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 Linux Zealot in the Future

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jan 14, 2002
One of the primary topics of my PhD thesis in anthropology deals with the users of Lorenzo Torrovádez'1 hacker operating system Linux. During my research, I have uncovered several interesting disorders which cripple the minds of all Linux zealots. For one, Linux zealots are entirely resistant to change or progress of any sort. They tend to spend as much of their times as possible in their parents' basements, where the scenery seldom changes. They refuse to adopt new technologies such as graphical user interfaces or 3D graphics acceleration. They even refuse to change their own clothes, no matter how rank and disgusting they become.

More stories about Linux Zealot
Linux Zealot - The Internet's most controversial cartoon superhero
Linux Zealot is Busted
Linux Zealot learns a valuable lesson.
Linux Zealot sticks to his guns.
Linux Zealot goes to the Movies
Linux Zealot Gets Educated
Linux Zealot and Economics 101
Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.
Linux Zealot (almost) Makes a Friend
Linux Zealot needs a job
Linux Zealot Gets Laid
Linux Zealot contributes to the Open Source Community
Linux Zealot Takes a Bath
Linux Zealot vs the RIAA.

More stories by

The Mythical Man-Meat
2001: A Historical Odyssey
A lot of this behaviour can be traced back to the shortcomings of the open-source development model. Due to its chaotic and unstructured nature, Linux and other open-source projects evolve at a much slower rate than their closed-source counterparts. Linux zealots, afraid of change and unable to afford superior proprietary products, instead make up strings of excuses in a vain attempt to convince themselves that their free software is better.

But my words are boring you. My thesis can be best represented in the following high-quality cartoon.

1 Note that "Lorenzo Torrov�ldez" is only one of many possible transliterations from the original Southeastern Armenian alphabet of Torrov�ldez' birthplace. Do not flame me for spelling errors; I am aware that there more common transliterations, but my own is closer aesthetically to the Armenian original.
2 Segway® is a registered trademark of Dean Kamen. Rosie and The Jetsons™ are trademarks of Hanna-Barbera Corporation. Linux® is a trademark of Lorenzo Torrov�ldez. Linux Zealot® is a registered trademark of All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

and you sir (none / 0) (#10)
by Husaria on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 02:48:56 PM PST
no nothing of proper grammer or spelling
Sig sigger

SPELLING FALME (none / 0) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:08:57 PM PST

JeffK (none / 0) (#13)
by Yoshi on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 04:21:03 PM PST
JeffK was funny.... never. Please, move along, and emulate someone or something of equal maturity. Maybe you can revive the "all your base" fever.

Really? (none / 0) (#74)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:41:46 PM PST
JeffK? I must be showing my age, I thought it was B1FF.

Greatest LZ Ever (none / 0) (#12)
by MessiahWWKD on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 03:49:53 PM PST
This is truly a masterpiece. Besides the excellent of a very possible future, unless the liberals are able to break up Microsoft and anoint Steve "Dead Beat Dad" Jobs as their new god, I also love the translucent backgrounds, which cannot be done in Linux due to the limitations of X10. The art is spectacular. It was obviously done by a professional.
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

A request (5.00 / 2) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 05:42:18 PM PST
I enjoy reading insightful technical articles like this one, however in future I hope the staff could refrain from posting such vulgar and disturbing imagery right on the front page.

Thank you.

I apologise; there should have been a warning. (none / 0) (#16)
by flarners on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:00:21 PM PST
But alas, sometimes otherwise inappropriate content must be linked to for the sake of making a point. (Don't click that link, btw.)
I told everyone we should have a witch-hunt, but they wanted to have a good old-fashioned book burning instead

about Linux (none / 0) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 05:56:18 PM PST
First of all I would like to start out by saying that I to have am writing my thesis for my Ph.D., my second Ph.D. I find your comments about Linux to be very amusing, and somewhat scary. Amusing because it is obvious that you know absolutely nothing about computers, specifically, Operating Systems, Scary because you may actually believe that what your saying isn't TOTAL B.S. I happen to be a very avid user of Windows operating systems. I can tell from reading your passage that you have never used a finished version of the Linux Operating System. Unlike most Windows models, Linux is able to run for longer times with little or no crashes or what Windows refers to as "Blue Screens of Death". Linux has better security systemsa and standards along with sophisticated software interfaces. All in all i would rank Linux as equal, if not better than Windows. By the way, to those Adults that may be readind this site to learn about computers. I STRONGLY suggest that you stear clear of these particular Stereotyping Websites. And Finally, Linux is not a hacking Tool, not is it used by hackers to gain access to others computers. This is because windows operating sytems make it much easier to use Trojan Virues, Worms, and DOSing programs. If any hacker chooses to use Linux it would have to do with the knowledge they have about the securest operating systems....LINUX

la-la-la (5.00 / 1) (#17)
by osm on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 06:29:09 PM PST
First of all I would like to start out by saying that I to have am writing my thesis for my Ph.D.

In what? Hallucinogenics Studies? I hope your thesis doesn't exhibit the grammar and spelling of a twelve year old. Not to mention it would be nice if it had some fucking W H I T E S P A C E.

because you may actually believe that what your saying isn't TOTAL B.S.

Yeah, God forbid somebody actually say what they think. (incidentally "your" should be "you're").

Linux has better security systemsa and standards along with sophisticated software interfaces.

Better than what? An Atari 2600? Hell, that isn't even true.

I STRONGLY suggest that you stear clear of these particular Stereotyping Websites.

Quite the contrary, this is exactly the sort of website such a person should visit. We give you the facts. Plain and simple. No sugar coating. No gooey nuget. No political correctness. This is the world at its rawest form. People should come to this place if they want the facts without the sort of blind zealotry you share with our friend Linux Zealot.

And Finally, Linux is not a hacking Tool, not is it used by hackers to gain access to others computers.

If that sentence made any sense at all, I'm sure it would be a complete lie.

This is because windows operating sytems make it much easier to use Trojan Virues, Worms, and DOSing programs.

Very funny. I've never once had such problems with Windows, while every linux system I've seen running was plagued with all manner of system-crushing problems. For the love of God, it actually ENCOURAGES multiple users per system!! What the hell kind of security is that??

pipe down (1.00 / 2) (#25)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:54:22 PM PST
Oh shut up osm. You know even less than the other cosksuckers that "run" this site. The only editor/system admin with any decent knowledge would be elby. It amazes me how you all can claim to be intellectuals but you spend all day here. Do you have jobs?

I object! (5.00 / 2) (#30)
by nathan on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:11:55 PM PST
Although I do not run this site, I am compelled to stand up for osm. What's wrong with sucking cosks? Indeed, many of our nation's finest frat boys have sucked many a pint of creamy, frothy amber liquid out of stout, rotund cosks; not excluding the President of the USA, I'm sure. Is there any sight so stirring to the eye as a freshly-tapped cosk bursting forth, erumpent, full-bodied, virile?

(The answer is, "no, there is not," by the way.)

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

No, There Is Not (none / 0) (#34)
by doofus on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 09:11:31 PM PST
Is there any sight so stirring to the eye as a freshly-tapped cosk bursting forth, erumpent, full-bodied, virile?

No, there is not, I say. None whatsoever.

Except maybe for a hacked website run on Apache.

is it... (none / 0) (#35)
by nathan on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 09:27:48 PM PST
...full-bodied, erumpent, virile?

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

tell me (1.00 / 2) (#26)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:00:40 PM PST
linux encourage multiple users? And Microsoft/Windows doesn't? Let's see:

Windows 9x
Windows Me
Windows NT Server/Workstation
Windows 2000 Professional/Server/Adv. Server/Datacanter
Windows Home/XP (gee what's all that fast user switching about?)

