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   Comments by Adam Rightmann   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Jun 28, 2001

Like me, this outcome was ordained LNUX = FC?

Jun 28, 2001

Jesus believed in intellectual property LNUX = FC?

Jun 28, 2001

You may not believe in God LNUX = FC?

Jun 29, 2001

Executions, transplants, unemployment, ecology Capital Punishment Should Serve the People

Jun 29, 2001

Do you wish children someday? Bleeeahh

Jun 29, 2001

Sadly, lesbianism is "trendy" I don't enjoy life

Jun 29, 2001

God gave you free will for a reason Am I gay?

Jun 29, 2001

Thank you I don't enjoy life

Jun 29, 2001

Would it be odious to run press releases Should we have Banner Ads? And if so, what sort?

Jul 03, 2001

Get over to Planned Parenthood My espresso machine is broken

Jul 11, 2001

Noah didn't fill the ark with gay animals On Selecting NASA Astronauts

Jul 11, 2001

My wife is breastfeeding Blessed with a new child

Jul 12, 2001

The real issue is childhood sexual abuse Obesity and the Jennifer Lopez Message

Jul 13, 2001

You seem to have some anger issues I'm typing a bunch of crap. read it if you want, it's not my problem...

Jul 13, 2001

A shame this is not obvious to more people The Truth About Reality TV

Jul 15, 2001

Is it a critical viewpoint? Hey, look, its yes another wonderful entry to my dearest diary!

Jul 16, 2001

I beg to differ Open Letter to a Stripper

Jul 16, 2001

How much of this is caused by a lack of love? The Malaise of the Middle Classes.

Jul 16, 2001

We need the British Empire even more today The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 17, 2001

Chuck, congratulations on resisting this sin. Memoirs of an Ex-Southpaw: a Report from the Trenches

Jul 17, 2001

Yes, God is Love Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 17, 2001

How long would this go on? Solutions

Jul 18, 2001

The stock market is proof that money is evil let us try this again: more words typed by me for your enjoyment

Jul 19, 2001

Could it be more a matter of self control The AIDS Hoax

Jul 20, 2001

Welcome, we don't allow Godwin's law here My first diary on Adequacy, woot etc...

Jul 20, 2001

I would be leery of a church My first diary on Adequacy, woot etc...

Jul 20, 2001

The Bible is not "Open Source" Why Bother?

Jul 20, 2001

Well, duh! Milosevic Goes Free, Thanks to Godwin's Law!

Jul 20, 2001

What do you expect of French people Review: Jurassic Park III

Jul 20, 2001

Well, I don't think the Bible is Open Source ALIENS

Jul 22, 2001

I would prefer that you not kiss my ass K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 23, 2001

One more thing for the childless to gripe about Tax the Childless, Double Votes for Parents

Jul 23, 2001

Too bad smoking enriches Sourthern Baptists The cultural and economic benefits of smoking

Jul 23, 2001

I think you misunderstand pragmatism, dmg Sports- The direct cause of Racism in America today.

Jul 23, 2001

You must take lessons from the Russians Sports- The direct cause of Racism in America today.

Jul 23, 2001

Do you have a living will? Tax the Childless, Double Votes for Parents

Jul 23, 2001

Let's hope our spoiled brats don't use Google Tax the Childless, Double Votes for Parents

Jul 23, 2001

Why keep living then? Tax the Childless, Double Votes for Parents

Jul 23, 2001

Why do good? Tax the Childless, Double Votes for Parents

Jul 23, 2001

On weekend nights, and vacation days Tax the Childless, Double Votes for Parents

Jul 23, 2001

So I should trust an English based Sports- The direct cause of Racism in America today.

Jul 24, 2001

Conscription gives men a common bond Conscription: the return of American values

Jul 24, 2001

We're just rediscovering ancient wisdom Beating Children Saves Lives

Aug 01, 2001

No wonder, D&D blatantly breaks the Commandmen Dungeons and Dragons: Don't Let it Happen to Your Kid

Aug 31, 2001

The earth has suffered floods before Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Aug 31, 2001

It is easier to rent a Ryder truck Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Sep 05, 2001

You mentioned God How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 05, 2001

Indeed, where is Bible Study? Best way to spend time with friends:

Sep 06, 2001

Too true Don't Go In The Water

Sep 06, 2001

Don't tell the UKians Don't Go In The Water

Sep 06, 2001

You're an ignorant idiot Don't Go In The Water

Sep 06, 2001

Allow me to enlighten you Fucked Off By Usians

Sep 06, 2001

Substitute gun for hammer, or car Don't Go In The Water

Sep 06, 2001

Most editors would delete your trollish post My husband wants to do my ass!

