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   Comments by nathan   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Oct 13, 2001

other professions.... Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

treachery... Feature: Flags

Oct 15, 2001

how Bin got rich... Achieving Justice for bin Laden

Oct 15, 2001

JSB Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 15, 2001

T Reg Gibbons... Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 16, 2001

one correct religion Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 16, 2001

a triumph Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 16, 2001

my beloved Joyce Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 16, 2001

if I may be serious for a moment Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 16, 2001

"de gustibus non est disputandum," but e Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 16, 2001

one more thing. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 17, 2001

random hyperlink Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 17, 2001

this changes things a little Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 17, 2001

er. The word.

Oct 19, 2001

Toronto Hey BC!

Oct 20, 2001

critical thinking Islam: What is it?

Oct 22, 2001

cultural engagement != clubbing I bought a cd today

Oct 22, 2001

"totalitarianism" A short quiz

Oct 22, 2001

I'll admit this was a little kuro5ive. A short quiz

Oct 22, 2001

perdida I am speechless.

Oct 22, 2001

lame. Peace Protestors

Oct 22, 2001

hi, troll. Islam: What is it?

Oct 23, 2001

fallacy Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 23, 2001

the whole discussion is insane Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 23, 2001

A violist Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 23, 2001

I deserve a closer reading Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 23, 2001

PS Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 23, 2001

casuistry Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 23, 2001

you may also be a 'Nathan...' A short quiz

Oct 23, 2001

coercion in '1984' A short quiz

Oct 24, 2001

no gulag... A short quiz

Oct 24, 2001

fine, but. A short quiz

Oct 24, 2001

uh. Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 25, 2001

that's funny... Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

in quality? Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 25, 2001

goodthink? A short quiz

Oct 25, 2001

teenage boys... Gimme Danger

Oct 25, 2001

wow. Gimme Danger

Oct 25, 2001

geeks. Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 25, 2001

re: nitpick Peace Protestors

Oct 25, 2001

and further... Peace Protestors

Oct 25, 2001

music for enjoyment. Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 25, 2001

YOU expected better? Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 25, 2001

who's obnoxious here? Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 25, 2001

jazz? Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 25, 2001

teenage girls... Gimme Danger

Oct 25, 2001

I can't help but notice Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 25, 2001

Let it be known Breasts

Oct 26, 2001

no, it doesn't. Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 26, 2001

gross! Terrorism and root causes

Oct 26, 2001

hysteria This is *N O T* a Test!

Oct 26, 2001

on the subject of breasts, Breasts

Oct 27, 2001

don't forget _____

Oct 27, 2001

especially considering Breasts

Oct 27, 2001

the downside to the mutual grooming This is *N O T* a Test!

Oct 27, 2001

aggression. Wil Wheaton Moves Beyond Wesley To Internet Stardom

Oct 27, 2001

just because I use a masculine nick Bartok violin concerto

Oct 27, 2001

You're so charming! It's *not* their Economy Stupid!

Oct 29, 2001

dude... It's *not* their Economy Stupid!

Oct 29, 2001

Skippy. This will be Skippy's Last Diary Entry Here

Oct 29, 2001

homf bomf Wil Wheaton Moves Beyond Wesley To Internet Stardom

Oct 29, 2001

pascal's wager... Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

self-congratulation Terrorism and root causes - clarification

Oct 29, 2001

I'm baffled! Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

Islam is just as bad. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

God may love us... Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 30, 2001

yes, it is! Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 30, 2001

race.. Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 30, 2001

very minor correction Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 30, 2001

urinalysis has a slight flaw... Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

urinalysis is incomplete... Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

shocking Wil Wheaton Moves Beyond Wesley To Internet Stardom

Oct 30, 2001

bah. Why Natalie Portman Is Better Than Any Of You

Oct 30, 2001

no other virtue? Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

technique Why Natalie Portman Is Better Than Any Of You

Oct 30, 2001

I have foiled you again. Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

comp sci Why girls are better than boys

Oct 31, 2001

money matters. Impending Career Change

Oct 31, 2001

advice Impending Career Change

Oct 31, 2001

birth control Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

good to know there's hope. Impending Career Change

Oct 31, 2001

no kidding. Why boys are better than girls

Oct 31, 2001

how I survive Impending Career Change

Oct 31, 2001

typical Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

eesh! So.. I'm back to see the kid

Oct 31, 2001

you've met him now... Why boys are better than girls

Oct 31, 2001

property tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Oct 31, 2001

slow down, SpaceGhoti. tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Oct 31, 2001

wow... tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Nov 01, 2001

it's hard nothing

Nov 01, 2001

that's more or less what I was Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Nov 02, 2001

"I met the most wonderful person" Why Boys are Better Than Girls, part II

Nov 02, 2001

XXers Terrorism in the PRC

Nov 02, 2001

You're overlooking Terrorism in the PRC

Nov 02, 2001

statistics show Terrorism in the PRC

Nov 02, 2001

red flashing lights and klaxons Why Boys are Better Than Girls, part II

Nov 02, 2001

interesting tombstoner Terrorism in the PRC

Nov 02, 2001

intelligence Terrorism in the PRC

Nov 02, 2001

"paethetic..." El Dia de Los Muertos

Nov 05, 2001

sacrilege Music Review: Britney

Nov 05, 2001

getting on with life why boys and girls are different

Nov 05, 2001

evidently why boys and girls are different

Nov 05, 2001

apparently, tkatchev lacks Another one bites the dust...

Nov 05, 2001

minor correction A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 05, 2001

heh why boys and girls are different

Nov 05, 2001

Mozart Music Review: Britney

Nov 05, 2001

plagence Another one bites the dust...

Nov 05, 2001

national policy Hijackings, Anthrax, Arizona Diamondbacks

Nov 05, 2001

is it anthrax? Am I sick or Dying?

Nov 05, 2001

montreal My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 05, 2001

sex and diaries The Writer

Nov 06, 2001

that would be the bridge Whew. Recording is a lot of work. Plus, Sylvain is a wanker.

Nov 06, 2001

as opposed to My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 06, 2001

blaming the victim Nice guys

Nov 06, 2001

other degrees Nice guys

Nov 06, 2001

minor correction Expanding equality under the law

Nov 06, 2001

clarification Nice guys

Nov 06, 2001

ok, I'm just joshing you My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 06, 2001

I am very disappointed. Expanding equality under the law

Nov 06, 2001

naive Music Review: Britney

Nov 06, 2001

please ignore Music Review: Britney

Nov 06, 2001

pretty girls/hands My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 06, 2001

oh, I am so dreadfully sorry Expanding equality under the law

Nov 06, 2001

vaginal orgasms... Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 07, 2001

just curious My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 07, 2001

my advice I've hit an epiphany

Nov 07, 2001

Excellent. Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 07, 2001

pot Expanding equality under the law

Nov 08, 2001

ok, this is getting old. Expanding equality under the law

Nov 08, 2001

yeah, whatever I've hit an epiphany

Nov 08, 2001

moving in with your SO Snoring can be cute?

Nov 08, 2001

the way Christianity works Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

fuzzy thinking Expanding equality under the law

Nov 08, 2001

let's look at Afghanistan. Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

what about Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

you're new here, aren't you? Expanding equality under the law

Nov 08, 2001

so... Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

two conflicting ideas Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

oh, please Expanding equality under the law

Nov 08, 2001

thanks Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

oh my God Why do I feel good today?

Nov 08, 2001

listen, pal Expanding equality under the law

Nov 08, 2001

skkknxxxx Snoring can be cute?

Nov 08, 2001

my favourite sucks to be you

Nov 08, 2001

I think you mean... Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 08, 2001

chicks... Snoring can be cute?

Nov 08, 2001

paragraphs Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 08, 2001

nothing personal Snoring can be cute?

Nov 08, 2001

don't take it personally. Instead of Cramming for Physics, Language Rules & How to Break Them

Nov 09, 2001

my patience is not infinite Expanding equality under the law

Nov 09, 2001

a little parochial, mr. tkatchev Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 09, 2001

mr tkatchev, kiss my ass. Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 09, 2001

not precisely a career new job!

Nov 09, 2001

oh, right. Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 09, 2001

but.. but... Expanding equality under the law

Nov 09, 2001

why are you so rude, all the time? Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 09, 2001

actually I wasn't insulting you. Snoring can be cute?

Nov 09, 2001

'tolerance for diverse opinions' Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 09, 2001

your ignorance is apalling Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 09, 2001

sad Why Science Got Me and God Didn't

Nov 09, 2001

java Back to School...

Nov 09, 2001

oh, I see how this works. Why do I feel good today?

Nov 09, 2001

don't take it personally. Snoring can be cute?

Nov 09, 2001

fascinating... Back to School...

Nov 11, 2001

real bread Weight Loss

Nov 12, 2001

as opposed to Thanks everyone!

Nov 12, 2001

thank heavens Ken Kesey will go no furthur

Nov 12, 2001

depth Music Review: Britney

Nov 12, 2001

aside from its incoherence It's deer season!

Nov 12, 2001

sir, Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 12, 2001

sigh Some help for all you aspiring Santas.

Nov 12, 2001

kind of like Some help for all you aspiring Santas.