They're all multi-user OSes you dumb cunt.

Multi-user OS (none / 0) (#57)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:28:00 AM PST
Multi-user means a little more than saving your pathetic desktop settings in a separate folder my friend.

Go play with your screensaver or something

you mean (1.00 / 1) (#70)
by NAWL on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:00:55 PM PST
You mean like controlling access to various network and local resources? Can do that in Windows which is a multi-user OS.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

Multi-user OS (none / 0) (#115)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 02:44:28 AM PST
Well NAWL, you seem to knwo the location of Webopedia. Why didn't you bother to check the definition there - or just trolling again?

I'm yet to see a Windos that supports multiple simultaneous users.


Stop Rooting Each Other's Asses over there (1.00 / 1) (#28)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:05:42 PM PST
For the love of God, it actually ENCOURAGES multiple users per system!! What the hell kind of security is that??

you forget that WinXP encourages mulitple users

StarOffice > M$ OFfice

No for my true feelings about you dumb all are a bunch of mother fucking dumbass, tree fucking, mother fucking, anal rapists, shitty shithead, ass rimming faggot who make me wish I wasn't a republican

gentlemen, the evidence (none / 0) (#33)
by nathan on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:18:27 PM PST
If posts like this one are left up, can you imagine the ones that the adequacy editors are forced to take down? (No doubt out of simple decency and a desire to spare the gentle reader's tenderer emotions.)

As for the AR to whom I am responding:
Sticks and stones
May break [osm's] bones,
But words will never hurt [him.]

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

OSM.... (none / 0) (#67)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:09:49 AM PST
No gooey nuget
Nougat. You have fallen, sir—just a few short sentences after you lambasted him for his spelling.

I'm disillusioned.

Mmmmmmmmmm, Nougat (none / 0) (#73)
by osm on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:33:52 PM PST
I bought a six pack of Snickers bars after writing that. I'm still quivering from the opiate-like effects.

One thing (5.00 / 1) (#19)
by flarners on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:05:21 PM PST
While esteemed Adequacy editor osm has already addressed a number of your concerns, there is one factual error in your post I feel it is my duty to correct:
This is because windows operating sytems make it much easier to use [...] DOSing programs.
As a PhD candidate, I feel you should know that with the release of Windows XP, there are no longer any DOS programs included with the Windows Operating System. Thank you.
I told everyone we should have a witch-hunt, but they wanted to have a good old-fashioned book burning instead

Yeah...Right. (none / 0) (#22)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:38:47 PM PST
Just to inform you, Mr. High-and-Mighty, Windows XP actually introduced my friend to hacking. This is because he found several hacker's tools in the OS.
"And the box said 'Windows 95 required' so I bought Linux."

"hacker tools" (none / 0) (#95)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:07:48 PM PST
ALL good administration tools are good hacker tools...

Get a clue you fuck face (1.00 / 1) (#23)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:47:34 PM PST
......DOS.... He is talking about Distributed Denial Of Service attacks, not DOS programs.... and yes DOS programs still exist.... open a Command Window in XP and type ipconfig...... I don't see any windows pop up... it's a full console application. You're as stupid as the author of this retarded article... So get a clue you fuck face..... I hope you get a worm in your next email asshole fuckin MS user..... None of you have ever tried Linux.... if you did, you would know that everything everyone always bashes here are lies.....

uh yeah (none / 0) (#27)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:05:01 PM PST
NT based OSes don't necessarily include DOS programs because they don't have any underlying DOS like all previous Windows OSes.

However you can run MSDOS programs in an NT based OSes (WinNT, 2000, XP) using the New Technologies Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM).

Oh and just so you know NT = New Technologies

Also when he mentioned DOSing I believe he meant DoSing. DoS = Denial of Service.

NT? (none / 0) (#45)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 11:14:57 PM PST
NetWork dumbshit

oh man (none / 0) (#51)
by NAWL on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:02:01 AM PST
Oh yeah that's right. NT of Windows NT stands for NetWork, ok.

Yeah and I guess NTFS stands for NetWork File System then right? WRONG, jackass! That's NFS. NTFS stands for New Technology File System. Hell boot Windows 2000 (NT5) some time. It's right there dumbshit! Damn you have got to be dumber that a premature ejaculated fetus trying to crawl up its mother's leg.

Well looky here
A version of the Windows operating system. Windows NT (New Technology) is a 32-bit operating system that supports preemptive multitasking.

There are actually two versions of Windows NT: Windows NT Server, designed to act as a server in networks, and Windows NT Workstation for stand-alone or client workstations.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

PhD? (none / 0) (#102)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 06:20:52 PM PST
Fuck your PhD. You haven't got a fucking clue.

yeah PhD! (none / 0) (#107)
by NAWL on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 07:43:38 PM PST
All the editors and other wackos (ie Cortez) here do have PhDs.

Phoney Diplomas!

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

That's Dr. Cortez you low life fool. (5.00 / 1) (#109)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 05:35:38 PM PST
I do have a PhD, two in fact. One in economics (where my thesis was on Russian Economic Conditions) from Stanford and the other was a painstaking research effort on Neutrino-Muon interactions from University of Washington. I am also an esteemed businessman, and a member of the power elite. You sir seem to be well educated in being a complete, self deluded fool.

Would you please list any PhD's or other educational degree's you have recived from a reputable university? Or perhaps you are ashamed of your GED.

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright � 2002, Martino Cortez.

oh man (none / 0) (#111)
by NAWL on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 08:35:17 PM PST
The point I was making was than anyone has the ability to come on here and claim that they have a PhD in a particular field. Simple because you makes such claims it does not mean that anyone should beleive.

Why should I list anything for you? I am not one to run around like a peacock screaming "look at me, look at me!

And by the way the whole naked typist thing is getting rather old. I would be more inclined to believe that you are the naked typist. You probably sit around reading Guns and Ammo masturbating in your own feces.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

Sir, (5.00 / 1) (#112)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 10:04:30 PM PST
You are borderline trolling. Nowhere did you answer my exact, very specific question: What credentials do you have to post to this forum?

As far as claiming that I am running around like a so called "peacock screaming 'look at me, look at me!'", may I remind you, the only person doing such is yourself. In the last two months, you have posted close to 200 comments (198 to be specific). I have only posted around 100 in my entire lifetime.

Where as you sir have seemed to make yourself the class nerd, I have, as always, skillfully woven myself into the very fabric of this fine community. You sir, have on many, many levels proven yourself to be the most dense, pig-headed fool here. Has it not occured to you that you just might have wasted your valuable life chasing your very own tail? Over the last two months, has it occured to you that you have never, nor will ever prove anything? Why do you persist? Foolishness? No.. it's because you like to run screaming your fool head off "look at me, look at me - I know the facts!!!". That, my dear sir, is pathetic.

Good day to you NAWL sir,

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright � 2002, Martino Cortez.

wow (none / 0) (#113)
by NAWL on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 12:21:38 AM PST
What credentials do you have to post to this forum?

Apparently all you need is to pick a user name and have a valid email address to post here. :)

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

I can vouch for his credentials (5.00 / 1) (#114)
by T Reginald Gibbons on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 01:01:35 AM PST
Dr Cortez's research in the sub-atomic energy field is quite widely referenced. There are no well-informed quantum mechanics who are not aware of him. I take it, then, that you are not as well-versed in quantum physics as you claim to be.

euh.... not entirtly true.... (none / 0) (#116)
by Soyweiser on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 08:17:50 AM PST
if dr cortez is so wildly known, why can i only find this page (other then pages from this site..)
when I search for is name? ("Martino Cortez")

thank u very much...

