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[editor's note, by Adam Rightmann]
Dear gentlereaders, It is our blanket policy to immediately reject second hand submissions, but in this case, because this submission was quickly rejected by the secular humanists at whinging liberalists we chose to reconsider our policy. While most articles posted at whinging liberalists are about debating the greater pleasures of sodomizing male or female prepubescents, or what form of Godless communism will best destroy America, this one caught my eye. For I agree with Mr. ganglian, mothers should be staying at home with their children, and a mother who works with children under 10 is essentialy committing child abuse, or serious neglect at the best. So, without further ado, Mr. ganglian's article. You can thank the earlier diary on the same subject for my inspiration. Let me get out my whuppin' stick.... |
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I knew I was not the only one out there, and I would like to thank you for furthering the cause. You are to be
commended. The whole notion of "Mommy Worship" in the workplace is a subject of debate long overdue.
How many non-breeders do you know that have been silent for too long? Too many! If you think that breeder is a harsh term, well let me tell you something. Fuck you and crusading Mommyist White Horse that you rode in on. The torment of of babies in the Corporate workplace and Mommy worship has a bane in the Workplace for the entirety of the Decade and a half that I have been in Corporate America, and I have seen repercussions put on the heads of those who have dared to speak out against it. So pardon my bitter ass if I don't pull my punches. Babies make me sick, Mommies make me sick, and the selfish, self centered little world of Mommy and Baby make me want to openly projectile vomit. Am I clear? Good! On with the Mommy bashing, or at least an honest effort to respond to the earlier diary point by point. (Side note to the crybabies who will whine I should just post a comment, fuck you, this one is a pet peeve and I was the originator of the topic, if I want to further the debate, you will live. Get over it and get over yourself.) Now having quelled all whining, point by point response in the Anti Mommy Jihad.... The following are excerpts from the diary I was moved to write by. I shall now sink my teeth into the points that got to me the most. "Now your baby will fight my monkey for legos. Poll: How much would you sell/purchase a healthy baby for? " I wouldn't, I would offer them up as a food animal. I would forcibly regain any and all back pay given should the traitorous slut leave after maternity leave's descent into pure evil ended. Why some man would want anything to do with that loose flopping gash after she passed a baby through it I'll never know. "Three recent things: 70% of the women in my company who have left on maternity leave have resigned immediately when it was over, and in fact never return to work. Those who remain are now squawking to our HR department for childcare subsidies or an on site day care. When they build that day care, I am going to get a monkey and demand they take care of it for me every day" I will have them watch the watermelon I will buy from the Grocery Store. I will have them watch my favorite cucumber. ." If you can't afford to have a baby, then don't. If you are going to quit your job to raise a baby, then quit; don't squeeze the company for an extra six weeks of pay then quit. " Amen Brother. I should count my blessings that I won't have to look at those milk swollen udder cows with huge flabby hips, and a double blessing that my girlfriend of eight years will never have a baby, and delightful tiny AA tits and a boyishly slim ass. [ed] I too agree, the only right thinking thing to do is to increase the pay of fathers so that the mothers can stay home and raise the children in a proper, God fearing way. Of course, single folks may have to pitch in a little, financially, but it's for the best. "And please, stop bringing your fucking babies to work to show everyone else." Amen twice " They stink and make too much noise. At a local bar where I like to meet my friends, there was a couple with their baby. They sat there, smoked, drank a bunch of beer, changed their baby at the table, and generally just let the goddamn mini-Winston Churchill look-alike cry the whole time." This is about where I scream about the evils of bad parenting and where the blatant hypocrisy of the Breeder cult rings the truest. Our baby is our purest joy, yet we lovingly give it a slow nicotine ridden death at the local pub. You breeders scum make me sick. Get your brat back to the trailer park and raise it to be a backward slackjaw like daddy. The shebitch was probably waving her swollen udders around the feed the little cretin, too. Don't get me started in breastfeeding, it's gross! "By the amount of beer bottles left on their table as a guide, they then proceeded to drive home drunk in their Jeep Grand Cherokee. In the new America, it should be legal for me to kill them. " Solient (sic, ed) Green, buddy, all three of them, or at least a quality pig fodder. Maybe I can at least take the squalid, screaming baby and sacrifice it on a Wiccan altar. [ed] True, those Wiccans love to sacrifice Christian babies, though they usually sacrifice young woman who have been hoodwinked by marijuana using Satanists. "Some news magazine recently did an hour long episode on stress levels, and they compared a Fortune 500 CEO, someone trying to start their own small business, and a "full time mommy." Here I raise an issue of my own: Mommying is NOT a job, it is not a career, nor is it a profession. What it is, is a choice in life that you make or don't make. It is a choice to live in the shadow of the demands and whims of a four-limbed raisin that will leach anything and everything out of you that it can until it is 18 and hopefully moves out. It is time to stop trying to project the delusion onto the rest of us, the normals, that having a brat is some kind of Sainthood or in some of the more backward circles of life, the only path in life. [ed] Mr. ganglian is a little off here, for what could any right thinking woman hope for but to emulate the life of