Sep 06, 2001

You are a little confused My husband wants to do my ass!

Sep 07, 2001

Well then yourself, submit something controversial whooooooooo! look at the flurry of activity

Sep 08, 2001

Please good sir, sign up! Don't Go In The Water

Sep 08, 2001

I applaud you sir, for your voice of sanity Don't Go In The Water

Sep 08, 2001

Hickory, dickory dockery Rock Star: Headbanging Nights

Sep 11, 2001

Speaking as an expert, she's not masturbating Good Golly

Sep 11, 2001

Perhaps you could go give blood Cool. I got out of school early today.

Sep 11, 2001

Since you're a college student Cool. I got out of school early today.

Sep 11, 2001

Bush should go to NYC and help clear rubble what now for US Israel-Palestinan policy?

Sep 12, 2001

I don't deny there were excesses in Vietnam and "Cowardly" terrorists

Sep 12, 2001

Well, he's certainly a great spokesman for Linux What a wanker

Sep 12, 2001

It's not an editorial Once again, blame Microsoft!

Sep 13, 2001

Yes, where was Rockwell on the poll? Who is your favourite Artist?

Sep 13, 2001

The UK could have stopped Hitler in '36 "Cowardly" terrorists

Sep 13, 2001

His art makes me feel good, why is that bad? Thomas Kinkade brings art back to the people

Sep 13, 2001

Pleaes sign in, good fellow Thomas Kinkade brings art back to the people

Sep 14, 2001

I believe you mean witty hello, will you be my friend?

Sep 14, 2001

As a parent of two young children, I'm worried Electronica: The threat to our youth

Sep 14, 2001

It's personal, but I am that would chafe my willy!

Sep 18, 2001

Dogs are a responsibility, children are an awesome Holy Jesus, what are these goddamn animals?

Sep 18, 2001

Most American's aren't jogging health food eaters The fleeting memories of a bowl of cereal

Sep 18, 2001

I hope she doesn't have a child Holy Jesus, what are these goddamn animals?

Sep 18, 2001

I was hasty, I apologize Holy Jesus, what are these goddamn animals?

Sep 19, 2001

I saw that, it was on Lifetime Holy Jesus, what are these goddamn animals?

Sep 19, 2001

There aren't many heroin addicts in America, Frank Herbert foresaw this situ

Sep 19, 2001

We have a folk art crucifix in our kitchen Damn.

Sep 20, 2001

Would that make George Herbert = Frank Herbert Frank Herbert foresaw this situ

Sep 20, 2001

Is U2 sending the right message? Well I'm Just a Modern Guy...

Sep 21, 2001

Good sir Run Away.

Sep 21, 2001

You seem to be threatened Run Away.

Sep 21, 2001

Congratulations on overcoming Geekizoid I _am_ today

Sep 24, 2001

I think M*A*S*H should be removed from syndication The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 24, 2001

The Afghanis are hungry for more than food Positive reinforcement, the secret weapon!

Sep 24, 2001

The movie advocated suicide and cheating The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 24, 2001

Little House on the Praire, highway to Heaven, The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 24, 2001

Good idea! The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 24, 2001

Should these images be put in the adult section? Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

You don't understand Christianity The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 25, 2001

Why the paranoid ravings against the Church? The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 25, 2001

Wrong, the Spanish colonized the West Indies You are not Irish, They are not Republicans. Please stop sending them money and guns.

Sep 25, 2001

Americans are not that ignorant or uncaring Hijacked plane crash destroys Canary Wharf; Shocked Americans ask, `What's Canary Wharf?'

Sep 26, 2001

I strongly protest the hijacking of my article We are all children of Adam and Eve

Sep 26, 2001

To see Catholic prejudice, read adequacy Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 26, 2001

Are you missing the word "starting"? Hijacked plane crash destroys Canary Wharf; Shocked Americans ask, `What's Canary Wharf?'

Sep 26, 2001

I thank you We are all children of Adam and Eve

Sep 27, 2001

I warmly welcome you to adequacy Mint Waltman Internet Ministry!

Sep 28, 2001

Correct, I have never met Well Adjusted I'm a teenager, and I want it bad!

Sep 29, 2001

dang youngsters Best football player of all time

Sep 30, 2001

Does this Linux have internet filters? Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Sep 30, 2001

I will admit, I have not read Turing New Adequacy Feature?