Nov 12, 2001

a sad state of affairs. Studies.

Nov 12, 2001

isn't it cute Another terrorist act.

Nov 12, 2001

I stand corrected. objectivist club

Nov 12, 2001

human qualities Music Review: Britney

Nov 12, 2001

oh, so THAT's what it means! Another one bites the dust...

Nov 12, 2001

CARL FLESCH SCALE SYSTEM!!!!!! Music Review: Britney

Nov 12, 2001

marketable skills new job!

Nov 12, 2001

hurf burf duh Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 12, 2001

true Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 13, 2001

artist as mad genius Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 13, 2001

much obliged. Music Review: Britney

Nov 13, 2001

treat em Have Any Questions For Anthrax?

Nov 13, 2001

aghast I am so completely enamored...

Nov 13, 2001

my friend, Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 13, 2001

"civilized." Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 13, 2001

how crude. Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 13, 2001

you mean "charles the pansy" A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 13, 2001

it's good Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 13, 2001

This kind of thing Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 13, 2001

Would you, please? Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

dear sir, Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

selfishness in love Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

free will Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

right. Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

fascinating challenge A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 14, 2001

quibble Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

young boys I am so completely enamored...

Nov 14, 2001

understandably so Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

ps Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

it is true Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 14, 2001

confusing Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

Hey, tkatchev, Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 14, 2001

Al A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 14, 2001

gnosis Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 14, 2001

fascinating I am so completely enamored...

Nov 14, 2001

fine, but Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

bags of fat I am so completely enamored...

Nov 14, 2001

I believe I am I am so completely enamored...

Nov 14, 2001

minor correction Thanks everyone!

Nov 15, 2001

that depends. Ban All Guns Now!

Nov 15, 2001

pr0n I am so completely enamored...

Nov 15, 2001

Chris Everet? Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 15, 2001

unwarranted assumptions. Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 15, 2001

this must be mysticism Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 15, 2001

making a living The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 15, 2001

'rediculous' Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 15, 2001

rope vs. dope Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 15, 2001

I'm confused Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 15, 2001

ditto Sad realization

Nov 15, 2001

horniness Shit I'm Horny!

Nov 15, 2001

you have A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 15, 2001

well, now we are talking Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 15, 2001

who is this guy? CPU Cycle Theft

Nov 15, 2001

man... The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 15, 2001

Spigot Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 15, 2001

thanks for taking for granted Ken Kesey will go no furthur

Nov 16, 2001

how nice of you The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

I didn't say Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 16, 2001

Dear Revered Sir, Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 16, 2001

fascinating Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 16, 2001

it is true Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 16, 2001

oh, boy The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

wow. The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

this is just baffling Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 16, 2001

OT It's all about the Benjamins.

Nov 16, 2001

I think The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

be prepared Ken Kesey will go no furthur

Nov 16, 2001

heh The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

uh The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

quite true Biochem, and other useful sciences

Nov 16, 2001

well, THAT settles it The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 16, 2001

FYI, I am the secular humanist media conspiracy!

Nov 16, 2001

hey, EM, Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 16, 2001

blah blah blah Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 16, 2001

listen... has natalie met her match??

Nov 16, 2001

sic transit, etc I am the secular humanist media conspiracy!

Nov 16, 2001

good heavens, man. Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 16, 2001

sigh. Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 16, 2001

take it to slashtroll Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 16, 2001

don't you see has natalie met her match??

Nov 17, 2001

tolkien's The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 17, 2001

ouch The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 18, 2001

that post was fun to write. Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 18, 2001

materialism Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 18, 2001

OK, I'll reread. The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 18, 2001

units... DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

Nov 18, 2001

heh, DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

Nov 18, 2001

ban Klamath Favorite nearly (if not already) extinct language:

Nov 18, 2001

ah, you need... Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

intimidating? Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

bah Another Friday night

Nov 18, 2001

indeed, Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

success Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

frustration Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

perhaps Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

to cite The Onion, Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

I could do with Another Friday night

Nov 18, 2001

so what are you Another Friday night

Nov 18, 2001

yer fergitting Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

it is time to admit it Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

whaddaya, Another Friday night

Nov 18, 2001

well, Mmmkay...

Nov 19, 2001

heh DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

Nov 19, 2001

The resource you are looking for Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

minor quibble Mmmkay...

Nov 20, 2001

how about Favorite nearly (if not already) extinct language:

Nov 20, 2001

nitpick Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

Europe? Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

I think Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 20, 2001

sniggering DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

Nov 20, 2001

makes you wonder Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

heh, Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

desirability Damn damn damn.

Nov 20, 2001

oh geez Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

more stalls in the gents? Active recruiting

Nov 20, 2001

hurm Damn damn damn.

Nov 20, 2001

sorry for all the posts Damn damn damn.

Nov 20, 2001

it is true DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

Nov 26, 2001

I take issue Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 26, 2001

ignorance is bliss Home for the holidays? No! Send my body home!

Nov 26, 2001

your problem Are you Adequate?

Nov 26, 2001

the reason... The Reason I'm Posting on Adequacy Despite Being Unwelcome

Nov 26, 2001

Faludi? Good Day

Nov 26, 2001

straw man Controversy...

Nov 26, 2001

nonono Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 26, 2001

I think you mean Are you Adequate?

Nov 26, 2001

hugs and kisses Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

my pleasure (n/t) Are you Adequate?

Nov 29, 2001

bah K5 is an evil UK friendly Pro Windows site

Nov 29, 2001

your diary entries Nobel Prize for Irrelevance: How Wrong I Was !

Nov 29, 2001

what you really mean: Uncle OSM's Guide to Covert Dating: Episode I

Nov 29, 2001

the difference: Hello, is anyone out there?

Nov 29, 2001

humbug Favorite Harry Potter book

Nov 29, 2001

you sir Nurturing Healthy Palestinian and Israeli Senses of National Identity

Nov 29, 2001

you will get what you deserve Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

I agree. Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

if you're a moral relativist... Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

why not? (n/t) Favorite Harry Potter book

Nov 29, 2001

how sad Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

missing footnote the opposite sex

Nov 30, 2001

cape breton the opposite sex

Dec 01, 2001

I wasn't going to respond the opposite sex

Dec 01, 2001

sorry, Not just harmless fun

Dec 01, 2001

it is true George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 01, 2001

I wasn't going to answer My husband wants me shorn!

Dec 01, 2001

grad school Musings

Dec 01, 2001


Dec 01, 2001

beg pardon? Linux Zealot - The Internet's most controversial cartoon superhero

Dec 01, 2001

I'm so sorry, Not just harmless fun

Dec 01, 2001

MJ vs. wine George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 01, 2001

Edward Said I chipped a tooth

Dec 01, 2001

'tympani' is also correct (n/t) Uncle OSM's Guide to Covert Dating: Episode I

Dec 01, 2001

sorry, bad grammar I chipped a tooth

Dec 01, 2001

the concept of 'deviltry' The Evil of Harry Potter

Dec 01, 2001

Not to worry Not just harmless fun

Dec 01, 2001

Communism is great George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 03, 2001

it is not possible Not just harmless fun

Dec 03, 2001

I agree. I chipped a tooth

Dec 03, 2001

the "skill" of hacking Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Dec 03, 2001

humbug I know why Europeans hate Americans...

Dec 03, 2001

the solution is clear Winter Ball -- December 15th Crisis!

Dec 05, 2001

a personal development plan Rich Man

Dec 05, 2001

notice hey, alprazolam,

Dec 05, 2001

flagolet-tones Rich Man

Dec 05, 2001

That would be Rich Man

Dec 06, 2001

my goodness Hell in a Handbasket

Dec 06, 2001

I ask you: A Detailed Refutement of How to know if your kid is a hacker.

Dec 06, 2001

I'm guessing Rich Man

Dec 06, 2001

mmmmm Rich Man

Dec 06, 2001

word to the wise. A Detailed Refutement of How to know if your kid is a hacker.

Dec 06, 2001

Sure it's to blame. Islam is not the enemy

Dec 06, 2001

groupthink Hypocrisy of 'hackers'and Slashbots

Dec 06, 2001

football players Welcome to the Third World

Dec 07, 2001

I think he's talking about... Welcome to the Third World

Dec 07, 2001

this is all we need Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Dec 07, 2001

hey, Maggie Welcome to the Third World

Dec 07, 2001

duh... Why the US should bomb Russia today !!

Dec 07, 2001

thanks for posting Contemporary Russian Poetry pt. II

Dec 07, 2001

thanks for posting Contemporary Russian Poetry pt. II

Dec 08, 2001

wow Contemporary Russian Poetry pt. II

Dec 08, 2001

that sounds like a good idea. Harrison's Last Laugh

Dec 08, 2001

hmmmm to you too. Why the US should bomb Russia today !!

