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 Snowboarding, color copier

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Dec 27, 2001
So I'm going snowboarding tomorrow at a ski resort that is run by assholes. Assholes are the only people who charge $57 for a lift ticket. And they have to rub it in by making the student discounted price the same as an adult lift ticket! So here is our (my friends and I) plan...

More diaries by threshold
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Snowboarding + girlie = this diary
We go to Staples or office store equilvelant and buy a color copier. Then when we buy one lift ticket tomorrow. Photo copy it on to Avery label sticker paper, kind that is like the real lift ticket. Then use that and sell the real lift ticket for slight less then face value to someone who is going to buy their own. "It was for a buddy who didn't show up," should suffice. Then after a full day of snowboarding for free we return the color copier to Staples for a full refund, "we no longer have need for this item."

So will this work? I think so, but I'm curious to know what kind of trouble we'll get in if we get caught. Probably just kicked off the mountain.

Hold on. (none / 0) (#1)
by tkatchev on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 07:37:55 AM PST
Most European ski resorts have electronic turnstiles and magnetic pass-cards.

Interestingly enough -- compared to Europe, the U.S. is incredibly backward in terms of technology. For example, coin-operated payphones are non-existent in Europe; nowadays, most payphones in Europe feature all sorts of weird web-access terminals and other network goodies. Cell-phone penetration in the U.S. is also stoneage, compared to Europe. Same thing with network cable and DSL connectivity.

I think this has something to do with geography.

Peace and much love...

techs (none / 0) (#4)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 06:10:27 PM PST
Canada is, from my opinion sitting right between the US and Europe for technology at ski hills. Many of our big hills have the magnetic passes. As for phone technology, most pay phones up here have data ports for internet connection, our cell penetration is at 90% of the population and as for DSL serices, we're WAY AHEAD of the states. Most cities in Canada have high speed DSL connectivity offered by either our biggest phone company: Bell or Cable DSL from Rogers or Shaw.

90% (none / 0) (#5)
by nathan on Sat Dec 29th, 2001 at 07:16:52 AM PST
I doubt this figure. Maybe for Toronto - maybe. Certainly not for anywhere between Vancouver and Toronto, not to mention most of the Atlantic provinces.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Do you usually post diaries to more than one site? (5.00 / 1) (#2)
by RobotSlave on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 11:01:47 AM PST
I realize that you're just trying to do a bit of research here, and get as much feedback as possible, but I think this sort of thing might be frowned upon by the adequacy editors.

As to the plan:
  • Where are you going to plug in the copier?
  • Spend five minutes googling around for the name of the ski area plus words like "arrested," "conterfeit," "lift ticket," and so on. Some areas call the cops every time they catch someone.
  • The morons they hire to check the tickets are instructed to be a little more vigilant during the holidays. Do a decent job of it.
  • Make sure your copier can print onto labels without problems.
  • If you can, buy labels with several different finishes-- some tickets are glossy, some are matte.
  • It's rare to resell a ticket for more than ten or fifteen bucks, and people do get caught doing it. Consider omitting this step.

When you're done with all this, add up all the time you've spent driving to the store, picking out and returning the copier, and forging the tickets, and then let us know what the total is. Also let us know how many tickets you made, how much you spent on the genuine ticket, how much you sold it for (if applicable), how much you paid for labels, and how much it costs you to return the copier (restocking fee, tax, etc).

I want to know what a counterfeiter's time is worth.

© 2002, RobotSlave. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

Googled... (none / 0) (#3)
by threshold on Thu Dec 27th, 2001 at 11:40:36 AM PST
I searched on Google a bit, and found these two links, and I went to page 10. Those were the only two with anyone getting caught, no pages on people doing it, like posting their results. I did see some pages on preventing it, but they were mostly company pages suggesting solutions, high tech cards, holograms and such. I also read two wired articles on loosly relating to the subject. But both just talked about smart cards been using to keep track of guest and letting them by shit, as well as stopping counterfeiting. Ironic though that the two of the six places the quoted still sold regular paper tickets. Thanks for pointing that stuff out though.


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