped of double meanings and changed into easily pronounced words, so that only little thought would be dedicated to their pronunciation. This way, one could still say "There is no God", but this statement, which to an orthodox ear merely conveyed a self-evident absurdity, could not have been sustained by reasoned argument, because the necessary words would not be available. This, combined with the self-imposed thought restriction (that I will attempt to explain further ahead), would indefinitely ensure the preservation of the ideals of the choosen religion.

Continuing my Orwellian "improval" of the core of the self-preservation aspects that are common on a large number of sucessfull religions, now I discuss the self-imposed thought restriction. These are Orwell's words, just as some of the previous ones, changed towards a religious perspective (apparently, there seems to be little difference between the Ingsoc and religion). Of them (the fanaticals) is required an outlook similar to that of the ancient Hebrew who knew, without knowing much else, that all nations other than his own worshipped 'false gods'. He did not need to know that these gods were called Baal, Osiris, Moloch, Ashtaroth, and the like: probably the less he knew about them the better for his orthodoxy. He knew Jehovah and the commandments of Jehovah: he knew, therefore, that all gods with other names or other attributes were false gods. He knew what constituted right conduct, and in exceedingly vague generalized terms, he knew what kinds of departure from it were possible. His sexual life, for example, was entirely regulated by "sexual immorality" and "chastity". Sexual immorality covered all sexual misdeeds whatever. It covered fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and other "perversions", and, in addiction, normal intercourse practised for it's own sake. He also knew what was meant by "chastity", without serious tought -- that is to say, normal intercourse between man and wife, for the sole purpose of begetting children, and without physical pleasure on the part of the woman: all else was sexually immoral. In those times (and still today) it was seldom possible to follow a "heretical" tought further than the perception that it was heretical: beyond that point the necessary words were considered the "words of satan".

Well, seems I got a "little" off topic on the original subject... But I hope this gives a tiny good look at the mechanics of the self-preservation aspects of religion and how they could be put to mischievous use; by no means is this a complete look of it's internals, because that objective is far from the reach of this simple reply. Also, I would like to add that I am not encouraging you to follow what I have written; it is up to you to do whatever you may wish with these words.

Like I have said before, I not an atheist (as it may appear), I am an empirical agnostic. Please forgive any grammatical or orthographical you might encounter.

From a Japanese person's point of view. (1.00 / 1) (#235)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:32:42 PM PST
"Once upon a time two great alliances of nations fought a long and bitter war in a clash of good against evil. Eventually the forces of light won, and all that remained was one small nation led by evil rulers that would not surrender, no matter what the cost to their nation."

Ok, I don't even get into this one, but I had to. If you study history enough, you'd know that the United States held territories in Hawaii (which became a state only after WW2), the Philipines, the Wake Islands, Guam and parts China. All these territories are held without the consent of the local population. If such acts are permitted according to your "moral" codes, I don't see why it is not permitted for the Japanese, who were facing the threats of the Imperialist West, to commence the same acts for their own security. You say your country is teaching these small counries about democracy, well, guess what, I say that we were teaching those countries the grace of the Emperor (although I am quite disgusted with either case). Moreover, did not the United States idly watched as their British and French allies carved up the entire Asian continent at their own leisure? Without lifting their finger of "justice" to aid the nations that are constantly being exploited? Give me a fargin break 'ere eh? 'mate? Let us not forget Hong Kong was only "returned" to China in 1997. Now, this is not to say that any acts of imperialism may be justified by any means, but to deny any involvement of the United States and her allies in regards of pre-WWII imperialism is simply showing the complete lack of any moral responsibility on your part (and let us not even get to Germany, because that is simply too obvious).

The rest of your post is nothing more than rants of misunderstanding, or simply the lack of knowledge of anything Japanese. I don't understand why a few films that shows originality and imagination would make people like you blush. I am a Christian, but I am also a human being, I am a man, and according to the United States Constitution, I have the right to express myself as well as the right to pursue happiness (so as long as it is in legal boundaries). I have the right to pursue knowledge and the right to learn as it is my GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO DO SO! You are the kind of person who gives us Christians a bad name. Why are you so afriad to look at God in other perspectives? By reading your post, I can only see an overly protective individual who has not seen the world and has not matured mentally enough to become a rational and logical adult human being.

In regards to anime that has "satanic" symbols. Well, I would just like to ask, what ARE satanic symbols? In the Bible, there were never a clear description of any symbols being satanic, other than idol worshipping and the beast revealed in the Revealation chapters. Furthermore, isn't United States the only country MORE obesessed with satanism than ANYWHERE else in the world? To add to that, the United States is crime infested, whereas Japan is considered to be one of the world's safest place to live in. You really don't have any rights to criticize my country when you are from a country where school shootings, gang masscres, racist attacks and police violence are of frequent events.

There are good anime as well as bad ones. To categorize all anime into the "Evil" category is like saying all Hollywood films ever made were "Ungodly" filth that should have been liquidated for the sake of our sanity. So you found out there are pornography anime. What is the big deal? The United States has the largest porn industry across the whole fargin planet. Even if the kids here are deprived of porn (Hentai) anime, are they not going to gain access to Playboy magazines, Penthouse or other adult merchandise? I've known a few friends in the US who has a stack of "questionable" materials hidden in their closet and/or bed.

I believe that you are not a bad person, but to commit such an offensive act without first thinking through that jaded brain of yours is simply unforgivable.


Not to address Mr. Annoymous Reader.

You said Japanese men worship idols.

Ok, American women worship Elvis and kids today dig Britany Spears (Even tho the latter is what I consider to be Satan's whore, but...). Your point being?

Men like women and vise versa, its universal.

Then comes the questions of self-defense. This simply shows your complete lack of understanding in Japanese politics.

Did you know that the money spent to keep those filthy rapist American troops in Okinawa are in Japanese yen and not American dollars? You think we actually WANT them there? Puhhhhleeeaaasssee! The Japanese self-defense force is one of the best equipped and most well trained military entity to exist on this face of Earth. Not even post-war Germany, Britain or France has the kind of extensive military programs as Japan does. Japan has the best navy in Asia and the 3rd best in the entire world, all funded by the Japanese government. The American government pays JACK to keep any of their men and equipment on Japanese shores. They could bugger off anytime and we probably wouldn't lift an eyebrow.

Jeez, and I thought this was the 21st century.

Written by Hikaru Alexander Hayashi 11/30/01
(your lovable Japanese/German author, who has the opportunity to travel across the world, and has the ability to speak four languages fluently)

Couple more things... (none / 0) (#239)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:57:41 PM PST
Christianity came from the Middile East, hmmkay? I believe it because I believe what the Bibile says to be true.

Nevertheless, it does not changed the fact that Christianity is an IMPORTED religion and adopted by the people in Europe. Stop taking it and make comments of it as if it was an American creation. That is simply pathetic. You don't have the right to dictate national thought onto a religion, so don't even bother.

Based on your post, you seem to think anything coming from other shores are inevitably evil. Then by this definition alone, you should NOT have adopted Christianity in the first place!

Hikaru Alexander Hayashi

wah (0.00 / 2) (#236)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:33:09 PM PST
wow... grownups acting childish

Seeing with eyes unclouded by bias obstinacy (1.00 / 1) (#237)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 10:45:37 PM PST
Firstly, to Mr "I never liked anime ", it's "Mononoke Hime" - please don't misspell the title of this legendary film.

I think most of the anime advocates have said this already but I'll say it again. Jon, you seem to have Anime confused with hentai. Whoever exposed you to anime was probably a horny kinda person so you got the wrong impression of anime. I go to a Christian school and our Chaplain absolutely loved Neon Genesis Evangelion when we showed him an episode. Yes, there is some kinky parts but mature viewers tend to focus on the intricate story and highly Christian orientated themes. Now if Evangelion was the first anime you saw, I'm sure you would have a very different view on anime.
What you are saying right now is all Hollywood movies are evil because you just happened to see a few with sex scenes in it. I know lots of ppl you think like you in my school but the ones who have opened their eyes to a wide variety of anime knows it for what it truly is: something that cannot be categorically defined. My anime collection spans over 500 cds. But I can barely fill 2 CDs with all hentai. In your unequivocal condemnation of Anime, you never mentioned "Rurouni Kenshin" - who fight (never kills) to atone for atrocities he committed in the past, or Ghost in the shell which challenges our belief of what is human. Yes, there is some anime which I wouldn't want my children to watch, but there are also others which I wouldn't want them to miss out on. Your impartial criticism on ALL anime undermines your objectivity and shows you are simply in no position to make educated commentary on anime.

Before you embark on your "crusade" I challenge you to do some research on your "demonic foes" and watch some anime which is not hentai. Perhaps then you can change your crusade to something more sensible like a crusade against Hentai.

For your question "what kind of grown adult watches cartoons?", my answer is "none". But millions of grown adults watch Anime. Yes, manga/anime is succeeding but not for the reasons you have specified.


Little Msg for Mr Jon Erikson (1.00 / 1) (#241)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:01:25 PM PST
Jon, all you seem to have done in ur comments is critize other ppl. You don't seem to have used any logical or reasonable rebuttals.

Challenge for Jon
1. Acknowledge the difference between Anime and Hentai
2. Acknowledge that there is both good anime and there's anime which you would descibe as filth / evil / satanic / etc.

Now you have 2 choices:
1. Go watch some decent anime so u are in the position to make an accurate judgement.
2. Change your little crusade to a crusade against "Hentai", not anime.

If you continue your mindless Christian ranting then it just shows you are simply following a cause for the hell of it without any reasonable basis. I always suspected I was wasting my time trying to argue with you; now prove me right.


you people are all MORONS (1.00 / 1) (#243)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:03:48 PM PST
I am a woman, and I like anime. I am not so ignorant to believe that ALL anime is pornography. Why don't you idoits try watching a quality anime series, and you'll see that it's not all porno and pokemon. I'll give you a few titles: Hana Yori Dano, The Vision of Escaflowne, Magic Knight Rayearth and Ruroni Kenshin TV. NONE of these tiltles have sexual content, and they have (unlike most AMERICAN cartoons) a plot. Oh wait, if it has a plot, then you idiots would have to THINK! We can't have that, can we?

It's closed-minded idiots like you that are the reason why I am no longer a Catholic.

Ooo, wait a minute. (1.00 / 1) (#244)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:07:08 PM PST
Are you sure Visions of Escaflowne is a good idea? :)

I think he'd be turned off by the "Unchristian" subjects.

Hikaru Alexander Hayashi

Christianity is good (5.00 / 2) (#248)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:19:00 PM PST
I agree with the writer of the article. I mean, come on. The Brits are obviously copying our culture, and have been for years. I mean, so many of their towns are named after ours, and even more irritating is the obvious mis-pronounciation of our language.

Perhaps just as disturbing as the obvious innuendo to pedophilia by adult bodies with child-like eyes, is the glorification of violence in the black societies. Rap lyrics of people raping their mothers is just as bad, if not worse.

You take one look at an inner city ghetto and you can practically see the violence oozing from every corner.

America is under assault, my Christian friends. From outside as well as in. Black people promote violence, Chinese try to poison us with MSG in the food. Mexicans cross the border from Mexico like fleas jumping off of a drowning dog.

Once we get rid of all these threats, then we have to ferret out the liberals in this country. It's obvious anyone that doesn't agree with the Christian political view is obviously some sort of gay-loving, black person hugging communist.

Nothing good came from anyone but white christians. And if it did, God would have made us discover it soon anyway. He probably just felt sorry for all the non-white, Godless heathens out there, and took pity on them.

And as for Christianity being a collection of paganistic rituals, it's just not true. Christianity had those way before any of the fake religions did. The wise Christian missionaries must have taken pity upon the heathens and pretended that their gods exists, just so they wouldn't get killed and eaten.

Remember, my friends, God hates everyone that's not a God fearing Christian. Soon God will tire of taking pity on the blacks and make them our servants again. It's harder for them to mess up stuff like that.

Oh, Ignorants! Ignorants! (none / 0) (#265)
by Kitsune Aywen on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:07:43 AM PST
Hello! Your reply to this article shows of your historical ignorance. In 1492, Chirstopher Kolumbus (from Spain) "discovered" the American continent. There were only those who we today know as 'indians' living there. They were given this name because Kulumbus falsely assumed that he was in India (which he had been searching for). America was then settled from all over Europe - the settlers were from all kind of places, but mainly from England, Spain and France. This explains where you have your names from: "New York" for example - there's an old city in England (York) which dates back to the old wicking days (way before America was even 'discovered' by the spains). Then there's an area called "New England" - because this is where the Englishmen used to have their colonies. Another example is "New Brunswick" (Brunswick is a German city that goes back to before the settlement in America). America then at some point declared independance from the mother countries and fought a war, won it and became one of the world's largest and the youngest nation. What do you think why your language is called "English"? Not perchance because it originates from England? What do you think why there's no language all of America speaks? And what do you think why all those languages spoken in America are slight variations of European languages? That's because your ancestors came from Europe. Because classical European culture is the base upon which America was errected, like it or not. Nothing good came from anyone but white christians. And if it did, God would have made us discover it soon anyway. He probably just felt sorry for all the non-white, Godless heathens out there, and took pity on them. Yes, of course. ^_^ Study your own holy book, will you? God's explicitly chosen people was dark - it was from the near east deserts. That's why the holy country is there also. And as for Christianity being a collection of paganistic rituals, it's just not true. Christianity had those way before any of the fake religions did. The wise Christian missionaries must have taken pity upon the heathens and pretended that their gods exists, just so they wouldn't get killed and eaten. Take two on Aywen's history lesson! :D "Pagan" religions existed long before Christianity (which goes back to approximately 30 a.c.). The Christmas tree /is/ of non-Christian origin. That can be seen quite logically - the area where Christianity originated (near east) never had any pine trees (or something similar for that matter) to begin with. Pine trees are native in a colder climate (Europe, northern Asia, northen America). Let's not argue about this until you guys get your research done properly. Your reply was even poorer than the original article. ^_^ Thanks for listening Kitsune Aywen

now you look here (5.00 / 2) (#285)
by venalcolony on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 06:55:12 AM PST
Yes, of course. ^_^ Study your own holy book,
I realize anime fans are adult children, but please do not embed manga drawings of tits facing the ceiling in a sentence containing the words 'holy book.' If you cannot summon a lucid argument, we prefer you didnt post at all instead littering the site with profane graffiti.

The difference between trolling and life is life doesnt have to make sense.

emoticons (none / 0) (#332)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 06:40:47 PM PST
Actually, "^_^" is a smiling face, equivalent to :). It's just upright is all. It has nothing to do with breasts. I wonder how you came up with that...

omg (none / 0) (#337)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:30:44 PM PST
Hahahaha i thought everyone knew ^_^ was a :) oh well hehehe.

Hi :) (none / 0) (#344)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:38:51 PM PST
Dear Sir or Miss;

If you ever read any manga or watched any anime (which I doubt) you would have seen how characters are drawn when they're enthusiastic or incredibly happy.. the eyes are drawn in two high arcs, resembling the arcs on the McDonald's logo. Since computers as yet have none of these arches, they use the symbols (^) and (_) to show this emotion. Also, if you weren't such a pervert, that thought would never have come to your mind. Is that the first thing you thought of? Tsk; seems your 'holy book' hasn't purified all of the heathens, has it?

- Yours truly,

Hi :) (none / 0) (#348)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 09:23:28 PM PST
Besides, if we wanted to draw tits, there are several more obvious methods beyond ^_^.
For example, here are a few:
(.)(.) (.Y.) ( . Y . )

Anyway, you get the point. I apologize if I caused permanent vision damamge by typing an indecent combination of letters.

Oh, and FYI, if you see this: ^_~ , it's someone winking, not someone after a masectomy ^_^.

dumbass... (none / 0) (#566)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 12:04:25 AM PST
what the hell??? how is ^_^ supposed to be breasts?? its a cute little smiley face...i myself prefer to do this: =^.^= which is a kittie...if someone wanted to make boobs then they could make em like this: ( o )( o ) so therefore ^_^ does not mean tits...why dont you learn a little bit please...

Bwahahahaa! (none / 0) (#698)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 04:52:29 PM PST
That's the entire point to the reply, O Ghost Fox. It's so completely inaccurate as to be a parody of the original article. The author knew exactly how the truth is, or at least had a good enough idea what the truth is to be able to write this as a complete parody complete with buckets of sarcasm.

Read it again, and pretend the person writing it is grinning from ear to ear while typing.


oh my gawd.. (none / 0) (#289)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:14:44 AM PST
.. a racist bastard!! tsk tsk.. how sad... your message can be easily told that you're from a KKK cults. And yeah, nothing good came from white christians besides slaughter to other religions and FORCEFULLY changing other religions, but hey, that was all in the past... (and possibly still happens today)

Dude... (none / 0) (#323)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:37:51 PM PST
This is sarcasm in its most obvious form.

uhh sure! (none / 0) (#335)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:27:00 PM PST
yeah i can tell that there is sarcasm in the first paragraph but after that its not so obvious.

Hi :) (none / 0) (#343)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:31:13 PM PST
Dear Sir or Miss;

If you are going to reply, please reply in an educated manner. For one, Britain cities are not named after our cities. Our cities are named after Birtish cities. Also; I doubt God is real. If God was, he probably wouldn't have been ignorant enough to mix a jackass and you. But you never know.. maybe Satan's gotten into you. Have you been watching too much science fiction?

- Yours truly,

Bigotry rears its ugly head. (none / 0) (#361)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 12:43:46 AM PST
You are an absolute racist bigot. Are you a member of the KKK too? Gee, if not, you should be, those are the PERFECT people for you. God does NOT hate those who don't follow him - he feels sorrow when someone turns away, but he does not sit and laugh in Heaven when someone dies and goes to hell. That is not the loving God that Christianity displays, now is it?

Re: Christianity is good (none / 0) (#382)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 04:24:57 AM PST
You idiot, you think God hates every non-Christian? God loves everyone! God is incapable of hating, and God doesn't judge.
It's too bad that racists like you give Christianity a bad name. Stop abusing God to fit your own pathetic views on humanity.


God doesn't judge?? (none / 0) (#465)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 11:06:05 PM PST
Honestly I am no theologian, but I seem to remember something about certain cities and a few species being removed from the face of the earth (Old Testament). Then there is that thingy about a bunch of people being brought to chill with God while the rest of us have to suffer for like 200 years (somewhere in Revelations). Oh yeah that deal about heaven and hell too.

God's Personality (none / 0) (#474)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 11:54:58 AM PST
Actually, God is as capable of hatred as you or I. Just because He doesn't do it often or noticibly, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
I feel that God has had three eras. Old Testament, New Testament, and post-Bible. Currently, we seem to live under the post-Bible God, or, as I like to call Him, 'God on Crack'. He's very forgiving and laid back. He doesn't really interact much with us anymore. I won't go into NT God.
God of the Old Testament was a human just like you or I, with the exceptions of being omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and with no human form. In other words, he had a full range of emotions. And he was very emotional.
God created Man in his image. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean physical image, and we have no evidence of that. It means we think like Him. You can try to be 'Godly', but just understand what that means. It doesn't mean to always be forgiving, loving, kind, and all that. It means to try to be that way. Even God gets pissed, after all. Sometimes, he even snaps, like we do after bottling up anger. Soddom and Gamorrah (I'm almost sure I misspelled those). God laid out ten rules to follow. Most of them weren't even to do something, they were to NOT do things. They didn't listen, God snapped. 'Fuck it, FIRE!' For a while, people listened. They behaved. Then, they started doing it again. Again, God snapped, and it rained for fourty days. After two weeks, people were saying 'God! Help! We get the idea! Just make it stop raining!' 'FUCK you! I said FOURTY days, not FOURTEEN!' And this is why we don't mess with God.
By the way, although I already knew most of this, I'm phrasing it very similar to Carlos Mencia's comedy act, if only because it's more fun than my documentary-ish style, and it remains true. Whaddya wanna bet Mr. Erikson or Mr. Rightmann is gonna call Mr. Mencia evil?

--Nintaku, Carlos Mencia fan

'Niggah! Niggahniggahniggah! Fuckin' relax.' -Carlos Mencia, stand-up act in La Brea

duhhh (none / 0) (#517)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:02:25 PM PST
one tiny point. If you read the bible, which I doubt you have, you migh notice the 10 rules god laid out came a fair bit after Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis precedes Exodus. Damn I hate you idiots that call yourselfs christians and go aroud preaching about shit you don't understand. You have never read a page of the bible and, all you know of it you get from crappy movies and in bible school.

You really dont understand irony, right? (none / 0) (#497)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:50:42 AM PST
His entire post was clearly ironic, but in your brainwashed mind you seem completely unable to comprehend this.

// Swedish

Bahaha... (none / 0) (#509)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 04:05:42 PM PST
God never hates? Probably should have thought of that before he killed everyone off in a flood. But that's off topic.

The internet amuses me, or rather, the inhabitants do. Go eat a bag of hell.

The ignorance and stupidity never ceases to amaze (none / 0) (#438)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 03:02:26 PM PST
Obviously, you never bothered to study history, for the first American colonists came from Britain. Forgive me, the first WHITE colonists, for America was colonized, indeed, populated by the people who became the Red Indians. America copied its culture from its European roots. Study first THEN voice an opinion, fool

-Laughing from Asia at the ignorance of the American Majority

Actually you're wrong (none / 0) (#457)
by drmik3y on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 09:41:46 PM PST
Actually the first people to colonize America were the Spanish and Portugese. America is not the US, it's both North and South America. Think about who Columbus got to fund his expedition, Spain. Just a friendly history lesson, not mean to be rude or anything ^_^

ehh.. (none / 0) (#463)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 10:51:49 PM PST
If you want to get technical the first European settlers were Norwegian (Vikings and all that.) The fact they all died out or left is irrelevant.

as long as we are on a history kick (none / 0) (#466)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 11:14:49 PM PST
this is true about spain funding columbus, but he never even made it to the shores of north america, he landed on one of the islands in the carribian.

Re: >;) (none / 0) (#484)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 07:52:06 PM PST
Before you fall down laughing at the entire "American majority", may I suggest reading the tone of the response besides the facts presented? If I am not mistaken, the obvious misrepresentation of facts was sarcasm. Perhaps the person you responded to is laughing just the same.

You are being sarcastic I hope (none / 0) (#502)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:22:48 PM PST
It's really hard to tell when people are being sarcastic on the internet. So if you are, you have to beat people over the head with it when you make a statement. Like putting a line at the end that says: "I'm being sarcastic here".

I could tell it was sarcasm.... (none / 0) (#699)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 12th, 2002 at 04:55:25 PM PST

This is pathetic (none / 0) (#604)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 12:23:32 AM PST
How do u get the idea that this stuff is evil. Yeah sure there are some bad animes out there. It's called hentei jap pun perverted. So what thats just a class of anime. Not all anime is like that though. I can name hundreds of animes that have nothign to do with hentei. And were do u get satanic symbols from anime. Geez. I mean im a christian and i watch all kinds of japanese anime and i never see anything evil or satanic. This jon guy is just a pathetic loser who has nothing better to do but insult great artists and story writers. And all he points to is the hentei. Did u ever look at te other animes that have story lines to them and not just the hentai. DBZ, Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Trigun, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Berserk, Zoids, and several more. Ive seen most of the episodes for all those animes if not all and i never say any kind of hentei in them. Blood and swearing sure but those shows are aimed at teens and there nothing wrong with that. Oh and while ur at it. Jon if ur gonna insult jap anime go ahead and insult American Anime. You ever watch south park. Thats worse than most of the jap animes. Or how about bevis and buthead. And a few other cartoons.

To the guy that said chritianity is good (none / 0) (#605)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 12:30:23 AM PST
Yo man i didnt appreciate what u said. Im a christian to but ur a disgrace to christians. U said at the end of ur paragraph "Remember, my friends, God hates everyone that's not a God fearing Christian. Soon God will tire of taking pity on the blacks and make them our servants again. It's harder for them to mess up stuff like that" This phrase pissed me off the most "Soon God will tire of taking pity on the blacks and make them our servants again. It's harder for them to mess up stuff like that". No black disserves slavery. They have rights just like we do.Not al blacks are bad ppl. So stop being racist u damn bitch.

It's me! Anime Knight! (none / 0) (#706)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 08:00:09 PM PST
Oh dear... another propaganda to start a war? How original...

No time for stone age dinosaurs like you... NEXT!!!

Forum filth... (none / 0) (#251)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:27:02 PM PST
Hey, you know, I was wondering myself where
all this anti-Christian filth above was coming
from... So I did a little web searching for
our disgusting, corrupted little friends,
and after filtering out the porno and satanism,
and let me tell you, the whole lot was evil!, I
came across this little site at
with a nice message in their forums about us...

So there you are!!


I shall not rest until this site is no more,
and neither should you, for our cause is just
and righteous, and God will surely aid us
in the destruction of that which is the most evil.

yeah i know that site (none / 0) (#294)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 10:09:44 AM PST
that site is totally funny...

Classic Movies And Your Definition (none / 0) (#253)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:47:30 PM PST
I may be an anime fan, and I may be a Christian completely disgusted by you, but my biggest problem is your definition of a "classic" movie. Did you know that great movies like, Schindler's List (1993), To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), and Silence of the Lambs (1991) would be excluded from your definition of a "classic." Of course, this isn't to say that no movies made before 1950 were classics. Take "The Wizard of Oz." It was a good book that was turned into a good movie. Now, first, the definition of a classic must be changed. Now, as it currently stands, wine and movies are quite similar in that they get better with age. Of course, being so God-fearing, you must not touch the stuff, save communion, and least of all would want to associate alcohol with classic movies. So I propose that the definition of a classic be changed to this: A classic movie is any that is loved by generations of people, that people can relate to, in any way, that will be known to people twenty years down the road. Now at first this may seem to contradict my point earlier made. Forgive me, if I have misconstrued you and your idea of classic, but I had inferred that only movies made during a certain time period may be classics. But I will ask you this, What, good sir, is your definition of a classic? If not only age, is your answer, then what more? -The Wandering Gangrel

Wait a minute... (none / 0) (#254)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:49:30 PM PST
I'm quite sure that the Bible originated in a country other than America. When you say that no other country has something to offer, you're saying that the Bible and our Lord Jesus Christ came from an evil country? Jesus was not American, and the Bible wasn't even written in English to begin with. Jon, you need to open your eyes and see the big picture. The fact is that other countries have something to offer (i.e. the Bible) and we should show or respect for them, not criticise and blindly accuse them of sin. Because there is just as much sin here in the US as there is in the rest of the world.

Why hate anime? (none / 0) (#255)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:49:35 PM PST
I do realize that the position that the writer is coming from can certainly be backed up. But being an avid fan of anime, Idon't really agree with it. Just wanted to say that yes, many anime films and series are certainly pornographic and violent, but not all by a longshot. They tend to be like animated films that range from G to XXX rated. Are perfect "crhistian" society certainly contains the latter, though they might not be animated. In having those do we say all american movies are evil? No. We say I don't think I want to watch that so I'll stick to what I like and leave that to whom I consider the dregs of society.
So what I'm trying to say while defending my beloved anime is that there's alot of media out there. People should be able to like what they like, and dislike what they don't. And besides, what I call the great evil (for various reasons) of censorship in america will ensure that the more graphic series/movies will never touch cable.
One thing which strikes me is the decisions to use Christ and Mary to censor rather exposing images the writer chose as examples. I realize that they have the whole Christianity crusade going on, but noting that really any image could have been used to cover them up, and that what was originally being shown is still easily identifiable, it comes accross to me as almost corrupting their pure images.(If I try to look at it from the This is evil viewpoint.) Just curious as to what spurred the choice really.

About my country... (none / 0) (#256)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Nov 30th, 2001 at 11:55:43 PM PST
I'm was born in USA as a Christian. I'm only 12 but I know enough of our history to see how wrong is Jon's posting.

I don't like wars. What USA did to japanese was the worst thing that a country can do to another.
Did you remeber what happens last september? American people died because of terrorism. Some of my relatives were seriously injured in that act. But... how many japanese people died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? What kind of God accepted that? You adults are so fool and closed minded .... You are growing your childs in the heart of militarism and xenophobic. You are the leaders of the more advanced and the more stupid country.

Maybe the youth of this country will realize some day what fools their parents were and changed this country to make it a very good county, not based in militarism and fear to others, based in respect and love.

Manwell from Colorado
PS.: Sorry about my grammar. I'm good at Sciences not Languages :(

Not all anime is pornographic (none / 0) (#257)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 12:00:21 AM PST
This article blows things way out of proportion. Not all anime is pornographic. I watch an anime called Dragon Ball Z with Japanese dialogue and english subtitles, and there isn't so much of a gram of pornography. I think the writer of this article has only seen one or two animes and they were all adult animes. I would like to see Erikson's comments on a non adult anime.

This argument is full of holes (1.00 / 1) (#259)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 12:07:13 AM PST
Well I must say when the Democrats talk about the far right they must have meant you. First let me smack you in the head for myself and every other conservative that you have just made look like an idiot. Thanks so much. Oh and in case you think i'm lying, wrong. I am very conservative, I believe welfare is encouraging a class of dependents, tax cuts do stimulate the economy, and that moral values are going down the tubes. Why then are you asking (and everybody else) why I disagree with you.

Well let me start...

1) You speak of our culture being plagued. FOREIGN ideas are corrupting us and our youth. I hate to tell you this... no culture that meets with another culture can remain the same. When cultures clash the superiour one not just in terms of military but economy, orginization, discipline will win. Still the victor always learns from the victim, and vice versa. Just because somebody else does something doesn't mean by "the principle of the thing" we should ignore it if it's better. Want an example from history? Try this in the early BC Egypt was invaded and to some extend conquered by the invading tribe the Hyksos. The eqyptians felt them barbarians and eventually removed them. Of course they didn't purge the things the Hyksos brought to Egypt, horse harnases, armor, weaving, and new forms of music. The eyptians hated them but they learned from them, why do something less efficent when you can steal and next time around use it to beat your opponent. Other examples? Ask somebody about the invasion of China by the Mongols. Well what happened to them.... Look it up.

2) Are Chrsitian values are being spit upon by this anime (thats its name, manga are comic books)? Well lets look at it in more depth. Gundam Wing is a good one, it has a very philisophical bent. I'll save the synopsis and tell everybody not having seen it that it preaches that we must end war. We must maintain peace, and always be on alert for those that would see to harm the innocent/weak. Now correct me if i'm wrong but isn't non-violence a christian virtual. Didn't God forbid killing? Doesn't the Bible oppose hate? Well your article seems to be calling a crusade, so you propose we take... lets be nice "extreme measures." Well I hope you hold your commandments dear to you. Now ofcourse I'm going to also go and tell everbody that yes some anime is horror. I don't deny it, but it brings up intresting philosophical points. Berserk brings up free-will to mind, and those that harm or sacrifice those close to them are inherently evil. Is some anime anti-christian? I really haven't seen one series that is. Post some titles that are in your opinion bashing Christianity and I too will post my disgust at those that bash what they don't know or understand(you know like you...).

3) This is a minor side note but you seem to dislike how anime gives the "there is no good or evil" feeling to it. Lets be honest, how many people have like Damien Thorne the antichrist in the movie the "Omen" call(ed) themself evil? Come on even physcos like Adolf Hitler never felt they were in the wrong. It is a fact that most things/people/goverments/movements/etc aren't pure evil or pure good. Yes there are some exceptions, some charities and religions base themselves on helping others and so by classic morality are GOOD (IMHO they are). What about evil? People do good things and bad things, people that routinely hurt others, kill, commit crimes, rape, etc are evil. That doesn't mean that I don't try to understand them to some degree. I try, if they're just out there, or choice to ignore morality and law thats when i label them as evil. Then there are those that do things they aren't proud of but make amends later on... are they good or evil or just human?

4) You opperate on the assumation that every anime series/movie/ova is a "Hentai" series... I hate to clue you but they aren't. Hentai as a side not means "perverted" and yes there is sex in them. No i have not heard/seen of ANY hentai that talks about it being alright ot sleep with children. Some anime is actually very serious... want a list?

Well here is regaurdless of your choice:

Vision of Escaflowne
Cowboy Bebop
Princess Mononoke
Gundam Zeta
Legend of Basara
Initial D

Damn I could go on and on and on... oh and what do you know NO SEX OR NUDITY IN ANY OF THESE SERIES.

5) I think a far better finger to point at is the parents that would let their children watch Hentai. Come on the boxes of those series doesn't leave much to the immagination. If parents aren't taking care of their children then I put the blame on the parents. Now since I know what somebody is going to say next. NO THIS DOESN' ESCUSE PEOPLE FROM COMMITING CRIMES OR DOING TERRIBLE THINGS. People must take responsibilty for their actions, but parents that fail because they donen't even try are equally guilty in my eyes.

Alrigh so what have I said so far. Lets sum it up.

1) We will continue to mix with other cultures, we learn from them and they learn from us. This doesn't mean we should think that American/Christian culture is unimportant it's just that we should be tolerent of others. We should also steal those ideas that will benifit us from others (healthy compitition never hurts)

2) Christian Values aren't being targeted for being wrong. The themes of these anime stories are in line with a lot of our values

3) Anime series just explain how the world is. There is no completly good or evil in most cases. In short let me quote "the pathway to hell is paved in good intentions" hence liberalism and it's desire for utopia through government... that makes almost as much sense as anime as a vechle of evil.

4) Not all anime is Hentai. Not all anime has nudity or sex in it.

5) Parents need to prevent their kids from seeing Hentai, not anime. If kids are seeing Hentai because of bad parenting I think we have more pressing issues at home... like pulling the family unit back together, getting parents to take an intrest in their children's upbringing. Oh and please don't respons "how would you know?" Trust me my parents knew all my friends, were active in seeing how i was doing in school, and always encouraging me to do my best.

For the most part anime is a very intresting and intellegtually stimulating genre of entertainment. If you don't personally like it, thats your opinion, but to vilify it and give to it a overtone of satanism is just ridiculous. Now that I've finished I'm expecting a flame to commence. Well let me give the author something to flame me on.

Do you know when I read your article I was moved by disgust that somebody could take something and twist it so much. I think people that talk about consipiracies have more than a healthy does of paranoia. I am an anime fan, not as diehard as others but one regaurdless. Regaurdless of what you think I have always conducted myself with honor and integrety and will continue to so. Your hate mongering not only embarises conservatives but those of religious faith.

ignoramous (1.00 / 1) (#264)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 01:49:07 AM PST
To Jon,

I can't believe someone writing a persuasive article would do so little research. Yes, some Hentai(animated pornography) exists but that is not what is becoming popular today. What is becoming popular is anime(Japanese animation). Either you were really too stupid to actually research your topic or your racist enough to find one small thing you don't like about another culture that many would find offensive and widely publicize it. You say all "manga" (which you really mean anime, manga is comic book form of anime) is satanic and encourages pedofilia but I dare you to even one name example. How about Tonari no Totoro(My Neighbor Totoro) which is about cute creatures that only children can see. Or what about a more mature anime, such as Kyuuketsuki Miyu (Vampire Princess Miyu) which is about a guardian, ridding the world of demons that have escaped from the underworld? What I find pretty funny is that I'm only a 17 year old and I seem to know more than this idiot. Also, why would you take the time to actually cut out religious pictures and paste it over the offending pictures? You could just put black boxes over them if they are so "horrid" that way you wouldn't have to look at them as long. Anywho, I'm a conservative and I would of voted for Bush if I could, so don't call me a liberal. Bai bai.

Entitled To Your Opinion (none / 0) (#266)
by Kitsune Aywen on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:15:20 AM PST
<P>Yes, you're probably entitled to your opinion. But here's some interresting facts:</P>

<LI>You never mentioned a specific example.</LI>
<LI>There are a lot of adult fans of Japanese animation, as its complexity can often not be grasped by children.</LI>
<LI>Not all Japanese animation is in this "big eye" style. Not all involves a battle. This is specific to the "Shoujo", "Shounen" and "Hentai" style, the first two are aimed at childre, the last is animated porn.</LI>
<LI>The symbolism is only anti-christian if you're watching from a Christian point of view. The creators mostly don't know or care about christianity, except for using it as a handy set of symbolism (like, for example, Christianity did with quite some Pagan things).</LI>
<LI>You breeched copyright law in your article.</LI>
<LI>The liberalism movement doesn't have an agenda. That's in its nature.</LI>

<p>Thanks for listening<br>
Kitsuen Aywen</P>

Breach of copyright? (none / 0) (#268)
by tkatchev on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:38:23 AM PST
Oh excuse me, I think I'll go and commit seppuku now. (That was biting sarcasm, for the g**ks and an*me lovers among us.)

Peace and much love...

Just what I said. (none / 0) (#280)
by Kitsune Aywen on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 05:52:30 AM PST
Yupp. The postet images are under the copyrights of the respective artists. I don't recognise the style on the second, but the first is by the author of Hot Tails as far as I can see.

By "censoring" and posting them the original author of this article has infringed upon the copyrights of the respective artists by violating their reserved rights of republication and the creation of derivative works. ^_^ How's that for you?

And your answer was pointless as you weren't the one being attacked.

Kitsune Aywen
PS: Ever so greatful. I could never have noticed the sarcasm without your help.

on the copyright bit (none / 0) (#520)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 11:07:11 PM PST
that the images are "censored" is irelevent. In fact if the stupid Christian graphics were larger it would not by defintion be copyright infringment. As it stands >75% of the original image remaines, no credit is given to the original artest, and I highly doubt any permision was asked or granted. This being the case, and with the new protection of intelectual proptery granted by the US congress the author and could both be held liable. In addition to this because of the copyright dealie a court could even(though very unlikey) find them guilty of Lible. I really would hate to see this site shut down and it's owners living on the streets.

Tee hee (1.00 / 1) (#267)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:17:54 AM PST
Y'know what Jon? Your words have inspired me.

I am going to start killing Japanese people!

And their blood is on your hands!

S-A-T-A-N is coming for you Jon!



I'd also like to apologize to the normal Christans out there. And I'd like to apoligize to the non Christians. I'm a spiritual atheist and believe in the right for everyone to have their own beliefs whether it be Christian or Pagan, or Satanism.

And Anime rules. And y'kno what? I think it better to look at hentai than porn. At least real girls didn't have to sin to make entertainment. (I'd imagine that's a sin by your standards)

Final words: Hoorah for porn. And I welcome Hell if it truly awaits me.

I'm a hentai, so what of it? (none / 0) (#273)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 04:00:34 AM PST
I'll start of by saying I find your comments disturbing, but you're fully entitled to them.

Now as to your argument the big-eyes and over voloptuous figures of the females are meant to be's simply not true. You're probably going to be on a mad dash to do more 'research' after I give you this word, but there's a nasty little thing called 'shota' out there.

I don't know if American law allows it's viewing, but that artform really is about children, as is obvious in the lack of fully developed genitalia. (Disturbing, yes, but freedom of expression must be extended to even those I disagree with or it loses it's meaning)

Of course, none of us (or rahter most of us) would never want an actual child in such a situation. That is where we must bring up one essential truth.

Although anime can (and often does) help reflect real-life situations... It can also be used as a tool of the absurd. This is true for all mediums. Don't lump them all together!

I would have a fit if I heard of a parent letting their child watch some of the stuff I do. I enjoy my hentai, but I know it should never be given to kids. I also enjoy 'normal' anime, many of which have been earlier mentioned.

I even enjoy yaoi (being female that's common since I'm most likely going to enjoy looking at a naked man more than a naked woman)

Religion is fine, morality is fine, just don't try to force your own view. I know you don't share my view and that's fine too. Though I would like to say most 'good' people, regardless of nationality, religion, sexual preference, etc. live their lives one one simple rule that is prevalent through every culture I've ever heard of "Do no harm." (and not that's not a Christian one, though Jesus did try to make us believe it)

Don't harm others, don't harm yourself, and you're on your way to whatever happiness your faith says awaits you. (Or maybe just oblivion after a slightly smoother ride. Who can say?)

Well, I'll sign off and go back to actually letting those hormones nature gave me let me be attracted to a nice 'adult' body. (Yes I do find shota creepy, kids ared not desirable)

Oh, and I hope for your sake your fanaticism doesn't cost you dearly down the road. I think it will be the ultimate cosmic joke if you reach the other side only to see a god you didn't expect. (Like Zeus or Raiden maybe...)

you idiot (none / 0) (#274)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 04:48:20 AM PST
you fool...what did you do go look up Hentai for this story thingy you wrote?...get your jollies?...sick bastard...and yeah not all anime is made for children but for older people...why do they make movies for older people then?...think about freak... cartoosn are streotypically said to be for children...but i know plenty of ADULTS who happen to like cartoons as much as the next get a life freak and spend time posting this crap on other movies about the devil or something...geez.... Someone who doesnt care for your words

I think i'm going to be sick... (none / 0) (#288)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:10:21 AM PST your inane article. Yes, I truly beleive what you have stated above is a load of hogwash. Heck, do you know what? My brother reads anime, and he's 9- surprisingly, he learnt Japanese even though he's chinese, and he's turning out fine. I don't see him staying ndoors all the time, nor do I see him doing anything mildly stupid. He's just a normal guy, who like the Japanese culture.
Are you paranoid or something? Or can you just not take it that something is better than others. I can think of numerous words to say towards you, and be able to back them up, but if I did, I'd probably clench my hands so hard they would turn red.

(sigh) Unbelievable... (1.00 / 1) (#291)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:54:50 AM PST
When I learned about this article on another forum - which will remain anonymous to protect said forum - I snickered inwardly to myself. Then I read a little, still snickering, thinking how in the Hell someone can be this big of a douchebag. After reading through it, I have some things to say.

You hypocrite.

I don't know how you can justify censoring anime images with pictures of Jesus and the Virgin Mary; so right away, what little credibility you had was completely vaporized. And besides, you know what you can do if you don't like looking at images like this (besides blow me, but that goes without saying)? Don't watch it. Plain and simple.

And what makes you think you're so much better than the rest of humanity that you can force your views on the rest of us? Do other non-Christians try forcing their religious views on you? No; I suggest you don't do the same.

Here are some interesting fast facts about religion in general...
-Throughout history, more people have died in the name of God than for any other reason (Instances include but not limited to Holy Wars, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the World Trade Center).
-There are about 1 billion Christians in the world today. But the world population is about 6.2 billion; for every Christian, there are five non-Christians.

I'm sorry if I appear self-righteous and "hateful", but throughout elementary and high school, I have successfully resisted the crushing of my spirits and managed not to be robbed of my individuality. My views are my views, and nothing can change that.

And just remember...all bridges are broken over the sixth Bolgia. (Read Dante's "Inferno")

Hrmm... (none / 0) (#293)
by Celevin on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 09:19:05 AM PST
The films that you mentioned that you've seen: Dragon Ball, Princess Mononoke, Ghost in the Shell. Just wondering, but why did you not post pictures from these films instead of pictures of hardcore hentai? Those pictures, I agree with you, do not agree with me. But what I will not agree with is the senseless bashing of anime that some people have put alot into. Princess Mononoke, by my understanding was brought over to theatres and was compared to alot of modern day films and such. "The Starwars of Animated Features!". And, it was dubbed by actors who star in alot of television shows in America. Gillian Anderson is one such character.

How could you honestly put that post of lies, referring to one category of anime and then post pictures of another?

Why are you trashing some other countries works (When it is our country that allows this to get across the border) when there is much greater filth happening on this side of the ocean?

This is cartoon characters, and although are filthy, are still cartoon and more easy to consored from you children than a pornographic magazine featuring real people and celebrities seen on TV.

anime evil? stfu! (5.00 / 1) (#298)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 10:35:53 AM PST
well.. anime sure isnt evil.. thats bullshit.. like pokemon would be evil.. ooh.. a picachu.. how evil!!! and manga also isnt evil.. becouce If its Is evil, or violent it says for 12 or 16 year or older!!! And hentai Just isnt meant to be seen by kids.. so stfu with your "manga is evil" becoase taht's just not true!
and maybe my english is bad.. so what?!!!!???!

anime rules forever!!!! (none / 0) (#745)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun May 12th, 2002 at 06:53:34 PM PST
how dare you sy that!!!!!! the problem with you guys is you just watch n watch n watch!!!! you dont even want to understand the message of the anime!!!!! its anime that teach us some life lessons! all you guys think about are yourself!!!
you dont even think about what other people think! if your so kind and a "very good" christian, why did you put jesus' picture on the anime picture?! thats bad! your evil to do that! and why would you write this article if your soo "good" that means your evil! befor thinking that anime is bad, think about yourself! YOUR THE MOST EVIL PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!! all you say are nonsense!! if anime is sooo evil the character wouldnt even care if all the people around them died! but no! they protected even the people who they dont even know!!!!!! SOME anime is evil not all!!!!!!! and what makes it LESS violent is that its ONLY drawings!! telenovelas are MORE evil!!!

So... (none / 0) (#301)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 11:18:02 AM PST
Hentai does not represent anime. The pictures you used in your article are not directly from any anime that I am aware of. They are simply hentai drawings done in the anime style. And to only accuse anime/manga of being "satanic" is unfair. There are plenty of american movies with sex and nudity, some being labeled as low as "PG-13". Most anime available for, rent, let's say, is labeled with a youth restricted viewing sticker, whether it really needs it or not, and gives a clear warning of what the content might be.

"Why do full grown adults watch cartoons?"
Honestly, have you ever seen a live-action Japanese film? Like Godzilla? That's about as good as it gets. Also, would you complain if a purebred middle-class white housewife went to watch a disney animated movie? By herself, because she though she'd like it?

All this crap about "other cultures" and how "bad" they are really only shows how bad -you- are. If you want to subject the world to genocide and produce some master race of Christians who are totally naive and unexposed to anything real, be my guest. Just because we of "other cultures" and "OPEN MINDS" aren't "good enough" doesn't justify Bible bouncers and out of control Christians to tell us all that we're satanic and that we're going to hell because we watch cartoons that only have "surprising" sex scenes because we can't read the warning labels.