Dec 08, 2001

nice try. Islam is not the enemy

Dec 08, 2001

the evidence Islam is not the enemy

Dec 08, 2001

hey! Welcome to the Third World

Dec 08, 2001

I think... Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Dec 08, 2001

sigh. Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Dec 08, 2001

yeah, whatever Islam is not the enemy

Dec 08, 2001

wholehearted agreement George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 09, 2001

my mistake Harrison's Last Laugh

Dec 09, 2001

Ok, here's your chance. Islam is not the enemy

Dec 09, 2001

say it ain't so! Welcome to the Third World

Dec 09, 2001

don't leave Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Dec 09, 2001

maybe... Christian Sponsorship of Rationlist Islamic Charity as Foreign Policy

Dec 09, 2001

what's unreal Good Morning Nobile Sirs

Dec 09, 2001

beer George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 09, 2001

I knew it was a fraud when... Good Morning Nobile Sirs

Dec 09, 2001

no idea. Good Morning Nobile Sirs

Dec 09, 2001

I beg to differ. The sky: a revisionist examination

Dec 09, 2001

but... but... Welcome to the Third World

Dec 09, 2001

now we're getting somewhere. Islam is not the enemy

Dec 09, 2001

shrug Good Morning Nobile Sirs

Dec 10, 2001

baffling Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Dec 10, 2001

this could be jerkcity

Dec 10, 2001

indeed, Analyze this

Dec 10, 2001

perhaps... Islam is not the enemy

Dec 10, 2001

warning! jerkcity

Dec 10, 2001

bah Unfettered Boobies

Dec 10, 2001

the funny part Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 12, 2001

that's unreal. Happy Forking Holidays!

Dec 12, 2001

spank, spank, spank Only extremely attractive people are cool.

Dec 13, 2001

while in Regina Happy Forking Holidays!

Dec 13, 2001

no kidding Dearest Adequacy Readors

Dec 13, 2001

OT: re: "rob-" Cold Turkey

Dec 13, 2001

ugh Dearest Adequacy Readors

Dec 13, 2001

vodka Dearest Adequacy Readors

Dec 13, 2001

Capek... Cold Turkey

Dec 13, 2001

hurf burf Dearest Adequacy Readors

Dec 13, 2001

there ain't Happy Forking Holidays!

Dec 13, 2001

specious Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 13, 2001

you'll notice Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 13, 2001

which society is this? If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001

slight misreading Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 14, 2001

what are you trying to say? If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001

sounds good, d00d New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 14, 2001

you assume If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001

usage quibble Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 14, 2001

hey, Lint, If hell did exist...

Dec 14, 2001

choking Harry Potter - What Does God Have to Say?

Dec 14, 2001

my email address Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 14, 2001

well.... New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 14, 2001

ps If hell did exist...

Dec 15, 2001

bah Harry Potter - What Does God Have to Say?

Dec 15, 2001

Awww, Lint, If hell did exist...

Dec 15, 2001

oh, right. If hell did exist...

Dec 15, 2001

IQ Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 15, 2001

on another topic, My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 15, 2001

reread. Harry Potter - What Does God Have to Say?

Dec 15, 2001

scotch Dinner Tonight.

Dec 15, 2001

to be fair, Islam is not the enemy

Dec 15, 2001

this is Brief Public Service Reminder

Dec 15, 2001

you probably don't want that Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 15, 2001

in case you haven't noticed, If hell did exist...

Dec 15, 2001

O'Rourke New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 15, 2001

obviously, Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 16, 2001

split infinitives. My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 16, 2001

call him... My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 16, 2001

listen, chum If hell did exist...

Dec 16, 2001

I'm touched. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 16, 2001

posture Extremely attractive people do not wear makeup regularly.

Dec 16, 2001

see, there you go again If hell did exist...

Dec 16, 2001

record Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Dec 16, 2001

bye, skippy [nt] - my verdict

Dec 16, 2001

I agree. Christmas is child abuse

Dec 16, 2001

jerkcity famous last words

Dec 16, 2001

pillow book? Martin-Cortez Newsletter, Issue 1 v I

Dec 17, 2001

Oh, that was you? Christmas is child abuse

Dec 17, 2001

re: my offensive post If hell did exist...

Dec 17, 2001

sorry about that... Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 17, 2001

good job. What do people have against hackers?

Dec 17, 2001

I would suggest... You know...

Dec 17, 2001

I propose a third category: From Taoist to Infidel (2001)

Dec 17, 2001

sonatas? Islam is not the enemy

Dec 17, 2001

wow Martin-Cortez Newsletter - Issue 2, Vol I

Dec 17, 2001

I agree. Not just harmless fun

Dec 17, 2001

I'll show you teeth. Irresponsible Meat Judge

Dec 17, 2001

Hein, Clifton, Martin-Cortez Newsletter - Issue 2, Vol I

Dec 18, 2001

so lemme get this straight Linux Zealot is Busted

Dec 18, 2001

the game Irresponsible Meat Judge

Dec 18, 2001

fascinating... Sometimes the most amazing things in life...

Dec 18, 2001

evolve faster? New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 18, 2001

Mr. Niemoller, New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 18, 2001

it's over. time to move on My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 18, 2001

Pinky Islam is not the enemy

Dec 18, 2001

pah My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 18, 2001

sounds good, d00d Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 18, 2001

you are a funny man. What do people have against hackers?

Dec 18, 2001

I scored... Autism and geeks

Dec 19, 2001

star music Sometimes the most amazing things in life...

Dec 19, 2001

you lose. My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 19, 2001

be careful Just who is Mr Gibbons?

Dec 19, 2001

read the evidence. My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 19, 2001

sex sells but. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 19, 2001

internet idiocy My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 19, 2001

relative harmony? My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 19, 2001

what do you play? g**k math is not hard.

Dec 19, 2001

baffling Why oh why is it letting me post a diary as anonymous reader?

Dec 19, 2001

common ground g**k math is not hard.

Dec 20, 2001

magnetism Galactic Hitchiker Travel Advisory

Dec 22, 2001

shocking! Tired of brownnosers at work

Dec 22, 2001

how about My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 22, 2001

that has nothing to do with it. Not just harmless fun

Dec 23, 2001

wow! Living Nihilism (sic)

Dec 23, 2001

to expand: The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 23, 2001

if only Linux Zealot learns a valuable lesson.

Dec 24, 2001

moral licenses The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 24, 2001

mercy? Imagination

Dec 24, 2001

sorry to butt in, folks. Girlfriend is better

Dec 24, 2001

sexist Which kind of government is the best?

Dec 24, 2001

C & E Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 25, 2001

you must have missed the part The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 25, 2001

bah Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 25, 2001

amazing Linux Woes

Dec 25, 2001

nice try Not just harmless fun

Dec 25, 2001

I feel silly now Linux Woes

Dec 25, 2001

sorry, I don't buy it Girlfriend is better

Dec 25, 2001

you are not Job The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 25, 2001

PDP-11? Linux Woes

Dec 25, 2001

heh. The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 25, 2001

indeed, Fellowship Of The Rings Comparative Movie Review

Dec 25, 2001

not deleted Microsoft: A Threat to Itself

Dec 25, 2001

my last post in this thread The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 25, 2001

In my opinion... Microsoft: A Threat to Itself

Dec 25, 2001

maybe you should take your own advice Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 25, 2001

bleating? no sex today

Dec 26, 2001

good grief no sex today

Dec 26, 2001

sigh, POE Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 26, 2001

hey, pal Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 26, 2001

good luck X-mas party, or payback, or is it confusion, help....

Dec 26, 2001

on the contrary Review: Saint Luke's Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Dec 26, 2001

ugh Fellowship Of The Rings Comparative Movie Review

Dec 27, 2001

you know, he's right Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 27, 2001

pah Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 27, 2001

with God Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 29, 2001

90% Snowboarding, color copier

Dec 29, 2001

it did? Hmm

Dec 29, 2001

oh my Ghod! My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 29, 2001

double pah Linux Zealot learns a valuable lesson.

Dec 29, 2001

not to mention Raving paranoid readers

Dec 29, 2001

How about me? From the virtual grave

Dec 29, 2001

it is true My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 31, 2001

fundamentalist? Why marijuana is the worst drug

Dec 31, 2001

skippy Why marijuana is the worst drug

Dec 31, 2001

conservatives?! My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 31, 2001

heh. "lesbian" Just wonderin'

Dec 31, 2001

sorry, Just wonderin'

Dec 31, 2001

two questions? Happy Birthday Christ!

Jan 01, 2002

she's... I Miss Hauntedattics

Jan 01, 2002

my advice to you My Problem

Jan 01, 2002

fourth language Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 01, 2002

don' forget, osm, Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 01, 2002

please pay attention Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 01, 2002

Chicago home for the holidays. sigh.

Jan 02, 2002

not a), nor (I hope) b) liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

Sartre? My Problem

Jan 02, 2002

agonic drive Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 02, 2002

no need to apologize Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 02, 2002

indeed Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 02, 2002

self-contradictory liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

technicians?! Internet Licenses: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Jan 04, 2002

wow Testes, testes...

Jan 07, 2002

violin A Love Sonnet

Jan 07, 2002

but! A Love Sonnet

Jan 07, 2002

mp3? Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 08, 2002

unbelievable An instance of Western cultural chauvinism

Jan 08, 2002

no kidding Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 08, 2002

IP and music Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 08, 2002

yeah, that's the guy An instance of Western cultural chauvinism

Jan 09, 2002

shrug Observations: Lord of the Rings

Jan 09, 2002

perhaps now you understand *Sigh* And The World Falls Farther...