the Virgin Mary? Breederism is but one of many choices you make in life, and I cannot emphasize enough how many true ignorami (The plural of ignoramus) out there should not have made that choice. Stop trying to push the rest of us into thinking life is ideal in the dark alley that is parenting. Some of us don't want it and are sick and tired of you breeder scum stinking up the workplace with your bastard kid's stinky diapers. Think I like your kid, a pox on you!!!!!! "Oddly enough the two people who worked for a fucking living had high levels of stress, and the mother did not. How was this spun by the reporters? The mother must have some great coping skills to deal with not one but two children. It's another fucking miracle. Of course, they ignored the fact that being a "full time stay at home mommy" is just not that fucking stressful." And why should it be stressful if little raisin boy is the joy of your life? Departing for a moment from the workplace and moving into conventional social circles, I will slap you here to! Stay at home mommies I have been cursed to know have a little racket they try to pull at home to, Hypo missed this one. It is the inevitable path of trying to pass off your brat to anyone who will watch them for a few minutes "because Mommy (Breeder slut) needs a break". Suddenly all the breeder's friends become potential baby sitters. If you love the raisin menace so much, why do you spend so much time trying to get a break from the little mutant? HUH?!!! It's bad enough your new babysitter corps has to have the little turd factory included in any and all social dealing with the Breeders. My advice, boycott, let them die of their own sense of inconvience. You know that little yard ape was an accident anyway. Tell him/her/it that they were later in their lives, they will love you for it, really. Why the hell would you want anything to do with something that has so much to do with a vagina. " In case you were wondering, your baby smells. It makes too much noise. It's very annoying. I do not want to hold it, look at it, or tell you how wonderful it is." But will make it into a damn nice omelet for ya. Get the stinky little bastard away from me before I tear the head off it's little binky (Favorite stuffed whatever) and make it cry. Why? Because I can. Making an infant (Womb Parasite) cry is in no way illegal, not even a misdemeanor. (Mispelled to irritate breeders reading this. You know who you are) "By the way, the fact that you managed to get knocked up and produce another mouth for me to feed, educate, care for, and eventually get shot by is not a miracle of Jesus; it's a tragic fucking mistake. You had a baby? Congratulations, you're a mammal! End Baby/Mommy/Daddy Worship in the 2k2. Peace. " No Hypo! No peace, no tolerance for the nonbreeders, no peace! And now for the torrent of inevitable whining from the mommy responders, here we go! Whee...............! Response number One: "But no stress in raising children full time? HAHAHAHAHAHA Sure, there's no much stress if you are just "watching" them. But raising them is very stressful. Discipline, safety, food, clothing, equipment, entertainment (which includes but is not limited to, books, toys, games, TV, etc). All of these things take time, money, thought and effort. To do the job well they take a LOT of some of these resources. That's stressful But that doesn't mean the job is easy. " "...very few of which are intellectually challenging..." I don't care if it's stressful, why must you force your breederism on everything in your path. We the normals don't care to deal with it. Like hypo said, me no want to hold, feed, change, acknowledge the urchin you and the mailman sired. I don't care! You need to lose the notion that parenting is a job. It is a choice, and for many backward thinking rednecks out there, it is a bad one. They should be making every stinking effort they can to avoid adding to the gene pool. Killing stupid people before they can breed should be allowed! Response number two: "I guess you've never had an inquisitive preschooler around asking "why" and pointing out inconsistencies." No I haven't, and I don't care how hard you think that it is. The bottom line in having that parasite is that you made a choice to put up with all this alleged hardship. The rest of us don't care and you aint gettin any sense of sainthood for procreating and following the same stupid directive that every other species on Earth follows. You've proven you're doing your part in the food chain, whoopety fuckingdoo! Where the fuck is the comet to eradicate all life on earth, when will we live in a Matrix! "Even when the questions are easy the answers can be hard--trying to put it in terms the child will understand, trying think of examples the child has encountered, thinking up variations on same when asked again. Then do this continually for literally hours on end." You didn't hear me say we don't care, did you. Defend yourself to your own kind; they're the only ones buying it. My peeves with the Workplace Mommies and with being a single person in the modern day having to know too many parental types summed up: Your kids have no place in the workplace, not now, not ever, period. You have no right to collect for little Johnny's candy drive at work, I hate career day. You have no right to use your brat as a shield to pulling your weight in the workplace. If doing both is too much for you, choose one, quit the other. Yes it is that simple. I don't want to hear about your brat's first word, or anything else, ad nausea, while at work, I work with you, I don't care about your home life, or actually anything about you. Do your job and leave me alone. Parenting is not a job, it is a life choice, and it doesn't elevate you to sainthood and put you first in realm of consideration above other people. I don't care to you whine about how you have no time for yourself either, it's a life choice as in, you made a choice. Live with it and stop trying to burden the rest of us with you. The next time your kid gets cancer, too fucking bad, let him die alone in the hospital, I'm not taking your shift!
You are Mommies, you suck and need to stay the hell out of the workplace with your brats. Suck it up!
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