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Gun politics is always a hot-button topic for debate here in these United States of America. Those who defend the pro-gun lifestyle like to claim that there is nothing wrong with it, that it is a basic and fundamental part of our national heritage. They like to claim that "the truth" about guns is nothing to be feared, and that "the truth" is that gun owners are just plain folks, no different from the decent families who work hard and raise their children in a nurturing environment.
But the truth is far from comforting. The truth is terrible. |
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The National Rifle Association (NRA) is the flagship organization of the gun crazies. It claims to be an organization of law-abiding Americans who are doing more than defending their Second Amendment right to keep and bear firearms. However, the truth about the NRA is far from benign; the truth is frightening. They are a group of sociopaths with a clear agenda: unlimited gun proliferation at all costs, human and otherwise. They have not one iota of human compassion or feeling; their devotion to their implements of death knows no bounds.
For example, the NRA was scheduled to hold its 1999 annual meeting in Colorado. However, in the wake of the horrible mass school shooting at Columbine, many people in Colorado pleaded with the NRA to hold its meeting elsewhere. They refused. And when the venerable Charlton Heston (the NRA's president) addressed the crowd in Denver, did he have words of regret and remorse for the tragic events? None could be found. Instead, the NRA and the gun industry expressed concern that the tragedy might hurt their image. In other words, the NRA was deeply saddened by the events at Columbine .. not because they particularly cared about the loss of so many innocent lives, but because they thought that they would end up "looking bad." The post-Columbine insensitivity is bad enough, but the NRA has also announced its intention to lobby Congress to get gun indoctrination as a part of the standard public education curriculum for every K-6 student in the country. What Heston apparently fails to grasp is that the majority of children in this country are raised by decent, responsible, and loving parents, and that these children have about as much need for "gun education" as a fish has for a bicycle. Heston's "dream America" might be a country where bullets are zipping through the air like mosquitoes and children are shooting each other dead on the playground for their lunch money, but rational Americas do not share these views. By far, the most inexcusable acts of the NRA are its opposition to bans on assault rifles and Teflon-coated cop-killer bullets. With regards to assault rifles, they have a sole purpose: to kill people. You don't take an AR-15 out with you to go duck hunting. You won't need an Uzi submachinegun and a truckload of 9mm clips to go deer hunting. The defense of the cop-killer bullets (so named because they are designed to penetrate the Kevlar vests worn by policemen) is simply inhuman; it astounds me that a million people are proud to call themselves members of an organization that advocates the violent murder of police officers who have sworn their lives to the defense of the innocent. So if the gun owners' main organization is so vile, so completely devoid of worth, surely the individual gun owners themselves must have some redeeming characteristics, no? After all, there must be some good news, right? I'm afraid not:
These people are hiding behind a smokescreen of false patriotism and "strict constructionist" interpretations of the United States Constitution. But the truth about the average American gun owner is that he is a slobbering fundamentalist alcoholic who would rather shoot you dead than shake your hand. These are people that would rather commit acts of terrorism against their homeland than work within the legal confines of the system to get their message out. These are people who have stockpiles of .50 caliber rifles ready to aim at the heads of our own armed services. They are a violent and traitorous bunch; they spit on the graves of true American patriots, and we cannot afford to be complacent and ignore them. If ever there was a time in our history to enact true sensible gun control, it is right now. This is still a battle we can win, but if we pretend that this threat doesn't exist, this country will go to hell in a handbasket. One day we'll wake up in a world that resembles Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome and we'll wonder what happened. And you know what I'll say? "Far be it from me to say 'I told you so.'" The fact of the matter is that the United States Constitution is not written in stone, and those who claim that it is are conveniently forgetting the fact that the Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, gave us a process by which it can be amended. Furthermore, because the amendment process is so convoluted and drawn out, all that we really need is a majority opinion from the United States Supreme Court. The Second Amendment, much like the GPL, has never had its validity fully-tested in the judicial system. When that day comes, I am confident that it and the imagined "rights" that it affords will be exposed as the murderous shams that they are.
At some point, the forces of morality and reason in this country will have the critical mass that is necessary to abolish the Second Amendment. The only question is .. how many more school massacres and Charlton Heston speeches ("from my cold, dead hands") will it take before people finally see the light? The gun crazies will fight us tooth and nail, but we will fight back, and we will win. |
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