Do some research. (none / 0) (#303)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 11:31:47 AM PST
As soon as I read the first few paragraphs of your article, I could see some traits about you, the writer: First, you have little to no knowledge in the field of psychology. Second, you have no knowledge of the culture in which Anime was originated, and last, you do not know how to write an argumentative paper.
Not only children watch cartoons, and that is a fact-parents watch cartoons all the time with their children, and not only to please their children-some adults enjoy the nostalgic feeling they get when watching cartoons. Second, in Japanese history, the idea of immortality came from fairy tales and Legends. I remember reading a passage that read: "The emperor tossed into the mouth of Mount Fuji the potion of immortality which the girl had given her. He no longer had a desire for eternal life." (Japanese Fairy Tales and Legends) The movie "Princess Mononoke" carries that same ideas of immortality-the Empoeror gives a hunter full legal permission to kill the God of the beasts and return with it's head which is told to bring immortality.
In Japan, the culture is different than in America. There does not need to be a more simple explanation than that. The anime shown in America is different in Japan-they heavily censor the material that is sent here, which is "dubbed" in English. Subtitled anime is uncensored, and the voices are in Japanese, for the convenience of some viewers. It may not seen censored enough, but they make it that way in order for people to adapt to cultural differences, and to have RESPECT for their ideas. America has such a problem with pornography and sex that it has become so simple for people to see something depicting nude people and consider it filth.
The worst assumption you have made is that anime is the work of evil. Tell me this, since you claim to be a devout Christian: If you view Satan and Satanism as the worst possible evil, and you relate everything that promotes imagination and creativity, (ex. Harry Potter, Japanese Animation, Fantasy/Science Fiction Novels, etc.) Why do you disregard Satan, yet he is still part of your religiion? You cannot deny it. Satan is mentioned in the bible- Satan is the representation of all that is evil, yet you cannot go to church denying that Satan is not a strong piece of your religion. Paganism is yet another religion-only they are not Satanic, because Satan is part of Christianity-NOT Paganism. One thing you must realize is that this entire world is diverse with several religions, a lot are not heard of- in fear that other religions will cause so many problems, those which they do not need. This world is made up of several different cultures, each one is unique and special in their own ways. America is a place that opened up to all of those cultures, and if they can't accept other cultures or other religions, then they really were not thinking at all. Such narrow-minded attitudes cause people to be so hateful and discriminating against others.
You have to realize also, that Hentai is different from Anime/Manga. How would you react if I were to say that any home movies, or television shows, or movies that are in theatres(ex. Titanic, American Beauty, etc.) were nothing but pornographic filth? They both depict sex scenes, and nudity-but are both award-winning movies that the american majority loved and cherished. I have no doubts that both films will some day be seen as "classics" themselves. Don't make accusations of other countries and their films without seeing that there are the same things in your own society. Hentai is also different from pornography. Hard to believe, but it's a lot more time-consuming to draw a picture that captures emotion and a perfect human figure than it is to take a picture of a naked man or woman. give artists some credit-they are just drawing what society wants.
Last, if you're going to write an argumentative paper you should point out counter arguments, so that you don't come off as sounding like a simple-minded person that wants to complain and accuse something of being bad, simply because they hate it-but I'm afraid it's far too late for that.

Sick.... (none / 0) (#304)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 11:37:24 AM PST
Y'know it's fanatics like you that give Christinanity a bad name. God doesn't teach us to hate other cultures and bash them such as you're just a scared fool looking to blame something else for your own incompetence and shortcomings! You're nothing but a racist pig trying to hide your self under the shadow of your own holy book. If anything, it would seem god frowns upon you for such evil words against other cultures! God, Buddha, Allah...whoever you worship, that doesn't make you any less of a person. Go back and rethink your argument before you spout baseless nonsense! How can you have a valid argument with those pictures that used...the only thing you used was porn material! If you'd do your research you'd realize that anime has many different genres for all ages! But, who am I talking to...I'm talking to a racist, facist pig who uses religion as an excuse to hate people!! You're sick!!

People are funny (none / 0) (#307)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 12:37:45 PM PST
I can't believe some of the stuff on this board. Not that I find it so difficult to believe, mind you, just that it's hard to see how people can be so ignorant of the world and the way it works. For some credibility on my part, I am a 21 year-old white American college student. Perhaps this means that, to the racists that created the board, my opinions are worthless.

Let me start out by saying that the people that are commenting about the article should really check out the board's mission statement. It says that "This site is aimed at middle class white male professionals ... and the domination of homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians". It should come as no surprise to anyone that the people running the board are racists. That said, it's plainly obvious by the extreme amount of contradictions that Jon Erikson, the writer of the article, is fairly ignorant on the whole situation. Being a racist, and hating all non-white, non-Christian, non-Americans, I believe that Erikson will have no desire to acquire knowledge about the subject which he seems to dislike so much.

Now, some of my favorite points in the article aare the ones that are blatant contradictions. A prime example of this is the introduction, where he gives a brief "history" of WW2. The whole second paragraph is just weird... The "greatest nation in the forces of light" realizing that they shouldn't drag out the war and cause the "people duped by the evil leaders" any undue suffering. So they dropped nukes on the two largest cities in Japan, obliterating millions of innocent civilians. Somehow killing the people the "great nation" was trying to "save" doesn't seem like a very fair way to protect them. I don't know, maybe that's just me. In addition to this, I seem to remember someone supporting Hitler...of course, seeing how the board is run by racists, this isn't too much of a shock. I won't even get into how Hitler was a very bad man, since masterminding the killing of six million people speaks for itself.

Another question I have is to the statement about culural relativism. According to Erikson, cultural relativism is the "foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer". He then goes on to say how anyone who does research will find that the US is by far the world's greatest nation in any statistic that matters. Okay, let's take a look at that. Say we wanted to evaluate the level of technology. Any research whatsoever will show you that Japan beats the US hands down. Since most of our current technology comes from there, I don't see how this mistake could easily be made. Take population, then. India or China beats the US. Wealth, I haven't done any research on, but I do imagine that the US is leading in that. Those three statistics are the primary statistics for any society, and the US is only ahead in one of the three.

Another statement that gives me nothing but amusement is the one about the British "aping" our culture. Considering America started out as a rebellion against other British, and our culture, language, and even our towns are directly taken from British influence, I honestly fail to see how they imitate us.

Erikson also says how other cultures are alien to morality, and how cultural apologists want to replace Christian moral values with Liberal immorality and sin. This is flawed for two reasons. First, any blanket assumption such as other cultures being alien to morality is going to be false, the reason being that society is based upon law, which is based upon morality. (Criminal law is, at least). Therefore if there was no morality, there would be no society, thus no technology, education, wealth, etc. Secondly, why does Erikson keep comparing Liberalism to Christianity? Last time I checked, Jesus wasn't running for office. And as a part of general knowledge, no one is purely Liberal or purely Conservative. Most people are a combination of both.

I don't plan on showing all the flaws in Erikson's arguments, as a number of well-spoken and well educated people have already discussed it in great detail. And it should be obvious that all this discussion won't be enough to get the writer to change his views on the subject. I mean, they probably have the Grand Dragon of the KKK as a part of some guest speaker series, or something.

But one statement that I feel needs to be shot down is the one where he first tells us about the "plague" of obviously satanic anime. I can't even begin to express the mind numbing effect of so much ignorance in one paragraph. According t Erikson, Japanese animation spreads a message of immorality through a children's medium. First of all, in Japan, animation is for all ages, not specifically for children. Does that mean that since we obviously have a difference in culture, we should ignore it to apply our perceptions to it? If a lumberjack uses a giant chainsaw to cut down trees, does that mean that we would give a toddler a hand chainsaw because the scale (i.e. size comparison) is the same? I mean, look at it, the chainsaw is tiny. It's obviously made for kids. Furthermore, "what kind of grown adult watches cartoons"? What kind of reason is that? I played poker when I was seven or eight, so does that mean that I should give it up because I did it when I was a kid? How many adults do you know that play card games? Erikson goes onto say that "cartoons are an invaluable aid in entertaining and education children, but are of no use to adults with a sound mind and firm moral base". I don't know what planet this guy's from, but I plan to educate my future kids through good parenting and schools, not depend on the TV to do it for me. And what seperates cartoons or anime from movies and TV, anyway? Both have actors and actresses associated with them, both have plot and music. The only difference is that one is drawn, while the other is recorded through cameras. And where do special effects come in? You didn't actually think The Phantom Menace (Star Wars: Episode One) was real, did you? 80 percent of that movie was computer generated. By the reasoning of the author, computer generated graphics are for kids, especially since they're used in some cartoons. But wait, you say that computer graphics were done by adults, which makes them okay? Guess what, animation is drawn by adults as well.

Furthermore, I challenge you to find pictures like the ones you showed in any animation not marked "for 18 or older". Good luck, you'll need it.

And where do video games fit in? I played video games when I was a kid, and my father kept saying I would grow out of them when I got older. I haven't yet, and don't plan on it. Even more shocking is the fact that if you check the sales of video and computer games, you'll find that between 50 and 60 percent of sales are for mature rated games.

You say the characters use satanic powers? Unless they call on Satan for their powers, you can't make that assumption. What if they were given to them by God? Surely God has the power to grant humans special abilities beyond the norm. You also mention paganism. You yourself admit that it's different from satanism, but aside from not being christian, you don't say how it's different.

I grow tired of shooting down your poorly written and obviously ignorance based article. At first I thought it was someone purposely trying to seem like an uneducated, ignorant extremist to try and discredit your board, but I now see that's not the case. there are so many flaws in the article if you turned it in for a philosophy essay, you'd get an extremely poor grade. Perhaps you should re-write your article after further research.

-John Ellery (An English based name...must have been those bastard Brits predicting my future last name, and creating it first...) (That was sarcasm, by the way...)

geee... (none / 0) (#353)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 10:24:38 PM PST
"It says that 'This site is aimed at middle class white male professionals ... and the domination of homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians'"

Domination of Canadians!? Whoa, no way mr. dumb@$$ is taking over my country of multiculturalism!!

Oh? ::raises eyebrow:: (none / 0) (#308)
by fyrestorm on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 01:01:29 PM PST
"This is against everything that is decent and Christian in the world! ... the drive towards their ultimate goal of One World government ruling over a homogenous, unthinking lower class devoid of the Christian ethics that separate us from savages"

::raises eyebrow:: Oh really? Last time I checked, the world was not Christian, nor were Christians the epitome of civilization. They have a long history of racism, bigotry and violence. Christianity has been used as an escuse to persecute anyone who doesn't quite fit their idea's of what's 'right' and to forcibly 'convert' them.

Let me tell you right now, no matter how many articles you write, you cannot force someone into a new system of beliefs. Morality is subjective. Each person decides for themselves what is acceptable, regardless of their religion. A person accepts some parts of their religions morals, and rejects others that they don't believe in.

Look at you. You've obviously rejected the "love your neighbor" part or you wouldn't be ripping into people with passtimes that you didn't bother to research thoroughtly. Yes, there is some hentai within the genre of anime just as there is porn in the genre of movies.

Where's your article against pornography? I don't see it, only a rant against foreign influences.

In case you haven't noticed, there is no nudity shown in small portion anime that reaches American TV. Anything even vaguely suggestive is edited out, including any hint of homosexuality in the characters. YOU CAN'T VIEW UNCUT ANIME ON AMERICAN TV. So in order to see anything explicit, you have to really look for it.

Did you? Then come join the ranks of us sacriligious heathens who think for ourselves instead of parroting a diety who may or may not be there. :p
To quote a much loved comedian:

"When it comes to have to stand in awe of the all time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims: religion... Religion has absolutely convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky, who watches everything you do every minute of every day.

And the invisible man has a special list of TEN THINGS he doesn't want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry, forever and ever until the end of time...

But he loves you.

That's all I've got to say for now, so here's one bisexual heathen signing off.

And if you're really feeling illicit and adventurous, come see my personal fansite that's not only dedicated to the perverted evil of anime, but also to ::gasp:: homosexual couples within in anime!!!

::grins:: C'mon, I could use a good laugh ^_~

I'm so sorry, (none / 0) (#312)
by nathan on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 01:33:08 PM PST
I must have missed it when your self-righteous self-worshipping self stopped being just as smug, condescending, reductive, and inane as the religious stereotypes you set up in order to knock down.

Here's one celibate Christian signing off,
Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Not to mention... (none / 0) (#313)
by tkatchev on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 01:46:18 PM PST
The screen handle "fyrebird" is outrageously lame and passe'. It's simply soo 1995...

Peace and much love...

Not to worry (none / 0) (#315)
by nathan on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 01:55:57 PM PST
It could be worse: fYrebYrd.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

::sniffles:: (none / 0) (#316)
by fyrestorm on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 02:11:58 PM PST
A 1995 name? Oh can I live with myself for being ::gasps:: out of style ;.;

Now for the question you've all been waiting for: do I care?

Answer: No. Especially since I just signed up about, oh...fifteen minutes ago?

If I cared all that much about what people thought of how 'in style' I was, I would, no doubt, be one of those college students who wears ridiculously uncomfortable 'fashionable' clothes and flirts with anyone with a dick.

As it stands, my baggy shirts and pants are not 'in fashion' for a girl, nor do I care. I'm comfortable and happy.

And just out of curiosity, why do you care about the name I chose? And where the hell did the 'bird' come from?

and those would be...? (none / 0) (#319)
by fyrestorm on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 02:58:22 PM PST
Which stereotypes were you referring to?

Quite honestly, I was raised Christian and I have nothing against the Christian religion in particular. It's just not one I believe wholeheartedly in. Every religion I've ever studied has a great deal of self-rightious baggage that comes with it, so forgive me I don't quite see why you're throwing stones at me for only accepting the morals I believe in instead of blindly trusting that if it's written in the Bible, it must be true. (Don't argue with me on that point, because I've met quite a few people who do just that. There were even a few people in the church my family goes to that wanted one woman off the Christian education board b/c she was divorced. Never mind that her husband was abusive, they still thought she shouldn't be divorced.)

Now, 'self-righteous,' yes, perhaps I was a bit. But so is anyone who voices an opinion. You wouldn't say it if you didn't believe yourself to be right. 'Self-worshiping,' however... where did that come in?

it is not possible (none / 0) (#473)
by nathan on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 10:39:03 AM PST
To have a point of view without being self-righteous is totally impossible. That's why there's no difference between your local chapter of the University Pagan Club and Mother Theresa (Chris Hitchens notwithstanding; substitute Gandhi if you prefer.)

There are lots of obnoxious people out there who use Christianity as a stick to beat others. I don't consider them legitimately religious. They're just jerks. On the other hand, if you let anyone else's behaviour run you off religion, that is still your own fault.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Intolerance and prejudice (none / 0) (#309)
by Benoit on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 01:05:17 PM PST
Never before have I witnessed God message of love and peace so twisted by prejudices and generalization. Over-zealous fanatics like yourself should realize how intolerance will bring nothing upon you but intolerance from others. All cultures have their faults and if you can see the twig in someone else's eye and yet refuse to see the tree in yours then my friend, explain to me how your words do not prone racism, nationalism and fascism. How would you react to a person of different nationality or ethnicity who, after viewing a few American pornographic movies, started to insult your whole culture on the basis on what he saw in these specifically adult rated movies. I bet you would claim that someone who bases his opinion on a few examples does not have the right to criticize an entire culture. Well this is exactly what you did. Do you really feel everything your country has done so far in the course of history has been righteous and for the greater good? Bombing Hiroshima, Nagasaki, profiting from each major war, hiring under paid children to work in factories and looking down on others because you think having more money makes you a great nation, are those all acts supported by God in your opinion? There are Japanese animations aimed at an adult audience just as there are American movies aimed at adult audiences. Open your eyes, your paranoia is preventing you to see the big picture: there is no fine line between good and evil. Shutting down others' cultures and religions because is differs from yours is the first step towards prejudice and hatred. You took a giant leap. For those not as shallow and close-minded, I urge you to watch such brilliant Japanese animations as Grave of the Fireflies, My neighbor Totoro, Nadia: The secret of blue water and Whisper from the heart.

Hee Hee Hee (none / 0) (#310)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 01:15:16 PM PST
Humans are amusing. How the "Liberals", as Erikson calls them, declare him to be evil, because he is close-minded and racist. And yet, they, the "Liberals" seem not to notice that they are persecuting Mr. Erikson because he doen't believe what they do! The "Liberals" say, "You are evil" and "Open your mind." And yet, they are too close-minded to accept the possibility that he may be right. People are so amusingly hypocritical sometimes.
This isn't to say I agree with Erikson in any way. His arguments are also full of flaws and broad generalizations. But I'm not here to criticize his arugments nor anyone else's. There is nothing wrong with the "Liberals" views, nor Erikson's. I just get a chuckle when I see how some "open-minded" people so quickly reject any opinion that isn't open-minded, not even paying a second's worth of thought to it.

- The Wandering Gangrel

amusing indeed... (none / 0) (#314)
by fyrestorm on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 01:54:38 PM PST
"How the "Liberals", as Erikson calls them, declare him to be evil, because he is close-minded and racist. And yet, they, the "Liberals" seem not to notice that they are persecuting Mr. Erikson because he doen't believe what they do! The "Liberals" say, "You are evil" and "Open your mind." And yet, they are too close-minded to accept the possibility that he may be right."

Yep. Here we have two extremes represented. Mr. Erikson representing the 'conservatives' and a number of others representing the 'liberals.'

Interesting how both sides spout the same tripe with slight adjustments to fit their own beliefs. You who support either extreme, I urge you to take a look at what you are saying and compare it to those you argue against. It's amazing just how similar conservatives and liberals can be.

Don't get me wrong, I'm rather liberal myself. It's when ideology is taken to extremes that it becomes rather redundant.

~one who resides comfortably in the gapping holes between conservative and liberal

O lord (none / 0) (#311)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 01:32:57 PM PST
"...the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer. This is clearly not true..."

That is a big steaming pile of crap. How can you say other cultures don't provide any kind of education. Do you wan the United States to build a giant dome around itself so we can be closed off away from everybody else? The reason wars like the one stated in the opening paragraph happen because of a lack of understanding. This Christianity you seem to hold dearly teaches ignorance. Don't tell me I am calling you ignorant, you said it in the article.

Hentai is animated pornography but anime is an entertainment media directed at all demographics. You(author) obviously did no extensive research on the subject. Don't go into a gunfight with any ammo as my AP US history teacher says.

one last thing: Why is everything that is not Christian automatically evil? That is a sign of stupidity; not thinking clearly. You mind os fogged with traditional Christian thoughts. The same thoughts that killed "witches" and countless "pagans" in the Crusades. If you wish to convey Christianity do so in todays terms. Remember, Traditionalism kills tradition.

Pagans are NOT bad... (none / 0) (#317)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 02:22:30 PM PST
I myself, am a Pagan, or Druid, and I would like to say that your article upsetted me greatly. You must never take the chance to divine people, now do you... Or else you would find a country that is filled with different cultures and religions. We have freedom of religion, for crying out loud! And now what? You want to get rid of our first amendment by banning anime just because you thought it was bad to viewers eyes?

At first, I just thought to myself that it was a person who doesn't know what he's talking about. I mean, there's Tokyo Babylon, X, Wei� Kreuz, Gravitation, Yami no Matsuei, Fruit Basket, Sorcerer Stabbers Orphen (Which started out as a BOOK mind you)... Should I go on? There are thousands of good anime out there. But the part that angered me the most was when you said that Paganism and Satanism are the same. WE are not evil. That's what everyone likes to think, just because we worship the planet. And is that so bad? To worship the one thing that created us, not a being that criticizes us by what we do and *ahem* watch? Paganism, Wicca, and Druid are all the same thing. They all are NOT Satanism.

Now just because I'm saying this doesn't mean I'm against Christians or Catholics either. I have millions of friends who are like that. They know I'm a pagan. And guess what. They don't care. We like people for who they are, not by their religion. And if you think that Christianity is the religion of America, well then why don't you ask the Native Americans who were shoved off on reservations?

It's not the part that you said about anime that angered me the most. It's when you were talking about anime dissing your religion when you go and diss Paganism right there, in text. And that really pisses me off, when people call me evil just because I have a different religion.
Ja ne,
Pooka Neko

Why? (none / 0) (#318)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 02:58:05 PM PST
Why do you consider yourself Christian? Why do you want to start a small war? Some people like what they isn't fair that you're going to take it away for some people. Majority? Who cares? Everyone's different, and not all anime is like that. You, a Christian, wanting to start a war? I, as a Christian as well, would say that is a sin, to start a hate war against something that people of the world created. God made people, good and bad; only the bad make anime and manga look like the images you've posted. You consider yourself a man of God, and yet you yourself start a war...again, as I say, everyone is different, and I don't believe that it is right to fight back against other people who just think differently than you do. Everyone is of a different race, religion...everything. Why can't you just accept the fact that some people like it, and you and your followers don't? And if you are American, I am ashamed...this is the land of the free, the home of the brave...and already, we are locked in war with another country who believes differently. Satanism...what kind of person are you? To believe that the fans are believers in is outrageous.

okay... that's erm, nice. (none / 0) (#320)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:08:06 PM PST
everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I dislike your opinion but I don't need to hate you.
see, you have the right of speech
of course you must be fundamentalist cus you're taking the bible 100% seriously.

/Some stupid gamer

P.S. those pics of jesus in the wrong places were freaky, next time use black tape.

P.P.S. hentai is really in another catagory than anime.

P.P.P.S. quake is unholy, does that send me to hell? (erm... yes... darn.)

Well done.. not (none / 0) (#321)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:12:31 PM PST
"yet few people have realised how many of our nation's children have been turned to the Liberals"

"anime is popoular among mostly geeks"

Can i say contradiction?

Jon, read this (none / 0) (#322)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:27:29 PM PST
Christians are instructed to love one another. And also for their enemies. It seems the point behind this point is to prosecute all Anime films/fans, and to inspire hate in Christians against japan's animation and Japan. In the words of your supporter: Why not just go out and kill all the anime fans and creators? Or all the Japanese people for that matter.
However, God told us to love our enemies, and to pray for those who prosecute you. He never instructed us to Damn them to the infernal depths of Hell. Jon, in one of your replies, you accused someone of being a tool of the devil. Using your logic, how can you say you, yourself, are not a tool of the devil when all this post was trying to accomplish in the first place was hate and violence. Both are part of the devil's agenda and are in no way God's plan for the world. I am a Christian viewer of anime as recently introduced to it by a fellow Christian brother of mine. The anime we watch is in no way offensive to the God we worship and I really wonder why you would subject yourself to that kind of hentai. "Hear no evil, See no evil"

anime isn't a plague, christianity is. (none / 0) (#324)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 03:42:42 PM PST
I'm sure monkeys could have come up with better opinions than you. I really do wonder... are you writing for anyone other than the millions of zombies created by christianity? I mean, your article is clearly meant to offend anyone that isn't a christian. Let's examine each of your points.

"Once upon a time two great alliances of nations fought a long and bitter war in a clash of good against evil."

This is clearly opinionated crap. Stop taking tokes from the joint.

"greatest nation in the forces of light decided that it would be wrong to drag the battle out longer than was necessary and decimate those whose only fault was to have been duped by evil men"

Yea. Too bad you're wrong. 90% of the people who died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilians. Also, what about the unborn babies who were born with cancers? Yea, those people definitely deserved to live miserably.

"In time, they began to prosper thanks to hard work and ingenuity, and eventually they became a mighty trading nation, far surpassing any level of wealth they might have otherwise expected. "

Hrm. I'm sure that winning World War 2 with landholds in Korea, China, and the Phillipines would make Japan a less prosperous nation today.

"In recent years there has been a growing trend amongst radical youth elements of American society for cultural relativism, the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer."

As a Chinese person living in America, I am really offended by that. China has 4,000 years of history. America doesn't even have a sixteenth of that. You're saying that a culture that has had 4,000 years to build on itself has nothing to offer?

I will never call myself a Chinese-American because of idiots like you. I can never become proud of living here. At least in China, we have a system that curbs people like you from ever publishing anything publicly. It's called Communism.

"The worst attack on morality comes in the form of Japanese manga films, which spread a shocking message of immorality under the cover of animation, a cynical move targetting a genre typically aimed at children."

You see what you want to see. I'd like to see you prove that anime is targeted at children.

"the stories generally involve an epic conflict between the forces of "good," who are typically inbued with obviously Satanic powers, and their enemies, also possessing such powers. "

Actually, I'm too lazy to respond to the rest of your points, including this one. Besides, I would be saying the same thing over and over.

However, one statement I say is a counter-argument to whatever you want to say. This is how every christian that I've ever met thinks. "Oh, that person doesn't think the way I do. They're obviously wrong. I need to change them so that they think the way I do." If you think thats right, then keep on living that way. But the majority of people who aren't christians don't want to hear about you.

I, for one, enjoy living as a moraless person bent on sinning every day and on the way to hell. But I look at it this way. At least I'm enjoying my life without fear of something that'll strike me down if I didn't get my brother's widow pregnant (Genesis 6:8-10).

Not all Christians are fanatics (none / 0) (#325)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 04:22:47 PM PST
I agree with you in all but your stereotype of Christianity. Many of us are just as offended by this as you. A majority of us would be if everyone had read it. The article and its defenders are among a fanatical minority. I will not judge people based on their beliefs. Please try to do the same.

Jesus Christ! (none / 0) (#328)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 05:35:42 PM PST
I would just like to give out a big FUCK YOU to the person who wrote this. First of all, Disney steals Japanese characters, not vice-versa. Second, there is no such thing as "manga films". Thirdly, hentai doesn'y hurt anybody. And my last comment is, people like you (the person who wrote this) represent everything that is wrong with this country. Ignorance, forcing your religion on others, stupidity, did I leave anything out?
I bet you're not going to post this, can't take the criticism.
Anime makes us happy, leave us alone

Oh boy... (none / 0) (#329)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 05:48:45 PM PST
Satanic powers? Give me a break... Like shooting a blast of energy from your hand is 'satanic'. And since when does the bible say anything about these being 'satanic' powers. I've never heard anything about some guy running around with a spunky haircut and loose orange robes blasting the Holy City to pieces...

And then assaulting geeks. Geeks (or "computer literate" as we liked to be called) shape society today. So much in fact, they sacrifice their appearance and social life for YOUR greater good, so that you can go out and start a stupid argument over animation. And I say, if they want to admire the human form (of which, they sacrificed), LET THEM. So there. Without them, you wouldn't have this site to post your extremist filth on.

Also, assaulting other cultures. It's not like America's ideas are original. Nearly every major culture has given something, from architecture to government to entertainment. And I say, if you want to be a Puritan, build yourself a time machine, hit the 17th cnetury, and DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH, YOUR BODIES EATEN ALIVE BY RATS AND YOUR "FELLOW CHRISTIANS". That's what a "model Christian civilization" gets you.

Face it, idiot. You need other cultures. So, if you want to be pure of all foreign cultures, don't eat pizza (and a lot of other foods), don't use your toilet (forign invention), and don't drive a car from another country.

Then tell me how you feel about anime.

- Rune, Loyal Fan of Anime

A vast misrepresentation of anime. (none / 0) (#333)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 06:46:16 PM PST
I found a great deal wrong with this article, not content wise but argument wise. Jon is entitled to his opinion, and as long as he follows the laws he proclaims to adhere to as a Christian he deserves some respect. However, like many people have said before this article was poorly researched. What led Jon to look at only hentai as a representation of anime? That is only a small percentage of anime films and shows. If by watching only a few scenes of anime and claiming your educated enough on the subject to make a verified, indisputable opinion on it, that would be the same as saying I could read the first five books of the Old Testament and start giving opinions about the Bible. Surely Jon would agree that only reading Genesis through Deuteronomy would leave a thoroughly incomplete analysis of the Christian Bible. Or worse yet, what if one was just to read certain passages of the Bible? If the only passage one read from the Bible was Exodus 21:17 (And he that insults his father or his mother, is to be put-to-death, yes, death), that person would think that the killing of their son or daughter would be justified if they mouthed off to them. Furthermore, Jon goes into detail describing that as adults we must give up childish things. But does not Matthew 18:2 state (And he called a child over, had her stand in front of them, and said, "I swear to you, if you don't do an about-face and become like children, you'll never enter Heaven's domain.) Indeed, some shows like CardCaptor Sakura and Nadia and the Mysterious Blue Sea best show the qualities of innocence and children that so many of HollyWood's adult entertainment has nothing of. I'm sure your opinions are well founded, but your writing has caused many that have read this to automatically discount your opinion as not worthy of having, and consequentally they might dismiss Christianity alltogether. If one more soul enters the fires of hell because of your efforts than is saved, does that not make you an aid to the devil? I urge you, please, to make your arguments a bit more informative and supported, so as to actually promote mature discussion. Do this and I'm sure you'll see much less of those who use four-lettered words in their responses. Also, could you please take the images of Jesus off of pornographic images? I find them offensive and deplorable, as while I watch anime I hate hentai and consider it beneath me.

Anime (none / 0) (#334)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:24:59 PM PST
Well, I can't say some animes arent totally clean and unhentai-less, and stuff like that. In fact, I am even in an anti-hentaisquad.
if you wanna go see.
Anyway, I'm just a little kid and stuff, so maybe my views don't *really* count, but you've only watched *two* animes out of the many. Well, in my country, people dub and censor some of the animes, for example, Rurouni Kenshin, Card Captor Sakura, Slam Dunk, Flame of Recca, Fushigi Yuugi, Pokemon Digimon etc etc. I'm not too happy about that, because it destroys the story but I guess its basically for the children's good i guess. I would of course have flamed you and stuff, but nvm. Thing is, get your facts right first before you go make a website flaming anime. I havnt read all of the flames that have been posted to you, but out of the ones i have read none of them have actually been fully agreeing with you.


Evil is evil (none / 0) (#338)
by Mrpenpen on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:32:43 PM PST
Anime is anime.We cant say anything more about that.How you said anime is a disease got me thinking.Yes,anime is a disease.Just like Jesus,it spreads out and touches others.(sorry,a real diease is something harmfull,i know) I my self am a Christian and understand how you feel,but you can't judge a whole category just like that. Weapons,is it evil.Some says yes,but the Bible itself is a weapon for us Christians.Animation is its own thing.Evil is evil period,but their are some who think evil is good.Its not,because its evil (makes sense).I know a lot of anime has things that are disturbing and wicked,but thats just a portion.When God destoryed Sodom and Gormorrah,everyone was wicked and evil.I see nothing wrong with Japan?The main Religion isn't Christianality,but yet there are those who are Christians living their and one day I wish to visit Japan.Would that make me evil,no!

I think you said something about starting a crusade?Don't forget the tragic Christians who started the crusades way back then.They killed many people just to show that their God was the true God.Jesus tells us that that wasn't the way.You hould love one another just like he loved us.(I mot a hippie,on drugs,mest up or anything.just for those with sick thoughts about others.)

Ok,I'll repeat myself now.Animation is Animation.if you don't like it,then please don't watch it.Their are some that even terrifies me and guess what,I leave it alone.Your pictures are quite disturbing.Those are what you may call hentai,which is its own category.if a tree fell and crushed your family,you wouldn't go around saying all trees are bad.Art is something that has no meaning.We put meaning into art,thus we give anime characters a fake soul.Like common movies out their,they can make us sad,angry,or confuse us.They could lead people away from God or to him.Drugs in general can help someone get better or like you've said,lead them away from Churches.Think about what your saying,because you've just said that all animation was evil.I didnt comment anything about what your religion believed in,so don't criticize my Christian faith.

Evil is relative (none / 0) (#387)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 04:31:58 AM PST
Imagine you and I are in an argument. I know for an absolute certain fact that I'm right and you're wrong. You know without a shadow of a doubt that you're right and I'm wrong. I'm good and you're evil. Or are you good and I evil? It's all point of view.
I happen to think 'Dumb and Dumber' to be a stupid movie. My best friend thinks it's a great film. Which of us is right? Is there any way to change our opinions? Thus, is there any point at all in arguing the point at all?
In my opinion, weapons are neither good nor evil. As inanimate objects, I feel that they are neutral. It is up to the one who puts them to use who decides whether they are to be used for good or evil. And yes, I believe that, sometimes, injuring or killing another human being is in the best interests of the majority.
Animation, or even any form of art at all, is neither good nor evil, the way I see it. You get what you get out of it, and no two people will feel completely and totally exactly the same on a subject. Everyone sees things slightly differently, and the illustrative arts are no different. I, personally, don't like most western cartoons. It all just seems to be plotless drivel to me. Anime, however, has actual plots and storylines that make sense, and move the series along until a final end. Not, as in the case with western shows, cancellation from low ratings.
I'm probably just restating many opints already adressed, but I feel them to be important, if only to myself.

--Nintaku, the Weirdboy

'Don't be weird boy.' -That one guy from Road Rovers. You know the one.

Yea (none / 0) (#492)
by Mrpenpen on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 10:52:12 PM PST
I agree with you there.Anime is a "topic" so you can think whatever you wany with it.I was applying that it was its own thing.We can't say that anime is anymore than anime,but everyone has its own view.If you wanted to call anime evil,then anime is evil to you.By saying that,your saying everything that deals with anime is evil.I don't know if you agree with this,but anime is anime and evil is evil.If we were arguement and you knew that you were right.I at the same time knew that I was right to,then its like you said.But heres my point.If you think something is good,then it must be good.It cannot be evil and so on.No matter the view of it,it could only mean one thing.You could think you were evil and yet evil could mean good for you,but then you think your good.So your good then.That only means one thing.Anime is a category that people have different views in,but no matter what,anime will always be anime,unless you change what it stands for(meaning wise).

anime n 1: a hard copal derived from an African tree [syn: Zanzibar copal] 2: any of various resins or oleoresins [syn: gum anime]

Anim'e \A"ni*m['e]`\, a. [F., animated.] (Her.) Of a different tincture from the animal itself; -- said of the eyes of a rapacious animal. --Brande & C.

an�i�ma�tion (n-mshn)
The act, process, or result of imparting life, interest, spirit, motion, or activity.
The quality or condition of being alive, active, spirited, or vigorous.

The art or process of preparing animated cartoons.
An animated cartoon.

These where from a dictionary.Animation has different meanings for people,but Animation will always be animation.You cannot say your hand is your feet unless you make that change.I hope didnt confuse you and I hope that you got what I ment.I understood what you said and it was true.

Anime/Manga, an 'evil'? (none / 0) (#339)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:49:22 PM PST interesting. Mr. Erikson, while you raise a few possibly valid points, you also blow many others way out of proportion.

First, you claim the anime genre is specifically aimed at polluting the minds of Americans, or rather, Christian Americans. This cannot be. Anime producers, like any other company, are in business to make money. America is a minority market for anime, while Japan is the target audience for these productions. It's why a lot of the jokes and humorous notes in these films make no sense when brought to an American audience; they were cultural jokes meant for the Japanese. They would be losing a lot of money by marketing primarily to the United States, as anime is still a small industry here, and few people purchase enough films for it to be truly profitable.

Next, you claim the protagonists and villains in anime invariably use satanic powers. You used the examples of Princess Monokoke (sp?) and Dragonball Z. Admittedly, I'm unfamiliar with the former. The latter however, I have watched a few episodes of; much to my dismay since it's of exceedingly low quality. However, the characters in 'DBZ' do not use satanic powers. Rather, they fight using purely physical, if not exactly factual, talents. One of these is 'ki' or 'chi', an energy many martial arts styles claim can be focused to enhance a person's abilities. Granted, none of these styles teach that one can shape their ki into some sort of fireball and direct it at their enemy, but this is the origin of it; not Satan.

You believe the "heroes" in these films retire to give thanks to their dark gods once they win. I cannot see a case of this in Dragonball Z, though it's possible you're interpreting things differently than I am, and I have only seen maybe three episodes of it. However, I have seen several other series and find this to be an incorrect statement. I will outline an example below.

The popular series "Mobile Suit Gundam" is a sci-fi political war story, religion is mostly mentioned by frantic pilots, commanders comitting to risky plans, and so forth, no goat sacrificing or blood drinking is involved. None of the heroes or villains actively worship Satan or any other "dark deity"; though a few villains (They are /clearly/ shown as villains, mind you.) worship themselves. If you're willing, you can see the '0080: War in the Pocket' part of the series on Cartoon Network, weekdays at about 11 P.M. CST; though it will likely be cycled off for the next part of this series soon. While not exactly a Christian series, it promotes none of the values you slam the genre for.

You also claim anime promotes paedophilia. Bear in mind that many cultures place the age of consent differently than we do; many of them set it at 15-16, as opposed to 18. The implications to a Japanese viewer of a female character in swimwear or similar 'revealing' outfits are quite a bit different than they are to those of us here in America. Even so, many of the protagonists in anime are properly 'chaste' until marriage; at least if they can work up the nerve to get that far with a woman. Many cannot (And thusly are too nervous to do anything improper to a lady, regardless of her age), despite being excellent choices for it, with strong moral codes that in many ways mirror Christianity's Ten Commandments; "Thou shalt not steal", "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife", etc. They even balk at certain notions from other religions and socities, such as polygamy.

Also, you say that anime is marketed to children, or at least teens. This may be, but parental control plays a factor here. All anime sold in America, regardless of actual series content, is specifically labeled for sale to people of 18 years or older. This is to say that if you're under such an age, a parent must buy it for you. If the film does have objectionable content, it will clearly say so on the back, in perfectly legible type.

Please be aware that Anime did not 'steal from Disney.' Rather, classical Disney, once it filtered to Japan, (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, etc.) is often cited as a reason anime became so popular in Japan. In more recent years however, there has been some controversy over Disney's "The Lion King", which is reportedly a ripoff of "Kimba the White Lion", a 'classic' anime film.

Please, if you're going to slam an entire genre as evil, be more deliberate in your research. You missed a whole load of series that don't fit a single one of your accusations, with the more recent Gundam airings being only a small sample.

And for the record, while I am an avid anime fan, I am also considered a fine citizen in my community. I have no criminal record, no links to occult behavior (Unless you consider Roleplaying Games and Anime as something that encourage killing someone and drinking their blood, though neither of these influence have given me even so much as the slightest temptation to do so), and am generally regarded as honest and fair. This is despite the fact I am noticably unreligious, since I believe that religions only cause conflict with one another, leading to eventual wars, hate-crimes, and other such horrible things. I find it offensive that you'd consider me "naive", since I am in the "Teen/Young Adult" target demographic you noted in your article; most of my friends will tell you I'm a diehard cynic, not naive.

Should you wish to contact me, feel free; I'm sure my email address will be embedded into this post somewhere. Though I'll be disappointed indeed if I'm signed up for religious mailing lists as a result of posting here.

- Joe Mannix

wrong targets (none / 0) (#340)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 07:53:05 PM PST
First off, I REALLY hope that this is just overdone sarcasm. If not, I'd like to ask, sir, why this "crusade" isn't bent on destroying pornography producers, stars, or directors? But don't attempt to gain any backers that are racist against the Japanese or the products they make. That will merit you a smacking. courtesy of me.

haahaaahaaa! (none / 0) (#345)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:49:43 PM PST
this is the funniest shit i have heard. You sound like my mother an over-rightous fool, you hold yourself on such high ground that you fail to see the truth, and that is that you dont decide what is "good" or "bad" and that HELLO! this is a free country where people can do or say whatever the hell they want all provided it is within the confinds of the law. Get off your moral high horse and pull the huge stick out of your ass, while women are being opressed, children are dieing of starvation and the men and women are figthing for a better world all you can do is complane about cartoons, if you dont like manga,anime, hentai or whatever DONT LOOK AT IT because well you sure seem to be getting one hell of a kick out of looking at the 'evil' manga. ps: religion is not the best way to back up any arument, reilgion is a joke though some have very good teachings, can you believe in a pick'n'choose which is all that any religion is. made up stuff and stuff from other religions, hey chatholisism pulls the majority of its rituals from those 'evil' pagans(think about that why dont you?)

Losen up, this guys a fool (none / 0) (#346)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:50:07 PM PST
<img border="0" src="">

A Query (none / 0) (#347)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 08:51:29 PM PST
"...foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer. This is clearly not true..."


"...alien ideas that are an affront to God and our Founding Fathers."


"...the English culture apes our own enough so that there is little harm to be had."


"When we become adults we put childish things behind us, and cartoons, whilst of invaluable aid in entertaining and educating children, are of no use to a healthy adult of sound mind and firm moral base."


"These films all fall into the fantasy and science-fiction genres (which are little more than a hotbed of paganism and Satanism anyway)"


"Never before have I seen such a celebration of violence and Satanism, and to see it in a medium designed to entice children had me gripping the edge of my seat in righteous outrage."


"What kind of sick mind could conceive of such a vicious assault on the kind of decent Christian values that made America the greatest nation on Earth?"


"It became clear only after watching several of the so-called classics (as if any film made less than fifty years ago could be termed a classic!)"

Why not?

"...the most naive and vulnerable segments of our population - teenagers and college students."


"...the Christian ethics that separate us from savages."


"...the values that made this country the greatest in the world..."


(apologies for any confusion resulting from out-of-context quotes)

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never shared
And no one dared
Disturb the Sound of Silence
- Simon & Garfunkel, Sound of Silence, 1964

Anime... (none / 0) (#349)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 09:31:42 PM PST
If anyone bothered to read mine...

I was a Christian. I was watching anime at the same time. No BAD INFLUENCE ever interrupted my faith to God. I believe He existed. I believe Jesus exists too. What He has done was great. I truly am sorry for you Jon, for you have not acknowledge the true christianity. I've seen better true Christians then you. If you even have the time to read all these comments in the net, why aren't you in the streets looking for God's people and sharing God's news to others? God don't need more enemies against Himself, for what I know, you're abusing God's name.

Currently, I am not a Christian. I am glad I was one to judge for myself what you wrote in your article. You are definitely losing this "war" against people who are watching animes.

One more point, even a 12-year-old kid (posted his comments above) are much clearer in his beliefs then you are. I'm surprised his parents didn't post here and tell you how this kid is growing in his faith unlike you. Grow up, you need to move on.

--Jane--(From ADJ) <--- That's an anime club if you would like to do your research on. Unfortunately, it has closed down for a while, coming back one month later. Or not, find me at AN (, my nick is urd_takako. (Please don't visit the hentai section, it's just there unfortunately) and one more point, please don't sign up as a member, i think most would be unhappy with an anti-Japanese. Read what is there for your information and widen your knowledge on anime. Remember, don't post!

Umm, one more thing to say... (none / 0) (#356)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 10:48:56 PM PST
By the way, the post of the 12 year old kid is #256 Manwell from USA ^^

this is crap (none / 0) (#350)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 09:35:06 PM PST
Listen you guys. This article is bull. These Japanese Anime/Manga films and comics. DO have different target genrers. These "indecent" films are all classified as what you would call HENTAI or ETCHI. which basically means Erotic Anime and are NOT meant for people under the age of 18. and secondly, these people can't be called "SATANIC" because, in Japanese culture they don't belive in a SATAN. IF your're not happy. Dont watch it.

Hmmm. (none / 0) (#354)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 10:27:45 PM PST
Well this is all very interesting.
Some may say I'm ignorant, some may say I'm informed, some may have no idea what I'm talking about but I know who I am and where I stand on this issue.
I do disagree with Mr. Erikson and his viewpoints on anime. What you have done sir, is pull an entire genre out of context and throw it out after scratching the surface. I agree with the person up there somewhere who said that it is like saying "all American made movies are pornography." Yes I actually spent time reading through these comments.
Mr. Erikson, it is true that the Japanese are fascinated with childlike behavior, but that in and of itself is not a bad thing. Americans are adopting that philosophy as well, so do not cite it as a Japanese problem please.
Also, I do happen to be a Christian. I was saddened by some of the comments of Christians on here. Whether or not they are actual believers, I can't tell, I can't read hearts. There is only one requirement to be called a Christian in God's eyes if you would like to look up John 3:16. Yes, many people know it, but I never even thought about it really until about a year ago.
Anyway, it is true that the Bible asks us to behave a certain way as Christians in order to effectively share our truth. Since we are human however, we will fail most of the time. It does not mean we will go straight to hell however. Nor does it state anywhere in the Bible that enjoying a cartoon will throw us from God's grace. It is a permanent grace, one which never leaves. I learned this personally, and if you want, ask me about it.
I do not advocate hentai as a form of entertainment, don't misunderstand. However I do like anime, and I don't believe it is bad for an adult to enjoy it.
Really that is mostly all I had to say. Oh, I also would like to respond to the person who called me a bigot... I know it wasn't directed at me personally, however since you don't know me, I don't feel you are qualified to make that judgement. But thanks anyway, that comment inspired me to respond.
Have a good day everyone.
AIM: TrippyChristy

Otaku of the World, UNITE!!! (none / 0) (#355)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 1st, 2001 at 10:35:35 PM PST
(For those of you who have never seen online role-playing syntax before, in this thread double colons will indicate actions (::the boy throws the ball::. Now that that's been made clear, we may begin.)

::A young man steps forth, carrying a soap box and a pulpit. He places the pulpit down in front of the large crowd, and adjusts the mike to his 6' 2" height. Clearing his throat, he pulls a sheet of paper out of a pocket and unfolds it. He spreads it out on the pulpit, and begins to read.::

Geeks, Otaku, Nerds, lend me your browsers! Our way of life is under assault! Those who would oppress us and and put us down have made themselves known. This one, a Mr. Jon Erickson, is thier chief combatant, with many who follow his anal-retentive banner. Arise, and fight this menace to free thinking and understanding! This great menace attempts to destroy that which we hold most dear, the unique, beautiful art that anime is. These crimes cannot, MUST not go ignored! Together, we will crack this shell of ignorance and show Jon, and those who follow his ways, the truth about what anime and manga are really like. Otaku of the world, UNITE!

::The young man folds up the piece of paper, stuffs it back into his pocket, and walks off, leaving the pulpit there for whoever chooses to take it next.::

On religion (none / 0) (#362)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 01:15:19 AM PST
I came across this, and There's simply far too much to read in one sitting... It's too much of the same.

Anime for me has been very entertaining and very mind engaging in some ways.
I won't even bother arguing that point.
People should be free to expose themselves to whichever media they choose (coming from someone who saw Terminator Two when he was seven years old :-P ) As long as their fully aware of the real world, and of themselves, so they don't get influenced. (On a side note, i don't think that media influences anyone in any way, at least not at the level of peers and parent/guardians, but anyway...)

I'd rather take on the religious comments I ran across, I find them far more offensive, and dangerous.

As an American Reconstructionist Jew, I think that the Richeous Christian attitude being displayed is downright frightening. Just when I think this fine nation has taken a step forward, I am reminded that there are those that exist that are prepared to humiliate and pain us all in the name of their own personal agendas and 'moral objections.'

Your opinions on anime i didn't find all too offensive, but the religious zeal is something that we need to all work together to put at rest.

BTW- from what i heard about this jesus fellow, he was a pretty neat guy- i really do. But you shouldn't go on a mission to disrupt other people's lives in his name.

What is Evil? (none / 0) (#364)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 01:21:32 AM PST
Jon Erickson, I admit now that I am a teenager, and quite possibly a geek. But I feel that I need to speak.
I am indeed a Christian. I find the Hentai very disturbing, though not anime. But problems are not strictly from outside America. There are several evils in this country as outside. I have found such to be Playboy, our obsession with materials, and the greed and corruption in business and law. We often seem as a society run on money, and this does not strike me as better than another country.
I believe I understand how you feel, though I am not sure. You are looking for a way to know that you are winning God's favor, and a point where blame can be placed. However, your methods are incorrect. You are judging. "Do not Judge, lest you be judged," you must have heard several times. "You hypocryte, first take the log out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." This is the exact quote, Matthew, 7:5.
I am not thinking of you as evil, or anything else. I mean only to inform you of what you are doing. However, I do wish to tell you a few more things. First, it seems to profane holy pictures to use them as censor bars. Second, you need to be stronger faith if a picture can do that much to you. I may be wrong, but If you are corrupted by a cartoon, then you may have dificulty surviving a true test of your faith. Third, I would hold back on references to the Crusades. In my mind, it shows one of the Christians' greatest evils, to conquer land slaying those who we should have been trying to save. Fourth, your approach seems to have an effect of scaring could-be christians. I have a cousin, and I believe your approach scared her from becoming christian.
Last, ours is a religion to be based off of love, not hate. Hatred is what kills so many, what caused the Terrorist attacks. You do not argue with love, but hate. I understand that it is sometimes difficult when trying to live in this world, but don't ever forget, Jesus died on the cross to save us from sin, out of love. He did not want His children to bicker in this manner, and He did not want them to judge each other in petty ways such as differences in culture.
I pray that you have the wisdom to understand what is right.

