Will you kindly explain, if AOL, Microsoft, and IBM are against me, why do I see Linux in EVERY single IBM commercial? Why is IBM dumping it's version of UNIX (AIX) soon to use Linux in all of it's high-end database servers? Why do sites like Yahoo, Google, even this site run on FREE UNIXes? Why does AOL use Sun's UNIX on their website?
I'll tell you why. Microsoft's "Server software" is vastly inferior to any UNIX, not just Linux. Have you ever used MSN Messenger? Do you know why it constantly "goes down for maintenance?" Because they run the servers on Microsoft software and as we all know, Windows ALWAYS wants to reboot. Another example - the "Code Red" worm affects ONLY IIS, Microsoft's Web Server. Microsoft's Software, at least as servers, is much less stable, and requires more babysitting.
All of Windows, servers and desktop machines, are insecure. There may be security bugs in some Unix software packages, but have you ever heard of a VIRUS on Linux? Of course not, because it can't be done. There is a new Outlook e-mail virus every week. I can tell you because I support Windows at a help desk. It's WAY too easy to "break" a Windows machine.
Just to point out, there are many UNIXes that you pay for (Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, SGI's IRIX, and HP's HPUX. It's not all "communist"
- Pete
Bread + Egg Nog = Bread Nog