So, what's up with my name... its a long and tedious story that I really don' t feel like telling, so I won't. I will say that it is derived from a source of great amusement, a game if you will, that I know many of you participate in (grammatically incorrect - do I care? no).
So why bother using the name "motherfuckin spork"... why not? sure, I've used other names on-line - I've been "parallels", I've been "vampire rabbit", I've been "Ren Hoek", and I've been and still am a few others that shall go unmentioned, because I choose to do so. This name has been the most fun. People don't really know how to respond to it - especially when I exit "asshole-mode" and enter "serious-mode": freaks people out, and I think that's damn funny.
So anyway, here are some more words, and I've put some words in the poll over there, so read them if you so choose, click on stuff if you like (that is the entire point of the internet, isn't it? what would the net be without clicking?). Words words words and more words. Do they serve any real function? Hard to say sometimes... depends on who's saying what.