Jan 09, 2002

what makes me a snob? Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 09, 2002

amateurism... Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 09, 2002

boat person from k5? An instance of Western cultural chauvinism

Jan 09, 2002

pah Even OSS Prefers Windows XP

Jan 09, 2002

Honourable sir, This is my last post to Adequacy

Jan 09, 2002

jazz musicians Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 09, 2002

cheap fake gag asses This is my last post to Adequacy

Jan 09, 2002

confused Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 10, 2002

I must say, This is my last post to Adequacy

Jan 10, 2002

sigh An instance of Western cultural chauvinism

Jan 10, 2002

moriveth did it best I'm not ok, so niether can you be.

Jan 10, 2002

bally? This is my last post to Adequacy

Jan 10, 2002

what?! Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 10, 2002

four possibilities: Biblical sexiness

Jan 10, 2002

ahh An instance of Western cultural chauvinism

Jan 10, 2002

I don't get it Biblical sexiness

Jan 10, 2002

Rollo?! Playmate update

Jan 10, 2002

how sweet! Observations: Lord of the Rings

Jan 11, 2002

looks like a troll post to me n/t Biblical sexiness

Jan 11, 2002

I hope you're not suggesting An instance of Western cultural chauvinism

Jan 11, 2002

try: Life Test #1, Question #1453

Jan 11, 2002

depends An instance of Western cultural chauvinism

Jan 11, 2002

Groucho: An instance of Western cultural chauvinism

Jan 13, 2002

don't worry Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 14, 2002

Derek, Biblical sexiness

Jan 14, 2002

we did our best The Consolation of Melancholy

Jan 14, 2002

I'm sorry Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 14, 2002

nanny-states? Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 14, 2002

oh man Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 14, 2002

amazing Life Test #1, Question #1453

Jan 14, 2002

imagine: Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 14, 2002

quite a leap there Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 14, 2002

apparently... Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 14, 2002

I agree. Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 14, 2002

I object! Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 14, 2002

gentlemen, the evidence Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 14, 2002

is it... Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 14, 2002

school? Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 14, 2002

oh, I understand now! Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 15, 2002

grave misunderstanding Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 15, 2002

minor correction Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 15, 2002

what is your problem? Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 15, 2002

excuse you. Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 15, 2002

as long as we're getting dirty Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 15, 2002

here's an example of an LZ: Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 15, 2002

funny thing Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 15, 2002

learn to read. Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 15, 2002

reread and repost Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 16, 2002

ignorance Accepting Homosexuals

Jan 16, 2002

nah Snowboarding + girlie = this diary

Jan 16, 2002

well, I don't really know Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 16, 2002

in other words Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 16, 2002

translation An instance of Western cultural chauvinism

Jan 16, 2002

hey, shut up Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 16, 2002

bah Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 16, 2002

this is beyond moronic To all you Windows Criminals

Jan 16, 2002

so? Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 17, 2002

I stopped reading Accepting Homosexuals

Jan 17, 2002

disgusting racism Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 17, 2002

whatever they taught you at cow college, Accepting Homosexuals

Jan 17, 2002

you suck (nt) Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 17, 2002

contrast... "The Blinding Dawn" or "Breakfast at PizzaHut

Jan 17, 2002

fair enough why?

Jan 17, 2002

yuch Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 17, 2002

never give up Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 17, 2002

world capitalist conspiracy The financial time bomb

Jan 17, 2002

I've got a modest proposal for you. I don't like the OSM story on the front page.

Jan 18, 2002

I'm concerned as well. n/t Where is he???

Jan 18, 2002

U. S. A. Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 19, 2002

you're a prince among men. Taboo: The Downfall of America

Jan 19, 2002

nice try Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 19, 2002

to be fair, IP-Tokens. The truth revealed!

Jan 19, 2002

duh IP-Tokens. The truth revealed!

Jan 19, 2002

good for you

Jan 19, 2002

hurm Napster, Gnutella and the file sharing revolution

Jan 19, 2002

flaw AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

Jan 20, 2002

Platonic love Taboo: The Downfall of America

Jan 20, 2002

oddly enough Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 20, 2002

you missed it, Einstein Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 20, 2002

troll Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 20, 2002

occam's razor. Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 20, 2002

2-D lifeforms Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 20, 2002

silly boy Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 20, 2002

bester? Startling Revelation

Jan 20, 2002

what?! Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 20, 2002

obvious g**k Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 20, 2002

gasp! Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 20, 2002

thank you, RRR Taboo: The Downfall of America

Jan 21, 2002

ill-informed? The Lesson of Black Hawk Down

Jan 21, 2002

thank you Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Jan 21, 2002

sorry to hear it. Looking Forward: Cinema in 2002

Jan 21, 2002

what? My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 21, 2002

sex, popular media Looking Forward: Cinema in 2002

Jan 21, 2002

does not follow. The Lesson of Black Hawk Down

Jan 21, 2002

feh Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 21, 2002

pardon me... Looking Forward: Cinema in 2002

Jan 21, 2002

no kidding My little brother, Jem

Jan 21, 2002

ob What Sucks About Marriage

Jan 21, 2002

the answer My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 22, 2002

I deserve that The Lesson of Black Hawk Down

Jan 22, 2002

this is my point, really. What Sucks About Marriage

Jan 22, 2002

fine... What Sucks About Marriage

Jan 22, 2002

that's what I was getting at... You know...

Jan 22, 2002

they predicted Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 22, 2002

dear elenchos... Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 22, 2002

it is true Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 22, 2002

much n/t Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 22, 2002

few hundred a day? The diary where I present myself for your ridicule.

Jan 22, 2002

of course not. Looking Forward: Cinema in 2002

Jan 22, 2002

you can do better than that. n/t The diary where I present myself for your ridicule.

Jan 22, 2002

total jerk My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 22, 2002


Jan 22, 2002

aha. Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 22, 2002

dear sir My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 22, 2002

absolutely correct GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN

Jan 22, 2002

depends. My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 23, 2002

sigh Boring Diaries

Jan 23, 2002

note: Looking Forward: Cinema in 2002

Jan 23, 2002

I can see it now. Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 23, 2002

I'm in hell. Linux Zealot goes to the Movies

Jan 23, 2002

I agree wholeheartedly. An Adequate Look at Insider Trading

Jan 23, 2002

confused. Review: Gran Turismo 3

Jan 23, 2002

I should get a medal. My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 23, 2002

interesting... A story for you.

Jan 23, 2002

sorry, I missed this. Looking Forward: Cinema in 2002

Jan 23, 2002

maybe I'm just old-fashioned A story for you.

Jan 23, 2002

pardon me.. My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 24, 2002

silly boy My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 25, 2002

hey, shut up. Review: Gran Turismo 3

Jan 25, 2002

see what I mean? My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 25, 2002

Luisa Miss Adequacy 2002

Jan 25, 2002

monster My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 25, 2002

boggle Linux Zealot goes to the Movies

Jan 25, 2002

good for you. Napster, Gnutella and the file sharing revolution

Jan 25, 2002

why? Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 25, 2002

don't preempt me, my friend. Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 27, 2002

no kidding Where Do You Stand in the GNU World Order?

Jan 27, 2002

cute Who's Copying Who?

Jan 27, 2002

a dramatic excerpt: Prepare the Huskies

Jan 27, 2002

thank you, AR... The Time is Right for Manual Sex

Jan 27, 2002

open wide... My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 27, 2002

bah Where Do You Stand in the GNU World Order?

Jan 27, 2002

is it true? Where Do You Stand in the GNU World Order?

Jan 27, 2002

eh? My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 27, 2002

my own brattiness Best Utopian Novel?

Jan 27, 2002

eh? Best Utopian Novel?

Jan 27, 2002

I still don't get it My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 28, 2002

dear sir, Who's Copying Whom?

Jan 28, 2002

quick question: Best Utopian Novel?

Jan 28, 2002

for the record Prepare the Huskies

Jan 28, 2002

silly Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 28, 2002

educated? logical? Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 28, 2002

nice try Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 29, 2002

vodka Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 29, 2002

why not get Computers

Jan 29, 2002

blatant trolling Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 29, 2002

nice to know Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 29, 2002

stripes Linux Zealot Gets Educated

Jan 29, 2002

oh, no you don't Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 29, 2002

really? Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 29, 2002

strange Linux Zealot Gets Educated

Jan 29, 2002

you don't like Christians, do you? Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 29, 2002

fistings of fury The Time is Right for Manual Sex

Jan 30, 2002

following blondly? Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 30, 2002

now pull the other one Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 30, 2002

astonishing! Where Do You Stand in the GNU World Order?

Jan 30, 2002

one man's wit is another's invective My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 30, 2002

false unity Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 30, 2002

wow, you're cool! Why the GNU licence is a good thing

Jan 30, 2002

so... Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 31, 2002

well... The Motherland

Jan 31, 2002

charming Why the GNU licence is a good thing

Jan 31, 2002

you are WEAK! you will be destroyed! Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Jan 31, 2002

raw hate Linux Geeks Take Over

Jan 31, 2002

not exactly... Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 31, 2002

have I been trolled? Is �cunt� banned from adequacy?