Sep 30, 2001

Thank you kind sir Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 01, 2001

Given the vitriol and abuse thrown at me Another 'I just don't get it' post

Oct 03, 2001

Please sir, get an account This is Bad

Oct 03, 2001

This may fall into a grey area Slashdot comment of the year

Oct 05, 2001

How soon they forget Urban Scavengers

Oct 08, 2001

Football is what's wrong with America An Early Analysis of Today's Attacks

Oct 08, 2001

Explain Matthew 10:34 please Newsflash! America's holy war begins!

Oct 09, 2001

Sex is proper in a married, procreative relation Everybody's a c**ksucker

Oct 10, 2001

A simple mistake, tkatchev, caused by IRC'ing too A Question for Americans.

Oct 10, 2001

That's shame, son Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 10, 2001

Miracles happen Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 10, 2001

I'm not against free will Newsflash! America's holy war begins!

Oct 10, 2001

Afghanistan never repelled the Chinese A Question for Americans.

Oct 10, 2001

Info on decadent Brits, drunk Russkis or Vietnam? A Question for Americans.

Oct 10, 2001

And many of those that do are drugged Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 10, 2001

There are more appropriate sites for pandering It's all about me.

Oct 10, 2001

That's quite a thesis End the Pretense

Oct 11, 2001

What horrid ideas you advocate Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

Visiting the dentist is like going to confession It seems I have a cavity, amongst other things...

Oct 11, 2001

My apologies Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

Please, I expect a higher level of discourse here I have not had relations for months!

Oct 11, 2001

Good point Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

Please, until you submit to the Church of Simon-Pe I have not had relations for months!

Oct 11, 2001

Oh yes, one more bottom-dog author Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

I guess I missed the part of the New Testament I have not had relations for months!

Oct 12, 2001

The car analogy Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

Have your husband appply AstroGlide of KY I have not had relations for months!

Oct 13, 2001

This does not surprise me, heavey metal bands Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 13, 2001

I hate to break it to you Paganism

Oct 14, 2001

No, he's not How much Xanax will be adequate?

Oct 15, 2001

They were snuh-ing the dickens out of Review: Abstract Algebra, 2nd Edition

Oct 15, 2001

My only connections with Baptists Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 15, 2001

Teenagers grow into their rights Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 15, 2001

Are you trying to troll me, tkatchev? Paganism

Oct 15, 2001

My mistake, the Atlantic, not Salon Paganism

Oct 15, 2001

The Third Secret Paganism

Oct 16, 2001

Do no shameful things, and you will feel no shame It happened AGAIN...

Oct 16, 2001

It was hard to find It happened AGAIN...

Oct 17, 2001

I agree, the craven editors are pandering to our

Oct 17, 2001

Those Slashdot readers are too prideful Achieving Justice for bin Laden

Oct 17, 2001

I like your way of thinking! My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 18, 2001

Dogmatically, only Catholics go to Heaven My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 18, 2001

I don't hate Baptists My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 18, 2001

That might have flown 1,000 years ago My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 19, 2001

Don't be misled by Jack Chick Islam: What is it?

Oct 19, 2001

I scored as Han Solo there is no god but shoeboy

Oct 19, 2001

Rage != constructive energies Question For The People Here

Oct 19, 2001

No, right thinking Christians are harassed and Question For The People Here

Oct 19, 2001

Thank you for your support, Mr. Tkatchev Question For The People Here

Oct 19, 2001

Please get an account, sir My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 19, 2001

As a parent Question For The People Here

Oct 19, 2001

Nonsense, geeks are admirably suited to be Jesuits Hey BC!

Oct 19, 2001

Absolutely Question For The People Here

Oct 23, 2001

I believe it has Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 23, 2001

Your article was better as a diary entry I am speechless.

Oct 23, 2001

I can answer now Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 24, 2001

Hate the onion I am speechless.

Oct 24, 2001

Two votes for the 36-40 crowd Gimme Danger

Oct 25, 2001

Modern Jazz Masterpiece Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 25, 2001

This apology does not address my concerns Anthrax - Some factual corrections, but no apology.

Oct 25, 2001

Starship Trooper is a trollish name Alan Cox Is an Unprofessional Jerk

Oct 25, 2001

Thank you for the correction Anthrax - Some factual corrections, but no apology.

Oct 25, 2001

A better link, perhaps? Have a Right Halloween!