What a predictable mistake. (none / 0) (#121)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 03:41:59 PM PST
We see it time and time again, don't we? You pasty-faced, semi-autistic twits are so scared to leave your parents' basements that you begin to assume that the entire world is available through your computer network connection.

It never occurs to you that substantial, vital elements in society might not be available for you to steal via the inter-worldly web-net. You fancy yourself part of a "technological elite," when in fact you have less access to advances in science than the little girl at the local library, who can at least have a look at articles of real scientific merit, published in respected, peer-reviewed academic journals.

Oh, the irony. Go ahead, sit there, smug in your knowledge of cold-fusion breakthroughs, 180 mpg carburators, and quantum black-hole time-machine research. I'm sure Dr. Cortez, and his distinguished peers, will come to your door one day, begging for help.

Just sit tight, and keep collecting that information. The world will thank you for it, mark my words.

hehe (none / 0) (#122)
by Soyweiser on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 06:45:23 PM PST
dear ano user, but most things that are intressting are on the net, And even My full name is on the net on sevral occasions.

So if u arn't on the net, u ussualy havent done much in the sience part. (esspecialy in physics and other sientific studies.)

and also, a website that doesn't work, AND google never heard of just dons't exsist. (nor did it ever exsist..

but this is all a big joke and u know it so, goodbye.

I rest my case. (none / 0) (#123)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 06:53:42 PM PST

My ass (none / 0) (#124)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 08:22:51 PM PST
Yea man, there might actually be a martin cortez, but it's definately not you. Someone who has the credentials you speak of would never waste his time posting shit here. Yep, and your posted email is invalid, as well as the domain that it supposedly resides on. dipshit.

"securest(sic) operating system"... linu (none / 0) (#127)
by nx01 on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 12:24:12 AM PST
If any hacker chooses to use Linux it would have to do with the knowledge they have about the securest operating systems....LINUX

Surely you jest.

"Every time I look at the X window system, it's so fucking stupid; and part of me feels responsible for the worst parts of it."
-- James Gosling

Slave? (none / 0) (#18)
by First Incision on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:04:30 PM PST
Mr. RobotSlave, are you aware that your girlfriend has been talking to Linux Zealot? I suggest you keep this bad influence away from such a delicate flower of a robotess.
Do you suffer from late-night hacking? Ask your doctor about Protonix.

I agree. (none / 0) (#21)
by nathan on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:34:33 PM PST
If our submissive automaton associate doesn't take care, he may find himself having to play Al Green and cook Rosie dinner.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Let's get serious here... (none / 0) (#20)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:30:49 PM PST
Ok, guys, I've read several things on your site, and found most, if not all, wrong. As for this current peice of garbage...well, after owning Red Hat Linux for a few months, I must say that their GUI is much more efficient than Windows. Yes, Linux has a GUI. The only possible reason for trashing it is either because you've put you're full fate into one company, a mistake because that will make it a monoply and they might go power-hungry, or Linux is to complicated for you guys because of it's non-user-friendly-but-more-efficient-programming than Windows, whose sole purpose is to make it so simple a child will look like a wiz. Try Linux before you bash it, and only end up making a fool of yourself because of your ignorance. Thank you.

Sir... (none / 0) (#24)
by doofus on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 07:50:10 PM PST
Yes, Linux has a GUI.

The subject of graphical user interfaces and so-called "open source" on Lunix has been discussed with a great deal of insight and clarity in a previous editorial comment exchange on this site.

Not all posters are as ignorant as you seem to think.

I've tried Linux... (none / 0) (#29)
by MessiahWWKD on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:06:46 PM PST
And Windows XP is truly the superior operating system.
Guardian angel, heavenly friend, walk with me 'til the journey's end.

not true (none / 0) (#68)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 09:11:29 AM PST
Actually, even though you'll deny it, Windows XP comes with it's own hacking tools. That's how a friend of mine entered the world of hacking.

Okay then (none / 0) (#118)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 09:43:26 AM PST
> And Windows XP is truly the superior operating system

Justify that.

maybe you mean (none / 0) (#31)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:14:18 PM PST
I think you mean nonLUSER friendly

Burn in hell, as a bearer to false witness (none / 0) (#32)
by leviathan623 on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 08:18:04 PM PST
Nice doctored cartoons. I've never seen more bullshit spewed out by one person in my entire life; not even when viewing WWII propoganda used by Allied and Axis Powers combined. You're so fucking ignorant of linux, taht you don't even now of a GUI for it. But you can use windows. Wow, congratulations. You have the IQ of a mentally challenged person, as the only proof of this is your so called ability to use a Microsoft Windows application, by poorly doctoring images on the computer. What you've said would lead me to classify you as one who will be burned in the eight circle of Hell, in Dante's Inferno. Someone should take away your constitutional rights, you fucking swine.

minor correction (5.00 / 1) (#53)
by nathan on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:15:32 AM PST
There are nine circles of Hell in Inferno, and few sinners burn as such. For instance, flatterers are covered in a river of shit, schizmatics are constantly sundered by blades (as they had sundered the body of the church,) and Epicureans are forever entombed.

You seem to be a very angry person. What's got you so upset?

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Dear flarners Sir, (none / 0) (#36)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 09:40:58 PM PST
My secretaries, hot with passion, wish to know what the so called "typeface" you used for this text:

"Yes! Finally linux has a ....."

They are quite pleased with it's appearance, and have my permission to pleasure you should you provide an appropriate response

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright � 2002, Martino Cortez.

Dear Dr. Cortez' naked typists: (none / 0) (#37)
by flarners on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 09:52:03 PM PST
The font used is appropriately titled "comicscartoon" and can be had from this excellent font package, along with several other high-quality typefaces for your Windows� or UNIX� workstations.
I told everyone we should have a witch-hunt, but they wanted to have a good old-fashioned book burning instead

professional (none / 0) (#125)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 08:39:47 PM PST
yes, very professional indeed.

You've lost your way, Linux Z (5.00 / 3) (#38)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 09:56:59 PM PST
I remember back in tha DAY, man --who's with me?-- It was fuckin' COOL! I'd surf over to tha big AQ, there'd be a Linux Zealot 'toon there, lookin' all COOL in BLACK and WHITE! They'd use the same picture three times --it wuz OLD SCHOOL like a mutha!

NOW... Now I'm all like: ........whaaaaa? Linux Z be all like in COLOR and using EXOTIC FONTS and like: when does he bus'a cap in some Windoze ass? Never! thass when!

So now it's different: aright, I know where issat. Now it's all 'bout the glossy colors and the special FX, and all like FAME and MTV and what. Yeah. Two-three months, Linux Z's gonna be too BIG for tha ol' AQ. Flarners and dmg be all spending tha big chedda hangin' at the clubs with like Pink and Hale Berry and ya thass cool an all, name on tha blimp an all can't quarrel wid it.

But me, man, I'm'a be back here on tha ol school AQ, reading the CLASSIC Linux Z's with ma PEEPS, thinkin' 'bout back in tha DAY, back when it wuz REAL.

My word... (none / 0) (#39)
by The dev0 on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 10:30:55 PM PST
Some of you linux zealots are absolutely priceless. Can I buy one of you to wind up and put on my desk sqealing "arr!! windows sucks!" and "i am so 733T!" while bumping into each other and dribbling on your little tux shirts? I'll pay you in something you can use; charisma!!
Never fight naked, unless you're in prison...