Jan 31, 2002

music as logos Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Jan 31, 2002

my toys Linux Geeks Take Over

Jan 31, 2002

humour Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 31, 2002

HAHAHAHAHAHA Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Jan 31, 2002

precisely Is �cunt� banned from adequacy?

Jan 31, 2002

liberalist Help save a baby, and snowballs

Feb 01, 2002

precisely correct. Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 01, 2002

hey, Chloe... Is �cunt� banned from adequacy?

Feb 01, 2002

you know... Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

g**ks Meta crap...

Feb 01, 2002

Yo... Is �cunt� banned from adequacy?

Feb 01, 2002

no... Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 01, 2002

for bonus points: Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

IP theft Screw All of You

Feb 01, 2002

pianos Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

accusations Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Feb 01, 2002

you seem to be confused Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

oh, for a killfile. Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 01, 2002

for the record, Screw All of You

Feb 01, 2002

I only own Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

good Lord Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

thanks for informing me. Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

wow, you're ignorant (OT) Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Feb 01, 2002

don't you see? Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

I believe you mean Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Feb 02, 2002

the catastrophe: Mundane Rambling

Feb 02, 2002

let me get this straight I need love.

Feb 02, 2002

here's my interpretation: Cisco's SecurityThreat

Feb 02, 2002

somewhat bratty A date we can all agree on.

Feb 03, 2002

I agree Theological musings

Feb 03, 2002

I believe you mean: Theological musings

Feb 03, 2002

say, clarity

Feb 03, 2002

hey! Occupying America

Feb 03, 2002

forget to log in again? (nt) A date we can all agree on.

Feb 03, 2002

sigh... clarity

Feb 03, 2002

heartwarming Let's get this straight

Feb 03, 2002

quibble clarity

Feb 03, 2002

this is interesting Theological musings

Feb 03, 2002

indeed Discover the Russia you never knew.

Feb 03, 2002

oral tradition clarity

Feb 03, 2002

seriously... Occupying America

Feb 03, 2002

nonono Theological musings

Feb 03, 2002

cruelty Torture - it's inevitable, so lets do it right !

Feb 03, 2002

jolly good Animals: Food for Thought

Feb 03, 2002

misnomer? clarity

Feb 03, 2002

now, Ulyssen to me, bud clarity

Feb 03, 2002

let me try again: clarity

Feb 03, 2002

you're welcome clarity

Feb 03, 2002

how sweet of you. Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Feb 04, 2002

tilting at windmills clarity

Feb 04, 2002

good grief clarity

Feb 04, 2002

three responses to this post. A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 04, 2002

joe six-pack Is brain power that good?

Feb 04, 2002

Dear H. A., Is brain power that good?

Feb 04, 2002

a little glib, mr fish A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 04, 2002

no ordinary techie, this fellow Is brain power that good?

Feb 04, 2002

no. A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 06, 2002

indeed.... The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 06, 2002

23 Happy birthday to me

Feb 08, 2002

waitaminnit The Satanic Nature of Kuro5hin is Revealed.

Feb 08, 2002

idiot Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 08, 2002

pathetic! Help save a baby, and snowballs

Feb 08, 2002

Dude, When are you considered 'old'?

Feb 09, 2002

oh, I am so sorry Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 09, 2002

hey, idiot, Help save a baby, and snowballs

Feb 11, 2002

good work! The Satanic Nature of Kuro5hin is Revealed.

Feb 11, 2002

whiner. The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 11, 2002

baffling Your Adequate Guide to Weekend Television

Feb 11, 2002

don't keep me in suspense! OB-La-Di, OB-La-Da

Feb 11, 2002

bah Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters

Feb 12, 2002

americans suck AMD and MS: Buudies?

Feb 12, 2002

can you believe this? Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 12, 2002

I can't say... Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 12, 2002

sorry, you lose What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 12, 2002

can it be? What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 12, 2002

I almost bought it until... Your Adequate Guide to Weekend Television

Feb 12, 2002

almost there! The Satanic Nature of Kuro5hin is Revealed.

Feb 12, 2002

can it be? Indianapolis

Feb 12, 2002

lose. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

but! but! What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

funny thing So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

how confusing The Satanic Nature of Kuro5hin is Revealed.

Feb 13, 2002

Welsh isn't bad, exactly Indianapolis

Feb 13, 2002

you are so right So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

the quote is What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

even more confused So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

free clue So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

reread Indianapolis

Feb 13, 2002

indeed. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

science is not above criticism What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

good heavens Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 13, 2002

an end to "Xianism" So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

indeed: So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

crosstalk So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

that's fine for you hedonism

Feb 14, 2002

you are quite right Indianapolis

Feb 14, 2002

off the cuff, So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 15, 2002

humbug. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

for heaven's sake Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

good grief Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

here's an easy one. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 18, 2002

bilious toad... Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 18, 2002

good job Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 18, 2002

for example. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 20, 2002

good God America's Death Machines

Feb 20, 2002

mmm America's Death Machines

Feb 20, 2002

my dear fellow! America's Death Machines

Feb 20, 2002

I'm stopping there. America's Death Machines

Feb 20, 2002

good grief, elenchos Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 21, 2002

please try to argue coherently. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

for pity's sakes, America's Death Machines

Feb 23, 2002

it's a simple, simple analogy We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 23, 2002

Believe the Russian. Just curious

Feb 23, 2002

so long, pal We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 23, 2002

so... We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 23, 2002

here comes rhetoric America's Death Machines

Feb 24, 2002

it's considered bad form The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 24, 2002

non sequitur We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Feb 24, 2002

well, see... America's Death Machines

Feb 25, 2002

sigh America's Death Machines

Feb 25, 2002

you may well be right America's Death Machines

Feb 26, 2002

good for you America's Death Machines

Feb 26, 2002

you need to raise your stanbdards It's all about the numbers

Feb 26, 2002

define It's Time We Rounded Up Rich White Males

Feb 26, 2002

notice: It's all about the numbers

Feb 27, 2002

I agree. The Politics of Envy

Feb 27, 2002

I didn't want to do this... I`m new here and I�m extreme

Feb 27, 2002

bah. Oh, my...

Feb 27, 2002

which one? The Politics of Envy

Feb 27, 2002

I count The Politics of Envy

Feb 27, 2002

make that four (nt) The Politics of Envy

Feb 28, 2002

sounds enticing Caffeinated mints, and getting into the body you desire.

Feb 28, 2002

it is worse I`m new here and I�m extreme

Feb 28, 2002

or is it a subliminal joke? (nt) Caffeinated mints, and getting into the body you desire.

Mar 01, 2002

it's tough for me We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 01, 2002

horribly wrong? We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 02, 2002

you worthless ass. Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 02, 2002

snort We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 02, 2002

noisy signal We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 02, 2002

pardon me... GPL goes to court: Part 2

Mar 02, 2002

jackass Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 03, 2002

hey, jackass We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 03, 2002

God, you are an idiot, NAWL Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 04, 2002

God, you are an idiot, NAWL Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 04, 2002

you are quite incorrect. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 04, 2002

I have this sort of problem every day. It's time to surrender.

Mar 04, 2002

Khazaria Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 04, 2002

I think you mean: Why Is Gitmo Gone?

Mar 04, 2002

what I'm talking about: Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 05, 2002

"need to explore" The Drug Underground Comes Online

Mar 05, 2002

you are so stupid it hurts We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 05, 2002

standards The Drug Underground Comes Online

Mar 05, 2002

good grief What is your annual household income?

Mar 05, 2002

slashcode is junk. n/t Adequacy is full of fascists

Mar 05, 2002

I second that. Testicular deficiency at

Mar 06, 2002

stuff and nonsense. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 06, 2002

oh please The Drug Underground Comes Online

Mar 06, 2002

I suppose subsistence is possible What is your annual household income?

Mar 07, 2002

what the fuck is wrong with you? What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

I have a question of my own 1000 voices, drilling your thoughts every day.

Mar 07, 2002

no, they would not be creators. What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

creator vs. demiurge What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

thank you for admitting Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 08, 2002

did you read the link? n/t What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

some questions Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 08, 2002

you appear to be a Platonist. What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

immaturity of gen. eng Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 08, 2002

what if we sweeten the deal? What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

funny thing... Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 08, 2002

oh geez What is god?

Mar 09, 2002

I post from a T3 link. (nt) Execution of the masses.

Mar 09, 2002

I agree Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 09, 2002

all I did What is PotatoError, anyway?

Mar 10, 2002

thanks! Thought you might like this

Mar 10, 2002

oh, I am so dreadfully sorry! (nt) We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 10, 2002

here's a list of usage weaknesses: Execution of the masses.

Mar 11, 2002

a serious answer What is god?

Mar 11, 2002

it hurts the tone in this passage n/t Execution of the masses.

Mar 11, 2002

and further... Adequacy stooping to Plagiarism?!

Mar 11, 2002

waste of precious seconds Strange

Mar 11, 2002

fuck that. Adequacy stooping to Plagiarism?!