Oct 25, 2001

Don't post too much personal info I'm researching stalkers

Oct 25, 2001

Try Phantom Menace and Jason & the Argonauts I'm researching stalkers

Oct 26, 2001

Gentlereader, I researched bukkake Anthrax - Some factual corrections, but no apology.

Oct 26, 2001

This sounds rather contrived My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 26, 2001

Dear Mr. Waltman Have a Right Halloween!

Oct 26, 2001

Perhaps, 'My GentleReaders" for me Sigh

Oct 26, 2001

A browser correction, dear reader Terrorism and root causes

Oct 26, 2001

Good proof of God-given freewill Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 26, 2001

In a way, I can sympathize Are we safe?

Oct 29, 2001

For those afraid of inciting a needless flamewar Terrorism and root causes - clarification

Oct 29, 2001

Is there no place for right-thinking individuals? Confessions of an editorial tyrant

Oct 30, 2001

Thank you for correcting my spelling Confessions of an editorial tyrant

Oct 30, 2001

Catholics are the original Christians Anthrax - Some factual corrections, but no apology.

Oct 30, 2001

Remember, hauntedattic Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

Read the Bible please Wil Wheaton Moves Beyond Wesley To Internet Stardom

Oct 30, 2001

Too late, there is precedence Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

Atheism is a science? Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 30, 2001

Nonsense Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 30, 2001

You are welcome, child Why boys are better than girls

Oct 31, 2001

Yes, but Jesus initiated a New Covenant Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

Good Catholics should read the Bible Wil Wheaton Moves Beyond Wesley To Internet Stardom

Oct 31, 2001

Pray The scramjet failed :(

Oct 31, 2001

In addition, be careful of the anti-Microsoft rhet Gluggi 98 SE

Oct 31, 2001

Thank you Mr. Descartes Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

Well then, enjoy Moonbase Peking The scramjet failed :(

Oct 31, 2001

Casual fornication Why boys are better than girls

Oct 31, 2001

Was this near Stull, Kansas? exorcising haunted attics

Nov 01, 2001

I meant "it sounds ominous" exorcising haunted attics

Nov 01, 2001

Let us talk of barrier methods vs. implantation me Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Nov 01, 2001

Perhaps he meant Mecca in the original sense exorcising haunted attics

Nov 02, 2001

Do you suppose that editor was dealing drugs? How I (very nearly) slept with Timothy from Slashdot!

Nov 02, 2001

True, Communism was a lazy way of writing How I (very nearly) slept with Timothy from Slashdot!

Nov 02, 2001

I think you're projecting a bit Terrorism in the PRC

Nov 02, 2001

To make ends meet, Mrs. Rightmann Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 02, 2001

If there was an explosion, it was small Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Nov 05, 2001

Not a priest, rather a lay minister Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 05, 2001

Guy Fawkes may have been misguided A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 06, 2001

Nice guys? Or unassertive, passive-aggressive Nice guys

Nov 06, 2001

I restrung a guitar for the first time in years Whew. Recording is a lot of work. Plus, Sylvain is a wanker.

Nov 06, 2001

The end away from the neck Whew. Recording is a lot of work. Plus, Sylvain is a wanker.

Nov 06, 2001

You have several options Nice guys

Nov 06, 2001

I look at my credit card balance, and wish I wrote Whew. Recording is a lot of work. Plus, Sylvain is a wanker.

Nov 06, 2001

Yes, it's harder than most Nice guys

Nov 06, 2001

Perhaps engineers would be less cocky and arrogant Nice guys

Nov 06, 2001

1987 Plymouth Mitsubishi It's deer season!

Nov 06, 2001

I find your ideas intriguing and full of merit Expanding equality under the law

Nov 06, 2001

Surely the Amish can hunt? It's deer season!

Nov 06, 2001

So are you in Pennsylvania, Ohio or New York? It's deer season!

Nov 07, 2001

You must know a better class of guitar player than Whew. Recording is a lot of work. Plus, Sylvain is a wanker.

Nov 09, 2001

Have you considered Communism? Weight Loss

Nov 09, 2001

It's from Heller's Catch-22 Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 09, 2001

mea culpa Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 12, 2001

Not necessarily, it was an Airbus 300 Another terrorist act.

Nov 12, 2001

Well then, you will enjoy Europe of the future Another terrorist act.

Nov 14, 2001

Most medieval Catholics had no need for literacy Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

You are confusing intelligence with free will Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

Yes, you are more correct Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

Cartoons are the most insidious assault on our Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 14, 2001

These quoted sources seem one-sided to me Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 14, 2001

Welcome good sir Hullo.

