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   Comments by SpaceGhoti   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Jul 12, 2001

It warms my heart Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 12, 2001

scare mongering Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 12, 2001

I did. Where'd it go?

Jul 13, 2001

I'll field this one. Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 13, 2001

Blink much? Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 13, 2001

Wishful thinking Is it time women covered up at work ?

Jul 13, 2001

Golly! Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 13, 2001

Say what? The Truth About Reality TV

Jul 13, 2001

Link? Where'd it go?

Jul 13, 2001

Okay, I'm convinced. Wow!

Jul 13, 2001

No way. Wow!

Jul 13, 2001

While we have your attention Wow!

Jul 13, 2001

...Wow. Wow!

Jul 13, 2001

Take heart! Holy Shit... With a mission statement like this....

Jul 13, 2001

Understatement Holy Shit... With a mission statement like this....

Jul 13, 2001

No kidding? Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 16, 2001

Don't forget The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 16, 2001

soapbox The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 16, 2001

Hook, line and... The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 16, 2001

LHSCaTS Homosexuality - Is it the next evolutionary step for mankind ?

Jul 16, 2001

Foundation? The Malaise of the Middle Classes.

Jul 16, 2001

Wisdom of OpalHawk: Yes another entry, another rant, and this one is about rants.

Jul 16, 2001

Well, yes... Open Letter to a Stripper

Jul 16, 2001

Coincidence The Malaise of the Middle Classes.

Jul 16, 2001

Response The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 16, 2001

On my planet The Malaise of the Middle Classes.

Jul 16, 2001

Insanity The Malaise of the Middle Classes.

Jul 16, 2001

Education Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 16, 2001

While I think of it Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 16, 2001

You can't take our land! The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 17, 2001

Authority The Malaise of the Middle Classes.

Jul 17, 2001

Gah! Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 17, 2001

Furthermore Winning The Battle Against Pornography

Jul 17, 2001

Kudos Solutions

Jul 17, 2001

Bible thumping Mommy? Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 17, 2001

Pot, kettle... Solutions

Jul 17, 2001

Questionable goods? Solutions

Jul 17, 2001

Easy solution Troubles with Impure Thoughts

Jul 18, 2001

The Internet Abortion or Treason? Towards a more populous America

Jul 18, 2001

You're all wrong. Christianity isn't working in the USA; Is Islam the answer ?

Jul 18, 2001

Splitting hairs Abortion or Treason? Towards a more populous America

Jul 18, 2001

Trolled! Arrested Development (Part One): Saving the Human Race

Jul 18, 2001

Of course you did! Arrested Development (Part One): Saving the Human Race

Jul 18, 2001

Did I need to? Arrested Development (Part One): Saving the Human Race

Jul 18, 2001

Food for thought hello.

Jul 18, 2001

That depends. hello.

Jul 18, 2001

In a word, yes. The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 18, 2001

Definitions hello.

Jul 19, 2001

Thank you for clearing the air The AIDS Hoax

Jul 19, 2001

Economics SUV's Bigger and Better - The Ultimate American Dream

Jul 19, 2001

Amen, brother! From Kids To Commies: The Truth About Daycare

Jul 19, 2001

Stylin' Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 19, 2001

Fear not Zippity-do-da

Jul 19, 2001

Favorite quote Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 19, 2001

What am I saying? Zippity-do-da

Jul 19, 2001

Deliberately inflammatory Zippity-do-da

Jul 19, 2001

Fallacies The Scriptural Proof of Extraterrestrial Life

Jul 20, 2001

ESR Zippity-do-da

Jul 20, 2001

I would be leery of a church My first diary on Adequacy, woot etc...

Jul 20, 2001

Which begs the question: Why Bother?

Jul 20, 2001

Controversy and Why Bother?

Jul 20, 2001

All or nothing Why Bother?

Jul 20, 2001

Consider your audience Why Bother?

Jul 20, 2001

Aggressive athiests Why Bother?

Jul 20, 2001

Socialism vs. Communism Abortion or Treason? Towards a more populous America

Jul 20, 2001

*snort* My first diary on Adequacy, woot etc...