Mar 11, 2002

preposterous Strange

Mar 11, 2002

because Strange

Mar 11, 2002

pardon me... Strange

Mar 11, 2002

straw man Thought you might like this

Mar 12, 2002

like I SAID, Strange

Mar 12, 2002

no kidding I've had enough of this Enlightement crap

Mar 12, 2002

nuts to you Strange

Mar 12, 2002

you're right Thought you might like this

Mar 12, 2002

quite so, old bean Thought you might like this

Mar 12, 2002

duh Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 12, 2002

terrorism Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 12, 2002

I ask again. Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 13, 2002

bravo! Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 13, 2002

the Jews Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 13, 2002

you should see Reclaiming St. Patrick's Day

Mar 14, 2002

orgasmatron Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 14, 2002

spelling flame The Stupidity of Environmental Liberalism

Mar 14, 2002

nuts to you Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 14, 2002

hmm. Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 14, 2002

in his defense Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 14, 2002

source please. I feel so lonely

Mar 14, 2002

yeah but... Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 14, 2002

read closer. I feel so lonely

Mar 14, 2002

hey, Chloe... Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

"deviot" ?! The Stupidity of Environmental Liberalism

Mar 15, 2002

ride the bus Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 15, 2002

c'est la vie? Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

I quit reading after "deviot." n/t The Stupidity of Environmental Liberalism

Mar 15, 2002

I believe you mean: Homosexual propaganda

Mar 15, 2002

you beg the question. should women?

Mar 15, 2002

forget it, j Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

ooh! ooh! Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 17, 2002

you're quite wrong beers

Mar 17, 2002

I think the point is... Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

jvance, I'm surprised Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

greetings. now to business: Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

respect and beyond Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

hmmmm America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 17, 2002

I don't understand Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

hmmm. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

I'm confused. Snot Bubbles

Mar 18, 2002

it works like this Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

you might be surprised to hear Snot Bubbles

Mar 18, 2002

hmm. Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 18, 2002

oh man! Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

ugh Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

how about this one? Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

completely wrong America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 18, 2002

siamese fighting fish Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

you act like a nong. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 18, 2002

why do I do it? America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 18, 2002

I feel nervous. America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 19, 2002

questionable practice Kuro5hit Update

Mar 19, 2002

bah Review: Linux Mandrake 8.2

Mar 19, 2002

nuts to you. America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 19, 2002

god you're stupid (flame) Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 19, 2002

I am the soul of charity Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 19, 2002

hey, me too! Is this a troll?

Mar 19, 2002

funny thing America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 19, 2002

come to your senses, man Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 19, 2002

fairies? Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 19, 2002

this is unbelievably stupid Hating Libertarians: Reason #241

Mar 20, 2002

apparently you confuse me Review: Linux Mandrake 8.2

Mar 20, 2002

unlike Stallman, Review: Linux Mandrake 8.2

Mar 20, 2002

(cue funk bass) n/t Hating Libertarians: Reason #241

Mar 20, 2002

you are wrong. Google Needs a Winston Smith

Mar 20, 2002

enough of your racism Well... I'm not sure about this.

Mar 20, 2002

so you're saying Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 20, 2002

insensitive jerk! Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 20, 2002

isn't that the same thing? n/t Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 21, 2002

hello! Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 21, 2002

religion... Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 21, 2002

thank you Chloedancer... My regrets are starting to overwhelm me.

Mar 21, 2002

or... A request

Mar 21, 2002

don't think I was just thinking...

Mar 21, 2002

simply enough Why...

Mar 21, 2002

you are insane. America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 21, 2002

I now play Indian style n/t Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 21, 2002

you are a moron. Google Needs a Winston Smith

Mar 21, 2002

holy shit! Google Needs a Winston Smith

Mar 21, 2002

fool. America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 21, 2002

read the article, elenchos a new threat

Mar 21, 2002

I've read Engels, thanks. America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 21, 2002

except nothing can stop me now

Mar 22, 2002

fool. America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 22, 2002

read the parent post. n/t America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 23, 2002

nerd joke The Nature of Stupidity

Mar 23, 2002

you're out of your mind. America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 23, 2002

duh The Nature of Stupidity

Mar 23, 2002

hint: The Nature of Stupidity

Mar 23, 2002

in other words: Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 24, 2002

that's pretty good. The Nature of Stupidity

Mar 24, 2002

this is unproductive. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 24, 2002

a correct argument The Nature of Stupidity

Mar 24, 2002

big red F Why "Hacker?"

Mar 24, 2002

re: em Envisioning Canute

Mar 24, 2002

with an F and an A, we need... Why "Hacker?"

Mar 24, 2002

weird... Envisioning Canute

Mar 24, 2002

and now for the 'G." Why "Hacker?"

Mar 24, 2002

Zorak? Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 25, 2002

great idea! Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

right. America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 25, 2002

jerk. Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

I have been trolled. Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

hi there, Mr Obvious n/t Breaking Down the Language Barrier

Mar 25, 2002

balls. Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

you are a liberalist. Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

don't flatter yourself. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 25, 2002

don't look now... The Proselytizing Atheist

Mar 27, 2002

pay attention, kid. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 27, 2002

response threaded here. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 27, 2002

why won't you return my calls? The Proselytizing Atheist

Mar 27, 2002

you rule! Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 27, 2002

wicca is not intellectually respectable Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 27, 2002

please define Divine Union Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 27, 2002

bah! Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 27, 2002

sorry. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 28, 2002

irony must not be one of yours Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 28, 2002

Christianity is not dualistic Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 28, 2002

hohum. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 28, 2002

nathan's translation service! Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 28, 2002

I am not obligated to educate you. Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 28, 2002

S R! wiccan woes

Mar 30, 2002

I don't understand. wiccan woes

Mar 30, 2002

I'm curious. wiccan woes

Mar 30, 2002

the Athenians retreated... wiccan woes

Mar 30, 2002

maybe you answered the wrong article. is Christianity theistically monistic?

Mar 30, 2002

i demand an apology. Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Apr 01, 2002

well then. wiccan woes

Apr 01, 2002

I disagree. wiccan woes

Apr 01, 2002

I have no qualms is Christianity theistically monistic?

Apr 01, 2002

you and your plebs Blade II And The Twilight Of Science

Apr 01, 2002

sir! Communism makes sense

Apr 02, 2002

plebs encore Blade II And The Twilight Of Science

Apr 02, 2002

well come on Open the champagne, Elenchos!

Apr 02, 2002

dear Lord, can you even read? n/t It's April 1 everyone

Apr 02, 2002

this totally rox Libby Hoeler, You Fuckwhore

Apr 03, 2002

listen, you. Open the champagne, Elenchos!

Apr 03, 2002

not that Pagans have ever Serious Inquiry about Paganism

Apr 04, 2002

quite so. The Treason of Creationism

Apr 05, 2002

oh, come on The Treason of Creationism

Apr 05, 2002

my God, he's right The Treason of Creationism

Apr 06, 2002

IQ The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 06, 2002

oh come on The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 06, 2002

my favorite Music

Apr 06, 2002

no doubt Adequacy. Can we make it even better ?

Apr 06, 2002

check it The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 06, 2002

sorry, can't talk anymore The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 06, 2002

funny thing British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 07, 2002

ok, so educate me. n/t British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 07, 2002

you wouldn't say that Music

Apr 08, 2002

philistine. Music

Apr 08, 2002

hmmm. Music

Apr 08, 2002

you are such a troll The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 08, 2002

you know what? you're right The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 08, 2002

at Los Alamos, The Treason of Creationism

Apr 08, 2002

watch me refute you. The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 09, 2002

yeah, that's what I was talking about n/t The Treason of Creationism

Apr 09, 2002

ever listen to Music

Apr 09, 2002

come, come, What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 09, 2002

feel proud! British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 09, 2002

that may have been the idea later... Music

Apr 09, 2002

three salient points Racism is bad?

Apr 09, 2002

listen, you Music

Apr 09, 2002

sorry Music

Apr 09, 2002

pish Protect Our Children Now

Apr 09, 2002

you are wrong Welcome Kuro5hin refugees!

Apr 09, 2002

you are wrong, NAWL Welcome Kuro5hin refugees!

Apr 09, 2002

current archaeological thought What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 10, 2002

depends. God and High Society

Apr 10, 2002

in any case Protect Our Children Now

Apr 10, 2002

bah Protect Our Children Now

Apr 10, 2002

moron Protect Our Children Now

Apr 10, 2002

oh heavens. Welcome Kuro5hin refugees!

Apr 10, 2002

you never know God and High Society

Apr 10, 2002

Georgians are all clinically insane What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 10, 2002

I don't Welcome Kuro5hin refugees!

Apr 11, 2002

grammar question Springtime = Sex

Apr 11, 2002

sigh Welcome Kuro5hin refugees!

Apr 11, 2002

clue God and High Society

Apr 11, 2002

-1, shoeboy&chloedancer n/t Paging Dr. Science, paging Dr. Science...

Apr 11, 2002

better, but still not good Protect Our Children Now

Apr 11, 2002

he was last seen Trustworthy Computing !?!

Apr 11, 2002

so I take it Springtime = Sex

Apr 11, 2002

of course, you're right Trustworthy Computing !?!

