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 Another 'I just don't get it' post

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Sep 28, 2001

Post an honest question and you get deleted, post self-promotional spam and they let it go?

Update [2001-9-28 20:59:4 by Peter Johnson]: Long angry and pointless rant deleted due to obscene and libelous statements. This sort of thing is not tolerated. SpaceJack, you may lose your posting privileges if it continues.


More diaries by spacejack
Can I use your bathroom?
Don't really know what to expect aside from having the aforementioned post deleted (and possibly this diary) as well?

A couple suggestions. (5.00 / 3) (#1)
by CaptainZornchugger on Fri Sep 28th, 2001 at 07:15:01 PM PST
Because I'm drunk, and in a advice giving mood.

A: The editors don't like navel-gazing. Navel-gazing is for kurobots. Any comments about the site, or it's regulars, or editors, instead of the discussion at hand, may get deleted. For example, they may delete this message.

B: Advice about the site is usually deleted. This probably doesn't mean that the editors don't read it, as they can still see deleted comments, but they will make it so no one else can see it (even trusted users.)

In other words, parrticipate in the discussion, instead of criticizing the site or its regulars, and you'll be fine. Or, if you criticize someone, do so creatively and humourously.

By the way, if you're referring to that post about Rightmann, it wasn't deleted. It was zeroed. I zeroed it, for two reasons:

1: Rightmann can see it even if it's zeroed. There is no reason for a new visitor to the site to see it.

2: You may have been insinuating that Rightmann is not a genuine poster. That allows you to conveinently neglect his arguments, and is considered 'trolling' around here.

As a general rule, we're trying to have arguments here, and not endless discussions on changing the site to what someone feels it should be like. Anything which does not fit in with that paradigm is unwelcome.

DISCLAIMER: This is my understanding. I responded because I was the one who zeroed one of your comments. I am not an editor.

Correct. (5.00 / 2) (#3)
by iat on Sat Sep 29th, 2001 at 02:33:33 AM PST
Everything that the Captain says is correct. The comment was hidden because it was considered to be a troll - not just by the the editors, but by two of our fine, upstanding trusted users. No-one's interested in reading attacks on the credibility of users here, so that sort of comment gets hidden.

Your "spam" comment was attached to one of my articles, and I didn't delete it because it was on-topic, coherent and was advertising something that some of our readers may have found interesting. The fact that no-one else was replying to my article probably had some influence on my decision too.

I really should learn to refrain from all this meta-commentary. I think I'm becoming addicted to posting meta stuff. - love it or leave it.

That's just it (2.50 / 4) (#5)
by spacejack on Sat Sep 29th, 2001 at 12:38:26 PM PST
2: You may have been insinuating that Rightmann is not a genuine poster. That allows you to conveinently neglect his arguments, and is considered 'trolling' around here.

I don't believe he's real. I'm not trying to change the site, I think he's just another "lower triangular". I wanted to remark that a) I've seen better parodies, b) I was curious who was writing it. You can call me naive for thinking someone might actually own up to it. But I still don't think that character is real.

When push comes to shovin,
I'd rather make some lovin.

cancel that appointment for electroshock (5.00 / 2) (#6)
by johnny ambiguous on Sat Sep 29th, 2001 at 08:28:33 PM PST
I don't believe he's real.

You mean you think you just imagined Rightmann? Damn, that's scary! No wonder you're unnerved. You'd definitely have to be one psycho m*****f***** to all on your own dream up an el twisto sicko like Rightmann!

Take heart. He can't be merely your personal hallucination; the rest of us see him too, or at least I do, that makes two of us. He's really out there, from which it follows that you aren't really "out there."

Yours Johnny "anti-solipsist" A.

Getting into my Chevrolet Magic Fire, I drove slowly back to the office. - L. Rosen

It's probably a nick (5.00 / 1) (#7)
by error27 on Sun Sep 30th, 2001 at 12:21:30 AM PST
How many times does someone have to state the obvious before you grasp it?

A lot of times when people post things on the internet they use a different name instead of their real name that they use to sign checks. For example, I'm not error27 in real life.

So if I say something that doesn't fit into your twisted world view are you going to just complain that, "Your real name isn't error27!!!" Repeating that over and over does not generally help create interesting dialogue. And after a very short period of time it becomes annoying.

Hope that helps.

--error27 (but not error27 on my drivers license)

Given the vitriol and abuse thrown at me (5.00 / 1) (#16)
by Adam Rightmann on Mon Oct 1st, 2001 at 07:37:34 AM PST
would I be blamed if I used a nick? Plus, there is the whole praying on street corner thing.

