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Jason and Delorah are like any number of young professional American couples. They work hard, have made a good home for themselves and have little time for children.
When Delorah is unexpectedly with child, they make the same choice thousands of couples across America make: abortion. Unfortunately, Jason and Delorah, and thousands of others like them, are unaware of what effect their choices will have on their country. |
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China is currently the largest country on our planet, both in geographical size and by population. But their economy, always delicately balanced, is in a downward spiral. There is little that could have been done differently. China's massive size is both a benefit and a curse, but is completely unmangeable to a fascist communist government.
This "government" will do anything necessary to keep itself in power, and increase the power it already has. However, when economies collapse, people get upset and governments get overthrown. China has seen it happen in Russia and is scared. So, if the economy is the problem, what's the best way to jumpstart an economy? War China has already shown that it is feeling aggressive. Although the United States outclasses China, not only culturally and militarily, but in almost every conceivable way, there is one place where China has an edge, and it's a significant one. China wins out, hands down in population. Trying to stop a full-scale chinese invasion, strengthened by their colossal population, would be like trying to stop a tidal wave with a fork. Clearly it will be in China's best interest to attack before the next century is out. But, what can we possibly do to prepare? Preparation Some would say the answer is to attack China first, annihilating large portions of their population while they sleep in bed. With China's meager supply of nuclear weapons, this is a battle in which we could come out on top. However, there are inconvenient international treaties, and outdated international organizations that make doing things like that difficult and unpreferable. The only way we would have an excuse to fight China, is if they attacked us first. (This is the curse of the United Nations, a country can not do what's best for itself until it is too late. But that's for another article.) Another option would be placing large economic sanctions on China. While it's true that China's economy is largely dependant on the United States, weakening their economy would only hurry us down the path to war, as the Chinese would only have to attack sooner to hold their country together. No, clearly none of these options will work, but obviously something needs to be done. We must increase the population in the United States as quickly as possible! Only then can we defeat the Chinese menace when it rears it's ugly head. Some would argue for increasingly lax immigration laws. Since America is the best country on earth, it would not be difficult to entice millions of people on to her soul. There are two problems with this plan. Once our country fills up with foreigners and immigrants, it is no longer our country. We cease to be America and become some place that's simply made up of inhabitants from throughout the world. The second problem is that, while I for one would prefer to have immigrants dying on our front lines instead of our own children, you can not trust an immigrant, especially not with a gun. So, what then? How should can we reinforce our population to protect the Land of the Free from the land of the godless red? The answer is simple. Compulsory Childbirth If the one place where China has the United States beaten is on population, then obviously we need to buckle down and start breeding. Throughout the entire necessarily blood-drenched history of this country, young men have been laying down their lives to guarantee our freedom. Now is the time for women to lay down and show their patriotism. Any woman who wouldn't doesn't deserve the freedoms this country offers her. If legislation is not enacted in this country making it illegal to reach the age of 30 without at least 3 children, and illegal to reach the age of 40 without at least 5, we may as well turn the country over to the Chinese now and save everyone a lot of trouble. Special Cases I can already anticipate the questions: What about people who are barren? What about homosexuals? Well the answer is clear, although not at all pleasant. Like parents now will abort children with serious birth defects, those that are barren or gay and unwilling to create children are simply too much of a burden to this country. Once they pass prime military age, they should be put to sleep humanely, and their working organs harvested for those child-bearing patriots who can use them. And what does all this have to do with abortions? Well, it's simple. Viewed in this light, the only people who would consider having abortions are traitors.
Every abortion performed is simply one less bullet the Chinese have to fire when they invade America.
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