I wonder (none / 0) (#61)
by budlite on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:03:29 AM PST
Does your definition of a Linux Zealot include a person that primarily uses Windows but also likes to experiment with other operating systems that are just as (if not more) advanced but haven't quite reached the newbie-friendliness of Windows? Because that's me. I dual-boot Windows 98 and Red Hat Linux 7.2, I use the GNOME login manager (graphical), GRUB bootloader (graphical), and KDE window and desktop manager, whose resemblance to Windows is striking, start menu and all. And it's skinnable, so you can make it look nicer. And I'll be perfectly honest and say that Linux crashes far less often than any version of Windows I've used (even 2000 and XP have had problems and Linux hasn't).

here's an example of an LZ: (none / 0) (#62)
by nathan on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:09:40 AM PST
This charming fellow.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

A true samaritan... (5.00 / 1) (#65)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:43:10 AM PST
He's so concerned that visitors to Adequacy aren't subject to false information about Linux. I thank him for his efforts, after all Adequacy is the first place I would go to find out about Linux.

As Adequacy is definately not the sort of site where you'd find irony or satire, I'm still not sure why there are people here telling blatant untruths. What other motive could there be for their actions?

Zealot.... (none / 0) (#75)
by The dev0 on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:16:39 PM PST
zealot: Pronunciation: 'ze-lot Function: noun Use: a zealous person; especially : a fanatical partisan. yeah, i'd go with fanatical partisan, methinks...
Never fight naked, unless you're in prison...

Stupid people (none / 0) (#40)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 10:36:13 PM PST
im telling ya now, the last post i read you said that ppl that didnt use AOL where hackers and ones that wanted to upgrade there computers where hackersm now lets get this straight from that post to this you have some how changed your mind and upgrading is "ok", another one is, Linux is a hacker programe without a GUI??!! wtf are you stupid yes command lines have alot to do with it, but devolopers yes DEVOLPERS and even this SERVER runs on linux/unix platform so there for we must all be hackers acording to you, yes i use Windows XP pro AND i use RH linux oh and i use Mandrake at work, so whats that say for me? im a working hacker you dumb shit? get a life do better research and mybe grow a spin oh btw there are cars coming out that have unix systems in it yes UNIX as in the first version of linux or was that znix?? oh whatever it is you just need to go back to school for about 20 more years.

oops (1.00 / 1) (#41)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 10:49:35 PM PST
oh btw Open Source is bad?
open source helps other people out there that need a driver or maybe a game for there puter
in LINUX!!!!! or unix oh and i think there are open source programes for windows to haha

this will be gnomed in a few hours ill gurenty it

school? (none / 0) (#43)
by nathan on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 11:05:48 PM PST
At least we can spell and write coherently, chum. There's more to life than your idiotic "computars."

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

chum? (1.00 / 1) (#44)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 11:10:32 PM PST
i aint no chum and who the fuck cares about spelling AND if there is why are you on one "Chum" jeezus i work with pputers so what? whats the big freakin deal i grew up with em to so that makes me a hacker? fuckin retard

oh, I understand now! (5.00 / 1) (#46)
by nathan on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 11:34:06 PM PST
"Chum" must be far more insulting than "tard."

So much for my attempt at being the slightest bit friendly. You'd think that h4x0rs such as this disappointingly typical specimen would have at least enough in the way of social skills to be capable of distinguishing a pleasantry from a curse. But no, once again the autistic-g**k community has lived down to its reputation. The olive branch has been snapped, the dove of peace barbecued, and the white flag dragged into the privy with unspeakable intent.

The hell with you, Skippy. I'll never try to make friends with you again, you big meanie. I'm so happy for you that your favorite OS's market share matters more to you than a loyal, loving, trustworthy friend for life! I hope it does you a lot of good! I hope it calls you up when you get dumped or fired and tells you you'll be all right! What's the matter, that module hasn't been compiled yet? You autistic g**ks never will compile it either. You'll just quote Star Wars and Monty Python at each other while pounding Jolt. Well, good for you! I hate you all!

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

re (none / 0) (#48)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 14th, 2002 at 11:58:19 PM PST
i apologize yes i was out of line and im not a hackor they are the ones that go and reak havock all over the net, and yes i use linux at work, and home but mostly i use XP, what really gets me is people dumping on a perfectly good OS that other people can work on and use, i mean yes its free for download and windows isnt, so what makes it so bad? you know hackers and crackers or whatever the stupid things want to be called also do use windows to, im a home user of both microsoft and linux, so i cant choose a side, BTW
what does every one think about this new os Lindows? eww, and no i wont quote star wars or monty python, who is that? and jolt is nasty not good for the teeth to much sugar thanx ill stick with milk or water maybe juice, and im sorry you hate us all, = but Have Fun!! ( personaly i think this post and the last one i read where jokes )

darn (2.50 / 2) (#49)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:04:45 AM PST
not post but the articles or what have you

zeal (5.00 / 4) (#55)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:46:17 AM PST
damn right about the sugar man let me tell you about this guy i knew once who ate nothing but twinkies for a year and at the end his teeth was so full of holes they had to fill his mouth full of metal but now he has this slick metal grin but the girls dont dig it but its cool anyway his names newt and he kicks fucken ass and one time we took him down to saratoga and he damn near lost his mind man with the ladies there man it was out of control and that was the night billy c was unavailable which means he was cough porkin another temp at the walmart cough so we had to make do with teddy k and he was a bringdown because he drank himself into a stupor which is dumb all us kids these days is doing e cause it makes you want to party not throw up and its cool because it makes everyone want to love each other and give each other handjobs and stuff so me and newt meet up with these babes called maddie a and janet r and theys all like what up and wes like we be thinkin you be knowin what up and theys like oh yeah and i dunno what happened to newt but he came home the next day without his shirt or shoes if you know what i mean and he was grinning like crazy even though we was fucked up from the comedown because you gotta pay to play as they say and what goes up must comedown so we were all sitting around in the lounge feeling kinda bummed and watching becoming on mtv and georgie b starts coughing like hes gonna die just as this hot little thing comes on supposed to be becoming billie or britney or some shit but georgies almost passing out on the floor but all we could do is bust our guts laughing and hes turning blue before he almost coughs it up and it s this mondo pretzel and it looked like he tried to swallow the thing whole and he was all what was you guys laughing for and im like dude and hes like ah dude and then we went and got some beers from georgie bs bud dick c whos got the mad id card and we got slammed and pissed all over anita hs front door again. damn.

Context... (none / 0) (#85)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:54:01 PM PST
Normally, a line like: Chum, Friend, or other normally endearing remark is somewhat of an insult, being a remark that kind of raises oneself over the other person. It's not universal, but in some areas it's like that.

By-the-by: Why do you constantly call the people who insult you "h4x0rs"? That's basically no better than the people themselves...

But like I say: This site's audience turns any decent debate or argument into a series of irrelevant, pointless, insults and trolls. Funny eh?

You Forgot (none / 0) (#86)
by doofus on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 07:01:51 PM PST

decent argument? (none / 0) (#104)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 06:37:11 PM PST
<i>But like I say: This site's audience turns any decent debate or argument into a series of irrelevant, pointless, insults and trolls. Funny eh?</i>

you mean to say that the original article was anywhere close to being a decent argument?

Yes, Indeed (none / 0) (#69)
by doofus on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 10:07:33 AM PST
Shark chum.

PhD (1.00 / 1) (#50)
by NAWL on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 01:37:46 AM PST
PhD thesis about Linux users and its Armenian creator Lorenzo Torrov�ldez.