Nov 14, 2001

altruism != free will Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 15, 2001

You apparently have not watched Scooby Doo Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 15, 2001

Gentlereader, I suggest a lighter hand Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 15, 2001

You seem to believe in moral relativity Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 19, 2001

Did you read his articles on fornication? OMG, ESR is a troll!

Nov 19, 2001

I can add little to what Betty Bowers said The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 19, 2001

Please take your ignorance to /. Active recruiting

Nov 19, 2001

Please sir, facial hair DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

Nov 20, 2001

Please sir, no trolling Classic rerelases: Caf� Tacuba, Les Cowboys Fringants

Nov 20, 2001

I find the Air Force a little too Protestant for The Air Force

Nov 21, 2001

Why don't you just reject the mass media Damn damn damn.

Nov 21, 2001

Yes, but snakes are dangerous creatures The Air Force

Nov 21, 2001

Is this post legal in the US? Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 23, 2001

Elenchos, dear sir, you are mistaken My wife hungers for dark meat, and my nephew is a Commie!

Nov 23, 2001

You are seeing things, lonely My wife hungers for dark meat, and my nephew is a Commie!

Nov 26, 2001

kgb, someone must struggle for decency Here's one for you, Mr. ZikZak

Nov 26, 2001

Obviously, drugs affect your memory I'll be Stoned for Christmas

Nov 26, 2001

Please be considerate of us city dwellers I'm all out of bubblegum

Nov 26, 2001

Apprarently, in Godless California Here's one for you, Mr. ZikZak

Nov 27, 2001

Generally, you meet a guy Controversy...

Nov 27, 2001

Might I suggest a reinforcing ring for your erecti Much and more...

Nov 27, 2001

They're both chidlren of Abraham Nobel Prize for Irrelevance: How Wrong I Was !

Nov 28, 2001

Actually, the Bible Belt needs to be saved Let the Bible Belt Come and Save My Soul.

Nov 29, 2001

I've noticed many geeks like manga and anime Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

Sylvester sounds like those evolutionists Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

Not all Americans are Christians Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

but anime is a gateway to pedophile Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

I will ask elby for the ip logs Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

I will pray for you Not just harmless fun

Nov 30, 2001

Well, adequacy is about controversy New to adequacy

Nov 30, 2001

58 is far too young to die George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Nov 30, 2001

Well then, enjoy the following natural experience George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Nov 30, 2001

salt lick? Too bad you weren't here a few weeks New to adequacy

Nov 30, 2001

Apparently Kuro5hin

Nov 30, 2001

The Anchor Bar, in Buffalo, is where wings were I chipped a tooth

Dec 22, 2001

Speaking as a Catholic, you are wrong The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 26, 2001

Perhaps it was your intermperance X-mas party, or payback, or is it confusion, help....

Dec 26, 2001

Merry Christmas Jelerial Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 27, 2001

Good luck with the conversion X-mas party, or payback, or is it confusion, help....

Dec 28, 2001

You've been duped by the liberal media My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 28, 2001

Dear child, your instincts are right I need advice..the ex,or the new guy?

Dec 28, 2001

I pray for fearful's marriage My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 29, 2001

You forgot to mention the corrosion of will Why marijuana is the worst drug

Dec 31, 2001

Senior programmer/sysadmin? Why marijuana is the worst drug

Dec 31, 2001

I too am dismayed at Bush and Ashcroft Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 31, 2001

Eagerly I await the epilogue S-U-C-C Argh!!! Pain, E-S-S!

Jan 02, 2002

Isn't she with child? I Miss Hauntedattics

Jan 03, 2002

My apologies, hauntedattic Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 03, 2002

What a strange coincidence The Doctor sayz...

Jan 04, 2002

It's more a failure of Protestantism in the Deep Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 09, 2002

How many madrigal singers live off album sales? Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 09, 2002

A shame the man was tarred by the liberalists The world lost a great man yesterday.

Jan 16, 2002

A privileged upbringing need not be a barrier My Hard Life

Jan 18, 2002

I too am concerned Where is he???

Jan 18, 2002

Be wary of those gay clubs Dude...

Jan 21, 2002

You are right to be wary of MIT My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 21, 2002

And that's why we have a Queen My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 21, 2002

Well, now that you mention it My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 21, 2002

Marriage is hard work What Sucks About Marriage

Jan 22, 2002

You are right, I was confusing BC and BU My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 22, 2002

I'm not sure why I am a poll option Snicker

Jan 30, 2002

Please gentle readers, do not judge Adequacy by Bloody Sunday, Bloody Right!

