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Favorite Wendy's Combo?
#1 Single Burger 0%
#2 Double Burger 0%
#3 Triple Burger 0%
#4 Big Bacon 0%
#5 Grilled Chicken 0%
#6 Spicy Chicken 100%
#7 Regular Chicken 0%
New Orleans Burger? (you've got to be kidding) 0%

Votes: 4

 The world lost a great man yesterday.

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jan 09, 2002
Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's, has gone on to a better place.

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At the age of 12, he started working the counter at a restaurant in Tennessee. When his family moved to Florida, he started working at another restaurant, full-time. The problem? He was only 15, and had dropped out of high school.

But he had already heard the siren song of the restaurant business. Of course, there was the brief stint in the goat-herding industry, but an opportunity in the armed forces set him back onto his path of fast-food righteousness.

An encounter with the Colonel (don't act like you don't know who I mean) convinced him and his partner to open up a KFC Franchise.

But Dave needed more. His boss, Phil Clauss, assigned him to revamp four KFC restaurants. Dave was successful, and became a millionaire before his 40th birthday.

Alas, his dream was still unfulfilled -- he wanted a place he could call his own. A place where old-fashioned hamburgers would be made fresh, daily. At first, his dream was humble; he hoped to open four or five stores at the most. But the public was insatiable -- and so the reality was even sweeter than the dream.

With all of this success, you'd think that Dave would flounder. But he continued to appear in countless TV commercials for his beloved restaurant, and also wrote two books on the subjects of marketing and business.

Dave Thomas was a man with humble origins who aspired to great heights -- a bastion of capitalism and free will. His life was cut short by a rare form of cancer that slowly grew over ten years, turning his insides into something vaguely resembling his world-famous hamburgers. But his legend will live on. Raise the flag to half-mast and order a #7 for Dave.

Godspeed, Dave.

Long Live the Triple (none / 0) (#1)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 08:19:11 AM PST
How in the world did you neglect to mention his adoption stuff. I hope you don't do my obituary. Long live the triple. They are the ghettoist pictures I've ever seen. Learn to use photoshop before you post them. All in all I give you an A. Nice job well done.

What? (none / 0) (#2)
by derek3000 on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 08:21:10 AM PST
I hope you're not suggesting that Dave Thomas was adopted. This is an insult to the kind of family values he would have held dear. An outrageous comment with little proof--sounds like a troll to me. Thank you for the compliment, though.

"Feel me when I bring it!" --Gay Jamie

He was adopted (3.00 / 1) (#6)
by First Incision on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 04:57:43 PM PST
Dave Thomas was adopted. In addition, he worked very hard to support adoption. He started a foundation to help kids find families. This was as much a part of his life's work as Wendy's.

Had you never even noticed the large Adoption Foundation posters in Wendy's resturants?

Obviously you know very little about this man you supposedly admire. _
Do you suffer from late-night hacking? Ask your doctor about Protonix.

A shame the man was tarred by the liberalists (5.00 / 1) (#3)
by Adam Rightmann on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 08:41:49 AM PST
Since he pulled Wendy's ads from running on Ellen, he has been accused of being anti-gay by the fuzzy minded axe grinding leftists. That is wrong, I did watch an episode or two of Ellen to see what kind of anti-family, pro-homosexual agenda was being pushed, and in my opinion the biggest problem with Ellen was not the anti-family agenda, but the lack of humor. For a supposed sitcom, it was not very funny.

A bigger menace to the family is Will & Grace, showing homosexuals living full lives, without the mental torment caused by choosing a lifestyle offensive to God.

A. Rightmann

Yes (5.00 / 1) (#4)
by Right Hand Man on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 09:07:02 AM PST
I'm not much for television in general but as I understood it that Ellen show was some sort of semi-reality based show about homosexuals. It wasn't funny because there is nothing to be joyous about when a person leads a deviant life, it just reflected the reality of that lifestyle. What amazed me was its popularity. What kind of person needs their TV to inform them that gayness is an affront to decency and that it brings shame and sadness to all who choose it? It would be like watching a show about water being wet, anyone with any sense already knows all about it.

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

Ellen (none / 0) (#7)
by First Incision on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 06:31:26 PM PST
As a former Ellen fan, I think I can shed some light. Before the coming-out, I thought Ellen was a very funny show. It was kind of like Seinfeld, each show and it's plot kind of stood on its own, and was funny without having to keep track of previous episodes. Because Ellen didn't really have any long-term relationships to keep up with, this kept the plots from getting bogged down like soap opera comedies such as Friends.

So Ellen's independence and ability to live without a man was part of what kept the show fresh, entertaining, and unique.

Ellen announcing she was gay wasn't much of a surprise to fans of the show, but it totally ruined the shows whole premise. Now the plots got messy with relationships.

After the Coming Out episode, ratings spiked because of the controversy. They immediately plummeted because the show was lame. Ellen lost most of the viewers it used to have (like me) and all of the viewers it might have gained.
Do you suffer from late-night hacking? Ask your doctor about Protonix.

Indeed... (5.00 / 2) (#5)
by hauntedattics on Wed Jan 9th, 2002 at 09:44:25 AM PST
Thanks, Dave, for starting the only fast food restaurant I ever feel like frequenting. A toast to Dave Thomas, preferably with a medium Frosty.

hot sauce (none / 0) (#8)
by johnny ambiguous on Thu Jan 10th, 2002 at 04:40:49 PM PST
We've had chilly weather the last few days down here in Tampa. It's still central Florida so it's not yet cold enough for a shot of scotch first thing in the A.M., though. In fact I don't remember it ever getting cold enough for that in Tampa. I worked out-of-town for a week once in Tallahassee when there were a couple inches of snow on the ground first thing in the morning though, and boy, without a little snort when we pulled onto the site at 7:15 A.M. I don't know how we'd have gotten out of the truck. But I digress.

The other day I had lunch at a Wendy's in St. Pete. You know, they have chili there. I like chili, especially when it's cool out. Now while Wendy's is pretty serviceable chili, it always struck me as a bit bland. I mean, it's OK, but just a tad not spicy enough. Not that I am a guy who sits around in sports bars and scarfs down habanero peppers one after another and attempts to act like it doesn't hurt or anything like that, and I realize the management doesn't want to spice it up too much so Grandma ends up rolling around on the floor of the franchise clutching her throat going ack ack ack, but it seems to me that chili should be at least a little bit spicy, right?

Well, here's the good news! This time I found out they now offer little gold-colored foil packs of hot sauce with their chili. The other guys on my crew all dumped in two or three of them, but I found that just one pack of hot sauce renders Wendy's chili perfecto. I mean, like yum. All for only ninety-nine cents, too! Ave atque vale, Dave.

Yours WDK -

Getting into my Chevrolet Magic Fire, I drove slowly back to the office. - L. Rosen


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