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Should i kill her?
Yes with poison. 13%
shove her off a balcony. 27%
kill her with a large chainsaw 4%
No don't do it! Spend the rest of your life in distant admiration. 54%

Votes: 22

 Love hurts.

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jan 19, 2002
I am but in the prime of my youth, yet i already know the evils of the thing called love.
I have fallen in love with a girl...a girl the same age as myself. However this love is not shared both ways between us, and i fear she will never feel the same about me as I do her. Therefore she must be killed, or she will forever be on my mind.

don't kill her (5.00 / 1) (#1)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 01:42:14 PM PST
pretend to be "just friends" and get her really really drunk.

She may never love you but at least you will still be able to have sex.

Good idea (4.00 / 2) (#2)
by zikzak on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 02:05:19 PM PST
Murder is the ultimate expression of love.

Just be sure to hide the body well.

It is your own death that you fear and love (3.00 / 2) (#3)
by T Reginald Gibbons on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 02:42:14 PM PST
The love you claim to have for the poor girl is a result of misdirected feelings about death.


I agree. (none / 0) (#4)
by gcsb on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 02:46:33 PM PST
Perhaps the author should accept The Lord Jesus Christ and be more at peace with himself.


Sig is under not panic.

Yikes! (3.50 / 2) (#5)
by Vanetiahime on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 02:54:20 PM PST
Thank goodness I'm not around you! o.o;; Of course that statement assumes any man would fall in love with me o.0; I have yet to figure out why my husband chose me.


I think she'd still be on her mind even in death considering humans have that nasty conscience thing to worry about. So then what do you do? She's dead! You don't even have a chance with her then!

I say go find someone else that you have a chance with AFTER learning that true love means wishing for nothing but the other person's happiness even above your own.

uhhhh, no. (none / 0) (#6)
by osm on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 04:12:11 PM PST
ok, first of all, what the hell is this supposed to be:


It looks like Pearl to me. I certainly hope this isn't some sort of illegal hacker code. We have powerful friends at the federal level.

Of course that statement assumes any man would fall in love with me.

Oh God. Here we go.

I have yet to figure out why my husband chose me.

When you have figured it out, please don't share it with us.

I think she'd still be on her mind even in death considering humans have that nasty conscience thing to worry about.

Except that most Americans are asocial. They are unemotive animals who have not been properly stimulated as children. Germans, on the other hand, are endowed with extraordinary conscience.

So then what do you do? She's dead! You don't even have a chance with her then!

Of course he does. Obviously, he was NOT breastfed as a child. Children who are breastfed AND properly stimulated do not grow into necrophiliacs.

I say go find someone else that you have a chance with

Impossible. You are talking about an Adequacy reader here.

AFTER learning that true love means wishing for nothing but the other person's happiness even above your own.

Wrong again. True Love, and please take this down, kids, is waking up and not wanting to kick that nasty lump laying next to you out the window. At least not until you do her one more time.

ummmm playground of rants soooo funny (none / 0) (#12)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 03:40:05 AM PST
dude that is the funnyist thing I've read all day of course I've not slept sence 11AM and its 6:30 AM now so maybe it is just a supreme lack of sleep that makes your post so amuseing

Whats a pearl? (none / 0) (#16)
by Vanetiahime on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 05:00:08 PM PST
Besides the thing oysters make. Seriously. I dont know. lol.

the o.o; is a face. The o's are eyes the . is a nose the ; is a sweatdrop.

And I wasn't planning on sharing it with you, thankyouverymuch =� (note: that's another face please tell me you're bright enough to figure it out).

As for all that German stuff..leave that on the proper board of discussion. I've allready posted plenty about that and have yet to see an adequate response to the questions I presented and the proof against the statements.

And the true love you're talking about is the kind you get after a few years of marriage. I was talking about the love one experiences for the time during the relationship before the wedding. lol.

Pearl (none / 0) (#19)
by osm on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 08:26:19 PM PST
is an add-on module for the hacker operating system called "linux". Pearl allows the hackers to illegally break into others computers and invoke special programming codes. These programming codes allow the criminal (usually an LSD-corrupted teen outcast) to read the owner's Outlook files.

the o.o; is a face. The o's are eyes the . is a nose the ; is a sweatdrop.

You must have picked that up from some hacker forum, because I have never seen it, and I have been on AOL for a year now.

Anyway, it looks like a pair of breasts, a navel and a broken arm to me.

(note: that's another face please tell me you're bright enough to figure it out)

No, I am not corrupt enough to hang out on hacker forums where the English language has been discarded in favor of cryptic codes and wild hallucinations.

As for all that German stuff..leave that on the proper board of discussion.

Ahem. Being an editor here, I will decide what the "proper board of discussion" is. The fact is, your nonsensical advice to the diary writer was easily reduced to rubble by my revolutionary, penetrating insights into human sexuality.

I've allready posted plenty about that and have yet to see an adequate response to the questions I presented and the proof against the statements.

The article itself was good enough argument against your diatribe.

And the true love you're talking about is the kind you get after a few years of marriage. I was talking about the love one experiences for the time during the relationship before the wedding.

Oh, yeah, that kind. The kind the guy professes just to get the nasty lump in the sack in the first place. That kind disappears after 15 minutes.


Yeah, right.

love hurts (none / 0) (#7)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 06:37:54 PM PST
you definantly need to be an american because your such a stupid piece of shit without any brains. why the hell should you kill someone just because you love her but she doesn't feel the same about you. this is just a stupid thought. i mean i loved a girl when i was your age but she didn't love me, but i didn't kill her, i just became friends with her and after a little while she started to notice me, and we went out and fell in love. and if i had killed her than i would have felt very sorry and i would have wanted to kill myself then. dont kill her just admire her from a distance become friends with her and she'll notice.

Why? (none / 0) (#9)
by Rodnik on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 08:57:19 PM PST
Why shouldn't I kill her? I would rather spend the rest of my life lonely...than in the agony of knowing she doesn't love me

If you kill yourself instead, (none / 0) (#10)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 09:18:35 PM PST
you'll be neither lonely nor in agony, and she'll live a life of bliss sucking and fucking someone else, someone just like me. We all know you arent going to kill anyone (I dare you!) so, you know, do the right thing.

Omigod... (none / 0) (#13)
by hauntedattics on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 02:48:40 PM PST
I must be just that tired today, to be agreeing with an AR. But AR is right, dear Rodnik - you should off yourself.

I mean, what if, in a fine show of magnanimity, you let this impudent girl live? And then, in time and after much suffering, you get over your fine, pure love for her and lead a normal life again? But then you meet someone else and fall in love with her, and oh God, that evil trollop doesn't love you either! The nerve!

So, dear AR, you must kill yourself to avoid all this emotional agony. No one as cool, amazing and responsible as yourself should be put through all that torment.

Correction (none / 0) (#15)
by hauntedattics on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 02:52:44 PM PST
Sorry, I meant, "So, dear Rodnik, you must kill yourself..." Must be my subconscious distrust of AR's coming to the surface...

i suppose,..... (none / 0) (#17)
by Rodnik on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 08:00:14 PM PST
Your right. I will just kill myself instead.

Please, may Morgan Freeman find this psycho... (none / 0) (#8)
by elenchos on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 07:51:32 PM PST
...before he kills again.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

As the great OSM said (none / 0) (#20)
by opivy on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 10:09:38 PM PST
and I quote "women are walking shit throw the whore into a brown paper bag, light it on fire and throw it on someone's doorstep." Have more true words been uttered in the history of humanity? I think not.

"It's not the people who vote that count: only the people that count the votes" - Joseph Stalin


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