Jul 20, 2001

I have to agree. Review: Jurassic Park III

Jul 20, 2001

Question: Review: Jurassic Park III

Jul 20, 2001

Thank you Review: Jurassic Park III

Jul 20, 2001

Knee-jerk reactions aside... Review: Jurassic Park III

Jul 20, 2001

You found me out! Hey, osm

Jul 20, 2001

My soul weeps Hey, osm

Jul 20, 2001

Hmm... Hey, osm

Jul 20, 2001

Okay... Hey, osm

Jul 20, 2001

Silence, fool! Hey, osm

Jul 20, 2001

I stand corrected. Hey, osm

Jul 21, 2001

It's about time! Sexism. Nature ? or Nurture ?

Jul 22, 2001

Flatterer To the management:

Jul 23, 2001

The Myth of Fair Play Tax the Childless, Double Votes for Parents

Jul 23, 2001

Debate? What debate? K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 23, 2001

So delete it. K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 23, 2001

Yup K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 23, 2001

Testify! Kill Yr Idols: Tiger Woods

Jul 23, 2001

Yeah, let's call it that. K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 23, 2001

By gum K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 23, 2001

Kneeling at the feet of the Master Kill Yr Idols: Tiger Woods

Jul 23, 2001

You forgot something! The Dating Game

Jul 23, 2001

That's what I thought The Dating Game

Jul 24, 2001

Context Beating Children Saves Lives

Jul 25, 2001

Enlightenment Kill Yr Idols: Tiger Woods

Jul 25, 2001

I'll see your clue Beating Children Saves Lives

Jul 25, 2001

But, you don't understand. a day in the park with opalhawk

Jul 25, 2001

Vulgarity a day in the park with opalhawk

Jul 25, 2001

Crowley's law Beating Children Saves Lives

Jul 25, 2001

I learned something new! Models - Stormtrooping superbitches of the Fashion Industry

Jul 25, 2001

Oh, I dunno opalhawk's childlike innocence

Jul 25, 2001

Goths and Wiccans The Guide to Cheap Legal Highs: Garlic

Jul 25, 2001

If you're wondering why I returned the favor opalhawk's childlike innocence

Jul 25, 2001

Splitting hairs opalhawk's childlike innocence

Jul 26, 2001

five random comments? opalhawk's childlike innocence

Jul 26, 2001

Not ana? opalhawk's childlike innocence

Jul 26, 2001

Wow Can't sleep? Bored with the same-ol' same-ol'?

Jul 26, 2001

Good to see Can't sleep? Bored with the same-ol' same-ol'?

Jul 26, 2001

Threatened Can't sleep? Bored with the same-ol' same-ol'?

Jul 26, 2001

Silly pixie. Can't sleep? Bored with the same-ol' same-ol'?

Jul 26, 2001

Yes. Can't sleep? Bored with the same-ol' same-ol'?

Jul 26, 2001

Goodness! Can't sleep? Bored with the same-ol' same-ol'?

Jul 26, 2001

Probably a good thing Can't sleep? Bored with the same-ol' same-ol'?

Jul 26, 2001

As you wish Can't sleep? Bored with the same-ol' same-ol'?

Jul 26, 2001

Pay them no mind I am now truly amused

Jul 26, 2001

If at first you don't succeed... I Want A Girl With A Mind Like A Diamond

Jul 26, 2001

'fraid so heresy

Jul 26, 2001

Long time, no movie? heresy

Jul 26, 2001

I almost forgot! heresy

Jul 26, 2001

Just a few points here... The Terrible Truth About Gun Owners

Jul 26, 2001

Polite laughter I am now truly amused

Jul 26, 2001

Not an unfair assessment I am now truly amused

Jul 27, 2001

Bops to LoA Mister Macho Man, Is It True?

Jul 27, 2001

I...I think I need a drink Open Letter to the USA: Please Don't Drown Me

Jul 27, 2001

To my shame Open Letter to the USA: Please Don't Drown Me

Jul 27, 2001

It's true Open Letter to the USA: Please Don't Drown Me

Jul 27, 2001

Oops. Open Letter to the USA: Please Don't Drown Me

Jul 27, 2001

What happened this time? My brain hurts

Jul 27, 2001

Could it be... I Want A Girl With A Mind Like A Diamond

Jul 27, 2001

propaganda Open Letter to the USA: Please Don't Drown Me

Jul 27, 2001

I can't help but notice OSM, Why do you hate me?

Jul 27, 2001

Family relations OSM, Why do you hate me?