I cannot believe the bigotry and racism... (none / 0) (#365)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 01:32:49 AM PST
OK, this is just ridiculous. I'm a proud Christian, but I am also an anime fan, and I am an engaged 20-year old female. Upon reading your article, I have to say you are taking things entirely too far!! Obviously you are basing your entire article on nothing more than rumours that you have heard about anime and manga in general - the majority of anime, while it does not hold "Christian" values as it were (it's from Japan, and the major religion there is Buddhism, NOT Christianity), are not nearly the slimy pits of filth and degredation that you describe so avidly. That's the problem, though - people hear stories about tentacles, scantily-clad women, rape, heads being chopped off, and blood spraying the screen, and that's all they think about whenever they hear the words "anime" or "Japan". Some anime is indeed like the above, but it's certainly not aimed at children!!

Anime is not all about tentacles, naked orgies, and "wide-eyed temptresses". Again I will state that you have obviously NEVER seen ANY real anime whatsoever, or if you have, you've gone and picked up blatantly hentai (pornographic) titles that ARE NOT AIMED AT CHILDREN. I do not believe that you "began to engage in an intense bout of research, forcing [your]self to watch hour after hour of this immoral filth." I read some of the posts following your bigoted call to action, and someone asked you what titles you watched. Your reply was that you watched "Dragonballs" and "Princess Moloko", which, if I'm guessing correctly would be "Dragonball" and "Princess Mononoke" - neither of which contain ANY hentai at all!! An innocent showing of a 5-year-old boy's rear was censored out of the American version of Dragonball, anyway, so it's not as if American children are being shown full-frontal nudity or something.

Let me do a little story summary for you here - Dragonball is about a young kid with a tail named Goku who likes to eat a lot and is on a quest to collect 7 little golden balls with stars on them. That's so evil! But wait, there's MORE! Princess Mononoke is about a girl raised by wolves and a boy who leaves his village to find a way to cure his afflicted arm and when the two of them get together they save the forest from people who want to cut it down for industrialization!! Oh my GOODNESS!! They're showing CONSERVATION of RESOURCES to children?! Dear Lord, what have they done?! It's all a big Liberalistic conspiracy!! And would the fact that that movie was released in the US by your beloved Disney mean anything to you?

No matter what you may think, Japanese families do not all gather together naked in a little rice-paper hut on straw mats with a big steaming bowl of rice and squid guts to have family time to chant heathen prayers to the tree spirits, slaughter goats, and watch young girls being raped by tentacled aliens from outer space. Anime that is targeted towards adults is marketed as such, and anime that is created for children is likewise marketed towards the children.

And the comment that other cultures have nothing to offer? Excuse me, but we would not BE here if other cultures were not involved. America was formed FROM those other cultures that you seem so bigoted towards. Tell me - what is your lineage? You're sure as hell not 100% pure-bred American - there IS no such thing - your distant ancestors had to come from SOMEWHERE and I'd be willing to wager that they were of mixed descent themselves. Also, go read your Bible again. WHERE in there does it say that Jesus was from America...? Oh yeah, WAIT, America was only founded in 1776. Gee, I guess since Jesus wasn't an American and because he was a Jew (not a "Christian" since Christianity was not AROUND YET) he's evil too, right? Other cultures are so evil - though wait, wasn't it God Himself who created the separate cultures and races at the Tower of Babel? And Israel? It's another culture so, as you said NOTHING good comes from other cultures... So that's why God chose the UNITED STATES as the Holy Land - oh WAIT, no, that's not right... Something to think about.

Also, would you do me another favor? Go through your house. Look on the tags on your clothing, the brand of your household applicances, the places you got your furniture from, the manufacturer of your car and the parts used to create it, your television, your shoes, your COMPUTER, and let me know what you find. Done? Yeah, that's what I thought. You probably found quite a few labels of items from China, Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand. But what are you doing with such Satanic items?! You are surely going to HELL because you have a toilet seat that was made by a little orphaned Chinese kid who gets paid three cents a week to work in a sweatshop!

As for "what kind of grown adult watches cartoons"... If you had done ANY research whatsoever you would find that the major percentage of people that watch anime are, in fact in their upper teens to late twenties. Especially in America. And "Satanic powers"? Where are you getting this? I would really love to know what titles you're watching, because MY WORD, I've NEVER seen anything like what you describe so superfluously as "an orgy of blood and dismembered limbs the forces of 'good' are victorious and undoubtedly retire to give thanks to their evil master". Right. Card Captor Sakura takes her little wand and bludgeons people to a bloody pulp in every episode, while SailorMoon and her friends all gang-rape kids on the playground. Meanwhile all those little Satanic Japanese kids are jumping up and down with their shiny little barbed pitchforks saying, "More, more!"

I don't think you have any right to be filled with "righteous outrage" when you don't even understand fully what it is you are talking about. You obviously have no knowledge of the genre, stating such un-educated comments as anime pushing for "the dissemination of psychopathic and anti-Christian messages" or "promoting the idea that paedophilia is good". (Do you even know what all those big words mean, there, buddy?)

Wait! Oh my, you're right, how could I have been so blind - Japan IS trying to destroy America!! I mean, HEAVENS, we're only their chiefest means of trade and supply!! Without the US, Japan could dominate the WORLD! And since they're obviously trying to brainwash our teens - oh hey, wait - didn't you just say that no adults watch cartoons? So why did you say that they are targeting teenagers and college students, when just a little while before you were raving about it being aimed at our poor defenseless children? Do you know that turning on the evening NEWS is worse than most anime content? Yeah. I can tell you did research on this.

I would also like to know this - how can you say that Sleeping Beauty and Snow White are any better than anime? There is death, witches, sorcery, magic, and faries in that - aren't those movies Satanic too? How about Mulan (the one about the CHINESE girl that saved her nation), or Beauty and the Beast (the sorceress turned him into a beast and there is TALKING CUTLERY), Aladdin (a GENIE, magic carpets, and evil wizards), The Little Mermaid (with the evil magic-wielding octopus), or Cinderella (fairy godmothers and talking mice)? Or are you just having it out for Japanese animation because you're bigoted? And I don't want to hear the excuse that just because someone besides the original company might make a hentai film or doujinshi (fan comic) using a charater that the character or show is in turn evil and corrupt - people make pornographic Disney images too, and as you've already said, Disney is wonderful.

Oh, and, I hate to break it to you - America is not some shining paragon. We are the leading producers of pornography and paedophilia in the WORLD. Our founding fathers weren't the best people either - they had flaws too, there, pal. I mean they owned slaves, and had affairs (sometimes WITH the slaves), and lied. Ooooh. I'm also noticing a trend here - you're really hyped on this Liberalist conspiracy to unite with Japan and destroy the nation, huh?

As my final note in this letter, I will state that I think using images of Christ and the Madonna to censor little girls' nipples and spread-eagled genitals is a little tacky and slightly blasphemous, don't you? Oh my, little black bars aren't good enough - let's desecrate Christ and Mary while we're on this big finger-pointing, hate-spreading spree!


Yeah, i know you won't read this all (5.00 / 2) (#374)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 03:43:14 AM PST
Since it's been said already. You know Jon and Adam, you disgust me. I'm a girl, a Christian, a conservative, and a future missionary. People like you are more detrimental to the cause of Christ than any satanist.

Now, I can't believe I wasted so much time here, but, I'm obessessive compulsive >_>

Now, here's the part you won't read cause you're sick of hearing. ^_^ (<---not boobs, you boob.)

Sorry if it's not too well thought out, it was hard to concentrate when I was so mad at someone so stupid.

1) Of erikson's essay

"In recent years there has been a growing trend amongst radical youth elements of American society for cultural relativism, the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer"

That is NOT cultural relativism. Cultural relativism is the idea that morality is only dependent on the culture it is in. That means, whaveter a certain culture considers morality IS morality in that certain culture.

"This is clearly not true, and anyone that cares to take the time to do the research will find that the US is by far the world's greatest nation in terms of any statistic that matters"

No, the country with the highest quality of life is ANGOLA not the US

"what kind of grown adult watches cartoons"

You narrow minded idiot. Just because most cartoons in the US are children's plots. Just because they're not exactly like you. Geez. Plus, adults watch cartoons. Cartoons are great. Bite me.

"Upon my first encounter with this foriegn plague I was shocked at the gratuitous use of violence and anti-Christian symbolism"

Okay, you obviously don't watch American tv, which is just as bad if not worse. And the pictures YOU show are from "hentai" the equivalent to pornography, not mainstream. You know, the US has porn too. Sorry if this comes as a shock to you.

And you shame any republican to imply that political disagreement with you means it's evil.

The popularity of Japanese animation and manga (manga is comic books you idiot, not animation) has only increased because American industries are only producing the same mindless crap as I Love Lucy over and over for 50 years.

"In a cheap trick the perverts that create manga films have stolen their animation techniques from Disney"

You idiot! Oh my gosh! DISNEY stole THEIR ideas! For example, Atlantis was a shameless reproduction of Nadia a film from the early 90's! Disney licenses good films just to keep them on the shelf so that they can keep the control over american animation. And if a parent is stupid enough to let their children watch shows meant for older audiences, then, it doesn't matter if the shows are Japanese or American. American is just as bad if not worse, since American shows are shallow nowadays

"I found myself watching these succubi again and again, mesmerised and unable to comprehend such un-Christian filth. "

Okay, so, you're blaming THEM for YOU watching porn. Not all Japanese animation is porn. you sick hypocrite

Multiculturalism itself is not evil! You are so obviously prejudiced.

And since WHEN has the USA been a Christian country? Never you idiot. And don't you say that the founding fathers made it that way. That's bull. They based their theories off secular philosphers that proceeded them. The Christian references they made were merely because of the false blanket of Christianty most of them had. Everyone back then was a "Christian"

2) of the second responder.

Okay, I know you're being sarcastic, but the true God doesn't hate non Christians. I for one am so extremely embarrassed by this fool that makes Christians and conservatives look so pathetically idiotic and bigoted

Yes, I know, many religions references are similar to Christianity. I think that just shows how we are all searching for the truth, and know deep inside what it is. Hence, the similarities.

3) of kitsune aywen

um, the Christmas tree isn't in the Bible

I love the ^_^ smiley. It kicks :)'s butt. Okay, sorry, that's unrelated. hehe

4) for that wonderful philosophy major

"Approach them, "open minded", not open minded to the point of accepting every new idea, but to the point of removing Christian blinders, "

Okay, don't start grouping all Christians into the false cover that even the KKK uses for an excuse, okay? ^_~

5) of the idiot after him


Um, no. God has different callings for different people. Not every Christian is called to be a missionary you know.

6) um, someone else

"I'll take it that you have never ever heard of Pokemon or Digimon?

btw, If you are going to censor it properly ... do it with black tape... not with silly images"

Oh, I agree. Using those catholic symbols in THAT way is more offensive than the pictures themselves

"Asserting that there is nothing to learn from any other culture is a sickening, racist statement. Jesus taught acceptance of all regardless of race, social position, or religious standpoint."

So true.

"P.S. I am both a Christian and an anime viewer. They are not mutually exclusive."

Me too.

7) of Binary Tree

"I'm curious, where did they originate? I'm guessing they were the experiments of some Berkeley artists doing too much acid in the 60's that unfortunately caught on, but I could be wrong."

....Just because something's different. You fool. And their eyes are MUCH more intricate than most american animation ever was. Definitely not an acid trip, but a talented artist

If you're not willing to watch something, don't criticize it. "anime" is FAR from bugs bunny

8) of Kiri

"In real life, good does not always win. It's the same in anime, though most often there /are/ happy endings. "

So true. It's not constant mindless drivel as the opponents of anime seem to like.

9) replying to some more idiots

"By contrast, in Japan it is common to see grown men reading puerile comic books whose contents are little more than mindless titilation, likewise, Japanese cinema consists largely of cartoons featuring young girls being raped by aliens."

Bull, haven't you heard of american penthouse and playboy? and the cinema does NOT 'consist largely' of hentai. You are so prejudice. You know, we're not at war with Japan anymore. Stop listening to the propaganda

"Japanese music, to cite another example, is well known for the widespread popularity "Pop Idoru" phenomenon, in which adolescents sing corny lyrics set to saccharine tunes"

....And american culture is full of sh*t like nsync! geez. and you've obviously never listened to anything like their rock or classical.

"It is embarrassing to think that a culture whose proud traditions include, Zen Bhuddism, Noh plays, and the Samurai tradition is now primarily famous for inventing Pokemon."

Only famous for that in America because closed minded idiots like you and companies like disney that don't want to lose money to stuff they KNOW is better hype things like pokemon up. You completely ignore the worthwhile stuff.

10) of adam 'rightmann'

"One thing, I've noticed that many geeks like manga and anime. Many of this same demographic also like computer games and pornography. There seems to be a common thread, a desire for some adult rights, but a lack of adult responsibility and a desire to stay immature forever, perhaps a Peter Pan syndrome. "

Oh please! What a stupid excuse. What kind of jerk calls people who don't agree with him geeks? I'm a pre nursing major, I don't like porn, or play computer games, and a girl, I have a social life. And I know plenty like me. I know responsible hard working fathers that like anime.

"Is there any hope for these emotionally retarded geekfolk? "

Oh my gosh I think I almost hate you.

11) of jon boy again

"I myself have noticed that there seems to be a lot of fairies amongst "geek" and Liberal elements. "

You are such a creep. If you're some loving Christian, how dare you isolate a whole group. You're just like the pharisees in Jesus' day.

"There is always hope for even the most hardened sinner, as anyone but a Catholic would realise"

What the heck! You're insulting catholics too!? Sure, they aren't exactly perfect, but it's people like you that make the divisions between the denominations so awful.

12) of ravnos

"But since your stance is obviously immovable on christianity being anything but the one, right, true way to live I won't go TOO far into arguing that all semetic based religions are a bunch of bunk"

Okay, you're just as bad as our 'friend' jonny here

"Moving on, Christianity has MORE PAGANISM IN IT than an anime fil could ever HOPE to achieve And that's just ONE example - don't forget about easter, oops, I mean ishtar."

Hehe, yes, the europeans did merge that name with the resurrection of Christ, but you know "easter" the name is not in the Bible either. Don't blame true practicing Christians for the ignorance of others.

Christmas TREES, all that crap, are just secular additions. Not christianity itself my dear.

13) *sigh* jon again

"trained from birth into believing in relativism and the cult of science. "

What!? God gave us the intellect for science you idiot. Science does not contradict God. Trained? You're the one that sounds brainwashed with blind faith in something you probably just learned in Sunday school.

"Symbolism that attempts to subvert Christianity obviously. It's hardly a complex phrase is it? "

He's asking for examples. But, Japan is mostly non religious. But guess what, that's the world! How many times did Jesus say that we were just visitors!?

14) Marie

"I think not, especially since I was baptized as one. "

Baptism doesn't make you a Christian

15) the kinda confusing anonymous

"trained from birth into believing in the Word of The Lord "

Jon probably never really studied the Bible. He's been brainwashed into church rituals, not Christian spirituality

16) jon (doesn't he shut up?)

"Exactly! He was a Catholic, who are many things but most certainly not Christian! "

Creep. There ARE catholics who are Christians. They aren't all christians, but, neither is any denomination

17) "Like it or not, Roman Catholics were there first. "

No, they were the first big denomination. Originally, there were no denominations

"Maybe "Virgin Whore" is not a contradiction in terms to you. Maybe Jesus was American, not Palestinian"

Isreal. Not palestine.

(rotflmao at the oxymoron of a virgin whore)

18) "Firstly, immorality is always a relative thing"

umm, no thinking philosopher, left or right thinks that's a valid argument nowadays

"Why do you God hating left leaning hand wringers always try to get leverage out of the phrase 'open your mind'"

....quit grouping all people in a political group into extremists. And for the record, Grave of the fireflies certainly has a lot less to do with selling your soul to the devil, as you put it, than something like the little mermaid.

"The people who want to erode the strong moral base of the United States, "

Oh my gosh, you've got to be kidding? America has always been immoral

"They know that most adults in America are of strong mind and Christian faith and are not as susceptible to their propaganda. "

Most american adults are idiots(you are a perfect example). and just going to church and claiming to be doesn't make them a christian. I can go to a barn once a week, that doesn't make me a farm animal

"You then go on to question Christianity, which just serves to further reinforce your already glaring ignorance"

A true christian DOES question! JOB questioned. Blind faith isn't faith at all! It's ignorance


"You tell me Christians have their morals, was it not them who began the crusades? Killed thousands of Muslims? Aside from this many Christians (and other religeons) seem to put down other religeons claiming theirs the 'True' faith, was not Jesus Christ himself a Jew?"

No, they were power hungry men who went under the guise of Christianity. Um, yes, Jesus was Jewish. Christianity is just the completion of God's promise of a messiah. That's not anti Jewish

"it is quite obvious that Christians with all their high-handedness and beliefs seem to ignore the message Jesus tried to teach. "

Okay, not ALL Christians. You're just as bad as all these other idiots grouping people into one category

"how come he didn't know when Adam and Eve were thinking of eating the fruit?"

He DID know. God loved us enough to give us a CHOICE to follow him. That's what makes us human, instead of robots.

" Before you push such drivel upon others, consider what the bible itself said and understand that the bible is not meant to be interpreted exactly as written, for it was written by men from their understanding of what happened and not by God himself"

The Bible is inspired (means "God BREATHED" in greek). It IS exact interpretation, not a 'take it as you please' How could just people, 40 authors ever make such a work that doesn't ever contradict itself and has never been altered, like so many 'holy' books.

20) "? Do other non-Christians try forcing their religious views on you"

oh, come now, "christians" haven't been the only ones with bad histories.

21) To hikaru

"Did you know that the money spent to keep those filthy rapist American troops in Okinawa are in Japanese yen and not American dollars? You think we actually WANT them there?"

Okay, the surveys done by the Japanese government said that the people around the base did not have averse feelings to them. Sure, there were bad incidents, but you know, Japan isn't crime free anyway.

22) "oh and who did the Salem which hunts...oh they were Christians too....."

They're called extremists you idiot

23) to frosty

Where was God? With us. God gave us a choice to follow Him. We usually don't. So we have to pay the consequences. That's only fair.

I love megatokyo. so :p

24) Deos Arcana

"(Yes, it was a MAN who wrote the Bible, it's not the word straight from God's mouth) "

No, not A man FOURTY! and they were scribes. Not creators. Some things, like the seven days. Hey, if God is God, then sure He can do that. But, you that doesn't make the whole Bible a metaphor. Like God said, those who don't believe can't understand.

"I've realized that perhaps the Christian God DOES exist. Of course, then that means the Jewish God exists. "

Yes, because it's the same God....

And if He exists, then He IS God, and thus the only God. If He contradicted Himself by not being the one true God, he wouldn't be God at all. So, it's completely logical to be monotheistic

"Christians thought the Earth was the center of the universe for over a millenia. They were wrong. If they were wrong about that, what else could they be wrong about? "

Oh geez, the Bible doesn't say that! Just because the Roman Catholics said that, doesn't mean jack. Scientists are wrong too a lot you know, but that doesn't change the scientific facts that already exist. Truth is truth apart from man's flawed opinion. The world being the center of the universe certainly was never a pillar of the Christian doctrine.

2...something, I forget, I've been rambling forever) to Adam right

"but America was founded as a Christian nation"

No it wasn't. I don't like to curse, but you jackass

Didn't say that... (none / 0) (#400)
by Kitsune Aywen on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 05:28:54 AM PST
um, the Christmas tree isn't in the Bible

^^, I realize that full well. I have a lot of respect for thoughtful Christians (two of my best friends are Christians, and if I don't admire them for their open-minded faith (this means they won't close their ears if an alternative is discussed but they will stick with their own believes, without imposting them on others ... ^^) and their conviction.

But there are a lot of Christians who don't even think about it - who don't know that a large part of "Christian" culture is pagan. That was what I was critizising. :)

Kitsune Aywen

wow (none / 0) (#443)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 04:24:38 PM PST
you sure that you are conservative? sounds to me like you are more liberal than you might think :)

look liberal up in the dictionary, it seems like a compliment more than an insult if you ask me.

you made some really good points, thank you for your comments, as i am sure that you just royally pissed off the fundies here :)

Great post (none / 0) (#462)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 10:43:05 PM PST
I'm glade I noticed your post. It saved me the time and effort of typing all that myself. I agree with you completely on all your points save one.

`16) "Firstly, immorality is always a relative thing"

umm, no thinking philosopher, left or right thinks that's a valid argument nowadays'

Morality is a reflection of accepted cultural beliefs and is not absolute. What is a moral change from place to place and time to time. For an example of this simply put on CNN for five minutes. What others consider right you yourself may belie abhorrent.

A very minor point in your otherwise exquisite post.

Btw- I was raised as a Friend (aka. Quaker) though my current beliefs are best described as eclectic, and I am about as leftist as one can be. �:o)

Just a point (none / 0) (#523)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:53:14 AM PST
The Bible does contradict itself. But that's another debate altogether.

Soon to be Elsydeon

YOU KICK ASS GIRL!!! (none / 0) (#707)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 08:04:55 PM PST
Bet he didn't know what hit him... heh... ^^ Look! No reply from him! Is he a 'Man' or WHAT?!?!?!

People like him tend to bring his own demise to his people...

Luckily, SOME people (Like me) don't enjoy attacking people just because they are different race and gender.... No. To me, everyone is equal. No matter of race or gender, EVERYONE is equal, and EVERYONE hsa the same strengths and weaknessess.

Too bad Mr Erikson has no guts to reply to your post.... It was a really informative piece....

YOU KICK ASS GIRL!!! (none / 0) (#708)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 08:05:32 PM PST
Bet he didn't know what hit him... heh... ^^ Look! No reply from him! Is he a 'Man' or WHAT?!?!?!

People like him tend to bring his own demise to his people...

Luckily, SOME people (Like me) don't enjoy attacking people just because they are different race and gender.... No. To me, everyone is equal. No matter of race or gender, EVERYONE is equal, and EVERYONE hsa the same strengths and weaknessess.

Too bad Mr Erikson has no guts to reply to your post.... It was a really informative piece....


Anime Knight

finally (none / 0) (#741)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 08:49:53 PM PST
Well, you just restored my faith in the possibility of human decency in this post. But was it really necessary to engage in name calling with Mr. Rightman?

Will you marry me? (none / 0) (#771)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 17th, 2002 at 10:30:40 PM PST
this girl was pretty detailed. I damn near busted a vien in my headed. amazing she had so many honorable mentions and kept track of all the people on her post. I'm not anti christian but I hope you realize that christian theology has some very similiar aspects that were seemingly borrowed from other cultures. Many of the storys in the bible have shown up in other forms in other cultures way before the bible was written. Who's to say that the bible wasn't written by high ranking priest to keep the general population in check. 2.written by 70 men or so you said, and that it all made sense? you realize with a little creativity from some gifted writers that one story can be created to precede another. Check out Ian fleming, or the sherlock holmes collection. Not very good examples but its late right now as I write this. The sleepyness is setting in, "Um did I just buy a life time supply of anime from ebay"? Damn those american sheeps jumping over that fence? If you would like to have a friendly discussion on what your bible school doesn't teach you than I will surely be happy to expand your already broad horizon. Heres something for you to think about, Most christians agree that it is wrong to kill small children yes? I'm not talking about abortion either thats a whole other issue. But you agree that any that kills small children should be held responsible for their actions right and be punished? Let me ask you this, during the flood of noah, were there small children killed? If so then who is to be held responsible and be punished?

Hm. (5.00 / 1) (#394)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 05:04:45 AM PST
I wonder if this person has sat down and taken the time to examine how much filth comes out of the USA alone? I'm sure you can think of at least one very popular thing.

perhaps you should research the topic first (5.00 / 1) (#398)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 05:13:33 AM PST
Assuming all anime is 'filth' and contains the nudity you showed is a very large error and show of ignorance of the topic on your part. You, just like the advocates of mass videogame censorship only choose to talk about what is right for your purpose, ignoring the hundreds and thousands of anime that don't contain all the things mentioned.

"what kind of grown adult watches cartoons? When we become adults we put childish things behind us, and cartoons, whilst of invaluable aid in entertaining and educating children, are of no use to a healthy adult of sound mind and firm moral base."

So you, being the all-knowing judge on what kind of entertainment an adult should enjoy deem 'cartoons' something for a child only? Your just ignorant. If you would watch something, actually maybe have an open mind to it, you'd see that is truly is geared to adult but not the way you are trying to make it seem. Lets take Cowboy Bebop for example. It's a story of self-exploration, dealing with ones past, etc. Something a child would not understand. But you say that an adult of 'sound mind and firm moral base' shouldn't watch cartoons. Tell me, what's the difference between a fantasy world animated or a fantasy world with real live actors? If anything, the latter is more determental because it seems more real and suspends disbelief.

You should really research what you intend to slander before blindly making invalid assumptions and judgemental comments like the one above.

"Cowboy Bebop" (none / 0) (#454)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 06:48:17 PM PST
"Cowboy Bebop" is an anime about a self-described cowboy with a spaceship. He goes around the solar system solving crimes with his faithful crew of wacky misfits. Are you honestly telling me that this material is geared toward adults? Your argument that it is a 'story of self-exploration, dealing with ones past, etc.' could be similarly applied to the Harry Potter books. Are you saying, then, that Harry Potter belongs beside Shakespeare on the shelves of the literati? Of course not. Such a claim would be just as ludicrous as the claim that "Cowboy Bebop" is suitable for intelligent, responsible adults.

Please.... (none / 0) (#456)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 07:50:01 PM PST
Cowboy Bebop was soooo much more than that! I saw the saw series... and am currently re-watching it.... Does Harry Potter have a past history with a crime syndicate? I think not! The movie could be better compared to Mel Gibson's Payback than Harry Potter....

And what about Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz? Or Fushigi Yugi (or Yuugi... depending on translation format)? Or perhaps a little known classic, about the choice of war, Venus Wars?

A digusted member of intelligent adult society.

CB (none / 0) (#501)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:56:54 AM PST
CB is much more than "an anime about a self-described cowboy with a spaceship." Lets take Spike. At first he seems like a bit of a goof, but if you watch further, you realize that this is man who has had a very dificult life and is trying to move on. In fact, there's a lot of anime that falls along this line. Trigun, one of my favorites, is one of them. The main character just seems like a big blond goofball at first, but realize later he's someone that wants to do good. He never kills anyone, even though he's a crack shot, and he'll do anything to save a life, including laying his life on the line. He seems like a amoral vagabond, because he flirts with every girl he comes across, but he never sleeps with them. In fact, about the only vice he does have is drinking. ~which he's not very good at~ There's also Gundam Wing, the story about 5 young boys who pilot giant robots and end up stopping a very nasty war before it destroys the Earth. I could name several other anime shows that, while not preaching Christaniaty, still embody several virtues that Christans try and teach their children. I'm a Christan myself, and see nothing wrong with most anime. ~true, there is hentai, but that at most is only about 10% of anime out there. probally a lot less then porno movies in our culture~ A lot of anime is aimed at adults, not children. Meaning children aren't supposed to view it. And why should adults watch animated shows? Well for one thing, you can do awesome special effects for very very cheap. Also, anime and mangas are a form of art in Japan. There are tons of manga I enjoy looking at because the artwork is so beautiful. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though the writer of this has probally only seen hentai or border-hentai films, they shouldn't write off the entire anime experience. Would you stop reading entirly just because of a few bad books?

OK... (none / 0) (#553)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 02:44:52 AM PST
Why must one exagerate to make a point whith no real significance?

You said: "Your argument that it is a 'story of self-exploration, dealing with ones past, etc.' could be similarly applied to the Harry Potter books. Are you saying, then, that Harry Potter belongs beside Shakespeare on the shelves of the literati? Of course not. Such a claim would be just as ludicrous as the claim that "Cowboy Bebop" is suitable for intelligent, responsible adults."

What you are about to read are the words of an "intelligent, responsible, young adult." Above you compared Cowboy Bebop to Harry Potter, which isn't very hard to do for the fact that they are both fictionous stories created for the sole purpose of entertainment. Also, if Cowboy Bebop was a novel (which I think there is one for the movie) it could easily be placed right beside Harry Potter and any other work in it's genre. For the fact that both are targeted to a younger audience. Now, making the statement that putting Harry Potter next to Shakespeare would be ludicrous is correct. It would be ludicrous, because literature by Shakespeare is far more diffucult to read and comprehend then something as simple as Harry Potter. It actually confuses the hell out of me that you or anyone else would make that example. I don't even see where that came from. Seriously using exageration to make a point only makes you look irrational and narrow minded, but an "intelligent, responsible, adult" as your self certainly already knew this. I guess you just chose to look foolish.

By the way, wheather Cowboy Bebop is suitable or not for "intelligent, responsible adults" is not for you to decide. Your opinions don't speak for everyone. You sure as hell don't speak for me. lol

- Imhotep

Tard. (none / 0) (#556)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:41:46 PM PST
Cowboy Bebop is debatable, but you're tell me that Grave of the Fireflies, Barefoot Gen, Princess Mononoke, etc. have no meaning and aren't geared towards more mature (at least mentally) viewers.

You can't, unless you're as delusional as the idiot who wrote the article.

ignorance should be stopped (none / 0) (#565)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 11:51:21 PM PST
well, obviously youre not an intelligent adult so why would you like cowboy bebop? it is an excellent show with way more depth than just a guy who goes around in a spaceship...have you watched all the episodes??? i doubt it..only people who arent as closed-minded and blind as you would enjoy something like that...also, harry potter was not aimed at adults, it was aimed for young adults from ages of about 10 to 15 or to anyone else who would want to read them...

Subtlety (none / 0) (#586)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:08:02 PM PST
Harry Potter has more than one dimension to its storylines. Cowboy Bebop also has more than one layer to its plot. Shakespeare couldn't have written a straightforward A-B-C-Happily-Ever-After play if his life depended on it.

I would say that ninety percent of all anime (because that's what Japanese animated films are called, not 'manga films'. Manga is to American comics what anime is to our cartoons.) has more than one layer to the plot. It appeals to people on more than one level because of it. Trigun, for instance, has deep lessons of morality and personal responsibility throughout the entire series arc. However, there are also moments of utter hilarity, slapstick, and pure ridiculousness. A kid (10-11+) could watch it and enjoy the action and humor, while their parents could watch and ponder the bigger message.

Rurouni Kenshin is also a multi-layered anime. Humor and morality, deep examinations of and ruminations on what is right and what is wrong, and pondering of the question 'can one change one's nature?' There's a love story that manages to be sweet instead of cloying, a demonstration of what it means to be loyal to one's friends, and lots of redemption.

Harry Potter? Maybe it isn't going to be a classic in the same way Lord Of The Rings is a classic, but it should not be dismissed as 'just a kid's book'. HP books are scary in places, hysterical in others, and of course mysterious. Will Voldemorte rise again? Is that really a Grim that Harry's been seeing? What will happen when Harry and Voldemorte next meet?

Anime is not what we would consider cartoons. There is anime for every single demographic in Japan, from the littlest children to the oldest adult. There is anime exploring historical happenings (Grave Of The Fireflies, Wings of Honnemaise, Rurouni Kenshin), what might happen in the future (Neon Genesis Evangelion, Patlabor), and what will never happen (Demon City Shinjuku, Battle Angel Alita).

There is some horrible anime out there, stuff I wish I'd never watched (Ninja Scroll, Gowcaizer), and stuff that I never will watch (Vampire Hunter D, Pet Shop Of Horrors). There is incredibly sexually-oriented anime (hentai).

Adults, at least in America, get the freedom to choose the material that they view, and I for one am grateful. American animation studios, for the most part, tend to bludgeon their audiences with the moral of the story until the audience members pass out from bloodloss. I very nearly asked my father if we could watch something besides The Emperor's New Groove by the time it was a third over because I was so _sick_ of being told something I already knew, and could have picked up easily if I hadn't.

Japanese animation studios employ writers that know how to slip the moral in there without being too ham-handed about it. It's a little more blatant in movies such as Princess Mononoke (beautifully rendered tale about taking care of one's people, one's environment, and working to find a balance between progress and preservation), but it's not nearly as obnoxious. Trigun's moral is that life requires difficult choices, and that sometimes, making them is terrifying; making the right one sometimes requires major sacrifice, but you will survive. I haven't finished Rurouni Kenshin, yet, but it's probably something like 'be true to yourself and follow your heart'.

As an intelligent, responsible adult, I will continue to watch anime and buy manga that makes me laugh, think, and shiver.

not much to do with anything (none / 0) (#765)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 7th, 2002 at 02:58:23 PM PST
You made some good points.... I just have to argue one thing....
Vampire Hunter D isn't hentai, there were only about 2 nudity scenes in the entire story. The first one isn't exactly something to go insane over, but the second one is a great story. There isn't any hentai, or for that matter, anything you could consider disgusting (except for maybe the way some of the demons look which is to be expected) in the entire story.
There. I've said my piece.

Re: Cowboy Bebop (none / 0) (#619)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 04:58:21 PM PST
Cowboy Bebop is about a group of Bounty Hunters set in a futuristic timeline. It is not any wackier than anything that's happened in my life. A man who has pushed every memory of his past out of his mind so that he can continue living, only to be confronted by the very thing he feared (Episodes 25&26, "The Real Folk Blues"), I must say, is a little more mature sounding than Harry Potter learning magic. I would also compare this to such renowned action/drama series' as The West Wing, The Sopranos, and many others. The setting and story are different, but the ideas are the same. For something to be geared towards children, at least in Japan, it usually deals with a perfect world being perfectly saved from completely horrible devestation by a perfectly matched group of perfectly perfect people. A good look at Japanese culture will tell you more about what makes anime anime than anything you'll see on television.

stfu (none / 0) (#776)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 25th, 2002 at 08:27:18 PM PST
Cowboy Bebop can be injoyed by adults as well as children

Bwah? (5.00 / 1) (#401)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 05:55:13 AM PST
This is a joke, right? I read through all of this and immediately thought this had to be a joke. No one is really -this- ignorant of the world, correct?

I really hope I'm right. If so, very very funny, sir. I was truly amused by your wit and saracasm.

If not... seriously, sir, you might want to consider psychological counseling or detox. Your religion is becoming an addiction.

Yes people are that ignorant and more (none / 0) (#480)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 06:18:15 PM PST
This is another article from this website
that show how ignorant people can be.;sid=2001/12/2/42056/2147

I agree.... (none / 0) (#483)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 07:47:17 PM PST
Can someone take these people out so we can bring up the average IQ of the human genepool to an acceptable number?

I think we'd still be in the stoneage if these people could have their way with society.

grrrrrrrrrr (none / 0) (#564)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 11:46:51 PM PST
....what is it with really devout christian zealots targeting things that so many people liek and dont think they are terrible...i mean, come on, my MOTHER likes anime...this person needs some help or else im gonna go to their house and fix them XD

Uhm... (none / 0) (#548)
by Hawaiian Mike on Tue Dec 11th, 2001 at 03:59:53 PM PST
I don't believe that saying 'religion may be becoming an addiction' could be correct in any way. By definition, a religion is little more than a set of beliefs, and Mr. Erikson is doing little more than adhering to a set of beliefs he has. Just because people like us don't agree with his ideals and find them fanatical and misguided doesn't mean that we should be condescending toward a religion.
Hawaiian Mike

You'd be surprised (none / 0) (#593)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 07:26:41 PM PST
religion makes people ignorant. I'm not saying all religious people are like mr. erikson here, but hes an excellent example.

you should look for sites written by other religious persons with an 'anti-(insert_subject_here)' topic. Some of the bs is really funny, it is so hard to believe that people actually think theese ways and/or comply with their stance.

question (5.00 / 1) (#411)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 06:19:19 AM PST
Why are there so many posts "pending". Does this mean is censoring a lot of peoples thoughts and ideas because they don't agree with? I find this distrubing since I have been a member since this whole operation began.


Answer (5.00 / 1) (#412)
by iat on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 06:32:11 AM PST
Why are there so many posts "pending". Does this mean is censoring a lot of peoples thoughts and ideas because they don't agree with?

"Pending" posts are those that have been moderated 0 by our ever-reliable trusted users. The majority of trusted users are not members of the Adequacy staff and thus their moderation is not part of an official moderation conspiracy. On the whole, the "pending" comments are either illiterate, spam or gratuitiously offensive with no redeeming features.

I find this distrubing since I have been a member since this whole operation began.

I'm sorry you feel that way, Anonymous Reader, because you're one of earliest and most loyal members. - love it or leave it.

Propaganda is Evil. (none / 0) (#418)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 07:17:17 AM PST
*reads some random paragraph*

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If the Nazi's had as good a propaganda minister we might still be fighting World War 2....

Hey Mr. Jon Erikson, just a question.. (none / 0) (#420)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 07:50:41 AM PST
Is this really some kinda (gay) KKK site? People that has been hear told me it was a (gay) KKK site? well i believe it's a (gay) KKK site cause of your Mission Statement link (;page=mission) And I was laughing at paragraph two:

"This site is aimed at middle class white male professionals - the sort of people who have been sadly sidelined by todays victim culture, and the domination of homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who have all risen up with their discrimination laws and 'equality' to sadly control the media agenda."

Control the media agenda? Oh course they do, it's because they're doing something with their lives rather then just sitting on their @$$es reading a bible everyday, which is probably something you do. Well i'm glad i'm going to do something with my life, in fact i plan on being a animator. Why? Well, because...


Most of it's been said already, but.... (none / 0) (#423)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 08:39:28 AM PST
To the writers of this article:

I'm highly offended.

...actually, "highly" doesn't even begin to touch it.

I know I should just let this slide, but when my morality AND my maturity are insulted, I can't sit back over it. So thank you very much for telling me what a horrible person I am just because I like the genre. Artwork is one of God's MANY gifts to us, so how you can imply that it's all evil simply because the cultural statements made in it don't conform to your straight and narrow view of the world around makes me sad. It really does.

Have you not heard the phrase "Judge not, lest ye be judged"? It's the Almighty's task to decide who's sinned and who hasn't, not yours. And I'm almost certain that both of you have also been guilty of blasphemy, lust, greed, covetousness, and all the other charming little human bits of refuse floating around, so don't even attempt to tell us otherwise.

And what sane person uses PORNOGRAPHY to back up their point? Perhaps you didn't realize that many self-respecting fans are disgusted by that type of smut. And, I'm sorry, but it really makes you both look like a pair of hypocrites.

Not to mention using the Sacred Heart to cover up the naughty bits is just disgusting as well as offensive and immature on your part.

Your flavor of Christian belief isn't all that's out there, either. Many of us believe in reaching out to others and showing them the love you can find in His embrace, not this fanatic dogma that categorizes us as parochial, sanctimonious prigs.

I could mention the fact that anime are not cartoons. I could mention that animation takes the place of live action films in Japan because they don't have the budgeting we do and it's less expensive to use voices than the actor himself.

Cartoons in the States were never intended as children's material, either! Bugs Bunny, the Tex Avery cartoons - look at them. Every single one of their underlying themes is aimed at ADULTS. Fairy tales were aimed at ADULTS. This "cartoons are a kid thing" is a relatively recent development.

And you know, I've seen warning stickers galore on the anime vids that are meant for older people, so you can't say that children are being corrupted.

Why look to anime to corrupt children? What about parents who shirk the responsibility of raising them? What about our OWN media, who sad to say is much more corrupt than any Japanese film? What about our OWN music, laden with enough sexual themes to make a porn star weep with envy?

At least inform yourselves a little before you start ranting...

Hentai and Dragonball Z are hardly indicative of anime, BTW. (They're both terrible, in my opinion, but that's neither here nor there...) Try asking for advice on what to watch next time. If that's all you've seen, no wonder you don't like it.

I'm sure I'll think of some more things to say, gentlemen - but I have a church service to attend.

On that subject, going to church doesn't make you Christian, either. I go to a college every day, that doesn't make me a professor.


Oi! don't flaunt your ignorance! (none / 0) (#426)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 10:58:32 AM PST
Ok, so, gods forbid you saw ONE anime with child porn. Then you automatically went and genralized? Would you say every good Christian thinks like you? Since we know that's not true (most Christians I know are reasonable people who would actually research something like this before posting it) why do you generalize so.
oh, and WHOSE Christian shores?

Herm... (none / 0) (#430)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 11:56:44 AM PST
Does this guy intern under Jerry Falwell or something?

Stuff I'd like to point out:

1. Anime in japan is targeted towards a much wider range of ages, unlike in the US where cartoons are almost always targeted for children and sometimes teens/college students.

2. Anime often has a much more structurally sound and believable plot. US cartoons usually consist of "someone got hurt, lets laugh." Because of this, anime often gets more into the lives of the charactors.

3. Hentai(pornographic anime, hentai literally translates to "abnormal" and "pervert") is targeted for adults. In addition, all hentai in japan is released CENSORED just like their pornography in accordance with their laws.

4. As a viewer of hentai, I'd like to comment that the author must have really put alot of effort into searching for and choosing such high quality pictures. Most hentai pics are either fan art (so usually have noticably lower quality) or from adult game rips (which are formatted to fit into a screen).

5. With the previous comment in mind, I find it vaguely insulting to my intelligence that pictures of Jesus and the Virgin Mary are places on the breasts and genitalia(which is censored anyway) in those pictures considering the author infers that sexual representation in art is against Christianity. If he holds such a view, why does he degrade two primary symbols of christianity by placing them so?

I've laid down my thoughts. And unlike some people, I'll let you come to your own conclusions.


Jeremiah C. Edwards

P.S. Hentai allows people to express themselves sexually without having to use people actually commiting the acts like traditional pornography does. I don't know if anyone here cares, but I figured it was worth mentioning.

P.S.S. I find people that use God's name in order to justify thier sins infuriating.

It seems (none / 0) (#431)
by Samuel on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 12:04:07 PM PST
That our favourite Jon Erikson has also been posting on

With such sane comments as:

And if the liberals in the Supreme Court and government hadn't fought so hard against it, you'd have been taught these facts in school.

Quite simply put, menstruation is God's curse to womenkind because of Eve's actions in the Garden of Eden. If she hadn't have corrupted Adam, then we would still be living in Paradise.

Since that fateful day, women have been cursed to shed their life's blood each month, and no amount of liberal persuasion will be enough to "educate" true belivers otherwise.

When my wife sheds blood, she knows that it is her punishment as a women, and is properly ashamed of the flaws of her kind. Displaying it on TV as if it were something to be proud of is nothing more than a sign of Satan's ever present lies.

Well, I'll let you draw your own ideas from this..

hey buddy! Yer damaging my otaku pryde! (none / 0) (#433)
by otakupryde on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 12:38:42 PM PST
don't you go posting B/S lyke dat! and just to let you know...Anime rocks! and I'd take a million otaku over one peson like you any day! I like anime and I am one of the most un filthish people i know, and i know a lot of people. Most of the people i know have an oppinon on anime (some are for it, some are not) but dude, yer just being a little hateful here, Isn't there somthing that says that ya aint supposed to be a hater in that bible of yours! I dunno but yer just pissin me off and I hope that you got a big fat lecture from my friend A. cuz she sure can give lectures! and trust me, you deserve one!

HAHAHAHAHA (none / 0) (#436)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 01:54:28 PM PST
Hmmm....I see a MAJOR screw loose!! You are such a fuckhead! You're enjoying this aren't you? I am a catholic. I went to catholic schools my entire life. So, I'd say that that gives me a pretty good basis to make the assumption that you are either a Baptist or some other religion that constantly goes door-to-door trying to convert people.

Here's a little history lesson:

Osamu Tezuka, the man who put Japanimation on it's feet in the pre-WW2 era, was influenced by Steamboat Willy, Felix, and other famous Disney characters. But what you are missing out on, is that Manga (the comic book) was started in Japan in the early 1900s. Our Western world adapted the comics from Japan and used them in a linear storyline called the newspaper comic strips. Japan, therefore, started making their stories into actual books called comic books (manga).

The Japanese started comics. The Japanese had the animated film Chikara no Onna in 1932, whereas Disney had his first in 1937. Check your dates if you don't believe me.

As many before me have said, not all anime/manga (which are two different things) show nudity. As a matter of fact, the anime that is shown in America on stations such as Cartoon Network, are edited. The nudity, foul language, and all other offensive things are cut out. Unless America's childen manage to get ahold of an unedited version of an anime/manga, then they aren't exposed to the things you are bitching about.

You want to know why you are such an embarassment to the christian faith? It's because you are forcing your beliefs on other people! Who the hell died and gave you the right to tell people what to and what not to believe? That is what makes you, not us, naive.

You piss me off.

you obviously are very narrow minded (none / 0) (#437)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 02:27:45 PM PST
i have a question. why do you even watch anime if you think that anime is a sin? does that mean you're a sinner, since you've obviously watched at least one anime before. Oh no, you're only watching it to protect others from the awful 'sins' arent you? i bet you've also been 'enlightened' by Jesus and God too, huh? they came to you in a 'vision' probably, telling you to condemn all sinners. have you ever thought about the sins YOU have commited? or are you totally pure and never sinnned, right? so now you're going to tell me that ive led a wrong and sinful life. being guided by satanic thoughts huh? well, here's my thought: If being a 'good', 'pure' person means to be like you, that i say screw that! id rather be with satan than with god and being and acting like you! you probably think im a terribly mislead person, but you know what? i dont really care about what you think about me, because all that matters to me is my opinion. all you think about is probably satan and evil and killing it all isnt it? well, didnt God put us on this planet to be happy? well, if not, ill just concentrate on being happy, and if im sinning by doing that, then so be it.

You Adults--Too uptite!! (2.50 / 2) (#439)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 03:16:20 PM PST
Im 16 and after reading this artical on Aimebashing I say 1 thing:YOU SHOULD ALL TALK!! YOUR GENERATION WATCHED ELMER FUDD BLAST DAFFY IN THE FACE!!YOUR GENERATION WATCH TOM SWALLOW A STICK OF TNT BECUASE HE THOUGHT IT WAS JERYY!! YOUR GENERATION LISTENED TO KISS,ALICE COOPER AND OZZY OSBORNE!! YOUR GENERATION STARTED TV VIOLENCE AND JUST BECAUSE WE WATCH A UNARMMED GIRL WITH BIG BREASTS BEATS UP A GUY WITH A GUN YOU FREAK OUT AND GO IN A MASS HISTARIA!! God!! Non of this is real!! We know whats right and wrong! If your kid starts hitting people with a bat don't blame the media!! you should teach kids that its fake and its wrong. I expect a bunch of useless garbage saying Im a Satanist or I should be studying well Ive seen too much hell to go listen you! You want to badmouth me gohead but Ill Im saying is if your kid is buy a Katanna to slice people up,don't blame me,blame yourself for not telling him the right things :D

P.S. (none / 0) (#442)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 04:09:01 PM PST
Im the guy who said Parents are too tight...YOU KNOW YOUR PICS A FANPICS(Draw by someone,not real!)

Narrow-mindedness disgusts me more than porn (none / 0) (#440)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 03:33:22 PM PST
Thus, a simple mathematical theorem apples as well; transitivity of parallelism. Narrow-mindedness disgusts me, therefore narrow-minded people disgust me.