Gee, it must have been a comical piece since you obviously know nothing about Linux nor its FINNISH creator Linus Torvalds.

I mean you say linux users refuse to adopt a GUI and #D graphic acceleration. 3D Acceleration is there. And if the is no GUI then what the hell are GNOME, KDE or any of the other offerings?

Next time you make an attempt at souding half-way intelligent, talking about your thesis and PhD, you think you might try a little harder?

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

grave misunderstanding (5.00 / 1) (#52)
by nathan on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:05:27 AM PST
Next time you make an attempt at souding half-way intelligent, talking about your thesis and PhD...

What makes you think that earning a doctorate is primarily a matter of intelligence? It's a matter of scholarship, which is another animal entirely. Besides, a doctoral "thesis" is called a dissertation. It serves a very different function from the masters' thesis. Writing a thesis should demonstrate the ability to do genuine, creative research, in order to develop valid conclusions. Writing a dissertation, contrariwise, ought to be a serious attempt to add to your field. Dissertations are citable sources; some are near-monograph length. Theses are usually not citable (if the research is good, there is probably other, more thorough research in the same field.)

NAWL, you appear to be concerned exclusively with pro-Linux / BSD / anti-Microsoft advocacy. Don't you care about anything else? Aren't you sick of "correcting" people who disagree with you, as is their right, wrong as you might think them to be? Why don't you write about something else for a change? And why not consider defining your identity less exclusively through your non-loserhood?

For the record, I'm writing this on a Windows 2000 workstation. I don't have admin privileges, the machine appears secure, and it does what I need it to do. OS market-share and philosophical skirmishes are not greatly interesting to me. Why should I give a thin goddamn for Linsux vs Winblows? Why am I a loser for using one or the other? For heaven's sake, let's talk about something that matters.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

yeah ok (1.00 / 2) (#54)
by NAWL on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:38:41 AM PST
What makes you think that earning a doctorate is primarily a matter of intelligence? It's a matter of scholarship, which is another animal entirely. Besides, a doctoral "thesis" is called a dissertation. It serves a very different function from the masters' thesis. Writing a thesis should demonstrate the ability to do genuine, creative research, in order to develop valid conclusions. Writing a dissertation, contrariwise, ought to be a serious attempt to add to your field. Dissertations are citable sources; some are near-monograph length. Theses are usually not citable (if the research is good, there is probably other, more thorough research in the same field.)

Yeah good solid research of the Armenian Lorenzo Torrov�ldez. I suppose you think that modems using token ring invented by Microsoft in combination with V-chips would make a good thesis.

NAWL, you appear to be concerned exclusively with pro-Linux / BSD / anti-Microsoft advocacy. Don't you care about anything else? Aren't you sick of "correcting" people who disagree with you, as is their right, wrong as you might think them to be?

I don't correct people that disagree with me. I correct people who hand out factually incorrect, made up bullshit and then attempt to correct me and tell me I'm wrong by feeding me the same bullshit.

Oh look, I'm another twit. I'm going to talk about things I know nothing about. Then I'm going to proclaim that you're wrong and you're stupid, even though I sound like an friggin' idiot.

That seems to be the mentality of the editors and their followers. Even though we're always right, reading is not a substitute for critical thought. Think before you write.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

what is your problem? (5.00 / 2) (#59)
by nathan on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 04:41:36 AM PST
I'm through talking to you if you're going to be a jackass. I never wrote anything about Lorenzo anybody. I never wrote anything about IP tokens, whatever those are. I never "fed you any bullsh*t." Don't scream at me just because you're angry at somebody else.

You are certainly deaf enough, cantankerous enough, and pig-ignorant enough to be somebody's grandfather. I'm just glad you're not mine.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Even more stupid (1.00 / 2) (#60)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:00:59 AM PST
Some of the articles here are writen by total ignorant idiots - but good heavens some responders are even more stupid.

nathan your a brainless idiot! Finish school - maybe then you will understand and agree with NWL

Nathan joins the elite (5.00 / 1) (#72)
by T Reginald Gibbons on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:14:36 PM PST
nathan your a brainless idiot!

After about the first two hundred of these, you'll stop noticing. You'll miss them when they're gone, though.

funny thing (5.00 / 3) (#78)
by nathan on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:56:55 PM PST
Notice how h4x0rs always 'falme' you by loudly screaming that you don't have a brain? What is that all about? They never attack the unified, polyvalent human qualities, such as judgement, discretion, wisdom, character, or courage. No, they just say that you don't have a brain.

In my opinion, h4x0rs have fetishized the meritocracy of intelligence to the point that intelligence is their sole object of desire and the means by which they measure their whole worth. Moreover, the sort of intelligence they mean is "aptitude in math and science suitable for mid-level technical staff in a corporate environment."

What kind of horse hockey is that? G**ks want to be today's Man in the Grey Flannel Suit. Sure, the uniform is a Bungie tshirt, but has anything fundamental changed? I'll bet today's Silicon Valley will be remembered as tomorrow's Levittown.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

What is funny to me... (5.00 / 2) (#80)
by elenchos on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:23:19 PM PST how they want to place everyone into either the moron or elite categories, with nothing in between.

If they see me asking "dumb questions" because my mind wanders into strange places sometimes, they think I'm a moron and think it gives them permission to become even more rude than ususal. And geeks wonder why they get beat up so much.

But then all it takes is one day for them to see me write a pice of code that somehow impresses them with their warped standards of quality, and then I get labeled "elite". This entitles me to be treated with what they take to be respect and admiration, although it is easily mistaken for puppy-like adoration and even stalking, with the hint that the poor zitty boy wants to suck me off.

It's actually better when they hate you.

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

"geeks wonder why they get beat up so much&qu (none / 0) (#87)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 08:21:33 PM PST
Ha ha ha. Hee hee hee. Ho hoo ha.

It's funny because it's true.

Yeah... (1.00 / 1) (#81)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:25:01 PM PST
Well, I'd like to post a few things here.

Firstly, relevant to the argument here, NAWL: You are very argumentative and tend to assault people who have different opinions and assume they have no clue what they're talking about. I almost always agree with you, but never your manner. Basically: Calmn Down Dude. You have great points, just present them calmnly and in an orderly fashion.

Secondly, to debunk the article. Unless I'm mistaken ( it happens ;p ) OpenGL is open source. Last I checked it was Open Source Graphic Libraries (OpenGL; as Open is generally accepted as Open Source, and it's just a set of graphical libraries, it makes sense that it would mean that, besides, it IS open source because the bulk of it was developed on Unix systems).

Thirdly, I just think Nathan does have pretty decent points there; however some of them are nitpicky things, but hey -- basically the entire site degrades to a series of nitpicks ( you can tell from the constant quote-by-quote degredation, rather than arguing the post as a hole ).

I'd say, though, he's generally right -- although NAWL is also right: The people at this site explain Windows UN-TRUTHS as if they were TRUTHS and attempt to back them up as such. If I'm correct, it's wrong, usually, to say something is true when there's evidence supporting that it's not and you've been presented with said evidence countless numbers of times.

I've come to this conclusion, however:
The users on this site don't really care about the differences between Windows & Linux. They have already made up their mind with the information they have ( most of it being incorrect, but it still is information they possess ) and will NOT realize the truth. The fact of the matter is that most of them probably have never used a Linux system and just make irrational assumptions of the linux system based on irrational assumptions. So basically you have some MASSIVE self-reassurance and actor-observer effect ( for those Psychologists :p ) going on in this site. Needless to say, I'm using the community in both my Psychology and Sociology Projects :p

Anyways, that was off topic, sorry.