Jul 30, 2001

The scary thing My Presidential Campaign: Revoke All Corporate Charters

Jul 31, 2001

I remember Cinci Its about time I write more!

Jul 31, 2001

Logic Open Letter to the USA: Please Don't Drown Me

Jul 31, 2001

Basis for law The Terrible Truth About Gun Owners

Jul 31, 2001

Poll invalidated Hilarity Ensues

Jul 31, 2001

Point conceded Hilarity Ensues

Jul 31, 2001

You keep thinking that. Hilarity Ensues

Jul 31, 2001

Sociopathic Hilarity Ensues

Jul 31, 2001

Sad Hilarity Ensues

Jul 31, 2001

No, of course not Hilarity Ensues

Aug 01, 2001

Try not to take him seriously Don't look at me.

Aug 01, 2001

You and me both Dungeons and Dragons: Don't Let it Happen to Your Kid

Aug 02, 2001

Blasphemy? Dungeons and Dragons: Don't Let it Happen to Your Kid

Aug 02, 2001

In answer to your question Ever Fallen in Love With Somone You Shouldn't Have Fallen in Love With?

Aug 03, 2001

Cut that out! Cryptic Message....

Aug 03, 2001

That's fine, then. Wow.

Aug 30, 2001

You're welcome. *yawn*

Sep 01, 2001

My eloquence speaks volumes *yawn*

Sep 07, 2001

In addition... My husband wants to do my ass!

Sep 08, 2001

Joke In Praise of Censorware

Sep 08, 2001

Safeweb In Praise of Censorware

Sep 08, 2001

Dentistry? In Praise of Censorware

Sep 08, 2001

Divide and Konquer In Praise of Censorware

Sep 09, 2001

In response In Praise of Censorware

Sep 10, 2001

A clue for you In Praise of Censorware

Sep 12, 2001

Amen to that perspective

Sep 19, 2001

All dead? A Living Memorial to the WTC Victims

Sep 20, 2001

Rebuttle A Living Memorial to the WTC Victims

Sep 22, 2001

A quiet suggestion Run Away.

Sep 24, 2001

State of the Union Hey everyone,

Sep 24, 2001

I'm online at the moment Why?

Sep 27, 2001

Dinosaur So, how about that local sports team?

Sep 28, 2001

Some alternate advice I'm a teenager, and I want it bad!

Sep 29, 2001

Don't fight it. Another 'I just don't get it' post

Sep 29, 2001

Well said. Why I'm Glad The World Trade Center's Gone

Sep 30, 2001

Political speech Why I'm Glad The World Trade Center's Gone

Sep 30, 2001

Logical? I'm a teenager, and I want it bad!

Oct 01, 2001

CAP! Good Source of Wisdom

Oct 12, 2001

Satanism and Islam I'm a teenager, and I want it bad!

Oct 13, 2001

wasteland? The Plan...

Oct 13, 2001

Simon Peter I have not had relations for months!

Oct 13, 2001

Hmm... The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the crow.

Oct 13, 2001

Ah, I see. The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the crow.

Oct 14, 2001

To Goth, or not to Goth... Hello!

Oct 14, 2001

Abuse of Christianity Paganism

Oct 14, 2001

Really? A site to look at if you care to

Oct 14, 2001

Wicca's negative karma Paganism

Oct 16, 2001

Yeah, well... Hello!

Oct 16, 2001

Critical thinking A site to look at if you care to

Oct 16, 2001

Don't sweat it. It happened AGAIN...

Oct 16, 2001

Faux kisses Spaceghoti is back?

Oct 16, 2001

You misunderstand me, sir. Spaceghoti is back?

Oct 16, 2001

Pleased to oblige. Spaceghoti is back?

Oct 16, 2001

Innocent until proven guilty It happened AGAIN...

Oct 16, 2001

Testify, Brother! Why should I care?

Oct 18, 2001

My humblest apologies. Environmental Doomsday Clock stutters?

Oct 18, 2001

No god? there is no god but shoeboy

Oct 18, 2001

I confess there is no god but shoeboy

Oct 20, 2001

Look no farther! It's all broken

Oct 22, 2001

Double standards A short quiz

Oct 22, 2001

As a matter of fact, A short quiz

Oct 22, 2001

What is terrorism? A short quiz

Oct 23, 2001

Shades of red A short quiz

Oct 23, 2001

More Enlightenment! Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 24, 2001

Why loose your venom on me? Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 24, 2001

Heaven and Hell Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 25, 2001

Bravo! Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

Not what you think Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

Let's try something Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

I had a response to you. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 26, 2001

Warm fuzzies I don't like spaceghoti.