This seems to be an attempt at shocking people into believing an untruth. While it is true that animated pornography does exist, it is hardly mainstream among the youth of America. The Japanese have a more open-minded approach to sexuality and natural functions of living, emotional beings. In the west, including especially the US, the attitude towards sexuality is Puritanical and old-fashioned. This explains, for one point, why popular fashion dictates a young girl show as much skin as reasonably legal. Because it is shocking and unacceptable, people do it.

But that isn't my point. Anime is not, as you seem to believe, a stinking mass of violence and perversion. If you would look beyond what you have seen, you will find that anime and manga, though it appears to be 'cartoons', is more akin to novels and television shows that are shown in the US. The average animated film originating in Japan has an involving story, characters that are realistic and round, and all the elements of good fiction.

Perverted anime DOES exist. I will not deny that it exists and is popular among older elements. HOWEVER, very little hentai anime has reached the US's shores due to our puritanical censorship.

Your assumption that adults do not watch cartoons is blatantly incorrect: have you ever heard of The Simpsons? And if your looking for filth, try South Park. Most parents who watch South Park do not let their children watch it because of the language and content.

And I suggest, if you find yourself watching perverted anime again and again, that you pray to whatever higher power you believe in to forgive you. If I believed in God, I would most certainly do so.

To the author: (none / 0) (#441)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 04:06:19 PM PST
At first, I thought that your article was merely a joke, and passed it off as such, but after realizing that you were indeed serious, I am sorry to say that I am deeply saddened at the misconceptions and extreme views that you appear to express.

I am probably not as learned as you are, or as experienced or wise, but as I read your article, I was ashamed to belong to the Church. Affronted though I was to hear you address the Virgin Mother as a whore, I am going to speak with you as a Catholic, and hope you will give me the time to hear me out.

Foremost, your article centers around a form an anime called Hentai - perverted. It is very close to porn. Several of your main points actually apply to this genre, but not to the main form of anime itself.

Your article, when viewed in the context of the entirety of anime, acquires a harsh, sterotypical tone that reminds me somewhat of the antagonists is the play "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. Scraping for a scapegoat, you heap accusations upon anime.

Yes, the choice of this play was deliberate. I am no expert, but I recall hearing "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone." Humanity is a flawed construct, people are sinners. /You/ are a sinner, for even Jesus sinned in the end. The only one never to sin was the *ahem* "Virgin Whore." Christianiy has hanged, tortured and murdered innocents out of the fear of this paganism that you speak of so harshly.

If I am glad for anything, it is my open mind, my tolerance. Anime, the way it expresses the world, how different interactions of any grouping of people can be portrayed as love. I do not ask you to accept that nature of anime, but to keep an open mind towards all things, towards homosexuality, toward all types of love, that, I believe, is truly a blessing. You may damn me to the innermost reaces of Hell, but if God has me go anywhere, I'll go with an open mind and tolerance.

You are passing judgement on anime and the people who create and watch it, and no human may pass judgement on another. True judgement, not the courts we created. Please consider what you are maligning, the tolerance that all of us have learned and exhibit. How is this evil? How is the tolerance that would have saved lives during the Inquisition wrong? Catholic or Christian, I don't care who made the blood of innocents flow, but how could the tolerance that would have saved them wrong?

Anime exhibits a respect for life in its upper forms. Studio Ghilbi shows such beauty toward the horrors of war, that they can touch someone in a way that all the accepted art in the world may cease to.

As ask you to look to what you malign - watch a good anime, Grave of the Fireflies is quite good, I heard. I don't know what you saw, if anything outside of hentai, but please reconsider your views. If I am still damned in your eyes, then so be it.

At least I'll be in good company.

Oroooooo...... (none / 0) (#444)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 04:50:42 PM PST
Well well well, I have seen this kind before, not Christianity inspired, but still sort of the same.
And I think this is as stupid as the other. I for one, hate hentai (hentai is the anime with all that naked fiklth), but far from all anime is this way. Far from all anime shows bloody battles and naked bodys flying around. Many animes are very decent and should be watchable even for you. I know that some anime is totally terrible and very perverted, but is the same way as non-animated movies are. There are does that show blood and people fighting and there are those showing naked girls...ehn...doing...stuff and there are also those that are "decent" and shows nothing more than a good story. Just cause it is animated doesn't make it bad.

You should try and watch some other animes instead of these "dirty" ones you seem to have been hooked up with. Now... I just need to think a bit to come up with one... (Hey! It's hard to come up with a "decent" non-fight-&-zero-nudity real movie too!). Maybe Serial Experiment Lain, it is a very serious anime, I don't think there is any girls walking around without T-shirts or the like in it, no bloody battles either. Kare Kano is a great love story anime that I would consider Decent. Fruits Basket is very nice, might be hard to find in the stores though (since it's not even licensed yet). come I can only come up with titles that are unlicensed -.- I guess you would find neon genesis evangelion filthy too... but if you do then you will never be able to experience anime in a good way....

...end of rant I guess, good luck trying to enjoy anime! ^_^ <--- (yes, that smily rox!)


what the hell is this? (none / 0) (#447)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 05:36:12 PM PST
ok i have go tot say that htis has to be the bigggest pile of poo ive ever read. you are goin to try and say hentai is bad. unetichical and disturbing? you probley only watched hentai in those few hours. actually you had to have from the pictures you posted. why dont you pick up something like grave of the fireflys or mabey a childs program. im only 14 and i think that your being religious extremist. And then your goin to be raceist and ignorent. My fathers right not everyone that has a education is nesiceraly smart.

Hypocrite (none / 0) (#448)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 05:37:36 PM PST
Christans are hypocrites. I come from a family of all preachers. Every single one of them. They are the filthiest people I have ever met. Deception is their last name. Every time a Christan stumbles upon something enjoyable, they claim it to be "evil." So be it. Go to hell. YOU are not God, and therefore, you have no right to judge us.

you did your job! (none / 0) (#451)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 06:00:30 PM PST
I have to say that if your purpose was to rile up as many individuals as you did, then you have succeeded. As for me, I would also have to say that you have succeeded in making me agitated with your comment. But your comment is your comment and I will not allow it to affect my own views and beliefs. We live in a world where human beings can choose what they want to believe. From this fact I would have to say I just disagree with you, and lets just leave it at that.

P.S.- I enjoy animated works as much as I enjoy live action movies. Just consider anime to be art in motion. I mean what is the big deal with nudity. Is everyone born with underwear and a shirt? I mean, in the christain religion adam and eve, supposedly the first two human beings, were naked practically all the time. Believing that nudity is a human indecency is a learned trait due to society, nudity is just natural. Oh, I'm rambling again. Oh well. This is just my own opinion on the matter. Wouldn't you know it, I didn't mention much about anime, me being a very large supporter and watcher of anime.

Definitions, Logics, Generalizations, and Research (none / 0) (#453)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 06:35:08 PM PST
(My name is Crepitus Mors, for the sake of separating my comments from the all others.)

I would like to start this post by establishing two fundimentals from which the rest of my arguement is based.

1) Anime is defined as animation, mostly from Japan (I say that because I am not totally sure that some of it isn't produced here in America), presented in a movie-like format ('movie-like format' is for general reference only) complete with plots, characters, etc. Manga is similar to anime only in the principle of drawing style. Otherwise, Manga is comparable to a comic book.

2) All logic can be defined in simple algebraic equations read in a mathematical fashion. Syntax is important since A=B is very different in logic mathematics than B=A. A=B reads "A equals B" and B=A reads "B equals A". My example shows the importance of this difference.

ex. s=square r=rectangle a=all interior angles measure 90deg.
In this example.. the first three logic equations are, indeed, logical. "Square equal Rectangle" because all squares are rectangles, "Rectangle equals all interior angles measuring 90deg" because rectangle definitions say so, otherwise it isn't a rectangle, and "Square equals all interior angles measuring 90deg" because, as with rectangles, the angle measurements are part of the definition. But, number 4, which reads "Rectangle equals square", is not. Just because squares and rectangles have 90deg angles and a square is classified as a retangle, this does not mean that rectangles are squares. Some are...some aren't. Simple enough. Now to my thoughts.

I wish to, as easily concluded from my statements, break down your arguement, Mr Erikson, into a series of basic definitions and logic statements. I have selected only portions for the sake of brevity. Each arguement refers to a appropretiatly (sp?) marked potion of each passage.

I) "The worst attack on morality comes in the form of Japanese manga films(A), which spread a shocking message of immorality under the cover of animation(B), a cynical move targetting a genre typically aimed at children. These films are supposedly aimed at adults(C), but a moment's reflection counters this vacuous argument - what kind of grown adult watches cartoons?(D)..."

A)Your choice of words when defining Japanese animation is poor and unfornate. For the record, many mangas are turned into movies and like wise... but they are grossly different.

B)A "...shocking message of immorality..." is, perhaps, another bad choice of words. Clearly you have not researched enough anime to identify the difference between hentai and anime. I will define the statement as follows.
H= Hentai, the stuff you probably watched
A= Anime in general.
S= which, in my first statement, all anime requires in order to be anime.
Thus, with the given H=A, your statement can be organized as follows...
H=S and H=A, therefore A=H.
As in my example, the conclusion that anime is Hentai is flawed. Just because both are animated and Hentai is a form of anime, this doesn't make all anime Hentai. Just like all rectangles aren't squares.

C)Supposedly? They are, for the most part, aimed at adults. Admittedly, some are aimed at pre-adults, but shows and manga like DragonBall Z, Sailor Moon, Rayearth, Gundam (any of the many storylines), Zoids, Pokemon, etc are hardly any more violent, sexually explicit or otherwise graphic than G, PG, and PG-13 movies. And I have yet to hear any of the named series insert a explicitive or insult above the level of kindergarden grade. Of the ones I named, DragonBall Z is perhaps the most violent on a human level. Gundam stories are perhaps the most violent on a whole-scale but robots blowing up hardly counts as "graphic", more like unrealistic.

D)What kind of adult watches cartoons...? Well, your assumption that anime is a cartoon is flawed. Cartoons are made around the world and are animated but are hardly equal or are, in any way, cogruent to anime. The styles are, for one point, totally different. Cartoons, for the most part, are comparable to US comic books. And US comic books are hardly comparable to Manga. Cartoons rarely have a plot. Animated films (like Disney's) don't classify as the same (compared to anime) for plot and style reasons. Plots in animated flicks in the US are meant for children. Plots in anime are made for adults (on the average... reference point I-C for further info) and contain adult themes and situations. In the US, animated films are seen as for kids but this is not so in Japan. Like wise, mopeds are a common form of transportation over-seas but in the US, moped riders are either girls or guys who are called weinies and wusses for not owning a motorcycle. In both cases, it is not un-Christian to watch animated films or ride mopeds. In fact, isn't it a Christian parent's duty to make sure their children aren't exposed to things the parent deems harmful? I know my parents believed so. So watch animated films and cartoons with your kids should be required, atleast at first, to help your kids understand what is real and what is not. Besides, adults need time to relax and animated films are as good an entertainment source as real movies. So to answer your question of what kind of adult watches "cartoons" (I use the word 'cartoons' as a reference to the author's demeaning use of it to describe anime)? Answer: EIther a concerned and loving parent or a bored adult in need of humor.

II) "...I was shocked at the gratuitous use of violence and anti-Christian symbolism (A). These films all fall into the fantasy and science-fiction genres (which are little more than a hotbed of paganism and Satanism anyway) (B) and the stories generally involve an epic conflict between the forces of "good," who are typically inbued with obviously Satanic powers, and their enemies, also possessing such powers. Indeed, the only difference being that the forces of "evil" are more obviously demonic in their visages! These two forces engage in megaviolent battles using their Satanic powers, and at the end of an orgy of blood and dismembered limbs the forces of "good" are victorious and undoubtedly retire to give thanks to their evil master. " (C)

<I>Well, again generalizations... I'll refer to the Gundam Wing for the rest of this second section for the sake of time and continuity of one example... Don't construe this choice as saying that Gundam Wing is the only one possessing the hereafter argued traits. There are many, many more.</I>

A)Yes, Gundam Wing was violent...if blowing robots (correctly indentifiable as mecha, another Japanese concept, not to be confused with 'mech, a generalized term for all large, robotic machines and mostly refers to Battletech machines of war, Battlemechs) is 'graphic violence' to anyone. But so are many PG and PG-13 movies, like Atlantis or The Lion King. But where is the "anti-Christian symbolism"? There, simply, is none to be found. Like many other comparable anime stories, Gundam Wing totally leaves out religon. No one is sporting pentagrams or devil horns. No one conspires with demons or summons them. The story is about five soldiers coming to grips with the incredible and evil plot for which they were trained and their rebellion and pursuit of what the hearts say is right. This is hardly "anti-Christian" in any definition.

B) Another generalization.... no comment.

C)What Satanic powers, pray tell, does Duo or Zechs or Quatre have? Combat skills? Does this mean that every Christian SEAL member, renound for incredible skill, really cavorts with the Devil? Hardly any of the characters on either side of the war are evil looking either.

III) What kind of sick mind could conceive of such a vicious assault on the kind of decent Christian values that made America the greatest nation on Earth?

<I>I refuse to argue any of a number of inaccurancies in this statement but will instead focus on one important one</I>

How is anime a vicious assualt on Christian values? Hmmmmm? IT IS ALL MADE IN JAPAN IN THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE WITH JAPANESE HUMOR AND SITUATIONS FOR JAPANESE. It is afterwards dubbed or subtitled for English audiences only if it proves to be possibly profitable. Mostly, this is so because much of their humor is based on their lifestyle and most of it, if directly dubbed or subtitled, cannot be properly 'gotten' if foreknowledge of the culture or a wide-understanding of our own culture (which itself a melting pot of world cultures) isn't present.

IV) "Not content with dominance in the field of consumer electronics, it was now clear to me that the Japanese wished to bring about the downfall of our society by spreading this cancer in our midst, targetting the most naive and vulnerable segments of our population - teenagers and college students."

I, sir, am hardly naive or vunerable... I have probably traveled more of our 'great country' than you have and undoubtedly lived in more states accross the USA. I have grown up around soldiers of our Armed Forces and have 'heard it all'. Our culture, for the past 40 years, has made sure the growing children of each generation understand what life is really about and the only naive and vunerable people I have met were the children of overprotective 'Christian' parents who decieved, unwittingly, their own children into believing the world was somehow more gentle and nice than it really is. If anything, pop culture is the enemy of me and my fellow brethern. We have grown up in a culture of darkness and I, for one, am still an up-standing Christian who tries to follow the Word. I say try because we are all sinners, aren't we Mr Erikson?

V) "The evidence for this is clear to anyone not so simple-minded and deluded by a Liberal education. In a cheap trick the perverts that create manga films have stolen their animation techniques from Disney, and given all of their characters the same wide-eyed child-like look of innocence seen in such timeless children's classics as Sleeping Beauty or Snow White."

<I>Again, there is only one point of many I will make.</I>

Take a look at Vegeta's eyes in DragonBall Z and tell me he looks like a child.... the same goes for Duo of Gundam Wing or Bit of Zoids. The only characters possessing "wide-eyed child-like look of innocence" that I've seen are, quite frankly, sir, children.

VI) "Of course it doesn't end here, for like all Liberal filthmongers they know no bounds to their depravity (A). The characters in these obscenities, especially the female ones, are drawn in a blatently sexual manner (B), with exaggerated sexual attributes, impossible proportions and disturbingly provocative clothing (when there is any!)(C)."

A)Well, sir, an examination and comparison of politics in Japan puts must of them in what would be considered as a 'right wing' stance in America. End of story.

B)As far as drawing them, for the most part, like Barbie, all I can say is so was Super Woman... and Cat Woman, and any other of a number of females in American comics and animated films.

C) Again, a generalization. Relina Peacecraft of Gundam Wing is not only dressed throughout the entire series but very, very, formal attire at that. I doubt most business women or church going women dress as well as she does and she manages not to show off her breast size or waist length.. unlike Barbie....

VII) "When you combine the evidence the secret agenda becomes only too clear - that children are sexual creatures, and that it is alright to feel lust towards them (A). Furthermore, the graphic scenes of violence in manga films are clearly designed to incite violence against children in the furtherance of these foul desires (B). Clearly it is not only enough to simply instill such unwholesome thoughts in the minds of our youth, they are intent upon inciting violence of a most deviant manner upon our nation's children! (C)"

A) Lust? towards an 8th grade girl? Pray tell, who rapes more? A 47 year-old man (who clearly pre-dates most of these so called effects anime is having on the youth of my generation) or a college student? I say the college student is more involved, if he/she is, in 'getting some' with someone his/her age. Quite frankly, sir, most people of my generation would find it VERY DISGUSTING to try do it with an eighth-grade girl/boy. Such an idea is repulsive, even afer watching many,many anime movies... most of which have nothing to do with having sex with some girl or boy who appears to not even be out of high school. AS for 47 year-olds.... all I have to say is child-porn. 'nuff said.

Sadly, most of what was wrong with your arguement is a lack of research, generalizes to cover lack of research, and poor skills at recognizing the difference in various Japanese and American Artforms

In conclusion, your arguement is flawed due to a serious lack of... how do you put it? Ah yes, " intense bout of research...". Perhaps, sir, you should take the advice of someone who's been around the net block once or twice and use this precious tool to do some REAL research. You, as a Senior Consultant at NPO Technologies, to quote a latter post by yourself, of all people should know how...

I regret that such uninformed thoughts have come from a man who should be so educated.... perhaps you should go to whatever college you graduated from, if you did, and ask for your money back.

Crepitus Mors
" 'Noisy Death' because I intend to go down fighting, be it with words or deeds."

a rather simple-minded argument (none / 0) (#455)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 07:34:25 PM PST
I don't see anything wrong or un-Christian about anime. Like any form of media, it will be used for good and for evil as is the nature of men.

The only offense I see here is rather sacrilegous use of the image of the holy icons. I suggest you take it off before the real Christian Right-Wingers shut you down.

Yea ok how about ... (none / 0) (#458)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 09:49:15 PM PST
What you are showing is "hentai" A form of adult anime pictures. Anime's are shows geared more twords teens and children. You know that show your kids Watch, Pokemon?? well thats considered an Anime from japan. SO pleas eget the facts straight

Blah (none / 0) (#459)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 10:03:08 PM PST
WEll if you look at only the perverted anime yeah I agree that it's sick but Hey some of the other stuff is actually funny. Look at Disney. They make it entertaining for adults as well as children. And if you can not see past this I pitty you. For one thing "THERE IS NO HELL" And stop looking down at people if they arn't into you radical way of thinking.

This is the most UN-informed crap I've ever seen (none / 0) (#460)
by exZERO on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 10:05:46 PM PST
I am once again ashamed by my fellow americans.

must you people be so amazingly slow so many times?

first off, this so called "article" begins quite frankly RASCIST, with a very OVERT patriotic stance, calling America, widely regarded as the most hated country on Earth, as "the Forces of Light".

lets get something straight here. I am american. I love my country. I am a libertarian, on my own terms. I am a game designer, a writer, an artist.

I am an anime fan, and I am a film critic. I am prolific reader, and a mentally unstable genius.

I am a Christian, and like my political stance, it is on my terms.

I say all this because America allows me to, and i am ever grateful. I have been told by college professors that I am on the same level as our founding fathers, something in which i take much pride. i am a computer user, and a game player.

I am most likely at the same time, the two things that the author of this piece of crap article LOVES and HATES the most.

i am his worst fear. personified, confident, and pissed off at him.

time to shoot down dreams and rain fire like Loki.

now, i am not going to immediately make my mark, and attack away.

instead, i am going to do something WORSE. i am bringing in others. i will be re-reading your article, collecting facts against you, and readying myself to strike against you so hard that these opinions you demonstrate here will never be respected again by another person on earth.

the others i speak of will be here soon.

i can promise that you will see many responses here, as so many will check this, just to do "pre-emptive" strikes for me, since i am working the main strike.

prepare for the most vicious attak imaginable, as now, you will have to face ANIME fans in hordes and legions like you've never seen before. you've pissed us off, and we're coming at you.

get ready, its gonne be fun.

Excuse me, but... (none / 0) (#461)
by Largo on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 10:33:59 PM PST
You sound like an educated fellow. Of course education is neither intelligence nor wisdom. Any educated fool can always find a philosophy or reason to justify his actions. You are a hypocrite. You complain that Japanese manga and anime are full of Satanic and anit-Christian values and are spreading through our society like a plague, sharing these 'evil' values with the minds of the nations youth. Have you stopped and taken a moment to look at your surroundings here first? Have you watched the nightly news or prime time American TV lately? Or even soap operas for that matter? There are already plenty of your so called 'evil' things in those shows. Don't go pointing fingers at another country just because you saw something you didn't like in one of their cartoons. And your little comment 'What kind of grown adult watches cartoons?' I guess you don't realize Bugs Bunny cartoons were cartoons created by adults for adults. I also know plenty of adults who watch cartoons.

::sigh:: Ignorance (none / 0) (#464)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 10:57:06 PM PST
You are a dumbass. Simple as that. I am 14 years old, and I know more about christianity than you do. When I was young, my mother read parts of the bible to me, eventually getting through the entire book. I am a christian, no doubt about it. I also, am an anime fan.

What you are saying about the US life being the best, ect is completetly WRONG. We are one of the most corrupt nations. Most of america is pornography, people have affairs, most marriges end up in divorce, there is teen pregnancy (too much), we have many homeless, ect...

How can you discriminate against other cultures and societys like that? There is no "best" society, the word "best" specifies oppinion. Other nations have a better economy, have less obsession with sex, less pornography, ect.. In anime, not hentai (pornographic anime), there is little - no nudity, if there is, it is usually in an every day type "think". Nudity is not a bad thing as long as it is not ment sexually. It is how we entered the world. Selling your body is, ie: porno.

Another thing, your saying US is the best, and your christian... You do realize Jesus never stepped foot in the US. The Holy Land is Jorden.

Another thing that bugged me is... saying "When we become adults we put childish things behind us, and cartoons, whilst of invaluable aid in entertaining and educating children, are of no use to a healthy adult of sound mind and firm moral base". Do you not realise adults creat cartoons? They also love their job. You are thinking every adult is wrong becuase you don't like cartoons? Quit steriotyping the world.

My father is a respectable man, has a well paying job. When we sat down to eat, I put in Rouroni Kenshin DVD 1, and asked him to watch the first episode. He was amazed, because he thought all animations where for kids (just like you), at the fact that it was funny. Also he said the animations were better than american cartoons.

I am a devoted anime fan, as stated earlier. The anime that I watch involves little, or no nudity. It has nothing to do with Satan at all. Cowboy Bebop is one of them. I do not agree with you saying it is the equivilant of Harry Potter. That is completly false. First off, the protagonist is a man, not a child. It involves more mature conflicts, with more mature humor. The animation is spectacular, and is one of my favorit sereis.

I could go on and on.. but it is late. I hope you should chance your mind on what you view about the world.

I am a Christian. (none / 0) (#467)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 11:35:19 PM PST
I am a Christian and an anime fan, and I am filled with shame and disgust that someone as hypocritical, narrowminded, prejudiced, and hateful as you claims to be a Christian.

Many good points have already been made in previous comments about the invalidity of many supporting arguments in your article, which I shall not waste time rearguing (including the fact that anime is a broad medium, not a genre; they are not "manga films"; not all anime is hentai just as not all American cinema is pornography; anime is not adult material marketed to children). Next time you decide to write an article like this, at get your facts right.

As a Christian, I am offended that you preach hate in the name of a religion of love. You have no right to hate anyone, even if they do proclaim belief in a non-Christian religion. God does not hate them, Jesus does not hate them, and neither should you if you call yourself a Christian. As a Christian I am also offended that you chose to censor pornographic images with pictures of Christ. Have you no reverence? Your choice of imagery does not farily represent even one percent of all animated material produced in Japan, so it is unfair in THAT respect, but your decision to profane the image of the LORD leads me to believe that you, sir, are exactly the type of anti-Christian monster you claim to be fighting. By writing and posting this article you have damaged Christianity and promoted a sinful and corrosive world view. I pray that someday you will see the error of your ways and learn what it really means to be a Christian.

Well put (none / 0) (#545)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 11th, 2001 at 12:12:31 PM PST
I agree with you in every way. Well said.

outrageous ignorance (none / 0) (#468)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 11:54:17 PM PST
I simply cannot believe that such outrageous cultural ignorance, conceit and intolerance still exists, in America of all places. This low-minded, over-generalizing, paranoid, extremist, and self-serving tirade may just be the most disgusting thing I have ever read. Teach your own children your bigoted values, and leave mine alone.

Support for Jon Erikson (none / 0) (#470)
by The Good Christian on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 12:44:27 AM PST
I am a devout Christian man who thinks that you are doing a wonderful job, Jon. In fact, I think that your next article should be an expose on Christians who end up doing sinful things to themselves while researching pagan filth! I had never sinned in my life, until i saw the images of the shameful cartoon teens on this site. It made me feel the feeling that only a man should feel when he's about to pro-create with his common law wife. At first I wanted to see what was under the censor images, but then I realized... The censor images turned me on as well! Satan then possessed my hand. I tried to repent, but it was too late! My hand was already down my pants, rubbing my holy spirit with sinful intentions! I ruined my underpants after a few minutes of my demonic possesion. Then I knew I had to take a stand. I then signed up at sinful sites like and and to try to expose all of the evil. Again, the devil posessed me and left me with a hefty clean-up. I now understand what you must have gone through to expose this evil Manga. You're probaly now addicted. The devil probaly posseses your hand as you watch the girl-type Ranma bounce up and down after her top has fallen off. Or at those giant robots with no clothes on. Or even that tight-bodied Frieza. Ooooooohhhh... You've probally ruined your knickers plenty of times, as the devil fed off of your sexual repression. Me and you are a lot alike, Jon Erikson. We're trying to be good Christians, but in trying to expose the evil, we watch it over and over again, as if trapped. It's the devil... And he ain't right... Amen...

~Baaaaah!~ ~Baaaaaaaah!~ I'm a sheep! (none / 0) (#710)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 08:16:15 PM PST
WELL! Here's another one for you to sheperd, Mr Erikson! ANOTHER idiot who ACTUALLY fell for your preach!


Now that I think about it.... I guess our God would have a MUCH easier time eliminating people who drag down his name in the mud by having you all old folks in one place....

Anime Knight

Just a thought.... *whistles*

attention jon ericson. (none / 0) (#471)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 03:55:07 AM PST
hello christian dannecker here.(yes that's my name) AKA Lord jinnai and No4711
when I first read this thing I was shocked.
I thought that the inquisition was over. freedom of thought and speech and the right to learn as well the right to privacy were all givens. But you draw a picture of going through everyones life and pulling out the details for further examination in the name of all that is holy.
I don't know about american politics but Keep the liberals. They might be the lesser of two evils.

you do not seem to know that Anime has many categories, just as cinema and theater has.
hentai means pervert. I do not watch this type.
I fail to see the value of it. But your shameless labeling of all anime as hentai has enraged me. I find anime as a way to escape from this fool run world. It is also; I find, a good medium to fuel philosophical thought. If you will bear such a trial again,(don't worry, the Lord is your sheepherd) watch 'ghost in the shell' and ask yourself if computers will indeed be the life that springs forth next. God is formless and the assumption that man was created in his image is only human pride. Formless life may indeed be closer to Gods' shape.

Your blaming of the japanese and the liberal government is pure unfounded allegation.

Your poorly studied work on not just harmless fun has
prompted me to launch an Idea that I have been toying
with for the last two years. I am 24 years old. I have
been baptized and had communion ect...
Now I am so unimpresed with your post that I have
finaly decided to become excommunicated. I plan on
following the shinto religion.(traditional religion of
japan followed by the samurai emphisizing the
importance of life and nature with more than two
hundred gods)
Your Idiocy prompted me to this action. You are not a
christian. And If you are (just to be on the safe
side) I will not be. You fail to realize; or remember, that humans were not and still aren't smart enough to understand the ten commandments. Therefore God sent his son to deliver an abbreviated form. It goes like this: love thyself and love thy neighbor. You have betrayed this commandment that Jesus himself gave unto us by labeling evil on all that you do not understand. Make no mistake I do not understand much either, but I make an attempt to Love. my two cents thank you.
thank you for your time.

Can none of you people read? (5.00 / 1) (#472)
by Jon Erikson on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 06:24:10 AM PST
I knew the standards of education had slipped in this country since the Liberals changed the educational emphasis from things like reading and writing to "feminism", "cultural studies" and "environmentalism", but I'm amazed at how many people here can't follow a single argument without getting confused.

Or maybe it's easier to attack a strawman than an actual argument. Typical Liberal posturing.

The point is not that "hentai" is different to other manga films. I was not singling out films that included nudity or sexual scenes in them at all! In fact if anything these are less insidious - more disgusting certainly, but because they blatently display their foul wares they are less effective at the subtle brainwashing that is the Liberal agenda.

What I am saying is that all of manga shows women as being childlike, sexual creatures through the use of cunning visual tricks. As such, all manga is pushing the Liberal agenda of pedophilia, not just ones with actual nudity.

Finally I think some of you are getting way too worked up about the pictures I used to illustrate my point. Maybe you should give some thought as to why this is?

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

somethings wrong with you. (none / 0) (#485)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 07:58:02 PM PST
your crazy.

Hmmm... (none / 0) (#512)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 08:16:37 PM PST
Why attack Japanese cartoons, then, in particular? With the possible exception of Roseanne, almost all American television and cartoons portray women as helpless, sexual creatures, often going as far as to show some of them wearing sleeveless shirts, or showing leg below the knee -- clearly allusions to sexual nature, no matter what age! Even in American conservative media! Since these Japanese cartoons are not nearly as popular as American media, Liberal or otherwise, I'd suggest you focus your attention on destroying the evil within our borders, such as ballet, where women are practically naked -- an open invitation to lust!

The Liberal Agenda (none / 0) (#514)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:57:25 PM PST
Though attention must be paid towards education and literacy, due respect must be paid towards cultural studies too, you know.

If you knew anything about the culture of Japan, you might understand that hentai anime and manga are small portions of a very large business. You might understand that anime and manga have almost the status in Japan that live-action TV has in America.

You might understand that pornography is found in almost every culture as a healthy release of suppressed sexual feelings, that looking at naked pictures of children does not necessarily make one a child molester, and that animated forms of -any- pornography do not exploit real persons.

"What I am saying is that all of manga shows women as being childlike, sexual creatures through the use of cunning visual tricks."

Is that so? Hn... well, have you watched all anime? Have you watched (or even better, read) X/1999? WeiB Kreuz? Inu Yasha? These are all relatively popular titles, all which show women in various roles, from the sexualized and innocent that you found so riveting, to unsexual and innocent, to sexual and not innocent at all, or even unsexual and non-innocent. I dare you to tell me that Kikyou from Inu Yasha is portrayed as childlike or sexual.

This is not to say that young girls aren't often sexualized. But before you judge anime for giving slightly-too-large breasts and a bit too mature of a plotline to a 15 year old girl, take a look around American media and it's saturation of sexuality.

Before you yourself get so worked up about a topic such as this, maybe you should actually get to know what you're watching. Maybe you should actually watch some of the recent, popular titles. Go ahead. Rent some Escaflowne, Trigun, and Cowboy Bebop. None of us will tell, and we'll probably buy you popcorn.

And while you're watching, realize in your oh-so-educated way that anime and manga is a product of a completely different cultural than America's, and that the "Liberal Agenda" is not an ideal that is brought forth by the Japanese.

- Katalyst

Mr. Erikson, (none / 0) (#526)
by nate sama on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:55:20 PM PST
As I stated in my article, arguing that "manga shows women as being childlike, sexual creatures" makes about as much sense as arguing that man who proudly displays his daughter's prom picture is guilty of incestual desires. Also, I don't think you seem to realize that "Liberal agendas" have nothing to do with this. There is no political backing of anime or anything like that. In my experience, anime fans don't care about politics. Plus, the kind of people that watch anime tend to be either educated artistic folks who are intelligent enough to make their own decisions or so empty-headed they're not capable or being brainwashed.

And while we're on that, what's wrong with being a Liberal, may I ask? I agree that "feminismm cultural studies, and environmentalism" have begun to eclipse the more important things in education, but those things still are necessary. We live in a world of diversity and freedom, and children need to be taught to understand and respect other people's viewpoints.

I hope you are reading the comments people have posted on your article. Certainly a lot of them are bigoted and ignorant themselves, but they express honest opinions and have more experience with this subject than you do.

Nathaniel Irvin

"When everyone is thinking the same, no one is thinking at all."

Yeah you tell him (none / 0) (#594)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 10:22:28 PM PST
Yeah, you tell him nate-sama.

For Mr. Erikson: (none / 0) (#546)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 11th, 2001 at 12:22:52 PM PST
It seems to me that what you feel has made this country great and what I feel has made this country great are differing opinions. You believe this country is great because it has a strong military and a powerful Christian background when, as it seems to me, this country is great for being a culturally diverse and- the important part- tolerant nation. America is one of the few countries the world has to offer where a person can live free from persecution for being who they are. No offense intended, sir, but America was not built for you, and it was not built for we Christians, or for any group of people out there. It was built for the individual, to tolerate the individual, and allow any individual to do whatever he or she pleases as long as long as his or her actions are not in violation of another's rights. I'm sure this isn't new to you, but I thought I'd write it anyway.
I would also like you to understand, if you don't already, that both watching anime and reading the Bible are options that can only be accounted for by the taste of the individual. If anime isn't to your taste, that's perfectly acceptable to pretty much everyone. Nobody's going to sit you down and force you to watch it; you did that of your own free will, unless I'm mistaken. As for me, I've never had the urge to go out and beat up or have sex with young people, and I have watched plenty of anime.
In conclusion, there is little to be done about the personal tastes of others but simply allow for them, because that, I feel, is what makes America singular in the world. If I misunderstood what you've said, or if you'd like to contact me personally (or anyone else who read this), my email address is
Hawaiian Mike

Not Just Manga (none / 0) (#551)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 12th, 2001 at 10:15:09 PM PST
Have you watched TV and movies lately? Think anime is the only place females strip? Well, think again. They're taking off more and more and guys, well, guys keep their clothes on. It's degrading, yes, what about guys taking their clothes off? I get-- I don't know. It's stupid, yeah. I agree with that. I get happy just seeing a movie where Jlo doesn't take her clothes off.

Please tell me you don't have any kids. (none / 0) (#557)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 06:53:09 PM PST
If so, my condolences to them.

Is there something wrong with your brain?! (none / 0) (#562)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 02:00:24 PM PST
Right now, I'm feeling pretty offended. For the love of god, stop making a *mockery* of the Christian religion! Before I continue, I'd like to tell you that I'm an 11 year old Anglican who advidly plays games like D&D, and Pokemon, who watches anime like 'Digimon' and 'Escaflowne'.

You are really pissing me off. Just because there is SOME anime/manga that's just wrong, doesn't mean that all manga is hentai (which, by the way, is Japanese slang for pervert. That's a point on its own, but I won't go there).

Please, look at <a href=> this</a> and say that statement again. C'mon, I dare you to.

Read this and visit the site listed (none / 0) (#588)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 10:25:38 PM PST
God damn your a dumbass! The human race is to advanced for idiotic shit like this. Listen to your freind. Open your mind. Dont call me a liberal. Do you beleive in evolution? Dinosaurs? Nevermind. Hey watch a show Neon Genisis Evangelion. youll love it. Its very christian.

ohh by the way. My freinds at message forum found this site. Come and see what we have to say about it.

Jon, Please Read This, Don't Pass It Over. (none / 0) (#577)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 02:27:41 PM PST
I have looked back over some of your posts and many of the previous and first posts against and for this article. Not to sound like an ass (which is what I will most likely come out sounding like) but this entire article, even this, is proof of your closed mind and your lack of research. Many of the posters, whether Anonymous or not, have posted many valid arguements. I admit, there are several people who put ignorant one liners, such as 'Your Crazy'. I feel sorry for these people. They may be speaking what is on there mind, but there is very little explanation to why they think this. I know to many (even me) it is very clear why people post one liners like that, but they don't go anywhere in trying to coax you to believe otherwise. I believe that this will just be a waste of time, your mind seems closed and won't be open. If that is not the case, then you haven't been reading even a portion of these that have been posted with very valid arguements. They provide you with animes such as Cowboy Bebop, which has a much deeper meaning than the first few episodes, Graveyard of Fireflies (forgive me if I said it wrong), which I have never seen, Rurouni Kenshin, and several others. If you watched these or read the mangas, you would see that they have much deeper meanings and morals that we, as Christians (yes, I AM one). In the mangas, they are overly drawn with funny eyes and such when angered or out of it and such, but they aren't drawn as childlike, sexual creatures as you have so ignorantly put.

Yes Jon, I do believe you went overboard with your pictures of Hentai and pasting the images over the certain parts of these images. If anything, I would of chose screenshots from the animes that you did watch (which are supposedly Dragonball Z, Princess Mononoke (maybe mispelled), and the Ghost in the Shell, if I remember right). People would have then identified with it more clearly than you posting Hentai to illustrate an entirely different subject. You may have been doing those pictures to represent what YOU believe that anime/manga represents, but it just changes our opinion towards you. Please don't label us as liberals and pagans and such just because we don't agree with your opinion, as many people I know do label me or other people because they don't agree with their arguements.

Toren (none / 0) (#595)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 10:07:35 AM PST
i think you are a totaly utter dumbass. can't believe you...maybe you should see every single anime out there mr. eric because stereotyping all anime based on the fact that you rent out hentai anime and base all anime on that is just digusting and revolting. I can't believe such a "good" Christian could be so deluded.

-thank you

MORON! (none / 0) (#596)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 21st, 2001 at 03:30:51 PM PST
I guess you have not seen RUROUNI KENSHIN. In this popular anime/manga series women can fend for themselves and are not treated like some sex toys.

Also I could say that THE SLAYERS have the roles of men and women completly reversed, or even in SAILOR MOON.

Im 17, and I love animation of all sorts, and I always will because its an ART. And one day, I intend to do something with my own artistic talents, such has create a manga series of my own, right here in America!

For you Mr. Erickson! (none / 0) (#601)
by Animeg6714 on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 02:12:17 PM PST
I am a Christian and an anime fan. Proud to be both! Reading your comments makes me loss for words. Sad and angry at the same time. I feel sad for you, Mr. Erickson. You comments show that you haven't watch a whole lot of anime or read manga to really back up your comments. One thing I want to point out is that ANIME and MANGA is made for Japanese people, there is happening to be people here (United States) who enjoy watching anime/ reading manga. (me included)Don't belittle us! Sure there is porngraphy there and what countries don't have porngraphy. I can name a few that isn't hentai: Speed Racer, Gundam Wing, Tenchi Muyo, Sailor Moon, Rurouni Kenshin and much more. I understand that some people will not like anime/manga. That them, but to sit here and complain about it here in this site is being satanic and go againist God. It's sad. Tell me this Mr. Erickson, have you commited sins in your life? There are many religions in the world for many cultures.
We can't said if they are right or wrong. And only one person can do that is God.
You can e-mail me at if you want to comment on my comments. But keep in mind that he who hasn't commited sins, cast the first stone. Can you cast the first stone?


Racism (none / 0) (#602)
by GundamEvo on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 03:56:22 PM PST
Well when I went into the chat on irc I was met with hate and among other things racism against japanese people of which I am one. "<tiny_pea> It is a well known fact that the Japanese are a queer, perverted race." And also it is very clear that the japanese didn't get their talent from Disney, if anime looked anything like Disney I would burn my entire collection. I also speak for the anime community in saying that this is an unfair insult to a very beautiful form of artwork and I also think it not fair that we be descriminated against. Joshua Terrell of

About those pictures.. (none / 0) (#609)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 11:20:51 PM PST
There offensive to all Christian-based religions.

It's a joke, you fools!!!!! (none / 0) (#617)
by nsherrard on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 12:35:09 AM PST
I can't believe hundreds of people are taking this seriously. Why don't you go back and read it as sarcasm, you morons! It'll make much more sense to you, because that's how it's written! This is hilarious satire, but all of you proselytizing numbskulls think you're making wonderfully informed arguements when you missed the point of the post. Here, read this, tell me if you think it's serious or not;

Mr. Erikson,

I am writing to express to you my horror at your use of Our Lord and His Holy Mother in your censorship of these disgusting photos. While I whole-heartedly applaud your devastating critique of this scourge, and certainly had my eyes opened to the link between this Asian depravity and the Liberal pedophiliac agenda, I was shocked at the way these pictures have been edited. I can understand the need to use them in your article, so that one can understand the truly pernicious nature of these "cartoons." Indeed, the more I look at these pictures, the more my lack of vocabulary becomes painfully obvious. I am simply running out of adjectives to express my repulsion. However, to place Our Lord and Savior Himself, not to mention the Holy Virgin in the same frame as these noxious pictures, even in the capacity of guardians against filth (as must have been your intention) is clearly blasphemous. I must request, as a fellow Christian who loves the Lord Our God as fervently as you surely do, that you replace these "edits" with a simple black splotch. I have no doubt that in your fervor to reveal the evil of these images juxtaposed with the power and goodness of the Lord, you did not give thought to the sin you were committing by mixing them together. I am certain that if you fix this error, and then offer a prayer for forgiveness to the Lord, that your soul will be safe from eternal suffering. I would appreciate any response from as enlightened a man as yourself. I suspect that few in this forum have the intelligence to comprehend the true import of your marvelously perceptive article.

Joe Smith

That's right you idiots! It's a damn joke, and so are all of you!

not so obvious (none / 0) (#766)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 7th, 2002 at 03:19:10 PM PST
He didn't make it so obvious. If this was a joke, why then would he have replied to so many of the messages in a serious tone?

Stating "all" is asking to be proved wro (none / 0) (#625)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 04:19:55 AM PST
Three prime examples of how once again you are dead fucking wrong, not all anime/manga "shows women as being childlike, sexual creatures through the use of cunning visual tricks."

By far the biggest contrast to your delusion, narrow minded, bible thumping opinion would be Juubei-chan. A series that features a young overly well endowed female who shows no signs of sexuality. Further more she acts more as a mother figure in the household after the death of her own mother. It is the male classmates of the main character that are the sexual creatures, but there are no cunning tricks involved. What is protrayed is an intended overly satired story of two post pubesent males after the same girl with a strange ancient ninja story in there for good measure.

The other examples are Relena Peacecraft/Dorlian, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une, and Sally Po. All main characters in the series and almost all are portrayed as 19+ in age and none are the young sexual creatures you generalize them as. All are strong leaders and some are fighters, but you problaby don't like women leaders either do you.

Finally Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion. She is almost seen as not human do to her quite, very structured lifestyle. Definely one manga character that you would not see trying to mount some male in the series.

The fact that you fail to see is manga is not comercial produced by the original artists that created the series that the manga is based off of for most fan art. Not all manga is Japanese, hell I could pick up a pencil and paint set and make a create a very crude manga drawing. Being that I am situated in the lovely bible belt of the US, Japan would have nothing to do with that piece of work. And I will be a young white American business man here in a little over a year and as your mission statements includes, my wish for the future is that organized cults(or religious denominations as they are commonly called) parish from this earth. That way narrow-minded persons such as yourself that blindly follow the morals layed out in a book written more then a 1000 years ago whose content was decieded upon by a council of men.

Er... (none / 0) (#626)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 03:18:21 PM PST
It seems that you are the only one who thinks that they are disgustin little sex creatures...You are judging anime with your own perversed mind. I've seen many anime, no not manga films, and I didnt once think that any of the female characters are "disgusting little sex creatures"

Ooooooooooh! The MAN!!! (none / 0) (#709)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 08:10:38 PM PST

And STILL you haven't even listened to us, saying how TOTALLY wrong you are! (TYPICAL!) I guess it's natural for fools like you to ignore the higher power... ^^ You might not even feel God's holy wrath if he decides to rain frogs down your sorry ass (Ow... THAT would be messy...)

And that 'Senior consultant, NPO Technologies'? Who are you trying to impress, old man? Nobody is impressed WHAT work you do or WHERE you are from. You want a debate? Drop the racist chatter and step up the ring... WE are all waiting....

Or can't you even handle a single girl, like before???

Anime Knight

Oh dear (none / 0) (#719)
by Jon Erikson on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 10:01:58 AM PST
Well, you certainly have been vocal haven't you "Anime Knight". Posting here and there, defending your beloved anime from the facts presented in my article with a torrent of abuse and lies.

Why is this?

Did you not understand my article?

Or you just another sinner? I can only see two reasons why anyone would reject the rock-solid conclusions I presented, based on simple logic and firm Christian values.

1) You are actually a paedophile yourself, and you are defending your so-called "right" to enjoy this kind of filth.

2) You are a Satanist, rejecting the word of the Lord in favour of all manner of libberish nonsense.

Either way, you are damned to Hell for your sins. Another Liberal to burn! Hallelujah!

Jon Erikson
Senior consultant, NPO Technologies

by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 03:22:31 PM PST
Dear Jon Erikson

Still Closeminded I see. People who watch anime are not satanist. You think your perfect? What Ive seen your the most Racist piece of trash Ive seen. I watch Anime, I own several of them including Dirt Pair(Oh, the name is nothing, they are goverment Agents) and I have the comic too..which actually made fun of dumbasses like you! Well if you respond I don't care, Im not the religious type and won't be for awhile, All I can say is that you are the one who should go to Hell.

Indy :D

satanists??? (none / 0) (#737)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 04:26:19 AM PST
when is watching anime rejecting god's words?? what does it have to do with anything??? i watch anime for entertainment coz i think it's better than the shows "poweful puff girls" or the teledramas they show.

you answer this, and i'll get the points of your article

ummm...not so much (none / 0) (#742)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 09:01:51 PM PST
No, not ALL anime shows women as childlike, sexual creatures. Take Gundam Wing, for example. All of the female characters, while young, no doubt, are strong, intelligent, complex characters. Furthermore, there is no sex in Gundam Wing whatsoever. In fact, there are really no blatantly obvious romantic relationships at all; many people just assume that they exist because certain characters think of another character, admire them, etc. If you don't believe me, see for yourself. Oh wait, wouldn't want to pollute you with filth that preaches peace over war...because we should kill everyone who differs from us, right?

one from the fence (none / 0) (#476)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 01:29:41 PM PST
as both a christian and an anime fan, I cannot read anything placed here and not feel ill.

To the sir who wrote the article--what you have seen is called "hentai". It is japanese for perversion. It is a section within their animation genres, just as porn is a section within our entertainment industry. Not all anime is this way--I suggest you look up the titles "Magic Knight Rayearth," "Fushigi Yugi," and other similar titles.

Secondly, that you have chosen to place images of the hentai you have seen up with your article displays your own indescretion. You say you were mesmerized by these movies you saw? It is because you willingly subjected yourself to that "filth." Aren't we supposed to guard our eyes, as windows of our souls? Why then do you study so extensively this hentai?

Also, the manner in which you choose to censor the images you have posted truly disturbs me. As an art student, I am taught to find the meaning in images, and frankly, this is what I see when I read this article, and see your supposedly censored images--ignorance, and perversion, attempting to hide behind so-called Christian morals.

As an anime fan, I am saddened by your ignorance and wide-spread egotism. As a Christian, I am disturbed by those same traits, but further by the fact that you choose to display your supposed morals in such a manner that shames me to share a religion with you.

The Japanese like cartoons. So do many americans. They aim these cartoons at all ages and interests. Its part of their culture. They grew up that way, they grow old that way.