Apr 11, 2002

quite; yet, Springtime = Sex

Apr 11, 2002

hmmm God and High Society

Apr 11, 2002

hmmm Springtime = Sex

Apr 11, 2002

you are a liberalist! Springtime = Sex

Apr 11, 2002

I should be clear Springtime = Sex

Apr 11, 2002

McLuhan owns your ass Protect Our Children Now

Apr 11, 2002

soem favourites Adequacy Quotes

Apr 12, 2002

error! error! Springtime = Sex

Apr 13, 2002

'announce to the world?' Springtime = Sex

Apr 13, 2002

hmmm Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 14, 2002

six? Springtime = Sex

Apr 14, 2002

the macadam is the massage Protect Our Children Now

Apr 14, 2002

fools! [I am saddened that] the Hypermints are gone.

Apr 15, 2002

careful... [I am saddened that] the Hypermints are gone.

Apr 15, 2002

rule of thumb, eh? n/t What IS adequacy all about????

Apr 16, 2002

yawn yawn yawn What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 16, 2002

sweet steaming The time is right

Apr 16, 2002

you have misunderstood religion Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 17, 2002

RTFM! Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 18, 2002

madness Where are we going?

Apr 18, 2002

you know, Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 18, 2002

why do April madness

Apr 18, 2002

rarely do I feel Bye, Ass

Apr 18, 2002

sir, Attn: Yoshi

Apr 18, 2002

Good Lord. On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Apr 19, 2002

at last, I can post here April madness

Apr 19, 2002

humbug On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Apr 19, 2002

I don't blame you. April madness

Apr 20, 2002

isn't it wonderful Glasses make people ugly.

Apr 20, 2002

Ghost Dog, eh? Secret World Conspiricy Revealed!!!

Apr 20, 2002

at this point, Protect Our Children Now

Apr 20, 2002

I didn't miss anything Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 20, 2002

your problem is Attn: Yoshi

Apr 21, 2002

OT Attn: Yoshi

Apr 21, 2002

fine Attn: Yoshi

Apr 21, 2002

if you speak only to provoke Who is your favorite assassinated politician?

Apr 21, 2002

prolly New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 22, 2002

hiply SEXY thank you complaint

Apr 22, 2002

I sense hostility. New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 22, 2002

not quite Secret World Conspiricy Revealed!!!

Apr 23, 2002

quite so. Innovation

Apr 23, 2002

I couldn't tell you Secret World Conspiricy Revealed!!!

Apr 23, 2002

you didn't really The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 23, 2002

there's only one flaw in might makes right New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 23, 2002

hmmm New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 24, 2002

computer knowledge New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 24, 2002

Urdu? New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 24, 2002

juvenile The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 24, 2002

in any case New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 24, 2002

don't strain yourself My Journey Through Linux Hell

Apr 24, 2002

pah Leave Linux to the Geeks

Apr 25, 2002

for one thing The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 25, 2002

what about Satan? The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 25, 2002

fools! Spikey-Haired Asian Chicks

Apr 26, 2002

no way, pal Spikey-Haired Asian Chicks

Apr 26, 2002

you speak as though Polyurethane Condoms?

Apr 26, 2002

vignette Polyurethane Condoms?

Apr 26, 2002

have you read Polyurethane Condoms?

Apr 26, 2002

what about My Journey Through Linux Hell

Apr 26, 2002

I'm not sure Spikey-Haired Asian Chicks

Apr 26, 2002

careful... Spikey-Haired Asian Chicks

Apr 26, 2002

oh stop grandstanding The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 27, 2002

it doesn't work Am I a 75-cent whore?

Apr 27, 2002

moron The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 27, 2002

you seem to fancy yourself The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 28, 2002

christian existentialism The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 28, 2002

why bother posting this? Nya Nya Nya

Apr 28, 2002

kuro5hin... I should've known better...

Apr 29, 2002

spank, spank, spank The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 29, 2002

relevant link Reasserting America's Manhood

Apr 29, 2002

The way it is: The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 29, 2002

funny thing Nya Nya Nya

Apr 29, 2002

...left by Hats off to em

Apr 29, 2002

well then Nya Nya Nya

Apr 29, 2002

not exactly Hats off to em

Apr 29, 2002

pithy, witty comment Declaration of War

Apr 29, 2002

as a human being Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

Apr 30, 2002

pardon me, sir Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

Apr 30, 2002

I'm a fountain of charity The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 30, 2002

Logic 101, my dove The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 30, 2002

a gedanken-experiment from a word in the parent: If it ain't broke...break it!

Apr 30, 2002

what's the matter? If it ain't broke...break it!

Apr 30, 2002

duh Where the Depravity Begins

Apr 30, 2002

it was obviously you The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 30, 2002

so is you're grammar. Where the Depravity Begins

May 01, 2002

so this is what my kindness gets me. Where the Depravity Begins

May 01, 2002

funny thing The Incontrovertible Existence of God

May 01, 2002

oh come on Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 01, 2002

lame Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 01, 2002

so what? Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 01, 2002

I only belittle The Incontrovertible Existence of God

May 01, 2002

request Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 01, 2002

counterpoint Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 01, 2002

listen you Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 01, 2002

I'll assume you're not trolling, The Incontrovertible Existence of God

May 01, 2002

dear idiot New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

May 01, 2002

homophobia Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 02, 2002

methinks etc etc Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 02, 2002

I'm really more of a Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 02, 2002

wtf man give me advice.

May 02, 2002

before I changed my ways, Why can't I get a second date?

May 02, 2002

sounds like they are such skeptics Where the Depravity Begins

May 02, 2002

oh please give me advice.

May 02, 2002

oops, Vandalism in the PRC

May 02, 2002

in my opinion Nathan VS SR? Who won the debate?

May 02, 2002

trotsky Vandalism in the PRC

May 03, 2002

how odd. Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 03, 2002

there is no "Stockhausen" Why can't I get a second date?

May 04, 2002

hurf burf duh! This is sick

May 04, 2002

sex is Lynchian Why can't I get a second date?

May 04, 2002

comrade! Happy Mayday!

May 05, 2002

sir, Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 06, 2002

maybe that is true for me Canada rules!

May 06, 2002

obviously Square bacchanal

May 06, 2002

five points Happy Tango-no-Sekku!

May 07, 2002

hey! hands off hauntedattics! Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 07, 2002

that's enough out of you Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 07, 2002

well well Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 07, 2002

great work, perdida! Koleen Brooks Has Got The Right Stuff

May 07, 2002

you're wrong Adequacy is like sex

May 07, 2002

don't try it here, Captain Bumass Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 08, 2002

nuts to you Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 08, 2002

quite the contrary Koleen Brooks Has Got The Right Stuff

May 08, 2002

hmmm Why can't I get a second date?

May 09, 2002

don't forget Koleen Brooks Has Got The Right Stuff

May 09, 2002

no offense babe Finally here

May 09, 2002

that's rich Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 11, 2002

confused Dearest Adequacy Readers,

May 11, 2002

I would assume A Replacement for C++?

May 11, 2002

nonsense! Dearest Adequacy Readers,

May 11, 2002

two points. Dearest Adequacy Readers,

May 11, 2002

maybe I have this wrong Report from the War Department.

May 11, 2002

I know you must be joking Burma Shave!

May 11, 2002

duh Burma Shave!

May 12, 2002

riiiight. A Replacement for C++?

May 12, 2002

hurm What is the more superfluous gender?

May 12, 2002

I don't think we need to hear Brilliant Kuro5hin article.

May 12, 2002

funny thing Burma Shave!

May 13, 2002

what about go? nt Dearest Adequacy Readers,

May 14, 2002

rebuttal What happened?

May 14, 2002

what the hell is wrong with you, Spring-Time is the Gaiest Time!

May 14, 2002

don't you get it, dude? Spring-Time is the Gaiest Time!

May 14, 2002

pish What happened?

May 15, 2002

much obliged n/t Spring-Time is the Gaiest Time!

May 15, 2002

Dear Sir Mr because it isnt Sir, Linux Zealot (almost) Makes a Friend

May 15, 2002

on the contrary Educating Miss Adequacy

May 15, 2002

could be Linux Zealot (almost) Makes a Friend

May 15, 2002

be all that as it may What happened?

May 15, 2002

quite so Educating Miss Adequacy

May 16, 2002

I don't know about squirrel Hottest Aussie Hottie ?

May 17, 2002

not so. No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 17, 2002

well, as the Lublin Thomists teach us, Hottest Aussie Hottie ?

May 17, 2002

maybe things are different in Russia 5,000 posts. ~5,000 idiots.

May 18, 2002

good point 5,000 posts. ~5,000 idiots.

May 18, 2002

he could find other stuff The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 18, 2002

unsatisfactory Anakin Loses a Hand

May 21, 2002

C S Lew15 0wnz j00! n/t No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 21, 2002

you are so right. The Dark Side of Cancer

May 21, 2002

hmmm The Dark Side of Cancer

May 22, 2002

dude!!! The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 22, 2002

obviously... The Dark Side of Cancer

May 23, 2002

the good doctor... The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 23, 2002

I must say The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 23, 2002

quite The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 23, 2002

Let me clear something up The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 24, 2002

OT The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 24, 2002

so Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 26, 2002

izzat so? Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 26, 2002

HAHA j00 sux0rs! Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 28, 2002

I agree The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 28, 2002

troll n/t Silly Quote

May 28, 2002

how did you find that first link? Silly Quote

May 28, 2002

Bernays n/t God Bless you your Majesty, salutes you!