I prefer a little anonymity, so that people can fill in the blanks and imagine that A. Rightmann lives in there town, maybe even in the blue house 3 doors down.

A. Rightmann

clarification (5.00 / 1) (#17)
by jsm on Mon Oct 1st, 2001 at 09:46:09 AM PST
if by "another lower triangular" you mean a pseudonym for me, then I can confirm this is not the case. While creating a fictional alter ego for the purpose of arguing with myself is exactly the sort of thing I am prone to do, I only have access to one IP number, and have already lost my editorial privileges for a week in the recent past for playing much milder stunts. I'm playing it straight for the moment.

... the worst tempered and least consistent of the editors
... now also Legal department and general counsel,

Don't fight it. (0.00 / 1) (#4)
by SpaceGhoti on Sat Sep 29th, 2001 at 04:15:54 AM PST
It isn't your site.

Basically, this site is a parody. Saying such a thing is heresy and high treason, but it's still true. There's nothing serious or legitimate about the site. It's all satire (of a sort) and a bunch of people masturbating at each other. What an Editor (Infinite in Their Wisdom) says is law and gospel truth, even if contradicted by another Editor (Infinite in Their Wisdom).

It doesn't have to make sense. It isn't your site, it's theirs. Have fun with it or stop coming here. That's really the only thing you can do.

A troll's true colors.

exactly! (1.00 / 1) (#8)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 30th, 2001 at 04:31:06 AM PST
As much fun as this site can be sometimes, this site is one of those that is owned by the editors. There are other sites that do make a try at being for the posters/readers, but this isn't one. While I like to drop by, read, laugh, and post things that may or may not get deleted, I feel once again that this is another place that won't get much investment.

I like the folks who run this place, but I'm sure eventually I'll be frustrated with its lack of community. Folks who are truly a community share good times as well as bad, they fight, they laugh, and conflict is sometimes ongoing, sometimes, resolved, but never swept under a carpet or otherwise made to disappear. Ultimately, this is a club, membership card required.

Sure its funny here, but lets face it, either you're one of the performers or one of the audience. Be like me, get over it, there are some for real online communities out there that don't artificially hide the dirty truth that is the human condition. We are all very imperfect creatures, and this place is really only made for the chronically well adjusted, the "in crowd" so to speak. But that is ok, this place is theres, lets let them have it. (Can you tell I got picked on in High School? hehe)

Sadly, this may be deleted too, and if so, the only one who will feel that the point is validated by that will be me.


ATTN editors: meta-commentary - please delete (none / 0) (#9)
by otak on Sun Sep 30th, 2001 at 05:57:50 AM PST
Folks who are truly a community share good times as well as bad, they fight, they laugh, and conflict is sometimes ongoing, sometimes, resolved, but never swept under a carpet or otherwise made to disappear.
Communities are great, but they can be stifling. Innovative brilliance almost always comes from people who manifestly don't give a fuck what the community thinks.

Which isn't to say that adequacy is always (or ever) innovative or brilliant, but I think it has a better shot at it than a community-edited site. For instance, I can't imagine k5 posting America is still the greatest or Why the Bombings Mean That We Must Support My Politics - articles which I thought were absolutely stunning.

Now what? (3.00 / 2) (#11)
by spacejack on Sun Sep 30th, 2001 at 02:07:38 PM PST
Long angry and pointless rant deleted due to obscene and libelous statements.

What got deleted now? I don't remember writing anything long or angry here. I don't think it fits being libellous either, since I was personally fooled by one of your editors on k5 some time ago. Is it so unlikely someone would pull the same stunt again?

When push comes to shovin,
I'd rather make some lovin.

oh please. (5.00 / 1) (#12)
by em on Sun Sep 30th, 2001 at 04:41:38 PM PST
Don't try to play Mr. Innocent now. All of us editors can still see the full content that got "deleted" (Peter wasn't completely accurate in this regard; he didn't really "delete", but rather, make it visible only to editors). You should be thankful we spared your reputation from keeping this material available at large.
Associate Editor,

ok well (3.00 / 2) (#13)
by spacejack on Sun Sep 30th, 2001 at 08:06:29 PM PST
Can you send me a copy so I can see what I wrote?

When push comes to shovin,
I'd rather make some lovin.

bounced (5.00 / 1) (#14)
by em on Sun Sep 30th, 2001 at 10:47:53 PM PST
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 01:33:38 -0400
From: Mail Delivery System <> Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (Exim).

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
(generated from unknown local-part "spacejack" in domain""

Associate Editor,


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