Normally, (5.00 / 1) (#83)
by osm on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:38:05 PM PST
after reading such a post, I would recommend the writer cease attending college immediately. Unfortunately, it is obviously too late in your case. I pity you.

T Reginald Gibbons is a freaking idiot. (1.00 / 1) (#84)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 06:53:42 PM PST
I would think that after posting the idiocy about hackers, you would know better than to call anyone an idiot. Anyone who is wondering what I am talking about should go here:;sid=2001/12/2/42056/2147

Just copy the whole thing and paste it in your address bar.

Saying Linus Torvalds is a hacker? Maybe, but most likely not. He DID develop and produce Linux, but all Linux is, is a freeware Operating System based on Unix. As for removing it, just format your hard drive. That wipes the drive clean. Then install whatever you want. I use both Linux and Windows. They both have their place. I use Linux because it helps me to become familiar with the Unix environment. As many corporations use Unix, it would be helpful to know something about it. Also, universities have courses on Linux. Computer stores sell Linux. If it were illegal, then it would not be so openly available.

DOSing into someone's system to use the command prompt? First of all, DOS (Disk Operating System) was developed by Bill Gates in the 70's. Is Bill Gates a hacker? Actually, he is. His company puts out shoddy software. It crashes, hangs, and sometimes won't even boot up. True, this happens with ALL operating systems, but when it no longer surprises us that When Bill Gates is introducing a new OS and it crashes during the presentation, that is bad.

Did you actually researech any of this before you wrote that drivel? AMD is a legit company. The problem, as Intel sees it is that they of processors that are just as good (better in some cases), for less than Intel will sell the processors for. Go to
Go to
These are sites that test and rate these and other computer components.

As for Quake? It is a game only. If your child is having trouble separating the game world from reality, that is YOUR problem as a parent. They had that debate in the 70's concerning Dungeons and Dragons. Lets not revive it here.

Changing ISPs. Not necessarily a bad thing. Mom and Pop ISPs do have less security and that may be an issue for you to consider. but there are other ISPs: MSN, Earthlink, AT&T. These also have ways you can put restrictions on what your child does or sees on the internet. What's more, WINDOWS has a feature (called CONTENT ADVISOR) that does the same thing. Relying on AOL is not the answer. AOL has it's place, but it is not the best.

Re: Yeah OK (5.00 / 2) (#76)
by The dev0 on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:26:35 PM PST
"Oh look, I'm another twit. I'm going to talk about things I know nothing about. Then I'm going to proclaim that you're wrong and you're stupid, even though I sound like an friggin' idiot."

Man, dont be so hard on yourself!! Your opinion is as valid as any other monkey here at adequacy. It's just a pity you left your sense of humor in your other pants...

Never fight naked, unless you're in prison...

Windows 2000 is NOT secure (none / 0) (#92)
by PotatoError on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:40:10 AM PST
Im running win2000 too. I also dont have system privilages. Unfortunately though, the Windows 2000 you buy and install from the box is very insecure.

To make it secure you must first download and install various patches from the microsoft sites. Each of these patches was made when a new bug was discovered.

Unfortunately hardly anyone downloads any of these patches at all - or at least they dont download all of them. Even some businesses fail to install patches.

Common Windows 2000 insecurities include:

-You can easily blank the administrators password on your machine even if you dont have administrator priviliges.

-You can also plant a trojan named "explorer.exe" in the C:\ and because of a major bug it will start up when windows loads and run as the shell.

-Opens about 15 ports on 'listening' by default.


Still, even with the above your computer would "seem" secure. Unfortunately it wouldnt be.


well, I don't really know (none / 0) (#100)
by nathan on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 06:14:00 PM PST
...because I'm not a computer expert of any sort. All I know is that I need to do work, I do it on Windows, it gets done, and the story's over. I didn't choose the OS for this computer, I don't have "root," and I don't really care.

Why does this make me a "Windows Loser?" I have too much to do to care about my computer's OS unless it creates huge problems for me. So far Windows is fine.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

whoa! (none / 0) (#105)
by NAWL on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 07:22:20 PM PST
This proves my point that I made in my diary entry "Grandma Linux". Stick an OS in front of someone, and they'll use it.

I mean in most offices you could stick a Mac or a Linux based OS in front of a secretary. That secretary will be use that OSes to write letters and whatever else secretaries do (besides yack at their girlfriends and take countless coffee breaks).

There are a number of programs out there to change the look and feel of the OS (ie WindowsBlind). I could do this with Windows. Since most office users do have access to certain items or they have been removed from the desktop, I could tell you it wasn't Windows.

With a lot of people whatever OS they use at work they will likely use at home. If I told you that Os was Whatever Linux, how likely would that person go out and put Linux on their computer?

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

so? (none / 0) (#106)
by nathan on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 07:34:40 PM PST
Stick an OS in front of someone, and they'll use it.

So what? What do you want me to do instead? Do I even have any control over the situation? Would I be better off with Linux? For the record, I'm a Secretary, in the political sense, so maybe that point stands.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

yep (none / 0) (#126)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 19th, 2002 at 07:25:15 AM PST
yep, you're a secretary with 25 PhD's, too.

you missed it, Einstein (none / 0) (#128)
by nathan on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 09:33:32 AM PST
A Secretary, with a capital ess, is not a secretary - unless the Secretary of Defense takes notes for generals or something.

Here's the web page where my job is listed. I have no grad degree yet, but I'm working on my masters'.

Also, please FOAD.

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

what the hell do you know? (none / 0) (#93)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:52:49 AM PST
Are you doing a PhD thesis on Linux? Has it occurred to you that maybe the author did a little more reasearch on the matter than you, instead of thinking that he knows something because he read it on the rest of the internet?

Why has the linux zealot.. (1.00 / 1) (#56)
by Soyweiser on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 02:58:40 AM PST
long hair?? and a metal shirt?
i find this highly offending, as I am one who does have long hair, and listens to metal. let me say this most linux people I know listen to other things then metal music.

for the rest of the article, I enjoyed the laughs... (nobody is taking this serious right?? ..right?!?)

Familiar with concepts as 'sarcasm'&'humor'? (2.00 / 3) (#58)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:31:08 AM PST
Why does everyone reading these articles take them so g.d. seriously.

Lorenzo Torrov�ldez?
lol rofl!

Is everyone out there lobotomized?

Been wondering the same thing myself. (2.50 / 2) (#97)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 04:14:53 PM PST
Most of the crap on this site is so insane, it can't be anything else. These people are the *kings* of trolls.

But here's a truly scary thought: what if they're *actually* *serious*? <g>

funny (2.50 / 2) (#103)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 06:29:01 PM PST
yea but isn't it funny about all the flaming going on around here? I doubt the article was serious, but look at the war going on. it's hilarious.

My son just showed me this, BIZARRE! (1.00 / 1) (#64)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:25:26 AM PST
I guess I'm not with it, I'm stuck in the middle with you? I've been on the net for years, enjoyed computers for even longer, and all I can think of is there are alot of people with a whole lot of time on their hands if this is all they can come up with. GET A LIFE, PLLLLLEEEEAAASE! I bet you all voted for Nixon and think the rest of us screwed him in his ouster.

An interesting outlook (1.00 / 1) (#66)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 05:49:53 AM PST
I really am having a hard time believing that people sit around and contribute to this garble, and I do use the word contribute loosely! How Linux has anything to do with a communist plot or hackers is beyond me. Most of these kids that you speak of are at an age where rebellion is built into their genes, and remember, YOU passed them along!! Most teens are turned off by their parents lack of caring, respect, and LOVE! They just know it doesn't matter what they do, you'll try and beat them down. How about embracing them and LISTENING, it doesn't mean that you agree with them, but maybe they'll get the impression you CARE, and believe me, it GOES A LONG WAY!

