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 Just who is Mr Gibbons?

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Dec 19, 2001
I really do wonder if all the (and at this point the S**t hits the fan) Hackers/Hackerz/Crackers/Crackerz out there, who felt so strongly about Mr G's wonderful story, ever took the time out to think (this is where you use your brain and not your voice, using which ever spoken language your subconscious wants to use) about the following questions before getting all worked up:
    1. Just who is this guy?
      2. Is it really a guy?
        3. Perhaps this is just another freak story, created by somebody incredible funny and witty, just to see the response that it causes?
          4. != is not quite as annoying as people who insist on using �'s to make faces in their email.
            On a personal point, even though I have little experience with computers compared to the historical escapades of the Hacker/Cracker who perhaps once hacked/cracked NASA just to turn a single letter around (is this a real story or just another urban myth?), I have managed (well I hope I have managed) to include line breaks, paragraphs or what ever you want to call them. And yes it did take 10 or so minutes to work it out, and yes it had loads of errors at the bottom when I was submitting, but I hope it works out OK, or it's just more crap I'll no doubt get later.
              Anyway, I look foward to Mr. Gibbons reply to this, as I look foward to all the abuse I'm no doubt going to get o�o

              A big load of BS (1.00 / 2) (#1)
              by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 05:49:36 AM PST
              i dun know who this gibbons guy is but all i can say about monkey mans article on hacking is it is the biggest load of bs i have ever read and im not sure where he got that info from, prolly out of his ass :P, but as i can say linux is a sweet os and is running on at least 50% of all the webservers in the world and at my house out of my 10 computers 8 of em run on various versions of linux, and plus linux is used because it is hard to hack not only used by hackers, so there get some sense into your head go out learn some shit about computers and then think about your comments you made.

              Wake up (5.00 / 1) (#3)
              by westgeof on Wed Dec 19th, 2001 at 07:53:29 AM PST
              The tagline for Adequacy is 'News for Grown-ups,' so until you can learn to speak like one I'd suggest you stay off your parents' computer and go back to you nintendo.

              You say the article is untrue, yet fail to give even a single example, along with evidence to prove that said example is false. Linux may be 'sweet' as you say, and you're entitled to that opinion. In my opinion Linux is completely useless; all it allows you to do is run pseudo-unix on a system not designed for it. If you want Unix, which is a good system for professional programmers, buy a c