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 Finally here

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
May 08, 2002
I've been reading this site for quiet a while now but some how never managed to register. But I guess I like this place enough after all. I mean, where else on the net you can find as much [Truth] as here?! Exactly: nowhere
I've been reading this site for quiet a while now but some how never managed to register. But I guess I like this place enough after all. I mean, where else on the net you can find as much [Truth] as here?! Exactly: nowhere

I'm about to piss of roughly half of the local community but I couldn't care less anyway.

I'm a female, I have short hair and I'm computing science student. Yes, a programmer. I'm also alone of those who been "sent away to university" I can't tell if it's a good thing or not. My musical taste revolves around Rock and Goth music with occasionally pop but not mainstream anyway. Oh, yeah I'm also an anime fan. And since I was born and lived for 14 years in Ukraine...I'm a Christian Orthodox raised in Soviet Union by Atheist parents.

*bitch mode on* That means even though I do believe in God. I don't believe in the single word of the bible. I mean the bible (small letter) we all use is not the word of god. It's not original. It's a modified , translated version for something that might not have been the real thing in the first place. So the only thing I'll believe is the original Bible (capital letter). Written in Hebrew/Arameic/Latin (I think), By Iegova Himself! And that must be proven.

Otherwise, don't even start with me. I question everything and everyone. I will not believe a single thing unless there is unconditional, unquestionable SCIENTIFIC proof. So bring it on.

*bitch mode off*

P. S. Yes I do rolepaly, I used to at least. It's fun and it makes it easier to interact with people in general, not only online. And I honestly don't understand why people are so concerned with roleplaying?! Would somebody be kind and explain that to me?

P. P. S. So how many people exactly does my presence here pisses off?

Well, (5.00 / 2) (#1)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 8th, 2002 at 08:40:23 PM PST
Your spelling and grammar is poor, you claim to believe the Bible but you don't even know what language it was written in, you feel an unjustified need to introduce yourself, and you have such a huge perception of your self-importance that you expect people to have an emotional reaction to your existance.

I think you're at the wrong site

--Anonymous Reader #24601

yeah...blah! (5.00 / 1