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Do you pity me?
Yes. I hope you are able to find peace. 42%
No. I am heartless. 57%

Votes: 7

 My Hard Life

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jan 16, 2002

My family died in an automobile accident when I began my years as a toddler. A wealthy liberal Jewish family adopted me and cared for me along with a talented extended family including such divas as Natalie Portman and Sarah Michelle Gellar. I never worried about money. I could always afford the best products, never having to settle for an affordable albeit inferior ripoff. I am not happy though. I suffer a pain many of you are unable to imagine.


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Ask Adequacy: What's with two masks?
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Atheism, Crime, and the Connection
A Love Sonnet
Even OSS Prefers Windows XP
Accepting Homosexuals
Free Escorts
Miss Adequacy 2002
Declaration of War Against Adequacy
Wicca FAQ
Native or Lying?
Capital Punishment
Literature and the Law
I hate the Open Source Community
I Miss Jin :(
Ask Adequacy: Am I a Pedophile?
Seatbelts - Bad Influence
The Perfect Career
End of Open Source

Although my adopted family had an older son of their own following in the family tradition, happiness was all they expected of me. Responsibility was an option I never chose to take, for my family always gave me the money I needed and my beautiful cousins always gave me the love I needed. They were enthusiastic to pamper me because of the horrible pain I suffered as a child. It was not until late in my adolescence did I realize the problem with my life.

Many people believe that I live heavenly, but how is life wonderful with the knowledge that I have never worked a day in my entire life? There are many in the world who live in poverty and spend their lives working like slaves, but I'll never need to lift a finger to have what I want. It wasn't until Sarah began her successful career that I had to learn to bathe myself. There are many half my age that have had much harder lives, and for their entire lives, they will live in poverty and strife while I am living in luxury.

I will continue into my twenties being fed on a golden platter that is never empty, like a spoiled pet loved by their masters. If I'm ever feeling alone, Natalie and Sarah always come to comfort me. Do not mistake my comfort for happiness though, for sometimes I wish I was in the car in which my family died. I would not have had to suffer the tortuous guilt of living a wonderful life while others rummage through gutters, searching for food. I'll never need to worry about having something to eat or a place to sleep. Will you?

A privileged upbringing need not be a barrier (none / 0) (#1)
by Adam Rightmann on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 10:31:24 AM PST
to a fulfilling, God serving life. Perhaps you should read up on Francis of Assissi.

A. Rightmann

Your G*d given duty (none / 0) (#2)
by Autobots vs Panopticon on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 03:19:27 PM PST
Although Francis of Assissi is tainted by Catholicism, he was a good and noble man that is worthy of emulation. But, before you rush headlong to wed Lady Poverty, take a moment as ask "Will I be doing more harm than good?"

Once you put on the sackcloth, what will your man servant do? When you leave your palatial abode for the streets and a beggars bowl, what will become of your maids? Rough bread is fine fare, but what of your cook's well being? Or those that dine after you? Or those that dine from the second hand scraps carefully gleaned from the dumpster? Or the numerous illegal migrants that trim your lawn, wash your sheets, care for your children, what of them? It would be selfish to leave all of those people behind, to uproot so many lives for your simple pleasure. You, sir, are a modern prince, but more than a prince you are prince of kindness.

You know what is the right thing to do: Gut that feeling of emptiness, ignore it completely. Instead, focus on consuming as much as you can, more food, more services, more goods, in order to help those around you and truly do G*d's work.

More than meets the eye!

Erm.. (3.00 / 1) (#3)
by Vanetiahime on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:49:13 PM PST
While I do see your point about not giving up the cook as he'll be unemployed and all that I feel it neccesary to point this statement out:

"Instead, focus on consuming as much as you can, more food"

That sounds like gluttony to me and it's one of the seven deadly sins. Also sloth is one of those sins and by sitting lazily around the house and not even bathing yourself most of the time it's a prime example of the sin.

I would suggest doing something constructive with your time such as find a charity organization in your neighborhood to work with. Perhaps even do volounteer work at your local church.

Happiness is not found in wealth or luxury (none / 0) (#4)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:58:02 PM PST
True happiness cannot be found in material possessions, or even through a physically pampered lifesstyle. Rather, true happiness can only be acheived by crushing and oppressing those weaker, less fortunate, or less intelligent than yourself.

Though the glory days of imperialism, of setting out to subjugate whole continents' worth of dusky, unread hordes, are behind us, the sublime bliss that can only be attained through dominating lesser human beings is still within your reach.

Instead of merely piling up expensive toys or mutual funds, try putting your wealth to use by erecting a massive maquiladora sweatshop or berry farm to which platoons of destitute migrant workers will flock. The fates of these pathetic unfortunates will be yours to command, and you will know the godlike joy that is the rightful inheritance of your brethren, the Ceasar and the Pharaoh.


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