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 Rich Man

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Dec 04, 2001

I got a raise and a demi-promotion (still in the same position, but I have more responsibilities.) My annual salary has jumped by five thousand dollars in the last three months.

I have to do a write-up about my "Personal Development Plan", though. I've got a few ideas on where to start, but I'm not sure where to take them...


More diaries by Electric Angst
Feeling So Real
Well, let's see what happens...
Break My Body, Hold My Bones.
I'm sick. Fuck Off.
I Guess I'm Just a Sick, Sick Bastard.
Smile Down on Me
Bloody Your Hands on a Cactus Tree...
Oh my Golly!
I Want A Girl With A Mind Like A Diamond
Mister Macho Man, Is It True?
Lust for Life
No L-O-I-T-E-R-I-N-G Allowed
Ever Fallen in Love With Somone You Shouldn't Have Fallen in Love With?
There She Goes...
You're Older Than You've Ever Been. And now You're Even Older.
34 Cent Stamps.
Wish You Were Here
That girl thinks she's the queen of the neighborhood.
Oh, by the way...
You Know...
-Giving My Goodbye
I'm Gonna Play All Night.
Well I'm Just a Modern Guy...
Run Away.
Something in the Way
The Fact That I Adore You is Just One of My Truths.
It's Over.
Ho boy I'm Fat!
The funny thing is, trhurler lurks and reads this...
The Plan...
Why do I feel good today?
Shit I'm Horny!
Damn damn damn.
Good Day
Much and more...
Let the Bible Belt Come and Save My Soul.
A Query.
I know why Europeans hate Americans...
Ok How I Wish...
Thank Goodness.
Yule is Coming!
Unfettered Boobies
Here We Go...
Dinner Tonight.
You know...

Reading Pat Buchanan's interview in Salon today, I was a little perturbed. He seemed to be making a lot of sense. He didn't have that far-right ting that usually came off so strong. For a moment I thought about how perhaps I, myself, was beginning to lean further to the right. Looking closer, though, I realize this isn't the case. The things where I saw agreeance were really just descriptions of the dilemmas with which we, as a nation, are being faced. Any well-informed person would probably agree with them. The disagreements did come when Buchanan started talking about solutions. The breaks were very much along his Conservatire Nationalism and my Liberal Globalism, and it made me feel much better.

The texts I picked up on Santeria were very interesting. As I was reading about making a blood sacrafice of an old, castrated goat to the God of Pestilence, I couldn't help but think that all the back-to-nature, primitive-revivalist NeoPagans are a bunch of wimps.

my personal development plan (none / 0) (#1)
by motherfuckin spork on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 05:34:09 PM PST
"don't get fired"

"don't accidentally kill all your co-workers"

and that's all I've got so far.

I am not who you think I am.

Impressive... (none / 0) (#3)
by hauntedattics on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 10:57:00 AM PST
I've only gotten as far as "Don't get fired" in my personal development plan. Although it's a bit tougher to kill everyone in your office accidentally when you're in consulting.

Oh, I guess the second part of my personal development plan is "Look for new job if get fired." Does that count?

E.A., good luck with your plan. If you need help with bullshit language, let me know. It's what I sell for a living.

a personal development plan (none / 0) (#4)
by nathan on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 11:11:31 AM PST
"practice violin for eight hours a day"

[ frothing, convulsing ]

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Careful... (none / 0) (#6)
by hauntedattics on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 01:35:20 PM PST
with the frothing and convulsing, especially if you're holding your violin. Those things don't come cheap, as you well know.

How are Flesch and Dounis these days? Are you practicing any artificial harmonics?

Hey, you know what I wanna know - why aren't more classical musicians teen idols? Maybe I'll write a diary entry.

flagolet-tones (none / 0) (#7)
by nathan on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:01:32 PM PST
Yeah - I'm practicing the ones in the last movement of the Paganini D major concerto, and the ones in Flesch's version of the Paganini 9th caprice. Those would be double harmonics, otherwise known as "knuckle busters" (especially given my small hands.) What I need is more finger strength for left-hand pizzicato, but that seems a little slow in coming.

On the plus side, I had a phenomenally on-day on Friday when I played for the conductor of the Boston Phil (he was here giving a master class.) Maybe this'll be my big break.

As for the frothing and convulsing, wouldn't you just have guessed that things ain't working out on the romantic side. Now, I know that most of you just can't get enough of my hearts-and-flowers stories, but I'm busy today. Suffice it to say I'm not the only one, if you know what I mean (and you do! You charming little guys, it's just darling.)

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Paganini... (none / 0) (#8)
by hauntedattics on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:09:13 PM PST
Good for pyrotechnics, not the best for a next-level aesthetic experience (in my very humble opinion). For the latter, give me Sibelius and Prokofiev any day.

Finger strength? I'll ask Mr. Haunted about that. He may have some good exercises...small hands...that reminds me of a line in an e.e. cummings poem...

Did you play for the Boston Phil or the BSO? At any rate, congratulations on being 'on' that day. Always important.

Hey, what happened to the chica from Cape Breton? I thought there was plenty of mutual floating of boats there.