Jan 30, 2002

Beware of less then erudite readers Is �cunt� banned from adequacy?

Jan 30, 2002

I urge the Godly to boycott this article The Time is Right for Manual Sex

Jan 31, 2002

It's my birthday also Mundane Rambling

Jan 31, 2002

Good golly, the internet is full of perverts Help save a baby, and snowballs

Jan 31, 2002

Are you both Lunix hackers? Help save a baby, and snowballs

Jan 31, 2002

Editors, I fail to see the controversy here Animals: Food for Thought

Jan 31, 2002

All vaginas are basically the same Help save a baby, and snowballs

Jan 31, 2002

I run a Windows network Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 01, 2002

I am going to be 36 Mundane Rambling

Feb 01, 2002

Editors, is this commercial shilling acceptable? An essential fashion item

Feb 01, 2002

editors, please delete this diary An essential fashion item

Feb 02, 2002

Middle aged and bourgois from your perspective Mundane Rambling

Feb 04, 2002

Perhaps mossboy was possessed? Death Threats on Groups.Google.Com

Feb 04, 2002

This may explain geeks' strange spirituality Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 04, 2002

I hope your wife, kids and inlaws are exercising Death Threats on Groups.Google.Com

Feb 04, 2002

You need a license to weld? Is brain power that good?

Feb 04, 2002

Yes, know how I suffer in New York Death Threats on Groups.Google.Com

Feb 05, 2002

It's no surprise, most of the Godly left long ago The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 06, 2002

35, nearly 36 Happy birthday to me

Feb 06, 2002

Well then, the PROTESTANT parts of America The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 06, 2002

Thank you, seventy percent Death Threats on Groups.Google.Com

Feb 06, 2002

Capitol Punishment is wrong, the Pope says so Capital Punishment

Feb 06, 2002

How sad and strange Boys can never be sexually abused by women

Feb 06, 2002

Thanks, do you want to borrow my AARP card? Happy birthday to me

Feb 07, 2002

Those are hardly race cars The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 08, 2002

If you think woman are equal to men The Genital Offensive

Feb 11, 2002

This Vladinator should read the Prince am I being stalked?

Feb 12, 2002

Prideful, and street cornerish, too What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 12, 2002

Good luck, First Incision Have a Solemn Lent

Feb 13, 2002

Apparently AR is a Jehovah's Witness cultist What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

Ahh yes, the Adultican, ^H^H^H^H Anglicans What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

No, hauntedattics is a young woman in Boston What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

Do you know how the Pill and IUD work? What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

Mea culpa, I have been tainted by the lunix trolls What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 14, 2002

You sure protest vehemently LIFE™ Is What You Make Of It

Feb 15, 2002

< heretic protestant > The Benefits of Browsing Slashdot.

Feb 19, 2002

Is this Social Engineering? Question

Feb 20, 2002

Hmmm, freedom against tyranny at 9 America's Death Machines

Feb 20, 2002

A shame cheap gasoline can't come to Europe America's Death Machines

Feb 20, 2002

Nathan, I humbly apologize America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

Yes, they both are baby-killing devices America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

These dope addicts will stop at nothing! The Drug Underground Comes Online

Feb 21, 2002

Nonsense, Natural Family Planning can properly be America's Death Machines

Feb 23, 2002

Happy birthday Miss Wicked Happy Birthday

Feb 27, 2002

Well, the Pope is always right America's Death Machines

Mar 07, 2002

The shallowness of homosexuality is all too clear What is your annual household income?

Mar 12, 2002

For once I agree with Potato Error Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 13, 2002

Well then, click on My Story Submitter Why Supporting Israel Helps Everyone

Mar 13, 2002

This is an American-centric piece Reclaiming St. Patrick's Day

Mar 13, 2002

Attention gentle readers Reclaiming St. Patrick's Day

Mar 13, 2002

Thank you, our multi-ethnic editorial board Reclaiming St. Patrick's Day

Mar 13, 2002

For my articles, it should be 10/10 Reclaiming St. Patrick's Day

Mar 13, 2002

Well, the internet if full of God-hating liberalis Reclaiming St. Patrick's Day

Mar 14, 2002

Welcome, I give you teh benefit of a doubt I feel so lonely

Mar 14, 2002

The English language is not C I feel so lonely

Mar 14, 2002

They're wasteful in men Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 20, 2002

s/dieties/demons/g dear elenchos Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 20, 2002

Thank you for the spelling correction Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 20, 2002

Thankfully, we have America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 20, 2002

I know quite a bit about computers A request

Mar 20, 2002

But how will you tell the children Mommy's in Hell Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

Religion requires a revelation, or supernatural Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 20, 2002

Catholic girls in the US can be curvy Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 28, 2002

Our designers are consummate computer professional What's with all the 'My' stuff?