May 29, 2002

I'm moving to Parkdale on the 1st. Hedonist seeks pleasure advice.

May 30, 2002

please, sir The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 30, 2002

troll Hedonist seeks pleasure advice.

May 31, 2002

you must be addled by onanism The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 31, 2002

cool. Hedonist seeks pleasure advice.

Jun 01, 2002

it's worth noting PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 01, 2002

maybe 'insularity' would have been better n/t w0w I must be 1337 h4X0r

Jun 01, 2002

you idiot. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 01, 2002

fascinating! Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 01, 2002

I am not joking PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 02, 2002

duh! PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 02, 2002

pop quiz PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 03, 2002

$60k per year Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 05, 2002

some things to consider My rant on religon

Jun 05, 2002

pfah On why Pearl is not like natural language (Part I)

Jun 05, 2002

thanks for your consideration Sauda��es!

Jun 05, 2002

well, yeah Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 07, 2002

pish My rant on religon

Jun 07, 2002

there was this party in Transylvania Sauda��es!

Jun 07, 2002

you misunderstand Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 11, 2002

hey, fuck off My rant on religon

Jun 11, 2002

if you're comfortable being 0wnz0r3d... Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 11, 2002

not to mention Ancient History for Ignorant Americans

Jun 11, 2002

but my point is Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 11, 2002

take it from me Ancient History for Ignorant Americans

Jun 11, 2002

not all that Marxist I Am A Criminal Suspect (Apparently)

Jun 14, 2002

miscegenation A final solution to the problem of Evil

Jun 18, 2002

the Romans sorted out the NORMANS? Time for great celebration!!!!

Jun 18, 2002

sorry to prick your balloon Don't Do What Scooby-Doo Does

Jun 24, 2002

cretinul bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 24, 2002

yuch Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 24, 2002

sorry for the delayed response, Don't Do What Scooby-Doo Does

Jun 24, 2002

nono bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 25, 2002

not so bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 25, 2002

I'm confused too. Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

abstract thinking bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 25, 2002

why do you hate China? nt Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 25, 2002

care to explain Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 26, 2002

you're right bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 26, 2002

does this mean I win? Trees and Grass. Two more lies of society.

Jun 26, 2002

listen, you prize turkey My rant on religon

Jun 27, 2002

further clarification Innominate is a stupid f*ck

Jul 02, 2002

if you have something to say Tolkien, Star Wars and Jesus Christ

Jul 02, 2002

an open letter Boom City, USA

Jul 03, 2002

now be nice. Boom City, USA

Jul 04, 2002

perhaps A plea from a busy corporate executive

Jul 05, 2002

rated 1 for 'AQ' Americans are arrogant and rude!

Jul 05, 2002 (nt) A plea from a busy corporate executive

Jul 05, 2002

duh... A plea from a busy corporate executive

Jul 05, 2002

perhaps an analogy A plea from a busy corporate executive

Jul 06, 2002

5, 'leech' spelled correctly (nt) A Brief Explanation of the Adequacy Comment Ratings System

Jul 08, 2002

you're denying the existence of private protocols? A plea from a busy corporate executive

Jul 08, 2002

be careful with this user Analysis of The Beast and a friendlier BG?

Jul 08, 2002

rated 1 for 'AQ' (nt) A Brief Explanation of the Adequacy Comment Ratings System

Jul 11, 2002

referring to yourself in the third person? Analysis of The Beast and a friendlier BG?

Jul 11, 2002

hi haunted! Americans are arrogant and rude!

Jul 12, 2002

indeed Analysis of The Beast and a friendlier BG?

Jul 13, 2002

the Crusades Tolkien, Star Wars and Jesus Christ

Jul 13, 2002

wait a minute Americans are arrogant and rude!

Jul 19, 2002

maybe it's supposed to be Damn them.

Jul 22, 2002

give me a break Dealing with Nazism in the Workplace

Jul 22, 2002

FYI Dealing with Nazism in the Workplace

Jul 22, 2002

Mr Tolstoy! Dealing with Nazism in the Workplace

Jul 22, 2002

further reading Dealing with Nazism in the Workplace

Jul 22, 2002

really. What will the lunix apologists make of this ?

Jul 22, 2002

hurm Linux Zealot Gets Laid

Jul 22, 2002

translation, please? Sirs,

Jul 22, 2002

up to you. Linux Zealot Gets Laid

Jul 23, 2002

intimate letters I am dating a liberalist

Jul 23, 2002

these types do some atheists hate religion?

Jul 23, 2002

Christ, don't be anti-Social. nt do some atheists hate religion?

Jul 23, 2002

at this point Circle of Hell?

Jul 23, 2002

Q: A New Kind of Feminist Science

Jul 29, 2002

logic I am dating a liberalist

Jul 29, 2002

duh Dear Sirs,

Jul 29, 2002

don't try to troll me, you filthy karma whore. Dealing with Nazism in the Workplace

Jul 29, 2002

dork Dear Sirs,

Jul 29, 2002

speling: Culture: Sweetcorn and Milton

Jul 30, 2002

silence, insect (nt) Dear Sirs,

Jul 30, 2002

you weren't kidding about the wanking part Dealing with Nazism in the Workplace

Aug 15, 2002

as for 'Kissing Hank's Ass' Prosyletizing Long-Lost Friends

Aug 15, 2002

sorry, I'm tired Prosyletizing Long-Lost Friends

Aug 26, 2002

drugs eSolutions Discovers His Own Anatomy

Aug 27, 2002

+5, hauntedattics (nt) I s God punishing my parents?

Aug 29, 2002

Q: what does his comment mean? eSolutions Discovers His Own Anatomy

Aug 29, 2002

ever heard Rock vs Pop

Aug 29, 2002

dear mr tkatchev sir Rock vs Pop

Aug 30, 2002

spelling flame The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Aug 30, 2002

get with the times, friend Shit or Get Off the Pot

Aug 30, 2002

the other side of the coin I hate myself and I want to die

Aug 30, 2002

dear mr asshole sir I hate myself and I want to die

Aug 30, 2002

you can't fool me The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Aug 31, 2002

music-hall songs Rock vs Pop

Sep 02, 2002

Brazil Why we should make all guns illegal

Sep 02, 2002

I'm confused Why we should make all guns illegal

Sep 02, 2002

I didn't realise The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Sep 02, 2002

possibly The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Sep 03, 2002

'What is the world, O soldiers?' why you should make me an adequacy editor

Sep 03, 2002

I am familiar with Romanian culture Shit or Get Off the Pot

Sep 03, 2002

bah Engineers, the silent, Anti-Social Killers

Sep 03, 2002

ever read anything by Dambudzo Marechara? Shit or Get Off the Pot

Sep 04, 2002

fuck off Engineers, the silent, Anti-Social Killers

Sep 04, 2002

vouz Plumbing the Depths of Your Patience

Sep 04, 2002

dammit Plumbing the Depths of Your Patience

Sep 04, 2002

art is a hell of a lot more All young women want to be artists

Sep 05, 2002

well, there was lots of bad art All young women want to be artists

Sep 05, 2002

hmm All young women want to be artists

Sep 05, 2002

you are a moron Criticism of Israel is the same as anti-Semitism

Sep 05, 2002

dear mr 'Indy' you idiot, My roommate is gay! My roommate is a drunk.

Sep 06, 2002

what about Adequacy Interview With Linux Torvalds

Sep 07, 2002

this is a classic liberal fallacy A thought on Christianity.

Sep 07, 2002

dear sir A thought on Christianity.

Sep 07, 2002

dear mr bcii sir, Fun with bible scriptures!

Sep 07, 2002

dear mr Incision sir On nations and ethic groups

Sep 07, 2002

well, as they say, My roommate is gay! My roommate is a drunk.

Sep 07, 2002

dear mr bcii sir, A thought on Christianity.

Sep 07, 2002

so, to restate On nations and ethic groups

Sep 07, 2002

well then Fun with bible scriptures!

Sep 09, 2002

you're missing the point Fun with bible scriptures!

Sep 09, 2002

idiot this was a waste of time

Sep 09, 2002

let's start with this On nations and ethic groups

Sep 09, 2002

elenchos Am I a grown-up?

Sep 10, 2002

what must you think On nations and ethic groups

Sep 10, 2002

different brown-people book Question for The Mad Scientist

Sep 10, 2002

look, this is not all that original Fun with bible scriptures!

Sep 10, 2002

point taken. On nations and ethic groups

Sep 10, 2002

don't even get me started Am I a grown-up?

Sep 10, 2002

bad style Caytie, My Porsché Cayenne

Sep 10, 2002

personally I just enjoy Question for The Mad Scientist

Sep 10, 2002

hurm Caytie, My Porsché Cayenne

Sep 10, 2002

one more kick at the cat Fun with bible scriptures!

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