That would be (none / 0) (#9)
by nathan on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:29:10 PM PST
Boston Phil, not BSO. Ben Zander, not Levine (I think BSO is Levine, not 100% sure. I know it better from its Ozawa days.) Still, he's quite a mover and shaker, and his recording of Mahler 4 with Philharmonia just reduced me to a quivering lump, so he gets m4d pr0pz or whatever those kids today are saying. I played for him in Toronto, not Boston.

I have to say, I think Paganini is a heavily underrated composer. Everyone today plays it for maximum machismo, with a big, over-vibrated tone, and no colours; but Schumann wrote that Paganini's greatest strength was the overwhelming beauty of his whisper-quiet cantilena. My Paganini performances are a little unconventional.

The girl thing is ... enervating. I'm not good at waiting for busy people even when it's the right thing to do. I wouldn't fall for someone who wasn't hard working and deeply concerned about things, so I have it coming. Still, she broke a commitment last week on extremely short notice, and I'm kind of worried that the one this week might go the same way. Oh, man, do I ever hope it doesn't. Until then I'm just trying not to grind my teeth too hard.

Maybe I should write T-Reg and find out where his kid gets the pacifiers...

All the best,
Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Yeah, it's Levine (none / 0) (#11)
by hauntedattics on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 10:40:57 AM PST
now at BSO - this is Seiji's last season, and it's impossible to get tickets for April. He's doing Mahler 9 to finish his tenure here - a piece which always reduces me to a quivering lump, esp. b/c it was a favorite of a dear college friend of mine who died a few years ago. But ain't that Mahler for ya - death, transformation and the grotesque, all in one package.

I don't know Mr. Paganini that well, but I'll take another listen. Mr. Haunted tends to listen to the same thing over and over again, at the same time he's practicing it. Right now it's some Prelude piece by Kreisler. Last night he played some Bartok quartets, which are fabulous but not well suited to conversation.

Far be it from me, who hasn't been on the scene in 10 years, to give you dating advice. Good luck this week, though. And don't get pacifiers - you can get those mouthguard things at the pharmacy now instead of at the dentist.

I'm guessing (none / 0) (#12)
by nathan on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 04:17:22 PM PST
Praeludium and Allegro in the style of Pugnani. A very nice Kreisler counterfeit (=

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

i hope you don't think i'm rude, but.... (none / 0) (#10)
by lordzork on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 06:36:31 PM PST
i don't suppose you'd ever be in the mood to play either of prokofiev's violin sonatas, or perhaps the five melodies? or maybe janacek's sonata...

mmmmm (none / 0) (#13)
by nathan on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 04:33:02 PM PST
I've played Prokofiev Op. 94 and Janacek, and it's great music. I think Janacek is one of the greatest composers ever.

Are you a pianist?

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

i am a pianist... of sorts (none / 0) (#14)
by lordzork on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 06:09:46 PM PST
i adore janacek! the prokofiev op. 94 is also very good, but for me, his 1st violin sonata is one of the greatest pieces of music ever.

i've had a sort of love/hate relationship over the years with that most wonderous of overly-mechanical, "natural" percussion instruments, and i am pleased to say that things seem to have evened out now on the love side. unfortunately, i've never really had a chance to play things such as violin sonatas with other people, but i've always wanted to.

if you'd like, drop me an email at and we can decide upon a suitable method of realtime communication. naturally i don't want to post any personal contact information here, what with all the scary hax0rs running around like heads with their chickens cut off.

i am a pianist... of sorts (none / 0) (#15)
by lordzork on Thu Dec 6th, 2001 at 07:12:10 PM PST
i adore janacek! the prokofiev op. 94 is also very good, but for me, his 1st violin sonata is one of the greatest pieces of music ever.

i've had a sort of love/hate relationship over the years with that most wonderous of overly-mechanical, "natural" percussion instruments, and i am pleased to say that things seem to have evened out now on the love side. unfortunately, i've never really had a chance to play things such as violin sonatas with other people, but i've always wanted to.

if you'd like, drop me an email at and we can decide upon a suitable method of realtime communication. naturally i don't want to post any personal contact information here, what with all the scary hax0rs running around like heads with their chickens cut off.

My Personal Development Plan... (none / 0) (#2)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 4th, 2001 at 10:36:09 PM PST
is coming togethor very nicely. I'm down to 194. From 245. I started this in late Aug, early Sept. I wanted to lose weight. A lot of weight. I wear a size 36 pants now too. When I went off to college, when I started actually I didn't tell anyone at home. When I went home for Thanksgiving break. Everyone noticed. All my co-workers, friends, and family. It was really great. I've been weightlifting, running, and dieting. My shoulders are really looking bad as shit nowadays. My back is pretty cool too. My arms aren't bad either :). My legs are really nice too, from running and all. I got a tattoo on my back too. I put Ohmn's law on my back, v=iR, since I'm an Electrical Engineering major. Girls are taking a notice too I think. I've had a lot of success w/ picking up girls and talking to them in general. I really love the progress I see in my body and my life. I watch less TV, I study more, I'm getting better grades, have more friends. My whole life seems to be getting better.

thresholdOpen Source, Open Standards, Open Minds

twinkle twinkle little star (none / 0) (#5)
by alprazolam on Wed Dec 5th, 2001 at 12:35:26 PM PST
v is equal to i r


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