I pray you will learn some understanding and wisdom.

If anyone wishes to respond to this, it would be best that you email me--I won't be dropping by here again.


Seek Medical Help. You crazy. (none / 0) (#477)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 03:48:34 PM PST
Although I laughed heartily at your theories. It is so insane that it doesn't even warrant a response.

So.. (none / 0) (#478)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 04:27:34 PM PST
So you think all anime is porn, so you think it is demonic, devil worshipping, people killing, evil wins outright porn. Well, I don't know what you get out of your video collection, but it isn't the same as mine. What "classics" did you watch?
Did you go to websites and ask anime fans what their favourite anime was? Did you even consider watching it and ignoring the difference in speech and format?
I can already say that you didn't, because of the way you're saying it's evil.
I have no problem admitting that I'm both an anime fan, and I'm a roman Catholic. I used to be an alter boy until I was too old.
Just because all of your ethics and morales happen to chance upon the "top shelf publications" of the anime world.
You also seem to neglect all of the evils of America. Who was it that dropped the atom bomb on Japan? More specifically Hiroshima, or did your patriotic zeal blind you of that. What country exports the most porn? America, that's right. But England, France and most other countries in the world do that.
At least with anime, we fans are able to find more about a culture, this helps the majority of us to become closer to our own religion as a result as we feel better adjusted to think in a religious way.
Maybe if you watched classics like Love Hina you'd feel more obliged to remember the fact that not all things of the same type are bad. Just like I feel that not all religious people are intolerant, ignorant nuisances that just like to spout their mouths of without first considering the consequences.
I only hope the moderators leave this message up long enough for you to read it, it may just re adjust you to a whole new world of experiences like action movies, and romance novels- funnily enough some of these aren't the "Mills-and-Boon"esque things you may have read.

Good night, God bless
a.k.a Daniel T

I have low opinions to closed minded people like u (none / 0) (#479)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 05:13:36 PM PST
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the christian faith has had a long and bloody histroy, however it is also one of the youngest religions world-wide.

...not to mention that your religion is also one of the most hated by other religions.

I blame people like you for pissing off those Muslums and encouraging these recent acts of Terroism.

AND NOW, you DARE to take away our right of freedom of speech in the name of a vendictive god? It's bad enough that you try to take away our right to freedom of religion.

And you dare call yourself an American. YOU TRAITOR!

Back to history, I feel that I must remind you about the crusades or the inquisitions. SO MUCH for your commandment of Thou Shall Not Kill.

So many people have DIED in the name of 'god'.

I think that it should be re-written as 'Thou Shall Try Really Hard Not To Kill, Unless They Pray To A Different Invisible Guy As You.'

You people break even your own rules!

And who dares to shout that you are holier than thou? Ingorant, closed-minded people like you who let themselves live in fear over an enternal punishment.

Though, what I found very offensive is the way you have those images censored. Have you no shame?

Religion and anime... (none / 0) (#481)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 06:44:21 PM PST
I believe that both anime,religion and most anything else we create are just masks to hide the reality that we're just microscopic particles on a speck of dust rotating around slightly bigger burning speck of dust that is floating in a sea of nothing. Who invented god? Why are we here? What is outside of the universe? What is it expanding into?What was here before the universe? Ask those questions and you will see how foolish most of this B.S we buy into really is. I like anime,anime is interesting.I don't like religion at all as it trys to make you believe in things that aren't true.Anime is fake...Anime doesn't hide it or require me to believe in things,anime doesn't infiltrate my TV/radio/bus stops with Chick comics(wouldn't this be considered manga by chance ;) ),or knock on my door dropping by magazines that I don't want,or suggest that my way of life is the wrong way of life. Anime doesn't tell me that everything will be okay,I can fuck this planet over...Not to worry Iam going to heaven...

Jack Van Impe has been saying god will come for 20 billion years..God isn't coming people.God will not save you... The ideals behind religion are "Work hard Pedro,you'll go to heaven...".Basically it reminds me of this cartoon 700 club put on for christmas where this kid gets tossed into this deep pool of water with weights on his ankles and a vision of Gabriel comes to him and says "You must be good,you must serve the lord..." then it flashes to this stairway of gold..GOLD!? WTF? Why would we need gold in heaven,has heaven turn capitolist also??? My theory is that religion was a way for the powerful/rich/elite to control the majority(poor) populus from revolting...Attack me..Kill me..Overthrow me and you'll goto Hell. But if you're a good servant you'll goto heaven where there's fuckin stairways of gold! Really you die and rott into the ground and replenish the soil.

Anyways enuf of my rant....


A concerned reader! (1.00 / 1) (#487)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 09:01:07 PM PST
Hi I just read your article above and am shocked by it!

Some things seem very unclear to me. You say that this immoral cartoons are aimed at children!! If you know anything about japanese animation you would be well aware that most of these cartoons are infact aimed at Adults!

While some are aimed at children ie: Pokemon and cardcapture sakura (DBZ was not a kiddies cartoon just made so by American crits).

I would like to point out that there is a reason for so called ratings on the video case!

You mentioned some scripture passages "put away childish things".....I think that you have taken it out of context and just decided to use it for your argument. If we are to put what you are calling childish things away....then there would be no cartoons for kids to enjoy every adult that helped make the disney cartoons would not be working.

I personally am a Christian but was disgusted by what I is your opinion so leave it at that!

What is the difference between sex scenes in cartoons and sex scenes in real life movies....I personally dont whatch either!

Also those pics that you have got in your article are from no Japanese animation that I have ever seen.....they look more like Hentai pics (18+).

Just needed to say something as I guess a lot of ppl have done already.


Sorry to say.... (none / 0) (#490)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 10:07:15 PM PST
Sorry to break your little dream world, but saying "Anime and/or manga is all porn" is like saying that the internet is all porn. Now if it was your first time on the internet and say you can across a porn site, would you close down your browser and say "the internet is crap all there is, is porn." Well I sure wouldn't. If you would look at mainstream anime, such as Cowboy Bebop, you would see that there is a PLOT, and ANIMATION, and other this which make anime good. And now your bringing this like GOD and jesus into this, like some sorta holy crusade. Now I don't care if you bring stuff like GOD into anime, but before you judge at least watch/read the stuff. Never judge the actions of one to be the actions of the whole or 99.999% of the time you will be wrong.

And Who Was it that Wrote This? (none / 0) (#491)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 10:30:23 PM PST
You are ignorant, foolish, bigoted and have so little real ideas about anything you shouldn't be even allowed to acces the intenet, let alone post filth like this online.

That is all, thank you.

Are you an adult? (none / 0) (#493)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 11:19:44 PM PST
Because if you were you would know the difference between reality and fantasy.

But obviously I cannot assume this basic, and simple assumption.

You people are what gives my religion a bad name.

Grow up, be a man or a woman, and stimulate your imagination for once. Unless you think that using the brain that our God gave us is a sin.

Personally, I think people like you are disrespecting our Lord, avoiding the usage of such a wonderful mechanism that he gave us, the mechanism of independent thought and reason.

I pity you. And may our Lord have mercy on you and your children's souls.

Hey, reality check- I am Earth, have we met? (none / 0) (#494)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 11:22:06 PM PST
I completely agree. What turnip truck did you fall off of?

Do you know reality? Are you aware that it exists? (none / 0) (#495)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 11:26:38 PM PST
I swear, why were people who post this SHIT on the internet aborted?

My GOD I cannot believe the sheer STUPIDITY that some people exhibit.

pathetic (1.00 / 1) (#496)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 3rd, 2001 at 11:39:18 PM PST
If you think that anime is all about pornographic material, then you are terribly wrong. Anime, in Japan, is used as a learning basis for children. The "disgusting" anime is not even shown on TV, and are thus are not mainstream. Secondly, if you truly are Christian, then you would know that treating the Japanese in the fashion that you are is against God's will. No matter if you think it is "morally just", or if you think you are "acting on God's behalf". He will decide what is wrong and right, not you. You have no right or authority to discriminate against another person based on anything, let alone their choice of entertainment. I personally don't condone the creation or of pornographic anime, but i think that it is better that animated versions of this type be made, rather than underage childeren be taken advantage of. Thirdly, don't speak about things that you know nothing about. Anime is the Japanese equvilent of american sitcoms, just that they have far better plots, are cheaper to produce, and that they can do a great deal more with them, and allow for more imagination to be brought forth.

Hi, It's The Name (Again) (none / 0) (#500)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 04:55:11 AM PST
By the way- I disapprove of this site. The Christians in this site are mere mockeries of My True Holy Church. But I really can't do anything about it- Humans kill, and I can't interfere like I interfered with Abe's peeps. (They were my Chosen Ones.)

Hey, it's your choice: Be blinded by self-righteousness

Or be nice, little children.

I find it sweetly ironic that it says

"News for grown-ups" up there: It's a lie.

As for you, Jon, you're still a child. And will die a child. Grow up before it's too late.

See the world in many colors, because that's the way I intended it to be.

If you don't, then you betray the principles that you once knew.


what is wrong with you? (none / 0) (#503)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 03:46:51 PM PST
First of all, you are assuming that the united states is the long-time rival of japan. yes, we had problems during wwII but that was a while ago. if you still think the japanese are against us you are mistaken and probably a racist. second, you are assuming that all japanese animation and manga are going against the christian faith and so are the japanese people. this is completely wrong and youre assuming that the christian faith is right. you are saying that only white christians are moral: "But other so-called cultures are purely and simply alien to morality, and the cultural apologists are nothing more than a group of deceivers intent on the final replacement of Christian moral values with a Liberal credo of immorality and sin." this is an outrage. whether you like anime or not (which you obviously dont) you hate other cultures and religions which is a terrible thing. plus doesnt the christian faith teach you to be compassionate? if not, there is something wrong with what you have been taught.
back to the anime portion of your article you say: "The worst attack on morality comes in the form of Japanese manga films, which spread a shocking message of immorality under the cover of animation, a cynical move targetting a genre typically aimed at children." you give no warrrents for this claim other than you say that its evil. so what if you think it evil, that doesnt prove anything. if you are upset about the nudity and violence, first not every anime has nudity and violence, and second that doesnt make it evil. there are a lot of american shows with these two "evil" aspects in it. you seem to overlook all of americas flaws and the flaws of the christian religion. you also say "...innocence seen in such timeless children's classics as Sleeping Beauty or Snow White." apparently these arent evil to you even though the themes are scarier to children than pokemon (evil witches vs. cute animals). im surprised you havent condemned these considering they contain withces.
i love this comment: "I found myself watching these succubi again and again, mesmerised and unable to comprehend such un-Christian filth." just goes to show that you are a closet pervert yourself! not so self-rightous when you find yourself actually enjoying it.
finally, you say: "evidence the secret agenda" but you give no evidence! you just make empty claims attacking the morality of the entire japanese race without any evidence! your whole article is just a simple-minded attempt to satsify your inadequacies. you make me sick with all of your assumptions and value judgements. thank you, you waste of space. you shouldnt even call yourself a christian since all you preach is hate, and i didnt think jesus or god would approve of that.

My account name says it all, really (none / 0) (#505)
by Mangageekha on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 08:51:25 PM PST
Ah, when my friend first sent me this... I didn't believe it. Then I sat down and read it. It was so hillarious. Then I went through the comments. Never before have I had such a good laugh from you "avid Christian" people.
Now, I was raised Christian, I know what I'm talking about in this article. I doubt you people have actually sat down and read the bible. I have. Now, let's get started.

Check it out: Hentai(Manga films, as our friend Jon put it) are common in Japan and here, so naturally people here are going to think that that's all they produce, along with little "satan monsters to do their masters bidding" because Pokemon was such a huge hit here in the states that everyone tried to emulate them. However, why does no one mention Digimon? There was even a monster named Devimon in the show! However, what seperates those two in this case?? There was one called Angemon, and using his "Holy powers" I've heard some people put it, he defeats the darkness with a bright light, thus making Digimon exempt from this satan ordeal, however I'm sure some of you are going to disagree with me on that.
One comment which made me laugh(along with all of my friends, I decided to print out the article because it was so gosh-darn funny) is that "What adults watch cartoons?" Well, in all due fairness, A WHOLE BUTT LOAD. My parents do, all my friends parents do, so I doubt that they are the only ones out of the whole world. Loony Tunes is great, Disney movies are fun every now and then, but adult cartoons for adult people must be sinful..? Where does that come into play?
Japanese people know how to accomidate for EVERYONE. They don't sell just little girly panties in vending machines, they sell things ranging from hawaiian pizza to bugs in vending machines, whether some of these happen to be some risque things is up to the person being there. Also, there are so many cultural differences from America to Japan that it's not even funny. There nudity is much less taboo that if you picked up about 3 tapes of Ranma 1/2(a popular anime during the '80s) you will find that probably 2 out of the 6 episodes will have some sort of nudity in them. Does that make them "Un-Christian"? Nah, not remotely. Nudity out in Japan is either used in siduations where it is quickly looked over, to make siduations comical, or to tittilate.
Now, back to the hentai. Look... Cartoons aren't just for kids, they never were. Do some RESEARCH, Loony Tunes were played before a news reel back in the day and who were most of the people in there? Adults. Kids took on quickly to the art style and design because there are so many more possibilities to animation than actual actors. And one comment which made me giggle was one saying that animation was a cop-out style of acting because you can't portray emotions with your face. Well, if that's the case, does that not make it more difficult to get the emotion across? You are at the mercy of the animators, not your own free-will. Take Sylvester Stallone(ugh, I can't spell his name, ah well) for example. He did a voice in Ants. One comment I remember very vividly is he said "This is one of the most tiresome films I've ever had to do." The actors voice is all that is portrayed here, nothing more. If anything, physical acting is a cop-out because all you really have to do is show an expression and give a monotone voice.
Now, I'm guessing the guy who wrote this article saw stuff like F3 or La Blue Girl or something along those lines, maybe Twin Dolls, who knows. But those are the "Classic" hentai he saw. Those involve tentacle rape with women who are trying to save the world, and in the end they do save the day by having sex with them. Eh, screwed up plot, but it gets the point across. NOW, he said that they had an orgy with blood and dismembered body parts or whatnot and went back to their evil war-lord or something. Nuh uh, I don't think saving the day is kind of evil, you know? Unless they saved the world to destroy it with their evil nipples of doom or something.
Now, by this point, I'm sure a lot of you people who agree with this Jon guy are like "This kids a geekfolk hacker who's gonna go to Hell because he gave into the Debbil!" I laugh at you, really I do. Hentai is from Japan along with a lot of other things. Now, I'm sure if you went around your house, you'd find tons of things not made in America, a lot of them from Asia or somewhere along those lines. Yep.
Also, I'm kind of impress with the article writer. Those are some fairly recent hentai pictures from a game. Not bad for a newbie. Also, I LOVE his censoring, that gave me most of my laughs. And when he said that he couldn't take his eyes away from the un-Christian filth just made me laugh even more. He's disgusted that people watch this, and yet he's only giving them more of an audience. Do you think that this might have been their goooaaalll?? Hmmm??
And I'm pretty sure the article writer dude only checked out the hardcore hentai stuff which he heard were classics from "geekfolk." Now, there are tons of anime and manga(Japanese comics) that would change your minds in an instant, however i'm sure your minds are made up about their land and their culture.
I could make this article oh so much longer, but I'll have to wait for another time when I feel like you guys do something stupid, which shouldn't be too long. ^_^
I watch anime, read manga, and enjoy hentai. Give it up, I am a geek, and yes... Your daughters are in trouble. ^_~

Have a jolly nice day!

What could the camoflauge for pandas be for?
An oreo factory? Could be!

So I am going to Hell for watching Cartoons? (none / 0) (#508)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:40:19 PM PST basically you are saying that because I enjoy cartoons, I am immature and childish and automatically going to hell? No matter how good of a person I am, no matter how many people I help, cartoons make me a bad person?

I love my country, but not all of America is good. Not all American shows are the tasteful wholesome shows you make them out to be...take Batman, or Superman, purely American inventations, just like Japanese Anime. Are they better just because they are American? You need to get a life, and spread the REAL Christian message, not your fake disillusioned version.

Your A Weenie (none / 0) (#511)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:52:20 PM PST
I am a parent of 2 children and I watch cartoons with my kids.....why? because as a good parent I want to know what they are watching. As well why can't grown ups enjoy cartoons?. Some of them are very funny and entertaining, alot better than some of the crappy movies that are out in theaters right now. So quit whining and get a life.

Wow... (none / 0) (#513)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:13:59 PM PST
I find it interesting that the virgin Mary is what's pasted between that girl's legs.

... And while we're needlessly bashing anime, why don't we pick on yaoi? I mean, 'cmon... if you're going to scream in a bigoted rage, don't shortchange the fags! Fans of yaoi, shounen ai, and shoujo ai/yuri everywhere need a few good laughs too. I'm sure you'll find a world of devilshness in such series as X/1999 or Card Captor Sakura.

*grins* Ignorant idiots of the world unite. On the edge of a cliff please, so the rest of us can send a hoarde of rabid crackbabies rushing towards you.

What a lot of Bull.... (none / 0) (#515)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:48:24 PM PST
If you haven't notice there's is already violence within most of the damn shows/movies/books we see every damn day. I don't have a clue why you are bashing about anime.

Violence is everywhere! Heck, you even got it in Disney! Everywhere you turn you are most likely gonna see some guy holding a gun. It what attracts people. Jeeze....

Hell, you got porno on the internet and on the damn tv. You don't need anime just to see that shit.

So before you damn open your damn mouth and bitch bitch bitch about something do some damn research.

What Ignorant BS. (none / 0) (#516)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:42:31 PM PST
You should actually watch anime and read magna before you speak. Not all japanese comics are hentai and same goes with anime. Anime is different from Manga btw, its like saying cartoons and comics are the same thing.

Why don't you also ban general art while you are at it? I'm pretty sure there's nudity in art. Go take your flaming torch to your nearest art gallery!

I cannot believe that there are such ignorant people willing to use such a big brush to paint everything into one category and condemn it. You think anime is bad or whatever? fine with me. You go around posting propaganda full of crap like this? Then I got a problem with it.

Hey! You're Absolutely Right! (none / 0) (#521)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 7th, 2001 at 03:24:13 AM PST
I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner! Those filthy asians are trying to take over the world with their perverted cartoons! They have subliminal messages in them that tell you to rape and murder and do immoral things like thinking for yourself!

I knew from the second I saw that movie "Pearl Harbor" that those japs were up to no good! We should never have left that country standing, or any of the other ones for that matter. Everyone knows America is the only culture that has a right to exist on God's earth. All the other cultures have ideas and opinions that differ from decent, white, anglosaxan, middle-class, Christian Americans, and different is just plain BAD!

Those anime characters have big eyes because they're satanic zombies, all following that Pikachu demon.

Praise Jesus!

Just a response (none / 0) (#522)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:44:36 AM PST
I am a fan of anime. Not just the japanimation that gets through to the US, but some of the really good Anime (in my opinion). Thought I'd respond to a few things.

Not all anime portrays women as childish or sexual by any means. Gundam Wing, which has been dubbed in the US, is a very serious portrayal of a war in the future. So far as I know (and I've seen the whole thing) there's no sex in it, and no superhuman abilities (even though I do not see that as wrong) aside from ace pilots.

Cowboy Bebop is also very serious, and there's again, little to no sexual content in it. No superhuman abilities as well. Fights are done with guns, not with special powers. It is a very good series, probably my favorite.

These are just a few examples. However, one argument you had is more narrowminded than the rest. I understand that religious beliefs (no matter how much many will disagree with them, it's what he believes, and no doubt it won't be changed by anything said here) come into play on some of this. Yet you said that adults do not like cartoons. That's horribly narrow minded and stupid. My uncle, a man in his late 30s, loves to watch things like Batman and Looney Tunes. Looney Tunes was quite obviously made for adults and not children. The early ones anyway. To say adults can't enjoy animation just because it's animation is probably the greatest proof that you are not only wrong in this issue, but that you do not do enough research. I hope you open your mind someday.

Oh, and just another point of your stupidity, Satanism is the belief that you should live life for what gives you pleasure, it is not the worship of Satan. They named it Satanism as a jab at Christians, they do not worship some evil man in red pajamas. Thank you for your stupidity.

Soon to be Elsydeon (nickname being registered, just couldn't wait to chew you out. And believe me, I plan to argue on this site a good long time. So many biblethumping closed minded targets.)

I can sum up in one sentence why he is wrong (none / 0) (#524)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:13:07 AM PST
Who died and made you supreme judge of morality?

Jesus? (none / 0) (#781)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 7th, 2002 at 05:14:23 PM PST
was it Jesus?

Bigoted, Uneducated, and Downright Nasty (none / 0) (#525)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 01:10:54 PM PST
You know, it's times like this, even if this article is meant to be sarcastic or satirical or whatnot, that it makes me ashamed to be a Christian.

Let's start with the statement that American culture is the only one worth considering. That has got to be the most bigoted, racist, un-Christian sentiment I have ever heard. It's attitudes like that that lead people to bomb large skyscrapers. It's true that American culture has spread to all the world and that all other cultures mimick us to a certain extent, but anyone who would say that others do not have something to offer obviously have not had any experience with that culture. Other cultures and languages are fascinating! If we want to use statistics to back up arguments, lets just consider the stats for how many people travel abroad for fun or education yearly. How many French words do Americans use in their everday speech? Condemning multi-culturaism is the reason we had such things like slavery, the Civil War and the Holocaust.

The introductory statements alluding to World War II were very disturbing as well. Perhaps it has been forgotten that Russia, a nation that for a long time oppressed and killed its own people, was one of those so-called "forces of light". It's true the Japanese Empire in the mid-20th century was no better, but they've reformed. Talking about Japan as a nation of evil-doers and Satan-worshiprs is unfair and un-Christian. Buddhists and Confusianist (the 2 major Japanese religeons) have different value systems that Christianity certainly, but they have their own moral code of charity and clean living that I would challenge any Christian to live for even a week, to say nothing of their whole lives.

Next, the statement that cartoons are only for children. It makes me sick to my stomach when Americans make such comments. The fact that animation in America is largely targeted at children means nothing. I cannot believe that amount of people that would condemn animation, a medium possible of such beauty and imagination, to never appealing to anyone older than 12. What kind of adult watches cartoons? MILLIONS!!!! Adults are always accompanying children to Disney movies and, whether they will admit it or not, enjoying them for their art and humor. And as for the aristic minority of adults that watch Japanese animation (hereafter "anime"), there are thousands of those who are decent, upstanding people. Certainly you run into your perverts, but for the most part these are moral people, if not Christians themselves (like me!!).

But now we come to the heart of the argument. The ignorance with which this article was written is appaling. First of all, "manga films" is a contradiction in terms. "Manga" means comics - "manga film" makes about as much sense as "comic book movie." Second of all, the amount of poronographic anime (herefater "hentai") produced in Japan is no greater than the amount of pornographic live-action produced in America. And it's representation here in the states is even smaller, for very few distributors want to bring such titles into America.

The author has missed the boat entirely. Anime is in no way aimed at children. (Okay, Pokemon and Digimon are, but who cares about them?) Perhaps in Japan titles like "Dragonball Z" or "Sailor Moon" were aimed at young teen audiences, but in America these titles (in un-cut form) are aimed at teenagers and adults. The cultural exchange from Japan is in not intended to "corrupt" the children - the children aren't the audience! Mature animation for Japan is being aimed at mature audiences here in America! If we want to complain about children being exposed to such, blame the parents who did not see the "recommended 13 and up" labels on the boxes!!

It is true that Japan has a different moral code than America. They do not have the same respect for sexual relations that people should. But the amount of sex and violence in anime is no greater than the same offensive material found in American movies! In fact, I would argue that in recent years, Japan has been moving towards a more conservative media while America has been getting more and more radical! The demon that author is trying to fight here is unwholesome images in entertainment. He singled out anime simply because, as Susan J. Napier put it, Americans find maturity in animation transgressive. The things they would see in the mature films sitting in their home are no worse than the things they would see in anime.

The author also attacked so-called "anti-Christian symbols" in anime. The Japanese are not anti-Christian any more than we are anti-Buddhist. What the author found offensive, certainly, is the lightness with which it is treated in anime. Certainly that tends to offend, and at time you must simply turn it off. But ask yourself this - don't we treat Eastern religeions with the same light-heartedness here in America? Just as we don't mean any offense to the Indians, the Japanese mean no offense to us. Probably both sides of the Pacific should stop this sort of thing, but we need to cast out the mote in our own eye first.

The author is also operating under several other false assumptions. The first being that violence in media causes violence. That is utter nonesense. I have seen incredibly violent images on the screen and I am a more subdued individual than I ever was in my youth. Certainly such things should not be shown to children, but teenagers and adults who have matured to the point of intellectual responsibility are NOT affected by such things.

I can't say what anime that author saw before writing this article. All I know is that I, as a Christian, do not watch hentai, and sometimes do not watch general-audience anime because of offensive segments. I would challenge the author to find one instance outside of hentai that any sort of pedophillia was promoted. Arguing that pretty young girls are often used as the heroines is not a valid argument. Protraying a woman or girl as both innocent and beautiful is not an fallic symbol or allusion. If it were, a man viewing displaying his daughter's promo photo on his mantle could be accused of incestual desires.

What I think this all boils down to is the fact that people see what they want to see. The author wanted to find sin and filth in the world, so he or she looked for it in a medium that few people would come out in defense against. Finding sexual allusions and innuendo in media is only an indication of what is going on inside the author's head. The author is right to protest against the viewing of hentai. But attacking all anime as being hentai makes about as much sense as attacking "Winnie the Pooh" because it's British or "The Sound of Music" because "Striptease" was also a live-action film.

I'm sure everything I'm just said has been said a million times already, but I needed to say it regardless. Peace.

Nathaniel Irvin
Website: Anime3037

Your a hypocrite, and an idiot.. (none / 0) (#528)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 02:43:22 PM PST
"The internet's most controversial (and congested) website!
All this increased traffic has proven to us that our readers really really love us,
and highly value all the timely and informative information we provide.
Right now we're more popular than Jesus! "

if your so f'ing religious than why the hell are you soliciting a site that is belittling Jesus

second, have you ever read a Harry Potter book? if you have than you should know how satanic and evil they are, but once again your soliciting a site with a 'Harry Potter' poll

you wanna attack something that is destroying our nation than i suggest you go for those books, Satanic worshipers are thriving off of Harry Potter, i suggest you make them your target of the 'reforms' you hope to bring about as they pose much more threat than Anime ever will (keep in mind these are CHILDRENS books, little KIDS who are growing up reading them learning to believe that God is weak) an article i read quoted a child saying "Jesus died because he was weak.", where did she get this idea, from harry potter..

and MANGA as you refer to it is NOT ANIMATION, MANGA are comic books, example one of the fact that you did no phucking research before you attacked anime, not all anime uses subliminal messages to make women look like childlike sex tools, sure there are some anime's that do that, but they arent all bad

also, since when was it that America was an all christion country??

"make a stand against the tide of filth lapping at our Christian shores."

im sorry man, but people flocked to america alot for... get this.. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, imagine that..... America is not an all christian society, dont refer to it that way

anime are NOT cartoons and other things (none / 0) (#529)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:25:55 PM PST
Cartoons characters has a 2d personality with little change from beginning of series to the end (if they even have a plot).
Anime characters, on the other hand, has very 3d personalities and they grow from the beginning of a series to the end.

I'm sick and tired of people assuming Pokemon, Digimon, Sailormoon, and Dragonball is what all the animes is like. THIS IS NOT TRUE.
There are many better animes like Ayashi No Ceres, Love Hina, Trigun, Fushigi Yuugi, and the list goes on and on. Also on North American TV, they cut out alot of parts because it's different from our culture.

One last thing, why do you have hentai pictures? Normal anime don't show any thing too sexual. Anime porn is hentai and they are not included in normal anime. They are a section by themselves.

Anime Is Often Steryo-typed In America (none / 0) (#530)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 09:38:30 PM PST
In America, anime is often over looked as "something for kids" and as "cartoons"
The article above had pictures of HENTAI..
that is not what I call anime. I AM an anime fan, i have been for the longest time now. That article does not portry the goodness of anime, but the side of anime that is the equivilent to the american form of "porn"

I have to agree with the comment above, There are better anime to watch.. there are anime for everyone, and just as well the music that go along with the anime are just as good. J-pop is the same as listening to something in English.. but in another language. If you want to see some good anime, you can look no farther than IRC, don't prejudge something because you haven't seen the good side of it. To classify anime-fans as "sinners" is wrong too, for the fact that we watch this thing called "anime" we are bad? If you do have an open mind, there are much better animes like Fushigi Yuugi, Rurouni Kenshin, Marmalade Boy, and Love Hina. I sugguest you see those animes, before you come to the conclusion that anime is evil.

Hey, not all american animation is crap (none / 0) (#539)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 10:26:18 PM PST
Their are many american cartoons that are damn entertaing. Sure they may lack character development, and you won't see a plot arch that lasts for the entire series. This is common in almost all american entertainment. I love good anime, but I would rather watch The Simpsons, The Family Guy, or anything by Spielberg than a lot of the anime I have see.

All the crappie anime you named have some respectable plots(as contrived as they may be) and at the very least limited character development, but they suck anyway.

Lots of free time.... (none / 0) (#531)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:17:32 PM PST
Several points Mr Erikson...

English culture "Apes" our own? Perhaps in the way a son "apes" the behavior of his father. We owe England much, not just as our most faithful ally and friend in the world, but we owe England our culture.

Unless you discount the importance of Protestantism, the concept of a democratically elected government (parliment? the Magna Carta? Where do you think our Founding Fathers, those old, dead white men, got their ideas from. Their protest, remember was no taxation without REPRESENTATION...they were protesting being denied their rights as ENGLISHMEN), the english language, most of our ethnic heritage, the King James Bible (named for King James of England, who sponsored it's translation...King James Lackland, of Robin Hood fame).

Let me try a better it any suprise my best friend and I tend to like many of the same things? Does that mean I'm apeing him, or he's apeing me?

Next, your comment about "normal" adults liking cartoons. I sat down with my niece and watched "Alice in Wonderland" with my niece last weekend, and quite enjoyed it. Does that make me abnormal? If so, why? How can I get help? I thought it was an amusing tale, and well drawn?

On to Sci-Fi, and fantasy being deviant and Satanic. I can't concur, unless you're ignoring facts just to support your argument. Probably the granddaddy of all fantasy is Thomas Mallorys "Le Mort du Arthur" (tales of King Arthur and his knights to us normal folk), the central theme (the quest for the Holy Grail), is basically man is in grace, man falls from grace (the whole Guenivere/Lancelot thing), man can only return to grace through the Grail (a metaphor for Christ). I can see how you find that Satanic. Man being redeemed in Christ and all. For that matter, how about "The Wizard of Oz"? "Alice in Wonderland"? "Sleeping Beauty"? "Snow White"? All fantasy. Are they Satanic? Shall we go to Florida and start a tape burning now?

As for Science Fiction being Satanic, I think the worst you can say is it's non-religious (in the same way math's just not referred to), most of it, it depends on the author. I've read some exellent Sci-Fi, some if it VERY Christian ( that comes to mind is about a Christain, a scientist, who discovers a REAL fountain of youth...does that contravene gods will was the theme, basically). You have to take it at face value...I'm sure Flash Gordon was Christain, but prayer time doesn't make for rousing reading.

As for Japanese animation, yeah, I have to say, from what I've seen, a lot of that stuff is just...eeeew. On the other hand, I don't think that's ALL of it, I have seen/heard of some decent Japanese animated kids films "My Friend Totoro" or some such, and there used to be some kind of a series called "Lupin" or something about a gang of wacky jewel theives that was amusing in a kind of "Three Stooges" kind of way (this is based on some OLD memories..and I wasn't paying particular attention, so there, don't all run out to the IMDB on me with this).

As for the whole pedophelia thing, I asked somebody, and he said that's just how they draw people, what with big heads. I admit it's creepy, but I think you're reaching here to support your point. I think it makes them look more like cats, or those Pokemon things.

Anyway, I've gotta go to work.

My comment (none / 0) (#532)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 10:40:43 PM PST
I have read over your article and your opinions. I will go against each of your points and defend Anime and Manga for all my fellow fans and the manga-ka (manga artists) and anime artists. I do believe that all people deserve the right to speak their minds but I also think they should research something before they go making accusations about it. I have researched Anime and Manga and its reflection of the Japanese culture, and read many papers on it. I will show that your points and beliefs of this art form are close-minded and destructive.
   I would first like to say your first paragraph, where you made a new little story about World War 2, is very ignorant. There is no such thing as good or evil in war, there is no light or darkness. Americans killed many people to fight against the Axis powers and the Axis powers killed many as well. It is not at all correct to place the Americans as disciplines of light and Axis powers as Satan's pawns. War is a fault of human society, so man is the cause of war, not God or the Devil. I found that it to be racist and ignorant, and if you were as well educated as you made yourself out to be; you would know this.
   First off, Anime and Manga are not cartoons; I found this to show how ignorant you are about them. Japanese Animation is an art form and a way to tell a story, like writing or Cinema. They cannot be called cartoons and I will prove this. Cartoons are an American invention, Disney used to create animation to tell stories, such as Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. Cinderella was actually criticized by critics for the realistic characters designs and emotions they expressed. " The Times and The Saturday Review were disappointed with the film as it `represented an usually large number of human characters', feeling that "it provided a kind of realism that should be foreign to animation.'(1). This is what really caused American animation to become focused towards children, and lose its adult quality. This is what makes you think it is ridiculous for adults to be watching animation, because you have been raised to think it is a child's medium. You are the product of American society, the society where animation is only for kids.
   Japanese artists took a totally different route with their animation and manga. They used it as an art form; they could do more things in animation than you could in live action movies. I would like to point you to many mature themed anime and manga; Galaxy Express 999 by Leiji Matsumoto, Princess Mononoke by Hayao Miyazaki, Neon Genesis Evangelion by Hideaki Anno, X/1999 by Clamp, Grave of the Fireflies by Studio Ghibli; this are a few of the many works of art produced in the form of Anime and Manga. Even American critics praise Japanese Animation as in the case of Princess Mononoke; "You won't find many Hollywood love stories (animated or otherwise) so philosophical. "Princess Mononoke" is a great achievement and a wonderful experience." (2). These series and movies show that Anime and Manga are not for children but for adults and mature people, not to say they can't be enjoyed by children. You have not at all watched through hours and hours of Anime, or you didn't look for non-Hentai (Hentai addressing pornographic anime) titles. I challenge you to watch one of titles I mentioned, and then come and say Anime is just cartoons. I would also like to point out "classic" means as standard of excellence or of recognized value, it doesn't have to be around for fifty years to be an excellent film.
   I found your "Satanic powers" rant, close-minded. Japanese believe in a different religion, it's called Shinto. It is not like Christianity at all, but it is certainly not satanic either. Anime and Manga are reflection of the Japanese Culture, so their religion would also be a large part of the art form. Shinto believes in many demons, ghosts, gods, spirits, Ki, and many other ideals. I am assuming by demonic powers you are talking about Ki or other Shinto supernatural dealings, though I don't know where you draw the limit; since it is quite possible that you also mean shows like Sailor Moon, but I would hope not. Since you're a religious Christian, there is no way I can change your mind about Shinto or other religions. It's called Culture, and there is no evil in having a different culture, I would hate a world where every culture was American. Your "Satanic powers" are just a different culture's idea of their religion, and they have reflected it in their art.
   The violence issue, I suggest you take care of American's violence in the media first before you attack Anime and Manga. There are few Anime and Manga that are any more graphic than live action movies, examples Rambo and Predator. What's worse, seeing real people being shot up by a machine gun or an animated character being stabbed by a sword? In truth there is none, but the gore factor is much higher on the live action movie side.
   I was very confused about your conclusion to your "research" that anime and manga promoted Pedophilic interests. The Anime and Manga style of large eyed characters is not intended to make them look like children, it is because they discovered that you could show more emotion with larger eyes. The size of the eyes differs greatly: Villains have thin, narrower ones, and children have the largest. The larger the eyes, the greater the innocence of the character; There are a large number of female characters with narrow eyes, and I have yet to see any mainstream anime or manga that shows little girls with such large breast as the pictures you have posted in your essay. Those are not common images at all, sure anime and manga girls are pretty, beautiful, and even sexy; but that is usually done to fit the personality of the character or set them apart from the other characters. Male characters are equally done, most are handsome and well built, and some are even beautiful, `bishounen'.
   And of nudity, you seem very opposed to it in Anime and Manga. I would like to know why; there is nothing wrong with the naked human body. I am not talking about Hentai here; I'm just talking about if character's body was exposed. Artists have been drawing and depicting the naked human form for hundreds of years. The Japanese culture is not nearly as conservative about nudity as America is, due to out bases in Christianity, but it isn't just Japan but many European countries are the same as Japan in that aspect. There is nothing morally wrong with nudity, America is very backward in its culture here; which is mostly due to how some people won't break out of traditions that are outdated.
   I have tried to show you that Anime and Manga is an art form, not the filth that you have judged it as being. It takes open-minded people to embrace another culture, and it is pretty clear that you are not one of them. I would like to state that your essay is biased, pro-Christian, anti-liberal, racist, and involves a staggering lack of research. You only seem to prove how close-minded and ignorant you are. You have brought no proof of your conclusion to your essay, you have not indicated any series in particular that you watched (which makes me wonder if you watched any at all), and you have not used or seem to have read any research on anime or manga. This makes me feel better, since it seems no educated person in cultural or animation fields would have had anywhere near the same conclusions as you. I hope in the future you are much more through and professional with your ideas and have some proof to them and not just your bias non-researched ones. I thank you for your time and hope you will take what I written seriously as I have showed the same respect to you and not have acted in the same way my fellow fans have, though I easily understand them and their feelings.

1.   Gillespie, Jeff. "Editorial: Japanese vs. American Animation" Available
2.   Ebert, Roger "Princess Mononoke" Available Http//:

what? (none / 0) (#533)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 8th, 2001 at 11:42:35 PM PST
you must have your head up you ass if you think the united states is the best country in the world. Look at all the obscene filth that come for your country. Eg Baywatch, McDonalds and high school shootings. If you think manga is promoting violence against children you are a sick fuck and you should get some help. Maybe you have some repressed problems. Nobody is forcing you to watch it. As for your view that manga is not christian, you are absolutly right. It was made in japan. You don't seem to understand that there are other cultures and religions all around you. So you go go ahead with gagging non-christians, and burning videotapes, and please take your head out of your ass.

Wow! (none / 0) (#534)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 12:18:08 AM PST
I've never seen someone so deluded in my entire life! You are some piece of work, Mr. Erikson.

Your article was a pleasure to read; I laughed my ass off. What color is the sky in your world, you repressed freak?

I swear, you MUST be joking. No one could be that far to the right. You'd fall off the scale.

wierd (none / 0) (#535)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 03:12:44 AM PST
any other people with intense liberal agendas think its funny that the "hearts" of mary and jesus on the second image were placed at the exact points of the girl's nipples. Almost giving her nipples made of these "hearts". hehe, but im easily amused as I approve of childporn/gun banning/and satanism, right?

My Thoughts on This... (none / 0) (#538)
by AnimeSama on Sun Dec 9th, 2001 at 05:03:33 PM PST
Yes. i supose from yyoour chrtian-radicalist view, Anime/Manga is satanic, and should be destoryed. I can agree with you that there are a few anime/manga series that are made for perverts, by perverts, and they shouldn't exsist. But thats like looking at a book and judging it from the worst page in the book. There are anime/mangas that are good. Also, about your idea that all characters with "powers" are evil, and that all battles end with "and orgy of blood and dismembered limbs". You must have seen the movie Akira, for that is the only movie i have seen that has ended like that. Go out and take a look at Angelic Layer or Comic Party, both are stories about people seeking their dreams and overcoming all odds. These are in no way "satanic". They are, as most of my friends, and my self say, "A much needed escape from the horror and depression of everyday life." So before you go and judge something based on a bunch of Hentai(Cartoon Pornography) and a Bloody, gory movie(which was very good in my opinion) please view more. Take a look at Kodomo no Omocha. Look at some anime pictures that aren't hentai, (such as Beldandy or Sasami) And look more into a subject before you judge it.

some people should die! (none / 0) (#540)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 10th, 2001 at 08:41:22 PM PST
holy crap! if ever meet this person i will surely cut them down!! what the fuck is wrong with people!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!
im christian, but i love anime! and i hate people who think shit like this

exactly (none / 0) (#584)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:42:49 PM PST
This is obviously a fucked up asshole who thinks he knows what he is talking about and thinks he is the worlds savior.

Well let me say this there is going to be a poll about this on before christmas and I promis to inform everyone I possibly can about this ignorent, racist, bastard.

Mr. Erikson, I am horrified (none / 0) (#541)
by nsherrard on Tue Dec 11th, 2001 at 02:47:07 AM PST
Mr. Erikson,

I am writing to express to you my horror at your use of Our Lord and His Holy Mother in your censorship of these disgusting photos. While I whole-heartedly applaud your devastating critique of this scourge, and certainly had my eyes opened to the link between this Asian depravity and the Liberal pedophiliac agenda, I was shocked at the way these pictures have been edited. I can understand the need to use them in your article, so that one can understand the truly pernicious nature of these "cartoons." Indeed, the more I look at these pictures, the more my lack of vocabulary becomes painfully obvious. I am simply running out of adjectives to express my repulsion. However, to place Our Lord and Savior Himself, not to mention the Holy Virgin in the same frame as these noxious pictures, even in the capacity of guardians against filth (as must have been your intention) is clearly blasphemous. I must request, as a fellow Christian who loves the Lord Our God as fervently as you surely do, that you replace these "edits" with a simple black splotch. I have no doubt that in your fervor to reveal the evil of these images juxtaposed with the power and goodness of the Lord, you did not give thought to the sin you were committing by mixing them together. I am certain that if you fix this error, and then offer a prayer for forgiveness to the Lord, that your soul will be safe from eternal suffering. I would appreciate any response from as enlightened a man as yourself. I suspect that few in this forum have the intelligence to comprehend the true import of your marvelously perceptive article.

Nathan Sherrard

I've never laughed so hard in my life. (none / 0) (#542)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 11th, 2001 at 03:21:29 AM PST
You need help,buddy. If you want something that you can really "punch the clown" to. I recommend a nice little series called Cool Devices.

Have fun,love.

Let me just say... (none / 0) (#544)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 11th, 2001 at 11:36:57 AM PST
It's people like you who make me ashamed to be a christian. It's people like you who cause wars.
Let me just say that I hate you, I want to kill you, and if I knew your address, I would. I won't be posting here again. Reading this trash is too painful.

It makes me really sad..... (none / 0) (#547)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 11th, 2001 at 03:29:48 PM PST
Every so often I read something that make me just want to cry. There is already enough hatred in the world as it is. But this coming from a fellow Christian? Sad....... Pat yourself on the back, because you just made a fellow member of your religion lose just a little more faith in the people of Amercia. How can anyone be so ethnocentric? It's healthy to a point, but really.......that's just sick. This really isn't about anime or hentai or whatever, everyone can and should have their own ideas. It's not even about how you shamelessly criticized another country with plenty to offer. The point is when you openly attack someone, whether it be face to face or not, that makes you no better than someone who shoots a fellow human being. But I don't hate you, because what good would hating you do? Cause more hate. So I appologize for my fellow anime fans who have been rude to you, no one deserves that. However, I would like you to consider how you express your view of the world (no this is not me being liberal, it's basic human decency).

And another thing. You say that anime is brainwashing our children. I think that it is the best thing that ever happened. I see kids wanting to learn and accepting other cultures. Yes there is violence and sex that I don't approve of, but our oh-so great America is chock-full of that as well. it hurts when I see kids who are so full of hate for others just because their parents haven't educated them in tolerence. I wouldn't have to see so many kids with bloody noses and black eyes if other kids were just a little more tolerent. So please, be a good Christian and help the kids be better, don't look down on something that is different. Teach children to make good choices so that they don't get involved with violence and sex.

Thank you

Hehe (none / 0) (#549)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 11th, 2001 at 10:51:01 PM PST
Now THAT is what I call a quality post!

ATTENTION JON ERIKSON (none / 0) (#550)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 12th, 2001 at 09:51:23 AM PST
Dear Mr. Erikson,

First I'll give you some background infromation on myself. I am 18 years old, from Australia and a lover of anime, not Hentai. I come form a ex-fanatical catholic family. My grandmother used to be a catholic nun. But divorced god, because she believes the bible preaches one thing, then contridicts it with another. I was christened into the catholic church but I currently do not believe in god, However I do believe in a universal power.

I am going to keep this brief and too the point.

I find your comments ill-informed, bias, racist and just plain wrong. Anime/Manga in not just porn related. This is known as Hentai and is only available to the leagally-aged.

Anime and Manga are magnificently animated, intelligent films and series that challenge the animation of Uncle Walt himself. Take Princess Mononoke, a stunningly animated 2 and a half hour feature film.

You will never see animation quite like that ever produced by Walt Disney, nor a storyline as intellegent. It is rated PG (Australian Rating System) and contains no nudity, sexual reference, or women being treated like objects and abused.

It is quite the contuary, it potrays women as great leaders, in the case of Lady Eboshi. A forest god in the case of Moro and independant young woman in the case of San/Princess Mononoke. The story line is an epic battle of good and evil, and how a young prince over comes his curse and wins the heart of Princess Mononoke. Its a story of self-recognition and over coming great odds.

Its been hailed as on of the greatest animated features on earth, and actors such as Clair Daines, Mini Driver, Gillian Anderson, Billy Bob-Thorton and many more lent their voice talents to it. Why would they do this if it is just a giant porn-fest with women being treated as objects and aimed at yound children...? They wouldnt!! It would be to damaging to their careers.

You must understand Jon, that Anime/Manga is aimed at many age groups. So thank your god for the rating system. Good christian parent should stick to it. Thats what it is there for, to protect young minds. If it says PG, then the child should be acompanied by a parent when watching it. If it is rated MA15+ then they shouldnt be watching it at all.

You see Jon it is very easy to follow. You live in the great country that invented the rating system. Why dont you be patriotic and follow it.

Hentai is rated R18+, that means it is for adults. If you try to take down the Hentai industry, you will have to try and take down the entire porn industry. Hentai is for ADULTS, and if adult wish to view it, it's their adult choice. It is just the same with acctual porn.

If you do not wish to view it, that is your adult choice.

Also I find your comments on grown adults being intrested in cartoons just plain stupid. If it wasnt for grown adults being interested in cartoons we wouldnt have cartoons at all. If Walt Disney was not interested in cartoons in his late 20's and early 30's. Where would the cartoon industry be? Where would your beloved "[i]Snow White[/i]" and "[i]Sleeping Beauty[/i]" be? They wouldnt exist at all. So you see, adult intrest in cartoons is needed for the cartoon industry to exist!!

Another thing is, you comment alot on multiculturalism and embracing alien ideas being bad and againt your god. (Are you a member of the Ku Klux Klan? Because you sure sound like it.) Remember, your great nation was built of multiculturalism and embracing alein ideas. Where WOULD America be if it did not embrace this?

Also your great America you speak of. Does it not promote freedom? Why yes, I believe it does. However does you religion not say (forgive me for being crude) it is evil to watch science fiction, view porn etc etc? So realy the religion you belive in is contridicting everything the great country you love stands for and also believe in?