Oct 26, 2001

Darn Are we safe?

Oct 26, 2001

Kurobot? _____

Oct 26, 2001

That makes MUCH more sense. _____

Oct 26, 2001

Fnord _____

Oct 27, 2001

Introducing his Bitchness... _____

Oct 27, 2001

Anguish? How to Combat Tyrant Editors

Oct 29, 2001

Too easy Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

A little better Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

Language Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 30, 2001

Okay, prove it. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 30, 2001

Quality posting _____

Oct 30, 2001

Liberalist trick Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 30, 2001

Wow! Why Natalie Portman Is Better Than Any Of You

Oct 30, 2001

Gender rules Why boys are better than girls

Oct 31, 2001

*wince* Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

You have brown eyes, right? Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 31, 2001

Disproved what? Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 31, 2001

Mourning The scramjet failed :(

Oct 31, 2001

Reading between the lines. A short quiz

Oct 31, 2001

Hmm... Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

Management error Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

Yes, I get your point. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 31, 2001

Uh HUH. Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Oct 31, 2001

I know I'm in for it, but... tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Oct 31, 2001

Really? tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Oct 31, 2001

Instant gratification tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Oct 31, 2001

Perhaps... tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Oct 31, 2001

Okay... tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Oct 31, 2001

U get it tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Oct 31, 2001

Feeling better tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Oct 31, 2001

Hate tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Oct 31, 2001

Yes, I dare. tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Nov 05, 2001

Forget the State Twelve Steps Towards Eradicating Terrorism

Nov 05, 2001

Condolences Sorry, Wil

Nov 06, 2001

Oh, that's rich. My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 06, 2001

With him, as always... Nice guys

Nov 06, 2001

Deluded all right I've hit an epiphany

Nov 07, 2001

Oh boy! How I Got Here

Nov 07, 2001

Bombing maternity homes My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 07, 2001

phonetics How I Got Here

Nov 12, 2001

Group project Thanks everyone!

Nov 12, 2001

Shocking Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 12, 2001

Only two problems Thanks everyone!

Nov 12, 2001

Australia Thanks everyone!

Nov 13, 2001

Aborigines Thanks everyone!

Nov 18, 2001

Hi, Ana! Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

Well, I would, but... Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

What is this thing you call "sleep"? Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

Rockin' the joint Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

It's just osm. Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

leaping through the air Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

Plus, Mmmkay...

Nov 18, 2001

Been there, done that Sex

Nov 19, 2001

Impness Sex

Nov 21, 2001

Only option Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 22, 2001

Patriotism Forever! Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 23, 2001

On the other hand Jakarta News

Nov 23, 2001

American Universalism Jakarta News

Nov 23, 2001

Impressions Jakarta News

Nov 24, 2001

Question Jakarta News

Nov 24, 2001

Definitions Jakarta News

Nov 25, 2001

Buahahahahahaha! Are you Adequate?

Nov 25, 2001

Lazy layabout Are you Adequate?

Nov 25, 2001

Shh Are you Adequate?

Nov 25, 2001

You have a good point there. A law that is ignored is not a good law.

Nov 25, 2001

I would, except... A law that is ignored is not a good law.

Nov 25, 2001

I see! Islam vs. non-Islam in a tiny nutshell

Nov 25, 2001

With that point conceded... A law that is ignored is not a good law.

Nov 25, 2001

Family Home for the holidays? No! Send my body home!

Nov 25, 2001

Family ethics Home for the holidays? No! Send my body home!

Nov 25, 2001

Children in history Are you Adequate?

Nov 25, 2001

The weight of history Home for the holidays? No! Send my body home!

Nov 26, 2001

Values Are you Adequate?

Nov 26, 2001

Think about it. Islam vs. non-Islam in a tiny nutshell

Nov 27, 2001

Religious Wars II: Attack of the Clones The Ethics of Human Cloning

Nov 27, 2001

Well, that clinches it. Uncle OSM's Guide to Covert Dating: Episode I

Nov 27, 2001

The Insidious Dealings of the US Government The Ethics of Human Cloning

Nov 27, 2001

Yet another poll option The importance of a very nice figure

Nov 27, 2001

Something else going on? Playing with fire

Nov 28, 2001

Silly girl! The importance of a very nice figure

Nov 28, 2001

A word of caution Update on the job situation

Dec 02, 2001

Lest we forget Favorite Harry Potter book

Dec 06, 2001

Too easy yet again. Which is more important?