Mar 28, 2002

Your ignorance is showing Islamic Ji-ography

Mar 29, 2002

You type well for only using one hand It's time to rise up, stand tall, and confess:

Mar 29, 2002

LIve in town, or the city then Repeal the Drunk Driving Laws Now

Apr 01, 2002

A shame media outlets forget the 8th commandment Media Responsibility in the Modern Era

Apr 02, 2002

I hope you don't mind Stupidity

Apr 02, 2002

The problem is simple, they lack trained priests The Treason of Creationism

Apr 02, 2002

Certainly, post your theological credentials The Treason of Creationism

Apr 04, 2002

I agree, Americans should develope a sense of Full Frontal Rudity

Apr 05, 2002

You are good hearted dmg Adequacy. Can we make it even better ?

Apr 05, 2002

What if beets were bad for you, but tasted good? British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 05, 2002

Please take your homosexual size fantasies Adequacy. Can we make it even better ?

Apr 09, 2002

Obviously, more American intervention is needed What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 09, 2002

Do you have your Warsaw Pact Fighter ID cards? What To Do About Arafat?

Apr 09, 2002

God is loving, just and colorblind Racism is bad?

Apr 09, 2002

I think a shotgun is a poor, lazy solution Protect Our Children Now

Apr 09, 2002

Thank you freshgroundpepper Welcome Kuro5hin refugees!

Apr 09, 2002

I don't follow your comment Welcome Kuro5hin refugees!

Apr 09, 2002

liberal != liberalist Welcome Kuro5hin refugees!

Apr 09, 2002

I suspect some of those "Priests" are re To set the record straight

Apr 09, 2002

I do find computer jargon ecumenical Welcome Kuro5hin refugees!

Apr 09, 2002

Yes, "An Armed Society is a Polite Society&qu Protect Our Children Now

Apr 09, 2002

I'm sure the infiltrators are well trained To set the record straight

Apr 10, 2002

Capitalism causes abundant fats and sweets Paging Dr. Science, paging Dr. Science...

Apr 11, 2002

Dissent is natural for children Protect Our Children Now

Apr 16, 2002

I am considering a cartoon I miss Linux Zealot (tm)

Apr 16, 2002

I am aware of the obscenity in anime I miss Linux Zealot (tm)

Apr 16, 2002

When you've become a land owner British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 16, 2002

While I am no fan of mass media Linux Zealot and Economics 101

Apr 16, 2002

Please cease and desist your social engineering! Linux Zealot and Economics 101

Apr 17, 2002

Troublemints is a satanic band out of Cleveland Linux Zealot and Economics 101

Apr 19, 2002

Your lack of education is showing Linux Zealot and Economics 101

Apr 19, 2002

Having used and supported a variety of computers Should I buy an Xbox?

Apr 26, 2002

Of course condoms make sex feel worse Polyurethane Condoms?

Apr 26, 2002

Obviously, you lie Am I a 75-cent whore?

May 01, 2002

Catholic, my dear tkatchev Why can't I get a second date?

May 01, 2002

I wonder about the principal's tendencies Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 01, 2002

Deluded Godless souls This is sick

May 02, 2002

The homosexual act is a sin Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 02, 2002

Typical liberalist pornography Sports and the Homosexual Cover-Up

May 02, 2002

Hip Hop? How about Barry White Why can't I get a second date?

May 06, 2002

Go back to whining liberalistville, please Happy Tango-no-Sekku!

May 07, 2002

Not if you want to print something, tkatchev Mandrake 8.2 : "a fucking disaster"

May 08, 2002

I agree, gohome Suite-Pee

May 09, 2002

You should meet tkatchev Finally here

May 13, 2002

An editorial disagreement re nuclear weapons Anakin Loses a Hand

May 13, 2002

Geekizoid is a victim of anti-Catholicism What happened?

May 16, 2002

Full House was a decent, wholesome show No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 17, 2002

This is exceedingly dangerous advice The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 17, 2002

Good sir, this site may be too advanced for you Anakin Loses a Hand

May 17, 2002

That's a very advanced cartoon, Nathan Hottest Aussie Hottie ?