Well this is what I believe...

I believe that you are a very confused and sad little man Mr. Jon Erikson.

Afraid of something FOREIGN, eh ? (none / 0) (#554)
by ashura on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 04:45:55 AM PST
yes "anime", not "manga"
"manga" is the japanese for "comics", nothing else.
(this point of vocabulary being stated, I go on to the true subject of my post)

To me, it feels like you make generalisations too quickly.

Porn exists in anime, that's true. And in a lot of these, girls are young, right. I would not call this pedophilia, though, just lolicon, but it's still just a point of vocabulary.

But well, I'm an anime fan, and I hate these.

In Japan, animation is NOT restricted to kids. There are anime for all ages. Depending on their audience, anime on TV can be at any time of the day, from early in the morning (for young children, such as "Doraemon") to late at night (for adults, I may name "Serial Experiments Lain", in which there is absolutly nothing sexual, but a very-difficult-to-understand story and a disturbing ambiance), with some during prime time (generally directed to a large audience, for a few years now "Detective Conan" has been a prime-time program).

Well, you may find them non-christian, but just remember that people who made them are non-christians... that does not make them satanists. Shinto is a religion that emphasizes respect, humility, and the sacredness of the world as a whole. Japanese people may have points of ethics that differ from yours, but you cannot say they're not civilized.

First, a Japanese does not know what a "sin" is. He only knows what's "socially unacceptable". It means that, as long as it remains his personal business and he does not make it public knowledge, someone can be as perverted as he pleases. Well, I don't think it's a sane thing, but it's a way like any other to regulate society, and it works pretty well in some ways (criminality in Japan is very low) but has some serious drawbacks (because of the social pression there are lots of suicides).

Moreover, Japanese have a different way to consider fiction. For them, well, it's just what it is, and they don't expect it to represent reality in any way. When they watch a movie, they're detached from it, not involved in it. So there is no real taboo in Japanese fiction (and after all, what you're watching is your personal business, even if it's something perverted).

Anime are a part of this foreign culture... And it's not because you don't understand something that it's evil. I was myself raised in Christian culture, but I try to be open-minded towards every religion. Gandhi has been in this century one of the people that could be qualified as a "saint" (or at least an exemplary person, sorry to use the term but my family is Catholic), but he was not christian. I personnaly know people calling themselves atheists who are very nice and acceptable persons, even to your standards, because they do have strong moral values. I'm myself quite close to an atheist, though viewing the Human race as a pure coincidence scares me enough to believe in the existence of some God, but it's not related to any religion (though I do have Christian values because of my education).

Seeing such a narrow-minded article simply scared me... sorry for the long reaction.

idiot (none / 0) (#555)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 10:39:00 AM PST
I found myself watching these succubi again and again, mesmerised...

yep, i bet you had your dick out and in your hand too.


christian values are worthless and a sign of weakness and stupidity. Face it jack off, the Satanists and Sodomites rule this world and there's not a thing you or any of your "christian" buddies can do about it. Kneel down, repent your blasphemy and embrace the New World Order!

I sure hope this isn't serious... (none / 0) (#558)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 14th, 2001 at 08:13:06 PM PST
Kudos to whoever wrote this!! You are a master of the art of sarcasm. I really think you did a good job of showing what the common misconceptions about the anime medium are... especially that most people think that anime is a genre of sci-fi and fantasy, rather than a genre. Most people rant about it being perceived as only porn or only children's cartoons, but most fans don't seem to notice/mind the sci-fi/fantasy bias. But you did blend the hentai/kid's stuff elements rather well. I especially liked the lines about watching hours of the "filth" - nice use of irony. I'm having all my friends read this!

Thank you (none / 0) (#560)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 06:23:35 AM PST
I am an atheist, but if there ever is a time when I could be persuaded to believe in religion and the supernatural, it would have to be this instant. At the height of a depressingly dull and boring period of my life, some mysterious force (the one they call God, perhaps?) directed me to your article. I haven't had such a good squirt-in-your-pants laugh in years, and am still chuckling as I type. I applaude you, sir. You have either taken satire up to a totally new level, or you have the most fucked-up mind in this and two-hundred-and-sixty-nine other universe. Either way, I thank you.

And now if you will excuse me, I think I will take a little stroll through the rest of this site in search of more entertainment. Any site with you on it has got to be good.

This site should be (none / 0) (#561)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 01:27:19 PM PST
called: Dickheadquacy, news for fuckers that don't know shit.

By the same token... (none / 0) (#563)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 15th, 2001 at 03:29:01 PM PST
I can assume that all good Christians are intolerant, self-righteous, self-important and incapable of making their own decisions or studying a subject for more then ten minutes before reaching a proper conclusion

Of course, I know this isn't true; it's just all of you.

I do not watch, own, or look for pornagraphy. In fact, I find such things largely distasteful. Early American Cartoons (Betty Boop and Loony Tunes, for example) are teeming with racism and sexism, too. And yet you call them suitable for children. How about doing some REAL reasearch?

Your problem is that you can only see your side and wrong, and if I don't fit perfectly into your neat little pre-arranged world, I'm evil.

Of course, what I say doesn't matter. But here in America, I am free to beleive whatever I want. If you don't like it, go buy some land and succed from the Union.

And now, I'm going to go play a video game. Because reading psalms and hating the world around me for wanting to be happy doesn't seem like very much fun.

Go get a real personality. Point out the exact verse in the bible that says Thou Shalt not Smile.

For a person who is so moral... (none / 0) (#570)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 02:53:57 PM PST
So how many Jews have you killed so far? They shouldn't be around anyway, because, hey, they haven't done anyhting for this country anyway, have they? I would also like to point out on how you *forced* yourself to watch all this "smut", and "Filth". Get your God-damn hand out of your pants and pull your head out of your ass! Go out to the video store and rent "Graveyard of the Fireflies", That's about one of the dirtiest and indispicable animes I can think of you heartless pig.

Wrong on so many levels (none / 0) (#571)
by budlite on Sun Dec 16th, 2001 at 07:59:26 PM PST
Did you ever stop to think that Christianity isn't the only religion that matters? Last I heard Christianity is a fairly hew religion - there are a great deal of others older than 2000 years, most still thriving and not doing anyone any harm. The only religion that IS doign harm is Christianity, by attempting to throttle other cultures.

I am not Christian. I was born Jewish, but I am not even religious in my own mind. But that is my choice. I may believe what I want to believe, and the fact is that I don't believe anything at all unless I have proof that I should.

I'd also like to consider the fact that America was not originally a Christian country. It was populated by the native Americans, who christians ruthlessly drove from their homes and murdered in the name of "good". And yet you have the nerve to suggest that other cultures doing exactly the same thing are somehow worse than you. What's worse for me is that those settlers who drove out the natives were British. I am British, and I am not proud to come from a country that spawned such a bigoted culture.

I also don't understand why you are attacking adult cartoons and more specifically Manga. What does it matter that an animated film is directed at adults? I mean, they weren't invented solely to entertain children, and though a significant number of childrens shows are animated, that shouldn't stop some shows being directed at adults.

And adult cartoons are just that - ADULT. It's exactly the same as a TV show with real actors - some are directed at children, others directed at adults. There is no difference, except that there is more scope for imagination on the part of the script writer with animation.

Your article is more likely to do more harm than good if it is taken seriously. Much of what you say simply goes against nature. Sex is absolutely necessary for life, yet you seek to vilify its portrayal. It is also a pleasurable experience, even in imagination. Yet you seek to deny people the right to view depictions of that most pleasurable experience or depictions of those parts of the human body designed to create life itself.

Your arguments about paedophilia also do not stand up if you look at it from a natural angle. The law against people under 16 (or whatever age in America) having sex is purely cultural, it is not natural. If you were to ask any other man you would probably find that he finds girls much younger than himself, and indeed younger than 16. This is absolutely natural - a younger girl is more likely to be at her sexual peak, and more likely to produce healthy offspring. Can it be a coincidence that youth is a sign of good sexual health and the fact that the majority of pornography available is focused on "the youngest girls", "hot teens" etc.?

Personally, I like Manga and anime. The depictions of female figures I tend to find mildly erotic. Does that really make me a bad person? Is it really so bad to behave absolutely naturally?

I don't think so.

I agree. (none / 0) (#573)
by nathan on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:28:42 PM PST
Since 'nature' is such a great guide to morality, you'd better get rid of your nasty, man-made fabrics, food, medicine, vehicles, and house.

What could be more natural than drooling over naked pictures of little girls? Yes, indeed. Let's get down and dirty with our bestial natures.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

you need to research more before you use more lies (none / 0) (#572)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 06:49:40 AM PST
you really need to research more because Disney stole the wide eyed look from japanimation not vice versa
I do not appreciate the attempts of hatred upon cultures to be brought out with the blatant claims that they are unholy or satanic.
You simply label things satanic that you do not understand. I am a southern Baptist and do know a thing or two about christianity. Perhaps if you are such a strong christian you realize that there is no translation in hebrew or greek that means the devil. The translation just translates to the enemy for diablous and in the hebrew there is no word at all for devil. perhaps you should do some researching before you get hurt, you really need to have strong evidence to back up your claims. Christianity is the most jealous religion in the world and there is no denial because look at what we do to the other world religions, even those who except us. look at what we did during the inquisition. and whether you like it or not, Roman Catholicism is christianity and that is what spawned the modern protestant churches. So maybe you could be a bit nicer to those around you and dont hide behind theology where it doesnt apply-I am an avid anime fan but my judgment on that is not stated here It is my judgment of false believers of christianity that is expressed

and you may bring up the fact "judge not lest ye be judged" well go ahead I do not fear judgment because I am firm in my beliefs and noone can change that

Whoever wrote this article is a freaking idiot! (none / 0) (#574)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 07:33:30 PM PST
Some questions to the writer:

Where'd you get those pictures? I myself am an otaku (anime fan) and I never see pictures like that in the stuff I watch. Obvioulsly you yourself are a little hentai (which means pervert by the way).

Are you a left wing? I'm a conservitive myself and I really hate left wing idiots like you.

Now to comment on some stuff:

Now if you were to have actually done some research that wasn't on any adult sites, you would see that there animes that do depict Christain values. Ever heard of Trigun? of course not, you only watch pornos.

Well I ain't gonna waste anymore of my breathe, but I will say this:

Its idiots like you that make it hard to enjoy things in this great nation. If you're gonna complain get you facts strait before you do! If you think anime is such a terrible thing, then why don't you turn off LA Blue Girl, F3, or whatever the hell you're watching and stop making people look bad because you're a dumbass!

This from a Catholic, Irish, Republican, Anime-watching, Air Force brat!

This place is called 'The melting pot' fora reason (none / 0) (#575)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 09:52:20 PM PST
Mm...hate to burst your bubble-but don't you realize it's the US copying everyone ELSE'S culture rather than anyone copying ours or even trying to actively influence it? If you want the 'true' american culture, I suggest you speak with the native americans- otherwise, it's all just copycatted from other cultures.

And for your information- the US had some pretty sick ideas, shows and movies LONG before the Japanese came along with hentai anime and manga- the only thing their porno has that ours doesn't is the occasional plot. And if america had it's morals straight the hentai wouldn't even be a problem. Stop blaming overseas countries for things our own twisted minds have thought up- all they've done is present it in another form (and truth told- we beat them to that- just they draw more prettily than we do, so it caught on faster and farther).

So maybe you should take a step back and rethink everything you just claimed in this- from your crusade against something you clearly fail to understand to your claims of other cultures aping ours. This entry of yours has so many holes in it I could sell it as a wheel of swiss cheese!

jesus christ on a crutch (none / 0) (#576)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 17th, 2001 at 11:12:29 PM PST
man this guy sounds like a freak just wantin to get out and have some fun. keep them hormones bottled up! we can even bring back the chastity belts. i for one aggree lets become a sexless sterile society!

Unfair (none / 0) (#578)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:14:06 PM PST
What you are saying about Manga and Anime is completly unfair, because you are comparing it to the American morales and Christan faith. First of all, the "Santanic" powers that they use is part of ki, chi, chakura, whatever. It is the basis of their powers, which has nothing to do with Satan or anything. Second of all, the nudity in Manga is intended for another culture. Japanse people tend to be less shy with nudity then americans, so they design it to fit their culture. The same thing for adults watching cartoons, the for the japanese culture cartoons are enjoyed for a wider range of people. And it while some manga and anime deal with childish themes such as pokemon, their are more complex mangas having to do with romance, inner turmoil, etc, which are geared towards older people. There is also hentai, which is a form of pornography. And the eyes were stolen from disney because the person who began using the manga style copied it from disney to display more emotion. In any case, Manga is not something with a direct theme, it is a style of drawing, so you can't judge all of them by one is based on. Thank you.

WTF!?!?! Baka... (none / 0) (#579)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:17:38 PM PST
I'm quite confised about all this...

Anime & Hentai (adult anime) are completely no-related but both come from japan. They have different names for a reason. Comparing anime to american animeation is an isult to that society, because japan shows that are targeted twards children (anime not hentai) have real life issues impliemtned into them. America stays away from death and business issues which america is too dumb to comprehend. America has no relivance to anime and the only thing people don't understand is, all the old shows are from Japan that were any good which people think were from america. The only show or thing that came from america (but the artist was educated and lived in japan) was Marvel's X-Men.

Anime is meant to teach lessons to people that america wont show. Hentai has it's place in this world, just like anything else that is adult natured, it is even explained like that and have the same safeguards to protect children from it with all legal warnings and the pictures shown above this have no relevance to anime (stated again). This is why you all are Baka, and that this whole thing is a bunch of Baba (two words learned from japan class) and if you people don't yamero then you are baka still.

Bringing in religon to the anime fight is also wrong by using Jesus to cencor the images that you choose from a hentai adult site that is labeled that way.

In no way does anime effect our children in ways of evil or corrupt them for the better of Japan. It's not our fault japan is better than the US in matters of art. All the shows that adults like their children to watch (Teletubbies for younger kids) are from Japan. At least Japan isn't as wussy as america and will show these, and if you didn't know but that america also has it's own hentai that is made. I believe I give a great arguement.

Can anyone say Idiot? grrr... (none / 0) (#580)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 04:49:01 PM PST
I watch anime. My brother watches anime. My sister watches anime and we are all devoted christians. We worship Jesus, and we praise God, and now you are telling me that what I watch is going to affect my relationship with God? Hello.... Its just a TV show. People said the same thing when many other now popular tv shows or bands came into play. And besides, we all share this world. There is no one higher culture. God created us all. This is just a way of life and I hoped that in the new millenium some of this prejeduce would finally die down, but its ppl like you that won't let it die. Give it up already.

Switch to decaf. No, seriously, I need words. (none / 0) (#581)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:49:20 PM PST
I'm sorry, but you need professional help. This article was the biggest pile of monkey excrement that I've ever come across.
First and foremost, as an ANIME fan (manga is not the correct term for the films, thank you very much), I can honestly say that you've been watching nothing but the 13 and up movies. There are plenty of clean anime films out there, you just don't care enough to go find them. You saw the filthy adult ones, and like the pervert you are under that pious facade, you rented/bought those. I bet among those were "Cutey Honey" and "La Blue Girl", weren't they? WEREN'T THEY?!
Meanwhile, such shows as "Flying House" flew (ha ha) under your radar. That is a Christian anime show, and before you jump to a few of your favourite conclusions, yes, it WAS made in Japan, not in our great nation.
You obviously just like to rant about whatever comes across your mind, which is not wrong in and of itself, but when you decide to slam an entire country and an entire entertainment genre in one article, you'd better be ready for comments like this one. On behalf of me and my "wrong/evil/satanic/perverted/stupid/decadent pedophiliac" friends, anime itself is not evil, nor is the entire country of Japan a breeding ground for fallen angels in human guise. Anime is simply an art form that some have chosen to abuse, and to be fair, there have been pornographic films dating as far back as films themselves, and they originated RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA.
As for the "child porn" aspect of that, you're going to have to do better than saying that the wide eyes connotate children. That's absurd; they connotate... beautiful eyes, and nothing more. To say that people that watch these films will immediately go out and brutally molest an entire kindergarten class is not only moronic, but sickens me to think you think like that. Almost sounds to me like you're covering up actions that you may have performed yourself. As you stated, you were hooked, drooling over the animated smut. The problem may not be with an entire culture, but an imbalance in your own mind. You may have been already mildly attracted to children, and something small like the wide eyes set you off. I hope you pinch yourself and wake up from your dream.
Have you been getting enough stimulation in your marriage? If you feel you need to research animated pornography this in-depth, maybe you should try some Viagra, or perhaps new positions. There are books to help in this area, you know. When I read this article, the phrase "ignorant zealot" comes to mind. Not meant to offend, just meant to speak out.
Oh, and by the way, I am a Christian, and Jesus lives inside my heart of hearts, despite my watching the "evil" Dragon Ball Z.


Go Dustin! (none / 0) (#616)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 08:14:14 PM PST
I completly agree. I mean, come on. Anime has more issues that sex. In fact, Anime has more issues than most american telivision shows. As a matter of fact, I have watched anime most all my life, and yet, for some strange reason, have never seen a single naked person. Hmm.... could it be that not all animes are as evil or as preverted as you think they are? I highly suggest that you take a good long look at when you're trying to say. You're saying that Anime's are not chirstian, and that Anime's brainwash people. Well, I actaully have more of my family's values than anything else. I respect my elders, for the most part, and get try my hardest at everything I do. I do not go out and try to sleep with every guy on the street, and I do not wear too short skirts or too tight tops. I dress for what I do, because I am on my feet for long hours, and am often placed in a cold enviroment, I wear oants and long sleaves. Tell me, does any of this constitue me being brain washed? As a matter of fact, alot of my "christan" friends dress far worse than I do, and sleep around with many diffrent people, sometimes at the same time as they are seeing someone else. I also meet alot of diffrent people in my line of work, and must keep an open mind or else my prejeduce would completly ruin my job, and my friendships. I had hoped the time was past when we judged too quickly, and too harshly. After all, there are many cultures out there that are older than our own, that have for the longest time, preserved modesty, respect, and decency to other people. However, if you even care to notice, most of Japan's dirty anime was made after Japan became friends with the US. Tell me, how can this be coincidence?
~Carrie L. M.

What do you mean, "for kids"??!?! (none / 0) (#582)
by wickershaf on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:33:31 PM PST
Okay, listen. Cartoons have always been geared towards adults. They were only stereotyped as being for kids because they were ^_^ CUUUUUTE or whatever. You have not only offended Japanese people, but all Anime fans, ESPECIALLY those that are adults, saying that they're insane/childish. You need a clue worse than oxygen, ya religious nut.

raceist ass (none / 0) (#583)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:35:12 PM PST
Hi i just finished reading your article located on the url of;sid=2001/11/20/94827/169.

And I should correct you in many places. First of all you watched the wrong thing. You see anime is not that way at all. You watched hentai which is pornographic anime. And on another note you have to watch the right anime. Haven't you ever hear the saying you don't judge a book by it's cover. You need to watch good anime not crappy anime. Also i could tell by looking harder at what you wrote that you are a racist asshole. And are extremly igonrent.

You don't write about things you don't understand. Honestly you sound like an immature little kid who can't have things his way. Not everything in this world is "satanic". And America is not the best nation in the world. Yes thats right, and i have the right to say that cause i live their.

Man next time you write somthing think about it first.
By the way you should really hook up with Nathan Bedford Forrest.

I Promise!! (none / 0) (#585)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 06:49:23 PM PST
I promise that I will expose this article to the public. is going to have a poll on this person. He is obviously racist. An extreme racist. What an asshole. Words cannot describe alone what I am feeling right now. I mean he called the Japanese a plague for Crist Sake. Please anyone feel free to email me at about this and I promis your voice will be heard.

it's just anime... calm down (none / 0) (#587)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 08:37:48 PM PST
So you think that manga is bad do you, well you said your self (i found my self waching these again and again ) well it carn't have been that bad if you wach it. You know what i think.... I think you like waching it, and one day your wife came down stairs and you were waching some thing that you shouldnt of been and this is your excuce. and to make things even worse your putting down other peoples culture and rilegen and you pick manga, out of all the things you could of picked you chose manga. if uoy look you will see alot of very good anime out there. You have your freedom of seech so do i and if your insulted by this just imagin how the people who make manga feel they are in the entertanement bussines, to entertain, it's up to you to wach it so don't put them down there good hard working people who do not need peole like you!!! giveing them greef. O and if you delet this opinion your just proving that i'm rite

Never Underestimate The Power of Stupid People.... (none / 0) (#590)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 12:12:44 AM PST
In Large Groups.... Man, you fell off the stupid tree, hit every branch on the way down and went underground. This stuff that you have posted hints at Manifest Destiny and racial prejudice to the point that you may just be a Klu Klux Klan member. Then again, you could just be some religious zealot, I really don't know. I just want to make one point then I'll be done with this ridiculous joke of a post you've made. What you have basically done here is made an assumption about anime, lemme repeat, ASSumption, in other words you made an ass out of yourself. The stuff you are posting about is in fact called Hentai, and is frowned on by some. Not all anime is about showing off cute girls' bodies. Granted, most anime is violent but what isn't nowadays? There's plenty of violence if ya just turn on the tv to any news station at any particular time. The point is, some anime is amazing, have excellent plots/storylines and should be respected for what they are. By trouncing the entire genre, you disrespect the artists/writers that actually made decent stuff. It's funny, a lot of people wouldn't be so stupid and ignorant if they just had open minds about things. Anyone with common sense reading articles on these sites have to be rolling on the floor laughing at the sheer stupidity. I know I am :)

You sir, are an ass! (none / 0) (#591)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 12:54:41 PM PST
Frankly, I don't see how Anime Hentai can COMPARE with American TV, We have LIVE HARD-ACTION PORN on BASIC Cable at our fingertips, on call 24-7, and you're worried about INK mixing it up?!

Women in Anime are weak, ok explain Iria, a strong, practical, resourceful and beautiful woman, not to mention appropriately dressed for her job even! Decked out in FULL body armor...

And how about more than half the women in Sakura Wars huh? An army made up of strong and powerful women!

Another thing, Anime is NOT evil, and Hentai is NOT all Anime...

Oh, and if you're gonna bash Anime anyway, DON'T USE RELIGION AND THE U.S.A. as a shield! This is the home of the FREE. We're supposed to be a tolerant people, and frankly, you are a disgrace to this country, you're just like the Confederates who ride on trucks with the Confederate Flag Flying at school grounds during school hours (I've actually seen this happen). The Japanese are a MUCH more tolerant people than you...

Please cease and desist now, before you cause MORE racism, discrimination, and hatred..


Christian............ (none / 0) (#592)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 20th, 2001 at 02:17:54 PM PST
Christian, meaning the den of gay men and child molesters that use the teachings of truth and light to lull their victims into a false sense of security so that they can get a cheap thrill. The same religion that has started wars in the name of peace. A religion that began by only allowing the people that represented it know what was being said in their ceremonies. A religion that encourages you to take the lot your given in life and suffer because after you die everything will be wonderful. The middle ages are a wonderful example of what your religion stands for. White supremists and the KKK along with the witch hunts of old are also excellent backgrounds for your "beliefs" I suppose the Japenese magicked these events into the English/American time line.

die (none / 0) (#597)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 01:15:33 AM PST
were you abused as a child?

Jon Erikson, you disgust me. (none / 0) (#600)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 10:29:36 AM PST
"In recent years there has been a growing trend amongst radical youth elements of American society for cultural relativism, the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer. This is clearly not true, and anyone that cares to take the time to do the research will find that the US is by far the world's greatest nation in terms of any statistic that matters."

how dare you ever say that other cultures have nothing to offer. why, you're nothing but a hypocrite in saying such a thing. let me guess, other cultures have nothing to offer except for your foreign car, your foreign food, and your foreign-made household products, yes? your artical is racism and prejudice if i've ever seen it.

you are foolishy assuming the belief that christian americans are of the highest morality, which is simply not true. it seems more and more often that white christian americans are the most racist of them all, degrading other cultures and religions' beliefs. what was that? love thy neighbor? i am my brother's keeper? apparently the bible has no toll on christians today. truly disgusting. it's people like you who make those like me ashamed to be christian, one of the reasons i gave up your disgusting biggot-filled religion.

and as for insulting anime! dear god man, do your research! anime is not pornography or "filth" at all. anime and manga are beautiful forms of art with normally amazing and insightful plots such as love, compassion, and integrity, traits that you don't seem to be able to recognize, much less posess! anime "pornography" as you call it, is officially known as hentai, something NOT intended for anyone under legal age. even so, hentai is also a form of art, and is still as beautiful as non-hentai anime.
if children want to view hentai, and their parents are to ignorant and moronic and careless to stop them, then by all means, let them. they're going to find out about nudity and sex sooner or later, better it be with something they are familiar to.
but going under the closed-minded assumption that all anime is filth and pornography and is infiltrating christian beliefs, not only are you paranoid, but you're an idiot.

if this is your attitude towards your religion's beliefs, they by god, don't be suprised if you find yourself in your little christian hell.

Good joke + a question (none / 0) (#606)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 09:50:09 AM PST
That really was a funny article. And censoring the pix with pictures of saints... there are some great comedians out there on the net.

And now for the question: Where did u get the pix from and what's the name of the artist? ^_^;
Does anybody know? Please tell me @_@

I just don't get it why everybody thinks this is meant to be taken serious... That can't be. Nobody using the internet (which is a very liberal and tolerating media because it contains so many different opinions of so many different people) can be so intolerant and conservative. He/She just wouldn't use the Inet. least thats my opinion. If I'm not right and this is meant serious (which it isn't ^_^) I really have to be afraid of some ppl out there.

And you Jon, go buy a small cabin in the mountains and lock yourself there, thats the only way u could be happy.

But this really CANNOT be serious. It can't!
(I'm getting too loud, sorry)

Just laugh about it people ^_^
And if someone could give me the 2 pictures uncensored... thx in advance :)
(there are too many smileys in this posting, I know)

Funniest. Thing. Ever. (none / 0) (#607)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 10:20:01 AM PST
Long ago, people like you, in the name of "righteousness" went on crusades to take back the "holy land" from the "heathens". You got your asses kicked. Don't you ever learn?

My opinion (none / 0) (#608)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 11:15:36 PM PST
The only one who's satanic around here is you, erikson. You have your opinion. You have the right to say whatever you want, BUT its just not right to censor pictures with pictures of Jesus and Mary! I assume your christian. WHAT KIND OF A CHRISTIAN USES PICTURES OF JESUS AND MARY TO CENSOR ANIME PORN?!?!?!

If you really are christian, just leave anime lovers alone. Let them do whatever they want. Because they haven't hurt anyone. I myself, am Roman Catholic, and a VERY BIG anime fan. But, I don't look at the porn. Thats all you have to do. If you don't like the porn-side or anime, why watch it? Why don't you just watch the anime thats not porn-related.

You know there are other religions too you know!? (none / 0) (#610)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 08:50:42 PM PST
Not everyone is Christian!! There is Buddahism,Hindu,I can go on and You would give a horses crap!! Heres somethings that some you serious members argue about:

1:Somethings you can't DO in Live Action movies,you can't blow up tokyo(the godzilla thing is old),You can't have a costume come on in seconds(no way you can cover a body) or a 16 teenaged girl can't take a mallet out of no where and wack her fiancee over the head because he did something stupid(you otoku's Know what I mean 0_<)

2:girls in Anime do things that most women in any form of entertainment...they won't think twice to kick you in the nuts!

3:Ok I agree that Pokemon are demons :p

We watch Anime cause its an Artform. Something Disney can't do. It allows people to write stories,fans do this alot if a anime has a big universe. It allows people to do art,I myself do it all the time and it allows girls to bring up they're confedence

So mr.Erikson Im going to give you a preview of a review I did on my website. Take your head and stick it where the sun don't shine!!!

u're the racist! (none / 0) (#614)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 06:59:46 PM PST
who are you to say that you're the great christian guy and always follows God when you're saying that the Japanese are bad? Obviously you can't because you can't just post on the internet that Japanese are bad people for starting anime. Have you seen disney movies? Those movies are perverted as well. Have you seen the little mermaid? The priest has no pants on. also in the lion king if u turn the volume up you can hear someone saying "take your clothes off." Also the only anime show you're talking about is hentai. There are so many other anime that aren't pornographic. Dbz is the most watched show for children and adults, not just in the USA but in Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, and Korea, just to name a few. Another thing, you're covering up the bad stuff in the pictures on your website with Jesus and Mary! couldn't you find anything else to cover it up? That is so sacreligious! I hope you read this because it will show the points of view of all who read your little story about what you think.

Actually.. (none / 0) (#645)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 11:12:01 PM PST
Not to take away from your statement but I just need to correct a few things:

In The Little Mermaid the priest DID have pants. He also had an erection during the ceremony

The Lion King does not have a part where it says "take off your clothes." thats in Alladin. The Lion King has a scene when Simba plops down and the seeds fly into the air and spell out the word "Sex"

Either way the same point is made. This is more of a referrence in case someone wants to check this out for themself

*ahem* (none / 0) (#615)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Dec 28th, 2001 at 04:36:44 AM PST


Just a few problems with your argument (none / 0) (#620)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 08:08:27 PM PST
Just a few statements that made me stop and think, wtf is this guy on?????
"This is clearly not true, and anyone that cares to take the time to do the research will find that the US is by far the world's greatest nation in terms of any statistic that matters."
What statics would those be? Last I check we were pretty high up on the violent crime, murder, and drug usage stats. And strangely enough pretty low on the litercy, and education standards as compared to other nations in the world.
"....trend amongst radical youth elements of American society for cultural relativism, the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer." What a bluntly narrow-minded statement. Sorry, but the US of A has plenty of its own disgusting skeletons tap dancing the mombo in the closets of millions of Americans.
"But other so-called cultures are purely and simply alien to morality, and the cultural apologists are nothing more than a group of deceivers intent on the final replacement of Christian moral values with a Liberal credo of immorality and sin."
Back to those founding fathers and America in general. Good christian moral values? Being Christianity is a minority religion of the world, and would be an even smaller player in the global regions if it were not for those damnedable missionaries that don't know to leave good enough alone! Remember America as the land of religious freedoms? Personally I prefer the Japanese religions myself. Those that center around honoring the ancestors and earth. Not some fictional all powerful father figure god.

"what kind of grown adult watches cartoons?"
You are calling anime a cartoon? Cartoons are on saturday mornings, anime is for the adults. The reasons for the series being animated is the simple fact that the stories would be almost impossible and very, very expensive to do live action.

"These films all fall into the fantasy and science-fiction genres (which are little more than a hotbed of paganism and Satanism anyway)"
By any chance did you watch any of the Mobile Suit Gundam series or Neon Genesis Evangelion? Certainly nothing satanic in Mobile Suit Gundam thats for sure. Evangelion actually includes some religious overtones into its story about man versus god or man versus evolution.

So if you insist on sitting here beating your high praise and glory to the pure, moral USA, the greatest nation on the world, good christian drum go right ahead. I stop back sometime later when I have nothing else better to do with my life the laugh at your dumb ass!

You retard!!!! (none / 0) (#621)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 09:03:06 PM PST
Im a Christian , I am . I watch Anime Often .
And because of this i will not let you bad mouth anime/manga as you do . i have read your article and even what you yourself have said about your damn aticle, and frankly im descusted. i will admit hentai is pretty un-christian but that give you no right to speak of the japponnese race as a bunch of demons controled by satin. (FYI im White)
oh you speak of the fight of good against evil with both the good and bad haveing super natural powers as if americains have never used this plot line. for ex. star wars : it involves luke and his father who bothe use a mystical power Called the Force ... and you say all anime characters have for fitting outfits ,, americains do th same damn thing in our movies and Tv shows.. look a t Mtv Even in the pretty badly made move titan A.E. they all have form fitting outfits, Wich i might add Is your aparently christian cartoon brand known as DISNEY!! if your still reading i fully support GundamEvo so screww u. ByE BYe ^_~

You retard!!!! (none / 0) (#622)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Dec 30th, 2001 at 09:04:57 PM PST
Im a Christian , I am . I watch Anime Often .
And because of this i will not let you bad mouth anime/manga as you do . i have read your article and even what you yourself have said about your damn aticle, and frankly im descusted. i will admit hentai is pretty un-christian but that give you no right to speak of the japponnese race as a bunch of demons controled by satin. (FYI im White)
oh you speak of the fight of good against evil with both the good and bad haveing super natural powers as if americains have never used this plot line. for ex. star wars : it involves luke and his father who bothe use a mystical power Called the Force ... and you say all anime characters have form fitting outfits ,, americains do th same damn thing in our movies and Tv shows.. look a t Mtv Even in the pretty badly made move titan A.E. they all have form fitting outfits, Wich i might add Is your aparently christian cartoon brand known as DISNEY!! if your still reading i fully support GundamEvo so screww u. ByE BYe ^_~

Damn Straight... (none / 0) (#631)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 08:06:26 PM PST
Right on. I'm Christian too and I watch anime. Hell, I even by as much of it as I can.
A very pissed off anime freak

If you knew anything about anime........ (none / 0) (#623)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 03:24:13 AM PST
For starters if that certain picture displayed on the upper right had indeed be the work of a Japanese artist the nipples and genitals would have not been drawn or would had been blurred out. Seeing as how you had placed nice Christian symbols over those areas it is highly likely that what you are viewing is not true Japanese art work. Another note that you have totally missed is that most pornographic manga is fan art. Pictures drawn by fans of certain series, basically the animation version of porn stars. Which speaking of porn for years and many, many studys it has been found that catholics and other christians are the largest single group buying pornographic material in the US. Granted that real persons pose for pornographic movies and magazines and you good moral christians, catholics, etc just seem to buy the stuff left in right I can't decied whose the pot and whose the kettle. Another point I would like to make is that America is not christan, catholic or other wise. Remember that little freedom of religion thing that was been around for sometime in this country. Going farther the world is not catholic or christian, its a very small minority of the world. Wake up and embrace the future, organized religion was always and will always be a form of social and moral control. Its time has passed humanity has evolved to the the point where nobody carries around swords and trys to kill people to capture more land for there king or lord. As for the bible its a semi-well written fantasy story. But I would have shopped around a bit more before picking that one to follow in blind faith. Because in the end that is all you have faith in that some imaginary "male" all knowing, powerful being will send you to an imaginary heaven or imaginary hell after your real life has ended.

If you knew anything about anime........ (none / 0) (#624)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 31st, 2001 at 03:24:59 AM PST
For starters if that certain picture displayed on the upper right had indeed be the work of a Japanese artist the nipples and genitals would have not been drawn or would had been blurred out. Seeing as how you had placed nice Christian symbols over those areas it is highly likely that what you are viewing is not true Japanese art work. Another note that you have totally missed is that most pornographic manga is fan art. Pictures drawn by fans of certain series, basically the animation version of porn stars. Which speaking of porn for years and many, many studys it has been found that catholics and other christians are the largest single group buying pornographic material in the US. Granted that real persons pose for pornographic movies and magazines and you good moral christians, catholics, etc just seem to buy the stuff left in right I can't decied whose the pot and whose the kettle. Another point I would like to make is that America is not christan, catholic or other wise. Remember that little freedom of religion thing that was been around for sometime in this country. Going farther the world is not catholic or christian, its a very small minority of the world. Wake up and embrace the future, organized religion was always and will always be a form of social and moral control. Its time has passed humanity has evolved to the the point where nobody carries around swords and trys to kill people to capture more land for there king or lord. As for the bible its a semi-well written fantasy story. But I would have shopped around a bit more before picking that one to follow in blind faith. Because in the end that is all you have faith in that some imaginary "male" all knowing, powerful being will send you to an imaginary heaven or imaginary hell after your real life has ended.

HEY JON, I AGREE! (none / 0) (#628)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 05:23:15 PM PST
NOT!!!! JUST WANTED TO GET YOUR ATTENTION!!!! you actually think you're saving the world from anime? Well you better get me! Women in anime are NOT used as SEX TOYS! I could give you a lot of examples! Now well lets a very popular series called GUNDAM WING, there are a few female Lieutenants and Colonels, wich is a very high rank. Now do you think a.....SEX TOY can make it to that high of a rank? Or how about in the show TENCHI MUYO, a charcter Ryoko is a female fighter. She'll pretty mush beat the living shit out of any man who tries to take advantage of her! Or how about COWBOY BEBOP? Faye might be something a little revealing, but she's tough and she doesn't live off of a man, she can fend for herself. You're talking about women being used as sex toys and nothing else, right? I think somebody's been watching a little too much late night HBO, if you know even know what that means. I saw your chat with WINGGUNDAMZERO on the website, GUNDAM EVOLUTION 8.0. Now you say that all Japanese are pervertive. What about our country? We have problems too! Probably more than any other country! Do you know how many rapists there are out there or how many murderers or child melesters. Now i'm not saying that we're the only country that has these problems but our country has the most, since it's bigger. Now, your stupid little message means nothing, because it seems like it's attacking the adult anime called HENTAI! You put censored pictures up, wich is totally stupid because those are hentai pictures! Now you say that just because they have certain characteristics they're supposed to be SEX TOYS? One characteristic you mentioned, the whole eye thing. Males and Females have those eyes, just more females do. And you say that they have impossible growth in certain.....ahem..areas? Do you know how old they are? In anime sometimes it's hard to tell. Now let's take the show NEON GENESIS EVANGELION. The pilots are all 14 and most of them look 15 or 16. Oh yeah and now that we're on the subject do you know that NEON GENESIS EVANGELION IS RELIGOIUS? THAT WHOLE SERIES WAS TAKEN FROM DEAD SEA SCROLLS, WHICH ARE SACRED RELIGIOUS WRITINGS! NOW LET'S SEE, ADAM (THE 1ST ANGEL) IS SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT ADAM, LILITH (THE MOTHER OF ALL LIFE AND SECOND ANGEL) IS SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT EVE AND THE 13 EVANGELIONS ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT JESUS AND HIS 12 APOSTLES. And now for last, where did you get those pictures? I think somebody was spending a little too much time on the computer last night. I think you're a little pissed off because you saw some HENTAI and you saw the size of what was between the guy's legs and you became insanely jealous!!!!!!! Oh yeah, I went there!!!!!! AND I"M NOT TAKING THIS SERIUOSLY, I'M JUST DOING THIS TO PISS YOU THE FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!

- A very pissed off anime freak



BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#629)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 05:31:04 PM PST

ONE MORE THING!!!! (none / 0) (#630)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 1st, 2002 at 05:36:48 PM PST
Just to tell you my parents and a lot of parents approve of Anime. We have an anime club at my high school and parents approve of it, even to drive us to field trips. You should loosen up! Watch a couple of animes and look beyond what you see. Look at the landscapes and detail. Even if there is some things that are a little revealing. Why when you think of nudity, you think of sex? Oh yeah, you're still jealous!!!! >:D

Always the Same thing (none / 0) (#632)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 05:41:31 PM PST
Always the same thing!!!!!

Ack! All I hear nowadays is your Christian self-rightous complaints! Anime is not evil! They all look good, but most of them are smart as well! The Japanese are different because they do not shun sex, they accept it!!! The Japanese children grasp sex with a higher level of maturity that our own. The Japanese are overall more mature about sex. You guys have to accept that philosophies have merit. I should know, my cousin moved there when she was 14.

RIGHT ON!!!! (none / 0) (#635)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 03:54:45 PM PST
The point that he should realize! RIGHT ON!!!

a very pissed off anime freak

YOU BAKA!!! (none / 0) (#633)
by Souless Shell on Wed Jan 2nd, 2002 at 06:52:55 PM PST
Narrow-minded, stubborn fool. You think that America is all powerful and all seeing? Hmph. Patriotism indeed. More like ethnocentrism. You believe that you are so much better than the Japanese? Just what is it with you? Manga is an enjoyable type of Japanese style of art. Unlike hentai which is the Japanese version of animated porn. You are a sick and sadistic idoit. Too narrow minded to see what a great and interesting culture that is Japanese. Gaijin BAKA!

Utter Nonsense (none / 0) (#636)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 4th, 2002 at 10:07:21 PM PST
Perhaps you did not get enough love as a child. Perhaps maybe you were mocked in the schoolyard as a young boy. But what gives you sick, sorry, pitiful excuses for human beings the right to spread your demented mantra through the supposedly unbiased medium known as the Internet?
Your attitudes towards non-american cultures are inexcusable. To think that people of the Christian faith are supposed to be tolerant and forbearing! You people define sick and twisted to a T. Do not think you can get away with personally insulting people. Like it or not, Roman Catholics and "Geeks" who are supposedly "retards" (funny, last I checked, I never had any mental or physical handicap, and last time I checked for that matter, religion did not mock people with disabilities) far outnumber this sick doomsday cult. You people should just get on the horse you rode in on and ride into the ever fading sunset, never to be seen or heard from again. Never before have I been so morally outraged...If God had meant for us to follow a perfect path, He would not have given us free will and choice. Words will never begin to express the pain that I feel deep in my heart for any supporters of this article. I just don't understand why one would take it upon himself to cause this uproar. If your Satan is at work anywhere, it is in your hearts, and you should be the one repenting for your sins. "Virgin Whore" indeed...In short, you make me sick...Do us all a favor and go take a bath with your toaster.


Woah woah woah (none / 0) (#644)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 11:03:14 PM PST
"To think that people of the Christian faith are supposed to be tolerant and forbearing! You people define sick and twisted to a T"

Hey now! I take offense to that. You're doing the same thing this guy just did in generalizing a group of people over a small amount of examples.

Most Christians are certainly not the way this man is. I for one was upset to say the least about his statement as it's total bs in my humble opinion.

I for one am Christian and see nothing wrong with other cultures in values. In fact I take them in as a lesson to be learned and make myself a better person because of it.

I married a Catholic man and him and I rarely argue over our religious differences (when we do it's usually teasing anyways and we both know we're joking).

I really resent the fact that you would use this horrible example as a means to classify an entire group of people.

Please read as a human... (none / 0) (#637)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 5th, 2002 at 10:08:15 PM PST
I was directed to this site from a friend, and out of all the things I've seen on the net, I've never seen sure a poor display of childish name calling. One person calling another a name and putting down their believes just for that very reason is a sub-human. When is the human race going to move on and stop this useless killing and hate? This whole message board started talking about anime and quickly turned into a hate pot full of name calling. I ask you the reader of this to: STOP, get up, and go to the nearest mirror and ask the person you see:WHY? All of this fussing is NOT GOING to resolve ANYTHING. So I ask again: STOP THIS. We are ALL HUMAN! What part of that don't you understand...? Fear is usually the cause of hate. Do more research on something before you can make a rightous stand. And above all else, RESPECT the next person you see. Also I can tell you all this, and I hope that you will sit back and realize this IS fact, there is NO HUMANLY POSSIBLE WAY THAT YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE EVERYONE ON YOUR SIDE. So please stop trying to recruit those who have chozen their path in life. Someone said life is short, well life can be long if you make it. Would you reather be remembered as a bigot by many, or as friend to a few? All of this fussing is a HUGE and GROSS waste of time. I'm surprised that the admin hasn't deleted this whole board yet and put a stop to all this. And if any of you do not see how pointless all this fuss really is, ... then we are no more than an insect, concerned with your own needs more than the needs of others and willing to bite off your own ken's head than share the food. I' m happy to know that my way of thinking leaves me with inner peace. I pray to all walks of life's beliefs that in their great wisdom, that they will see that we all share so many common things. That fussing like this is pointless, useless, uncalled for, void of any real purpose, childish, and completely unbecoming of the human race.
An open mind is wiser than a closed one.
So... what are you? (open or closed)
This is a simple question, there are only two to choose from.

You'll get my Bubblegum Crisis tape... (none / 0) (#639)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 12:31:36 AM PST
...when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers...

...but ya gotta *catch* me first!!!

You are VERY racist.... (none / 0) (#640)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 01:11:26 PM PST
.... people like you actualy get arrested you know, I could actualy call the police now and they will get your details off this website and actualy come over, arrest you and confiscate any racist material you have!

I am not really bothered by your view as I can usually kill people like you and no-one will care. But from what I can tell this is a very elaborate net traffic increasing venture.

Eh.. (none / 0) (#641)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 08:04:23 PM PST
What stupidity. Not only are you a racist, you are ignorant as well. Our knowladge grows because of oher cultures, you're a biget and we don't need people like you in the world. You're the reason some children are afraid to go to school. But I bet you're happy about that huh? You're probably one of those people who think that being different is a sin. Well, I feel very sorry for you that you can't open your eyes and mind. You have to be so closed minded about the stupidest things. I know my opinion won't cause you any harm, I really don't care, but I know tons of people who would back me up and I'm very sorry that you grew up in such a closed house hold for you to think this way. Just because other cultures happen to think differently then you, does NOT mean that they are wrong. Maybe you are wrong. Yes you have the right to have your own opinion, and I will respect that and leave this bigetry before I puke.

Wow... (none / 0) (#642)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 09:55:22 PM PST
Allright I've read about halfway down this page and I think it's pretty safe to say that I'm in the majority here when I say: What the heck are you talking about?

I guess I'll begin right at the top. I apologize in advance if I repeat what someone else has said but if I do I should serve to further show the strong support of the statement:

Before I even talk about the text I find it simply disgusting that you even used those images. Imagry (sp?) is very often used to get a point across but I didn't need to see that even with those quaint little pictures of Jesus and the so-called "Virgin Whore"

"there has been a growing trend amongst radical youth elements of American society for cultural relativism, the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer"
Do you hear yourself? American culture itself is basically just a combination of other world cultures. The only exception would be Native Americans. The fact that you even said that in the first place shows your complete racism and reminds me of a certain Christian group called the KKK

"comes in the form of Japanese manga films,"
Manga is the artwork found in the graphic novels. Films are deemed Anime. If you did any research at all besides rent these hentai flicks you seemed to enjoy watching so much you would know this. Hence your argument Becomes even LESS valid as you have obviously not truely even gotten a grasp of the subject you preach against.

"what kind of grown adult watches cartoons?"
Actually when cartoons were first made they were geared toward adults. Slowly in America it changed so that most were geared toward children. Even now there are cartoons geared more for adults (The Simpsons being a perfect example). Japan, however, didn't change in this respect, gearing much of it's anime towards adults. America is what changed it to gear it towards children. Dragonball Z is actually a perfect example of this, the anime being for adult audiences in Japan (if you ever see it in it's original form you would see why as the language is harsher).

"These films all fall into the fantasy and science-fiction genres (which are little more than a hotbed of paganism and Satanism anyway)"
I've yet to see a single episode of Star Trek in which Captain Kirk slaughters a lamb and places it upon an altar. Im using a very stereotypical example of course but you should get what I mean.

"I at once decided that something needed to be done about this scourge, and began to engage in an intense bout of research, forcing myself to watch hour after hour of this immoral filth."
You actually wouldn't have had to watch any of it at all if you wanted to get a grasp of the material. There are tons of web pages offering episode summaries, character profiles, etc. You obviously have the means as you posted this topic in the first place. You apparently gave into the temptation of watching something along the lines of Bubblegum Crisis. How did you pick these anime's by the way? I suppose given the choise between the chick with large breasts and the regular girl sitting in a chair you naturally chose the former.

"It became clear only after watching several of the so-called classics"
I've never heard the anime you seem to be talking about referred to as a classic. I've heard it referred to as hentai..but that's not the same thing now is it?