Dec 06, 2001

I must kill you now Is it friday yet?

Dec 06, 2001

Congratulations Which is more important?

Dec 07, 2001

Stupidity life lessons

Dec 08, 2001

Is that so? Which is more important?

Dec 12, 2001

Humanity and the US New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 12, 2001

Brrr! Happy Forking Holidays!

Dec 12, 2001

Human rights New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 14, 2001

Tranposing "Communist" with "Taliba New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 22, 2001

I would. New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 22, 2001

You missed. New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 23, 2001

I'm sensing a theme here THE QUESTION

Dec 23, 2001

Get Out of Hell Free Card The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 24, 2001

Taking responsibility The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 24, 2001

Microsoft is that good? Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 25, 2001

Statistics The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 25, 2001

Fascinating Fellowship Of The Rings Comparative Movie Review

Dec 25, 2001

Let me see The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 25, 2001

Yes, but... Microsoft: A Threat to Itself

Dec 26, 2001

I'm flattered Raving paranoid readers

Dec 26, 2001

Religious failings The Mythical Man-Meat

Dec 26, 2001

Still a good try Microsoft: A Threat to Itself

Dec 26, 2001

Of course, you're right. Raving paranoid readers

Dec 27, 2001

Some alternate advice My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 27, 2001

Not anymore, I'm not My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 28, 2001

self-regulating systems My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 28, 2001

Rationalization My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 29, 2001

Let's turn this one around My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 29, 2001

Rape and power You're all whores.

Dec 29, 2001

Perhaps it's a fine distinction, You're all whores.

Dec 29, 2001

More delusions of grandeur Babylon Must Fall.

Dec 29, 2001

That's the point You're all whores.

Dec 29, 2001

Sadobestialnecrophelia You're all whores.

Dec 29, 2001

Why, thank you! You're all whores.

Dec 29, 2001

Oh, I know My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 30, 2001

But you do it so often! (nt) My inlaws are not fertile!

Dec 30, 2001

Pot. Kettle. Black. Why marijuana is the worst drug

Dec 30, 2001

Unfortunately You're all whores.

Dec 30, 2001

You know... Why marijuana is the worst drug

Dec 31, 2001

Wow Excerpt

Dec 31, 2001

Speculation I Miss Hauntedattics

Dec 31, 2001

Really? Microsoft Is Watching You

Dec 31, 2001

Really? I Miss Hauntedattics

Dec 31, 2001

You're preaching to the choir, there. Microsoft Is Watching You

Dec 31, 2001

I know I'm splitting hairs Well that sucked.

Dec 31, 2001

How can I fault such logic? Well that sucked.

Dec 31, 2001

That's different. Microsoft Is Watching You

Dec 31, 2001

Sophistry Microsoft Is Watching You

Dec 31, 2001

VERY different Microsoft Is Watching You

Jan 01, 2002

Your nightmare Microsoft Windows XP Is Truly the Superior OS

Jan 02, 2002

I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers Microsoft Windows XP Is Truly the Superior OS

Jan 02, 2002

I'm not laughing. Really. liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

God and ethics liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

You know what they say: Are you sure you are [redacted]

Jan 02, 2002

command sets Microsoft Windows XP Is Truly the Superior OS

Jan 02, 2002

That depends hello

Jan 05, 2002

A simple, yet disturbing answer whats with all this

Jan 05, 2002

Gonads Observations: Lord of the Rings

Jan 05, 2002

It's original make up mating proposed

Jan 07, 2002

Department of Redundancy Department Even OSS Prefers Windows XP

Jan 07, 2002

It doesn't matter. A Love Sonnet

Jan 07, 2002

Why do you hate God? Playmate update

Jan 08, 2002

No, no problems here Playmate update

Jan 08, 2002

Similarities Even OSS Prefers Windows XP

Jan 08, 2002

Only purpose? Playmate update

Jan 08, 2002

Functionality Playmate update

Jan 08, 2002

I have to disagree there Observations: Lord of the Rings

Jan 08, 2002

Well, that was deeply irrelevant Playmate update

Jan 09, 2002

Role reversal Playmate update

Jan 09, 2002

Try thinking Playmate update

Jan 09, 2002

Thank you for validating my opinions of you. Playmate update

Jan 09, 2002

50k *Sigh* And The World Falls Farther...