A number of adequacy readers (5.00 / 1) (#71)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 12:05:05 PM PST
are teens. No one is too young to fight comunism.

One-Eyed LZ (5.00 / 1) (#77)
by First Incision on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 03:54:04 PM PST
Poor Linux Zealot. Just a few weeks ago, he had two eyes. But it seems that he has lost one. Look at the third frame. It is sad that misguided kids can sustain such injuries from staring at a monitor too long.
Do you suffer from late-night hacking? Ask your doctor about Protonix.

No no no no, that's not right.... (none / 0) (#88)
by Quinch on Tue Jan 15th, 2002 at 10:33:56 PM PST
Why did they link to <A HREF="">Apple computers</A> when it came to GUIs, when <A HREF="">Microsoft</A> makes so much more money than them? :-}

Live in the NOW! (none / 0) (#89)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:12:29 AM PST
I agree that Linux people lack a want of progression. They cling to past. "Remember when we used to have a Commadore 64?" I never had a C64, my parents were too cheap.

As for Linux, the logo is cooler than Windows. I actually only run linux because it makes me look cool. I am not even a geek. I don't like Sci Fi, Star Trek, Comic Books or Anime. But to be honest, I kind of like the linux crowd. They are fun once you get past the tech talk. I mean, anyone who has sex with stuffed animals while pretending they are Captain Kirk couldn't be all that bad right?

Hug a geek.

To flarners, please read (none / 0) (#90)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:15:44 AM PST
I would like to ask:
o Why are you bashing linux and behaving like an immmature moron?
o Why did you mispell perl? this shows that you didnt do any research and probably just wrote the article to make people like me mad
o Why do you think that linux is less advanced than windows?
o Have you got something against geeks?

In this comment:;sid=2002/1/2/14159/23968;pid=15#19
you say windows makes it harder to use DoS (DENIAL OF SERVICE, not DISK OPERATING SYSTEM, moron) programs. Windows XP is the version THAT makes it easier to commit DoS attacks, because XP supports raw sockets, although you probably dont know what this is.

Good day

how nice, a windows zealot CAN USE A KEYBOARD (none / 0) (#91)
by Bladen on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:42:01 AM PST
i hate to say it. but a lot of people on this system are either poorly educated or are very closed minded.
I grew up in a Famliy of computer users, i used windows, i used Linux, i used OS/2warp. of the 2 post i have read on here as STORY's,both have been belegerently hostile to any form of higher computer literacy, if the people who are writing this NaziGestapo crap had there way. there would be only a small handfull of people who could do anything with computers at all, Windows would be required on all systems, and any work to the computer would require it be sent back to the manufacture. Gee i cant think of any better way for Computer companies such as DELL and COmpaq would Love it, we would just be feeding them MORE money, and what about Bill gates, Doesnt he have more then enough money already, why give him more by choice. and whats this about Linux being inferior Windows. obviously this user owns a LOT of stock in MS.
because anyone with a Decent level of computer education and experence knows that linux is a Far superior OS to Windows, True it will not run Windows software all of the time, but the software for linux is SPECIALIZED Software for
Advanced applications. and it is in all ways customizable, true you may have to learn various programming languages in order to make use of this advantage, but isnt learning new things good for you, and it makes you more COMPETENT as a computer user. im sorry for the long length, but there were many things i had to say to invalidate the false points this closed minded individual had to say, he is entitled to his own opinion, but he should be made aware that he is in a small minority to the rest of the worlds computer users

You are incorrect on several points. (5.00 / 1) (#94)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:07:22 PM PST
i hate to say it. but a lot of people on this system are either poorly educated or are very closed minded.

I suggest you take a closer look at this site. Several people have PhDs, which is a sign of advanced education. You, with your atrocious grammar and spelling, are not.

I grew up in a Famliy of computer users, i used windows, i used Linux, i used OS/2warp. of the 2 post i have read on here as STORY's,both have been belegerently hostile to any form of higher computer literacy, if the people who are writing this NaziGestapo crap had there way. there would be only a small handfull of people who could do anything with computers at all, Windows would be required on all systems, and any work to the computer would require it be sent back to the manufacture.

The above paragraph is a prime example of how to make a run-on sentence Run-on sentences are difficult to read, and detract from the main point in a paragraph. I suggest you proofread your work first, preferably in a fine word processor such as Microsoft Word.

Here at Adequacy, there are many experienced computer technicians, such as osm, mjl, and flarners. Windows is the industry standard, and that will not change no matter what drivel you may hear from other sites

I object to your use of the words "Nazi Gestapo" in that context, as it is clear that you barely have any grasp of what the Gestapo were. Please enroll in remedial history. As for your other points, who would you let work on your $2000 computer: some random Lunix zealot who would wipe your hard drive and replace it with Lunix, or the fine, friendly folks at an authorized service center who will gladly fix your Compaq?

Gee i cant think of any better way for Computer companies such as DELL and COmpaq would Love it, we would just be feeding them MORE money, and what about Bill gates, Doesnt he have more then enough money already, why give him more by choice. and whats this about Linux being inferior Windows. obviously this user owns a LOT of stock in MS.

The basic rule of business is this: you must earn a profit.Several open-source companies have chosen to ignore this rule. Consequently, they have ended up in the toilet. Computer companies such as Compaq and Gateway have been able to stay in business because they make money. I know it's a difficult concept to grasp.

William Gates has made a lot of money because he has invented the optical mouse, modern GUI design, Windows, and DOS. These innovative products have been ripped off time and time again. Clearly you feel that he is not entitled to his fair share of money for helping revolutionize computing.

because anyone with a Decent level of computer education and experence knows that linux is a Far superior OS to Windows, True it will not run Windows software all of the time, but the software for linux is SPECIALIZED Software for Advanced applications. and it is in all ways customizable, true you may have to learn various programming languages in order to make use of this advantage, but isnt learning new things good for you, and it makes you more COMPETENT as a computer user.

Windows does not require me to learn a programming language for advanced uses - it has the "Advanced" tab for that. Linux requires arcane commands like chmod +000 /, rpm -uvh lunixvirus.2.3.3.r1-i386-x86.rpm, ls, sh, and countless more. Windows software will not run on Linux - period. Those screenshots you see on certain sites are doctored, probably with the use of hacker tools like GIMP.

im sorry for the long length, but there were many things i had to say to invalidate the false points this closed minded individual had to say, he is entitled to his own opinion, but he should be made aware that he is in a small minority to the rest of the worlds computer users

Linux occupies less than one percent of the world's desktop computers. Any efforts by Lunix zealots to catch up are overtaken by Microsoft's constant innovations.

Take your own advice (none / 0) (#96)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 01:42:45 PM PST
Hey man, if anyone needs to enroll in a history class, it's you. Your claim that apple and IBM ripped off the "modern" GUI from Microsoft is not true at all. You also said that M$ invented the optical mouse. This I am unsure of, so I cannot argue it. However, it was the researchers at Xerox who came up with the original "mouse" and "user interface" plan, so really you should say that everyone ripped it off of them.

This entire article that flem (sic) posted, is very off. At first I thought it was comedy, as it was the first time I've been to this site. Judging from the responses, though, this doesn't seem to be the case.

This article disproves itself. Within the first paragraph it says: "[linux] refuse[s] to adopt new technologies such as graphical user interfaces or 3D graphics acceleration". The link for 3D graphics acceleration goes to ATI. OK, great, but ATI's cards support DRI in X. So I can't understand how you first say there is no GUI, and then you say there is no 3D acceleration. Flem, you're wrong.