"In a cheap trick the perverts that create manga films have stolen their animation techniques from Disney, and given all of their characters the same wide-eyed child-like look"
Actually the wide-eyed look was derived from early Disney and WB animation however that style was not used in your examples of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. Japan took the idea of the wide eyes because it was the popular way to draw characters at that time. The reason they continue to draw them that way (for the most part, not all anime draws the large eyes) is because many Japanese view smaller eyes as "cold" or "mean" hence the villain in the story usually having smaller/narrower eyes.

"The characters in these obscenities, especially the female ones, are drawn in a blatently sexual manner, with exaggerated sexual attributes, impossible proportions and disturbingly provocative clothing"
Have you ever picked up an issue of "X-Men"? This isn't a Japanese-only thing. Besides that, I can give you many examples of females drawn more in proportion and males by the same token. Many are indeed picture perfect but so's Barbie.

"I found myself watching these succubi again and again,"
Liked it that much did ya?

"the secret agenda becomes only too clear - that children are sexual creatures, and that it is alright to feel lust towards them."
I don't see where you could have drawn this conclusion. Unless you searched around for some really sick hentai stuff coz I've never run across something like that (but then again I've never looked for the stuff you've been watching).

On top of all this you say that there's violence and such all over anime (or manga films as you've called it but I've allready pointed out the folly of that statement) but there's violence EVERYWHERE. American TV is the most violent I've seen. And American movies are even worse. I dare you to find a GOOD plot in a Schwarzenagger (sp?) film.
In your "search" you only found what you wanted to find and ignored the huge amount of evidence pointing away from your argument.
The argument itself was also poorly made as you resorted to childish name-calling instead of merely providing the evidence and inviting the reader to make his/her own valid judgements.
You also claim to be Christian and yet you certainly don't "Love thy neighbor"

I am an American and also a Christian and I have not once seen an anime that has caused me to strike out in the name of my faith.

I also don't know who said it (I think it was you) but Pokemon is not about summoning demons. That was so funny to read, Im sorry. If anything Pokemon should be compared to cock fighting. They call out their ANIMAL and have it fight another one.

I believe I've rambled on long enough and covered most of what I set out to.

Next time you place your side somewhere try to do it in a tasteful manner.

"It's the people that have no doubt they're going to heaven that end up being the first to be cast into hell...for they believe they are without fault and to think this is to believe yourself to be God."

Yea Van! (none / 0) (#646)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 01:34:19 PM PST
I completely and wholeheartedly agree with you there Imoutou-chan. While you expressed many of the ideas I saw when reading that filthy article, I must stress a few of those such points.
First, of course this guy is the type of person who gives Christians a bad name. I myself am Christian, pray on a regular basis, and yet at the same time love Japanese cultures and Anime. If you look closely enough (For record, I don't know if any of the other replies have this stressed, I only read your reply) Japanese Anime and Manga often has much more values put into it as well as plot developments than our own Cartoons and Adult-related films. Yes, Anime is originally based toward Adults in Japan more often, yet the thick, rich environments portrayed and envisioned do nothing more than enhance our own feelings towards one another, living and non-living articles, and show us how we could / are / may be in the past, present or future. Our entire planet is based entirely on seperate beliefs, and I don't see how this guy had to be bashing one such other country just because he liked watching a few Hentai flicks when he was Masturbating. Hmm... wow, isn't that anti-christian as well as "summoning demons" in pokemon? *rolls eyes.* Live by your own morals, pick up your beliefs in religion, and keep them to yourself man, stop being an ass and trying to get people mad at you.

Obvious Confusion . . . (none / 0) (#643)
by SetaSoujiro on Fri Jan 11th, 2002 at 10:07:57 PM PST
To Jon and all his followers:
A lot of people here, especially you Jon, seem to be confused at the aspect of anime and its much associated name hentai. Hentai, which is the japanese word for pervert or pornography, are what those two pictures in your article are. They are not anime to any extent. Hentai is comparable to any other type of pornography, thus making anime not. Anime is a japanese cartoon, which sports series' such as the popular Dragonball Z, Rurouni Kenshin, and SailorMoon. But fans, not the company, FANS choose to create their own "pornography" out of such series'.
Anime is merely entertainment. If you feel that two wizards throwing magic spells at each other is going to turn you over to satan in one viewing, maybe you should get out of your house and live in the real world. You can be protesting so many other important problems in this world than wasting your breath on a cartoon. Where do you think anime get's its ideas from? Obviously from our world.
Have you ever seen an anime series where someone blatantly implied a satanic comment? Or are you just interpreting minor actions to your own beliefs? I think you should actually take light in the fact that most of the series' do promote friendship, troubles, and respect. Before you judge based on stereotypes you may have heard, actually learn about what you are talking about.
Remember that anime and hentai are two totally different things, and those who choose to view hentai, are doing it at their own expense. Your view of anime is simply put, ignorant. You can't just watch one hentai and judge based on it. And please don't try and make it as if you're stance is completely for the good of the country and for others. Its your opinion, and you shouldn't flant it as if it is entirely right.
Well, I hope I have educated you in some aspects of what anime really is. Sorry if I sound rude to you, but it is really upsetting when someone misconstrues anime with its confused relative, hentai.


{laughing like mad} (none / 0) (#648)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 10:07:07 PM PST
Mr. Jon, you just made my day.... and it's only 7 AM.

You are racist calling yourself superior to Japan. (none / 0) (#649)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:09:08 AM PST
Who the hell do you think you are? That is one of the most biased articles I have ever seen in my life. How DARE you call the Japanese people inferior, evil creatures, you white supremist Neo-Nazi! Do you suppose that because you're a Caucasian Christian North American you are the best person in the world? I don't think so!

And you went out there and bought a Japanese porn movie. Not all anime is like that. In fact, not many are at all. Pornography is more available in America than in Japan... and Japan makes theirs cartoons, ours is real people... meaning that we choose to get naked in front of the camera. YOUR superior people are doing it. How does that make you feel.

Just because you are American doesn't make you perfect. Last time I checked, Japan's economy was kicking ours' butts. They are smarter and raising better, more morally pure children, while ours are not as smart, vulgar, smoke, do drugs, and drink. And you act like you are a superior person to them. And call yourself Christian of all things, when God made all people equal?

Get a life. Why don't you go buy some American porn so you can pick on your own country. Baka.

haha (none / 0) (#650)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:09:54 AM PST
yea whatever man. its a form of art. god its not like u havent wacked off to some fucked up shit in your time. just shut the fuck up and stop whining.

This is extremely inaccurate (none / 0) (#652)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 10:47:39 PM PST
I would like to explain something to you. Animation is treated the same way in Japan that we treat live-action films in America. In America, there is an extremely broad spectrum of live-action films made. Some are aimed at children, like "Spy Kids", others are aimed at an older audience, such as "Pearl Harbor". Still others are pornography. I would not say that "Spy Kids" is immoral because it is the same type of artistic expression (live-action film) that a pornographic film is. In Japan, adults watch animated films and read graphic novels. Some animated films in Japan are, therefore, pornographic, but that does not mean all animation from Japan is. That is as ridiculous an idea as it would be to say that every movie the U.S. produces is pornography. I enjoy watching anime, but I do not watch the pornographic kind. Most anime is at least as moral as anything as America produces. I am not sure which title you picked up at the video store, but please be aware that it is NOT representative of all anime.

He's right, you know - anime is smut. (none / 0) (#654)
by Harrsion D Jones on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 11:57:49 AM PST
I've had the misfortune to view some of this 'anime' or Japanimation as some of the '3ll3T3' call it. Never before have I been witness to such an onslaught of violent and pornographic material in my life. This goes beyond the depravity and debauchery putforth by the smut peddlers in the 'porn' business.

To be fair against the genre, I braved a list of movies and series. Lets look at the examples I watched:

Akira - nothing but violence and gore. Shameless in it's voyeuristic tendencies.

Kiki's Delivery Service - clearly this promotes Satanism, with its innocent view of witches and magic. This is probably the most insidious program of the bunch, due to its sweet and seemingly harmless nature.

Ghost in the Shell - A story of a cybernetic police officer (SIC) who runs several operations while completely naked - then assassinates her enemies in a myriad of graphic ways.

Project A-Ko - A love story about lesbians and their homoerotic ways. Disgusting. Shameless.

Dirty Pair - Aside from the name saying it all, the series appears to be nothing more than two barely dressed nubile teenagers attempting to kill or sleep with everyone they encounter. No redeeming value whatsoever.

Card Captor Sakura - This 'anime' is so clearly satanic, I need not elaborate any further.

Now - if from this random sampling of shows from my video store shelf produces THIS level of smut and depravity, I'd hate to think what a dedicated rapist or pedophile might do with this material. I would expect to be instantly damned to hell should I view some of the more 'hardcore' shows like this 'Hentai' series. You fans may protest and defend your 'hobby', but clearly your arguments do not even begin to stack up against the cold hard truth.

*Snort* (none / 0) (#664)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 03:55:41 PM PST
Kind of like browsing the porn section of your local video store, then declaring movies nothing but smut.
Bad representation. Whoever loaned you those movies is in to hentai. Ghost and Akira are very poor examples of anime. Most of the others are clearly Hentai. Your arguements against Kiki are much like the ones against the Harry Potter books. I.E. just as absurd. Just because someone happens to cast a spell in a fantasy setting does not mean they are out to deprive you of your religion. You ain't that important, the world ain't out to get you.

Anime is garbage! (none / 0) (#669)
by Harrsion D Jones on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 02:11:55 PM PST
"Kind of like browsing the porn section of your local video store, then declaring movies nothing but smut." That would only apply . . . . if I constrained myself to simply this 'hentai'. However, I did not - next? "Bad representation. Whoever loaned you those movies is in to hentai. Ghost and Akira are very poor examples of anime." I was given to understand that Akira was the break through anime of the late 80's - the one that started the genre off in the main-stream (or as mainstream as this sick little medium will allow itself to get.) But then - go ahead, I dare you. Name some of this anime that is not evil and tainted? You cant, can you? "Most of the others are clearly Hentai. Your arguments against Kiki are much like the ones against the Harry Potter books. I.E. just as absurd. Just because someone happens to cast a spell in a fantasy setting does not mean they are out to deprive you of your religion. You ain't that important, the world ain't out to get you." Ok, fine - lets look at some other titles I've seen: Project A-Ko - I'll point out the nubile teenagers who are attempting to subvert the viewer with this sick lesbian 'love' (sic) triangle. Of course the shots of peoples underwear is just unfit for children's consumption. Elf Princess Rane - Oh, look at that - the star of the program spends the whole 2 episodes NAKED! Dirty Pair - although I should let the name speak for itself, I'll mention more barely clothed (and over endowed) teens. This is good, clean entertainment? Take your filth elsewhere, thank you. Lupin III Mystery of Mamo - a lecherous hero and breasts, breasts, breasts. Nothing but smut as far as the eye can see. Just TRY and defend that program. You cant - can you? Fist of the Northstar - I take back what I said about Akira being the most violent movie I have ever seen. This movie sickens and disgusts me in its level of violence. How can you 'anime fans' defend this revolting material? Clearly you need to evaluate your lives, and consider what is good and pure - and what is garbage. Anime is, in it's most raw form, pure and concentrated evil.

I disagree. (none / 0) (#691)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 25th, 2002 at 10:40:03 PM PST
Evil and tainted?

Anime is of course a large genre. There are many movies, T.V. series, and such available. Many shows that fall into this genre are excellent stories that have such things as deep themes, complex plots, and offer a reflection of what the artist sees in the current world. Indeed many are violent. Is not the world where we live violent as well? Are not humans creatures of desire and instinct as well as conscious thought? Anime is the product of human minds, expressing ideas and themes that they have been influenced to think of by the real world.

For example, Akira is a visual representation of the turmoil in the mind of a growing young man. The violence, blood, and what not are representative of the emotions felt, and dealt with. Also that fact that anime depicts sexually attractive females does not denote evilness. As it is an art form the artist has the right to create the characters however he or she wishes.

Also there are many anime that deal with other themes and topics. Gundam Wing is an excellent story about how people are affected by war, and how they deal with the world in conflict with them. Many anime have very hard to graps themes, that hold together the entire story, in abstract works such as FLCL. This anime expresses feelings of isolation, and feelings of wishing to experince more than what the mundane has to offer.

Same with Ghost in the Shell. Although not the best anime has to offer, it raises some good questions about how the virtual world that we are creating will affect out minds. Ghost in the Shell was indeed highly stylized of course, the violence and well done art attracts people. Yet this is a well known fact, and violence and action, and attractive characters are used in all genres to attract audience. Yet the story and theme extends beyond the fancy graphics, to create something remarkable.

Perhaps you only consider anime evil because you do not wish to see what lies behind the visuals. Indeed, i admit, some anime is... crap. Poor story lines, highly visual based with little theme, and overtly exaggerated females running around half naked. Yet please, do not deface an entire genre because of this. As stated by my fellow anime supporters many times, violence and sexuality is not something unique to the anime genre. I have only to turn on the T.V. to witness that.

I beleive we were given our minds to create ideas. We were given out hards to realize them. Beautiful minds, and beautiful hands, to create whatever we wish. Art is one of those things. Anime is an art form. Do not insult it my labeling it as evil.

/me apologizes for poor organization of thoughts

morality! u don't even know what that is (none / 0) (#655)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 05:00:45 PM PST
It sad when u come across supposed supremacists who believe they are above everyone, especially one who considers himself on a higher moral standing since morality is a subjective thing
so what if people like to watch manga and anime personally i think its quite interesting and its a known fact that manga provides an outlet for violent emotions meaning that japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world (for that reason alone i would consider it a godsend)
its a narrow ignorant mind that cannot learn to appreciate diversity in the human race and as for america being one of the greatest countries in the world i hardly think so just look at the violent crimes that occur there kids with guns,rape, drug abuse/trafficking. please its hardly a shining example of morality in fact it is often argued that america is so lacking in morality that it doesn't bear thinking about (after all it is a capitalist nation a political system renowned for its lack of morality) as for being christian, well your comments were so self absorbed and egotistical, i saw no sense of christian love or forgiveness or compassion. is there not a commandment love thy neighbour i don't see you loving yours. you have just sensationalised a topic as immoral and unchristian whereas some of your comment could be deemed the same. i only hope you see the error of your ways and love all gods creations (after all satan is a fallen angel of gods creation so his pure essence cannot be evil)

a concerned reader

Did you ever watch Lion King? (none / 0) (#656)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 26th, 2002 at 03:42:47 PM PST
Funny how the "best" of Disney (ok i myself like it but then again...) how can this master peice of non-satanic work actualy copied from one of these so call immoral "manga" called Kimba the Lion Cub... whats even more funnyer is that Lion King came out oooo 20 years after Kimba... and your saying Disney is not Satanic? Funny really when they copy most if not all their animation techniques from the Japanese...

Oh yeah ever remember the classic 80's animation called Transformers? Lovely peice of Japanese animie! You know robots turning into cars, totaly satanic totaly! Oh their satanic ways killing the bad guys, telling me that for a living I should be going out being a badguy because the good guys are satanic?

by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 1st, 2002 at 12:21:43 AM PST
OK, i agree that alot of manga out there has scenes which are innapropriate to little children. But JAPANIMATION IS NOT FOR TODDLERS!!! it is for the young teenager to whichever age! i believe there is a large generation gap here, (what are you? 99 and watching Anime trying to forget that your old?) But THERE IS ALOT OF GOOD Anime out there!(just check out my site and they relate very much to the events that happen in teenage life--situations etc. excluding the supernatural sci-fi. and NOT ALL Anime lovers are GEEKS! i know alot are but myself... NO... i have a large society of NORMAL friends!!!
And whats all this with religion? yeh, dont say that i am a witch cos i'll just cast a curse on you. and besides im not one anyway, i grew up respecting the [protestant] church which i am a part of, and all other types of religion and societies.
I could write an entire essay here on your COMMENTS on ANime. cos that's all that they are. COMMENTS! nothing else. and also stop with all this "AMerica is the greatest country buLLsiot cos we all know that's not true! just look at the history! what kind of people are you anyway to be so biased about yourselves? dont you have any respect?

Bear in mind (none / 0) (#661)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 1st, 2002 at 03:25:24 PM PST
Japanese animation has different callsifications, much like our rating system. The pictures put up here are clearly from a class called Hentai. This is pornographic in nature, usually.
The other end of the spectrum is Anime, and is usually telling a story. Much of the time a good story with good morals.
Also, it is an American failing to think anything animated is aimed at children. Anime and Hentai are both aimed at adults in the culture they originate from. There are children's cartoons from Japan. Little Kitty is one example. Keo-Keroi is another. Both harmless animations about small animals playing with their friends.

By rating the films you did as you did, you were in error. Try reviewing a pornographic movie and saying it is clearly not for children. You will receive a resounding DUH.

Another post to the pile, aka Erikson = Uninformed (none / 0) (#663)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 4th, 2002 at 01:04:09 AM PST
I've read a lot of anti-anime articles, Mr. Erikson, but yours takes the cake as the most biased, uninforumed piece of BS I've ever seen. You must have really gone out of your way to find the most disgusting hentai titles possible in order to write this article, completely ignoring the more positive and clean anime and manga titles. It's like ignoring an entire video rental store and renting all the porn in the back, only to come to the conclusion that all American filmmaking is Satanic and pornographic. How about you actually do some real research before you write your next article?

I'm 23 years old, I have a BFA degree, and I've loved animation since I was only a few years old. I love anime and manga. I watch it, I draw in the same style, I role play it, I write fan fic, do fan art, etc etc.... But I don't do anything or watch anything related to hentai. It has not warped my mind. If anything, the positive aspects of anime promote comraderie, loyalty, friendship and what's right from wrong.

I'm also Christian, Mr. Erikson, and quite frankly, it's people like you who give the rest of us a bad rep. What you're preaching here is pure hatred for a culture you don't even understand, apparently. Do you think God wants us to hate other races and nations, much less individuals? Even if they do sin, it's written that we must hate the sin and love the sinner.

You, sir, need to grow up. You're no better than that uninformed church leader that burnt first Pokemon toys, and then Harry Potter books, followed by the works of Shakespeare! SHAKESPEARE!

Do us all a favor and don't write another word until you've managed to pull your head out of the hole in the ground it's become trapped in.

Meantime, I'm going back to looking through me "evil and Satanic mangas", which promote such horrible things as honor, loyalty and freedom.


Haven't you ever heard of "Love thy neighbor& (none / 0) (#666)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 03:40:57 PM PST
I'm Kiroth 6 and I've found your article to be very disturbing. I cannot help but wonder if you truely mean to alienate practically everyone. You have managed to offend practically everyone out there.In fact, your argument only proves to discredit you, causing me to wonder which side you are really on.
While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I have some strong objections to your argument.First of all, I am a female and a Catholic (by such grounds you probably have all ready discredited my views). While I do not argue that people have done some very evil things in the name of the Catholic faith, I must add that all faiths have done similar if not the exact same things. For example, Protestants in Salem hung various people who they claim to be witches. Those who would not "confess" to being witches were the ones killed."Holy Wars" have caused more death and corruption than all media devices combined.
Second of all, I'm an avid fan of animation. Not the strictly adult type that some claim to be aimed at children, but thought-provoking and what I believe to be very meaningful messages. Others are absolutely hilarious.Like American films, there are all types of anime. Some are for adults and some are for children. However unlike live acting, one cannot truely express the beauty of one's imagination no matter have many computer graphics one incorporates. Personally, I found Princess Mononoke to be a wonderful film but definately not for children for its violent content. However, I challege you to find any nudity there whatsoever.I suppose it is all in how you view it.
However, since you probably could care less about what I think, this will not change your mind. I never expected it too. However, I do have a right to express my own opinion as all people do.

hi (none / 0) (#667)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Feb 6th, 2002 at 04:28:47 PM PST
nice imagery and allusion. Its very dramatic but you spelled pedophilia wrong.

oh dear (none / 0) (#668)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 7th, 2002 at 05:28:56 AM PST
Oh dear! this is just strange. first of all you say that anime is evil, if thats true why do so many adults let their children watch it? its shown on saturday mornings everywhere and is classed as safe. second of all you can't just say its all evil its all rude. Just because you had the misfortune of click on to a hentai website (and if not then you must of been searching for it and ignored the warnings that are posted up on the front page) you can't just generalise that to all the other anime!. Also i don't know if you noticed but most disney drawing are actually anime nowadays and that most of the anime where they use "satanic" powers are based on myths and legends (sailor moon for instance) so please get your facts straight before trying to shove your opinion down our throats.

One last sin. . . (none / 0) (#670)
by Harrsion D Jones on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 02:30:06 PM PST
I'm sorry - I forgot one of the worst animes that I've seen: Princess Mononoke. Overlooking the whole Wicca/new age slant of 'forest gods' and 'animal spirits', the hero is clearly using evil and demonic powers to murder, kill and rape. The movie has decapitation, severing of limbs and other blood and gore. I'm sorry for your children if you feel this is appropriate viewing matter.

Animeation = kiddies = sin! (none / 0) (#671)
by Harrsion D Jones on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 03:48:14 PM PST
"OK, i agree that alot of manga out there has scenes which are innapropriate to little children. But JAPANIMATION IS NOT FOR TODDLERS!!! it is for the young teenager to whichever age!"

The one thing that you people are overlooking is that animation *IS* for children. Now, we can 'yes it is', 'no it isn't' back and forth all day long - but I've got proof on my side, as opposed to anime fans simply shouting louder.

If animation is not for children - then why is nearly all animation on television regulated to hours traditionally reserved for children. Saturday morning television and early afternoon programming is nothing but animated kids programming - and anime! The only exception to this is the Simpsons - but this is produced by Fox, a morally bankrupt network, headed by heathens, perverts and heretics.

If animation is not meant for children, then why is Disney - a company in the business of producing children's cartoons, the only studio producing animation? Real adult studios, with programming designed for the mature mind, simply do not produce animation. They, like all mature adults realize that animation is the domain of children and the socially inept and backwards. Beyond the age of 13 or 14, man is meant to cast off these childish things - and the studios know this.

Given these two things, how can you animation fans claim otherwise? And of course claiming that Japan is a different culture is a straw man argument - we are living in the United States of America, not Japan thank you very much. Since this is America, American culture and standards apply - not this subversive Asian lifestyle.

So, given that, how can you possibly claim that this 'anime' is not designed with the sole purpose of subverting our children? Cardcaptors, Escaflowne, Pokemon, Dragonball Z - all of this is clearly meant to brainwash our kids.

ok (none / 0) (#692)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 25th, 2002 at 11:11:46 PM PST

Explain why real anime runs at 11pm to 1am on a channel that is beginning to show many anime titles. Oh i forgot thats prime time for little kids.

Oh yeah, and how evil of anime to brainwash out children. I mean, all the other stuff you see on TV is so obviously innocent.

"Real adult studios, with programming designed for the mature mind, simply do not produce animation. They, like all mature adults realize that animation is the domain of children and the socially inept and backwards."

Why thankyou for telling me this. I never knew that there is some law that determines that animation is for children alone. I suppose next you will tell me that all art is the domain of children as well.

"The only exception to this is the Simpsons - but this is produced by Fox, a morally bankrupt network, headed by heathens, perverts and heretics."

Oh, yeah, all the other networks are so innocent aren't they. Face it violence sells, and the american studios and networks know this, and use it well.

I hope you're being sarcastic... (none / 0) (#672)
by Kevin12065 on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 05:10:54 PM PST
First of all, you have my congratulations! This piece of writing is by far the funniest thing I have ever read in my short lifetime. It is also by far the biggest sack of crap I've ever read.

First of all, let's talk about those statistics that you are referring to, you know, the only ones that matter. American has the largest amount of poverty in any industrial nation. We also have the highest unemployment rate in a developed country. We are also the most overpopulated developed nation. We also have no culture of our own; that all our so-called culture is merely taken from other countries/ethnicities had that we twisted for our own whims.

Now stop me if I am incorrect, you are a hardcore religious person who is commenting on something they know nothing about. And I'm sorry but watching a few anime films does not make you an expert. If you were an expert you would realize the folly in your argument, but since you are so blind, I will show it to you.

I know what type of anime you are referring to throughout most of your argument. It is a dark, evil thing I admit. It's called, you may want to write this down, "HENTAI". As you described it is the porno of animated films.

However, when you started to group in anime with Hentai, this is where your arguments fail. First of all, half of anime that has been produced has no religious ties, and if there are some that are discernable, it is not intended. This may come as a shock, but there are christians/catholics/jews/muslims/Jainists in Japan. I'm sorry, but the country is just as religious as this one. The second fault is that you do not tell which anime you watched. If you had actually listed the few you chose to write this rant about, I could probably smash each one down for you. However I will assume that one of the anime 'classics' that you refer to is called Neon Genesis Evangelion. And is this is the one you are referring to, and then you are correct in one thing: that it is anti-Christianity. It is meant to be that way. However, if an animated feature is able to shake your religious beliefs, then you aren't as faithful as you appear to be. I will not be drawn into an 'atheism vs. religion' debate: it's not worth my time.

You state that: "In a cheap trick the perverts that create manga films have stolen their animation techniques from Disney, and given all of their characters the same wide-eyed child-like look of innocence seen in such timeless children's classics as Sleeping Beauty or Snow White."

Where are you getting your facts? Disney has been ripping off stuff from Japan for years. Remember The Lion King? That was Disney's rip-off of a series entitled Kimba the White Lion, which I believe, is currently being dubbed and localized for this country. This may come as a shock to your good Christian moral values, but Disney is not a 'nice' company. I'll admit, Walt was a business genius, but half of their stories are merely horrible adaptations from books. Snow White, Cinderella, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, this may be a shock but those are NOVELS! Not to mention that Disney did a horrible adaptation of these books: the hunchback of Notre Dame is not supposed to be a happy story and I think that Victor Hugo is still turning in his grave over that one. Disney is not the only one to commit this horrible crime. The movie Blade, the Wesley Snipes movie about a half-vampire, is merely a bad representation of a little film entitled Vampire Hunter D.

As for your demonic messages from Satan himself: I'm sorry but if there is a horror anime, that gives both the good and evil characters powers, that somehow look demonic, doesn't mean they are. Have you ever heard the expression `Not all Good Guys wear White Hats.' Its been proven, not just in anime mind you but in pretty much any entertainment, that dark anti-heroes attract more viewers and are in most people's opinions much `cooler' than the traditional `Time to save the world' superhero. As for your claim about how the powers are the same, except for their appearance, well what do you expect? Would you like a devil with a pitchfork and a humanoid with fire blasts? Would you like an angelic being with white bird wings or another humanoid with similar looking blasts only a different color lets say white? Which one do you think would scare children more? Animators are forced to make changes to character designs constantly because the original designs would dissuade the general public from watching it. They usually change a character design numerous times before they get a final product, one that will not piss off the general public. That's why many anime that come over to the states have horrible localization, simply due to the fact that the anime has a lot of Japanese references in it, and in most cases, the dubbing/localization companies try to make American references fit inside instead.

People could produce cartoons or television shows or movies that promoted good Christian values, but it would fail. People don't usually watch shows about things like `should I or should I not pray tonight.' I'm sorry folks, but people are scum. The average successful television shows includes some type of violence or otherwise `bad' concept, even sit-coms and soap operas. If you're going to narrow your target to anime, first think of all the crap they put on television in this country. Think about in business, capitalism, America's so-called free enterprise. Most executives in companies lay employees off without a second though if it will raise their stock by half a point, and you call animators from a culture you know nothing about evil?

I could go on for another ten pages if I so desired but I am trying to keep this short just so it doesn't clutter this message board/site longer than it has to. I will end with this: to the writer of that idiotic article I just read, respond to this. I will be more than happy to meet with you and have a civilized conversation about this. However, if you continue to post about things you know nothing about, I'm afraid I will have to crush your argument utterly and completely.

My reaction (none / 0) (#673)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 05:33:20 PM PST
All i can say is this: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!You really need a girlfriend. I think the real issue is that you you're sexually frustrated and were raised in an over religous house so you lack the ability to deal with it. I suggest you seek professioanl help.

Wow thanks... (none / 0) (#674)
by Kevin12065 on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 05:36:45 PM PST
Wow thanks for that wonderful tidbit of knowledge. That has to be the answer for the arcane reason i like japanese animation. I think about that tonight when I'm having sex with my girlfriend you stupid twit.

LOL!!!!!!!!! (none / 0) (#675)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 06:15:18 PM PST
At first I speechless at the sheer stupidity of this right winger hypocrite's comments. (Reminds me of why I renounced being a christian all those years ago.) Now I know this has been asked already, but why did this guy go and look up hentai? Oh well, I'm sure he'll never explain it without sounding more like a hypocrite. I do find it very amusing that you used the virgin mary to cover up the womans vagianal regions (Espically if this was before she had her other children with joesph the "regualar way". And by the way i do not believe that sex is a "sin" becuase that is saying something that creates life is evil.) It is obvious that he was raised in a very conservative christian house and was probobly an only child so most of the thinking was done for him. (Espically on morals it would appear.) Why has has focused on a small portion of japanese film industry rather then the american adult film idustry like every other "good" dilluted christian is still beyond me. (The funny thing is you really have to try and find hentai on the web.) This is my take on the situtation: "Guy sees hentai. Guy gets off on hentai. Guy's abusive conservative christian parents voice echo into his little head about "sinning" and between all these new emotions (I bet puberty really sucked for this guy, if he even looked at a girl he probobly got belted from his father.) he gets scarred and when people (particualarly screw-up ones like him) get scarred they react with fear and hate. So after he posted it i bet he went and whacked off to it again, curled up in bed, cried out his mothers name and sucked his thumb." And the scary part is that's probobly a pretty accurate description of him.

you must be a moron (none / 0) (#677)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 11:05:45 PM PST
youre one of those moron , whoo sees evil in every tree , most ppl ...LIKE YOU , have problem deeling whit there own sins ,,,, example PEDOPHILIA... if you see pedophilia in anime the problem is YOU ... you are a pedophile, and to cover your shame/sin you blame it on anime ....shame on you.... may god or any other deity including Baal , sex drug and rock and roll have mercy on your poor soul ....and your even poorer brain ,

you must be a moron (none / 0) (#678)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 11:11:08 PM PST
youre one of those moron , whoo sees evil in every tree , most ppl ...LIKE YOU , have problem deeling whit there own sins ,,,, example PEDOPHILIA... if you see pedophilia in anime the problem is YOU ... you are a pedophile, and to cover your shame/sin you blame it on anime ....shame on you.... may god or any other deity including Baal , sex drug and rock and roll have mercy on your poor soul ....and your even poorer brain ,

you must be a moron (none / 0) (#679)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Feb 19th, 2002 at 11:12:39 PM PST
youre one of those moron , whoo sees evil in every tree , most ppl ...LIKE YOU , have problem deeling whit there own sins ,,,, example PEDOPHILIA... if you see pedophilia in anime the problem is YOU ... you are a pedophile, and to cover your shame/sin you blame it on anime ....shame on you.... may god or any other deity including Baal , sex drug and rock and roll have mercy on your poor soul ....and your even poorer brain ,

More ignorant souls who believes in holy crusades (none / 0) (#680)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Feb 21st, 2002 at 04:05:29 PM PST
You have blindly accused the animation industry, adults, college students AND children. You say you watched more and more *cough* filth *cough*, but failed to mention whatever you saw. Anim� isn't about lust. Anim� isn't about any central idea. By your grouping of Japanese Animation as meerly lustful pornography, you label the other 95% of shows and movies that have nothing of the sort. There is no crusade you can properly form from this. If you want to whine about one or two movies you may have seen, go ahead, but don't label things like Princess Mononoke as a pornographic, lustful film just because it's Japanese Animation. I sincerely recommend seeing it. It might just change your mind about your blind, ignorant categorization of anim� as a whole.

True (none / 0) (#681)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 22nd, 2002 at 09:12:58 AM PST
True, but it could only make him more blind, considering there is a lot of shintoism is Mononoke-Hime.

Yes, it's all a big conspiracy and I'm part of it! (none / 0) (#682)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Feb 22nd, 2002 at 10:02:54 PM PST
Yes, anime and those of us who use the internet to promote and distribute
it are just trying to steal people away from Christianity. In 1996 I furthured
this cause by establishing _my own_ religion based on one particular anime:

My "Church of Sailor Moon" has been a wonderfull tool for doing the devil's
work and I'm becoming fantasticly rich by mis-appropriating donations for my
own personal use. I'm afraid that now that you've uncovered my evil plan
I'll have to arrange for some large unfreindly men with serious looking
watches to visit you and put a stop to your crusade before you do any further
damage to my "cause".

The commercial importers of anime simply can't keep up with our conspiracy
due to practical realities of the bussiness world. To go beyond this limitation
I have hooked up with people even more satanic than myself called "fansubbers"
to distribute their home-translated versions of this "filth" and fill the void that
the comercial outfits have missed. Fansubbers are obsessed and will dedicate
their every free moment to Satan's cause.

Series I'm involved in circulating include Hime-chan's Ribbon, the story of a
12 years old girl who is visited by a princess from a magical world that gives
her a magical ribbon she can use to transform herself into any other person for
up to an hour. Obviously designed to encourage witchcraft amoungst young
people! Until recently I was even circulating a show called "Marmalade Boy"
which is an obvious attack on the traditional family, this show will now be handled
by a company called Tokyopop who has the commercial power to put it on store
shelves across America leading to massive marrage breakups and partner
swapping across the country! I'm glad to step aside and let my much more
capable fellow satinists take over my role here.

Not only that but I'm doing my dirty work from the evil satanic multicultural
nation to your north known as Canada. All us Canadians are evil, why else
would we be picked on in the South Park Movie?

My evil offerings (AKA "fansubs") can be found here:

For those who haven't figured it out yet I am of course just mocking the writer
of the article because, well, it's fun to. ^_^

As for the guy that said various shows including FLCL depicted normal life
in Japan. I would hope everyday life in Japan isn't as messed up as FLCL. ^_-

BTW, I don't mean to be annonymous, I'm just too lazy to register. ^_- My
name and E-mail:

Glen A. Pearce

To know a little about what you are protesting... (none / 0) (#683)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 24th, 2002 at 09:15:57 AM PST
To know a little about what you are protesting Jon also means you have to know about what you support also.

I think the racist post on here are hillarious, do you all people actually think that Moses, the 7 apostles, and everyone else in the bible where WHITE? You do know that Bethleham is in ISREAL which is a part of the MIDDLE EAST.

That's why I think all these religious movies in the US are a shame, cause do people actually believe that there's white people like Charlton Heston (sp?) living in the Middle east. I also don't understand why when someone shows Jesus on the cross he's White... why would he be white???? He came from the middle east, even if he were born white he'd soon get darker because of the sun levels and be as dark as all the other middle Easterners.

I think that anyone who thinks that god just likes white people haven't been to the Holy lands and seen what the people from that area really look like.

Pratically everyone in the bible are MIDDLE EASTERNERS because of the simple fact that that's where the bible takes place.

Fanaticism (none / 0) (#684)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 24th, 2002 at 03:43:50 PM PST
You know, after reading this, I had to laugh. It amazes me how close-minded an idiot could be. Who cares of something is un-Christian, eh? Anime and manga come from a completely different culture than one based on Christian morals. Anime/manga is just one of many forms of entertainment, and it is one that I am proud to call myself a devoted fan of. What would you say if I told you that I worshipped an anime Goddess? Personally, I see more validity in that than worshipping some invisible "God" who is supposed to watch over the world. Personally, I am a Pagan, and I see the divine as just being a genderless form of energy flowing through the universe that I can pretty much give any face that I want. Does this make me any less of a man? Personaly, I don't think so. I breathe the same air as you do, I bleed red if I am cut just like you, and I have to eat and drink in order to survive. I am not a pedofile, nor a Satanist. How could I be a Satanist when I don't believe in him? You fanatic Christians deem everything that is different from your values to be "Satanist" in nature. You guys are no different from the Taliban in my opinion. I do know good, wholesome Christians who are fans of anime/manga, but the difference between them and you is a closed-mind. I am glad this article was mentioned on an anime mailing list, just so I could come here and ridicule you for your close-mindedness. It's sad really. A closed-mind is a mind that cannot learn anything new. I hope that you someday will be able to open your mind up to the world around you, and see what's really there, instead of viewing it through your narrowed scope of vision. Sayounara!

A shot to the Pride (4.00 / 1) (#685)
by atenHi on Sun Feb 24th, 2002 at 06:36:00 PM PST
As an avid anime Fan, you Conservitive Christian Types may just pass me off as another "left wing activist".
You couldn't be farther from the truth. I was brought up Roman Catholic. I was comfirmed when I was seventeen. I firmly belive in the ten Commandments, in the Trinity, and so on. In fact, to further my standing as a conservative, I will say that I agreen with David Horowitz on everything I have heard him speak of.
I only say this to counter any "you must be a pinko commie pagan nazi nip" arguments in any replies, should this get any.
Okay, on the the meat. First I would like to say that anime, as a media is directed at all audiences. As individual shows, however, each is directed to a specific age group. Classifying anime as television directed at childern is completely false. One would not say the same for "The Simpsons" "King of the Hill" or "South Park". All of these are animated, but none of them are directed to have children as their audience, even though many childern watch them. Anime is very much the same. Even though artists of most Anime (and Manga) use the same basic ground rules of style and drawing in children's and adult shows, (not an attribute of US cartoons), it nontheless has seperate targets.
On that note, Anime is much more plot centered than most US shows. BECAUSE there is little stylistic division between genres, the plot of the show must dictate the audience. Anime and Manga deal with many complex cultural and social issues important to their target audience. Pokemon and its kin are directed at childern, and usually have their token moral at the end, ie "don't steal". Shows such as Tenchi Muyo, Trigun, and the like have take into account responsibility, love, and such developed topics and intertwine them with the PLOT. Any Chatholic can watch them and find positive moral messages within.
Moving on to all of the "violence and promiscuity" within Anime, I say in response that such things are not as prevalent as one would think. Expecially In terms of sexuality. Sex and Anime are too closely tied together in the Chatholic's mind for my taste. This is because rarely RARELY does and sex actually occur in any show produced for television, and when it does occur, it is brief, nothing more than what you would see in a Rated R film probably less (Hentai is another matter). Violence on the other hand, may occur more often than a Catholic would like. Personally I do not have a problem with it, and in fact even enjoy Anime combat. The reason behind my thinking is that in every Anime I choose to watch, violence has a purpose, and may even carry with it deep philisophical point. In other words, the fighting makes one wonder "why", and consider the motivation of both sides. Anime is thought provoking in this way.
Above I made an exeption of Hentai, on the reason that it is Anime Porn. However, this does not absolutely except it from all the other qualities of an Anime, for it still can posses a developed plot (unlike live porn).

You will find the folowing among one of the replies to this same post. (I do not put them in a reply there because I only wish to show several typical arguments)
>>One thing, I've noticed that many geeks like manga and anime.

First, one must define geek. Although, It is true, many gamers are Anime fans, either by the shared orgin of the Anime and PS2 of because of games based off Anime.

>>Ie. they want to have sex, but not with a real woman who needs emotional support and who may have a hairy, physically imperfect body.

This is very much WRONG. Anime fans in general are not disinterested with women, but it may be true that a higher percentage "get" less than the average population, I will adress that below, however.
>>cartoon depictions of pedophilia eventually lead to hanging around schoolyards.

Anime fans are not Pedos. Pedos like anime. An average Anime fan will, more often than not, be a very personable type, and also of above average inteligence. Such people do not molest childern. Te solution to Pedos is not to destroy anime, but to keep watch for them in real life. ie, When you see someone using a zoom lens on a camcorder at a Girl's gymnastics competion, then you get suspicious, not when you see a person wearing an "Lain" tee shirt.

>>We must do this, or our daughters will suffer.

Okay, on to what I was speaking of before. The female "stars" of Anime, truly are the Ideal physical specimens. As characters, they are often very interesting and have atractive personalities. One can fall in love with an Anime Girl, just as one can dream about a character from a novel. But as much as you see us proclaim the greatness of these wonders, deep down, every Outaku knows that it ain't going to happen. So it is not a fascination with Anime that keeps us from interaction with women, conversely, women and girls are taught to ignore and belittle Anime fanguys. Our culture is. So after high school, after being an Anime fan, we are left with fewer social contacts, expecially female ones. So all we are left with is Anime and a few friends who are probably in the same situation.
You might (and knowing the audience, will) say that such people are at fault for ever having liked Anime in the first place, but that is not a very American standpoint. People have the Right to do as they please, within the boundaries of the social contract of government, of course.

Okay, that is al I have to say about that given what I have seen in this thread so far. I do have a novel inside my head of more counter arguments, but as impateint as I am, I cannot wait a decade to post here.

What a piece of crap (none / 0) (#688)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Feb 24th, 2002 at 11:26:31 PM PST
Jon Erikson, you should get help. You seem to be seriously mentally challenged.


Obviously a man in trouble (none / 0) (#689)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Feb 25th, 2002 at 03:39:44 PM PST
Obviously, the man who wrote this is a 35 year old man that got caught watching hentai by his wife and is using this as an excuse to not get in trouble. Who the hell else would be this ignorant? Do you not realize that there is more than one religion? You are being racist. There is infact a person on here that thinks black people shhould be slaves. Hopefully this Erikson guy (Are you a telephone?) has a static IP address so i can somehow figure it out and have all of my anime loving friends bomb it. If anyone wants to ask if i've got it yet email I do, as being catholic, find it bad to watch pure hentai since this is adultery. I havent researched many other religions but i dont know if they believe in this or not and i am not prejudice against anyone. Also if the phone guy (Erikson) would wake up and look around he would realize that there is a guy, and his name is Hue Hefner. There are also other people who have created and are still spitting out vulgar things in america. In fact there was actually a boy who ran a plane into a building with a note saying he supported Osama. Also i will state that when colonists first came to america they were mainly puritans, not catholics, prestberians, jewish, christian. Not any other religion. You i feel bad for. You have some way been sucked into some hole where the only thing you do is, god this, god that, jesus here, jesus there. Censorship is also bad. I do not like the government censoring things that will be presented as n-cut in stores. I want dubbed episodes (good dubbing) with all completely original animation. I dont want some person that thinks america can't handle this censoring everything i own. So, get some mental help. You really need it.

Complete Misunderstanding (4.00 / 1) (#693)
by WashuuChan12 on Wed Feb 27th, 2002 at 07:23:45 AM PST
My name is Stephanie, and I am fifteen years old. I just read your post a few minutes ago, and I was appalled - almost to the point of amusement, since I find it so ridiculous that you would judge something you don't know enough about to make a valid point.

First off, I must say that I am Christian, and I plan on remaining one for the rest of my life. Second, as you might have noticed, I am a fan of anim� and manga. You are wrong to assume that all anim� and manga is pornographic, like the pictures you included in your post. This is a genre called hentai, the Japanese word for "abnormality." I think hentai is disgusting, and should not be integrated with other genres of anim� and manga. I was especially surprised that someone who is so devoted to Christian beliefs would even think of censoring pornographic pictures with the images of Christ and the Virgin Mary. Isn't that a defamation of Christ and Mary in itself, having them in any way associated with pornography?

"Unfortunately thanks to the influence of Liberal elements in our once-great education system these individuals choose to turn away from the products our cultures produces and embrace alien ideas that are an affront to God and our Founding Fathers." What is that supposed to mean? Shouldn't we have an open mind to other cultures, and not dismiss them solely because of their being different? This rejection of "alien ideas" immediately reminded me of what the Taliban and Alqaeda is enforcing in the Middle East. The attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11 was carried out just because of this mindset - that the idea of mingling cultures was evil, and that anything associated with that purpose was to be destroyed. When was America's education better? When schools were segregated because of race and culture?

Getting back on the subject, anim� and manga are not targeted towards anyone in particular - different series, films and comics are. This is like saying that entertainment is targeted towards children. Yes, some anim�s are targeted towards children, like Pok�mon, Digimon, Mon Colle Knights - I could go on forever. Even Sailor Moon is targeted towards children, but has earned an audience of all ages because of its more mature (not to mean perverted) elements that is masked by the stereotype in Western culture that cartoons are for kids. This is completely untrue. So many animated films - not just Japanese animation - have important moral values and depth that a child wouldn't normally even understand. Think of Peanuts cartoons. The animated cartoon may be targeted towards a family audience, but there are many topics and statements that would go over a child's head, but make an adult stop and think - maybe even learn from it. But I suppose you wouldn't know about this, since you never watch cartoons. Why would you need to? You are a "healthy adult of sound mind and firm moral base." There would be no reason for you to keep learning new things, since you are no longer a child. Right?

You also make the generalization of all anim� being violent. Again - some are, some aren't. Not all anim�s have this storyline of evil, Satanic forces engaged in a constant war. The idea of magic is pure fantasy. Magic itself is not good or evil in these stories - it is the people and the way that they use it. If this claim that you make, that the use of magic in stories is wrong and should not be exposed to children, then I suppose we should never tell fairy tales to children. Such "timeless children's classics as Sleeping Beauty and Snow White" may be regarded as evil, since they involve magic. And even worse is when Prince Charming kisses Snow White, magically awakening her. It is a needless display of sexuality and magic, especially sine it is before marriage. How could this sinfulness be shown to children? Because children don't go to extremes searching for things that could be interpreted as the works of Satan. I almost think that if there were an anim� version of these timeless classics, you would dismiss them altogether for the sole reason of them being produced by Japan.

You have also stated that "...the real agenda [of the promotion of manga film] was truly Satanic - manga films exist solely to promote the idea that paedophilia is good!" I will agree that some children in anim� look a lot older than they are said to be, and that some characters are ridiculously exaggerated. But how does that promote pedophilia (I checked the spelling, it is spelled with only one a.)? Pedophilia is an attraction towards children who have not undergone changes that would give them sexual attributes that could be exaggerated. If all these characters *are* supposed to represent children, how could they still look like children if they are past development? Part of Japanese culture is having a "cute," or "kawaii," mentality, which is similar to the charm of a young child. This is what is being portrayed in these films with the use of large eyes and childish charisma. It has nothing to do with physical childishness! You also make the claim that the anim� style of art was stolen from Disney's style of animation. But the truth is the complete opposite. All you have to do is look at old American Disney films, and then look at very recent Disney films. Don't the recent ones look the most like anim� and manga? The Disney Corporation even said that the film Atlantis was a sort of experiment, to see if this new style of animation would attract more viewers.

The Bible tells us not to judge, and not to put down other people's beliefs. I apologize if I have done this through this post, because the last thing I want to do is stoop down to that level. I think you should take a second look at what you have said, and ask the question, "What would Jesus do?"

Grow up (none / 0) (#695)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 2nd, 2002 at 08:01:47 AM PST
Grow. Up.

I'm ashamed that a person like you could write something like this. You sound relatively educated, and yet a girl of fifteen can poke holes in your argument.

Society is enriched through contact with other cultures. You run the risk of destroying your own country if you continue to write and think such stuff as this. Oh, and just a bit of information, we copy English culture. Not vice versa.

Anime is a respected genre, with categories for children continueing to adult. When watching it, there is a fair level of responsiblity--if you are offened, leave. It's that simple. If a ten-year-old watches something R-rated, whose fault is it? It's the same with anime. If something offends you, turn it off. You are not entitled to watch it, and if you do not want your children watching it, you can use blocking devices.