Jan 10, 2002

Well, as a matter of fact... This is my last post to Adequacy

Jan 12, 2002

Melancholy The Consolation of Melancholy

Jan 13, 2002

*yawn* Grandma Linux

Jan 16, 2002

Do it for the nookie Snowboarding + girlie = this diary

Jan 17, 2002

Naughty! Where is he???

Jan 18, 2002

One word: Dude...

Jan 18, 2002

You expect too much Too controversial for Adequacy

Jan 18, 2002

Oh no, not THAT! Too controversial for Adequacy

Jan 18, 2002

Redundancy IP-Tokens. The truth revealed!

Jan 18, 2002

Hmm... AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

Jan 19, 2002

God save me from Your followers [nt] IP-Tokens. The truth revealed!

Jan 20, 2002

I am so deeply impressed Gravity, Magnetism and Relativity

Jan 21, 2002

Buchanan's vindication The Lesson of Black Hawk Down

Jan 22, 2002

Should'ves The Lesson of Black Hawk Down

Jan 24, 2002

You fool! Miss Adequacy 2002

Jan 24, 2002

Welcome, Madam!

Jan 26, 2002

Intel vs AMD Who's Copying Who?

Jan 31, 2002

I missed again. Mundane Rambling

Jan 31, 2002

I can't believe I'm saying this Screw All of You

Jan 31, 2002

That's quite all right. Mundane Rambling

Jan 31, 2002

Oh, the angst Screw All of You

Jan 31, 2002

Mmm...mushroom... Mundane Rambling

Jan 31, 2002

I see Mundane Rambling

Feb 01, 2002

Adequacy != World Screw All of You

Feb 03, 2002

Blah blah ad nauseum Theological musings

Feb 03, 2002

Evolutionary dead ends. Theological musings

Feb 03, 2002

Image of God as allegory Theological musings

Feb 04, 2002

Hermaphrodite Theological musings

Feb 04, 2002

Normal people A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 04, 2002

I'm flattered. The diaries Section has been hijacked

Feb 04, 2002

I'm sure you do. A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 04, 2002

Wow! The diaries Section has been hijacked

Feb 04, 2002

Gilmour or Thoreau A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 04, 2002

passe A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 04, 2002

Then you misunderstand me. A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 05, 2002

Ah, I've struck a nerve. Just read this.

Feb 06, 2002

Some liberalist thoughts (revisited) Capital Punishment

Feb 08, 2002

Ronald Reagan was a good President Happy Birthday, Reagan

Feb 08, 2002

It isn't about breeding 9/11 and Class Conflict

Feb 08, 2002

I'm to blame for this. When are you considered 'old'?

Feb 08, 2002

Of course it isn't a mathematical proof When are you considered 'old'?

Feb 08, 2002

Contributions Public School (And Other) Charities

Feb 12, 2002

Relax AMD and MS: Buudies?

Feb 12, 2002

I stand corrected. AMD and MS: Buudies?

Feb 13, 2002

Definitely the genseng. hedonism

Feb 16, 2002

Nope. No money necessary. The Benefits of Browsing Slashdot.

Feb 26, 2002

Small flaw The Politics of Envy

Feb 26, 2002

Well done! Oh, my...

Feb 27, 2002

I liked it. Oh, my...

Feb 27, 2002

Once more... The Politics of Envy

Feb 27, 2002

I liked it. Oh, my...

Feb 27, 2002

Ah, thank you. Oh, my...

Feb 27, 2002

It was a challenge Oh, my...

Mar 07, 2002

How so? Public Life

Mar 07, 2002

Good question What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

Idle musings What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

The non-existence of God What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Poor guy. What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Australia What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Rambling What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Let's put it this way: What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Libertarian What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Fair enough Public Life

Mar 09, 2002

No, it doesn't. What is god?