There are a lot of other inaccurate strings in this nasty article, but anyone in their right mind would have already picked them out.
Also, the behavior of the people on this site is pretty bad, and the content of the anti-linux articles are mostly inaccurate propoganda. I haven't read any of the other non-anti-linux articles...should I bother?

The notion that just because someone claims to have a PhD means that they are correct in everything that they say is absurd. Many of the people in these threads who claimed to have a PhD in ANYTHING, my question is, 1: prove it, and 2: how the hell did you get through college legitimately?

Yep, you should bother... (none / 0) (#98)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 04:46:33 PM PST
I haven't read any of the other non-anti-linux articles...should I bother?

this is one of the funniest sites on the net.

Yep (none / 0) (#119)
by budlite on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 10:05:42 AM PST
I use a GUI called KDE, extremely Windows-like and a hell of a lot more attractive. I have a GeForce2 MX400 gracphics card, and use nVidia's own accelerated X drivers to get 3D support in Linux.

THe installation process for the distributuin I use (Red Hat) is also much better than Windows. I prefer to have control over what is installed, and the installer allows me to choose EXACTLY what packages go onto the system. It includes a reasonable partitioning tool. It didn't even need to ask me what hardware was in my system - it simply picked each component up straight away, even my USB mouse and printer.

I am inclined to agree with some of the other commenters - the pro-Windows group don't appear to have looked at any recent Linux distributiuons, or even at Linux at all for more than 5 minutes and show an unwillingness to try and explore.

Just to even out the balance, I'll say that I don't think Windows is a bad OS - it's just that I want to explore my other OS options and so far I like what I see. On the other hand, I have had a lot more problems with Windows than with Linux.

uh huh, yeah, ok (none / 0) (#99)
by NAWL on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 05:59:23 PM PST
I suggest you take a closer look at this site. Several people have PhDs, which is a sign of advanced education. You, with your atrocious grammar and spelling, are not.

I have a PhD too. In fact I have a thousand of them. Gee, that was easy.

Windows is the industry standard, and that will not change no matter what drivel you may hear from other sites

Windows if anything is a defacto standard. Companies make software for it, solely because it is popular. What works for one company does not always work for another. If it were an industry standard there would be no other companies selling software. One could argue that UNIX is a standard as the US government will not accept contracts or bids from companies which do not have a UNIX offering. This means MS must make available some software for Unix, which to license to the US government.

Also, one cannot consider Windows as standard on desktop machines as it does not run on all hardware. Also you must ask as to why Unix was chosen as the platform of choice for the open source open standards Internet2.

Computer companies such as Compaq and Gateway have been able to stay in business because they make money.

Actually, you should read the latest reports that show within the coming years there will be fewer computer manufacturers like Dell and Gateway. Among the top was Dell, Sony was among the others, and Gateway was "iffy". Gateway has been losing a lot of money from its Gateway Country Stores as the public has lost the need to actually touch the computer before they buy it. Compaq's only hope was the Compaq/HP merger which was a flop.

William Gates has made a lot of money because he has invented the optical mouse, modern GUI design, Windows, and DOS.

Sorry to tell you but the optical mouse has been around for quite some time, even before MS really started to get into peripherals. Other companies have had sleek designs for their optical mice long before MS.

The GUI was atually designed back in the 1950s but was perfected by Douglas Englebart (inventor of the first mouse) and implemented into a commerially viable product by Xeros PARC. Apple's Lisa had a GUI even before Steve Jobs went to Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).

DOS was first known as QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) which was a backwards engineered CP/M at Seattle Computer Company (which sold CP/M). It was developed for Intel's 8086 processor. Gary Kildall at the time was not planning to port CP/M to the x86 processor. Microsoft licensed QDOS under terms of experimentall use and testing and later bought it for $50,000. Gary Kildall later successfully sued MS. MS settled out of court.

Many court battle have raged of whether or not Windows was an exact copy of MacOS. MS lost its first court battle and signed an agreement that it would not copt designs from Apple for Windows 1.0 but did not mention future versions. MS lawyers made sure this was air tight. When MS teamed with Apple it agreed to pay $150 million to silence Apple about claims that MS had stolen the GUI.

Windows does not require me to learn a programming language for advanced uses - it has the "Advanced" tab for that.

Not every advanced funtion in Windows can be accomplished by click the Advanced tab. I suggest you use a Windows server OS.

Windows software will not run on Linux - period. Those screenshots you see on certain sites are doctored, probably with the use of hacker tools like GIMP.

Windows software can run under Linux through the use of emulators such as WinE. Windows software not developed for the Mac can run on a Mac through the use of VirtualPC and WinTel.

Linux occupies less than one percent of the world's desktop computers. Any efforts by Lunix zealots to catch up are overtaken by Microsoft's constant innovations.

You forgot to mention that there are other markets beyond the desktop. Linux runs on a large precentage of server in businesses and across the Internet. There is also the handheld, PDA, set-top-boxes, and many other markets where linux has thrived. You do realise this means there are other computers in the world that look and function differently than the one on your dekstop.

Put a little more time and effort into to some solid research. You will find that while MS does control a large percentage of the dekstop it does not own the server room.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

go nawl! (none / 0) (#101)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 06:14:53 PM PST
phew, there's at least one person around here who's not some ignorant fool

It isn't NAWL (none / 0) (#120)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 11:49:57 AM PST
emulators such as WinE

Like most teenage zealots, his fervor runs much deeper than his actual knowledge.

WHAT!?! (none / 0) (#129)
by NAWL on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 07:58:12 PM PST
Like most idiots you make no sense. You attack "emulators like Wine"? You mind explaining this? Or are you just picking out words and making bullshit arguments about things you know nothing about?

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

more on that (none / 0) (#108)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:58:07 PM PST
Any efforts by Lunix zealots to catch up are overtaken by Microsoft's constant innovations.
Oh you mean like the innovations of the latest linux kernel (2.5.x) with support for USB 2.0 that seems to be lacking in Windows? Oh, don't worry. Microsoft says it will be releaseing the patch some point in the near future.

Satire or stupidity? (none / 0) (#110)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jan 17th, 2002 at 07:22:14 PM PST
I can't tell...however this article was a stunning display of ignorance and poor taste regardless.

Linux is one of the few bright spots in a Microsoft dominated computer industry. Give it a break. ;-P

Oh yeah, and it's "Perl" not "Pearl". Idiot.

also (none / 0) (#117)
by Soyweiser on Fri Jan 18th, 2002 at 08:24:12 AM PST
doesn't his website exsist

Exquisite rendering of visage in 3rd frame (none / 0) (#130)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jan 20th, 2002 at 11:50:07 PM PST
I am just stunned at the wonderful Picasso-esque rendering of the protagonist's visage in the third frame of this work. The ambiguity between the "cyclops" interpretation, the "eyes in vertical axis, indeterminate nose or smiling mouth" interpretation, and the "figure representing left eye flipped on both axes and displaced downwards" interpretation, quite simply expresses the monstruous aspects of the physical form of the Linux Zealot in an universally accessible way, that can only be achieve by the dexterous manipulation of the language of forms.

Whee (none / 0) (#131)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 22nd, 2002 at 06:24:10 AM PST
I find it highly amusing some people take this stuff (article above) seriously.

Well that's because (none / 0) (#132)
by dmg on Wed Jan 23rd, 2002 at 03:23:16 AM PST
Linux Zealots are not known for their sense of humor.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking


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