Is that so hard?

Apparently so.

Please explain the "violence and Satanism" in a show such as "Hello Kitty". It's about little animals running around and helping eachother. It teaches the morals of friendship and trust. That's evil? I suppose we should cancel "Sesame Street" and "Blues Clues" as well then. Oh, wait, I see... They both promote bestiality, right? Oh how foolish I was! I should've seen it all along!

One does find cause to wonder, however, at why you complain about the blatant sexual nature of these films, when you only watched the ones with such content. Science fiction and fantasy only make about 15% of anime. And an even smaller percentage of that is "henati", or porn. Now, how is one to write an educated article on how anime is "evil" when one hasn't even seen all the genres it has to offer? I can only assume that you chose to watch only the ones that agreed with your argument, which is obvious to all people with higher intelligence than pond scum. Did you perhaps, chose to be "corrupted". This rant is akin to that of someone who watches R and X-rated movies and then complains about how movies corrupt soceity. As a matter of fact, it's the same thing.

As a girl of fifteen, I have but one thing to say: Just. Grow. Up.

Months after, I'm still in disbelief (none / 0) (#696)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 4th, 2002 at 11:07:34 PM PST
it's been a few months now, and i still can't believe this "discussion" has taken and is still taken place. Bottom Line: Lots of computer geeks like anime. Computer geeks grow up to "rule the world". Therefore this is all irrelevent becuase it can have no impact on life.

hahahahaha! (none / 0) (#697)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 6th, 2002 at 07:01:57 PM PST
This is a great, hilarious, and altogether stupor-inspiring "article". Thank you for enlightening me to how uninformed some people are about the subject of anime. I would like to inform you of two hypocrisies i found in your "article". Anime is the animated form of this great art. Please do not confuse it with manga, which is the comic-book or written form of it. The second hypocrisy i found was the pictures. You would have to do some deep diving in hentai,or adult-oriented inernet sites, to find pictures like these, that aren't even technically anime. These pictures are more than likely drawn by american 'artists' which have made a fairly inadequent, humiliating and overall bad plagarism of the original art. I would merely like for you to not be so one-sided in your veiws of subjects touching the young people of today. This "article" was, as i have said before, very funny, merely because of your rascist, one-sided veiws. If you would really like to present 'news' you must present both sides of an arguement. One sided information, as presented here, is better labeled as propaganda.

<br><br>Thank you for reading my arguement on the subject.

Unimpressed (none / 0) (#700)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 13th, 2002 at 07:31:59 PM PST
Oh! HOW original, using the old 'Good vs Evil' motiff....

Surpisingly, I think Jon Erikson made a BIG boo-boo, saying Anime/Manga is evil, when, in fact, people like him who are ignorant of the fact that the ONLY thing who is evil are himself and others who actually ENJOY calling people names, bad mouthing and a lot of thrash talk!

*snicker* Pathetic...

If I didn't know better, Jon isn't ONLY Christian, but ALSO racist! (YEP! THAT'S RIGHT!!!) HOW ONE SIDED is his argument? It's so one-dimensional, you could put a coin on its flat side and it would STILL fall off! What's with bringing war and violence when EVERYTHING has been good and forgiven?

And IF I do remember this correctly, isn't racism evil???

Uh, uh... Say what you want, but no matter what excuses you have, you are SOOOOOOOOOOO transparent!

Satanism???? What the heck are you talking about? Not ALL anime are focused on that! And if you're a fool to BELIEVE that, then you're making excuses to find support for your racist beliefs! WHICH is sad!

And very effective, using JUST hentai images... (That's 'ANIMATED PORN' to those who don't know jack about anime), when in fact there are TONS others out there that shows a nice, innocent side of anime, just like with your 'precious' cartoons (Which ALSO have porn versions, or do you not want to believe that?)

*snicker* Suprise, suprise...

*sigh* You know... with you preaching like this, I'm curious if you're a Priest... but then, if you're going to be any sort of one, you'll be leading a 'Hate' group... an army of fools, being led by the bigger fool...

heh.... you might think I'm another otaku (Anime fan, again for those people who knows jack about anime...) and a geek, but GUESS WHAT!??!?! I have a singing career, followed by a career in the comic industry (Focused souly on manga! And proud of it!) and about to graduate uni! Doesn't sound much of a geek, huh? More like an inspired artist who was driven by the greatest of all anime... Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind! And anime I've seen since eight and still love it to this day!

Dreams, courage, determination.... all this I've learned from anime and manga... and the value of how important life is....

I'm sorry if some people you know have fallen from grace, and that I, who had worked SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO damn hard to 'fight' the 'evil urges' *snicker* has shown more promise than you or anyone has, but THAT is life! You live to fight EVERYDAY, and you STRIVE to do good!

Raising racial hatred once more is NOT a good thing for a 'Good Christian' like you should do.

Ciao, and I hope you have a 'Nice Life'...

If you strive for it, that is, instead of drowning in your hate... ^^

Ok... (none / 0) (#711)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 12:01:42 AM PST
"In recent years there has been a growing trend amongst radical youth elements of American society for cultural relativism, the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer. This is clearly not true, and anyone that cares to take the time to do the research will find that the US is by far the world's greatest nation in terms of any statistic that matters."

Now, let me point somthing out

the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer.

Now whats the word im looking for... Hm, oh yea.


Hmph. Those pictures were in the wrong places: they should have been over that crap you wrote with no knowlage of what your saying at all.


Change yourself before you change others (4.00 / 1) (#712)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 05:45:30 AM PST
Even if this is deleted by admins, what does that say about your precious nation? Advocates of freedom of speech? If I'm entitled to a view, then why should it be silenced?


...let's discuss Christianity, shall we?
A religion who's core text is based on nothing more than the religion of the Jews, and the 'aping' of legends far older than anything in the old testemant. The legends of Gilgamesh, are repeated in new clothing in the story of Noah's Ark.
I'm not flaming religion, or even Christianity, because religion has something to add to our societies. But the kind you are preaching is not religion. It's scaremongering. You also fail to understand why Anime and Manga is spreading across the world.
It's beacuse of you 'great nation' (oh yeah, feel the sarcasm there) and thier ingenious destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Your (and I mean the US here) rebuilding of that which you had destroyed has merely brough the Japanese out their isolationism.
Let us look for a moment, however, at how the US and other countries project their culture around the world.
In India, their culture can be best interpreted through their films, and their music - conveying birght colours, spice and the love of life.
In the UK, we push forward our comedy, which shows levels of thinking which do not need adequate explanation, yet still make sense.
In the US, you push your movies, your music and your sense of might upon the world... and that, offends and angers people.

OK, so where does my defense of Japan come into this? The Japanese culture just like any other tries to project itself around the world. How does it do this? Through the media it has created. Through their art and their anime.
Anime is thought provokig and intelligent animation, and the 'satanic' magic you talk of? Well ... no we can see why the US has censored Harry Potter. A mere novel, harmless, yet entertaing. You censor it... how utterly rediculas. You are too wrapped up in your own self-belief and ideals, that you fail to realise that most people have an ounce mor eintelligence than the likes of you and people who agree to this post.

In conclusion then...
What this topic represents is nothing more than the attempted oppression of an entire culture. This has been attempted before in the very worst chapters of this history of this planet. The enslavement of the africans, the second world war and the holocaust. People like you outrage and disgust me for a complete lack of understanding of other cultures or ideals, but worse than that, the refusal to attempt to understand. Perhaps you should look at how to rectify the obvious flaws in your own culture before you begin a crusade at how to rectify 'flaws' in other cultures.

tsk tsk (4.00 / 1) (#713)
by Nakoruru on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 05:50:38 AM PST
It appears you were only pointing out the Hentai. What about the "clean" anime? Like Tonari no Totoro, or Cardcaptor Sakura?
If you say that only the Japanese culture does this, that is Racism. But infact, Americans make this kinda stuff too.

forgot to mention... (4.00 / 1) (#714)
by Nakoruru on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 05:55:19 AM PST
I thought it was "Un-Christian" to be racist. If you continue with this, racism will spread again. I'm tired of it. Everybody saying that anime is idiocy. I'm just so tired of it!!
Please, stop this. The only anime you're mentioning is hentai, as I mentioned earlier. There is other anime, believe it or not.

and then He created anime.... (3.00 / 1) (#715)
by Skill on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 06:11:31 AM PST
You sir, are an idiot. Not only does your short minded and biased post look like an add on from "mein Kampf", it also lacks any logic. (Liberals focus on taking over the states with anime?!...Can you say: "Paranoid"?...No? How about: "neurotic"? )

Anime is great. It's a lifestyle, and a gift of god in my eyes. Sure, it has violence in it, but that's why it's for adults! It visualises story's so new and daring in a complete new style, giving it a certain flair you will like or will hate. But to decide that god will ahte this and it's bad and has bad effects on anyone is just narrow minded. (Altough I have to admit you sound pretty lame...maybe it's because of the effect Anime has on you!!!) *shock*

I have been watching anime for a long time now, and it's superb. I love animation, and cartoon art styles. I can imagine some people don't like it, because offence...but the lack of visual creativity. But that's no excuse to bash people from england till Japan just because you have a problem with your lack of visual creativity. What's even worse is your pro-american look on things. Please get me right. Americans are great, but there are some rotten appels ,like the poster of this thread, which are people you'll only find in the states. Afraid of anything that oposes or does something different then their own great nation.

Oh and a tip for all you anime haters! ( and lovers ofcourse ;) ) Go watch Neon Genisis Evangelion! It has more references to the bible then anything I have seen before. It will probably kill the person who wrote this original thread *snickers* but if you would try to look at it as a work of art, you might find out what's so great about anime.

When watching anime always keep your mind as wide open as might actually like it then. :D


by Anonymous Reader on Thu Mar 14th, 2002 at 07:03:00 AM PST
You fucking morons, I cant believe anyone actually believes in shit like that! I've never laughed so much in my damn life!

One of the reasons anime is so good is because the Japanese place great dependency on storytelling, plot and character development and because Japan is nothing like American culture which we, non-Americans have had crammed down our throats for the past few decades.

Heres something for you guys to think about - if anyones trying to take over the world with their queer imaginations on how things should be, its the Christians - the biggest group of deluded pillocks across the globe. Enjoy your meaningless lives guys, oh, and keep up the good work, God's got a place for your asses reserved in Heaven!!!!! *snigger*

LOL! (4.00 / 1) (#718)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 07:47:54 AM PST
You do know that the anime world is laughing at you, don't you? As an avid anime watcher and the vice-president of my local anime club, I have to say that it's really sad that religion can be such a closed-minded venue. I've seen so many people that are huge religious freaks, and they trash talk about anything that they don't understand.. which is exactly why I don't choose to ally myself with any of them. Religion isn't worth the pain that it can cause to other people, you know.
*sigh* Anyone that believes an article like this, is sadly stupid and misinformed. If anime was all pornography and pedophilia, do you seriously think that so many people would like it? I don't watch anime so that I can imagine myself in bed with the gorgeous men in there, do I? Why would I need to, when I have a very wonderful boyfriend, and many many friends that I consider very dear to me?
Maybe you should become a little (lot) more informed about anime before you start making really juvenile generalizations. Most of my favorite series don't have any nudity at all, and develop the relationships between the characters to a believable level before they even kiss. Maybe you should try watching some of the shoujo shows, or some of the shonen romance dramas.. For example, Marmalade Boy, Hana Yori Dango, Mizuiro Jidai.
Or has your "faith" made you even too closed-minded to give things a real try? Maybe you would prefer hunting down some of the yaoi anime out there, that might be better suited to open your eyes to good relationship dramas.

Dear Mr. Erikson (none / 0) (#720)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 12:13:16 PM PST
It seems that you have focused solely on the negative side of the Anime genre. There are many 'un-Christian' standards in the shows, but the outcome is almost always the same. Good vs Evil...and Good often triumphs.

There are also good harmless children shows to be found there, with good morals taught; Hello Kitty! Pokemon, and so many others. Even Astro Boy from years past. Even Disney has taken a few pages from Anime and created stories based 'loosely' around Japanese Animation.

Now you base this all on 'Non-Christian' but you must realize that Japan is a mostly athiest and Buddhist country. Christianity is only a recent addition over there. In fact Japanese people worship the state/government/country before an idol, which is why Buddhism works so well their (one is to emulate Buddha and his beliefs, not worship him).

I do not understand how you should be offended with something that no one forces you to look at, to purchase or to be a part of. You willingly looked for this material, perhaps as a basis of your story, but you should not have a right to offend those who enjoy the sexual cartoons known as Hentai.

You don't like it, then avoid it. Simple as that. If you don't like getting stung by a bee...well then avoid bee's, that's the thing. If you wish to deter people from Hentai, then maybe it would have been best if you had not written an article about it, as you have brought it more into the prominent mainstream then before, and although you reported on it in a dark, sinister overtone, you have most likely piqued the interest of some of your readers who will go and 'check it out' to see what the problem is.

I commend you for your bravery in writing this article, knowing that not everyone would support you. In the future though, I suggest you try to stick to things that you enjoy.

You can reach me at;

Have a good day.

I can't believe you. (none / 0) (#722)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 15th, 2002 at 04:00:45 PM PST
Not every body is Christian. Get it through your head. It's people like that who think that everybody HAS to believe in God, not what THEY want to believe in. I just cannot stand people like that. It's in the Constitution- Freedom of Religion. I'm Aethist, and when people always try to get me into Christianity, I won't let them. Let people believe what they want.
And don't attack anime in the process. Not all anime is hentai/ecchi.

Goodness me (4.00 / 1) (#723)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Mar 16th, 2002 at 04:39:49 PM PST
This post has turned into a flame war.
I am a sixteen year old male growing up, I have seen many things, I have been exposed to many things, sex, violence, everything. I was curious, I found out. But I stayed away. Why? I did not like it. How? I had the will to do so.

Most of all, I am a Christian. I do not hate what is good, I hate what is evil. To hate what is evil, I have to know, specifically, what is evil. I go to church, I admire the teachings of God. I fear God, I love God. God is almighty. That is through my views. I do not force my beliefs to others, for that is not the true way. I believe you have abandoned this topic, Mr. Erikson. I am wasting my breathe. My time is wasted. What exactly am I doing here? What were you doing here? You were trying to inform others, that this thing, anime, is EVIL. So tell me. It is evil, right? It had to be created, to be evil. The mind created this. Whose minds were to blame? The people of Japan. Wow, interesting. I must admit, Japan is a strange country as it had many strange things if you actually saw it. But those things that are strange, are from the Underground. Mafias, gangsters, etc. They exist everywhere.

Of all things to say that is evil, anime was picked out of many many many things. Say, if you were to put more thought into it, wouldn't almost everything in the world be evil? Look, all you had to say, was that the world is a huge place, many things exist. Evil exists, so be careful. Watch your step, think before you do things. Follow the rules, follow the law. Live by the law. Along the way, understand the world, love the world. Love what is good, hate what is truly evil. To judge, judge yourself, see if you can compare to something, is it right, is it wrong. In this case, anime, is it right? It is a form of media, like novels. Many kinds of novels exist. Anime is part of the media, so let it be. Care about the people, don't care about these things, they bother you.

THAT IS NOT ALL ANIME!!! (4.00 / 1) (#725)
by LFCIII on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 08:31:44 AM PST
I am a fan of anime and I must protest this blatant hatred of anime. In Japan, anime is popular due to the lack of space on the islands to have huge Holywood-style lots. Thus it is more convient to make an animated film instead of a movie. Another reason why it is popular is that animation has more creative freedom than live action. Take Tarzan (by Disney) for example. In the old live action movies, it was impossible for Tarzan to move the way he is described in the original book. In animation, it is simpily a matter of drawing him to move in this way. In Japan many impossible things are done in animation. Giant robots, talking animals, etc... NOT ALL ANIME IS ABOUT PORN!!!!
Many animes make light of tragedies, like Grave of the Fireflies, which is about 2 kids during WW2 Tokyo. Princess Mononoke is about a prince trying to get rid of a curse off his arm from a boar god.

To sum my little rant up. Anime in Japan is like our Hollywood over here. It has it's action movies, horror, and suspense genres. It also has genres targeted for kids (Pokemon, Digimon, and others).


My Email (none / 0) (#726)
by LFCIII on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 08:34:02 AM PST
BTW. All comments (positive or negative and flames) may be directed at

I am open for debate.

John...John...John... (3.00 / 1) (#727)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 08:55:41 AM PST
You remind of this woman I met online many many months ago, She had this notion in her head that all men wanted to rape women and that was because of Music,TV,Video games,Movies,Anime,Fun,and free will among people.

You remind me so much of her, from the way you sit on your Hollier than thou rump with your bible in hand and speak of things that arent even acurate I would go as far to say that YOU HAVE NO CLUE AS TO WHAT YOU ARE SPEAKING ABOUT!.

Or You did go out and looked up Anime by RENTING OR BUYING HENTAI ON PURPOSE!, Anime comes in many forms. One such form IS Adult, But others are children (Pokemon,Hello Kitty) Teens (Dragon ball) and up through the ages.

You are under the misconception that cartoons and games are JUST FOR KIDS!, My One Friend is a Fourty year old Christian with a wife and 5 year old son and 8 year old daughter. He plays Video games avidly and as much as I do, But with all the time I spend with them I see no moral problems. His kids are not running around with picthforks and speaking in tongues because their Father plays games, NOR does anyone I know that watches Anime.

Cartoons,Anime,whatever are not just for kids, And your preaching aside from makeing half a dozen people I know sick! has just made so many more people interested in Anime.

They will want to know what could be so bad in Anime that would cause Rightous Outrage from a man who makes horrific Uneducated bigoted statements on such things, And then cause him to go on a rant of Morals.

God does not care what you watch on TV or what you eat or even if you pray to him before you do whatever, He cares if you lived a good life and not done horrible wrong things.

If you swear alot, He will forgive you, If you said something to offend a person he will forgive you and so on and so forth.

The only things that he wont forgive are Murder,Rape, And I belive TRULY hurting some one with intent IE REVENGE.

But I Digress, People like you make me sick. Always whooting and hollering about the roots of all evil, Well Their must be billions of "Roots" according to people like you.

I was always tought to be tolerante of people and their choices, I was always taught not to Judge lest I be judged in turn. But when I see a person like you I just get plain sick!, The Root of all doesnt come from another country, It doesnt come from Money and God help me it doesnt even come from the Devil himself!.

The Root of all Evil comes from people like you, Who see something they dont like and then Decide to preach about it with some god or diety to back up their statements to get the desired effects.

Threaten Damnnation and Hellfire from Watching Anime and maybe the mass's will listen right?, Only people with minds as warped and Deranged as yours does that happen.

bah! I cant even go on righting this, But I will say that I am going to start encourageing everything you think is morally wrong. First thing I am going to do is have my kids watch Anime with me, And I'm going to teach them that its good to Mingle with other cultures. And Above all I will teach them that Religion and the belief in A God (and of course choices in them) is good so long as they dont get so sucked in that they end up like you.

But none the less I thank you, The more I meet such Evil scraps of Humanity like you the better a person I can become.

Your going to hate this John (4.00 / 1) (#728)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Mar 17th, 2002 at 09:43:40 AM PST
OH! He says that anime is Evil! it must be true! everyone in the world rally behind this man and let us form a human bridge to japan and kill the innocent people in the name of Jesus Christ our lord and saviour!

Give it up john, You are't going to win in this one. If your so amercian then shut the fuck up and let people make their own choices, This country was founded on freedom. And America is not perfect! nothing is perfect!, This country was founded on freedom by men who were Slave owners! Hello? I smell and Oxymoron here!

A country founded on Freedom by a bunch of Slave owners? Yeah! Give us freedom but we shall take away another type of humans freedom.

I am going to get into the anime Bussiness, And I will produce Anime and release it to my American homeland.

But anyway, As you read from my friend who is still laughing his ass off at you...You are just a rasict dog that needs to evolve into the 20th Centuray, Stop burning the books, And open that tiny padlocked brain of yours a realize that Freedom means freedom for all and not just a select few.

Freedom is for everything, But sit there and try to take that freedom and you will soon find an army at your doorstep ready to kill you.

Just look at how many people have jumped on you, A 15 year old girl even skewered everything you claimed. When you get into something like this you face legions of that type of people, There are more people like us in the world then you Bigoted Religous fanatics.

So etheir way, Shut up and grow up a bit.

Interesting way of defacing a picture of Christ... (4.00 / 1) (#729)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Mar 18th, 2002 at 12:57:19 AM PST
I guess I can't change those tha are not willing to change, but I find it odd that you would use a picture of Jesus Christ as a censor bar...I mean isn' that about the same as using his name in vain?

And your comments on how an adult cannot enjoy not adults look at paintings in museums? They are drawn figures, and caled art, the Animation films you refer to as "Manga Films" (which is odd as Manga is the word for a comic book, and Anime is that for animation) are just Art that is seen as moving images. Infact most movies and TV shows today use Computer Generated Animation to render humans doing things they cannot do, so would those be considered evil because of that, taking in mind most Anime is done in 2D CG now?

And as for your belief that foreign culture is an evil...take in mind Jesus never se foot in america, and we were not called "The Melting Pot" because of steel works. (seems kind off like the KKK going after African-american decended peoples, the KKK didn't decend from the american shore lines either)

Foreign Culture is probabl the best thing for this country, as alo of the technology we have now is from foriegn countries.

One last point before I head off... "Night on the Galactic Railroad" is a very pro-Christan Anime in my technically they aren't all anti-christan.

(PS, Pocket Monsters are more Animal then Demon as they each work in an ecosystem around each other.)

narrow mindedness (4.00 / 1) (#730)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Mar 22nd, 2002 at 11:41:20 AM PST
first of all, I DO respect religion. but I can't see how one can become wise just reading the bible and marking everything else as "evil". what are you? a individual or just god's golem?

what I also want to know if anyone who critises anime ever tried to understand the story in it. the average anime has a better plot than the average hollywood production (which I CAN'T watch over and over).

and, dear christians, what is wrong about hedonism? we are all humans. therefore, we are all animals. animals have instincts. one of these instincts is that large eyes appeal to us. we are prone to peek at anything that looks anything like eyes. eyes are the windows to our souls, therefore they are important in conveying the emotions of the character. yes, emotions. nearly absent in any movies/tv series from the us nowadays. furthermore we do have procreation instincts. these instincts make that we generally enjoy things involved with it (among which looking at feminine body shapes). isn't it hypcritical to say that anime is evil because it has good-looking female characters while especially american movie's exclusively contain just good-looking women who render half of the female population unsure about their looks?

as I read this, despite the fact that I don't generalize too quickly, I tend to think that what people here (netherlands) generally think about your nation is true. you <b>are</b> saying that your culture is superior (bull) and you <b>are</b> hypocritical to the bone.

is it so hard to show respect to other cultures? instead of trying to assimilate them into your own?

luckily, a lot of other americans are not as narrow minded as you are. they are the ones who embrace other cultures and take the good things from it. you should learn that too.

Enough (4.00 / 1) (#731)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Mar 26th, 2002 at 01:23:21 PM PST
Enough, people. Enough.

I have read 10% of these posts, and truthfully, I agree. Anime is great just the way it is (for the most part - I find the hentai [not the ecchi, but the hentai; there is a difference] pointless, but that's another argument). I have yet to see anything that would lead a reasonable mind to believe "that children are sexual creatures, and that it is alright to feel lust towards them."

For the record, I will state, as written, a previous post, made by the author of this 'article', Jon Erikson:

The point is not that 'hentai' is different to other manga films. I was not singling out films that included nudity or sexual scenes in them at all! In fact if anything these are less insidious - more disgusting certainly, but because they blatently display their foul wares they are less effective at the subtle brainwashing that is the Liberal agenda.

What I am saying is that all of manga shows women as being childlike, sexual creatures through the use of cunning visual tricks. As such, all manga is pushing the Liberal agenda of pedophilia, not just ones with actual nudity.
<End Quote>

It seems to me that his problem isn't with the hentai specifically. Rather, he simply doesn't like animation to have people who don't have imperfections, who act like children, or are otherwise unrealistic. Although several well-done attempts have been made to clarify the reasoning behind this style, still the author refuses to even consider the possibility, however [un]likely it is, that he could be mistaken, overreacting, or simply paranoid.

The only thing I have to say to the author is "GET OVER IT!" Most everyone else has (I got over it when I was 13 - so what if they're nude? To each his own.)

I get the feeling that this guy is getting a kick out of all the uproar he has caused, sitting back and watching the results. Personally, I believe this person is a fool in the worst sense: "A mentally deficient person; an idiot." Intelligence and sense are two completely different things, and he seems to be severely lacking in both. When dealing with such a person, there are only two things to do with them: either render them harmless (kill them on the spot, lock 'em up, etc.) or ignore them. Since the former could be a bit difficult, I suggest the latter. Enough people have posted already that any future readers will get the point. No, I don't suggest listening to this person any longer. This has become an argument over religion as well as anime, and isn't getting anyone anywhere.

As difficult as it may be, I suggest ignoring this fool as much as possible for at least the next few years.


RE: Not just harmless fun (4.00 / 1) (#732)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Mar 27th, 2002 at 09:34:41 PM PST
So, just how long did you watch this stuff? Enough to give you a good Christian erection? Did it make you want to do it Missionary style? Maybe go out and teach someone what you know? Or do you like young boys in preference to young girls? You do realize that none of the stuff you saw on those videos are real, don't you? You do realize that Christianity, like any CULT will fall out of favor, don't you? You are a dying breed. Usually called 'idiots' and 'ignoramuses'. Do you not have better things to do with your time than jerk-off to those videos? I know that's what you do. It's because you are so obviously a lonely man. You interact with no one but your computer. Poor soul, don't you realize that you're insane? Mentally unbalanced? You ought to seek help, you poor dear. Perhaps the soothing embrace of a 14 year old girl, basking in the glory that is her nude, pubescent form....

Just pointing out two major flaws.... (2.00 / 1) (#733)
by eri nightwind on Mon Apr 1st, 2002 at 08:04:43 PM PST
I was originally going to give a detailed 'reply' to this 'post', if it even deserves that term. (More like racist rant.) I was going to point out all of your hatred-induced flaws. I was even going to quote C.S. Lewis at you. But then I thought better of it. After all, as fun as it is to read and re-read C.S. Lewis' marvelous collection of books, I don't have that much free time and I am certainly not going to waiste it on such an idiotic 'post'. No, instead I will just point out two major flaws in your argument (two of many, I might add): 1) You are only giving examples of a small percentage of the products that are made by an enormously diverse industry. If you had compared all aspects of the Japanese animation industry, I would have had no qualms with this major detail; although I do not agree with your racist remarks about Japan, or, for that matter, other cultures in general. 2) The American pornography industry is far more wide spread than the pornographical, or 'hentai', element of a small ammount of Japanese series, movies and manga. The American pornography industry is also older than the Japanese animation's hentai industry. Another detail is that the American pornography industry is known for more illegal activities than the entire Japanese animation's hentai industry combined. Now I know that even if you, the person who made the 'post', read this, you will most likely not agree with what I have to say. I'm posting this 'reply' any way because it's important for people to know the truth that you have covered up with your carefully selected pictures and story-like beginning. Also, I must remind you of something that is written in the Bible, 'do not point out the speck in your brother's eye while ignoring the branch in your own.' You may not take my words into consideration, but others who read this might. -Eri

what did you watch?? Anime from an XXX store? (4.00 / 1) (#734)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Apr 21st, 2002 at 09:05:18 AM PST
heh heh

this was a good laugh, First off I subtitle Anime, secondly I am a Pagan. And I don't appreciate being lumped in with Satanists, Please inform yourself before making such remarks

Second, I do not see such violence and child pornography is anime such as Astroboy, Digimon, Monster Rancher, Pokemon, Transformers, Metabots, And so on.

you are a really sad and narrow minded individual, and you really should educate yourself before you make such comments, it really only makes you look stupid.

If you knew anything about Japanese Culture you would know that they beleive that the eyes are the window to the soul, that is why the eyes are so big. Also, sometimes it's to make the characters look American as we have larger eyes than they do.

As I said read a book and educate yourself before you attack an entire culture.

Tired of fighting (2.00 / 1) (#743)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 10th, 2002 at 10:05:34 PM PST
It took me nearly an hour, but I read almost every post on this page. At first, I was angry. How could people like Mr. Erikson, Adam Rightman, and RightHandMan such horrible, un-Christian things? But as I continued reading, I realized that getting angry and engaging in name calling would make me just as bad as the people that upset me in the first place.
Angry and hate-filled speech only results in more anger and hate. It will never convince, persuade, or win over anyone who does not already agree with you. This goes not only for those who agree with Mr. Erikson, but those who disagree. These things are important to talk about, but if we can't do it in a respectful manner, what's the use of it?
I would like to thank everyone who has posted, whether I agree with them or not. This page has been a learning experience for me. Usually, I am the first person to tell the Jon Eriksons of the world to "Fuck off." As a Christian, I feel that I can no longer do this. I believe that above all things, we should treat each other as we want to be treated. And for me, that means with kindness and respect. So I will do my best not to post any message or provide any argument that is mean or hurtful.
I think this website has potential. I just wish we could all just stop condemning each other, and engage in mature, intelligent debate, which I know we are all capable of.

Therefore, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grieviences you you may have against one another. Colossians 3:12-13

YOU EVIL DEVILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (3.00 / 1) (#746)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun May 12th, 2002 at 06:58:56 PM PST
how dare you say that!!!!!! the problem with you guys is you just watch n watch n watch!!!! you dont even want to understand the message of the anime!!!!! its anime that teach us some life lessons! all you guys think about are yourself!!!
you dont even think about what other people think! if your so kind and a "very good" christian, why did you put jesus' picture on the anime picture?! thats bad! your evil to do that! and why would you write this article if your soo "good" that means your evil! befor thinking that anime is bad, think about yourself! YOUR THE MOST EVIL PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!! all you say are nonsense!! if anime is sooo evil the character wouldnt even care if all the people around them died! but no! they protected even the people who they dont even know!!!!!! SOME anime is evil not all!!!!!!! and what makes it LESS violent is that its ONLY drawings!! telenovelas are MORE evil!!! im sure God will punish you! and lucifer will welcom you!!!!!!1

Slightly Mistaken (5.00 / 1) (#749)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri May 17th, 2002 at 03:45:05 PM PST
This is a very unique article, a standpoint not commonly seen on the topic of "Hentai" art and films. However, there is one crucial thing that is wrong. Japanese Anime is not a "cartoon" in the sense in which one is generally thought of. It is intended for teenagers between the ages of 15-19 depending on the show you watch.
In these Japanese anime shows, uncensored, you will often encounter blood, gore, profanity, and some animated nudity. Of course, they are aired "as is" in Japan, due to censorship differences, when they come to the United States to be aired, however, the swear words are dubbed out, and clothing is drawn in, such as in the anime show entitled "Outlaw Star". Proof of the age-target is present in most anime shows you will find, things like in-depth plot-lines, vocabulary, and some more 'teen-aged' themes. Watch one of the shows popular among teens, then continue to profess that it is meant for children.

Also, the idea of Anime producers stealing animation ideas from Disney is near laughable. Anime evolved almost entirely on its own. As a matter of fact, Anime has its own methods of animation, some of which have been adopted by Disney since Anime is an efficient, and quick form of animation, so if anything it's the complete reverse of what is said here.

Now it is true, Anime is intended for teens, not children, but the fact remains, Hentai and Manga are geared for a younger age group than should be looking at it. It is probably the most popular among teens, because a boy caught in his room with animated bodies seems less guilty than the boy with a Playboy magazine, right?

I say we needn't condemn the animators or creators of this type of "art", it is meant for adults, over 21 (I researched a few provider websits, but each time encountering a warning saying that you must be over 18 to pass). So they know what their doing. A teen possessing Hentai, or any other type of pornography did it intentionally. Most teens, I don't think anyway, happen to "stumble upon" a pornography site or anything like that because the way I see it, there are usually three barriers to go through (1: the URL, if it's you gotta know what it is; 2: The site decription, "See these anime hotties without clothes on" ok, do you know it's a bad site yet?; 3: The over 18 warning on the main page, if there isn't one, then it could be an illegal page).

Ok, there's the real deal there, that's what it is and probably nothing more (I only know this much, so if I left something out, I don't know it). The bottom line is, animated or not, Anime is not a cartoon, not intended for pre-adolescents, and shares no relation to Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. This guy should of done his homework.

A counter-point (3.00 / 1) (#750)
by Ougami on Sat May 25th, 2002 at 01:12:45 AM PST
I say that you are, with all due respect, an ignorant, uninformed, racist that gives both Christianity and America a bad image. Just by reading your illogical comments you have offended me to near speechlessness. To begin with, you accuse me of being anti-Christian simply because of my choice of entertainment. I am a Christian, and I have been for all 16 years that I've been alive. I am from a religious family that has been Christian for many generations. To say that I'm a Satanist simply because I enjoy watching anime is not only completely baseless, but horribly offensive. Secondly, you say that Japanese animation is just cartoons and nothing more than children's entertainment. I urge you to watch a title called "Grave of the Fireflies". It has no violence in it; it is a story about two Japanese children trying to survive after their parents were killed by allied attacks. It doesn't place the blame on America or Japan for the war; it just shows that war affects everyone. Ebert has compared it to war movies like Schindler's List. Had you done any research on the topic at all, you would have found out that the reason for the large eyes that you accuse of being a childish trait is to show emotions better. Animation is a limited medium, and sometimes things need to be exaggerated to get certain nuances across to the viewer. You say that they show no morals. Not every country has the same views of morals; not every country has historically had a Christian majority, Japan being one. Buddhist and Shinto beliefs gives Japan a different sense of morality than America and other Christian influenced countries. You think that because something doesn't adhere to the Christian view of what's right and what's wrong, you think it's wrong. You can't prove what religion is right; you can't prove what religion is wrong. Unless you can prove to me and the rest of the informed world that one religion is the true religion, you can't be taken seriously by others than the extremists of your religion. As I said, I am a Christian, but I embrace other's views of life and their religion. Isolationists like you are a bane to this country and it's history of accepting outsiders. Trace your family, unless your family all came from Native Americans, who were historically un-Christian, your family was at one-time immigrants. You are blatantly hypocritical to think that this country should be sealed away from foreign thoughts and ideas, because I am willing to bet that you are descended from western Europeans. Great thoughts and great ideas have come from foreign people. I, and other people, prefer watching "childish" anime to the American alternative because the American cinema, for the most part, lacks subtlety and emotion. How many times can I watch a cookie-cutter hero defeat a cookie-cutter villain? I realize that it has been a waste of my time and thoughts to post this, radicals like you can't be reasoned with because it's a waste of time to reason with the uninformed. I just am thankful that ignorant and extreme people like you are not the majority.

ATTENTION! (none / 0) (#752)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 1st, 2002 at 10:57:47 AM PST
Before you post a rebuttal, I'd like you to know that this entire story is a JOKE. Satire/trolling. It was mean to get you angry.<p>Okay, go on with your life now.<p>

This guy is weird (4.00 / 1) (#753)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jun 12th, 2002 at 09:35:46 PM PST
First off he says anime is bad and that he supports the other guys subject on how computer geeks like anime(I my self am a Computer Geek Anime Lover) and that they should be shipped off somewhere. But his second message has a signurature saying NPO TECHNOLOGIES which a google search reveals this is some kind of Technology recycling company. Computer Geek, is he going against his own words? OH NO MR PERFECT CELL PHONE CHRISTIAN IS LYING? I guess so. He has no idea what any real anime is. He also must have been locked in someones basment since his birth since he doesnt realize there are christians who do bad things. He believes that anime is in no way related to religion. Go watch Evangelion ya stupid bastard. Also, I think some Americans really do need to lighten up. Example - A viewer of Toonami saw the Star of David on a Slot machine in Tenchi TV and threatened to sue. What is wrong with these people. Is everyone an uptight someones shoving a fucking tree up my ass person now? John here needs to go re-read the Bible and watch some more anime, and learn about foreign cultures. Email Me

Did anyone read the mission statement (none / 0) (#754)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jun 12th, 2002 at 09:48:21 PM PST
This entire website is all about supporting racists, cults, homophobics, geeks, and other people who think they are all american and better than anyone else. Email Me

Free speech and the right to be an athiest. . . (4.00 / 1) (#755)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 13th, 2002 at 06:05:47 PM PST
You are an idiot. i'm sorry, but you really are. Anime is just another art form created by artist's to express their views. Now, would you ban Salvador Dali's painting? it is also art, that some people would find offensive. I happen to know countless fans of Anime and Manga who are fully developed and mature humans that contribute to society. Before you have met every single Otaku in the world.i ask that you please not pass judgement. until then, i say this: take your fascist christian views and shove them up your tight ass, because no one wants to hear you pushing your mewling christian speel off on others. Feel free to contact me .

Has anyone here ever heard of a Troll? (5.00 / 1) (#756)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jun 13th, 2002 at 06:21:12 PM PST
This guy is a, guess what, TROLL! Need a defenition, go here Defenition of a Troll pretty much. This guy posted this to intentionally get everyone seeing this get worked up. He probably (wait, what am i saying, MOST DEFINATLEY) belives nothing he said. He just knows it will get alot of people po'ed. If you respond you are just another victim of trolling.

Troll (none / 0) (#757)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 21st, 2002 at 03:24:46 PM PST is a troll paradise. This thread is just another example.

Troll Site LOL (none / 0) (#758)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 21st, 2002 at 03:26:56 PM PST
All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective companies. Comments are owned by the Poster. The Rest � 2001, 2002 The name, logo, symbol, and taglines "News for Grown-Ups", "Most Controversial Site on the Internet", "Linux Zealot", and "He just loves Open Source Software", and the RGB color value: D7D7D7 are trademarks of No part of this site may be republished or reproduced in whatever form without prior written permission by and, if and when applicable, prior written permission by the contributing author(s), artist(s), or user(s). Any inquiries are directed to
Even though we're always right, reading is not a substitute for critical thought. Think before you write.

Troll (none / 0) (#759)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 21st, 2002 at 03:27:34 PM PST is a troll paradise. This thread is just another example.

you're so very wrong (none / 0) (#760)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 23rd, 2002 at 05:13:27 PM PST
I'm sorry, but you're totally wrong. You've been attacking only one form of the anime and manga genre. There are many other genres that do not involve such provactive displays. Hentai is only one form that sick people participate in. Teenagers are not the only ones, the large majority consists of adults who have too much time on their hands.

On behalf of all my fellow anime otakus, I would like to defend our cause. Anime is a wonderful way to express creativity, and many people create dreams they never thought would become possible if they'd never seen one of these shows. These wonderful examples of Japanese creativity are phenomenal ways for teens and others to confront their problems. I myself could relate to a few anime characters, and I made changes in myself and am now a better person. Please consider the feelings of others and try not to pollute those who have not yet experienced the greatness that is anime and manga.

LOL... (none / 0) (#761)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 24th, 2002 at 12:11:17 AM PST
The replies were more hilarious than the actual piece. Oh, that "eradicate the japanese" one was classic. You people, can you not see that this is satire? PURE SATIRE!!!!! He has succeeded in pissing off many people. How can you not see the sarcasm in the whole essay? Hahaha, you people actually took this man seriously.

LOL... (none / 0) (#762)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 24th, 2002 at 12:12:18 AM PST
The replies were more hilarious than the actual piece. Oh, that "eradicate the japanese" one was classic. You people, can you not see that this is satire? PURE SATIRE!!!!! He has succeeded in pissing off many people. How can you not see the sarcasm in the whole essay? Hahaha, you people actually took this man seriously.

I wanna add my two cents!!!! (none / 0) (#764)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 7th, 2002 at 01:11:59 PM PST
Did you watch any of the anime in subtitle? As for Dragonball, small children like bright flashy colors ok? You're going on about violence, maybe you should go to a movie theater every now and then! Watch the damned news! Children are also influenced by adults and what adults like, because most children wish to become like them. There's all kinds of violence on the news. There's all kinds of violence in your every day show. Maybe Loony Toons is evil as well. I mean, what kind of person thinks it's funny to drop people from high cliffs, purposely drive them insane, or constantly hit others over the head with things?
If you say anime is evil, then disney must be evil, too. I'd like to know where in the bible it says it's ok to dedicate your life to the pursuit of love, because I've noticed that many (not all) people who grew up with Disney are hopeless romantics, focused on finding "true love" and on nothing else until they believe they've found it. Look at Alice in Wonderlan. The girl seems to have come across some form of LSD, and does things such as eating strange mushrooms.
Just an obseravtion, not necessarily true.
As for some of the other things... maybe you should research the Japanese culture as well.
I'm not sure if this is politically correct, but I know that some of the reason for the overly large eyes is because the Japanese have a facination with them. Our eyes are round, and larger than theirs (usually).
Some anime doesn't portray eyes like this. Try watching the Rurouni Kenshin OAVs, better known in America as Samurai X.
I think you've only been watching the hentai anime. You can't just watch some of it and say it all must be this way. It's like saying that because one man rapes a woman, all men must be rapists.
If you'd come out of your own fantasy world for long enough, you'd notice that anime isn't without morals. Fushigi Yuugi for instance. The main character shows loyalty to her friends. She risks her life, and her happiness, so that their life might be better.
You say the fantasy genre is evil.
I take this to mean, that not once, in you're entire life, have you ever had a fantasy? Not one where maybe you were a hero, doing something good for the world? Not a single day dream about the masses respecting you because you went through a great deal of hardship to bring them something great?
Or, from a christian point of view. You've never dreamed, or had fleeting thoughts about becoming one of the saints?
You must not be human then. EVERYONE has a fantasy. Fantasy isn't a bad word. Fantasies are things we know cannot be true. You'd have to be delusional to try to make them become true.
I know plenty of adults who watch animation. There are some forms of anime that only an adult could comprehend, and I don't mean the hentai and Yaoi, which is what I believe you have been watching.
When you show me the anime that portrays children as sex objects, I'll believe it. Which is to say when you show me the anime in which a non-villain character makes a sexual advance on a child, and isn't forcing the child to do anything. I doubt you'd be able to find it.
I realize this probably won't be read, because of the numerous replies to your ignorant message.
I doubt you'd come out of your biased illusionary world long enough to even try to comprehend what I'm saying anyway. I'm only posting this in the hopes that maybe someone who is blindly trusting you will see the truth.

Typical (none / 0) (#767)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 8th, 2002 at 08:56:54 PM PST
As a thinking person, I must protest. First of all, you're obviously biased against anything non-American. America is NOT the center of the world, and just because you're a right-wing Christian doesn't mean you're automatically right. In my experience, it's often the opposite, as a matter of fact, as you're far too biased. Anyhow, you are generalizing that the entire genre of anime/manga is porn. Obviously not true. That's like picking up a XXX movie from some corner video shop and saying all American movies are porn. I don't see "Gone with the Wind" as sexually explicit. And they certainly didn't steal animation style from Disney. Also, animation is not only for children. To even say that is only a sign of your own ignorance. It can be a serious medium, but people such as yourself are too close-minded. Very disappointing, that you are not only the most wide-spread religion, but currently in power over the most powerful nation in the world. This is a sad show of what the human race is becoming.

Disheartenment (none / 0) (#769)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 17th, 2002 at 01:30:44 PM PST
I suppose that you had only viewed such sections of the broad variety anime has to offer as hentai, yaoi, ect? I have witnessed many quite harmful animes. As an artist, I am apalled by your trying to find hidden, sick meanings in the large, glossy eyes of some animes (not included in all.) It is simply an art form, nothing more. You are paranoid. The Japanese are not trying to conquer this "grand" America, which deserves to be conquered in the first place, for having supressed so many countries to further its own omnipotence.
As for these good "Christian values," does this so-called "God" demand that all people be turned into mindless robots, doing as dictated by the "founding fathers" of society, with no thought of objection of their own? If "He" had wished for this to happen, he should have created beings with no capability for independent thought.
You should be ashamed, for it is this sort of paranoia and feeling of false rightousness that begins the senseless wars in the first place.
Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Why do you think this is? They are not disgruntled for not being allowed to live, that is why.
You talk of the "Truth," when you know nothing of it. I believe you're the one that needs his eyes opened.

Wow... (none / 0) (#770)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 17th, 2002 at 01:44:53 PM PST
One is tempted to ask, who is the real pervert here? I agree with the commenter above--you seem all to eager to discover your own messages in both innocent and not-so-innocent forms of the gigantic entertainment/art form that is anime and magna. If you are so twisted as to be able to find sexual connotations 'hidden' inside even children's anime, you are a very troubled person whose radical views of religion do not aid your state. I suggest you seek professional help to rid yourself of your obsessive and inflamatory behavior.

JON ERIKSON IS A HYPOCRITE (none / 0) (#777)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 28th, 2002 at 01:50:36 PM PST
This is in response to Jon Erikson's reply to NOT JUST HARMLESS FUN(Nov.29th,2001 09:04:19 am pst)
Jon Erikson is simply a hypocrite who is so blinded by "patriotism",that he fails to realize that every thing that we Americans possess is at the expense of other cultures.
The land we live on is stolen.Stolen right out from under the feet of a proud nation which was systematically slaughtered by our "Christian"fore-fathers.
Mr.Erikson seems to fancy himself as divine,and immune to the very human plagues such as lust and violence that ALL HUMAN BEINGS,EVEN JESUS,have succomb to at one time or another.If Mr.Erikson is a Christian as he claims to be,then he should know that he is saved only by the grace of God and not of his own accord.
For Erikson to say that he was "..mesmerised and unable to comrehand such un-christian filth(Japinese animation)" is a lie,because all human beings on the face of this earth can comprehend such things.
Furthermore,i do not believe that Mr.Erikson had to force himself " watch hour after hour of this filth."I believe that he enjoyed every minute of it,and that this Nazi crusade of his is just a cover up to hide his guilty pleasure.

OH ,BY THE WAY (none / 0) (#778)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jul 28th, 2002 at 08:07:42 PM PST
Fuck Jon Erikson!

Anime (none / 0) (#779)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 29th, 2002 at 02:30:19 PM PST
Excuse me, but you must be one iggnorant person! What your talking about is HENTAI! DON'T confuse it for regular anime!!! Anime is evil....Riiight. I supose you would call CardCaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon, and Pocket Monsters, ect ect evil too just because it isnt Disney or because it was made in a differnt country? Have you even watched anything other than the few(compared to other types) hentai titles out there? No? Okay then, my point has been made. You either have a thick skull, or are raciest. Listen, Anime IS very popular. ANIME, NOT HENTAI, NOT ECCHI. You sound like a fool. I guess CardCaptor Sakura is evil, hu? Yeah, because it has magic, right? Well that's the only bad thing I can think of, but if thats the reason, then you really are racest because about 70% of the DISNEY movies have....GASP! MAGIC! I'm sick and tired of people who happen to stumble across Hentai and asume any cartoon that comes from Japan is like it. And you said "What kind of sick mind could conceive of such a vicious assault on the kind of decent Christian values that made America the greatest nation on Earth?" Well, guess what? That's not ruining America, is it? Of course not, its from JAPAN. And if kids want to watch it in america, thats they're parents dision, not yours. I'm trying to be as nice about this as I can, I mean, I can understand how religous you must be, but... That's really no excuse. You assume that Japanese people are evil. That offends me, so I feel I have every right to offend you.


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