Mar 17, 2002

Morality Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

Legality Kuro5hit Update

Mar 17, 2002

Splitting hairs Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

I am an amoral monster. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

The issue of consent. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

Write-In Poll Option Weekend Socializing

Mar 18, 2002

Declaration of Independence Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

That's fine, then. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

Criminal behavior Kuro5hit Update

Mar 18, 2002

Following society's rules. Kuro5hit Update

Mar 27, 2002

But I digress... Road rage

Mar 29, 2002

Hedonism It's time to rise up, stand tall, and confess:

Mar 30, 2002

Written language? Reasons to be thankful.

Mar 30, 2002

modern religions Reasons to be thankful.

Mar 30, 2002

monastic is Christianity theistically monistic?

Mar 30, 2002

That's remarkable is Christianity theistically monistic?

Mar 31, 2002

Oh, heh. is Christianity theistically monistic?

Mar 31, 2002

Preservation Reasons to be thankful.

Apr 09, 2002

A few more insights Australia and Australians

Apr 12, 2002

Yes. Adequacy Quotes

Apr 12, 2002

Wow! I'm famous! Adequacy Quotes

Apr 12, 2002

My opinions are a matter of record. What do you think of adequacy ?

Apr 17, 2002

There's nothing wrong with speaking to Jesus. Security

May 17, 2002

Australian women What makes Australian women so hot?

May 17, 2002

Consistency What makes Australian women so hot?

May 18, 2002

Australian women Hottest Aussie Hottie ?

May 19, 2002

Thanks! Hottest Aussie Hottie ?

May 23, 2002

Ooh, another one! The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 23, 2002

Yup! The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 23, 2002

Here's another test. The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 23, 2002

Instincts The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 26, 2002

Why all the noise? The Internet - where is it heading?

May 26, 2002

It's a cultural thing. Necrobestiality

Jun 05, 2002

Read Plato's Republic [nt] Utopia?

Jun 05, 2002

Qualifications My rant on religon

Jun 05, 2002

That's easy. Sauda��es!

Jun 07, 2002

Why not? Utopia?

Jun 07, 2002

posh My rant on religon

Jun 08, 2002

Golly. My rant on religon

Jun 08, 2002

Thank you for pointing this out. The Litigious States of America.

Jun 09, 2002

Terrorists The Litigious States of America.

Jun 11, 2002

Fuck yourself. My rant on religon

Jun 12, 2002

Nope. bakery chocolate-chocolate chip muffin

Jun 13, 2002

Understanding HTML umble pie

Jun 13, 2002

Congratulations! A poem for you all

Jun 13, 2002

I thought you would be. [nt] A poem for you all

Jul 08, 2002

Can't say as I blame you. Why US bombs should be banned

Jul 08, 2002

Unilateralist vs Isolationist Why US bombs should be banned

Jul 08, 2002

What do you expect? I Miss Jin :(

Jul 12, 2002

No. Americans are arrogant and rude!

Jul 17, 2002

On the other hand A question for the atheists

Jul 17, 2002

And yet... Atheists Unite!

Jul 17, 2002

You hurt my feelings. My rant on religon

Aug 31, 2002

Commonwealth Where were the Americans?

Aug 31, 2002

Yes The most beautiful display of utter crap I have ever had the mispleasure of seeing

Aug 31, 2002

The answer is "yes." The Internet, Pornography, and Masturbation are destroying college students

Sep 01, 2002

I never timed it. The most beautiful display of utter crap I have ever had the mispleasure of seeing

Sep 05, 2002

Stella made a good point. The War on Terror - is it winnable ?

Sep 05, 2002

Yes, you are. All young women want to be artists

Sep 05, 2002

Exactly. The War on Terror - is it winnable ?

Sep 05, 2002

Kicked arses The War on Terror - is it winnable ?

Sep 06, 2002

Posh All young women want to be artists

Sep 06, 2002

Friendly fire The War on Terror - is it winnable ?

Sep 06, 2002

The military moves in on Washington DC Invasion: America

Sep 07, 2002

What about God freaks with guns? [nt] Invasion: America

Sep 07, 2002

What are we discussing? The War on Terror - is it winnable ?

Sep 07, 2002

Um How can we take Blair seriously ?

Sep 08, 2002

I have thought about it. How can we take Blair seriously ?

Sep 08, 2002

If you say so. I am now a 31337 h4x0r !!!

Sep 10, 2002

You were almost clever! How can we take Blair seriously ?

Sep 10, 2002

You're entitled to your opinion. I am now a 31337 h4x0r !!!

Sep 10, 2002

Really? Got a great scoop

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