May 17, 2002

Good sir, you need not be defensive Windows 2000 and the joys of a healthy computer.

May 21, 2002

While I appplaud iat's effort Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 22, 2002

Thank you, I think The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 22, 2002

Please stop slandering the President Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 23, 2002

I could not have said it better, good sir Which is the best way to predict the future ?

May 29, 2002

I would suggest the Fundy side of Nova Scotia Hedonist seeks pleasure advice.

May 29, 2002

Halifax yes, for a day, PEI, no Hedonist seeks pleasure advice.

Jun 04, 2002

I've suspected Lucas was an anti-God homosexual George Lucas, Oscar Wilde, and Homosexual Theater

Jun 13, 2002

I prefer beer, wine or mead Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 20, 2002

Futball/soccer sets dangerous precedents I want a mistress!

Jun 20, 2002

I think they're synonymous My Father, the geek

Jun 20, 2002

Soccer/fifa/football, or American football? I want a mistress!

Jun 24, 2002

Good reader, he has not yet cheated I want a mistress!

Jul 02, 2002

Silly Englishman, Americans are free Boom City, USA

Jul 02, 2002

If you live in the northeast, Pennsylvania sells Boom City, USA

Jul 03, 2002

You mean, Dear Nathan Boom City, USA

Jul 26, 2002

I apologize for my absence I am dating a liberalist

Aug 08, 2002

Sir, ganglian's thesis is not against mothers Mommyism in the Workplace

Aug 09, 2002

True, perhaps "gun ownership" would be a Guns ?

Aug 11, 2002

I'm not in favor of outlawing women in the workpla Mommyism in the Workplace

Aug 11, 2002

So, you're in favor of baby killing? Mommyism in the Workplace

Aug 11, 2002

I'm a normal computer professional Mommyism in the Workplace

Aug 16, 2002

The Cowboys are collegiate men, My vacation to America and what I found there

Aug 21, 2002

I think the adequacy paradigm has been too success Trolling - A thing of the past ?

Aug 22, 2002

Hmm, I suspect Alex K was "hopped up" on Not Very Adequate

Aug 23, 2002

What liberalist garbage Humans: Murderous Freaks of Nature?

Aug 26, 2002

So close, yet so far Humans: Murderous Freaks of Nature?

Aug 26, 2002

Dwelling on slavery is harmful to a people Shit or Get Off the Pot

Aug 29, 2002

Dear PotatoError Rock vs Pop

Aug 29, 2002

Good sir, it is 2002, not 1999 The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Aug 30, 2002

Dear silverjim, the definition of an editor is one A place to lurk?

Aug 30, 2002

I thank you, kind sir A place to lurk?

Aug 31, 2002

The best cassette deck ever made Rock vs Pop

Aug 31, 2002

Fret not, good sir A Query

Sep 03, 2002

It's a stop light drag race culture thing The most beautiful display of utter crap I have ever had the mispleasure of seeing

Sep 03, 2002

I thought geeks watched Star Trek Why we should make all guns illegal

Sep 03, 2002

Possibly, Satanism and homosexualism are closely My roommate is gay! My roommate is a drunk.

Sep 04, 2002

Another Englisher doesn't get it The War on Terror - is it winnable ?

Sep 04, 2002

Yes, for computers never crash The War on Terror - is it winnable ?

Sep 04, 2002

If the De Gualle runway sweepers were not striking The War on Terror - is it winnable ?

Sep 04, 2002

Judging from historical trends Seven Days Until the Post-9/11-Post-9/11 Era

Sep 05, 2002

Yes, the Marshall Plan was quite effective in The War on Terror - is it winnable ?

Sep 05, 2002

Plus, the harsh weather does a number on roads The most beautiful display of utter crap I have ever had the mispleasure of seeing

Sep 05, 2002

My little lady doesn't wear much makeup The Tyranny of Makeup

Sep 05, 2002

Good sir, please get an account Why we should make all fishing illegal

Sep 05, 2002

True, I should be wary of King James quoters Why we should make all fishing illegal

Sep 06, 2002

Leviticus is in the Old Testament, not New Fun with bible scriptures!

Sep 09, 2002

I apologize for the Protestant heretics in the US A Guide to the United Kingdom for Americans.

Sep 10, 2002

Perhaps you meant a krytron? Question for The Mad Scientist

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